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Meikurey - Pack of Wolves | Let them see, Let them hear | Fuzznet Music (Psychedelic Synthwave)

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Comments (archived 2024-09-04 09:55; 3 top, 3 total comments)

@AuralAlliance 2020-10-19 17:41:42


Do you see the fields out there
Full of all the wildlife
All just normal living things
with hearts and feelings to care for

Over there by the waterfalls
the group of the wolf guards watch over them all

theres a pack of wolves running out there
Where only one has their blue eyes
Running around all the flower beds
Feeling like he doesnt belong here

Even in this cold burnt world
the wolf still doesnt want to give in
His blue eyes are a window
to show how his scars made him stronger

Bruised and beaten viciously
with his paws leaving his blood on the trails

look at him run
through the snow
the keep the birds safe

theres a pack of wolves running out there
Where only one has their blue eyes
Running around all the flower beds
Feeling like he doesnt belong here

Even in this cold burnt world
the wolf still doesnt want to give in
His blue eyes are a window
to show how his scars made him stronger

theres a pack of wolves running out there
Where only one has their blue eyes
Running around all the flower beds
Feeling like he doesnt belong here

Even in this cold burnt world
the wolf still doesnt want to give in
His blue eyes are a window
to show how his scars made him stronger

@kokothekitsune 2020-11-08 15:43:09

vibin ✌️πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–πŸ’•

@DavidSRiffMusicPony 2021-01-04 23:35:16

Issa bop! Great job!

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