Nadgrobni cirkus - Nadgrobni
cirkus (1968) Ovaj projekt ispao je prava ljepotica.
Sastav je 1966. osnovao Glenn Faria (koji je također objavio neku solo glazbu na WorldInSoundu). Ovaj album je snimljen 1968-70. Na prvom okretu podsjeća na Crosby Stills, Nash & Young -- 4 puta ulične električne strane. Tako je dobro sastavljena i izvedena. Također, neki od boljih albuma Neila Younga mogli bi ići u istom smjeru. Ali ima taj ekstra čudan dodir. "Oko 1966., Nick Bonis, Mike Johnstone, Randy Pope i ja osnovali smo psihodelični bend. Na Noć vještica otišli smo na staro groblje, bacili kiselinu i proveli vrlo čudnu noć među nadgrobnim spomenicima. Činilo se da se nadgrobni spomenici tope i poprimaju životinjske oblike. Neki od nas su vidjeli duhove, i nisam siguran što sam vidio, ali bilo je uznemirujuće. Nakon toga, tu smo noć nazvali "Cirkus nadgrobnih spomenika". Činilo se prikladnim nazvati se 'Headstone Circus' kao bend pa smo to i učinili". Uživajte u ovom nevjerojatnom albumu zapadne obale koji je snimljen
u Washingtonu D.C.( Malo više informacija o grupi. Edwards je 1965. studirao umjetnost na Sveučilištu Ohio kada je upoznao kolegu studenta/gitarista Malcolma McKinneyja. Par je brzo odlučio osnovati bend koji regrutira McKinneyjevog brata Todda. Kao St. James Doorknob grupa je postala vrlo popularna svirajući plesove, zabave i klubove diljem Atene, Ohio. U isto vrijeme kolege studenti Joe Dolce i Gary Gans igrali su u The Finite Minds. Kada su Finite Mindsi izgubili glavnog pjevača, Dolce i Gans su pozvani da se pridruže St. James Doorknobu, koji je brzo mutirao u Beskonačnu kvaku, a zatim u The Headstone Circus. U lipnju 1967. Dok je ostatak Amerike dekamping za San Francisco, Edwards prodao automobil njegov otac ga je posudio za školu, kupio breaktruck / kombi i krenuo prema Bostonu. Bend je počeo turneje diljem New Yorka i New Englanda, pišući materijal na farmi u vlasništvu McKinneyjevih roditelja.
Do trenutka kada je Sugar Creek završio snimanje njihovog jedinog albuma iz 1969., Dolce je odustao (iako su ga predstavljala dva istaknuta izbora), ostavljajući postavu edwardsa, Garyja Gansa i braće Malcolma i Todda McKinneyja.
Snimljen u New Yorku s Peterom Caspersonom koji producira, "Please Tell a Friend" bit će veliki šok za sve koji su upoznati s Edwardsovom osjetljivom pjevačkom/kantautorske solo karijere. S Edwardsom i Malcolmom McKinneyjem odgovornim za većinu od deset pjesama, na albumu je bila mješavina vožnje blues-rocka ('Old House' i povratnih informacija potaknutih 'Where Do You Find The Answer') i odličnih psych izlazaka ('A Million Years'). Svatko upoznat s Edwards solo karijerom otkrit će da je njegov glas zvučao iznenađujuće impresivno izbacujući čvršći materijal, iako brojevi kao što su 'Who Do You Think You Are', 'Lady Linda' i Gospel-influenceed 'Heavenly Road' ne bi bili izvan mjesta na jednom od njegovih solo albuma ranih 1970-ih. Osobni favoriti uključuju psiho napore benda, uključujući 'Memory Tree' i 'Night Flash'. Ubojite melodije. Blagoslovljen izvrsnom kvalitetom zvuka, ovaj zvuči sjajno na upscale stereo sustavu.
Tombstone Circus - Tombstone
circus (1968) This project turned out to be a real beauty.
The band was founded in 1966 by Glenn Faria (who also published some solo music on WorldInSound). This album was recorded in 1968-70. At the first turn, it resembles Crosby Stills, Nash & Young - 4 times the street side. It is so well put together and executed. Also, some of Neil Young’s better albums could go in the same direction. But it has that extra weird touch. "Around 1966, Nick Bonis, Mike Johnstone, Randy Pope and I formed a psychedelic band. On Halloween we went to the old cemetery, threw acid and spent a very strange night among the tombstones. The tombstones seemed to melt and take on animal. shapes.Some of us saw ghosts, and I’m not sure what I saw, but it was disturbing.After that, we called that night “Circus of Tombstones.” It seemed appropriate to call it ‘Headstone Circus’ as a band so we did. ". Enjoy this amazing West Coast album that was recorded
in Washington D.C. ( A little more information about the group. Edwards was studying art at Ohio University in 1965 when he met fellow student / guitarist Malcolm McKinney. The couple quickly decided to form a band that recruits McKinney’s brother Todd. As St. The James Doorknob group has become very popular playing dances, parties and clubs throughout Athens, Ohio. At the same time fellow students Joe Dolce and Gary Gans played in The Finite Minds. When the Finite Minds lost the lead singer, Dolce and Gans were invited to join St. James Doorknob, who quickly mutated into Infinite Door and then into The Headstone Circus. In June 1967 while the rest of America was dumping for San Francisco, Edwards sold the car his father borrowed it for school, bought a breaktruck / van and headed for Boston. The band began touring throughout New York and New England, writing material on a farm owned by McKinney’s parents.
By the time Sugar Creek finished recording their only 1969 album, Dolce had given up (although he was represented by two prominent choices), leaving the lineup of edwards, Gary Gans and brothers Malcolm and Todd McKinney.
Recorded in New York with Peter Casperson producing, "Please Tell a Friend" will be a big shock to anyone familiar with Edwards' sensitive singing / singing career. With Edwards and Malcolm McKinney responsible for most of the ten songs, the album featured a mix of blues-rock driving (‘Old House’ and feedback prompted by ‘Where Do You Find The Answer’) and great psych outings (‘A Million Years’) . Anyone familiar with Edwards ’solo career will find that his voice sounded surprisingly impressive throwing out firmer material, although numbers like‘ Who Do You Think You Are ’,‘ Lady Linda ’and Gospel-influenceded‘ Heavenly Road ’would not be out of place on one of his solo albums in the early 1970s. Personal favorites include the band’s psycho efforts, including ‘Memory Tree’ and ‘Night Flash’. Killing melodies. Blessed with excellent sound quality, this one sounds great on an upscale stereo system.
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Nadgrobni cirkus - Nadgrobni
0 likescirkus (1968) Ovaj projekt ispao je prava ljepotica.
Sastav je 1966. osnovao Glenn Faria (koji je također objavio neku solo glazbu na WorldInSoundu). Ovaj album je snimljen 1968-70. Na prvom okretu podsjeća na Crosby Stills, Nash & Young -- 4 puta ulične električne strane. Tako je dobro sastavljena i izvedena. Također, neki od boljih albuma Neila Younga mogli bi ići u istom smjeru. Ali ima taj ekstra čudan dodir. "Oko 1966., Nick Bonis, Mike Johnstone, Randy Pope i ja osnovali smo psihodelični bend. Na Noć vještica otišli smo na staro groblje, bacili kiselinu i proveli vrlo čudnu noć među nadgrobnim spomenicima. Činilo se da se nadgrobni spomenici tope i poprimaju životinjske oblike. Neki od nas su vidjeli duhove, i nisam siguran što sam vidio, ali bilo je uznemirujuće. Nakon toga, tu smo noć nazvali "Cirkus nadgrobnih spomenika". Činilo se prikladnim nazvati se 'Headstone Circus' kao bend pa smo to i učinili". Uživajte u ovom nevjerojatnom albumu zapadne obale koji je snimljen
u Washingtonu D.C.( Malo više informacija o grupi. Edwards je 1965. studirao umjetnost na Sveučilištu Ohio kada je upoznao kolegu studenta/gitarista Malcolma McKinneyja. Par je brzo odlučio osnovati bend koji regrutira McKinneyjevog brata Todda. Kao St. James Doorknob grupa je postala vrlo popularna svirajući plesove, zabave i klubove diljem Atene, Ohio. U isto vrijeme kolege studenti Joe Dolce i Gary Gans igrali su u The Finite Minds. Kada su Finite Mindsi izgubili glavnog pjevača, Dolce i Gans su pozvani da se pridruže St. James Doorknobu, koji je brzo mutirao u Beskonačnu kvaku, a zatim u The Headstone Circus. U lipnju 1967. Dok je ostatak Amerike dekamping za San Francisco, Edwards prodao automobil njegov otac ga je posudio za školu, kupio breaktruck / kombi i krenuo prema Bostonu. Bend je počeo turneje diljem New Yorka i New Englanda, pišući materijal na farmi u vlasništvu McKinneyjevih roditelja.
Do trenutka kada je Sugar Creek završio snimanje njihovog jedinog albuma iz 1969., Dolce je odustao (iako su ga predstavljala dva istaknuta izbora), ostavljajući postavu edwardsa, Garyja Gansa i braće Malcolma i Todda McKinneyja.
Snimljen u New Yorku s Peterom Caspersonom koji producira, "Please Tell a Friend" bit će veliki šok za sve koji su upoznati s Edwardsovom osjetljivom pjevačkom/kantautorske solo karijere. S Edwardsom i Malcolmom McKinneyjem odgovornim za većinu od deset pjesama, na albumu je bila mješavina vožnje blues-rocka ('Old House' i povratnih informacija potaknutih 'Where Do You Find The Answer') i odličnih psych izlazaka ('A Million Years'). Svatko upoznat s Edwards solo karijerom otkrit će da je njegov glas zvučao iznenađujuće impresivno izbacujući čvršći materijal, iako brojevi kao što su 'Who Do You Think You Are', 'Lady Linda' i Gospel-influenceed 'Heavenly Road' ne bi bili izvan mjesta na jednom od njegovih solo albuma ranih 1970-ih. Osobni favoriti uključuju psiho napore benda, uključujući 'Memory Tree' i 'Night Flash'. Ubojite melodije. Blagoslovljen izvrsnom kvalitetom zvuka, ovaj zvuči sjajno na upscale stereo sustavu.
Tombstone Circus - Tombstone
0 likescircus (1968) This project turned out to be a real beauty.
The band was founded in 1966 by Glenn Faria (who also published some solo music on WorldInSound). This album was recorded in 1968-70. At the first turn, it resembles Crosby Stills, Nash & Young - 4 times the street side. It is so well put together and executed. Also, some of Neil Young’s better albums could go in the same direction. But it has that extra weird touch. "Around 1966, Nick Bonis, Mike Johnstone, Randy Pope and I formed a psychedelic band. On Halloween we went to the old cemetery, threw acid and spent a very strange night among the tombstones. The tombstones seemed to melt and take on animal. shapes.Some of us saw ghosts, and I’m not sure what I saw, but it was disturbing.After that, we called that night “Circus of Tombstones.” It seemed appropriate to call it ‘Headstone Circus’ as a band so we did. ". Enjoy this amazing West Coast album that was recorded
in Washington D.C. ( A little more information about the group. Edwards was studying art at Ohio University in 1965 when he met fellow student / guitarist Malcolm McKinney. The couple quickly decided to form a band that recruits McKinney’s brother Todd. As St. The James Doorknob group has become very popular playing dances, parties and clubs throughout Athens, Ohio. At the same time fellow students Joe Dolce and Gary Gans played in The Finite Minds. When the Finite Minds lost the lead singer, Dolce and Gans were invited to join St. James Doorknob, who quickly mutated into Infinite Door and then into The Headstone Circus. In June 1967 while the rest of America was dumping for San Francisco, Edwards sold the car his father borrowed it for school, bought a breaktruck / van and headed for Boston. The band began touring throughout New York and New England, writing material on a farm owned by McKinney’s parents.
By the time Sugar Creek finished recording their only 1969 album, Dolce had given up (although he was represented by two prominent choices), leaving the lineup of edwards, Gary Gans and brothers Malcolm and Todd McKinney.
Recorded in New York with Peter Casperson producing, "Please Tell a Friend" will be a big shock to anyone familiar with Edwards' sensitive singing / singing career. With Edwards and Malcolm McKinney responsible for most of the ten songs, the album featured a mix of blues-rock driving (‘Old House’ and feedback prompted by ‘Where Do You Find The Answer’) and great psych outings (‘A Million Years’) . Anyone familiar with Edwards ’solo career will find that his voice sounded surprisingly impressive throwing out firmer material, although numbers like‘ Who Do You Think You Are ’,‘ Lady Linda ’and Gospel-influenceded‘ Heavenly Road ’would not be out of place on one of his solo albums in the early 1970s. Personal favorites include the band’s psycho efforts, including ‘Memory Tree’ and ‘Night Flash’. Killing melodies. Blessed with excellent sound quality, this one sounds great on an upscale stereo system.
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