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MLP Dark Reading - Pinkie Wants to Die

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Comments (archived 2022-07-03 13:16; 9 top, 10 total comments)

Genesis Raptus 2017-10-12 15:15:37

Well I think it was a fantastic reading.

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Steve Samuals 2017-10-12 14:32:47

You MAY need to reupload this. Some sections of the recording glitch out (ESPECIALLY during the beginning)

Replies (1)
Lotus Moon 2017-10-12 15:05:37

I just checked and it sounded fine. I don't know why it would glitch

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blaa6 2017-10-12 16:12:38

It's a bit too quiet or soft.

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Quinton Jones 2017-10-12 20:16:32

Shouldn't her friends talk her out of it

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Forgotten Dreams 2017-10-12 18:22:56

Whispering as a Narrator isn't really a sound idea. Also trying emoting a bit more. Really stress on those emotions

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The Red SkyFox 2017-10-13 00:29:22

Neat I guess.

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The Red SkyFox 2017-10-13 00:29:01

Oh my.

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Quinton Jones 2017-10-12 20:27:11


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The Red SkyFox 2017-10-13 00:29:06


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