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These people self identify as horses(Brony commentaries #1)

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Comments (archived 2023-04-07 03:20; 4 top, 8 total comments)

Comic Field 2021-08-19 00:44:17

My second most popular video is about me talking about people in horse BDSM suits.
What is my life.

1 like
Adrian Manray 2021-05-19 23:45:59

Better make a Manray Connected Universe Reddit soon...😉

Replies (1)
Comic Field 2021-05-20 02:47:02

alright then

Dulcet Nuance 2022-01-28 03:29:09

"I think they only like real life ponies, which I am completely fine with" ... Idk man that's a little yikes. I'd be willing to bet money that its a fetish for a minimum of 95% of the people there, even if we are super conservative in the estimate. It takes on an unsettling connotation if we were to continue down with that line of logic, I'm sure you'll agree.

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Replies (3)
Comic Field 2022-01-28 03:47:25

I made this like, 5 months ago, and yea, my opinion's changed. I kinda regret making this video because, well, my channel's about MLP, not fetishes, so idk, but yeah, now that you've said that, it's pretty unsettling.

Dulcet Nuance 2022-01-28 04:27:39

@Comic FieldOfc I understand opinions change. Thanks for the response, guess I have no choice but to subscribe. I have only one more critique... Get a better mic for Celestias sake. Especially if you intend on doing fanfic readings.

Comic Field 2022-01-28 04:40:17

@Dulcet Nuance Yeah, I plan on doing that, that's actually the main reason I haven't done one yet, got a bad mic.

Quinn Kelly 2022-01-17 00:16:43
