People joke about this all the time, but there is a strict caste system in Equestria. The alicorns are godlike beings, and rule as such - they're the nobility, the ruling class. Unicorns are the next step down, acting as scholars, intermediaries between the alicorns and the general public, and makers of products that exist either for leisure and entertainment or for their own sake - they're the priesthood. Next we have the pegasi, who keep Equestria safe, enforce laws and policies, and manage the distribution of natural resources - they're the warrior class: the soldiers, police, and engineers. Finally we have earth ponies - most of whom are farmers, merchants, or manual laborers - in other words, peasants. The existence of chattel slavery within such a system is... not at all unreasonable, at least in terms of logistics.
+Moon Sugar Well, there's a chance bat ponies are only pegasus with magically modified wings, or in case those at natural, they'd be in the same range as pegasus
+Moon Sugar I used to think so, but then we got the cutie remark, but in case they're a different species, I suppose they'll hold a similar rank as pegasus, with bicorns as unicorns and some other species as the dark (?) equivalent of earth ponies (nightmares maybe?)
In the episode where Zecora comes into the show (sorry i forgot the name of it),when Twilight tells the ponies that she's a zebra,they start to freak out evan more,and when she says,"If you ponies weren't acting so ridiculous,she would feel welcome in ponyville!" I like to change it to,just for fun,"If you ponies weren't so fricking racist,she would feel welcome to ponyville!"But really,that episode does show pony racism to zebras.
obviously you’ve missed the point. youre taking this out of proportion and trying to use an example knowing damn well this isnt aimed for actual monkeys or apes who watch this because no animal would sit down n watch this without any interest or thought
clearly they were discriminating her n judging her. pinkie pie even made a whole song, and its ironic coming from her since she loves to welcome everyone. ponies are racist
Idk if youre trying to justify the ponies racism. Zecora didn’t come in threatening them. They shouldn’t have prejudged her without getting to know her first. Just goes to show you’re the type to judge someone irl and give terrible excuses. admit youre racist n go.
Actually it shows racism to any ponie related creatures, i bet without the means six, all the ponies in town would be racists towards dragons, griffins, hippogriffins, seahorses and dragoponie
I think Twilight's metaphor was more like, 'You shouldn't turn down a good gift, especially if you know that your friend has worked his/her heart out on it.'
And while I (Kinda) see the logic to this whole racist stuff to the ponies and Zecora in 'Bridle Gossip', I personally think that the implement of slavery was most notable in 'Trade Ya', when Teddie Safari wanted Fluttershy to come and train the double headed dog, and Rainbow accidentally trades her away.
It's interesting though you would mention that they are 'racist' against mules and donkeys
Because you have a point. It seems they are, I would like to try and dive into that more.
Why are 'mixed races' looked down upon.
As mules you are the offspring of horses and donkeys and can not breed.
Maybe that's looked down upon because you are viewed as imperfect.
Pure breeds are also held to a higher standard and not only the offspring but the parents would be looked down upon for mixing blood.
And then there is the cutie mark issue. Maybe they are also looked down upon because they don't get a cutie mark. Which is seen as an identity or an extension there of.
Without it you are no one and nothing, you have no 'destiny' no future. And often times a cutie mark says something about the job and title you hold, so without it you have no job. No rank. And no importance.
Angel Juliet it totally makes sence but then since all the horses in equestria are ponys, how would a mule come to be in equestria. maybe they come from totally different place altogether. brony notion do a video on my thery please
I forget if I spoke of this on one of your other videos, if I did it's more appropriate here anyway. (I know I said it somewhere on YouTube, but I don't remember where.) Spike is a slave. He was given to Twilight as property and raised by her not as a son, but as a servant and taught to believe that it was important and necessary for him to serve and obey her, to the point where he feels lost and broken without that servitude as seen when he thought Owluicious was replacing him. Hatching and receiving him was her entrance exam to magic academy, it would be reasonable to suppose that every candidate would be given the same test. I expect all magic students are given dragon slaves. Sunset probably had hers taken from her when she was banished. That said, I believe slavery is still common practice in Equestria only instead of other Ponies they enslave Dragons.
I never thought of it that way! What you propose is kind of disturbing, especially in light of the episode "Trade Ya" Where Fluttershy's work is offered in payment of a book. :P
Well he's only a slave if Spike is forbidden to leave. Otherwise it's more like given a job at birth. There's no evidence that Spike is necessarily forced since Spike does genuinely enjoy, for the most part, helping Twilight. He goes out of his way to help her in ways one wouldn't if it was forced. If anything it might be more like Roman slavery: You're forced to do a job but you still have human rights and must be respected.
@Alex Xavier Steel - D Perhaps, but the main reason he seems to enjoy serving her is because he has been raised to believe he must, that this is the only thing he can do and without that service he is nothing. He may be free to leave, but he has been indoctrinated with a psychological imprisonment.
@DazeDream Bit negative word choice. While I can concede it's possible he's been 'conditioned' I don't think it's in any way malicious. If it is happening then it's subconscious not a 'MUAHAHA! Spike will be my willing slave FOREVER!'
I think twilight has done something and saves spike so spike has to help her just like applejack saves spike from the Timberwolves and spike has to help her forever
But...Spike CHOOSES to help twilight. He even tried to make himself a real slave for Applejack, and they hated it. Plus, Twilight tries to get him to work less in that episode with owl-Licious, however that's spelled. I want to know where he is forced, rather than does it out of his will. How often does Twilight actually force spike to do stuff, rather than just ask. Was there a point where Spike was, not just annoyed, but being a true slave, rather than an assistant that is helping Twilight? Plus, he hated it when he followed his dragon code and abandoned Twilight. He was upset. Seriously, tell me if you find enough places that actually suggest him being a slave, rather than him willingly doing something.
Wow that's a little deep and kinda scary to think about, but then again you never saw another dragon in (I don't know how to spell it NOOOOOOOOO) err you know what I mean so maybe, I'm not saying no i'm saying maybe not.
What if she wasn't expected to succeed? Spike is apparently the only pony-raised dragon, we've never seen other dragon helpers, and Twilight was immediately accepted as Celestia's student? He seems more like a very dedicated younger brother raised by/alongside Twilight who therefore takes after her a lot in intensity and even organization
@Dreamheart101 you have a point, but sometimes in The show spike is treated Like a slave by someone else, that's sad because if Spike Was not with Twilight but with some of those ponies Who almost slaved him, I don't know if he would like do all The job for Them (Sorry for my bad english, It's not my native language)
Not really, she was jusr doing her complain whine and cry act. Also that she is not a mule.. Every Other time a pony says sth about mules they find ine behind them...
That's true, those poor animals! They are smart enough to talk yet they are kept in pens, and you can see Applejack herding them into pens like they are just well... unintelligent animals, but I remember (I'll have to go back and watch the episode again) at the end of the herding, one says "You could've just asked" BUT then again, you also see how easily distracted these animals get. They seem to turn unintelligent when they are scared or just when their animal instinct kicks in. Like when a stampede comes through Ponyville because of a snake spooking the cows. This goes to show that they are not as smart as the ponies, but I still don't think animals capable of speech should be kept in pens and on farms.
I think spike given from celetia to twilight means that spike can be considered a slave, he was given to be twilight's servant doing whatever for twilight when ever, this would explain why twilight in season one episode eight twilight has an extra bed for aj and rarity to sleep on but spike is never seen using the spare bed.
@***** i think twilight didnt use a spell to make spike hatch she just used magic near the egg and that was what the egg hatch dragons might eat ponies if they dont eat ponies they eat cows and sheep and where there is magic........
I agree more like in FiMfic read/heard that the test was to Levitate the egg in theory, being that as that dragons being like ponies highly magical the egg would be resistent to magic and not easy for a normal unicorn To levitate.
The hatching was unforseen perhaps? As for "slavery", more like self-indentured servitude per his "Dragon Code" akin to a Knight's Code of Honor & Service (what "cilvery" actually means) As his "mother figure" who along with Tia raised him and is the one who hatched him, he feels it is his duty and belief to be loyal to Twilight to follow her and learn from her, in that he very much 'owes his life to her' for she hatched him into it.
*remember the AJ/Timberwolf ep. where she saves Spike & he goes to be her indentured servent as repayment?
Okay um a few things: I commented on the 'my little horses' video that I felt a horse probably referred to Saddle-Arabians. I thought I had said here (I guess not) that if a Saddle-Arabian is a horse, then maybe the 'gift horse' remark might mean they enslaved Saddle-Arabians. I noted that they wear bridles only in the context of Hasbro once called that creepy so it's odd that they used it here, butt... a bridle is used to control a work horse, in this context it's basically a slave collar. What's more, in yesterday's episode, the Saddle-Arabians (as well as other foreign dignitaries and for some odd reason BlueBlood) aren't given proper seats at the games, they're made to sit on the steps at Celestia's feet. I also find it odd that this appears to be an international event yet it's called the 'Equestria Games' and there aren't any Saddle-Arabian competitors. There are Griffins, and I don't know about the Mayan and Egyptian themed ones they didn't seem physically distinct from Equestrian Ponies. Oh here's a screen shot of what I'm talking about btw:
Just one small detail: slavery in human history has little to do with race. It may have been about race in Equestria, but not in our world.
People love to talk extensively about Europeans and their enslavement of native Africans or Americans, as well as Arabs and Chinese (if I recall right) doing the same to others. But that leaves out tyrants (emperors/empresses, kings/queens, lords/ladies etc) enslaving people of their own race, such as European peasants who were essentially treated like animals. One might still argue, though, that they weren't considered the same "race" by their rulers.
Doesn't impact your other points in this video, just figured I might nitpick this little statement.
Personally, I think that every Earth pony has something unique. This counteracts the advantage of having wings or a horn. Think of Pinkie Pie, and her 'hunches' or 'pinky sense' (not quite positive what that was called). Twilight can't figure them out, but they're true! Another example is the pony with the ballon cutie mark in the special episode where the main 6 got their marks back from Starlight Glimmer. He made a ballon bridge extremely quickly; if a normal skill, Pinkie may have used that skill in the very first episode. Instead, Rainbow got to prove her loyalty by fixing the broken bridge.
Earth ponies have their own magic. Hence an alicorn doesn't just have a horn and wings, but earth pony magic too. The horn and wings are just more obvious.
Sentient as they can feel pain? Our animals(including the non mammals and birds) can also feel pain. Wait! You mean thinking and reasoning like a human. Nevermind then.
It could be viewed as racism, but it is also a pun and a comparison that kids will understand. I don't think that it's intended to be racism. I think that it's only a pun taken from our world and put into their world for comedic effect. An example of how they aren't racist comes from Twilight herself, actually, when, in Applebuck season, she said that AppleJack was as stubborn as a mule before actually apologising to the mule. They would be racist if they were intentionally causing damage, but it appears to be only stuck-up ponies like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara who use phrases like that to offend somepony. Then again, that also can be disproven as they taunt everypony without differentiation and not just a specific race. In the end, I think that it's just something that the writers use for comedic effect as I doubt that Hasbro would want anything to do with racism in their shows.
@Ally Madison yeeeeeeeeeeah, stuckup bitches still try giving the show and us bronies shit for being free-thinkers. Claims of themes like racism and porting RD as a would-be lesbo for not being another gurlz-trope but a genuin character that happens to both be strong & female of the tomboish sorts; they still tried it.
Watch "ballade of the brony" sometime if get the chance, its really good. ^_^ (sad still how some can't just let good be good, eh?)
@Gregious Well, that was an accident on the part of Tabitha St. Germain. She mistakenly based the voice of Derpy on something incredibly controversial and on something that could be considered. Therefore, the voice was possibly offensive, but Derpy herself was not as it wasn't the fault of Hasbro, Derpy's character design, her nature or her name.
Exactly my point, it was a mistake. Personally, I love the new voice (from what I can find there is the original, a version with no voice and a version with a new voice) but the eyes and name shouldn't have been changed in my opinion.
@Gregious Yeah. Her name and eyes were fine and even charmed many of the kids that I work with, some of which have similar conditions. There was nothing wrong with her other than Tabitha's mistake. I find nothing wrong with her new voice. It was the complete eradication of her character that bothered me.
@Sarah Johnston yeah. Like, what? If someone is not 'up to par' or normal they should be marked as "undesirables" and censored/removed from society? What? So if someone is different in their speach, beliefs, or expressions they don't deserve a place in life? Yeah....
Nazism may been built on some very true human natures or natures of nature if regarding "greaters and lessers" or 'Natural Selection' one might be lead to believe forgoing caution. Though there Is a case to remember that we are Not all the same if to take things on a pure, meritacratic equitability(equal to self/ones self) systems are a dangerous slippery slope if without "road-gards" so to speak.
Censorship is dangerous as it is when used wisely good. Not everything is for eveeryone, and proper filters to protect national security or just kids from porn popup ads. BUT when taken too far? To suggest that if someone is different they are inturn unfit to life ? That is very dangerous stuff. (for example homosexuals. I have a right to not be progay, but do not by the same have teh right to comit outward crimes of hate. We all alive have the right to life.)
They fucked up on her "voice", clearly going for something litterally retarded sounding, in conjunction with her behavior. Was uncool as her censorship after. But if nothing else we did get her imfamous and so ironic line,
"I Just dont know what went Wrong..." >_<)'7 What went wrong was a fudge on someone's power to not make what would seem an obvious mistake followed by border-nazi attempts of censorship of "undesired" people.
@ZGuy0fSci That wasn't it. Hasbro weren't aware of what she was doing. Tabitha wasn't even aware that Derpy was a girl. They censored her because people were complaining that her voice, eyes, name and clumsy nature were considered offensive. Not "undesirable."
@Sarah Johnston Like I said, the point in question. It being considered offensive to have something that isn't "perfect" or "normal" or is to say 'different'., (lulz) Such what it became.
But yeah, that person ought to have done a better job of so much as trying. No way can someone be qualified for their job if genuinly that stupid or lazy... (or perhaps it was like with that finger in that burger at wendys? deliberate)
All that can be said is that while some censorship is needed or good, going too far is not, and it is such good to have our Derpy back. ^_^ And if she does speak again, have it simple and her 'real'/fannon voice. They really ought to consider hiring out from the fandom those who would be willing that are teh official fan recognized "canon" voices for nonvoiced characters. (or being close as can). They've had like 5 years to voice them, since then we have so why not? ^-^
Still, lulz... what a PR nightmare(moon) to deal with eh? Dumb birch fudges up a fan fav character in an offensive way that they then have to try to cover up, but going too far to teh point of nazistic removal of 'undesirabled ponies' they in turn get backlashed even harder by the fandom & others. Not a position I would even, lolz. /)'
@ZGuy0fSci No. You've got it wrong again. It's not offensive to have something like that. It's offensive to the people who have special needs because, in most cases, it pokes fun at them. That's what being offensive is. The special need is not offensive. It's using it for comedic effect at the expense of people with special needs that is offensive.
@Sarah Johnston catch 22's. The thing itself being or not being offesive because reasons. If reasons so, then so or if not so then lack of reasons.
Having comedy if involving others is only offensive if is/ment to be disrespectful. Being offended is a choice. (as is 'being' gay, however one is born actions are a choice)
So I dont see where this "backwards" except for/from you is comming from. Is it not offensive she did something offensive with Derpy that was not offensive but for unless someone got offended making it offensive, whether is was offensive?
Yeah, trhowing in Catch22's to say "I've got it backwards" confusses matters.
The way she threw Derpy under the bus for a cheap gimik and that she did so was wrong. Hasbro then however looking to utheniz the show of her and in turn to suggest as much of "undesired" persons was very much as wrong, that to say 'Characters with disabilities/having disabilities' is not ok.
Having Derpy and having her a tad derpy as part of her character BUT NOT just an outright derp like prior, that is the fine line. Never not somepony somewhere that isnt going to be offended at so much as salt. Does not mean however is ok to be lazy or that bad characterization is acceptable either. Both "making fun of" as well as illigitamate removal/censorship of people for being 'different' is wrong, both are slippery slopes. Just having a character of a style is not as you put it making fun of people, or being disrespectful. Its what you do with them or how. Thing being then though trying to sweep it under teh rug like they did.
@ZGuy0fSci *sigh* You really can't see it... Something that could be considered offensive happened... Hasbro didn't know... People were offended... They were obligated to remove it because people were offended... End of story...
@Sarah Johnston The story is that the character was not a or the issue, and in kind censorship against her was not a solution. The issue was someone did something lazy and or stupid, only to have Hasbro themselves follow suit and continued so the same. Not addressing an issue but rather falling into censorships & sweeping matters under rugs... sigh You really can't see it... Something offensive was done or could be said to have happened, following a mistake in choices that some might have been offended by. Yet nazis consorship biggotry was not the solution. No one was "obligated" to be nazi biggots, they Chose to do so and were hit by the backlash hard from the fandom rightly so for it. *"End of story".
- content that holds obvious offense is lazy if not wrong, but nazi censorship is not a valid answer nor a legit solution either. You don't get to just kill someone off because some feminazi or 'social justice warrior' biggot gets offended. You work within the 'rules' to address the issue if one is there and just quiet things down a tad in the process. Keeping ms Derpy was not an option but THE option, while not having her speak, and not removing her from where she exists but correcting the lazy fukfarging bs voice with a more correct closer to fandom one.
Was was done was a lazy atempt at cheap humor, but nazi censorship Hasbro tried was not to be accepted. Lazy writting is bad, but iliget censorship is wrong and is the enemy of free thinking. >_<)7'
@ZGuy0fSci Oh my gosh... You've just skipped over everything I've read, haven't you...? That first point you made? That is, in essence, what I've been saying this entire time. A mistake was made. It was considered offensive. It was censored. End of. I'm not going to argue about this anymore.
Your partially right notion pony. How ever from the wolves side you have forgotten that although civilians have been enslaved that the wolf for far too long has watched over them trying to protect them all without over stepping their boundaries as is found out at the ending of season 4 but tired is a minotaur who has not passed the wolfen rituals that the real leader snowflake has. So in civilians owning slaves I don't think they would as for twilight spike acts more like a son then slave even though as you will or have already found out in the past 4 seasons rarity plays spike for a sucker remember the diamond dog episode?. Yep that's when spike is a sucker and falls slave to the hotty that is rarity. A classic dominatrix move on raritys behalf.
Using outdated racist phrases doesn't mean there's still modern racism. This can be seen in every single piece of media produced in the last 30 years. Hell, the N word was being used still in movies and such if you go back a little bit more. Even whilst portraying a situation where people are treating each other as equals. Our words just haven't cought up with our heads.
Thank god, my oc is a earth pony, and I thought for a second during the video that racism would be a thing I would have to deal with if I lived in equestria, but it turned out to be directed towards mules now, I mean I still feel bad for the mules, but I'm glad I won't have to deal with that crap.
The mention of Pilgrims is a bit of a stretch. Pilgrim just means someone who goes to a new land. This can be for religious purposes or even for new opportunities. It is hardly ever related to slavery. As for the mules thing, I guess you could say its a bit racist, but sometimes they will also say "no offense" and "none taken."
i think those little jabs are actually NEEDED, though. It shows that the world is not all perfect and peaceful like it seems on the surface, even when it's not under siege from some grand magical calamity. In the peaceful day to day life, there are still little bits of racism and prejudice that are commonplace simply because that's the nature of life. If anything it makes the show and it's characters even more relatable since we see bits of ourselves, our friends, and our family in them.
In Latam there is a phrase that says "a caballo regalado no se le ve el diente", it means that if you receive a gift you should not complain about what you received, because it was not the obligation of the person to give it to you, so you should be grateful. It is about the example: "if someone gives you a horse, don't complain about his teeth, at least you have a new horse"
Have you ever noticed that luna looks different in the episodes. In season 1 episode 1 part 2 luna is lightish blue and in the following episodes she is dark blue?I found that rather strange. And she was very small compared to celestia in the first season episode 1 part 2 and then grows bigger in the following episodes. By the way I like your videos.
In "Hearth Warming's Eve", Earth Ponies were not slaves, just peasants. Their work wasn't unpaid: they were trading their food to the Pegasi for controling the weather for them, and to the Unicorns for magically controling the Sun and Moon. (It being true is whole another story, and it is actually quite intriguing to me if they really could once do what only Celestia and Luna are capable of now.)
But if you look for examples of slavery, how is it possible you overlooked Spike? ;J
Since this is based loosely in Greek Mythology, there's another meaning to "never look a gift horse in the mouth": The Trojan Horse. By looking in the mouth, you may well get attacks by a bunch of Greek soldiers.
F is for foreigners who take all our money, U is unemplo-yment, N is for no races other than the pegasi, no unicorns or earth pon-ies! What have I done
@Hind Gamal you calling me dumb? I learnt the periodic table and I'm in gr3 and I learnt by myself NERDS ARE AWESOME! WHO'S VERY SMART IS A NERD I EVEN HAVE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL NIRANJANA VINOD
"The Riding Pony" by O its a grate fan fiction that delves into the prospect of earth ponies having once been enslaved by the other races,its a little clopy but the insite it gives into Equestiran history and the ideas it proposes i could easily see haveing actually happened
Technically all villians had slaves except nightmare moon Discord: ponies after he corrupted them Chrysalis: shining armor Tierek: discord ( kind of) Sombra: the crystal ponies
Hmm, they implied all pony tribes were equal, so would you really try to enslave the ponies that are growing all of your food? No, they just blackmailed them by threatening not to raise the sun. But they implied that even that threat only carried so much weight. Luna believed that life could continue in Equestria in Eternal Night, so do plants really need sunlight there to grow and live? Or was Nightmare Moon just plain nuts? King Sombra, on the other hand, used chains to enslave the Crystal Ponies even though he obviously wielded vast powers. They would have surely been more agreeable under some kind of mass hypnosis spell (like cable TV).
I think Horses are not the same as ponies because in "Best night ever" Twilight turns Fluttershy's mice into horses (huh reference to cinderella) anyways if she turns them into horses, that means that horses are not ponies, also the song "hearts as strong as horses" proves that horses are like some other species.
"the last song love is in bloom, morse code the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins." - end of the video static.
And now we can add that Rainbow Dash very literally sold Fluttershy into indentured servitude in season 4 for a Daring Do book. And the action was UPHELD by Princess Twilight as a fair trade until Dash claimed she wasn't satisfied.
I'm treated like a doormat, thought provoking video. I hope our princess of friendship can ensure that all species of Ponyville are treated with respect for future seasons.
What about Spike? I get the feeling he isn't so much Twilight's assistant as her slave with all the times she's left Spike to do some huge task and walks away without a thought. this might just be some weird running joke in the show but my head canon tries to give the incidences deeper meaning
What program do you use to edit your videos and where can I get it? I'm stuck with Windows Movie Maker and I can't do what I'd like to with it. A response would be greatly appreciated.
the whole mule thing could be based off caramels being that they still get mistreated today even though black and white coexist most of the time. Although it's not as strong as it was in the 60s it's still frowned apon for having a relationship with someone of another race. So what I getting at here is that the ponies are your white Americans and the donkeys are afro Americans, so the offspring being mules is frowned apon because of old ways of thinking or the remarks could just be the fact that mules can't procreate and can have different health problems.
Ps. this opinion is based off personal experience of growing up a 'mule' so to speak.
Welp. I find the episode Winter Wrap Up kinda...weird. I loved it, but think about it. Earth ponies do so much work, the pegasi clear the clouds with their wings (well, you know what I mean), but then they don't allow unicorns to use their magic? Shouldn't the pegasi not be able to use their wings? To make it fair?
I don't know, I feel like your idea about the "gift horse" line, if we're taking it to be a reference of literal horses, that could be meaning the help from a horse- which would make it even more appropriate for the situation (Rarity's help).
Also, Pilgrims aren't necessarily escaping from slavery- they're probably escaping from a place where they have less rights. Because in order to leave a country- you need permission/rights to leave. Granny Smith's family was given a sendoff by the Princess don't forget, so they were at least viewed as brave adventurers settling a new land- not slaves looking for freedom. Plus that would mean just 1 generation ago, Canterlot had slaves.
There is also the matter of Daring Do's whip. If you aren't willing to take it as a trope (she has one because Indiana Jones has one) why would ponies have invented whips in the first place? they're not great defensive weapons, and the way Daring do uses it isn't exactly the thing it was designed for. Most cultures who use whips use them to punish/discipline either slaves or animals (which in equestrian would be the same thing).
And the Mule racist thing might also explain why the lead in Hinny of the Hills was a pony, not a hinny (a hinny is the reverse of a mule, horse father/ donkey mother)
And I'm not wholly sure that all mixes are looked upon with such scorn. I sometimes wonder if Thunderlane, with his lanky build and streaked mohawk mane is meant to be a zebra/Pegasus cross.
Though you did bring up a good point with the 'gift horse' phrase, I personally took it to mean that they meant something similar to 'The Trojan Horse'. And I am skeptical towards this, because I do not recall ANYPONY ever referring to themselves or others as horses. This being said, I am starting to question the OTHER parts of Equestria history.
I came up with this awesome episode idea. It goes like this. One day a new pony moves into Ponyville, she always where's something covering her whole back and cutiemark. She has a horn so everypony thinks she's a Unicorn. One day she see's Scootaloo falling from a cloud. She shakes off her cover and flies up and saves Scootaloo. A horn and wings? That can only mean one thing. She's a Alicorn! But how? She put's Scootaloo down and runes into the Ever Free Forest. Scootaloo hops on her scooter and zooms around Ponyville to find Applebloom and Sweetiebelle. When she finally finds them she tells them about the new pony in town and how she is a Alicorn. They decide to go tell Twilight. I hope you like it. Feel free to make a fan made video of it. I am terrible at drawing so I really want someone on YouTube to do this for me. And it isn't finished so you get to make the ending! Enjoy!!!
@Ally Brunner Nothing wrong with being creative, but I suppose a deeper explanation of how she was born would make the story sound more believable. For example, what pony told her she had to hide who she is? Being born an alicorn is painfully obvious, and no other path for ascending to becoming an alicorn has even been even hinted at. If no one in Equestria including Celestia and Luna know about her, she must have been born someplace outside. Germaneigh? Saddle Arabia? Who are her parents, and were either of them alicorns as well? These details are important.
Wow, I never thought of that. You are quiet a geunious. Do you know anyone who does mlp animation that could do this? If so plz tell me. Well with there permission of course. Chow!!!!! :)
There're no 'people' in the Ponyverse. Which is to say 'no humans.' Still, in 'A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1' we get Twilight saying "she sure has a way of sneaking up on people." I know we sometimes use 'people' or 'person' to indicate a certain level of sentience, rights, and a freedoms, but it's not a term regularly used in 'MLP.' They use 'pony' most of the time instead, so this throws me off.
The 'gift horse' thing is probably because we have that saying and nothing more. Even the younger audiences may be somewhat familiar with it being used, but not its origin. As to the pioneer thing, hopefully ponies were not quite so bad to others as we have been in our own history.
Also in canterlot most of the waiters are earth ponies and the customers are unicorns. The same thing happened in the beat night ever. The stallions who puller the main sixes apple carriage are earth ponies.
you might be reaching a bit for pony slavery (except for Sombra as noted). That said however, there was one episode that touched on your subject then dropped it, never to bring it up again. I forget the exact one, but it was where Applejack and Applebloom are rounding up some stray sheep to put them back in their pen. Once they did, the sheep actually said "we would have gone back if you had just asked us" Applejack responds by shutting the gate in their face. I am left with the the sheep really WANT to be in the pen? If not, then the Ponyies are indeed keeping them against their will. Prob just played for laughs, but still. An odd scene to be sure.
also, I found 2 sins in the gift horse thing: so you see. If you look closely you'll see that spike's actually writhing in the same exact spot. So sin number 2: when did spike become left handed?
The phrase 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth' is an old english phrase and means that you shouldn't be overly critical of gifts, it was intended as a pun. Back in those times, horses were a gift among well to do families and looking at a horse's teeth could tell you how old it was. It was seen as rude to do that if the horse was a gift.
but in one episode in season one twighlight says"that pony is as stubborn as a mule"then says to a mule"no offence" which is when the mule says"none taken"
Its the story of the founding of Europe. The pegasi have armor and millitry ambitions , much like the romans. The earth ponies are considered savages by the pegasi, much like the Vikings and the Celtics. the unicorns are the greeks, as evidenced by both the extreme wealth of the unicorns, and the fact that the bit looks like a greek Drachma. Who would have the most bits? the rich, aristocratic unicorns. The pegasi, and the unicorns relied on the earth ponies for food, much like the greeks and the romans relied on the "savages of the north and east" for food. Conspiracy, out.
The "gift horse in the mouth" and "too cool for mule comments" remind me of Nick Wilde in "Zootopia" when he admitted to selling Mr. Big a rug made out of a "Skunk..'s butt". I mean.. that just conjures up all sorts of horrifying images of Nick basically murdering a fellow sentient mammal, skinning him/her, tanning the hide (literally) and then handing it over has gift or compensation of sorts.
Anybody remember the Diamond Dogs tho? They literally made Rarity a slave. They had the equipment ready to go, they harnessed her up & everything. The only reason she was freed was because she was annoying, & the dogs were dumb
Alrighty, folks. Grab your drinks and get comfy, 'cause this is gonna be a long comment. Let's talk about racism in Equestria. We'll start with mules. As he stated in the video, mules are often the butt of jokes, such as "to cool for mule." The trouble with these jokes isn't just that they're extremely racist, but how often do you hear the mule say "none taken" after the offending pony says "no offense". Now that may seem fine, but when you think about it, that's some messed up sh!t. That's the equivalent of telling your friend to stop being such a n***, saying "no offense" to the nearest black person, and them NOT GIVING A SH!T. This means that the mules are so used to racism, that it doesn't even bother them anymore! If that isn't f^cked up, I don't know what is. Now on to the cows. This is seriously disturbing. Cows, in the show, are shown to BE ABLE TO TALK, THINK, AND REASON JUST LIKE PONIES. And yet they are rounded up like- well, cattle. Also, ponies are shown to drink milk in the show (even if they don't directly drink it, ponies are shown to bake with milk). Just think about that for a second. That's like humans rounding up all the sign-language speaking gorillas and milking them. Awful , yes? Well, that isn't the end of it. At the beginning of I-forget-which-episode, Applejack is shown stopping a cattle stampede. And when the disaster is averted, a cow is shown SPEAKING TO APPLEJACK. JUST LIKE A F^CKING PONY. And yet cows are rounded up, milked, and generally taken advantage of. At least mules have it better than that. (Thanks to everyone who read my rant, you are awesome.)
if a Pun is so clearly hitting others, it is still bad for the story. why did they have to single out the mule/donkey in the first place? at least the Zebra seems to be good for something.
Isn't a better example of this found in the episode "Trade ya", where rainbow dash trades Flutter Shy into servitude for Daring Do Volume 1. She then has to go before the "court (Twilight)" prove that the trade was not fair. In that episode, Fluttershy had no say in the matter and Twilight could not easily negate the trade just because it was slavery.
Pony racism has been shown throughout the series. It is right there in front of our faces! Wow mlp writers surely we should all show racism and junk to s group of four year olds. Well done
Equestrian does have races, or social structure. Such as princesses, princes, ect. But in our world, most royals have servants or slaves. In equestrian they don't. Is it because the royals have magic or are they just too kind?
In 'Tanks for the memories" Dash was pretty horribly racist towards dragons in her scene with Spike saying that Dragons and reptiles are the same thing. Pony racism at its finest!
Pretty groundless. Snippets of speech, especially sayings, can hardly be evidence. Considering the show's history with horse puns, this is nothing but over-analysis.
maybe slavery is still in Equestria because in one of the episodes Rainbow Dash offered to give someone Fluttershy in order to get a signed copy of a Daring Doo book
OK, so "don't put your hand in the horse's mouth" or "Don't look a horse in the mouth" Is a saying we have. I don't remember what it means, but I personally think that is what the phrase meant.
The Coded Message says... " The song Love is in Bloom, Morse Code. The dashes are the higher octives, good luck. First message with it decoded wins" That was easy!
The Coded Message says... " The song Love is in Bloom, Morse Code. The dashes are the higher octives, good luck. First message with it decoded wins" That was easy!
I was expecting some mention of the Apple family's herd of sapient cows, but yeah, I can see this one, too. (ETA: Wait, maybe this video came out before that.)
by the way if anyone is curious about the text in the last second during the static heres what it says: "the last song love is in bloom, mores code, the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins"
Umm, your definition of "pilgrims" is seriously flawed dude. "Religious pilgrims" may fit your definition, but you forgot about the other kind of pilgrims. You know, like the ones who traveled along the American frontier in wagons to find a place to settle down and make a new home for themselves and their families? Those are the pilgrims being referenced by Granny Smith in this episode.
one of the other reasons we came up with the saying don't look a gift horse in the mouth is because you can tell how old a horse is by their teeth how long and or how many they have.
Yes but that is why people were looking horses mouths when you buy them or are given one, that does not explain why there would be such a expression in Equestia that alludes you being given a horse.
I usually like the insight that this guy provides but this is a bit of over analyzing. I mean, mlp teaches kids to respect other people, so I think these are just meant to be jokes that kids will get.
What about cows and sheeps, that are held by the Apples as pets? They are able to speak. Even suggestion, that herding them is unnecessary, as the would have moved in to the fence when beeing asked. Not racism, as those are different species, but they can talk and therefore think.
This leads us to another question. What were the ponies enslaved for??? Was T-rek just trying to keep the ponies away from freedom?? Or were they just being slaves to possibly construct something. Am I not paying attention??
@MonkeyandPig Le its a code: write the first letter down, and then write the letter right below it, then go up to the letter beside the first letter. it says: "the last song love is ing bloom, morse code- the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins"
actully they were'nt originally earth pony's cause princess celestia and princess luna haven't been earth pony's and they lived for more than a 1,000 years
the phrase is not for their defects, but you cab see the age of a horse by their teeth. so it's it doesn't matter if it's old. it's given to you, so be grateful with what you have.
I always think hasbro watches your videos a say this "we've got a reason for that" (another persorn) "weve got a reason for that"then someone says "jingx"
i kinda get it. but i think a gift horse in the mouth is, you should not look on the bad side of gifts. but a gift could be a slave so.. ya. but we probably have some saying like that were if you really think about it, like one that originally came from slavery. but celestial is very forgiving, and caring, welcoming new comers (like the yaks) that i don't really think she would allow something as cruel as slavery. but then again, no matter how much i try for it to not to, a gift horse in the mouth really seems slavery.
Yeah...and they're originally racist against Changlings (as seen with them not believing Thorax could be good), not to mention that one pony that was racist against non-ponies.
But can an earth pony become a princess please answer this because Cadence was a Pegasus and twilight was a unicorn but no princesses have been originally earth ponies.
You, with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off my feet again Got me feeling like I'm nothing You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard Calling me out when I'm wounded You picking on the weaker man
You can take me down with just one single blow But you don't know, what you don't know...
Someday I'll be living in a big ol' city And all you're ever gonna be is mean Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me And all you're ever gonna be is mean Why you gotta be so mean?
You, with your switching sides And your wildfire lies and your humiliation You have pointed out my flaws again As if I don't already see them I walk with my head down Trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you I just wanna feel okay again
I bet you got pushed around Somebody made you cold But the cycle ends right now 'Cause you can't lead me down that road And you don't know, what you don't know...
Someday I'll be living in a big ol' city And all you're ever gonna be is mean Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me And all you're ever gonna be is mean Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in a bar Talking over a football game With that same big loud opinion But nobody's listening Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing But all you are is mean
Ya know diamond tiara, I can't help but notice how your so PATHETIC. Sorry for being harsh but it's the truth. Blank flanks for slaves, picking on blank flanks, being a straight up b**, you are nothing but a bully. Although silver spoon isn't too bad, she's still nothing a flank kissing bully as well. And remember what twilight said about blank flanks?
"Being a blank flank is nothing to be ashamed of, it means they still get to discover who they are."
Your talent, apparently, is being spoiled. Silver spoon, I don't know, being the one who does and doesn't fit in at the same time? I have no idea, but you are the only filly this mean I've seen on the show, and I honestly think you should change your ways, your cutie mark will be the same, but it could mean something else afterwards. If you don't understand, think this though; 'Do I do too much of what I do? Am I too mean? Or am I just ment to be this way?' This is Sydney "Somber Moon" Dean, signing out. Stay swaggful everypony.
@***** Thanks scoots. @Diamond Tiara Ya know I'm not a blank flank BTW. And I am not a flank kisser. If I were, then I'd be like silver spoon and others, but I'm not.
@***** Yeah, blank flanks are who they can be. I'd say we get your cutie mark. Where's Starlight Glimmer at? She can take care of it, and when Diamond Tiara is a blank flank, then SHE will know what it's like! When she learns her lesson, she will get a different one. One that will not make her A F***ING SPOILED A*S B**CH!!!!!!!!!!
You know all you are is just a wanna be little pricy pink fool that everybody hates no one likes people like you so why don't you stop acting like others are stupid and don't matter and just let them carry on there life like a normal person
@Diamond Tiara wow Dia.. I hope that you found that like, really funny, because I doubt anypony else (besides King Sombra) has your special brand sense of humor. I'm just going to side step here because I don't want rotten tomato sauce in my mane.
nothing personal, but you're on your own after that remark.
You do realize that Blank Flanks do eventually get their Cutie Marks, right? And making Blank Flanks do manual labor is probably against Child Labor laws.
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™ first of all I'm not DT. Second of all my cuitemark is what?
like, Fine?
well I agree..
it is pretty fine >;3
(so fine in fact I got her mark tattooed on my hip. It's a work in progress and i only got the outline of the Spoon's handle and bowl. The heart and blue filling will come later.)
@ServingSpoon not you silly, DT is Diamond Tiara, duuh. But your cm can be helpful, somehow. Is like, serving tea, and there must be a sweet food, and it needs a spoon. A Silver Spoon. Maybe. Idk.
@naeema abdul Not only was Dia a blank flank, I got my mark first.
I gotta say though Diamond took it a whole lot better then Bloom did when her best friend reached that milestone before her.
Diamond is still my friend, and she was happy for me at my cutcinera even though she had to admit she was jealous.
But do you see Bloom even talking to poor Twist anymore?
So I ask you, whose the better friend? And how long do you think the CMC will last if Scoots and Sweetie get their marks first? They have already dealt with her ruffian cousin getting scissors on her butt!
Frankly I wouldnt trust that filly with a butter knife let alone a long sharp pear of shears.
@ServingSpoon I don't see Silver Spoon bad at all, she is just a companion for Diamond Tiara in my opinion. But one thing I don't undetstand is what Diamond Tiara's cutie mark means.
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™ I like to tease ponies. I like to get into a lingual battle were in which i know I have more ammunition. It boosts my low self esteem to pick on ponies who can give me a decent comeback only to know I will have the last word.
My goal is not to destroy them as we tried to do Scoots that one time, but to knock them down until they retreat to fight another day.
Diamond has a talent for leadership and attention to detail. It's only natural I would follow her lead, being a submissive and shy type.
She is also a good manipulator. Now I'm not going to say whether or not she uses these mind tricks on me. If she does It's only because I allow her to.
I'm actually better at reading ponies then she is. I know when she's trying something on me, again not affirming nor disputing whether she does or not.
First and foremost she is my friend and sometimes I make sacrifices to make her happy.
@ServingSpoon yes, but, I still like Silver Spoon. She is a nice filly. I like her mane. The point is that if you like her, the other ponies can't do anything else to make you say "no, I don't wanna be friends". This happens to me too. I have a friend, that my mother doesn't like her at all. But she said only one thing, "I let you discover who your 'friend' is.".
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™ yes it has been argued that diamond is a bad influence and I am the nice one. That might be partly to but I have my own selfish reasons for having been a bully.
I take responsibility for my own misdeeds. Diamond didnt threaten or coerce me into it.
You saw that one time she dared to shove off her own icecream and steal my shake. Well I stole it right back and chuckled as I sipped it and she sang. Her pretty voice and annoyed tone made my victory all the sweeter.
I do admit i have the slightest sadistic streak. It does bring me pleasure to best a worthy opponent. But hurting somepony's feelings was never something I was able to enjoy. I'd rather they be mad at me and spout out curse words because they have reached the limit of their mental capacity.
Not break down crying and call me a monster. I do have feelings you know. I never liked seeing a pony cry. But I'm ashamed to admit sometimes it was gratifying if it made Diamond smile in contrast.
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™ I totes adore kitties! Except Ms Rarity's cat. That thing is like, just a demon familiar she summoned and put a fur coat on it and stuff.
N-not implying Ms Rarity is a witch or anything! ;9_9
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™ well there isnt a whole lot of things to do in Ponyville. I used to be in the Fillyscouts and Twist and I kinna struck a friendship in that time we had.
Now Twisty, Buttons, Scoots and I have game night in Twist's parent's basement every week but that's like, top secret, hush hush, don't tell anypony.
Diamond knows. Um otherwise DT and I just hang out at Sugar Cube Corner for milkshakes or have tea parties at her place.
Oh and we do some shopping at Ms Rarity's. Otherwise we take trips to Canterlot to actually hang out at malls and go to movies and stuff.
and of course you know we tease the CMC every chance we meet. But unlike Babsy we don't like, hunt them down just so we can ridicule and torment them. We HAVE a life you know.
@ServingSpoon for me it was pretty hard to fly, you know. But my parents were shadowbolts. They trained me good. First times, they were at work. So I had to do this by myself. And... I failed. It's harder with skinny wings than the feather wings... But now you are talking to the leutenant of the shadowbolts. Since my parents are not anymore...
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™ yeah but I mean at what age are Pegasi supposed to learn? I'm 12 so that would make Scoots like 11, even though she and Dash both act like 5year olds at times.
@ServingSpoon ... Well, when I was 8-9 years old. But I didn't just learned to fly. My parents trained me to be the next generation of best flyers in Equestria. But it was hard to accept a bat pony in this team. I turned into a bat pony like a month ago. And it was painful. When you have to feed... I don't know what I have to eat.
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™ uh.. I haven't the slightest.. I would gues like, blood, rodents ee-eew btw and or fruit. But I really have no experience with your race.
Srlsly?You're just jealous that they can be whoever they want to be but you can't.Plus they are true friends and they work as a team and you're jealous cuz of that
I herd that Discord has a daughter named Screw ball or " topsy turvy" but what I don't understand is who was his wife and were would he even live? From crystal snowflake321
Well it's very obvious that Zecora is supposed to be black. If we saw her in Equestria Girls, she would be black. Not trying to be racist here but what if Zecora is an escaped slave from somewhere else (I.e. Not Equestria)
He's more like a brother or son to Twilight. And, he is willing to help her out with whatever is asked of him, so I don't think his a slave or anything.
Some people can't draw u know.vif u don't like the pictures don't watch his vids. I use pony gene actor because I can't draw and ppl still like my vids. Don't judge people just because of what they look like.
@Lightning Dash There are people that you can pay or for free to draw your oc's, and fans make them too for him. I used to stink at drawing OC's till is practiced a bit :)
I DECODED IT! It says ' the last song love is in bloom, morse code. The dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins. ' please don't copy anyone. Thank you!
Clever Notion clever clever notion. the words at the end are: "The last song love is in bloom, Morse code. the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins." I have no knowledge of music though so I dont know what octaves are or how to decode them sooooo yeah ummmm ive made it easier?
Wish I had time to look into that. Hope someone figures it out. An octave is made of 2 notes 8 whole steps in a scale apart, but since notes are 7 letters repeating, it's the same note but higher. Think the song from the Sound of Music, which starts and ends with Do (Do, Ra, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do). Also the beginning of Somewhere over the Rainbow.
I was talking to someone once, and they asked me, "Why do you watch My Little Pony? It's so boring. There are no real world problems in it." That's why I like these videos talking about racism, slavery, and even mental illnesses. Because then the next time someone tells me how perfect the world in MLP is and how boring the show is because of it, I can be like, "BOOM! Racism!"
so - It says: "The last song Love is in bloom Morse Code. The Dashes are in the higher octaves. good luck. First message with it wins. What do we win?!?!
I think the "cross my heart hope to fly" part is coming from the mlp theory where the girl who represented pinkie pie jumped from a building so that might help you little :)
Although with the racist jabs, it's not like they (the developers) are saying it's OK, however it still happens. I'm not sure if they're sending a message or not.
BEGIN MORSE CODE DECODING: ponies rock ponies rock ponies rock ponies rock ponies rock END MORSE CODE DECODING. But did I win? Love's in bloom ya know.
I saw the message and it says... the last song love is in bloom. morse code the dashed are higher octaves good luck. First mesage with it decoded wins. If it is yay!
forget my 3rd comment this is what she means... when she said "you shouldnt gift horse in the mouth" she means "DONT OVER ASK FOR THINGS FROM A FRIEND OR YOU WILL DRIVE THEM INSANE!!!!!! (or up a wall)
Apparently not every type of dragon has wings, but most do. I think wingless dragons are often referred to as wyrms or sea serpents, although Spike is clearly not the later.
Grr you Google. I've waited nearly 4 hours for this error to resolve before refreshing the page and what do I get? "An error occurred, please try again later. Learn More and in clicking Learn more it says it should resolve itself after 30 min. >:(
I found twilight prayers sorry Fluttershy's friends Pinkie Pie rarity Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Applejack to be a little on the insensitive side the moral to this story is just be yourself and up for what you believe in don't back down that goes for everyone not just ponies alike but people as well and you are talking about pesticides that's what GMO means and basically I got a few things I'm wondering about where did Princess Celestia's need she have a daughter why is it so hard for the ponies to understand bike is coming from why can't they let him be the little dragon grow up forever no babies stay babies forever that's just not how it works just like dragon babies and human babies they got to grow up and they've got to be able to make their own choices good or bad stopping someone from growing up is like stopping them from breathing it just doesn't work can't stop people from changing they are I think spine gets enough bad-mouthing for all the other ponies and I think if anything even understands but it would be it would be Scootaloo Applebloom and Sweetie Belle well up without their cutie marks Spike has to grow up without his parents to guide him that's my theory on the subject I guess I didn't have it. Friendship is Magic trying to get something from someone what is behind the whole motive of the whole friendship is Magic is my question I also would like to know and Cadence and Celestia parents are and how did Luna get her cutie mark how did Celeste get her cutie mark and how the tables get her cutie mark not how it works but how did they all get their cutie marks the moral of the story has things always come back learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oregon from China for text okay that was a Doctor Who parody but it didn't exactly have a clip of it where are you coming up with all these parodies is annoying as hell when you keep doing the same damn parodies of cracked-out better stuff and a toilet Miss Mass pile poop in the toilet come on seriously come up with something better get it done it up get done wrap it up winter wrap-up winter wrap up well I'm going to say just wrap this up just wrap it up
I found twilight prayers sorry Fluttershy's friends Pinkie Pie rarity Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Applejack to be a little on the insensitive side the moral to this story is just be yourself and up for what you believe in don't back down that goes for everyone not just ponies alike but people as well and you are talking about pesticides that's what GMO means and basically I got a few things I'm wondering about where did Princess Celestia's need she have a daughter why is it so hard for the ponies to understand bike is coming from why can't they let him be the little dragon grow up forever no babies stay babies forever that's just not how it works just like dragon babies and human babies they got to grow up and they've got to be able to make their own choices good or bad stopping someone from growing up is like stopping them from breathing it just doesn't work can't stop people from changing they are I think spine gets enough bad-mouthing for all the other ponies and I think if anything even understands but it would be it would be Scootaloo Applebloom and Sweetie Belle well up without their cutie marks Spike has to grow up without his parents to guide him that's my theory on the subject I guess I didn't have it. Friendship is Magic trying to get something from someone what is behind the whole motive of the whole friendship is Magic is my question I also would like to know and Cadence and Celestia parents are and how did Luna get her cutie mark how did Celeste get her cutie mark and how the tables get her cutie mark not how it works but how did they all get their cutie marks the moral of the story has things always come back learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oregon from China for text okay that was a Doctor Who parody but it didn't exactly have a clip of it where are you coming up with all these parodies is annoying as hell when you keep doing the same damn parodies of cracked-out better stuff and a toilet Miss Mass pile poop in the toilet come on seriously come up with something better get it done it up get done wrap it up winter wrap-up winter wrap up well I'm going to say just wrap this up just wrap it up
Your memory on american history is-kinda bad. We didn't enslave the native indians, we pushed them off their land time and time again. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" I doubt Twilight was talking about slavery, I can garantee you that the writers didn't intend that. It was just horse pun #4000. Also your definition of pilgrims is flawed, they travel to escape religious oppression, not slavery.
Granny Smith is also ancient. And the Mane 6 are old enough to have jobs, but still act like children sometimes. I suspect that ponies live longer then humans, and Earth Ponies, due to their natural fortitude, live longer then other races. Also, I believe that Granny Smith is extremely, massively old for a pony. Add all that up, and she COULD be over 200 years old, so, technically, hundreds.
If you go to his previous video which is a remix of “love is in bloom” you’ll here beeping in the music. The dashes are the higher notes so if you decode the beeps it says: “ponies rock”
what about the trading episode where rainbow goes on a fetch quest to get a whole bunch of things so she can have a signed copy of her fav book? She ends up trading fluttershy.
For a while, they were the only full episodes on YouTube after Hasbro cracked down on "piracy violations". Now there are NO full episodes on YouTube that aren't voiced over. :( I just use dailymotion now, it's sooo much better. /)
Ok that "changling" wasnt a changling thats pony genarator. soooo you use it with your mediocre editing...,.? pony genarator is for beginners not people who have 179,344 subscribers 1,500 likes, abd 643 comments..... sad nobody noticed
+Neko Chan Decoded if you're interested: "the last song love is in bloom, morse code the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins"
no need to get mean. everyone has their opinion and mine is people take the show a bit seriously when I wish they wouldn't. its fine that this is your favorite video, but I find it to be a bit skeptical
Every time we Americans found someone "inferior" we enslaved them? The Native Americans were never enslaved and we found them inferior. And back when we DID have slaves it was not because we just poked around in Africa and found some "inferior humans" and enslaved them. It was already a bustling trade, we just happened to pick it up. America didn't start the slave trade, we dont have a history of just enslaving "inferior" people because feel like it. Please do some research before you just bash something. (sheesh, is THIS was is being taught in school? Have we gone so far as to demonize ourselves and brainwashed out kids into thinking America created the slave trade?) Also, on you other points I doubt it. These are just supposed to be ironic.
Christopher Columbus: horrible person. Told his queen that the "Indians" could be cough cough easily be converted into Christianity, and could easily be sold as slaves. <<< harsh conditions he made for the Tainos (is that right? Tainos?) mining in gold mines all the time harsh farming conditions, all complete bullshit (excuse my French)!!! Life for native Americans in the present day Haiti and Dominican Republic was horrible to the point Spain sent investigators who eventually removed Columbus's status. (Governor Columbus and honours). The Tainos people basically if not all died out because of said conditions and European diseases. The point: NATIVE AMERICANS WERE USED, SOLD AND CONSIDERED SLAVES actually, if I'm correct, MORE THAN African Americans and etc.
+Terry Creamer Was Christopher Clolumbus an American or Spanish? Again, proof against the erroneous claim that "Every time we Americans found someone "inferior" we enslaved them" and again further proves that America did not start the slave trade which seems to be the common belief.
+Terry Creamer Regardless, he pre-dates the United States. And no matter how you dice it America wasn't the ones who made the Slave trade, they only were a part of it. Meaning his statement, "Every time we Americans found someone "inferior" we enslaved them" is false.
I believe whenever someone makes a claim "Every time" or "Always" the argument will sway in the other direction. Making you in this case right. Being informed however is very valuable. Best regards.
+Terry Creamer I see now that the first part of my message was incorrect. I didn't re-read to look into your comment. I was wondering what you were getting at. :P
You're right. It's not Americans. It's white people have a pretty long track record of either enslaving, annihilating, or at the absolute least, marginalizing anyone who looks or acts too differently.
+kitehailstorm Clearly you haven't studied history much. If you had then you would know that EVERY major society has had slaves at one point or another. White or black they ALL have had slaves. And btw, the slaves that were bought by Americans were from tribes who sold THEIR own people to the slavers who were BOTH American and BRITISH.
+Alex Knight If you look back into the earlier documents of that time. You will find that the native americans were indeed slaves, but not for long. They knew the land well enough to escape and avoid punishment. Realizing this they started importing slaves form Africa beacause they didn't know American lands, they all spoke different languages, and therefore found it hard to escape.
@Alex Knight Thank you! I am so tired of America being treated like it was the only country in history to use slaves! Most, if not all cultures used slaves at one point or another.
People joke about this all the time, but there is a strict caste system in Equestria. The alicorns are godlike beings, and rule as such - they're the nobility, the ruling class. Unicorns are the next step down, acting as scholars, intermediaries between the alicorns and the general public, and makers of products that exist either for leisure and entertainment or for their own sake - they're the priesthood. Next we have the pegasi, who keep Equestria safe, enforce laws and policies, and manage the distribution of natural resources - they're the warrior class: the soldiers, police, and engineers. Finally we have earth ponies - most of whom are farmers, merchants, or manual laborers - in other words, peasants. The existence of chattel slavery within such a system is... not at all unreasonable, at least in terms of logistics.
200 likesReplies (7)
+notoriouswhitemoth What about bat ponies? :3c
5 likes+Moon Sugar Well, there's a chance bat ponies are only pegasus with magically modified wings, or in case those at natural, they'd be in the same range as pegasus
5 likes+Someone Out there Bat ponies also have slit eyes, ear spikes, and fangs. They are a separate race.
1 like+Moon Sugar I used to think so, but then we got the cutie remark, but in case they're a different species, I suppose they'll hold a similar rank as pegasus, with bicorns as unicorns and some other species as the dark (?) equivalent of earth ponies (nightmares maybe?)
4 likesWhat about kirins
1 like@Nikita Rodrigues At least at the time I wrote that, there were no kirin in the show.
1 like@Nikita Rodrigues I imagine kirins are on the same level as unicorns.
2 likesIn the episode where Zecora comes into the show (sorry i forgot the name of it),when Twilight tells the ponies that she's a zebra,they start to freak out evan more,and when she says,"If you ponies weren't acting so ridiculous,she would feel welcome in ponyville!" I like to change it to,just for fun,"If you ponies weren't so fricking racist,she would feel welcome to ponyville!"But really,that episode does show pony racism to zebras.
446 likesReplies (15)
"Bridle Gossip"
21 likes@neorenamon Thanks.:)
10 likesIt's more of fear of the unknown than racism. Then again, racism itself is ultimately an extension of fear of the unknown.
37 likeshm. I guess they are racist at anything other than ponies... and maaaybe griffons. They hate mules, Zebra, oter tins (etc)
16 likeswell true that true that :/
3 likesi applaud this comment
2 likesNow that you say that
1 likeyes I agree with chu that was unnecessary to treat zecora like that especially when they come from the same family breed
3 likesليمون الزهرة
4 likesobviously you’ve missed the point. youre taking this out of proportion and trying to use an example knowing damn well this isnt aimed for actual monkeys or apes who watch this because no animal would sit down n watch this without any interest or thought
clearly they were discriminating her n judging her. pinkie pie even made a whole song, and its ironic coming from her since she loves to welcome everyone. ponies are racist
Idk if youre trying to justify the ponies racism. Zecora didn’t come in threatening them. They shouldn’t have prejudged her without getting to know her first. Just goes to show you’re the type to judge someone irl and give terrible excuses. admit youre racist n go.
Actually it shows racism to any ponie related creatures, i bet without the means six, all the ponies in town would be racists towards dragons, griffins, hippogriffins, seahorses and dragoponie
4 likesYay! I love Zecora! Finally! Someone talked about her!!!!!
4 likesRacism detected in MLP engaging
1 likeOmg that s'weird in a show supposed to be for LITTKE GIRLS
1 likeThen Neighsay happened
1 likeThe episode’s name is: ‘Bridle Gossip’
0 likesHope this helped! :)
I think Twilight's metaphor was more like, 'You shouldn't turn down a good gift, especially if you know that your friend has worked his/her heart out on it.'
86 likesAnd while I (Kinda) see the logic to this whole racist stuff to the ponies and Zecora in 'Bridle Gossip', I personally think that the implement of slavery was most notable in 'Trade Ya', when Teddie Safari wanted Fluttershy to come and train the double headed dog, and Rainbow accidentally trades her away.
It's interesting though you would mention that they are 'racist' against mules and donkeys
123 likesBecause you have a point. It seems they are, I would like to try and dive into that more.
Why are 'mixed races' looked down upon.
As mules you are the offspring of horses and donkeys and can not breed.
Maybe that's looked down upon because you are viewed as imperfect.
Pure breeds are also held to a higher standard and not only the offspring but the parents would be looked down upon for mixing blood.
And then there is the cutie mark issue. Maybe they are also looked down upon because they don't get a cutie mark. Which is seen as an identity or an extension there of.
Without it you are no one and nothing, you have no 'destiny' no future. And often times a cutie mark says something about the job and title you hold, so without it you have no job. No rank. And no importance.
What do you think?
Replies (3)
2 likesAngel Juliet it totally makes sence but then since all the horses in equestria are ponys, how would a mule come to be in equestria.
9 likesmaybe they come from totally different place altogether. brony notion do a video on my thery please
i like your idea and all but you said something
2 likesthat was wrong mules can give birth theres a video on it its really cool
I forget if I spoke of this on one of your other videos, if I did it's more appropriate here anyway. (I know I said it somewhere on YouTube, but I don't remember where.) Spike is a slave. He was given to Twilight as property and raised by her not as a son, but as a servant and taught to believe that it was important and necessary for him to serve and obey her, to the point where he feels lost and broken without that servitude as seen when he thought Owluicious was replacing him. Hatching and receiving him was her entrance exam to magic academy, it would be reasonable to suppose that every candidate would be given the same test. I expect all magic students are given dragon slaves. Sunset probably had hers taken from her when she was banished. That said, I believe slavery is still common practice in Equestria only instead of other Ponies they enslave Dragons.
124 likesReplies (26)
I never thought of it that way! What you propose is kind of disturbing, especially in light of the episode "Trade Ya" Where Fluttershy's work is offered in payment of a book. :P
39 likesAlso in 'a dog and pony show' the diamond dogs tried to enslave rarity so she could find stuff for them...
18 likesSpike saw Twilight more of a "sister" than a slave owner, though.
17 likesAaa can I help
0 likes@Levity StarSailer
5 likesHe is a Baby Dragon.
I belive certain slave owners would of chosen to tell them they were being enslaved and forced to work or not.
+DazeDream I thought Spike was more of a familiar to Twilight.
4 likes1
0 likes@Ron Clutter ... 2.
0 likes3
0 likes+DazeDream O_o we'd have to look into this further i think it was a one time deal but i may be wrong :P
1 likeDiscord?
0 likesWell he's only a slave if Spike is forbidden to leave. Otherwise it's more like given a job at birth. There's no evidence that Spike is necessarily forced since Spike does genuinely enjoy, for the most part, helping Twilight. He goes out of his way to help her in ways one wouldn't if it was forced. If anything it might be more like Roman slavery: You're forced to do a job but you still have human rights and must be respected.
7 likesmore like a viking =-=
0 likes@Alex Xavier Steel - D Perhaps, but the main reason he seems to enjoy serving her is because he has been raised to believe he must, that this is the only thing he can do and without that service he is nothing. He may be free to leave, but he has been indoctrinated with a psychological imprisonment.
2 likes@DazeDream Bit negative word choice. While I can concede it's possible he's been 'conditioned' I don't think it's in any way malicious. If it is happening then it's subconscious not a 'MUAHAHA! Spike will be my willing slave FOREVER!'
1 likeI think twilight has done something and saves spike so spike has to help her just like applejack saves spike from the Timberwolves and spike has to help her forever
2 likes+xiuyu lian Twilight has Spike because she hatched him from an egg during her magic test.
2 likesOoO
0 likesLots of words
DazeDream 😱 your on to something, maybe that's why ponies and dragons don't get along!
2 likesiamfandomtrash2517 I always figured he was just aging more slowly, and greed just accelerated it.
1 likeDazeDream if you watch moulimounis maybe that's where because he said that topic
0 likesBut...Spike CHOOSES to help twilight. He even tried to make himself a real slave for Applejack, and they hated it. Plus, Twilight tries to get him to work less in that episode with owl-Licious, however that's spelled. I want to know where he is forced, rather than does it out of his will. How often does Twilight actually force spike to do stuff, rather than just ask. Was there a point where Spike was, not just annoyed, but being a true slave, rather than an assistant that is helping Twilight? Plus, he hated it when he followed his dragon code and abandoned Twilight. He was upset. Seriously, tell me if you find enough places that actually suggest him being a slave, rather than him willingly doing something.
2 likesWow that's a little deep and kinda scary to think about, but then again you never saw another dragon in (I don't know how to spell it NOOOOOOOOO) err you know what I mean so maybe, I'm not saying no i'm saying maybe not.
0 likesDazeDream Well, if so Twilight is very kind to Spike
1 likeWhat if she wasn't expected to succeed? Spike is apparently the only pony-raised dragon, we've never seen other dragon helpers, and Twilight was immediately accepted as Celestia's student? He seems more like a very dedicated younger brother raised by/alongside Twilight who therefore takes after her a lot in intensity and even organization
1 like@Dreamheart101 you have a point, but sometimes in The show spike is treated Like a slave by someone else, that's sad because if Spike Was not with Twilight but with some of those ponies Who almost slaved him, I don't know if he would like do all The job for Them
0 likes(Sorry for my bad english, It's not my native language)
"dont look a gift horse in the mouth" literal translation for anyone who didnt know:
22 likesLooking a horse in the mouth - seeing its teeth, you can age a horse by its teeth. If someone gives you a horse, dont get picky.
Ive always seen it as a negative phrase tho, like "ignore the flaws/dont acknowledge problems"
In a dog and pony show the diamond dogs called rarity a mule and she got really offended
330 likesReplies (5)
That's cuz raitderp's to cool for mule
4 likesif u think about rarity will get offended being called anything "under royalty"
35 likesEmily Carrasco yeah since she sees herself as royalty which might i add completely vanishes from her when twighlight becomes a princess
14 likesRarity has been racist to a background pony saying green on a man's is a awful colour
8 likesNot really, she was jusr doing her complain whine and cry act. Also that she is not a mule.. Every Other time a pony says sth about mules they find ine behind them...
3 likeswhat about the sheep and cows they can clearly talk and speak but get grown in pens and kinda shoved off...?
293 likesReplies (3)
Ashtynn Caldwell yeah
3 likesThat's true, those poor animals! They are smart enough to talk yet they are kept in pens, and you can see Applejack herding them into pens like they are just well... unintelligent animals, but I remember (I'll have to go back and watch the episode again) at the end of the herding, one says "You could've just asked" BUT then again, you also see how easily distracted these animals get. They seem to turn unintelligent when they are scared or just when their animal instinct kicks in. Like when a stampede comes through Ponyville because of a snake spooking the cows. This goes to show that they are not as smart as the ponies, but I still don't think animals capable of speech should be kept in pens and on farms.
28 likesYeah me too their animals like them too
4 likesSi why are they kept as pets
I think spike given from celetia to twilight means that spike can be considered a slave, he was given to be twilight's servant doing whatever for twilight when ever, this would explain why twilight in season one episode eight twilight has an extra bed for aj and rarity to sleep on but spike is never seen using the spare bed.
100 likesReplies (4)
@***** i think twilight didnt use a spell to make spike hatch she just used magic near the egg
3 likesand that was what the egg hatch
dragons might eat ponies if they dont eat ponies they eat cows and sheep and where there is magic........
I agree more like in FiMfic read/heard that the test was to Levitate the egg in theory, being that as that dragons being like ponies highly magical the egg would be resistent to magic and not easy for a normal unicorn To levitate.
9 likesThe hatching was unforseen perhaps?
As for "slavery", more like self-indentured servitude per his "Dragon Code" akin to a Knight's Code of Honor & Service (what "cilvery" actually means)
As his "mother figure" who along with Tia raised him and is the one who hatched him, he feels it is his duty and belief to be loyal to Twilight to follow her and learn from her, in that he very much 'owes his life to her' for she hatched him into it.
*remember the AJ/Timberwolf ep. where she saves Spike & he goes to be her indentured servent as repayment?
oof I never though of spike in that kind of way but you do have a point there
3 likesNah, I wouldn't think so. He just does it because he feels it's what he's meant to do. Poor guy has had identity crisises when he didn't.
4 likesOkay um a few things: I commented on the 'my little horses' video that I felt a horse probably referred to Saddle-Arabians. I thought I had said here (I guess not) that if a Saddle-Arabian is a horse, then maybe the 'gift horse' remark might mean they enslaved Saddle-Arabians. I noted that they wear bridles only in the context of Hasbro once called that creepy so it's odd that they used it here, butt... a bridle is used to control a work horse, in this context it's basically a slave collar. What's more, in yesterday's episode, the Saddle-Arabians (as well as other foreign dignitaries and for some odd reason BlueBlood) aren't given proper seats at the games, they're made to sit on the steps at Celestia's feet. I also find it odd that this appears to be an international event yet it's called the 'Equestria Games' and there aren't any Saddle-Arabian competitors. There are Griffins, and I don't know about the Mayan and Egyptian themed ones they didn't seem physically distinct from Equestrian Ponies. Oh here's a screen shot of what I'm talking about btw:
Just one small detail: slavery in human history has little to do with race. It may have been about race in Equestria, but not in our world.
3 likesPeople love to talk extensively about Europeans and their enslavement of native Africans or Americans, as well as Arabs and Chinese (if I recall right) doing the same to others.
But that leaves out tyrants (emperors/empresses, kings/queens, lords/ladies etc) enslaving people of their own race, such as European peasants who were essentially treated like animals. One might still argue, though, that they weren't considered the same "race" by their rulers.
Doesn't impact your other points in this video, just figured I might nitpick this little statement.
I love to watch old brony videos, they make me realize how much the series grew over the years lore-wise
2 likesshouldve been called "racism in equestria" cool video!! loved when twilight said that thing about the gift horse. neat ideas
5 likesPersonally, I think that every Earth pony has something unique. This counteracts the advantage of having wings or a horn. Think of Pinkie Pie, and her 'hunches' or 'pinky sense' (not quite positive what that was called). Twilight can't figure them out, but they're true! Another example is the pony with the ballon cutie mark in the special episode where the main 6 got their marks back from Starlight Glimmer. He made a ballon bridge extremely quickly; if a normal skill, Pinkie may have used that skill in the very first episode. Instead, Rainbow got to prove her loyalty by fixing the broken bridge.
5 likesReplies (4)
And Applejack and trouble shoes have super strength
0 likesI think you're on to something
Though I'm not sure what it is
Earth ponies have their own magic. Hence an alicorn doesn't just have a horn and wings, but earth pony magic too. The horn and wings are just more obvious.
1 likeFluttershy can talk to animals as her cutie mark, but can't fly as fast. Her magical strength is elsewhere.
1 likeRarity couldn't do what Twilight does with magic, but Twi also couldn't sew or maybe even find gems as easily
1 likeevery hoofed creature is sentient in mlp but sheep,cows,pigs and deer are often see on farms or caged!
37 likesReplies (3)
Chickens, small birds and phoenix too...
3 likesSentient as they can feel pain? Our animals(including the non mammals and birds) can also feel pain. Wait! You mean thinking and reasoning like a human. Nevermind then.
5 likeswhy does no one talk about this?!?
1 likeIt could be viewed as racism, but it is also a pun and a comparison that kids will understand. I don't think that it's intended to be racism. I think that it's only a pun taken from our world and put into their world for comedic effect. An example of how they aren't racist comes from Twilight herself, actually, when, in Applebuck season, she said that AppleJack was as stubborn as a mule before actually apologising to the mule. They would be racist if they were intentionally causing damage, but it appears to be only stuck-up ponies like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara who use phrases like that to offend somepony. Then again, that also can be disproven as they taunt everypony without differentiation and not just a specific race. In the end, I think that it's just something that the writers use for comedic effect as I doubt that Hasbro would want anything to do with racism in their shows.
15 likesReplies (16)
I'm thinking the same. It's a kids show. If it was any real racism, this show would exist anymore because moms exist.
5 likesFgghfgyuvyhgkuygjhdcnjfsrehuoiargeghoigreauhoifraehuiuggilreulihgrashuilsraguhilaweguhlrshuilgrulhigasruhipergauhliasrgiuhlgsarhuihyuhi
0 likesStunk
ADSulsafeihuldsfauhlifsadhhisdfUhgrasihuafgsuhiaferuhikhiggearlhihitrbahibdasghjgdbfahjlgdafbadfjhglhvdujahrgugrhhudhgjgdbgdjbdjfhfddjfhjdvnvdjnvdjvdhdvjhvdjndvjvdhfeufhhfhfhfhfhhfhhhjsihvihdithjdyfjhjfhfhhdhdudbdjchjdhhdhdjdhjch ugh fh
DVD huioscd. Unibody hiohfvsduhio
Shipped gosh inbhiogibobhbgihbosfhihogbohiubgdfhusbguoihsgbfhuid gfiouhsgbfohjgbsofhuisu
@Ally Madison yeeeeeeeeeeah, stuckup bitches still try giving the show and us bronies shit for being free-thinkers. Claims of themes like racism and porting RD as a would-be lesbo for not being another gurlz-trope but a genuin character that happens to both be strong & female of the tomboish sorts; they still tried it.
0 likesWatch "ballade of the brony" sometime if get the chance, its really good. ^_^
(sad still how some can't just let good be good, eh?)
It was poorly thought through, not racist. Much like (I'm afraid this may get controversial) Derpy's voice.
0 likes@Gregious Well, that was an accident on the part of Tabitha St. Germain. She mistakenly based the voice of Derpy on something incredibly controversial and on something that could be considered. Therefore, the voice was possibly offensive, but Derpy herself was not as it wasn't the fault of Hasbro, Derpy's character design, her nature or her name.
0 likes@Sarah Johnston
0 likesExactly my point, it was a mistake.
Personally, I love the new voice (from what I can find there is the original, a version with no voice and a version with a new voice) but the eyes and name shouldn't have been changed in my opinion.
@Gregious Yeah. Her name and eyes were fine and even charmed many of the kids that I work with, some of which have similar conditions. There was nothing wrong with her other than Tabitha's mistake. I find nothing wrong with her new voice. It was the complete eradication of her character that bothered me.
2 likes@Sarah Johnston yeah. Like, what? If someone is not 'up to par' or normal they should be marked as "undesirables" and censored/removed from society?
0 likesWhat? So if someone is different in their speach, beliefs, or expressions they don't deserve a place in life? Yeah....
Nazism may been built on some very true human natures or natures of nature if regarding "greaters and lessers" or 'Natural Selection' one might be lead to believe forgoing caution. Though there Is a case to remember that we are Not all the same if to take things on a pure, meritacratic equitability(equal to self/ones self) systems are a dangerous slippery slope if without "road-gards" so to speak.
Censorship is dangerous as it is when used wisely good.
Not everything is for eveeryone, and proper filters to protect national security or just kids from porn popup ads. BUT when taken too far? To suggest that if someone is different they are inturn unfit to life ? That is very dangerous stuff.
(for example homosexuals. I have a right to not be progay, but do not by the same have teh right to comit outward crimes of hate. We all alive have the right to life.)
They fucked up on her "voice", clearly going for something litterally retarded sounding, in conjunction with her behavior. Was uncool as her censorship after.
But if nothing else we did get her imfamous and so ironic line,
"I Just dont know what went Wrong..." >_<)'7
What went wrong was a fudge on someone's power to not make what would seem an obvious mistake followed by border-nazi attempts of censorship of "undesired" people.
@ZGuy0fSci That wasn't it. Hasbro weren't aware of what she was doing. Tabitha wasn't even aware that Derpy was a girl. They censored her because people were complaining that her voice, eyes, name and clumsy nature were considered offensive. Not "undesirable."
1 like@Sarah Johnston Like I said, the point in question. It being considered offensive to have something that isn't "perfect" or "normal" or is to say 'different'., (lulz)
0 likesSuch what it became.
But yeah, that person ought to have done a better job of so much as trying.
No way can someone be qualified for their job if genuinly that stupid or lazy...
(or perhaps it was like with that finger in that burger at wendys? deliberate)
All that can be said is that while some censorship is needed or good, going too far is not, and it is such good to have our Derpy back. ^_^
And if she does speak again, have it simple and her 'real'/fannon voice.
They really ought to consider hiring out from the fandom those who would be willing that are teh official fan recognized "canon" voices for nonvoiced characters.
(or being close as can).
They've had like 5 years to voice them, since then we have so why not? ^-^
Still, lulz... what a PR nightmare(moon) to deal with eh? Dumb birch fudges up a fan fav character in an offensive way that they then have to try to cover up, but going too far to teh point of nazistic removal of 'undesirabled ponies' they in turn get backlashed even harder by the fandom & others.
Not a position I would even, lolz. /)'
@ZGuy0fSci No. You've got it wrong again. It's not offensive to have something like that. It's offensive to the people who have special needs because, in most cases, it pokes fun at them. That's what being offensive is. The special need is not offensive. It's using it for comedic effect at the expense of people with special needs that is offensive.
0 likes@Sarah Johnston catch 22's.
0 likesThe thing itself being or not being offesive because reasons. If reasons so, then so or if not so then lack of reasons.
Having comedy if involving others is only offensive if is/ment to be disrespectful.
Being offended is a choice. (as is 'being' gay, however one is born actions are a choice)
So I dont see where this "backwards" except for/from you is comming from.
Is it not offensive she did something offensive with Derpy that was not offensive but for unless someone got offended making it offensive, whether is was offensive?
Yeah, trhowing in Catch22's to say "I've got it backwards" confusses matters.
The way she threw Derpy under the bus for a cheap gimik and that she did so was wrong. Hasbro then however looking to utheniz the show of her and in turn to suggest as much of "undesired" persons was very much as wrong, that to say 'Characters with disabilities/having disabilities' is not ok.
Having Derpy and having her a tad derpy as part of her character BUT NOT just an outright derp like prior, that is the fine line. Never not somepony somewhere that isnt going to be offended at so much as salt. Does not mean however is ok to be lazy or that bad characterization is acceptable either.
Both "making fun of" as well as illigitamate removal/censorship of people for being 'different' is wrong, both are slippery slopes. Just having a character of a style is not as you put it making fun of people, or being disrespectful. Its what you do with them or how. Thing being then though trying to sweep it under teh rug like they did.
@ZGuy0fSci *sigh* You really can't see it... Something that could be considered offensive happened... Hasbro didn't know... People were offended... They were obligated to remove it because people were offended... End of story...
1 like@Sarah Johnston The story is that the character was not a or the issue, and in kind censorship against her was not a solution. The issue was someone did something lazy and or stupid, only to have Hasbro themselves follow suit and continued so the same. Not addressing an issue but rather falling into censorships & sweeping matters under rugs... sigh You really can't see it... Something offensive was done or could be said to have happened, following a mistake in choices that some might have been offended by. Yet nazis consorship biggotry was not the solution.
0 likesNo one was "obligated" to be nazi biggots, they Chose to do so and were hit by the backlash hard from the fandom rightly so for it.
*"End of story".
- content that holds obvious offense is lazy if not wrong, but nazi censorship is not a valid answer nor a legit solution either. You don't get to just kill someone off because some feminazi or 'social justice warrior' biggot gets offended.
You work within the 'rules' to address the issue if one is there and just quiet things down a tad in the process. Keeping ms Derpy was not an option but THE option, while not having her speak, and not removing her from where she exists but correcting the lazy fukfarging bs voice with a more correct closer to fandom one.
Was was done was a lazy atempt at cheap humor, but nazi censorship Hasbro tried was not to be accepted. Lazy writting is bad, but iliget censorship is wrong and is the enemy of free thinking. >_<)7'
@ZGuy0fSci Oh my gosh... You've just skipped over everything I've read, haven't you...? That first point you made? That is, in essence, what I've been saying this entire time. A mistake was made. It was considered offensive. It was censored. End of. I'm not going to argue about this anymore.
2 likesYour partially right notion pony. How ever from the wolves side you have forgotten that although civilians have been enslaved that the wolf for far too long has watched over them trying to protect them all without over stepping their boundaries as is found out at the ending of season 4 but tired is a minotaur who has not passed the wolfen rituals that the real leader snowflake has. So in civilians owning slaves I don't think they would as for twilight spike acts more like a son then slave even though as you will or have already found out in the past 4 seasons rarity plays spike for a sucker remember the diamond dog episode?. Yep that's when spike is a sucker and falls slave to the hotty that is rarity. A classic dominatrix move on raritys behalf.
0 likes"when we find a race 'inferior' to our own, we enslave them," No, slavery always precedes declarations that the other is inferior.
8 likesReplies (2)
True, its usually a justification used after the fact to keep people compliant so they won't be against it.
2 likesHe's talking about the US, genius. The US found races inferior to them and enslaved them for that reason. Not the other way around.
0 likesUsing outdated racist phrases doesn't mean there's still modern racism. This can be seen in every single piece of media produced in the last 30 years. Hell, the N word was being used still in movies and such if you go back a little bit more. Even whilst portraying a situation where people are treating each other as equals. Our words just haven't cought up with our heads.
4 likesThank god, my oc is a earth pony, and I thought for a second during the video that racism would be a thing I would have to deal with if I lived in equestria, but it turned out to be directed towards mules now, I mean I still feel bad for the mules, but I'm glad I won't have to deal with that crap.
1 likeThe mention of Pilgrims is a bit of a stretch. Pilgrim just means someone who goes to a new land. This can be for religious purposes or even for new opportunities. It is hardly ever related to slavery. As for the mules thing, I guess you could say its a bit racist, but sometimes they will also say "no offense" and "none taken."
3 likesXD I'm a girl, but I just love these videos. I watched almost all of them. I constantly bingewatch them XD
5 likesReplies (1)
@RünerTheWolf 25 How would I know, this is like a year old :P
1 likei think those little jabs are actually NEEDED, though. It shows that the world is not all perfect and peaceful like it seems on the surface, even when it's not under siege from some grand magical calamity. In the peaceful day to day life, there are still little bits of racism and prejudice that are commonplace simply because that's the nature of life. If anything it makes the show and it's characters even more relatable since we see bits of ourselves, our friends, and our family in them.
2 likesIn Latam there is a phrase that says "a caballo regalado no se le ve el diente", it means that if you receive a gift you should not complain about what you received, because it was not the obligation of the person to give it to you, so you should be grateful. It is about the example: "if someone gives you a horse, don't complain about his teeth, at least you have a new horse"
2 likes0:20 "can proof of slaves be found in equestria?"
40 likesMe:FRIENNDSSSSSS...oh wait this is an old video
Replies (1)
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lol! I was waiting for a opening too.
3 likesHave you ever noticed that luna looks different in the episodes. In season 1 episode 1 part 2 luna is lightish blue and in the following episodes she is dark blue?I found that rather strange. And she was very small compared to celestia in the first season episode 1 part 2 and then grows bigger in the following episodes. By the way I like your videos.
1 likeIn "Hearth Warming's Eve", Earth Ponies were not slaves, just peasants. Their work wasn't unpaid: they were trading their food to the Pegasi for controling the weather for them, and to the Unicorns for magically controling the Sun and Moon. (It being true is whole another story, and it is actually quite intriguing to me if they really could once do what only Celestia and Luna are capable of now.)
1 likeBut if you look for examples of slavery, how is it possible you overlooked Spike? ;J
Since this is based loosely in Greek Mythology, there's another meaning to "never look a gift horse in the mouth": The Trojan Horse. By looking in the mouth, you may well get attacks by a bunch of Greek soldiers.
1 likeThe first time I saw that episode I got true racist vibes especially when Rarity said Zecora's stripes were awful
10 likesI’d be more worried about Twilight’s quote implying there was probably a Trojan War in Equestria. And by the way, there WERE slaves in the Trojan War.
1 likeF is for foreigners who take all our money,
98 likesU is unemplo-yment,
N is for no races other than the pegasi, no unicorns or earth pon-ies!
What have I done
Replies (15)
@***** But I'm a woman-
3 likesIn a world where a grown woman watching MLP is more shocking than a grown man watching the same thing
Plankton and Spongebob
0 likes@Abigaille Reyes Indeed
0 likesNerd!
0 likesNon
@Hind Gamal ty
1 likelmao
0 likesNo, it goes
0 likesF is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere at anytime at all, down here in the deep purple sea! Totally accurate.
Done I have what
0 likesIt doesn't quite work but it's still kinda funny
0 likessaturnday I love it
0 likessaturnday I agree cuz I'm a unicorn but what about Twilight and the other alicorns
0 likes@Hind Gamal you calling me dumb? I learnt the periodic table and I'm in gr3 and I learnt by myself
@Cliche _ its U and not Y
0 likes@Cliche _ its also N not A
0 likes"The Riding Pony" by O its a grate fan fiction that delves into the prospect of earth ponies having once been enslaved by the other races,its a little clopy but the insite it gives into Equestiran history and the ideas it proposes i could easily see haveing actually happened
0 likesTechnically all villians had slaves except nightmare moon
2 likesDiscord: ponies after he corrupted them
Chrysalis: shining armor
Tierek: discord ( kind of)
Sombra: the crystal ponies
Please do video about how each timeline (in episode, when Starlight travel by time and change the past) came to be😀 please.
2 likesAh, I remember those days when this was the setup. Really takes you back, doesn’t it?
2 likesHmm, they implied all pony tribes were equal, so would you really try to enslave the ponies that are growing all of your food? No, they just blackmailed them by threatening not to raise the sun. But they implied that even that threat only carried so much weight. Luna believed that life could continue in Equestria in Eternal Night, so do plants really need sunlight there to grow and live? Or was Nightmare Moon just plain nuts? King Sombra, on the other hand, used chains to enslave the Crystal Ponies even though he obviously wielded vast powers. They would have surely been more agreeable under some kind of mass hypnosis spell (like cable TV).
0 likesI think Horses are not the same as ponies because in "Best night ever" Twilight turns Fluttershy's mice into horses (huh reference to cinderella) anyways if she turns them into horses, that means that horses are not ponies, also the song "hearts as strong as horses" proves that horses are like some other species.
1 like"the last song love is in bloom, morse code the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins." - end of the video static.
9 likesReplies (1)
1 likeAnd now we can add that Rainbow Dash very literally sold Fluttershy into indentured servitude in season 4 for a Daring Do book. And the action was UPHELD by Princess Twilight as a fair trade until Dash claimed she wasn't satisfied.
1 likeI'm treated like a doormat, thought provoking video. I hope our princess of friendship can ensure that all species of Ponyville are treated with respect for future seasons.
0 likesAlso applejack keeps sheep locked in a pen and rounds them up like unintelligent creatures, even though they talk to her
0 likesWhat about Spike? I get the feeling he isn't so much Twilight's assistant as her slave with all the times she's left Spike to do some huge task and walks away without a thought. this might just be some weird running joke in the show but my head canon tries to give the incidences deeper meaning
1 likeWhat program do you use to edit your videos and where can I get it? I'm stuck with Windows Movie Maker and I can't do what I'd like to with it. A response would be greatly appreciated.
1 likethe whole mule thing could be based off caramels being that they still get mistreated today even though black and white coexist most of the time.
0 likesAlthough it's not as strong as it was in the 60s it's still frowned apon for having a relationship with someone of another race.
So what I getting at here is that the ponies are your white Americans and the donkeys are afro Americans, so the offspring being mules is frowned apon because of old ways of thinking or the remarks could just be the fact that mules can't procreate and can have different health problems.
Ps. this opinion is based off personal experience of growing up a 'mule' so to speak.
Welp. I find the episode Winter Wrap Up kinda...weird. I loved it, but think about it. Earth ponies do so much work, the pegasi clear the clouds with their wings (well, you know what I mean), but then they don't allow unicorns to use their magic? Shouldn't the pegasi not be able to use their wings? To make it fair?
0 likesI don't know, I feel like your idea about the "gift horse" line, if we're taking it to be a reference of literal horses, that could be meaning the help from a horse- which would make it even more appropriate for the situation (Rarity's help).
0 likesAlso, Pilgrims aren't necessarily escaping from slavery- they're probably escaping from a place where they have less rights. Because in order to leave a country- you need permission/rights to leave. Granny Smith's family was given a sendoff by the Princess don't forget, so they were at least viewed as brave adventurers settling a new land- not slaves looking for freedom. Plus that would mean just 1 generation ago, Canterlot had slaves.
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is just a figure of speech and you're looking way too deep into it.
1 likeYou definitely improved since this episode xD
1 likeAnd then Trade Ya! was a thing the next year,
81 likesReplies (2)
Lol xd
2 likesNoo the slave trade :(
2 likesThere is also the matter of Daring Do's whip. If you aren't willing to take it as a trope (she has one because Indiana Jones has one) why would ponies have invented whips in the first place? they're not great defensive weapons, and the way Daring do uses it isn't exactly the thing it was designed for. Most cultures who use whips use them to punish/discipline either slaves or animals (which in equestrian would be the same thing).
0 likesAnd the Mule racist thing might also explain why the lead in Hinny of the Hills was a pony, not a hinny (a hinny is the reverse of a mule, horse father/ donkey mother)
And I'm not wholly sure that all mixes are looked upon with such scorn. I sometimes wonder if Thunderlane, with his lanky build and streaked mohawk mane is meant to be a zebra/Pegasus cross.
Though you did bring up a good point with the 'gift horse' phrase, I personally took it to mean that they meant something similar to 'The Trojan Horse'. And I am skeptical towards this, because I do not recall ANYPONY ever referring to themselves or others as horses. This being said, I am starting to question the OTHER parts of Equestria history.
0 likesReplies (2)
"Hearts as Strong as Horses": Cutie Mark Crusaders song (may not be exact title, but they called themselves horses
1 like@T. H. I completely forgot about that, thx
0 likesAlso forgot about thos comment but eh
I came up with this awesome episode idea. It goes like this. One day a new pony moves into Ponyville, she always where's something covering her whole back and cutiemark. She has a horn so everypony thinks she's a Unicorn. One day she see's Scootaloo falling from a cloud. She shakes off her cover and flies up and saves Scootaloo. A horn and wings? That can only mean one thing. She's a Alicorn! But how? She put's Scootaloo down and runes into the Ever Free Forest. Scootaloo hops on her scooter and zooms around Ponyville to find Applebloom and Sweetiebelle. When she finally finds them she tells them about the new pony in town and how she is a Alicorn. They decide to go tell Twilight.
4 likesI hope you like it. Feel free to make a fan made video of it. I am terrible at drawing so I really want someone on YouTube to do this for me. And it isn't finished so you get to make the ending! Enjoy!!!
Replies (10)
Why would an alicorn try to hide the fact when there's several stories with background alicorns in them?
0 likesBecause there are only 4 alicorns in all of equestria so ponies would wonder where she came from plus i was just trying to be creative. yeash.
1 like@Ally Brunner Nothing wrong with being creative, but I suppose a deeper explanation of how she was born would make the story sound more believable. For example, what pony told her she had to hide who she is? Being born an alicorn is painfully obvious, and no other path for ascending to becoming an alicorn has even been even hinted at. If no one in Equestria including Celestia and Luna know about her, she must have been born someplace outside. Germaneigh? Saddle Arabia? Who are her parents, and were either of them alicorns as well? These details are important.
0 likesWow, I never thought of that. You are quiet a geunious. Do you know anyone who does mlp animation that could do this? If so plz tell me. Well with there permission of course. Chow!!!!! :)
0 likes@Ally Brunner To be honest, if I knew such people, I'd use them myself. :(
0 likesoh ok thanks
0 likesDo you think they will make a Yin Yang episode sinve the have already made some with Flim and Flam?
0 likesSure! I just want to see life put into it!
0 likesThanks! I'm just happy my vision is becoming reality!
0 likes@***** If you updated your story(or Kody Kazis) I would love to read it. What's the name of it?
0 likesThere're no 'people' in the Ponyverse. Which is to say 'no humans.' Still, in 'A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1' we get Twilight saying "she sure has a way of sneaking up on people." I know we sometimes use 'people' or 'person' to indicate a certain level of sentience, rights, and a freedoms, but it's not a term regularly used in 'MLP.' They use 'pony' most of the time instead, so this throws me off.
0 likesThe 'gift horse' thing is probably because we have that saying and nothing more. Even the younger audiences may be somewhat familiar with it being used, but not its origin. As to the pioneer thing, hopefully ponies were not quite so bad to others as we have been in our own history.
Also in canterlot most of the waiters are earth ponies and the customers are unicorns. The same thing happened in the beat night ever. The stallions who puller the main sixes apple carriage are earth ponies.
0 likesyou might be reaching a bit for pony slavery (except for Sombra as noted). That said however, there was one episode that touched on your subject then dropped it, never to bring it up again. I forget the exact one, but it was where Applejack and Applebloom are rounding up some stray sheep to put them back in their pen. Once they did, the sheep actually said "we would have gone back if you had just asked us" Applejack responds by shutting the gate in their face. I am left with the the sheep really WANT to be in the pen? If not, then the Ponyies are indeed keeping them against their will. Prob just played for laughs, but still. An odd scene to be sure.
0 likesalso, I found 2 sins in the gift horse thing: so you see. If you look closely you'll see that spike's actually writhing in the same exact spot. So sin number 2: when did spike become left handed?
0 likesReplies (1)
same spot
0 likesNothing is perfect. You’re just looking at MLP from a negative angle
2 likesThe phrase 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth' is an old english phrase and means that you shouldn't be overly critical of gifts, it was intended as a pun. Back in those times, horses were a gift among well to do families and looking at a horse's teeth could tell you how old it was. It was seen as rude to do that if the horse was a gift.
0 likesbut in one episode in season one twighlight says"that pony is as stubborn as a mule"then says to a mule"no offence" which is when the mule says"none taken"
0 likesIts the story of the founding of Europe. The pegasi have armor and millitry ambitions , much like the romans. The earth ponies are considered savages by the pegasi, much like the Vikings and the Celtics. the unicorns are the greeks, as evidenced by both the extreme wealth of the unicorns, and the fact that the bit looks like a greek Drachma. Who would have the most bits? the rich, aristocratic unicorns. The pegasi, and the unicorns relied on the earth ponies for food, much like the greeks and the romans relied on the "savages of the north and east" for food. Conspiracy, out.
0 likesThe "gift horse in the mouth" and "too cool for mule comments" remind me of Nick Wilde in "Zootopia" when he admitted to selling Mr. Big a rug made out of a "Skunk..'s butt". I mean.. that just conjures up all sorts of horrifying images of Nick basically murdering a fellow sentient mammal, skinning him/her, tanning the hide (literally) and then handing it over has gift or compensation of sorts.
0 likesI mean what the fu(yay)!?
Ok FYI the horns on the changeling in your intro are Homestuck horns, belonging to the characters Kanaya, Porrin, and the Dolorosa.
4 likesI honestly think the gift horse thing was just a slip up by the writers.
1 likeAnybody remember the Diamond Dogs tho? They literally made Rarity a slave. They had the equipment ready to go, they harnessed her up & everything. The only reason she was freed was because she was annoying, & the dogs were dumb
0 likesI think the other races used to enslave earth ponies. In the crystal empire most of ponies were earth ponies and Sombra, a unicorn ruled over them
0 likesAlrighty, folks. Grab your drinks and get comfy, 'cause this is gonna be a long comment. Let's talk about racism in Equestria. We'll start with mules. As he stated in the video, mules are often the butt of jokes, such as "to cool for mule." The trouble with these jokes isn't just that they're extremely racist, but how often do you hear the mule say "none taken" after the offending pony says "no offense". Now that may seem fine, but when you think about it, that's some messed up sh!t. That's the equivalent of telling your friend to stop being such a n***, saying "no offense" to the nearest black person, and them NOT GIVING A SH!T. This means that the mules are so used to racism, that it doesn't even bother them anymore! If that isn't f^cked up, I don't know what is. Now on to the cows. This is seriously disturbing. Cows, in the show, are shown to BE ABLE TO TALK, THINK, AND REASON JUST LIKE PONIES. And yet they are rounded up like- well, cattle. Also, ponies are shown to drink milk in the show (even if they don't directly drink it, ponies are shown to bake with milk). Just think about that for a second. That's like humans rounding up all the sign-language speaking gorillas and milking them. Awful , yes? Well, that isn't the end of it. At the beginning of I-forget-which-episode, Applejack is shown stopping a cattle stampede. And when the disaster is averted, a cow is shown SPEAKING TO APPLEJACK. JUST LIKE A F^CKING PONY. And yet cows are rounded up, milked, and generally taken advantage of. At least mules have it better than that. (Thanks to everyone who read my rant, you are awesome.)
0 likesslavery still is happening, &it is so sad!
0 likesif a Pun is so clearly hitting others, it is still bad for the story.
1 likewhy did they have to single out the mule/donkey in the first place?
at least the Zebra seems to be good for something.
Isn't a better example of this found in the episode "Trade ya", where rainbow dash trades Flutter Shy into servitude for Daring Do Volume 1. She then has to go before the "court (Twilight)" prove that the trade was not fair. In that episode, Fluttershy had no say in the matter and Twilight could not easily negate the trade just because it was slavery.
0 likesPony racism has been shown throughout the series. It is right there in front of our faces! Wow mlp writers surely we should all show racism and junk to s group of four year olds. Well done
0 likesEquestrian does have races, or social structure. Such as princesses, princes, ect. But in our world, most royals have servants or slaves. In equestrian they don't. Is it because the royals have magic or are they just too kind?
0 likesGood thought about the "slave" with Twi's line but it's just a saying, it isn't a pony as a gift
1 likeIn 'Tanks for the memories" Dash was pretty horribly racist towards dragons in her scene with Spike saying that Dragons and reptiles are the same thing.
0 likesPony racism at its finest!
"find fault with something that has been received as a gift or favor."
2 likesReplies (1)
Basically saying that accepting a gift is as good as giving a gift
0 likespilgrims are not the name, they are called settlers (read the first thanksgiving )
0 likesI think there was but you can't base it off of our history because we are make enemies every day, in ponyville they make enemies during the season.
0 likesI love the changeling OC you made
1 likePretty groundless. Snippets of speech, especially sayings, can hardly be evidence. Considering the show's history with horse puns, this is nothing but over-analysis.
0 likesmaybe slavery is still in Equestria because in one of the episodes Rainbow Dash offered to give someone Fluttershy in order to get a signed copy of a Daring Doo book
0 likesActually I think "gift horse" is a coincedence on the editors part. I guess they didn't expect anyone to put 2 and 2 together... ;)
0 likesThat could also explain why Zecora is now living in the Ever Free Forest.
0 likesOK, so "don't put your hand in the horse's mouth" or "Don't look a horse in the mouth" Is a saying we have. I don't remember what it means, but I personally think that is what the phrase meant.
0 likesThe Coded Message says... " The song Love is in Bloom, Morse Code.
0 likesThe dashes are the higher octives, good luck.
First message with it decoded wins" That was easy!
The Coded Message says... " The song Love is in Bloom, Morse Code.
0 likesThe dashes are the higher octives, good luck.
First message with it decoded wins" That was easy!
I was expecting some mention of the Apple family's herd of sapient cows, but yeah, I can see this one, too. (ETA: Wait, maybe this video came out before that.)
0 likesgood point, this whole video is a good point. Awesome
1 likeSlavery.
16 likesYou know, FOR KIDS!
(Ahem credits to someone who first said that ahem)
by the way if anyone is curious about the text in the last second during the static heres what it says:
0 likes"the last song love is in bloom, mores code, the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins"
Umm, your definition of "pilgrims" is seriously flawed dude. "Religious pilgrims" may fit your definition, but you forgot about the other kind of pilgrims. You know, like the ones who traveled along the American frontier in wagons to find a place to settle down and make a new home for themselves and their families? Those are the pilgrims being referenced by Granny Smith in this episode.
0 likesIs no one going to talk about the movie where Capper tried to sell the main six to pay his rent?
0 likes2yrs later in season 5 we saw the end of equestria
1 likeone of the other reasons we came up with the saying don't look a gift horse in the mouth is because you can tell how old a horse is by their teeth how long and or how many they have.
0 likesReplies (1)
Yes but that is why people were looking horses mouths when you buy them or are given one, that does not explain why there would be such a expression in Equestia that alludes you being given a horse.
0 likesI usually like the insight that this guy provides but this is a bit of over analyzing. I mean, mlp teaches kids to respect other people, so I think these are just meant to be jokes that kids will get.
0 likesGreat audio! Also, Awesome vid!
0 likesDo regular animals count? I think I remember ponies using animals... I think
0 likesits fun seeing him grow over the years
0 likesReplies (1)
yeah he sounds like a someone who got ran over by a car in this video but now i just love his voice
1 likeRarity did say mules were ugly when the diamond dogs kidnapped (ponynapped?) her.
0 likes"The last song 'Love is in Bloom,' Morse code. The dashes are the higher octaves, good luck."
0 likesWhat about cows and sheeps, that are held by the Apples as pets? They are able to speak. Even suggestion, that herding them is unnecessary, as the would have moved in to the fence when beeing asked. Not racism, as those are different species, but they can talk and therefore think.
0 likesWell, apparently, indentured servitude and pony trafficking exist because Trade Ya. God, I hate that episode.
1 likePilgrim can also mean seed or beginning of something
0 likesHave you noticed that there is finally a car in ponyvill not drawn by ponies but little fillies have made it
0 likesStrange, oh well (wait pinkie should have partied for the car thing if she will stick to her role)
Btw when you used pony creator (I think u used that) the horns aren't mlp they're from homestuck a webcomic that many love :3
0 likesThis leads us to another question. What were the ponies enslaved for??? Was T-rek just trying to keep the ponies away from freedom?? Or were they just being slaves to possibly construct something. Am I not paying attention??
2 likesReplies (1)
@***** I know, I noticed that. Too many villains to remember! 😫
0 likesAlso dosnt apple Jack own pigs and cows? They are known to speak. So shouldn't they be a sub species like zecora or Frank's and Matilda?
0 likesoh and btw, TBN are you hiding something from us? (maby that your a changeling and you also change into rarity sometimes?)
0 likesdid anyone see the secret message at the end?
0 likesit was in the static
ponyville is the only place in equestria where there is no racism against ponies
0 likesand you forgot about the cows and the sheep
and spike is a slave
Is a newborn Alicorn a Princess? *Cough, cough, Flurry Heart, cough, cough*
0 likesAnd then we had the Chancelor... who is literally a racist lmao-
2 likesno to slavery
0 likesOh my crazy things if you stop at 2:48
0 likesYou will see writing is it just letters just put in there just randomly or.....
The letters are a secret messages except you will have to put all the letters to make a sentence a reasonable sentence or......
It's a different language I really have no idea except it was really cool to see that
Replies (1)
@MonkeyandPig Le its a code: write the first letter down, and then write the letter right below it, then go up to the letter beside the first letter. it says: "the last song love is ing bloom, morse code- the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins"
0 likesYour my favourite youtuber❤️❤️❤️❤️
0 likesThis doesn’t talk about “ Slavery in Eqestria “
1 likeactully they were'nt originally earth pony's cause princess celestia and princess luna haven't been earth pony's and they lived for more than a 1,000 years
0 likesthe phrase is not for their defects, but you cab see the age of a horse by their teeth. so it's it doesn't matter if it's old. it's given to you, so be grateful with what you have.
0 likesThe title is actually the name of my mini series o.o (coincidence: nope :P)
3 likesI always think hasbro watches your videos a say this "we've got a reason for that" (another persorn) "weve got a reason for that"then someone says "jingx"
0 likesAt 1 minutes 17 seconds I'm going to let that one slide because that was funny it was nothing you said it was something Twilight said it was funny
2 likesReplies (1)
Dexter thoma 1:14
0 likeswith his intro he turns into a pony but if you put it in slo-mo you can rarity in it WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
0 likesi kinda get it. but i think a gift horse in the mouth is, you should not look on the bad side of gifts. but a gift could be a slave so.. ya. but we probably have some saying like that were if you really think about it, like one that originally came from slavery. but celestial is very forgiving, and caring, welcoming new comers (like the yaks) that i don't really think she would allow something as cruel as slavery. but then again, no matter how much i try for it to not to, a gift horse in the mouth really seems slavery.
0 likesYeah...and they're originally racist against Changlings (as seen with them not believing Thorax could be good), not to mention that one pony that was racist against non-ponies.
0 likesDidn’t King Sombra himatise the ponies with his magic
0 likesI like how in there history there are elements like in the human word but you only understand theme little older. If you know what i mean?
0 likesAnd with Granny's cutie mark, her talent is making pie, something slaves had to do. Just a thought.
0 likesAnd what about when Rainbow Dash exchanged Fluttershy´s services for a damn book? Does that count as slavery? You are paying a possession with a life.
0 likesReplies (1)
RD is a DB.
0 likesRarity can be seen at 0:01 for 1 or 2 frames
0 likesI don't think racism was intended... But just incase: WE LOV U MULES <3
2 likesA gift horse is what carasol horses are commonly called
0 likesGranny Smith: pony vill!
3 likesCaptions: homie vill-
If people are questioning if there are horses in Equestria then there is. A mule is an offspring of a horse and a donkey. A horse. Not ponies a horse.
0 likesIn any countries history there have been slaves
0 likesBut can an earth pony become a princess please answer this because Cadence was a Pegasus and twilight was a unicorn but no princesses have been originally earth ponies.
0 likesIv noticed something with the crystal ponies. They are clear. Look hard enough and you can see through them. :P
0 likesand not to mention in trade ya, rainbow almost traded fluttershy. yes. i said TRADED. for a book. proof.
0 likesHow does cadence get her cutie make it’s the crystal heart when before she was born the crystal empire wasn’t even thar
0 likeswhat did the slave pony say when he got his cutie mark that was a pistol shooting?
0 likesAW, SHOOT!
Other races would be earth pony unicorn or Pegasus. Probably even alacorns
0 likesin 1:32 she means gift from a friend not a friends SLAVE!!!!!!
0 likesthe last song love is in bloom, morse code. The dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins. I found it out :D
0 likesIn dog and pony show rarity was pretty offended when the dogs called her a mule she called them ugly
0 likesWatching this in 2020 does not help. Argh.
1 likeDon't compare human beings
0 likesTo a world of Magical horses
Secret message!!
0 likesThe last song, love is in bloom, morse code.
The dashes are the higher octaves, good luck.
First message with it decoded wins.
tiwlight needs gaurds of her own right?
0 likesThat message at the end, do you have to decode that?
0 likesSomeone noticed rarity when he change into a pony?
0 likesi did :3
and people thought mlp was for little girls... Haha, THAT'S BLASTPHOMY!!!!
0 likesWooh slaves! Just kidding lol. But couldn't blank flanks be slaves since they aren't really useful for anything else ^^
41 likesReplies (80)
You, with your words like knives
4 likesAnd swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again
Got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I'm wounded
You picking on the weaker man
You can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know, what you don't know...
Someday I'll be living in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
You, with your switching sides
And your wildfire lies and your humiliation
You have pointed out my flaws again
As if I don't already see them
I walk with my head down
Trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again
I bet you got pushed around
Somebody made you cold
But the cycle ends right now
'Cause you can't lead me down that road
And you don't know, what you don't know...
Someday I'll be living in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in a bar
Talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion
But nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing
But all you are is mean
I rather waste a bullet on you than that zombie chasing me right now... Oh crapqgehfnmbnm
0 likesDimdn dira best pnoy
+Diamond Tiara
6 likesGo step on a lego.
@Diamond Tiara I guessing you didn't realize that you're fellow geeks would take you this seriously lol.
3 likesTo da moon
0 likes@Luna Guard My comments are kinda made to get reactions so I guess it's not that surprising xD
2 likes@Dracula Belmont I like Diamond Tiara :c
0 likes@Diamond Tiara Hello, you like cats.. Right? Cats can't have cutie marks, so will I be called a 'blank flank'?
1 like@Diamond Tiara this perfectly summarizes you.
1 like@Diamond Tiara Well.. You weren't exactly born with a cutiemark, were you?
1 like@Poochin Poocheyena and I like ziggzagoons :C
0 likesi like eevees poocheyenas and zigzagoons
0 likes-.- really...... REALLY....!!!!
0 likesYa know diamond tiara, I can't help but notice how your so PATHETIC. Sorry for being harsh but it's the truth. Blank flanks for slaves, picking on blank flanks, being a straight up b**, you are nothing but a bully. Although silver spoon isn't too bad, she's still nothing a flank kissing bully as well. And remember what twilight said about blank flanks?
3 likes"Being a blank flank is nothing to be ashamed of, it means they still get to discover who they are."
Your talent, apparently, is being spoiled. Silver spoon, I don't know, being the one who does and doesn't fit in at the same time? I have no idea, but you are the only filly this mean I've seen on the show, and I honestly think you should change your ways, your cutie mark will be the same, but it could mean something else afterwards. If you don't understand, think this though; 'Do I do too much of what I do? Am I too mean? Or am I just ment to be this way?' This is Sydney "Somber Moon" Dean, signing out. Stay swaggful everypony.
Wow your point is very true and she needs to stop being a Jack a**
0 likes@Shy'liyah Moore THANK YOU!
0 likes@Sydney Dean You are also a flank kisser..A blank flank one xD. And it isn't a good thing either ^^
0 likes@***** Thanks scoots. @Diamond Tiara Ya know I'm not a blank flank BTW. And I am not a flank kisser. If I were, then I'd be like silver spoon and others, but I'm not.
0 likes@***** Yeah!
0 likes@Sydney Dean You are so defensive over the blank flanks so ya you pretty much are.
0 likes@***** i agree with you scootsssssssssssss! she and silver spoon should shut up and stop bullying you
2 likes@Diamond Tiara Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth?
0 likes+scootaloo you,sweetie bell,and apple bloom are SO cool and +Diamond Tiara,your a jerk.......NOPONY LIKES YOU
2 likes@***** Yeah, blank flanks are who they can be. I'd say we get your cutie mark. Where's Starlight Glimmer at? She can take care of it, and when Diamond Tiara is a blank flank, then SHE will know what it's like! When she learns her lesson, she will get a different one. One that will not make her A F***ING SPOILED A*S B**CH!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeYou know all you are is just a wanna be little pricy pink fool that everybody hates no one likes people like you so why don't you stop acting like others are stupid and don't matter and just let them carry on there life like a normal person
1 likeUr just like diamond tiara rude i hate you
0 likes@Diamond Tiara wow Dia.. I hope that you found that like, really funny, because I doubt anypony else (besides King Sombra) has your special brand sense of humor. I'm just going to side step here because I don't want rotten tomato sauce in my mane.
1 likenothing personal, but you're on your own after that remark.
Laters <3
.,ljmnhbhhhnjhhhhjjhlhomyjggkgglgyngjvjfjghgjjyyiiiiiiiiihghgjhnmn,nknknloijlnlklkokkkkkkikjknm mmkkikk9okk.jlkj,l
0 likesLlllll,,,,,,,,,,nvngbghhhyhghghgihhmnjnnnnnnnnnnnn
Vtygvjhtfyybuftcuygyju...................lkjghjfhthu3extoljt6u65tutt55tyhiysryttuyy6tugy6gughgughujiyf5jtfthjrjurrcjiudrtj mmnmnknmnjjmjmjmhljkjkjknkkkjmkkkl,l,lknkkkkijjmkmlllllllllllyvt56hiygyugytjhgfghhglikklkinjjhinogvgughkkyyjilkllllllllll,,
What do you mine
0 likesNo Im not
0 likesDggfdbnkouessv
0 likesDdko
You do realize that Blank Flanks do eventually get their Cutie Marks, right? And making Blank Flanks do manual labor is probably against Child Labor laws.
0 likes@naeema abdul
0 likeswhy don't you try saying that a 5th time and like, maybe it will start to make more sense.. not!
@ServingSpoon I didn't know it copyed 4 times,I'm on my phone and it acts retarded! :)
0 likes@naeema abdul
0 likesthats funny.. I thought I like, canceled that message. I thought it was a bit too cynical like, even for me.
My apologies.
@ServingSpoon it's fine
0 likesso is your cutie mark, dumb filly... (I didn't mean to be rude to the real person you are, just to the character you are acting. I don't like D.T.)
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesfirst of all I'm not DT. Second of all my cuitemark is what?
like, Fine?
well I agree..
it is pretty fine >;3
(so fine in fact I got her mark tattooed on my hip. It's a work in progress and i only got the outline of the Spoon's handle and bowl. The heart and blue filling will come later.)
@ServingSpoon not you silly, DT is Diamond Tiara, duuh. But your cm can be helpful, somehow. Is like, serving tea, and there must be a sweet food, and it needs a spoon. A Silver Spoon. Maybe. Idk.
0 likes@Diamond Tiara diamond you where a blank flank, one time too so you shouldn't make fun of the cmc.
0 likes@naeema abdul
0 likesNot only was Dia a blank flank, I got my mark first.
I gotta say though Diamond took it a whole lot better then Bloom did when her best friend reached that milestone before her.
Diamond is still my friend, and she was happy for me at my cutcinera even though she had to admit she was jealous.
But do you see Bloom even talking to poor Twist anymore?
So I ask you, whose the better friend? And how long do you think the CMC will last if Scoots and Sweetie get their marks first? They have already dealt with her ruffian cousin getting scissors on her butt!
Frankly I wouldnt trust that filly with a butter knife let alone a long sharp pear of shears.
@ServingSpoon I don't see Silver Spoon bad at all, she is just a companion for Diamond Tiara in my opinion. But one thing I don't undetstand is what Diamond Tiara's cutie mark means.
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesI like to tease ponies. I like to get into a lingual battle were in which i know I have more ammunition. It boosts my low self esteem to pick on ponies who can give me a decent comeback only to know I will have the last word.
My goal is not to destroy them as we tried to do Scoots that one time, but to knock them down until they retreat to fight another day.
Diamond has a talent for leadership and attention to detail. It's only natural I would follow her lead, being a submissive and shy type.
She is also a good manipulator. Now I'm not going to say whether or not she uses these mind tricks on me. If she does It's only because I allow her to.
I'm actually better at reading ponies then she is. I know when she's trying something on me, again not affirming nor disputing whether she does or not.
First and foremost she is my friend and sometimes I make sacrifices to make her happy.
That's like, all I'm going to say on the subject.
@ServingSpoon yes, but, I still like Silver Spoon. She is a nice filly. I like her mane. The point is that if you like her, the other ponies can't do anything else to make you say "no, I don't wanna be friends". This happens to me too. I have a friend, that my mother doesn't like her at all. But she said only one thing, "I let you discover who your 'friend' is.".
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesyes it has been argued that diamond is a bad influence and I am the nice one. That might be partly to but I have my own selfish reasons for having been a bully.
I take responsibility for my own misdeeds. Diamond didnt threaten or coerce me into it.
You saw that one time she dared to shove off her own icecream and steal my shake. Well I stole it right back and chuckled as I sipped it and she sang. Her pretty voice and annoyed tone made my victory all the sweeter.
I do admit i have the slightest sadistic streak. It does bring me pleasure to best a worthy opponent. But hurting somepony's feelings was never something I was able to enjoy. I'd rather they be mad at me and spout out curse words because they have reached the limit of their mental capacity.
Not break down crying and call me a monster. I do have feelings you know. I never liked seeing a pony cry. But I'm ashamed to admit sometimes it was gratifying if it made Diamond smile in contrast.
@ServingSpoon do you like cats?
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesI totes adore kitties! Except Ms Rarity's cat. That thing is like, just a demon familiar she summoned and put a fur coat on it and stuff.
N-not implying Ms Rarity is a witch or anything! ;9_9
@ServingSpoon she is also an unicorn. But also an element of harmony, so I don't think.
0 likesDo you have hangouts, Silver.
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likeswell there isnt a whole lot of things to do in Ponyville. I used to be in the Fillyscouts and Twist and I kinna struck a friendship in that time we had.
Now Twisty, Buttons, Scoots and I have game night in Twist's parent's basement every week but that's like, top secret, hush hush, don't tell anypony.
Diamond knows. Um otherwise DT and I just hang out at Sugar Cube Corner for milkshakes or have tea parties at her place.
Oh and we do some shopping at Ms Rarity's. Otherwise we take trips to Canterlot to actually hang out at malls and go to movies and stuff.
and of course you know we tease the CMC every chance we meet. But unlike Babsy we don't like, hunt them down just so we can ridicule and torment them. We HAVE a life you know.
@ServingSpoon you are smart. How old are you(real human years)?
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesI just turned 12 last April.
((adult Silver in the avi is 22, married to DT and has a foal of her own.))
((Silver's mod is 36 and has no life so he's always in character.))
@ServingSpoon that makes sense, I am 11
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesoh okay then, so just level with me. Is it unusual for a Pegasus our age to not know how to fly?
Or do you think Scoots suffers from a terrible life long handicap and we are just terrible ponies for picking on a permanently disabled filly?
@ServingSpoon for me it was pretty hard to fly, you know. But my parents were shadowbolts. They trained me good. First times, they were at work. So I had to do this by myself. And... I failed. It's harder with skinny wings than the feather wings... But now you are talking to the leutenant of the shadowbolts. Since my parents are not anymore...
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesyeah but I mean at what age are Pegasi supposed to learn? I'm 12 so that would make Scoots like 11, even though she and Dash both act like 5year olds at times.
@ServingSpoon I don't know this. A mare like Dash would be like... Let's say... 20-21 years, Idk. But I am 19(my oc is 19)
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likes*sighs and face hoofs* well when did you learn to fly?
@ServingSpoon ... Well, when I was 8-9 years old. But I didn't just learned to fly. My parents trained me to be the next generation of best flyers in Equestria. But it was hard to accept a bat pony in this team. I turned into a bat pony like a month ago. And it was painful. When you have to feed... I don't know what I have to eat.
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesuh.. I haven't the slightest.. I would gues like, blood, rodents ee-eew btw and or fruit. But I really have no experience with your race.
@ServingSpoon that is not a problem. I am vegetarian after all. I don't eat meat since I was a filly like you. For me that seems disgusting.
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesthen why on this green Earth did you ask me what you should eat or imply that you didnt know what you should eat?
Srlsly?You're just jealous that they can be whoever they want to be but you can't.Plus they are true friends and they work as a team and you're jealous cuz of that
0 likes@ServingSpoon I didn't asked you. I just said that I dont know what to eat. {:|
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likes*shrugs*
@ServingSpoon i am so random. knows that is random. What else could she be?
0 likes@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likesOkay I'm just going to like, use an over used stupid meme to answer.
I am 12 and like, what is this? 9_9
((when you say 'she' you mean you muse or mine? because I wasn't being random, you were. I was very much in character.))
@ServingSpoon i mean.
0 likest me
@Sky_Cipher the_demonic_pegasus™
0 likeswhat-ever. You're starting to bore and annoy me, quite frankly.
@ServingSpoon mkay. 😇
0 likesDiamond your the best
0 likesDiamond Tiara idiototic person get of youtube and internet till you learn proper friendship
0 likesWALUIGI
0 likesDiamond Tiara!!! Watch it!
0 likesDT u rule but I’m glad u showed ur kindness instead of being mean
0 likes@Absent Coder The fact that is a joke and you being rude about it makes it h i l a r i o u s
0 likes@Big Nobody? Wow. 👍
0 likes@Rainbowdash Smiles oooh. That's gotta hurt!
0 likesYou were once a blank flank too
0 likesGreat.....thanks sombra! UGH!
0 likesI herd that Discord has a daughter named Screw ball or " topsy turvy" but what I don't understand is who was his wife and were would he even live? From crystal snowflake321
0 likesspike is just twilights helper i guess
0 likesWell it's very obvious that Zecora is supposed to be black. If we saw her in Equestria Girls, she would be black. Not trying to be racist here but what if Zecora is an escaped slave from somewhere else (I.e. Not Equestria)
0 likesYeah the lesson don't judge a book by its cover
0 likesReally the lesson should be is "DONT BE A RASIT BICH IF SOME PONYS NEW BE NISE TO THEM GOSH DAMIT"
He's forgetting Spike.
1 likeReplies (1)
He's more like a brother or son to Twilight. And, he is willing to help her out with whatever is asked of him, so I don't think his a slave or anything.
0 likesLove your videos, but please don't use the pony generator, I'm like mad munchkin, I don't like it for oc's
0 likesReplies (3)
Some people can't draw u know.vif u don't like the pictures don't watch his vids. I use pony gene actor because I can't draw and ppl still like my vids. Don't judge people just because of what they look like.
1 like@Lightning Dash
0 likesThere are people that you can pay or for free to draw your oc's, and fans make them too for him. I used to stink at drawing OC's till is practiced a bit :)
You should have checked his newer videos before posting this comment. He hasn't been using the pony generator for MONTHS.
1 likeI DECODED IT! It says ' the last song love is in bloom, morse code. The dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins. ' please don't copy anyone. Thank you!
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesOMG I SEE IT! :o
0 likesI think at 2:48 was a riddle i can't figure it out though WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!!!
0 likesClever Notion clever clever notion. the words at the end are: "The last song love is in bloom, Morse code. the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins." I have no knowledge of music though so I dont know what octaves are or how to decode them sooooo yeah ummmm ive made it easier?
1 likeReplies (1)
Wish I had time to look into that. Hope someone figures it out. An octave is made of 2 notes 8 whole steps in a scale apart, but since notes are 7 letters repeating, it's the same note but higher. Think the song from the Sound of Music, which starts and ends with Do (Do, Ra, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do). Also the beginning of Somewhere over the Rainbow.
0 likeshow to original pony's get old and princess's don't?
0 likesMy version:Grandma's smiths story ----------true is here----------winter wrap up story
0 likesF is for friends who do stuff together
0 likesU is for you and me
N is newhere under the deep blue see
It seems like spike is a slave to twighlignt what do you guys think also Brony Notion please tell me what you think
0 likesSeriously, what was that message at the end ? Fnaf nightmares fuel!!!
0 likesI was talking to someone once, and they asked me, "Why do you watch My Little Pony? It's so boring. There are no real world problems in it." That's why I like these videos talking about racism, slavery, and even mental illnesses. Because then the next time someone tells me how perfect the world in MLP is and how boring the show is because of it, I can be like, "BOOM! Racism!"
0 likesok this is just crazy!!
0 likesdurning the transformation i saw an angry rarity 0:00
2 likesso is nobody gonna talk about the end
0 likesidk if the episode was out when this was made but another example of mule racism is Rarity equating being a mule with being old and ugly
0 likes:0 Slavery is WRONG
0 likesso - It says: "The last song Love is in bloom Morse Code. The Dashes are in the higher octaves. good luck. First message with it wins. What do we win?!?!
0 likeswell, u talked about racism and left out the changelings? i am disappointed.
0 likesTwilight said a gift WORSE in the mouth not a gift HORSE in the mouth
0 likeswho are those stallions who pull the train? Slaves?
0 likesWhat do the ponies have against mules
0 likesits not slavery its animal abuse
0 likespeta has joied tha chat
The blue pony in the thumbnail has the same cutie mark has cozy glow!
0 likeschancellor neighsay is racist against the other creatures in mlp
1 likecan you talk about pinkie's promise?
0 likeslike
what does "cross my heart and hope to fly" mean's?
Replies (4)
I think the "cross my heart hope to fly" part is coming from the mlp theory where the girl who represented pinkie pie jumped from a building so that might help you little :)
0 likesWhy does somepony will represent pinkie pie?
0 likesAnd what's her name and why did she jump from a building.....And why pinkie?!
0 likesPinkie is the most famous party planer in ALL OF EQUESTRIA
0 likes1:23 you mean we unless you in America or, Changling slavery?
0 likes0:55 that poor face poor baby
0 likesi just realized your using the female body form.
0 likesgood point about the mule.
0 likesWait your a change ling? So are you evil?
0 likesSlavery? S4 E22 17:23 :) it's still hppening
1 likeDid anyone else see the code at the end of video?
0 likesmind BLOWN
0 likesAlthough with the racist jabs, it's not like they (the developers) are saying it's OK, however it still happens. I'm not sure if they're sending a message or not.
0 likesponies rock ponies rock ponies rock ponies rock ponies rock
But did I win? Love's in bloom ya know.
Replies (1)
Oh, somebody decoded it 6 months ago. darn.
0 likesand yes, I'm being vague on purpose.
I saw the message and it says...
0 likesthe last song love is in bloom.
morse code the dashed are higher octaves good luck.
First mesage with it decoded wins.
If it is yay!
how about twilight owl is she considered a slave...
0 likesdid anyone decode the end?
0 likesI think she said, `Don't look a gift /hoarse/ in the mouth.`
0 likesDid anyone see the text at the end? Cause i'm confused what it said 0.0
0 likesforget my 3rd comment this is what she means... when she said "you shouldnt gift horse in the mouth" she means "DONT OVER ASK FOR THINGS FROM A FRIEND OR YOU WILL DRIVE THEM INSANE!!!!!! (or up a wall)
0 likesDon't look a gift horse in the mouth is a saying.... It means don't be picky about things that are given to you. Didn't you have to BUY slaves??!
0 likesDiamong my name is Power Santa, and I'm stuck wth no cutie mark because of a disease. 😭
0 likesYou know, for kids!
0 likesWhat about the clear allegory to Native Americans as Buffalo
0 likesToo cool for mule is like saying mules are stupid and you're too cool to be a mule so you can't be stupid
0 likesAnd why doesn't Spike have wings?
0 likesReplies (1)
Apparently not every type of dragon has wings, but most do. I think wingless dragons are often referred to as wyrms or sea serpents, although Spike is clearly not the later.
0 likesTwilight saying you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth is just a saying it doesn't mean anything about slavery
0 likesGrr you Google. I've waited nearly 4 hours for this error to resolve before refreshing the page and what do I get? "An error occurred, please try again later. Learn More and in clicking Learn more it says it should resolve itself after 30 min. >:(
0 likesWhat about the cows and sheep ???
0 likesIt was just an expretion
0 likesslave'z? there are no slave'z here in ponyvile .....beside zecora'z family >_> dont wave to them ^_^ ok moving on
0 likesWhat were those words at the end?
0 likesgranny smith is hundreds of years old
1 likeI found twilight prayers sorry Fluttershy's friends Pinkie Pie rarity Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Applejack to be a little on the insensitive side the moral to this story is just be yourself and up for what you believe in don't back down that goes for everyone not just ponies alike but people as well and you are talking about pesticides that's what GMO means and basically I got a few things I'm wondering about where did Princess Celestia's need she have a daughter why is it so hard for the ponies to understand bike is coming from why can't they let him be the little dragon grow up forever no babies stay babies forever that's just not how it works just like dragon babies and human babies they got to grow up and they've got to be able to make their own choices good or bad stopping someone from growing up is like stopping them from breathing it just doesn't work can't stop people from changing they are I think spine gets enough bad-mouthing for all the other ponies and I think if anything even understands but it would be it would be Scootaloo Applebloom and Sweetie Belle well up without their cutie marks Spike has to grow up without his parents to guide him that's my theory on the subject I guess I didn't have it. Friendship is Magic trying to get something from someone what is behind the whole motive of the whole friendship is Magic is my question I also would like to know and Cadence and Celestia parents are and how did Luna get her cutie mark how did Celeste get her cutie mark and how the tables get her cutie mark not how it works but how did they all get their cutie marks the moral of the story has things always come back learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oregon from China for text okay that was a Doctor Who parody but it didn't exactly have a clip of it where are you coming up with all these parodies is annoying as hell when you keep doing the same damn parodies of cracked-out better stuff and a toilet Miss Mass pile poop in the toilet come on seriously come up with something better get it done it up get done wrap it up winter wrap-up winter wrap up well I'm going to say just wrap this up just wrap it up
0 likesI found twilight prayers sorry Fluttershy's friends Pinkie Pie rarity Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Applejack to be a little on the insensitive side the moral to this story is just be yourself and up for what you believe in don't back down that goes for everyone not just ponies alike but people as well and you are talking about pesticides that's what GMO means and basically I got a few things I'm wondering about where did Princess Celestia's need she have a daughter why is it so hard for the ponies to understand bike is coming from why can't they let him be the little dragon grow up forever no babies stay babies forever that's just not how it works just like dragon babies and human babies they got to grow up and they've got to be able to make their own choices good or bad stopping someone from growing up is like stopping them from breathing it just doesn't work can't stop people from changing they are I think spine gets enough bad-mouthing for all the other ponies and I think if anything even understands but it would be it would be Scootaloo Applebloom and Sweetie Belle well up without their cutie marks Spike has to grow up without his parents to guide him that's my theory on the subject I guess I didn't have it. Friendship is Magic trying to get something from someone what is behind the whole motive of the whole friendship is Magic is my question I also would like to know and Cadence and Celestia parents are and how did Luna get her cutie mark how did Celeste get her cutie mark and how the tables get her cutie mark not how it works but how did they all get their cutie marks the moral of the story has things always come back learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oregon from China for text okay that was a Doctor Who parody but it didn't exactly have a clip of it where are you coming up with all these parodies is annoying as hell when you keep doing the same damn parodies of cracked-out better stuff and a toilet Miss Mass pile poop in the toilet come on seriously come up with something better get it done it up get done wrap it up winter wrap-up winter wrap up well I'm going to say just wrap this up just wrap it up
0 likesThins that kids wouldn't catch like Applejack is an alcoholic drink
0 likespause at this time 2:49
0 likesLittle bits of racism still left? Looks at irl hOLLY-The rest of this message has been censored. We apologize that it is incomplete
0 likesAnd yes I made the thing at the end, not youtube.
What about spike he was born to be given duty and might be a slave
6 likesI just thought that expression came from somewhere else....
0 likesIdk what that first 2 parts of the message are about 0-0
0 likesYour memory on american history is-kinda bad. We didn't enslave the native indians, we pushed them off their land time and time again. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" I doubt Twilight was talking about slavery, I can garantee you that the writers didn't intend that. It was just horse pun #4000.
0 likesAlso your definition of pilgrims is flawed, they travel to escape religious oppression, not slavery.
Racism =/= Slavery
Interesting. That is curious.
0 likesA gift horse?
0 likesSpike is twilight sparkle’s slave
0 likesthe eygptions did it, why can't ponies?
0 likesjk
0 likesvideo peep
P.S put on captions its hilarious
Why do i hear the british grenadiers?!
0 likesWhat did it flash at the end??
0 likeswtf happened with people why do people like a show for 5 year old girls its just sad that people are doing this
0 likesAre there male alicorns?
0 likesGranny smith said that's right my little ponies
0 likesStop at 2:48, a weird message....
How about starlight glimmer
0 likesBut I did understand the first message whoops and whatever
0 likesthere were pilgrims??????????????
0 likesOmg Hasbro is racist!!! Donkeys of course 🐴🐒🐵🙈🙉🙊
0 likesWhat did that text say at tbe end?
0 likesOh my gosh
0 likesIdk how but I got here from watching gmm
0 likesbut here's a question
0 likesWhat did that last thing say when it went static at the end? It wasn't English- So what was it?
1 likeReplies (4)
0 likes+Beautygirl7767 ... It was morse code... It wasn't a different language!!!
0 likesMangleNChica The FNaF Minecrafter it said te is sn iv I I bom, mre cd- h at og oe s n 1o oe
0 likesTe dse ae te otvs, go 1c h ahs r h ihr cae of uk
Frt Msae wt I dcdd wn is esg ih t eoe is.
please say all of that again i can't understand a thing you said/typed
0 likestwilight explains that pony vill is hundreds of yers old... but GRANNY SMITH WAS THERE!!!!
0 likesReplies (2)
Twilight was still new to Ponyville at this time, and was probably just exaggerating.
0 likesGranny Smith is also ancient. And the Mane 6 are old enough to have jobs, but still act like children sometimes. I suspect that ponies live longer then humans, and Earth Ponies, due to their natural fortitude, live longer then other races. Also, I believe that Granny Smith is extremely, massively old for a pony. Add all that up, and she COULD be over 200 years old, so, technically, hundreds.
0 likesThe hell with the secret message!!! I dont understand
4 likesReplies (4)
read it in an upside-down N paterin
0 likes+Owen Hotte I do not get what you're saying
0 likes+李咪咪 start with the go t h e for the first word and continue that paterin but tell me what it means I know what it says but not what it means.
0 likesIf you go to his previous video which is a remix of “love is in bloom” you’ll here beeping in the music. The dashes are the higher notes so if you decode the beeps it says: “ponies rock”
0 likesWouldn't it be Speicism!
8 likesReplies (3)
Not really as a Mule is the result of a Donkey and a Pony.
2 likesIt still counts as racsime toward pony blood.
No mules are because of a HORSE and a donkey! Ponies ARE NOT HORSES!
2 likesBartholomue The-Guitar hm
0 likesi am a human can you make me an aiicorn
1 likewhat ep is that
0 likesin a "little girls shows"
0 likeswhat about the trading episode where rainbow goes on a fetch quest to get a whole bunch of things so she can have a signed copy of her fav book? She ends up trading fluttershy.
0 likesWhat's that message say at the end of the video
0 likesI thought it was git horse
0 likesequestria is not the rel wrold
0 likesequestria is not the rel wrold
0 likesOr it could be refugees
0 likeswhy do u use mlp videos with russian subs?
44 likesReplies (12)
For a while, they were the only full episodes on YouTube after Hasbro cracked down on "piracy violations". Now there are NO full episodes on YouTube that aren't voiced over. :( I just use dailymotion now, it's sooo much better. /)
6 likesbecause he is a good man
2 likesAre you Russian?
0 likes@The Brony Notion
1 likeyes
Oh sweet. I kinda figured :)
1 like@The Brony Notion Why don't you use Netflix? I'm guessing you cant use their videos?
1 like+The Brony Notion
0 likesI have daily motion too!
I watch full Powerpuff girls episodes
+The Brony Notion Do you have .......
1 like@***** 😑its just a qustion sry
2 likesAdrenalineL1fe oh yeh, why's that?
0 likesHello, my Russian friend 🙃
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves snowfall frost= The grinch.
0 likesHearts warming= Christmas
0 likesI don't understand this stuff I'm a pony from MLP
0 likesya shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth :P
0 likes2021 who is watching this guy
0 likesYou forgot to mention the cows on the apple’s farm can talk which makes them sapient so that makes the apple family including applejack slave owners.
0 likesUhm goes to ask celestial if true
0 likesOk that "changling" wasnt a changling thats pony genarator. soooo you use it with your mediocre editing...,.? pony genarator is for beginners not people who have 179,344 subscribers 1,500 likes, abd 643 comments..... sad nobody noticed
0 likesYou read my mine
0 likeslike that I want to go now please listen to home
0 likesCheck out the movie and Klugetown...
0 likesWhy would
0 likesThere be slavery in equestria
~ ~
. .
----- hmm
Replies (1)
Sombra needed slaves because Crystal Ponies apparently were not willing enough to mine all the crystals he wanted when he wanted them.
0 likesDang ponies! Nothin but a bunch of closet racists! XD
0 likescan I get a clue for this
0 likesReplies (1)
the coded message I mean
0 likesSir are u the one made My Little Pony?
0 likesReplies (3)
+Abigaille Reyes umm no that would be lauren faust
0 likes@Leaf Pon Then how did he knew all that?
0 likes@Abigaille Reyes he just took facts from the show and made inferences its what an analyst does
0 likesDo a dear a female dear
0 likesWhat's the message say idk how to decode!
0 likesMan where is your brony bro hoves?
0 likesIt's 4 AM.
0 likesHere is what I think. Crystal ponies are like the Black people of the human world, and Zebras are like the (Excuse me if I sound racist) Mexicans.
0 likesReplies (5)
@Brigette Aquino oh thanks anyways!
0 likes+Neko Chan Decoded if you're interested:
2 likes"the last song love is in bloom, morse code the dashes are the higher octaves, good luck first message with it decoded wins"
@arsomnes Oh thanks so much! Just curious.
0 likes@AGEOFItheone lez do eet
0 likes@AGEOFItheone yeah I guess, but I think this was a group effort, so we all win yay. It's not like there's a prize or anything
0 likes2:49 what does it say?
0 likesstart at 1:19 and wach intill 1:36...i dont get it
0 likesWhos watching this in 2020
0 likesThere is something weidd i spottted in the intro at 00.01 u see girl lashes 0_0
0 likesI don't like those parts either
1 likeFuck, another changing.
0 likes(that makes you racist notion)
0 likeswait not 1:32 i mean 1:09
0 likesNo static
0 likesthey don't know humans
0 likesYou forgot about Spike. He is living proof that Equestria hasn't quite gotten over this... little problem.
1 likeoh hell nah
0 likesatbash cipher ?
0 likesHE'S A CHANGLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ehh I am one to
0 likesThere are 666 comments oh god
0 likesMy Little Pony is an amarican show
0 likesI'm Canadien
0 likesHow did i get here
0 likesCanterlot is racist to Earth ponies in Sweet and Elite.
0 likesReplies (1)
It is?
0 likesxD
0 likesSo basically they are racist against a jack and a mare having a foal, BUT NOT A JINNY AND A STALLION!? Y’all forgetting about the smaller, yinny?
0 likesMURICA
0 likesThey dont know about humans
0 likes1 C4N H4Z N3W 4CC0UN7 (soz number letter haters)
0 likesWTF,2:48?
0 likesDid you know my little pony is illuminati
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likeshe made that video as a joke :3
0 likes:o :0 :O :( )
0 likesyea, thats america.....
0 likesU know u are a changeling right
0 likesdo you have an instagram?
0 likesWho is watching this in 2020
0 likeswho wach this in 2016
0 likesVideo was posted on my birthday
0 likesWho thinks that about a freakin kids show?! I mean, seriously!!
0 likesReplies (16)
I'm 8 years old, and I still consider myself a Pegasister
0 likeswel that's fine, but its still a kids show
3 likesyou coulda been nice about it.... :(
0 likeswell i'm just saying when people like this comment on my FAVORITE brony's video i get really mad so SHUDDUP for now. This is you're warning
0 likesno need to get mean. everyone has their opinion and mine is people take the show a bit seriously when I wish they wouldn't. its fine that this is your favorite video, but I find it to be a bit skeptical
0 likes@Samantha Kirby You really need to be 7 or over to be a Brony or Pegasister
0 likes@Maya Dragon what about 5 year-olds who watch the show?
0 likes@Samantha Kirby Oh well you have to be 5 or over... It's a three year old show
0 likes@Maya Dragon nah, I would say the show was made for 5 year old girls. That was probably the selected audience.
0 likes@Samantha Kirby 6 or over to be a Brony or Pegasister?
0 likes@XxPonyMusicxX *Facepalm*
0 likes@XxPonyMusicxX its NOT FOR toddlers its for OLDER children
0 likes@Maya Dragon 16 at least maybe 13 to be a pegasister bronies it don't matter because they are male.
0 likes@iloveowls90 You have a point so yea I agree
0 likesyou have no idea.....
0 likesWHAT
0 likesLol
0 likes7 years ago not even a thousand comments........
0 likesare u a chalenging? I mean at the beginning of your video.....
0 likesThat's racist
0 likesWoww
0 likesyes wen sumwun runsawy thay are free / freedom is not free.
1 likeEvery time we Americans found someone "inferior" we enslaved them? The Native Americans were never enslaved and we found them inferior. And back when we DID have slaves it was not because we just poked around in Africa and found some "inferior humans" and enslaved them. It was already a bustling trade, we just happened to pick it up. America didn't start the slave trade, we dont have a history of just enslaving "inferior" people because feel like it. Please do some research before you just bash something. (sheesh, is THIS was is being taught in school? Have we gone so far as to demonize ourselves and brainwashed out kids into thinking America created the slave trade?) Also, on you other points I doubt it. These are just supposed to be ironic.
8 likesReplies (15)
Christopher Columbus: horrible person. Told his queen that the "Indians" could be cough cough easily be converted into Christianity, and could easily be sold as slaves. <<< harsh conditions he made for the Tainos (is that right? Tainos?) mining in gold mines all the time harsh farming conditions, all complete bullshit (excuse my French)!!! Life for native Americans in the present day Haiti and Dominican Republic was horrible to the point Spain sent investigators who eventually removed Columbus's status. (Governor Columbus and honours). The Tainos people basically if not all died out because of said conditions and European diseases. The point: NATIVE AMERICANS WERE USED, SOLD AND CONSIDERED SLAVES actually, if I'm correct, MORE THAN African Americans and etc.
1 like+Karlie E. H. Then it was Spain that used them, not Americans :p Again proving my point
2 likes+Alex Knight Christopher Columbus enslaved 500 Native Americans and sent them to Spain.
0 likes+Terry Creamer Was Christopher Clolumbus an American or Spanish? Again, proof against the erroneous claim that "Every time we Americans found someone "inferior" we enslaved them" and again further proves that America did not start the slave trade which seems to be the common belief.
1 likeHe was European. A founder of the future United States of America. No "American" called themselves American until 1776.
0 likes+Terry Creamer Regardless, he pre-dates the United States. And no matter how you dice it America wasn't the ones who made the Slave trade, they only were a part of it. Meaning his statement, "Every time we Americans found someone "inferior" we enslaved them" is false.
3 likesI believe whenever someone makes a claim "Every time" or "Always" the argument will sway in the other direction. Making you in this case right. Being informed however is very valuable. Best regards.
1 like+Terry Creamer I see now that the first part of my message was incorrect. I didn't re-read to look into your comment. I was wondering what you were getting at. :P
0 likesI wasn't really getting at anything. Kinda wanted to just put my two cents in.
0 likesYou're right. It's not Americans. It's white people have a pretty long track record of either enslaving, annihilating, or at the absolute least, marginalizing anyone who looks or acts too differently.
0 likes+kitehailstorm Clearly you haven't studied history much. If you had then you would know that EVERY major society has had slaves at one point or another. White or black they ALL have had slaves. And btw, the slaves that were bought by Americans were from tribes who sold THEIR own people to the slavers who were BOTH American and BRITISH.
3 likes+Alex Knight If you look back into the earlier documents of that time. You will find that the native americans were indeed slaves, but not for long. They knew the land well enough to escape and avoid punishment. Realizing this they started importing slaves form Africa beacause they didn't know American lands, they all spoke different languages, and therefore found it hard to escape.
0 likesWe enslaved Native Americans.... For a short time though.
1 like@Alex Knight Thank you! I am so tired of America being treated like it was the only country in history to use slaves! Most, if not all cultures used slaves at one point or another.
0 likesWe fucking Inslaved an entire race of people to build a railroad. Multiple, infact
0 likespilgram poniesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesPause the vidio when it flickers out there is text
0 likesYour American??
0 likesWot the hecc
1 likeWhy is there no comments here?
0 likesIt's my birthday!!!!!!!
0 likeshi i'm in 2050 help
0 likesthis is racist 😠😬😡😈
0 likesnot sure
0 likesReplies (1)
wow Riya Bhargava! great job!
0 likesam a muil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
see 2:48 of this video
0 likesReplies (1)
you will see something
0 likesnvm me....
0 likeslolz
0 likesI don't like king somber 👎
0 likes333th comment
0 likesFolks
0 likes397 Comment
0 likesWhait ur a changling
0 likeshi
0 likesTHE
0 likesHi
0 likesJ