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A very bad person has returned to the internet

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Comments (archived 2023-05-09 18:16; 10 top, 13 total comments)

Matthew The Bluey-Brony-Trainz-Railfan Productions 2023-04-29 05:52:35

I actually knew about Leafyishere. He made a few anti-brony videos on a few brony creators, which makes my blood boil, and called them out for being pedophiles and his fans went after them and started making death threats, bullying them, mocking them, and accusing them of being pedophiles.

After that he went after a guy who weared a fedora hat who as disabilities and started making fun of him. The guy with the fedora hat, made a police report on Leafyishere and told his viewers about he got attacked by Leafyishere which made him cry and his feelings were hurt every single day.

And I believe that Leafyishere parents probably heard about for what he did was absolutely wrong, but I believe that they didn't care about that. But from what I heard about Leafyishere he made a tons of money from his YouTube channel that he made videos.

Even YouTube creators had called him out for what he did was wrong, but they actually defended him that his termination from YouTube was wrong, tbh I think YouTube did give him a lot of chances to be a better YouTube Content Creator, but he didn't care about that. So YouTube had no choice but to terminate him from YouTube for good.

Also I completely want to forget all about Leafyishere for good. I don't want to mention him ever again.

DarkyBoode32 2023-04-29 05:50:38

I knew Leafy was quite controversial person on the internet, but for the longest time I had no idea he was racist, homophobic, transphobic, and antisemitic. Though I wasn’t really familiar with the scandals he was involved in.

Dark Rainbow647 2023-04-29 05:48:11

I think Leafy is immortal 😓

Replies (2)
MavisDaisyFan 2023-05-04 09:15:49

I'll check

MavisDaisyFan 2023-05-07 10:02:24


Quinn Houk 2023-04-29 07:00:29

And also he started a new group chat in messenger and the first thing he did was call me transphobic. I’m not even in that one and he’s talking about me behind my back

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Peppermint Swirl 2023-05-08 04:34:46

He went after one of the bronies i admired for a long time, Taxman and started attracting attention to him and resulted cyberstalkers for the longest time. I despise him.

White Indoraptor 334 2023-04-29 05:30:11

Leafy makes my blood boil!! 😡

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Madame Le Floof 2023-04-29 12:17:36

What the hell that is messed up

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Fabian Guerrero 2023-04-29 08:05:40

eugh i hate that guy

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Randolf Ducanes 2023-04-30 12:11:14

You watch Jreg too? Based

DinoPony 2023-04-29 05:31:15

I'm really not sure what's up with the jew stuff.

Replies (1)
Comic Field 2023-04-29 05:35:58

Neo-Nazis, basically, people who like Nazi Germany because they like Hitler or something.