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Can&Future ....Days and Past Nights FULL BOOTLEG...

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Comments (archived 2022-10-03 12:13; 2 top, 2 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-05-17 05:37:06

Future Days and Past Nights iznenađujuće je dobra bootleg snimka Cana na koncertu odigrana preko dva cd-a'.
Kao i obično, ponavljajuća ponavljajuća ponavljajuća i izvrsna glazba za glavu i dušu.
I opet s Canom najbolji način da se ovo sluša je potpuno totalno. RIP Michael Karoli
RIP Jaki
Liebezeit RIP Michael Czukay...Otvaraju se s 23 minute "Lančane reakcije", masivnim uvrnutim gitarskim radom s energičnim vokalom iz Damo Suzuki_, još jednim od onih koji polako grade crescendos za _Can koji se vrlo dobro transformira u live showu.
Drugi je "Bel air", sa svojom svemirskom linijom tipkovnice koja stvarno proteže vaš um do krajnjih granica. Gitara sjedi straga i pušta bubnjeve da se onesposobe, plemenski i divlji na dijelovima.
Nakon toga slijedi atmosferska "Dizzy dizzy", klasični broj sa svim igračima koji rade zajedno kako bi oblikovali još jedan vrhunac emisije, pokazujući sav svoj talent u igranju solo uloga, kao i cijele jedinice.
"Pinch of Sky" je četvrti broj, s rockier stranom _Can_, ovaj put s lijepim vokalnim dijelom, i bluesy gitarskim radom, solidnom bas 'n' bubnjarskom linijom i ukupnom senzacijom da će vam se za nekoliko minuta na glavu spustiti prstohvat neba.
Slijedi "Još jedna noć", pakiranje u gotovo 13 minuta, počinje eksplicitnim solo bubnjevima, a zatim mu se pridružuju bas i električna gitara i jedinstveno pjevanje za pekmez cijelu noć, čini se.
Po mom mišljenju, najbolja pjesma ovog koncerta, uglavnom zato što zvuči kao da mogu odbaciti cijeli život i samo zajedno puštati dobru glazbu i zabavljati se.
I na kraju, "Meadowsweet", koji je više jazzy klavir led komad, s ponavljajućim riječima linije i mrmljanje, završava u visokoj noti.
Ugodan i preporučen za svaki Can ventilator.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-05-17 05:37:45

Future Days and Past Nights is a surprisingly good bootleg recording of Can at the concert played over two CDs'.
As usual, repetitive repetitive repetitive and great music for head and soul.
And again with Can the best way to listen to this is totally totally. RIP Michael Karoli
RIP Strong
Liebezeit RIP Michael Czukay ... They open with 23 minutes of "Chain Reactions", a massive twisted guitar work with energetic vocals from Damo Suzuki_, another one of those slowly building crescendos for _Can that transforms very well into a live show.
The other is “Bel air,” with its cosmic keyboard line that really stretches your mind to its limits. The guitar sits in the back and lets the drums incapacitate, tribal and wild in parts.
This is followed by the atmospheric “Dizzy dizzy,” a classic number with all the players working together to shape another highlight of the show, showing off all of their talent in playing solo roles as well as entire units.
"Pinch of Sky" is the fourth number, with a rockier side _Can_, this time with a nice vocal part, and bluesy guitar work, a solid bass 'n' drum line and the overall sensation that in a few minutes a pinch of heaven will descend on your head.
“Another Night” follows, packing in almost 13 minutes, starting with explicit solo drums, then being joined by bass and electric guitar and unique jam singing all night, it seems.
In my opinion, the best song of this concert, mainly because it sounds like I can throw away my whole life and just play good music and have fun together.
And finally, “Meadowsweet,” which is more of a jazzy piano ice piece, with repetitive line words and murmurs, ends in a high note.
Comfortable and recommended for every Can fan.