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Blind Reaction: MLP FIM Season 5 Episode 10 "Princess Spike"

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Comments (archived 2024-03-02 01:31; 34 top, 72 total comments)

@HeavyMetalMal42 2019-12-26 20:31:42

I'm just imagining Ponybro going out and telling his roommates to be quiet by order of Princess Twilight. XD

Replies (6)
@DylanFarstveet 2024-01-06 03:45:51

​@@pipppetals391it's probably something I would do

@DylanFarstveet 2023-09-20 01:41:21


@ATrueCrimeEnthusiast 2023-05-02 19:54:57


@winter2716 2022-08-15 03:49:00 (edited 2023-08-18 10:12:50 )

But then he’d be behaving like Spike, and do we really want that?

(JK, I love Spike.)

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@Haxior5506 2021-04-22 23:15:08

@@pipppetals391 WOW! You're here!!?
I saw you on Letupita!

@pipppetals391 2020-09-12 04:00:03

Lmao wtf

@Narrator007 2019-11-03 09:06:40 (edited 2019-11-03 09:07:31 )

6:12 Spike: "Are those... dragonsneeze trees?"
Some fans have theorized that Canterlot grows and maintains those trees as a natural defense against dragon invasion.

Replies (2)
@devonm042690 2019-11-06 03:07:11

It'd be counterproductive, since an adult dragon's sneeze would likely take out the offending tree, plus at least three others while doing substantial damage to the surrounding infrastructure. Dragon breath is no joke.

@ThrustersX 2019-11-05 13:57:38

Oh wow I didn't think any of it on that way.

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@nickronca1562 2019-11-17 04:39:53

To be fair though, even if Spike did stop when he had good intentions, the flood and statue being destroyed still would have happened. Ironically, it's the stuff from his good intentions that caused that to happen ie. moving the polo game, not cutting down the trees, and not fixing the water pipe. Yeah you can view the castle getting flooded an statue breaking as karma, but it still would have happened even if Spike only did the things that were part of his good intentions, and all the things from his bad intentions resulted in literally no bad outcomes.

@fusionomni305 2019-11-03 00:06:42

Why doesn't the princess have guards to make sure she isn't disturbed? I think Spike was forced into this whole situation that he couldn't handle. He actually didn't even do anything selfish until Cadence brought it up that he might be, implying that she gave him the idea and tempted him.

Replies (1)
@traviswhitfield8045 2020-11-16 02:08:53

Yeah. I mean,if Candance brought it up that he might abuse his relationship with Twilight,he could have done good things for Twilight while making sure she got asleep.You can even see his face right here that Candance had just gave him an idea.15:04.So if you think about,this is actually kind of Candance's fault.

@Narrator007 2019-11-03 09:03:41

4:38 "Twilight sleeping is adorable!"
It's funny how the best part of this episode was the part we got to see the least of.

@SpacialRend7 2019-11-02 15:57:29

I didn’t know what to make of this Spike episode after the previous episode we had with the background characters. But, over time, this one kinda grew on me and I consider it to be a decent episode.

@Narrator007 2019-11-03 09:20:10

15:21 "You're seriously using her name to get free stuff?"
Kind of sounds like what the CMC did in Twilight Time, doesn't it?

Replies (1)
@traviswhitfield8045 2021-08-18 03:07:39

Known that you think about it.

@Narrator007 2019-11-03 08:44:20

1:28 "What was that guy's name? Fluffy Clouds or whatever?"
Yes, that's right! I'm impressed.

@joshblackwell8632 2019-11-02 15:03:57 (edited 2019-11-02 15:09:27 )

Honestly I feel sorry spike in this episode. He had the worst luck. I mean seriously did He spill a bunch of salt before this episode started? 😂

P.s personally I think spike episodes are underrated.

Replies (5)
@Foreleus 2022-01-05 22:22:49 (edited 2022-01-05 22:34:14 )

@@bonbonpony I don’t think you know what luck is. Luck is “success or failure brought on by CHANCE rather than one’s own actions”. There’s a certain degree of randomness to life. Life isn’t just a culmination of your actions and decisions, but rather the actions and decisions of every singly person that exist. You can’t control what happens in most cases, but you can choose how you respond and work with events. However here’s another variable. Human psychology. Different humans react differently do different situations depending on many factors. And there’s no real pattern to it. Humans in general have less control in life then what the internet wants to make you believe. There’s a reason why a majority of the human population is in poverty. There is a degree of luck in life. What those before you do and those around you do influence chance and how it flows. The key thing about luck is chance. Good and bad don’t exist, but success and failure do. Pure luck doesn’t exist yes, cause ultimately most things can be boiled down to a chain of events from so and so, but rng such as in games and gambling there is a degree of luck to it. Luck isn’t a force per say that you can influence, luck is something that can’t entirely be labeled, but whatever it is it does exist to a degree. When it comes to luck success or failure that is depended on variables beyond your control can be considered good or bad luck even if it makes logical sense as to why it happens. Luck hinges on one things, do you have any degree of control over what happens, cause from your perspective at that point it’s all up to chance

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@bonbonpony 2021-03-27 11:20:45

@@SakuraLovesong It's not luck, it's randomness. "Luck" is how you interpret it: when you draw a card that you like, you call it "good luck", and when you draw a card that you don't like, you call it "bad luck", even if this also has nothing to do with luck, it's just randomness. The universe doesn't care much who draws the cards and whether it would be good for that person or not.
Suppose that there's a "You lose everything" card on the top of the deck, but you don't know it. In scenario A, you draw it, and you scream: "DANG! What a bad luck!" In scenario B, you leave it alone, and the other gamer draws it – now you will feel lucky, because you won, he lost. But in both scenarios, it's the same card, and it's there all the time, no matter who will be the next one to draw it. Your "luck" has nothing to do with it. If you draw the cards one after another, one could even say that the fate of the game was sealed from the very beginning, it's just that none of the gamers knew it until they drew their cards.
Smart people don't believe in luck or fate – they make their own fate themselves, by their own decisions, and by how they deal with what the world gives them. This way, it doesn't matter much what "cards" they'll draw – they can make use of whatever they get. And they don't play games based on randomness (unless they want to be surprised and have fun).

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@SakuraLovesong 2021-03-27 10:23:14

@@bonbonpony How do you explain luck based games or luck based aspects of games? (Especially random item or character draws). It’s all rng with those. Either you get lucky and draw what you want or you don’t. Even digital versions of card games, you don’t shuffle the cards, the game does so you can’t manipulate the shuffle to control what you get. Sure, Uno you can just keep drawing every turn by some people’s rules, but other card games you can only draw if a specific thing happens. All you can do is hope for something good. That is what luck is.

@joshblackwell8632 2019-11-03 12:11:03 (edited 2019-11-03 12:12:20 )

@@bonbonpony Dang well I guess I can't blame the anti fairies for this after all.

@bonbonpony 2019-11-03 06:51:43

There's no such thing as bad luck. People think that they have bad luck when some crap happens to them and they're unable to notice the cause-effect chain that led to this, and that it's actually them who brought it upon themselves. It's all those little things they do wrong and ignore as unimportant that accumulate with time to give them negative feedback (i.e. an opportunity to learn something). In the same way, there's no such thing as good luck, just being more observant and aware of your surroundings.
Two people walked along the street walk. There was a $100 banknote lying on the ground. One of them missed it, the other one noticed it. The first one will now say that he was out of luck, because it always feels better to blame it to some "circumstances" or "luck" than to their own lack of awareness. The other one can call it good luck because in his own eyes he wasn't doing anything extraordinary and he thinks that anyone else could have spotted that banknote. But things don't work on their own – they're always consequences of their actions.
The same was true about Spike in this episode: even if some things were happening outside of his direct control (e.g. he didn't control the Dragon Sneeze Trees, he didn't control the broken water pipe...), most of those things could have been avoided if he was more observant and more aware of those cause-effect chains, and less focused on his own greed of power or the urge of solving other people's problems. As PonyBro noticed, it might have ended less terribly if he limited himself to giving ponies advices according to what he learned about Friendship from Twilight.

@miguelbailey95 2019-11-04 03:01:50

I mean to be honest why the hell is the trimming and watermane fixing not done already way befor the summet. This stuff should have been done way befor

@amead78 2019-11-13 23:27:41

It seems like Cadence set Spike up to fail. Why didn’t she take care of everything herself?

Replies (4)
@Foreleus 2022-01-05 21:27:17

@@CategoryFive5 a toddler is a baby who can walk, either way spike is waaaay to young and inexperienced to have responsibilities like these thrusted upon him. He’s good at Manuel labor, but he’s not smart or experienced enough or responsible enough for thr level of critical thinking required to do the task twilight should be doing

@CategoryFive5 2022-01-05 21:19:02

@@Foreleus he’s not really a baby anymore lol i prefer the word toddler

@Foreleus 2022-01-05 21:16:04 (edited 2022-01-05 21:16:23 )

@@CategoryFive5 he’s a fucken baby dragon, what the hell was she expecting from a BABY dragon

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@CategoryFive5 2020-09-24 18:48:20

She was trusting him

@bonbonpony 2019-11-03 06:35:09

02:05 Is it me or this statue totally looks like Pinkie? :J
03:48 Slammed with the door like in S1E1 :q
03:52 He kinda brings it upon himself by being too kind and helpful even when unneeded. That's a straight way into getting abused.
06:54 Well, if the entire place gets ruined every season premiere/finale by some rampaging villain.... you get the idea ;J
07:53 This Whinnyapolis pony totally looks like Marge Gunderson from "Fargo" :J
08:50 BWAAHHAHAH I forgot this one ;D
10:55 Well, I guess one can occasionally find a precious snowflake even in Equestria :q
12:58 Being over-zealous is the first step to fascism, don't you know? :J
16:20 Looks like we have a cumulation :q
18:27 I would say it's a nice karma redirection if it wasn't for the trouble he already got into :P
20:08 Either that, or he tried to jump off the window :q
20:28 There's a proverb that hell is paved with good intentions :q
20:42 You see, that's the thing with power: the most power-hungry are those who were abused too much. They urge for more power because they want to be on the top for a change. Now they want to be in charge so that they could have things done the way they like it. They want to be listened to, because nobody was listening to them before. Unfortunately, that's what makes them the last ones you'd like to put in charge of anything. This episode might be a total cringefest when it comes to Spike, but it does a pretty good job at explaining how power works, on multiple levels.
21:15 Well, at least he's got the honesty and courage to apologize and make things right. That says a lot about his character.

@Narrator007 2019-11-03 09:02:16

4:04 "Oh god, she's drunk."
Must have seen one of those Pony Thread Simulators... ;)

@thaddeusr.3967 2021-10-08 00:19:41

This is a good episode. Though somewhat flawed. Spike is okay. Someone seriously went to Twilight because of a seat.

@elliedavieslovesmlpfim1516 2021-12-14 14:40:45 (edited 2022-07-23 21:31:14 )

4:09 Cutest Twilight yawn ever.

@stormshadowproductions1660 2022-07-18 23:44:08

one of my favorite spike episodes

Replies (2)
@stormshadowproductions1660 2022-08-15 06:16:58

@@winter2716 this is not even close to Spike's worst episode

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@stormshadowproductions1660 2022-08-15 06:15:40 (edited 2022-08-15 06:16:09 )

@@winter2716 No the worst episode of season 5 is Appleoosa’s Most Wanted

@woofiewolf4941 2021-10-13 00:56:13

He could’ve just said she was sleeping and that they should talk to the other princesses. Like there are THREE OTHER PRINCESSES

@clearmelody6252 2019-11-05 09:00:33

Welp. Now that this clusterfuck is over with, let's get on with the good stuff!

@steathlizard3337 2020-12-27 02:52:13

76 sunglasses if you would have kept wearing them!

@Godzilla5675 2024-01-02 07:41:58

That cliffhanger makes me laugh

@th3_jelly_one114 2022-02-17 15:03:09

8:23 Who's Hungry?????
Ponybro: F*ck, My Roomates

Replies (1)
@winter2716 2023-08-01 01:51:02

Well, I haven't actually seen his roommates, but I suppose I could still take a run at them…

@johnosullivan6890 2021-11-30 21:32:11

4:49 scootaloo secret job

@tylermccaw8092 2022-01-09 13:53:51

3:00 yeah, so do the writers. 😑

@9386AliG 2023-10-19 06:24:14

5:19 to 5:23
Bird: What? Oh. Oops, Sorry. I’m just gonna go.

@joshblackwell8632 2019-11-02 15:10:13 (edited 2019-11-02 16:27:49 )

All Hail the Ruler of Gems Princess Spike!!!!!

@Charmolution 2019-11-03 18:17:11

I mean, if the president has trouble pretending he cares about a woman's family being massacred, I doubt he would give a shit about a seating arrangement issue.

@briskbronco6978 2020-09-07 16:57:23

Spike you can close the window

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Replies (3)
@Foreleus 2022-01-05 22:03:11 (edited 2022-01-05 22:03:27 )

Spike is a baby dragon, he likely doesn’t have the common sense or basic level of understanding so I can understand why he didn’t shut the window, even though it seems like an obvious solution

@briskbronco6978 2020-09-27 01:17:37

I don’t think twilight likes anything in her ears while she sleeps.

@supersonicheroes 2020-09-27 01:12:43

Or maybe just get some earplugs.

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@DylanFarstveet 2023-09-20 01:41:51

Yeah this episode did not help my hatred of Spike LOL

@traviswhitfield8045 2021-08-18 02:59:02

this was my least favorite episode but you made it worth it.

@Icy-be5vl 2022-02-01 17:32:56

He never will be a princess. I am a princess.

Replies (6)
@Scribbling_Scribbles 2023-08-18 10:28:52

@@Icy-be5vl proof?

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@Icy-be5vl 2023-08-18 10:25:27

@@Scribbling_Scribbles I look like a princess.

@Scribbling_Scribbles 2023-08-18 09:55:04


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@winter2716 2023-08-01 05:40:51

@@Icy-be5vl I see. Carry on, then…

@Icy-be5vl 2023-08-01 05:34:10

@@winter2716 Yes.

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@winter2716 2023-08-01 01:41:23

Oh, are you now?

@leopardndf6971 2019-11-02 14:37:01

At least spike did not get wings :q, and yeah some of his episodes are... not good, like you said spike at your service is...(arguably my least favorite episode)

@skittybug6937 2021-09-10 11:33:56

This is a pretty boring episode, but honestly better boring than Singing The Cloudsdale Anthem.

@princessstarlaixyarixes8103 2021-04-24 14:08:09

Guys can't be princesses.

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Replies (7)
@Scribbling_Scribbles 2023-08-18 09:55:53 (edited 2023-08-18 09:56:07 )

​​@@princessstarlaixyarixes8103anybody can do their own thing and be whatever they want soooo........

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@beansquad-ally3197 2021-08-07 20:06:43

@@princessstarlaixyarixes8103 Wrong

@princessstarlaixyarixes8103 2021-08-07 17:56:35

@@beansquad-ally3197 Logic says something different

@beansquad-ally3197 2021-08-07 16:20:10

@@princessstarlaixyarixes8103 That is not up for you to decide, you get to chose how you get called so if a guy wants to be called princess then that's how he is because that's his choice

@princessstarlaixyarixes8103 2021-05-04 18:11:42 (edited 2023-10-31 08:20:34 )

@Darino But it doesn't mean that guy suddenly is a princess and girl is a prince. Princess is a female title for girl and prince is for guy.

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@princessstarlaixyarixes8103 2021-05-03 21:13:23 (edited 2023-11-22 15:33:27 )

@Darino No they can't.

@Joannethemom 2021-05-02 22:57:33

Yes they can be princesses

@Foreleus 2022-01-05 21:21:06 (edited 2022-01-05 21:35:51 )

That’s just straight up un fucken lucky for spike, he’s not given directions for these specific situations. Fucken bullshit and since he’s young and not mature to the slightest it was irresponsible on Cadence part for trusting spike on what he was doing