The wonderful thing about Discord, Is that Discord's a wonderful thing. He has the head of a pony, and a body of everything...? He's chaos chaos chaos chaos Pan-de-mo-ni-um But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one!
@Songjae Oh “The wonderful thing about tiggers is tiggers are wonderful things! Their tops are made out of rubber and their bottoms are made out of springs! They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun! But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I’m the only one! I’m the only one!” -Tigger’s song from Winnie the Pooh
“The wonderful thing about Discord is Discord’s a wonderful thing! His head is the head of a pony and his body of... everything. He’s chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mon-i-um! But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he’s the only one. He’s the only one!” -The song from this video
Mina126 He’s chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos Pan-da-mon-iom. But the most wonderful thing about discord Is that he’s the only one. He’s the only o— I beg to differ...
Also to Nicholas Norman Yes, yes it’s very obvious. This is the real thing. “The wonderful thing about tigger Is tiggers a wonderful thing. Their tops are made out of rubber, Their bottoms are made out of springs. Their bouncey, trouncey, ouncey, pouncey Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers Is I'm the only one Tiggers are cuddily fellows Tiggers are awfully sweet Everyone el'es is jealous That's why I repeat and repeat The wonderful thing about Tiggers Is Tiggers are marvoulous chaps They're loaded with vim and vigor They love to leap in your laps They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy Fun fun fun fun fun But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers Is I'm the only one I-I-I'm the only...-oof Ouch” There ya go there’s tigger if anyone actually read this whole thing, thank you. It took a pretty long while to write.
I mean in the comics Discord literally has a relative named Eris who's also a Draconequess spirit of chaos who's more on the insectoid side. Also I'm entirely convinced that the look of 1s Draconequess form depends on what form of spirit they are. A Draconequess spirit of Greed would probably wear a lot of jewelry and attempt to look as fancy as can be, and a Draconequess spirit of harmony (if that even does exist in the countless alternate dimensions the series and comics have shown) would probably have a look that balances the pony and dragon aspect as perfect as possible
Here's my theory: Dicord is dicord And there is a type of creature out there that's called draconequus and dicord just accepts the fact that "draconequus" sounds more scientific than "Spirit of Chaos"
In the episode "Keep Calm and Flutter On", Spike says "Maybe its someone with a pony head, a dragon leg, ect.(describing a driconoquis) And twilight says "Thats discord". She doesn't even say "A draconiquis" just discord... That means a draconiquis is only Discord...
no. Twilight probably doesn't even know the term "Draconeques". Yes. she is studious, but why study about that when it's not necessary for her studies with Celestia? Plus Spike described a very specific draconeques that they've seen before, so if Twilight knows what draconeques in question Spike's talking a bout, her first instinct would be to answer the draconeques' name in question. You don't just answer "a dog" or "a person" when somebody is describing you a very specific dog or person. You would naturally say the dog or person's name. Same with Twi here.
We need a new video, there are TWO more Draconnequs in the comics. Eris(spirit of Luck) and Cosmos(spirit of Malice) - Eris is his cousin and Cosmos is his ex-girlfriend.
THEORY: Draconequus isn't a species name, it's a term used to refer to a fault in the universe, like discord.
Derived from the Old Equestrian root 'drekke' meaning Error and 'eqis' meaning Life, the term first came into use around the ninth century before the founding of equestria, used by magic users of the Unicorn Court to refer to strange anomalies they found when trying spells relating to chaos magic. It's first recorded use was by Sunburst the Wise, a contemporary of Starswirl the Bearded, when he described the outcome of a failed attempt to divine the outcome of random atmospheric noise. He later theorized that some or all draconeqi stemmed from the same source. After Discord took over, he was eventually identified as the source of the anomalies, and thus titled the Draconequus.
My Draconequus headcannon: The draconequus are species made of different animals that must include pony and dragon, they each represent a different element of life and can represent different side of the spectrum based on their early life, essentially Discord could have been caous or harmony but his upbringing made him caous. Draconequus tend to live far apart and reqin their element in different lands so draconequi tend to breed with otherspecies and their offspring must include that species. Thus if say a goat and a draconequus they would have at lest one goat part.
Okay, so had been thinking about this all day, and an interesting thought. Now, hear me out, cause this might be slightly nuts, but I think it's still worth looking at. So, it is true that the word "Draconequus" would translate to "Dragon-Horse", but there could be a different way to read this. The part of the word I am focusing on is "Dracon". Now, at first glance and knowing the show and latin roots, as well as how Discord looks, it would be easy to think that this means "Dragon", but what if it actually is taking on the Romanian word "Drac/Dracul" which can mean "Devil/Demon" and/or "Dragon". This does make some sense and might fit better, since with his manipulative and reality defying powers as well as his snaked tongue and red and yellow eyes, he does have some resemblance of a demon or demonic creature. And it wouldn't be too far off for the show to incorporate, since they show several different mythologies and cultures all through out the show. And, just like how humans call human-like creatures that they do not immediately recognize as anything they know of "humanoid", for equines in this show would do the same, seeing the similarities of other mystical creatures with themselves and correlating their own names with it. And what might a creature of this world think if they saw a creature like Discord? A demon with a pony/donkey-like head! And suddenly, Discord doesn't need to have a species! This might just simply be a name everyone calls him if they didn't know his name. After all, saying that you saw a creature with the disfigured head of a horse or donkey with red and yellow eyes, a snaggled tooth, the horn of what could be a goat, an antler of a deer, the paw of a lion, torso and arm of a griffon, the wing and tail and foot of what could be a dragon, a wing of a pegasus, and the other foot of what could be a goat of a sheep is going to get pretty irritating after a while. But, that might beg the question of why a Latin word and a Romainian word are clashing to form one? And to that, I say that it may be because Equus could be an agreed name for horses and the likes across their world, like the scientific genus. And Romanian does have deep roots with Latin. And this word could have came from a part of their world that is equivalent to Romania in our world. Ro-mane-ia, hehe. But either way, I was kind of hoping how you might take this, even finding holes in this that I can't see?
Personally I love discord he’s so unpredictable and fun I love his humor and it’s a great idea I’m sure there are loads of other draconcise ( excuse my spelling) In maybe the badlands or in the undiscovered west
I think Discord's "species" name makes sense - his mane is definitely horselike, and he's the shape of a dragon. However, instead of being a European dragon like the other dragons in the show, Discord's shape is more like an East Asian dragon. Other draconic elements in that vein include the beard and antler.
Also, although their canon status is tenuous, the comics do mention one more draconequus named Cosmos, who's the spirit of Malice. However, she looks nothing like Discord and is a mish-mash of various ferocious and nasty animals.
If you assume a "Dracon-equus" is the progeny of a pony and dragon, in a similar fashion to mules, then what if his variable traits are due to recessive genes suppressed in both species from a common ancestor from eons ago? It would mean griffons, ponies, dragons, hippogriffs, etc. were spinoffs of a single species, and Discord is simply a lone mutated mess that has magically survived from two now incompatible species interbreeding?
I agree. Also, we need to remember what Discord said, "But I haven't walked that far in a MILLENNIA" Which means he's probably older than any other being in ALL of Equestria. X3
Discord is last draconequus cuz he was one of the most powerful and Discord trend him self in to stone to not die maybe the rest of the draconequus died and that's why Discord is the last draconequus
What if they are only made when a gigantic and I mean GIGANTIC amount of chaos, or some different thing for every different draconiquis (sorry if I butchered it) and discord was only trying to make more so he wouldn't be lonely...? Yeah I know it is just a stretch xd
Maybe at one point, there could have been a civilization of Draconequus, but over time the species reduced. Star Swirl with the help of modern science, might extracted DNA from deceased Draconequus species, that later formed into Discords birth. Making him the only survivor and specimen of his endangered species.
See I’m thinking: there was a war, as stated in Sawtooth’s former video, that elements of disharmony could have existed. In that war, the elements of harmony (the ponies) won against its counterpart, the element of disharmony (the draconequues). The consequence of the draconequues losing the war was that they went nearly extinct.
Discord might have turned himself to stone at first to try to preserve his life while plotting to bring back his species (he could hear and think while he was stone as stated multiple times).
When he finally had a plan, he removed the spell (cause he put that on himself and not someone else), and tried to take over Equestria. He might have been trying to make the place pure chaos and destruction because that’s how he was created. He must have planted those seeds to kill the Tree of Harmony because it might have been the last embodiment of peace standing in his way.
When he came back, he tried again only to fail once again. When he is not hanging out with Fluttershy or plotting with Tirek, he might be looking for other ways to bring back his species without destruction and chaos. He might be trying to find a loophole.
Why not just make copies of himself, you might ask? Well he can make copies of himself but they’re not true draconequues so when he dies (which he can because he has nearly faded from existence before) they might die with him.
Or I could just be totally wrong and Starswirl did create him, or I’m just overlooking things.
Maybe all draconequus died because of princess celestia and princess luna or other ponies so discord was the only one alive so he came to equestria for revenge
@CallieTheWolfCat although that is a good idea celestia and Luna were there before a Millennia as well if you keep track of the mlp time line you know it goes through years because celestia and Luna grow slow any alicorn dose it takes a long time to gain the looks they got well maybe not for all alicorns cough cough twilight I assume it still took some years because the mane six still got older.
Dont mind me random people in the comments just saving this for later * ahem *
The wonderful thing about Discord is Discord's a wonderful thing. He has the head of a pony, and a body of everything. He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mo-nium, but the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one!
When discord came out of stone, did other spirits of his species come out within? There might be no evidence, but I think all the spirits of discord's specie was in his body and when he came out of stone for the 1st time, the other spirits of his specie has gone rouge. This theory might go along the line if I say so myself.
"at this point, i guess we just wait until one of us is proven right" "or for both of us to be proven wrong" this is why rewatching videos years later is so fun
PS. Did you know, that in the comics, Discord was dating another draconequus that he thought was a spirit of chaos like himself, but turned out to be a spirit of malice.
The nature of Draconequus is the juicy lore you are losing out on in the comics which is why I want you to cover it. I forgot her name.
that storyline had something to do with why discord was sealed and why he was reformed instead of permanently banished in the show.
To the “how is he part dragon” thing, “dragon” can mean a lot of different things. It doesn’t have to mean what we now think of dragons, older dragons were much more like Discord; indeed, if he existed in old mythology, ancient people probably would have called him a “dragon”
As it turns out, another draconequus DOES appear. In the comic arc Nightmare Knights, in an alternate universe, there is a draconequus of luck named Eris. The wiki claims that Eris is both that universe's counterpart of Discord and Discord's cousin. But there are a few things that discredit this: 1. This is an alternate universe, not the main one. Eris is the one that says she is Discord's cousin, and we don't see Discord whether from the main universe or that one. 2. How canon the comics are is not exactly clear. From what I've read, fans generally say either "comics that haven't been confirmed in the show as canon aren't canon" or "The comics are canon unless the show conflicts" This leads me to believe that Discord is just sort of intended as a one-of-a-kind oddity. The species name "Draconequus" could have just been made because of the possibility of another one popping up. There is a possibility that more draconequui could show up in G5, but I doubt it. I don't think the writers will add draconequui when they already have all of the species that were established in G4 to work with.
"The birth of an alicorn is something EQUESTRIA has never seen." And the legend we see in one of the episodes says that unicorns used to raise the sun and moon in Equestria... And then two sisters WENT THERE to do it. They were not born in Equestria.
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Ava Jarder2020-07-22 11:57:26 (edited 2020-07-22 11:58:17 )
The wonderful thing about discord is discords a wonderful thing He has the head of a pony,and a body of everything He's chaos chaos chaos chaos pan-de-mo-ne-um But the most wonderful thing about discord Is heeees the only one Heeees the only -
When I look at Discord, I can only think of him as some sort of mad scientist's botched attempt to make a dragon from scratch by "Frankenstein-ing" parts from other creatures.
Watching this video doesn’t get old. I love it. But seeing as Draconequi/Draconequine are so powerful, what if they only ruled themselves to one dimension or universe each. I imagine if, say, the Draconequus of Destruction was in the same universe as the Draconequus of Chaos (Discord, while he took over Equestria, for example) I’d imagine there’d be so much power, not even the Elements of Harmony could overthrow the BOTH of them. There would either be a world-destroying, balance-wrecking turf war between the two, or they would team up and... celestia forbid THAT happens.
So, why not have the Spirit of DESTRUCTION where there’s the Elements of CREATION? Keeping the balance... And, while we’re there, the Spirit of DISharmony [Discord] be in the world with the Elements of Harmony [Concord]. Or, rather, the TREE of Harmony, the Spirit of Harmony— wait...the Spirit of Harmony being a Draconequus in disguise like Discord had been, (in preparation to Tirek in S4)... as not to scare the young six because the only interaction with a draconequus they’ve ever had was when discord took over the school... now there’s an idea
What if both of you are right? What if when Star Swirl did the spell and turned into Discord, the closest thing he could be identified as was a Draconequus? And so thats what ponies started calling him?
Um actually we see both star swirl and discord in episode 25 season nine together so no star swirl can't turn into a draconequus and discord got his magic stolen from the other vilians watch the episode and find out for yourself
Mr. Play: I might point out that Cheerilee did say while giving her description of a Draconequus that It was "A" Draconequus, not "The" Draconequus. Which is probably enough evident to point out that there is more than one.
If Discord was the only one. She wouldn't use the verb "A" as if it was used like it belonged to something of more than one of itself.
7:02 that clip has been poking at me for a while so I'm just going to say it Deep Inhale Just because the birth of a Alicorn is beyond Luna and Celestia's understanding does instant mean that it hasn't happened before, in a old video Sawtooth talked about how Luna and Celestia might have came from a Alicorn city. If that is true I don't think Luna or Celestia would have had foals so they most likely dont understand how a baby Alicorn is born. Penny for my thought
Personally I felt like it was explained when Discord himself, as Grogar, described how Grogar created chaotic monstrosities and loosed them upon the land, in a time before Celestia.
Actually, i think a few other draconequus can also exist
I feel like the draconequus of destruction could have: -destroyed features ( bitten off ear, scars, ect ) -mental illnesses ( bipolar, autism, ect ) -weird natural destroyed features ( amputated, cleft lip, crazy eyes, ect )
Or maybe the draconequus of consequence having: -isolation coat ( banished to be alone due to a bad experience done in the past) -super judgmental of acts that arent pleasant to it ( taking a fillys lunch, being rude, ect ) -anxiety of doing something wrong ( yet always doing something wrong because of someone else )
Actually, i think a few other draconequus can also exist
I feel like the draconequus of destruction could have: -destroyed features ( bitten off ear, scars, ect ) -mental illnesses ( bipolar, autism, ect ) -weird natural destroyed features ( amputated, cleft lip, crazy eyes, ect )
Or maybe the draconequus of consequence having: -isolation coat ( banished to be alone due to a bad experience done in the past) -super judgmental of acts that arent pleasant to it ( taking a fillys lunch, being rude, ect ) -anxiety of doing something wrong ( yet always doing something wrong because of someone else )
Carlos Almonacid2020-04-16 11:24:36 (edited 2020-05-09 17:13:15 )
My headcanon is that the other Draconequi are like The Endless from Neil Gaiman's Sandman. These beings beyond gods or Alicorns, being not embodiment of an idea or concept, but literally that concept. Neither good nor evil, just simply existing since the literal dawn of time. In fact, as Discord's name starts with a D really makes him seem like he would fit right in with the Endless as all their names also start with D (Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium).
The Draconequi are merely patterns. The Draconequi are ideas. The Draconequi are wave functions. The Draconequi are repeating motifs. The Draconequi are echoes of darkness, and nothing more... And even our existences are brief and bounded. None of us will last longer than this version of the Universe
4:05 - The spirits of the elements of harmony ... 4:11 - Several seasons later, the tree of harmony has a spirit; it's appearance - Twilight! And 3 years later: Sawtooth made the connection which had been hidden in his old video: Spirit of Harmony and Spirit of chaos being each other's yin and yang!
I honestly feel like there aren't more of discord. We know ponies aren't good at understanding other species or how they work. They may have ASSUMED he was a species, and just went with it as it was told down through stories. Or it could have slowly morphed into the idea of there being more.
For example. PEGASUS is not originally meant to be a species, but an individual horse with wings produced from green mythology. Over time as people liked the idea of winged horses, it turned into just the term used to refer to winged horses. What's to say ponies can't do the same thing? They took the idea and just ran with it in their own stories. Discord probably just doesn't care enough to refute it.
Faust's claims cannot always be considered canon. she once said that there are no toilets in Equestria. in the episode three's a crowd. we see a toilet.
@iidaemii people have said that they meant as in an alicorn from an artificial alicorn and a unicorn because cadence is naturally just a unicorn but then why would Celestina and Luna say it like that? i guess we’ll never know
Why I beleive there are more than one drequanisis (however you spell it) is because if discord was the only one Ms.Cheerly would've called him Discord not Drequanisis. He has his own name so what's the point of giving him a species name if he's the only one and already has his own name! If there were more than one they would give the species a name
There is another Draconequus in the comics named Princess Eris. Although the comics and the show are not considered (by most) to be part of the same canon storyline that does not matter. Even if the comics and the show are in different universes it still proves that there is more than one Draconequus in existence.
While he may not look much like the other dragons in the show, Discord's general body-shape does resemble an Eastern dragon quite well. And unlike European dragons who're known as fire-breathing beasts, Eastern dragons are more often seen as magical spiritual creatures who has power over the forces of nature. Sound familiar?
My idea is that the Starswirl theory can still be true with other draconequus, and that when Starswirl read the spell and turned into that disaster, everyone just assumed he was a draconequus. While inside his first stone prison he kinda forgot what he was (I guess) and when someone called him a draconequus, he just thought "welp I'm a draconequus I guess." Prove me wrong.
this is the tigger song! 🐯 here’s one more “theee- Super, duper, loop-de-looper, aliooper bounce the Super, duper, loop-de-looper, aliooper bounce The more you try the more you fly and that’s what really counts! The Super-duper! (Super-duper!) Loop-de-looper! (Loop-de-looper! ) A-li-ooper Bounce!”
Chaos: Discord is already there. Greed: Wears jewelry, any jem they find they take it. Even from a giant dragon. A head of a Unicorn, and a body of a shiny golden dragon. Destruction: Black pony head. Full dragon body.
I was personally thinking the Draconequus Spirit of Greed would appear overweight, in royal robes and a crown, maybe with a scepter they channel an amount of their power through.
Also for the look of a dracon-equus spirit of destruction it could have holes or part of its tail ripped off. This would show destruction. Also greed could be something like gold on him/her or maybe it has crystal horns or even they were kinda like the crystal pony’s. Also discord still could be the result of star swirl reading his unfinished spell it’s just chaos was the best thing to represent what had happened to him. This could result in star swirl the bearded theory being correct after all I’m would SO LOVE TO DESIGN THE OTHER DRACON-EQUUS BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO GIVE YOU GUYS LINKS SO JUST IMAGINE HOW THEY WOULD LOOK. ALSO I REALLY, LIKE REALLY LIKE THIS THOERY AND EPISODE.
Well maybe a greedy draconequus could be a snake eyed or mainly serpentine with the head of a bull or pig, the former befitting because of the golden calf.
I think that “draconequus” is just a term made by ponies to describe anything that has the head of the pony and a body that isn’t a pony. It wouldn’t be an ACTUAL species, but just a category to describe something not completely understood.
Actually it would kind of easy to manifest certain things. Into appearances. Destruction: scars and cuts Greed: jewelry and very shiny Kind: give it a halo
This comment may be a few years late, but in a Brony documentary from 2013, Lauren Faust stated that the Draconequus was made with Manticores and Chimeras in mind, so I have a feeling that while she did use "Dragon Horse" as the species name, it's actually a mix-creature like the before mentioned species. I also think that this is supported by Chimera seeing as Chimera stands for she-goat, despite the actual animal being more than just a femal goat.
Also for there to be a species name, why give a species name when there's only one? Also, i have a fun twist for the series that could enter another draconequis: Discord having like a cousin that he didn't know about and it be the spirit of order.
Okay, so I might be speaking out of place here, BUT if you were to read the comics, Issues #74, 75, and 76 (when it comes out) there IS another Draconequus; Cosmos, Discord's ex-girlfriend. She, like Discord, was able to cause all manner of chaos with a snap, HOWEVER she was more heartless about doing so, often bringing the kind of chaos that would hurt others, whereas Discord's was more about, childish games. And her appearance--when not shrouded in mist/starts, has a more feline appearance.
Now of course, many would argue "but the comics aren't canon" and to that I call bs. If the show made the movies--even Equestria Girls--canon, and the comics do as well, AND even the big movie with Temptest Shadow, then in my book the comics ARE canon. If not, perhaps aimed at a slightly older/mature audience, hence the darker/light themes, and they are less preachy about friendship. And ONE pony who's shown little love has the most important role in Equestria
Has anyone given a theory that discord's current form was the result of him dabbling in his chaos magic before he was ready, or this is the result of using chaos magic over a period of time? The magic molds the body to match the magic.
clair de loona2021-03-27 13:56:04 (edited 2021-03-27 14:00:55 )
Look up the description of a Chinese Dragon, you’ll be surprised at how discord like it is. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if the spirit of harmony’s true form is a Chinese dragon with more horse features. Edit: Whereas Event Horizon (I’m not gonna do the stylization, so don’t pester me about it) looks more like a European dragon, like the other ones in MLPFIM.
While the way dragons are depicted in mlp are typically generic fantasy dragons, the dracon part of the draconequus portmanteau may be more inspired by medieval european dragons - which were commonly made up of all sorts of different animal parts.
Maybe when ponies were first settling in Equestria, they killed all of the Dragoneqi but Discord hid away in his relm (?) and eventually came back, only to realize that he was the only one, so he decided to take over Equestria with Chaos (when Celestia and Luna turned him into stone) in pure anger/frustration/sadness.
I personally like the idea Discord's the last draconequus because of a war between them and the alicorns. Which would explain why there's only one draconequus and so few natural alicorns
Discord himself is known as the lord of chaos....there might be other draconequises, but most of them probably have a considerably less amount of power than discord
Great — now I just really want to see a half an hour rant from Event HoriXZ0n on Princess Eris from the comics (even though she’s not canon, thank god).
This is actually possible. Since we all know that Discord can open up portals to other dimensions and Discord has his own dimension, it's most likely other Draconequus's exist in Discords dimension, they've just been to afraid to go outside that dimension because they probably learned about how Discord got turned into stone, so some of the others might have left that dimension so they wouldn't be found 1 day by Celestia and Luna if and when Discord was ever free. And the rest of them might have left Discords part of their dimension so it wouldn't remind them of the horrible thing that happened to Discord, which is why no other Draconequus's came into the mlp dimension after Discord was free. What probably happened to the last batch of those creatures is that they probably came into the mlp dimension at around the same time Discord turned to stone. So when they discovered what happened to Discord, they left Equestria and soon they left the planet(which I'm pretty sure is called "Gia")and they ended up ruling other planets, most likely even outside the galaxy mlp takes place in
I've always wondered, is Equestria the name of the planet or of the country? If the planet then Flurry Heart's birth is totally unique, but if it's the name of the country, then all Celestia actually said is that no alicorns have been born there, leaving the rest of the world open for speculation...
I mean destruction means everything messed up soooooooooo it kinda makes discord fit in with his design i’ve been thinking of this for such a long time but once I saw this video I could actually tell you guys isn’t anybody annoyed By this just thinking about it😐
If draconequus were a whole species and if we're throwing out the theory that they are magically bound to another place with the exception of discord, pony kind would either be in complete chaos, or they wouldn't exist
Of course they all forget that they don't even have a backstory in the show yet, and there are now TWO contradictory backstories in official written materials now... which means one or even both won't be canon to the show... so we still know NOTHING after 7 years about Loony and Tia's past other than Loony flew over the cuckoo's nest from mysterious dark power... my god this world-building is pretty bad, isn't it?
Starswirl the bearded might have made the dragonaques but then as ponies came along, they started to be extinct, and when starswirl the bearded heard of the extinction of dragonaques then he casted a spell on discord as an infinite different spirit.
In the original headcannon video there was a detailed affect that when celestia found discord he was very little and could barely remember his parents but they said there was a big blizzard that separated him from his kind and then he found a cave stayed there for a couple of years practiced some spells and one day after the great leaders died and the 3 tribes came to be after tia and lulu fled the castle with philaphina they found discord and so on so fourth 🎉🎉🎉😲👍🏻👍🏻🦅🤯🤯🤫🍦
I think you both are right. Okay here's my story. When a young star swirl read his spell seven dragon like creatures were born. Each one of the 7 deadly sins. After the species lived for a while a baby was born (discord). Then starry (from one of my thereories) started to live with the species. When her sister ancest (from my thereories) found her and wanted her back. Starry and discord fled. All the other parts of the species died. Then starry left discord.
I feel like benthorizon arguement of there being other dragonquine (how ever you spell it) since Discord is the spirt of chaos he changed his form to better represent himself which is why his physical looks is a melting pot of different animals, it was meant to look chaotic
THEORY: there were others but they went extinct except for Discord who evolved his features to survive. While the others were alive they were all half horse, half dragon (so was Discord) and got named that. Ik there's lots of holes in the theory but it's something
The wonderful thing about discord, is discord's a wonderful thing, He has a head of a pony, and a body of everything. He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mo-nium, But the most wonderful thing about discord is that he's the only one, He's the only o- * another draconequus appeares in right front of sawtooth waves *
Discord is the only draconuclis, but some time ago in a war between good and evil all draconiclis and Allicorns were killed all except for cellestia, Luna and discord because they were still toddlers and they were too young to fight in war
Discord's the Lord of Chaos but I don't know if that means that all Draconequus(es?) are Lords of something. Also Event's horn keeps wiggling and it's driving me nuts.
The have a theory that there are other Draconequus’s but there are only four each acting as one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse discord being chaos while the other three are famine, death, and disease. Discord was probably the only one shown because the others aren’t in charge of spreading chaos so they stay in there own realm while discord goes around causing chaos by just existing (the fact that his body is confusing in the way that there are no specific animals he’s made out of) another reason I thing they represent something like the horsemen is because discord is shown to have some of the most powerful magic in the show bending reality itself something even the two sisters couldn’t do to the extent discord did.
Actually I support the idea of multiple Draconequus's, and I have something you 2 forgot to mention that heavily supports this theory, Discord's realm. In multiple episodes we see this realm, like in the episode where Discord has to prepare a tea party for Fluttershy in his house, which is in its own realm. Now, notice how it's never actually refered in the show as Discord's realm, it's just shown as the realm Discord lives in. Now, it's obvious this realm doesnt have only Discord, cause in the episode where a mail pony gives Discord an invite to the Grand Galloping Gala, after he gives the invite, soon after you'll notice in the background the mail pony being grabbed by a strange creature that isn't Discord, meaning other creatures live in this realm. I have a theory that Discord's realm is the home realm of all Draconequus's, and the entire realm is divided into separate zones, because like how lans is divided by multiple cities, Discord's realm could be divided in different zone, each zone being ruled by a different Draconequus. And each Zone would be entirely different and correspond with whatever spirit its Draconequus leader represents. Like for Discors, his is chaotic, places and things scattered about, no gravity or any limits to where it ends as far as you can see. For other Draconequus's, like say the spirit of greed, there would be treasure, ancient artifacts, and priceless paintings everywhere practically begging for you to take them. For the spirit of Power, a humungous castle, with rules and any inhabitants of that realm being treated as less than peasants. And if the Spirit of Destruction did exist, their realm would be littered with destroyed objects, places, and mabey even dead creatures, and horrible storms that never end. This is what I believe Discord's realm really is, and I believe it's the home realm for all Draconequus's, and who knows, mabey in later episodes of Season 9 this theory will be proven. Now, there's 1 more thing on my mind and probably yours. If the Draconequus's originate from this realm, why did Discord come to Equestria. Well remember how I said a few realms would have certain things and mabey even places, well I believe they may be able to travel to any world they please, andaif they conquer a world they bring a section of that world into their zone, and Discord went to Equestria to attempt to add it into his Zone. Now about why Discord looks the way he does, well they already mentioned that, Discord's looks have been determined by the spirit he represents, and I believe other Draconequus's might have their own features that correspond with what they represent. For Greed he would be covered in bling,a big gold crown, a bunch of rings andearrings, diamond necklaces, ect. For Power he would be huge and intimidating, with a dragon body that may look similar to the Dragon Lords body, and a pony head of an Alicorn, since they are the most powerful ponies
Here's my theory- We have never seen nor heard anything about discords species, so we immediately think he's just the only one, but as you two said, he's not exactly what he's said to be, a dragon-equine. Maybe, he doesn't have his own species, but he was created. Discord was, maybe started out as a little blob of magic, let's say, that was created by an evil force, tirek. Why tirek? His reaction in twilight saga kingdom when he saw discord. I don't recall anyone saying tirek and discord ever knowing eachother as friends or knowing each other at all. Tirek made discord to be sort of minion for him. To help him take magic, then take his magic from him. Now when discord took form, the only thing tirek said to discord as he was taking his form, was "you're evil, and you're working for me." Discord decided to be an intimidating creature, and is also why discord has such a hard time adjusting to fruendship, cause the fact that he was evil, was engraved into him, and it still lingers on.
but in the show, didnt discord actually hint there were others? because he was talking to one of the main six or someone. and he said something how he was always outcasted an didnt know where his family was
What if they all live in a separate village like the breezies and you can only get there by a train how you ask? You need to possess dragonaques magic or be a dragonaques.
Well why would he even have a species name if he was the only 1? Cheerilee should have said that it was a discord because he was the only 1 and then there wouldn't be a specie name
Well now, a name is a name is a name. We call him that to ease methods of response. Much in the same way we use the term "Chimera" for even constructed beings formed by some sort of mad scientist that clearly doesn't have something in direct physical comparison!
Technically going by the show, there wouldn't be anything besides a spirit of chaos and a spirit of harmony- the shows theme is friendship. Friendship is harmony, thus harmony also plays a key role in the show. And whats the opposite of harmony? Chaos. I don't think the writers would branch over to other bad spirits. And anyway if you want a spirit of corruption, just look at sombra. Spirit of greed? Cozy glow. Spirit of harmony? Wait a minute do we even have-
At 7:02 you were like "Yes, yes, I'm quite aware of that clip" and I was like: Aware... you mention that in most of your recent videos. I'm pretty sure it's what makes it hard for you to sleep at night.
id like to think that he used to be the king of a kingdom of draconequi (thats how you pluralize it, right?), and his own chaos magic has wiped his kind out. would be fun.
Maybe there was a disaster that killed every other dragonequi(or however you say it) and discorn was the only one that survived, but he became what he is today BECAUSE of that disaster
My theory is that Draconequuses? Draconequi? idk are an existing species, but Discord is not one of them. He is instead simply a spirit of chaos, but the ponies call him a draconequus because he vaguely looks like one, and there was no other category to put him in.
This could easily be false, and I haven’t seen all the episodes, so this is probably wrong.
A little something to back up this Theory You need both a girl and boy of the same species in order to birth a child which means Discord might actually have others of his species though that again with him being called a spirit it's a bit iffy
I think if there are other Draconequus i think they are not also spirits of anything. I think Discord is the only ‘spirit‘ of anything. If there are other spirits they would have a more importent role
I hear some one or others... which ever it is has made a daughter of Discord... two versions one a Draconequus named Pandora and another named Screwball and earth pony I find it weird but others have taken a liking to discord himself even before he was released from prison a second time. Just putting it out there?
Thought the fact that they call him something means there are others. After all why give him a species name in addittion to his personal name if he was the only one?
to me, if there was only one of Discord's specie, then why is that called "a draconequus" and not "a discord"? If "our" draconequus is the only one, he doesn't have to have a surname, he already has an original name, "draconequus" that no one shares with him. But that is the point: he does share it, so he needs a name to be different. like... eeeeer.... errrr... well I have a comparison, but I don't like it... anyway, christianism's god is named God. why? because they're the only god.
Sawtooth waves: a species implies order and organisation me: i don't think so, in our world most species stay apart aka tigers, foxes, salamanders, and snakes to name a few. i think Draconequus's are solitary animals, normally keeping to them selves. but if they were as powerful as discord wouldn't they rule eqestreay. no because discord is a starswirl mistake. i belive he was kind off like a lab rat. when starswirls spell malfunctioned. it changed discord filling him with cao's magic and warping his mind until he meet fluttershy.
In summary, there were probebly dragonequis before, maybe in the ancient past. But much like Celestia and Luna, maybe Discord is a celestial being who has surpassed his fellow species and gained both extreamly long life but also extreamly strong magical powers. There is no telling whay happened to the rest of his species but we can speculate it is very far away if still going. Further than the Zebra or Saddle Arabians. Discord never had a friend before fluttershy, implying that he, like Spike and a long way from home or when, born one of the last of his species. I rather think last because there is no implication of another still alive. Meanwhile Zecora speaks fondly of home and Spike has come to terms with being a child of 2 worlds. Discord is alone, but not by willing choice.
Cameo Shadowness Maybe both are right. Maybe Discord is Starswirl and tried turning into a draconequus but failed epically and was driven insane by the true ones who mocked his blunder.
Taeschno Flo I think he tried to become one by their superiority in magic, and he tried to create a spell but failed, this is my theory and seems most unlikely
Basically, in magical mystery cure, star swirl is described in a way that makes it sound like he had no friends. If the spell swapped twilight’s friends. If he had no friends, and used the spell on himself, his entire body would be swapped android he turned into discord. Of course, this isn’t true bc of season 7 I think... when starswirl’s disappearance was explained
Lyrics at the beginning (I know the lyrics are already on the screen but why not):
The wonderful thing of Discord Is Discord wonderful thing He has a head of a pony, And a body of... everything? He's chaos,chaos,chaos,chaos Pan-de-mo-nium But the most wonderful thing about Discord Is he's the only one!
if discord is able to change his form wouldn't that mean he could have looked like a draconequus or any other creature and just changed his form earlier in his life and kept it like that.
The wonderful thing about Discord, Is Discord's a wonderful thing! He has the head of a pony, And a body of... everything? He's Chaos cHaos ChA0s Ch4o5 p4nDam0nI4m But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one! He's the only one!
ain't it clear since discord almost over took the whole equestria and was turn into magic he would be called a Draconequus? why that specific name probably not much of a reason same as we name new species now days it just some pony assumed his spacey even if his the only one hes still some kind of spacey or at one point discord just named him self a Draconequus ruler of equestria!
but since he almost took over equestria he was put solid in equestria history and to be remember in future same as we do with our history so its now waunder cheerlee knows and teach about equestria history to fillys
Maybe discord is a artificial draconequus, made simply off word of mouth ,no one has seen a living one so discord was created this way because they made a mistake, an imperfect replica
sooo.. I watched the show and when he was first mentioned, celestia said discord was the spirit of DISHARMONY! not CHAOS! but idk if it was a fluke or anything.
Well, I think the theory that discord is the only one is discarted because of the comics, with the new comics (dispite that they don't happen in the tv series) we have seen 3 draconequus: Discord, Discord's cousin Eris and Discord's ex girlfriend Cosmos
Maybe all the whatever discord is have their own equestria, their own history, their own villains that spread harmony and a team to stop the spread of harmony and spreads chaos as well as their own map to show anyone in their equestria needs chaos
What about when the mail guy got stuck in discord’s deletion it could’ve been just discord being discord but I think it gave us some clues that there were other houses
Top 3 comment topics The wonderful thing about discord Is Discord's a wonderful thing He has the head of a pony, And a body of...everything He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos Pan-de-mo-nium, But the most wonderful Thing about discord is He's the only one
"This is a blended hurricane of everfree nonsense!"
I’m sure others have pointed this out; but I’m not sure if the comics are considered cannon, but there is Cosmos (malice) and Eris (also Chaos and Discord’s cousin).
I feel Notion because I also like the "Star Swirl became Discord" theory so much.
Honestly Lauren getting laid off the show removes the only real factor that could debunk the theory. If Twilight became and alicorn and the Princess of Merchandise was born, what's stopping the show creators from changing up other characters? Really the only thing stopping the theory from becoming true is the show creators not wanting to use it, not a glaring difference with the established canon, isn't that the sign of a good theory?
The wonderful thing about discord,is discord a wonderful thing he has a head of pony and a body of......everything he's chaos,chaos,chaos,chaos pan-de-mo-nium,but the wonderful thing of discord he's the only one
Jackie the Draconequus uh whatever editing software that you have access to. We have a lot of images, though, of different poses so you'll have to make those if you don't have them
+Fantasy Song I assume that she most likely won't bc they made Thorax the new king. I mean, unless she changes her mine and rule together, I think she is now an enemy against her own kind.
Uses a writer of the show that isn't on staff anymore to disprove Event's point Won't accept the fact that a current writer of the show said that Fiscord wasn't Starswirl. Good thing the recent finale proved him wrong
Wait... If Horrizons throne has a gem that blocks changeling magic How was B. Notion able to change into a Dragonequis and back into a normal pony actually?
Well once again someone miss the important facts. Celestia said: "A natural born alicorn is something like Equestria has never seen before." Luna:"It's even beyond our understanding."
Key words Equestria, never, seen, before. What is Equestria? A country. This means there are other countries out there. Yak Yakastan, saddle arbria, griffinstone, zebra lands. So Equestria only existed since the three tribes United. And how do the sisters come into power? They arrive and saw the state that discord put the ponies into. Arrive as coming from somewhere else. The phase is of An natural born alicorn is like Equestria has never seen before. It implies that they may have knowledge of else where where it did happen. And by that fact alone Celestia and Luna may still be natural alicorns!
The Brony Notion going off of what they said, wasn't the two born before equestria? So if they were born alicorns equestria wouldn't have seen it before, and to go off on why they don't understand is because they were young, they are over 1000 years old so it could be possible they don't remember, and being so long ago there is the possibility something similar may not have been seen or documented
Country's and city's and stuff: galloping gorge,yanhoover,smoky mountains,white tails yoon,palamino desert,rock farm,macintosh hills, applelossa,dodge city, hayseed swaps,las pegasus,applewood,horseshoe ray, celestial sea,filly delphia, griffins isles,rainbow falls, menehattain,starlights village,crystal mountains,cloudsdale,frozen north, crystal empire,yakyakinstan,unicorn range, eqratia(I dunno how to spell it), 2 more I dunno how to spell.
But it does cheapen what it means to be an alicorn. Now you don't even have to do anything to earn it! This makes Twilight's whole struggle and lessons completely pointless if a friggin newborn can have the power because... hurr durr, let's copy Fairly Oddparents! Because that overpowered baby worked out so well! It's as horrible a development as would be having Goku's next kid be BORN a Super Saiyan. The show got enough crap for having Trunks and Gotenks become SS to quickly and easily. It always feels cheap when something the main characters struggle for ages to achieve is later just dumped on a stupid kid or baby for no reason whatsoever.
acually I have something to say about this theory... Maybe Starswirl meant to make the start a new to equestira species but messed up when making discord and didn't try again.
Honestly I believe that there's more of Discord's species out there, but ima make a theory on that BEFORE I rant about it. or im just a huge fan of Discrod-
Wait, if your Oc pony avatar is a changling, why do you always depict yourself/your OC as a pony? Shouldn’t the choice of making your OC into a specific species be because you like that species the most and want to be depicted as such? Didn’t you say in that “reforming chrysalis” video that the problem with the changling hive was that they were copying pony culture and not embracing changling Heritage?
I have a theroy: mabey different discords belong to different timelines that's why we can only see discord in this timeline of course the timeline has to be the exact same
Well if they were an endangered species than they may have to breed with various creatures to keep their species alive and since combination of creatures such a griffons, Hippogriff, etc. Then maybe he a species beyond a Dragon and Horse combination, because he carries the traits of so many other animals.
There Can Be A Group Of Draconquis That Are Of The Opsite Elements Of The Main 6 *Not Including Twilight Because There Can't Be A Element Of Anti-Magic, Can There?!?*
The wonderful thing about discord Is that discord’s a wonderful thing He has the head of a pony and the body of everything Chaos chaos chaos pandemonium But the most wonderful thing about discord Is he’s the only one he’s the only one I beg to differ
So since discord is the spirit of CHAOS and his body is well a mess and CHAOS is well most likely INSANITY so he can’t be the only one Draconicus like event horizon said “the main six are spirits” like discord he’s the spirit of chaos there has to be a spirit of desruction or insanity so he is not the only one and also you know how you don’t see baby pidegions when they have to be full grown to soar the skys well it’s kinda like that but diffrent there is a whole cvilization of draconiquis only one of them goes out of hiding and attempts to take over if they either DIE or end their reign they send out another and another and another.... the cycle repeats over and over since discord was turned to stone his body was frozen and was stuck there for moons and since he never returned to the dragoniquias civilization and never had a no need to send another and losing the one they end like discord so they had no choice but to stay and that’s my theory (I think I wrote more words than the script of this vid XD 🤔)
I think Discord is the only draconequus in the MLP world, and that the rest live in a separate parallel reality like Limbo(The plane of pure chaos in D&D).
Actually the Mane Six wasn't mentioned as Spirit of the Elements of Harmony in the same way Discord was. And actually I think that arguments against existance of other Draconequus are stronger(even if I catually don't care so much what was Lauren Faust assusmption - especially that we know some of them are no longer valid - end ever less of theory that Discord is Starswirl... this seem really ridiculus(but maybe i should firstly get to know what Your argumentation to this was)... but actually i have other headcannon why Discord must be the only one... but this headcannon is a secret)... and if Discord wouldn't be one in a kind ot would make him less unique. and actually the way how Trixie said about "Draconequus with magic and half of a brain might help" doesn't neccessery mean that there are more of them. Let me use this example - "The Earth without natural disaster might be better place to live" - does this sentence mean there are many Earths? No, and in the same way this what Trixie say doesn''t haver to mean that there are more than one Draconequus. This was just sort of hypothetical speaking.
And actualy how both of complenentary theories could be wrong at the one time? This is like saying that something could exist and not existing at the same time. Logical contradiction.
I actually disproven significance of some arguments. To be more axact - one, this about what Trixie said. but my point was rather to give opinion than prove or disprove anything... but never the less finding logical fallacy is equal do disprove something.
Of course we can be 100% sure if other draconequus exist or not, but literally nothing in series prove that there even could be any others than Discord. But still - lack of prove for existane isn't prove something don't exist.
No, the is specific, but not a or an, an earth implies a one amongs a few or many, the implies a singular signature unique one amongst non or one that is specific.
@Barakon that would only mean that I should write "(An) Earth without natural disasters might be better place to live". It's something anyone on Earth could say but as it is just a wishful, hypothetical kind of sentence. So "the" or "a/an" doesn't change anything about lore implication of such sentence.
What if discord was born a real (idk how to spell it) but due to a back fired spell, became the discord we now and love. This back fire can be by starswirl. So there's a chance that he's one of a kind thanks to a magical mistake and that he was born as one of a species. He doesn't mind the rudeness by trixie towards his kind because he's the being of chaos and disharmony, it's understandable that he wouldn't mind since 1. He's not one of them anymore and 2. Disharmony, duh.
I don't think that discord's other wing is a dragon wing because from the episode(keep calm and flutter on) spike said maybe the visitor has a BAT WING and a deer leg and a goats horn so discord's other wing is a bat wing and not a dragon wing
My theory: maybe soon the Creator's would actually put another one that he wouldn't it be lonely and make a whole new serious about them your theory: he's the only one
BRONY NOTION PLEASE READ THIS THEORY!I have a theory that ties with Starswirl=Discord and Draconaques what if the unfinished spell Starswirl did was what turned him into Discord (which might explain why it’s unfinished) and in the episode Magical Mystery Cure when the mane 6 got their cutie marks swapped they forget their memories of them being friends and forgot about each other what if Starswirl forgot his memories of him being Starswirl and maybe a pony saw him and referred to him as a Draconaques even though he isn’t really one it also explains why Discord calls himself that and why he doesn’t look like one and maybe the Dragonaques species has gone extinct which might explain why the term exists and why there is probably no other Draconaques in the show and in the clip with the interview with Lauren Faust she said that Discord was a “mistake” perhaps a mistake in one of Starswirl’s spells that turned him into Discord? And even though the theory that Discord=Starswirl may be debunked because of the season 7 finale what if the Starswirl we saw there was from another timeline a timeline where Starswirl never became Discord but that’s a entire theory on its own.
Maybe 'draconequus' isn't a species-name, but a descriptor/category. Like, all the chimeras are also draconequui, and anything else that blends horse and draconic features would also fall under that umbrella term. Like ravens, crows, magpies, rooks etc are corvids, humans are are hominids. It would explain why the word is in common use and Discord even answers to it. It's not his species, it's just a broad category his shape currently falls under. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hmm how do I explain this I watched a few videos and found out grogar was discord then I had an idea then realized it was stupid what if he changes form depending on the kind of chaos like grogar is evil chaos then realized discord has made evil chaos before facepalmed myself.
if there are other draconecuess, what if they're in that multi dimension in the episode with the snooze? Cause if they were to go around equestria or ponyville, it would cause an uproar, and soon chaos, (no pun intended), so they hid themselves in the dimension, or maybe some are hidden in equestria, in the episode with Tirek, when he saw discord for the first time in forever, (again no pun), he was disguised as a pony, so maybe some draconecuess are hiding in equestria as ponies, like a changling almost.
I have another piece of evidence that Discord isn't the only one. Why would he have that whole realm all to himself? It certainly looked as though there WAS some destruction going on...........
From one of your other theories you said that Celestia and Luna are from a different civilization in inside the quote “the of the birth of an Alcorn is something Equestria has never seen” IT SAYS EQUESTRIA NOT WHAT THEY’VE SEEN.
Well, a Draconiquis of destruction could just look bedraggled and decrepit, couldn't it. And maybe greed could be like, a living golden draconiquis statue, and make his/her living as a thief. It's more a matter of creativity, isn't it?
A draconiquis with more horse than dragon. The creature would be coated in chalk dust, and his talons be made of pencil lead. They'd be covered in papers of math equations, horse charts, and the like. Most importantly, the skull and brain would be abnormally large, and the creature highly intelligent.
What if there is a Draconaquus civilization like the one of the allicorns. Maybe the starswirl discord theory could still work. But then again I don't know the theory so maybe not. Thank you for making videos
what if their were more Dragon-eques's but they all look he same execpt for Discord.the only reason Discord looks different is because starswirl cast the wrong spell and turned into dicord and being that he was named a Dragon-eques after the true Dragon-eques's that were already known by equestria
+Luz Vargas Whoah, hey now, Chaos is the OTHER guy's shtick! You know what happens when another Spirit steps toe into another's magical territory?!!? ...least I hope you do, I sure don't!
I know how Flurryheart Was born as an alicorn! She was supposed be a Pegasus and become an alicorn but Shining Armor is a Unicorn so shes a mix so she was born as an alicorn!
My head cannon is that after discord was banished the royal sisters wiped out the rest of the species incase one of them follows in the footsteps of discord
ClearCrystal I honestly am not sure. Their timelines match up well, but not perfectly so it's still free to make assumptions. But, Discord has really nothing in common with starswirl, there's no real correlation in their designs. I don't know... HELP ME
There is more then one discord, what about his parents? And let’s say he is made of a spell, wouldn’t star swirl, even when he escaped from his place, shouldn’t he try to capture him and reform him?
There could be different dacunecus but in different dimensions and each one could have there own drecanucas of greed jealusi or even destrucción when starligh showed different posible chances of villanos winnig what if the portals went into different dimensions and some of them would go to past present and future
Discord could not be a draconequus maybe he is chaos manifest in the physical form and ponies saw him and thought that he looks like a draconequus which could be old creatures that no longer exists (or are hidden somewhere)
If celestial and Luna were born alicorns and they were shocked that flurry heart was an alicorn its simple they were shocked because cadance isn't a true alicorn like twighlight celestial turned them into alicorns so she didn't think there children would be born with them but had to achieve them as there parents
what if every species have its own spirit? like ponies’ spirit is harmony, draconequus’ spirit is chaos, and others? and faust said that discord is the only one but what if draqoneques already extinct? and discord live because he’s a spirit.. what do i mean by spirit is twilight and her friends are the spirit of harmony what if discord became the alicorn of draqonequees? like maybe the prince of draqonequees? surely alicorn is immortal, right? so i think the only reason i could think of why discord is the only draqonequees is bcs he watched his kind dies in extinction while he’s immortal so he’s alive alone! srry if my explanation doesn’t make sense bcs well, bad english
Maybe they had a war when discord was a little kid and he survived somehow and grew up looking for a place to live until he found ponyvile and wanted revenge
Yeah they might say the birth of the network is something Equestria has never seen but think about it Equestria that means somewhere else they seen an alicorn born so it might make sense if an owl corn was born like Luna and Celestia they were probably born somewhere else not an Equestria but someone else cuz that would make so much sense so it would make sense if they were actually out going to were born Fourier was the only one that was born in the Equestria so whoever created the show I don't remember she was right the Luna and Celestia were theborn an alicorn somewhere where alicorns have been born a lot
I think that he wasn’t the only one but since his species is ancient many they were wiped out by the first emperor of equestria but one escaped but was wounded so fell into a deep sleep until he was awakened by accident
So when he escaped the magic of the rest of his species fussed into him and made it chaotic or chaos for short witch would mean that he is a fusion of all of his species
(Warning grammar mistakes) Let me explain so what if…
Celestia and Luna were born alicorns just they were born before equestria was fully made and came to be? Or they were born outside of equestria and still were born alicorns? So celestia and luna may both be right and Lauren too herself honestly in my opinion it makes sense but I know it seems like I’m forgetting what Luna said as well but luna’s case I’m gonna get on another day but still they both might be right or I’m making this too complicated and I’m sorry if I wasted your time but this is just a theory I have had for a while and finally something I Think I should share and I know I might also be forgetting miss mic flurry heart but again I’m gonna cover her case another day but once again just a theory I have and you can make a video on it if you like sawtooth
Well… since Equestria IS a country (It’s in dragonshy where they wonder why a full grown dragon is in equestria), technically discord might not be the only one. Plus, how in the world was he created anyway? He lives in the middle of nowhere, alone, with no one. So I have arguments for both. It’s just something that discord MIGHT not be the only one.
I don't think either theory is quite correct. I don't think star swirl would make up discord or have much to do with him in the first place as he is the spirit of chaos. I'd like to think that he was formed by something that had been from an event causing a sort of chaotic type of magic causing discord and chaos. As to how he would get his name from the ponies. Reason I would say this is because he does have this sort of chaotic magic that really no others possess. An example would be the episode of when terek (don't know how to spell his name) took his magic. Like some like say alicorns who earned their sort of winged form got them through an event of some new type of magic. But then again it is a theory.
I have only know of you for about maybe 2 years now. I did not realize you are a Changeling. There is nothing wrong about being a Changeling. I just thought it a bit odd at times. I do not have any qualms about races e.i. Pegasi, Unicorn, Earth, Changelng, nor Draconequi.
This made me think..Where is Discord now? Maybe in the magical crisis he could've helped? I mean he is full of magic. And if he would have passed which would have only a slight chance of that happening because he lived for a long long looooooong time, and maybe when he was turned into stone millions of moons ago, the time in his life would've... paused or something? so that probably means all those years when he was stone were just waiting for him to be uhhh unstoned and that those years unpaused so he would be alive for a looooooooooooooooooong time, so if he is alive where is he? Also wait what the- why am i talking abt this u wouldnt see this comment anyways, but if you do, it would make my whole year! i always watch ur videos and i've been watching since i was like 6- so if u notice this comment i would E X P L O D E anyways, thats all!
Notion: We all know Discord is the result of Starswirl reading his unfinished spell Me: *smirking, looking at the episode Shadow Play* You were SAYING XD
Wait she never said there was never others! She just he was the only one! Thats kinda vague. So there could have been more. Who nows I'm just stating some flaws in that statement. Also maybe they arn't made like normal. Maybe there needs to be enough to create a giant rift to take elements of different realities and mash it up and a weird creature appears. I'm trying to fill any gaps in this logic, wait there is no logic is flipping Discord. Ok and sense Discords the last one(if this is right) there isn't enough left of his species to make those rifts so no more can be made. Maybe Discord was the species last attempt to save there species. One as strong as hundreds of them but sadly not strong enough to make more. What if he is the result of thousands of his species using the last of there magic to create him in hopes that he can make more all by himself and they where on the brink of exstinction so they had to make the risk. But he turned out to crazied and didn't want to help his species so he never did that and then he tried taking over the land(can't spell so had to type something else), then Luna and Celestia(Lunas better btw) turned him to stone and he never met those who made him or learned what he had to do cause Luna and Celestia destroyed any left over relics of his species to keep Discord from learning how to make his kind come back, or he just isn't strong enough. I hope there are no holes in this idea! Tell me if there are. My fingers hurt now so why am i still typing!
Man that took forever to type. If its all blown up and debunked there went half an hour of my life wasted. Again why am i still typing. Welp hope this long paragraph intertained someone for a while. I wanna type more so. Imma just say more ideas i have for the show.
And i have no more. Welp imma just type ranom stuff. I am gonna proof read this all! Proof read it and pretty sure there are no grammar mistake, please do not say what i miss spelled or what i didn't add just let me be me. I did my best to make this sensiable so do not leave a million comments saying "Oh this is wrong and so is this" please just don't if i get a lot i will just delete this comment out of frustration. Bye!
but what if there are more like discord I mean I heard a theory that when the wendigos 1st came There was a blizzard so it wiped out the entire Population Except for discord That's a good conclusion right?
Hey i have a question in the gabby gums episode Celistia is seen in a picture eating large amounts of cake this could totally be coincidental or it could be reality so here's my question does Celistia use magic to keep her figure because correct me if i'm wrong it looks like Celistia hasn't walked unassisted since she became ruler of equstria.
Well, IIII was a DrunkonnaSlitz far before it was POPular! Well...before I started noticing others doing it, which totally counts. Oh who am I kidding? We are a race unmoored by such peasantry as sequential events or sanity.
@ShazBaz579 Official YouTube Friction? That's kind of basic. Why I somewhat chafe at it. Why it causes me such...FRICTION! EEE-HEE-HEEE! DO IT! DOOO IT!!
Unless that he is a creature that stays alone. There are some animals who are only and don’t travel in a group. So maybe there is more but scattered around or hiding !!!!
I agree that there are more "spirits" not to say if they are Draconequus my oc is the spirit of darkness and I think pinky pie will overthrow discord and become the new spirit of chaos (but hay this is the only idea from mlp that I have no evidence to provide right or wrong other than the 6 being the spirits)
Event is right due to discord had to be from some draconequus parents and Star swirl was in the void and ISN'T discord SOOOOoOO Event is right Notion is wrong. MYTH BUSTED!
What is discord is a dragon but along birth some wave of magic from flurry heart when she was a baby hit him as a baby and turned him? Then discord went back in time to try to stop flurry heart from being born so he can be normal and stop getting bullied. That’s just my theory.
the wonderful thing about saw tooth, is saw tooth’s wonderful thing. he has the head of discord, and the body of discord!!?!?!?? 😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😅😂
yes it’s a proofen fact there was a alicorn and draconequus and it was one by the alicorn killing off every single draconequus leaving 2 young alicorn sisters and 1 little draconequus who escaped. boom and soon tia and lulu were princess and all that stuff happened with nightmare and blah be blah blah
If Discord was Starswirl the Bearded like some people suggested, his appearance would be a product of a magical accident trying to get immortality giving himself wings and experimenting with extra DNA to combine pegasus genes
Loren said that Celestia and luna were born alicorns but when celestia said "the birth of an alicorn is in EQUESTRIA is some thing we've never seen" she said "in EQUESTRIA" so yeah they were born alicorns boom
ik this theory is about 5 years old now is most likely irrelevant but to kinda add on to event horixzon's theory about the roles of the draconequus it kinda makes sense how discord is the spirit of chaos he would have a chaotic type of body and behavior to represent it bc he has both carnivore and herbivore like body features that don't make sense at all and well if imagined it would probs be chaotic if put into a real-life scenario
In the Comic they stated he came from a different dimensions and Luna and cesltia said Equestria hasn't seen the birth Luna and cesltia didn't say that hadn't
I hate to say it but the draconeques is right why would they name him a draconeques dragon AND equine if he had so many other parts no there must be others that they believe he is SIMILAR to but not exactly the same because he is the spirit of chaos why would he be normal
I have a weird theory he has his own dimension what if in another dimension their are other draconequus. Like discord but in equestria their is only discord.
Species = order and organisations? It's not exactly true if you take bears for example they stay away from each other minding thier own business, no order or organisation there
for the last time, i am not a discord recolor, we have different heads, different.. uh. well.. everything. Im mostly dragon, see? head of a pony, body of a dragon, a true draconequess if i do say so my self THIS MESS IS A BLENDED HURRICANE OF EVERFREE NONSENSE! THE ONLY THING WE SHARE ARE THE EYES!
He is king of chaos this is my theory I mean he can be king of his chaotic world cuz he has everycreature's body technically I think he is ruler of chaos don't you?
he's the element of destruction bc the colour of his head and eyes are the colours from Catnoir's mask and eyes (catnoir wears the ring of destruction) from miraculous
This is my theory or well a theory backstory. Discords species almost gone extinct because of the alicorns. There were different types of alicorns one of them were draconequus hunters. These hunters hunted down the draconequus which was a threat to there children. The reason discord is the only one left is because he was too young to be hunted. most of the Percent of the population is over a thousand years old! Which mean those are the threat since there pro hunters and teleporters. This is the end of my theory! Hope you enjoy my theory!
what if starswirl wanted to do an experiment on a draconaquus but messed up and made it a different kind of draconaquus so discord ISN'T the only draconaquus but a different kind of draconaquus
I am a person hi2020-04-23 17:24:31 (edited 2020-04-23 17:26:22 )
Discord is different because he's the spirit of CHAOS just think about it.. edit he's bound to be different he's the chaos one so he wouldn't be normall
I meant that you should invite other people to videos more often, to discuss about theory and look at the other side of the problem, this makes it more objective and gives more options. I like that style.
draconeques:discord is a blurrie hurricane of cherfree nonsence discord:hey! draconeques:ok the eyes true discord walk to draconoquis i am the spirit of chaos
0:11 That's sad That song is based on "The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers" 1:58 I though Chimera was pronounced Chi mera "Blended Hurricane Of Everfree Nonesense'' Chill dude
I cant remember if it was theshow or not but i remember discord saying(asuming it was the show)somthing along the lines of a mommy and a daddy draconequus
Well, Daddy Discord (that's my pet name for him alright? Shh! Let me have this!) doesn't seem like all too much of a hateful sort. At his most antagonistic it was mostly just using ponies as playthings. Heck, Celestia turned him into sentient masonry! He hardly seems to hold any discernible grudge against her for that & that was thousand-year imprisonment! Hard to hold a grudge against a gal and still attend their shindigs! Not that the Notion isn't possible. But I hold we're a tad hard to kill. Head pops off and rolls away
The Brony Notion OH REALLY?!?! Well <---THIS is totally me!
1 like
Rosa Certo2017-05-24 21:08:25 (edited 2017-05-24 21:11:44 )
The Brony Notion listen! the wonderful thing about Discord is Discords a wonderful thing! he has the head of a pony and the body of everything! he's chaos chaos chaos chaos pandemonium! but the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only 1! he's the only 1!
True dat I'm good friends with event horizon spirit of disruction,discord spirit of chaos,Euro collide spirit of illusion,and soma Kato spirit of greed
hey notion i really love your videos! i don't know how long i've been here but you are an awesome theorist! i admittedly went through a pony phase.... so i have a briefcase full of pony ocs that are so cringy you couldn't cringe hard enough. Happy holidays!
Discord: spirit of chaos : CHAOS the opposite of order so if he looked like only pony and dragon it wouldn’t be chaos it would be order.... so he is a i forgot pony dragons name
Discord is not a draconequus he is the GOD of chaos so he is a god and the reason he looks like that is because he changed his appearance to look like a draconequus
discord is the last bcause in flashback episode of celestia and luna when they were small and during the war during alicorns and darquanecous, and afte they 3 ran away, it turned out everyone in th war died but since they ran away they went through there faiths alone but togeether thats why celestia is very found of discord
also i dont think discord himself was the first draquanecous kingdom, he is the last draquanecous as so the heir of the.. original king and queen of the draquanecous who died in the war so there not the ogs and the celestia thing i think it was odd for one to be born in this time
what if StarSwirl tried to copy changeling magic, and tried it on himself and his target is to be a draconequus, but failed and instead turns into a failed draconequus thats messed up and can turn into anything... since it is not pure changeling magic, he might be able to change ANYTHING in his environment... maybe eventually, Twilight will reverse his spell to turn him back into a pony when she discovers that Discord is actually starswirl
Seriously, does no one else read the comics????? His species exists there >.> Cosmos was an interesting one, and completely insane, even more than Discord himself could handle.
and I think Celestia and Luna were born Alicorns they just said what they said because it's something Equestria hasn't seen not them because as you said in the Alicorn civilization Celestia and Luna were born that's why Equestria has never seen Celestia and Luna's birth but they did see flurry Hearts Birth because the Alicorn civilization had nothing to do with Equestria until Discord
Luna and Celestia may have not been born in Equestria, so they could still be natural born alicorns and say that Equestria hasn't seen anything like it. Equestria, not the sisters.
Hey umm discord wasn't the only one when he was younger, he lost his family when he was little and a snow Rock thing crushed them and he survived . Celestia found discord actually
I wish I could do the patreon thing but I can't because I have practically no money and I don't have anything in knowledge of what it is It makes me feel rlly bad :(
Lyrics: The wonderful thing about discord. That discord is a wonderful thing. He has a head of a pony and a body of everything? He's Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos PAN-DA-MON-EUM And the most wonderful thing about discord DAT HES DA ONLY ONE HES DA ONLYONE!
I think the only reason why there Discord is the only one is because when Celestia and Luna's parents when off to fight in that war leaving them and Discords parents left him somewhere as well and left to find food and supplies then either go lost or died and everyone of Discords kind got killed or destroyed and that's why he's the only one of his kind like Celestia and Luna because there parents died or went to a realm similar to the one star swirl was in keeping that big black of darkness in (I forgot it's name).
Pfft seeing sawtooth as a dragon horse this came to my mind Sawtooth tue dragon horse of transformation Am I right I don't know how to spell that word ;-;
cannon- in terms of entertainment- means that something is confirmed true or false in an entertainment franchise (tv series, movie series, book series, etc.).
Me: "uuuhhhhhhhhh the God of Hyperdeath?? HELLOO!!" *is looking at Asriel Dreemurr* "ASRIEL MAY BE A GOAT BUT HE HAS 100 ATK (attack) AND 100 DEF (defense), at least I think that's how much attack and defense he has.. I haven't gotten to his fight yet in UNDERTALE. I'm barely even close to the fight with goat mum (Toriel)! "
Do you know why I think discord exists because we have the elomits exists there has to be a opposite so it’s like yin and tan if there’s no yin that means no yan
If you live in 2020, and you know the new name of his channel. Then why did he call his draconequus sawtooth? this video was made when he was still called the brony notion
I KNOW THE ANSWER. the show mlp was designed for kids and the world doesn't make sense. But what bout dis question: why is Pinkie Pie pink, but Rainbow Dash not rainbow???? ded 🐴
Look at Bride of Discord & Daughter of Discord but episode 8 of Daughter of Discord comes out on 17/06/2018 .Bride of Discord has some information about Draconequus ,but I forgot which episode.
Btw I think I know what discord comes for not just to take over equestria but also to take his son spike that’s my theory pls talk about this topic I belive spike was stolen an gives to equestria he wants revenge an he is trying to take over equestria as well pls talk about this theory I find it weird but its one I belive could be true
I have a theory sounds kinda dunb tho what if the elements split themselves like twilight and her squad were the spirit/pony form if the elements ??? Well idk
@asgnar khan Oh yeah XD in that one.....He scared the shiz out of me.....also, i guess celestiacord went down in flames, Cause when starlight says they took celestia to, he didn;t give a thought or feeling about her OR twi XD WHEW! FLUTTERCORD WINS, CELESTIACORD LOSES! HAHAHHAHA TAKE THAT KP!
Don't mean to... uh... burst your bubble, but Discord's reaction to Fluttershy being 'napped by the changelings was really more cause she's his only real fren, and he didn't want to lose her, not that he doesn't care about the rest of them, he just cares for her more. I would react like that if a bunch of insects kidnapped my best fren too.
@Ty Dunneman i don't mind, can't stop shipping even if someone tells ya not to XD i can't judge a person because they ship something i don't....It's all in opinion ;3
What if something that happend with dinosaurs happend with the draconequus too? I mean could it be that something happend in equestria before ponies and all the draconequus started to vanish? And discord is still alive cause on the edge of every draconequus death/vanishing he turned into stone. It could be possible thinking that before discord turned to stone there werent that little much draconequus that nobody never saw them and discord is know the best cause he threatened Equestria? WHAT IF DISCORD WAS THE ONLY BAD DRACONEQUUS?! WHAT IF DISCORD WAS BORN DIFFERENT?! I HAVE TOO MUCH QUESTIONS!!
Excuse me but here's the dealio Discord is a Multiverse Ving you can quite literally see it how he acts you can see our reality is clear as day heck I can see multiple realities at a time myself what did you really think that whenever you look at a story and write one but it's not coming true when another reality of existence Discord can see us the same way Pinkie Pie can except he can actually travel to and fro just like any draconequus or ancient Immortal being who can travel the Multiverse heck sometimes we get stuck in the bodies of Mortals by accident and by we I am quite literally saying we as it is then I am quite literally an ancient Immortal dragon king who can actually travel throughout the Multiverse and by the way there are several different clams of spirit of the draconic I race enter, KY race are a very ancient race almost as ancient as dragons they are the second most ancient race of creature in the Multiverse humans are the youngest tomorrow far our favorite because of how chaotic greedy love thing hating lustful and all the other bad things and good things and they can either hate nature or love it the one bad thing is in this reality humans can't use magic so that's an annoyance especially when you're stuck in one of their bodies oh and by the way you stroke on Akai Clan or race or species has a different look destruction looks the same as ham accept has different colors and other such Discord is chaos because you can tell by the way he exists and quite literally there can be only one chaos Elder in one area at a time otherwise you're going to ask for a rift in time and space that'll destroy all existence
Well how about you can make an animation of you and still work well discovering the secrets of the Draconepuus You and silver found these hieroglyphics telling a story of a mother spirit of destruction and then all of a sudden a creature known as a rising showed up and wanted to share this world apart but of course you can still work well had to stop him with the temporary elements you’ll see my channel is called MLP Unplug Check it out if you want to see my OC my OC is a little dog name game boy
Wiggle Waggle msp oh no I have no life I can't go on rereread Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Has anyone here seen Star vs The Forces of Evil? My family doesn't have cable, so the only times (except Nesquick and YouTube) I really get to watch anything good is at the dentists's office. (They still ask me if I want to watch TV, even though I literally walk from the high school to get there) I saw an episode there the other day, and it looked pretty good, so I'm considering watching more on YouTube (via. Reaction vids)
And that's... legal... (It just seems weird that it's free, but hey I'll take it and it's not blocked on my computer that's school issued and almost everything is blocked so it must be okay) Thanks so much :D
Who knew that two months later I'd have an Instagram for the show, my phone wallpaper of Star and Marco hugging, many pictures on my phone and have bought the rest of season 2 on Amazon so I can watch them as soon as they appear
Probably the others are just dead you know the score of the last one Poor discord probably all his friends are dead well not the ones that are ponies but you know what I mean
ACTUALLY in the mlp game ERIS is another draconeques the cousin of discord and btw dracon-eques the eques is half of equestria dracon is dragon but why c instead of g?
The wonderful thing about discord is discord wonderful thing he has a head of a pony and the body of everything he’s chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos ma na ton on
No! Discord kind got killd by a bilzerd but discord srived in a cave and he ate choclet milk and contten candy and stayed they until the bilzerd endded
I want to debate, he is a monster of pure chaos, so he is the spirit of chaos so that makes his form, and greed, destruction, and others are all a form of chaos ssoooo he’s the only one so sawtooth is dreaming Oorrr he’s taking drugs and hallucinating. BAM 💥👁👅👁💣
wow i see this a year later and i still comment whatever i have a theory what if the were others of discord but only in his realm because he live's in another realm than the pony's
Maybe he IS the odd one out but he has been kicked out the draconequs world land thing like ponies and equestria dragons in the dragon land (lol dad's account) so I kinda agree with The Brony Notion that's what I think um so I just saw the Lauran Faust thingy.. Or he's just the last draconequs...
I am so sorry I love your content but a Euestria is a country it’s not a continent so there could be an endangered species others like discord somewhere in the continent a Euestria is in
The elements of disharmony!!!!!!! The mane 6 are the spirits of the elements of harmony and discord is a spirit of chaos witch could be a element of dis-harmony which could make it that each dragon pony thing could be a holder of a element of dis-harmony which explains why there both not see like the had to be locked away😁😁😁😁😁😁or something 😅😅😅😅
I like your videos #ArticleWall#YouWantTo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯
i don't have a complete answer but i maybe saw another draconequus in my little pony fiendship is magic comic 2 i'm not kidding there is seriously a series called that
When's the jam was in his dog farm he said The darkness sports me will you think that means talk to ways he said the darkness books to me spoke to me I don't know how to say I can't oh my god oh my god oh my god
Hes chaos chaos chaos chaos pan-de-mo-nium but the most wonderful thing about him is he the only one heeee isss theeee onlyyy oneeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ok. I'm mad now. He says that the main six have no connection to the elaments....... BISH WHAT THE FLIP THE ELEMENTS ARE THE SAME SHAPE AS THERE CUTIE MARKS! So I am really mad at horizon right now. Please talk to him about this.
But there is another derqanakost remember that time whenever the mane six met discord when twilight was crying we all saw scroball does this mean discord has a little girl
There might be under your account no question is whatever they’re called plus there’s a person and there’s a lot of people all and they’re in my little pony is hard work to make a movie so there’s probably more discord or whatever they’re called
About Celista and Luna (going off ur theory) what if they didn’t know they were born alicorns because since everyone else had to earn them their parents were ashamed and didn’t tell no one because other ponies would just think they don’t deserve them
Hey, brony, what happened to your videos? I really like this channel, so what happened? Did you run out of ideas? I do have one for you. What is tempest shadows cutie mark? Since we never see it, what is it? Or does she not have one? If not, why? If so, what is it?
He has a head of pony a claw of a chicken and a paw of a lion wings and tail of a dragon and.................many stuff something makes me think that he has a body of a snake or maybe even a worm 😂😆😂😆
Really he's the draconequus chaos not destruction like hello get it already chaos horns Chaos Head chaos teeth chaos body chaos arms chaos League chaos wings chaos chaos chaos Rand ammonia like seriously don't you get it he's the draconic quiz us chaos I will come the VidCon in scream at you everything I said in this comment a people that make their even go to VidCon I will.......
7:01 I'M SORRY WHAT WAS THAT celestia:yeet me:the birth of an alicorn is stupid
Here have food 🍑🌽🥥🌽🥥🥕🥥🌶🍅🌶🥬🥒🥒🌶🥕🍏🥕🥬🥔🥬🥑🥒🥑🌶🧅🌯🧄🌯🍗🌮🥨🍟🥨🍞🥞🥐🧇🥖🧇🥨🧇🌯🥯🧀🌮🧀🌮🥙🥗🍱🥗🥪🥣🌭🧈🥣🥫🍲🥙🍲🌮🥘🌭🥩🌮🍖🌯🍳🌮🥪🌯🍕🥙🥗🌯🥙🍳🥙🥚🌯🌮🍲🌮🥣🥙🍙🍜🍘🍱🥫🧂🥣🧈🍿🧈🍿🥫🍘🍚🍘🍳🍘🥫🍲🧂🥣🎂🦀🎂🦀🍪🥧🥛🍫🍧🦐🍧🍥🍜🍡🥟🥠🥠🍤🥠🍑🍋🍑🍉🍑🍐🥥🍐🍋🍏🍌🥭🍌🥔🥕🍧🦀🍧🥡🍩🍑🍐🧁🥧🥧🍫🍫🍬🍬🍶🍮🍾🍾🍼☕🍼☕🥛☕🥛🍵🧊🥤🥢🥢🍽🧉🧉🧃🧃🥤🥃🥃🥂🍻🍺🍹🍹🍸🍷🍴🥄🔪🏺
There's more of discord's kind they all disappear since the beginning of the Capture the Flag War many mini I'll let you slide your a Christian or what kind of God you believe Celestia and Luna's older brother create the war since the beginning of the equestria someday Twilight are friends find captured the flags it will be make Ragnarok
You're not saying You know what discord is the spirit of chaos in this harmony Of the Milo pony friendship is magic which is now on Netflix where is preserved saved undeleted Milo pony friendship is magic is still on Netflix despite them trying to delete it And you my one relay this to doctor Wolf in all of them like lightning Bliss and spo and keyframe in golden Fox and so on so forth
Mr destuction demoniation is a Draconequus and mr Chaos is a Draconequus and u a changling thing whatevar but discord is a chaos mess and he repersents chaos so makes sence
maby a drinqoris or whatever it’s called isent just what discord looks like maby terik is one to maby it’s just some random things fummed together whith a splash of evil magic or somthing
Duude his head looks like a changlings head could that mean chrysalis made him and it went wrong that could mean that greed of love like chrysalis’ greed so he is greed not destruction
i fink ik why discord is everythink and i fink that distruction guy actouly is hidingin a suit his real self is more like disscord enyway the reason why discord is everythink is becouse, he is a hibrit of a pony and a dragon wich messing up his body
Changlines are now reformed right? If not their name should be changed am I right? Also your a changline soooooooo you shouldn't be able to take a form of a pony... PLEASE DO A VIDIO ON THIS...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk to you please I want you to try the main six on your channel even know that’s probably not possible and probably till twilight about the clone ponies pinkie pie in the dryer tell her that do that you know because I just wanna see the maid six A.CHAL because that’s what I’ll be interesting I love watching my little pony
In my head, I started thinking that both of these theories could be possible. As said, there could've been a draconequus civilization or multi-individualized species, therefore they recieved a name of species. And of course the Starswirl theory could stand as correct too, that his spell failed, creating Discord. And while Discord isn't much like the other draconequus(es?), that was probably the only species he ever got even remotely close to, when it comes to appearance, and therefore, he was identified as one.
Basically: Discord isn't too far from your theory on Flurry Heart. Created by magic, but a new and different (fake biology) specimen of a larger and yet unknown (to the fandom) civilization, of which they may never take part of.
I’d like to think that the draconequui were an existing species from a different country that was destroyed. Discord fled his country and sought refuge in Equestria. Because of his power chaotic magic, he could survive a bit in the Everfree. After a run-in with some ponies, Discord realized he could conquer Equestria.
I have a personal headcanon and idea that draconequei are magical beings with immense power and abilities in that "chaos" is one of their powers, which involves not just doing "confusing" and "disorder" but also is under a term that involves bending the laws of physics and nature, which is an exceptional power. They are rare, in my headcanon, but they used to be more common in the past.
My head canon is that a draconequus is made from battlefields. When enough blood is spilled and magic concentrated in the same place one can be born. The parts they are made up are dependent on the creatures that are involved. That would also explain why discord is the only one now and why there hasn't been new ones as there is more or less wide spread peace with no real major wars going on that would lead to the creation of one. It would also explain the multiple different creature parts that make up discord. It's a kinda dark theory but I think it makes some sense.
My question is: Why can't it be both? My theory is that Starswirl's spell backfired and turned him into Discord, but draconequi are already a pre-existing race.
galaxy man . jpg2018-01-19 08:33:24 (edited 2018-01-19 08:34:48 )
i feel like after swarswirl changed into discord, he wasn't supposed to be a draconequus, but there were so little, and very little research behind them back when they actually had the head of a pony and body of a dragon that he just blended in, so history just took his appearance and assumed he was a draconequus
Why is everyone having a one minded understanding of "The birth of an alicorn is beyond even our understanding?" They could be the only two naturally born alicorns, not to mention they're basically gods, they could very well have forgotten or because they are the ONLY two in their line/generation they simply have no understanding of it aside from when they themselves were babies. (and let's be real no one remembers anything when they were a baby). So maybe this is how an immortal alicorn is born- by chance. It just so happens to be that Cadence is an artifical alicorn- but it could almost be no relation to that fact.
Everything needs a species even if there's only one. His NAME might be Discord but what is he? I mean if you just called him a dangerous magical creature all the time people might get confused. His name is Discord. His title is the Spirit of Chaos and his species is a draconequus. Even if there's one of him that doesn't mean he can't have a species.
My theory is that Discord isn't actually a Draconequus, he just takes that form because it suits him. Discord is the spirit/god of chaos with his own realm of pandemonium. Who's to say his true form is an Equestrian race?
You can both be right, what if a draconiquis was nearby when starswirls experiment went wrong? Heard it going wrong and floated in to check it out. And the experiment then exploded and discord was born!
I'm nearly a year late here, but what if Discord isn't even a draconequus? He could be Starswirl, but the more modern ponies mistook him for a draconequus because they didn't have anything remotely similar to compare him to besides dusty old legends of draconequus.
Well the fact that Cheerilee mention Draconequus in a plural way it may show that there are more, I mean those information about Draconequus has to come somewhere but like Dragons no one see much of them since Draconequus come from another dimension or they are hiding among the ponies population.
i play the phone app a lot and on the map is a kirin grove. My theory is that, if kirin DO exist, a draconequuis refers to the kirin species (since kirin are dragon horse things). This would explain why theres a name for discords species (a species name implies many) while keeping discord as an anomaly.
If a draconequuis species rly did mean multiples of discord, you'd think there'd be stories or encounters with them. Hopefully season 8 will expand a lot on the lore, with (spoilers) being around it's the perfect excuse to give answers. Tho they could very well give a half baked answer too :(
Pretty sure dragons are the Equestrian embodiment of greed, considering how their puberty works, but if there's a name for Discord's species, then presumably there must be others, or it would be redundant.
the WONDERFUL thing about Discord,is Discord's WONDERFUL thing He has the head of a pony,and a body of...everything. He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mo-nium, but the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one!
Technically the starswirl theory could still be true. There could be multiple... uhh... draconqi... I guess... but the reason Discord looks so different is because Starswirl read his unfinished spell and turned into a jumble of creatures that had some features of the draconequus, but then a bunch of other animal parts. See? Both of your theory's can be right! (NOTE: I have not watched any of season 7 yet so please don't shout at me if it was proven or disproven in an episode of season 7 already.)
Maybe Discord was a mistake spell by Star Swirled . Maybe he was trying to make a new animal but he thought of to many animals to put together and the whole spirit of caouse is something that Clestia made up and discord is just cayotic( I'm bard at spelling)
7:05 They could of just been wrong and thought that they weren't born alicorns because that's what they saw with other ponies. They might not know of their origins!
I think draconici? Came from a different universe that holds different creatures from equestria and maybe star swirl the bearded came from that universe and made himself look like a pony so that he could stay in this universe undetected while studying things but then got possessed by the spirit of chaos, wrote the spell and changed back into a draconocis? But was stuck in our universe for some reason.
What if the star swirl theory and the draconequas civilization both are right. What if there was a draconequas civilization. When Star Swirl cast his unfinished spell, he transformed into a creature (aka. Discord) similar enough to a draconequas that that is what ponies called him.
I think the other disgorges right or the Discord you're talking to and then I think he's right cuz there can't be enough a Discord without him having parents cuz he needs to have parents to be born so that's kind of logic in the human world so he needs to have parents so that means there's got to be other to call Ne Chris or whatever they're called so that means that there are other ones may there in another dimension and he's the only one that is in the ponies Dimension but there is definitely some to Corner Quest that are not
I have a thought. I have no research so yee: Discord, not being the only one, is only so.. Mixed up because he is the spirit of Chaos, which means he isn't like the rest. He's kind of an array or things because he is a being of Chaos, I guess. IDK I'm writing this at 2AM so idk
Discord is one of a large sisity of who he is but the rest of them died in a war in between the alicorn and "cautious bringers" got in a war and both sides of the war died and now only discord and Celestia, Luna were the only ones left
Here’s a theory. Luna and Celestia weren’t born in equestria. Therefore allowing them to be born alicorns and allowing them to say the line “the birth of an alicorn is something equestria has never seen”. This theory also brings up theories suggesting many different...countries? continents? I don’t know. But that’s my theory
my theory right here: discord IS starswirl the bearded BUT he is the ONLY one of his kind, because he is a PONY that has turned into a dragonequiis... he is a halfblood dragonequus, and the only one in existance! all other (dead or alive) are PURE blooded dragonequus^^ THIS would make both theorys right... off course, this is just an idea, on how to combine both... and as little suggestion on how his form looks more like destruction: his lower half is that of a dragon... the only living being more associated with pure destructive force, would be humankind itself... greed would be made of valuable materials... gold, silver, gemstones, pearls... but its shape would be dragonlike... envy would reflect the viewer and show part of the viewer as part of the dragonequus... BUUUT thats just a theory i came up with in five seconds... so, if its flawed, its flawed^^ have fun^^
It would make sence if discord was diffrent then the other dracon-equess because of the theory that discord is starswirld the bearded he would look diffrent.
Maybe discord isnt the only one...In season 7 episode 12 we see that fluttershy wants to go to discords house for a tea party, so discord shows us that his house is in a weird place that looks like a different dimension. This can mean other dracon-equus are stuck in their own dimensions....
I think shining armor is Celestia's and Luna's brother. shining armor's cutie mark is the stars but sence he is a gurd he has a sheid on his cutie mark.
By the way I just saw the newest episode of mlp s 7 and it was in discords house. There was a couple star swril curtains, artifacts, and a star swril hat. Make sure to metion this in your next video
Equus is the name of the genus of horse, not equestrian because Lauren Faust made the name of the land equestria, so therefore anyone who lives in equestria is an equestrian.... whispers to self I talk too much.....
Celestia and Luna are born Alicorne, THE END! Everyone can't say a dame word that they aren't because Laurent Faust, the original righter of the show said so. So in this case: Eat shit Hasbro, you just got drag down the pit of, WRONG!
You should watch Bride of Discord mabey that might give u an idea because in one of the episodes Fluttershy asks Discord if there was more of his kind. And he told her a few things.I don't want to be spoiler so I'll stop talking. Sorry if I spelled something incorrect.
ta know the discord image in your vid the one the flying in the air in a kind of a shape of circle if ya really think he kind of looks like the infinitadee like this 8 but flip it sideways
Discord isnt Star Swirl bc in season 7 episode 25-26 we see Star Swirl BUT we didnt see Discord in episode 25 OR 26 so he culd have done like chaingelings do so change him self to Star Swirl the Bearded and BOOM the theary is still alive! But enyway I still belive that Discord is Star Swir bc well.....I said it all ready so..... Yeah tell me what you think. And make shure to like this comment and I hope you see this brony notion❤️
You no a lot of mlp and that’s cool I can respect that. I’m not trying to be rude but do you parents make fun of you for watching mlp?. Because my dad dose. And I like mlp a lot you can say that I am a brony.
I analiesd flim and flams cutey marks. Flim and flam are aples flim is a slise and flam was was the aple apart they're week but together they are strong
Marsh’s music Official i come from a parallel universe where my mother and father are discord and celestia which means a mane seven i am princess of time don't have an evil side yet i have a boyfriend(lightning) and to kids (bolt and lilac) there still blank flanks there is my cousin bluehoof and cadence my pet dragon scourge and my friend I've known since i was a little filly twilight that is da short version the long one is in bronys truth about star swirl vid
Celestia and Luna were born our coins so is this condo he was born as a joke on a quiz someone from his family had to look like him and the other one look different then so that’s how we look like that then maybe maybe his grandma grandpa mother father someone look like him in the everybody else didn’t then and then they died during the war and one of your episodes of one of the videos I watched what we do know though is a difficult is the last of his kind but maybe not.From Rebecca uthayakumar.
I've always compared Discord to Frieza. I mean, they do have a lot of similarities, if you think about it.
In all of DB lore we never get a concrete answer of Frieza's true race, origin, or an explanation of just WHY he's so strong. It's implied that there's more of his race, yet we only get to see his own family. We even get a lot of evidence to say that if he does have a race, then he is a clear outlier. A genetic freak among his own people, which lead to his strength.
It's a lot like Discord. He may have a race, he may be a freak among his own people, or maybe the alicorn version of his kind, but that's why he's so cool. He's mysterious, and that really helps out with his character! =D
I feel like, and this is just a thought, that Discord is a Tully a full species of his own. for his kind, they can be born into different forms, like what if both arms could be lion arms or maybe it could be antlers like for the changlings, one or both on there heads. The species could be a variety of ways to be born, but it all leads to one type that can be made in different forms.
The equine bit of the draconequus, if applied to Discord, could refer to his almost vaguely equine head and be a nod towards the fact that a fair number of intelligent, sentient creatures in Equestria are equine. The dragon half is more aesthetic and something we mythology nuts will catch onto if you've seen (semi-)realistic Discord deviantart. His appearance is loosely based on the dragons found in Eastern legends as well as the Chinese qilin, or kirin for anyone who prefers the English variant of the name. In Chinese mythology, qilin are chimerical creatures but are usually recognized as dragon and or a unicorn of sorts. Qilin usually look something horse-like in most paintings, so you could say that the Draconequus are MLP:FiMmed qilin with their magical capabilities, equine/draconic appearance and nature
It could be, that whenever a pony's spirit is something, like Twilights spirit is the spirt of Magic, it changes them. I mean, look at the Mane 6: In the season 5 finale, they got transformed. They showed their spirit. And maybe, Starshirl (Is this spelled correctly?) had the spirit of chaos, and it changed him into Discord, after he performed that spell! (I like that theory by the way)
I believe the line was "the birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen." Has anybody ever just considered Celestia and Luna were just born prior to the founding of Equestria? They are on the first Equestrian flag
Both could be possible since discord does look different from the other potential draquoniqui. Star swirl read his unfinished spell and turned into a half draquoniquis half everything else and the other draquoniqui had nothing to do with anything.
6:56 I still believe that they were born alicorns. They said "The birth of an alicorn is something EQUESTRIA has never seen," that could mean Celestia and Luna came from somewhere way beyond Equestria where alicorns were born.
what if "draconequus" could be an umbrella term for any unharmonious creature? like, any jumble of animal/beast/pony parts, or a strange creature of indeterminate species?
Gotta say, Discord's head looks more like that of a goat than a horse! I mean, I guess you could say a goat with a horses mane, but you're right; really, the only equine-looking thing about him is his pegasus-wing!
Maybe, there are more than one draconequus and they lead the elements of dis-harmony. Discord would obviously replace Twilight because, he's the most powerful.
If you pay attention in the Warp-Out video for Lullaby for a Princess, there is a scene where Luna, as a young filly, doesn't have wings, then in the next scene, she does. I know it is fan-made but, going by one of the earlier theories, it would make sense.
Discord is a representation of all the different species present in equestria. The chaos and "Discord" inherently present within all creatures manifested itself as Discord.
wait, what about in that one episode showcasing discords home, that could just be a universe or realm he created himself but that seems pretty difficult for one thing of its species. that's my thought anyway, so I do kinda like your endangered idea that there was more.
dear the brony notion, in this draconiquss video you talked about how there could be some draconiqui that are spirits of greed, corruption,or destruction and in your elements of disharmony video you talked about the evil elements. I was thinking that the opposite of twilight's element (magic)might be chaos. if that is true then discord is the controller of one of elements of disharmony. if there are draconiqui that are controlling greed corruption and destruction then shouldn't they be the controllers of the elements of disharmony. I would be surprised if this was true if it's just a theory
Couldn't Discord just change his shape and all of reality now that I think of it? He could have just made a preferred for which is what we see. Sort of like Captain Ginyu, we don't see his original form; but it has been acknowledged. Also just because Celestia and Luna say they've never seen the birth of an alicorn, it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. There is no way for Celestia or Luna to remember their births and very much could have been the last ones like fairy babies in Fairly Odd Parents. What Celestia said in season 6 episode 1 doesn't retcon anything if you consider Luna being only anywhere from 1-7 years younger than Celestia.
It can be simply stated with one simple statement.... "It's not a species unless there are more than one, then you just have something that is on its own is likely gonna die alone." -me (half asleep and sick)
What if Starswirl turned into Discord? They have rather similar beards, they are both extremely good with magic, and it would also explain why there aren't any other Draconequus's if Star swirl was trying to do some spell and it went wrong and turned him into Discord.
Will you ever make a video regarding your reaction to the last episode, when Thorax becomes a king? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to hear your compliments (and complaints) regarding the subject!!!
My headcanon is that Discord is the odd one out of a draconequus race and their numbers have diminished so that Discord is the only known one. There might be others somewhere, but not to any pony's knowledge. At least, that's what I think.
What if there were other draconicusguys and when(if) star swirl the bearded transformed into discord after reading his unfinished spell, ponys thought that he looked similar to draconicuseseses and star swirl the bearded made a time spell, he might has well made a spell that gave him internal life, since his magic grew when he transformed into discord, and he at the time couldn't hold control of the overpowering magic inside (like sunset shimmer at the fall formal), he became the spirit of chaos. Now later, the deacinicus were extinct and discord (who looked similar) was counted as a draconicus, a few sins later no one remembers the draconicus true form and the only thing that looked like it was discord so he was declared as a draconicus. And now it's canon in the mlp world (with Cheerlie as an example, being a teacher and all).
Well I would just like to point out that when Star Swirl the Bearded turned into discord he turned into a strange draconequus, that would be why he is the odd one out. That's why i think there are more
If there were others then why Discord look so different? I also want to say that you did not consider the fact that Celestia and Luna would have to lie about there knowledge about an alicorn birth. Celestia was right that a birth of a alicorn is what they never seen before IN EQUSTRIA
if a true draconoqius is supposed to have a head of pony and the body of a dragon then why does Discord look so different? The Star Swirl Theory makes more sense this way
i have nothing to say about this because if star swirl accidentally made discord then there is only one question still standing. why didn't star swirl make more to help him around or was discord made and as soon as stepping out ran away and why did discord take such an interest in flutter shy did she remind him of star swirl? does he miss star swirl? did he even stay for a little while when created so star swirl could study him? i think discord is the only one of his kind. you can tell how. let me brake it down. discord is the spirit of chaos so of cause he is going to be mixed up. i got to go i hope this helped find out more. ( I'm not trying to be a nerd I'm sorry i just love the story of my little pony) bye
I DON'T CARE! I'm sticking with my theory that Celestia and Luna were unicorns at birth and earned their wing when they got their marks. I have great respect for you Lord Faust but, I staying with my head cannon.
There may be more than one draconequus. If you watch Equestria Girls short, " Perfect Day For Fun", You will see Fluttershy bash a draconequus out of Twilight's hands.
I can't agree with you re the whole 'Celestia and Luna weren't born alicorns' thing. I see no reason why they couldn't've been. Celestia says that no alicorn has been born in Equestria before - but don't the Royal Sisters predate Equestria? When Equestria was founded, the new flag already contained both sisters, meaning that they must have existed before Equestria was founded. And thus Flurry Hearts is the first born in Equestria - but not the first ever.
The wonderful thing about Discord is Discords a wonderful thing! He has the head of a pony and the body of...EVERYTHING! He's chaos , chaos , chaos , chaos pandemonium! But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one! He's the only one! Bows I SHALL SING THIS AT MY NEXT SCHOOL TALENT SHOW!!!!!!
There IS a way for both of those theories to be right... perhaps Draconequii were a previous species that Starswirl's failed experiment just happened to make him look like. Of course, if that's the case then his circumstances may mean that he's the only one to have anything like Discord's powers. Heck, for all we know the average Draconequus may not have ANY powers at all! Not that I want this to be the case (never did like the Starswirl = Discord theory), but it's a possibility.
Well all of mlp kinda revolves around Greek mythology so there could be more then one which means there could be a whole colony of draconequus this is because there is more then one god or hydra or chimera. Maybe discord is just a very highly evolved species of chimera we will probably never now to bad we can't ask discord him self because well he is not real but who knows they might been at one point in time in earth's history maybe they are roaming around right now. Well I am just going to go with Posiden decided to mix a horse and a dragon together and make a draconequus which means there has to be more than one draconequus and discord is not the only one of his kind he has to have parents that are just like him. But as I also said who knows?
What if there was a significant other of Discord, that is evil and refuses to reform, trying to convert reformed Discord to evil. And is actually Queen Chrissalis getting her 3rd revenge on Equestria. Make a theory ASAP please!!!
The Wonderful Thing About Discord Is Discord's Wonderful Thing He Has The Head Of A Pony And The Body Of Everything He's Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos Pan-De-Mo-Nium But The Wonderful Thing About Discord Is He's The Only One He's The Only....
If you go on this I have one question. DISCORD DID NOT EXIST FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME RIGHT? this leads me to believe he must have parents and as we have never seen inter species breeding before this could mean that his parents were draconaquis too
The wonderful thing about discord, Discord is a wonderful thing! He has the head of a pony! And a body of everything. Hes chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, Pan-de-mo-nium, But the most wonderful about discord is, Hes the only one!
Brony Notion. I have Questions, Are the Mane six first to become the elements of Harmony? Who created the elements of Harmony? Will King Sombra reform and change to a good one? Does Spike have a sibling?
Um, if Discord is "thing" of chaos, then him not only being part horse and part everything else, would be because of his name, he would look like a jumbled up mess. Given the name " Master of Chaos "
what if discord is not the only derconamooos(I can't spell) but he was exiled from his dercopedorp civilization cuz he was different, and caused to much chaos where he was originally from? posible, or just some pony theory wanna-be failing at making a theory?
I find it sad that a grown man derives pleasure from a show that is targeted towards 5 year old girls. it's sad and pathetic, I don't see why you need an entire show to drive home the point that friends are good.
Proof that there is more than 1 dragonequus "this a A drogonaquus" A drgonaquus the A intends that there are more than 1 example "I'm just A pearl" -Steven universe There is more than 1 pearl in the show "the birth of A alicorn is something beyond me" -MLP FIM There is more than 1 alicorn
what if they all have literally different forms since he i the lord of chaos that would make sense why he has so many different parts what if each draconequus had a completely different form and maybe like the human world they have a portal ...
thats is yet to be descovered and what if in that world discord is the star swirl bearded that would explain why you dont see any other draconequus may their world was or still is being ...destroyed
Greed would probably be most likely shiny golds and silvers, corruption, probably looks a bit like discord but darker colors, along with any of themAaa
the draconeqese video should be the spirit greed becase dragans like to collect gems and they don't share there gems so he should not be the spirit of destruction
has anyone considered the fact that discord is half dragon half pony AND half Griffin.😒I mean he does have a lion paw and a bird leg like all the other Griffins in mlp😏
omg lol the way he said I'm not a recolor of discord
Roi Alino2017-01-10 17:30:58 (edited 2017-01-10 17:31:20 )
Hey Brony Notion heres a theory if the sunset shimmer we know is from equestria in equestria girls then isn't there another sunset shimmer in the human world?
Nope. Ok, when it comes to Discord, I hate the idea that there are more of him. If you want a Star Swirl Being Discord theory, read Inner Glory (which by the way should have been called 'Inner Gory') It says a lot and it's a good theory. But I don't agree with it. So. Yeah.
Why? Must you? anyway, I have nothing against Brony draconequus-... how do you say that plural wise? Anyway I have nothing against you. Nice job by the way on this video you and Notion did well.
you should do a video about why shouldn't rainbow dash be the middle character (twilit sparkle ) because when the main six got there cutie marks they saw the sonic rain boom which made the other five get their cutie marks
his not a dragon his tail is a snake tail n he has a bat wing, goat head,body n hand of a eagle lion paw, and a goat leg. you should watch the video of fluttershy reforming discord again.
Oh hey brony notion are you planing on making anymore theory videos it would be so cool if you could make a theory about if chyrisilis will come back to get revenge on starlight glimmer
So you say that Discord's head is not a pony? Why don't you take a look at granny smith, their muzzles are similarly shaped AND discord is EXTREMELY old so......
all your theory are wroung they were not born alicorns star swear asked them both to rule and then made aliconres you would know this craw if you read the journal of the two sisters
Hi Bronwyn if u haven't done this then who is human sunset shimmer because in Equestria girls sunset is banished to the human world so who is the real human sunset????? ever thought about that.
theres 2 of em bc the purple fur girl with purple and white is discord and fluttershys daughter in the future soon theres gonna be 3 a boy called zaney SO NOT TRUE 👎
I know how both these great theory ideas can be cannon! Maybe Starswerld read the unfinished spell and became what he is now, then me hid out until he somehow found out about a far away Drachoniquiss population, where he thought maybe he could fit in. After going there and being rejected because he was not a true Drachoniquiss, he went and hid again. Then, after wanting to seek revenge on the Drachoniquisses, he thought taking over Equestria would get him some respect from the Drachoniquisses. Then he gets turned to stone, and the rest is history.
Hey Notion, I gotta theory for you. my theory is as follows: If the episode orders should be taken as an official chronological timeline, then could there possibly be two of each season within an equestrian year? It would mean an equestrian year is twice as long as our own, and would fit the episodes chronologically (hence why winter wrap up among other winter setting episodes tend to take place before fall episodes like fall weathered friends). It could also tell us much about the sun and moon and the pony world in general.
For example, depending on what definition of a year you're going with, you could say the pony world is farther away from the sun than earth or the sun is larger than ours. We could also say that they travel around the sun twice in the same year, meaning they are closer or the sun is smaller.
Given our knowledge of space in our universe, depending on the definition we go with, we can gauge the size of the planet and thus the corresponding moon, giving us the length of one moon within their universe. If there is two of each season within an equestrian year, doubling its length, then the 24 months could be around 24 moons or more or less depending on the information you went with before. It's an interesting theory in the least ^^ and it could lead to many more, like the timeline of the show, how long Twilight has been in Ponyville, and even how old the mane 6 is. Well that's all I have ^^' If you don't use it, I at least hope it was some good for thought.
My theory on Alicorns and Draconequi: it had already been stated in the SERIES that Celestia and Luna 'traveled to' Equestria. As Faust said they WERE born Alicorns. The statement concerning Flurry Heart is because as far as they knew you needed two Alicorn parents to produce an Alicorn baby. The Draconequus species originates from another plane of existence so Discord is the only one currently in Equestria at this point in history.
I think Discord is the last or one of the last of his species due to something like a kaiju or freak accident (natural or otherwise) wiping out the rest of them and he went a little crazy after that.
I've always thought of Discords parents. Stepping aside from your Starswirl theory, supposing that it isn't cannon (take no offence), how else could Discord have been made? The obvious conclusion (at least for me) would be birth. I do think there are other Draconequi, as Discord would have to have some kind of parent. Yes, he could have just created himself; that's another theory of mine But not having parents, or at least some sort of parently figure, brings up some serious questions. How did he learn how to speak? To walk, and fly? How does he know to use his powers? If he was never surrounded by any Draconequi, or even one, it would be quite hard to teach himself everythin he knows. We can see he's obviously quite powerful, and knows too much for his own good sometimes, but how? Again, someone probably taught him. I haven't had much time to think on this theory, but if you're reading this Brony Notion (or Horizon for that matter) I'd love to know what you though!
In my opinion discord might have once looked like the rest of his kind. Now assuming they all share the same power like discord, he might have changed his own appearance to match what he feels like what he represents. Chaos but this is just a guess
Favorite species ever. Well... in this world. And I'm totally with him, I think there's more. And I think Discord is either one of them or an offshoot of them. You know.. you BOTH could be right. Like a pegasi can turn into an alicorn at the same time as theoretically other alicorns can be born as such... Starswirl could have turned into an offshoot of a draconequus. Doesn't mean there aren't others or he isn't part of that species. Just means he wasn't born one, just like an alicorn isn't necessarily born one, though there are some others who are.
Elizabeth Weber2017-01-04 03:56:12 (edited 2017-01-04 03:58:16 )
Aaaaah she said in the interview in THIS universe, Discord has openly admitted that he is not from it! I believe that while there may not be another Draconiquois (sorry for misspell) in the pony universe known, there may be other elements of disharmony in other dimensions or universes. Also, Discord can alter his shape at will, correct? Perhaps while they all start out as a dragon pony hybrid, they come to find their true form as they grow up, similar to the way a pony gets a cutie mark!
I'm only half way through the video so you might bring this up later, but, is it possible that Discord isn't a Draconequus at all? Hear me out, maybe there is an entire race of Draconequus that are half dragon half pony, and the ponies know about them. However, when Discord came around he looked similar, albeit different is a couple aspects but still similar so they dubbed him a Draconequus, as it was the closest thing they could think of. There might even be evidence of this in the show.
Did anyone else notice that Lauren Faust said "I didn't think there were any others like him." Leading me to believe she maybe have seen into the world of MLP and only seen ONE Draconeques.
I suggest discord/Starswerl the bearded might've use the spell and other ponies to test out the effects after it changed him. Or maybe when he changed himself the other creatures parts swapped randomly. It's just a Idea
who knows, maybe there were more at one time, but Discord being the true spirit of chaos that he is, did something to either make the others leave or something darker happened
1 problem with that theory. Discord and Tirek know each other as they are from the same kingdom. FIENDship is Magic #2. Near the end of the comic is Discord. Theory of Starswirl being Discord is DEBUNKED.
How would you make a being LOOKS like it represents destruction or theories? How would you make it look like chaos? Discord's body doesn't look chaotic to me. Just non uniform. But the very fact that all the parts and probably internal organs come together to make a working body implies order.
My head-canon is that their is or was a Draconequus race. They had the ability to change forms and were very powerful. Starswirl wanted to study them, but because all or most were gone, Starswirl made a brew to change somepony into a Draconequus, causing Discord.
I really think that many people are glossing over the fact that The princesses say that there has never been an alicorn that was born in equestria , maybe there are other places. Maybe Luna and Celestia where born on a different planet or continent
that opening is awesome!!! also i wanted to know if you thinks is pawsable that we'll see luna getting her own kingdom. I mean we see the Crystal Empire and Canterlot even the Castle Of The Two Sister but they should have there own kingdoms for batponys other creatures of the night who don't like the sun, so unless she has one on the moon i want to see it happen {just a theory though}
There was a war between Draconequus and Alacorn. The war left Discord as the only Draconrquus that we KNOW of. Only two Alacorns were left, the two queens.
Maybe it's possible that there were other Draconequi(however you say it) and Starswirl turned into one by mistake, but it messed up so that's why Discord is a jumbled mess
+The Brony Notion I don't think so. If Discord is really the only draconequus,then how is it possible he was born? Maybe he's fruit of a magic spell gone wrong on an unicorn or something like that (like Stitch,if you want.). And if Discord was REALLY Starswirl the Bearbed,so in the episode 25 of season 4 Lord Tirek would have already talked about his brother's reform with the princesses and Starwirl's help with him,no? I know Discord is...well...different like draconequus,but I don't think he is the only one. There should be for force other draconequuses. I don't find good the fact that the is all alone without nobody of his kind. I don't find it good!
I have proof that Discord is not starswirl the bearded. Tirak's brother was friends with Starswirl, and then Tirak was banished. But Tirak recognized Discord and knew of his reputation in Twilight's kingdom. If Starswirl was still Starswirl, Discord would've been completely unknown to Tirak if Starswirl is Discord. I like the theory, but this evidence is irrefutable.
To me a dracoequus is what would happen if Spike woo Rarity. They are no dracoequi beside Discord because the other died of old age and could not have ofspring with member of their specie but since ponies seem to have maleable dna I suspect there was a dracoequus in the Pie ancestry (Maude eating a jewel that fell from Rarity's hat with only comment "crunchy")
well actually, there's proof that discord is not Star Swirl the bearded. In the season 6 finale, thorax said, "nothing other than changeling magic works in the changeling hive," so if discord was a result of Star Swirl's spell, he would've changed back
I guess this taught me a couple things. I may sound like a noob, but did anyone else think that Trixy (idk how to spell it SOWWY) said something other than draconequus? Possibly like delinquent? I didn't even know she said klutzy draconequus. Am I the only one?
@Event HoriXZ0n Of course. I'm not saying that it is impossible for there to be other draconeqqi, or anything like that. And Cheerilee probably knew the correct name for the species. I'm just saying there really isn't enough evidence yet.
honestly, in my opinion, I believe that brony notion is correct because there would have at least been a part of the show where discord talked about his lineage, where he is from, or at least where he lives ....... but no. there is nothing like that anywhere in the story line.. so it would only make sense for discord to be the only one........
It's funny that you used a Panda to represent an endangered species, because the panda is no longer an endangered species. They're still at risk though. But it's a step up. :)
"sprit of horse theroys" or sprit of change you didn't choose to be with queen crisalas {probably spelled that wrong} you chose to lead your self not have burt cheese do it for you. sawtooth you made the right choice
Hey, you might not see this, but in one of the new episodes, where the cutie mark crusaders were trying to help gabby (griffon) get a cutie mark, they asked twilight and she said she never heard of any species other than ponies getting cutie marks, but if you look at zecora, she has a mark, right where a ponies cutie mark would be.. so does zecora have a cutie mark even if she isn't a pony, or is it just a marking..? Please answer, I really want to know your perspective on this!
Hi In this video You mentioned your discord=starswirl theory. Well... I don't want to sadden You but in season 4 ( episode ,,Twilight's Kingdom pt.1") was an information that proves this theory wrong: when Celestia tells Twilight about Tirek and Scorpan she says that Scorpan befriended a unicorn ( wich looked exacly like Starswirl ) and went to warn her and Luna about his brother's intentions. That means Discord must have been already turned into stone when Scorpan met him.
Celestia and Luna first called discord a draconiquose when they first met him cuz the rest of his speceaces was called that by every pony else and discord is the last of his kind because Luna and Tia's alicorn parents had to go to war against the draconiquose (watch little sunshine Tia and Luna read description at the beginning) there for extincing both of there speceaces and the three of them met befriended one another and soon discord go turned to stone by Tia Luna got banished to the moon for a thousand years by Tia etc. Luna came back cuz of the main six discord got set free cuz of the CMC fighting and I know from that clip you mentioned in season seven on flurry heart being the only Alicorn to be born so I know that Luna and Tia where not born as Alicorn princesses I think that Tia was born a unicorn cuz she has raised the sun before Luna started to raise the moon ( look up Tia's lament Luna's lulluby ) and you can see in almost all fan made videos on the princesses that Luna has no cutie mark and I believe Luna was a Pegasus to begin with cuz she couldn't raise the moon without magic and like proven in the theory Alicorn to Alicorn and the clip in season seven stateing Luna and Tia have never saw a baby Alicorn ever proves the the two sisters had to have became Alicorn princesses like twilight sparkle did and possibly princesses Cadance don't believe me look it up on you tube along with other theories related to the subject also take double look at crusaders of the lost mark the CMC might have two cutie marks!!!!!!(❤🍎)(🎵⭐)(⚡☁)remove the shield's on the cutie mark crusaders cutie marks!!!!!!😇
Nobody has ever seen a member of Trixie's family, they look so much alike, Trixie is trying to get powerful enough to become like her mother! She's trying to become an alicorn and make her mother love her! Whose the father you ask? Oh only SOMBRA...Suprised? You should be, It adds up though, Sombra was an abusive father who was obsessed with power after becoming an alicorn and learning black magic from the girl he grew up with, Luna, they eventually fell in love and got married and Luna had Trixie. After a while Sombra moved out and Luna became enraged by the fact, abusing Trixie until Celestia banished her to the moon. Yep a book lied, what a surprise...Anyway Trixie left feeling constantly depressed and alone, btw those.MIND BLOWN. But wait, there's more!Trixie developed a strong love for Starswirl The Bearded shortly after her mother came back to Equestria, wanting to impress her by following in his footsteps. Ever since she's been the same but I think a certain unicorn just might help her cope, OTP. BRAIN DESTROYED. And u better post this cause my carpel tunnel made typing this really hard...k? I hope to Celestia that u see this, Babbye
if there are more draconequus what if theyre the spirits of the elements of disharmony you know if the theory that the elements of disharmony exist was proven
Even if others Draconequus does exist, that doesn't means they are all powerful spirits.
First of all, Discord doesn't ordinary being, and thinking that all Draconequus is powerful as he just wrong. That kind of thinking allowed you to assume that every pony in Equestria is as tall and powerful as Selestia and every dragon born without wings as Spike. Discord is extraordinary, and it is a fact. If somewhere else Draconequus does exist, they probably not so strong at magic as he does.
Second of all, if Draconequus species does exist they must live on the same Equestrian planet and not from other planet/dimension. Because, if Discord is only one or one of the few Draconequus that was seen in Equestria, then description of Draconequus will be more like Discord and not anyone else. That lead us to assumption that in the past exist species that as a whole can discribe as Draconequus and that they fit to description.
Third of all, they can't be all a spirits representation of something. Besides that all spirit representation of something must looks completly diffrent one from another and absolutely can't have same description. That small number of Draconequus can't be even describe as a species.
Wait, Ventorison? The draconquis of destruction? That doesn't really make sense. I wonder if Lauren Faust ment to have him on the sho- the Brony's show.
"The wonderful thing about discord, is discords a wonderful thing, he has the head of a pony, and a body of... everything. hes chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-monium-, but the most wonderful thing about discord is hes the only one. hes the only- I'd beg to differ. what in the?!" hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I see it lots of animals across equestria (and possibly a secret spot there holding diffrent animals) breeding, my backup info is the we have all animals for example we have cows we have seen dragons,horses,dogs,bunnies,turtles,cats,owls,bears and many more (cough cough because of fluttershy cough cough) And there is my theory
Hi I had a theory about zecora. So because she always speaks in rhymes I had think that she was cursed in to doing that she hides in the forest she is trying to find a cure to end it while helping the others but because she couldn't she had accepted her fate but I don't know how her so called "cutie mark" would fit into that if it is a cutie mark..... but how does the theory sound. Does anyone agree
I believe that three are multiple kinds of disscords the other discords are kinda like bill chiper or other kinds like if disscord had a kid it woud be An another kind of drakonequis but disscord is the only one left of that kind of drakonequis
If discord is the only draconaquess then how was he born? Unless his parents and ancestors many creatures,right? I mean seriously how was he born as one then? His body parts that were not pony and dragon then more creatures as his ancestors and married and mated other creatures blood of those ancestors and create the blended hurricane of equestrian jumble of nonsesne
Would of discord become star swirl the bearded after the mane six used the elements of harmony on discord? Because when Celestia and Luna was using the elements of harmony and turned him into stone. An example of a villain who got defeated by Celestia then the mane six was Nightmare Moon. Celestia defeated Nightmare Moon by using the elements of harmony and Nightmare Moon was blasted into the Moon for 1000 years. But when Luna became Nightmare Moon again the mane six has to stop Nightmare Moon by using the elements of harmony. After they defeated Nightmare Moon, she became Luna instead of getting blasted into the moon for years.
Nice video but why does DJ pon three look so much like shining armor I mean same coat color same main colors it's just very weird I wonder if you can do a video about that anyway I love you channel
what i think is that mrs faust might change her mind about the hole thing you never know pepole change there mind all the time in plus mrs faust is the diractor so she is the boss of the hole show
@TheBronyNotion you should make a new analysis video because of that alll new information from legend of everfree! we even saw a human version of Chrystalis! we saw elements of harmony! we saw the 7th element of harmony!
Ok, Celestia and Luna are born Alicorns, but they weren't Equestria, so Equestria hasn't witnessed their birth. For me, that's not the most intriguing thing about Flurry Heart's birth though. For her to have been born an Alicorn, Cadance, a Pegasus who became an Alicorn, would have to have had her DNA transformed entirely to that of an Alicorn rather than simply mimicking the properties of one. However, I'm in the camp that thinks Draconequus is in fact a species. Discord has to be a millennium old though, so it's possible he's the last of his kind. Also, he lives in a dimension of chaos, so maybe he's the only one who happened upon Equestria, but that seems unlikely.
My oc is a changeling remember that egg who hatched on ur right yeah that's me I did the same thing with creating my own form but I did more of a war aspect because I abandoned chrysisalys for a while to protect equestria from a giant swarm of the parasprites and had a huge war against them my of is named Warcord shock my cutie mark is a bow and arrow and I serve as part of the changeling guard to protect thorax (our leader now) against threats
Sorry brony notion, I think mr. destruction is right. And wasn't there one episode where discord said he was "going home to visit some friends"? That's almost a dead giveaway to me.
Did you know that discord is half griffon half lion half hyena and half bat and half bird and half deer half pony half dragon foot and dragon tail and goat and a billy goat.. :)
Hey I released something it's about twilights cute mark you said before that the 3 sighs ment something but twilight is different I mean the four stars on the outside and the star in the middle could mean cadence,shinning,mom,dad but who would be 5th and who would be in the middle out of the 4 or 5 if you have the answer?
the brony notion I have a theory about the whole alicorn thing maybe if after you become an alicorn when I big thing happens to you and I mean big bad or good then you get the cool hair thng and very very slow ageing for instance princess Luna before she was banished to the moon her hair was normal blue then after her hair did the cool galaxy thing and in lullaby for a princess celestias hair was pink then after she used the elements of harmony by herself to banish her sister to the moon her hair did the cool thing also since Luna was in the moon she must have not aged
i kinda think that starswirl theory is stupid, since you don't just make someone powerful enough to tear apart reality with a flinch, even through a mistake
it just seems kinda far fetched that somehow he made something even more powerful than himself, which would mean he had to GIVE that power he didn't have to make him.
on the first ever ep of mlp if nightmare moon never shattered the elements would the main 6 all be princesses think about it twilight was the only one who had an orbe or whatever
hey the brony notion! may i ask a question? if no then dont read this. if yes then is your oc still the old desing of changelings or will you use the new desing? thank you if you did read this. if you did not then i am wondering how do you know this last part. ok i will stop writing now.
Brony Notion can you Make the next 2 video's about why sci twi and why she becom a Pegasus and why at the end of everfree forest er was also a green spark That come off the statue
i think when cellestia said that ponies cant be born allicorns she was lying. i think she said that to make it seem weird and make people want to stop possibly having allicorn foals because its wrong. she didn't just want to just start breeding allicorns because it takes a lot of training to be one and just being born into the royal family is tough. she didn't want allicorns to be a normal thing because they are only thought to be rulers.there can be tons of allicorns but celestia just wants control. she doesn't want there to be a similar amount as all the other species.
Hi can you try the app Equestria Amino? Its something like Instagram or Facebook but Ponies Ponies Ponies. At least if you have time cuz I guess you have to focus on school
The Bronx Notion why are you not yes good dont you remecer that episode where all the changelings turnes good and beca me "way tos hincha and nice looking"
I do love how the creator has basically conceded to the fact that the original ideas and intents are subject to change XD she worded it very well in the interview.
Is it possible that Draconequus are created via magic, similar to how Allicorns have been up until the baby? It would hold Discord's theoretical past solid, yet allow there to still be others. Plus, them being created by a spell would render them rare. Possibly rare enough that seeing one would be a once in a lifetime thing, that is if you ever GET to see one.
Cool video. I'd love for there to be more of Discord's kind. I'd be fine even if they were just a one-off kinda deal. Like I think they'd be hard to integrate as recurring characters, but just one episode for that would be good. And they could either be super similar to Discord, or the exact opposite. If we go with the first idea then it could test his restraint. He's been shown to have become increasingly loyal to Fluttershy and by extension Equestria, but he has been manipulated before and these guys would be rubbing all the magic they're allowed to do in his face. If we go with the second story then I'm not as sure of a theme, but it could be another episode on accepting differences and loving them because they're family. Similar stories have been done before but this would stand out simply because of the world building and Discord's antics.
I believe Sunburst is Starswirl the Bearded. Very few ponies have beards, Sunburst is one of them alongside the bearded legend himself. Sunburst lives in the Crystal Empire, Starswirl must've visited at least one because he first opened the portal to the human world to send the Dazzlings there, so he must have created the Crystal portal there. Or at least taught the ancient Crystal ponies how to do it. Hmm, teaching Crystal ponies how to perform a very difficult spell to get rid of a big problem. Starswirl banished the Dazzlings and left the Crystal ponies a portal and Sunburst helped with Flurry Heart. They are different but it's another parallel. They both wear cloaks with stars on them, which sure Sunburst could just be wearing it to either honor Starswirl or raise his own confidence. But it's just an interesting design choice that makes them look even more similar. Plus, the cloak that Starswirl wears covers his Cutie Mark, so we have no idea what it looks like. But we do know their magic color is the same. Now of course a problem is that Sunburst is not only not the best wizard of his time, he's just flat out below average bad. And I'm afraid I don't have a good answer to this. Even if we say he fell through a crack in time and decided to reinvent himself, the only item shown in the show to increase a Unicorn's magic is the Alicorn Amulet and that one book Spike found and gave to Rarity. And neither of those would line up with what we know of the goodly Starswirl. But everything else matches up so perfectly in my mind!
The only explanation I have is that maybe by the time he was the age we usually see Starswirl at he had improved tremendously. It sounds unlikely that he got that good I know, so if you have any other theories please let me know.
We didn't know there was a huge phoenix kingdom until way into the series, it's possible they will include more draconequus' farther into the series. They could find a reason to include more but until then it's open to interpretation.
So happy to finally see another theory video. But I just have something to say about that clip with Celestia and Luna. The clip mentioned there had never been a natural-born alicorn in Equestria but Celestia and Luna were born before the founding of Equestria. So I believe that it's still possible that they could have been born alicorns.
In the Tirek origin story in the comics there is a draconequs seen in his father's court. Some people have guessed this to be discord but the idea of him acting as a court official in some distant land seems kind of crazy in itself. It would make more sense as a different character altogether.
I can tell you JUST how both theories work at the same time. There WERE many Draconiqui, at some point in history. Star Swirl DID flub the spell to turn into Discord, and the jumbled mess he became looked JUST enough like a Draconiquios for him to be classified as such. The reason he is the only one left is simple: he had cast an immortality spell on himself while a Unicorn, a feat that Draconiqui would be normally unable to do, not having Uni/Alicorn magic.
Well, he is basically Q from Star Trek Next Generation, and there was a whole species of Q with there own Q dimension, with the well known Q being an odd one out in his species, the rest of them content in staying in their dimension and doing very little.
Well... In a livestream of Thems Fightin Herds FT Lauren Faust she said she made up the idea of a draconequus while making Discord. While writing Tian Huo she came across a creature called a Longma which is half dragon half horse, and she said quote: "Oh crap! That's what Discord should have been." That's just something to think about!
So I'm posting this on the off-chance Brony Notion will see it. Ahem...
To the Brony Notion, YOUR channel is actually the one that got me into YouTube. I knew a lot of people who watched the same YouTubers consistently, who were loyal subscribers, who tuned in every week/day/etc., but I wasn't one of them. Until I stumbled onto your channel, and I was hooked. It's because of YOU that I ended up becoming part of several amazing YouTube communities and learning about new, different types of media. Three years later, and I'm in college now, majoring in Animation and exploring new platforms of storytelling- prompted by the idea that a cartoon about pastel talking horses can create so much dialogue and thought (that's about you, btw). So I wanted to say thank you for your channel and opening me up to sooo many things in my life:
discord could be PART darconequus which could satisfy both theories in a way. there could have been other darconequuses but because of something he could have been the only one to survive. he would most likely have some chimera in him.
I assume Draconequusis reference to of Dragonborn/dragon blooded from DnD, and the running joke is that dragons breed with everything. It might just be the default term for dragon hybrid. If he is multiple generations in dragonblooded, well that explains his features. Also his magical power, as Dragon blood gives creature a ton of sorcery power, especially when combined with other magical creatures.
I really like the idea of there being more Draconequuses . . . Draconequuai . . . Dracula . . . (WHATEVER!!!) As a fellow Draconequus OC, it really is an interesting subject to me and I'd love it to be explored. Maybe the show could have Discord go through some sort of identity crisis like Spike did and have him question if he's the only one. Maybe they could follow a plot similar to The Tigger Movie when Tigger tries to find his family. I think it'd be a lot of fun!
Both of your theories could be right if the Draconequus is a kind of spirit that come to live after a pony transformation, and that processus is rare, but happened often for these monsters to be considered a species... ;)
The star-swirl theory technically doesn't exclude the possibility of Draconeques civilization. It simply means that it is the reason Discord is one, it doesn't exclude the possibility of others being born naturally or for other reasons, possibly other failed magical spells that could have involved anything from shapeshifting to time bending, and not solely the talent switching spell that may have caused Star-Swirl to change. Great video BTW👍
Well after the changlings were reformed it would be quite interesting considering your oc and if you were in that episode would you reform too? That would make an interesting theory cause you are a.... Theorist (I think 🤔) but yeah. ☺️
Maybe the starswirl theory and species theory could work in tandem? In my Headcanon, a powerhungry starswirl tried to test his powers by summoning one of the legendary beasts, but it backfired and transformed him!
I think the naming convention was based in ethnocentrism. Ponies almost always use ponyfied terms even after a millennium of unity. Also, dragons were probably the most powerful creature that any pony in Discord's initial reign had ever heard of. The term draconeqqus then might be metaphorical for Discord having the smarts of a pony and the raw power of a dragon.
Well, I'm just thinking how was the chimera or manticore born? Did they interspecies mingle or incest? Well, if I remember correctly, a chimera was the child of a god. Also, there would have to be a majority species setting up a lingua franca so new words can be made. This is why I support the whole human's idea previously existing. Gods made humans setting up a lingua franca giving names to everything like draconequues and religion based upon the gods. However, god made a bunch of other creatures and those creatures ending up killing the human race. Why, do gods not exist? if manticores were the child of a god, maybe a creature was born that was more powerful than gods aka alicorns. The alicorn goddess made ponies the majority animal. Where did the alicorn go? it became the earth similar to greek mother Gaia or maybe to get rid of Gaia. I';; just address the alicorn goddess as Gaia now. Eventually, Alicorn Goddess Gaia reached out saw how the universe was still imbalance and made alicorns princesses or gave alicorn like powers to some pony she deemed worthy. Liked, star wars everything has to have a balance. Night and Day, Good and Evil. She gave a pony the powers of a dragon maybe one becoming a spirit of destruction. However, one, in particular, couldn't control its powers aka Discord got screwed up and being a spirit of chaos his body was screwed. Either that, Alicorn goddess punished him like medusa. Your theory could also be true where star swirl tried to make his own living thing making something similar to draconequss = Discord. Gaia, in turn, decided to shut Star swirl up before he gets too out of hand. But not before he teaches Celestia and Luna some of his wisdom ( the elements of harmony,) just in case Dischord would take over Equestria quick tangent: How come the other ponies of the world haven't made a religion. I mean there are Cerberus guarding the gates of hell and all and a chimera. Maybe, ponies aren't religious anymore. secondly, all ponies should be part of Equestria since Celestia is the one raising the sun every now and then you know. unless it's like a baton pass where one country gets a few hours and the next princess gets the sun. Just saying. Unless the world is flat???? also, the princesses did get rid of like 4 overpowered villains that would destroy the planet The remaining draconequy have decided to leave the ponies in peace in their own dimensions to avoid that spanking from mama Gaia and still affect the pony world negatively such as natural disasters, emotions, etc.
well in all truth both your theories could be right there mite be a race of Draconequus's and Star swirl the bearded just happened to look similar to a Draconequus so when he eventually meet other creatures like ponies they just thought he was a Draconequus so he just decided to take up the title as his species but I honestly want Discord to be the only of his kind simple cause it makes his role as Lord of Chaos even cooler knowing he's the only one with as powerful magic as he naturally has
I'm still thinking the whole "Luna and celestia haven't seen it but equestria hasn't either because alicorns are alien" theory is right, but why put the lyrics to we are number one in the description?
Takes deep breath. Okay...I can explain in MY theory what Celestia and Luna really mean as in "A birth of an alicorn is something Equestria has never seen before." So. They are saying a birth of an Alicorn IN Equestria. They have never seen it before. So. What about them? Weren't THEY born Alicorns in Equestria? Perhaps not. They were possibly born in a different colony where everyone was a Alicorn. But probably now either the numbers of the Alicorns that lived there has shorten or the Alicorns are just hidden away and Luna and Celestia are the only discovered ones out of the group. So by them saying that. They are probably implying Flurry Heart was the only BORN Alicorn IN Equestria. Celestia and Luna could of been born somewhere else. THERE YOU GO FOLKS! NOW YOU HAVE A THEORY TO THINK ABOUT BEFORE CREATING YOUR UNICORN CELESTIA AND UNICORN LUNA FAN ART! AND FAN FICTIONS ON HOW LUNA AND CELESTIA WEREN'T BORN ALICORNS AND STUFF.........Yeah...There's another theory underneath me to so...
Soooooo, if Discord is a dragonaquiz( I dunno how to spell it), or a hybrid between pony and a dragon , does that mean that ponydragons in equestria are not hybrids ? (and there are other ponydragons(or was) because season 6 ep gabbys new cutiemark we have seen in the begening the ponysaurus skeleton,for ponies, it is a ponysaurus or a lizard pony, and that means something like evolution happened here. And we have seen one conection between ponies and dragons riiiiight ? They were greed, selfish, and unfriendly. So ponies can have same begening in evolution like dragons and that means a ponydragon allkind were living on equestria before !!! Bu thats just a theory ! A fil...wait thats copyrighted.
Another theory is that celestial knew that he is star swirl and that if they reform discord enough he will turn back into star swirl......or something at least that's what I think.
I believe that the Starswirl Theory could still be valid even if other Draconequus exist.
Perhaps, Draconequus normally look more like dragon/horse hybrids, but Starswirl's transfomed form looked close enough to a Draconequus and was recorded more than the actual species itself, therefore making Discord/Starswirl the face of Draconequus...Draconequines? Whatever the plural would be- even though he is in fact, not a true Draconequus.
You can totally have a different opinion on this, just sharing a thought. :3
@Event HoriXZ0n Well I personally feel that's a pretty plausible theory, especially considering that Discord doesn't look much like a horse/pony, although I can see the dragon from his more reptilian features, as well as that dragon wing.
my theroy (it's a bit creepy): starlswirl created discord and chimera. when trying to make that "from one to another" spell, he becomes discord, his body becomes shadow pony. I can prove it! (where's the intro?)
The idea that they were born alicorns is not totally lost. Nobody can remember being born, so neither Luna or Celestia would remember anything about the alicorn civilization. It would be "beyond our understanding" (as said by Celestia) because they could have been too young to remember. Were they taken away? A war? Draconequus? This could have an interesting story!
+Pooker Mow The thing is, if the sisters were always alicorns, then they would have no memory of ever NOT being an alicorn. Wouldn't they assume that they were born that way, thus nullifying "beyond our understanding"?
And yet in BOTH cases, Equestria is a Nation/Country/Kingdom that has only existed for such a point of time, and with the 2 Sisters being already Alicorns when they came in and defeated Discord, per the show already having their stature when they obtained the Elements.
So no matter the case, there were "born Alicorns" far as their lands are concerned also being quasi-Immortals over 1k years in age.
Never since their arrival in the age of Equestria has an Alicorn been born... This being they were adults when Discord attacked would still work/make sense, and at no point In Show have we seen proof of them as fouls?
Thus the question of "Ascendance" vs "Transcendence" both being fun to see. - and the later opening greater doors for it, lolz.
Exactly. This then would show that there were even more alicorns, and that there could be other ponies with enough magic to turn them both into alicorns now. These alicorns would have had MUCH more power than Luna and Celestia, in order to turn them into such powerful ponies. Even Celestia herself could only turn Twilight into the princess of friendship, not an all powerful princess who has powers with lifting THE SUN each and every day. Thanks for replying!
notion here is my theroy of the idea. There is not another draconequus beside discord because of this. one day long ago ponies and draconequus's had a long battle. Then one day ponies won all the draconequus's dead besides Discord. DIscord then had to be mixed up because his parents never met him
Xibalba isn't a draconequus m8 he's the God of The Forgotten, or more likely, Satan. (but in a children's way oml ples don't kill me internet) Xibalba's design may have been inspired from Dissy, but Jorge nor Lauren has confirmed it. Sorry for ruining your dreams bruh, but it's the truth.
I think your both right discord is starship the bearded? Whatever his new is?????? So anyway and he is a mistake of the Dragon horse thing, my theory is that when star swirl was experimenting with dark magic he did a spell including chaos, and that Dragon ish creature. Then it was to much and he transformed.
OMG LOVE your videos can you do one on MABYE the main six is supposed to be the main SEVEN Here's my explanation..... Twilight's cutie mark has six points on the star but only five stars surrounding it so who was supposed to be the last element representer.................... SUNSET SHIMMER.......... Boom But here's what I think....... Long ago before twilight got her cutie mark princess celestia visited the future ( where this part fits in I don't know this is only my theory ) princess celestia noticed her student acting wired so she asked herself if something was wrong she told her about sunset shimmer leaving and also told her about twilight but her cutie mark was different it had an extra star this made twilight's castle and her title of princess of friendship never exist so princess celestia went back to her own time and years later ( at the magic school ) when twilight got her cutie mark princess celestia removed one of the small white stars which changed twilight's destiny ( and the destiny of equestria ) forever But just one question remains..... Since twilight and sunset are the same age how was sunset celestia's student before she was even born well there is an answer to that sunset represents the element of forgiveness and when sunset was born princess celestia could tell she was special so she cast a spell on her so that in life when she changed for the better she would become an alicorn that's why in the music video ( my past is not today) she appeared to grow a horn and WINGS this meant that when she returned the spell had worked and she would be an alicorn So technically sunset is OLDER than twilight Please make a video about this I'm like one of your biggest fans!!!!
Wait..what 'meeting' hmmm...GASP your a changeling I almost forgot but that's not what we're talking about...the meeting is..ok so if your a changeling you might set up a meeting with Queen Cryisalis and tell her about magic getting in the base! But that's what I think we'll have a nice day everyone
AAAAAAAAA You're back! This was great, also I noticed in the description, you put the lyrics to We are Number One.... GUYS SEND HELP THE BRONY NOTION HAS BEEN BRAINWASHED BY MEMES AAAAAAA-
You didnt know that Lauren Faust is no longer working in MLP? Sory if im wrong, I heard it in a video. Meghan McCarthy is said to be currently in Lauren's place.
eh em the birth of an alicon is something EQUESTRIA has never seen celestia and Luna were born before equestria watch the story of the founding. it's beyond our knolge. do you think cc and lulu stayed with other alicorns NO THEY DIDN'T so how would they know about alicorn birth Mike drop
Now listen closely Here's a little lesson in trickery This is going down in history If you wanna be a Villain Number One You have to chase a superhero on the run Just follow my moves, and sneak around Be careful not to make a sound (Shh) (No, don't touch that!)
We are Number One Hey! We are Number One We are Number One
Ha ha ha Now look at this net, that I just found When I say go, be ready to throw Go! (Throw it on him, not me!) (Ugh, let's try something else) Now watch and learn, here's the deal He'll slip and slide on this banana peel! (Ha ha ha, gasp! what are you doing!?)
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Hey! Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Hey! Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Hey! Hey!
the brony notion you wont believe my theory on equestria girls the legend of everfree do you know in the end you'll see the pony portal statue thing was not there and there was some sparkles coming out maybe that was the magic or the soul of "the elements of dishormany":-0 please make a video about this theory
Please do one about the end of "Legend of Everfree" please please please please please please please please please please please. I have been waiting so long to see your head canon please
P.S. Sorry For Posting it Twice....I Have Twitchy Fingers......which makes me have the mistake of doing it twice rather than sorry about that Too if you Did not know that......
wait umm the changelings have a different form know there butterflies or whatever what happened to them to turn out to be love hungry monsters and is that there form forever
Hello kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty oh sorry XD I meant hello everypony I mean hello everypony and everybody I keep on messing up let me try one more time hello everybody
That recolored Discord had some good points. I'd love to see more of the Draconequus, but I don't believe the show's writers would do that. My point: It's TOO good of a plot.
this was actually a pretty interesting Theory! and I truly think there are more of his species out there as because of how the characters talk about him. Discord on the other hand was probably a mix between his species and Chaos itself.
The way I always looked at Discord is this: that Discord can choose any form he wants and is not a member of any species. He simply prefers that form over any others at the time FIM takes place. The ponies of equestria call him a Draconequus because that is what he looks like most of the time, but he is really just a spirit with no true physical form.
Chimera: I think Somber may have in some stretch beat you to it. He wrote Fallout: Equestria: Project Horizons where he describes the origins of, well, fusing various creatures together being Project Chimera. The secret ingredient may surprise you.
While Lauren did establish quite a few things, some of them has of course changed. As said here, she did seem to say that Discord was the only one, but did sound unsure. And yes, that thing with the Alicorns. She also said that Scootaloo would get a Scooter as a Cutie Mark which was changed. So who knows what will happen in the future? The staff may go against her as far as turning Rainbow Dash gay. Yes, she was opposed to, as she called it, the "stereotyping".
Well, we got one last season and a movie to see where this goes. Have fun picking this apart up until then... If they do reveal him to be Starswirl, you're gonna have to ask yourself: Called it, or created it? The staff might be watching......
I always went with the theory that draconequi are not really "equestrian". More like the Deadra in The Elder Scrolls. Powerful, immortal beings from another plain of existance. There are powerful ones, such as the Deadric Lords (Hircine, as well as the unimportant ones), which are incredibly powerful (in mlp, this would be Discord), while there are others, who are not as powerful. This could mean that not only are there other draconequi like Discord (godlike powers, immortal, so on and so forth), while there are others, with less powerful magic. There even is some proof to this theory (even thought it´s a bit of a stretch): Somepony To Watch Over Me. Applebloom encounters a chimera, a being composed of several animal body parts, just like Discord. This chimera could be from the same plain of existance Discord is from (not nessessarily the chaotic mess we see in Make New Friends But Keep Discord, or maybe this was just "his" realm, kinda like how the Deadric Lords in TES each have their individual realm) and simply hang around in Equestria for the fun of it or something.
I like the idea of Draconequus being a semi brod term for a type of magical being, mostly the combination of pony and dragon magic, something that my not be entirely compatible, and could be seen in the same level as an Alicorn, were most become one, and rarely are the naturally born.
I like to think that the Draconequi (?) are a regular race, maybe more like griffins or Minotaurs. They just like so far out, that you don't see them in equestria. And also that discord looks the way he looks and has magic so powerful is because he's the spirit of chaos. I mean seriously, if there were thousands of powerful beings like discord, equestria probably would have been taken over by now. Discord probably wasn't welcome in his homeland of draconequi because he seems to like doing things his way and his way is well... chaotic. And if draconequi are more like a normal species, they would probably rather have order in their land, like everyone else in equestria
Nice vid notion! So at 2:31 you talked about there being different Draconiquis and each having a title. I was thinking that some of the villians from the show are Draconiquis. For Greed it could be Queen Chrysalis because she was greedy for love. Corruption could be Nightmare Luna (idk if thats here true name, but it is not the reformed luna) because her thirst for power corrupted her. And lastly, destruction being Terek because... well terek
I believe that when Faust pitched the concept of Discord to Hasbro they objected to him being described or treated as a chimera because, according to how I remember it, they thought the concept would be too scary or wild for the audience (this was early days. A chimera is small change compared to what's shown up since then). That was when Faust made up the term 'Draconequus' for Discord. Possibly it's meant to describe any creature with any features from an equine (not exclusive to horses) and a dragon. Of course, this does not preclude there being more.
But if there were more Draconequuis, would they all have to be like Discord? In that I don't just mean that they would be reality warpers, but also in their forms. As both of you pointed out, there is potential for many varieties, even if each Draconequus had to be 'a bit of everything.' There are many varieties of pony, dragon, gryphon, etc. design, so why not? Also, if Discord is the only reality warper of his generation, then it doesn't break the universe to have more Draconequuis running around -- because not all of them would have the good sense not to use their powers willy-nilly and for everything. Yes, I'm implying that Discord is using his powers wisely (more or less) and preventing the world from becoming unbalanced.
So here's a thought: there are other reality warping Draconequui, but each one inhabits a different universe / parallel dimension / alternate reality. We know there's one in the Reflections arc's version of the comics (yes I know they're not considered canon by many. Doesn't mean the story's not a good one. Reflections is one of my favourites). Here Discord is Captain Good Guy and he helps to keep order in the northlands.
I theorize that keeping the space-time continuum in good working order is he job of every omnipotent reality warper in Discord's position -- his job. It doesn't come up much, so he gets bored. And if someone made him work, boy would there be trouble. But the boredom is why Discord decides to become involved in the affairs of mortals like Celestia and Luna (there, I said it). Very much like a certain other reality warping caretaker of the space-time continuum, wouldn't you say? One played by John de Lancie for many years, who also haunted and taunted a serious leader of other beings? One with an entire race of likewise-powered beings?
The Q Continuum. That's who.
In fact, Discord's concept is modelled after Q, and de Lancie's performance as this character.
So then would it not be fair to say that Discord is part of the Q Continuum, the mainstream Ponyverse's own Q?
Meaning that when we ask if there are others of Discord's kind, we're not actually looking for other Draconequui, but Q's!
Ergo there are others of Discord's kind, in canon. They're just not all in MLP canon.
But that's just a theory. An FiM theory. Thanks for reading.
my theory is that perhaps Discord was one of a small group of creatures created by a more powerful god. Like perhaps Discord had brothers that were like the anti elements of harmony, they all looked very different from another but the others were destroyed or imprisoned long before Discord's name was plastered into their history
you both assume that he is native to equestria. in the episode make new friends but keep discord. we see how chaotic the area around his house is and that he can easily open riffs to other worlds. I submit he is an interdimentional being that came to equestria to have a little fun and that there are more draconequus out there in not equestria.
Prince Aligorna2016-12-04 07:05:49 (edited 2016-12-04 07:08:32 )
I personally always believed that there was more than one draconequi. In fact, that notion plays an important part in Aligorna's backstory. As well as, obviously, the belief that there's other alicorns besides the 4 we know, not living in Equestria's borders. My reason for this is that I've always believed that alicorns and draconequi are types of elemental beings (possibly even gods, but if so then gods in the old pagan sense, with a much more limited scope of power and a specific arena of influence). In my Equestria, born alicorns like Celestia, Luna, and Aligorna represent specific elements of nature: Celestia the sun, Luna the moon, and Aligorna the oceans. Ascended alicorns like Cadance and Twilight represent emotional or societal elements, like love and friendship respectively. Together, both types of alicorns represent "harmony" (more like "order", actually). Draconequi are the Equestrian universe's equalizing measure (to quote, of all things, the Zalgo Invocation: "With order without chaos, there is no order left" In other words, to have true harmony, the universe has to play a zero-sum game. Chaos without order is an unlivable mess. Order without chaos is dictatorship). They represent all those primal, instinctual, and destructive forces of the universe (in the case of my Equestria, Discord as chaos, and my character Strife as conflict), and it's the contention between them that maintains proper order in the world.
Of course, this might just be me projecting my own leanings as pagan (whose patron god happens to be Loki) onto the show and trying to craft its mythology not only into one that actually makes sense, but one that makes sense within the frame of my own sensibilities.
Please do a analysis on the Season 6 finale, and where the show could go from there. Also since you're a Changling can you look like the ones that become good in the recent finale?
I'm kind of surprised that this didn't get brought up, but have you considered the possibility that Discord named himself as such a species? That when people wondered what he was he said 'A Draconequus' and no one knew what that was supposed to be and just assumed that that's what they were supposed to look like despite the definition?
I personally think that there WAS a Dragoniui (Sorry if mispelled) race living among each other in their thought of peace, but they were all wiped out by some outside force/race. And Discord was only a child when this happened, he somehow survived and is still the only living member of his kind. But hey, its just my headcannon,
Actually now the Srarswirl theory is more possible! If there is draconequus civilization, yet Discord is unique and also represents chaos then that fits in with the theory!
Great video by the way! Glad to see more of your unique opinion!
what if discord looked like a dragon horse before but he changed his appearance to look more like the spirit of chaos. we already know he can change ponys appearances because he took away rainbows wings and twilight horn in a previous episode. considering he is portrayed as omnipotent, we shouldn't rule out that he did it to himself.
Although Spike is genetically a Dragon, he was undoubtedly raised in a Pony family (and has claimed "pony" as a description of himself and his chosen society). Could it be that by being hatched using pony-magic (as opposed to however Dragons naturally hatch their young), he could actually qualify as a Draconequus? Maybe by being conceived of Dragons and born of Pony-magic, he became a Draconequus? This could explain the magic that he can perform that other dragons do not seem to be able to (i.e.: instant scroll delivery) as well as his lack of wings. If Discord and Spike are both considered Draconequi, then it could even be that Spike, who was granted a throne at the cutie-map in Twilight's castle despite not having bound with any of the Elements of Harmony, may in fact grow up to play a much bigger roll by somehow acting as a foil to the Spirit of Chaos (acting as a Spirit of Order, if you will). In this case, Chaos & Order must balance each other out in order for Harmony to be truly reign.
I love and agree with the theory of discord being star swirled. I also love the brony nation you are an inspiration I never really thought about the show that much when I first stated watching it when it started and then I discovered the brony nation and I started thinking and I had ideas and realized things on my own I was loved mlp all my life with but now I love it more I would have my own YouTube channel if I knew how everyone did it but anyways I agree with you not saying I don't have a theory of my own...😉
I like the idea of there being several Draconeq-...I? that represent different things, kinda like the seven deadly sins and more of that type of stuff- Well maybe not lust... But you get the image And their appearance varies depending on what they represent If there was one for greed, they'd probably have a mostly-dragon body, maybe with some eagle talons- One for envy would have a more snake-like body, while on the other hand if there was one to represent deceit, they could have a more pony-like body, with perhaps a dragon tail and wings- I actually really like this concept.
wouldn't that mean by your definition, that any half breed poney with a dragon like many people/artist hope for a rarity and spike child be a draconequus? like kilala97's crystal clarity, or turquoise?
What if Discord did have others of his kind, but they either died off or went missing which could explain his madness. Stressed from the whole experience, he just went mad and the power of friendship reintroduced him to sanity and he's slowly rehabilitating. That's why he betrayed them in season 4 finale, because he wasn't all-the-way rehabilitated. Of course, many of the creators could tell us that he just had "one bad day" like the joker from batman
LoL. Nice. I actually did a season 7 theory that included a new draconequus with the element of hatred. I think sooner or later another malefic spirit will show up that will most probably be a draconequus.
I think if you are one of many you get described as "A" or "An" if you are the only one you get described as "The" too bad proof wasn't brought up before. All it would take is Discord saying "I'm the last of my kind" or "The others back home" Anyhow what I would like to see is something like Disney's Gargoyles, the Children of Oberon. A race where each different trait would have there own representation. I think there would be a way to represent the creature of Greedy or Hope or Fear etc. They don't all have to be Draquoniqi just sprites of concepts.
Ok this was mentioned briefly but I got to say it. She said "The birth of an alicorn is something 'Equestria' never seen." She did not say the worlds never seen so they still can be ture alicorns just not born in equestria.
Discord could be a creature that exists from the beginning of the existence
Hal Moser2016-12-04 00:31:21 (edited 2016-12-04 00:32:22 )
So. With he new episodes and the new "Changling" reform things, hows your story gonna work out? Should you reform as well? You said your self you were good, so should you/ are you already reformed and hiding it? Bum bum Bum Oh and MEETING??!?!?! I really hope this plays through.
Who said that all Draconequi had magic powers? Your friend is using chaos magic to only change his form and he's not destroying anything. Spirit of Destruction? Pheh, not buying it. Discord being Starswirled does explain his magic, so he's the only one that makes sense to possess it. And yeah every character in the show has some level of magic thanks to the Season 4 finale, but only Alicorns, Unicorns, and Zecora (I guess) (Do changelings use magic? Chrysalis does, so I guess them, too.) have shown to be able to wield it. I say your friend is making things up.
this will blow your theory out of the water just watch hearts and whooves day episode again. oh and remember to pay attention to the 1 part where they talked about what happened when they figured it out that it was a love poison. is a tard about a prince giving it to a princess. then they couldn't perform the Royal duties and soon thing started to fall apart. then a dragon tan and destroyed causing nothing but chaos and destruction. oh and what did discord do when he was there cause chaos and destruction. so I really think there are more than one out there because it basically described the definition of what discord and any other of his kind would do. they are considered the chaos ringers. but any book that she got made it said he was the last one to survive the war between celestia and his kind. but that theories out of the picture and only leaves the part in that one episode completely intact.
Maybe when Discord was Starswarl (If that's true) a spell went wrong. I mean maybe he came from the new Everfree Forest. He is not the only Draconicuis. Because he was one. Not anymore though.
+BronyNotion +Event HoriXZ0n Okay, so i need to kind of let this out because I think the both of you can benefit from this theory. Yes, Discord is the spirit of chaos and he seems to be the only of his kind, despite there being evidence suggesting otherwise. However, could it be ture that not only is Discord not alone but also the Starswirl theory is also correct? To explain what I mean is that in the finaly fo season 4, we were introduced to Tirek and his brother, however, no one ever mentioned what kind of beings there were. Not directly anyway from I have found. Also notice how they do have the head of ponies (or close enough considering how Discord's isn't exactly the same either) and a body of something else. 'Draqconequus' just seems to be a general species term if anything else, especially since Discord's look is made of so many other creatures that it feels weird how Cheralee doesn't describe it more then just 'a body of everything else'. It also could be she meant to say 'anything' else, or that could jsut be a debate amoungst the pony community in general. Why I believe they could be in the same family of creatures known as the 'Draconequus' at the very least is because Tirke's magic doesn't behave lik pony magic, also the same as Discord. So how does Starswirl get caught in this? Who did Starswirl 'befriend'. I say this is such a way because in the season 3 finalle, we were told Starswirl ddn't have a grasp on what friendship was, hence why his spell couldn't be complete. Also, we never hear word of the brother after except for the fact that he returns to his land. We're not told much about his time here or why he even goes back, considering how much eh seemed to love Equestria. I think the reason is that Starswirl saw his magic and then motivated through a desire to learn and ap ossible thrist for power, he tried to replicate his 'friend's' magic. Of course though this backfires on him, since he was doign this for personal gain, and especially since he had no idea how this magic really worked before doing this. Thus, when using it, hetransforms from Starswirl to Discord. Why he may not remember or at least act like it and he as chaotic as he is now compared ot before is the natre of the magic he created. Corrupting this levelheaded unicorn into the mind of a madman (kinda like joker). Yea, I know this theory is a bit everywhere and some peices may not fit, but I am wondering your take on this. OR at least where this diea could go
If Discord was the only one why would they come up with a name and create a completely new species for only him? If it was just him the only title Discord should fall under is Discord.
I have something to say about the celestia and Luna clip and them not being horn alicorns. Celestia stated that equestria had not seen this before. EQUESTRIA, if byrony's theory about an alicorn civilization is true then of course C and L wouldn't know, since they were babies and had no recollection. That with the fact that they knew equestria wasn't like their home and found this to be unusual
Discord is probably mixed up with other body parts, maybe all of Star Swirl books about horses, dragons , and other species transform him into a draconequus.
This might be a bit of a stretch, but maybe Discord isn't a draconequus. Before anyone pulls out their pitchforks, hear me out.
Event HoriXZ0n's idea that there were creatures discovered which more closely matching the "pony-dragon" name before Discord kinda plays into this, so let's start there. Assuming this is true, it's obvious the name draconequus was established before anyone knew who Discord was. As already stated in the video, Discord really doesn't match the name "draconequus," so why is he called that? What if, immediately after ponies found out about Discord, a conversation between eyewitness ponies occurred that went like something this...
"Did...did anyone else see that?" "Yes, what was that?" "Umm..." "Well, he kinda looked like a draconequus. I mean, he had a equine...ish...head...albeit much longer and twisted than that of a pony...and was it just me or did he kind of remind you guys of a dragon?" "How on earth did that look like a dragon?" "If you were to squint at him, he would probably look like those big long dragons all the adventurers talk about being across the ocean." "I suppose you have a point...well, it's not like he looks like anything else we've ever seen before..." "Well, I think we should give it SOME sort of identification. At least that way it's not as... shudder weird. I can still barely wrap my brain around that thing..."
To summarize that, maybe Discord was identified as a draconequus because that was the closest thing he resembled according to witnesses, and ponies wanted to give this force of madness a certain species or categorization so he was a little more understandable and a bit less frightening (this plays with the "fear of the unknown" thing). It's sort of like if you saw a chicken without knowing what a chicken was, you might describe it as a fat bird, a sort of sleek dodo, or maybe a bowling ball with legs, feathers, and a head. You probably wouldn't immediately go "I don't know, but let's call it a chicken," you'd probably compare it to things you already know about. Kinda like how people that first found dinosaur bones didn't say "hey look, bones of ancient reptiles far before our time," they said "hey look, bones of dragons/giants/monsters/etc." because that's what they were familiar with.
Like I said, it's a bit of a stretch, but I got that idea as the video was ending and thought I'd share. You can pull out your pitchforks now.
Also, I like the spicy fresh description. It gave me a flashback to the day I spent about two hours doing nothing but watching We Are Number One and Bee Movie memes. What a day that was...
There seems to be a few theories that think something along these lines, and I think it's definitely possible, in fact in my expanded theory I explore this option a little bit.
Well, I don't really have a theory, but what I will say is, if Faust herself said her intentions were to make Dissy the only of his kind, that that's really all we have to go off of unless/until proven otherwise, she is the creator, after all
I think discord is related to star swirled and I do think he's special and he's alone if you've watched the tigger movie (probably not) basically he wants too find his family with his family tree and the others dress up like him to make him happy but I think with discord it's the opposite cause he likes being better than every pony else like I can do what ever I like this is shown by the s6 finale "well I can just teleport over there or get a flying pig and fly over there what can you do magic tricks" so this is my opinion like to know what you think I've been scrolling through the comments and people have said they have enjoyed u back same with me and instead of remixs I personally prefer theory's please can u try make some about s6.p.s thanks for loving my comment 😄😄😄
Did you thought that maybe his race is perhaps like dinosaurs in our world? And maybe he is the only one that survived some dramatic event that happened in Equstria? And perhaps after that the pony race begin to rise...
If discord was star swirl Celesta probably knew about it seeing of how they must have known each other well.she knew about his unfinished spell,how Star Swirl didn't understand friendship well. Which means that Celesta keeps secrets from her ponies. Which means corrupt ruler. Which means corrupted Equesta. Which leads to apocalypse. ILLMINATIE CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!! *Explosion*Explosion*Explosion
Yeah a video about the new good changelings would be awesome and if queen chrysalis would ever become good again like nightmare moon or discord or starlight you know what I mean so if you could do a vid about that it would be awesome!
there's a bit problem though with this.... we're assuming ALL draconiqi represent something, like chaos or destruction or what have you, but what if that isn't the case? after all the main 6 might be the "spirits of the elements" but not all ponies are like them. what if discord really is the odd one out of his species, that might be why he doesn't bring them up but doesn't argue the existence of others either. plus... i don't really like the idea that there's an entire species in equestria capable of reality bending magic, that just seems horrendously overpowered and makes one wonder why the hell ponies are the dominant species. save for the elements of harmony and whatever the material chrysalys's throne was made out of there is Nothing standing in the way of discord, if he truly wanted to take over everything he could do so with a blink of an eye .... literally. one of discord is enough, we do not need more overpowered monstrosities
We're going based on what we've seen so far. If there were another Draconequus on screen that wasn't powerful in magic, we'd have to adjust the theory again. Until then, there's no evidence for it so we're not going to consider it a possibility just yet
Thing is it still isn't proven that Celestia and Luna weren't born alicorns, only that it never happened in Equestria and it's something beyond their knowledge.
Considering that equestria is only one kingdom that exist on planet with meany other kingdoms the likely hood of there being a dragonequest kingdom is some what likely
Dr. Own2016-12-03 18:33:37 (edited 2016-12-03 18:40:09 )
Both of you are wrong. Congratulations. Also that Star Swirl theory is so far-fetched game theory could have done it.
i have gotta say that because cadence might be a queen because flurry heart is a princess a princess can't give birth to another princess so how isn't cadence a queen
hey i know about it before of his dimensions is the same of dialga palkia and giritina now you might hear this crazy but that has a donkey and a iguana so that's that :)
i think discord is the LAST of his kind not the only one that ever exsited and we dont know when tia and luna where born or when equestia was founded so tia and luna might be natuouly born alicorns
Um, did Equestria exist before Celestia and Luna? Were Luna and Celestia born in Equestria. It is possible that their did not take place in Equestria. Therefor that statement from Celestia does not counter Lauren Faust's statement of their birth. At least, not by itself.
That wouldn't explain why they were so shocked at the birth of Flurry. If she was just the first of Equestria, they would celebrate her as the First, not be surprised at the phenomenon altogether. It's bad writing, very hard to get around.
Thay still could by nattel baren alkens no own know the past of allkesns and maby the other of thare speasy diy befrore thay where baren or ageto recall thing dase play a roshel pat in mlp. You cant say thare not with own linen
"The wonderful thing about Discord, is Discord is a wonderful thing."
1443 likesHmm yes, The floor here is made of floor.
Replies (35)
14 likes@Tessa Carusone how about weird chess looking discord rocks
7 likesHow about those weird chess looking discord rocks taste like cotton candy.
9 likesomg lol, my bro always say this if i say something stupid 🤣🤣🤣🤣
4 likesItzPierre22 :p 😌 you have my respect
5 likesBoth theories can be true, a discord not being the only one, but maybe stars will tested on discord making him look different
3 likesLol lol lol 😂
2 likesChaos is a wonderful thing!
4 likes* proceeds to drink glass*
1 likeHmmm yes this comment is made out of comment
3 likesI choked. 😂🤣😂🤣
1 likeLol
0 likesAll of this post is funny cough cough your profile picture cough
2 likesLol yes
0 likes@Little_lil_lee oklko
0 likes@Pumpking 🐧🪱🐝
0 likesMy floor is much floory.
0 likesLol
0 likesYou watch the owl house too!
0 likesS
0 likesXD
0 likes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 am 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ?
0 likesYes indeed 🤣
1 like🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
0 likesYes, there is darkness within darkness in the door to “everlasting darkness”.
0 likesexactly,the door is made of door.
0 likesAnd the background of this video is made of 70% blueberry cream, 10% wall and 20%...
2 likesn o t h i n g .
He's right tho
1 likeThe wonderful thing about Discord,
529 likesIs that Discord's a wonderful thing.
He has the head of a pony, and a body of
He's chaos chaos chaos chaos
But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one!
Now this is poetry
Replies (12)
replace all poetry with this
20 likesHi trixie
5 likesThis poetry needs an award.
10 likesHeeeeeeeeeeeeee's the only one
6 likesI like he's chaos, chaos, chaos pan-de-mo-ni-um
7 likesI like he's chaos, chaos, chaos pan-de-mo-ni-um
5 likes@• maqiic.lant3rrn • same :D
2 likesthis song creaked me up you goooo
3 likesYes!
3 likesLOL
1 likehead of a donkey
0 likesor goat
0 likesI love how he took Discord and described him in his own Tigger song.
748 likesReplies (11)
Wait, the melody was from whinnie the pooh?
15 likes@Songjae Oh, yea, I would type it out but i forgot the lyrics somehow
8 likesSame. I also love Discord being referred to as a “Blended hurricane of Everfree nonsense”.
10 likesOk 👍
3 likesMe too
2 likesLol same
2 likesLol
2 likes@Sakura🌸Lovesong yes that is great
0 likes@Songjae Oh “The wonderful thing about tiggers is tiggers are wonderful things! Their tops are made out of rubber and their bottoms are made out of springs! They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun! But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I’m the only one! I’m the only one!” -Tigger’s song from Winnie the Pooh
7 likes“The wonderful thing about Discord is Discord’s a wonderful thing! His head is the head of a pony and his body of... everything. He’s chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mon-i-um! But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he’s the only one. He’s the only one!” -The song from this video
0 likesI listened to it some many times bc it was so good 😅👍
0 likesThe wonderful thing about Discord
1513 likesIs Discord a wonderful thing
He has the head of a pony
And a body of ... everything(?
Replies (26)
He’s Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos
80 likesPan-de-mo-nium
But the most wonderful thing about Discord is
He’s the only one
He has the head of a draconequus
32 likesRobert the Channel Heeee’s the only one!
18 likesSo from those lyrics I believe that is a Winnie the Pooh reference since it was Tigger but here it was Discord
21 likesMina126
14 likesHe’s chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos
But the most wonderful thing about discord
Is that he’s the only one.
He’s the only o—
I beg to differ...
Also to Nicholas Norman
13 likesYes, yes it’s very obvious. This is the real thing.
“The wonderful thing about tigger
Is tiggers a wonderful thing.
Their tops are made out of rubber,
Their bottoms are made out of springs.
Their bouncey, trouncey, ouncey, pouncey
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I'm the only one
Tiggers are cuddily fellows
Tiggers are awfully sweet
Everyone el'es is jealous
That's why I repeat and repeat
The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are marvoulous chaps
They're loaded with vim and vigor
They love to leap in your laps
They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy
Fun fun fun fun fun
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I'm the only one
I-I-I'm the only...-oof
There ya go there’s tigger if anyone actually read this whole thing, thank you. It took a pretty long while to write.
and a wing of a pony.
7 likesheee's the only on-- i beg to differ
6 likesHe's chaos
3 likesMina126 lol
1 likeBut discords head looks nothing like a pony actually maybe it looks like an old pony like Granny Smith
2 likes@Phoenix64 why is everyone replying just now?? I have literally no memories of ever writing this comment lmao
1 likeAnd what do I have to do with it
1 like@Phoenix64 sorry i wasn't trying to be rude i was just saing lol
1 likeI died at everything
1 likeHes chaos chaos
1 like@•Phoenix🌟• He is also Q.
1 likeCami126 exaclty
1 like@KiwiBugBear i sadly only know the german version of that old one from the original movie... with the bad weather...
1 like@H-Bit Graphics I beg to differ~
1 like@Robert the Channel And I love Discord.
1 like@Robert the Channel Discord is funny.
1 like@chromi Ohhhhhhh makes sense
0 likes@chromi
0 likesLOL
@chromi ??? Haha facts pure facts
0 likesLMFAO "blended mess of everyfree nonsense"
290 likesi DIED, this is the best collab EVER
Replies (6)
Blended hurricane of everfree nonsense*
7 likesI 100% agree I laughed to death!😂
7 likesI'm still laughing 😭
2 likesPFFFTTT
3 likesYeah that's my favorite part!
2 likesNo kidding! EVERY TIME! I laugh for about 2 minutes before I stop choking!
739 likeswoah. dude. chill
Replies (14)
I know chill
8 likesMate chill Discord's fine
7 likesI laughed 😂🤣
5 likesYeah chill XDDD
3 likesI think someone is using mild language here hmm???
1 likeHow he dare say something like that about Discord?
3 likesWell... He is literally the god of chaos, so...
5 likesHonestly I think Discord would take that as a compliment.
4 likesIt’s true though
2 likesBlended hurricane — I’m already ded via laughter
2 likesYes That is the best part
1 likeA blended hurricane of evergreen nonsense that is funny
0 likesI mean in the comics Discord literally has a relative named Eris who's also a Draconequess spirit of chaos who's more on the insectoid side. Also I'm entirely convinced that the look of 1s Draconequess form depends on what form of spirit they are. A Draconequess spirit of Greed would probably wear a lot of jewelry and attempt to look as fancy as can be, and a Draconequess spirit of harmony (if that even does exist in the countless alternate dimensions the series and comics have shown) would probably have a look that balances the pony and dragon aspect as perfect as possible
160 likesReplies (5)
I looked at this myself and Eris refers to discord as Cousin-
10 likes@It's Daxx Wair what? Mustve read it wrong
5 likesI wouldn't really consider the comics canon.
6 likesThere's also Accord
2 likesthere is also a draconequess of malice
2 likesHere's my theory:
105 likesDicord is dicord
And there is a type of creature out there that's called draconequus and dicord just accepts the fact that "draconequus" sounds more scientific than "Spirit of Chaos"
Replies (4)
Discord ditches science he breaks every single rule ever. I'de say he just accepts it because it sounds cool and not scientific.
10 likesI kinda agree but I feel the what ever they represent is how they look
2 likesDiscord spirit of chaos
1 likeYou mean Discord -_-
2 likesMaybe draconequus did exist but went extinct, and the ponies called Discord a draconequus because that’s the closest thing they could compare him to
35 likesEdit: this theory is implying that discord isn’t actually a draconequus but a different creature entirely
Replies (1)
That’s a really cool idea!
2 likes“The only thing we have in common are the eyes”
881 likesMe: and the eyebrows
Replies (12)
3 likesLol
3 likesThat's what I was thinking!
5 likesAnd hair and teeth and a mouth and noses and a neck
1 likeLol true
1 like@The Asprey Sisters Yes they do Discord have one eye that is bigger than the other one, so does this Draconequus
1 likeLol
1 like@T. E. A :o true
1 like@The Asprey Sisters it’s the same shape it doesn’t matter about colour
0 likesLol yes
0 likesCelestia:"birth of an Alicorn is something a Equestria that has never seen" Luna:"its Beyond even our understanding"
388 likesEdit:thanks for 188 likes!
Replies (6)
"The birth of an alicorn is something equestria has never seen"
20 likes"It is beyond even our understanding"
Curse you flurry the alicorn
20 likesC'MON
4 likesBeyond XD😆😆😆😆
3 likesCurse you flurry heart!
3 likesHas Celestia or Luna even TRIED to conceive an alicorn themselves??? For being around for so long, they sure are some frigid mares -_-
1 likeIn the episode "Keep Calm and Flutter On", Spike says "Maybe its someone with a pony head, a dragon leg, ect.(describing a driconoquis) And twilight says "Thats discord". She doesn't even say "A draconiquis" just discord... That means a draconiquis is only Discord...
87 likesReplies (3)
no. Twilight probably doesn't even know the term "Draconeques". Yes. she is studious, but why study about that when it's not necessary for her studies with Celestia? Plus Spike described a very specific draconeques that they've seen before, so if Twilight knows what draconeques in question Spike's talking a bout, her first instinct would be to answer the draconeques' name in question. You don't just answer "a dog" or "a person" when somebody is describing you a very specific dog or person. You would naturally say the dog or person's name. Same with Twi here.
8 likesYou need more prooof >:(
0 likes@TheChristianWood exactly
0 likes"This mess is a blended hurricane of Everfree nonsense!"
209 likesTHAT'S IT I'M DONE XD
Replies (6)
1 likeEdit: Lol
1 likeI'm ded :)
0 likesIm wandering... it’s that even considerable an insult? Because... the master of Chaos(?
0 likesIdk
I don't let him say bad thing about Discord.
0 likesList of things that are different:
407 likes-heads
great description
Replies (5)
@Precious_YT :3 Welp they've got 295 likes now :>
4 likes( clap's) haha
1 likeLol
0 likesi am your 294th like
0 likesOk don't tell me you described something or someone like that
0 likesWe need a new video, there are TWO more Draconnequs in the comics. Eris(spirit of Luck) and Cosmos(spirit of Malice) - Eris is his cousin and Cosmos is his ex-girlfriend.
0 likes"Excuse me, sweetie, but you're not exactly canon"
133 likesReplies (1)
Release the wheezing
5 likesTHEORY: Draconequus isn't a species name, it's a term used to refer to a fault in the universe, like discord.
361 likesDerived from the Old Equestrian root 'drekke' meaning Error and 'eqis' meaning Life, the term first came into use around the ninth century before the founding of equestria, used by magic users of the Unicorn Court to refer to strange anomalies they found when trying spells relating to chaos magic. It's first recorded use was by Sunburst the Wise, a contemporary of Starswirl the Bearded, when he described the outcome of a failed attempt to divine the outcome of random atmospheric noise. He later theorized that some or all draconeqi stemmed from the same source. After Discord took over, he was eventually identified as the source of the anomalies, and thus titled the Draconequus.
Replies (11)
Zack Light i see where you can get that from, but “equus” is EXACTLY Latin for “horse”
26 likesOk
6 likesDo you actually work for Hasbro or are you just making stuff up?
13 likesThat actually makes sense, this is the reason that I always read the comments, to see nw ideas of the theories for my own au. Thank you for this
11 likes@wolf's animated its a theory darling,it is all “made up” however we choose to believe it or not
9 likesWoah.... YES
1 likeYou went like: I ma end this men whole carrier
1 like@wolf's animated it literally says "THEORY:"
0 likes@Max Merrill fair enough
0 likesI’m taking this and adding it to my ‘this is now 100% canon’ universe.
1 like@Zeyda Lynn But in the show, it is pronounced like 'eqis,' which might mean it was meant to be a pun.
0 likesMy Draconequus headcannon:
5 likesThe draconequus are species made of different animals that must include pony and dragon, they each represent a different element of life and can represent different side of the spectrum based on their early life, essentially Discord could have been caous or harmony but his upbringing made him caous. Draconequus tend to live far apart and reqin their element in different lands so draconequi tend to breed with otherspecies and their offspring must include that species. Thus if say a goat and a draconequus they would have at lest one goat part.
Okay, so had been thinking about this all day, and an interesting thought. Now, hear me out, cause this might be slightly nuts, but I think it's still worth looking at. So, it is true that the word "Draconequus" would translate to "Dragon-Horse", but there could be a different way to read this. The part of the word I am focusing on is "Dracon". Now, at first glance and knowing the show and latin roots, as well as how Discord looks, it would be easy to think that this means "Dragon", but what if it actually is taking on the Romanian word "Drac/Dracul" which can mean "Devil/Demon" and/or "Dragon". This does make some sense and might fit better, since with his manipulative and reality defying powers as well as his snaked tongue and red and yellow eyes, he does have some resemblance of a demon or demonic creature. And it wouldn't be too far off for the show to incorporate, since they show several different mythologies and cultures all through out the show. And, just like how humans call human-like creatures that they do not immediately recognize as anything they know of "humanoid", for equines in this show would do the same, seeing the similarities of other mystical creatures with themselves and correlating their own names with it. And what might a creature of this world think if they saw a creature like Discord? A demon with a pony/donkey-like head! And suddenly, Discord doesn't need to have a species! This might just simply be a name everyone calls him if they didn't know his name. After all, saying that you saw a creature with the disfigured head of a horse or donkey with red and yellow eyes, a snaggled tooth, the horn of what could be a goat, an antler of a deer, the paw of a lion, torso and arm of a griffon, the wing and tail and foot of what could be a dragon, a wing of a pegasus, and the other foot of what could be a goat of a sheep is going to get pretty irritating after a while. But, that might beg the question of why a Latin word and a Romainian word are clashing to form one? And to that, I say that it may be because Equus could be an agreed name for horses and the likes across their world, like the scientific genus. And Romanian does have deep roots with Latin. And this word could have came from a part of their world that is equivalent to Romania in our world. Ro-mane-ia, hehe. But either way, I was kind of hoping how you might take this, even finding holes in this that I can't see?
8 likesLauren: Luna and Celestia where born alicorns
151 likesMe: 🤦🏻♀️ ROLE THE CLIP
Replies (10)
FiM has got to be one of the biggest messes ever. Canon constantly being altered time after time.
15 likes@TheNotverysocial Sounds like modern Kingdom Hearts to me.
8 likesThey said “in eqistria” so what if they were born OUT of there and just were moving to eqiustra when they were born
9 likesKermit or...they were as old as equestria
2 likesSleepy Cloudz gasp
0 likesQueen Doge. But luna said after flurry hearts birth- this is beyond even are understading
4 likesThere were either in an "Old Equestria" type place as said before or...they are as old as Equestria itself...🤔 Something to ponder
0 likesDid she say that while she worked on the show? I think flurry came about after she left
0 likesThey were born outside of equestria.
0 likesScrewed those other writers and hasbro for debunking that, they should have not mess with Lauren 's vision.
1 likeEris (Greek goddess) would be proud of Discord
6 likesShe’s literally the goddess of discord and strife
Personally I love discord he’s so unpredictable and fun I love his humor and it’s a great idea
11 likesI’m sure there are loads of other draconcise ( excuse my spelling)
In maybe the badlands or in the undiscovered west
I think Discord's "species" name makes sense - his mane is definitely horselike, and he's the shape of a dragon. However, instead of being a European dragon like the other dragons in the show, Discord's shape is more like an East Asian dragon. Other draconic elements in that vein include the beard and antler.
3 likesAlso, although their canon status is tenuous, the comics do mention one more draconequus named Cosmos, who's the spirit of Malice. However, she looks nothing like Discord and is a mish-mash of various ferocious and nasty animals.
discord: i am the spirit of caos.
191 likesjevil: HOLD MY BEAR.
Replies (14)
14 likes@GlassEmeraldX25 ima girl
4 likes@cr1tikal jevil must be really strong to have a BEAR.
9 likesthere is SO many problems with this comment.
6 likescr1tikal ...
1 likeI'm sorry to do this... *Chaos*
1 likei can do anything
2 likesBut trixie is the one who CAN DO ANYTHING!
2 likes@Cobaia-87 no our god is one who can do anything
3 likes@Sara Sami amen
2 likes@Zara Ayub khan me too
1 likeeyyyy Deltarune fan!
2 likesMe to jevil: Who's holding your sycth then?
1 like@Aryan Aryan He is the scythe.
1 likeIf you assume a "Dracon-equus" is the progeny of a pony and dragon, in a similar fashion to mules, then what if his variable traits are due to recessive genes suppressed in both species from a common ancestor from eons ago? It would mean griffons, ponies, dragons, hippogriffs, etc. were spinoffs of a single species, and Discord is simply a lone mutated mess that has magically survived from two now incompatible species interbreeding?
4 likesmaybe Discord is the last draconequus, and that's why we havent seen any others.
1980 likesReplies (57)
I agree. Also, we need to remember what Discord said, "But I haven't walked that far in a MILLENNIA" Which means he's probably older than any other being in ALL of Equestria. X3
198 likesTure true but the if that is ture what might have happened to the others
31 likes@Melani Potvin Ulicorn war? maybe that's why there are no more alicorns or draconequs
26 likesMoonChild they probably went extinct
15 likesAside from discord of course
12 likesTrue but since we have seen a lot of back stories in the show but why would he not tell his
8 likesDiscord is last draconequus cuz he was one of the most powerful and Discord trend him self in to stone to not die maybe the rest of the draconequus died and that's why Discord is the last draconequus
21 likesExcellent point
2 likesHe pulled a Kars and killed them all
1 likeTure dat
0 likesOrrr he is the odd one out and got banished from outside of pony ville
1 likeMoonChild well, he IS imprisoned for more than a thousand years... Might be... Nice theory
1 likeWhat if they are only made when a gigantic and I mean GIGANTIC amount of chaos, or some different thing for every different draconiquis (sorry if I butchered it) and discord was only trying to make more so he wouldn't be lonely...? Yeah I know it is just a stretch xd
5 likesAgreeeeee
0 likesso is he the only draconequus or not?
0 likes@Sheyn VA Did you guys noticed that everythings that were banished or gone or something is really thousand years ago everything is thousand years😂😂😂😂
2 likes@Dillon Sudduth In my opinion, yes.
0 likes@「 D a y d r e a m 」 True, but I'd like to think it's not.
0 likesya
0 likesMy Headcanon is that they are like the Endless from Sandman. They are simply less concerned with the lives of mortals outside of their own domains.
1 likeMaybe at one point, there could have been a civilization of Draconequus, but over time the species reduced. Star Swirl with the help of modern science, might extracted DNA from deceased Draconequus species, that later formed into Discords birth. Making him the only survivor and specimen of his endangered species.
3 likesMoonChild good paint
0 likesI agree or he is the spirit of lazy XD
0 likes@ifancyyou official that must have been one heck of a year XD
1 like@MoonChild LOL🤣
1 likeMoonChild agreed
0 likesMelani Potvin true*
0 likesDan Larson Larson i last braincells trying to read this
0 likesMikayla Chandler it literally says it in the video title. Learn how to read.
0 likesBride of Discord/Daughter of Discord canon
0 likesroyal dragon or rather, the alicorns separated into the different ponies, probably indicating that the Alicorns won the war
0 likesSo sad
0 likesSee I’m thinking: there was a war, as stated in Sawtooth’s former video, that elements of disharmony could have existed. In that war, the elements of harmony (the ponies) won against its counterpart, the element of disharmony (the draconequues). The consequence of the draconequues losing the war was that they went nearly extinct.
1 likeDiscord might have turned himself to stone at first to try to preserve his life while plotting to bring back his species (he could hear and think while he was stone as stated multiple times).
When he finally had a plan, he removed the spell (cause he put that on himself and not someone else), and tried to take over Equestria. He might have been trying to make the place pure chaos and destruction because that’s how he was created. He must have planted those seeds to kill the Tree of Harmony because it might have been the last embodiment of peace standing in his way.
When he came back, he tried again only to fail once again. When he is not hanging out with Fluttershy or plotting with Tirek, he might be looking for other ways to bring back his species without destruction and chaos. He might be trying to find a loophole.
Why not just make copies of himself, you might ask? Well he can make copies of himself but they’re not true draconequues so when he dies (which he can because he has nearly faded from existence before) they might die with him.
Or I could just be totally wrong and Starswirl did create him, or I’m just overlooking things.
What do you think?
Maybe all draconequus died because of princess celestia and princess luna or other ponies so discord was the only one alive so he came to equestria for revenge
0 likesYeah X3
0 likesEsha the LoneWolk discord over exaggerates a lot.
0 likesAnd After That, He May Have Went Crazy And Started To Make Chaos Throughout Equestria
0 likesMind: blown
0 likesHotel: trivago
@CallieTheWolfCat Unless They Are A SUPER ANCIENT Species Far Before EVERYTHING And ANYTHING In The Show
1 likeMaybe yes
0 likes@CallieTheWolfCat, I accept the theory that The tree pulled him in. Knowing discord, it might be exaggeration or smth.
0 likesThat makes sense.
0 likesSo there almost extinct
0 likesI agree to
0 likes@CallieTheWolfCat although that is a good idea celestia and Luna were there before a Millennia as well if you keep track of the mlp time line you know it goes through years because celestia and Luna grow slow any alicorn dose it takes a long time to gain the looks they got well maybe not for all alicorns cough cough twilight I assume it still took some years because the mane six still got older.
1 likeSure, whatever you say, but,
0 likes
Its posible
0 likesIt’s OK Hardik because his entire species being wiped out most have a big affect on him
0 likesIn the mlp comics cosmos another draconequus appears
0 likesThat makes sense
1 like@Melani Potvin like how discord almost died from making himself more oderly mabye the others died in similar ways
0 likesYea
0 likesThat is probably what happened
1 likeOhhh
0 likes@Melani Potvin Draconiqus civil war?
0 likesno there is another one in the comics, cosmos
0 likesDont mind me random people in the comments just saving this for later
23 likes* ahem *
The wonderful thing about Discord is Discord's a wonderful thing.
He has the head of a pony, and a body of everything.
He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mo-nium, but the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one!
When discord came out of stone, did other spirits of his species come out within?
3 likesThere might be no evidence, but I think all the spirits of discord's specie was in his body and when he came out of stone for the 1st time, the other spirits of his specie has gone rouge.
This theory might go along the line if I say so myself.
Captions: half-horse half-human
43 likesCan we make a theory out of this
Replies (1)
you mean a centaur?
1 like“This mess is a blended hurricane of Everfree nonsense!”
4 likesMe: dies of laughter
"at this point, i guess we just wait until one of us is proven right" "or for both of us to be proven wrong" this is why rewatching videos years later is so fun
1 likeSeason 7's finale murdered a lot of your theories in cold blood.
12 likesPS. Did you know, that in the comics, Discord was dating another draconequus that he thought was a spirit of chaos like himself, but turned out to be a spirit of malice.
2 likesThe nature of Draconequus is the juicy lore you are losing out on in the comics which is why I want you to cover it. I forgot her name.
that storyline had something to do with why discord was sealed and why he was reformed instead of permanently banished in the show.
To the “how is he part dragon” thing, “dragon” can mean a lot of different things. It doesn’t have to mean what we now think of dragons, older dragons were much more like Discord; indeed, if he existed in old mythology, ancient people probably would have called him a “dragon”
0 likesdiscord could be the only draconequus that has magic like he dose
22 likesAs it turns out, another draconequus DOES appear. In the comic arc Nightmare Knights, in an alternate universe, there is a draconequus of luck named Eris. The wiki claims that Eris is both that universe's counterpart of Discord and Discord's cousin. But there are a few things that discredit this:
2 likes1. This is an alternate universe, not the main one. Eris is the one that says she is Discord's cousin, and we don't see Discord whether from the main universe or that one.
2. How canon the comics are is not exactly clear. From what I've read, fans generally say either "comics that haven't been confirmed in the show as canon aren't canon" or "The comics are canon unless the show conflicts"
This leads me to believe that Discord is just sort of intended as a one-of-a-kind oddity. The species name "Draconequus" could have just been made because of the possibility of another one popping up. There is a possibility that more draconequui could show up in G5, but I doubt it. I don't think the writers will add draconequui when they already have all of the species that were established in G4 to work with.
Dude. Let it go. Star Swirl comes into cannon later.
19 likesReplies (1)
I've let it go XD video about Star Swirl coming soon
6 likes7:02 - I love how this quote is basically Sawtooth's most hated line in MLP.
2 likes"The birth of an alicorn is something EQUESTRIA has never seen."
1 likeAnd the legend we see in one of the episodes says that unicorns used to raise the sun and moon in Equestria... And then two sisters WENT THERE to do it. They were not born in Equestria.
7 likesThe wonderful thing about discord is discords a wonderful thing
He has the head of a pony,and a body of everything
He's chaos chaos chaos chaos pan-de-mo-ne-um
But the most wonderful thing about discord
Is heeees the only one
Heeees the only -
When I look at Discord, I can only think of him as some sort of mad scientist's botched attempt to make a dragon from scratch by "Frankenstein-ing" parts from other creatures.
0 likesWatching this video doesn’t get old. I love it. But seeing as Draconequi/Draconequine are so powerful, what if they only ruled themselves to one dimension or universe each. I imagine if, say, the Draconequus of Destruction was in the same universe as the Draconequus of Chaos (Discord, while he took over Equestria, for example) I’d imagine there’d be so much power, not even the Elements of Harmony could overthrow the BOTH of them. There would either be a world-destroying, balance-wrecking turf war between the two, or they would team up and... celestia forbid THAT happens.
0 likesSo, why not have the Spirit of DESTRUCTION where there’s the Elements of CREATION? Keeping the balance...
And, while we’re there, the Spirit of DISharmony [Discord] be in the world with the Elements of Harmony [Concord]. Or, rather, the TREE of Harmony, the Spirit of Harmony— wait... the Spirit of Harmony being a Draconequus in disguise like Discord had been, (in preparation to Tirek in S4)... as not to scare the young six because the only interaction with a draconequus they’ve ever had was when discord took over the school... now there’s an idea
What if both of you are right? What if when Star Swirl did the spell and turned into Discord, the closest thing he could be identified as was a Draconequus? And so thats what ponies started calling him?
135 likesReplies (5)
Um actually we see both star swirl and discord in episode 25 season nine together so no star swirl can't turn into a draconequus and discord got his magic stolen from the other vilians watch the episode and find out for yourself
4 likesKenny Fox
1 like(This comment was made way before those episodes came out~)
RIP Star Swirl = Discord theory
0 likesI like the second part
0 likesHmmmmm... hmmmmmmmm...
Mr. Play: I might point out that Cheerilee did say while giving her description of a Draconequus that It was "A" Draconequus, not "The" Draconequus. Which is probably enough evident to point out that there is more than one.
0 likesIf Discord was the only one. She wouldn't use the verb "A" as if it was used like it belonged to something of more than one of itself.
And his whole thing about the Starswirl was debunked hard 😅
8 likes7:02 that clip has been poking at me for a while so I'm just going to say it
1 likeDeep Inhale
Just because the birth of a Alicorn is beyond Luna and Celestia's understanding does instant mean that it hasn't happened before, in a old video Sawtooth talked about how Luna and Celestia might have came from a Alicorn city. If that is true I don't think Luna or Celestia would have had foals so they most likely dont understand how a baby Alicorn is born.
Penny for my thought
Personally I felt like it was explained when Discord himself, as Grogar, described how Grogar created chaotic monstrosities and loosed them upon the land, in a time before Celestia.
0 likesActually, i think a few other draconequus can also exist
0 likesI feel like the draconequus of destruction could have:
-destroyed features ( bitten off ear, scars, ect )
-mental illnesses ( bipolar, autism, ect )
-weird natural destroyed features ( amputated, cleft lip, crazy eyes, ect )
Or maybe the draconequus of consequence having:
-isolation coat ( banished to be alone due to a bad experience done in the past)
-super judgmental of acts that arent pleasant to it ( taking a fillys lunch, being rude, ect )
-anxiety of doing something wrong ( yet always doing something wrong because of someone else )
Dunno seems like good ideas to mee
Actually, i think a few other draconequus can also exist
0 likesI feel like the draconequus of destruction could have:
-destroyed features ( bitten off ear, scars, ect )
-mental illnesses ( bipolar, autism, ect )
-weird natural destroyed features ( amputated, cleft lip, crazy eyes, ect )
Or maybe the draconequus of consequence having:
-isolation coat ( banished to be alone due to a bad experience done in the past)
-super judgmental of acts that arent pleasant to it ( taking a fillys lunch, being rude, ect )
-anxiety of doing something wrong ( yet always doing something wrong because of someone else )
Dunno seems like good ideas to mee
This make me think about the fact that we still haven't see any other zebra, and I don't think Zecora is the only one rigth ??
3 likes7:00 me EVERYTIME I prove something right with facts and ppl doubted me
13 likes“The only thing we share are the eyes”
1 likeFavorite part
My headcanon is that the other Draconequi are like The Endless from Neil Gaiman's Sandman. These beings beyond gods or Alicorns, being not embodiment of an idea or concept, but literally that concept. Neither good nor evil, just simply existing since the literal dawn of time. In fact, as Discord's name starts with a D really makes him seem like he would fit right in with the Endless as all their names also start with D (Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium).
0 likesThe Draconequi are merely patterns. The Draconequi are ideas. The Draconequi are wave functions. The Draconequi are repeating motifs. The Draconequi are echoes of darkness, and nothing more... And even our existences are brief and bounded. None of us will last longer than this version of the Universe
4:05 - The spirits
0 likesof the elementsof harmony ...4:11 - Several seasons later, the tree of harmony has a spirit; it's appearance - Twilight!
And 3 years later: Sawtooth made the connection which had been hidden in his old video: Spirit of Harmony and Spirit of chaos being each other's yin and yang!
I honestly feel like there aren't more of discord. We know ponies aren't good at understanding other species or how they work. They may have ASSUMED he was a species, and just went with it as it was told down through stories. Or it could have slowly morphed into the idea of there being more.
0 likesFor example. PEGASUS is not originally meant to be a species, but an individual horse with wings produced from green mythology. Over time as people liked the idea of winged horses, it turned into just the term used to refer to winged horses. What's to say ponies can't do the same thing? They took the idea and just ran with it in their own stories. Discord probably just doesn't care enough to refute it.
Faust's claims cannot always be considered canon. she once said that there are no toilets in Equestria. in the episode three's a crowd. we see a toilet.
77 likesReplies (5)
Yeah... when Faust left the show, she left behind her determinism of 'canon'.
9 likesGuess you could say Faust had to ... Give up the Ghost as it were? ^~^
(faust? ghosts? . . . I got nothing.)
tommy flores Yeah. She also said that Celestia and Luna were born as alicorns on Twitter. COUGH COUGH SEASON 7 PREMIERE COUGH COUGH
1 likeStar Song MLP how does the season 7 premiere prove that Celestia and Luna weren't born alicorns?
0 likesDuctTape Queen They say this:
2 likesCelestia: "The birth of an alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!"
Luna: "It's even beyond our understanding."
@iidaemii people have said that they meant as in an alicorn from an artificial alicorn and a unicorn because cadence is naturally just a unicorn but then why would Celestina and Luna say it like that? i guess we’ll never know
1 likeDiscord has head of a pony and body of everything noice
13 likesWhy I beleive there are more than one drequanisis (however you spell it) is because if discord was the only one Ms.Cheerly would've called him Discord not Drequanisis. He has his own name so what's the point of giving him a species name if he's the only one and already has his own name! If there were more than one they would give the species a name
3 likesThere is another Draconequus in the comics named Princess Eris. Although the comics and the show are not considered (by most) to be part of the same canon storyline that does not matter. Even if the comics and the show are in different universes it still proves that there is more than one Draconequus in existence.
0 likesWhile he may not look much like the other dragons in the show, Discord's general body-shape does resemble an Eastern dragon quite well. And unlike European dragons who're known as fire-breathing beasts, Eastern dragons are more often seen as magical spiritual creatures who has power over the forces of nature. Sound familiar?
0 likesMaybe the reason Discord is the odd one out in his species is cause he's special.
2 likesMy idea is that the Starswirl theory can still be true with other draconequus, and that when Starswirl read the spell and turned into that disaster, everyone just assumed he was a draconequus. While inside his first stone prison he kinda forgot what he was (I guess) and when someone called him a draconequus, he just thought "welp I'm a draconequus I guess." Prove me wrong.
0 likesthis is the tigger song! 🐯
6 likeshere’s one more
Super, duper, loop-de-looper, aliooper bounce
the Super, duper, loop-de-looper, aliooper bounce
The more you try the more you fly and that’s what really counts!
The Super-duper! (Super-duper!) Loop-de-looper! (Loop-de-looper! ) A-li-ooper Bounce!”
Sawtooth:"The wonderful thing about discord is hes the only one-"
0 likesHoriXZ0n:"Let me introduce myself."
Chaos: Discord is already there.
299 likesGreed: Wears jewelry, any jem they find they take it. Even from a giant dragon. A head of a Unicorn, and a body of a shiny golden dragon.
Destruction: Black pony head. Full dragon body.
Replies (8)
EnderWolf 1234 discord is the element of chaos in my little pony
6 likesWat?
4 likesI was personally thinking the Draconequus Spirit of Greed would appear overweight, in royal robes and a crown, maybe with a scepter they channel an amount of their power through.
12 likesWhat about corruption
8 likesI think that Destruction could have some missing body parts or holes in him, like a torn wing/ horn slashed in half
8 likesCorruption: Discord but everything is sorta glitched out.
3 likesWait, so isn't spike greed? Because of the episode of when he was that giant dragon thing?
1 likeThe greed one sound very similar to the gem dogs
1 like"Hes chaos"
15 likesDeltarune memes: Wait a minute aren't you supposed to be from the deltarune community?
Also for the look of a dracon-equus spirit of destruction it could have holes or part of its tail ripped off. This would show destruction. Also greed could be something like gold on him/her or maybe it has crystal horns or even they were kinda like the crystal pony’s. Also discord still could be the result of star swirl reading his unfinished spell it’s just chaos was the best thing to represent what had happened to him. This could result in star swirl the bearded theory being correct after all I’m would SO LOVE TO DESIGN THE OTHER DRACON-EQUUS BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO GIVE YOU GUYS LINKS SO JUST IMAGINE HOW THEY WOULD LOOK. ALSO I REALLY, LIKE REALLY LIKE THIS THOERY AND EPISODE.
1 likeWell maybe a greedy draconequus could be a snake eyed or mainly serpentine with the head of a bull or pig, the former befitting because of the golden calf.
2 likesI think that “draconequus” is just a term made by ponies to describe anything that has the head of the pony and a body that isn’t a pony. It wouldn’t be an ACTUAL species, but just a category to describe something not completely understood.
0 likesYou killed me at "Blended hurricane of Everfree nonsense."
574 likesOH GOD XD
Replies (11)
5 likes3:06 is where it starts OvO
11 likesOMG i didnt even get that far, i just die at thé intro
3 likesSaaame
2 likesI loved it
2 likesThe insult ever
3 likesMe to that was funny 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
2 likesMe to I am on the floor
1 likeTheAngelGacha me to YEET
1 likecrashes through a window
Hobo Gregory ahahahaha
1 likeLol XD
1 likeActually it would kind of easy to manifest certain things. Into appearances.
0 likesDestruction: scars and cuts
Greed: jewelry and very shiny
Kind: give it a halo
Star swerl read his spell and merged with the draconiqus! Makeing discord look and be like he is!
13 likesYou were actually kind of right, Sawtooth. A Draconenquus is actually a chimera species.
0 likesThe way that this guy talks about that Discord guy it's hilarious
6 likesThis comment may be a few years late, but in a Brony documentary from 2013, Lauren Faust stated that the Draconequus was made with Manticores and Chimeras in mind, so I have a feeling that while she did use "Dragon Horse" as the species name, it's actually a mix-creature like the before mentioned species. I also think that this is supported by Chimera seeing as Chimera stands for she-goat, despite the actual animal being more than just a femal goat.
0 likesAlso for there to be a species name, why give a species name when there's only one?
0 likesAlso, i have a fun twist for the series that could enter another draconequis: Discord having like a cousin that he didn't know about and it be the spirit of order.
Okay, so I might be speaking out of place here, BUT if you were to read the comics, Issues #74, 75, and 76 (when it comes out) there IS another Draconequus; Cosmos, Discord's ex-girlfriend. She, like Discord, was able to cause all manner of chaos with a snap, HOWEVER she was more heartless about doing so, often bringing the kind of chaos that would hurt others, whereas Discord's was more about, childish games. And her appearance--when not shrouded in mist/starts, has a more feline appearance.
0 likesNow of course, many would argue "but the comics aren't canon" and to that I call bs. If the show made the movies--even Equestria Girls--canon, and the comics do as well, AND even the big movie with Temptest Shadow, then in my book the comics ARE canon. If not, perhaps aimed at a slightly older/mature audience, hence the darker/light themes, and they are less preachy about friendship. And ONE pony who's shown little love has the most important role in Equestria
Has anyone given a theory that discord's current form was the result of him dabbling in his chaos magic before he was ready, or this is the result of using chaos magic over a period of time? The magic molds the body to match the magic.
258 likesReplies (5)
Caren Stuhlsatz lol
2 likesK
1 likeYEET
0 likesLol. A L L H A I L S A W T O O T H
2 likesHaha i get it
0 likesLook up the description of a Chinese Dragon, you’ll be surprised at how discord like it is. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if the spirit of harmony’s true form is a Chinese dragon with more horse features.
0 likesEdit: Whereas Event Horizon (I’m not gonna do the stylization, so don’t pester me about it) looks more like a European dragon, like the other ones in MLPFIM.
I can imagine that one time some pony was exploring and saw a dragon with one of those horse masks on, and they thought it was a new species
0 likesWhile the way dragons are depicted in mlp are typically generic fantasy dragons, the dracon part of the draconequus portmanteau may be more inspired by medieval european dragons - which were commonly made up of all sorts of different animal parts.
0 likesMaybe the draconequss are endangered and starswirl made the last one a guinny pig for testing blending magic from different tribes.
1 likeThe wonderful thing about Discord, is that Discord is better than Skype, TS3, and any other voice/video interaction software and sites.
249 likesReplies (8)
Angela Ziegler best comment
11 likesHey I know u from Instagram do u follow jams.squad.fam?
1 likeAgreed
1 likeAngela Ziegler finally someone who noticed.
1 likeHahahahaha…
1 likeLOL
0 likesE D l
0 likesMaybe when ponies were first settling in Equestria, they killed all of the Dragoneqi but Discord hid away in his relm (?) and eventually came back, only to realize that he was the only one, so he decided to take over Equestria with Chaos (when Celestia and Luna turned him into stone) in pure anger/frustration/sadness.
0 likesMy theory anyways haha
I personally like the idea Discord's the last draconequus because of a war between them and the alicorns. Which would explain why there's only one draconequus and so few natural alicorns
0 likesGreed: gold and tons of money
2 likesDestruction: giant thing with sharp teeth and a destroyed appearance
The spirit of greed could be the color gold to have a form dependant on his role
1 likeNonono. Greed could easily been shown... as a shady businessman.
3 likesDiscord himself is known as the lord of chaos....there might be other draconequises, but most of them probably have a considerably less amount of power than discord
0 likesGreat — now I just really want to see a half an hour rant from Event HoriXZ0n on Princess Eris from the comics (even though she’s not canon, thank god).
0 likesThis is actually possible. Since we all know that Discord can open up portals to other dimensions and Discord has his own dimension, it's most likely other Draconequus's exist in Discords dimension, they've just been to afraid to go outside that dimension because they probably learned about how Discord got turned into stone, so some of the others might have left that dimension so they wouldn't be found 1 day by Celestia and Luna if and when Discord was ever free. And the rest of them might have left Discords part of their dimension so it wouldn't remind them of the horrible thing that happened to Discord, which is why no other Draconequus's came into the mlp dimension after Discord was free. What probably happened to the last batch of those creatures is that they probably came into the mlp dimension at around the same time Discord turned to stone. So when they discovered what happened to Discord, they left Equestria and soon they left the planet(which I'm pretty sure is called "Gia")and they ended up ruling other planets, most likely even outside the galaxy mlp takes place in
0 likesI've always wondered, is Equestria the name of the planet or of the country? If the planet then Flurry Heart's birth is totally unique, but if it's the name of the country, then all Celestia actually said is that no alicorns have been born there, leaving the rest of the world open for speculation...
0 likesI mean destruction means everything messed up soooooooooo it kinda makes discord fit in with his design i’ve been thinking of this for such a long time but once I saw this video I could actually tell you guys isn’t anybody annoyed By this just thinking about it😐
3 likesIf draconequus were a whole species and if we're throwing out the theory that they are magically bound to another place with the exception of discord, pony kind would either be in complete chaos, or they wouldn't exist
0 likesEvents transforming animation really looked like it belonged to a changeling
0 likesIf I had a dime every time someone brought out the "Luna and Celestia weren't born in Equestria" line, I could quit my YT channel
239 likesReplies (5)
+Event HoriXZ0n I made a comment fixing that problem, but it got lost. This was before pinning, and I don't feel like typing out another one..
22 likesOf course they all forget that they don't even have a backstory in the show yet, and there are now TWO contradictory backstories in official written materials now... which means one or even both won't be canon to the show... so we still know NOTHING after 7 years about Loony and Tia's past other than Loony flew over the cuckoo's nest from mysterious dark power... my god this world-building is pretty bad, isn't it?
8 likesI'm going to be honest dude. Your draconequus avatar feels lazy; you just put the head of one thing on the body of another.
2 likesOn the other appendage, I am thinking more in terms of Discord.
ok, he was not lazy... He made it how its supposed to be. Head of a pony, body of a dragon. He made a Draconequus the right way.
2 likes@Carl Vicory
1 likeFair enough, though I did add that I was thinking in terms of Discord himself; and Event is about the only Draconequus avatar I've seen.
Starswirl the bearded might have made the dragonaques but then as ponies came along, they started to be extinct, and when starswirl the bearded heard of the extinction of dragonaques then he casted a spell on discord as an infinite different spirit.
0 likesIn the original headcannon video there was a detailed affect that when celestia found discord he was very little and could barely remember his parents but they said there was a big blizzard that separated him from his kind and then he found a cave stayed there for a couple of years practiced some spells and one day after the great leaders died and the 3 tribes came to be after tia and lulu fled the castle with philaphina they found discord and so on so fourth 🎉🎉🎉😲👍🏻👍🏻🦅🤯🤯🤫🍦
0 likesI think you both are right. Okay here's my story. When a young star swirl read his spell seven dragon like creatures were born. Each one of the 7 deadly sins. After the species lived for a while a baby was born (discord). Then starry (from one of my thereories) started to live with the species. When her sister ancest (from my thereories) found her and wanted her back. Starry and discord fled. All the other parts of the species died. Then starry left discord.
0 likesI feel like benthorizon arguement of there being other dragonquine (how ever you spell it) since Discord is the spirt of chaos he changed his form to better represent himself which is why his physical looks is a melting pot of different animals, it was meant to look chaotic
0 likesTHEORY: there were others but they went extinct except for Discord who evolved his features to survive. While the others were alive they were all half horse, half dragon (so was Discord) and got named that. Ik there's lots of holes in the theory but it's something
0 likesThe wonderful thing about discord, is discord's a wonderful thing,
1 likeHe has a head of a pony, and a body of everything.
He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mo-nium,
But the most wonderful thing about discord is that he's the only one,
He's the only o-
* another draconequus appeares in right front of sawtooth waves *
Would Luna's Guards shown in "Luna Eclipsed" count? they are ponies with dragon features.
0 likesDiscord is the only draconuclis, but some time ago in a war between good and evil all draconiclis and Allicorns were killed all except for cellestia, Luna and discord because they were still toddlers and they were too young to fight in war
1 likeDiscord's the Lord of Chaos but I don't know if that means that all Draconequus(es?) are Lords of something.
2 likesAlso Event's horn keeps wiggling and it's driving me nuts.
I think I know why Discord's species is called Draconequus, Discord highly resembles an asian dragon.
1 like3:02
3 likesI can tell Discord would be slightly annoyed cos of that statement
I think that in the past, a creature of many parts was called a Dragon. And Discord's head looks like a head of a horse.
0 likesMy answer is:
43 likesYes, he is the only draconequus. He even said it himself.
But I'll watch the video to see what you say.
The have a theory that there are other Draconequus’s but there are only four each acting as one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse discord being chaos while the other three are famine, death, and disease. Discord was probably the only one shown because the others aren’t in charge of spreading chaos so they stay in there own realm while discord goes around causing chaos by just existing (the fact that his body is confusing in the way that there are no specific animals he’s made out of) another reason I thing they represent something like the horsemen is because discord is shown to have some of the most powerful magic in the show bending reality itself something even the two sisters couldn’t do to the extent discord did.
0 likesActually I support the idea of multiple Draconequus's, and I have something you 2 forgot to mention that heavily supports this theory, Discord's realm. In multiple episodes we see this realm, like in the episode where Discord has to prepare a tea party for Fluttershy in his house, which is in its own realm. Now, notice how it's never actually refered in the show as Discord's realm, it's just shown as the realm Discord lives in. Now, it's obvious this realm doesnt have only Discord, cause in the episode where a mail pony gives Discord an invite to the Grand Galloping Gala, after he gives the invite, soon after you'll notice in the background the mail pony being grabbed by a strange creature that isn't Discord, meaning other creatures live in this realm. I have a theory that Discord's realm is the home realm of all Draconequus's, and the entire realm is divided into separate zones, because like how lans is divided by multiple cities, Discord's realm could be divided in different zone, each zone being ruled by a different Draconequus. And each Zone would be entirely different and correspond with whatever spirit its Draconequus leader represents. Like for Discors, his is chaotic, places and things scattered about, no gravity or any limits to where it ends as far as you can see. For other Draconequus's, like say the spirit of greed, there would be treasure, ancient artifacts, and priceless paintings everywhere practically begging for you to take them. For the spirit of Power, a humungous castle, with rules and any inhabitants of that realm being treated as less than peasants. And if the Spirit of Destruction did exist, their realm would be littered with destroyed objects, places, and mabey even dead creatures, and horrible storms that never end. This is what I believe Discord's realm really is, and I believe it's the home realm for all Draconequus's, and who knows, mabey in later episodes of Season 9 this theory will be proven. Now, there's 1 more thing on my mind and probably yours. If the Draconequus's originate from this realm, why did Discord come to Equestria. Well remember how I said a few realms would have certain things and mabey even places, well I believe they may be able to travel to any world they please, andaif they conquer a world they bring a section of that world into their zone, and Discord went to Equestria to attempt to add it into his Zone. Now about why Discord looks the way he does, well they already mentioned that, Discord's looks have been determined by the spirit he represents, and I believe other Draconequus's might have their own features that correspond with what they represent. For Greed he would be covered in bling,a big gold crown, a bunch of rings andearrings, diamond necklaces, ect. For Power he would be huge and intimidating, with a dragon body that may look similar to the Dragon Lords body, and a pony head of an Alicorn, since they are the most powerful ponies
2 likesHere's my theory-
0 likesWe have never seen nor heard anything about discords species, so we immediately think he's just the only one, but as you two said, he's not exactly what he's said to be, a dragon-equine. Maybe, he doesn't have his own species, but he was created. Discord was, maybe started out as a little blob of magic, let's say, that was created by an evil force, tirek. Why tirek? His reaction in twilight saga kingdom when he saw discord. I don't recall anyone saying tirek and discord ever knowing eachother as friends or knowing each other at all. Tirek made discord to be sort of minion for him. To help him take magic, then take his magic from him. Now when discord took form, the only thing tirek said to discord as he was taking his form, was "you're evil, and you're working for me." Discord decided to be an intimidating creature, and is also why discord has such a hard time adjusting to fruendship, cause the fact that he was evil, was engraved into him, and it still lingers on.
Replies (1)
Which is also why he calls himself the spirit of chaos
0:00 This needs a 10 hour version
46 likesReplies (6)
Yea, im like that too much!
3 likesYezzzzzz agreeeee
1 likeYes
1 likeYes
1 likeYES.
0 likesYas
0 likesbut in the show, didnt discord actually hint there were others? because he was talking to one of the main six or someone. and he said something how he was always outcasted an didnt know where his family was
0 likesI just liked this video for it's amazing intro!
0 likesI watched it like 20 times now
Tony I love all of your songs and my sister love them especially bonus tracks and crystals and Edmonds and Nightmare they're like so interesting
0 likesJust to say not related to the video but a chimera is different animal heads, a draconequus is different body parts.
2 likesYou know how discord has the ability to Duplicate him self thus making it seem like there was more then just him and maybe seem like a whole Species
0 likesI always wondered what kind of creature Discord is.
0 likesWhat if they all live in a separate village like the breezies and you can only get there by a train how you ask? You need to possess dragonaques magic or be a dragonaques.
0 likes2:44 Greed could be manifested by having lots of arms. Just a thought.
0 likesWell why would he even have a species name if he was the only 1? Cheerilee should have said that it was a discord because he was the only 1 and then there wouldn't be a specie name
155 likesReplies (9)
Well now, a name is a name is a name. We call him that to ease methods of response. Much in the same way we use the term "Chimera" for even constructed beings formed by some sort of mad scientist that clearly doesn't have something in direct physical comparison!
2 likesDittopuffz 7233 ya I agree read my comment I put earlier
1 likeWhat if it's not a species name.
0 likesDittopuffz 7233 fml.
0 likeszack light i agree
0 likes*gasp*DITTO IS SOOOO CUTE!!!! *gasp*they should do Pokémon characters as ponies!!!
0 likesNot everything has to have a species to have a scientific name.
0 likeszoey poop There Is A Pony Pokemon, I Frogot The Name
0 likesmaybe he is the only living one
0 likesTechnically going by the show, there wouldn't be anything besides a spirit of chaos and a spirit of harmony- the shows theme is friendship. Friendship is harmony, thus harmony also plays a key role in the show. And whats the opposite of harmony? Chaos. I don't think the writers would branch over to other bad spirits. And anyway if you want a spirit of corruption, just look at sombra. Spirit of greed? Cozy glow. Spirit of harmony? Wait a minute do we even have-
0 likes3:30
3 likesIt should have been the spirit of imatation.
At 7:02 you were like "Yes, yes, I'm quite aware of that clip" and I was like:
0 likesAware... you mention that in most of your recent videos. I'm pretty sure it's what makes it hard for you to sleep at night.
id like to think that he used to be the king of a kingdom of draconequi (thats how you pluralize it, right?), and his own chaos magic has wiped his kind out. would be fun.
0 likesI like Event's snarky attitude in this
0 likesMaybe there was a disaster that killed every other dragonequi(or however you say it) and discorn was the only one that survived, but he became what he is today BECAUSE of that disaster
0 likes"I will become Canon again! I SWEARI swear"
0 likes"There there Malal, we will make you Hot Cocoa"
"I will be... canon!"
My theory is that Draconequuses? Draconequi? idk are an existing species, but Discord is not one of them. He is instead simply a spirit of chaos, but the ponies call him a draconequus because he vaguely looks like one, and there was no other category to put him in.
0 likesThis could easily be false, and I haven’t seen all the episodes, so this is probably wrong.
Discord the spirit of Chaos...And his body is filled with chaos so probably that's why he is different
54 likesA little something to back up this Theory
0 likesYou need both a girl and boy of the same species in order to birth a child which means Discord might actually have others of his species though that again with him being called a spirit it's a bit iffy
2:48 the draconequis of destruction could have his/her body ripped, with holes and scares, and greed could be represented with gold and jewels.
0 likesI think if there are other Draconequus i think they are not also spirits of anything. I think Discord is the only ‘spirit‘ of anything. If there are other spirits they would have a more importent role
1 likeDiscord may be Starswirl's attempt at making an Draconequus, which is why he's the odd one out.
0 likes"Spirit of horse theories I guess" had me dead 😭😭
1 likeI hear some one or others... which ever it is has made a daughter of Discord... two versions one a Draconequus named Pandora and another named Screwball and earth pony I find it weird but others have taken a liking to discord himself even before he was released from prison a second time. Just putting it out there?
0 likesThought the fact that they call him something means there are others. After all why give him a species name in addittion to his personal name if he was the only one?
0 likesto me, if there was only one of Discord's specie, then why is that called "a draconequus" and not "a discord"? If "our" draconequus is the only one, he doesn't have to have a surname, he already has an original name, "draconequus" that no one shares with him. But that is the point: he does share it, so he needs a name to be different. like... eeeeer.... errrr... well I have a comparison, but I don't like it... anyway, christianism's god is named God. why? because they're the only god.
0 likesSawtooth waves: a species implies order and organisation
1 likeme: i don't think so, in our world most species stay apart aka tigers, foxes, salamanders, and snakes to name a few. i think Draconequus's are solitary animals, normally keeping to them selves. but if they were as powerful as discord wouldn't they rule eqestreay.
no because discord is a starswirl mistake. i belive he was kind off like a lab rat. when starswirls spell malfunctioned. it changed discord filling him with cao's magic and warping his mind until he meet fluttershy.
I’d say that Greed would look like a draconequees with a ton of arms (it kind of makes sense)
0 likesIt's been years since I've watched this guy.
0 likesIn summary, there were probebly dragonequis before, maybe in the ancient past. But much like Celestia and Luna, maybe Discord is a celestial being who has surpassed his fellow species and gained both extreamly long life but also extreamly strong magical powers. There is no telling whay happened to the rest of his species but we can speculate it is very far away if still going. Further than the Zebra or Saddle Arabians. Discord never had a friend before fluttershy, implying that he, like Spike and a long way from home or when, born one of the last of his species. I rather think last because there is no implication of another still alive. Meanwhile Zecora speaks fondly of home and Spike has come to terms with being a child of 2 worlds. Discord is alone, but not by willing choice.
0 likesThis is awesome! I wish one of you would be proven right....
127 likesReplies (10)
11 likes+Event HoriXZ0n
3 likesSup bro!
Hey if you're interested I have a little theory on Draqoniqi.... (I cant spell very well...)
Event HoriXZ0n are you from anader au
0 likesthe illuminati one is real
3 likesCameo Shadowness Maybe both are right. Maybe Discord is Starswirl and tried turning into a draconequus but failed epically and was driven insane by the true ones who mocked his blunder.
3 likes@princessbinas That would be crazy... and awesome! Saddly I doubt MLPcould doa good jobwriting thattype f story....
0 likesCameo Shadowness rydffcf
0 likesCameo Shadowness hhhhhhhh
1 likeJB SINGH 777
1 likeis mirage, the draconequis considered canon?
1 likesearch 'mirage mlp' n the video will tell u ALL
if star swirl really created discord by mistake then I don't think he would have created more
0 likesHey Brony can you please make a video about the most difficult spell 👍I love your videos 💖
0 likesI know this is from literally 5 years ago, but what if Discord killed the rest of his kind?
0 likesAn explanation for what happened to all of the others is they win against their spiritual core so to speakLike discord did and almost died from it
0 likesit could be that there is a dragonequus species and starswirl turned into one of them but made a mess out of it.
7 likesReplies (1)
Taeschno Flo I think he tried to become one by their superiority in magic, and he tried to create a spell but failed, this is my theory and seems most unlikely
3 likesThe thing about destruct is that it too, is also chaotic, usually.
0 likesI love how discord has the voice of a psychopathic old man but he is called a princess
0 likesThat was the Tigger song. I have, well, HAD a toy of Tigger that sang that with different words.
11 likesI didn't know that story. What's the Starswirl Story?
Replies (2)
Basically, in magical mystery cure, star swirl is described in a way that makes it sound like he had no friends. If the spell swapped twilight’s friends. If he had no friends, and used the spell on himself, his entire body would be swapped android he turned into discord.
1 likeOf course, this isn’t true bc of season 7 I think... when starswirl’s disappearance was explained
@*Aura_Flower* thanks.
1 likeLyrics at the beginning (I know the lyrics are already on the screen but why not):
0 likesThe wonderful thing of Discord
Is Discord wonderful thing
He has a head of a pony,
And a body of... everything?
He's chaos,chaos,chaos,chaos
But the most wonderful thing about Discord
Is he's the only one!
LOL I love how you guys described your theory while making this very humorous, very well done ^_^
10 likesif discord is able to change his form wouldn't that mean he could have looked like a draconequus or any other creature and just changed his form earlier in his life and kept it like that.
0 likesi want a whole song about that first part
2 likesDiscord is the spirit of it makes sense for him to have different body parts
0 likesImagine a draconequs of lust..... Will it be like a siren? How will it even be appropriate?
0 likes...I miss Event Horizon’s videos...I don’t care if they were outdated They were still funny as “ tartarus”
0 likesThe wonderful thing about Discord,
0 likesIs Discord's a wonderful thing!
He has the head of a pony,
And a body of... everything?
But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one!
He's the only one!
Di5c0rd I5 Th3 OnLy Dr4cC0nEQu3s 0bV1oS7y!!
This is my first time watching but, omg XD
1 like" THIS mess is a bLeNdEd HuRrIcAnE oF eVeRfReE nOnSeNsE!!!" I freakin love this line XDD
Also, a part-pony part-dragon is called a Kirin/Qilin. Just like the one in Season 9
ain't it clear since discord almost over took the whole equestria and was turn into magic he would be called a Draconequus? why that specific name probably not much of a reason same as we name new species now days it just some pony assumed his spacey even if his the only one hes still some kind of spacey or at one point discord just named him self a Draconequus ruler of equestria!
0 likesbut since he almost took over equestria he was put solid in equestria history and to be remember in future same as we do with our history so its now waunder cheerlee knows and teach about equestria history to fillys
Here's a theory I want you to make, can the changelings get cutie marks like any other pony?
0 likesMaybe discord is a artificial draconequus, made simply off word of mouth ,no one has seen a living one so discord was created this way because they made a mistake, an imperfect replica
0 likessooo.. I watched the show and when he was first mentioned, celestia said discord was the spirit of DISHARMONY! not CHAOS! but idk if it was a fluke or anything.
1 like“This mess is a blended hurricane of everfree nonsense!”
1 likeXD I died
Event is hilarious lease do more colabs with him
26 likesReplies (1)
0 likesThey probably don’t call him draconequus because that eats up his evil past (or may keeps it)
0 likesWell, I think the theory that discord is the only one is discarted because of the comics, with the new comics (dispite that they don't happen in the tv series) we have seen 3 draconequus: Discord, Discord's cousin Eris and Discord's ex girlfriend Cosmos
0 likesHe’s all jumbled up because his chaos so his body is chaotic?
2 likesIf you look at "The creature world wiki" and type draconequus it is exactly like discord
0 likes0:00 - 0:12 I've been replaying this repeatedly ten thousand times and died of laughter.
0 likesCould it possible be a broad term for something pony ish that can't be explained or that doesn't have a name? A label instead of a species name?
0 likesHere is my theory about Discord, so Disord as we know is a thing of Chaos; the head of a horse
0 likesA draconequus doesn’t necessarily have to be a spirit of chaos.
0 likesWell, the Starswirl theory is concluded as incorrect.
0 likesSo now we wait to see if Event HoriXZ0n is right or wrong.
"He looks like an antopomofic tornado aftermath" lol
4 likesWell, Faust's vision hasn't mattered since she left, so there. The idea of more draconequi can stick until directly challenged by cannon.
0 likesMaybe all the whatever discord is have their own equestria, their own history, their own villains that spread harmony and a team to stop the spread of harmony and spreads chaos as well as their own map to show anyone in their equestria needs chaos
0 likesWhat about when the mail guy got stuck in discord’s deletion it could’ve been just discord being discord but I think it gave us some clues that there were other houses
0 likesI made my own dragonequas. She is the spirit of anxiety and sadness.
0 likesTop 3 comment topics
3 likesThe wonderful thing about discord
Is Discord's a wonderful thing
He has the head of a pony,
And a body of...everything
He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos
But the most wonderful
Thing about discord is
He's the only one
"This is a blended hurricane of everfree nonsense!"
TigGer's soNg
I’m sure others have pointed this out; but I’m not sure if the comics are considered cannon, but there is Cosmos (malice) and Eris (also Chaos and Discord’s cousin).
0 likesI feel Notion because I also like the "Star Swirl became Discord" theory so much.
12 likesHonestly Lauren getting laid off the show removes the only real factor that could debunk the theory. If Twilight became and alicorn and the Princess of Merchandise was born, what's stopping the show creators from changing up other characters? Really the only thing stopping the theory from becoming true is the show creators not wanting to use it, not a glaring difference with the established canon, isn't that the sign of a good theory?
"blended hurrcane of everfree nonsense" best thing I've heard all day (if I spelt wrong correct me by replieing I don't mide
4 likesReplies (4)
Y'all dying still 3 years later I knew I was that good
0 likesEvent HoriXZ0n it wasn't good it was fantastic
0 likesYou misspelled hurricane, replying, and mind
0 likesSalty Carrot ok
0 likesThe wonderful thing about discord,is discord a wonderful thing he has a head of pony and a body of......everything he's chaos,chaos,chaos,chaos pan-de-mo-nium,but the wonderful thing of discord he's the only one
1 likeI'm the only one that want a full version of this song on the beginning of the video?
0 likesWatching in 2022 and oh man was sawtooth wrong about discord being starswirl.
2 likesAre you going to do a video about the new changlings? I think it would be very interesting on your opinion, considering your oc
570 likesReplies (45)
yes :3
61 likesThe Brony Notion you are awesome
1 likeThe Brony Notion can you please stop taking 1 month faction off of YouTube you said you wouldn't for the last 2 times
2 likesWell, that'll be fun XD When can we expect that? The usual wait?
0 likesAlex Lewis OOOOOOOH YEAH
1 likeAlex Lewis yes i would like to know
1 likewish I could say... some time 2017!
11 likes@The Brony Notion yay
0 likesThe Brony Notion Well, sounds like a long and painful wait XD
2 likesAlex Lewis yes that would be great!
0 likeswell there is less than a month left in 2016 so optimistically it could be pretty soon.
0 likesAlex Lewis YES
0 likesAlex Lewis yup
2 likesJackie the Draconequus I believe he uses Adobe After Effects, but if you want o use it it's only on PC. (Sorry :C )
0 likesJackie the Draconequus uh whatever editing software that you have access to. We have a lot of images, though, of different poses so you'll have to make those if you don't have them
0 likes@Jackie the Draconequus What?
@Jackie the Draconequus PC is computer. You can do it on a mobile device but it's harder
1 likeI don't no how to do it
1 like@Jackie the Draconequus Okay I'll give you a few links to help out
@Jackie the Draconequus Apps that allow you to record
@Jackie the Draconequus There are many just Chill
0 likes@The Afro Brony DO YOU MEAN CHILL OUT
1 like@Jackie the Draconequus Yes.
0 likesHe can't has his original character, he is a changling. and this pony what are you looking at is just an illusion.
0 likesOk he might has one but how different it would be than other changlings?
0 likes@Laughing German I don't know.
1 likeI don't no how to make my pony talks
0 likesHow do you make your pony TALK on there
0 likesAlex Lewis YES
0 likes@Jackie the Draconequus He uses a program, I told you. He uses his voice and makes his OCs mouth move
0 likesYeah the new changelings will chrysalis reform tooo
1 like+Fantasy Song I assume that she most likely won't bc they made Thorax the new king. I mean, unless she changes her mine and rule together, I think she is now an enemy against her own kind.
4 likeshere is quite possibly the most requested crossover in my opinion: DANNY PHANTOM AND MLP
0 likessdrrttgyyyyyAlex Lewis
4 likesAlex Lewis lk
0 likesAlex Lewis p
0 likesAlex Lewis the starsrwrill the discord theory is dead
0 likes:3
0 likesI love this video just because of your little diddly at the beginning! 🥰😂
0 likesUses a writer of the show that isn't on staff anymore to disprove Event's point
0 likesWon't accept the fact that a current writer of the show said that Fiscord wasn't Starswirl. Good thing the recent finale proved him wrong
The Discord re-colerd thing: This mess is a blended hurricane of everfree nonsense
1 likeFlutter Shy: HOW DARE YOU MEAN BEAST!!!
0 likesIf Horrizons throne has a gem that blocks changeling magic
How was B. Notion able to change into a Dragonequis and back into a normal pony actually?
Well once again someone miss the important facts.
31 likesCelestia said:
"A natural born alicorn is something like Equestria has never seen before."
Luna:"It's even beyond our understanding."
Key words
Equestria, never, seen, before.
What is Equestria? A country. This means there are other countries out there. Yak Yakastan, saddle arbria, griffinstone, zebra lands.
So Equestria only existed since the three tribes United.
And how do the sisters come into power? They arrive and saw the state that discord put the ponies into.
Arrive as coming from somewhere else.
The phase is of An natural born alicorn is like Equestria has never seen before.
It implies that they may have knowledge of else where where it did happen. And by that fact alone Celestia and Luna may still be natural alicorns!
Replies (10)
Then why is it beyond their understanding?
5 likes@The Brony Notion
0 likesThey may have never seen it too. r it could be a very rare event.
Natural selection, maybe...
0 likesThe Brony Notion my oc is half pegasus & half dragon, do you think it's possible for a pony & other species can have a children?
1 like@***** So you are saying maybe?
0 likes@***** So you agree with me?
0 likesShe may have also been too young to remember.
3 likesThe Brony Notion going off of what they said, wasn't the two born before equestria? So if they were born alicorns equestria wouldn't have seen it before, and to go off on why they don't understand is because they were young, they are over 1000 years old so it could be possible they don't remember, and being so long ago there is the possibility something similar may not have been seen or documented
0 likesCountry's and city's and stuff: galloping gorge,yanhoover,smoky mountains,white tails yoon,palamino desert,rock farm,macintosh hills, applelossa,dodge city, hayseed swaps,las pegasus,applewood,horseshoe ray, celestial sea,filly delphia, griffins isles,rainbow falls, menehattain,starlights village,crystal mountains,cloudsdale,frozen north, crystal empire,yakyakinstan,unicorn range, eqratia(I dunno how to spell it), 2 more I dunno how to spell.
0 likesBut it does cheapen what it means to be an alicorn. Now you don't even have to do anything to earn it! This makes Twilight's whole struggle and lessons completely pointless if a friggin newborn can have the power because... hurr durr, let's copy Fairly Oddparents! Because that overpowered baby worked out so well! It's as horrible a development as would be having Goku's next kid be BORN a Super Saiyan. The show got enough crap for having Trunks and Gotenks become SS to quickly and easily. It always feels cheap when something the main characters struggle for ages to achieve is later just dumped on a stupid kid or baby for no reason whatsoever.
0 likesacually I have something to say about this theory... Maybe Starswirl meant to make the start a new to equestira species but messed up when making discord and didn't try again.
0 likesI am now referring to discord as a “blended hurricane of everfree nonsense”😌
0 likesIf he is “a” draconequis is instead of “the” draconequis then what could it mean?
0 likesMaybe discord was cast out for being the odd one out and then travelled to a far off land.
0 likesThis was awesome! Your theories are getting better and better!
3 likesHonestly I believe that there's more of Discord's species out there, but ima make a theory on that BEFORE I rant about it.
0 likesor im just a huge fan of Discrod-
I wish i could see this on the series
0 likesGuess I’m just going to have so say that my Draconequus’s from my AU are different to the real meaning of the name? 😂😅
0 likesWait, if your Oc pony avatar is a changling, why do you always depict yourself/your OC as a pony? Shouldn’t the choice of making your OC into a specific species be because you like that species the most and want to be depicted as such? Didn’t you say in that “reforming chrysalis” video that the problem with the changling hive was that they were copying pony culture and not embracing changling Heritage?
0 likesBrony: he's the only one
338 likesMe: omg I agree
Over discord appeared
Me: god what the hell
Replies (1)
Maisy Couch did the same thing 😂😂😂😂😝😋
3 likesI have a theroy: mabey different discords belong to different timelines that's why we can only see discord in this timeline of course the timeline has to be the exact same
0 likesHe may be a blended hurricane of everfree nonsense, but I love him
0 likesMalice was the reason for discord being so evil
0 likes“The spirit of... horse theories I guess” lmao
1 likeWell if they were an endangered species than they may have to breed with various creatures to keep their species alive and since combination of creatures such a griffons, Hippogriff, etc. Then maybe he a species beyond a Dragon and Horse combination, because he carries the traits of so many other animals.
6 likesim singing that song in eurovision
1 likeits a masterpiece
There Can Be A Group Of Draconquis That Are Of The Opsite Elements Of The Main 6 *Not Including Twilight Because There Can't Be A Element Of Anti-Magic, Can There?!?*
0 likesDefinitely more than one draconequus now with g5 illusion
0 likesThe wonderful thing about Discord
0 likesIs Discord a wonderful thing
He has the head of a pony
And a body of ... everything?
The wonderful thing about discord
0 likesIs that discord’s a wonderful thing
He has the head of a pony and the body of everything
Chaos chaos chaos pandemonium
But the most wonderful thing about discord
Is he’s the only one he’s the only one
I beg to differ
Them: I don’t see much dragon in him
0 likesI’m sure the show meant western dragons but he basically has the body of an eastern dragon (which are cool af btw)
So since discord is the spirit of CHAOS and his body is well a mess and CHAOS is well most likely INSANITY so he can’t be the only one Draconicus like event horizon said “the main six are spirits” like discord he’s the spirit of chaos there has to be a spirit of desruction or insanity so he is not the only one and also you know how you don’t see baby pidegions when they have to be full grown to soar the skys well it’s kinda like that but diffrent there is a whole cvilization of draconiquis only one of them goes out of hiding and attempts to take over if they either DIE or end their reign they send out another and another and another.... the cycle repeats over and over since discord was turned to stone his body was frozen and was stuck there for moons and since he never returned to the dragoniquias civilization and never had a no need to send another and losing the one they end like discord so they had no choice but to stay and that’s my theory (I think I wrote more words than the script of this vid XD 🤔)
3 likesReplies (3)
someone who gets it
1 likeEvent HoriXZ0n when did you have the time to read all of this
0 likesEvent HoriXZ0n here’s a extension to my theory THE DEQUANIQUIAS EXISTED BEFORE PONIES
0 likesI think Discord is the only draconequus in the MLP world, and that the rest live in a separate parallel reality like Limbo(The plane of pure chaos in D&D).
0 likesDiscord is probably a god sins he can do absolutely anything
0 likesThe reason discord doesn't look like a draconequus is because he is the sprit if chaos and that's why he looks so different
0 likesWhat if Discord named his own species that because it doesn't make sense for him to be called that other words cause a tiny bit of chaos
1 likeYou forgot “His name is also discord so he can ping everyone”
0 likesWell, in one episode discord tries to send tree hugger to another dimension, so...
0 likes0:06 the next line should've been Discord can do anything.
0 likesDoes sawtooth feeds the love his fans?
1 likeEdit: last time sawtooth said discord was star swirl but look star swirl actually has blue eyes
0 likesDiscord is the last draconequus and the other draconequus are defeated by Celestia and Luna's parents
Actually the Mane Six wasn't mentioned as Spirit of the Elements of Harmony in the same way Discord was.
16 likesAnd actually I think that arguments against existance of other Draconequus are stronger(even if I catually don't care so much what was Lauren Faust assusmption - especially that we know some of them are no longer valid - end ever less of theory that Discord is Starswirl... this seem really ridiculus(but maybe i should firstly get to know what Your argumentation to this was)... but actually i have other headcannon why Discord must be the only one... but this headcannon is a secret)... and if Discord wouldn't be one in a kind ot would make him less unique.
and actually the way how Trixie said about "Draconequus with magic and half of a brain might help" doesn't neccessery mean that there are more of them. Let me use this example - "The Earth without natural disaster might be better place to live" - does this sentence mean there are many Earths? No, and in the same way this what Trixie say doesn''t haver to mean that there are more than one Draconequus. This was just sort of hypothetical speaking.
And actualy how both of complenentary theories could be wrong at the one time? This is like saying that something could exist and not existing at the same time. Logical contradiction.
Replies (10)
Lyokoheros you haven't actually disproven anything only presented a logical fallacy
1 likeI actually disproven significance of some arguments. To be more axact - one, this about what Trixie said.
0 likesbut my point was rather to give opinion than prove or disprove anything... but never the less finding logical fallacy is equal do disprove something.
Of course we can be 100% sure if other draconequus exist or not, but literally nothing in series prove that there even could be any others than Discord.
But still - lack of prove for existane isn't prove something don't exist.
do you even speak english
2 likes@Event HoriXZ0n one misspelling is really enough for asking such a question?
2 likesLyokoheros no you're trying really hard to sound rational and articulate but it just makes your thoughts choppy and hard to read
1 like"Your argumentation"
1 likeim ded
No, the is specific, but not a or an, an earth implies a one amongs a few or many, the implies a singular signature unique one amongst non or one that is specific.
1 like@Barakon that would only mean that I should write "(An) Earth without natural disasters might be better place to live". It's something anyone on Earth could say but as it is just a wishful, hypothetical kind of sentence. So "the" or "a/an" doesn't change anything about lore implication of such sentence.
0 likes@Lyokoheros I guess? But point being, they said an implying more than 1 draconequus.
1 like@Barakon no the point here is that such kind of sentences (wishfull thinking/hyphotetical) doesn't actually imply anything.
1 likeWhat if discord was born a real (idk how to spell it) but due to a back fired spell, became the discord we now and love. This back fire can be by starswirl. So there's a chance that he's one of a kind thanks to a magical mistake and that he was born as one of a species. He doesn't mind the rudeness by trixie towards his kind because he's the being of chaos and disharmony, it's understandable that he wouldn't mind since 1. He's not one of them anymore and 2. Disharmony, duh.
0 likesI don't think that discord's other wing is a dragon wing because from the episode(keep calm and flutter on) spike said maybe the visitor has a BAT WING and a deer leg and a goats horn so discord's other wing is a bat wing and not a dragon wing
1 likesawtooth i was wondering what happens if there are nice dicords like one as a kind discord
0 likesFun fact!! Equus is the ancestor of the horse we know today!
0 likes1:06 that means that discord is a mistake
4 likesthere was once a species of them and discord having a pony head he was just jumbled with them
0 likesMy theory: maybe soon the Creator's would actually put another one that he wouldn't it be lonely and make a whole new serious about them your theory: he's the only one
1 like"He's the only draconequus"
2 likesThe Comics: UHhHHhHHhhhHhhhH
BRONY NOTION PLEASE READ THIS THEORY!I have a theory that ties with Starswirl=Discord and Draconaques what if the unfinished spell Starswirl did was what turned him into Discord (which might explain why it’s unfinished) and in the episode Magical Mystery Cure when the mane 6 got their cutie marks swapped they forget their memories of them being friends and forgot about each other what if Starswirl forgot his memories of him being Starswirl and maybe a pony saw him and referred to him as a Draconaques even though he isn’t really one it also explains why Discord calls himself that and why he doesn’t look like one and maybe the Dragonaques species has gone extinct which might explain why the term exists and why there is probably no other Draconaques in the show and in the clip with the interview with Lauren Faust she said that Discord was a “mistake” perhaps a mistake in one of Starswirl’s spells that turned him into Discord? And even though the theory that Discord=Starswirl may be debunked because of the season 7 finale what if the Starswirl we saw there was from another timeline a timeline where Starswirl never became Discord but that’s a entire theory on its own.
2 likesMaybe 'draconequus' isn't a species-name, but a descriptor/category. Like, all the chimeras are also draconequui, and anything else that blends horse and draconic features would also fall under that umbrella term. Like ravens, crows, magpies, rooks etc are corvids, humans are are hominids.
0 likesIt would explain why the word is in common use and Discord even answers to it. It's not his species, it's just a broad category his shape currently falls under. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lauren Faust said that Discord was the only one
0 likesYeah, and Marc Laidlaw said the Nihlanth was the last of it's kind, yet we have the Gman
I don’t think that there are other Draconequus because my theory is that Discord is the unexpected result of an experiment by Starswirl
0 likes"do you have evedence"
36 likes*face looks nervously surprised*
Me : your screwed
“A TRUE draconoqes if I do say so MYSELF”
0 likesIf you’re a true draconoqes, then wat up with the horns. Neither speicies have them.
3 likesDon’t mind me
Just a timestamp for myself
0:00 i love that song
19 likesReplies (4)
2 likesSame
1 likeSame
1 likeSame
1 likeI think that he still counts as a Draconequus but he looks like that because he is the spirit of caos
0 likesDoesn't Discord have a confirmed sister in the comics? Or is that not canon to the show?
0 likesAnd the what about Cosmos, a female creature similar to Discord who also appeared in the comics?
If there was only one draconeques, then they would only call him Discord. If he was the only one, then they wouldn't mention his species at all.
0 likesWhat if you’re both right and the spell was to create one but left unchecked and unfinished it created discord
0 likesHmm how do I explain this I watched a few videos and found out grogar was discord then I had an idea then realized it was stupid what if he changes form depending on the kind of chaos like grogar is evil chaos then realized discord has made evil chaos before facepalmed myself.
0 likesif there are other draconecuess, what if they're in that multi dimension in the episode with the snooze? Cause if they were to go around equestria or ponyville, it would cause an uproar, and soon chaos, (no pun intended), so they hid themselves in the dimension, or maybe some are hidden in equestria, in the episode with Tirek, when he saw discord for the first time in forever, (again no pun), he was disguised as a pony, so maybe some draconecuess are hiding in equestria as ponies, like a changling almost.
4 likesWhy is he called a draconequus instead of discord Because if there’s only one why wouldn’t they just call him by his name
1 likeFaust: discord is a weird mistake
I have another piece of evidence that Discord isn't the only one. Why would he have that whole realm all to himself? It certainly looked as though there WAS some destruction going on...........
0 likesFrom one of your other theories you said that Celestia and Luna are from a different civilization in inside the quote “the of the birth of an Alcorn is something Equestria has never seen” IT SAYS EQUESTRIA NOT WHAT THEY’VE SEEN.
0 likesWell, a Draconiquis of destruction could just look bedraggled and decrepit, couldn't it. And maybe greed could be like, a living golden draconiquis statue, and make his/her living as a thief. It's more a matter of creativity, isn't it?
6 likesReplies (4)
+Onyx the Dragon Horse theories, what would that look like?
0 likesA draconiquis with more horse than dragon. The creature would be coated in chalk dust, and his talons be made of pencil lead. They'd be covered in papers of math equations, horse charts, and the like. Most importantly, the skull and brain would be abnormally large, and the creature highly intelligent.
0 likesYeah, I admit. It's not that great. But greed, destruction are much easier to make a theme out of than something as specific as horse-theories.
1 like*Draconequus
1 likeI guess he changeling people's minds 🌜🌛
4 likesWell...his general shape is dragonlike, and his head is kind of equine-ish looking.
0 likesThe only things you and Discord have in common is the eyes and BROWS
0 likesThat star swirl theory aged like steak on a humid rainy day.
0 likesCan the reformed changelings still change their appearance?
11 likesAnd you're also a changeling, so ya plannin to get reformed too, or...?
Replies (3)
He'll probably keep his design, unless someone wants to share their love?
1 likeBen N O O
0 likesV
Emily Kunzite Yes they can.
0 likesRemember season 2 episode 1 we saw different spirits like friendship and more none looked like discord ,he is the only one boom.
0 likes3:02 my reaction to discord
7 likesWhat if there is a Draconaquus civilization like the one of the allicorns. Maybe the starswirl discord theory could still work. But then again I don't know the theory so maybe not. Thank you for making videos
0 likeswhat if their were more Dragon-eques's but they all look he same execpt for Discord.the only reason Discord looks different is because starswirl cast the wrong spell and turned into dicord and being that he was named a Dragon-eques after the true Dragon-eques's that were already known by equestria
0 likesI could watch the start all day 🤣🤣🤣
1 likeMaybe the draconiquis are hiding somewhere like from discord cause he's more powerful
0 likesIf it wasn't based on what spirit they showed why would discord look different from the others??
0 likesJust one thing:
0 likesCheerilee referred to him as a draconequus, not Discord, right?
:/ just thinking out loud
Event HoriXZ0n's twitchy horn is the real Draconequus!
18 likesReplies (4)
Yeah I gotta fix that actually
14 likesFix? FIX?!!? What kind of Dragglekiss actually FIXES things?! That would imply we leave the world a better place! You trying to give us a bad name?!
1 like+Widdershins dude calm down we don't always need to cause chaos gosh 😧
0 likes+Luz Vargas Whoah, hey now, Chaos is the OTHER guy's shtick! You know what happens when another Spirit steps toe into another's magical territory?!!? ...least I hope you do, I sure don't!
In the first episode the book said that the elements of harmony is the strongest thing in ponyvill
0 likes"Blended hurricane of everfree nonsense" yep that explains discord 100%
0 likesWhat if the Draconequine's appearance is based on their spirit just like a Pony's cutie mark?
0 likesI know how Flurryheart Was born as an alicorn!
0 likesShe was supposed be a Pegasus and become an alicorn but Shining Armor is a Unicorn so shes a mix so she was born as an alicorn!
Have you noticed that there are two different stories on how ponyvile was founded!1:sap apple jam2:the play that they did
0 likesWhat if Star Swirl made more than just Discord. What if he made many more draconequus.
0 likesMy head cannon is that after discord was banished the royal sisters wiped out the rest of the species incase one of them follows in the footsteps of discord
1 likeNice theory video :) btw I would like to agree with the star swirl theory too.
4 likesReplies (1)
ClearCrystal I honestly am not sure. Their timelines match up well, but not perfectly so it's still free to make assumptions. But, Discord has really nothing in common with starswirl, there's no real correlation in their designs. I don't know... HELP ME
1 likeThere is more then one discord, what about his parents? And let’s say he is made of a spell, wouldn’t star swirl, even when he escaped from his place, shouldn’t he try to capture him and reform him?
0 likesSadly it wasn't true that discord was starswirl the bearded
0 likesBut maybe there was more draconcuises once and discord is the last one
What about Tireks realm? Who says that there aren’t more like Discord there? There’s clearly more variety there,just a late idea
0 likesSo, the term “Draconequus” is a misnomer?
0 likesThe song was completely correct (except maybe the part about him being the only one)
0 likesWe know now that Starswirl is not Discord, but who says Discord wasn't made by Starswirl
1 likemaybe they exist and discord looks kind of the same so they they were the same thing instead of pure chaos
1 likeWatch the daughter of Discord! DONT YOU KNOW SCREWBALL!?
4 likesyour draconequus should be draconequss sawtooth, the spirit of cool musical notes
0 likesThere could be different dacunecus but in different dimensions and each one could have there own drecanucas of greed jealusi or even destrucción when starligh showed different posible chances of villanos winnig what if the portals went into different dimensions and some of them would go to past present and future
0 likesDiscord could not be a draconequus maybe he is chaos manifest in the physical form and ponies saw him and thought that he looks like a draconequus which could be old creatures that no longer exists (or are hidden somewhere)
0 likesOne can be the spirit of death and not looking like a walking corpse.
0 likesI love the intro song. Thanks for Pooh Bear reference and making my day.
0 likesIf celestial and Luna were born alicorns and they were shocked that flurry heart was an alicorn its simple they were shocked because cadance isn't a true alicorn like twighlight celestial turned them into alicorns so she didn't think there children would be born with them but had to achieve them as there parents
0 likesHoly shoot the Tigger song.... I can't express how glad I am someone else remembers that.
0 likesDude the Dimensional Rift of Draconequus Door was locked!
1 likeMy favorite part(s) was.....
0 likesEverything from 2:56 to 3:12
what if every species have its own spirit? like ponies’ spirit is harmony, draconequus’ spirit is chaos, and others? and faust said that discord is the only one but what if draqoneques already extinct? and discord live because he’s a spirit.. what do i mean by spirit is twilight and her friends are the spirit of harmony what if discord became the alicorn of draqonequees? like maybe the prince of draqonequees? surely alicorn is immortal, right? so i think the only reason i could think of why discord is the only draqonequees is bcs he watched his kind dies in extinction while he’s immortal so he’s alive alone! srry if my explanation doesn’t make sense bcs well, bad english
0 likes3:06 You didn't have to roast him like that 😭
0 likesThe wonderful thing about discord is discord is insane
0 likesCan we have the full version of the song u sang at the beginning
2 likesGood voice
0 likesMaybe other Draconequus live in that strange space where Discord have his house
0 likesEvidence? Evidence! How do you know changeling isnt a relative plus he makes clones
0 likesDiscord is a part of every disaster in season 1
0 likesI think Pinkie Pie has some draconequus blood because of how crazy she is and how many impossible things she does.
0 likesMaybe they had a war when discord
0 likeswas a little kid and he survived somehow and grew up looking for a place to live until he found ponyvile and wanted revenge
Star swirl is a real character in the show he was just in the shadow around 1000 years
1 likeYeah they might say the birth of the network is something Equestria has never seen but think about it Equestria that means somewhere else they seen an alicorn born so it might make sense if an owl corn was born like Luna and Celestia they were probably born somewhere else not an Equestria but someone else cuz that would make so much sense so it would make sense if they were actually out going to were born Fourier was the only one that was born in the Equestria so whoever created the show I don't remember she was right the Luna and Celestia were theborn an alicorn somewhere where alicorns have been born a lot
0 likesI think that he wasn’t the only one but since his species is ancient many they were wiped out by the first emperor of equestria but one escaped but was wounded so fell into a deep sleep until he was awakened by accident
0 likesReplies (1)
So when he escaped the magic of the rest of his species fussed into him and made it chaotic or chaos for short witch would mean that he is a fusion of all of his species
0 likes6:58
0 likes(Warning grammar mistakes)
Let me explain so what if…
Celestia and Luna were born alicorns just they were born before equestria was fully made and came to be? Or they were born outside of equestria and still were born alicorns? So celestia and luna may both be right and Lauren too herself honestly in my opinion it makes sense but I know it seems like I’m forgetting what Luna said as well but luna’s case I’m gonna get on another day but still they both might be right or I’m making this too complicated and I’m sorry if I wasted your time but this is just a theory I have had for a while and finally something I Think I should share and I know I might also be forgetting miss mic flurry heart but again I’m gonna cover her case another day but once again just a theory I have and you can make a video on it if you like sawtooth
the wonderful thing about discord
9 likesis discord's wonderful thing!
he has a head of a pony
and a body of everything!?
I'm pretty sure it's draconeaquushas come from mythological
0 likesWell… since Equestria IS a country (It’s in dragonshy where they wonder why a full grown dragon is in equestria), technically discord might not be the only one. Plus, how in the world was he created anyway? He lives in the middle of nowhere, alone, with no one. So I have arguments for both. It’s just something that discord MIGHT not be the only one.
0 likesI don't think either theory is quite correct. I don't think star swirl would make up discord or have much to do with him in the first place as he is the spirit of chaos. I'd like to think that he was formed by something that had been from an event causing a sort of chaotic type of magic causing discord and chaos. As to how he would get his name from the ponies. Reason I would say this is because he does have this sort of chaotic magic that really no others possess. An example would be the episode of when terek (don't know how to spell his name) took his magic. Like some like say alicorns who earned their sort of winged form got them through an event of some new type of magic. But then again it is a theory.
0 likesWhen Star Swirl was actually trapped in Limbo for a thousand years since his disappearance.
1 likeReplies (2)
That's exactly what happened in Shadow Play #MostepicMLPfinaleever
0 likesYeah, no shit Sherlock.
0 likesI have only know of you for about maybe 2 years now. I did not realize you are a Changeling. There is nothing wrong about being a Changeling. I just thought it a bit odd at times. I do not have any qualms about races e.i. Pegasi, Unicorn, Earth, Changelng, nor Draconequi.
4 likesSawtooth:I’m not ready to let go of the starswirl = discord theory
1 likeMe: but you will be debunked soon
You're actually a pretty good singer.
0 likestHiS mESs iS a BlEnDeD hUrRiCaNe oF eVeRfReE nOnSenCe
1 likeDiscord magically moving in the glass window: I hEaRd tHaT
0 likesThe wonderful thing about discord!
Is that dicords a W O N D E R F U L Thing
He has the head of a pony
And a body of…. Everything
He’s Chaos , Chaos , Chaos , Chaos
But the most wonderful thing about discord is….
he’s the only one!
Hℯℯℯℯℯℯ’s the only one
"This mess is a blended hurricane of Eberfree nonsense." - Event HoriXZon
16 likesXDXDXD
Replies (2)
Rose Cadenza 3:06
0 likesBtw, I was dead when I heard it lol
1 likeThis made me think..Where is Discord now? Maybe in the magical crisis he could've helped? I mean he is full of magic. And if he would have passed which would have only a slight chance of that happening because he lived for a long long looooooong time, and maybe when he was turned into stone millions of moons ago, the time in his life would've... paused or something? so that probably means all those years when he was stone were just waiting for him to be uhhh unstoned and that those years unpaused so he would be alive for a looooooooooooooooooong time, so if he is alive where is he? Also wait what the- why am i talking abt this u wouldnt see this comment anyways, but if you do, it would make my whole year! i always watch ur videos and i've been watching since i was like 6- so if u notice this comment i would E X P L O D E anyways, thats all!
0 likesI literally have the discord song stuck in my head lol
0 likesNotion: We all know Discord is the result of Starswirl reading his unfinished spell
0 likesMe: *smirking, looking at the episode Shadow Play* You were SAYING XD
What if Discord isn't a Draquaniquis.... But a Slad lord?
0 likesLOVE the Winnie the Pooh start😍😍😘
11 likesReplies (1)
Senpai noticed me!!
1 likeWait she never said there was never others! She just he was the only one! Thats kinda vague. So there could have been more. Who nows I'm just stating some flaws in that statement. Also maybe they arn't made like normal. Maybe there needs to be enough to create a giant rift to take elements of different realities and mash it up and a weird creature appears. I'm trying to fill any gaps in this logic, wait there is no logic is flipping Discord. Ok and sense Discords the last one(if this is right) there isn't enough left of his species to make those rifts so no more can be made. Maybe Discord was the species last attempt to save there species. One as strong as hundreds of them but sadly not strong enough to make more. What if he is the result of thousands of his species using the last of there magic to create him in hopes that he can make more all by himself and they where on the brink of exstinction so they had to make the risk. But he turned out to crazied and didn't want to help his species so he never did that and then he tried taking over the land(can't spell so had to type something else), then Luna and Celestia(Lunas better btw) turned him to stone and he never met those who made him or learned what he had to do cause Luna and Celestia destroyed any left over relics of his species to keep Discord from learning how to make his kind come back, or he just isn't strong enough. I hope there are no holes in this idea! Tell me if there are. My fingers hurt now so why am i still typing!
0 likesMan that took forever to type. If its all blown up and debunked there went half an hour of my life wasted. Again why am i still typing. Welp hope this long paragraph intertained someone for a while. I wanna type more so. Imma just say more ideas i have for the show.
And i have no more. Welp imma just type ranom stuff. I am gonna proof read this all! Proof read it and pretty sure there are no grammar mistake, please do not say what i miss spelled or what i didn't add just let me be me. I did my best to make this sensiable so do not leave a million comments saying "Oh this is wrong and so is this" please just don't if i get a lot i will just delete this comment out of frustration. Bye!
0 likesbut what if there are more like discord I mean I heard a theory that when the wendigos 1st came There was a blizzard so it wiped out the entire Population Except for discord That's a good conclusion right?
0 likesI loved it when he said
0 likesPe-de-mo-ni-um
Hey i have a question in the gabby gums episode Celistia is seen in a picture eating large amounts of cake this could totally be coincidental or it could be reality so here's my question does Celistia use magic to keep her figure because correct me if i'm wrong it looks like Celistia hasn't walked unassisted since she became ruler of equstria.
3 likesReplies (1)
David Smith b
0 likesDidn't discord say he was the LAST of his kind? Meaning there could be more?
0 likesThe Star Swirl Theory has officially been debunked in Shadow Play
0 likesThe equus could be equal... just saying... think that might be Latin, but I’m only learning Latin right now..
1 likeEdit: Oh right I think it’s horse.
discord said "she makes us want to be a better draconeqqus" in epusode discordant harmony
0 likesthis gives me an Idea for my oc
19 likesReplies (10)
I'm glad we could help! That was the whole point in making this.
5 likesrealy?!
3 likesjust for me?
4 likeshell yeah
5 likesI'll be the spirit of greed
7 likesTheLivingCrystal(lokirocks25) Mine's the spirit of friction, therefore his name is Friction 😂
1 likeomg
0 likesWell, IIII was a DrunkonnaSlitz far before it was POPular! Well...before I started noticing others doing it, which totally counts. Oh who am I kidding? We are a race unmoored by such peasantry as sequential events or sanity.
1 like@ShazBaz579 Official YouTube Friction? That's kind of basic. Why I somewhat chafe at it. Why it causes me such...FRICTION! EEE-HEE-HEEE! DO IT! DOOO IT!!
Widdershins omGZ blAME CRINGEY oLD ME okAYYYYY
0 likesomG mOMY I'M GETTing BULLYD!!!!!1!1!!1!1!1
0 likesYou should do a music video for the intro song, like you did for ‘Buy Our Toys’.
0 likesI wonder how he feels that it has been confirmed that starswirl is not discord
0 likesI feel bad cuz now that season 7 is out he has to let go of the star swirl theory because star swirl was just stuck in a different demention
1 likeMaybe discord is one of the last in his species to survive
0 likesChaos is the opposite of Harmony. There is only one harmony. So only one discord/draconequus
0 likesEvery stop lying I know the ACTUAL origins of Discord
1 likeA whole bunch of animals were thrown in a blender and this is what’s we got out of it
That intro.... is the best!
0 likes3:09 Am i the only that laughed at the "A BLENDED HURRICANE OF EVERFREE NONSENSE"
0 likesHey do you guys think that Star Swirl could have actually MADE discord??? :3
5 likesActually if you think about it, it looks like he has a head of a dragon wrapped in the head skin of a pony
0 likestechnically when sawtooth turned into an dragonequees or whatever he was just a recolor or Event horiXZ0n
0 likesTbh I theorise that discord is truly a draconequus but he is the master of chaos so that's why he is part EVERYTHING
0 likeswait... draconequus... that reminds me of something.
1 liked r a g q u e e n ' s e n t e r d t h e c h a t
You know that in German it’s named “Drachen pony” wich means dragon pony so you know...
0 likesSawtooth your voice. i don’t know how your voice is so good
0 likesUnless that he is a creature that stays alone. There are some animals who are only and don’t travel in a group. So maybe there is more but scattered around or hiding !!!!
0 likesHalf pony half dragon? Say that to the catfish, turtledove, spidermonky, tigershark, exedra
1 likeThe lyrics of "We Are Number One" is in the description... XD
53 likesReplies (2)
Where i looked i did not see it
2 likesMe neither!
1 likewhat happens if his kind was killed ? that might change the hole theory
0 likesI agree that there are more "spirits" not to say if they are Draconequus my oc is the spirit of darkness and I think pinky pie will overthrow discord and become the new spirit of chaos (but hay this is the only idea from mlp that I have no evidence to provide right or wrong other than the 6 being the spirits)
0 likesThe answer is no, cause he can make clones on himself :3
0 likesDiscord just got ROSTED by that other discord that I can’t remember the name off
0 likesCan we just talk about the description
10 likesReplies (2)
The Blitz Bin What seems to be the problem? ;)
3 likesThe Brony Notion You disappearing on us
1 likeEvent is right due to discord had to be from some draconequus parents and Star swirl was in the void and ISN'T discord SOOOOoOO Event is right Notion is wrong. MYTH BUSTED!
0 likesI loved that Winnie Pooh reference!
0 likesWhy is he called the King Of Chaos
0 likesBecause he might have asbsorbed some magic from the bell in season 9 cause that bell has so much chaos magic
Me: *blankly working on stuffs while this plays *starts hearing Jepordey music *YEET onto tab
0 likesI just realised how similar 'Bro-hoof' was to Pewdiepie's 'Bro-Fist'
3 likesCoincidence?
What is discord is a dragon but along birth some wave of magic from flurry heart when she was a baby hit him as a baby and turned him? Then discord went back in time to try to stop flurry heart from being born so he can be normal and stop getting bullied. That’s just my theory.
0 likesthe wonderful thing about saw tooth, is saw tooth’s wonderful thing. he has the head of discord, and the body of discord!!?!?!?? 😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😅😂
0 likesnow thats funny!
yes it’s a proofen fact there was a alicorn and draconequus and it was one by the alicorn killing off every single draconequus leaving 2 young alicorn sisters and 1 little draconequus who escaped. boom and soon tia and lulu were princess and all that stuff happened with nightmare and blah be blah blah
1 likeIf Discord was Starswirl the Bearded like some people suggested, his appearance would be a product of a magical accident trying to get immortality giving himself wings and experimenting with extra DNA to combine pegasus genes
3 likesReplies (3)
my english is kinda rotten, but I hope you got the idea
0 likesGuess he didn't try Redbull :/
0 likesMy headcanon is he tried to obtain the powers of harmony, but without understanding friendship the results were disharmonious.
1 likeLoren said that Celestia and luna were born alicorns but when celestia said "the birth of an alicorn is in EQUESTRIA is some thing we've never seen" she said "in EQUESTRIA" so yeah they were born alicorns boom
0 likesik this theory is about 5 years old now is most likely irrelevant but to kinda add on to event horixzon's theory about the roles of the draconequus it kinda makes sense how discord is the spirit of chaos he would have a chaotic type of body and behavior to represent it bc he has both carnivore and herbivore like body features that don't make sense at all and well if imagined it would probs be chaotic if put into a real-life scenario
0 likesI can’t stop watching 3:06 of the video 😂
1 likeSorry I’m late but if you haven’t made a video can you make a video of how discord was made and how he got his chaos powers
2 likesThe spirit of horse therious! 😂
0 likesOf course he isn’t the only one HOW WAS HE BORN we all know the progress
0 likesHow han you sing THAT fast?!
0 likesDiscord is a draconaquis because he has parts of a dragon and equine and he is the spirit of chaos so his body has got to be chaotic
0 likesremix : discord is a wonderful thing he has the head of a horse and the body of other animals
0 likesAnd now that star swirl is back this might be more canon
0 likesDiscord confirmed he’s the last of his kind,
0 likeswhen you try to sing along to the song at the beginning but you keep saying tigger.
0 likesCosmos is a cannon draconequus. Or at least looks like one thou shes from the comics
0 likesSawtooth discord version may be called
1 likeLogic
Also cherry lee said “this is a draconequs “
0 likesIf discord is the only one why cherry lee didnt way simply “this is discord the spirit of chaos ...”
pretty sure that there was another draconequus in the comics named cosmos
0 likesthe part 2 episode of the ending of season 6 near the end the great and powerful Trixie said "so your a dragonicis with magic soo what" PROOF
13 likesthere is a realm of chaos.BUT we have only seen discord´s house of the realm maybe it is more draconequuses in the realm of chaos
0 likesIn the Comic they stated he came from a different dimensions and Luna and cesltia said Equestria hasn't seen the birth Luna and cesltia didn't say that hadn't
0 likesDiscords chaos is amazing but idk if it make ponys
0 likesJust call him “the everfree of nonsenses”
0 likesMay I present you...
I love the beginning ❤️
0 likesDiscord has a cousin from a different dimension, It’s from the game. (P.S. She stole Luna magic)
0 likesI hate to say it but the draconeques is right why would they name him a draconeques dragon AND equine if he had so many other parts no there must be others that they believe he is SIMILAR to but not exactly the same because he is the spirit of chaos why would he be normal
0 likesEver time I hear discord was starswirl the bearded I think dude really they came back from limbo in the show
0 likesOh cool, you changed into a draconeq- WAIT PAUSE YOU'RE A FREAKING CHANGELING?!?!
16 likesReplies (3)
There's a video on his channel called I'M A CHANGELING!!
2 likesyah there reformed
0 likesDuh
0 likesDiscord probably looks like that because he's the lord of chaos
0 likesMaybe there is a alicorn civilization that was not in equestria so equestria have never seen it but the alicorn civilization has
2 likesI have a weird theory he has his own dimension what if in another dimension their are other draconequus. Like discord but in equestria their is only discord.
1 likeI am here to announce that it was confirmed in the comics that there are more
0 likesHe looks less like the mlp pony and more like the real life ponies
1 likeSpecies = order and organisations? It's not exactly true if you take bears for example they stay away from each other minding thier own business, no order or organisation there
1 likeThis is a topic I want you to think about why is Celestia called a princess not a queen
1 likeSimple answer: He is the only CANON one
0 likesWhy does the draconequus look like a shadow dragon
0 likesfor the last time, i am not a discord recolor, we have different heads, different.. uh. well.. everything. Im mostly dragon, see? head of a pony, body of a dragon, a true draconequess if i do say so my self
HoriZ0n roasted himself, and you as well
2 likeshis species just live far from ponies like may be so does tireks (he had a brother but looked different)
0 likes0:00 Lol this is gonna be Discords new Introduction
0 likesDiscord isn't The spirit the destruction of Harmony hes the spirit of Kaos
0 likesDiscord has the deer leg of your grand mother!
0 likesHe is king of chaos this is my theory I mean he can be king of his chaotic world cuz he has everycreature's body technically I think he is ruler of chaos don't you?
0 likesThere are other Draconeqques CONFIRMED!!!
0 likesWhat if Discord wan't even a draconequus so then he would be the last of his species but there would be other draconequuses
0 likesYour voice of singing is very beautiful and soft
3 likesDiscord was an odd one out and left the scosioty
0 likeshe's the element of destruction bc the colour of his head and eyes are the colours from Catnoir's mask and eyes (catnoir wears the ring of destruction) from miraculous
0 likesThis is my theory or well a theory backstory. Discords species almost gone extinct because of the alicorns. There were different types of alicorns one of them were draconequus hunters. These hunters hunted down the draconequus which was a threat to there children. The reason discord is the only one left is because he was too young to be hunted. most of the Percent of the population is over a thousand years old! Which mean those are the threat since there pro hunters and teleporters. This is the end of my theory! Hope you enjoy my theory!
2 likesDo you know the song, 'Mr Clickety Cane'? (I think thats how you spell it) Your Discord song in the beginning sounds like it!
0 likessooo is discord the god of a god?
59 likesReplies (6)
Impact Monster maybe..
2 likes@Julian Ducay you know what i mean right
2 likesImpact Monsters possibly but I doubt that, reason being is because he worships the sisters like everypony else
0 likes@Johnna Clark i meant the god of chaos, the water god
4 likesImpact Monster Ohh I understand now
0 likesImpact Monster wait wha
0 likesWhen he said can you change you should have tuned into an alicorn to you know
0 likeswhat if starswirl wanted to do an experiment on a draconaquus but messed up and made it a different kind of draconaquus so discord ISN'T the only draconaquus but a different kind of draconaquus
0 likeswow I wrote draconaquus a lot of times
6:58 best parts lol
0 likesDiscord is different because he's the spirit of CHAOS just think about it.. edit he's bound to be different he's the chaos one so he wouldn't be normall
0 likesI think discord has a number of animal parts between 10 and 20
0 likesI laugh`t so hard at dragonequus! XD
0 likesI made my OWN Draqonequus. OF FEAR! Nobody would be able to tell because he desquises himself as a Bat pony. What am I doing with my life
0 likesThat's so cool more than one Discord THAT IS SO COOL!!!!! My life has gotten even better and I'm a Changeling too 😁
0 likesI love the intro!
0 likesActually the fluffy end of his tale is a grifon end
0 likesyeah I think he's the last draconequus
8 likesReplies (1)
If I used (Feat. Lauren Faust) in the title, I wouldn't have been lying XD
6 likesnot how I roll tho
I am in love with discord ❤
0 likesCosmos is also a draconequus but shes from the comics
0 likesAll deaconess look like that
2 likesIf you don’t believe me look it up
Im pretty sure he is the only one because discord was a mistake made by equestria
0 likesSo rap battles are too boring now ya? Let's do something new oh what about that:
13 likes'science talking battles' giving and destroying agues.
Replies (2)
Laughing German What's this about rap battles?
3 likesI meant that you should invite other people to videos more often, to discuss about theory and look at the other side of the problem, this makes it more objective and gives more options. I like that style.
3 likesHis left leg is stallion wing of a bird and maybe his head is a girrafe
1 likeDiscord might be different of his species because he's chaos his body is chaos anything different like chaos.
0 likesI love how that other draconequus (DONT know his name)
2 likesReplies (1)
I love discord more tho
1 likeYour description is a dank meme
14 likesDo a remix of that Discord song!;)
0 likes7:18... rolls clip shows Star Swirl and the pillars standing near the pony of shadows Sorry. Had to bring that up.
1 likeI love the Winnie the Pooh reference
0 likesFor the people who didn't know Equus is horse in Latin.
0 likesThe song at the begging! PRICELESS! 😂
5 likesA girl in my class kept singing this so I had to listen to it
0 likesdraconeques:discord is a blurrie hurricane of cherfree nonsence
0 likesdiscord:hey!
draconeques:ok the eyes true
discord walk to draconoquis
i am the spirit of chaos
We still dont know if he's the only one.
0 likes[4 years later discordis the only draconequus] I spelled the first one
1 likeWolfequus (Doctor?) yes yes he is.
1 like0:11 That's sad
0 likesThat song is based on "The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers"
1:58 I though Chimera was pronounced Chi mera
"Blended Hurricane Of Everfree Nonesense''
Chill dude
Did he already went througt the phase of "ahaha look how stupid is his theory" after stawsirl apperae on season 7
0 likesI cant remember if it was theshow or not but i remember discord saying(asuming it was the show)somthing along the lines of a mommy and a daddy draconequus
0 likesOmg the Changeling is back! Awesome!
3 likesI would like to tell that twilight has her look because of her element. Purple= magic
0 likesThe first wing is a pegasus wing and the second wing is a bat 🦇 wing
0 likesDiscord has a deer antler, bat wing, goat leg and a snake body
0 likesI think discords body and head is made of different types of dragon and pony.
0 likesI say there WERE more but they were wiped out by the ponies, hence discord's hate. Shhhh let me have this 😞
5 likesReplies (3)
LpsFernheart you're not alone in thinking this
5 likesEvent HoriXZ0n YUSSS!
4 likesWell, Daddy Discord (that's my pet name for him alright? Shh! Let me have this!) doesn't seem like all too much of a hateful sort. At his most antagonistic it was mostly just using ponies as playthings. Heck, Celestia turned him into sentient masonry! He hardly seems to hold any discernible grudge against her for that & that was thousand-year imprisonment! Hard to hold a grudge against a gal and still attend their shindigs!
0 likesNot that the Notion isn't possible. But I hold we're a tad hard to kill.
Head pops off and rolls away
4 years later discord is the one draconequus
0 likes“Event horizon”
I died at 3:06 LOL
1 likeIn one episode when flutershy coming to where discord lives there were other draconaquises
0 likesLol that dude at 0:14 is LITERALLY ME
15 likesReplies (4)
Event HoriXZ0n Hey! You're just jealous!😉
1 likeThe guy at 0:12 is SOOOO ME
7 likesThe Brony Notion OH REALLY?!?! Well
1 like<---THIS is totally me!
The Brony Notion listen! the wonderful thing about Discord is Discords a wonderful thing! he has the head of a pony and the body of everything! he's chaos chaos chaos chaos pandemonium! but the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only 1! he's the only 1!
0 likesPerfect song about Discord.
0 likesThis is so hilarious
0 likesCan I use that for my youtube intro???? It matches so well.
0 likes2:48 this is just Perfection to the vid lol
0 likesomg the discord tigger song XD
8 likesTrue dat I'm good friends with event horizon spirit of disruction,discord spirit of chaos,Euro collide spirit of illusion,and soma Kato spirit of greed
0 likes"A weird mistake"
2 likesWow
THIS mess is a BLENDED HURRICANE OF EVERFREE NONSENSE! My Favorite Line in this entire Theory.
0 likesDraconequissis,
0 likesDraconiguy,
Draco Mallfoy..........
-Daughter of discord reference
you're alive!!
14 likesi thought you were dead
never do this again
RIP Event HoriXZ0n
0 likesI respect the fact Brony is a changeling. 😅
0 likesIn the comics Discord has a cousin and an ex girlfriend who are draconequi (?)
0 likesHis ex girlfriend Cosmos is the spirit of Mayhem
I also have a question. Well there ever be a prince in MLP? Please TELL ME
0 likesOMG....YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!
Replies (5)
+Shadow Hole You think my voice is different now?
3 likesThe Brony Notion's just me?😅
0 likesShadow Hole just you wait ;)
5 likesThe Brony Notion what does draconequus mean?
1 likeThe Brony Notion hi
1 likeDiscord also has the Shape of a dragon and Teath
0 likesMy theory is that has just come to cresses you still be here like a proper species but now they’re extinct in discord is the only one left
0 likesActually, he's Q, and it's a Star Trek cross-over.
0 likesThere might be another draquoncis because Fluttershy marries Discord.
1 like7:32 Ahh! What happened to that eyebrow?!?
28 likesReplies (4)
+Roxie The Fox Mixing assets that didn't match using layers and crop. You weren't supposed to notice though. ;)
8 likeshey notion i really love your videos! i don't know how long i've been here but you are an awesome theorist! i admittedly went through a pony phase.... so i have a briefcase full of pony ocs that are so cringy you couldn't cringe hard enough. Happy holidays!
1 likelol ok
1 likeThe Brony Notion you tried to disguise it with your changeling powers, which makes me ask, can changelings cloak other objects aside from themselves?
0 likes1:24 that is horrifying
2 likesmaybe discord is a type of changling that needs chaos to survive instead of hate or love which can explain why he has a weird apierence
0 likesThe discord starswirl theory proven wrong by the pillars episode
0 likesDiscord: spirit of chaos : CHAOS the opposite of order so if he looked like only pony and dragon it wouldn’t be chaos it would be order.... so he is a i forgot pony dragons name
0 likesDiscord is not a draconequus he is the GOD of chaos so he is a god and the reason he looks like that is because he changed his appearance to look like a draconequus
0 likesDiscord is the odd one out, WAIT DISCORD IS THEODD1SOUT!?!?
0 likesIt’s pronounced ch-Im-mare-a, not Kim-mar-a
0 likesdiscord is the last bcause in flashback episode of celestia and luna when they were small and during the war during alicorns and darquanecous, and afte they 3 ran away, it turned out everyone in th war died but since they ran away they went through there faiths alone but togeether thats why celestia is very found of discord
0 likesReplies (1)
also i dont think discord himself was the first draquanecous kingdom, he is the last draquanecous as so the heir of the.. original king and queen of the draquanecous who died in the war so there not the ogs
0 likesand the celestia thing i think it was odd for one to be born in this time
I have a crush on your voice
256 likesReplies (32)
Jell-O 101 I wanna see his face.
6 likesJell-O 101 wow
2 likesI have a crush on his voice too.
3 likesWho's voice? 😕
4 likesWho's VOICE?!😡
3 likesPatricia Barojas THE BRONYS NOTION!!!!! well i think
5 likesWhat the 🧀?
3 likesUm..ok..
2 likesYou too?
1 likeJell-O 101 whos?
1 likeYo please reat to daughter of discord episode 8
2 likesSame. It’s so weird that having a crush on a voice is a thing lol
3 likesHow does dat happen
1 likePatricia Barojas calm down they mean the Brony notion
1 likeWAIT what how could you have a crush on someone you don't even know I think that's bull crap
1 likeSame lol
1 likeJell-O 101 who’s
1 likeJell-O 101 lol
1 likeMe too
1 likeSame
1 likeChill bruh
2 likes@Alin Sengjaroen, lol😂
2 likes@LeTs gEt iT BeAcH Dude. It's called a Celebrity Crush.
1 likeLol.......he sounds like matpat
1 like@fluttercord fanatic I did
1 like@LeTs gEt iT BeAcH OK then 😂
1 likeWeirdly me too
1 likeNo jugeing hear from me 😫
1 likeBrony notion
1 likeHAHAHA LOL 😂
1 likeJell-O 101 same
1 likeDamn and I got my hopes up
0 likesI like how when you say "rolls" you show a picture of a roll 😆😆😆😆😆😂😂😂
0 likesIf discord is starswirl then why is he so........evil?
0 likesI would not be surprised If discord is the only one of his kind and gave himself a species name 🙃
0 likesAh yes Discord the Blended Hurricane Of Everfree Nonsense Seems legit
0 likesHi. Was Lauren Faust actually at Brony Con?
93 likesReplies (20)
14 likes@The Brony Notion Oooh. I always though 'Why is it called Brony Con?'' I guess I got it wrong the whole time xD
6 likesDarkness205 AJ There is a BronyCon though.
10 likes@The Brony Notion Im just confused now XD
0 likeslol. parri wanna be
0 likes@***** At least put fan in ur name xD
0 likes@***** Lol boiiii u got urself into that boii
0 likes@***** What am I doing wronggg?
0 likes@***** How am i boiii
0 likes@***** Why boi
0 likesThe Brony Notion ITS BRONY CON
0 likesomg i c u everywhere on aj vvideos XD
0 likesDarkness20 AJ YES SHE FREAKING WAS!!!!!!!
1 likeI see you literally everywhere
1 likestatic palms, melt your vibe oh f*** off
1 likestop
5 likesDarkness205
1 likeBrony con and Pony con are different Conventions
The Brony Notion you might hav been the first ppl to know how to do that. I mean this the Italics
1 likePlagg is the spirt of destruction :)
0 likesThe wonderful thing about Discord is discards a wonderful thing he has a head of a pony and a body of everything..........
0 likes2:54
0 likesFav part XD
Does anyone know this:DISCORD IS A DRAGOCO:a word I made up for his kind he’s THE ONLY ONE >~<
0 likes0:07 One of my Ocs name is Panda Monium. XD
7 likesI think this one might just be there Scott’s dad
0 likesWe all came for this, here ya go: 3:06
0 likesSawtooth is a CHANGELING.
0 likesTiger: watches this vid
0 likesTiger: u stEalEd my SonG
26 likeswhat if StarSwirl tried to copy changeling magic, and tried it on himself and his target is to be a draconequus, but failed and instead turns into a failed draconequus thats messed up and can turn into anything... since it is not pure changeling magic, he might be able to change ANYTHING in his environment... maybe eventually, Twilight will reverse his spell to turn him back into a pony when she discovers that Discord is actually starswirl
Replies (4)
and, there is a fallen civilization of Draconequii
7 likesDracoSerpentisCruor that would be awesome
1 likeThe theories before Star Swirl came back are amazing. Like this.
0 likesbut starswerl was trapped the whole siris until seson 7 and did not seem to want to leave
0 likesOmg the ending was epic lol XD
0 likesSeriously, does no one else read the comics????? His species exists there >.> Cosmos was an interesting one, and completely insane, even more than Discord himself could handle.
0 likesdiscord is one of my favorite characters
0 likesThis mess is a blended hurricane of everfree nonsense.
0 likesThis sentence really got me
and I think Celestia and Luna were born Alicorns they just said what they said because it's something Equestria hasn't seen not them because as you said in the Alicorn civilization Celestia and Luna were born that's why Equestria has never seen Celestia and Luna's birth but they did see flurry Hearts Birth because the Alicorn civilization had nothing to do with Equestria until Discord
5 likesReplies (2)
1 likeLuna and Celestia may have not been born in Equestria, so they could still be natural born alicorns and say that Equestria hasn't seen anything like it. Equestria, not the sisters.
0 likesIt's time to let go of that discord=starswirl theory now..
0 likesI think discord is different because he is the one of chaos so ofcourse he won't be normall
0 likesis it possible that discord is star swirl after reading his unfinished spell and that is what happened and other duck Hanukkah's do exist
0 likesWell there isn't only one because of there can be more than 1 ending (I think)......
0 likesEvent HoriXZ0n? I have a question! Does every dragoneqqui (spelling bleh) have a pony bff like fluttercord- ahem I meant... Fluttershy and discord 😅
0 likesDiscord's leg is not a deer leg is a pony leg trust me i watch ALOT of mlp and discord said it himself its a pony leg
0 likesHe actually made sense
1 likeHe is Sawtooth, draconequis spirit of... Nitpicking.
0 likesI was thinking about this today!
0 likesI guess discord's new name is a blended mess of everfree nonsense
0 likesHey umm discord wasn't the only one when he was younger, he lost his family when he was little and a snow Rock thing crushed them and he survived . Celestia found discord actually
3 likesReplies (4)
Wait a minute that's from the fan series bride of discord
0 likes@Craig Peoples yes but its also Cannon
0 likes@RedDRAWS14Does the word fan series mean nothing
0 likes@Craig Peoples I know it said fan series but it's also in the show
0 likesI love the beginning
1 likewhy do you have the entire "we are number one" song in the description?
3 likeshorse is in the same group of mammal is equids so that must be why they are called draconequses
0 likesBlended
0 likesHurricane
(LoL that got me laughing sooo hard)
What if discord is the last of his kind?
0 likesPlease make a video about “ was twilight growing in the seasons since she became princess
0 likesWait. What was the song at the beginning? I think I have a temporary brain/memory malfunction.
10 likesReplies (6)
+Dominiola Nah it's the Tigger song from Winnie the Pooh.
3 likesThe Brony Notion Ah-ha! I knew it reminded me of him but I wasn't quite sure
1 likeThe Brony Notion lel
1 like"Wonderful Thing About Tiggers" from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh : Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day.
1 like"Wonderful Thing About Tiggers" from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh : Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day
3 likes"Wonderful Thing About Tiggers" from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh : Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day
0 likesI thing that they name them dragonhorse because the pony Love to put his name in everything
0 likesThis is my favorite video and I’m sure of it
0 likesWait.....
1 likeIs the discord song at the beginning is an idea of the tiger movie ( Winnie the Pooh Bear movie one of them at least )
12 likesI wish I could do the patreon thing but I can't because I have practically no money and I don't have anything in knowledge of what it is
0 likesIt makes me feel rlly bad :(
what if discord is a changeling? What if he copied the real discord. Or he could be a species from another show
0 likesnightshade is. A massive threat and celestial fears him
0 likesOK so we have the princess of the Sun, The princess of the moon, The princess of love, The princess of friendship, And the princess of marchanddic???
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesHey Brony Notion what do you think FlurryHeart will be the princess of?
6 likesReplies (5)
+Blaze The Dragon Rider merchandise
4 likesThe Brony Notion lol haha
0 likesBuy our toys
1 likeBlaze The Dragon Rider maybe power?
0 likesBlaze The Dragon Rider money and merchandise
1 likeU should make you're new intro that discord song 😂😂
0 likesWell discord lives in a different world so maybe that’s where the others are
0 likes0:00 - 0:11 Best 11 seconds of Brony Notion
0 likesDiscord: feather wing, dragon tail, deer leg, lizard leg, bird hand, lion hand, and the head idk
0 likesA gold DraconEquus for greed
4 likesReplies (3)
Whoops capital
1 likeOr one of us to be proven wrong
0 likesS7 where starswirl is back:
Discord is the spirit of chaos because hi got a messy boby so that makes me think that discord is not the only one
not only are their eyes in common but also the eyebrows.
0 likesfunny thing the song I was like Tigger yay
4 likesDiscord is not the only drecunous because there is many houses and they all can't be him
0 likesDA DISCORD SONG 0:00
0 likesLyrics: The wonderful thing about discord. That discord is a wonderful thing. He has a head of a pony and a body of everything? He's Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos PAN-DA-MON-EUM
And the most wonderful thing about discord DAT HES DA ONLY ONE HES DA ONLYONE!
I think the only reason why there Discord is the only one is because when Celestia and Luna's parents when off to fight in that war leaving them and Discords parents left him somewhere as well and left to find food and supplies then either go lost or died and everyone of Discords kind got killed or destroyed and that's why he's the only one of his kind like Celestia and Luna because there parents died or went to a realm similar to the one star swirl was in keeping that big black of darkness in (I forgot it's name).
0 likesI wonder if there could be an a dragon horse pony discord THING of peace...hmmmm
plz remix the discord song
25 likesReplies (5)
+rainbow girl2436 I already have!
2 likesi must have sed it wrong but what i ment was the song at the start ummmmm......... make a full version of it
3 likesand btw i love your chanel
Ohhhhh XD
2 likesThe Brony Notion XD
1 likerainbow girl2436
0 likesCHAOS CHAOS!!!
Pfft seeing sawtooth as a dragon horse this came to my mind
0 likesSawtooth tue dragon horse of transformation
Am I right I don't know how to spell that word ;-;
I love the jeopardy music in the background lol
0 likeswhat does cannon mean?
7 likesReplies (6)
"canon" meaning has been confirmed in the show officially
7 likesyeah thats right
3 likes"Cannon" means Ordnance/Field Artillery. ^_<
3 likes(to remember, just think "two scoops" as the Gun sort has 2 N's)
0 likeswhat
0 likescannon- in terms of entertainment- means that something is confirmed true or false in an entertainment franchise (tv series, movie series, book series, etc.).
0 likesMe: "uuuhhhhhhhhh the God of Hyperdeath?? HELLOO!!" *is looking at Asriel Dreemurr* "ASRIEL MAY BE A GOAT BUT HE HAS 100 ATK (attack) AND 100 DEF (defense), at least I think that's how much attack and defense he has.. I haven't gotten to his fight yet in UNDERTALE. I'm barely even close to the fight with goat mum (Toriel)! "
0 likesWasn't discord a spirit of chaos
0 likesMlp comics: releases Eris the Draconequus
6 likesònó
Do you know why I think discord exists because we have the elomits exists there has to be a opposite so it’s like yin and tan if there’s no yin that means no yan
0 likes2:00
2 likes*Chaos doesn't listen*
If you live in 2020, and you know the new name of his channel. Then why did he call his draconequus sawtooth? this video was made when he was still called the brony notion
0 likesReplies (1)
Johan Londt the character has always been called Sawtooth, but the channel was called the Brony Notion
0 likesA blended hurricane of everfree nonsense! 🤣XD
0 likesI KNOW THE ANSWER. the show mlp was designed for kids and the world doesn't make sense. But what bout dis question: why is Pinkie Pie pink, but Rainbow Dash not rainbow???? ded 🐴
4 likesReplies (2)
Susanna Wolfe she is rainbow though. her mane is rainbow.
0 likesThat is not gud enof fore me
0 likesLook at Bride of Discord & Daughter of Discord but episode 8 of Daughter of Discord comes out on 17/06/2018 .Bride of Discord has some information about Draconequus ,but I forgot which episode.
0 likesThings discord is called: is a blended hurricane of everfree nonsense, powerful beast, creature of many parts,.....dragon-horse
0 likes5:50 what are they saying discord is clumsy
2 likesI come from the future.
0 likesDiscord is not that Wizard
21 likes21 comments
And 33 likes
Replies (5)
3 likesEevee Eeveelution I KNOW, RIGHT?
0 likesEevee Eeveelution are you a Pokemon
2 likesRaven Queen eevee!!!
0 likesEEVEE!!!!
0 likesCan you tell me that is discord an alacorn or a chaotic ........... chaotic....... living being/substance
0 likesBtw I think I know what discord comes for not just to take over equestria but also to take his son spike that’s my theory pls talk about this topic I belive spike was stolen an gives to equestria he wants revenge an he is trying to take over equestria as well pls talk about this theory I find it weird but its one I belive could be true
0 likesMaybe discord is not the only draconequus but he's a experiment of starswirl the bearded
0 likesThis just my opinion 😃
1:40 I don’t know what it is but this picture...creeps me out
3 likesReplies (1)
+E Kirk Many reasons. I would check out my video "Not Dead! + Announcement" as well as the end of "The Most DANGEROUS Villain" for the whole story.
0 likesHis theory about Discord being starswirl is wrong too because season 7 episode 25 and 26 proves that Star Swirl and discard or two different people
0 likesWOW. You sing good!
0 likesno he had a gf once it didn't end well after all she was malice incarnate her name was cosmos
0 likesDiscord is my favorite character
0 likeshey! I was there in ponycon NYC
4 likesReplies (3)
It was really long and really cold
1 like@Event HoriXZ0n I know but it was worth it for my first Pony convention. Plus in driving distance and my mom loved it when she was there
1 likeOh s**t waddup it was my first one too hell yeah
1 likeWait can eventoixon distroy friendship
0 likesI have a theory sounds kinda dunb tho what if the elements split themselves like twilight and her squad were the spirit/pony form if the elements ??? Well idk
0 likesBut what about:there has to be more because discord had to have parent right
0 likesWatch the headcannon Equestria series to find out where discord came from
0 likesOh! OMG!!! NOTION ALIVE!!!!¡1!! ILUMINATI DIDN'T STOLE HIM!!!!¡!!¡!1111
21 likesReplies (4)
0 likesits been less than a year calm your cannon
2 likes*2 months
2 likesОлег- Обычный русский человек obviously not
0 likestwighlight kinda sounds like rarity
0 likesI lost it at 3:05
0 likesis science connected to magic?
0 likesWho else decided to rewind and sing along the random discord song
0 likesHey Notion! Do you ship thus Fluttercord? I WANNA KNOOOOOW.....(whispers) fluttercord forever.....YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
41 likesReplies (12)
5 likes@asgnar khan
0 likesOh yeah XD in that one.....He scared the shiz out of me.....also, i guess celestiacord went down in flames, Cause when starlight says they took celestia to, he didn;t give a thought or feeling about her OR twi XD WHEW! FLUTTERCORD WINS, CELESTIACORD LOSES! HAHAHHAHA TAKE THAT KP!
Don't mean to... uh... burst your bubble, but Discord's reaction to Fluttershy being 'napped by the changelings was really more cause she's his only real fren, and he didn't want to lose her, not that he doesn't care about the rest of them, he just cares for her more. I would react like that if a bunch of insects kidnapped my best fren too.
3 likes@Ty Dunneman
4 likesDX DX okay okay....In YOUR opinion, since you don't ship it and all....But us fluttercord shippers, ship it down with that episode XD
That's fine I suppose, I'm more of a (no hate plz and thx) Twicord shipper myself.
3 likes@Ty Dunneman
5 likesi don't mind, can't stop shipping even if someone tells ya not to XD i can't judge a person because they ship something i don't....It's all in opinion ;3
Mkay then-
1 likeI dont ship FluttercordWiddershins lol man. I "rock" at puns too!
0 likesAND OMG. U KNEW KP'S SHP SUNK? LOL! That was the FIRST thing that came to my mind after he said THEY TOOK FLUTTERSHY! ?
0 likesShhhhhh shut the hell up before ilovekimpossiblealot finds out
2 likesI ship it.....
0 likesCandy Eater I...I ship it...
0 likesThere could be more than one discord’s kind because of Equestria Girls
0 likes1:05 the discord is starswirl theory is debunked in season 7 but I'm just saying....
0 likesAnd then his theory was completely destroyed
0 likesI have a theory that there are only two guards the key pond good luck
5 likesReplies (2)
+The British Badger Up top🙏
1 like@The Brony Notion yesyesyesyesyes love it
0 likesWhat if something that happend with dinosaurs happend with the draconequus too? I mean could it be that something happend in equestria before ponies and all the draconequus started to vanish? And discord is still alive cause on the edge of every draconequus death/vanishing he turned into stone. It could be possible thinking that before discord turned to stone there werent that little much draconequus that nobody never saw them and discord is know the best cause he threatened Equestria? WHAT IF DISCORD WAS THE ONLY BAD DRACONEQUUS?! WHAT IF DISCORD WAS BORN DIFFERENT?! I HAVE TOO MUCH QUESTIONS!!
0 likesI'm not discord but i love he species ...
0 likesIntro = Nostalgia
0 likesHey Sawtooth Waves, the video is cool but...
1 likeWhat photo is Discord holding here?
it's a cannon comic after all...
Where's the INTRO!!?!?1
4 likesReplies (3)
+thespeedyyoshi At the beginning
0 likesI meant the "friendsssssssss" intro.
1 likethespeedyyoshi Ahhhh I haven't used that for over a year.
4 likesYeah that theory that discord is star swirl is disproven in season 7
0 likesExcuse me but here's the dealio Discord is a Multiverse Ving you can quite literally see it how he acts you can see our reality is clear as day heck I can see multiple realities at a time myself what did you really think that whenever you look at a story and write one but it's not coming true when another reality of existence Discord can see us the same way Pinkie Pie can except he can actually travel to and fro just like any draconequus or ancient Immortal being who can travel the Multiverse heck sometimes we get stuck in the bodies of Mortals by accident and by we I am quite literally saying we as it is then I am quite literally an ancient Immortal dragon king who can actually travel throughout the Multiverse and by the way there are several different clams of spirit of the draconic I race enter, KY race are a very ancient race almost as ancient as dragons they are the second most ancient race of creature in the Multiverse humans are the youngest tomorrow far our favorite because of how chaotic greedy love thing hating lustful and all the other bad things and good things and they can either hate nature or love it the one bad thing is in this reality humans can't use magic so that's an annoyance especially when you're stuck in one of their bodies oh and by the way you stroke on Akai Clan or race or species has a different look destruction looks the same as ham accept has different colors and other such Discord is chaos because you can tell by the way he exists and quite literally there can be only one chaos Elder in one area at a time otherwise you're going to ask for a rift in time and space that'll destroy all existence
0 likesBut hey! That's just a theory! A horse theory!
0 likesWell how about you can make an animation of you and still work well discovering the secrets of the Draconepuus You and silver found these hieroglyphics telling a story of a mother spirit of destruction and then all of a sudden a creature known as a rising showed up and wanted to share this world apart but of course you can still work well had to stop him with the temporary elements you’ll see my channel is called MLP Unplug Check it out if you want to see my OC my OC is a little dog name game boy
0 likesIt says his channel doesn't exist
3 likesMaybe discord is a mutant draconquus
0 likesEnd angel that is what he is a draconequus is a end angel signaling an end to the old and a start for the new beginning
1 likeme : 😂
5 likesReplies (2)
Kay-Cee Rae please explain
2 likesKay-Cee Rae i know experiment 42 but what do you mean
0 likesThe elements were dead and then came back to life
0 likesI can only think of the spinoff of Pinkie's song by discord
0 likesThe spirit of crazy theories
0 likesThis aged well.... xD
0 likesReplies (1)
sort of
0 likespleas reply brony notion as my birthday present
5 likesReplies (3)
Happy birthday! :D
10 likesThe Brony Notion your so cool
1 likeThe Brony Notion omg thank u I didn't expect a reply
0 likesbtw love the sound at the beginning:)
How bout a theory about.. Why Isn't Celestia and Luna and Cadance Queens?
0 likesI love this program
0 likesdiscord's head is actually a goat head
0 likesAre you trying to imply that all draconequus have that body shape look at me I'm more pony than dragon or anything else
0 likesHi random muggle scrolling through the comments ☺️ If you know what i mean then you have no life😎
4 likesReplies (1)
Wiggle Waggle msp oh no I have no life I can't go on rereread Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
0 likesHe looks like a manticore dragon horse bat hybrid
0 likes0:01 i know that theme song (kind of a theme song) anywhere. tigger from winnie the pooh.
1 likeif im you i would be a draqanaqis spirit of everything
0 likesWAAIT A Second There So Browny
2 likesIs A Changeling
Replies (1)
Hehe Brony
0 likesHas anyone here seen Star vs The Forces of Evil? My family doesn't have cable, so the only times (except Nesquick and YouTube) I really get to watch anything good is at the dentists's office. (They still ask me if I want to watch TV, even though I literally walk from the high school to get there) I saw an episode there the other day, and it looked pretty good, so I'm considering watching more on YouTube (via. Reaction vids)
9 likesReplies (7)
Clare Nicke They are awesome!
0 likesGian Song yim It was taken down a couple days ago
0 likesAnd that's... legal... (It just seems weird that it's free, but hey I'll take it and it's not blocked on my computer that's school issued and almost everything is blocked so it must be okay) Thanks so much :D
0 likesGian Song yim I just searched up Star vs the forces of evil season 2 and there are no result
0 likesClare Nicke try Reaction Time. it's a good chanell one of my favorites
0 likesWho knew that two months later I'd have an Instagram for the show, my phone wallpaper of Star and Marco hugging, many pictures on my phone and have bought the rest of season 2 on Amazon so I can watch them as soon as they appear
0 likesLook it up on youtube there is are free episodes
0 likesHasbro called discord a dragrongus
0 likesGood job guys😜👍
0 likesWhat an intro.
0 likesExcuse me there only two draconaques in equestrian or is there a thousand more
0 likesI’m the draconequus of dimensions ☺️
0 likesIsn't there another dracoennqus in the comics
0 likesI loved this video lol
0 likesOkay that intro
0 likesI love that !!!!
Probably the others are just dead you know the score of the last one Poor discord probably all his friends are dead well not the ones that are ponies but you know what I mean
0 likesmaybe discord is the last draconequus and i am shur that is the rissen we havent seen others draconequus
0 likeswho else started singin the tigger song at the start
0 likesI am the draconequus of THEORIES!
0 likeswait wait what if he is an eqperimented dracaneques
0 likesACTUALLY in the mlp game ERIS is another draconeques the cousin of discord and btw dracon-eques the eques is half of equestria dracon is dragon but why c instead of g?
0 likesIs it me or am I the only one that cant see the pony head on Discord
0 likesThe wonderful thing about discord is discord wonderful thing he has a head of a pony and the body of everything he’s chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos ma na ton on
0 likescan you pls make a video about the human version of sunset shimmer since the one we see is from the pony world
1 likeTbh draconequus ocs are cool
0 likesDiscords nickname is officialy blended hurricane of everfree nonsense
0 likesOmg when horizon turned into cheerile Ima have a nightmare
0 likesyou should do a video if like is there instant inchin's in ponyville that will totally explain and how and why fluttershy's hair is so long
1 likeDiscord is a chimera creature made out of Different creatures not just two
0 likesHe is spirit of chaos and he is a noodle A NOODLE!
Replies (1)
“The wonderful thing about discord is discord is a wonderful thing“
0 likesYa yes The noodle is chaos noodle
Discord has the head of a ....pony?
0 likesLets talk about discord on discord 😂
0 likesIts a year later and you have not made another video what happened I miss your videos you were doing a good job!
0 likesSo sawtooth is a changeling!?
0 likesyou should start doinh polls to now what you subs think about your ideas
0 likesI loved that song!
0 likesHaven’t you herd of chaosville?!
0 likesare the comics not considered canon bec wasn’t there at least 2 or 3 canon ones in there?
0 likesI love your show
0 likesEvent horixZ0n at 3:06 : Discord is a BLENDED HURRICANE EVERFREE NONSENSE. (That made me dying inside 🤣)
0 likesHis head must be a goat because because in one of the shows his seat him eating paper
0 likesWatch the whole movie and there’s no more of this chords beats species species
0 likesDiscord is NOT Starswirl! Haven't you seen the sea- oh right this video was made before season 7 ok
0 likesOh yes event saw's crazy.
0 likesWait he HAS A HEAD OF A PONY?!!!???
1 likeking sombra could be greed?
0 likesThey said he or she draconaquse but I'm gender-fluid and she(sawtooth) is enby😂
0 likesHe's just a Q. We know there are multiple Q, so obviously...
0 likesMaybe he's the last last one
0 likeswe don't now what is outside the Equestrea map!! so who now's if there are no more Draconequus?!?
0 likesWas that intro on Spotify??
0 likesthe only thing that would have made your tigger reference better, is if Event Horixon went HOO HOO HOO HOOOOO
0 likesDraconequus you = Recolor of Event HoriXZ0n
0 likesWait if there is only one draconequus
0 likesnobody:......
0 likesBrony:*singing about discord*
BTW the song will be stuck in my head for the rest of my life
Is it just me or does Lauren fast sound like jaiden animations
0 likesThe tigger theme! XD
0 likesI know you're on hiatus, but please. Come back.
0 likesWell, too bad about star swirl
0 likesPlus in ftiendship is magic comic they have more dractoniques
0 likesI think MoonChild is right! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
0 likesWell you literally had to disprove yourself guess who was right
0 likesThere should be the spirit of order
0 likesUm did you wach the bride of discord yet because you might find information on his family I think 🤔
0 likesI will explain discords body easier body of a dragon tail as long as a snake wings of a pigeon claws like a dragon he's a àaaaaah DRACONEQUUS
0 likesHe wonderful thing about tiger isss!!!!!!!!! He’s the only one!
0 likesLove this.
And this video
Maybe discord has a brother you now he wasn t just there
0 likesHow do you do your oc’s
0 likesNo! Discord kind got killd by a bilzerd but discord srived in a cave and he ate choclet milk and contten candy and stayed they until the bilzerd endded
1 likeBut wait discord and uh that other draconaquas have the same eyebrows!!
0 likesI think what the discord someone said was right
0 likeswhy they didn't remember a Cosmos from comic's....?
1 likeThE bIrTh Of An AlIcOrN iS sOmEtHiNg EqUeStRiA hAs NeVeR—
0 likesAlso i thought they said the comic was canon
0 likesI want to debate, he is a monster of pure chaos, so he is the spirit of chaos so that makes his form, and greed, destruction, and others are all a form of chaos ssoooo he’s the only one so sawtooth is dreaming Oorrr he’s taking drugs and hallucinating. BAM 💥👁👅👁💣
1 likeReplies (1)
Boom 🤯
1 likewow i see this a year later and i still comment whatever i have a theory what if the were others of discord but only in his realm because he live's in another realm than the pony's
0 likesI think he was created from Grogar
0 likesAlso Cheerilee him a draconequis not the draconequis
0 likesy’all r getting it wrong his head is obviously a goat whith the hands of a bird and the other a lion his body is like ..nevermind i don’t know
0 likesMaybe he IS the odd one out but he has been kicked out the draconequs world land thing like ponies and equestria dragons in the dragon land (lol dad's account) so I kinda agree with The Brony Notion that's what I think um so I just saw the Lauran Faust thingy.. Or he's just the last draconequs...
0 likesThis is funny. 🤣🤣🤣😂😅
0 likesHe can't be solved he is a question
0 likesI am so sorry I love your content but a Euestria is a country it’s not a continent so there could be an endangered species others like discord somewhere in the continent a Euestria is in
0 likesWerid but still in a good way.
1 like“Organization” 😳
2 likesOh my god the beginning...
0 likesBWAHAHABAHA🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😃
Draconequus are geniusly
0 likesBut Discord never had a friend so therefore more obvios that there is no other species
0 likesRip the star swirl = discord
1 likeDiscord is not a Draconequus
0 likesHe is a chaos.
Fav part: 4:25
0 likesStarSworl was trapped in a different world
0 likesDeacon- equus look at the word equus
0 likesI will stick to my theary that discord is a she and you can’t say anything else
0 likesYou are amazing!
0 likes3:46 odd 1 out sounds like a reference! (Theodd1sout)
0 likesThe best part for me is prob at 2:57 or 2:58
0 likesI am half Earth pony the other half is a draconequus
0 likesDiscord is not starswirl Discord is Discord and Star Swirl is Star Swirl which means brownie notion you could be wrong
0 likesThe elements of disharmony!!!!!!!
0 likesThe mane 6 are the spirits of the elements of harmony and discord is a spirit of chaos witch could be a element of dis-harmony which could make it that each dragon pony thing could be a holder of a element of dis-harmony which explains why there both not see like the had to be locked away😁😁😁😁😁😁or something 😅😅😅😅
Left:My friends
0 likesRight:Me
I think they can change there apirance as they wish
0 likesDiscord means chaos and disharmony
0 likes0:00 the best song ever!
0 likesme just thinking of the discord app
0 likesWAIT U FORGOT Accord he looks like discord
0 likes“I beg to differ.”
I like your videos #ArticleWall #YouWantTo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯
0 likesTHE HEAD IS A GOAT!!!!!!!!!
0 likesi don't have a complete answer but i maybe saw another draconequus in my little pony fiendship is magic comic 2 i'm not kidding there is seriously a series called that
0 likesI love your vids
0 likesDiscord has the head of a goat not pony
0 likesLook up draconequus on Google and you will see what it is.
0 likesWhen's the jam was in his dog farm he said The darkness sports me will you think that means talk to ways he said the darkness books to me spoke to me I don't know how to say I can't oh my god oh my god oh my god
0 likeswhat if they were married with fluttershy and fluttershy birthed a draconequus
0 likesWhy a species name if there's only one
0 likesdiscord is star swerl he is a inposter
1 likeDiscord has a eagle hand
0 likesNoice to me means something is noise not body parts of nice animals
0 likesI think even though Lauren self said that you have gone across as discord was the anyone I well she didn’t
0 likesMy ooc is the draconequus of Life
1 likeThe birth of an Al-
0 likesNO NO NO
god..... look at event horizon's pupil..... among us...........
1 likeHes chaos chaos chaos chaos pan-de-mo-nium but the most wonderful thing about him is he the only one heeee isss theeee onlyyy oneeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likeslol the beginning xD
0 likesDiscord is crazy 😝
0 likesI don't know how but discord looks better
0 likesOk. I'm mad now. He says that the main six have no connection to the elaments....... BISH WHAT THE FLIP THE ELEMENTS ARE THE SAME SHAPE AS THERE CUTIE MARKS! So I am really mad at horizon right now. Please talk to him about this.
0 likesReplies (1)
he doesn't do videos anymore and deleted all of them in his channel (•_•)
0 likesdont frigate about the dragon claw
0 likesgreed would be super fat, thats common sense
0 likes4:28 LOL SAVAGE
1 likeI like the Discord song You made
0 likesStarswirl was trapped in limbo
0 likesSorry notion, looks like star swirl and discord are different... 😜
0 likesdiscord reading--- im stopping you there s6 last episode (I know how old this is)
0 likesDo all of them but you now have names
0 likesYes I'm one. It's my true form
0 likesother worlds other DRA-CON-A-K-I
0 likesdiscord is from another universe teleport to equestria
0 likes4:27 6:59😂😂
0 likesdiscords black wing is a bat wing...
0 likesI loved the beging song!
Discord he is a Draconequus? i geest or not
1 likeI'm working on my personal OC
0 likes2:53 W H E E Z E
0 likesYour discord = starswirl theory has been debunked
0 likessigh Just read a description of the Asian Dragon...
1 likeIs the sirens the daughters of discord
0 likesTheir eyes arent even the same mabey their eyebrows
0 likesIM WITH HIM, 0:14
2 likesReplies (4)
Im a draconequus, I am the spirit of corruption, creator of the elements of disharmony!
0 likesor should I say, WE are a draconequus, I have 2 heads!
1 likeI mean we AM the king of my species.
0 likesI am a... wel improved event horiXZ0n or whatever his name is.
0 likes3:06 😂😂😂😂
0 likesWait what about discords parents? if Discord didn't have parents how is he alive?😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
0 likesLook at ink rose and listen to her content like the history of equestria
0 likesEhhh. Discord does better pony impressions.
0 likesBut there is another derqanakost remember that time whenever the mane six met discord when twilight was crying we all saw scroball does this mean discord has a little girl
0 likesBy the way Bill cipher is also chaos not the chaos that is good
0 likes0:00 most replayed
0 likesWait my little pony didn’t make up draconequus’s?
0 likesDragon:fine
When is another video coming out?
0 likesEvent is wrong the cutie marks show their spirit
0 likesThere might be under your account no question is whatever they’re called plus there’s a person and there’s a lot of people all and they’re in my little pony is hard work to make a movie so there’s probably more discord or whatever they’re called
0 likesIf discord was fluttershy fluttershy would be discord🧐
0 likesEvent your right.
0 likesI am the spirit of chaos and insanity
0 likesAbout Celista and Luna (going off ur theory) what if they didn’t know they were born alicorns because since everyone else had to earn them their parents were ashamed and didn’t tell no one because other ponies would just think they don’t deserve them
0 likesIs there a more a more members of Siscord spiece, then they not look even similar to eachother! They chaotic!
0 likesi know a dragonigues i can't spell it anyway i know one for greed
0 likesTree of harmony pooled dicord to the mlp world
0 likesUnblended a massive creature hurricane lol
0 likesHey, brony, what happened to your videos? I really like this channel, so what happened? Did you run out of ideas? I do have one for you. What is tempest shadows cutie mark? Since we never see it, what is it? Or does she not have one? If not, why? If so, what is it?
0 likesMY mlp self dad is a Draconequue ,uncle , couin .
0 likesHow do your make your pony and add it to your videos
0 likesDoes my body resemble mystery
0 likesMaybe there are more because how did discord esist?
0 likesMY OC IS A DRAQANIQUWIS ( sorry bout my spelling )
0 likesthe song is funny and I know the song so much
1 likeThere is another one in MLP. Nightmare Night comic series.
0 likesWhat about Princess Light Breeze
0 likesdoes that mean that discord is a hybrid
0 likesI have learnt the song u sang LITERALLY!
0 likesSo there is more draconequus
0 likesI like discord
0 likesScratch that I LOVE discord
And a body of...everything
0 likesSawtooth the theory
0 likesHe has a head of pony a claw of a chicken and a paw of a lion wings and tail of a dragon and.................many stuff
0 likessomething makes me think that he has a body of a snake or maybe even a worm 😂😆😂😆
Replies (1)
Any one with me like😉
0 likesCould you make a ful remix of that song!!!???
0 likes7:00 WRONG VIDEO, HoriXZ0n!
0 likesWhat about Cosmo???
0 likesi love the song tho
0 likeshint hint, one of you will be proven wrong and the other will never know.
0 likesDiscord is not star swirl the bearded watch season 8 episode 16
0 likes1:06 Are you sure about that 😐
0 likes3:07
0 likesharsh truth.
How is discord BORN?!
0 likesThE bIrTh Of An AlUc-
0 likes2:54For the last Time
1 likeHey Sawtooth. Guess what?
Replies (2)
Equestria hasn't seen it but it has happened before. The sisters were born alicorns
1 like@MyNameIsn'tYourBusiness I know but Sawtooth gets annoyed by the clip. Mwah ha ha.
1 likeDid nopony here read (about) the comics? At least 2 more of them appeared
0 likesWhat do you fil about fluttershy and discord?
0 likesYou need to wach bride of discord episode 8
0 likesCrap, oh wow, you are good at singing
0 likesCue the dracunnecus oc's
0 likeshello im like discord we are born in chaos but im much worse im not even bill cipher this is my only shadow.
0 likesAll hail the Soviet Union
0 likesDo why is pinkie pie the only one that can turn herself into any shape even though she's not a changeling
0 likesPlease react to daughter of discord
0 likesOf corse it’s not Starswirl have you not seen season 7 finally
0 likesReally he's the draconequus chaos not destruction like hello get it already chaos horns Chaos Head chaos teeth chaos body chaos arms chaos League chaos wings chaos chaos chaos Rand ammonia like seriously don't you get it he's the draconic quiz us chaos I will come the VidCon in scream at you everything I said in this comment a people that make their even go to VidCon I will.......
0 likesA Blended Hurricane of Everfree Nonsense!
0 likesHead of a pony…that is not the head of a pony….
0 likesBeautiful song
0 likesDiscord means disorder
1 likeHe’s funny
0 likes7:01 I'M SORRY WHAT WAS THAT celestia:yeet me:the birth of an alicorn is stupid
0 likesHere have food
Mlp discord ... Me: who said discord ( web )
0 likesDiscord: Me the only 1 the most best Beutifu-
Discord: -chaos -
Web discord: -chaos -
Me: - enjoys music in start like 10000000000 times -
I think I have heard this song.....🤔🤔🤔I think it is from whinnie the pooh when tigger meets pooh
0 likes3:07 your welcome
0 likesI'm in a changling I'm crushing on you!
0 likesThere's more of discord's kind they all disappear since the beginning of the Capture the Flag War many mini I'll let you slide your a Christian or what kind of God you believe Celestia and Luna's older brother create the war since the beginning of the equestria someday Twilight are friends find captured the flags it will be make Ragnarok
0 likesReplies (1)
that comment isn't making any sense at all.
1 likeNo that’s probably a long time ago but maybe you’re both right discard Kobe steak right
0 likesthe wonderful thing about discord is discord is a
0 likesBlended hurricane of everFree chaos hahahahahahahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesCan you explain that why some equestea people are not in ponyvill cristle empire and where princess clectea lives
0 likesI think the of Destruction should have holes in it, jest sayin
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesGet burned at 8:40
0 likes(7:59) that just happened
0 likes0:05-0:07 and the body of eeeverything
1 likeYou're not saying You know what discord is the spirit of chaos in this harmony Of the Milo pony friendship is magic which is now on Netflix where is preserved saved undeleted Milo pony friendship is magic is still on Netflix despite them trying to delete it And you my one relay this to doctor Wolf in all of them like lightning Bliss and spo and keyframe in golden Fox and so on so forth
0 likesOr a Lonewolf
0 likesRift door!
1 likeI never thought about that before
0 likesOr discord is a pony but cursed
0 likesDiscord head looks like a donkey and don't use for the latest horses and ponies so in that case he is half pony
0 likesCRAAAZY !!!
0 likesWait a minute he said I beg to differ sold a bill cipher this is getting confusing everyone saying I beg to differ are you watching gravity falls?
0 likesMr destuction demoniation is a Draconequus and mr Chaos is a Draconequus and u a changling thing whatevar but discord is a chaos mess and he repersents chaos so makes sence
0 likesI have a bunch of theories that there are more
0 likesDiscord is NOT starswirl!
0 likesSeason 7 to brony notion:hahahahahahaha
0 likesA meetin- me:leaving it
0 likesJust to say everyone is different so he isn’t rlly odd out I mean we might not know is there’s a dither one
0 likesReplies (1)
Different nor dither
0 likesInteresting. I suppose so.
0 likesHe shield make video about dis
0 likesoop heres season 6 there goes your theory!
0 likesGreed would have golden ski.n and stuff
0 likesDoes this mean that you are a CHANGLING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
0 likesUmm they said alicorns being born is something equaeteea is something that’s never been seen but they come from an alocorn civilization
0 likesno he is not his dhather is an half dequanacus
0 likesDiscord is not the only one of his kind
0 likesCo
0 likes😊Cool dude make sure you have some thing to show me after this video
Hey what if they think that black dragon is d
1 likeI payed that song over and over again
0 likesAnd yes you were both COMPLETELY wrong.
1 likeNo he’s not season 7 finally
0 likesBrony starswirl is a pillar in season 7
0 likesMore ponys
0 likesdiscord is blended huricane of everfree nonsens
0 likesHe will be solved but later
0 likesHe can’t be what about his parents
0 likesi put the lyrics of the discord song in the comments of my loom video
0 likesMe : i mean ... ur not wrong
Princess Eris and Comsos says "hi"
0 likesJumbled mess of Everfree nonsense
0 likesTell thorax I said hi sawtooth
0 likesmaby a drinqoris or whatever it’s called isent just what discord looks like maby terik is one to maby it’s just some random things fummed together whith a splash of evil magic or somthing
0 likesand I was born from the beginning.So im very old
0 likesdiscord isnt a dragon
0 likesYoure a CHANGELING?! 😲
0 likesDuude his head looks like a changlings head could that mean chrysalis made him and it went wrong that could mean that greed of love like chrysalis’ greed so he is greed not destruction
0 likesOh is he not going to like the finale
0 likesDiscord x Celestia OR Discord x Fluttershy OR Discord x Twilight OR Discord x Trixie
0 likes[WHO DO YOU SHIP]
(I ship Discord and Twilight)
Hey my oc is the spirit of corruption
0 likesBut I loved the song
0 likeshave you came back after mlp ended?
0 likesi miss mlp :(
Replies (1)
I did.
0 likesDo you think lauren fost reachts to this??
0 likes0:00 REMIX PLEASEEE
0 likesHis head is a horse not a pony.
0 likessoooooooo the black draconeguis is chat-Noir????????????
0 likesThe song is from 0:00 to 0:14
0 likesDiscord is not only discord there a map world game has acrord.
0 likesWhere cn I get the song
1 likeyou have herd of winne the pooh right?
0 likesThe song is 😂😂😂
0 likesHave u ever heard of mirage
0 likesWait there are no GIRL deconques
0 likeswhy are deers called deers
0 likesThat's dicords cousin or brother
0 likesOk I was just thinking about this vid and look what I found
0 likes3:00
1 likeHighly offensive
Maybe discord is not a full dragonquus
0 likesReplies (1)
Draconquus stuped me
0 likesPan - de - mo - nium
0 likesBlended mess of everfree nonsense
0 likesYou're not a draconaclise
0 likesI am from 1018 oh wait you know that but in season 7? It proves discord isn’t Starswirl sorry 😐
0 likesI’m from the future I’m watching this with my brother in 2021 and both of your theories are wrong 😑
0 likesOr is he 😪
1 likei have a play for Whinnie the pooh and my friend is tigger
1 likemy characters is nothing and every thing. Guess what am I
0 likesEvent HorizonXZ0n you are not canon.😑not.
0 likesAnd I was made out of sarcasm
4:27 XD
0 likesHead is goat head is goat
0 likeson one hand this is quite cringe but on the other hand. big thinky emoji. discord....
0 likesThere are nobody else like discord
0 likesHahahahhahaahhahahhah I’m From The Future, you guys are going To Have Fun With a certain Comic book
0 likesI mean Night mare knights.
0 likesTigger from Winnie the Pooh
0 likesThey have the same neck
0 likesdiscord is a app :3
0 likesHow do I join the mlp community?
0 likesWhy did I read the description? 😓
0 likesWaaaaw this is my dad your talking about 👅
1 likeWhen the FUCK!! Are you going to take the stars swirls theory since season 7 the 2 final episode!!!!!!!!!
0 likesBlended hurricane of everfree nonsense
0 likesWait is it faoohst or fawst as in Faust
0 likesP
1 likeA
What about Accord
0 likes1:12 , 😂
2 likesThat wreid
0 likesSo what do you think of my profile character
0 likesGriffin wing dinosaur lage
0 likesIt means that dicord is a qiez
0 likesDaddy come home
0 likesCan I do a reaction video of this
1 likeAre you a reformed changlings
0 likesMLP S8 Finale:*Exist*
0 likesBrony Notion:*Darth Vader* NOOOOO
Replies (1)
0 likesWhen did she leave???????
0 likesthe song is funny to me
0 likesThat theory isn't true
0 likesdiscord is married with fluttershy, ok? and she loves him so much and no copying discord ok!?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesHe is saer seal
0 likesYou were wrong about starts world and discord ha haha
0 likesLol blended hurricane of everfree nonsense-
0 likesWhat's this going made of make that question in the video
1 likeU are a changeling i never knew that for a while
0 likesi fink ik why discord is everythink and i fink that distruction guy actouly is hidingin a suit his real self is more like disscord enyway the reason why discord is everythink is becouse, he is a hibrit of a pony and a dragon wich messing up his body
0 likesI will take all power
0 likesChanglines are now reformed right?
0 likesIf not their name should be changed am I right?
Also your a changline soooooooo you shouldn't be able to take a form of a pony...
PLEASE DO A VIDIO ON THIS...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies (1)
0 likesMy REAL QUESTION IS Can the reformed changlines change their looks?
0 likesSo many fan fiction ;-;
1 likeThe song at the beginning
0 likesI like the rhyme
0 likesMlp is ended bronynstion is correct
0 likesCan you make there more videos in my little pony
0 likesSo why is nopony in the comments talking about Event Horizon?
0 likesbrony notion said cwip
0 likesWhat are the windogos
0 likesCan you make a video of you but in the equestria girls world
0 likesHe is not right .
1 likeBlended hurricane of everfree nonsense
0 likesHey jell the 80 s called they want you dead haha 😂 jk
0 likesHi I luv ur videos and I am a unicorn
0 likesTalk to you please I want you to try the main six on your channel even know that’s probably not possible and probably till twilight about the clone ponies pinkie pie in the dryer tell her that do that you know because I just wanna see the maid six A.CHAL because that’s what I’ll be interesting I love watching my little pony
0 likes748 love that . . . . . . guy.
0 likesIn my head, I started thinking that both of these theories could be possible. As said, there could've been a draconequus civilization or multi-individualized species, therefore they recieved a name of species. And of course the Starswirl theory could stand as correct too, that his spell failed, creating Discord. And while Discord isn't much like the other draconequus(es?), that was probably the only species he ever got even remotely close to, when it comes to appearance, and therefore, he was identified as one.
0 likesBasically: Discord isn't too far from your theory on Flurry Heart. Created by magic, but a new and different (fake biology) specimen of a larger and yet unknown (to the fandom) civilization, of which they may never take part of.
Not to mention.. They were both a surprise;)
I’d like to think that the draconequui were an existing species from a different country that was destroyed. Discord fled his country and sought refuge in Equestria. Because of his power chaotic magic, he could survive a bit in the Everfree. After a run-in with some ponies, Discord realized he could conquer Equestria.
0 likesI have a personal headcanon and idea that draconequei are magical beings with immense
0 likespower and abilities in that "chaos" is one of their powers, which involves not just
doing "confusing" and "disorder" but also is under a term that involves bending the laws
of physics and nature, which is an exceptional power. They are rare, in my headcanon, but
they used to be more common in the past.
My head canon is that a draconequus is made from battlefields. When enough blood is spilled and magic concentrated in the same place one can be born. The parts they are made up are dependent on the creatures that are involved. That would also explain why discord is the only one now and why there hasn't been new ones as there is more or less wide spread peace with no real major wars going on that would lead to the creation of one. It would also explain the multiple different creature parts that make up discord. It's a kinda dark theory but I think it makes some sense.
0 likesI would love to see other draconequus it would make season finale for the show.
0 likesMy question is: Why can't it be both? My theory is that Starswirl's spell backfired and turned him into Discord, but draconequi are already a pre-existing race.
0 likesi feel like after swarswirl changed into discord, he wasn't supposed to be a draconequus, but there were so little, and very little research behind them back when they actually had the head of a pony and body of a dragon that he just blended in, so history just took his appearance and assumed he was a draconequus
0 likesWhat if Starswirl was researching transformation spells, and when he tested it ho h was transformed into a messed up version of a draconequus?
0 likesWhy is everyone having a one minded understanding of "The birth of an alicorn is beyond even our understanding?" They could be the only two naturally born alicorns, not to mention they're basically gods, they could very well have forgotten or because they are the ONLY two in their line/generation they simply have no understanding of it aside from when they themselves were babies. (and let's be real no one remembers anything when they were a baby).
0 likesSo maybe this is how an immortal alicorn is born- by chance. It just so happens to be that Cadence is an artifical alicorn- but it could almost be no relation to that fact.
Everything needs a species even if there's only one. His NAME might be Discord but what is he? I mean if you just called him a dangerous magical creature all the time people might get confused. His name is Discord. His title is the Spirit of Chaos and his species is a draconequus. Even if there's one of him that doesn't mean he can't have a species.
0 likesMy theory is that Discord isn't actually a Draconequus, he just takes that form because it suits him. Discord is the spirit/god of chaos with his own realm of pandemonium. Who's to say his true form is an Equestrian race?
0 likesYou can both be right, what if a draconiquis was nearby when starswirls experiment went wrong? Heard it going wrong and floated in to check it out. And the experiment then exploded and discord was born!
0 likesI'm nearly a year late here, but what if Discord isn't even a draconequus?
0 likesHe could be Starswirl, but the more modern ponies mistook him for a draconequus because they didn't have anything remotely similar to compare him to besides dusty old legends of draconequus.
Well the fact that Cheerilee mention Draconequus in a plural way it may show that there are more, I mean those information about Draconequus has to come somewhere but like Dragons no one see much of them since Draconequus come from another dimension or they are hiding among the ponies population.
1 likei play the phone app a lot and on the map is a kirin grove. My theory is that, if kirin DO exist, a draconequuis refers to the kirin species (since kirin are dragon horse things). This would explain why theres a name for discords species (a species name implies many) while keeping discord as an anomaly.
0 likesIf a draconequuis species rly did mean multiples of discord, you'd think there'd be stories or encounters with them. Hopefully season 8 will expand a lot on the lore, with (spoilers) being around it's the perfect excuse to give answers. Tho they could very well give a half baked answer too :(
Pretty sure dragons are the Equestrian embodiment of greed, considering how their puberty works, but if there's a name for Discord's species, then presumably there must be others, or it would be redundant.
0 likesthe WONDERFUL thing about Discord,is Discord's WONDERFUL thing He has the head of a pony,and a body of...everything. He's chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-mo-nium, but the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one!
1 likesweet we have a changling and a draconequus in the same video
4 likesThis can only go well
Technically the starswirl theory could still be true. There could be multiple... uhh... draconqi... I guess... but the reason Discord looks so different is because Starswirl read his unfinished spell and turned into a jumble of creatures that had some features of the draconequus, but then a bunch of other animal parts. See? Both of your theory's can be right! (NOTE: I have not watched any of season 7 yet so please don't shout at me if it was proven or disproven in an episode of season 7 already.)
0 likesMaybe Discord was a mistake spell by Star Swirled . Maybe he was trying to make a new animal but he thought of to many animals to put together and the whole spirit of caouse is something that Clestia made up and discord is just cayotic( I'm bard at spelling)
0 likesI have an idea, we could just ask Mark Hamill to voice Discords disgruntled brother
0 likes7:05 They could of just been wrong and thought that they weren't born alicorns because that's what they saw with other ponies. They might not know of their origins!
0 likesI think draconici? Came from a different universe that holds different creatures from equestria and maybe star swirl the bearded came from that universe and made himself look like a pony so that he could stay in this universe undetected while studying things but then got possessed by the spirit of chaos, wrote the spell and changed back into a draconocis? But was stuck in our universe for some reason.
0 likesWhat if the star swirl theory and the draconequas civilization both are right. What if there was a draconequas civilization. When Star Swirl cast his unfinished spell, he transformed into a creature (aka. Discord) similar enough to a draconequas that that is what ponies called him.
0 likesI laughed so hard at the 'blended hurricane of everfree nonsense'
0 likesThe intro is amazing. Discord is NOT A draconaquis, he is a pony/bat/dragon/goat/deer/ witch = poatgongoeer
0 likesI feel so sorry for brony notion because of the last finale that completely ruined his head-canon about discord and star swirl
0 likesI think the other disgorges right or the Discord you're talking to and then I think he's right cuz there can't be enough a Discord without him having parents cuz he needs to have parents to be born so that's kind of logic in the human world so he needs to have parents so that means there's got to be other to call Ne Chris or whatever they're called so that means that there are other ones may there in another dimension and he's the only one that is in the ponies Dimension but there is definitely some to Corner Quest that are not
0 likesI think you’ll be very disappointed in the fact that Starswirled is stuck in Limbo, not Discord. . . Sorry for your loss.
0 likesI have a thought. I have no research so yee:
0 likesDiscord, not being the only one, is only so.. Mixed up because he is the spirit of Chaos, which means he isn't like the rest. He's kind of an array or things because he is a being of Chaos, I guess. IDK I'm writing this at 2AM so idk
Discord is one of a large sisity of who he is but the rest of them died in a war in between the alicorn and "cautious bringers" got in a war and both sides of the war died and now only discord and Celestia, Luna were the only ones left
0 likeswait, if discord is part everything, then how did his kind develop?
0 likesI love that intro for some odd reason.
2 likesWhat if Starswirl changed Discord from a draconequus to a ... whatever he is?
0 likesHere’s a theory. Luna and Celestia weren’t born in equestria. Therefore allowing them to be born alicorns and allowing them to say the line “the birth of an alicorn is something equestria has never seen”. This theory also brings up theories suggesting many different...countries? continents? I don’t know. But that’s my theory
0 likesI'm so sad and pissed Starswirl DIDN'T turn out to be Discord D:
2 likesReplies (1)
Eustace not meeee
0 likesNow we know that star swirl was not discord, and I am totally fine with that.
0 likesThat has to be the most hilarious video of yours I have ever seen. XDXDXD
0 likesI had a more in depth comment in mind. Something about a head cannon, but it's gone. I lost it all at "Blended Hurricane of Everfree Nonsense!"
0 likesmy theory right here: discord IS starswirl the bearded BUT he is the ONLY one of his kind, because he is a PONY that has turned into a dragonequiis... he is a halfblood dragonequus, and the only one in existance! all other (dead or alive) are PURE blooded dragonequus^^ THIS would make both theorys right... off course, this is just an idea, on how to combine both... and as little suggestion on how his form looks more like destruction: his lower half is that of a dragon... the only living being more associated with pure destructive force, would be humankind itself... greed would be made of valuable materials... gold, silver, gemstones, pearls... but its shape would be dragonlike... envy would reflect the viewer and show part of the viewer as part of the dragonequus... BUUUT thats just a theory i came up with in five seconds... so, if its flawed, its flawed^^ have fun^^
0 likesIf you wanna see what greed looks like as a living being , just watch fullmetal alchemist
0 likes2:49 this is like the Titans in Greek mythology, anyone going to second that?4:28 my favorite part
0 likesI think there is more out there because Discord wouldn't be A Draconequus, he would be The Draconequus.
0 likesIt's pretty simple why Discords species name doesn't fit with his structure....he doesn't make sense 😂
0 likes1:03 - 1:07 and now that theory is crushed since the recent season finale😂
0 likesPerhaps Flutter*bat* is a draconequus. She's pretty much part dragon if you think about it.
0 likesLauren Faust once replied to a tweet about this stating he killed off all the other draconeqi.
0 likesFor the last time his right foot IS dragon but the wing is bat and his tail is snake!!!
0 likesDiscord is different from the others because HE IS KING!!!
0 likesHis other pony-like feature is his hoof shaped leg
0 likesMy theory is that discord IS StarSwirl and he joined in to the Draconeques group when it happened.
0 likeshe has the head of the pony, and the body of er.. everything 😂
0 likesOr discord did it to himself with a backfired spell as youngling or on purpose he is the God of chaos after all maybe wanted to look the part
0 likes😂😂😂😂 that beginning! 😂😂
0 likesIt would make sence if discord was diffrent then the other dracon-equess because of the theory that discord is starswirld the bearded he would look diffrent.
0 likes2:53 Best moment.
0 likesMaybe they looked like event horizon and Star Swirl the bearded did a spell on one draqoneqques thus making Discord
0 likesI didn't know how to spell draqoneqques
My theory: They went to a different dimension or a different planet....... The can teleport
0 likesBecause of the season 7 finale discord and starswirl were proven to be different
0 likesSpoilers!!
0 likesMaybe discord isnt the only one...In season 7 episode 12 we see that fluttershy wants to go to discords house for a tea party, so discord shows us that his house is in a weird place that looks like a different dimension. This can mean other dracon-equus are stuck in their own dimensions....
its a bad one i know.
note: they said we have never seen an alicorn birth in EQUESTRIA
0 likesi love the song i will show to my friends but they don't know english☺
0 likesIs it possible to have a female draconicus??
0 likesA magenta pony with a black heart cutie mark walks up BN, when are you going to cover the correlation between changelings, draconequi, and dragons?
0 likes*BASH ON THE HEAD* just wait till a new one appears or any theories will be canonized
0 likesTaking the tigger song and changing it to discord 😂😂😂
0 likesI think shining armor is Celestia's and Luna's brother. shining armor's cutie mark is the stars but sence he is a gurd he has a sheid on his cutie mark.
0 likesThe beginning😂😂
0 likesLauren did say a MISTAKE in the universe which could be a hint to a mistake of a spell
0 likesI had always pronouced Draconequus like Draquonis
0 likesMy pronounction (Dra cone iss)
By the way I just saw the newest episode of mlp s 7 and it was in discords house. There was a couple star swril curtains, artifacts, and a star swril hat. Make sure to metion this in your next video
0 likesClesta : The birth of an alcorn is somthing EQUESTRA has never seen
0 likesWhere would discord be in the human world and what would he look like? Maybe he would be fluttershy's pet!
1 likedraconequus are endargerd but their are some discised as ponys or in hideing OR destroying a kingdom and liveing in it
0 likesLooks up Equus and finds cars.
0 likesSo,he sings that song about Discord,but barley sings Winter wrap up.Rly.
0 likesDiscord is my favorite character reasons i will leave unanswered
0 likes6:58 Funny moment.
0 likesbruh, you is right
Equus is the name of the genus of horse, not equestrian because Lauren Faust made the name of the land equestria, so therefore anyone who lives in equestria is an equestrian.... whispers to self I talk too much.....
0 likesThat Draconequus was with tricky fox too
0 likesdiscord is not the only one of his kind because his parents would have to be the same
0 likesequus means horse in Latin, fun fact.
1 likeDiscord
0 likesIs not the the one of his kind I mean how was he born?
0 likesIn the 2 part of when discord u can see a pony flying with no wings and that might be discords child!
0 likes4:04 his face...
0 likesWelp discord is not who you thought he was
I got an odd theory
0 likesWhat IF Discord IS STAR SWIRL...?!
I bet I'm wrong...
4:06 their faces
1 likeXD The deal with it shades me die laughing! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
0 likes3:30 Where did the chair come from?
0 likesCelestia and Luna are born Alicorne, THE END! Everyone can't say a dame word that they aren't because Laurent Faust, the original righter of the show said so. So in this case: Eat shit Hasbro, you just got drag down the pit of, WRONG!
0 likesI love the tigger song parody!
0 likesWait, Faust is out of the show??
0 likesyours should have been the spirit of makeshift
0 likesYeah he has the body of EVERYTHING. XD
0 likes(i LOVE that song and i love the song BUY OUR TOYS!!!!!) XD
omg loved the song at the beginning!
0 likesI love that beginning song
0 likesSo what about that star swirl the bearded theory now?
0 likesHey bro, long time no see, i thought i'd go back to your channel again, and so many things have changed
0 likesMake an actual video of the discord song please???
0 likesYou should watch Bride of Discord mabey that might give u an idea because in one of the episodes Fluttershy asks Discord if there was more of his kind. And he told her a few things.I don't want to be spoiler so I'll stop talking. Sorry if I spelled something incorrect.
0 likesIs he a changeling??? (nou sure I spelled correctly )
0 likesI totally forgot, I know you are a CHANGELING!
0 likesdiscords other wing is a bat wing! not a dragon wing!
0 likesta know the discord image in your vid the one the flying in the air in a kind of a shape of circle if ya really think he kind of looks like the infinitadee like this 8 but flip it sideways
0 likesSo discord is the god of chaos
0 likesI love the brony notion
0 likesLol i love that song in the beginning
0 likesSoooo you are both right. 😁😁😁
0 likesDiscord has a boy of a....
0 likesSausage xD
Your headcannon has been destroyed-
0 likesMaybe he is a draconequus he is just kayotic
0 likesGood starting!
0 likesMaybe the others are hiding from the ponies
0 likesis it bad that i play that song in the back-round when i paint XD
0 likesthe beginning song btw...
Replies (1)
plz make a full ver....
0 likesI love the Intro song
0 likesis he on a hiatus?
0 likesHe's a cHAngELiNG!!!
0 likes1:03 We do? Someone forgot to tell me about it!
0 likesDiscord isnt Star Swirl bc in season 7 episode 25-26 we see Star Swirl BUT we didnt see Discord in episode 25 OR 26 so he culd have done like chaingelings do so change him self to Star Swirl the Bearded and BOOM the theary is still alive! But enyway I still belive that Discord is Star Swir bc well.....I said it all ready so..... Yeah tell me what you think. And make shure to like this comment and I hope you see this brony notion❤️
0 likesAm I the only one replaying the beginning song?
0 likes:) Great Video!
0 likesFluttercord child is half dragonaquis
0 likesSorry you are going to have to “let go” of that starswirl theory cough season 7 cough cough
0 likesHahahhaha i love the song😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesi think discords head looks kind of like a donkey.
0 likesThis mess is a Blended hurricane of everfree nonsense 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesI CAN'T STOP WATCHING THE BEGINNING! (Like if you agree, or just reply if you agree)
0 likesI am Equinox, spirit of diplomacy and balance.
0 likesReplies (1)
I personally think that you both could be right, but we don't know enough to prove either, but somewhere in the multiverse, lie more Draconiqui.
0 likesIs mirage greed?
0 likesWAITTTTTT...if the time line is correct HOW OLD R CELSTIA AND LUNA r they like idk creep old dudes
0 likes2:53 haha he is a something something something xD
1 likeDiscord is a Chinese dragon
0 likesThe Brony Notion your voice is amazing and your videos are so cool please ceep making video like this one 😈
0 likesI just need a template to make my oc pony sooooo could some one send me a link to where I can get a template plz
0 likesI swear the blue one is rainbows plus event herision you are cool
0 likeswait if u r like thorax (the good changeling) why aren't u reformed............???????????????????????
0 likesThat Tigger song parody is so funny
0 likesDiscord is NOT Starswirl!!!
0 likesDoes discord have a brother or sister can you make a video about discord life
0 likesWay can't Ilovekimpossiblealot be in this video
0 likesNot true star swirl was in season 7 final
0 likesStarswirl was stuck in limbo not discord. Get your facts right. Sorry I like your videos
0 likesReplies (1)
Annabelle Kim This video was made before season 7.
0 likesI Love The Song
0 likesCan you make a program that talks about princess luna pleaaaaaas
0 likes0:09 where do I find this photo
0 likesI can stop repkying the start
0 likesI'm 9 years old and I understand everything😃
0 likes良いビデオ!
0 likesDats it I'm a reformed Changling
0 likesAre you a changeling or a normal pony
0 likesthe silence
0 likes1:03 Sorry Bro, hasbro didn’t listen.
0 likesDiscord is chaos
0 likesStar swirl the bearded is not discord watch season 7 Shadow play 1 and 2
0 likesI freegot you were a changing Brony Notion XD
0 likesYou are a Changeling. Yeah. I know
0 likesThat SONG tho
0 likes😁😂 I LOVE YOU BRONY NOTION!!!!!!
0 likesFluttercord i ship it
0 likes0:00 - 0:14 is a rip-off of Winnie the Pooh.
0 likesIn a video of the brony notion at the end they put music from g switch 3
0 likesIs that discord dad
0 likesbut we're did discord come from?
0 likesin mlp eg are king sombra and discord not to????
0 likesAnd the ears don't forget the ears
0 likesbroke claw
0 likesBlended hurricane of everfree nonsense
0 likeshey how did you get your cuiti mark
0 likesThis others discord is funny
0 likesYou no a lot of mlp and that’s cool I can respect that. I’m not trying to be rude but do you parents make fun of you for watching mlp?. Because my dad dose. And I like mlp a lot you can say that I am a brony.
0 likes3:28 Lol.
0 likes7:17 You posted on my B-day! XD
0 likesdiscord hand is a ducky
0 likes#discordisthebest
0 likesI analiesd flim and flams cutey marks. Flim and flam are aples flim is a slise and flam was was the aple apart they're week but together they are strong
0 likesWhy cadans and twilight dond have hair like selestia or luna ? They are princesses too!
0 likesReplies (1)
Neta Kaye Celestia and Luna have flowing manes because they are:
0 likes1. Over 1000 years old
2. They have alicorn magic
When Luna was banished she didn't have magic so her flowing mane was gone. But after some time she recovered her magic and got her old look back.
Twilight and Cadance have no flowing mane because they aren't 1000 years old. You need age and magic to get a flowing mane.
can you talk about aj parents
0 likesi like the song
0 likes0:00 to 0:13
0 likesYou sound like James / TheOdd1sOut
1 likeMake a videos of you in real life
0 likesno discord is grogar gal
0 likesNice song
0 likesHmm.. It may or may not be so... Idk!
0 likesNo, OCs. xd
0 likesDevil draconeques because get it the horns xD hahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaahhahabababhahaahahhaab
0 likes#rainbowtoo
0 likesJajaja lol 3:1
0 likesU know how u said flurry heart is not a true alicorn that would also make me a fake alicorn cuz i was born an alicorn lets not talk about my parents
1 likeReplies (4)
Princess Lola oh god cringe
0 likesMarsh’s music Official its a long story and weird
0 likes@LucasHFTheWolf do tell me
0 likesMarsh’s music Official i come from a parallel universe where my mother and father are discord and celestia which means a mane seven i am princess of time don't have an evil side yet i have a boyfriend(lightning) and to kids (bolt and lilac) there still blank flanks there is my cousin bluehoof and cadence my pet dragon scourge and my friend I've known since i was a little filly twilight that is da short version the long one is in bronys truth about star swirl vid
0 likesI. Love you.☀️☀️☀️
1 likeHe quite YouTube :(
0 likesCelestia and Luna were born our coins so is this condo he was born as a joke on a quiz someone from his family had to look like him and the other one look different then so that’s how we look like that then maybe maybe his grandma grandpa mother father someone look like him in the everybody else didn’t then and then they died during the war and one of your episodes of one of the videos I watched what we do know though is a difficult is the last of his kind but maybe not.From Rebecca uthayakumar.
0 likesI've always compared Discord to Frieza. I mean, they do have a lot of similarities, if you think about it.
0 likesIn all of DB lore we never get a concrete answer of Frieza's true race, origin, or an explanation of just WHY he's so strong. It's implied that there's more of his race, yet we only get to see his own family. We even get a lot of evidence to say that if he does have a race, then he is a clear outlier. A genetic freak among his own people, which lead to his strength.
It's a lot like Discord. He may have a race, he may be a freak among his own people, or maybe the alicorn version of his kind, but that's why he's so cool. He's mysterious, and that really helps out with his character! =D
What if you're both right?
0 likesThere could be true draconequi, and when Starswirl's spell failed, it turned him into a pseudo-draconequus.
I feel like, and this is just a thought, that Discord is a Tully a full species of his own. for his kind, they can be born into different forms, like what if both arms could be lion arms or maybe it could be antlers like for the changlings, one or both on there heads. The species could be a variety of ways to be born, but it all leads to one type that can be made in different forms.
0 likesThe equine bit of the draconequus, if applied to Discord, could refer to his almost vaguely equine head and be a nod towards the fact that a fair number of intelligent, sentient creatures in Equestria are equine. The dragon half is more aesthetic and something we mythology nuts will catch onto if you've seen (semi-)realistic Discord deviantart. His appearance is loosely based on the dragons found in Eastern legends as well as the Chinese qilin, or kirin for anyone who prefers the English variant of the name. In Chinese mythology, qilin are chimerical creatures but are usually recognized as dragon and or a unicorn of sorts. Qilin usually look something horse-like in most paintings, so you could say that the Draconequus are MLP:FiMmed qilin with their magical capabilities, equine/draconic appearance and nature
0 likesIt could be, that whenever a pony's spirit is something, like Twilights spirit is the spirt of Magic, it changes them. I mean, look at the Mane 6: In the season 5 finale, they got transformed. They showed their spirit. And maybe, Starshirl (Is this spelled correctly?) had the spirit of chaos, and it changed him into Discord, after he performed that spell! (I like that theory by the way)
0 likesI believe the line was "the birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen."
0 likesHas anybody ever just considered Celestia and Luna were just born prior to the founding of Equestria? They are on the first Equestrian flag
Both could be possible since discord does look different from the other potential draquoniqui. Star swirl read his unfinished spell and turned into a half draquoniquis half everything else and the other draquoniqui had nothing to do with anything.
0 likesNow, it would be cool if there was more Draconequus's because it would lead to lots of fan fics but I agree that there are no other Draconequus.
0 likesI was going to watch more the Mlp but I love how these get described! And I love YOU and all of your wonderful videos!
0 likes6:56 I still believe that they were born alicorns. They said "The birth of an alicorn is something EQUESTRIA has never seen," that could mean Celestia and Luna came from somewhere way beyond Equestria where alicorns were born.
0 likeswhat if "draconequus" could be an umbrella term for any unharmonious creature? like, any jumble of animal/beast/pony parts, or a strange creature of indeterminate species?
0 likesGotta say, Discord's head looks more like that of a goat than a horse! I mean, I guess you could say a goat with a horses mane, but you're right; really, the only equine-looking thing about him is his pegasus-wing!
0 likesIf there are more than one Draconequus and they had ruled over stuff like destruction and greed, wouldn't that be like the Daedra of The Elder Scrolls
0 likesMaybe, there are more than one draconequus and they lead the elements of dis-harmony. Discord would obviously replace Twilight because, he's the most powerful.
0 likesIf you pay attention in the Warp-Out video for Lullaby for a Princess, there is a scene where Luna, as a young filly, doesn't have wings, then in the next scene, she does. I know it is fan-made but, going by one of the earlier theories, it would make sense.
0 likesDiscord is a representation of all the different species present in equestria. The chaos and "Discord" inherently present within all creatures manifested itself as Discord.
0 likeswait, what about in that one episode showcasing discords home, that could just be a universe or realm he created himself but that seems pretty difficult for one thing of its species. that's my thought anyway, so I do kinda like your endangered idea that there was more.
0 likesdear the brony notion,
0 likesin this draconiquss video you talked about how there could be some draconiqui that are spirits of greed, corruption,or destruction and in your elements of disharmony video you talked about the evil elements. I was thinking that the opposite of twilight's element (magic)might be chaos. if that is true then discord is the controller of one of elements of disharmony. if there are draconiqui that are controlling greed corruption and destruction then shouldn't they be the controllers of the elements of disharmony. I would be surprised if this was true if it's just a theory
Couldn't Discord just change his shape and all of reality now that I think of it? He could have just made a preferred for which is what we see. Sort of like Captain Ginyu, we don't see his original form; but it has been acknowledged. Also just because Celestia and Luna say they've never seen the birth of an alicorn, it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. There is no way for Celestia or Luna to remember their births and very much could have been the last ones like fairy babies in Fairly Odd Parents. What Celestia said in season 6 episode 1 doesn't retcon anything if you consider Luna being only anywhere from 1-7 years younger than Celestia.
0 likesIt can be simply stated with one simple statement.... "It's not a species unless there are more than one, then you just have something that is on its own is likely gonna die alone." -me (half asleep and sick)
0 likesWhat if Starswirl turned into Discord? They have rather similar beards, they are both extremely good with magic, and it would also explain why there aren't any other Draconequus's if Star swirl was trying to do some spell and it went wrong and turned him into Discord.
0 likesHey Notion!!! If I might ask:
0 likesWill you ever make a video regarding your reaction to the last episode, when Thorax becomes a king? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to hear your compliments (and complaints) regarding the subject!!!
My headcanon is that Discord is the odd one out of a draconequus race and their numbers have diminished so that Discord is the only known one. There might be others somewhere, but not to any pony's knowledge. At least, that's what I think.
0 likescan't discord have turned into something that was already real?
0 likesWhat if there were other draconicusguys and when(if) star swirl the bearded transformed into discord after reading his unfinished spell, ponys thought that he looked similar to draconicuseseses and star swirl the bearded made a time spell, he might has well made a spell that gave him internal life, since his magic grew when he transformed into discord, and he at the time couldn't hold control of the overpowering magic inside (like sunset shimmer at the fall formal), he became the spirit of chaos. Now later, the deacinicus were extinct and discord (who looked similar) was counted as a draconicus, a few sins later no one remembers the draconicus true form and the only thing that looked like it was discord so he was declared as a draconicus. And now it's canon in the mlp world (with Cheerlie as an example, being a teacher and all).
0 likesLove your intro I can't stop laughing even I have watch it several timesGood rhymes anyways
0 likesWell I would just like to point out that when Star Swirl the Bearded turned into discord he turned into a strange draconequus, that would be why he is the odd one out. That's why i think there are more
0 likesAlthough if Rarity had a one-night-stand with an adolescent spike, I imagine that she would give birth a draconequus!
0 likesThis video actually got me thinking. Would the Jersey Devil also be considered a Draconequus? I mean it is part dragon and part horse right?
0 likesReplies (1)
Firelord5151 funny you mention that, the JD does look a lot like Discord, huh? I think that might have been the inspiration, strangely enough
1 likeThere was more draconequus but they almost became extinct in a battle and discord was not involved in that battle.
0 likesI somehow still highly doubt that Discord has anything to do with Starswirl the Bearded.
0 likesStarSwirlabarded could have made Discord look like that made them out of this species when he was apparently cast by that spell or whatever
0 likesIf there were others then why Discord look so different? I also want to say that you did not consider the fact that Celestia and Luna would have to lie about there knowledge about an alicorn birth. Celestia was right that a birth of a alicorn is what they never seen before IN
Replies (1)
if a true draconoqius is supposed to have a head of pony and the body of a dragon then why does Discord look so different? The Star Swirl Theory makes more sense this way
0 likesi have nothing to say about this because if star swirl accidentally made discord then there is only one question still standing. why didn't star swirl make more to help him around or was discord made and as soon as stepping out ran away and why did discord take such an interest in flutter shy did she remind him of star swirl? does he miss star swirl? did he even stay for a little while when created so star swirl could study him? i think discord is the only one of his kind. you can tell how. let me brake it down. discord is the spirit of chaos so of cause he is going to be mixed up.
0 likesi got to go i hope this helped find out more. ( I'm not trying to be a nerd I'm sorry i just love the story of my little pony) bye
I DON'T CARE! I'm sticking with my theory that Celestia and Luna were unicorns at birth and earned their wing when they got their marks. I have great respect for you Lord Faust but, I staying with my head cannon.
0 likesThere may be more than one draconequus. If you watch Equestria Girls short, " Perfect Day For Fun", You will see Fluttershy bash a draconequus out of Twilight's hands.
1 likeI can't agree with you re the whole 'Celestia and Luna weren't born alicorns' thing. I see no reason why they couldn't've been. Celestia says that no alicorn has been born in Equestria before - but don't the Royal Sisters predate Equestria? When Equestria was founded, the new flag already contained both sisters, meaning that they must have existed before Equestria was founded. And thus Flurry Hearts is the first born in Equestria - but not the first ever.
1 likeBro-hoof! ;-D
The wonderful thing about Discord is Discords a wonderful thing! He has the head of a pony and the body of...EVERYTHING! He's chaos , chaos , chaos , chaos pandemonium! But the most wonderful thing about Discord is he's the only one! He's the only one!
0 likesBowsI SHALL SING THIS AT MY NEXT SCHOOL TALENT SHOW!!!!!!There IS a way for both of those theories to be right... perhaps Draconequii were a previous species that Starswirl's failed experiment just happened to make him look like. Of course, if that's the case then his circumstances may mean that he's the only one to have anything like Discord's powers. Heck, for all we know the average Draconequus may not have ANY powers at all! Not that I want this to be the case (never did like the Starswirl = Discord theory), but it's a possibility.
0 likesWell all of mlp kinda revolves around Greek mythology so there could be more then one which means there could be a whole colony of draconequus this is because there is more then one god or hydra or chimera. Maybe discord is just a very highly evolved species of chimera we will probably never now to bad we can't ask discord him self because well he is not real but who knows they might been at one point in time in earth's history maybe they are roaming around right now. Well I am just going to go with Posiden decided to mix a horse and a dragon together and make a draconequus which means there has to be more than one draconequus and discord is not the only one of his kind he has to have parents that are just like him. But as I also said who knows?
0 likesWhat if there was a significant other of Discord, that is evil and refuses to reform, trying to convert reformed Discord to evil. And is actually Queen Chrissalis getting her 3rd revenge on Equestria. Make a theory ASAP please!!!
0 likesThe Wonderful Thing About Discord
0 likesIs Discord's Wonderful Thing
He Has The Head Of A Pony And The Body Of Everything
He's Chaos Chaos Chaos Chaos
But The Wonderful Thing About Discord Is He's The Only One
He's The Only....
plus with recent devlopments it's HIGHLY unlikely Discord has an ENTIRE dimension to HIMSELF even a pocket dimension XD
0 likesIf you go on this I have one question. DISCORD DID NOT EXIST FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME RIGHT? this leads me to believe he must have parents and as we have never seen inter species breeding before this could mean that his parents were draconaquis too
0 likesReplies (1)
just a thought
0 likesis it just me or does the intro song kind of sounds like the Winnie the Pooh you know the wonderful thing about Discord
0 likesThe intro was 10/10 quality
0 likesor maybe he didnt always look like this, maybe he became! the element of chaos or whatever...
0 likesWait, what would happen if a changling went through the portal to the human dimension?
0 likesThe wonderful thing about discord,
0 likesDiscord is a wonderful thing!
He has the head of a pony!
And a body of everything.
Hes chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos,
But the most wonderful about discord is,
Hes the only one!
Brony Notion. I have Questions,
0 likesAre the Mane six first to become the elements of Harmony?
Who created the elements of Harmony?
Will King Sombra reform and change to a good one?
Does Spike have a sibling?
I know I say this a lot every time the brony notion isn't on for along time, but I'm really beginning to think he died.
0 likesUm, if Discord is "thing" of chaos, then him not only being part horse and part everything else, would be because of his name, he would look like a jumbled up mess. Given the name " Master of Chaos "
0 likesI'm just waiting for reformed Sawtooth... anyone else?
0 likeswhat if discord is not the only derconamooos(I can't spell) but he was exiled from his dercopedorp civilization cuz he was different, and caused to much chaos where he was originally from? posible, or just some pony theory wanna-be failing at making a theory?
0 likesProbably the only evidence of the only evidence of other draconaquii is the OC's people have for example: My of IS half draconaquss
0 likesI find it sad that a grown man derives pleasure from a show that is targeted towards 5 year old girls. it's sad and pathetic, I don't see why you need an entire show to drive home the point that friends are good.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI like to think Discord is a Draconequus and Chimera offspring
0 likesThere is a proof that there are more draconequus. Trixie said A draconequus.
0 likeswhat if he is the offspring of a winged deer lion and a dragon?
0 likesWhat about Discords Home world? You know, the other dimension he goes to to get his "blob friend".
0 likesReplies (1)
InvinciBOOM watch bride of discord it will help you
0 likesLove the intro!
0 likesI guess my OC is a Draconequus of sorts. I only say of sorts because mine is more of a pony body with dragon limbs.
0 likesthere could be other dreqoiquses? but discord is stars word and he was a very odd dreqoiquse!
0 likesProof that there is more than 1 dragonequus
0 likes"this a A drogonaquus"
A drgonaquus
the A intends that there are more than 1
"I'm just A pearl" -Steven universe
There is more than 1 pearl in the show
"the birth of A alicorn is something beyond me" -MLP FIM
There is more than 1 alicorn
what if they all have literally different forms since he i the lord of chaos that would make sense why he has so many different parts what if each draconequus had a completely different form and maybe like the human world they have a portal ...
0 likesReplies (2)
thats is yet to be descovered and what if in that world discord is the star swirl bearded that would explain why you dont see any other draconequus may their world was or still is being ...destroyed
0 likesand he doesn't know about it because it was attacked after he left
0 likesThese videos have good theory's
0 likesmaybe starswirl was trying to turn into a draconequus and not a alicorn and discord was the result
0 likesbe sure to eventually mention her
0 likesGreed would probably be most likely shiny golds and silvers, corruption, probably looks a bit like discord but darker colors, along with any of themAaa
0 likesthe draconeqese video should be the spirit greed becase dragans like to collect gems and they don't share there gems so he should not be the spirit of destruction
0 likesWho thinks we should get this channel up to 1,000,000 subscribers?
0 likes"or both proven wrong" discord dies there is no dracone tha thing anymore the end
0 likesWhat if there was a episode when they met 6 other draconequis it would be like the 7 deadly sins XD
0 likesIs that song at the start something you made, or did it exist before you uploaded the video? It's funny!!😂
0 likesmaybe draconaquis just means or a label for something they don't know, if you don't know what it is you call it a draconaquis.
0 likesi love the bigging the Discord verson of TIGGER so funny 😂
0 likeshow do you score the shape looks like infinity sign
0 likesthere's also a draconequus of
0 likesFriendship
Who else caught the the Winnie the Pooh reference in the beginning?
0 likeshas anyone considered the fact that discord is half dragon half pony AND half Griffin.😒I mean he does have a lion paw and a bird leg like all the other Griffins in mlp😏
0 likesdid you know that discord hard pairings?
0 likesu should download this app called equestria. it is REALLY cool.
2 likesim sure he making the song lasted 30 minutes on ritting it xD
0 likesZecora is a one off species too
0 likesthe Sycite of Sycastic to me i always use Sycasome
0 likesI don't know if this has anything to do with the discussion, but wasn't discord in the tirek comic?
0 likes2014 is when that video came out jeez didnt realize how long I had been fallowing this channel.
0 likesI love your videos
0 likesHave you ever thought about doing an in depth timeline of my little pony
0 likesThere should be other draconequus cause or else how would discord be born
0 likesIf there was not a draquenacus race how was discord born
0 likesDraconeques more like dracon-Equius
0 likesBadum tsh
omg lol the way he said I'm not a recolor of discord
0 likesHey Brony Notion heres a theory if the sunset shimmer we know is from equestria in equestria girls then isn't there another sunset shimmer
0 likesin the human world?
0 likeswait....... your a Draconequus!!!!! i thought you were a changeling!!!! or are you a Dracoeling...hahahaha
0 likeshis piggy supposed to look like a dragon with a animal head not different animal parts stuck together giving Wings different Tails devil horns
0 likeswhat if there are other draconicis sorry my spelling is bad, but discord was an "accidental" draconicis
0 likesNope. Ok, when it comes to Discord, I hate the idea that there are more of him. If you want a Star Swirl Being Discord theory, read Inner Glory (which by the way should have been called 'Inner Gory') It says a lot and it's a good theory. But I don't agree with it. So. Yeah.
0 likesReplies (3)
0 likesWhy? Must you? anyway, I have nothing against Brony draconequus-... how do you say that plural wise? Anyway I have nothing against you. Nice job by the way on this video you and Notion did well.
0 likesyou should do a video about why shouldn't rainbow dash be the middle character (twilit sparkle ) because when the main six got there cutie marks they saw the sonic rain boom which made the other five get their cutie marks
1 likeHe's not desertion he's just plane RUDE
2 likesTHE START OF THE VID! 👌🏻😂😂😂
0 likesdude, u forgot their are 6 princesses
0 likesThere's a way for me to get the song from the start of the video? I really liked it!
0 likesI honestly think not,but you know discord junior discord and fluttershy sitting in a tree
0 likesdid you use a Winnie the pooh reference for that song XD
0 likesAm I the only one who is like WHAT ABOUT SCREWBALL FROM DAUGHTER OF DISCORD???
0 likesbrony Notion you have awesome faces in your videos
0 likes0:13 omg lol I love it
0 likesDid he just say Wallahi I'm so glad you asked!
0 likesThe Tigger song?? NOSTALGIA!
0 likeshis not a dragon his tail is a snake tail n he has a bat wing, goat head,body n hand of a eagle lion paw, and a goat leg. you should watch the video of fluttershy reforming discord again.
0 likesit's said ch-i-meer-a not k-i-mer-a
0 likesWait if your a changling then who or what pony skin are you in?!?
0 likesWhat video does it talk about star swirl making discord?
0 likesOh hey brony notion are you planing on making anymore theory videos it would be so cool if you could make a theory about if chyrisilis will come back to get revenge on starlight glimmer
0 likesBrony notion if your a chanling when you change it has to exist for you to change in to it so they are more draconequus because you change into one
1 likewhy does Star light's mane looks flurry's . does it mean that flurry's star light's baby.
0 likesthe spirit of....... horse theories
0 likeshow about the draconequiss spirit of stupid work meetings. Or paperwork.
0 likesOr Armageddon.
Pinkie may be a Draconnaquise.
0 likesMaybe he was born differently
0 likesspike is a dragon and rarity is a pony. The end
0 likesits chaos. did u expect it to make sense??!? lol
0 likesdiscord's head is a goat
0 likesWait your oc is a changeling?
0 likesI have a draconequus oc
0 likeshaven't you noticed that magazine discord was reading at the train station in the d&d episode
Replies (5)
there was another draconequus on the one page
0 likesnoah draconequus I don't watch this show lol
0 likesyeah you do lol or else you wouldn't have that cool oc
0 likesnoah draconequus well I no LONGER watch the show. I've not been keeping up on it since Season 3 XD
0 likesthe Fandom needs you
0 likesyour the only one who sheds the light onto evry subject that you videos on and I appreciate what you do for the fandom
bro hoof /) or well I should say bro claw
Love the song
1 likeIs the song in the beginning a proper song by him?
0 likesReplies (1)
its a parody of the tigger song from Winnie the Pooh
0 likesevent horizon is no longer a draqounaquise
1 likeReplies (1)
Someone's up to date on current events
1 likei miss your theories ;-;
0 likeswatch this using headphones
0 likesHow about screwball discord's daughter she is a Draconequus too
0 likes5:40 - 5:50 tiny pop
0 likesHelllooooooooooooooooo why name it draqoniqus cuz he is actually Star Swirl the Bearded
0 likesSo you say that Discord's head is not a pony? Why don't you take a look at granny smith, their muzzles are similarly shaped AND discord is EXTREMELY old so......
0 likesu forgot stormy heart
0 likesSpirit of horse theorys lol
0 likes3:44, demo ranch anyone
2 likes(fluttershy) only discords eyebrows are only on fleek!
0 likesstormy heart!
0 likesLol Whinny the Pooh! The wonderful thing about Tiggers! Hahahhahahhahaha!
0 likesSpirit of Horse Theories
0 likes4:26 xXMLGHORIXZ0NSXx joined the game. GET NOSCOPED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesᗷᒪEᑎᗪEᗪ ᕼᑌᖇᖇIᑕᗩᑎE Oᖴ EᐯEᖇ ᖴᖇEE ᗰᗩᗪᑎEᔕᔕ.
1 likeI ᔕᑭEᗩK ᖴᗩᑎᑕY
all your theory are wroung they were not born alicorns star swear asked them both to rule and then made aliconres you would know this craw if you read the journal of the two sisters
0 likesDid you triy a theory about how discored was born
0 likesi liked the intro song
0 likeshis head is a goat
0 likeswith like spells and stuff :3
0 likesodd1out mindela effect😨😱
0 likesI love toir videos can you in one of your videos turn to twilight
0 likesbrony notion can I tell you a secret I'm thinking about making a pony oc and its gonna be a changeling like you also brohoof
0 likesdude, if u mention her I will subcribe 2 u
0 likesReplies (1)
do it!
0 likesthe thing whit teh tia and luna born thing is maby planed
0 likesjust do it!
0 likesHow do you even do these I want to start a Chanel like this but I don't know how to start
0 likesFace revile!!!
0 likesI thout his head is a goat
0 likesSo is there an element of cringe
0 likesum fob equestria proven that they were born alicorn type fob equestria what is canon or click #fobequestria it is a new video not new new but new
0 likeswatch bride of discord it will help you out
0 likesWhen are u going to make a new video I miss u :(
0 likeshes a changling
0 likesHi Bronwyn if u haven't done this then who is human sunset shimmer because in Equestria girls sunset is banished to the human world so who is the real human sunset????? ever thought about that.
1 likeSTORMY HEART!!!!!!!1010
0 likestheres 2 of em bc the purple fur girl with purple and white is discord and fluttershys daughter in the future soon theres gonna be 3 a boy called zaney SO NOT TRUE 👎
0 likesReplies (1)
look up daughter of discord. dummys
0 likesYou should done have video earlier. But, you get to make your statement about the season finnaly. So my piont gets given from you.
0 likesReplies (1)
BTW Brony Notion, I would specificly like this question to be answered by you. ( No affence to any other people though)
0 likesdo it!
0 likesA hybrid
0 likesI like the song
0 likes2:53 #Triggered
1 likeI met i have a crush on you im a changling!
0 likes0:01 - 0:14
0 likesdraconequis**
0 likesWelp, sorry notion.
0 likes3:45 The00d1sout
0 likesOMG
0 likesWHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesnoice
0 likesMeanie dragon horse
0 likesI'm a discords sister
0 likesYou rymed thing by thing
1 likeUmmm... wow
0 likes2:47
0 likes2014 IS WHEN I WAS BORN
0 likesReplies (1)
Shut up kid
0 likesits CH y ME ra
0 likes0:00 Song
0 likesHmm...I wonder
0 likesWow
0 likesI know how both these great theory ideas can be cannon! Maybe Starswerld read the unfinished spell and became what he is now, then me hid out until he somehow found out about a far away Drachoniquiss population, where he thought maybe he could fit in. After going there and being rejected because he was not a true Drachoniquiss, he went and hid again. Then, after wanting to seek revenge on the Drachoniquisses, he thought taking over Equestria would get him some respect from the Drachoniquisses. Then he gets turned to stone, and the rest is history.
2 likesHey Notion, I gotta theory for you. my theory is as follows: If the episode orders should be taken as an official chronological timeline, then could there possibly be two of each season within an equestrian year? It would mean an equestrian year is twice as long as our own, and would fit the episodes chronologically (hence why winter wrap up among other winter setting episodes tend to take place before fall episodes like fall weathered friends). It could also tell us much about the sun and moon and the pony world in general.
1 likeFor example, depending on what definition of a year you're going with, you could say the pony world is farther away from the sun than earth or the sun is larger than ours. We could also say that they travel around the sun twice in the same year, meaning they are closer or the sun is smaller.
Given our knowledge of space in our universe, depending on the definition we go with, we can gauge the size of the planet and thus the corresponding moon, giving us the length of one moon within their universe. If there is two of each season within an equestrian year, doubling its length, then the 24 months could be around 24 moons or more or less depending on the information you went with before. It's an interesting theory in the least ^^ and it could lead to many more, like the timeline of the show, how long Twilight has been in Ponyville, and even how old the mane 6 is. Well that's all I have ^^' If you don't use it, I at least hope it was some good for thought.
My theory on Alicorns and Draconequi: it had already been stated in the SERIES that Celestia and Luna 'traveled to' Equestria. As Faust said they WERE born Alicorns. The statement concerning Flurry Heart is because as far as they knew you needed two Alicorn parents to produce an Alicorn baby. The Draconequus species originates from another plane of existence so Discord is the only one currently in Equestria at this point in history.
1 likeI think Discord is the last or one of the last of his species due to something like a kaiju or freak accident (natural or otherwise) wiping out the rest of them and he went a little crazy after that.
2 likesI've always thought of Discords parents. Stepping aside from your Starswirl theory, supposing that it isn't cannon (take no offence), how else could Discord have been made? The obvious conclusion (at least for me) would be birth. I do think there are other Draconequi, as Discord would have to have some kind of parent. Yes, he could have just created himself; that's another theory of mine But not having parents, or at least some sort of parently figure, brings up some serious questions. How did he learn how to speak? To walk, and fly? How does he know to use his powers? If he was never surrounded by any Draconequi, or even one, it would be quite hard to teach himself everythin he knows. We can see he's obviously quite powerful, and knows too much for his own good sometimes, but how? Again, someone probably taught him. I haven't had much time to think on this theory, but if you're reading this Brony Notion (or Horizon for that matter) I'd love to know what you though!
0 likesIn my opinion discord might have once looked like the rest of his kind. Now assuming they all share the same power like discord, he might have changed his own appearance to match what he feels like what he represents. Chaos but this is just a guess
1 likeIt would be amazing if in the season seven starting or finale that Discord finds out there's more of him and he finds his parents.
2 likesFavorite species ever. Well... in this world. And I'm totally with him, I think there's more. And I think Discord is either one of them or an offshoot of them. You know.. you BOTH could be right. Like a pegasi can turn into an alicorn at the same time as theoretically other alicorns can be born as such... Starswirl could have turned into an offshoot of a draconequus. Doesn't mean there aren't others or he isn't part of that species. Just means he wasn't born one, just like an alicorn isn't necessarily born one, though there are some others who are.
0 likesAaaaah she said in the interview in THIS universe, Discord has openly admitted that he is not from it! I believe that while there may not be another Draconiquois (sorry for misspell) in the pony universe known, there may be other elements of disharmony in other dimensions or universes. Also, Discord can alter his shape at will, correct? Perhaps while they all start out as a dragon pony hybrid, they come to find their true form as they grow up, similar to the way a pony gets a cutie mark!
0 likesI'm only half way through the video so you might bring this up later, but, is it possible that Discord isn't a Draconequus at all? Hear me out, maybe there is an entire race of Draconequus that are half dragon half pony, and the ponies know about them. However, when Discord came around he looked similar, albeit different is a couple aspects but still similar so they dubbed him a Draconequus, as it was the closest thing they could think of. There might even be evidence of this in the show.
1 likeDid anyone else notice that Lauren Faust said "I didn't think there were any others like him." Leading me to believe she maybe have seen into the world of MLP and only seen ONE Draconeques.
1 likeI suggest discord/Starswerl the bearded might've use the spell and other ponies to test out the effects after it changed him. Or maybe when he changed himself the other creatures parts swapped randomly. It's just a Idea
0 likeswho knows, maybe there were more at one time, but Discord being the true spirit of chaos that he is, did something to either make the others leave or something darker happened
0 likes1 problem with that theory. Discord and Tirek know each other as they are from the same kingdom. FIENDship is Magic #2. Near the end of the comic is Discord. Theory of Starswirl being Discord is DEBUNKED.
2 likesHow would you make a being LOOKS like it represents destruction or theories? How would you make it look like chaos? Discord's body doesn't look chaotic to me. Just non uniform. But the very fact that all the parts and probably internal organs come together to make a working body implies order.
0 likesMy head-canon is that their is or was a Draconequus race. They had the ability to change forms and were very powerful. Starswirl wanted to study them, but because all or most were gone, Starswirl made a brew to change somepony into a Draconequus, causing Discord.
0 likesI really think that many people are glossing over the fact that The princesses say that there has never been an alicorn that was born in equestria , maybe there are other places. Maybe Luna and Celestia where born on a different planet or continent
1 likethat opening is awesome!!! also i wanted to know if you thinks is pawsable that we'll see luna getting her own kingdom. I mean we see the Crystal Empire and Canterlot even the Castle Of The Two Sister but they should have there own kingdoms for batponys other creatures of the night who don't like the sun, so unless she has one on the moon i want to see it happen {just a theory though}
0 likesThere was a war between Draconequus and Alacorn. The war left Discord as the only Draconrquus that we KNOW of. Only two Alacorns were left, the two queens.
0 likesMaybe it's possible that there were other Draconequi(however you say it) and Starswirl turned into one by mistake, but it messed up so that's why Discord is a jumbled mess
0 likes+The Brony Notion I don't think so.
2 likesIf Discord is really the only draconequus,then how is it possible he was born?
Maybe he's fruit of a magic spell gone wrong on an unicorn or something like that (like Stitch,if you want.).
And if Discord was REALLY Starswirl the Bearbed,so in the episode 25 of season 4 Lord Tirek would have already talked about his brother's reform with the princesses and Starwirl's help with him,no?
I know Discord is...well...different like draconequus,but I don't think he is the only one.
There should be for force other draconequuses.
I don't find good the fact that the is all alone without nobody of his kind.
I don't find it good!
I have proof that Discord is not starswirl the bearded. Tirak's brother was friends with Starswirl, and then Tirak was banished. But Tirak recognized Discord and knew of his reputation in Twilight's kingdom. If Starswirl was still Starswirl, Discord would've been completely unknown to Tirak if Starswirl is Discord. I like the theory, but this evidence is irrefutable.
0 likesTo me a dracoequus is what would happen if Spike woo Rarity. They are no dracoequi beside Discord because the other died of old age and could not have ofspring with member of their specie but since ponies seem to have maleable dna I suspect there was a dracoequus in the Pie ancestry (Maude eating a jewel that fell from Rarity's hat with only comment "crunchy")
1 likewell actually, there's proof that discord is not Star Swirl the bearded. In the season 6 finale, thorax said, "nothing other than changeling magic works in the changeling hive," so if discord was a result of Star Swirl's spell, he would've changed back
0 likesI guess this taught me a couple things. I may sound like a noob, but did anyone else think that Trixy (idk how to spell it SOWWY) said something other than draconequus? Possibly like delinquent? I didn't even know she said klutzy draconequus. Am I the only one?
0 likesPersonally, I like the theory that Discord is the only draconeqqus.
0 likesI mean, Cheerilee wasn't exactly a primary source or anything. She thought Discord was just a statue that represented an abstract concept.
And really, Discord's head (minus the horns) is closest to a pony, at least among the creatures that Cheerilee would have seen.
Replies (3)
the name "draconequus" is in the canon's academia, that was the point in bringing up cheerilee
0 likes@Event HoriXZ0n Of course. I'm not saying that it is impossible for there to be other draconeqqi, or anything like that. And Cheerilee probably knew the correct name for the species. I'm just saying there really isn't enough evidence yet.
0 likesAllen Holloway the whole point of the video to explain that there is
0 likeshonestly, in my opinion, I believe that brony notion is correct because there would have at least been a part of the show where discord talked about his lineage, where he is from, or at least where he lives ....... but no. there is nothing like that anywhere in the story line.. so it would only make sense for discord to be the only one........
0 likesFIN...
It's funny that you used a Panda to represent an endangered species, because the panda is no longer an endangered species. They're still at risk though. But it's a step up. :)
0 likes"sprit of horse theroys" or sprit of change you didn't choose to be with queen crisalas {probably spelled that wrong} you chose to lead your self not have burt cheese do it for you. sawtooth you made the right choice
0 likesTim and Eric awesome show great job
0 likesIf you look at his home dimension, maybe he has neighbors. That might be his own kind, or.... far more bizarre creautures!
0 likesHey, you might not see this, but in one of the new episodes, where the cutie mark crusaders were trying to help gabby (griffon) get a cutie mark, they asked twilight and she said she never heard of any species other than ponies getting cutie marks, but if you look at zecora, she has a mark, right where a ponies cutie mark would be.. so does zecora have a cutie mark even if she isn't a pony, or is it just a marking..? Please answer, I really want to know your perspective on this!
0 likesi want a video on the season finale, all them changlings!!
0 likesI think this would look so weird because he can choose to be whatever he likes and he decided he liked that look.
1 likeMaybe Discord's jumbled up because something happened to him that made him look like that maybe he used to look more pony dragon -ish
0 likesHi
0 likesIn this video You mentioned your discord=starswirl theory.
Well... I don't want to sadden You but in season 4 ( episode ,,Twilight's Kingdom pt.1") was an information that proves this theory wrong: when Celestia tells Twilight about Tirek and Scorpan she says that Scorpan befriended a unicorn ( wich looked exacly like Starswirl ) and went to warn her and Luna about his brother's intentions. That means Discord must have been already turned into stone when Scorpan met him.
This video was great by the way.
hi Notion! i rly like ur vids. They've inspired me to make some of my own MLP theories!
1 likeWasn't there a draconequus in the comic series? It was e one that explained tireks origins
0 likesInstead of thinking Discord is Star Swirl the Bearded. Think, Star Swirl the Bearded is... Grogar??
0 likesCelestia and Luna first called discord a draconiquose when they first met him cuz the rest of his speceaces was called that by every pony else and discord is the last of his kind because Luna and Tia's alicorn parents had to go to war against the draconiquose (watch little sunshine Tia and Luna read description at the beginning) there for extincing both of there speceaces and the three of them met befriended one another and soon discord go turned to stone by Tia Luna got banished to the moon for a thousand years by Tia etc. Luna came back cuz of the main six discord got set free cuz of the CMC fighting and I know from that clip you mentioned in season seven on flurry heart being the only Alicorn to be born so I know that Luna and Tia where not born as Alicorn princesses I think that Tia was born a unicorn cuz she has raised the sun before Luna started to raise the moon ( look up Tia's lament Luna's lulluby ) and you can see in almost all fan made videos on the princesses that Luna has no cutie mark and I believe Luna was a Pegasus to begin with cuz she couldn't raise the moon without magic and like proven in the theory Alicorn to Alicorn and the clip in season seven stateing Luna and Tia have never saw a baby Alicorn ever proves the the two sisters had to have became Alicorn princesses like twilight sparkle did and possibly princesses Cadance don't believe me look it up on you tube along with other theories related to the subject also take double look at crusaders of the lost mark the CMC might have two cutie marks!!!!!!(❤🍎)(🎵⭐)(⚡☁)remove the shield's on the cutie mark crusaders cutie marks!!!!!!😇
0 likesi know why he looks different HES A DRA-COUT-TI-CUS
1 likeHave you seen The Book Of Life there's a character that looks like Discord.
0 likesHey, Notion, what's your thoughts on the new changling designs?
0 likesOkay, I'm just going to say it! What if Celestia and Luna were born BEFORE Equestria came to be?!
0 likesNobody has ever seen a member of Trixie's family, they look so much alike, Trixie is trying to get powerful enough to become like her mother! She's trying to become an alicorn and make her mother love her! Whose the father you ask? Oh only SOMBRA...Suprised? You should be, It adds up though, Sombra was an abusive father who was obsessed with power after becoming an alicorn and learning black magic from the girl he grew up with, Luna, they eventually fell in love and got married and Luna had Trixie. After a while Sombra moved out and Luna became enraged by the fact, abusing Trixie until Celestia banished her to the moon. Yep a book lied, what a surprise...Anyway Trixie left feeling constantly depressed and alone, btw those.MIND BLOWN. But wait, there's more!Trixie developed a strong love for Starswirl The Bearded shortly after her mother came back to Equestria, wanting to impress her by following in his footsteps. Ever since she's been the same but I think a certain unicorn just might help her cope, OTP. BRAIN DESTROYED. And u better post this cause my carpel tunnel made typing this really hard...k? I hope to Celestia that u see this, Babbye
0 likesif there are more draconequus what if theyre the spirits of the elements of disharmony you know if the theory that the elements of disharmony exist was proven
0 likesEven if others Draconequus does exist, that doesn't means they are all powerful spirits.
1 likeFirst of all, Discord doesn't ordinary being, and thinking that all Draconequus is powerful as he just wrong. That kind of thinking allowed you to assume that every pony in Equestria is as tall and powerful as Selestia and every dragon born without wings as Spike. Discord is extraordinary, and it is a fact. If somewhere else Draconequus does exist, they probably not so strong at magic as he does.
Second of all, if Draconequus species does exist they must live on the same Equestrian planet and not from other planet/dimension. Because, if Discord is only one or one of the few Draconequus that was seen in Equestria, then description of Draconequus will be more like Discord and not anyone else. That lead us to assumption that in the past exist species that as a whole can discribe as Draconequus and that they fit to description.
Third of all, they can't be all a spirits representation of something. Besides that all spirit representation of something must looks completly diffrent one from another and absolutely can't have same description. That small number of Draconequus can't be even describe as a species.
P.S. Sorry for my poor English.
Replies (1)
muskdeer 92 holy crap you're completely right; I'm canceling my series
0 likesWait, Ventorison? The draconquis of destruction? That doesn't really make sense. I wonder if Lauren Faust ment to have him on the sho- the Brony's show.
0 likesI used to watch your vids with my dessert... I'd call it... dessert theorys 4 life!! :D
0 likesHalf horse half dragon. That's where spike is brought in
0 likes"The wonderful thing about discord, is discords a wonderful thing, he has the head of a pony, and a body of... everything. hes chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos, pan-de-monium-, but the most wonderful thing about discord is hes the only one. hes the only- I'd beg to differ. what in the?!" hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI can't stop laughing lol
0 likesGoood video
As I see it lots of animals across equestria (and possibly a secret spot there holding diffrent animals) breeding, my backup info is the we have all animals for example we have cows we have seen dragons,horses,dogs,bunnies,turtles,cats,owls,bears and many more (cough cough because of fluttershy cough cough) And there is my theory
0 likes"I have the head of a pony and the body of a dragon. A TRUE draconequus. This mess is a BLENDED HURRICANE OF EVERFREE NONSENSE!" XD
0 likesHi I had a theory about zecora. So because she always speaks in rhymes I had think that she was cursed in to doing that she hides in the forest she is trying to find a cure to end it while helping the others but because she couldn't she had accepted her fate but I don't know how her so called "cutie mark" would fit into that if it is a cutie mark..... but how does the theory sound. Does anyone agree
0 likesGreed could be covered by gold, and other stuff XD
0 likeshorixin sounds kinda like Michael J Tatum when he does Sebastian XD
0 likesCould The Mane 6 Ever Turn Into Some Alicorns!?
0 likesI believe that three are multiple kinds of disscords the other discords are kinda like bill chiper or other kinds like if disscord had a kid it woud be An another kind of drakonequis but disscord is the only one left of that kind of drakonequis
0 likesi love how you have a 2nd opinion in this
0 likesIf discord is the only draconaquess then how was he born? Unless his parents and ancestors many creatures,right? I mean seriously how was he born as one then? His body parts that were not pony and dragon then more creatures as his ancestors and married and mated other creatures blood of those ancestors and create the blended hurricane of equestrian jumble of nonsesne
0 likesWould of discord become star swirl the bearded after the mane six used the elements of harmony on discord? Because when Celestia and Luna was using the elements of harmony and turned him into stone. An example of a villain who got defeated by Celestia then the mane six was Nightmare Moon. Celestia defeated Nightmare Moon by using the elements of harmony and Nightmare Moon was blasted into the Moon for 1000 years. But when Luna became Nightmare Moon again the mane six has to stop Nightmare Moon by using the elements of harmony. After they defeated Nightmare Moon, she became Luna instead of getting blasted into the moon for years.
0 likesWell maybe there used to be more than one draconeqquis or whatever you spell it but they're all dead except discord?
0 likesMaybe all the other Draconequus look like the same
0 likeshey bn! so i was wondering if u could do a vid about the legend of everfree analyzing what those magical crystals are? thx!
0 likesYou do know that you yourself turned into a recolor of that draconequis right? RIGHT???!!!
1 likeI think flurry heart was born an alicorn because cadence used to be a Pegasus and shining armor is an aliconrn so maybe flurry heart go THOSE genes
0 likesDiscored is a ocd nightmare! 😎
0 likesNice video but why does DJ pon three look so much like shining armor I mean same coat color same main colors it's just very weird I wonder if you can do a video about that anyway I love you channel
0 likesI think he was implying that he was the only god of chaos BOOM WHOLE ARGUMENT AVOIDED
0 likesI know I'm not the only one who forgets he's a changeling
0 likesalso i love your channel, and watch all the time!!!!!!
0 likeswhat i think is that mrs faust might change her mind about the hole thing
0 likesyou never know pepole change there mind all the time in plus mrs faust is the diractor so she is the boss
of the hole show
@TheBronyNotion you should make a new analysis video because of that alll new information from legend of everfree! we even saw a human version of Chrystalis! we saw elements of harmony! we saw the 7th element of harmony!
0 likesDiscord is one of the seven deadly sins in Equstria😹🐱🐈
0 likesWill you ever Make a theory on changelings and their transformation????
0 likesI love that song in the beginning! I think I sang it.
0 likesOk, Celestia and Luna are born Alicorns, but they weren't Equestria, so Equestria hasn't witnessed their birth. For me, that's not the most intriguing thing about Flurry Heart's birth though. For her to have been born an Alicorn, Cadance, a Pegasus who became an Alicorn, would have to have had her DNA transformed entirely to that of an Alicorn rather than simply mimicking the properties of one. However, I'm in the camp that thinks Draconequus is in fact a species. Discord has to be a millennium old though, so it's possible he's the last of his kind. Also, he lives in a dimension of chaos, so maybe he's the only one who happened upon Equestria, but that seems unlikely.
0 likesI BEG TO DIFFER. The pony's looks are showing what types of spirits
1 likeReplies (2)
and I can some what show you in a via that I will make
0 likesvideo
0 likesOmg pleeeeaaaaasee make a full song of the wonderful thing about discord!
0 likesMy oc is a changeling remember that egg who hatched on ur right yeah that's me I did the same thing with creating my own form but I did more of a war aspect because I abandoned chrysisalys for a while to protect equestria from a giant swarm of the parasprites and had a huge war against them my of is named Warcord shock my cutie mark is a bow and arrow and I serve as part of the changeling guard to protect thorax (our leader now) against threats
0 likesSorry brony notion, I think mr. destruction is right. And wasn't there one episode where discord said he was "going home to visit some friends"? That's almost a dead giveaway to me.
0 likesI love the tigger song parody you did at the beginning
0 likesGod bless you for that description.
0 likesDicord had to have a family does he not have a family then?
0 likesDid you know that discord is half griffon half lion half hyena and half bat and half bird and half deer half pony half dragon foot and dragon tail and goat and a billy goat.. :)
0 likesHey I released something it's about twilights cute mark you said before that the 3 sighs ment something but twilight is different I mean the four stars on the outside and the star in the middle could mean cadence,shinning,mom,dad but who would be 5th and who would be in the middle out of the 4 or 5 if you have the answer?
0 likesqueen crystlis could of tricked someone in to thing she was a pony and messed up and gave birth to the one one king of kaos
0 likesHey Brony Notion, It isnt possible Discord's the only droqoneqous (sorry for the spelling) because how was Discord born without any parents relatives.
0 likeshere is a theory. there where more Draconequus but they are wiped off the face of equestria
0 likesActually you brought up what a draconequus is..ots a type of chimera I got bored and looked it up a while back
0 likesIt seems like a theorie battle
0 likesI do think there is more of them because in Bride of discord he sead there was more of them
0 likesOMD!! You can hear the Experiment 42 theme song!
0 likesTL:DW Lauren Faust will make Alicorns and whatever else she can to sell toys.
1 likediscord wasn't the only one
(And the remix)
the brony notion I have a theory about the whole alicorn thing maybe if after you become an alicorn when I big thing happens to you and I mean big bad or good then you get the cool hair thng and very very slow ageing for instance princess Luna before she was banished to the moon her hair was normal blue then after her hair did the cool galaxy thing and in lullaby for a princess celestias hair was pink then after she used the elements of harmony by herself to banish her sister to the moon her hair did the cool thing also since Luna was in the moon she must have not aged
0 likesI really wish I has looked at the ending first I was right he was a changling yep way to go me I'm stupid
0 likesThis Song😂😂😂 you can really good sing!👍
0 likesdude, no, there is nothing truly supporting your theory of starswirl discord
0 likesI have a video idea. How did spikes egg end up in Equestria? Canterlot? In celestial academy? Please like so the brony notion sees this
0 likesBtw everyone always said a dragon-equues and not the
0 likesi kinda think that starswirl theory is stupid, since you don't just make someone powerful enough to tear apart reality with a flinch, even through a mistake
0 likesReplies (3)
Zavex Capricious but who said you can't
0 likesit just seems kinda far fetched that somehow he made something even more powerful than himself, which would mean he had to GIVE that power he didn't have to make him.
0 likesim not trying to hate or be a jerk of course, so don't think i am a troll
0 likesthe music is just like from Ideactive and magma musen, these two are minecrafter
0 likesdoesn't that weird black discord he,s talking to look like a changing itself I mean look at the horns and the eyes!
0 likeson the first ever ep of mlp if nightmare moon never shattered the elements would the main 6 all be princesses think about it twilight was the only one who had an orbe or whatever
0 likesmay I ask u a question, if not to bad okay question: can you do a theory on THE QUEEN OF THE CHANGLINGS???????
0 likesCan you theorize who is discord
0 likesthe beginning of the video is so catchy
0 likesJust Call him Q. Problem solved.
0 likesI didnt even notice the description until the 3rd time i watched this
0 likesHEY NOTION! Are you going to redesign your OC?
0 likesI think discord is the only one because in one of you old vids U said that discord could be that fam wizward
0 likesWho else heard the jeopardy song or was it just me
1 likehey the brony notion! may i ask a question? if no then dont read this. if yes then is your oc still the old desing of changelings or will you use the new desing? thank you if you did read this. if you did not then i am wondering how do you know this last part. ok i will stop writing now.
0 likesI seriously never say dragonequus
0 likesDude, you put the lyrics for the song (Newest vid) in the wrong vid... 😂
0 likesor a dragon-pony (in comic sans)
0 likesin a diferent diemeshon draconequus rule but discord went to the pony diemeshon the end
0 likesReplies (1)
oh!! and he is speshel ok #mageck#true
0 likesOkay why the hell is "We are number one" lyrics are in the description???? XD
1 likeReplies (1)
Alanna J.C /Irishaly idk xD
0 likesEvent horizon... ENSOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU lol sorry i just really like ensou's songs
0 likesOHHH OHHH ,OHHHH YOUR YOU-YOUR ALIVE!!! OHHH *Faints*. *Coughs* Um exuse me..
0 likesbrony can you answer this is the friendship games and the equestria games same?
0 likescliche description but love the theories
0 likesCan you do a theory about legend of everfree
0 likesI like your draconiquis
0 likesbrony I know that Bepper is your sister 😊
0 likesBrony notion Please answer this question
0 likesWhy does discord never fly or we never see him fly
Replies (1)
Please answer this question
0 likesin season 1 episode 15 whys twilight literrary on fore
0 likesWe are number one in the description though XD
0 likeswhy is there dank memes in description.
0 likesI like this I just started watching this channel yesterday this is for The bring Notion From NFMMASTER99 :D
0 likesget it get it...get it get it
0 likesfluttershy+discord=fluttercord or dishy
0 likescan you awaers this thing going many be if something happens to clestser who will take over
1 likeYay! you're alive!
0 likesBrony Notion can you Make the next 2 video's about why sci twi and why she becom a Pegasus and why at the end of everfree forest er was also a green spark That come off the statue
0 likesMind Blown...O-O
0 likeswhy. Why is there we are number one lyrics in the description.
0 likesthe description... the description... THE DESCRIPTION😂😂😂😂
Brony notion I think you should make a full song about discord XD luv you you da best <3 BRO HOOF!
0 likesReplies (1)
also Event HoriXZ0n can't even say Draconequus right XD
0 likesDearest Notion,
0 likesLeave SmarterEveryDay's Theme tune
Sincerely, Eddie
Replies (2)
+eddie howell I love his channel. I'm not sure what theme you are referring to, but chances are we both got it from
1 likeIt may have been one of his million other channels
0 likesMLP rules!!!!!
0 likeshe is the only one
0 likesMaybe an abomination...
0 likesi am a chanchling i need you to now im a good one
0 likesi think when cellestia said that ponies cant be born allicorns she was lying. i think she said that to make it seem weird and make people want to stop possibly having allicorn foals because its wrong. she didn't just want to just start breeding allicorns because it takes a lot of training to be one and just being born into the royal family is tough. she didn't want allicorns to be a normal thing because they are only thought to be rulers.there can be tons of allicorns but celestia just wants control. she doesn't want there to be a similar amount as all the other species.
0 likesReplies (2)
does anyone go to this channel any more?
0 likesYes
0 likesI loves jor video
0 likesMake that Song in another video
0 likessolar sands is that you?
0 likesDo you have amino? If so what is it?
0 likesHow is starlight able to take ceutemarks but twilight can't??!!😮😮😮😕🙁😞😺😺😺😺😺🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙎🙎🙎🙎🙎
0 likesif rainbow dash hadent made a sonick rainboom the 6 woldent be
0 likesI'm chagling
0 likesI discord is Star swirl the bearded
1 like1:03-1:13 ooooo burn!
0 likesReplies (1)
why is Event HoriXZ0n such a savage in this video
0 likesokay cuz of season 6 episode 25/26 what gonna happen to you changling form thing
0 likesHi can you try the app Equestria Amino? Its something like Instagram or Facebook but Ponies Ponies Ponies. At least if you have time cuz I guess you have to focus on school
0 likesThe Bronx Notion why are you not yes good dont you remecer that episode where all the changelings turnes good and beca me "way tos hincha and nice looking"
0 likeschaos
0 likesI love chaos
0 likesHe is dead he is dead he is dead and I know because I lov him
0 likesTru. Tru.
1 likeplease do reaction video of death Battle of Deadpool vs pinkie pie or starscream vs rainbow dash
2 likesPLEASE!!!!!!
0 likesWhat was the business at the end.❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓😐😐😐😐😐
0 likesIts agoat head
0 likesWait whats a darquonqqshsvdcdcw whatever the hell it is
1 likeNixe one
0 likesDISCORD IS NOT STAR SWIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to update this.P.S. I am ten and this is my Dad's account.
0 likesReplies (1)
Tim Faherty This video is pretty old!
0 likesCrazy
0 likesTake a dab
1 likeso....... are you a changeling or a pony
0 likesReplies (1)
He is changeling
0 likesOh you may be right
0 likesBoooooom😎💣💥🕶 or 🐎🐉
0 likesIs it racist apply you totally a described copy Discord copypasta Discord copy Discord ppppppppppppppppppppppp.
0 likeswOw
0 likesXD
0 likesWho that guy dragon pony thing......
0 likes1:25
0 likesTIGER
0 likesdid he just use the Tigger song for discord 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠 no just no
0 likesReplies (1)
why not?
1 likeThis channel is cool, but omg this episode is so cringy
0 likesReplies (2)
+D Haley and my other videos aren't? lol
0 likes0_0
0 likesTouchè.
0 likesI love. Dese
0 likes0:00
1 likeOnly thing in common is the eyebrows -_-😑.
0 likesomg
0 likesno I think not
0 likesby starswirl
0 likesLol Jaja 3:4
0 likesI do love how the creator has basically conceded to the fact that the original ideas and intents are subject to change XD she worded it very well in the interview.
1 likeIs it possible that Draconequus are created via magic, similar to how Allicorns have been up until the baby? It would hold Discord's theoretical past solid, yet allow there to still be others. Plus, them being created by a spell would render them rare. Possibly rare enough that seeing one would be a once in a lifetime thing, that is if you ever GET to see one.
1 likeCool video. I'd love for there to be more of Discord's kind. I'd be fine even if they were just a one-off kinda deal. Like I think they'd be hard to integrate as recurring characters, but just one episode for that would be good. And they could either be super similar to Discord, or the exact opposite.
0 likesIf we go with the first idea then it could test his restraint. He's been shown to have become increasingly loyal to Fluttershy and by extension Equestria, but he has been manipulated before and these guys would be rubbing all the magic they're allowed to do in his face.
If we go with the second story then I'm not as sure of a theme, but it could be another episode on accepting differences and loving them because they're family. Similar stories have been done before but this would stand out simply because of the world building and Discord's antics.
I believe Sunburst is Starswirl the Bearded. Very few ponies have beards, Sunburst is one of them alongside the bearded legend himself.
Sunburst lives in the Crystal Empire, Starswirl must've visited at least one because he first opened the portal to the human world to send the Dazzlings there, so he must have created the Crystal portal there. Or at least taught the ancient Crystal ponies how to do it. Hmm, teaching Crystal ponies how to perform a very difficult spell to get rid of a big problem. Starswirl banished the Dazzlings and left the Crystal ponies a portal and Sunburst helped with Flurry Heart. They are different but it's another parallel.
They both wear cloaks with stars on them, which sure Sunburst could just be wearing it to either honor Starswirl or raise his own confidence. But it's just an interesting design choice that makes them look even more similar. Plus, the cloak that Starswirl wears covers his Cutie Mark, so we have no idea what it looks like. But we do know their magic color is the same.
Now of course a problem is that Sunburst is not only not the best wizard of his time, he's just flat out below average bad. And I'm afraid I don't have a good answer to this. Even if we say he fell through a crack in time and decided to reinvent himself, the only item shown in the show to increase a Unicorn's magic is the Alicorn Amulet and that one book Spike found and gave to Rarity. And neither of those would line up with what we know of the goodly Starswirl. But everything else matches up so perfectly in my mind!
The only explanation I have is that maybe by the time he was the age we usually see Starswirl at he had improved tremendously. It sounds unlikely that he got that good I know, so if you have any other theories please let me know.
We didn't know there was a huge phoenix kingdom until way into the series, it's possible they will include more draconequus' farther into the series. They could find a reason to include more but until then it's open to interpretation.
0 likesSo happy to finally see another theory video. But I just have something to say about that clip with Celestia and Luna. The clip mentioned there had never been a natural-born alicorn in Equestria but Celestia and Luna were born before the founding of Equestria. So I believe that it's still possible that they could have been born alicorns.
0 likesIn the Tirek origin story in the comics there is a draconequs seen in his father's court. Some people have guessed this to be discord but the idea of him acting as a court official in some distant land seems kind of crazy in itself. It would make more sense as a different character altogether.
2 likesReplies (1)
okay THAT I need to see
1 likeI can tell you JUST how both theories work at the same time. There WERE many Draconiqui, at some point in history. Star Swirl DID flub the spell to turn into Discord, and the jumbled mess he became looked JUST enough like a Draconiquios for him to be classified as such. The reason he is the only one left is simple: he had cast an immortality spell on himself while a Unicorn, a feat that Draconiqui would be normally unable to do, not having Uni/Alicorn magic.
0 likesWell, he is basically Q from Star Trek Next Generation, and there was a whole species of Q with there own Q dimension, with the well known Q being an odd one out in his species, the rest of them content in staying in their dimension and doing very little.
1 likeWell... In a livestream of Thems Fightin Herds FT Lauren Faust she said she made up the idea of a draconequus while making Discord. While writing Tian Huo she came across a creature called a Longma which is half dragon half horse, and she said quote: "Oh crap! That's what Discord should have been." That's just something to think about!
0 likesSo I'm posting this on the off-chance Brony Notion will see it. Ahem...
1 likeTo the Brony Notion,
YOUR channel is actually the one that got me into YouTube. I knew a lot of people who watched the same YouTubers consistently, who were loyal subscribers, who tuned in every week/day/etc., but I wasn't one of them. Until I stumbled onto your channel, and I was hooked.
It's because of YOU that I ended up becoming part of several amazing YouTube communities and learning about new, different types of media. Three years later, and I'm in college now, majoring in Animation and exploring new platforms of storytelling- prompted by the idea that a cartoon about pastel talking horses can create so much dialogue and thought (that's about you, btw).
So I wanted to say thank you for your channel and opening me up to sooo many things in my life:
discord could be PART darconequus which could satisfy both theories in a way. there could have been other darconequuses but because of something he could have been the only one to survive. he would most likely have some chimera in him.
0 likesI assume Draconequusis reference to of Dragonborn/dragon blooded from DnD, and the running joke is that dragons breed with everything. It might just be the default term for dragon hybrid. If he is multiple generations in dragonblooded, well that explains his features. Also his magical power, as Dragon blood gives creature a ton of sorcery power, especially when combined with other magical creatures.
0 likesthis is awesome! keep up the theory's and the music!
1 likeI really like the idea of there being more Draconequuses . . . Draconequuai . . . Dracula . . . (WHATEVER!!!) As a fellow Draconequus OC, it really is an interesting subject to me and I'd love it to be explored. Maybe the show could have Discord go through some sort of identity crisis like Spike did and have him question if he's the only one. Maybe they could follow a plot similar to The Tigger Movie when Tigger tries to find his family. I think it'd be a lot of fun!
0 likesBoth of your theories could be right if the Draconequus is a kind of spirit that come to live after a pony transformation, and that processus is rare, but happened often for these monsters to be considered a species... ;)
0 likesThe star-swirl theory technically doesn't exclude the possibility of Draconeques civilization. It simply means that it is the reason Discord is one, it doesn't exclude the possibility of others being born naturally or for other reasons, possibly other failed magical spells that could have involved anything from shapeshifting to time bending, and not solely the talent switching spell that may have caused Star-Swirl to change.
0 likesGreat video BTW👍
Well after the changlings were reformed it would be quite interesting considering your oc and if you were in that episode would you reform too? That would make an interesting theory cause you are a.... Theorist (I think 🤔) but yeah. ☺️
0 likesMaybe the starswirl theory and species theory could work in tandem? In my Headcanon, a powerhungry starswirl tried to test his powers by summoning one of the legendary beasts, but it backfired and transformed him!
0 likesWhat if Starswirled the bearded turned into a Draconequus, deer, lion hybrid. That way, both theories can be true.
0 likesI think the naming convention was based in ethnocentrism. Ponies almost always use ponyfied terms even after a millennium of unity. Also, dragons were probably the most powerful creature that any pony in Discord's initial reign had ever heard of. The term draconeqqus then might be metaphorical for Discord having the smarts of a pony and the raw power of a dragon.
0 likesReplies (1)
RABY it's not metaphorical it's pretty clear that it's literal
0 likesPerhaps Discord is just like an alicorn of a long gone race.
1 likeWell, I'm just thinking how was the chimera or manticore born? Did they interspecies mingle or incest? Well, if I remember correctly, a chimera was the child of a god. Also, there would have to be a majority species setting up a lingua franca so new words can be made. This is why I support the whole human's idea previously existing. Gods made humans setting up a lingua franca giving names to everything like draconequues and religion based upon the gods. However, god made a bunch of other creatures and those creatures ending up killing the human race. Why, do gods not exist? if manticores were the child of a god, maybe a creature was born that was more powerful than gods aka alicorns. The alicorn goddess made ponies the majority animal. Where did the alicorn go? it became the earth similar to greek mother Gaia or maybe to get rid of Gaia. I';; just address the alicorn goddess as Gaia now.
0 likesEventually, Alicorn Goddess Gaia reached out saw how the universe was still imbalance and made alicorns princesses or gave alicorn like powers to some pony she deemed worthy.
Liked, star wars everything has to have a balance. Night and Day, Good and Evil. She gave a pony the powers of a dragon maybe one becoming a spirit of destruction. However, one, in particular, couldn't control its powers aka Discord got screwed up and being a spirit of chaos his body was screwed. Either that, Alicorn goddess punished him like medusa. Your theory could also be true where star swirl tried to make his own living thing making something similar to draconequss = Discord. Gaia, in turn, decided to shut Star swirl up before he gets too out of hand. But not before he teaches Celestia and Luna some of his wisdom ( the elements of harmony,) just in case Dischord would take over Equestria
quick tangent: How come the other ponies of the world haven't made a religion. I mean there are Cerberus guarding the gates of hell and all and a chimera. Maybe, ponies aren't religious anymore.
secondly, all ponies should be part of Equestria since Celestia is the one raising the sun every now and then you know. unless it's like a baton pass where one country gets a few hours and the next princess gets the sun. Just saying. Unless the world is flat???? also, the princesses did get rid of like 4 overpowered villains that would destroy the planet
The remaining draconequy have decided to leave the ponies in peace in their own dimensions to avoid that spanking from mama Gaia and still affect the pony world negatively such as natural disasters, emotions, etc.
Also mother Gaia is the pet rock!!
I love him so much and his theorys
0 likesim glad your doing theories again i missed them
0 likesWhat's to say you can't both be right?
0 likeswhat if discord is starswirl's mistake and was mislabeled for looking like a
Who said that Discord isnt Starswirl the Bearded transformed into a Draconequus, a Species that once existed in Equestria, or even another realm?
1 likeI love these vids :3 thank you for making these videos
0 likeswell in all truth both your theories could be right there mite be a race of Draconequus's and Star swirl the bearded just happened to look similar to a Draconequus so when he eventually meet other creatures like ponies they just thought he was a Draconequus so he just decided to take up the title as his species but I honestly want Discord to be the only of his kind simple cause it makes his role as Lord of Chaos even cooler knowing he's the only one with as powerful magic as he naturally has
0 likesI missed your theories.
0 likesThank you!
i have a theory. There are two types of draqonicui. Jumbled=Discord and normal= Event.
0 likes"What about Lauren Faust saying there's only on-" "WELL I JUST SO HAPPEN TO HAVE ASKED HER MYSELF" XD Good on you HoriXZ0n
1 likeI'm still thinking the whole "Luna and celestia haven't seen it but equestria hasn't either because alicorns are alien" theory is right, but why put the lyrics to we are number one in the description?
0 likesI like to think that a sivlization of draconequus used to exsisted but they were wiped out leveling discord the on!y one
0 likesalso can't discord change form or animal? if he can maybe he just chose that because it looked chaotic since he's the king of chaos
0 likesTakes deep breath. Okay...I can explain in MY theory what Celestia and Luna really mean as in "A birth of an alicorn is something Equestria has never seen before." So. They are saying a birth of an Alicorn IN Equestria. They have never seen it before. So. What about them? Weren't THEY born Alicorns in Equestria? Perhaps not. They were possibly born in a different colony where everyone was a Alicorn. But probably now either the numbers of the Alicorns that lived there has shorten or the Alicorns are just hidden away and Luna and Celestia are the only discovered ones out of the group. So by them saying that. They are probably implying Flurry Heart was the only BORN Alicorn IN Equestria. Celestia and Luna could of been born somewhere else. THERE YOU GO FOLKS! NOW YOU HAVE A THEORY TO THINK ABOUT BEFORE CREATING YOUR UNICORN CELESTIA AND UNICORN LUNA FAN ART! AND FAN FICTIONS ON HOW LUNA AND CELESTIA WEREN'T BORN ALICORNS AND STUFF.........Yeah...There's another theory underneath me to so...
0 likesSoooooo, if Discord is a dragonaquiz( I dunno how to spell it), or a hybrid between pony and a dragon , does that mean that ponydragons in equestria are not hybrids ? (and there are other ponydragons(or was) because season 6 ep gabbys new cutiemark we have seen in the begening the ponysaurus skeleton,for ponies, it is a ponysaurus or a lizard pony, and that means something like evolution happened here. And we have seen one conection between ponies and dragons riiiiight ? They were greed, selfish, and unfriendly. So ponies can have same begening in evolution like dragons and that means a ponydragon allkind were living on equestria before !!! Bu thats just a theory ! A fil...wait thats copyrighted.
2 likesI remember commenting, 'Celestia said it was in Equestria they had never seen alicorn birth before. WHAT ABOUT OTHER PLACES?' or something like that.
0 likesAnother theory is that celestial knew that he is star swirl and that if they reform discord enough he will turn back into star swirl......or something at least that's what I think.
0 likesWhen the draconequus OC can't pronounce "draconequus"
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesLove the theory ^^ and the Winnie the Pooh referenceXD I LOVED THAT PART!
0 likesI believe that the Starswirl Theory could still be valid even if other Draconequus exist.
0 likesPerhaps, Draconequus normally look more like dragon/horse hybrids, but Starswirl's transfomed form looked close enough to a Draconequus and was recorded more than the actual species itself, therefore making Discord/Starswirl the face of Draconequus...Draconequines? Whatever the plural would be- even though he is in fact, not a true Draconequus.
You can totally have a different opinion on this, just sharing a thought. :3
Replies (2)
Vulpy Lavender that's pretty much my theory on the matter
0 likes@Event HoriXZ0n Well I personally feel that's a pretty plausible theory, especially considering that Discord doesn't look much like a horse/pony, although I can see the dragon from his more reptilian features, as well as that dragon wing.
2 likesIf I were a draconeques, I'd be spirit of humor!
1 likei think that Discord has a body of a :
0 likesGOAT : HEAD
If Star Swirl became discord, how did he start good and be evil?
0 likescan you make another video about draconequus. I like you're theorys.
0 likesReplies (1)
the moon light show I'll be making a few videos more in depth about it if you're interested
0 likesI love this episode!!!
1 likeReplies (1)
Hello me from past. XD
0 likesMy condolences that no one comment your comment. :<
This was my first time hearing of this "Starswirl is Discord" theory. XD
0 likesthis makes senses. if there are elements of harmony there should be elements of discord
0 likesand you should consider evolving. all the other changelings had already evolved
0 likesmy theroy (it's a bit creepy): starlswirl created discord and chimera. when trying to make that "from one to another" spell, he becomes discord, his body becomes shadow pony. I can prove it! (where's the intro?)
0 likesThe idea that they were born alicorns is not totally lost. Nobody can remember being born, so neither Luna or Celestia would remember anything about the alicorn civilization. It would be "beyond our understanding" (as said by Celestia) because they could have been too young to remember. Were they taken away? A war? Draconequus? This could have an interesting story!
2 likesReplies (3)
+Pooker Mow The thing is, if the sisters were always alicorns, then they would have no memory of ever NOT being an alicorn. Wouldn't they assume that they were born that way, thus nullifying "beyond our understanding"?
1 likeAnd yet in BOTH cases, Equestria is a Nation/Country/Kingdom that has only existed for such a point of time, and with the 2 Sisters being already Alicorns when they came in and defeated Discord, per the show already having their stature when they obtained the Elements.
0 likesSo no matter the case, there were "born Alicorns" far as their lands are concerned also being quasi-Immortals over 1k years in age.
Never since their arrival in the age of Equestria has an Alicorn been born...
This being they were adults when Discord attacked would still work/make sense, and at no point In Show have we seen proof of them as fouls?
Thus the question of "Ascendance" vs "Transcendence" both being fun to see.
- and the later opening greater doors for it, lolz.
Exactly. This then would show that there were even more alicorns, and that there could be other ponies with enough magic to turn them both into alicorns now. These alicorns would have had MUCH more power than Luna and Celestia, in order to turn them into such powerful ponies. Even Celestia herself could only turn Twilight into the princess of friendship, not an all powerful princess who has powers with lifting THE SUN each and every day. Thanks for replying!
1 likenotion here is my theroy of the idea. There is not another draconequus beside discord because of this. one day long ago ponies and draconequus's had a long battle. Then one day ponies won all the draconequus's dead besides Discord. DIscord then had to be mixed up because his parents never met him
0 likesHOLY CRAP
Look who finally decided to show he's not dead
0 likesIt angered me that he kept saying 'dra-con-I-cus' instead of 'dra-con-I-quhs'
0 likes"Blended hurricane of Everfree nonsense" I DIED
0 likesI thought Discord would be a noodledragon XD
1 likeHey! thats bogus. there are totally more draquoniqui out there!
0 likesBRUH, the beginning song😂!! I LOVE it!! 😩🔥✨💯😍
0 likesYou should do things like that more often ✨💕
The plural of draconequus would be draconequi due to it's Latin origins. Equus means horse and it's plural is equi pronounced equee.
0 likesReplies (1)
this isn't Latin, though, so because we're speaking English we can butcher the pronunciation as much as we want and it won't be wrong :D
0 likesI feel that discord is a fusion. One of his parents was a pony and the other was a chimera or something.
I love the tigger thing from Winnie the Pooh xD
1 likeblended hurricane of everfree nonsense I love that mr HoriXZ0n
1 likeLOL the un-Canon dragonequus called you: "changeling friend" so it is true you actully IS changeling (of Tour costum pony"
0 likesMy oc is a Draconequus. His name is Endren Nocten. (I think he could be the spirit of greed)
0 likesDiscord has a cousin in the 2014 movie "The Book of Life". The resemblance is uncanny.
0 likesReplies (2)
Xibalba isn't a draconequus m8
0 likeshe's the God of The Forgotten, or more likely, Satan. (but in a children's way oml ples don't kill me internet)
Xibalba's design may have been inspired from Dissy, but Jorge nor Lauren has confirmed it.
Sorry for ruining your dreams bruh, but it's the truth.
I know that, I just wanted people to know about that movie.
0 likesI know this was a while ago but is anyone else confused about rara's cutie that just glowed in the middle of her song "magic inside of you"
1 likeMade me laugh so hard xD
I think your both right discord is starship the bearded? Whatever his new is?????? So anyway and he is a mistake of the Dragon horse thing, my theory is that when star swirl was experimenting with dark magic he did a spell including chaos, and that Dragon ish creature. Then it was to much and he transformed.
0 likesOMG LOVE your videos can you do one on MABYE the main six is supposed to be the main SEVEN
0 likesHere's my explanation.....
Twilight's cutie mark has six points on the star but only five stars surrounding it so who was supposed to be the last element representer.................... SUNSET SHIMMER.......... Boom
But here's what I think.......
Long ago before twilight got her cutie mark princess celestia visited the future ( where this part fits in I don't know this is only my theory ) princess celestia noticed her student acting wired so she asked herself if something was wrong she told her about sunset shimmer leaving and also told her about twilight but her cutie mark was different it had an extra star this made twilight's castle and her title of princess of friendship never exist so princess celestia went back to her own time and years later ( at the magic school ) when twilight got her cutie mark princess celestia removed one of the small white stars which changed twilight's destiny ( and the destiny of equestria ) forever
But just one question remains..... Since twilight and sunset are the same age how was sunset celestia's student before she was even born well there is an answer to that sunset represents the element of forgiveness and when sunset was born princess celestia could tell she was special so she cast a spell on her so that in life when she changed for the better she would become an alicorn that's why in the music video ( my past is not today) she appeared to grow a horn and WINGS this meant that when she returned the spell had worked and she would be an alicorn
So technically sunset is OLDER than twilight
Please make a video about this I'm like one of your biggest fans!!!!
pleas do a theory on what is really alicorn magic cause ive seen twilight and celistia turn like sombra while doing it
0 likesWait..what 'meeting' hmmm...GASP your a changeling I almost forgot but that's not what we're talking about...the meeting is..ok so if your a changeling you might set up a meeting with Queen Cryisalis and tell her about magic getting in the base! But that's what I think we'll have a nice day everyone
0 likesMore theories please
1 likewhat would his mom and dad be ?
0 likeswouldn't his mom and dad be like him. so he's not the only one.
Did anyone notice that horizon say draconacus and he is a draquenoscus and tbn says it properly
0 likesFinally! Do a legend of everfree theory.
0 likesI um...believe he's the only one. He is "the" lord/spirit of chaos.
0 likesReplies (1)
JadeDragon79 yeah that would imply one Spirit of Chaos.
1 likewhat if celestia and Luna weren't born in equestria?
0 likesDISCORD might actually be a CHIMERA
0 likeshaha! I love that song at the beginning!
1 likeOh my gosh that remix of Tigger's song. xD
0 likesIts been soooooooooooo long since you posted a new video. Thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been waiting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long
0 likesI say Crysalis was an alicorn
1 likeI'm making a Greed Draconequus. HIs body is made of gold.
0 likesYay you finally Posted!!!
0 likesCan u please do a theory if all the mane 6 will become alicorns?
0 likesYou're back!
This was great, also I noticed in the description, you put the lyrics to We are Number One.... GUYS SEND HELP THE BRONY NOTION HAS BEEN BRAINWASHED BY MEMES AAAAAAA-
you and the other you can be right if discord Is the starsworld while there being a civilization of dragoniquises
0 likesfinally u made video I have been checking ur channel everyday. BTW awesome vid!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
2 likesTHANK YOU FOR POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likescelestea and luna dont understand the birth of an alicorn because they dont rember being born
0 likesYou didnt know that Lauren Faust is no longer working in MLP? Sory if im wrong, I heard it in a video. Meghan McCarthy is said to be currently in Lauren's place.
0 likesAnother theory! YAAAAAAAAAAAS
0 likesI loved the song at the beginging
0 likesWell well look who's back after a year
0 likesomg yay!!! the brony notion isn't dead!!!
0 likesCan you do another poll, please
0 likeseh em the birth of an alicon is something EQUESTRIA has never seen celestia and Luna were born before equestria watch the story of the founding. it's beyond our knolge. do you think cc and lulu stayed with other alicorns NO THEY DIDN'T so how would they know about alicorn birth Mike drop
0 likesthe discretion has lyrics of we are number one in it
0 likesHey!
2 likesWe are Number One
We are Number One
Now listen closely
Here's a little lesson in trickery
This is going down in history
If you wanna be a Villain Number One
You have to chase a superhero on the run
Just follow my moves, and sneak around
Be careful not to make a sound
(No, don't touch that!)
We are Number One
We are Number One
We are Number One
Ha ha ha
Now look at this net, that I just found
When I say go, be ready to throw
(Throw it on him, not me!)
(Ugh, let's try something else)
Now watch and learn, here's the deal
He'll slip and slide on this banana peel!
(Ha ha ha, gasp! what are you doing!?)
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
Replies (2)
DangerousPie03 what are you taking about?
0 likes@Fluffle slot Check the description.
0 likes👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 the song is 👌🏻
0 likesYou are magnificent and you should talk a bout the ending of mlp eq legend of everfree with the portal of what could come next. :) ;).
0 likesI never gave up! I knew you were still alive!!! 😭😭
0 likesmy god a second discord well cool
0 likesomgosh I missed you so much Brony Notion <3 <3 <3
0 likesWhy are some ponys bigger and have longer horns like Sassy Sattles
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesCelestia and Luna were NOT BORN IN EQUESTRIA!!!
0 likesYay it's been forever since a pony video
0 likesAre you going to do a video about EG new movie? In the end i think we have another element
0 likesgood thing you still into ponies
0 likesWhat if Spike is draconequus.
0 likesReplies (1)
No, Spike is a dragon. This has been stated before, tons of times in the show.
0 likesahem I so do not have a family of draconequii 😂
0 likesWhat about Tirek????
0 likesu spelled it wrong its draconaquis!
0 likesXD the tigger song in the beginning
0 likesWhat to you look like in your new changeling form?
0 likesOmg HE'S NOT DEAD XD
0 likesWoah thats an intrest theory! ^-^ I'm waitin the next vid :3
0 likesthe brony notion you wont believe my theory on equestria girls the legend of everfree do you know in the end you'll see the pony portal statue thing was not there and there was some sparkles coming out maybe that was the magic or the soul of "the elements of dishormany":-0 please make a video about this theory
0 likesPlease do one about the end of "Legend of Everfree" please please please please please please please please please please please. I have been waiting so long to see your head canon please
0 likesYour back i miss your content
0 likesWait, you're a changling?
0 likesYay fiannaly (sorry spelled wrong) you fiannaly uploaded a new video!!!!!
0 likesI don't even watch my little did I get here!?
0 likesReplies (1)
TheAwesomeWolfyGirl at least you get to leave
0 likeswhat does draconequus mean?
0 likesReplies (3)
Random Unknown Dragon and Equine/Pony
0 likesEvent HoriXZ0n were you in this video? I am sure.
0 likesyes I was lol
0 likesmaybe there both true discord is diffrent becase of stars swirl
0 likesbrony notion you should do a colab with sketchy (the) changeling.
1 likeReplies (4)
+80' s Cartoon girl We actually have one planned :)
0 likesThe Brony Notion what is the colad about and whwn will it be out
0 likesP.S. Sorry For Posting it Twice....I Have Twitchy Fingers......which makes me have the mistake of doing it twice rather than sorry about that Too if you Did not know that......
1 likewhat are you talking about
1 likewhat does draconequus
0 likesYou are back! Yassss
0 likesyour back finally
0 likesu have tol do a theary on screwball witch is discords kid!!!
0 likesur awesome notion
0 likes#ILOVE IT#
0 likesdiscord=variable
0 likesI thought of a custom draconaques thing a bob yea
0 likesNice song! +The Brony Notion
0 likesMake a video that answers our questions
0 likeshis head is a goat
0 likesI went to ponycon 2016!!!!
1 likeReplies (1)
Princess skyladash 10 hell yeah
0 likesOmg, the description!
0 likesEvidence in canon? Why, blhhh!
0 likesHOW WAS I SO FRIKIN LATE??!?!?!
2 likesyes he is
0 likesahhhhhhh YOUR BACK YOUR BACK!!!
0 likeswait umm the changelings have a different form know there butterflies or whatever what happened to them to turn out to be love hungry monsters and is that there form forever
0 likesOK l'll go check theam out
0 likeswell there is a song you used brony nation from experiment 42 that's what I mean if you did not understand
0 likesGuys why is We are Number One in the description?!?!?!
0 likesI meant draquaquis
0 likesWhat's the music used?
0 likesyou're a changeling!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
0 likesmiss you bro
0 likesHead of a pony?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesDid (halfway through the video )your eyes turn from purple to blue????????????????
The description.
0 likesactully can u do vud about that is discord a draconaqwuis plz ?
0 likesOh my god you uploaded...
0 likesdo it do it do it
0 likesfinaily anthor vid more vids more subs and likes
0 likesLook at some bloopers from mlp
0 likesI really want you to rewview times a changeling plz
0 likesI still think Celestia and Luna were born alicorns.
1 likeUmm.. Why is "We are Number One" lyrics in the description?
0 likesReplies (2)
+Pien Poncin Shhhh! Don't question.
0 likesThe Brony Notion ARE YOU GOING TO REDESIGN YOUR OC?!?!?!
0 likesim a dracunequus
1 likeReplies (2)
in my pony form!
0 likesI am a shifter that is in my wolf (with bat wings) form
0 likesNice RS music.
0 likeswho read the description?
0 likesXDDDD
0 likesso coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
1 likedid he fake the interview
0 likesReplies (2)
snowleopardfriends how would I have faked that lol
0 likesdon't know just messing with you event
0 likesUuuh sawtooth why is ther ohother Draconequust in your vidio and ive got a qestin how are there more Draconequusts than I thot
1 likeHere's and idea Steven magnet gay. And the music ponys are they lesbians
0 likesHey man it's me, From high school, how are you doing?
0 likesThere is a new mop movie trailer
0 likeswait his a Changling 😀😁😂😅😆😐😑😮😓😲😰😱
0 likesPan de mon eon ?
0 likesChaosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
0 likesSeason 7
0 likesi hav a brony and oc
0 likes...............…wut
0 likeshi long lost brother
1 likeYears ago u posted some music why not again??
0 likesChaos Chaos
0 likesYo
0 likesBrony Notion
What's with the description
do you like cats and dogs
0 likesDid you just say theodd1sout
1 likewere is human starlight pls explane plssssssssss OR ELSE >:( ( EXPLODE)
0 likesthe theare is poo watch more my little pony star swirl is back!!!
0 likeswe're is discord in the human world😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶??????!?!?!
0 likesHello kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty oh sorry XD I meant hello everypony I mean hello everypony and everybody I keep on messing up let me try one more time hello everybody
0 likesYou will all of you
0 likesBro hoof
0 likesKinda 🤨
0 likesThat recolored Discord had some good points. I'd love to see more of the Draconequus, but I don't believe the show's writers would do that. My point: It's TOO good of a plot.
2 likesReplies (2)
For the last of the last times I'm NOT a Discord recolor >:(
3 likeslaughs I can't believe that worked.
3 likesthis was actually a pretty interesting Theory! and I truly think there are more of his species out there as because of how the characters talk about him. Discord on the other hand was probably a mix between his species and Chaos itself.
0 likesThe way I always looked at Discord is this: that Discord can choose any form he wants and is not a member of any species. He simply prefers that form over any others at the time FIM takes place. The ponies of equestria call him a Draconequus because that is what he looks like most of the time, but he is really just a spirit with no true physical form.
0 likesSo this has been your big project. I like it!
0 likesChimera: I think Somber may have in some stretch beat you to it. He wrote Fallout: Equestria: Project Horizons where he describes the origins of, well, fusing various creatures together being Project Chimera. The secret ingredient may surprise you.
While Lauren did establish quite a few things, some of them has of course changed. As said here, she did seem to say that Discord was the only one, but did sound unsure. And yes, that thing with the Alicorns. She also said that Scootaloo would get a Scooter as a Cutie Mark which was changed. So who knows what will happen in the future? The staff may go against her as far as turning Rainbow Dash gay. Yes, she was opposed to, as she called it, the "stereotyping".
Well, we got one last season and a movie to see where this goes. Have fun picking this apart up until then... If they do reveal him to be Starswirl, you're gonna have to ask yourself: Called it, or created it? The staff might be watching......
i would love there to be more Draconequus, would be interesting
0 likesI always went with the theory that draconequi are not really "equestrian". More like the Deadra in The Elder Scrolls. Powerful, immortal beings from another plain of existance. There are powerful ones, such as the Deadric Lords (Hircine, as well as the unimportant ones), which are incredibly powerful (in mlp, this would be Discord), while there are others, who are not as powerful.
0 likesThis could mean that not only are there other draconequi like Discord (godlike powers, immortal, so on and so forth), while there are others, with less powerful magic.
There even is some proof to this theory (even thought it´s a bit of a stretch): Somepony To Watch Over Me. Applebloom encounters a chimera, a being composed of several animal body parts, just like Discord. This chimera could be from the same plain of existance Discord is from (not nessessarily the chaotic mess we see in Make New Friends But Keep Discord, or maybe this was just "his" realm, kinda like how the Deadric Lords in TES each have their individual realm) and simply hang around in Equestria for the fun of it or something.
I like the idea of Draconequus being a semi brod term for a type of magical being, mostly the combination of pony and dragon magic, something that my not be entirely compatible, and could be seen in the same level as an Alicorn, were most become one, and rarely are the naturally born.
0 likes"A blended hurricane of everfree madness!" Poetry and accuracy😆
2 likesI like to think that the Draconequi (?) are a regular race, maybe more like griffins or Minotaurs. They just like so far out, that you don't see them in equestria. And also that discord looks the way he looks and has magic so powerful is because he's the spirit of chaos. I mean seriously, if there were thousands of powerful beings like discord, equestria probably would have been taken over by now. Discord probably wasn't welcome in his homeland of draconequi because he seems to like doing things his way and his way is well... chaotic. And if draconequi are more like a normal species, they would probably rather have order in their land, like everyone else in equestria
0 likesInteresting points and questions. Can't wait to see them resolved!
0 likesNice vid notion! So at 2:31 you talked about there being different Draconiquis and each having a title. I was thinking that some of the villians from the show are Draconiquis. For Greed it could be Queen Chrysalis because she was greedy for love. Corruption could be Nightmare Luna (idk if thats here true name, but it is not the reformed luna) because her thirst for power corrupted her. And lastly, destruction being Terek because... well terek
1 likeYay you're back! wow this was interesting... I never think things through like this. Great job!
0 likesI believe that when Faust pitched the concept of Discord to Hasbro they objected to him being described or treated as a chimera because, according to how I remember it, they thought the concept would be too scary or wild for the audience (this was early days. A chimera is small change compared to what's shown up since then). That was when Faust made up the term 'Draconequus' for Discord. Possibly it's meant to describe any creature with any features from an equine (not exclusive to horses) and a dragon. Of course, this does not preclude there being more.
0 likesBut if there were more Draconequuis, would they all have to be like Discord? In that I don't just mean that they would be reality warpers, but also in their forms. As both of you pointed out, there is potential for many varieties, even if each Draconequus had to be 'a bit of everything.' There are many varieties of pony, dragon, gryphon, etc. design, so why not? Also, if Discord is the only reality warper of his generation, then it doesn't break the universe to have more Draconequuis running around -- because not all of them would have the good sense not to use their powers willy-nilly and for everything. Yes, I'm implying that Discord is using his powers wisely (more or less) and preventing the world from becoming unbalanced.
So here's a thought: there are other reality warping Draconequui, but each one inhabits a different universe / parallel dimension / alternate reality. We know there's one in the Reflections arc's version of the comics (yes I know they're not considered canon by many. Doesn't mean the story's not a good one. Reflections is one of my favourites). Here Discord is Captain Good Guy and he helps to keep order in the northlands.
I theorize that keeping the space-time continuum in good working order is he job of every omnipotent reality warper in Discord's position -- his job. It doesn't come up much, so he gets bored. And if someone made him work, boy would there be trouble. But the boredom is why Discord decides to become involved in the affairs of mortals like Celestia and Luna (there, I said it). Very much like a certain other reality warping caretaker of the space-time continuum, wouldn't you say? One played by John de Lancie for many years, who also haunted and taunted a serious leader of other beings? One with an entire race of likewise-powered beings?
The Q Continuum. That's who.
In fact, Discord's concept is modelled after Q, and de Lancie's performance as this character.
So then would it not be fair to say that Discord is part of the Q Continuum, the mainstream Ponyverse's own Q?
Meaning that when we ask if there are others of Discord's kind, we're not actually looking for other Draconequui, but Q's!
Ergo there are others of Discord's kind, in canon. They're just not all in MLP canon.
But that's just a theory. An FiM theory. Thanks for reading.
THIS VIDEO IS SO EELL MADE. You're style is shown way more and I definitely enjoyed this type of video more! YOU ARE AWESOME
0 likesI feel like these guys should start their own short series. Forget canon!
0 likesmy theory is that perhaps Discord was one of a small group of creatures created by a more powerful god. Like perhaps Discord had brothers that were like the anti elements of harmony, they all looked very different from another but the others were destroyed or imprisoned long before Discord's name was plastered into their history
0 likesyou both assume that he is native to equestria. in the episode make new friends but keep discord. we see how chaotic the area around his house is and that he can easily open riffs to other worlds. I submit he is an interdimentional being that came to equestria to have a little fun and that there are more draconequus out there in not equestria.
0 likesI personally always believed that there was more than one draconequi. In fact, that notion plays an important part in Aligorna's backstory. As well as, obviously, the belief that there's other alicorns besides the 4 we know, not living in Equestria's borders. My reason for this is that I've always believed that alicorns and draconequi are types of elemental beings (possibly even gods, but if so then gods in the old pagan sense, with a much more limited scope of power and a specific arena of influence). In my Equestria, born alicorns like Celestia, Luna, and Aligorna represent specific elements of nature: Celestia the sun, Luna the moon, and Aligorna the oceans. Ascended alicorns like Cadance and Twilight represent emotional or societal elements, like love and friendship respectively. Together, both types of alicorns represent "harmony" (more like "order", actually). Draconequi are the Equestrian universe's equalizing measure (to quote, of all things, the Zalgo Invocation: "With order without chaos, there is no order left" In other words, to have true harmony, the universe has to play a zero-sum game. Chaos without order is an unlivable mess. Order without chaos is dictatorship). They represent all those primal, instinctual, and destructive forces of the universe (in the case of my Equestria, Discord as chaos, and my character Strife as conflict), and it's the contention between them that maintains proper order in the world.
0 likesOf course, this might just be me projecting my own leanings as pagan (whose patron god happens to be Loki) onto the show and trying to craft its mythology not only into one that actually makes sense, but one that makes sense within the frame of my own sensibilities.
Please do a analysis on the Season 6 finale, and where the show could go from there. Also since you're a Changling can you look like the ones that become good in the recent finale?
0 likesit's been so long since I've seen your videos, I actually forgot how adorable your oc was!
0 likesI'm kind of surprised that this didn't get brought up, but have you considered the possibility that Discord named himself as such a species? That when people wondered what he was he said 'A Draconequus' and no one knew what that was supposed to be and just assumed that that's what they were supposed to look like despite the definition?
0 likesReplies (1)
That's an interesting theory, and it would also make sense.
0 likesI personally think that there WAS a Dragoniui (Sorry if mispelled) race living among each other in their thought of peace, but they were all wiped out by some outside force/race. And Discord was only a child when this happened, he somehow survived and is still the only living member of his kind.
0 likesBut hey, its just my headcannon,
Actually now the Srarswirl theory is more possible! If there is draconequus civilization, yet Discord is unique and also represents chaos then that fits in with the theory!
0 likesGreat video by the way! Glad to see more of your unique opinion!
what if discord looked like a dragon horse before but he changed his appearance to look more like the spirit of chaos. we already know he can change ponys appearances because he took away rainbows wings and twilight horn in a previous episode. considering he is portrayed as omnipotent, we shouldn't rule out that he did it to himself.
0 likesAlthough Spike is genetically a Dragon, he was undoubtedly raised in a Pony family (and has claimed "pony" as a description of himself and his chosen society). Could it be that by being hatched using pony-magic (as opposed to however Dragons naturally hatch their young), he could actually qualify as a Draconequus? Maybe by being conceived of Dragons and born of Pony-magic, he became a Draconequus? This could explain the magic that he can perform that other dragons do not seem to be able to (i.e.: instant scroll delivery) as well as his lack of wings. If Discord and Spike are both considered Draconequi, then it could even be that Spike, who was granted a throne at the cutie-map in Twilight's castle despite not having bound with any of the Elements of Harmony, may in fact grow up to play a much bigger roll by somehow acting as a foil to the Spirit of Chaos (acting as a Spirit of Order, if you will). In this case, Chaos & Order must balance each other out in order for Harmony to be truly reign.
1 likeI love and agree with the theory of discord being star swirled. I also love the brony nation you are an inspiration I never really thought about the show that much when I first stated watching it when it started and then I discovered the brony nation and I started thinking and I had ideas and realized things on my own I was loved mlp all my life with but now I love it more I would have my own YouTube channel if I knew how everyone did it but anyways I agree with you not saying I don't have a theory of my own...😉
0 likesI like the idea of there being several Draconeq-...I? that represent different things, kinda like the seven deadly sins and more of that type of stuff- Well maybe not lust... But you get the image
0 likesAnd their appearance varies depending on what they represent
If there was one for greed, they'd probably have a mostly-dragon body, maybe with some eagle talons- One for envy would have a more snake-like body, while on the other hand if there was one to represent deceit, they could have a more pony-like body, with perhaps a dragon tail and wings-
I actually really like this concept.
Replies (1)
We share this idea 100%. I made Event Horizon mostly Dragon because Dragons are destructive creatures, capable of doing a lot of damage.
1 likeIt is more plausible that Discord is a member of an endangered species, since he is the only one presented in the history of Equestria.
0 likeswouldn't that mean by your definition, that any half breed poney with a dragon like many people/artist hope for a rarity and spike child be a draconequus? like kilala97's crystal clarity, or turquoise?
0 likesWhat if Discord did have others of his kind, but they either died off or went missing which could explain his madness. Stressed from the whole experience, he just went mad and the power of friendship reintroduced him to sanity and he's slowly rehabilitating. That's why he betrayed them in season 4 finale, because he wasn't all-the-way rehabilitated. Of course, many of the creators could tell us that he just had "one bad day" like the joker from batman
0 likesLoL. Nice. I actually did a season 7 theory that included a new draconequus with the element of hatred.
0 likesI think sooner or later another malefic spirit will show up that will most probably be a draconequus.
I think if you are one of many you get described as "A" or "An" if you are the only one you get described as "The" too bad proof wasn't brought up before. All it would take is Discord saying "I'm the last of my kind" or "The others back home" Anyhow what I would like to see is something like Disney's Gargoyles, the Children of Oberon. A race where each different trait would have there own representation. I think there would be a way to represent the creature of Greedy or Hope or Fear etc. They don't all have to be Draquoniqi just sprites of concepts.
0 likesIn some myths, Dragons are a mixture of multiple animals. Maybe that is the reason for discords appearance
0 likesI've seen plenty of debates about anything and everything, but this one beats out everyone of them!!!
1 likeOk this was mentioned briefly but I got to say it. She said "The birth of an alicorn is something 'Equestria' never seen." She did not say the worlds never seen so they still can be ture alicorns just not born in equestria.
0 likesDiscord could be a creature that exists from the beginning of the existence
0 likesSo. With he new episodes and the new "Changling" reform things, hows your story gonna work out? Should you reform as well? You said your self you were good, so should you/ are you already reformed and hiding it? Bum bum Bum Oh and MEETING??!?!?! I really hope this plays through.
0 likesWho said that all Draconequi had magic powers? Your friend is using chaos magic to only change his form and he's not destroying anything. Spirit of Destruction? Pheh, not buying it. Discord being Starswirled does explain his magic, so he's the only one that makes sense to possess it. And yeah every character in the show has some level of magic thanks to the Season 4 finale, but only Alicorns, Unicorns, and Zecora (I guess) (Do changelings use magic? Chrysalis does, so I guess them, too.) have shown to be able to wield it. I say your friend is making things up.
0 likesOk, we made Notion alive again.
0 likesNo we need to...
You surprised me Notion. This was actually a good theory video.
0 likesthis will blow your theory out of the water just watch hearts and whooves day episode again. oh and remember to pay attention to the 1 part where they talked about what happened when they figured it out that it was a love poison. is a tard about a prince giving it to a princess. then they couldn't perform the Royal duties and soon thing started to fall apart. then a dragon tan and destroyed causing nothing but chaos and destruction. oh and what did discord do when he was there cause chaos and destruction. so I really think there are more than one out there because it basically described the definition of what discord and any other of his kind would do. they are considered the chaos ringers. but any book that she got made it said he was the last one to survive the war between celestia and his kind. but that theories out of the picture and only leaves the part in that one episode completely intact.
0 likesMaybe when Discord was Starswarl (If that's true) a spell went wrong. I mean maybe he came from the new Everfree Forest. He is not the only Draconicuis. Because he was one. Not anymore though.
0 likes+BronyNotion +Event HoriXZ0n Okay, so i need to kind of let this out because I think the both of you can benefit from this theory. Yes, Discord is the spirit of chaos and he seems to be the only of his kind, despite there being evidence suggesting otherwise. However, could it be ture that not only is Discord not alone but also the Starswirl theory is also correct?
0 likesTo explain what I mean is that in the finaly fo season 4, we were introduced to Tirek and his brother, however, no one ever mentioned what kind of beings there were. Not directly anyway from I have found. Also notice how they do have the head of ponies (or close enough considering how Discord's isn't exactly the same either) and a body of something else. 'Draqconequus' just seems to be a general species term if anything else, especially since Discord's look is made of so many other creatures that it feels weird how Cheralee doesn't describe it more then just 'a body of everything else'. It also could be she meant to say 'anything' else, or that could jsut be a debate amoungst the pony community in general. Why I believe they could be in the same family of creatures known as the 'Draconequus' at the very least is because Tirke's magic doesn't behave lik pony magic, also the same as Discord. So how does Starswirl get caught in this? Who did Starswirl 'befriend'. I say this is such a way because in the season 3 finalle, we were told Starswirl ddn't have a grasp on what friendship was, hence why his spell couldn't be complete. Also, we never hear word of the brother after except for the fact that he returns to his land. We're not told much about his time here or why he even goes back, considering how much eh seemed to love Equestria. I think the reason is that Starswirl saw his magic and then motivated through a desire to learn and ap ossible thrist for power, he tried to replicate his 'friend's' magic. Of course though this backfires on him, since he was doign this for personal gain, and especially since he had no idea how this magic really worked before doing this. Thus, when using it, hetransforms from Starswirl to Discord. Why he may not remember or at least act like it and he as chaotic as he is now compared ot before is the natre of the magic he created. Corrupting this levelheaded unicorn into the mind of a madman (kinda like joker). Yea, I know this theory is a bit everywhere and some peices may not fit, but I am wondering your take on this. OR at least where this diea could go
I Thought that when Leona and celesta rolled equestres discord was like the others but since he lives in equestres his look looked different
1 likeIf Discord was the only one why would they come up with a name and create a completely new species for only him? If it was just him the only title Discord should fall under is Discord.
0 likesIt would be known by many that this wasn't the last video. But it would take a hecka long time before the next one came out.
0 likesI have something to say about the celestia and Luna clip and them not being horn alicorns.
0 likesCelestia stated that equestria had not seen this before. EQUESTRIA, if byrony's theory about an alicorn civilization is true then of course C and L wouldn't know, since they were babies and had no recollection. That with the fact that they knew equestria wasn't like their home and found this to be unusual
Discord is probably mixed up with other body parts, maybe all of Star Swirl books about horses, dragons , and other species transform him into a draconequus.
0 likesI think that star surl turned himself into a crappie form of a dracoaquast that way discord is a mistake but still there is still more Draco.
0 likesThis might be a bit of a stretch, but maybe Discord isn't a draconequus. Before anyone pulls out their pitchforks, hear me out.
2 likesEvent HoriXZ0n's idea that there were creatures discovered which more closely matching the "pony-dragon" name before Discord kinda plays into this, so let's start there. Assuming this is true, it's obvious the name draconequus was established before anyone knew who Discord was. As already stated in the video, Discord really doesn't match the name "draconequus," so why is he called that? What if, immediately after ponies found out about Discord, a conversation between eyewitness ponies occurred that went like something this...
"Did...did anyone else see that?"
"Yes, what was that?"
"Well, he kinda looked like a draconequus. I mean, he had a equine...ish...head...albeit much longer and twisted than that of a pony...and was it just me or did he kind of remind you guys of a dragon?"
"How on earth did that look like a dragon?"
"If you were to squint at him, he would probably look like those big long dragons all the adventurers talk about being across the ocean."
"I suppose you have a point...well, it's not like he looks like anything else we've ever seen before..."
"Well, I think we should give it SOME sort of identification. At least that way it's not as... shudder weird. I can still barely wrap my brain around that thing..."
To summarize that, maybe Discord was identified as a draconequus because that was the closest thing he resembled according to witnesses, and ponies wanted to give this force of madness a certain species or categorization so he was a little more understandable and a bit less frightening (this plays with the "fear of the unknown" thing). It's sort of like if you saw a chicken without knowing what a chicken was, you might describe it as a fat bird, a sort of sleek dodo, or maybe a bowling ball with legs, feathers, and a head. You probably wouldn't immediately go "I don't know, but let's call it a chicken," you'd probably compare it to things you already know about. Kinda like how people that first found dinosaur bones didn't say "hey look, bones of ancient reptiles far before our time," they said "hey look, bones of dragons/giants/monsters/etc." because that's what they were familiar with.
Like I said, it's a bit of a stretch, but I got that idea as the video was ending and thought I'd share. You can pull out your pitchforks now.
Also, I like the spicy fresh description. It gave me a flashback to the day I spent about two hours doing nothing but watching We Are Number One and Bee Movie memes. What a day that was...
Replies (2)
There seems to be a few theories that think something along these lines, and I think it's definitely possible, in fact in my expanded theory I explore this option a little bit.
0 likesI like it, although my theory is a lot different from this one
2 likesWell, I don't really have a theory, but what I will say is, if Faust herself said her intentions were to make Dissy the only of his kind, that that's really all we have to go off of unless/until proven otherwise, she is the creator, after all
0 likesI think discord is related to star swirled and I do think he's special and he's alone if you've watched the tigger movie (probably not) basically he wants too find his family with his family tree and the others dress up like him to make him happy but I think with discord it's the opposite cause he likes being better than every pony else like I can do what ever I like this is shown by the s6 finale "well I can just teleport over there or get a flying pig and fly over there what can you do magic tricks" so this is my opinion like to know what you think I've been scrolling through the comments and people have said they have enjoyed u back same with me and instead of remixs I personally prefer theory's please can u try make some about s6.p.s thanks for loving my comment 😄😄😄
0 likesApparently Draconoques much like Vampires laugh at the meaning of form.
0 likesDid you thought that maybe his race is perhaps like dinosaurs in our world? And maybe he is the only one that survived some dramatic event that happened in Equstria? And perhaps after that the pony race begin to rise...
0 likesthe name Event Horizon matches the "Chaos" concept perfectly. Don't know what I'm talking about, look up Event Horizon(the movie) on the internet
0 likeshe isn't the draconequus, he is said to be a draconequus, as if there are more than one
0 likesIf discord was star swirl Celesta probably knew about it seeing of how they must have known each other well.she knew about his unfinished spell,how Star Swirl didn't understand friendship well. Which means that Celesta keeps secrets from her ponies. Which means corrupt ruler. Which means corrupted Equesta. Which leads to apocalypse. ILLMINATIE CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!! *Explosion*Explosion*Explosion
0 likesthe beginning was cool,and I liked the middle and the overall good video :-P
0 likeshey can you do a theory on if magic is leaking in to the human world thanks to the portal always being open
0 likesGlad to have you back. Love your song
0 likesYeah a video about the new good changelings would be awesome and if queen chrysalis would ever become good again like nightmare moon or discord or starlight you know what I mean so if you could do a vid about that it would be awesome!
0 likesthere's a bit problem though with this.... we're assuming ALL draconiqi represent something, like chaos or destruction or what have you, but what if that isn't the case? after all the main 6 might be the "spirits of the elements" but not all ponies are like them. what if discord really is the odd one out of his species, that might be why he doesn't bring them up but doesn't argue the existence of others either. plus... i don't really like the idea that there's an entire species in equestria capable of reality bending magic, that just seems horrendously overpowered and makes one wonder why the hell ponies are the dominant species. save for the elements of harmony and whatever the material chrysalys's throne was made out of there is Nothing standing in the way of discord, if he truly wanted to take over everything he could do so with a blink of an eye .... literally. one of discord is enough, we do not need more overpowered monstrosities
0 likesReplies (2)
We're going based on what we've seen so far. If there were another Draconequus on screen that wasn't powerful in magic, we'd have to adjust the theory again. Until then, there's no evidence for it so we're not going to consider it a possibility just yet
0 likes@Event HoriXZ0n i suppose that's fair... though that certainly doesn't bode well for equestria
0 likesI don't think he's the only one. he DOES have parents but their dead. so, there are more. it's possible
0 likesHave you evolved like the rest of the changelings, Notion?
0 likesEvent HoriXZ0n and KP collab on draconequi... needs to happen. :)
0 likescringe Too soon?
Replies (1)
0 likesMake a full version of the song in the beginning
2 likesThing is it still isn't proven that Celestia and Luna weren't born alicorns, only that it never happened in Equestria and it's something beyond their knowledge.
0 likesConsidering that equestria is only one kingdom that exist on planet with meany other kingdoms the likely hood of there being a dragonequest kingdom is some what likely
0 likesBoth of you are wrong. Congratulations.
0 likesAlso that Star Swirl theory is so far-fetched game theory could have done it.
you should do a video about the season 6 finale or star light's potential of being a princess
0 likesThe "Event horizon" is the point of no return ;)
1 likeGosh, Event I one of your videos, feel so lucky for him!!! :)
1 likeI missed you. Thanks for coming back
0 likesthe beginning is hilarious!
0 likesLOL i love that purple draconequus at this part XD 1:13
0 likesHe could also be a Kirin
0 likesThis was a fun episode
0 likesWhat if the changeling flying to the castle in beginning of season 6 was thorax
0 likesfinally another video i love it.
0 likesI like to think that discord is a science experiment gone wrong by starswirl the bearded
0 likesthere has to be more draconequus because...........HE HAD TO BE BORN!
0 likesthis therory was very interesting
1 likeHere random thoughts what if Discord was just mating Abomination between a dragon, pony, griffin, and a lion. This was a result.
0 likesYay new collab ! 😍🎶
0 likes0:01-0:12 is my favorite part
1 likeReplies (1)
Also are you still gonna do that Q&A you said you would do?
2 likesWhy are these.videos so good if the show didn't exist we would all be well nothing this show has made us well us
0 likes2 vids in 1 day its a Christmas miracle! 🎅🏼
0 likesI love theories !!!
0 likesi have gotta say that because cadence might be a queen because flurry heart is a princess a princess can't give birth to another princess so how isn't cadence a queen
0 likesWell now we need the wonderful thing about discord song
0 likesCould you do a video on vampire poise please
0 likesU should do something on other fandoms to like maybe Doctor Who?????
0 likesYay! Tigger reference!
1 likeHe is a Draconebra
0 likesDragon + Zebra
Ya know
The Tigger song tho....
1 likemore videos please
0 likesOc making......everywhere now to expand the speices Draconequues! Idk what I said XD
1 likeyes a episode of this yay
0 likesdo you want some ice with that burn?
0 likeshey i know about it before of his dimensions is the same of dialga palkia and giritina now you might hear this crazy but that has a donkey and a iguana so that's that :)
0 likesReplies (1)
maybe I can give you this time of my imagination form I hope have left but one thing i was wondering about thorax i need to check it out
0 likes¿Can you make more videos about theories Brony Notion?
1 likeIt would be funny if he was just like No there is only one Draconequus. Next episode, a new Draconequus gets presented. XD
0 likesReplies (2)
It would be even funnier if Discord was a changeling throughout the entire show the whole time
0 likesBut if he is a changeling then why didn't his magic worked in the Season 6 finale?
0 likesThis is cool!
0 likesWooooowwww!! Who else was waiting for analyzing videos from Brony Notion
0 likesi think discord is the LAST of his kind not the only one that ever exsited and we dont know when tia and luna where born or when equestia was founded so tia and luna might be natuouly born alicorns
1 likehis other wing is a bat wing not a dragons
0 likesthe channel is alive!
0 likesWow!
I love this Video.
0 likesmy oc is a Draconequus too and is the Draconequus of luck
0 likesluv the intro song!
0 likesDat intro tho XD
0 likeswhere have you ben ?
1 likei miss you😢
wow its been so long he has posted a vid and he might go on holiday again and yeah so Lloyd ur right
0 likesall the others are dead. discord is the last of his species.
0 likesthe start was from Winnie the Pooh... Lol
0 likesYou are my idol Brony Notion!!!!!!
1 likeReplies (1)
:D thank you!!!
0 likesyay the notion is back and better than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
0 likesI hear MlG airhorns. Lol
0 likesYAY senpai finally posted again :3
2 likesErma gersh the Tigger song I love that movie!
1 likeis the brony notion secretly thorax????
0 likesBrony notion is back!
1 likeUm, did Equestria exist before Celestia and Luna? Were Luna and Celestia born in Equestria. It is possible that their did not take place in Equestria. Therefor that statement from Celestia does not counter Lauren Faust's statement of their birth. At least, not by itself.
0 likesReplies (1)
That wouldn't explain why they were so shocked at the birth of Flurry. If she was just the first of Equestria, they would celebrate her as the First, not be surprised at the phenomenon altogether.
0 likesIt's bad writing, very hard to get around.
Sooooo pixelated !! (Great video tho)
1 likebrony notion can you make more episode of the dear princess celestia
0 likesheadcanon accepted
0 likesMaybe evidence is that not all of equestria
0 likesthe other droconicy are dead
0 likesWhere have you been...? ITS BEEN SO LONG!!!
0 likes*I remember his species...
0 likesomg you're back :000000000
0 likesyay!!!! your back!!!!😄😄😄😄😆😆😆
0 likesyo notion, when are you going to address the the changling reformation
0 likesWat the heck took u so long man?! That was literally MONTHS!
0 likesHello The Brony Notion. Great vid
0 likesAre you reformed yet?
0 likes*Yay!
0 likes*You're not dead?
1 likeyou are cool bro hoove !!?! I have a change I just haven't housed it
0 likesEvent HoriXZ0n hey buddy!
1 likeReplies (2)
It's my boi
1 liketrolling TBN channel huh weeeeell that fun
1 likeWill u ever do a face reveal?
2 likesReplies (2)
If u already have I apologise
0 likesAstra Moonlight2188 I really hope he does!
0 likesGreat your not dead
0 likesate you part of the rift cafe?
0 likesbrony notion thnx for finnaly posting a vid
0 likesyour not dead!!!
0 likesI❤️️BN
0 likesI like Narwhals...and my Little Pony!!!
0 likesare u chad ur voice sounds like him
0 likesAnd also what kind of meeting.
0 likesI miss your videos
0 likesuuuuuh not the starswirl is discord theory >~<
0 likesNever been so early
0 likesA RECOLUR
0 likesWhere's the Q and A???
0 likesDagumit! I was at the theatre watching moana when u posted it aww wanted to be the first one to comment gr
0 likes7:22 That's my birthday Lel
0 likesI subscribed! :D (I shoul've subbed aloooong time ago! :/)
0 likes#Notion_alive
0 likesI can't be the only one to think of kp
0 likesReplies (1)
+danni fun fact: Event HoriXZ0n used to be on Team KP.
0 likesyay ur bk!
0 likesYour not dead
0 likesin ubertale thare are ather aus !!!!
0 likesC-Caw
0 likes+The Brony Notion
0 likesAaaaahhhhhhuuuuuuu (Fluffy Puffy fan face) 😛
1 likeHA!!!
1 likeHi I am Ruth I’m A big fan
0 likes2019 anyone!
0 likesBRUH
0 likesThay still could by nattel baren alkens no own know the past of allkesns and maby the other of thare speasy diy befrore thay where baren or ageto recall thing dase play a roshel pat in mlp. You cant say thare not with own linen
0 likes666 likes
0 likesReplies (1)
1 likeWhere are the videos BRO?
1 likeReplies (1)
+Milka Chanel go read the description of "CelestiaRaisesTheSun.mpg" two uploads ago.
1 likeMaches with qiez
0 likesAre u a changeling
0 likesI'm an endangered species red panda are
0 likesUm season 7
0 likeswill you post a vedio in 2020 if you do pls tell me
0 likesWhat is the other the s name
0 likesNo nope no nope
0 likesRight
0 likesAnd I browse if I say for myself for you other guys thing
0 likeshey wat abaut that fan ficon the bride of discord episode 8
0 likesqui. driconiQui
0 likeswhy am i here?
1 like...😐
0 likesWait.
0 likeslol
0 likesOpportunity in a very busy area with high. school will Hhh.hHJKkk
0 likeshAhE
1 likeI need to talk to you important info were can we speak