Bien que ce groupe britannique soit fortement influencé par le côté le plus mélodique de YES, « Fluid Druid » n’est pas une copie ou un clone. Sur le même ton qu’un autre grand groupe (et sous-estimé) de la même période (ANGLETERRE), DRUID a pris les meilleurs éléments monstres des années 70 et a fait un album plein de qualité et de beauté.
Dane, le chanteur, semble chanter comme Jon Anderson, mais cela semble dérivé, pas imitatif. Le travail d’un guitariste (comme Howe) est extrêmement bon. Toutes les chansons sont très agréables, bien que ce ne soit pas vraiment complexe, présentant toutes les meilleures caractéristiques du rock symphonique classique: changements fréquents et surprenants, chœur magnifique, mélodies fantastiques et instrumentation élaborée.
« Razor Truth » et « Painters Clouds » sont deux magnifiques chansons dans lesquelles l’influence de DA est facile à reconnaître, et « Barnaby » est une sorte de courte chanson de rythme reggae, mais les perles sont « FM 145 » (principalement la beauté instrumentale camel-esque), « Crusade » (quelle chanson unique!) et mini suite « Left To Find » (gemme progressif: il commence comme si le thème, mais tout à coup la délicieuse flûte attaque l’ambiance et la mélodie coule lentement, crescend avec piano et guitare, créant une atmosphère particulière. Ici encore, nous pouvons trouver l’influence de CAMEL).
« Fluid Druid » est un album fortement recommandé, très mélodique et beau, et essentiel pour tous les fans de DA.LADISLAV&Z.......
Despite this British band being heavily influenced by the most melodic side of YES, "Fluid Druid" is not a copy or a clone. In the same tone of another large (and underrated) group of the same period (ENGLAND), DRUID took the best monster elements of the 70s and made an album full of quality and beauty.
Dane, the vocalist, seems to sing like Jon Anderson, but it sounds derivative, not imitative. The job of a guitarist (like Howe) is extremely good. All the songs are very pleasant altough is not really complex, presenting all the best classical symphonic rock characteristics: frequent and surprising changes, magnificent chorus, fantastic melodies and elaborate instrumentation.
"Razor Truth" and "Painters Clouds" are two magnificent songs in which the influence of DA is easy to recognize, and "Barnaby" is a kind of short song of reggae rhythm, but pearls are "FM 145" (mostly instrumental camel-esque beauty), "Crusade" (what a unique song!) and mini suite "Left To Find" (progressive gem: it begins as if the theme, but suddenly the delicious flute attacks the ambience and the melody flows slowly, crescend with piano and guitar, creating a special atmosphere. Here again we can find the influence of CAMEL).
"Fluid Druid" is a highly recommended album, very melodic and beautiful, and essential for all DA fans.LADISLAV&Z...CANADA!!!
It was an album on which Druid ditched his producer 'names' and tried to do his own thing in an attempt to escape some of the hype of their debut. Musically they were partially successful - this album is far fewer copies of Yes than before, but unfortunately their timing was wrong. Even as the album appeared in record stores, the storm clouds of Punk gathered to wash away the weak and powerless. Druid wouldn't survive. Fluid Druid is a good album, but in a way stunning because among some mild pop (Razor Truth), soft late Moody Blues-style rock (Painter's Clouds after an encouraging start) and Yes cloning (Kestrel), there are some glimpses of originality and excellent musicality. The basic songs aren't too strong, and sometimes it seems the band is just trying a little too hard, but the arrangements are generally good to excellent with bold main guitar work and a magnificent organ of pipes thanks to the Royal Albert Hall. Dane's vocals this time sound more like Michael Jackson than Jon Anderson, but he still sings mostly in a very high trot and with a weak diction. He's an acquired taste, but you get him used to it in time.
Highlights are a far too short FM145, a noisy instrumental that shows what they could have achieved. The Crusade has some silly vocal mannerisms that mars an otherwise excellent song with children's and adult choirs and organ tubes before falling into some Da-isms. Nothing But Morning is a magnificent song built around a choir and organ that contrasts with a cod-reggae beat reminiscent of 10CC on Barnaby. Left To Find chills in a relaxing mild mood, guided by flute and choir, but with a cutting guitar somewhere near Camel territory.
Fluid Druid isn't consistent enough to be considered 'excellent', although some are of the individual pieces, but it's worth exploring whether you like the melodic Symphonic Prog in the mid-'70s. Of course, the accusation that it was carried out still cannot be completely avoided, but Druid has advanced in his own voice. Anyone can guess how much longer they could have left. LADISLAV&Z.......
Unatoč tome što je ovaj britanski bend bio pod snažnim utjecajem naj melodičnije strane YES-a, "Fluid Druid" nije kopija ili klon. U istom tonu još jedne velike (i podcijenjene) skupine istog razdoblja (ENGLESKA), DRUID je uzeo najbolje elemente čudovišta 70-ih i napravio album puno kvalitete i ljepote.
Dane, vokal, izgleda da pjeva kao Jon Anderson, ali zvuči izvedeno, ne imitirajuće. Posao gitarista (kao Howe) izuzetno je dobar. Sve pjesme su vrlo ugodne altough nije stvarno složen, predstavljajući sve najbolje klasične simfonijske rock karakteristike: česte i iznenađujuće promjene, veličanstveni refren, fantastične melodije i razrađenu instrumentaciju.
"Razor Truth" i "Painters Clouds" dvije su veličanstvene pjesme u kojima je utjecaj DA lako prepoznati, a "Barnaby" je svojevrsna kratka pjesma reggae ritma, ali biseri su "FM 145" (uglavnom instrumentalna camel-esque ljepota), "Crusade" (kakva jedinstvena pjesma!) i mini suite "Left To Find" (progresivni dragulj: počinje kao da tema, ali odjednom ukusna flauta napada ambijent i melodija teče polako, u crescendu s klavirom i gitarom, stvarajući poseban ugođaj. Ovdje opet možemo pronaći utjecaj CAMEL-a).
"Fluid Druid" je vrlo preporučljiv album, vrlo melodičan i lijep, i neophodan za sve fanove DA.LADISLAV&Z...CANADA!!!
To je bio album na kojem je Druid odbacio svog producenta 'imena' i pokušao napraviti vlastitu stvar u pokušaju da pobjegne od nekog hypea njihovog prvijenca. Glazbeno su bili djelomično uspješni - ovaj album je daleko manje kopija Da nego prije, ali nažalost njihov je tajming bio pogrešan. Čak i dok se album pojavljivao u prodavaonicama ploča, olujni oblaci Punka skupljali su se kako bi isprali slabe i nemoćne. Druid ne bi preživio. Fluid Druid je dobar album, ali na neki način i zapanjujući jer među nekim blagim popom (Razor Truth), mekim rockom u stilu late Moody Bluesa (Painter's Clouds nakon ohrabrujućeg starta) i Da kloniranjem (Kestrel), neki su pogledi originalnosti i izvrsne muzikalnosti. Osnovne pjesme nisu prejake, a ponekad se čini da se bend samo malo previše trudi, ali aranžmani su općenito dobri do izvrsni s hrabrim radom na glavnoj gitari i veličanstvenim orguljama cijevi zahvaljujući Royal Albert Hallu. Daneov vokal ovaj put više zvuči kao Michael Jackson nego Jon Anderson, ali on i dalje pjeva uglavnom u vrlo visokoj kasi i sa slabom dikcijom. On je stečeni ukus, ali naviknete ga na vrijeme.
Izdvajamo daleko prekratak FM145, bučan instrumental koji pokazuje što su mogli postići. Križarski rat ima neke blesave vokalne manire koji mars inače izvrsnu pjesmu s dječjim i odraslim zborovima i orguljama cijevi prije nego što upadne u neke Da-izme. Nothing But Morning je veličanstvena pjesma izgrađena oko zbora i orgulja koja je u kontrastu s cod-reggae ritmom koji podsjeća na 10CC na Barnabyju. Left To Find zimica u opuštajućem blagom raspoloženju, vođen flautom i zborom, ali s rezanjem gitare negdje u blizini camelskog teritorija.
Fluid Druid nije dovoljno dosljedan da bi se smatrao 'izvrsnim', iako su neki od pojedinačnih komada, ali vrijedi istražiti volite li melodični Symphonic Prog sredinom 70-ih. Naravno, optužba da je izvedena još uvijek se ne može u potpunosti izbjeći, ali Druid je napredovao prema vlastitom glasu. Svatko može pretpostaviti koliko su još mogli otići.LADISLAV&Z…….
Bien que ce groupe britannique soit fortement influencé par le côté le plus mélodique de YES, « Fluid Druid » n’est pas une copie ou un clone. Sur le même ton qu’un autre grand groupe (et sous-estimé) de la même période (ANGLETERRE), DRUID a pris les meilleurs éléments monstres des années 70 et a fait un album plein de qualité et de beauté.
0 likesDane, le chanteur, semble chanter comme Jon Anderson, mais cela semble dérivé, pas imitatif. Le travail d’un guitariste (comme Howe) est extrêmement bon. Toutes les chansons sont très agréables, bien que ce ne soit pas vraiment complexe, présentant toutes les meilleures caractéristiques du rock symphonique classique: changements fréquents et surprenants, chœur magnifique, mélodies fantastiques et instrumentation élaborée.
« Razor Truth » et « Painters Clouds » sont deux magnifiques chansons dans lesquelles l’influence de DA est facile à reconnaître, et « Barnaby » est une sorte de courte chanson de rythme reggae, mais les perles sont « FM 145 » (principalement la beauté instrumentale camel-esque), « Crusade » (quelle chanson unique!) et mini suite « Left To Find » (gemme progressif: il commence comme si le thème, mais tout à coup la délicieuse flûte attaque l’ambiance et la mélodie coule lentement, crescend avec piano et guitare, créant une atmosphère particulière. Ici encore, nous pouvons trouver l’influence de CAMEL).
« Fluid Druid » est un album fortement recommandé, très mélodique et beau, et essentiel pour tous les fans de DA.LADISLAV&Z.......
Despite this British band being heavily influenced by the most melodic side of YES, "Fluid Druid" is not a copy or a clone. In the same tone of another large (and underrated) group of the same period (ENGLAND), DRUID took the best monster elements of the 70s and made an album full of quality and beauty.
0 likesDane, the vocalist, seems to sing like Jon Anderson, but it sounds derivative, not imitative. The job of a guitarist (like Howe) is extremely good. All the songs are very pleasant altough is not really complex, presenting all the best classical symphonic rock characteristics: frequent and surprising changes, magnificent chorus, fantastic melodies and elaborate instrumentation.
"Razor Truth" and "Painters Clouds" are two magnificent songs in which the influence of DA is easy to recognize, and "Barnaby" is a kind of short song of reggae rhythm, but pearls are "FM 145" (mostly instrumental camel-esque beauty), "Crusade" (what a unique song!) and mini suite "Left To Find" (progressive gem: it begins as if the theme, but suddenly the delicious flute attacks the ambience and the melody flows slowly, crescend with piano and guitar, creating a special atmosphere. Here again we can find the influence of CAMEL).
"Fluid Druid" is a highly recommended album, very melodic and beautiful, and essential for all DA fans.LADISLAV&Z...CANADA!!!
It was an album on which Druid ditched his producer 'names' and tried to do his own thing in an attempt to escape some of the hype of their debut. Musically they were partially successful - this album is far fewer copies of Yes than before, but unfortunately their timing was wrong. Even as the album appeared in record stores, the storm clouds of Punk gathered to wash away the weak and powerless. Druid wouldn't survive.
0 likesFluid Druid is a good album, but in a way stunning because among some mild pop (Razor Truth), soft late Moody Blues-style rock (Painter's Clouds after an encouraging start) and Yes cloning (Kestrel), there are some glimpses of originality and excellent musicality. The basic songs aren't too strong, and sometimes it seems the band is just trying a little too hard, but the arrangements are generally good to excellent with bold main guitar work and a magnificent organ of pipes thanks to the Royal Albert Hall. Dane's vocals this time sound more like Michael Jackson than Jon Anderson, but he still sings mostly in a very high trot and with a weak diction. He's an acquired taste, but you get him used to it in time.
Highlights are a far too short FM145, a noisy instrumental that shows what they could have achieved. The Crusade has some silly vocal mannerisms that mars an otherwise excellent song with children's and adult choirs and organ tubes before falling into some Da-isms. Nothing But Morning is a magnificent song built around a choir and organ that contrasts with a cod-reggae beat reminiscent of 10CC on Barnaby. Left To Find chills in a relaxing mild mood, guided by flute and choir, but with a cutting guitar somewhere near Camel territory.
Fluid Druid isn't consistent enough to be considered 'excellent', although some are of the individual pieces, but it's worth exploring whether you like the melodic Symphonic Prog in the mid-'70s. Of course, the accusation that it was carried out still cannot be completely avoided, but Druid has advanced in his own voice. Anyone can guess how much longer they could have left. LADISLAV&Z.......
Unatoč tome što je ovaj britanski bend bio pod snažnim utjecajem naj melodičnije strane YES-a, "Fluid Druid" nije kopija ili klon. U istom tonu još jedne velike (i podcijenjene) skupine istog razdoblja (ENGLESKA), DRUID je uzeo najbolje elemente čudovišta 70-ih i napravio album puno kvalitete i ljepote.
0 likesDane, vokal, izgleda da pjeva kao Jon Anderson, ali zvuči izvedeno, ne imitirajuće. Posao gitarista (kao Howe) izuzetno je dobar. Sve pjesme su vrlo ugodne altough nije stvarno složen, predstavljajući sve najbolje klasične simfonijske rock karakteristike: česte i iznenađujuće promjene, veličanstveni refren, fantastične melodije i razrađenu instrumentaciju.
"Razor Truth" i "Painters Clouds" dvije su veličanstvene pjesme u kojima je utjecaj DA lako prepoznati, a "Barnaby" je svojevrsna kratka pjesma reggae ritma, ali biseri su "FM 145" (uglavnom instrumentalna camel-esque ljepota), "Crusade" (kakva jedinstvena pjesma!) i mini suite "Left To Find" (progresivni dragulj: počinje kao da tema, ali odjednom ukusna flauta napada ambijent i melodija teče polako, u crescendu s klavirom i gitarom, stvarajući poseban ugođaj. Ovdje opet možemo pronaći utjecaj CAMEL-a).
"Fluid Druid" je vrlo preporučljiv album, vrlo melodičan i lijep, i neophodan za sve fanove DA.LADISLAV&Z...CANADA!!!
To je bio album na kojem je Druid odbacio svog producenta 'imena' i pokušao napraviti vlastitu stvar u pokušaju da pobjegne od nekog hypea njihovog prvijenca. Glazbeno su bili djelomično uspješni - ovaj album je daleko manje kopija Da nego prije, ali nažalost njihov je tajming bio pogrešan. Čak i dok se album pojavljivao u prodavaonicama ploča, olujni oblaci Punka skupljali su se kako bi isprali slabe i nemoćne. Druid ne bi preživio.
0 likesFluid Druid je dobar album, ali na neki način i zapanjujući jer među nekim blagim popom (Razor Truth), mekim rockom u stilu late Moody Bluesa (Painter's Clouds nakon ohrabrujućeg starta) i Da kloniranjem (Kestrel), neki su pogledi originalnosti i izvrsne muzikalnosti. Osnovne pjesme nisu prejake, a ponekad se čini da se bend samo malo previše trudi, ali aranžmani su općenito dobri do izvrsni s hrabrim radom na glavnoj gitari i veličanstvenim orguljama cijevi zahvaljujući Royal Albert Hallu. Daneov vokal ovaj put više zvuči kao Michael Jackson nego Jon Anderson, ali on i dalje pjeva uglavnom u vrlo visokoj kasi i sa slabom dikcijom. On je stečeni ukus, ali naviknete ga na vrijeme.
Izdvajamo daleko prekratak FM145, bučan instrumental koji pokazuje što su mogli postići. Križarski rat ima neke blesave vokalne manire koji mars inače izvrsnu pjesmu s dječjim i odraslim zborovima i orguljama cijevi prije nego što upadne u neke Da-izme. Nothing But Morning je veličanstvena pjesma izgrađena oko zbora i orgulja koja je u kontrastu s cod-reggae ritmom koji podsjeća na 10CC na Barnabyju. Left To Find zimica u opuštajućem blagom raspoloženju, vođen flautom i zborom, ali s rezanjem gitare negdje u blizini camelskog teritorija.
Fluid Druid nije dovoljno dosljedan da bi se smatrao 'izvrsnim', iako su neki od pojedinačnih komada, ali vrijedi istražiti volite li melodični Symphonic Prog sredinom 70-ih. Naravno, optužba da je izvedena još uvijek se ne može u potpunosti izbjeći, ali Druid je napredovao prema vlastitom glasu. Svatko može pretpostaviti koliko su još mogli otići.LADISLAV&Z…….