Funny thing is that Celestial told Twilight to not tell her friends about here new powers but she never said anything about Waring her friends especially Flutter shy about Discords return to evil.
Jose Martinez I guess you’re right twilight sparkle was putting her friends in danger HOW RUDE She really STILL needs friendship lessons before she starts teaching starlight I mean really So rude
@Sakshi Tyagi if twilight told them about discord then they would stay with her while she is not allowed to share her powers which would make things harder
Other moral: don't make glass panes about every single thing and if a threat is coming to steal your magic because it doesn't know about a 4th alicorn, DESTROY THE FREAKING WINDOW
though when he did see the result he could have told them instead of going for a lesson to give Twilight. Saying sorry as soon as possible is better...
Here is one moral I got, and this is something for the Military Bronies as well. Sometimes you have to go against a direct order when you know the order to be wrong. If she had done as Princess Sunbutt had ordered, she never would have freed her friends and Discord, and never would have gotten her key.
Not a moral: but in that same video you talked about in this she actually did help someone use magic for good instead of evil. But she said she hadn’t but she did drumroll please Trixie Please make a video about this and also tell who inspired you Thank you Bhavyaa
As for morals, I think you've got them all. But, as a sidenote, when I first saw Twilight's Kingdom, I actually thought "Did they have the writers from Dragonball Z make the script?" XD
I think some other morals you can point out is that: 1. Friendship isn't just something you earn, but something you learn. 2. Friendship grows the most by overcoming your mistakes. 3. It's never too late to fix what is wrong. 4. It's easier to do something that is wrong and feel that it is right rather than doing something that is right and taking the consequences. Nonetheless, even the worst people can change and become strong enough to do what they need to do.
other moral: your friends are going to to make mistakes (HUGE mistakes sometimes) and we should try to be understanding and forgive them. Learned from Discord and the mane six.
Something I found funny about that episode what the fact that when Tyreck...Tyrek...I don't know how to spell his name. Anyway, when the antagonist absorbed the mane six's magic, he grew enormously, as expected. But then he adsorbed all of Discord's chaotic power, and he grew about two inches.
Twilight only got the key because she gave discord the benefit of doubt. All of discord's appearances were all about his friendship with the other mane 5. Mostly twilight. In episode 2 princess twilight sparkle part 2 he asked "What kind of friend do you think I am?"
In three's a crowd. He wanted to know his place with twilight and friendship. It wasn't until he pointed out the journal pages. Discord betrayal is Twilight and Celestia fault. Twilight is to blame for focusing on other things yet not what's going on. And Celestia for being too trusting. Once again communication comes into factor again.
Okay, so I have this theory, that ever sinceThe changeling invasion, Princess Celestia hasn't actually been Princess Celestia, and that it's actuallyThe queen of the changelings in her place. Ever since the canterlot wedding, Celestia has been leading twilight astray more than she's helped.
I'VE ACTUALY THOUGHT OF AN ENTERESTING QUESTION. wouldn't it been wiser to tell Twighlights friends about what's going on. IT seemed that Celestia made a bad move. unless there was either A. a bigger risk from actualy telling them about Twighlights powers or B Celestia could see into the future and saw certain events wouldstill take place and things would hae to happen a certain way. Keep IN MIND cELESTIA DIDN'T SAY tWIGHLIGHT SHOUldn't warn her friends about Discord she said Twighlight should keep her powers hidden from her friends. which means it was actualy Twighlights fault for not real wanring her friends. but they would of still have been at risk anyways. because Discord or Tierek would of huted them down. also she may have also left that stained glass of twighlight up on Purpose just so that Discord wouldn't be betrayed to soon. since it is obvios that that Tierek would of betrayed him eventualy therefore would of betrayed him sooner if not for that one supposed fluke.
something that nopony adressed, particularly to Rainbow and Applejack: don't ruin your friend's efforts by making said friend's friend untrusted, unwelcome, unforgiven. Since he's accepted Fluttershy's friendship with all the counterparts, he didn't do anything worse than themselves. What Discord did occasionaly was just as bad as Rainbow's occasional prank madness. Yes what he did in his intro double episode was bad and hurted them, but he's over that, and if they want apologies, they can communicate about that, he's new in friendship.
I've got one .trust your freands advise even when you some times don't trust then. Do u remember when discord pit the markers in the book the main 6 created if discord ha dent done that twilight wouldn't of figured that the things they got from the ponys they influenced with there elements were the key
That plan of Celestia doesn't make sense. Tirek would discover about Twilight soon enough. If Twilight had taken on Tirek right away before he could have absorbed Discord's magic she could have defeated him easily. Also Twilight has alicorn magic of her own so Tirek would have gone after her even if she didn't have the magic of the other princesses.
the moral you missed is fighting is never the anewser twilight fighting with teric just made it worse if she had never fought with teric and went to her friends she wouldn't have had to risck losing all the alcorn magic in equestrian except for queen chrisalist
About the whole friendship > alicorn Magic, since we truly don't see a light side or a dark side to the magic of friendship, say if (hypothetically, probably won't happen.) if Discord, Chrysalis, and Sombra all became friends and teamed up, would they be on equal terms with the mane 6? Saying that they would be at a standpoint since the elements of harmony are powered by magic, and friendship is magic. And since the elements are the Elements of Harmony, not Elements of Nopony Fuck With Celestial For 1000 Years, K Bai. And since more villains are popping up. So if we got 6 villains to become super besties like the Mane 6, would they be on a standpoint is what I'm asking.
Another Moral: Princesses aren't perfect. I'm not saying this in a bad way I'm just saying Celestia probably thought that if Twilight's friends knew about the Alicorn Magic then something bad might've happened (I'm dumb so I got no clue =P)
if it wasn't for tirek they wouldn't of been saved: tirek gives discord necklace thing and discord gives it to twilight which happens to be the last key even when discord could've kept it
he also forgot how extremely lucky that they did found the last key because if it wasn't for the key the whole equestira would have ended right there and then.
Discord wasn't prepared for Tirek like Twilight and the gang weren't ready for him. Maybe this a corruption of Discord, like the Corruption of the Ponies in Return of Harmony. Tirek & Star Swirl were brothers. Tirek is evil, but Star Swirl is not. Tirek gets his brother an amulet with spell on it meant to turn somepony evil. When it doesn't work, Tirek sees it as a betrayal, and starts stealing Magic on his quest to corrupt his brother. He quickly forgets the true reason he started stealing Magic, and becomes consumed by all the power. Luna and Celestia are forced to banish him. Star Swirl still partly cares for his brother, seeking a way to save him from Eternal Banishment. He makes a spell to switch their destinies, and it fails. Instead it turns him evil, and he quickly becomes insane with grief. He becomes chaotic, desperate to preserve the memory of his long-banished brother. He is also angry at Celestia and Luna for banishing his brother, so he makes their lives miserable, and takes over Equestria. Celestia and Luna Banish him also, for ruining their lives and everyone assumes it was them protecting everypony. When Discord is faced with the choice of reforming either run to stone or as a hero, sees what he was in all 6 main ponies, and tries to become what he once was. When Tirek returns, Discord recognises him, but is not recognized because of a side effect of the destiny spell, his new form. He suppresses any reaction, and tries to just observe his escaped brother. The evil Discord was is pulled toward Tirek's offer, and Discord thinks it only a longing for his brother. Therefore he doesn't pay attention and is quickly on the wrong side. There you have it. That is also why Discord is heartbroken when his alliance with Tirek is broken and his magic stolen.
Hey notion ur psychic! In ur video "what is a cutie mark" you called twilight the princess of friendship, and now she really is! You gotta special talent dude!
i think another moral is for celestia, when Celestia said she is going to send discord to stop tirek. could'nt she think twice about that discord was always wanting freedom and tirek would tempt him to join his side. she did put tooooooooooooooooooooo much trust in discord. why does she have to be the boss around ):-(.
SPICY RAINBOWS. the show is satanic. in way because there's evidence on. this YouTube channel if. you dint knowndst that there's a 5 point star seen many times in the show upside down 5 point star as well which is a goat god.
I know this is a bit random - I have a quick Question! What about the Elements of Harmony AKA: With all the Pony Magic in the World, And the Elements of Harmony Lets Just say That Like in Project thunderstorm When Derpy, Doctor and etc. Used the Elements (kinda Off my rocker but ya know) Because they also Have the Magic of friendship Would It be a tie? or If They Had the Elements of harmony, all the Power in equestria and Friendship - Would Twilight Still win? IM ASKING THIS CAUSE YOUR THE SMARTEST BRONY OUT OF MY SUBS I KNOW (well 2nd :3) Please reply :D
Hey when she got the power of all three princesses then she was able to raise the sun and raise the moon. So was she Abel to create love like princess cadence 😅😅
Rip I'm liek 5820363519362992 years late but a moral that really stood out to me was "you will never achieve anything by cheating." Teirek (however you spell his name) "cheated by stealing the other ponies magic/strengths. Obviously, he lost his fight due to the authorities, or in this case, the magic of friendship.
Other moral: Writers use drugs. Seriously if (Princess) = (Tirek + all ponies) because Twi has the same power of Tirek why at the beginning when they know Tirek is back (Princess) < (Tirek)?
Are u a changeling? I saw in past videos showed you going from changeling to not in the intro! (That was when your OC looked like an actual pony, and now.. Not so much! Maybe when the changeling tried to turn back into the notion's OC, it kinda screwed up 😌) btw love ur vids!
Discord had to do that to free Twilight Sparkles true power. Princess Celestia knew it. Luna did not. Twilight had to have that last key .Celestia was not sure it was going to work but she had faith.
I have a request and it's abooouuut Luna's mane and coat I mean in the pilot episode her mane is not wavy or sparkly and her coat is light blue but in Luna eclipse her mane is now wavy and sparkly and her coat is now dark blue after her absence so what is up with her mane and coat please bronynotion explain it
Don't trust random people. If Celestia wouldn't had run her sleeve then nothing bad would've happened Twilight could've taken care of Tirek easy as pie AND was trustworthy Discord on the other hand, CHAOS IS HIS BREAD AND BUTTER CELESTIA!!!!
@AdrenalineL1fe Meghan McCarthy said that they were only apology flowers, and they were the colors of friendship. Also, the thought of Fluttershy is the only thing that makes Discord hesitate to join Tirek; Fluttershy and Discord obviously spend a lot of time together and have gotten very close (if you watch carefully you can see how they smile at each other and only each other in every scene they're in); they hug each other; Discord looks away when Fluttershy gets her magic taken; he only explicitly apologizes to Fluttershy; and when she's released from her bubble the first thing she does is look for Discord. Whereas Discord really didn't give a crap about Celestia in the finale.
@CharlotteDonniefan VA The Mane Six are in their early 20's. And Discord was a statue for 1000 years (and most of the fandom assumes that he didn't age that much or at all during that time).Besides, Fluttershy is more mature than Discord anyway, and they're both adults.
What? Cindy is a little girl for crying out loud and she was only in the original story for like three lines. Fluttershy is an adult pony and was an adult when she first met Discord. Plus she became friends with him and is a huge part of his life now.
i dissagree with rule 1 !!!! you can't always have someone else (friends) to make sure that your doing something right !! you gotta be independent of your own choices !! epescially when your a GROWN MAN/WOMAN !!! you shouldn't need friends to always police you cause one day your going to need to be a big man/woman and make wise decisions
Fluttercord will be forever. I don't want to bash anypony opinions. So I won't. But flowers aren't a wedding ring. Don't hate me! I'm sorry! Also this episode is one of the best!(Except for ol' Tias plans. GG princess.)
when star swirl turn to discord he think that he looks like the ather discords. but the discords are none. there was one discord that call draconekwes. the star swirl think that he is a draconekwes and he's name is discord!
Charlie brown ocean muniz when does court gave her the little amulet and it was actually heard he of magic that was able to unlock the castle but she realize that this court is in a very good friend since she was willing to fight for even for discord
can you do cheese sticks cutiemark!? PLEASE!!!!! please..i mean he makes people happy but his cutiemark stands for a does cheese sandwhich cutiemark just mean making samdwhich or what?
The cheese sandwich looks like an accordion, and is animated like one in a part of the episode. You can also see the piano keys. :3 the voice actor (weird al yancovich) is famous for his polka accordion playing, but other than that, his cutie mark is just a silly fun and a random object. 😋
Naw yall got it wrong the cheese sandwich is yes also an accordion but the cheese sandwich is also both a well liked yet simplistic sandwich in my option I think it shows the ability to make some thing of nothing or to make the ordinary extraordinary. With that in mind I believe weird al horse has the capability to make joy and fun and hope when odds are against him or others in some way I also believe if weird al's appearance in adventure time is anything to go by that he'll make a return maybe even progressing a fairly important plot or saving the main six in someway but getting back on topic I don't think that his cutie mark is solely a random object and an accordion but has some deeper meaning
Will the n the Brony Notion Here's my thought even though so I stick a of Twilight and Order and she and I think thought it was not very smart one she still had to do with Princess Celestia told her to do when he was old Bane what was needed did I think it was wrong absolutely totally wrong there's no angry with you Not only was it not smart and put the 6 and total Danger I think this is mine Theory the three ponies which is Pinkie Pie rarity or should I say fabulous Rarity Applejack could taking them from down on the ground Fluttershy Rainbow Rainbow Dash trying to figure out with the last name was Twilight Sparkle taking them from the air so the very stupid order that so I came up with oh yeah total desperation but you were overrated yes nothing like humdrum at all he is oil to a fault he loves his friends that's what makes him so adorable even though he did or he would not to go to the Royal Gala about spank dreaming about his parents yeah I have to agree with you on that one that was really rude on Twilight part and then to leave him on the ice that's just downright abandonment and parole and then call the show My Little Pony the Friendship is Magic yeah I called the French bull crap here's the moral of that story never leave your friends on a frozen ice they can freeze never wake up a sleeping dream because they might be missing their mom Twilight was saying you're not my mommy he was talking about his mom wrapped up in her drama she doesn't even realize he's missing his mother and his father to find out more about himself NFL what of cross references to the Doctor Who these times 3D glasses not to mention all the other characters on the Doctor Who show time with her I think there was a wizard not to mention David 10 also Harry Potter series one time and I never want to hear about the Harry Potter series ever again came up so they talked about Back to the Future I hate plain straightforward no more that parody crap please I don't want to talk about Weird Al Yankovic rap Weird Al Yankovic yank a pony
Don’t you think Princess Celestia be Queen Celestia? She rules over the entirety of Equestria and her parents weren’t leaders of any sort. Or were they………
It's not Celestia it's Dumbestia. Thats why I hate Celestia. Because of the dumb rule we saw flutter cry. How could she. Dumbestiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moral: It's not easy to gain trust, but if your a cartoon pony it's super easy.
26 likesFunny thing is that Celestial told Twilight to not tell her friends about here new powers but she never said anything about Waring her friends especially Flutter shy about Discords return to evil.
38 likesReplies (2)
Jose Martinez I guess you’re right twilight sparkle was putting her friends in danger
2 likesHOW RUDE
She really STILL needs friendship lessons before she starts teaching starlight I mean really
So rude
@Sakshi Tyagi if twilight told them about discord then they would stay with her while she is not allowed to share her powers which would make things harder
1 likeOther moral: don't make glass panes about every single thing and if a threat is coming to steal your magic because it doesn't know about a 4th alicorn, DESTROY THE FREAKING WINDOW
34 likesAnother moral: sometimes you have to give people a THIRD chance.
49 likesReplies (3)
Yeah, why was it Discord's fault he forgot where to plant the seeds?
1 likeHe didn't mark them, did he?
1 likethough when he did see the result he could have told them instead of going for a lesson to give Twilight. Saying sorry as soon as possible is better...
1 likeHere is one moral I got, and this is something for the Military Bronies as well. Sometimes you have to go against a direct order when you know the order to be wrong. If she had done as Princess Sunbutt had ordered, she never would have freed her friends and Discord, and never would have gotten her key.
28 likesReplies (2)
Makes sense great job
1 like"Princess Sunbutt". I find that accurate
1 likeNot a moral: but in that same video you talked about in this she actually did help someone use magic for good instead of evil. But she said she hadn’t but she did drumroll please Trixie
4 likesPlease make a video about this and also tell who inspired you
Thank you
Other Moral: Totally that if your having a hard time figuring out what you should be in life you WILL find it even if it takes a whole season too!
3 likesother moral: Most things in life has it's own purpose (like Twilight's transformation into princess)
66 likes(Good video/I sprained my small finget if my typing is off.
Replies (2)
Yasss (how long is it oh 6 years)
1 like@AnyaIsBest To put this in perspective, I havent been a brony in like five years.
1 likeAs for morals, I think you've got them all. But, as a sidenote, when I first saw Twilight's Kingdom, I actually thought "Did they have the writers from Dragonball Z make the script?" XD
33 likesReplies (1)
VenoShade 😂😂😂. Also, I watch DBZ too!!!
0 likesMoral 6: Tirek is awesome, bow to his will
7 likesReplies (1)
I will not bow to his will ok Bronyman(brosforever28)
1 likeEveryone deserves a second chance as long as their willing to work for it.
1 likeWe should give Discord his own Dimension to mess around with with was no living things
7 likesReplies (2)
Where's the fun in that? Plus, eventually there will be irreversible damage, and it'll have been a complete waste.
0 likeswell he has one actually. But the mailpony has to go there.
0 likesThis could've been a test of friendship on Discord's part in my opinion.
1 likeI think some other morals you can point out is that:
0 likes1. Friendship isn't just something you earn, but something you learn.
2. Friendship grows the most by overcoming your mistakes.
3. It's never too late to fix what is wrong.
4. It's easier to do something that is wrong and feel that it is right rather than doing something that is right and taking the consequences. Nonetheless, even the worst people can change and become strong enough to do what they need to do.
other moral: your friends are going to to make mistakes (HUGE mistakes sometimes) and we should try to be understanding and forgive them. Learned from Discord and the mane six.
3 likesmoral: if you feel weird in your new role: sing a song!
4 likesSomething I found funny about that episode what the fact that when Tyreck...Tyrek...I don't know how to spell his name. Anyway, when the antagonist absorbed the mane six's magic, he grew enormously, as expected. But then he adsorbed all of Discord's chaotic power, and he grew about two inches.
0 likesWhen in doubt give the benefit of doubt.
0 likesTwilight only got the key because she gave discord the benefit of doubt. All of discord's appearances were all about his friendship with the other mane 5. Mostly twilight. In episode 2 princess twilight sparkle part 2 he asked "What kind of friend do you think I am?"
In three's a crowd. He wanted to know his place with twilight and friendship. It wasn't until he pointed out the journal pages. Discord betrayal is Twilight and Celestia fault. Twilight is to blame for focusing on other things yet not what's going on. And Celestia for being too trusting. Once again communication comes into factor again.
Another moral: I love watching your videos
2 likesI think one moral could be: Don't be worried if you feel you don't have a role in life because eventually you'll play your part
0 likesOkay, so I have this theory, that ever sinceThe changeling invasion, Princess Celestia hasn't actually been Princess Celestia, and that it's actuallyThe queen of the changelings in her place. Ever since the canterlot wedding, Celestia has been leading twilight astray more than she's helped.
0 likesI'VE ACTUALY THOUGHT OF AN ENTERESTING QUESTION. wouldn't it been wiser to tell Twighlights friends about what's going on. IT seemed that Celestia made a bad move. unless there was either A. a bigger risk from actualy telling them about Twighlights powers or B Celestia could see into the future and saw certain events wouldstill take place and things would hae to happen a certain way.
0 likesKeep IN MIND cELESTIA DIDN'T SAY tWIGHLIGHT SHOUldn't warn her friends about Discord she said Twighlight should keep her powers hidden from her friends. which means it was actualy Twighlights fault for not real wanring her friends. but they would of still have been at risk anyways. because Discord or Tierek would of huted them down. also she may have also left that stained glass of twighlight up on Purpose just so that Discord wouldn't be betrayed to soon. since it is obvios that that Tierek would of betrayed him eventualy therefore would of betrayed him sooner if not for that one supposed fluke.
something that nopony adressed, particularly to Rainbow and Applejack: don't ruin your friend's efforts by making said friend's friend untrusted, unwelcome, unforgiven. Since he's accepted Fluttershy's friendship with all the counterparts, he didn't do anything worse than themselves. What Discord did occasionaly was just as bad as Rainbow's occasional prank madness. Yes what he did in his intro double episode was bad and hurted them, but he's over that, and if they want apologies, they can communicate about that, he's new in friendship.
0 likesHow about,
1 likeBeing able to dismiss higher counsel if they ask you to do something your uncomfortable with.
Hahaha I love the end. Big fan of my little pony and Dragon Ball Z. So that was perfect for me lol
1 likeIf the magic of friendship was stronger than the three of the princess's put together, then what is the magic of friendship equivalent to?
0 likesDiscord is hiding something that he used to keep secretive but I think he let go that so called "secret ness "
1 likeYeah, I think from now on Celestia should just trust Twilight to make the right decisions, she's not very good at planning ahead.
0 likesOther moral: DragonBall Z is canon.
2 likesAnd don´t hide in a library, when some crazy guy has unlimited power..
another moral: all ways think twice before you you do something that will put others at risk
1 likeI've got one
1 your freands advise even when you some times don't trust then.
Do u remember when discord pit the markers in the book the main 6 created if discord ha dent done that twilight wouldn't of figured that the things they got from the ponys they influenced with there elements were the key
That plan of Celestia doesn't make sense. Tirek would discover about Twilight soon enough. If Twilight had taken on Tirek right away before he could have absorbed Discord's magic she could have defeated him easily.
0 likesAlso Twilight has alicorn magic of her own so Tirek would have gone after her even if she didn't have the magic of the other princesses.
the moral you missed is fighting is never the anewser twilight fighting with teric just made it worse if she had never fought with teric and went to her friends she wouldn't have had to risck losing all the alcorn magic in equestrian except for queen chrisalist
0 likes0:40... Did... Did you just use the kinetic typography? You, sir, are AMAZING!
1 likeAbout the whole friendship > alicorn Magic, since we truly don't see a light side or a dark side to the magic of friendship, say if (hypothetically, probably won't happen.) if Discord, Chrysalis, and Sombra all became friends and teamed up, would they be on equal terms with the mane 6? Saying that they would be at a standpoint since the elements of harmony are powered by magic, and friendship is magic. And since the elements are the Elements of Harmony, not Elements of Nopony Fuck With Celestial For 1000 Years, K Bai. And since more villains are popping up. So if we got 6 villains to become super besties like the Mane 6, would they be on a standpoint is what I'm asking.
0 likesMoral: Mlp can do epic boss battles too you know!
1 likeMoral of awsomeness: even ponys can have an epic fight sequence.
0 likesFriendship is not only magic but in this show in a way its also controlled chaos
0 likesYou missed one! Always drink tings that Zecora gived you! Idk...xD
9 likes“...could put them in great risk.”
5. DONT GO WITH STRANGERS! ( Discord went and tried to destroy the world with SOMEPONY HE DOESNT KNOW!) I risk my case! :3
8 likesReplies (2)
not even about friendship....but still! Its true
0 likesWho are the three
0 likesAnother Moral: Princesses aren't perfect. I'm not saying this in a bad way I'm just saying Celestia probably thought that if Twilight's friends knew about the Alicorn Magic then something bad might've happened (I'm dumb so I got no clue =P)
0 likesIn all episodes there are 4 morals, and one of them is that friendship is magic. And that's in the the title of the series
0 likesif it wasn't for tirek they wouldn't of been saved: tirek gives discord necklace thing and discord gives it to twilight which happens to be the last key even when discord could've kept it
0 likeshe also forgot how extremely lucky that they did found the last key because if it wasn't for the key the whole equestira would have ended right there and then.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesAnother one is be careful with second chances. They can go really sour really fast
0 likesi dont get how when twilit had more alacorn magic she looked the same but when there was extha magic agin she stayed the same
1 likeDiscord wasn't prepared for Tirek like Twilight and the gang weren't ready for him. Maybe this a corruption of Discord, like the Corruption of the Ponies in Return of Harmony. Tirek & Star Swirl were brothers. Tirek is evil, but Star Swirl is not. Tirek gets his brother an amulet with spell on it meant to turn somepony evil. When it doesn't work, Tirek sees it as a betrayal, and starts stealing Magic on his quest to corrupt his brother. He quickly forgets the true reason he started stealing Magic, and becomes consumed by all the power. Luna and Celestia are forced to banish him. Star Swirl still partly cares for his brother, seeking a way to save him from Eternal Banishment. He makes a spell to switch their destinies, and it fails. Instead it turns him evil, and he quickly becomes insane with grief. He becomes chaotic, desperate to preserve the memory of his long-banished brother. He is also angry at Celestia and Luna for banishing his brother, so he makes their lives miserable, and takes over Equestria. Celestia and Luna Banish him also, for ruining their lives and everyone assumes it was them protecting everypony. When Discord is faced with the choice of reforming either run to stone or as a hero, sees what he was in all 6 main ponies, and tries to become what he once was. When Tirek returns, Discord recognises him, but is not recognized because of a side effect of the destiny spell, his new form. He suppresses any reaction, and tries to just observe his escaped brother. The evil Discord was is pulled toward Tirek's offer, and Discord thinks it only a longing for his brother. Therefore he doesn't pay attention and is quickly on the wrong side. There you have it. That is also why Discord is heartbroken when his alliance with Tirek is broken and his magic stolen.
0 likesAnother moral: Don't do stuff alone.
0 likesHere's a moral give discord a desserted land that no pony can desderb him so it won't happen again
0 likesmoral: celestia gotta learn about friendship!!
0 likesmoral 2: celestia not great princess!!
I know this is kind of late to say but I love the DBZ sound of Goku and what sounds like cell jr. fighting together!
1 likeWhat I learned from that episode is that a couple of good friends can whop ass if necessary
1 likeI love your new theme music!! :)
1 likeDon't talk to weird men in cloaks. Who gave us this moral, the first guy who got his mark snatched.
0 likesHey notion ur psychic! In ur video "what is a cutie mark" you called twilight the princess of friendship, and now she really is! You gotta special talent dude!
0 likesplease do a luna eclipsed dpc.
1 likeMoral:Be loyal to your friends
0 likesWhat's the magic level at? It's over nine thoooooooooooooouuuuuuuuusaaaaaaand!
8 likesMoral 5:Dont trust strangers especially in a allyway.
0 likesReplies (1)
lol true
0 likes:stranger in ally: FREEDOM!!!
:me: O3O :slaps his or her face and walks away: loser I have freedom x3
when twilight was fighting tirek it reminded me of dragon ball z too
1 like:)
moral : never hide something
0 likesMoral: If you're a good student and a girl, you will become a princess
0 likesHow strong is alicorn magic?
1 likeDiscord was causing chaos in other dimensions all that time without telling anypony
1 likeLife rules
0 likes2.Twilight is special.
3. Celestia wants you to be secretive
i think another moral is for celestia, when Celestia said she is going to send discord to stop tirek. could'nt she think twice about that discord was always wanting freedom and tirek would tempt him to join his side. she did put tooooooooooooooooooooo much trust in discord. why does she have to be the boss around ):-(.
0 likesI was simply watching this video when my dad walks in so I paused it when it was on Tirec and he thought MLP was satanic.
1 likeReplies (2)
0 likesSPICY RAINBOWS. the show is satanic. in way because there's evidence on. this YouTube channel if. you dint knowndst that there's a 5 point star seen many times in the show upside down 5 point star as well which is a goat god.
0 likesmlp never has an original defeat jk friendship is the most powerful thing that you can have
0 likesIf she did tell them, it would end up being Applejacks episode
0 likesDarn you Sun Butt! Twilight could of been helped by her friends and didn't have to hold a lot of weight on her shoulders!
0 likesthat ending tho
0 likesprincess celestia should designate a small bit of equestria for discord to be himself so he can be free AND have friends!
0 likesBut if the mane 6 knew, no key for twilight would be found!
0 likesYou Got a Good Point There indeed
1 likeWas Cadence really a pegasi before she became a alicorn?
0 likesI know this is a bit random - I have a quick Question! What about the Elements of Harmony AKA: With all the Pony Magic in the World, And the Elements of Harmony Lets Just say That Like in Project thunderstorm When Derpy, Doctor and etc. Used the Elements (kinda Off my rocker but ya know) Because they also Have the Magic of friendship Would It be a tie? or If They Had the Elements of harmony, all the Power in equestria and Friendship - Would Twilight Still win? IM ASKING THIS CAUSE YOUR THE SMARTEST BRONY OUT OF MY SUBS I KNOW (well 2nd :3) Please reply :D
0 likesYou animated TNT going into fire and explodes, but isnt TNT just burning without an explosion?
0 likesHey when she got the power of all three princesses then she was able to raise the sun and raise the moon. So was she Abel to create love like princess cadence 😅😅
0 likesI personally prefer the pony creator.
1 likeI have a video request!!!!
if you do use this idea please say it was my idea :)
Replies (12)
6 likes@Reg LeDrew i say celesia
1 likeDiscord the best watches discord place ice cream cone on head •~•
1 likeeeyup
1 like@Annie Tarnowski totally agreed
0 likesLillyj2426 then i vote Princess Discord or Princess Macintosh
1 likeWelp he did it:)
0 likesI vote for Fluttershy.
0 likesTwilight Sparkle
0 likesFlurry heart
1 likeRip I'm liek 5820363519362992 years late but a moral that really stood out to me was "you will never achieve anything by cheating." Teirek (however you spell his name) "cheated by stealing the other ponies magic/strengths. Obviously, he lost his fight due to the authorities, or in this case, the magic of friendship.
0 likesfriendship rainbows of doom are the most powerful element of all
0 likesThe last moral is do not listen to celestia wrong ideas
0 likesI read a story about this .Always know danger in a idea
0 likesAnother moral: BUY OUR TOYS
0 likesOther other moral: Don't listen to cleastia
0 likesWell you forgot that you should believe in your self, if twighlight had believed she would win before main 6 got captured!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesOne Moral you forgot was NEVER GET INVOLVED WITH FIREY CREATURES THAT CAN TAKE YOUR MAGIC AWAY sorry i just get involved with morals :3
0 likesWhy are you so awesome?
1 likeOther moral: Writers use drugs. Seriously if (Princess) = (Tirek + all ponies) because Twi has the same power of Tirek why at the beginning when they know Tirek is back (Princess) < (Tirek)?
0 likesNice update on your antics. It's better you stray from the show style and find you own look.
0 likesanother moral is that celestia doesn't know anything about the mane 6
0 likesWhy didn't she just tell them about discords betrayal and not the magic?
0 likesI subbed 😊. Also that ending tho.
2 likesBrohoof!
Replies (2)
Other moral is don't forget Fluttershy's cucumber sandwiches
1 likelemon gerard your 2nd coment XD
0 likesMaybe one like You will always find a place for yourself, If you just be patient ( Tell the CMC that ).
0 likesYou sent this is to princess celestia and you even insulted her😂
1 likeAre u a changeling? I saw in past videos showed you going from changeling to not in the intro! (That was when your OC looked like an actual pony, and now.. Not so much! Maybe when the changeling tried to turn back into the notion's OC, it kinda screwed up 😌) btw love ur vids!
1 likeDiscord had to do that to free Twilight Sparkles true power. Princess Celestia knew it. Luna did not. Twilight had to have that last key .Celestia was not sure it was going to work but she had faith.
0 likesReplies (3)
Princess Chelsea?
0 likes@InfinityAnime Sorry. Celestia should be the correct spelling.
1 likeCelestia has visions of future, right?
If discord didnt betray the ponies they would not have the last key, DUH!!
0 likesI loge that moral and I think I got a moral always stay true to your friends
0 likesReplies (1)
I mean love not loge
0 likesHere's one when Twilight gets power she is BADASS
1 likeOr badass Twilight sparkle behold behold
You also forgot the moral of always have a badass fight scene it a little kids show
0 likesmy moral is : never trust celiestia
0 likesI have a request and it's abooouuut Luna's mane and coat I mean in the pilot episode her mane is not wavy or sparkly and her coat is light blue but in Luna eclipse her mane is now wavy and sparkly and her coat is now dark blue after her absence so what is up with her mane and coat please bronynotion explain it
0 likesDon't trust random people. If Celestia wouldn't had run her sleeve then nothing bad would've happened Twilight could've taken care of Tirek easy as pie AND was trustworthy Discord on the other hand, CHAOS IS HIS BREAD AND BUTTER CELESTIA!!!!
0 likesIn twilight's kingdom spike has his own seat but how if he did not have a key to the chest
0 likesOther moral: Fluttercord is best ship.
79 likesReplies (34)
This is very true. :3
22 likesI think dislestia is better
3 likes@Tori Smith you have your opinions, we have ours. I'll respect yours as long as you respect mine.
5 likes@Brooklyn Leaf discord gave flowers to celestia at the end
3 likes@AdrenalineL1fe Meghan McCarthy said that they were only apology flowers, and they were the colors of friendship. Also, the thought of Fluttershy is the only thing that makes Discord hesitate to join Tirek; Fluttershy and Discord obviously spend a lot of time together and have gotten very close (if you watch carefully you can see how they smile at each other and only each other in every scene they're in); they hug each other; Discord looks away when Fluttershy gets her magic taken; he only explicitly apologizes to Fluttershy; and when she's released from her bubble the first thing she does is look for Discord. Whereas Discord really didn't give a crap about Celestia in the finale.
8 likesNah. Trollestia is the most menacing.
1 likeUm, what?
1 like@Brooklyn Leaf I find Fluttercord....veeeerrrrry creepy. :O
1 like@CharlotteDonniefan VA gasp!! How so?
3 likes@Brooklyn Leaf Discord is over ONE THOUSAND YEARS OLD!!!!! And like 17-20s something like that. Does that not sound creepy? 0_0
2 likes@CharlotteDonniefan VA The Mane Six are in their early 20's. And Discord was a statue for 1000 years (and most of the fandom assumes that he didn't age that much or at all during that time).Besides, Fluttershy is more mature than Discord anyway, and they're both adults.
5 likes@Brooklyn Leaf Eh true...I just find it a bit...odd.I prefer them as just really close friends. :)
2 likes@CharlotteDonniefan VA to each their own. They do make adorable friends though :)
4 likesI ship Celestia and Discord
2 likes@maria colaco I'm not really a fan of shippings, but when Discord gave Celestia flowers, I thought it was cute. :)
3 likesYeah but shipping Fluttercord is like shipping Cindy and the Grinch 0.o
2 likesWhat? Cindy is a little girl for crying out loud and she was only in the original story for like three lines. Fluttershy is an adult pony and was an adult when she first met Discord. Plus she became friends with him and is a huge part of his life now.
7 likes@CharlotteDonniefan VA Me too.
1 like:l I prefer Twicord uvu
1 likeI friendship Twilight and Discord.
6 likes@Brooklyn Leaf Thats actually how i feel about fluttercord. XD its more friendship on fluttershys end in my opinion... but i respect your ship. UvU
3 likesVery tru.
1 likeBrooklyn Leaf yep
1 likeBrooklyn Leaf
4 likesraincord
yeah fluttercord sounds butter and is better
Brooklyn Leaf no it isn't
4 likesjk I'm shipping all of this also bride of discord
Brooklyn Leaf watch discordant harmony and it's so cute discord would destroy his existence to keep fluttershy
2 likesLucille The God Eating Shitlord i don't see that consider twilight is neat and discord is discord
2 likesyussssssssss...
2 likesPlz no
1 likeDylan Stahlkuppe why trollesia
0 likesCharPonyVA actully Fluttershy is 21
1 likeBrooklyn Leaf I think disshy is best combo name
1 likeI very much agree
1 likeMaby discord need a "play Country"
1 likeHe said freindship is magic darkpony.I think another moral is BE PREPARED!
0 likesother moral: friendship always wins
2 likesmoral : FLUTERSHY IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE :P i love her she loves ablnimals alot like i dooooo !!!!!!!
0 likesHi love your channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeI.learned don't trust celestia advice on taking a hard task
0 likesnever trust someone you don't know
0 likesIf twilight hadn't said with the help of my friends she could have asked her friends for help
0 likesMe:slaps face Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You forgot about to all ways have a crow bar in your bag and don't forget about a bag of crisps I mean frenchiip!
0 likesCelestia:it 's a secret Twilight me:i hate you Celestia !!!!
1 likeCan you do the equestria games you know S4 E24
0 likeshe can play minecraft for his need to be chaotic
0 likesi dissagree with rule 1 !!!! you can't always have someone else (friends) to make sure that your doing something right !! you gotta be independent of your own choices !! epescially when your a GROWN MAN/WOMAN !!! you shouldn't need friends to always police you cause one day your going to need to be a big man/woman and make wise decisions
0 likesLISTEN to the thought of someone else, but be careful about WHO you listen to.
0 likesFluttercord will be forever. I don't want to bash anypony opinions. So I won't. But flowers aren't a wedding ring. Don't hate me! I'm sorry! Also this episode is one of the best!(Except for ol' Tias plans. GG princess.)
0 likesYes and that was so cool how she was ho ,ho ,ho!when she did that
0 likeshow about that every one has a purpose so never doubt your self
0 likeswhen star swirl turn to discord he think that he looks like the ather discords. but the discords are none. there was one discord that call draconekwes. the star swirl think that he is a draconekwes and he's name is discord!
0 likesYes friendship is magic
0 likesBeing trust worthy
0 likesHey could you make a video on school raze season eight finale? It is so difficult to understand......
0 likesAnd make a video on school daze too....
Dear princess celestia, Why did you tell twilight to keep her magic secret if it just put her friends in more danger?
0 likesReplies (1)
and in the episode when tirek absorded the power of the mane 5 he was much more powerfull
0 likesCharlie brown ocean muniz when does court gave her the little amulet and it was actually heard he of magic that was able to unlock the castle but she realize that this court is in a very good friend since she was willing to fight for even for discord
0 likesThe moral is always count on deus es machina
0 likesOmg DBZ at the end!
1 likeThere should be a discord day
0 likesi think another moral is DON'T LET CELESTIA RULE!!!!!!!!!
0 likesMoral: Never do stupid shhhhhhhhaaarpnes
0 likesDude, did you have to use the Dragon Ball thing¿
1 likeUR AWESOME!!! :O
1 like2:46 Really Bronynotion? Not you too!
1 likeInteresting. I suppose so.
0 likesfluttershy voice yay.
0 likesNo strangers have a changeling oc so you can be an alicorn and nobody cares
0 likesDear Princess celestia,
0 likesWhy are u no Queen yet :vv
i like ur channel
1 likewhat was dat at the end?! XD
1 likeI think I know how old they are.I think they are teens because in Equestria girls they are in they are in high school. What do I think
0 likesBut tirek oferd him friendship with freedom
0 likesDont let power blind u
0 likesMoral 5 celestial is a troll
0 likesI think that the mortol is dont trust someone you don't know
0 likesAnother moral READ THE NEWS
0 likesDo gasp Feeling Pinkie Keen
0 likesWho is the best princess
0 likesDragon Ball Z KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah go Dragon Ball Z yay.×D
0 likesDiscord is awesome
1 likeFlurry heart
0 likeshm. Two of the OTHER morals were, Celestia is a TROLL and DISCORD IS BEST ALICORN PRINCESS!!!
0 likesGood point
0 likesU love it bon't you 😏
0 likesPoor many HATERS out there 😓😓
0 likesReplies (1)
I like celestia from all her funny and sister moments
0 likesBe carefull who u trust
0 likesSuper saiyan twilight o_o
0 likescan you do cheese sticks cutiemark!? PLEASE!!!!! please..i mean he makes people happy but his cutiemark stands for a does cheese sandwhich cutiemark just mean making samdwhich or what?
0 likesReplies (2)
The cheese sandwich looks like an accordion, and is animated like one in a part of the episode. You can also see the piano keys. :3 the voice actor (weird al yancovich) is famous for his polka accordion playing, but other than that, his cutie mark is just a silly fun and a random object. 😋
0 likesNaw yall got it wrong the cheese sandwich is yes also an accordion but the cheese sandwich is also both a well liked yet simplistic sandwich in my option I think it shows the ability to make some thing of nothing or to make the ordinary extraordinary. With that in mind I believe weird al horse has the capability to make joy and fun and hope when odds are against him or others in some way I also believe if weird al's appearance in adventure time is anything to go by that he'll make a return maybe even progressing a fairly important plot or saving the main six in someway but getting back on topic I don't think that his cutie mark is solely a random object and an accordion but has some deeper meaning
0 likesdo not listen to celestia
0 likesSongs is is like friendship
0 likesWill the n the Brony Notion Here's my thought even though so I stick a of Twilight and Order and she and I think thought it was not very smart one she still had to do with Princess Celestia told her to do when he was old Bane what was needed did I think it was wrong absolutely totally wrong there's no angry with you Not only was it not smart and put the 6 and total Danger I think this is mine Theory the three ponies which is Pinkie Pie rarity or should I say fabulous Rarity Applejack could taking them from down on the ground Fluttershy Rainbow Rainbow Dash trying to figure out with the last name was Twilight Sparkle taking them from the air so the very stupid order that so I came up with oh yeah total desperation but you were overrated yes nothing like humdrum at all he is oil to a fault he loves his friends that's what makes him so adorable even though he did or he would not to go to the Royal Gala about spank dreaming about his parents yeah I have to agree with you on that one that was really rude on Twilight part and then to leave him on the ice that's just downright abandonment and parole and then call the show My Little Pony the Friendship is Magic yeah I called the French bull crap here's the moral of that story never leave your friends on a frozen ice they can freeze never wake up a sleeping dream because they might be missing their mom Twilight was saying you're not my mommy he was talking about his mom wrapped up in her drama she doesn't even realize he's missing his mother and his father to find out more about himself NFL what of cross references to the Doctor Who these times 3D glasses not to mention all the other characters on the Doctor Who show time with her I think there was a wizard not to mention David 10 also Harry Potter series one time and I never want to hear about the Harry Potter series ever again came up so they talked about Back to the Future I hate plain straightforward no more that parody crap please I don't want to talk about Weird Al Yankovic rap Weird Al Yankovic yank a pony
0 likesReferences!
0 likesnever trust a cinotaur unless I its your freind
0 likesDon’t you think Princess Celestia be Queen Celestia? She rules over the entirety of Equestria and her parents weren’t leaders of any sort. Or were they………
0 likesReplies (2)
Maybe you need to be married to an alicorn and be an alicorn yourself to be a queen or king. Or maybe she’s actually younger than we thought.
0 likesAlso maybe it’s because she has a sister
0 likesRAINBOW POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😲😤😥😧
0 likesI'm stupid all the time
0 likeshaha
0 likes0:39 Go to jail CRINGE
0 likesSo crazy
0 likesUmm... What was that at the end?
Replies (1)
Dragonball Z reference ;)
1 likeYou can't do something without your FRIENDS
0 likesReplies (1)
I don’t have friends cause they’re all fake
0 likesDon't listen to crappy people
0 likeseveryone is special
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesNotification squad #1 HERE
0 likesFIRST!!!!!!! YEAH!!! ON A ROLL!
1 likeNo fluttstik is best ship
0 likesanimals i spelled that out wrong ;-;
0 likesFIRST!!!!!!! YEAH!!! ON A ROLL!
2 likesWhy didn't rarity just transport them out of the cage with her horn?????
0 likesReplies (1)
It’s discord’s chaos magic we’re talking about
0 likesi love you
0 likesDisoord is crazy
0 likesThink about it, srsly
0 likesto make it better
0 likesahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
0 likesyay 100th viewer
0 likesLol DBS
0 likeslisan to your friend no mater what
0 likesor should I say celestia is stupid
0 likeswhat the heck does v mean. MEH NEED TO KNOW. tell meh on me channel. (srry i was playing noob simulater on ROBLOX that is why i speak like a noob)
1 likeWow...
4 likesI am one of the first people XD
It's not Celestia it's Dumbestia. Thats why I hate Celestia. Because of the dumb rule we saw flutter cry. How could she. Dumbestiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesno ...
0 likeshey
0 likesHi
0 likesIdk
0 likesHi
0 likesnevre trust a srangre
0 likesReplies (3)
jakob coleman What's that ?
0 likesI think he meant "Never trust a stranger"
0 likesI knew.
0 likesHi
0 likesReplies (1)
Hi cameron
0 likesDbz