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The Alicorn Amulet and Dark Magic

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Comments (archived 2023-01-23 04:34; 378 top, 481 total comments)

ceil 2015-01-07 00:15:48

Okay, I think that Alicorn magic is truely what ponies call "dark magic" execpt that only alicorns can use is without being corrupted. If a pony is not an alicorn, they will be corrupted by the magic. Being an alicorn makes you capable of handling dark magic, what would be harmful to the average pony. To keep this a secret, and not distress the population, the princesses must cast a spell on their aura color to make it so that they do not do so.
Well that's my canon. It's a work in progress :)!

Yourfavoritetimewaster 2014-07-21 00:46:19

Don't forget in the episode "Inspiration Manifestation" Twilight says that the Alicorns had to clean up all of that DARK MAGIC, so maybe Dark magic is so powerful that only Alicorns can stop it, like how Celestia and Luna had to stop King Sombra when he was using dark magic, and in his return, Cadence, the "Crystal Princess" (as one of the Crystal ponies called her) had to help defeat Sombra. Coincidence? I think not.

Replies (5)
Equestria4life 2014-07-29 04:44:49

Uh she actually said DIRT magic not DARK magic

Pinkey2209 2014-08-15 11:22:16

This was made before inspiration manifestation

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Pluto Jerusalem 2014-08-15 23:00:43

@Equestria4life No. She didn't. 

XObunnychanOX 2014-11-10 17:40:46

OMG WTF SKY XDD dat profile picture omg

QueenSalis 2015-04-06 22:36:34

Not to stop, but to reverse the effects.
To stop would be if Rarity tried to modify something and somepony prevented it from happening.

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Tails Clock 2019-11-13 08:49:38

"Dark Magic" is not something ever said in the show as far as I recall. It's bizarre how everyone is coming to the same confusion about the reality of dark magic, when all that's happening is, the show is telling us outright that there is no such thing. Alicorn magic is called that, because that's what it is. Trixie's magic was also not "dark magic" because one more, that's a fan name that is based only on the fact that it was used by a villain, same as alicorn magic. It's injecting headcanon into the situation and it makes it impossible to see what's actually there.

So the show has already told us, alicorn magic is the name of the creepy magic. It has strange properties and is known to be used by a corrupt unicorn. We can then begin to theorise about how he might have been corrupted by the magic. And link this to the amulet that also had a corrupting influence whilst empowering the caster. Just because Trixie's magic didn't look like Alicorn magic, and instead looks like normal magic, it makes no damn sense to think that it must be something new. It's clearly normal magic still, but enhanced with the traits of alicorn magic. So we can safely assume that combining the two just causes discoloration.

The idea that alicorn magic is simply a stronger form that takes a stronger will to use, is one I like. Though being one you can only use if you're already very powerful makes sense too. Sombra is more magically gifted than Celestia. Is it magic that's stronger, or is there something inherantly destructive about it? Why does it form crystals? What effect do the crystals have? These are all the things I was hoping you'd discuss. Instead of basically looking into why your headcanon confuses you.

I hope you revisit magic in a later video.

ZGuy0fSci 2014-11-15 20:58:37

"It takes a pound of evil to achieve an once of good, and without Darkness there could be no Light."  Indeed, perhaps "dark magic" is the pure of "alicorn magic" unfiltered and rawforce, such that 'Dark Magic' IS just that: pure magic, raw-force.

And thus it is highly corupting to any such "lesser beings" as stated by autumn breeze below. If see "Vampony Chronicles" (which the author really needs to finish) we see different magic 'colors' ie White, Red, Green, and Dark or so if right.
ie Light, Fire, Earth, & Dark.

In its purest raw form thus, that "Alicorn Magic" IS "Dark Magic", the color/ora of powers based on the user once/when refined. Such that the amulet was likely owned or imbuned with its magic by one of a Red ora, as opposed to just the Green-Eyes thing.
If used by the proper sort its just power, but by the weak of heart/mind it corupts.

NotAHamster 2015-02-06 12:06:26

Maybe Alicorn magic corrupts unicorns and other regular ponys, and only alicorns (or people almost being alicorns S3 Twilight) can use it.

Replies (1)
Miraculous Crazy 2020-11-12 07:20:39 (edited 2020-11-12 07:25:28 )

How about there is a curse to becoming alicorns which is dark magic. Sombra cast this from his dark magic as a form of revenge from the two sisters. Celisitia and Luna. But as with a form of dark there comes light. Alicorns where gifted to control the dark magic . Only talented unicorns like twilight was before can cast and control this dark magic but for a short period of time. Zecora said use alicorn magic the magic which only alicorns have . Unicorns can just copy that magic it is not original. Zecora told her that use the magic which only alicorns have and can control. Which is dark magic.

Jimmy Crickets 2014-09-07 02:36:40

I have a idea as to why Trixie was corrupted using the Alicorn Amulet. To become an alicorn princess, and use alicorn magic, you had to prove you had heart. Twilight Sparkle (and in some theories Cadence) proved that they had heart and became alicorn princesses. However, Trixie was greedy and cruel, and therefore could not control the alicorn amulet, corrupting her. 

This is also simply a theory, nothing more. What if Equestria started with only no magic, as in either earth ponies or horses. As Equestria developed, different types of magic came to play. Those "evil" ponies had created dark magic, and dark magic can only be used for things like corruption and destruction. While other ponies who had proven themselves worthy of becoming the first alicorns, had discovered/created alicorn magic, a stronger form of magic that allows stronger spells and more powerful spells to be cast, or any magic at all. The different ponies stayed at different areas of the "world", practically oblivious to each other. The fist alicorns settled at what is now Equestria, and the evil ponies settled all around in unknown places, perhaps Saddle Arabia or the Crystal Empire. Soon, they became aware of each other and, as you can guess, weren't too pleased about it. A war had formed between the two, killing many alicorns and evil ponies alike. From what happens in the future, I can predict the alicorns won, but few were left. The few remaining evil ponies scattered out, gaining strength. The alicorns "evolved" into pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies. They had formed Equestria to what it is today, and Princess Luna, Celestia, and Cadence are the only possible "original" alicorns. Well, there's my crazy theory. 

Replies (8)
Emerald Shine 2014-09-16 02:31:06

Your really smart!

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Rosy Ramona 2014-09-27 02:32:00

except luna and celestia cant be the original alicorns, because in the journal of the two sisters, celestia mentions the alicorns who raised them back in canterlot. i do agree with ur theory of the alicorns practically going extinct in the war against the dark unicorns tho

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Yana Feys 2014-10-30 09:31:49

In Luna and celectias backstory there parents were extremely over powered and that there were more than 1 kingdom and in each kingdom there was an alicorn to rule over it. The backstory also says that alicorns have the strength of earth ponys the magic of unicorns and the ability to fly like a Pegasus but moving into the magic department it mentioned something about them also being able to master all three different kinds of magic but that dosent make it impossible for a unicorn to cast a spell of a different category explaining why twilight used dark magic on the door in the crystal empire but because twilight is an alicorn now means she could use all three category's but since in that episode all light from celectia and Lunas kingdom was gone the only place she could draw alicorn magic from was dark magic or it was an animation errror

Megan Schlebach 2014-11-03 23:02:20

You stole my theory XD

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Rachel Black 2014-11-26 22:45:54

Trixie was corrupted because she is lesser than an alicorn (Pegasus, Unicorn, Earth).

Rosy Ramona 2014-11-26 23:03:12

@Yana Feys makes sense

Samantha Lee 2015-03-15 03:33:05


TheZorotlThing 2017-03-31 06:00:14

Jimmy Crickets You know what if the Alicorn Amulet is the MLP equivalent of a horcrux?

A Random Queer Fanpeep 2016-08-31 22:51:36

alicorn magic: a branch of dark magic. typically used for good.
Dark magic: a strong, sometimes currpting form of magic.
Normal magic: a magic that can be used by all unicorns.
Chaos magic: see any discord episode, or some scenes with pinkie.
that's my theory anyway.

Replies (7)
Cupcake Prime 2020-07-25 20:07:43

I wouldnt be surprised if pinkie was actually a god of sort but that doesn't happen

pleb 2020-09-17 14:10:02

@Cupcake Prime yep

*Aura_Flower* 2020-10-17 13:43:18

Yea probably.

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Mystery toy Lab 2020-10-27 17:54:05

This has been up for 4 years but u only have 86 likes?! U deserve more(the 6th one is mine cuz I likes, before u had 85)

Mystery toy Lab 2020-10-27 17:54:48

@Cupcake Prime I think she is, watch the video he made where he somehow explains pinkie pie.

pleb 2020-10-27 17:55:26

@Mystery toy Lab IKR

Randomness Productions 2021-05-25 15:04:52

like I could transform the cosmos so everything is made of iciiiiiiiiiiing

TheStarryArcher1213 2021-06-15 21:35:00

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Sawtooth! ^_^
That's a good point. Why DID Twilight use dark magic on the past-viewing potion? Surely there are regular spells that can change an object's color.
The Crystal Empire episode made me curious about what exactly Celestia and Twilight did when they used "dark magic". Their magic actually turns the same color as Sombra's. Is all dark magic that particular color, or were they actually replicating Sombra's magical energy signature? I think the latter would make more sense. Since Sombra used magical locks and traps to hide the Crystal Heart, it would help if they only responded to HIS magic. Almost like a fingerprint scanner. Also, in "Inspiration Manifestation", Twilight refers to what Rarity did as "dark magic". However, Rarity's normally blue magic turns green, not bubbling, black, purple, and green like Sombra's. This seems to support the idea that dark magic isn't limited to a single color scheme.
Each unicorn's magic has its own color, but what would "neutral" magic look like in general? Would it be white, gray, or even multicolored? Who knows…

Tumor Humor 2014-05-15 17:27:55

In the part were Twi used dark magic instead of alicorn magic we have to remember that Twi IS an alicorn. So I am guessing that magic as some sort of DNA type thing in it. On another note I think alicorn magic is most powerful because the two princesses used their magic with no other magic to defeat Somra and they are alicorns. That goes back to my DNA theory. And either the Alicorn Amulet, I'm betting that it just corrupted Trixie's magic nod sol like the spell in Inspiration Manifestation in season four did to Rarity

Jade Dawes 2016-11-16 01:41:20

This is just off the top of my head now, but in one of the episodes they do a play about how Equestria was made. I think in that episode they said they relied on the Unicorn tribe to raise the sun. So I'm thinking, either that means any Unicorn can raise the sun or (more likely) a group of unicorns, putting their magic together to raise it. This proves that raising the sun isn't a unique power only Alicorns have, but maybe only they have enough magic to do it alone? This sound about right to you? I mean it makes sense in my brain. So what I'm trying to say is, I don't think raising the sun or moon is their special abilities, but the power to do so on their own might be.

turnip head :) 2021-07-11 13:44:19

Alicorn magic isn't always dark magic, it just turns into dark magic if used by someone unworthy or not an alicorn. Like with your theory on Sombra, the alicorn magic turned dark when wielded by a normal unicorn or anyone who cannot handle that much power all at one.

Dragon66898 2014-10-23 11:27:05

The alicorn amulet simply gives the wearer the power of an alicorn, but from what I saw it also gave the wearer great rage so it might have been made for war uses or was made to fight alicorns. I'm sure there have been attempts on Celestia's and Luna's lives before. Most likely with this magical item and so they must fear it and tried to hide it only for treasure hunters to find it later.

TopHat-Gaming 2015-04-29 23:54:12

To put my simple explantion on this from what I have seen the dark magic is very similar to smbras magic which is corrupt like himself. The alicorn amulet is an artifical maguc amplifier with devastating efects on its user and the normal magic while being slightly weaker still holds power but not like alicorn magic which is far stronger than the regular magic

Mary Rose Costello 2015-05-08 01:41:12

Alicorn magic is a more powerful version of regular light side or dark side magic, depending on which alicorn is casting the spell.
The Alicorn Amulet was infused with dark magic many years earlier and Trixie’s reliance to prove she's better than Twilight Sparkle results in it corrupting her. In addition, it may have belonged to someone who sought to overthrow a past ruler of Equestria or a region of Equestria.
All ponies have access to both light and dark side magic, but sometimes, one kind is easier. For example, Luna and Celestia. Luna, as Princess of the Night, would be able to access dark magic more easily than Celestia. Outside of the flashback in Princess Twilight Sparkle when Luna turns into Nightmare Moon and the first two episodes of the series, we never see Luna call on this ability, mainly because she doesn't want Nightmare Moon to emerge again. Celestia, on the other hand, can more easily access light magic as Princess of the Day.
However, just as any of the other ponies can, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can access magic opposite to their strengths. Luna can use light magic and Celestia can use dark magic, which we saw in the season three premiere.
Twilight Sparkle—whose name is also the name of the time when it changes from day to night—can easily access either dark or light magic, depending on which is necessary. Hence why Twilight uses dark magic in the season four premiere.

bucca2 2015-01-07 22:48:16

In my fan fictions, I invented a magic called Ancient Alicorn that Sombra learns from Luna when they are friends and converts it (it used to need vocal cues, like in Harry Potter, except with horns instead of wands) to a more versatile form w/o verbal cues, but it becomes easily corruptible.

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BlazeTheDemidragon 2014-07-21 01:22:05

Well, saying this as the alicorn character that I play in my sisters comic (it's not finished yet, so SHH!), half the time, Dark Magic corrupts your brain in general because it's born of evil thoughts. Alicorn Magic is thought to be stronger than Regular Magic because Alicorns carry the three trats or something of regular ponies. As you know, they have the strength of the earth ponies, the wings of the pegisi and the horn of the unicorns. What I figure is that the Alicorn Magic HAS to be stronger than regular magic because alicorns are rulers. Take Princess Celesitia for example. (Im most likely going to start quoting and taking facts from Past Sins btw) Her mere presence or 'the sent of her magic' keeps the monsters of the Everfree forest at bay. Otherwise, they would've over-run Ponyville by now. I think that Princess Celestia had to attack the monsters before anyone could inhabit that area. Mostly, so the monsters would now that if they tried to go there, they'd have to feel her wrath, and BECUASE she's not a regular pony, (this is starting to make no sense to the side if my brain that's not super hyper😅) and because shes an alicorn, the monsters don't come close. But of course, sometimes monsters DO come out of the forest. But do ALL of them come out at once? No! So I guess you could say thats what I have to say about Alicorn Magic being stronger than Regular Magic. Dark Magic, I'm not so sure about. I need to study a bit more and draw my own conclusions. However, I have a small theory (I get a bit of this from an Ink Rose cannon video) that perhaps during the time in which the Chaos Bringers destroyed all of the alicorns, Ink Rose said that one alicorn had discovered Dark Magic. Unfortuently, she also said in the story that it turn his mind all kookoo. I highly recommend watching that video, because later you can draw you own conclusions and whatnot. Anyway, Sombra managed to get his hooves on a book on the Dark Magic BY that alicorn. He learned how to do it by reading the book. Princess Celesitia and Princess Luna must have studied the book themselves, as you saw Celestia (I'm done adding the whole 'Princess' thing, 'cause its making me tired) Used Dark Magic as a demonstration. A theory is, is that the more you use Dark Magic, the more it corrupts you...slowly twisting your brain into madness. That would explain why Zecora told Twilight not to use Dark Magic; because she knew the effects

Phew! Sorry for such a long comment, but when I get wrapped up in my theories and suggestions, I tend to loose track of how much I'm typing. Anyway, I hope you took time to read all of that. In the pony world, I am known as Queen Blaze of the Fire Kingdom. Please check out Karla Black's channel for the story on that, as she's featuring me on there. Bye!!

Joker Lugnut 2015-01-18 06:06:44

Dark magic is drawn from negative sources. The more negative, the more powerful. I believe that Alcorn magic is a more specialized, potent version of regular magic, to do with what the Alicorn represents. As for the Alicorn amulet, my theory is that sufficiently powerful objects have an effect on the one wielding the power. The knowledge that you can manipulate the world itself is enough to drive anyone insane, let alone a pony with a grudge.

Dragonlover553 2014-09-20 04:27:21

From what we can tell unicorn magic has to be taken at face value: the power to cast spells, seems to be powered by emotions. Alicorn magic is an unnatural mixture of unicorn, Pegasus, and earth pony magic. Used in the same way, but obviously more powerful. Dark magic seems to be powered by negative emotions, and once again, more powerful than normal magic. The Alicorn Amulet was made more to surpass Alicorns, rather than become one. I think it taits one's magic, rather than just plain replacing it, like dark magic.

Kinaga Seimei 2014-08-25 07:50:46

Dark magic being alicorn magic? Everything makes sense O-o... So, Sombra wears armor, Thus, not letting us see if he has wings or not. He is able to use dark magic, so is Twilight and Celestia. The Alicorn Amulet (Which has the same color scheme as Sombra, black and red, with the jewel itself looking like armor) could have been crafted to represent Sombra. But, why does this certain jewel grant a completely new type of magic to it's user?
And now we go back to the elements of Harmony. Those are another form of jewels that grant it's user with a new type of magic. So, does that mean that there are a set of anti-elements of harmony? (needs a better name). And that we have only been exposed to 1 of them so far? That would be amazing.

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Rosella 2021-04-24 12:20:37

Dark magic is corrupted magic
Alicorn magic is the magic that comes from an alicorn (a pony with magic from unicorn, pegasus and earth pony)
Normal magic is magic used by unicorns
The difference between normal magic and alicorn magic is that alicorn magic is stronger and it comes from magic from all three tribes of ponies together. When normal magic is weaker and comes from unicorns. And in MLP magic is a lot like emotions. There is a good and bad side. And dark magic is the bad side. But it is really strong. So strong that only alicorns can control it. Becoming the reason why it’s forbidden. That’s what I think. Hope y’all like my theory.

KimmyAsuna 2014-09-07 11:44:02

Hello everyone, here to share my thoughts again. With dark magic and good magic or as some say light magic completes an ancient Chinese symbol you all know this skateboarders would know it. Yes I am talking about the Yin and Yang basically the light and dark and both always being equal, they have to be in order to keep the peace wherever you are. Its also inside every person but some people are lighter then others but with that there is someone who is more darker then normal. Alicorn magic is different than light and dark magic as alicorn is combining all three races are ponies/horses, earth, unicorn and pegasi. Which also brings the idea that the two princesses who ruled over Equestria before Luna's banishment then her return at the beginning of season one. With that said brings me to believe that alicorn magic is stronger then unicorn magic. King Sombra is an unicorn but his heart was hell bent on evil and the determination to enslave the Crystal ponies. So that is my thoughts on the matter.

Epeman 2015-01-18 07:26:54

Perhaps the alicorn amulet takes the definition of magic"Magic is neither light or dark ,it is it's use"Perhaps the amulet decides what magic to fuel it from the ponies intention

habitualproblem 2014-12-07 16:21:38

"Magic is friendship" and appears to be generated by harmonious behavior.  And not just friendship--there are at least varieties of magic: Cadence's Romantic Love, Luna/Celestia's Sisterly Love and Twilight's Platonic Love.  I say "at least three" because these correspond pretty neatly to three of the four Greek loves: Eros, Storge, Philia and Agape.  "Agape" is Unconditional Love, the most powerful and most dangerous of the lot.  It's the kind of self-sacrificing love felt by a mortal/subject for their god/ruler and (ideally) vice-verse.  I believe this is what is meant by "Alicorn Magic"--as ruler/gods, the princesses can wield a magic generated by the loving worship of their subjects.  Through his tyranny, Sombre was able to master the same power, but he did not reciprocate it and its power proved corrupting.  Luna, Chrysalis and Discord also draw power from corrupted relationships--Luna from sibling rivalry, Chrysalis from an abusive union and Discord from the Elements of Disharmony.  Tirek just outright steals magic, and the Alicorn Amulet is sort of an Element of Disharmony itself, amplifying and drawing power from Trixie's spite.

CropCircleCreations 2015-01-14 02:47:24

I always thought Alicorn magic was magic produced by an alicorn, it is more potent and refined magical energy, as shown by Twilight in Twilight's Kingdom when she is given the magic of all the alicorns and is considerably buffed in flight, teleportation, etc. Alicorn Magic is the apex of Magic, and is a level of magic unable to be achieved by normal means WITHOUT the use of Dark Magic. Utilizing darker magics such as the alicorn amulet, allows ponies to break the natural magic limit they are capable of casting, but doing so weakens them physically and mentally, leaving them easily corrupted by said dark magic. Alicorn Magic isn't dark magic, but Dark Magic is on par WITH alicorn magic. 

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BNuts 2014-10-08 12:27:47

I would like to use the theory on magic from 'Negima' by Ken Akamatsu. Here, Vampire Sorceress Evangeline A.K. McDowell tells the protagonist, Negi Springfield, that there is no 'good' or 'evil' magic, only 'good' and 'evil' magic users. In 'Negima,' we see various forms of elemental (Fire, Water and Ice, Earth and Sand, Wind and Lightning, Light and Dark) and racial (demon, vampire, etc.) magic. None are intrinsically good or bad, as Evangeline-dono pointed out, but how they are used determines whether others judge them as good or bad.

In addition to this there is the Path of Light and the Path of Dark. Negi's father Nagi is said to have traveled the Path of Light by relying on his friends in Ala Rubra whenever he wasn't powerful enough, but the Thousand Master was also powerful enough that he never needed an Attendant to make up the classical shortfall that magic users have in combat. Evangeline-dono herself is said to walk the Path of Darkness, gaining strength on her own and focusing solely on gaining enough strength to survive. Negi is given the choice between the two, but given his situation of crisis (trying to gather his friends and classmates so they can safely return home when they'll have to face a far more powerful foe to do so), he doesn't have the luxury of time to grow as powerful as Nagi did. Negi thus chooses the method that grants a shortcut, although it carries a risk to his soul, and that if he fails he may never be able to use magic again, and may even die -- he chooses Darkness. But there is yet another caveat.

In 'Dawn of the Jedi,' we get shown that the Je'daii once trained to balance between the light (represented by the moon Ashla) and the darkness (represented by the moon Bogan). Je'daii used both sides of the Force to better effect, because there were able to draw power from both the rational and the passionate sides. When they needed to they could draw the raw power of darkness, but then they had to recover to the center. Likewise, they were taught not to go too far to the light. It was all about balance. It was only later that things went out of balance, and we got the Jedi and Dark Jedi (or Sith, as they were later called). This relates to 'Negima' because Negi chose to balance and accept both his Light and Dark sides, and in so doing he mastered Evangeline-dono's 'Magia Erebea,' and started to walk the Grey Path.

In 'MLP: FiM' we have instances of Celestia and Twilight Sparkle using Light and Dark Magic. Celestia uses it to demonstrate what happens if Sombra's influence is allowed to spread. Twilight uses it to fuel Zecora's history-walking potion. Both can use Light magic immediately after, so it is not as if they got corrupted the way Trixie and Rarity did. Why? Perhaps because Alicorn magic carries a resonance between the Pony Tribes' magic within the Alicorn's body. This allows them to control a greater amount of magical energy, and once they master that they are allowed to handle more types of magic and magical energy without adverse effects. But that only carries if we forget that in 'The Crystal Empire,' Twilight used Dark Magic to access the first stairwell. This may or may not have made her more susceptible to Sombra's illusion trap, however it is quickly obvious that she was later able to ground herself and return to a balance. And Twilight using Dark Magic while a Unicorn also means that Sombra's magic is not Alicorn Magic, so why did Twilight go straight to it when Zecora told her about the potion? Your guess is as good as mine, because this does not make any sense. Maybe it was done due to Rule of Cool, so it has no deeper meaning.

DAGRONFER 2020-12-02 20:22:15

I don’t think there is any normal magic. Shown in the first episode where Tirek appears, there is magic that come from ponies without horns as well. So here is my theory, there is pegasus magic which is magic that come from Pegasi. There is pony magic which come from earth ponies. There is unicorn magic which come from unicorns. So when Zecora says that the potion can only be activated by alicorn magic, I think this means any magic used by an alicorn dark or not.

XxXNightcoreQueenXxX 2014-12-01 16:53:50

the color of the magick doesn't make it good or evil, because magick is a tool.
it is how you use it that counts, after all a tool can be used for either good or evil.
it depends on who uses it and what they are willing to do with - (and willing to do to get) the power of magic.

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OmegaDMM 2014-09-05 10:56:37

A simple suggestion on a Point of View to magic itself. Magic is in reality a simple descriptor to Energy Manipulation, all types of magic are only again simple descriptors to the type of energy being controlled and changed to suit the desired effect, This is why in some stories the caster is help to use magic outside their practiced areas as all "magics" are part of a greater weave in existence, i.e. the fabric of magic, the fabric of all things, is all bound to one essence: Energy.

Noble Valor 2014-08-29 20:06:06

Okay, having just watched this and 'Further Analyzing Magic' I'd like to put in my two cents.
As you stated in 'FAM,' there is the possibility that magic resides in all ponies, each with their own unique flavor of manipulating it (unicorns having the most 'control' over it). Having that said, I'm of the opinion that magic, much like the eponymous 'Force' has a will of its own. Case in point, in 'Too Many Pinkie Pies' when Twilight is practicing the 'orange' spell, notice how it ricochets until it hits the blue jay? Maybe it had to do with Twilight's aim type (i.e. organic material) or how much 'oomph' she put into it. Not that ponies lack complete control over magic, only that the really disciplined or powerful users make the most of it.
Now onto alicorn magic, I think that 'alicorn magic' is any kind of magic that a singular unicorn/pony cannot accomplish on their own (who knows how many unicorns it took to raise and lower the sun and moon before alicorns came about). How exactly this ties into the 'Hearth Warming' spell that drove the windigoes away, I'm uncertain (maybe there's a connection?)
Now 'dark magic,' I'm of the opinion that dark magic is any magic that has the intent of causing other ponies pain. (Hence why it is so seductive). Seeing as how that is the case, it does give the possibility to use dark magic without realizing it. (Much like Rarity was in 'Inspiration Manifestation.' The fact it was causing pain [like the kids birthday party to a proper garden party is a fate worse than death] is what made it dark)
On the whole though, magic much like power is seductive. The fact that most only use it in reference to their chosen career is a bit of a relief. (and pretty plausible really, if you want to get right down to it). I'm certain many will disagree with this, but 'love and tolerate' am I right?

Replies (1)
Noble Valor 2014-10-07 17:07:57

@***** Be that as it may, it still supports that 'alicorn magic' is magic accomplished by multiple ponies in tandem.

Ankit Kumar Mishra 2018-07-17 21:33:29 (edited 2018-07-17 21:34:46 )

I think Twilight used dark magic on Zecora's potion because of two primary reasons:
1. Zecora are her to change the colour of the potion to change its magical properties. And the only evidence of having magical properties defined on the basis of colours is from the Crystal Empire episode where Celestia, Sombra and Twilight change crystal colours numerous times to give them magical properties.
2. The wild growing plants from the Everfree Forest that grew out of Discord's seeds were having a bad influence on every kind of magic other than Dark Magic and Chaos Magic. This is evident from the uncontrollable nature of Rarity and Sweetie Belle's magic and the fact that Celestia and Luna weren't able to defend themselves from the vines.

As for the Alicorn amulet and the Great and Powerful Trixie, the red glow in her eyes had nothing to do with dark magic or alicorn magic. It was all due to her corruption and being overpowered. It's just like Luna getting turquoise eyes when she gets overpowered and gets corrupted to Nightmare Moon.

Also, we've only see five characters using dark magic, namely King Sombra, Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Queen Chrysalis and Rarity. Nightmare Moon and Trixie used alicorn magic. Discord uses chaos magic. And finally, Princess Cadence can use Light Magic.
Light Magic overpowers Dark Magic, Dark Magic overpowers Chaos Magic, and Chaos Magic overpowers Alicorn Magic.

The only four times we saw Discord's magic not working:
1. He was a stone.
2. Celestia casted a spell on the Elements of Harmony, which was presumably dark magic.
3. He stopped being chaotic to impress Fluttershy.
4. He was in the vicinity of the Changeling hive, close enough to be affected by the dark magic of Chrysalis's throne.

B Hill 2014-08-15 10:27:01

Very interesting theory there about Twilight balancing the magic.......except for one possible problem.
If magic is to equestria what the force is to star wars, and she's meant to balnce it, doesn't that make her the equivalent of Anakin and the person who he becomes who needs no introduction cough Darth Vader cough 
Something to ponder :)

May the Force be with you

`` 2021-04-02 11:50:51

i think dark magic is powered by negative emotions (hate, anger, fear, rejection, evil), so anypony can use dark magic, its only a matter of how much magic the pony has, and since alicorns have more magic, they can use it. to get dark magic, you need a balance of negative emotions and as much power, celestia is an alicorn and she has a dark past, perhaps she would've thought about how she had to trap her sister inside the moon, which will of course be her worst fear. the door twilight saw showed her negative thoughts, and so did it to spike.

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Ghost Emblem 2014-07-19 06:36:12

Well as of season four we know that every pony race has its own type of magic or Tirek wouldnt be able to absorb anything from earth ponies and pegasi alicorn magic is probably another type of pony species magic that like unicorn magic is more versatile and powerful than its counter parts.

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Schwarzer Ritter 2015-05-03 16:20:25

As strange as it sounds, glowing, green eyes and purple smoke aren't necessarily a sign of dark magic. A common definition of dark magic through different media is that it is harmful to the user. But Celestia and Twilight can use it without any ill effects.
When Trixie and Rarity used dark magic, it clouded their sense of judgement almost immediately.
Sure, we have seen Sombra is insane, but that could also come from taking the elements of harmony to the face and being imprisoned for 1000 years in a glacier.

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Humble Bumble 2014-11-01 15:50:27

I think that alicorns just have stronger magic. However dark magic is something normaly only they now about. Thats why zecora said "alicorn magic".I think that sombra found a book containing knowledge of dark magic and was able to use it this also explains how twilight was able to use it as a unicorn

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Ally Madison 2014-07-16 18:31:57

1. You know how the sun and moon revolves? I think that's how it works with the tree and Twilie. 2. Alicorn magic is for Alicorns only. 3. Maybe Alicorn magic contains spirits that can only be controlled by those who have been enlighted. 4. You know what I said about those spirits? Maybe they trick ponies into letting them corrupt the ponies by granting them a "Wish" A power maybe. Now that they have a way to reach the pony, they take over them. 5. That red thing is not magic. It's the spirit I was talking about. It's ONLY the spirit. It's just working with the pony to keep it satisfied. That way it would continue to keep the item, allowing the spirit to physically exist longer. 6. Maybe magic is related to the tree of harmony. Maybe Magic is Friendship and Friendship is Magic. Yay!

ArcannaRyu 2017-01-27 04:37:20

Dark magic is less it's own type of magic, and more a term used for either magic used for evil, or for lingering magic that has been used in a harmful way, that maintains it's ill effects.

We've seen precedent for this with examples of this, whether for good or ill, of when magic or a magical artifact had been re-used, and then maintained traits of the previous time it was used.

one of particular note is a time where we've actually seen dark magic be created and then reappear later on in the equestria girls movies.
First we see sunset chimmer create her own unique kind of dark magic using the crown, creating magic that has a similar black bubbling effect like the purple and green dark magic of equestria, only this new dark magic was blue, the same color as sunset shimmer's unicorn magic.
then, in the friendship games movie, we actually see this same dark magic resurface in the creation of the she-demon midnight sparkle, abet having changed somwhat due to having a new host in twilight sparkle, and having absorbed some of the magic of starswirls portal. but we can tell that it's the same magic, because it maintains the same blue color it had before, with only slight hints of magenta, which is the color of magic for twilight sparkle as a unicorn and alicorn, and we would assume would also be the case if it hadnt been for the lingering dark magic that sunset had previously created.

based on stuff like this, and other reserch and speculation ive done, i'd assume that the specific purple and green dark magic, is either a kind of ambient dark magic that pervades the land of equestria, having been gradually built up from combined instances of dark magic having been built up over millennia, which can then be tapped into by anyone with the right know-how to increase their power, or a specific type of the wide range of dark magic that pony-kind are able to create.

Hannah Fritz 2014-12-30 22:12:53

I think the difference between alicorn magic and unicorn magic is that in the episode where they introduce Trixie the spike talks about how twilight is so good at magic because UNICORNS CAN ONLY DO MAGIC RELATED TO THEIR TALENT. When Trixie got the alicorn amulet she had many more powers than the non amulet Trixie. The only type of non villain character I've seen that uses dark magic is an alicorn. I'm thinking that alicorns can do more types of magic than unicorns just because Celestia has a school for magic, but the fact that unicorns can only levitate objects and do magic related to talent seems very relevant.

Susanna Ennenbach 2014-07-16 18:43:49

I think I got it. Alicorn magic is different from dark magic. But its only to be used by alicorns and the most powerful unicorns. That explains why Sombra and Twilight were able to use dark magic. When Trixie found the amulet, she wasn't powerful enough to use its power correctly. When a normal pony tries to use dark magic, it comes out a red glow and starts to corrupt that pony. Only by taking off the amulet willingly cab you break the spell as we already know. I hope this helps.

Samreen Gharu 2015-09-15 19:29:52

I think that with the allicorn amulet, because there was dark intentions, the magic cast from it was dark.The mane thing here wad that the amulet would adgust to the bearers intentions, to be used either for bad or for good

Natalie Chimarsti 2014-10-15 01:40:28

I think that if a pony would use alicorn magic, it would be too much for their body to handle, and it would take over their body and corrupt them. But for alicorns it's fine, because they are a higher entity. That being said, Trixie did get her magic "on the black market" so it could be another form of dark magic!

Bon Bon 2015-05-07 01:00:52

My theory about Magic is that it is based on the ancient notion of balance of the opposites. You know, the Yin vs. Yang from the Tao-Chi symbol we've even seen in the introduction to the very first episode. It is also related to the Sun & Moon / Day & Night, which are another ancient symbols for the same notion of opposite forces of Nature (also water & fire fom the Greek elements, since the Sun is "the fire at the sky, and the Moon causes the tides of the oceans).

These represent the Bright Magic and Dark Magic. One is creative, the other is destructive, but it isn't that they're inherently "good" and "bad"! Destruction is an important piece of Nature, as well as creation. Both can be used for good as well as for bad (e.g. casting a love spell upon unsuspecting ponies and causing a mess in the entire village or kingdom is probably not a good thing, although it uses Bright Magic). Too much creation leads to explosion. Too much destruction leads to emptyness.

And here's where the notion of Harmony comes in: Harmony is nothing else that Balance between the opposites (or agreement, aka Friendship). When the opposites are balanced and work together, they make a closed cycle which is static-dynamic solution of Nature to many problems and assures for perpetual existence. It is often symbolized by a circle, or a closed loop (the Uroboros snake eating its own tail anypony?). In case you didn't know, Twilight's cutie mark has a form of Aleister Crowley's hexagram, which is another exemplification of that closed loop of magical energy flowing without end. Notice also the infinity symbol made of flying animals by Twilight Sparkle in the "Magic Duel" episode – they wouldn't make this scene last so long if it weren't important, and when you compare it with The Magician from the Major Arcana of the Tarot cards, you'll understand ;) More on this symbolism: http://mlpforums.com/topic/45643-symbolism-in-mlpfim-and-hidden-knowledge/

There's also one type of Magic you forgot: the Chaos Magic which Discord uses (we've seen an example ot it in the Season 4 finale). Chaos, or Discord, or Disharmony (opposite of Friendship) is when one deliberately causes an imbalance between the fundamental opposites (Bright Magic and Dark Magic). This usually causes havoc, but it can be also used for good (and I was very amazed to see that Celestia knows about that already in "Keep Calm and Flutter On" episode!), because balance is... well... boring ;) It is maitaining the status quo. To make any change, a little bit of imbalance is actually required. Only then one can reestablish harmony in some new form. That's how all changes occur in Nature (going through a stage of temporary disturbance, the transition).

So I see Bright Magic and Dark Magic as the primordial "substances" representing the opposite forces of nature, whereas Harmony and Chaos is how these "substances" are used toghether and in what proportions.

Returning to the Alicorn Magic, though, I see it this way: Alicorns are the most powerful magical creatures known to Equestria. It was them who brought Magic into that world, and they definitely know (or once knew) everything about it (though they might have forgotten some part of it through the ages). So "using Alicorn Magic" for me is when one can use both Bright and Dark poles of Magic (not necessarily at the same time; just being capable of use one or the other). I think that when Zecora told Twilight that only the Alicorn Magic can activate that trippy potion, Twilight might have thought that since it wasn't activated so far by any Unicorn (which usually uses Bright Magic, since this is the type of magic being taught at magic schools, the Dark Magic being forbidden and forgotten), and now that she's an Alicorn and she can also use Dark Magic, she used exactly that, as the "most unusual" type of Magic which came to her mind.

Jade Lotus 2014-12-07 10:41:48

Twilights cutie mark is actually the wiccan symbol for magic ^^ so yes it is the symbol of magic. As for why Twilight used dark magic, it's simple really. Purple and green seem to be the indication of evil in a lot of things (see any disney or dreamworks fairy tale film to confirm). So to turn the potion from purple to white dark magic must be used to eliminate what would make it dangerous. Using good magic would possibly make it worse. We see evidence that dark magic users don't play fair such as Sombras dark door trap. However, magic seems to have a will of its own in Equestria; guiding destiny with cutie marks and even acting of its own accord at times (see Raritys cutie mark story). Destiny is tied to the magic you were always meant to have, hence cutie marks that may lead to something you've never seen. I wouldn't be surprised if the maker of the alicorn amulet didn't have a cutie mark of it before creating it (head canon it's the alicorn who rule tartarous). Now the difference between Dark, Alicorn and Normal magic seems to fall into a few things. Power, Potency and Personality. Alicorn magic is the most powerful by far followed closely by Dark. Normal magic however can make up for this in Potency. Potency is how accurate it is on percentage scale. Not all spells work out for every pony. Exp: Twilight was given all the Alicorn magic because that was her talent , magic. If it were to be given to Cadence or Luna they may not have had the kind of control Twilight did, there percentage of success on spells much MUUUUUCH lower than that of the newbie princess. HOWEVER! even twilight had trouble getting the hang of their kinds of magic, raising and lowering the sun and moon proved to be hard for her to do with the same grace as the celestial sisters, Further more while Celestia has proven to have a great grip on dark magic we see Twilight still struggling to get it those kinds of spells done. This leads to the final point of personality. While Celestia is good and wise she has a temper, a bit of a dark side. This I believe helps with her control over dark magic (as well as maybe 1000+ years of practice). A better example is Sombra or Crysalis. Both have dead on dark and cruel personalities, and their magic matches as much. Though it's not just the pony who wields the magic who is in question here, the magic ITSELF has it's own personality. We see this with when Twilight teleports in ticket master claiming she didn't know it was going to happen, or when Raritys magic drags her away to find jewels just as it seems she won't fulfill her destiny of being a fashonista. Both times it was magic reacting to the situation not the pony who wields the magic. This could also explain the alicorn amulet and how it changes a personality. Or even the book that gave Rarity to bring what she imagined into reality. Magic is a strong force on it's own and with the right combo it could be devastating (imagine a Dark Alicorn with a cutie mark for Dark magic....shudders) any who that's my bit on....everything ^^' 

-FlyGon - 2020-12-23 23:02:47

The tree of harmony must have known twilight was gonna be an element of harmony because its magic and we know that time magic exists so who says that doesn't include seeing the future using that magic also the 3 cutie marks make sense : Celestia's Cutie Mark is a Sun, Luna's is a Moon, And Twilight is a star. ITS THE PERFECT TRIO

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HelaLoki'sChild 2014-10-05 05:34:28

Magic, like a knife, is neither good nor evil, it depends on the motives of the wielder. Now compare Magic to the Force, the Dark Side is not always evil (Luke Force Chokes Jabba's guards, Force Choking is a Dark Side ability, is Luke evil? No) just as Dark Magic is sometimes used for good (tonic, opening portals). But, Dark Magic can corrupt the user (remember "Even though it [Alicorn Amulet] has great power, it can corrupt the user"?), how? Look at Anakin Skywalker, his motives drove him to the Dark Side, he feared losing Padme, and was told that he could spare her from death with the Dark Side. Now look at Trixie, she wanted revenge on Twilight, the Alicorn Amulet would grant her the ability to do that. Conclusion: Dark Magic is simply Alicorn Magic (Alicorn because it is more powerful than normal Magic) that is used for evil purposes. Alicorn Magic gives the wielder great Magic, but if they have the wrong motives and purposes, they succumb to Dark Magic.

Missed the Band Wagon 2014-10-04 02:09:52

I was wondering, in "Hearth's Warming Eve", they said that the unicorn tribe raised the sun/moon, but shouldn't that be really difficult?? I mean, only Celestia can raise the sun now, but it looked like a regular unicorn can do it. So, is Celestia just faking? Maybe if any unicorn learned the spell they could do it to and Celestia is just trying to stay in power? When did I become such a conspiracy theorist? I need to go to bed.

SonicFanJamie 2014-07-19 03:54:53

I believe that Sombra's dark magic is pseudo alicorn magic, and because Twilight used pseudo alicorn magic before becoming an alicorn, her first use of alicorn magic appeared similar to pseudo alicorn magic. I also think pseudo alicorn magic can be used by alicorns. As for the alicorn amulet, I think that pseudo alicorn magic,other than negative emotion driven magic, is the only type of dark magic available without physical objects, the alicorn amulet being the most basic dark charm.

Mae Sisko 2014-11-25 03:41:43

I have actually my own head canon about that- 

 That actually Twilight Sparkle is a reincarnation of a 'first'unicorn who's cutie mark must have centered around a shape like that in some way or form and this first unicorn appeared way before Luna and Celestia. She in my theory had a very special talent very similar to Twilight's- except her's was more specific than Twilight's. Rather than over all magic- she specialized in Magic infusion. The land of Equestria for some reason was being stripped of it's magic through perhaps a villain or some crazy natural occurrence and so she used the power of her cutie mark and her talent to bring back or rejuvenate the land. This in turn though killed her. She was later buried and from where she was bloomed a tree holding the pony's cutie mark- similar to Twilight's I imagine but without the five stars around it- . This sort of make sense because if you connect it with how it governs the evergreen forest and the weather in that area as well as how for example the Crystal Empire affects Equestria with the morale of the pony's this tree did the same for the magic. Not to mention that only when the tree was finally weakened was when all the villains began appearing so in essence it was projected the magic of friendship as a charm of protection until the princesses took it - luckily it was very powerful and the residue worked for many years- but the tree realized that it was becoming week and the charm was about to break unleashing villains EVERYWHERE... SO it decided to reincarnate into a new pony who would come to take the duties of the tree- and by placing it into a pony who turned into an Alicorn it assured it a permanent 'home base' for these 6 elements that would not really loose it as the biggest one 'Magic' naturally drew the other elements towards it one way or another. Thus ensuring that from then on- the charm would be intact and continue to make sure the ponys live a life without fear everyday.

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Replies (2)
Mae Sisko 2014-11-25 03:42:10

Sorry it's a bit long.. ^^'

The Pegasister Notion 2015-03-28 22:52:45

That is a good idea!

謎思特異 2016-05-17 20:28:29

We name the things by define its different angles, but perhaps sometimes the thing is always the same thing. Magic is only magic, but adding our opinion or ideas can turn magic into many forms.

Jeanette Cornejo 2015-05-24 15:37:56

I believe that dark magic is a primitive form of alicorn magic because it is so powerful early unicorns revered as the unbelievable magic of their powerful rulers

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raphaelsolo 2015-06-27 02:40:30

IIRC it was pointed out early in the episode that the alicorn amulet was cursed, hence the corruption. My guess is that the real difference between unicorn magic and alicorn magic is more a matter of potency. Kind of like the difference between a pyromancy flame and a chaos flame in Dark Souls. Alicorn magic being far more potent is capable of far more impressive feats of magic, such as aging.

bananasinfrench 2014-08-05 22:15:16

I can't say that I've thought long and hard about this or anything, but do you think it's simply that alicorns have more control over dark magic? However, they don't have complete control. There is a tipping point where the magic could begin to corrupt them when used in excess, whereas if unicorns use ANY dark magic they are corrupted immediately. Thus silicone magic would be the amount of dark magic an silicone can use while still exerting full control?

Replies (1)
bananasinfrench 2014-08-05 22:16:00

ALICORN magic, not silicone. Auto-correct, I swear...

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Kartoffelkamm 2014-12-08 14:57:44

there are indeed 3 types of magic, but they are: light magic, which heals and helps n  stuff, normal magic, which is for teleporting and levitating and such, and dark  magicc, which is meant to  be destructive and corrupts its user after some time. 
light magic: it is basicly the pure good energy. nopony really masters it because nopony is pure good. but spells like the healing spell every gamer should know or princcess cadences magic health bubble are light magic, because the protect or heal its user and others.
normal magic: mostly every unicorn learns it. it is not good but also not bad. its funktions are based on the user and, with some exceptions, it can be used for everything.
dark magic: its corruptive, destructive and evil. when  somepony uses it too much, they become evil and its very hard, but not impussible, to turn them back to normal.

Maddy Shaw 2014-04-24 23:25:10

I think that normal magic is just like the basic type of magic and it can easily done by unicorns that can control it while alicorn magic is much more powerful and can only be performed by alicorns. The alicorn amulet I think was given the power to give a pony alicorn magic but it could also corrupt the user. Dark magic is probably like normal magic but can do more powerful things but it can be stopped by alicorn magic as we saw in the crystal empire.

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Cookie 432137869001547813209665782374 2019-06-02 22:06:10

I think alicorn magic is dark magic, and it can only be used for good by Alicorns. This is why when Trixie has the alicorn amulet she is corrupted, because she isn’t an alicorn she can’t handle or properly use that type of magic.

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errxr 2014-04-08 18:20:44

oh well i thought that dark magic is the strongest magic so thats why a alicorn can do it more easily rather than a normal unicorn 

Replies (18)
Sawtooth Waves 2014-04-08 19:51:06

What a plot twist that would be if evil was more powerful than good! That does explain a lot though, but brings up problems like why wasn't Sombra an alicorn? Good thought though!

errxr 2014-04-08 20:07:01

omg i never noticed that king sombra wasn't a alicorn, i always thought he had wings! haha

hmm yeah maybe dark magic is just harder to do and he had spent years and year try starting off small and then getting better and better.maybe dark magic is a difficult thing to do?  

Dreaming Freely 2014-06-28 17:32:15

@The Brony Notion From experience (Don't ask about that) I know for a fact that sometimes, Evil can be stronger than good, but it pays more to be good 

Though to be truthful, I enjoy being evil....

errxr 2014-06-29 13:36:24

hehehehehe being evil is da best <throws cookies at everyone>

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Dreaming Freely 2014-07-01 15:40:45

Unless the cookies themselves are evil O.O

errxr 2014-07-02 19:37:41

not if the cookies are on fire >:3

errxr 2014-07-02 20:26:54

yes alot <throws cookies at everyone that aren't on fire>

errxr 2014-07-02 21:15:44

but i put the Ebola virus in them >:3

errxr 2014-07-03 20:01:53

yes the ebola virus is now in you because it was in that cookie you ate 

Eponey Cheetah 2014-07-24 22:13:26

Dark is merely ignoring bad consequences to self and others.
It only makes it easier, since you are bound to harm others.

errxr 2014-07-25 12:46:29

that makes alot of sense actually 

Nix Galexa 2015-11-06 23:48:59

+The Brony Notion I belive it is. Celstia could only defeat Nightmare Moon withe Elements of Harmony, even though she is more powerful than Luna and is older. Alternatively, maybe only Night is more powerful that Day in this situation. One other thing: Brony Notion, have you seen Lullaby For A Princess? IT'S AMAZING!!!!

Fashioncats5music 2016-02-28 19:48:58

well, the most powerful magic is THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP💖🌈🌠👭

omumafu 2016-04-28 07:26:29

+The Brony Notion the alicorn gem made her evil because i think it was made buy discord

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Nix Galexa 2016-04-28 13:31:13


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Ida Dragheim 2016-10-07 16:37:40


Frogberry Milk 2017-08-16 20:20:47

The Brony Notion what if discord wears Alicorn amulet since discord has dark magic?🤔🤔🤔

Sun~ 2020-12-05 08:14:51

@Sawtooth Waves well flash forward 7 years and here u created a vid if sombra was an alicorn

Revkor 2014-05-25 01:37:12

A thought. We know that the cutie mark can be altered. so what if the Sonic Rainboom altered Twilight's? Think of it. If the sonic Rainboom NEVER happened she would have failed that test. Instead though it gavee her the magical boost she needed to get Celestia's attention. Also note that the Tree of harmony also has Luna and Celestia's marks on it. So either they are all bound to be they way they are or the Tree can do more than we thought.

The Special Interest Show! with Jupiter August 2015-05-18 01:20:06

Maybe Alicorn magic becomes dark magic when abused? Which would be why it corrupted Trixie and why Nightmare Moon's magic was dark magic. 

But alternatively, what if all magic is technically the same, but unicorns can only wield so much of it before corrupting, and alicorns just can use more of it without corrupting than unicorns can? Like, what if magic is actually limitless, but a pony's body and mind can only handle so much. If they try to go beyond what they can handle, it begins to corrupt them? Alicorns can handle the most magic of all the pony species. But still, if they try to use more powerful spells than what they can mentally/physically handle, they lose control of the magic and it begins to corrupt them?

This also adds an interesting theory about Twilight. She can hold the power of four Alicorn's magic ability all at once. Now, a normal pony, or even a normal alicorn, could not contain so much magic inside without corrupting. But Twilight has raw magical talent that no other pony, alicorn or not, has ever had. She can use extremely powerful magic, over four times what a normal alicorn could handle, without corrupting.

She is just that fucking badass. She has that much raw magical ability.

Which makes me wonder if there's an even higher form of being beyond alicorn. Perhaps there is a "queen" race above alicorn that no pony has ever been able to achieve before?

That would be so amazing.

Fleurbelle 2014-08-02 09:13:59

Maybe the Alicorn Amulet can only be used by alicorns themselves, as they have an understanding of normal, dark and alicorn magic, Trixie, being a unicorn, would have only used normal magic before and therefore not fully understood the balance of all three types

Trinity and Aspen DeLong 2014-07-20 20:48:25

So normal magic is a small amount of magic that is stronger in parts related to your talent. Alicorn magic is made for a stronger race so the magic is strong enough to make a weaker race insane just like with trixie and the alicorn amulet. Dark magic is well bad magic and when it was used on that door in the crystal palace it showed twilight her nightmare but when twilight used light magic it brought her to where she wanted to be now why it was used on the potion in season 4 may have been the studio just trying to make twilight use a different magic hoping that the target audience forgot about dark magic

Ashley Kim 2015-11-22 00:08:33

I think that Twilight's spell on the tonic counts as Alicorn Magic because an alicorn-known for possessing the powers of earth poise, pegasi, and unicorn, therefore having a great amount of magic- performed a spell, but just in a different form!

Shilo_ 2017-05-01 00:49:28 (edited 2017-05-01 00:51:18 )

the 6 point on the big star(the puple/pink and white one) represents the elements of harmony and the 5 little stars represents the 5 friends kindess,honesty,laughter,genorosity,and loyalty

Hogan Hogan 2014-06-22 17:05:08

If your clueless consider my theory, the magic in equestria only belonged to alicorns, and about 5000 years ago, when equestria was forming, princess celestia , Luna and cadences great great great great great grandmother gave a group of earth ponys magic making a new tribe, unicorns. So we have 2 groups of magic instead of 3, magic and dark magic. Alicorns have access to both forms so unicorns can too. Now the alicorn amulet, it well, it gives the user a corrupt spell written and formed by another alicorn from 10000 years ago. It's still alicorn magic, it's still unicorn magic and its, magical. I just had this lying in the back of my head and I don't know how this came to me, I'm just a 9 year old who has watched this show aLOT more than an average brony.

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joe 2014-08-15 14:36:49

Here's what I think. When sombra was turning evil he made a potion with dark magic in it and gave it to luna. Then after that a few years later nightmare moon forms and makes it eternal night until she gets defeated. Maybe her magic to make it eternal night was the magic from the potion and when it turned to eternal night, the dark magic spread to every pony that was in equestria and the children. And when they had children they had the dark magic in them. And for celestia, maybe she had a small sip of the potion and luna had a lot of it.thats my opinion

Kylee Johnson 2015-08-18 01:56:15

alicorns have the power to use dark magic even if they haven't accepted or become 'dark' or in other words evil. Trixie's amulet consumed her because it might have been made by an evil alicorn like sombra, because it was so much power that she couldn't handle it and the magic acted on its own due to trixies wish to prove herself, or because she wasn't a full alicorn the amulet couldn't work properly and it needed balance so when Trixie came close to a good alicorn the magic changed to have balance. one some of my ideas... and you said you over think.

Gothic Dear 2016-06-07 20:01:31

I think your right about alucorn magic being dark magic. But I think the reason why when Trixie used the Alucorn Amulet is because she was using it in a negative way. Maybe that's why it corupted her. And the reason why Twilight's magic was those colors in Zecora's tonic was because she was stressed and it came out in a negative way. And why whenever the princesses use normal magic is because they are calm and they use it in a positive way

The Pegasister Notion 2015-03-28 22:58:04

I have a head canon

Maybe the Alicorn Amulet could of been created by Sombra. He might have used it but then someone might have taken it away but the power remained inside him because in Magic Duel it said "Only the user is able to remove the Alicorn Amulet". I think this is true because how an ONE unicorn create so much magic and be so powerful when Alicorns are the most powerful ponies. Also, Sombra may have put a curse on the Amulet so if any other pony apart from him gets corrupted. I think I figured this one out!

An eternal flame bABY! 2019-01-13 21:37:57

Wait a second... Zicora’s tattoo/cutie mark looks exactly the same as the Sun symbol on the tree of harmony. Here’s a theory... what if Zicora and the family member, Who’s cutie mark/tattoo looks like the moon symbol on the tree of harmony, perhaps a father or husband or brother or my personal favourite a cousin let’s say his name was Nolcoer. I reckon the zebras Lived on the edge of an alicorn country in the big rock where a certain Alicorn Bug queen Now lives. Could it be possible that Queen chrysalis built a small nest in the surrounding forest and Needed a larger place to call home therefore they attacked the Zebra population and lived in that big rock thing. Maybe Zicora Fled to the Ever free forest and studies potions with Nolcoer. Whilst they were there they planted a magical tree and nurtured it every day. One night there was something happening it looked like a fight so Nolcoer went to help or even protect the princess’s and never returned. Despite only being 12 Zicora could look after her self and in just a little while (2 years more specifically) the tree was fully grown. One day a mysterious pony came knocking on her door, the strange being told her how he’d been watching her and how impressed he was with the tree she’d grown. He showed her some gems, the elements of harmony, he needed somewhere to keep them and thought that Zicora’s tree would be a good, safe pace and Zicora let him, she knew it was for the best. Even though many hostile creatures wanted the elements making the forest very dangerous Zicora continued living in Nolcoer’s cottage to keep him close.

sybeanne 2015-05-08 21:15:24

i think that different magic swirly things happen with different emotion such as when celestia made the gray crystals her facial emotion seemed to be mad and when twilight opened the door in that same episode she was annoyed so this in a way prooves mytheory when the rest of the time their magic is pink and swirly and stuff

Golden warriors 2017-04-14 18:15:21

dark magic is like negative energy/emotions and can be easily trigger. when twilight use her spell on zeccora potion it was dark alicorn magic because of fear when she defeated terike it was light magic so magic is dependent on emotion but not all magic is for example ponies need magic to move but need to be happy or sad to move one may decrease or increase their energy so normal magic is only active when you are calm or don't feel any emotion

Lia Franchesca 2015-04-26 06:19:13

these are some of my theory's:
1) from twilight's cutie mark, we know about star swirl spell and he didn't had the "spark of frienship" that we think created the tree of harmony in first place so when twilight got her cutie mark and celestia saw it was the icon of magic she took her as her personal student so she can learn friendship and finish the spell.
2) trixie beging corrupted, maybe it was becouse she wasn a unicorn usin magic for alicorns so her unicorn magic cant control this new magic and that happens. (just saying)

Ashley Kim 2015-08-22 12:53:21

I think alicorn Magic is simply magic from alicorns. It would be stronger since they have all aspects( er, most of the aspects) of their subjects. If an alicorn performs dark magic, the magic will be stronger than a unicorn doing the dark magic.

Prince_Zodiac 2015-11-05 06:11:46

Perhaps Dark Magic is Alicorn Magic, but is referred as that because if under prolonged use by a unicorn, the sheer power corrupts them because they can't handle it, only an Alicorn can.

0deadx21 2013-12-24 11:04:38

My guess is Alicorn Magic = Dark Magic. I'm guessing Dark Magic is the most powerful magic, which is why its dubbed Alicorn Magic, but it comes at a price if used too much, which is why it should only be used when needed, and not very often, otherwise it corrupts the user. And the Alicorn Amulet giving Trixie a red glow instead of green, purple and black is just a side effect of the amulet, maybe to disguise the fact the wearer is using dark magic without looking like it.

There's a theory that King Sombra is the creator of the Alicorn Amulet http://youtu.be/puUFAd1SQLQ
Given that King Sombra is the ultimate user of Dark Magic aka Alicorn Magic, it makes sense for the amulet to bar the name Alicorn, for the type of magic it offers the user, which is reflected in the amulet's appearance.

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Replies (2)
Sawtooth Waves 2013-12-24 15:01:38

That's an interesting theory, but if Dark magic is supreme, why does normal magic always win?  This brings up some intriguing questions.  Sombra wasn't an alicorn, but maybe he was trying to become one, like Twilight or Cadence.  I like your theory.  I enjoy reading your responces.

0deadx21 2013-12-24 15:42:05

@Pony Notion The Elements of Harmony are not normal magic, they're their own magic. And Sombra was arguably so powerful, it took BOTH alicorn sisters to defeat him. They had to turn him into a shadow and imprison him in ice just to get rid of him. And at the end it's the crystal ponies that killed Sombra by powering the Crystal Heart. It took a team effor to defeat Sombra both times without the Elements of Harmony. Individually how can anyone who doesn't use dark magic defeat Sombra all by themselves? I'd like to see Celestia do it. It'll be an interesting duel.

Regal Dawn 2014-07-10 06:15:16

3 theorys why Trixy was corrupted. 1 the amulet was created by an evil alicorn who wanted to bolster his/her powers further, maybe during the alicorn/dracoequis (Discords species). 2 Trixy didn't have the required magic level to use it, think in Eragon where the Shade was once a sorcerer but got possessed by a spirit he couldn't control. 3 the amulet could only be used for good by other alicorns, for the other races it's power backfired corrupting them

Death by Proxy 2014-07-25 10:02:07

Funnily enough, the symbol for magic in MLP is near enough the same as the symbol for magic in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure (also the other Skylanders games, but SSA is the best :D)

Camaróncito 2014-07-06 02:16:11

Could alicorn magic be something a little weaker than the elements of harmony, but similar?

BorisSoup 2016-09-10 03:26:12

when the picture said
"Welcome To The Dark Side,
We Have Cookies"

I was eating a cookie

Replies (6)
Sarah Lorigan 2017-10-06 00:03:24

Fox Nugget yeah I like it heh come to the dark side we have cookies I love it!!!! 😊

melonade 2017-11-09 22:06:54

FoxNugget Paints GAHHH MLP LOVING SITH LORD!!!! 😂😂

Winged girl 2018-08-19 03:39:29

I'll come to the dark side I want those cookies LOL

The Gentle Raindrop 2018-09-11 18:12:40


Eilla Kceb 2018-09-15 08:13:26

I said that all the time even before I watched this episode and me and I even came up with a reversed one, "Come to the light side, we have spinach." I chose spinach because it shows that while the dark side is more tempting, the light side is still the right side. But still I am and forever will be in the middle where when I fall to the dark side I can always turn back to the light. (I know its sappy but it works)

e7ch 2019-03-08 01:25:28

What you are apart af the dark side

Nix Galexa 2015-11-06 23:44:31

I believe that the magic from the Alicorn Amulet corrupted trixie because Ailcorn Magic is too much for a regular pony to handle. Trixie used great magic in the only way she knew how, Wickedness. Because she used it for Wickedness, it corrupted her.

An eternal flame bABY! 2019-01-13 19:59:43

They might of saw a glimpse into the future. celestia did seem quite intrigued when she saw the massive dragon head they might of seen that and the cutie mark.

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PheonixDarkWing 2016-08-10 04:50:26

the alicorn amulet is filled with dark alicorn magic that overpowers any pony that dares put it on. not only increases their power but also increase their hunger for more power. note twilight having to trick tricksy into taking it off with the help of her friends.

Nightmareprinny 2015-02-11 07:25:18

My though about dark magic: the spell that Rarity uses in insperation manifestation is in the end classified as dark magic by Twilight the only one i know that is officially called dark magic, it has a light green aura and corrupts Rarity and changes her eyes to the same color as the spell, so i think that the Alicorn Amulet and that spell are connected by being dark magic. Both boost the users power but corrupts them, maybe dark magic don´t have a special aura color, but something they have in common is that they forcably change their eye color as the dark power grows.

About Sombra: Hmm that is a tougher nut to crack, but maybe Sombra WAS an Unicorn turned Alicorn much like Twilight but he was somehow corrupted and was stripped off his titel and form as Alicorn when Celestia and Luna turned him into his shadow form so his magic techniquely IS alicorn magic? i dunno, what do you guys think?

Replies (1)
QueenSalis 2015-04-06 22:39:24

The main difference between the cases put bluntly:
 Rarity didn't remember a thing
 Trixie remember she couldn't control herself.

The difference is either in power or in nature of these evils.
I considered Rarity as being taken over and her soul put to sleep or knocked out, while
Trixie was influenced and spoken to and truly corrupted. Either Amulet wasn't powerful enough on level of affecting the user, or didn't "WANT" it...
But maybe Rarity was in part herself, but the spell took away every memory about her deeds. Rarity HAS her traits in green posessed version, she wants things to be expensive, elegant and fabulous, while other pony might go with having everything gothic and dark, or silly and candy colored... scratch that.
Basically, she remained partially herself, but the spell, (also a sentient being in my opinion) was able to ERASE her MEMORIES. It's clearly more powerful than The Amulet on ground of "inside the head"

The transparence of both glows, Rarity's being much more visible, while Trixie's more transparent, also indicate that Rarity's green spell is WAY more dense and powerful.

My main theory: Color switching magic is color switching magic. Changing something's color seems very, very difficult for ponies ;) The fact that potion "responds only to alicorn magic" indeed hints on the color changer to be alicorn but.... no.
I think that the ie. moustache spell she used as ordinary unicorn would be considered alicorn magic now!
Methaforically, I could make tea out of bottled water or tap water. There are picky people who would notice the difference and demand certain type, one of the teas might be better quality, but the basic effect is similar - it's a tea. The same way Twilight used color spell in Crystal Empire, creating it out of unicorn magic. It worked. It's a  COLOR CHANGING SPELL.
How does the potion know if it's alicorn then?
Easiest explanation is: The result might vary in power. 
I would say the paint paralell would go like this: With unicorn magic, it would wash out with soup & water, like aquarels, with alicorn, only another set of similar paint would change its color, like totally buffed out oil paint.

Is dark magic Alicorn magic? No.
While "Alicorn magic" is transferred in Tireks episodes, it looks nothing like that. It's their normal color, yellow for Celestia, light and dark blue for the others, all of them transparent just like ordinary unicorn magic, eyes go white and ball of yellowish/bluish white energy is transferred. Twilight is glowing white later on.

That's what I think about the sublect.

SonicBrownie 2014-04-23 02:00:56

my theory is that dark magic is a form of alicorn magic but not all of it  because if you remember the Crystal Empire episodes  there were two different uses of magic on the crystals dark magic and what appeared to be light magic (at least to me) and maybe its called alicorn magic because its too powerful for (and thus it corrupts ) anyone else . 

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Lord of Death Gaming 2014-07-01 06:13:48

Also dont forget about friendship magic.We have seen in some episodes that friendship is actually magic or can lead to it.

Turquoise Sketches 2018-09-01 18:27:30

I believe that there are 4 different types of magic: alicorn, normal ( which you can expand upon ), dark and a ponies talent magic. This explains also why starlight's village had magic to spare instead of it being like the trek episode

Samantha Brash 2014-08-21 03:36:10

I have a feeling that this is the reason there's so little Alicorns in the world, maybe only ponies pure of heart or can wield the dark magic that lies in Alicorns magic are allowed to become Alicorns?

Fireball9670 2014-11-14 19:58:52

I have a theorie: Maybe the Alicorn Amulet is called like this because alicorns are the combination of Pegasi, Uniconrs and earthponies and it increases that sort of magic. ALL OF THEM. What do you thik about it?

Killer Morah 2015-01-25 12:04:05

All I can say magic is a strange thing that shouldn't be tampered with. It is also the essences of their land. The alicorn amulet is alicorn magic, but it's dark alicorn magic.

Cremlola Lea 2014-12-22 10:38:38

I have got explination for dark magic/alicorn magic.I think,only nightmare moon (princess luna) was explinated as a bad character in the book.So ponies,who read it,knowed,alicorns were powerfull.They were afraid of nightmare moons destructive energy,so the past ponies (zebras,or past knowledge) named dark magic alicorn magic.
I dont know,its right,but this is my theory.

Daniel Reh 2014-12-17 05:17:36

Maybe when zecora said to use alicorn magic she was just referring to how alicorns magic is much stronger then normal such as raising the sun and moon so maybe alicorn magic is just a way of saying really strong magic.

NightRaven 2014-07-26 01:09:32

The reason why the amulet corrupted her is because the amulet adapts to his/hers goal in life. Like how Trixie wanted to defeat Twi.

seraph lastname 2014-09-21 06:16:19

I believe the alicorn amulet corrupted Trixie because of her being a unicorn and incapable of even imagining that sort of power, or controlling it. As for the other stuff. I have no clue.

frogbenchrai 2015-08-18 18:41:28

I think that alicorn magic and dark magic are different things. Dark magic is when a pony turns their magic evil purposely or it corrupts them if they turn evil. Alicorn magic is the magic we saw Trixie use. I think the alicorn amulet has alicorn magic that has been put into the amulet by an alicorn, such as Princess Celestia or another princess. If the amulet is worn by an ALICORN, it just amplifies their magic because it is just adding more magic to what they already have. Alicorns do not have regular magic; instead they have alicorn magic. So it adds a magic amplifier harmless to them. But, if a regular UNICORN like Trixie uses the amulet, it corrupts them and takes over. Why? Because unicorns don't have alicorn magic, only regular magic. So, the amulet containing alicorn magic adds magic they don't have and can't have. They aren't alicorns so they aren't capable of holding magic meant for alicorns. So, in conclusion, dark magic is made when a pony turns their magic evil purposely or not. Regular magic is kept by ONLY regular UNICORNS. Alicorns cannot hold normal magic. Alicorn magic is magic ONLY ALICORNS can have. If a regular pony like Trixie gains alicorn magic, like from the amulet, it corrupts them. It is harmless and just amplifies magic if used by and alicorn.

Super Fox! 2016-02-10 16:25:42

Even though the alicorn amulet was not evil, it depends on who's wearing it like how in EG sunset shimmer wore Twilights crown it made her evil because she was evil, if Twilight wore the alicorn amulet it probably would give good magic

CropCircleCreations 2015-01-14 02:49:15

Discord's magic is also a fourth more potent type of magic, Raw Magic. It is just as powerful as dark or alicorn magic, but is more raw and untamed. this magic is chaotic in nature, and difficult to control without being a draconequus. 

j chavez 2014-08-30 23:38:18

it could be that that dark magic is a form of magic which is equal to in power to alicorn magic, just that it affects the soul of the pony who uses it. maybe it also can do certain things that alicorn magic can not do but lacks the ability to do things alicorn magic can do.
as for normal ponies being able to use it, maybe some pony created it to do just that, they wanted the power alicorns have so they created it so that they could have the power to go against alicorns. And the alicorn amulet was made out of dark magic just that dark magic can not fully work just from an amulet, and that its full power can only be used by a pony who understands it.

Professor Furry-Paws 2014-10-05 02:59:21

Alicorn magic isn't a type, it's a power level.
So it's not 3 types (Alicorn, Dark, Normal), but instead 2 types (Normal & Dark) and 2 power levels (Unicorn & Alicorn).
So the Alicorn Amulet gave Trixie a power boost to Alicorn levels, but corrupted her due to the source being Dark magic. Maybe Trixie used her own Normal magic, diluting the Dark effects, unlike Sombra, Celestia, Twilight, Rarity, etc. with purple/green effects when using Dark magic spells.

Dani Rodriguez 2015-10-02 21:19:05

well im not sure about normal magic, but i think alicorn magic can control dark magic because if you notice when celestia turns her magic into dark magic. Also i think the reason why when twilight used dark magic on the potion because it's the only other kind of magic knows if you remember the part 2 episode of the crystal empire. and maybe like one of the few is magic learned to her that and just thought to use that considering she just got turned into an alicorn and barely knows how to fly. Maybe alicorn magic is something you can learn just being alicorn makes it easier like star swirl he's not an alicorn, but knows a lot of magic but he knows all of this when we is old or at least that what they tell/show us .i'm just thinking out loud here.

Kong 2019-06-22 15:40:28

one amulet to rule them all,
One amulet to find them.
One amulet to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them

juliabishopcross 2014-09-01 17:29:45

Let's find something... Hmm... Well, in the finale of season 4, Twilight is given all Alicorn Magic in Equestria. It makes her very powerful, and she is barely able to contain it. Maybe that's because Twilight is the element of Magic. Trixie is a mere unicorn who can barely use her OWN magic. If the Alicorn Amulet have her Alicorn power, it might have corrupted her because she was weak with controlling of magic.

Kitty Ensalaco 2015-01-10 04:55:11

Dark magic is strong but bad, alicorns are a combo of the tree types of ponies so they have more magic soooo stronger magic and normal magic allows the ponies to fulfill their lives

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Sydney Wichmann 2014-06-24 02:36:55

Just to add another thought, what about nightmare moon? She was an alicorn, she was evil, why didnt she use dark magic when that seems to be the strongest resource for fighting light magic like celestias or twilights magic?

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Amy Zheng 2014-08-12 20:44:05

I know for sure dark magic isn't alicorn magic because in season 3 where Twilight had to protect the Crystal Empire, she used dark magic to find the staircase and Twilight was only a unicorn.

bella 2021-04-30 16:28:28 (edited 2021-04-30 16:28:56 )

Dark magic can be use as good magic or dark magic it depends on who is in control

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shadow jumper 2016-01-30 05:25:42

I'm just gonna get this out of the way I have talked about a similar topic on my channel so you can watch it or not, I'm gonna explain it anyways. OK first off you can't compare dark magic and normal magic(which i will call light magic) to the dark and light side of the force because that is not how magic works at all, it's not separated by good and evil it is just one list separated by the level of power/difficulty. dark magic is the most powerful level of magic, not everyone can easily cast it but when they do if their soul isn't pure they can be corrupted by the power and light magic is the basic/easiest form of magic. now the only thing left to do is find out where alicorn magic falls in the list, it's very simple it isn't on the list at all because unlike the others it isn't a type of magic, instead it is an expectation of what level of magic should alicorns use/posses. So when Trixie got the alicorn amulet it is just giving her just the power that is expected of an alicorn, which is the smallest/basic form of dark magic which could be why her horn glows red instead of regular dark power energy you generally would see. this may sound complicated and it is, if I had the time I would explain it further but for now this is all.

Riki Merasty 2015-04-18 00:54:11

I think that normal magic is used by all unicorns and alicorns.Dark magic is too powerful for regular unicorns to use AND control so they are corrupted.Alicorns are the only ones that can use dark magic and actually control it.The amulet that Trixi used WAS dark magic but the dark magic probably decayed and died out because it was probably stored in that amulets for 1000 years which caused it to loose probably 1/2 of the magic which also is probably the reason why it was red instead of a purple-green swirls.Also knowing this, the dark magicput in the amulet probably still had its power to corrupt the weak so the amulet corrupted Trixi. If I am wrong, please correct me and I haven't watched mlp in a while, and also, this my first time making a theory this long so please don't judge haters!

Eponey Cheetah 2014-07-24 22:11:50

As to the Amulet, "Power Corrupts".
Trixie isn't anywhere near to be ready for the Power of it.
Alicorns Transend through Enlightenment, isn't it?

apparently, all Ponies have magic, which is why the Pegasi flies.

Andromeda Francisco 2014-10-26 21:19:50

There is no actual separate Alicorn magic Alicorn magic is the mastery of both (Possibly the three) houses of magic This is why Twilight used dark magic and Zecora's magic was not taken down Twilight had to use dark magic because as seen on the episode Normal (or light magic) was being attacked like wifi with a virus so Twilight had to use the dark magic

Johnny Satterlee 2016-09-02 08:16:33

Umm I think you're forgetting a type of magic... Maybe....ummmm.... THE MAGIC OF FREEKEN FRIENDSHIP!!!

Replies (5)
durdleduc 2016-09-06 21:47:05

The magic of friendship is normal magic. It says right in the title of the show: Friendship is magic. Friendship and normal magic are equal.

smile always 2017-01-07 06:12:59

DancingCheese i dont think so

smile always 2017-01-07 17:13:49

sorry wrong comment

Sun~ 2020-12-05 08:13:03

@durdleduc ok it's the thought that counts

jiffycook 2021-01-19 01:40:12

@durdleduc You are right. I love your YouTube account picture BTW.

Katelyn Wiegand 2015-11-24 01:23:55

when tirek came about equestria, he stole magic from not only unicorns, but pegasi and earth ponies as well.Alicorn magic is stronger because it uses all 3 kinds of magic.
Dark magic is the dark side of magic. With all these feelings and other sappy stuff, it is very easy to believe that dark magic was created out of hatred. I think that discord and sombra created dark magic to control the ponies.

An Ian 2015-09-19 23:00:24

My theory is magic is fulled off emotions Equestians use positive generally but dark magic is fulled bye negative emotions like anger frustration or in Sambra's case sadistic glee

mememachine1273 2016-07-10 13:32:51

so i think the alicorn amulet gave trixie alicorn magic,it was just way more advanced than what twighlight had

SonicFanJamie 2014-07-19 03:51:42

  I believe that Sombra's dark magic is pseudo alicorn magic, and because Twilight used pseudo alicorn magic before becoming an alicorn, her first use of alicorn magic appeared similar to pseudo alicorn magic. I also think pseudo alicorn magic can be used by alicorns. As for the alicorn amulet, I think that pseudo alicorn magic,other than negative emotion driven magic, is the only type of dark magic available without physical objects, the alicorn amulet being the most basic dark charm.

Daniella Moon 2021-05-05 21:46:21

Who did the amulet belong to? I kinda have a theory, there was a channel I found out about and it said that Celestia and Luna had a big sis who was the “queen” and had immortality like starsworld and they were BORN earth ponies and starsworld gifted them wings and a horn, she always had the amulet until she was put into a tapestry in the 2 sisters castle in the ever free forest. She loved starsworld and wanted him to stay, but he didn’t feel the same so she went out for vengeance. Then when she was back she pulled Trixie to her side but she eventually came to her senses and the only thing she wanted was to be a normal pony again, then after Twilight and her friends tried to stop her suddenly there is another element of forgiveness that represents Trixie, the name of the channel is in the comment above

Your Local Cyborg 2015-01-05 00:55:53

I think that only an alicorn can control "alicorn magic" so being a unicorn that drove her into madness, like lets say,I had a friend named billy who won the election for cass president, he controlled the whole school board and physical and mental appearance of the school,he went crazy and screwed the school up,lthe show has the same story, trixy gets alicorn amulet (which has power that cannot be preformed by a average unicorn) takes over ponyville (having a leader like position she used it to get political power) and starts to treat main 5 (excluding twilight) like pesants. See? She was mad with power. Or im being a bit crazy

Koneko 2016-06-21 01:53:28

It's more like normal magic is normal, dark magic is corruptive of its user allowing a powerful magic much like powerful magic alicorns can use but corruptive because others cannot handle it and alicorn magic is so powerful and can be used for good but it has been stretched into dark magic as well so as powerful as it can be for the good it is also powerful for the bad. Also, because alicorn magic has been used for evil so many times it is lesser used by the princess as there is a separation between alicorn magic and increased magical abilities because they are alicorns

Jeneva Clark 2015-04-22 23:10:25

maybe zacora meant magic that comes from an alicorn, so when twilight sparkle used dark magic to take away the dark color in the tonic, some of her alicorn DNA was in her spell to change the tonic's color.

Allison Bowen 2015-02-05 03:05:10

I believe that Sombra has alicorn magic because he wore the alicorn amulet. He WAS good but was corrupted. Maybe he wore it so much that when he took it off he was still corrupted.Maybe that's why it isn't on his neck

Victoria 2015-05-12 21:29:06

Well... It seems that normal magic is used for normal everyday things, Rarity is an example. Alicorn magic seems like maybe it maintains balance. As in, the sun and moon being risen by Luna and Celestia. That one moment in mlp: fim where Twilight makes the magic star around the sun rising, it seems that she was maintaining balance also. And Cadence's power of love keeps her empire in balance. Idk.. Just a thought.

The Dark Horseman 2015-12-18 01:58:22

Normal magic allowes normal things eg, lifting objects, tracking objects or animals, party tricks, holligram like illusions and maybe changing objects forms. Advanced magic allows telleportation, going inside books and alot of what Twilight does. Dark magic allows manipulation of minds naturally accurring things (like crystal) body manipulation and changing chemicals and structures of objects. Allicorn magic allows things like, lowering and raising the moon and sun, manipulation of the bodys functions like speed, flight and magic (it is seen that flight can be taken away like magic) and alot of things of this type, I think twilight knew dark magic could manipulate the structure of the liquid but "combined" it with allicorn magic allowing greater use of the spells magic. And i think the allicorn amulet currupted trixe because its "combined" with dark magic but the allicorn magic hides the dark magic with an "aura" so its just red sooo..... maybe theres a 5th allicorn who mainly uses dark magic?

Joshua Fenty 2015-02-03 05:16:47

The alicorn amulet is a magic talisman and magic talismans come with prices and becoming a power crazed lunatic is the price you have to pay for using it's magic

PFUDOR ` 2014-10-06 00:25:14

the amulet gives power and in return it takes away morals by making you power hungry giving a weakness to the user. the potion, zecora suggest to twilight that it is dangerous and dark thus meaning dark magic can complete it, but it limits it to alicorns so only the power of an alicorn is allowed to change it. alicorn magic is not very different from  normal magic, it is just more powerful allowing ponies to expand their magical abilities

Party of None 2014-07-09 21:52:34

Friendship=normal magic.

Alicorn magic wasn't used in a friendly way plus they may have just called it that cause of how powerful it is and the Emblem on it.

Dark magic well just is just... Concentrated magic? Maybe?

WONHO IS BACK MX7 2015-12-19 04:22:49

the reason it corrupted Trixie when she was wearing the amulet is because dark magic is first off evil and second it is too strong for normal magic so she couldn't handle all the power it was giving her.

Jessica L 2014-09-01 01:22:01

What is discords magic then? i mean, he doesnt get that dark magic animation thingy when he uses his magic. and he doesnt get that weird aura at all. The only time he gets any animation is when his magic is being sucked out by Tirek. and even then, it looks more like the dimension ripping than the regular dark magic or alicorn magic.

MegaReaver MickeyBot 2014-07-21 05:46:50

Ok I think it's honestly safe to say that Magic it self can take on many forms. Since it is Magic I CAN EASILY SAY WE CAN'T entirely say what colors are specificly branded to Dark magic. now it safe to always emediatly be concerned and on edge when ever see what is traditionly seen as an evil glow or evil Color in magic being used. This no dobt will never scece to build tention which is what I think they seek to do is keep us guessing and isn't that just what Magic does? if we could honestly understand it better then it wouldn't be magic.However We will no it's Dark Magic when ever we see something that actualy Hints something Dark and forboding. If it is Hurting someone or corrupting someone it's definatly not good.
As for the Purple I think it could simply Just be a higher power of Magic because Puprle signafies royalty. Now TRUE pRINCESS cELESTIA SHOWED SHE Knew how to use Dark magic but I think it was only a demistration. I won't jump and say that it was dark magic Twighlight was useing when she turned the formula white. But then again maybe you simply miss understood Zecora. When she said it needed Alicorn Magic. She wasn't implying Twighlight to use Dark magic, but that only Twighlight could turn it white. Why she did the dARK MAGIC TRICK i DON'T KNOW. MAYBE SHE DIDN'T KNOW ANYOTHER from at the time since she is knew to Alicorn magic I'm suprised it didn't corrupt her but maye that's why Princess Celestia trusts her. Maybe she knows this form should never be used but simpy had to omprimise  at the moment.
I'm only offering my own ten scents I can't say I'm an expert realy. but I hope it was some use atleast.

DJ Crazy 2014-07-20 23:13:14

Dark magic is alicorn magic because only alicorns are allowed to use or if you have promision but sombra broke the rule

Raven Then Unkind 2015-04-30 06:37:19

I don't think Alicorn Magic is Dark Magic. If it was then it would mean Alicorns would be evil since even Celestia said that Dark Magic is fear and hatered. Basicly what I think happened is that Twilight even though she was an Alicorn at the time, she didn't know what Alicorn magic is and instead used Dark Magic without noticing. She also was told to turn it white, nothing more. She simply used Dark Magic to force it white without knowing... which mean that All of what she saw with the potion might not be 100% true but just like when she tried to open that door in the Empire, it was something possible.

This would mean Alicorn Magic wasn't shown and that Amulet since it corrupt, it give red color but it might be actual Alicorn Magic. Just a more powerful version of Unicorn Magic while Dark Magic is totally different.

N J 2015-02-27 20:32:49

I think what Zecora meant was magic that came from an alicorn. Not specifically alicorn magic.

Luna B 2016-11-22 00:12:05

Alicorn magic is way stronger than any normal unicorn

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Maria Sofía Ana Lohrmann 2022-02-14 21:07:21 (edited 2022-02-14 21:14:48 )

0:49 my theory: the pillars planted the tree so star on the tree of harmony for star swirl we do know that the tree is alive so who says it can't have memories.
2:29 another theory: snip and snails look like does ponies sombra made his slaves and it looks like trixies doing the same thing and the color palette of the alicorn amulete looks like sombra so this looks like sombra may have created the amulete or when he vanished he corrupted the amulete

Gabby 2016-09-06 18:06:33

"I never understood black magic"

Draxeid 2014-11-22 19:49:25

I think that Dark Magic is really hard to Control as we saw in some episodes and about the Alicorn amulet... How was it Created? i mean if it is a ALICORN amulet then it should be made from a Alicorn? i Guess? Well i think that there are more and more kinds of magic for Example i think Crystal Magic And if i should pick my favorite kind of magic then i would pick Dark Magic cuz it has more into it that other kinds of magic...

Vivi young 2018-10-24 21:32:40

maybe alicorn magic Is balance, dark magic represents forces like chrysalis, tireck, and saumbra, (I know I probably butchered the spelling) and normal magic is a weak form of whatever the tree runs on.

Ethen Staley 2014-09-06 13:24:39

Please don't get confused but here i go. alicorn magic is a passive/good dark magic, while true dark magic is only useful to a few things, alicorn magic is a more easier to use thus making it good dark magic that can be used without bad effects.

RC 2018-07-24 18:58:34

What if dark magic is the same as alicorn magic but corrupted to bring evil and destruction

Lithos 2015-09-11 02:43:38

I think that there are 5 different kinds of magic the ones that you missed were passive magic ( like pegasuses ability to stand on clouds and earth ponies abilities to work the earth.) and wild magic (the stare and the pinkie sense.)

Replies (2)
Lithos 2015-09-11 02:57:40

I forgot two types friendship and chaotic magic

An Ian 2015-09-19 23:01:44

+Chase Nyquist Im pretty sure Pegasie unicorn and earth pony magic is the same but due to pysical diffrences between eatch breed they project it diffrently

Flauros Nickolas 2017-06-08 17:49:28

well you seem normal magic is the universal magic that everyone can use even on unicorns as we see in it later episodes Alicorn magic is far more powerful seen by Celestia raising the Sun and Luna raising the Moon and Twilight doing her little burst among other things dark magic is a form of normal magic that has been turned evil and dark the Alicorn Amulet I believe is quite possibly an element of disharmony instead of a element of Harmony do to it quite possibly being an element of disharmony just as The Elements of Harmony give off a different look such as all the other magic it is reasonable to say that element of disharmony would also give off a different form of dark magic not just into miraculous ladybug I Love My Little Pony

Talli 2015-07-03 01:40:45

NO NO NO Alicorn magic is not dark magic its just a higher level of magic when trixie was wearing the alicorn amulet it was filled with dark magic and darkness can corupt ones soul. but your theory was cannon not that i did not like it you hold strong facts to your theory but awesome job i hope you make more of these videos :)

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Enas A 2016-09-06 10:32:07

If u look deeper into the vid where celestia and luna where raising the sun and the moon it made the yin yang sign im not to sure what this means but id love to see u do a theory about it

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MNRR Crafts 2015-02-03 06:19:46

Twilight using "Dark Magic" in Princess Twilight Sparkle, was nothing more than a call back to the Crystal Empire when the idea of dark magic was first introduced. Alicorn magic isn't dark magic, and just because its called the Alicorn Amulet doesn't mean that its using actual Alicorn magic. That's like saying a spider-monkey should have four pairs of limbs and being able to spin webs because the word 'spider' is in the name.

IGSA101 2014-06-30 02:23:53

Maybe dark magic is a subset of alicorn magic instead of the other way around.

Sela Boswell 2016-07-03 05:33:27

I think that the star for Twilight's cutie mark, is actually for the elements of harmony, like there are 6 elements, and there are 6 points on the star idk though

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honk honk 2015-04-25 02:43:06

Alicorn magic is a special form of dark magic

Replies (1)
siddhi shetye 2020-10-03 06:05:40

It’s a dark magic used for good

Kylie Healy 2017-07-21 09:56:03

i think that there is a difference to alicorn dark magic and dark magic, maybe there is something in the magic itself that we can't see.

Alyssa 2019-02-01 12:51:56

You know what I noticed cadence and shining both had to make a force field to protect there kingdoms

Buisgast123 2015-07-26 20:32:30

Why did trixie go crazy when she had the alicorn amulet? I think it's because the magic whithin it is so strong and powerfull that only a alicorn could use it.

tebbzy 2014-01-17 15:57:23

My view is the dhx didn’t have time to make a new affect for Alicorn magic so they used the affect for dark magic. Or they are just being assholes and applying something that isn’t true to mess with us. I wouldn’t put it pass them. this is my stand until they talk about the different magics.
There I stand is Alicorn magic is when they use the power of all three different pony types to do something.

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Replies (1)
Lone Wolf 2014-01-24 23:15:38

Yeah, but we have to remember this is still a kids show, so they can't make the origins of magic too complex, or delve into too much, otherwise it'll alienate the 6 to 9 yr old girls that watch this show; hence hurting hasbro's toy sales. 

Plus, it's like Jeremy Jahns said once during his smurfs 2 review about how explaining EVERYTHING in a movie or any tv show kind of ruins the replay value when you have everything spelled out for you.

For example when Smurfette thanks papa smurf for rescuing her, he replies saying something like "Of course. that's what families do for each other."  granted, that might seem very harmless to say, but it ruins the replay value because they were SPELLING EVERYTHING OUT for us; hence giving us little to no reason to rewatch the film again.

Whereas if papa smurf would've just said something like, "Of course smurfette, that's just the kind of thing we do for each other."  Or something to that affect.  Kids probably wouldn't get it at first, but years later when they're all grown up, they'd be watching it again with their kids, and they'd see that scene again.  after watching that scene, they'd be like, "Omg i totally didn't get that papa smurf was IMPLYING that they were like a family. omg that's so cool. i totally didn't pick up on that the first time i saw this as a kid.  man, this movie gets better every time i watch it."  

Look, i respect your opinion an all, and your certainly entitled to it, but we shouldn't expect everything to be spelled out for us.  Hell, sometimes explaining too much can ruin a franchise if you stop to think about it.

Look at star wars.  lucas had to come up with a scientific explanation in his god awful prequels to explain what the force was, and how it worked.  now, you can argue like some people have saying, "steven, it's to take the religious factor out of star wars."  fair enough, but if that's the case, then why the hell did they have a jedi prophecy in the prequels if they wanted to eliminate religious metaphors from star wars?  why make anakin skywalker's birth be similar to jesus christ in the sense they were both born from virgin mothers?  It makes no sense.

And all lucas did when he did that was eliminate the beautiful metaphor about how the force was a representation of confidence and all that.  it wasn't meant to be explained, as it was just simple back story.  therefore, i have to disagree with you to some extent.  sure, it would be nice to get some explanation, as long as they keep some of it a mystery for us to figure out.  if they explain everything, then they're just going to ruin not only the replay value of some of their episodes, but it might ruin the quality of the show; similar to what happened with the prequels for star wars.  granted there were other problems with the prequels, but that was one of them.  

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AnnieBee43 2014-09-24 21:01:40

"How sombra perverted the crystal empire" is what I heard XD

The One-eyed Witch 2015-05-04 23:23:00

perhaps because they are not built for/ meant to have alicorn magic it corrupts them, thus making dark magic.

Megan Schlebach 2014-12-31 00:15:53

I think the alicorn amulet's magic is artificial, cause regular alicorn magic looks like dark magic. Perhaps alicorn magic looks like dark magic cause maybe King Sombra gained the alicorn magic, and since he was evil, deemed it dark magic? I dunno :)

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Replies (2)
Black369Ace 2015-01-01 03:58:01

Maybe dark magic is something that only alicorns can perform safely, whereas if a unicorn like trixie and king sombra where to use dark magic, it'll corrupted them and make them become more wicked and twisted than before.

Megan Schlebach 2015-01-03 21:34:11

wait I didn't post that comment I'm sorta creeped out now.... I was busy the 30th of december and didn't use the computer... should I be worried..? (XD I'm legitimently scared not really but creeped out)

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Linda Konadu 2021-03-29 10:15:07

Or maybe the tree of harmony was always meant to spend friendship and sins friendship is magic they always needed the element of magic because magic makes it all complet

Notahorse356 2015-09-20 21:54:54

this is my theory on magic i think there is 6 types of magic, also i think only alicorns can hold dark magic so it turns normal pony's evil,also i think that there is really strong magic that comes from somewhere....... i know! maybe the gems have to do about it, i mean, why are gems magical........nm,now lets talk about the 5, i mean 6 types of magic.
1-normal unicorn magic
2-dark magic
3-alicorn magic
4-dark alicorn magic
5-dark magic(from a gem that powers it)
6-pony magic that comes from every speices not just unicorn.

Miraculous Crazy 2020-11-12 07:22:34 (edited 2020-11-12 07:24:48 )

How about there is a curse to becoming alicorns which is dark magic. Sombra cast this from his dark magic as a form of revenge from the two sisters. Celisitia and Luna. But as with a form of dark there comes light. Alicorns where gifted to control the dark magic . Only talented unicorns like twilight was before can cast and control this dark magic but for a short period of time. Zecora said use alicorn magic the magic which only alicorns have . Unicorns can just copy that magic it is not original. Zecora told her that use the magic which only alicorns have and can control. Which is dark magic.

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Replies (1)
Sun~ 2020-12-05 08:16:59

Good theory 👍

Kunai knight 2016-06-29 21:55:02

the problem is we don't know if alicorn magic is different from normal unicorn magic cause so far the show hasn't given use anything to go by other then Zacora simply saying alicorn magic is needed to make the potion work but what if its not different what if alicorn's  just have more magic in general but that brings up another question I have just how powerful are alicorn's cause from what the show has given use we know that Discord is  more powerful then Celesta and Luna we know that lord Sombra is tougher then Celestia, Luna  and cadence  with the love from Shining armor Chrysalis was tougher then Celestia so how is it that when lord Tirek took all the magic in Equestria including Discord  how does four alicorn's some how tie that when Discord was already more powerful then the two the two most powerful alicorns

peanuts 2016-02-20 20:05:50

"come to the dark side; we have cookies!!" me: YASSSSSSS

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aldodger 2014-08-30 22:13:49

I think the Alicorn Amulet was made by Sombra using the heart of the Crystal Empire's previous ruler, but that's just my opinion :/

Genocide Pacifist 2014-09-28 23:54:49

I always thought that the magic color was from their eye color... cause when I saw Trixie I saw that her cutie mark was blue not light pink. When I saw Celestia I was confused.... Her magic is yellow and her cutie mark is too. But remember the amulet? The amulet made Trixie have a red mgic color and so her eyes flashed red sometimes so this is just wierd! :/ :[

Rettina _ 2015-05-11 20:28:02

I think that in extreme cases they use black magic because it is stronger than usual.

pokemon undertale 2015-05-31 16:20:41

Alcorn magic is dark magic Just in a higher standards so yeah that's that

WONHO IS BACK MX7 2015-12-19 04:19:21

so if dark magic is alicorn magic, does that mean that all the princess have dark magic, and if so how is it good magic

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Andrew Gilbertson 2014-07-31 11:47:10

Maybe they are Forbidden magic (Alicorn and Dark magic) like only to be used by the highest of ponies in their magical fields. Like I am guessing now that twilight has her castle, her princess role is rounded out and now she gets special magic. Like Cadence's love magic, Luna's, well, lunar magic, and Celestia's solar magic. Maybe she will get Friendship magic and if so what about Rarity, she herself would be the expert on generosity would she be able to solve problems with Generosity magic? I don't know this is just speculation on your speculation so its probably nowhere near anything right.

Donna Dumas 2015-03-21 20:19:54

Well I think that either Luna or celestia created the dark alicorn amulet that Trixie uses in her return so maybe parts of all three types of magic are combined into one but mostly the dark magic in the amulet creates Trixie's magic stronger oh maybe you can make a video about twilight and Trixie's comparison with their magic

MissCharlock 2015-01-25 23:39:48

I would say, that alicorns magic is dark magic... but used in good way! Think about it- you become alicorn becouse you are extreamly good person. This means, that even if you CAN do evil things, you will not do it! If you aren't perfectly good person and you use dark magic it corrupts you as it does it with Luna and Trixie! When you are pure you are immune to dark influence- as Celestia. This is why Twilight had to prove herself as "pure pony" before Celestia decided to grant her alicorn magic. Does it have a sens? (sorry for my terrible english).

Kathleen Wylie 2017-04-17 15:01:42

You know how as twilight gets older and more powerfull her magic color turns from a light pink to a magenta purple. Can it turn a dark purple like the dark magic and corrupt (idk how to spell) her. Also if celestia leaves twilight and cadence in charge of equestria will they become overthrown because of celestia and luna leaving? Before celestia and luna were born who raised the sun and moon.

Joshua Fenty 2015-02-03 05:14:47

Maybe the spell just happened to need dark magic

Riki Merasty 2015-04-18 01:09:09

Which is the reason why I think that dark magic IS alicorn magic

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Riza Checa 2016-01-09 00:23:56

The alicorn amulet has the power of sombra but when sombra was young he was not evil he just met a pony that looks like him same cutie mark but color gray cuz the real cutie mark of discord is red and that pony sombra saw has an armor that sombra has since he became evil both of the sombra had a battle sombra lost he was trap down the artic waters but the future him went down to give him the evil powers to destroy the crystal empire

Jacob Lindsay 2014-09-09 03:29:45

My idea is that there are two types of Alicorn magic.  One is earned alicorn magic and the other is stolen alicorn magic.  The stolen alicorn magic will try to cause chaos and influence the thief.  Similar to the one true ring from Lord of the rings.  However, earned alicorn magic will be order based and thus not rebel against the user.  The only time when I can make an exception to this rule is surfing twilight's kingdom, when twilight tries to move the sun and moon.

Dill Pickled 2015-05-23 00:33:14

The Alicorn Amulet...I must have the...precious...

Daisieheart 2014-11-10 06:17:49

Trixie- maybe the fact that it corrupted her was due to her not being an alicorn the shopkeeper said something along the lines of (forgive me i do not remember exactly) "this is much too powerful for just anyone" perhaps she could not control it right because she was not an alicorn and it took over her mind as for the dark magic thing i was also bothered when twilight used the "dark magic animation" to change the potion now i know this is WAY before this but in the season 4 finally SPOILERS- when the princesses all got together and gave their magic to twilight it looked nothing like the animation she used to change the potion so it is VERY confusing.

An eternal flame bABY! 2019-01-13 19:58:40

Celestia only wanted twilight as her student when she saw her cutemark. It’s the same as the Element! Do you think star swirl le bearded and/or celestia and Luna made the e elements of harmony

Makenzie Rutledge 2014-08-31 21:06:58

I have something to say about the characters. You know how the colors of friendship is a rainbow? Why isn't Twilight rainbow when she is the Princess of Magic? Rainbow Dash is not the element of magic so it doesn't make sense...

O.K K 2022-02-28 05:13:09

I think that anyone who obtains Alicorn magic other then Alicorns The magic is to strong and it corrupts the user who got the Alicorn Magic Alicorn Magic Is 50 good 50 bad but the stronger one is Dark Magic which is also more common

The original story(i came up with)
Two Alicorns Dueled But one Alicorn had a Magic Amulet that steals Alicorn Magic they were both Dark Alicorn users Because A Alicorn Chose them on accident and they decided to later on duel because they wanted more power The Amulet takes the magic when its on the users neck it cannot come off unless the Pony who created it takes it off Once the Amulet has the Alicorn Magic it is sealed If the creator does not have contact with it in a thousand years it gives the Alicorn Magic to the neck User but it does not stay Since it Sealed it still gives some of it power

The creator was less powerful then the other Alicorn so They made the Amulet with most of their magic

Long Theory lol just a theory also sorry it goes to one part to another sorry if confusing heh

Ren 2015-02-07 21:05:24

What if the alicorn amulet was infused with pure magic

kids boumehed 2016-12-11 14:02:30

The dark magic comes with the alicorn Magic and the normalMagic comes from a unicorn and a alicorn

sofia 2020-11-12 23:30:49

Maybe alicorn magic isn't a separate thing but it's all magic like an alicorn has wings and a horn maybe it's the same with it's magic, alicorns have all types of magic

Cowboy FPV 2015-05-08 23:32:43

Alcorn magick is too powerful for normal unicorns so corrupting them if it is granted to any pony.

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Flufflepuff 2018-12-27 12:41:47

After I'm done with the My Little Filly Movie, I will start My Little Filly season 2, the first 2 part episode in the season is similar to Sombra's deal, Princess Celestia puts one of my friends in charge of Eqestrea while she's on vacation, and she picked Noah, but he wasn't the best choice, he turned evil because of all that power, and enslaved all of Eqestrea. It's up to the bad guy busters to save Eqestrea (again), but Celestia also made the mistake of giving Noah alicorn magic, because he casted mean spells on the ponys he didn't like, and the busters have to get Celestia back so she can put Eqestrea back together, that's unuf spoilers of the new episode.

Jill Samociuk 2016-01-07 19:33:19

alicorn magic could be stronger like dark magic.

YourRyeBread 2014-07-30 00:38:27

I was thinking in the premeir of season 4 discord was there so maybe he allowed the magic to be used or he let the potion changed because dark magic is simalar to chaos.

Tyler Studio 2017-02-01 13:25:10


Maisie Barnett 2014-08-23 12:04:58

I think that dark magic is something that alicorns can have naturaly but unicorns can also enchant themselfs to get dark magic and then theres the alicorn amulet that give the wearer dark magic as long as they keep it on + when twi was told 2 use alicorn magic but used dark magic instead ithink that dark magic is something that u think of if u prosess it and because twi was thinking of dark magic she used it

CrystalLuna 2018-12-22 11:46:12

I have a question. Why does King Dombra have alicorn magic?

thesarahdilemma 2019-06-15 04:26:48

Maybe alicorns were originally meant to be evil

Luna R 2016-12-30 22:26:08

maybe dark magic is just another type of magic which is often used by villains because it is more powerful than normal magic and because of that it is mistakenly sometimes named alicorn magic but dark magic causes sometimes different effects than alicorn magic
and alicorn magic could be the same kind of magic than normal magic but more powerful
what do you think about my theory ?

sorry about spelling mistakes or other mistakes , I am from Germany and English is not my mother language

Replies (1)
Luna R 2016-12-30 22:28:25

and I know really late but
better late than never

spekor 2014-12-05 06:46:12

magic is neither light nor dark. it is magic. it is intent that is light and dark

Hailey Eiser 2014-06-30 14:11:19

How trixi got carrupted was the power it gave her she loved to be in power

Krystal Heart 2016-08-14 21:56:34

alacorn magic cannot be used by just anyone. if a normal pony even a gifted one for example starsworl tried to use alacorn magic they would become corrupted and their mind would morph an change into something evil. who knows it might even change their physical appearance. the only way for a normal civilian to use alacorn magic is to first have it be their destiny, second be mentally and physically prepared by someone who knows what they are doing or find that starry magical place twilight went to after getting blasted by the elements on their own, and third have accomplished something of value to magic it's self.

Sugar Skulled 2014-12-20 01:49:47

alicorn magic=if your an alicorn this is the magic you use.
Dark magic= powered by fear and hatred.
magic the normal magic.
alicorn amulet a mix between alicorn magic and dark magic.
If you don't agree DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!

Alicja Gibson 2014-08-19 14:03:11

I think alicorn magic is a bit of both good a bad and it falls on your intenchers and if your haret is pure or not. This is just what I thinck on the subjet

CatsMeow 2017-12-27 06:22:15

I love cookies, I'm joining the dark side.

Jelly Beans 2014-07-24 23:12:47

Trixie got corrupted because she wanted to use the magic for evil so since she isn't an alicorn she pulled of a trick not even twilight can do because twilight knows the true meaning of friendship and trixie dose not

བདེ་ལེགས 2015-02-12 13:44:33

There must be an evil male alicorn in the Equestria!

Caroline Petersen 2016-12-31 08:01:07

I Think alicorns only can use alicorn magic, alicorn magic is the same as normal magic, just stronger because alicorns contains more magic than normal ponys does

Octavio Paz 2018-06-25 06:17:07

For me unicorn Magic is a way of saying, stronger magic, is like normal magic but more powerfull

Klara & funny bros 2020-08-03 07:16:19

Normal magic + dark magic = alicorn magic
And Twilight use dark magic as unicorn cause she is mentoted to be an alicorn it's just she didn't yet

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D Dietz 2015-05-07 00:00:41

maybe its called the ALICORN amulet because only an alicorn can control it without becoming corupt. or because it has the power of an alicorn

Anthony Garcia 2016-02-13 03:42:27

what if all magic is the same but only labeled by use by certain side's

LilyLover308 2015-02-28 03:42:27

Twilight used dark magic to go back to a dark time

Flynn 2014-07-17 22:22:16

Why is there two types of alicorn magic? I'm confused.

Rowan Wammles 2015-11-08 01:43:01

if Sombra's magic is so strong under that cape of his dose he have wings

Turquoise Sketches 2018-09-01 18:31:25

I also think that zecora ment by ' alicorn magic' she ment a magic only alicorns can use or a strong unicorn

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Uzfh Gzgususg 2018-10-17 03:08:12

Trixie was corrupted cuz she wasn't Alicorn wielding the Alicorn Amulet so she turned evil naturally I've seen videos saying that only Twilight with y'all do dark magic cuz she was going to be coming out, cuz it was inside of her so that basically means she was all right now that's why she was able to do the dark spell

Cowboy FPV 2015-05-08 23:39:24

But because as all the princesses are Alcorns they have been engraved with Alcorn magic and princesses all have been in contact with dark magicat one point in their life it makes sense that Alcorns can choose between both Magic types

gia_the_gamergirl 🌸 2020-09-27 10:42:15

Roots and origins of Equestria
He should’ve turned that into a joke

Buttercupkat Productions 2017-08-17 16:01:09

The Alicorn Amulet and Dark Magic is the BEST name EVER

patrick chen 2014-12-17 21:08:23

Alicorn magic's probably powerful normal magic

Ethan Lindsay 2014-06-28 07:03:18

Nope still clueless even after finishing the season 4 witch was awesome by the way

Laura Lesh 2014-12-16 22:11:23

Once twilight is an alicorn Maybe all the magic that she uses is alicorn magic ? Just a theory

Hotpotato28 2016-04-18 05:15:45

they are 5 types of magic normal magic alicorn magic dark magic frienship magic and caotic magic its like dark magic but less intence like discord and trixie did bad things but not as bad things as other villans

Leonardo Gabriel 2015-02-05 06:48:33

We have alicorn magic, dark magic, normal magic, zebra potions magic and the  deer natural magic.

#Mlp Rainbooms Swagness 2015-12-06 15:33:54

The aumut came from king sombra and knows trixie and set it up there

Farah Rosli 2015-12-30 05:38:35

the reason why i like changelings.

1.they're not alicorns
2.they can disguise themself.
3.i draw them alot and correctly.
4.they have a queen that isnt the 4 princesses
5.they have green auras
6.they have a life cycle too.
7.they have drones.
8.they are diffrent species.
9.they suck up magic and love.

Jersh 2015-01-01 04:04:05

I want to see them do blood magic

Buttercupkat Productions 2017-10-29 08:07:02

Maybe it's because normal unicorns aren't supposed to use it? 🦄

It’s ya boi anxiety 2014-12-25 21:42:47

i think that alicorn magic is both types of magic.. and thealico magic is not a type, just a stronger version of both Normal magic and Dark magic

Starla Padgett 2016-06-07 17:07:19

well the amulet is alicorn magic it corrupted trixie because she couldn't handle that strong of magic

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Anthony Garcia 2016-02-13 03:42:00

what if all magic is the same but only labeled by use

DistinctiveUsername 2014-11-06 05:46:36

there is dark magic to keep balance, if all of Equestria was light magic then there would not be good balance 

Elijah Wong 2016-09-07 04:25:05

It's not the same thing when you use dark magic your eyes get the eye lashy thingy just watch the king sombra episode

Ava Alden 2015-05-05 02:44:50

Only alacorns can use dark magic

Deborah Tchamgue 2019-01-05 15:10:09

Maybe the tree of harmony new Twilight will be the element of magic

Gokul Raman 2014-10-11 20:50:48

omg u helped me soooo much with ponies thank youuuuuu

thedoctor whooves 2017-11-23 14:31:31

I think that Twilight's cutie mark got like that either because this star is the universal sign of magick (after all twilight can also be called and magic hour) or is like that because she was destined to be the wilder of the 6th element

demon queen 2014-08-14 14:30:29

Trixie admits that she couldn't control herself when the amulet corrupted her what im thinking that alicorns don't use dark magic since it can corrupt you to bring pain instead of joy to others some alicorns like celestia and cadence dpnt believe in dark magic corrupting them I think in magical duel whoever has it on it can give you power that is so grand you cant stop it from taking over look what it did to Trixie

tentacletiddies 2017-03-24 00:01:14

I think that the alicorn magic corrupted Trixie because she wasn't an alicorn. It is called an "Alicorn" amulet so it must've been made by and alicorn or made for alicorns or something like that but Trixie is just a measly unicorn (no offense unicorns) and the magic was too much for her it overtook her, But because alicorns have much more power than unicorns they can hold the power without letting it overtake them like Trixie

Munindra Kumar 2021-04-05 14:34:17

Cast a spell that makes arakan magic dark magic that's why I like alicon magic turned into the dark magic

Annija Marta Meldere 2016-02-18 15:40:45

Brony notion! Great idea! But look at discords chair in episode's "return of harmony part 2" part when mane six used elements of harmony! And look at Alicorn Amulet!

Samson The 80 Year Old HedgeHog 2018-09-11 02:17:07

I think the magic in the alicorn amulet was too much so it turned her evil the alicorn
wings mantain alicorn magic what do ya think?

Britt Kaldheim 2015-03-17 13:46:17

Mabye the alecorn amylet was to strong for Trixie

rainbow dash is awesome 2018-11-22 21:45:50


Brandy Thompson 2017-04-30 03:38:32

ok now I see the intro with the changing part that was said in his video "IM A CHANGLING!!!"

Sam Jensen 2014-07-04 05:33:08

Trixie was given the level of power that alicorns have, but she has always been boastful, whereas Twilight and Cadance were humble about their abilities, so that level of power was gladly, yet modestly, accepted by the two alicorns, but Trixie, prideful and power-hungry, went mad with the superior abilities granted by the amulet, so she became corrupted, thinking that everypony should bow to The Great and Most Powerful TRIXIE!!!

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Sam Jensen 2014-08-20 07:01:26

Not only were Twilight and Cadance humble, they also understood and mastered the thing that allowed them to become alicorns.

C. A. 2016-12-31 20:02:06

Well I think that the alicorn amulet is a element of harmony that magic in it isn't evil or we would have seen that purple back green evil bubbles thing instead we saw red the magic isn't evil the person using it is element harmony it represents is forgiveness

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Sophie Rose 2016-12-31 20:41:34

that does make sense cause in the new movie the "legend of everfree" those rocks I think is that worlds version of the elements of harmony but there is SEVEN in the pony world there is only SIX

smile always 2017-01-07 06:15:37

i agree

Sophie Rose 2017-01-07 16:45:56

i agree too

TallLiar 2020-10-02 16:37:29

Anyone else watching 6 years later?
you know, AFTER sawtooth answered this question?-

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Sun~ 2020-12-05 08:15:14

U mean 7

TallLiar 2020-12-05 08:26:25

When I was watching this it was 6

Sun~ 2020-12-05 08:32:59

@TallLiar ok h ok

Golden warriors 2017-11-08 22:51:43

RED glow could be anger and rage and zeccora bottle could have responded because to dark magic because looking at the top of the bottle you could see RED glowing eyes hope this help

Serfuzzypushover 2015-10-20 19:02:24

Did you noticed that that spark was like a sonic raindow? But a small one!

My little pony 2014-12-05 20:44:36

We have four magic:1Alicorn magic.2:Dark magic.3:unicorn magic.4:cutie mark magic...
Did you see on twilight kingdom tirek was give the cutie marks

I'm watching YOU 2015-04-19 08:52:32

Maybe dark magic is alicorn magic

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zoe sparks 2014-07-08 00:10:35

well dark magic is the most powerful magic but i think alicorn magic does more damage then other magic and normal magic well it is normal so i think unicorns and alicorns use normal but alicorns can do aclicorn and normal magic but rarley a alicorn uses dark magic and trixie's magic is normal magic but there is a bit of alicorn magic,also I ( ME, MY SELF, AND I) think that villans are destiend to have dark magic!~

CatsMeow 2017-12-27 06:21:18

I love cookies, I'm joining the dark side?

UmOkayNowThisIs Awkward 2017-01-04 16:36:43

"come to the the dark side.we have cookies." Hahahahahaha LOL XD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

American Traditionalist 2014-07-16 15:32:31

Is your OC a changling? If it is then that's pretty cool

Christine James 2014-10-29 03:44:28

Maby alicorn have a easer job at doing dark magic. What is it is nearly impossible for normal unicorn to do it?

Itoshii Otome 2015-05-31 22:00:04

Maybe the Alicorn magic corrupted Trixie because she's not an Alicorn?

frick 2014-10-11 22:18:46

think that dark magic is corrupt magic.with the alicorn amulet maybe it only works properly with alicorns and it will corrupt anyone else that is not a alicorn.so ask yourself  Was Trixie a alicorn or a unicorn when she had the amulet?normal magic is like magic pegasi and earth ponys and maybe unicorns have.Alicorn magic might be the strongest magic in the world.so maybe when Trixie had the alicorn amulet maybe it was too much power for her to controll

Yeram Park 2018-04-26 22:48:49

The alicorn amulet are magic too

Yousef Hussainy 2015-12-24 00:01:27

okay erath ponies pegess and unercones have
normal magic aillcornes have more power
but drak magic is the most week so
they count as normal and ailcones.😊

Twyla Cousins 2014-06-01 01:31:08

May I email you with a question on my OC? You seem to know what you're talking about. I want to know if it'll fit into cannon. Where should I email you? 

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Sawtooth Waves 2014-06-01 03:33:46

Sure! Do you mean advise on your OC like what it should look like, or whether the character's story fits in the established cannon? thenotionofponies@gmail.com    ./))))

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dura alkandari 2016-02-24 20:01:48

+The Brony Notion please read what I thought about dark magic

dura alkandari 2016-02-24 20:02:39

+The Brony Notion it's at the top comments

BellatorMedicus 2014-09-16 12:28:40

the Alicorn Magic is the dark magic in s3 you can see princess celestia use the dark magic but what you dont konw is the dark magic can contron you if you dont konw how to contron it as like king sombra he was contron by hate and lie and + he kown how to use the dark magic it will contron him fully allso but king sombra soese the darkness insted of the good 

amin lion boy zeinalabdin 2020-11-14 02:30:48

The red glow from the alcorn amulet corruption

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Annija Marta Meldere 2016-02-18 09:41:02

Magic/ \Dark magic Good magic


Magic/ I \Unicorn magic pegasus magic Earth pony magic

Lilibeth Clark 2014-09-04 23:43:39

So conclution-to much magic

גוני פז 2014-10-22 17:37:53

i think dark magic is magic the user dont conrol she used dark ac cuz she dit know how to use her alicorn magic yet
trixis maic wasnt alcorn power yet it was highest unicorn levl
lower than alicorn,magic

Cu4cake 2015-01-26 00:07:10

If you think back to the episode when Spike found the book in the library and gave it to Rarity she could do 10 times her work and so could Trixie when she got the necklace. Also I think there might be a connection because if you think about it every single unicorn cutie mark is the same colour as there magic so why didn't Rarity cutie mark I mean like if she casted a spell on herself would that change her destiny same with Trixie. P.S I know the most about my little pony in my grade. THANKS FOR READING

Natalie Fajota 2015-02-19 01:39:16

Dear Notion,
Here's something you should explain to us about you... Why is your cutie mark a music sign instead of something with info? Because I rarely see you making music, you mostly explain things.

wallflowerangelwolfhasmovedchannelsgoaway 2014-06-25 02:34:10

dont forget the eoh (elements of harmony)

Tayla Newberry 2014-10-04 15:38:23

I think she got corrupted by the alicorn amulet because she wasn't a alicorn just a regular unicorn

Aanjya Shreshtha 2021-08-07 04:53:30

I think zecora meant alicorn + dark magic

The Lazy Lord 2017-01-08 05:30:50 (edited 2017-01-08 05:31:53 )

What about the magic of friendship and the magic of love?

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Lexie Towey 2017-02-15 17:05:30

Jello Jade fair point.

SpinMitsu 2017-01-27 19:56:18

get it? tree... roots...

Fancy Birb 2016-04-25 21:56:01

dark magic is not alicorn magic in the episode it was dark magic because she needed to see where/when the darkness happened/started

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Fancy Birb 2016-04-25 21:57:12

plus harmony=balance

Dark Warrior 2019-03-28 08:24:54

1:56 normal unicorns? I don't remember any

Tania Lezcano 2014-08-07 23:40:20

alicorn magic is very powerful...like Tia and Lunas power to raise the sun and moon.
dark magic is for evil purposes
normal magic is.................. well normal

Tayler Tiger 2015-05-09 02:23:29

I think that alicorn Magic is just stronger

tj pope 2015-04-28 03:14:33

You forgot to included Rainbow magic A.K.A. Rainbow rocks magic plus the magic of friendship two more different types of magic you forgot.

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Vulpes De Cinere 2015-04-29 13:52:34

@tj pope look at the date of this video... and rethink... magic of friendship was used at the end of season 4...

Tony 2014-10-19 11:39:38

Alicorn Amulet didn't give Trixie alicorn magic.İt gave her dark magic. Did you see EG 2 Rainbow Rocks? Sunset though the sirens has dark magic. but that was mind controling magic. Rarity's İnspiration Manifestation book corrupted her. Like Trixie's alicorn amulet.

Tatakae 2020-07-08 16:51:39

1:01 what's up with Celestia's tail?

sky 2015-06-04 23:17:44

look at the pic (or whatever) with luna and celestia. its simular to the black and white orb u were talking about (and yes im watching ur vids in a backward order). the sun is the black dot and the moon is the white dot. Luna's part is the black side and Celestia's side is the white side. Therefore its that orb u were talking about C:

spaghetti 2016-06-11 19:44:21

actually that makes sense

chileanywayss 2015-02-17 05:47:18

There is another type of magic friendship don't you get it there is friendship no one can receive this magic unless you have a friend in your heart when you beilive it happens when your a star it happens be a friend and you will earn a special ability like the mane 6 generous =rarity honesty=applejack and more

avevid acosta 2014-11-20 00:04:06

I think the alicorn amulet corrupted trixie because she wasn't an alicorn

Nicole Casey 2014-12-20 16:41:04

I think the alicorn amulet is called that because It was used by a alicorn at first so that alicorn who used it called the alicorn amulet or it is because it has the powers of a dark alicorn and it is as grat as a alicorns magic💋😍😄🐬💟💖

Allison Haverland 2014-10-14 22:41:47

Right, because Trixie does not understand true friendship.

Meep peeM 2016-07-21 21:12:02

I think red is evil magic.

luna middellton 2016-06-26 20:28:51

i know this is late but when celectia shoed twilight the cristal empire she used dark magic to sho w her what sombra did and she new how to use dark magic alredy becouse she is an alycorn.And other ponys like sombra who found the dark magic book in the canterlot library(the fourbitten part) (and he studid it from a book witch was writen by an anchent alycorn who made dark magic.And i think twilight learnd dark magic wnen celectia shown her the cristal empire in sombra s rull.And Twilight learnd the dark magic even more when celectia turnd her in to an alycorn. And I think dark magic and alycorn magic are simular. (oh i know there is too many AND s , so sorry)

Jackson Crawford 2019-01-07 03:51:35

Are those homestuck horns I see

100% Best Girl 2016-01-10 02:03:33

ponies but alicorns have normal magic only alicorns have alicorn magic and dark magic is ponies who want power like sunset simmer or who want to prove that they are way better than somepony so that is the 3 magic that ponies can get/have

Layla :D 2018-10-30 21:35:40

Twilight wasn’t Alcorn before he even with work

CastDuckling950 2016-03-16 20:38:14

Noo you got it all wrong! ( i think ) .. I think Zecora meant to say was "use YOUR magic twighlight this will change the colour of the potion because YOU are an alicorn " therfore twilight doesn't have 'normal' magic, she has ALICORN MAGIC BECAUSE SHE'S AN ALICORN!!!! twighlight just had to use dark magic combined with alicorn magic to make the potion change. Have u ever seen or felt normal magic create an ethos of something nasty about to happen? 'Maybe or Yes' might be your answer but what i mean is like something REAL NASTY like when twighlight thought she had failed the test when she entered the room in the crystal castle she saw something that wasnt real! I suspect that when she saw that happen, that was dark magic! if my comment doesnt make sense just forget about it, sorry if it isn't clear to yous. .( : / )

Dani Ringor 2015-01-31 18:21:09

This is all what i only hear throughout the vido.

bella 2021-04-28 05:40:10

Maybe the tree of harmony gave twilight cietie mark

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Emilia szymanska 2016-06-29 19:23:43

i think that alikorn magic is just magic used bye alicorns

A Piatt 2015-03-19 01:54:44

maybe dark and alicorn magic r 1 and the same and trixie did have alicorn magic but it was fake so it was that color 

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Rebecca Candler 2014-08-26 22:56:47

O,O alicorn magic = dark magic!?

Sergeant Panther 2014-08-19 22:44:25

The Alcorn Amulet Looks Like....Äh.... The Eagle Over the Harkenkreuz (you know what I mean)

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Rozlynn Dotson 2015-04-07 18:15:12

the magic that king sambra used to hide the Crystal heart was dark magic but why use dark magic when he know that no pony would enter the castle???????!!!!!!!!

Nela Smrzova 2016-02-28 12:51:54

I think that trixie was granted alicorn magic and it was so much her unicorn body and brain couldn't take it any more and made her go crazy

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Ayth Jr. 2016-05-15 01:58:23

+Nela Smrzova That is what i thought

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Tinny Choudhury 2018-11-22 15:47:46

why is sombre evil

Rowan Wammles 2015-11-08 01:40:48

Why is the tree and twilight's castle made of crystal

Da Waffle Turtle 2017-04-28 00:09:02

Sombra is an alicorn its not dark magic its just alicorn magic

Monster Boomer 2016-03-21 00:02:12

Friendship is magic

nuhall tuhall 2015-10-02 17:52:36

hate to bust alot ot bubbles but magic is not good or bad it's both magic is what is used calls it to be black magic is used more to harm where good is to heal what dark dose. now unipeg or as its called in the show alicorn wrong turn and alicorn just the horn look it up in Greek mythology one of its starts. back to magic the reason unipeg are so strong it's a hybrid so it's national stronger. and in the book tails of two sisters you get a bit more information on the magic and Luna and Celestia age. a say to remember about magic for the last unicorn that explains magic well is "magic do as you will" magic has no balance itself it balance already by being both at the same time never becoming unbalanced. as for color think a bit like a kid color and movement keeps kids watching. magic also can be every color there is its all on the spell and users magic a book called basic guide to dragon magic shows different color dragon have different colored magic it's on the user

Abby Henkes 2016-12-19 20:34:25

'The Force Awakens'.

MultiViewer 2014-11-22 04:40:57

hehehehe "Magic" is like Kai lol

RandomJam 2014-09-02 21:21:39

don't try to figure out magic...... you may asplode 

Espurr Psystigri 2014-07-16 23:39:41

I think The dark magic can only be controlee

Abby Henkes 2016-12-19 20:37:11


Ivan Vondette 2018-01-22 06:12:55

Twilight does her flash thingy and guess what it resembles?


dun dun duuuuuuunnnnn!

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Ivan Vondette 2018-01-22 06:13:03


oindrilla ghosh 2016-02-28 19:01:48

U related it to Star Wars finnally I am not the only one

Lesbian Duck Lord 2015-01-09 07:27:43

There are for types that's why you don't understand the ones you listed and amulet magic

Thaddeus R. 2021-02-24 03:21:09

Interesting. I suppose so.

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Julie Duvall 2017-10-19 18:34:54

flash... sentery... dude...

Discoverytime 2015-02-04 02:59:53

P.S I like alicorns and unicorns mostly :P

SempiiDino 2015-06-24 22:07:56

Alicorn magic is magic casted by a alicorn. I thought it was obvious. I'm not saying ur stupid. I'm just saying the only possible thing.

Something Funny 2015-02-20 02:25:40

Uinacorns can rise the sun and moon

Geneva Durgan 2015-01-28 21:47:04

I'm clueless too

Tsaiann Maharaj 2015-12-12 11:25:48

1:16 is it a sonic rainboom twilight did in the form of her cutie mark?!

Shichi 2016-05-15 22:12:59

its 4 type of magic the magic of friend ship

Honey Lavender 2017-04-06 19:29:35

Trixie almost ended up as King Sombra because The alicorn amulet is what corrupted him maybe it was taking Trixie too King Sombra's magic turned red too what if alicorn magic is the darkest magic of all because Trixie got alicorn abilities just like King Sombra did.

( check out Fall Of The Crystal Empire) please

Kayoko Sudou 2014-07-20 13:23:33

I guess it because the amulet has alicorn magic first den a wtich
put dark magic then princess celisa saw it she put the amulet in a cupbord so she put in a cupbord the hide it

Kaje Hunter 2015-04-18 09:01:54

That is not magic twilight was creating twilight the time before the night and the day

Dark Warrior 2019-03-28 08:23:14

Pasta, noodles and spaghetti

Mary McCann 2014-08-26 23:33:56

+BronyNotion,my fellow changeling sense is tingling. Please support the cause to support Luna as QUEEN OF EQUESTRIA. Celestia is getting old. 

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Mary McCann 2014-08-26 23:35:28

P.S.This is mary's sister talking, not her.

SuperStarBlazeNova 2014-09-08 17:48:39

Luna is overrated. 

Mythical Arcticclaws 2015-06-15 21:33:00

I think it corrupted Trixie because its ALICORN magic not fit for a Unicorn's magic.

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Mythical Arcticclaws 2015-06-17 16:30:05

And the reason Twilight is able to use alicorn magic is because she is the embodiment of magic itself.

QueenSalis 2015-04-06 21:32:46

Zecora's Elixir and crystal spells are COLOR SPELLS!!!

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QueenSalis 2015-04-06 22:34:28

Alicorn Amulet is in my opinion, somepony's else magic, and it's only called "alicorn" because of either misunderstanding or advertisement. Yes it looks like alicorn, but anypony could just fashion necklace in such shape. 

When I say "magic" I mean like the energy itself. When I say "magical", I mean the typical interpretation.

We are informed in show (in most recent episodes) that the magic power can't vanish nor be created, only transfer and modify. Magic is transferred to Twilight in a form it was with original bearers, as magic skils capable of moving sun and moon. Tirek, on the other hoof, gets bigger and has more raw power, alongside with some telekinesis, after stealing FLIGHT. This implies, that flight is created from the same kind of magic as magical skills of unicorns, only with pegasi, it's used differently. Tirek steals the power itself, not the skill it created, and uses it for his needs.
But how does Alicorn amulet look in this light?

Let's revise what is said in the episode about it:
 The most mysterious and powerful of all known magical charms.
 Far too dangerous.
The book from library: 
 Whoever wears it is blessed with untold powers.
 Even though it provides great power, also corrupts the user.
 It has a magical lock, only the bearer can take it off.
Fluttershy (knowing from the book) : 
 The more she uses it, the more it will corrupt her.
From that point I think there is nothing relevant said about it.

So, onto the interpretation:

Power in it was created by ponies. Either powerful wizard(s) enchanted it with his own magic, sealing it within, or he STOLE magic from ponies, probably more than one, since it's this powerful, meaning these ponies won't (weren't) be able to use magic for the rest of their lives. Knowing that the filght and strength can be transformed into raw power, which can in my opinion probably also be transferred to magical skills, these didn't have to be unicorns. 

I start to think that the amulet is actual paraliving, sentient being. That someone's soul is basically inside. EVIL soul of a cruel, mean spirited pony who, having aged, was afraid to not have time to do evil things (yes, that's how I'll say it) so, s/he sealed their soul in amulet, giving it this interesting lock, and partially POSESSING the user.
(This could also be the case, that souls of magic of the ponies it was stolen from, gained negative emotions.)

By posession in this case I mean getting into their mind and speaking things that the pony (like Trixie) takes as their own thoughts and ideas. The soul gets more and more control of their minds, tricking pony that it's what they want to do. In the end, she states that "she couldn't control herself"

Notice how Trixie's eyes flash red when she's cruel. That's Amulet's influence! She didn't get it with any bad emotion, like "a ROCK FARM!" but they do when she says "revenge" seconds after that. This doesn't happen when she's casting spells. With more examples it's obvious that the glow appears when she feels... hate.
Her eyes can be either normal, when she speaks about neutral things, red, when preparing or doing magic, or glowy, when she has outburst of hate or loathing. 

Should I have made a video of it?

QueenSalis 2015-04-06 23:07:34

Color changing spells are... Color-changer spells!!!

Chlomations OwO 2016-11-21 11:38:57


GA aeroga 2014-05-18 22:59:30

i know they didn't add white magic but what type creature can do that magic ( just being greedy) 

Lara Marinsek 2015-12-10 19:32:29

possably twilight uset alichorn mafic on zecoras potion the dark and white magic

♥LPSWhiteTigerStudios♥ 2014-07-03 00:17:35

Sombra is technically an alicorn so maybe the amulet was his?

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♥LPSWhiteTigerStudios♥ 2014-07-03 00:19:38

* sombra may have been evil because he lost his wings

Pluto Jerusalem 2014-08-15 22:58:23

Sombra doesn't have wings.

♥LPSWhiteTigerStudios♥ 2014-08-15 23:12:01

Thats why i added the last part

Pluto Jerusalem 2014-08-15 23:28:39

@♥LPSWhiteTigerStudios♥ Ah.

Maisie Barnett 2014-08-23 11:58:41

He is a alicorn its just that his way of flying is that smoke which in a way is his wings

Anti Aleyna 2014-07-18 21:24:11

We have cookies! 😂😂

kids boumehed 2016-12-11 14:05:53

An alicorn is the strongest Magic when baby bron in a alicorn Can destroy everthing by an alicorn gives birth To the alicorn baby

John Shields 2015-02-21 14:05:40

in the begining what does it have to with the alicorn amulet

Shannon Hopkins 2016-01-19 18:22:11

What about magic magic

Andrew Woolford 2015-08-17 13:15:44

''little'' pink  flash and what about cadence

Yara Omaralturki 2017-11-19 19:01:50

Twilight was an Alacon before she was now quite the same colour magic shoes whilst the car is tonic is the same colour as the magic tea she that she used well opening up that's scary underground search well it was an outcome before she was an out of court so that was I will cry magic she had still unicorn magic she had steak but not as does work like frosty out she had the powers of the text said shut up hours are very quiet but I'll call magic is so hard to use that you need to use the powers of your wings and you're fine together in my seem like what summer ahead but Summber had another kind of aliqua magic that's I did with evil sliced another moment making Summber was a prince but then he turned into king based on some kind of video I saw but I don't do the name actually she sided with his evil self and then his evil sells possessed him while he was using his magic face on his cutie mark it was crystals so does this mean you get the point

Danie Smit 2020-06-28 20:00:59

1:25 i yes i do want to have COOKIES to join the Dark side XD LOL Evil Ha Ha Ha

Sprinkel Lps 2015-02-14 17:19:23

in season 5 coming spring 2015 will tell you all.

Discoverytime 2015-02-04 02:59:26

Why do people keep saying alicorns are bad whats wrong with alicorns?

Tipsy 2016-11-25 19:34:34

A MAGIC rainboom

Samm 2015-03-15 13:23:36

the alicorn amulet could be a 7th element of H

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PlushieCollecter18 2014-11-08 20:40:01

Dark magic is not magic arvise it would be my little pony dark magic is magic don't you understand?

GUILLE832 2014-06-15 15:45:13

Out of curiosity; what kind of magic is Discord´s? It doesn´t look at all as any other magic ever seen in the series. Maybe it is "Elemental Magic"? Magic which is meant to stabilize the world´s functioning with order, chaos, life, death... Could the Elements of Harmony be classified as Elemental Magic as well?

Replies (6)
Sawtooth Waves 2014-06-16 14:58:54

In the s4 finale, when Tirek stole Discord's magic, it looks so cool and different, because his magic is pure chaos. It's pretty neat.

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GUILLE832 2014-06-16 15:44:29

@The Brony Notion So, there are more kind of magic than the ones you said. Normal Magic, Dark Magic, Alicorn Magic and apparently Chaos Magic. Do you think the Elements of Harmony´s is normal magic as well?

The Shade 2014-07-03 07:31:41

@GUILLE832 I personally think that a few more magic types will be revealed in Season 5, so we have Normal Magic, Dark Magic, Alicorn Magic, Chaos Magic and two more, thus maybe the Elements of Harmony work in such a way that the elements represent a different type of magic which, when used works in perfect harmony? Dunno, it's 09:31 in the morning and I haven't slept for two days, so i'm probably just rambling.

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GUILLE832 2014-07-03 08:17:23

As far as we know, the Element´s power is the greater maybe because it is a composition of powers all together. I don´t know if I am explaining myself. On the other hand, it has been proved that Chaos magic is the most powerful of all, perhaps because since chaos knows no order it does not have restrictions.

Shadow Dancers 2016-11-26 18:18:17

are all different Magic

Eilla Kceb 2018-09-15 08:18:02


Ian Coulter 2016-06-25 11:12:57

zecoras symbal is on the tree to

1 like
Rody Tarek 2016-01-18 10:18:47

you can't explain magic

Rainbow Cheer 2020-10-18 13:35:41

You forgot discord and pinkepise magic chayotess magic

Cara Lloyd 2018-10-03 18:55:43

What twilight did is she made it twilight

The Ash Archives 2016-03-13 19:29:34

There's also discords magic.

Replies (1)
KPo 2020-09-22 08:58:21

That's chaos magic, chaos isn't connected with good or bad since chaotic good, chaotic neutral and chaotic bad exists.

dura alkandari 2016-02-24 20:07:11

I think that an alicorn can turn there power into dark magic or the alicorn can become overwhelm'ed with the power that they turn evil and also mybe a powerful pony can turn a gem into dark magic.
btw an 11 year old speaking 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

flowers 2014-09-03 05:28:36

In the potion that twilight was turning it white I think it could only be done by an silicone I don't know plz help me out:)

rawesome cat 2014-06-27 05:20:51

I don't thing trixy could control the Alicorn Amulet she isn't a Alicorn that might be why it Corrupted her

Replies (2)
Lord of Death Gaming 2014-07-01 06:12:40

Possibly but i think i remember Celestia saying something like she wasn't able to control it either or just barley able cant remember thou.

rawesome cat 2014-07-01 18:16:00


Reina Duron 2016-01-01 23:02:53


Debbie Cromarty 2015-11-10 21:17:19

The flash is like at sonic Rainboom but how

owo what's bliss 2016-09-12 00:04:38

Who's watching in 2016

1 like
Dorinda Wright 2015-12-27 06:12:14

OK but there power gas a color of the rainbow now does this have any thing too do about rainbow dash?

ozarkatheist 2015-02-24 01:52:27

I have advice for you bro. WATCH THE ELEMENTS OF INSANITY!!!!!!!! It has plenty of DARK MAGIC!

Atho 2015-03-12 19:26:20

What's with all the grammar and spelling issues in the comments? English is supposed to be one of the easiest languages in the world.

my little kittycorn 2015-02-10 20:59:45


Cu4cake 2015-01-26 00:14:30

Sorry when I said (why didn't Rarity's cutie mark...I meant why didn't Rarity's cutie mark change colour

Ewelina Sankowska 2015-04-08 12:31:04

Trixy was good . When she looked at the alikorn amilot wowowowowo alikorn so the alikorn
amilot is for Princesiss ok back to the post hir ise tirnd red and thats haw shy tirnd eval. Wo that
was a mawth full.

Roni 2014-08-08 17:36:26

why Twilight cute mark

Era Reci 2017-02-04 19:30:13

see that PRINCESS TRICKE SPARCLE episode 9

Logan xp100 2015-02-15 20:00:22

Confusing man

Solomon Griffen 2016-08-12 14:28:48

do you have YouTube partnerships?

Ewelina Sankowska 2015-04-08 12:22:10

Alicorn magic is powifull the princesis afkors

radio rebel 2014-04-12 04:28:16

OK. Even though I have three different forms two are magical. But you wanted an answer I'll give you an answer. Life has rules magic doesn't. Even though magic has no rules don't mean you can disrespect it. You must respect magic and use it for the good of things. Even entertaining your friends. I mean think about it. Every vilen who used there magic for evil and power lost as a sore loser. Even queen chrysalis who won against princess celestia lost to a love spell that even a weak unicorn like Trixie could do. Mabey snips and snails! But please comment back if you agree of my theory or even to make some tweaks to it.

arrow bob 2014-08-04 23:57:57

Well that was use lesso

Rbck 2017-01-03 12:00:53

my teory is a translator mistake

Sandra Miller 2016-02-22 01:39:59

are you a change ling

Martinique Austin 2014-08-09 21:58:09

This is just random did no one else see what I saw I mean really six keys six friends kinda ovy

Daniella Moon 2021-05-05 21:47:09

The channel Magpiepony

Martinique Austin 2014-08-09 21:58:28


Millie Torres 2020-10-03 16:52:20

hello im from 2020 sawtooth

hh hh 2014-10-25 22:23:31

oh i so did not know[:/

Parmida Takabi 2015-08-11 03:00:25

a ya do there all the same they r all magic

Daniel Johnson 2016-08-06 13:14:47


TFFfanmadeseries 2022-05-07 02:44:21

(People that is watching old episodes in 2022 maybe 2023 or any other year)

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Replies (1)
TFFfanmadeseries 2022-05-07 03:59:13

@GalaxyXD I am talking to the future so if you don’t like it (not trying being mean) please not comment

Lady Ninjaz 2014-09-16 19:57:26


Fatma Alkhanjari 2021-01-07 10:20:55


1 like
Replies (1)
Fatma Alkhanjari 2021-01-07 10:21:54


Fire Flasher 2014-08-22 11:10:52

Dude u changling in intro

Jonh Ramos Cabrerra 2016-05-23 17:24:22

Sabc2 45 on sunday prof masjiene vir die stories family weather in die lug unisa

The Void TV ft. Shadowcorn 2016-02-04 21:46:53


Replies (1)
The Void TV ft. Shadowcorn 2016-02-04 21:47:53

+Shadowcorn Uh, an Alicorn Amulat. Sounds like it was made for Alicorns who can use dark magic...

Cameron Arsenault 2018-05-02 17:14:20

505 oh ya

Sarah M 2015-02-07 19:34:58


thesarahdilemma 2019-06-15 04:26:23


krazykoala 13 2014-07-20 02:18:46


Dorinda Wright 2015-12-27 06:12:38
