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THE..SAILOR&BAND..Sailor Full Album...

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Comments (archived 2022-10-03 06:33; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-21 23:56:37

Sailor je bio bend iz Minneapolisa koji je objavio ovaj opskurni progresivni rock album, koji je čak nepoznat među kolekcionarima žanra. Ponekad ćete vidjeti bend naveden kao The Sailor Band, zbog nekoliko primjeraka koji imaju pečat (poput ovog na slici ovdje). Iznenađujuće sofisticiran zvuk za vrijeme i mjesto. Većina albuma iz 1974. godine - barem u SAD-u - ima izražen hard rock element, a toga je ovdje malo s obzirom na snažan prizvuk jazza i klasike. Ima dosta jazz gitare i klavira, uz amp'd električnu gitaru i Hammond orgulje. Album je gotovo u cijelosti instrumentalan osim završne pjesme. Lijepo iznenađenje.LADISLAV&Z………….

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-21 23:55:54

Sailor was a Minneapolis band that released this obscure progressive rock album, which is even unknown among genre collectors. Sometimes you'll see a band listed as The Sailor Band, because of a few copies that have a stamp (like the one pictured here). Surprisingly sophisticated sound for time and place. Most of the 1974 albums - at least in the US - have a pronounced hard rock element, and there is little of that here given the strong overtones of jazz and classics. There's plenty of jazz guitar and piano, along with amp'd electric guitar and hammond organ. The album is almost entirely instrumental except for the final track. It's a nice surprise..LADISLAV&Z.......

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-21 23:57:01

Sailor was a Minneapolis band that released this obscure progressive rock album, which is even unknown among genre collectors. Sometimes you'll see a band listed as The Sailor Band, because of a few copies that have a stamp (like the one pictured here). Surprisingly sophisticated sound for time and place. Most of the 1974 albums - at least in the US - have a pronounced hard rock element, and there is little of that here given the strong overtones of jazz and classics. There's plenty of jazz guitar and piano, along with amp'd electric guitar and hammond organ. The album is almost entirely instrumental except for the final track. It's a nice surprise. LADISLAV&Z.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-21 23:57:24

Sailor était un groupe de Minneapolis qui a sorti cet obscur album de rock progressif, qui est même inconnu parmi les collectionneurs de genre. Parfois, vous verrez un groupe répertorié comme The Sailor Band, à cause de quelques copies qui ont un timbre (comme celui illustré ici). Son étonnamment sophistiqué pour le temps et le lieu. La plupart des albums de 1974 - du moins aux États-Unis - ont un élément hard rock prononcé, et il y a peu de cela ici étant donné les fortes connotations du jazz et des classiques. Il y a beaucoup de guitare jazz et de piano, ainsi que de la guitare électrique amputée et de l’orgue Hammond. L’album est presque entièrement instrumental à l’exception de la piste finale. C’est une belle surprise. LADISLAV&Z.............