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The Mind Garage&A Total Electric Happening..1968 Full Album...

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Comments (archived 2022-12-03 17:30; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-17 21:20:07

"A Total Electric Happening" sadrži njihov prvi singl privatno objavljen 1968. godine putem vlastite MORNING GLORI etikete plus 7 prethodno neobjavljenih pjesama. Svi dolaze iz starog acetata napravljenog za promo upotrebu 1968. Ovo službeno izdanje dolazi u gatefold (uni-pak, američki tip naslovnice) s puno fotografija i memorabilija. Plus dodatni umetak od 4 stranice s biografijom i fotografijama i dodatnom post-karticom (peticija). PVC zaštitni outersleeve. 180 gr vinil. Ograničeno izdanje od 500 primjeraka (100 obojenih zelenih

(+ 400 crnih (THIS)) Licencirano od Larryja McClurga i MIND GARAGE.

Remasteriran i restauriran iz originalnog acetata iz 1968.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-17 21:24:59

Tony Cummings follows the history of a pioneering band from West Virginia, MIND GARAGEMind Garage
Mind garage
A Wikipedia entry for the West Virginia-based psychedelic rock band Mind Garage summarizes their contribution to music history as a “progenitor of Christian rock music”. Their Electric Liturgy was performed in 1968. Such was their importance that there was subsequently a petition for Mind Garage to be inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame and in the current issue of the British magazine Shindig there is a four-page article about the group.

The origins of Mind Garage go back to Morgantown, West Virginia, when a group of students attending the University of West Virginia started the rock band Glass Menagerie. The glass menagerie was highly regarded locally and their mix of British invasion and psychedelic headlines gave them some gigs in the midwestern United States. When Glass Menagerie disbanded in July 1967. The three remaining members of Glass Menagerie, Larry McClurg (vocals); Norris Lytton (sax) and Jack Bond (keyboards) returned to Morgantown where, with two other WVU students John Vaughan (guitar) and Ted Smith (drums), they formed a new band. Vaughan introduced them to the young Episcopal Minister of Campus Michael Paine and his wife Victoria. Rev Paine had the idea to combine the new church liturgy with rock music, in the same way that Charles Wesley and General Booth took the popular music of their days to create music of worship. Rev Paine saw the band as a vehicle to create their vision of reality. His wife came up with the name of the band, Mind Garage.

Amadeus Wachtler wrote in Shindig magazine about the context of this re-emergence of the Wesley / Booth strategy. “Despite the cultural revolution exploding nationally, long-haired musicians were considered‘ hippies ’and violently disliked and ridiculed, especially in a city like Morgantown, where conformism was the rule and conformism meant being like all the other students involved in fraternities, sports and dances - wear short hair and dress conservatively Larry McClurg recalls how the band members were threatened and harassed. 'Those dirty beatnik hippies are what they called us. discrimination, hatred, ridicule, lies, beatings and sometimes called the antichrist '".

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-17 21:26:49

Les trois autres membres de Glass Menagerie, Larry McClurg (chant); Norris Lytton (sax) et Jack Bond (claviers) retournent à Morgantown où, avec deux autres étudiants de WVU, John Vaughan (guitare) et Ted Smith (batterie), ils forment un nouveau groupe. Vaughan les a présentés au jeune ministre épiscopal du campus Michael Paine et à son épouse Victoria. Le révérend Paine a eu l'idée de combiner la nouvelle liturgie ecclésiale avec la musique rock, de la même manière que Charles Wesley et le général Booth ont pris la musique populaire de leur temps pour créer une musique de culte. Rev Paine a vu le groupe comme un véhicule pour créer leur vision de la réalité. Sa femme a proposé le nom du groupe, Mind Garage.

Amadeus Wachtler a écrit dans le magazine Shindig sur le contexte de cette réémergence de la stratégie Wesley / Booth. «Malgré l'explosion de la révolution culturelle à l'échelle nationale, les musiciens aux cheveux longs étaient considérés comme des« hippies »et violemment détestés et ridiculisés, en particulier dans une ville comme Morgantown, où le conformisme était la règle et le conformisme signifiait être comme tous les autres étudiants impliqués dans les fraternités, les sports et danses - porter des cheveux courts et s'habiller de façon conservatrice Larry McClurg se souvient comment les membres du groupe ont été menacés et harcelés. "Ces hippies beatnik sales sont ce qu'ils nous appelaient. discrimination, haine, ridicule, mensonges, coups et parfois appelés l'antéchrist" ".

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-17 21:23:53 (edited 2021-04-17 21:30:14 )

.Um garaža nije na kraju vratiti spontano u '83 na godišnjicu braka prijatelja. To je pak dovelo do snimanja, ali snimke su ostale neobjavljene i članovi benda ponovno su se razišli još 24 godine. 2007. godine pet originalnih članova Mind Garagea reformiralo se kako bi odsvirali koncert ponovnog okupljanja na Goodstocku u Summervilleu, Zapadna Virginia.

2009. godine bend je još jednom počeo pisati i snimati, a rezultat je bio'The Mind Garage 5', objavljen na njihovoj etiketi Yellow Sun Music. U novije vrijeme snimaju novu verziju Liturgije koja će biti objavljena kao besplatno preuzimanje ili potpisana fizička kopija. U međuvremenu, razumijevanje doprinosa Mind Garageapovijesti rock glazbe i dalje raste. Napisao je Amadeus Wachtler: "Nedavno je u Pittsburghu isplivao acetat početnih sesija demo snimanja, prije RCA-a, uključujući 'Asphalt Mother' i objavljen je kao 'A Total Electric Happening'. Zapis ih bilježi u najboljem izdanju - mlada, originalna, energična skupina koju je RCA čuo, volio i potpisao. Iako se ne radi o snimci uživo, ona hvata sirovi zvuk koji je potaknuo grupu studenata Sveučilišta West Virginia na visine rocka i koji bi, uz pomoć Rev Michaela Painea, stvorio novi žanr rock glazbe i metode kršćanskog obožavanja koji bi ih još mogao steći indukcijom u Rock 'n' Roll Kuću slavnih na temelju njihove uloge u integraciji rock glazbe i religije." ....Tony Cummings prati povijest pionirskog benda iz Zapadne Virginije, MIND GARAGEMind Garage
Um garaža
Unos na Wikipediji za psihodelični rock bend Mind Garage sa sjedištem u Zapadnoj Virginiji sažeto navodi njihov doprinos glazbenoj povijesti kao "progenitor kršćanske rock glazbe". Njihova Električna liturgija izvedena 1968. Takva je bila njihova važnost da je naknadno postojala peticija da se Mind Garage ubaci u Rock 'n' Roll Kuću slavnih i u aktualnom broju britanskog časopisa Shindig nalazi se članak na četiri stranice o grupi.

Podrijetlo Mind Garagea seže do Morgantowna u Zapadnoj Virginiji, kada je grupa studenata koji pohađaju Sveučilište West Virginia pokrenula rock bend Glass Menagerie. Staklena menažerija bila je vrlo cijenjena na lokalnoj razini i njihova mješavina britanske invazije i psihodeličnih naslovnica dobila im je neke gaže na srednjem zapadu SAD-a. Kada se Glass Menagerie raspustio u srpnju 1967.