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Friendship is for Adults: Season 1 Summary

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Comments (archived 2022-05-01 07:41; 30 top, 53 total comments)

All I do is comment 2017-03-27 02:29:27

Hard to believe this started out as another odd comedy abridged series, but metamorphosed into one of the best fan-made dramas I've ever found.

ZEADPOOL1991 2016-10-20 22:59:25

this is my favorite abridge series, you all do such an amazing job on this, my favorite episode is episode 6
i cant wait to see where this series will take us
please keep up the great work

Wolfen1240 2016-10-21 01:46:06

I just love all the details and nuances you have woven into creating this great story. Thank you for your work, dedication and talent. Thank you for sharing your vision with us. I'm scared to think of what will happen when this ends but best to live for the moment, not think of all the what ifs. Like Twilight said, "what if crickets had guns? Bet birds wouldn't fuck with them!"

FlowWolf7 2017-04-30 23:06:06

love this series. If you decided to make this all audio only it would still be great. This series writining and VA is that good

Doobie_ Mouse 2016-10-23 02:44:24

wow thanks for this guys! when you go into an abridged series you tend to have pretty low expectations. one off jokes and usually just short offensive humor. Wacarb made fun of it himself in ufp. but I have to say the amount of world building you have layered in this series has made it a real gem for me. I love coming back to it every time you have a new update and it usually makes me watch an old episode again to see how all the continuity fits together. that's pretty amazing. keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to more of this great undertaking.

eccohpeach 2016-10-20 22:39:25

fantastic stuff! great voice acting, It was really interesting to learn all the backstory as well :)

Replies (1)
eccohpeach 2016-10-21 07:56:48

Joong Kim thank you so much! I enjoy working on these videos and I'm glad people seem to be liking the art that I do for the kanterlot :)

Garataur 2017-04-01 20:30:44

I really hope twilight finds out she's been lied to again by the end of this, I want to see celestia completely lose control of the situation, and with how close twilight and RD are getting I feel that the other elements save AJ and maybe pinkie could be persuaded to join her cause. Then again I just really want to see celestia overthrown and cold harvest out of jail, so that might just be wishful thinking on my part.

Timber Stroke 2016-10-22 05:52:53

I feel something special growing in this channel it reminds me of redvsblue started out and what it became

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FlowWolf7 2017-04-30 23:11:02

I haven't thought of that, but your right. I definitely het early Rooster Teeth vibes from them

Alex Fotland 2016-10-25 06:48:38

I note AJ didn't mention that time she tried to poison Twilight.

Birdie Sinclair 2017-01-20 04:30:36

I can't wait for season 2!

Replies (3)
TheKanterlot 2017-01-20 07:52:27

We appreciate your patience! We're working hard to make sure it's good!

Nathan Spradlin 2017-09-17 20:02:08

Will you be making season 2? The origin story makes this more than just another abridged series.

Nicki Perkins 2019-04-03 04:43:25

I've just discovered this n have had many startled looks from my family as i 'lol'-ed in the corner under my headfones. Sooooooo hopeful that u r in the middle of another series n we will hear from u soon. The collab with ScooterTrix was a fantastic idea n hope theres more. Well done u brightened up my week!!!!

Bright Skyes 2016-10-20 22:35:11

but i really like the series, thanks to all the talented people that work on it, even if you wont see this

Replies (2)
TheKanterlot 2016-10-20 22:47:31

Thank you! We appreciate your support :D

Bright Skyes 2016-10-21 02:45:32

TheKanterlot thank you for replying, i saw all the friendship for adults videos, you guys are awsome! thank you so much!

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Dreamwalker 2017-02-16 08:05:32 (edited 2017-02-16 08:52:49 )

So that's how you're explaining the previously mentioned "out-of-character" moment from Twilight back in Ep.1? I like the cut of your jib.

I know the illusion Bizarro-Week Wonderbolts are a better explanation but I still get a kick out of the idea that you aren't doing Bizarro-Week right if you don't developing freaking dark powers.

Pft- HAHAHAHAHA~! You guys saw them playing on a borrowed game system with one broken controller and saw two siblings fighting. I know Spike is a Dragon and you don't know how Twilight "came into possession of him," but you should be able to figure out something wasn't right about the whole thing.

Wrigglemortis, is that you?! (Side note I did not in any way see him coming and actually jumped back a bit at the sight of him.) Is the money from your sponsor, Tenacious Tail Tidy, still coming in or has that deal fell through?

She was drunk… you know, that sort of retroactive writing is not usually something I like but damn it I have too stupid a grin from that line to hold anything against that. You guys made it work. Possibly because your Celestia is constantly altering between regal motherly figure to a teenage-like individual with godly powers. Lest we forget "Smoke weed everyday."

I just remembered that the guy who did Alabaster's voice gave up voice acting. I was waiting for him to show up. Oh well.

"And there was also an exchange between Trixie and that no good security. But Trixie doesn't like to talk about that."

Pinkie is adopted? I wonder if that held any significance… or is this some weird reference to FiW and Gypsy Pie?

Flutters and Rainbow are sisters through the marriage of siblings?… That is how it works, right? Sister-in-laws?

No, thank you for making this bridge. I'm very glad that I am one of the few who has been so privileged to walk across it. Even though it's rickety and I'm pretty sure I heard the ropes snapping.
I've been Saving this video for a while, just letting it sit there. I hope there is more down the pipeline.

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Dreamwalker 2017-02-20 09:27:23

Man… this past week I watched the series again. And my god do I feel stupid about the whole thing with RD and Flutters being sister-in-laws (maybe I seriously don't know if that category applies to the siblings of both parts of the married couple when comes to the siblings of the opposite party.)

(Is the sister of the bride considered a sister to the groom's sibling or just the groom?)

Bright Skyes 2016-10-20 22:06:50

i think twilight's plan was really bad, she should have killed Celestia in her sleep, or knowing the guards routine, she could easily get in the castel and with her companions finish the white mare

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Bright Skyes 2016-10-20 22:08:01

and i think Celestia's plan was dirty, you dont attack someone when they are in peace with you!

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ganondorfchampin 2018-06-29 03:13:51

She was just playing the game, the conspirators were planning on doing the exact same thing. There is no more honorable people because they all died.

ganondorfchampin 2018-06-29 02:56:25

So Twilight managed to make the nice list in the same year she lead a rebellion?

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Bright Skyes 2016-10-20 22:08:38

and when twilight finds out, she is gonna be pissed

sour witch sapphic 2018-02-17 12:44:14

17:40 Do Not Sit Or Lean On Fence

Annie Shakespeare 2017-01-18 12:33:40

i cried :')

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TheKanterlot 2017-01-19 03:49:01

From the season 1 recap?!

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1God1Fury 2017-08-21 19:35:24

It's too quiet . I hope future videos will be louder because even with headphones I had to put all volume settings: on Pc, headphones and youtube at max to hear comfortably

Muffin Lover 2017-07-24 17:32:08

wait, did the valentines one count as canon?

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Replies (2)
TheKanterlot 2017-07-27 11:28:58


Muffin Lover 2017-07-27 16:50:26

So is Twilight and Rainbowdash a thing now? Wouldn't Celestia be mad since she specifically told Rainbow not to hit on Twilight?

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Alex Fotland 2016-10-25 06:41:20

Really? 'Shy was supposed to face Jeff the Killer? I thought for sure she was intended for Pyramid Head; what better target could you give him than somepony who will faint under stress? And for that matter I had RD pegged as being intended to meet the Devil and get her soul damned within thirty seconds by speaking before thinking.

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kitaronicus 2016-11-03 03:50:54

tbh Red Pyramid wants his victims to suffer; it wouldn't be as fun if they passed out!

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Jeff P 2016-10-28 02:47:33

What about the Valentines Special?

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TheKanterlot 2016-10-28 19:17:16

It takes place a little over a year after episode 7, so it is not included in the first season.

F.B.I 2017-01-17 15:49:59

can you plz do another collab with scooter

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Replies (1)
TheKanterlot 2017-01-19 03:55:27

Hell, we really haven't stopped collaborating with them! Both teams are just inactive at the moment

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Couldn’t think of a good name 2016-12-04 07:57:14

So Is there gonna be like a hiatus now or what?

Replies (1)
TheKanterlot 2016-12-06 23:36:01


Themanofculture_W 2016-10-21 15:08:47

i havent seen season 2

Andrew 2016-10-21 01:21:26

So... Much... Continuity

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Andrew 2016-10-21 01:22:03 (edited 2016-10-21 01:22:16 )

I mean for like things happening you literally assign them specific days of the year!

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Andrew 2016-10-21 01:22:44

would like to applaud👏👏👏

EyesofEstranged15 2016-10-21 04:25:48

I love little details! I've spent hours filling in gaps to the story! I could even tell you the birth dates of all the characters XD

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Twilight Snarkle 2016-11-06 01:52:39 (edited 2016-11-06 03:33:14 )

So Celestia is Twilights DAD or MOM or Both. Wow that's fucked up. Oh shit spoiler.... LOL Yeah Queen Celestia believes incest is the best. No wonder she doesn't want Dash going out with Twilight.

Cross Bows 2016-12-17 05:35:52

Are you still going to be making video's with the new YouTube algorithm?

Replies (3)
TheKanterlot 2016-12-17 07:02:22

Maybe. What's the new algorithm?

Cross Bows 2016-12-18 03:46:09

@TheKanterlot Long story short, how I understand it is that YouTube wants a video everyday that's 20+ minute long. You guys are awesome but don't have a schedule like that. As a big fan of yours I wanted to know if this would make you stop producing content.

EyesofEstranged15 2016-12-18 07:46:29

Nothing YouTube does will ever make us stop making content. We don't make any money and we don't have much of a fan base so nothing they could possible do will effect us too much. If worst comes to worst, we would host our show somewhere else.

That being said... I can't make any promises that we'll see this series through to the end. I want to, I really do, but there's a lot that can happen. Any video we post may be our last, so please don't be too disappointed if we can't finish fifa.

onekingdom1 2020-10-28 22:18:49

I didn't know this

Migatte no Blakae 2016-10-20 21:36:29


Replies (1)
TheKanterlot 2016-10-20 22:47:36
