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Now and Years Ago-Brony Fandom

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Comments (archived 2023-05-26 14:52; 2 top, 4 total comments)

Dulcet Nuance 2022-02-03 06:23:17

I was running out of good animation to watch in early 2021... I decided screw it, I'll watch MLP FiM after seeing brony videos and wondering why grown men like it so much. I figured nobody has to know about it, so why the hell not. The intro song still makes me visibly cringe to this day but the show itself really went far beyond what I expected.
I was anticipating a "girl power" episodic show with no character development and very little nuance to be found.
Needless to say I was wrong. Even Rarity, who was the embodiment of what I was expecting from the show, still ended up being an interesting 3 dimensional character.

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CutueCarbon2022 2022-02-20 15:01:47

Greetings. What's the song? I'm sorry for asking.

Replies (2)
Comic Field 2022-02-20 16:59:42

The original is called "Cigarette duet" but I don't know what the remix is

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CutueCarbon2022 2022-02-20 18:00:32

@Comic Field Thanks