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DADA...Jyo Full Album....

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Comments (archived 2022-10-01 09:36; 3 top, 3 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-23 09:36:58

Drawing inspiration from German electronic music, Fripp & Eno and Heldon, Dada (Kenji Konishi and Mutsuhiko Izumi) infused synth and guitar-driven sounds with gagaku-inspired drones to achieve a kind of oriental lyricism. The band then released the album DADA (King '81) before splitting. Meanwhile, Konishi founded 4D, shifting his course towards techno dance music, while Izumi joined jazz-rock group Kennedy and later After Dinner.
From:"Vanity Fair In Osaka"by Satoru Higashisetofrom Music No. 2, 1998.
yes, guys, finally this rarity is published here! The Vanity records the first edition in history. Large LP with many influences Fripp/Eno and Heldon/Pinhas. The record has some clinches and pops . I tried to make a berst to clean it up by editing it coolly. Thank you for this Saschi! This post is special for my friend here, Eric... I hope you like your friend... ZIVANOVIC&Ladislav.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-23 09:37:29

S’inspirant de la musique électronique allemande, Fripp & Eno et Heldon, Dada (Kenji Konishi et Mutsuhiko Izumi) a infusé des sons de synthé et de guitare avec des drones inspirés du gagaku pour atteindre une sorte de lyrisme oriental. Le groupe sort ensuite l’album DADA (King '81) avant de se séparer. Pendant ce temps, Konishi a fondé 4D, déplaçant son cours vers la musique de danse techno, tandis qu’Izumi a rejoint le groupe de jazz-rock Kennedy et plus tard After Dinner.
From:"Vanity Fair In Osaka"by Satoru Higashisetofrom Music No. 2, 1998.
Ouais, les gars, enfin cette rareté est publiée ici! The Vanity enregistre la première édition de l’histoire. Grand LP avec de nombreuses influences Fripp / Eno et Heldon / Pinhas. Le disque a quelques clinches et pops . J’ai essayé de faire un berst pour le nettoyer en l’éditant froidement. Merci pour ce Saschi! Ce post est spécial pour mon ami ici, Eric... J’espère que vous aimez votre ami... ZIVANOVIC&Ladislav.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-23 09:36:36

Crpeći inspiraciju iz njemačke elektroničke glazbe, Fripp & Eno i Heldon, Dada (Kenji Konishi i Mutsuhiko Izumi) infundirala je synth i zvukove vođene gitarom dronovima inspiriranim gagakuom kako bi se postigla svojevrsna orijentalna lirika. Sastav je nakon toga objavio album DADA (King '81) prije nego što se razišao. U međuvremenu, Konishi je osnovao 4D, prebacujući svoj smjer prema techno plesnoj glazbi, dok se Izumi pridružio jazz-rock grupi Kennedy, a kasnije i After Dinner.
Od:"Vanity Fair In Osaka"by Satoru Higashisetofrom Music No. 2, 1998.
Da, dečki, konačno je ova rijetkost objavljena ovdje! The Vanity bilježi prvo izdanje u povijesti. Veliki LP s mnogo utjecaja Fripp/Eno i Heldon/Pinhas. Ploča ima neke klinčeve i popove . Pokušao sam napraviti berst da ga očistiti cool uređivanjem. Hvala na ovom Saschi! Ovaj post je posebno za mog prijatelja ovdje , Eric ... Nadam se da ti se sviđa prijatelju...ZIVANOVIC&Ladislav………….