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WhiteTailMusic - Rarity's Boutique (Fighting is Magic) - Techno Remix - the Phony Brony

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Comments (archived 2022-07-03 02:49; 23 top, 27 total comments)

WhitetailMusic 2012-03-05 02:31:54

This is pretty awesome, nice work dude - I love the counterpoint melodies

Luna Moth 2012-03-03 10:04:01

really well done, it would be awesome as an ending song for the game XD

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Dmagine ! 2016-05-14 09:01:28

Yeeeessssssssss, please don't ever delete your songs from your channel EVER! I have memory problems and i used to listen to your songs in 2013 and when i hear it now i feel real nostalgic and i honestly can't do that with other things since i move to a different country every 7 years and this is just great i thank you for the great time really! I hope you feel proud!

Replies (4)
Excessive Speeds 2016-11-18 21:26:15

Just download them if your worried

Dmagine ! 2016-11-19 12:37:02

Yeah i just never have the time:p

Prot07ype 2017-12-06 17:48:02

Better save it before than having it lost forever.

ylluminarious 2018-06-08 00:26:26 (edited 2018-06-08 00:34:16 )

Sadly, a great many brony artists delete their songs out of embarrassment or other pressures. Even Phony Brony has a lot of dead links on his videos for instrumentals and other things. It is not infeasible that he too will delete his content since the last upload was about four and a half years ago. Please do yourself a favor and download all the songs you want.
There are many utilities for doing this such as youtube-dl ( https://github.com/MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui ) and Downie ( https://software.charliemonroe.net/downie.php ). If you want more, just ask.

RePoisn 2012-03-16 13:25:07

man, this is even better than the original! (in my opinion) :3

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Your Average Konchu 2012-03-18 20:03:06

Dude, you should somehow get mane6 to add these songs to Fighting is Magic as 2nd/3rd round or as an ending song for the story mode for each fighter...

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Pyrobug0 2012-03-03 00:08:01

This is a sweet remix.

BasedVulpine 2014-05-12 07:56:44

Hi, some folks and I are arranging a Fighting Is Magic Compilation Album that includes all the original music, [Pre Alpha, Tribute Edition and Premium Edition], plus a lot of fan made music, remixes and fun goodies for audio geeks.

I was wondering if you'd like the opportunity to contribute any of your tracks to this album; you'll be credited of course.

This is open to any and all people interested and all entries will be accepted!

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abr4 2012-07-14 13:41:41

This is loads better than the original. I actually liked this one right from the start while hated WT's version after I heard it for the first time and still can't get into it. Thank you for redeeming this song for me, I'll definitely try to mod it into the game for me. Although I still don't really hear the Rarity in it tbh, but at least it's a good song now - and this is coming from someone who usually doesn't listen to techno.

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Dash Aradele 2014-04-10 17:09:25

This. Is. Wonderful.

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Rayndrops 2013-06-08 03:30:25

There's an underground build of FiM out now, though.

Whoisthattroll 2012-03-02 13:16:32

Rarity takes no carp from nopony. :D Cool remix dude. Keep it up!

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William Shakespearicles 2012-03-04 21:28:41

I recognize this from the "All you base are belong to us" video.

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Deej Tiuz 2020-09-30 22:33:22

It's been like 3 years that Fighting is Magic project has closed..cuz Hasbro .sad.. anyway, this is very very cool!

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PhonyBrony 2012-03-05 02:56:20

@WhitetailMusic *GASP* The gods have spoken to me! Thank you!

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Whoisthattroll 2012-03-02 21:48:14

...auto correct. Wish I can send it to the moon... _;;

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Kain59242 2012-03-02 21:45:03

Carp? I guess she prefers Mackerel.

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Okami Amaterasu 2013-02-14 11:14:51

I hope Mane6 can negotiate with them :/

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mystical boot 2022-06-15 14:17:21

Why isn’t there more comments on this video how is the algorithm ever going to find it but there’s not enough comments and likes on it we need more to get the algorithms attention

Okami Amaterasu 2013-01-31 20:50:50

Good luck. They hardcode almost all their files in the game.

Okami Amaterasu 2013-02-10 01:38:36

AAAANd there goes FiM...

Kyle Smith 2012-03-03 09:12:19

This isn't techno at all. Trance, maybe. But certainly not techno.

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PhonyBrony 2013-02-13 00:50:30

Sucks, right ? :(

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DR!P 2014-08-18 14:13:54

im the 12,000 viewer :D

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