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Brimstone&Paper Winged Dreams.....1973...Full Album.....

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Comments (archived 2022-10-01 19:34; 5 top, 5 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-12 10:55:44

Za početak, sve pjesme imaju stihove, čak i ako Suite ima samo nekoliko za razliku od svoje duljine. Sav vokalni sadržaj je religiozan, bez metafora i izražajnih riječi. Šteta što je bend uspio stvoriti tako složene instrumentalne odlomke, odabrao je stihove gore od onih koje su odabrali pop pjevači. 7 pjesama ovog kršćanski orijentiranog albuma, koje je objavio trio 70-ih koji je zamijenio neke od svojih članova 80-ih godina, sadrže proširene gitarske džemove koji se spajaju s tipkama i nekoliko efekata, mirne prolaze naizmjenično s nemirnim. Mrtav san noću*** -> prilično melodičnim i toplim ritmovima, u kojima dominiraju gitare - olovo, ritam i bas, bubnjevi i tipke po cijeloj pjesmi, ispunjavajući njezinu pozadinu. Vokali su također topli : Svatko ima nekoga za koga se treba brinuti / Svatko ima nekoga tko treba / Vi i ja, trebali ste ostati zajedno / Vi i ja, trebali živjeti u ljubavi zauvijek . *Kraj puta* - jednostavne instrumentalne petlje, brzo reproducirane, koje se izmjenjuju s mekim i mirnim koje se koriste kada se pjevaju stihovi. Etida - Polja gline -> kišom, tamom, padam na koljena i molim se i uvodom klasične gitare, nakon čega slijede mekani zvukovi koje .. uništiti pjesmu. Iluzija - Papirnati krilati snovi** -> tipičnog Hammondovog zvuka u početku, zatim Paper krilati snovi ponavljaju se kao lirski, nakon čega ponovno slijede tipke i vokali. Suite in five movements*** -> konačno neke složene odlomke koje su napravile gitare i klavijature, kao one iz ove uglavnom instrumentalne 18-minutne pjesme. Prvi dio počinje gitarama i Hammond orguljama s niskim notama. Nakon 1/2 minute Leslie efekt postaje primjetan, a zatim dolazi malo rada na gitari za branje prstiju nakon čega slijedi gitara s kratkim Wah-Wah efektom, bas i jazzy gitara. Zatim, neki stihovi u kojima se riječi zahvalnosti donose našem prijatelju / našem ocu / našem spasitelju Dali ste nam snagu / Da prijatelju dali ste nam snagu / Dobro ste učinili / Da prijatelju dobro ste učinili / Držali ste nas zajedno / To je jedino što je bitno .. nakon čega je sintesajzer napravio efekte vjetra i jazzy gitaru. 07:20 - Hammond orgulje - prekrasni zvukovi, čupava gitara sa synthom i hihat bubnjanjem, 10:00 - classicguitar sviranje s basom - ovo je odlomak u kojem se tekst nastavlja : Ali oče odvedi me u naručje/Pokaži mi da nisam sam/Osjećam da je kraj blizu/I još uvijek sam sam. Pjesma se nastavlja mješavinom Hammonda, fuzz gitare i syntha i ima prekrasan straight end, ne s često korištenim efektom iščezavanja. *Vizije jeseni* - > tužnim i sanjivim stihovima na akustičnoj gitari i skladnoj pozadini tipki : I živjeli smo da sanjamo / Da , živjeli smo da sanjamo . Pjesma ljubavi -> izgleda kao da hrpa kauboja pjeva na farmi - stvarno nemirna dosadna instrumentalna. (3+2+1+4+5+2+1) / 7 = 2,5 zvjezdice. Za one koji vole kršćanski sadržaj i mirne tekstove, ovo može biti vrlo ugodan, čak i složen album, ali zbog svog cjelokupnog tona koji je unutar mog glazbenog raspona okusa, dat ću mu 3 od 5. (2 da nije bilo Suitea i Illusiona)ladislav&zivanovic………….

Adilson Mileski 2022-01-12 10:47:51

Excelentes músicas!

1 like
ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-12 10:56:25

For starters, all songs have lyrics, even if Suite has only a few as opposed to its length. All vocal content is religious, without metaphors or expressive words. Too bad the band was able to create such complex instrumental passages, they chose lyrics worse than those chosen by pop singers. The 7 songs of this Christian-oriented album, released by a trio in the 70s that replaced some of its members in the 1980s, feature extended guitar jams that merge with buttons and several effects, calm passages alternately with restless ones. Dead sleep at night*** -> rather melodic and warm rhythms, dominated by guitars - lead, rhythm and bass, drums and buttons all over the song, filling its background. The vocals are also warm : Everyone has someone to take care of / Everyone has someone who needs / You and me, you should stay together / You and I, should live in love forever . *End of the road* - simple instrumental loops, quickly reproduced, alternating with the soft and calm used when singing lyrics. Etida - Clay fields -> rain, darkness, I fall to my knees and pray and introduce classical guitar, followed by soft sounds that .. destroy the song. Illusion - Paper winged dreams** -> typical Hammond sound at first, then Paper winged dreams are repeated as lyrical, followed again by keys and vocals. Suite in five movements*** -> finally some complex passages made by guitars and keyboards, like those from this mostly instrumental 18-minute song. The first part begins with guitars and Hammond organ with low notes. After 1/2 minute, the Leslie effect becomes noticeable, followed by a little work on the guitar for picking fingers followed by a guitar with a short Wah-Wah effect, bass and jazzy guitar. Then, some verses in which words of gratitude are brought to our friend / our father / our savior You gave us strength / Yes my friend you gave us strength / You did well / Yes my friend you did well / You held us together / That's all that matters .. after which the synthesizer made wind effects and jazzy guitar. 07:20 - Hammond organ - beautiful sounds, fuzzy guitar with synth and hihat drumming, 10:00 - classicguitar playing with bass - this is the passage in which the lyrics continue : But Father take me into my arms/Show me I'm not alone/I feel the end is near/And I'm still alone. The song continues with a mix of Hammond, fuzz guitar and synth and has a wonderful straight end, not with the often used fade-out effect. *Visions of autumn* - > sad and dreamy lyrics on acoustic guitar and harmonious key background : And we lived to dream / Yes , we lived to dream . Song of love -> looks like a bunch of cowboys singing on a farm - a really restless boring instrumental. (3+2+1+4+5+2+1) / 7 = 2.5 stars. For those who like Christian content and calm lyrics, this can be a very pleasant, even complex album, but because of its overall tone that is within my musical range of flavors, I will give it 3 out of 5.(2 were it not for Suite and Illusion)ladislav&zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-12 10:56:57

Pour commencer, toutes les chansons ont des paroles, même si Suite n’en a que quelques-unes par opposition à sa longueur. Tout le contenu vocal est religieux, sans métaphores ni mots expressifs. Dommage que le groupe ait pu créer des passages instrumentaux aussi complexes, ils ont choisi des paroles pires que celles choisies par les chanteurs pop. Les 7 chansons de cet album orienté chrétien, sorti par un trio dans les années 70 qui a remplacé certains de ses membres dans les années 1980, comportent des jams de guitare étendus qui fusionnent avec des boutons et plusieurs effets, des passages calmes alternativement avec des passages agités. Sommeil mort la nuit*** -> rythmes plutôt mélodiques et chauds, dominés par des guitares - plomb, rythme et basse, batterie et boutons partout dans la chanson, remplissant son arrière-plan. Les voix sont aussi chaleureuses : Tout le monde a quelqu’un à prendre en charge / Tout le monde a quelqu’un qui a besoin / Vous et moi, vous devriez rester ensemble / Vous et moi, devrait vivre dans l’amour pour toujours . *Fin de la route* - boucles instrumentales simples, rapidement reproduites, alternant avec le doux et le calme utilisés lors du chant des paroles. * Etida - Champs d’argile * -> la pluie, l’obscurité, je tombe à genoux et prier et introduire la guitare classique, suivie par des sons doux qui .. détruire la chanson. Illusion - Rêves ailés en papier ** -> son Hammond typique au début, puis les rêves ailés en papier sont répétés comme lyriques, suivis à nouveau par les touches et les voix. Suite en cinq mouvements*** -> enfin quelques passages complexes réalisés par des guitares et des claviers, comme ceux de cette chanson de 18 minutes principalement instrumentale. La première partie commence par des guitares et un orgue Hammond avec des notes basses. Après 1/2 minute, l’effet Leslie devient perceptible, suivi d’un peu de travail sur la guitare pour cueillir les doigts suivi d’une guitare avec un effet Wah-Wah court, basse et guitare jazzy. Puis, quelques versets dans lesquels des mots de gratitude sont apportés à notre ami / notre père / notre sauveur Tu nous as donné de la force / Oui mon ami tu nous as donné de la force / Tu as bien fait / Oui mon ami tu as bien fait / Tu nous as tenus ensemble / C’est tout ce qui compte .. après quoi le synthétiseur a fait des effets de vent et de la guitare jazzy. 07:20 - Orgue Hammond - beaux sons, guitare floue avec synthétiseur et batterie hihat, 10:00 - classicguitar jouant avec la basse - c’est le passage dans lequel les paroles continuent : Mais père me prendre dans mes bras/Montrez-moi que je ne suis pas seul/Je sens que la fin est proche/Et je suis toujours seul. La chanson continue avec un mélange de Hammond, fuzz guitare et synthé et a une extrémité droite merveilleux, pas avec l’effet de fade-out souvent utilisé. *Visions de l’automne* - > paroles tristes et rêveurs à la guitare acoustique et fond clé harmonieux : Et nous avons vécu pour rêver / Oui, nous avons vécu pour rêver. * Chanson d’amour * -> ressemble à un groupe de cow-boys chantant sur une ferme - un instrumental ennuyeux vraiment agité. (3+2+1+4+5+2+1) / 7 = 2,5 étoiles. Pour ceux qui aiment le contenu chrétien et les paroles calmes, cela peut être un album très agréable, voire complexe, mais en raison de son ton général qui est dans ma gamme musicale de saveurs, je vais lui donner 3 sur 5.(2 si ce n’était pas pour Suite et Illusion)ladislav&zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-12 11:04:42

For starters, all songs have lyrics, even if Suite has only a few as opposed to its length. All vocal content is religious, without metaphors or expressive words. Too bad the band was able to create such complex instrumental passages, they chose lyrics worse than those chosen by pop singers. The 7 songs of this Christian-oriented album, released by a trio in the 70s that replaced some of its members in the 1980s, feature extended guitar jams that merge with buttons and several effects, calm passages alternately with restless ones. Dead sleep at night*** -> rather melodic and warm rhythms, dominated by guitars - lead, rhythm and bass, drums and buttons all over the song, filling its background. The vocals are also warm : Everyone has someone to take care of / Everyone has someone who needs / You and me, you should stay together / You and I, should live in love forever . *End of the road* - simple instrumental loops, quickly reproduced, alternating with the soft and calm used when singing lyrics. Etida - Clay fields -> rain, darkness, I fall to my knees and pray and introduce classical guitar, followed by soft sounds that .. destroy the song. Illusion - Paper winged dreams** -> typical Hammond sound at first, then Paper winged dreams are repeated as lyrical, followed again by keys and vocals. Suite in five movements*** -> finally some complex passages made by guitars and keyboards, like those from this mostly instrumental 18-minute song. The first part begins with guitars and Hammond organ with low notes. After 1/2 minute, the Leslie effect becomes noticeable, followed by a little work on the guitar for picking fingers followed by a guitar with a short Wah-Wah effect, bass and jazzy guitar. Then, some verses in which words of gratitude are brought to our friend / our father / our savior You gave us strength / Yes my friend you gave us strength / You did well / Yes my friend you did well / You held us together / That's all that matters .. after which the synthesizer made wind effects and jazzy guitar. 07:20 - Hammond organ - beautiful sounds, fuzzy guitar with synth and hihat drumming, 10:00 - classicguitar playing with bass - this is the passage in which the lyrics continue : But Father take me into my arms/Show me I'm not alone/I feel the end is near/And I'm still alone. The song continues with a mix of Hammond, fuzz guitar and synth and has a wonderful straight end, not with the often used fade-out effect. *Visions of autumn* - > sad and dreamy lyrics on acoustic guitar and harmonious key background : And we lived to dream / Yes , we lived to dream . Song of love -> looks like a bunch of cowboys singing on a farm - a really restless boring instrumental. (3+2+1+4+5+2+1) / 7 = 2.5 stars. For those who like Christian content and calm lyrics, this can be a very pleasant, even complex album, but because of its overall tone that is within my musical range of flavors, I will give it 3 out of 5.(2 were it not for Suite and Illusion)ladislav&zivanovic.............