Considering I just had to help my mom with someone defrauding her via her Amazon account (which had an embarrassingly simple password on it), and she was often the one to play the "the bad guy" and get me off my video games for dinner when I was growing up, yeah I can relate. Not that I'm complaining about either part of that (I love the opportunity to be my mom's hero and I did have a bit of a gaming addiction in high school... i seem to have developed a work ethic since then?), but I wish I could say I got the tech smarts from both sides...
Reverse engineering enhances the understanding of both programming thought and skills. This video is easy to follow, and the main techniques of reverse engineering are shown clearly, which makes me want to decompile a small interesting program to analyze it.
@Vladys Maximov what kind of pleb reads disassembled code… is hex too hard for you? Just eyeball it, find a `t` to change into a `u` and that's it, your JE becomes a JNE and the program you're cracking will now accept any license key. This is so easy that me and my hacker buds can do this in our sleep, blindfolded, going uphill in the snow (both ways). Noobs gonna noob, what can you do.
Just gotta learn GDB, Radare, OllyDBG for Windows, and assembly. And even then the assembly is the part that while takes the longest isn't too bad once you get used to it.
Using an open source reversing platform like Ghidra, everyone could potentially come closer to the reversing world. Oh what if I could be some years younger..
@ShowNadda thanks for the support. I made a choice some years ago, leaving netsec to start studying at University a totally different thing: knowing today how this sector is growing, maybe my choice wasn't the right one. Today, with these excellent resources, is far more easy to fill the gap with skilled reversing ppl: some years ago they appear like a part of a niche, like an out of reach status. This effect is an outcome of how much the reversing job offers are growing (US government choice about Ghidra isn't random).
read the book Code by Charles Petzold. You will understand how the CPU and assembler works even if you are a total noob. After that you will automatically understand how programming languages work, reverse engineering too and so on.
Wow that was probably one of the best descriptive reverse engineering videos I've seen to date. Your method of explaining and showcasing each step in each function is fantastic and even explaining how to identify when disassemblers/decompilers mess up and how to fix them.
Bravo. I'm upset that I waited this long to actually start watching these videos.
Interesting and good video. Reverse engineering and programming isn't really my thing and a lot of it is going over my head. But it's an interesting and informative video none the less. Waiting to see part 2!
Really well done video. I think you should keep this series in this format. Personally I like the pacing of the video, and wouldn't want it slower, or faster.
Nice tutorials man! Maybe some basics for reverse engineering video's in Ghidra would be great as well! Like explaining how the system works and what each action truly means :). But it's great :) Can't wait for the next one.
Great Content. I wish I could find and neutralize all the malwares myself instead of depend on a software, but I guess people like you decode all those anti-malware software. Thanks for the work if you are reading this and work for such company!
Very interesting and complete video, first time I watch a reversing engineering video and I love the way you investigate and explain what you do. It's the first video of your channel I see and I love it. Keep going !
starshipeleven presumably you download the sample from within the VM, then disable the Ethernet adapter that gives the VM Internet access to prevent worms from going through the connection.
Just something that scares me : They are easy accessible websites to download loads of virus to try antivirus and understanding how they work ? I hope they tell the user several warnings before sending the file
Wow... as difficult as all this sounds, I'm a new security enthusiast, so I'm still learning. I was able to understand and somewhat follow what you were doing. kudus.
Would love to see a tutorial on TP-Link router firmware RE or firmware with similar architecture, reverse engineering and rebuild of the firmware. Love your videos so far.
Great work and love what you did to show us how to reengineer a malware program like wanna cry I am in discord and on htb trying everything I can do to learn this so thank you and this is very helpful
I came across your channel shortly after downloading Ghidra. I appreciate how you clearly detail your train of thought in each video. I hope to see more!
I don't really know what's going on because Im noob but these videos are cool, this is the best and practical approach I've seen I think, loving it and subbed immadietely, good commentary, step by step. Waiting for more.
The thing that blew my mind the most, was the list of language translations you found in the passworded zip. Made me realize how much they really scaled this thing to take on the world. Absolute savage. Who ever did this was well organized. Do you ever wonder if they watched this video?
Great vid! Kepp it up! Would you be able to make vids on "how to" for learning malware and reverse engineering? Im a noob to coding and learning this stuff is really interesting! Thanks!
@marv b Yeah, maybe you're not interested in it, but someone has to do that sitting, typing, and staring or you wouldn't have a computer or smartphone to type that comment on. To each their own, I guess.
first time i watched this about 2 year ago and i was a simple java programer now i am a c/c++ programming working at a hardware developing company and i just watched this again that was awesome , i finally understood what was u talking about , i am always checking u tube for part 2 please upload it i am tried :)
I am looking forward to the next video. (Should you encrypt the copy of Wannacry on your website using the AES key in your previous video? That would protect script kiddies from themselves and create a nice easter egg/crackme challenge?)
Kind, maybe not, but they were reasonable. Do as we ask and we promise all will be well. And see we have written in clear language what we want you to understand. Give us the money and have a nice day 😊
That was very insightful! I'm a software developer/architect for 17 years now and I must say that you have a very nice way to tell details and to guide your audience. thank you very much! for the follow up video I would like to see the "physical" impact of the malware, like show the registry-key or the installation folder to make it more understandable for non-developers.
This is very interessting! Can't wait for part 2. Have discovered these malwares before, but fortunately it was on a computer with no important stuff on it. One question, are you really using mac osx or is this linux with mac os x skin ??
I thought it was a long time before the kill switch was actually discovered, but it seems here that you uncovered the url 5 mins into the video. Is it really that easy or is it much harder than it looks?
I have no experience in malware reverse engineering, and my own programming experience is limited, so perhaps someone could answer this question for me: After watching the interview about the killswitch, seeing the code and seeing how fairly visible the URL is, why was WNCRY such an issue? It seems anyone with a tiny bit of experience in reverse engineering could have found the killswitch with a bit of luck and/or quick thinking.
Maybe it’s like a puzzle. Where when you know the answer a puzzle that could have taken a long time to solve now takes less then a second too solve. The solution makes it look easy.
Thank you for the video, very entertaining. As far as i understand, Ghidra is not currently available as full open source, but can be downloaded none the less? Has anyone tried looking inside Ghidra on seeing what else it is doing ? :)
Thanks to solo learn the C++ and the python course I understand the basic functions. I just need to finish the modules for both and I'll be able to understand this a lot better
Amazing video, very good to follow and it helped me a lot with some frustrating 'features' in Ghidra. I found I was using the disassembler window more than the decompilation window because of weird decompilation results - you helped me understand getting better decompilation results by adjusting Ghidra's interpretation of some code.
@stacksmashing greaat tut, can please explain if possible im chrome devtools save the changes i make in offline? i want change a pwa web worker app that works online and offline but the changes i made nolt save when i restart the app, exist any trick to save?if i not save i only get the cache of pwa app and not possible open and edit i think, thanks
The video is excellent, I understood most of it with some rudimentary background in programming. I would suggest that after you finish uploading all the videos running through the code, that you upload a 5-10 minute video with just a recap of what you learned and maybe a description of the overall workflow and your thoughts. I think that one would be a lot better for the rest of the 95% of watchers.
Amazing video, really informational. However, I'd love it if you didn't lower the volume of your voice at the end of each sentence; some words become incomprehensible.
Thanks! I analyzed the file before the video, and then analyzed it again and recorded it, then created a voice-over and increased the speed of some passages to fit - otherwise this video would be even longer :)
Please make more tutorials, preferably on crackmes where we can follow along. You have a deep understanding of refactoring, windows API, C and assembly. One can learn a lot from your thought process. I have found the pace very good. There is too much content out there from people who don't have the profoundness of understanding that you do. The internet needs more of you is all I am saying...
Hi, it's a very cool video. I wonder if you can try to de-restrict an ebike. They are all identical, but they are sold at an exaggerated price ($120). You can see it by yourself if you type speedbox, polini, etc. Thank you !
hey, thanks dude! Probably speeding up the video was a good idea. I wish I could speed up Ghidra itself in a live session. I tried to open Microsoft's comctl32.dll in it and it took forever, and made it very sluggish afterwards.
Quick question -- how do you load symbols from the Microsoft server into it? (Like we used to do with windbg.)
Hi Ninja, everyone always asks how to get started into reverse engineering/ pentesting. I have a different question, since I learn better in a class environment with a professor and other peers which type of computer science would best fit the type of work for pentesting? While a computer science degree would be nice in the end I’d have a lot of unusable knowledge. Where do I get started what would you recommend? What code languages are important? C++ java python? Where did you go to learn how to use GitHub properly? I’m really at a loss. Thank you for the nice video
This is super interesting, however there were some parts that I did not know what you were talking about - mainly the parts where you talk about the code itself, around 3 minutes. I have a focus on network and security, but my coding is very limited (python only, intermediate level). What do you recommend to learn/get familiar with for reverse engineering or to look at code and understand it?
Yea, so my recommendation is to get really familiar with C - especially pointer arithmetic etc. From there you have a good understanding on how memory etc works and can go into assembler itself much easier :)
A lot of Assembler can be attributed to C, especially the memory parts. Learn about C and then you will, at once, understand the memset functions and more
@Ghidra Ninja. I'm currently studying X86_64 ASM, and I have started basic RE of GNU/Linux Apps. I have both the Source Codes for WannaCry V1 & V2. I can't quite remember where I got them from, but I don't know if they're still out there. I keep them on an External HDD; For future Ref. Awesome video man. Liked & Subbed.
It's a great one for sure, but does not yet have a debugger (though supposedly it'll be released soon).
There are lots of tools: - Radare2 (and Cutter as its UI) - opensource & free - Retdec decompiler - opensource & free - IDA Pro + Hex-Rays decompiler (Expensive, a free version is available of IDA though) - de-facto industry standard etc :)
I am very impressed with Ghidra for non x86/x64 stuff, so I like it so far! But as you can see in this video, the decompiler really isn't the best for x86/Windows
Cool video! The domain is not exactly a killswitch, it was made to detect anti-virus sandboxes which arguably makes it a killswitch but I'd rather consider it standard control flow.
People have argued that the domain was intended to be used when the malware would become too widespread and the author would somehow regret making this massively spreading virus that he could kill it.
That's nonsense. It was to get around anti-virus heuristics.
I am currently doing my bachelor in Computer Science and didn't know this reverse engineering even existed! Very cool and very nicely explained. Showing the keyboard output is also a nice addition of you! Thanks :)
This one is definitely a bit more advanced, maybe I should label the videos accordingly? Not sure yet - but let me know if you have any concrete questions, trying to keep these as accessible as possible
@stacksmashing Thank you for the reply. Overall the videos are great and the flow diagrams definately helped me understand what was going on. I think my lack of understanding of C probably doesn't help and that it is something I am looking to improve on. Any resources you would recommend that maybe approach C from a RE perpsective? On that topic, linking further supplementary learning resources is the description might help people like myself.
In your previous two videos the number of changes/adjustments you make within Ghidra are much fewer and you therefore have much more time to explain each change and add additonal knowledge and supporting information around each. This is where I learnt a lot in your previous two videos.
The production quality and effort you put into each video is very much appreacited. I'm going to give this video atleast two more watches all the way through and take plenty of notes.
I think you should make a throughout tutorials on hacking from 0 to advanced level. It would bring you even more views and many supporters will come too.It not only helps people know more about cyber security but also benefit you as well. Of course, you have to explain it in a simpler and easy ways so that beginners like us can understand and people will stick around. A lot of tutorials are either too complicated from the beginning or It just asks people to sign up some kind of paid programs etc.. This is not what we want.
@JackedCanadianGaming I am not saying that I expect to become a pro hacker just by watching videos. I am talking about providing complete tutorials for people from any sort of level like one of those courses that you can take from udemy but this will be free. Just a suggestion for him nothing more. If he wants to do it then great, if not then it is not a big deal
@popkahchin Oh yeah of course, but videos are hard to follow and you should get yourself at the very least a basic understanding of programming, and to be more efficient, learn about more advanced programming techniques to make it worth your time.
I was flying by the seat of my pants for most of this video, but I had JUST enough experience with C/C++ from college to follow MOST of what's going on? Good thing there are better geeks than me that were on top of this thing before it could do... more damage than it did... and props to the guy that accidentally found the kill switch :-)
accidentally ran this on my pc a few years ago, good thing i was in a call with my friend because we closed it out in task manager before it could do all of its damage lol
Hopefully you could code a tool that pigs out on .wncry files, cracks them with deep neural network based AI, decrypts them and emits the decrypted files without paying the ransom.
I have one question, do you know a good way to get into c, and asm, I really want to learn both of them, I understand the syntax of c, but I cant really find anything that covers everything beyond that
I need to learn everything about this video and the part 2. But i'm soo far away to understand what he's doing, just made some simple algorithms in CodeBlocks C. Any of you can recommend any books or some information source that i could read to understand better?
They were inlined and optimized by the compiler into that form and the ghidra decompiler didn't recognize the inlined/optimized form as being equivalent to the original function
Appreciate the feedback! Do you have some examples on spots where you need more explaining? This video is definitely a bit more advanced, but trying to keep these as accessible as possible (without stretching them out too much) :)
I'm more interested in mathematics and cryptography. Programming/reverse engineering isn't my strong suite. All in all this was good to watch but threw me off at some points as my knowledge isba bit dull in this area
Absolutely amazing. Haven't really been in this field for over 25 years, but you and the cool fancy tools available today got me interested in doing this as a hobby again ;). Any chance that you could do this using Cutter on OSX only?
Love Cutter, especially for Objective-C binaries. I might do a future video using Cutter, we'll see :) If you have something specific in mind let me know!
and some people still prefer to use old reversing tools from the 80's instead of accepting modern day cool tools. there is nothing wrong with being modern. and making tasks simpler to be done than the old days.
They probably added the first code check with the URL to not run it in their testing environment / hide from analyzers that run in an offline mode and dont return anything for that hostname!
I know it has been a year now, but the reason Ghidra was unable to parse InternetOpenA, HINTERENT etc as correct structs because it tried to look up the import dll on your mac, Wininet.dll, and its corresponding PDB, but it was unable to find either of it because you are on mac. If you are on windows ghidra would be able to parse them perfectly. How was it able to identify the function name is out of my mind lol.
I could either treat this video as background noise or actually try to understand what's going on, which would give me a seizure and then cause an explosion inside my head
Hah this makes me laugh because I was developing a simple POC ransomware somewhere around that time I made public and I managed to lock a significant amount of my files by accident
nach seiner Aussprache zu urteilen würde ich nen 10er wetten das der gute mann aus dem deutsch sprachigen raum kommt. geniale Facharbeit, ich mag es wenn menschen ihre arbeit verstehen.
Are you going to do some more crackmes? I managed to solve a couple but on some i am just purely stuck after finding what IF staments is the key to cracking it but cant get what i need to find the password.
5c83501333c5d4776a837df7,5c9ce65c33c5d4419da5562d these are the crackmes i got stuck on,i managed to get ghidra to clear up the code,and when i find that IF statement or something else that points to the password i just dont know what next to do to actually get the password
@ Ghidra Ninja - It was irresponsible of you to share a serious problem maker that is still active in the world .. Especially without presenting to people a simple, reliable, solid problem resolution. I'm sure you understand not all your viewers are software developers, yes ?.
that URL is actually the domain that Marcus Hutchins registered to stop WannaCry from spreading. Each time the ransomware worm spreads over a network, the virus pings that address. If the address is pinged and online, it will no longer spread.
Great! Now i understand nothing :/ But very interesting
bob smith2019-11-01 00:00:25 (edited 2019-11-01 00:23:45 )
printf Sadly for ghidra to demangle this sort of thing correctly would mean it has to be able to analise the string passed..., so in theory if the virus writer was REALLY good he could cause the format string to be built from sub parts, thereby causing this part of the code to be difficult to decode for humans & analytics. thereby hiding arguments pushed onto the stack before the call........ I.E push 5 items onto the stack before the call, build the format string , use 2 of the items leaves 3 on the stack hidden from analysis... use the 3 later as something else.
Yep, it's well documented but I don't think we know if the author made a mistake or did it deliberately, it's not like they can easily be interviewed about it.
I do not know anything about coding. but what I gather is this malware has a means of creation on top of creation with a fail safe. but as far as this video goes it only touched on the random generated password that it must create and store, then send, and delete. Which is why some people say you can capture the password to unlock and decrypt everything in memory if you know where to look.
1) Is it true, after payment and receaving key you can get your files back? 2) Does wannacry spread accross entire SMB even if SMB requare password? 3) Can you find a key in source code after reverse engineering or for each pc key willbe different? 4) Is it possible create a tool to restore files to original state before PC got infected? 5) What is the domainName trigger to prevent wannacry infecting a PC?
1) There is no guarantee. Even if crooks will send you a decryptor app with a valid decryption key, there is always a chance it could partially fail or won't work at all. Don't pay ransom. Report crimes to your local police. 2) Only if affected PC has mounted SMB share as network disk at the infection time. 3) Encryption key is generated at runtime and is different each time. When encryption process will finish, this key will be sent to crooks via internet. 4) No, because you don't have valid decryption key, and attempts to generate one could take years of computing time. The only real way to recover files is to restore from backup, or VSS snapshot if it is available, when infected PC was cured.
I heard many say it's made by the khorens but looking at you anaslize I don't belive that for one that's a default program starter and let's admit it wanna cry is a bad use of a good exploit even windows thinks it's scetchy like it appears in program manager good vid though I don't understand this but you helped
I have VMPlayer, the default and i wanna run viruses but i'm not sure that my host computer will get infected too. I tried looking it up on Google but some say it does, some say kinda and some say no. Anyone has a clear answer??
I think you probably don't really want to watch a video that's 3 days long, but I understand. It would probably be useful to make different kinds of videos, some like this where he explains the techniques being used and why, and others where he slows down and explains the techniques and why you use them where you use them.
Watching, (and recreating Ghidra Ninja's videos) will teach you a lot. I would not start by copying this video as Wannacry is toxic. Learning by doing. Try downloading your CPE router firmware and try cracking that.
@stacksmashing and also not for the answer of that other random guy calling the guy in the already deleted comment a waste of Oxygen. not all People are capable of following this type of Content not even developers that are already programming for a very long time. i guess in this case calling you a "machine" is somewhat of a compliment although a rather dubious one.
@urugulu Did you see the comment that I was replying to. It had nothing to do with the video and was just an unprovoked attack on someone minding their own business.
bob smith2019-10-31 23:47:53 (edited 2019-10-31 23:49:11 )
you would NEVER make a good REV eng... your observation skills are poor... 1. Tool bar top (NOT windows), OSX or linux 2. Apple logo top left 3. APPLE finder logo left tool bar top
So is`nt the second sentence just a repeat of the first sentence ? I`ll do what we normally have to do on YT and make an assumption....... Do you mean this ? :
Ooops! Your files have been encrypted!
This dude: No no no. I’m sorry. It`s YOUR files that have been encrypted.
Notif :- wannacry bla bla something.... Me :- hell yeah ! I will learn about it now throughly.... *after watching 5 minutes of Ghidra Ninja saying shit like “stack buffer”, “function is easy”..... Me :- existential crisis.
@stacksmashing i did see it it isn't for windows :( but i'm working most of times with charles fiddler wireshark ILspy ollydbg and other applications awesome tutorials btw
@SerBallister I'm already understand the architecture (Windows 10) but I'm have a problem of translating it to code to actually and try to extract some assembly instructions
@H3xad3cimal Dev In that case start by studying the structure of the executable format for exe files. With that you will be able to locate the ".text" sections which contain x86/etc instructions. There will be a lot of other useful data in there like references to OS library calls/etc which will be a start toward reverse engineering it
David Buckley there are always VM escape exploits that can get out and infect your host operating system, but you are very unlikely to ever encounter one in the wild. And even if you found one, it would probably be tailored to a very specific virtual machine and version. It isn't 100% safe but it's pretty safe. Your biggest danger is probably user error where you accidentally forget you're in the host OS instead of your lab VM and accidentally infect yourself. Or not setting up your virtual lab environment correctly to be safe.
@stacksmashing yeah I have watched it 4 times, When I tried other it's difficult to connect dots , can you do a video ,how to detect patterns in each level ,ur wannacry vedio is awesome
@stacksmashing sir I have a query,I inject connect back payloads in wild , which ty mainly locate at system32 folder,can forensics can reverse engineer the exe file and find my connect back ip and port address?
hey can you dummit down for normal people a little like why you do this it hasent have to be end all but just like this makes the . exe to think that 69859.juti is not working .cos now its really intresting but my understanding is just so limited in compaliers and shit good vid keep it up subbed
you are on a mac either you are using a hackintosh or WannaCry now has a mac version or you are doing the work in a virtual environment like vmware fusion
Simple as messing with execryptor back in days. my heart is growing when i see people still doing RCE. unfortunatly nowdays ppl know only how to use insta, fb etc... thats shame. i remember good old days when we re using forums exetools, SND, site for doing chalenges and sharing knowledge then was no YT tutorials like today, today u can dig hw to make nuke bomb, then we ysed IRC, GTALK, forums was platform for crowd pdf and .txt tutorials , also not to forget zine 29A im one of the writers i wont tell my identity. public . seemts like we dinosaurs who learn so to say self learn and made it to perfection in the age where is no everithing availble on YT like today and today kids re dumb. all we haven at those days, dumpers, ollydbg, softice, peid, import rec, api functions to study, masm, tasm, after ida pro was come , from nothig we all generaly learn most of all exist languages, cryptografy, asm crytion thing to do rce , and many many more.. im missing this good old days. anyway accident found your channel, undertand what u talking about im in this things since razor 1911. older then most of this audience. but just to support what u doing, my msg to young ppl is to studdy this tutorials, for us is simple for u is treasure, back in days we were no having such tutorials. and sorry for gramatical errors tomuch vodka today . one more thing having private clection of p;ugins non public for personal use starting from olly dbg, cuustom, scripts and tools, unpackers custom made debugers, dissamblers better then ida pro, , lots of scipts and plugs, if u want i can gift u for support for channel bcz im happy to see someone has nerves to teach youngs this days, i lost my nerves around 2006 ithink when themida was removed virtualisation at one given point. bcz ppl ask dumb questions
It reads the machine code and tries to generate source for it - so it's not the original source code (and it also often fails to generate something decent). But it can make analysis much easier/faster - the process is called decompilation. :)
@DeeJay1210 since english isnt my mother language, i cant tell if i get what u mean, but i can assure u, im not sump to be fooled y some stupid scam. i wont fall for this kinda things
i like what you have done. i suggest you see what you can address on shadow banning in twitter. basically i am asking you to focus on censorship in anyway you can. we need freedom of speech. i am guessing you know alot more on this than me so let me know what you can do.
no part 2, r u still buying bitcoins to pay the ransom?
george fridman2021-02-05 21:41:45 (edited 2021-02-05 21:50:23 )
dont understand what was the idea to write this in C/C++, like ok they used very low lang. bla bla, but for such task as encrypt , write in python in 10 min, sometime sophistication is not worth the time, and how many people actually paid.
I'm a newb to coding but I've seen a lot of ppls code and really disagree with it lol. I guess I have my own certain type of style? I know from what I've learned that basically computers use addition to subtract by default? So when you tell the compiler 8-5 it's 8+-5 anyways? I think they made it that way for optimization. But as far as styling goes? idk,
I assume it’s interpreted from the machine code in whatever way is most basic - so no syntactic sugar or even for loops. I don’t think anyone actually writes code like this.
"Please be careful when using it..... try not to encrypt all your files", I wont have that issue because I WON`T be using it, ESPECIALLY not on a P.C with personal files on it 😂
Pffffffffffffft it never attacked me and never will, because it’s far too scared to because it knows that I have Malwarebytes antimalware on my computer
Because they both have German accents? They sound quite different to me, and from the reversing I've seen LiveOverflow do it's no where near this guy's level.
Yea, very simple. It's like teaching a kid college math, while he is still 1st grade. I'm watching this, i dont know why but still like and sub, very nice. WAIT NEW IDEEA VIDEO : REVERSE ENGINEER MY BODY PLS
mom : downloads and runs wannacry
3314 likesmom : stupid videogames slowing down my computer
Replies (18)
13 likesIts that damned phone
101 likes@Bien Crafts • 32 years and XD
5 likes@Techno Vortex God damn color brick doohickeys!!!
8 likesI can relate
1 like🤣
0 likesOh ur mom hve tech skilzz
0 likesMy mom cant even look up how to download somting
0 likes@IWolveX Gota my mom don't even know how to turn of a computer
1 like@Bien Crafts • 32 years and rofl
0 likes@Ali Chandler nobody asked, bot :)
1 likeMom: I did nothing it happened by itself
0 likesConsidering I just had to help my mom with someone defrauding her via her Amazon account (which had an embarrassingly simple password on it), and she was often the one to play the "the bad guy" and get me off my video games for dinner when I was growing up, yeah I can relate. Not that I'm complaining about either part of that (I love the opportunity to be my mom's hero and I did have a bit of a gaming addiction in high school... i seem to have developed a work ethic since then?), but I wish I could say I got the tech smarts from both sides...
1 likei bet its the 5g's
0 likes@Erwin Schrödinger my mom rages and cries over drag and drop
0 likesThey complain about the built-in solitaire
0 likesHow can videogames slow down the computer even when there not running?
1 likeReverse engineering enhances the understanding of both programming thought and skills. This video is easy to follow, and the main techniques of reverse engineering are shown clearly, which makes me want to decompile a small interesting program to analyze it.
406 likesReplies (2)
安笑生 yeah we can learn programming from reverse engineering stuffs
7 likes你好同志
1 likeLooks like Ghidra is a very good renaming tool!
1329 likesReplies (10)
@Vladys Maximov keep us posted mate
43 likes@Vladys Maximov weird flex but ok
84 likes@Vladys Maximov I tried out ghidra and improved my performance like 10 times (mainly due to being shit in reading asm fast).
14 likesPhahahaha:))))
0 likes@Jon Armani rofl weird flexes
1 like@Vladys Maximov what kind of pleb reads disassembled code… is hex too hard for you? Just eyeball it, find a `t` to change into a `u` and that's it, your JE becomes a JNE and the program you're cracking will now accept any license key. This is so easy that me and my hacker buds can do this in our sleep, blindfolded, going uphill in the snow (both ways). Noobs gonna noob, what can you do.
9 likesI don't really get it ... How to get started?
0 likes@علاء الحاج Get "The Ghidra Book", it's a good way to get started.
0 likesi just rename to .txt and use notepad lmao
0 likesim lazy
Instructions unclear, renamed my whole family. We are Russian now
1 likeI always found reverse engineering videos hard to follow but yours are very coherent. Thanks! And please consider Patreon at some point.
909 likesReplies (5)
Well i kinda fell out when he opened ghidra as i am not very familiar with reverse engineering windows applications.
15 likesThere are open source alternatives to patreon that don’t shaft their users
15 likes@Skillfully Executed 1pa
0 likesuh... He explains too fast and the video is spedup a lot, not very easy to follow
3 likes@mlg errm, try adjusting the speed?
0 likesLove this! Please create a series of Reverse Engineering Basics!
369 likesReplies (4)
Seconding this.
11 likesYes
2 likesJust gotta learn GDB, Radare, OllyDBG for Windows, and assembly. And even then the assembly is the part that while takes the longest isn't too bad once you get used to it.
9 likesOh and IDA / Binary Ninja are good too.
3 likesUsing an open source reversing platform like Ghidra, everyone could potentially come closer to the reversing world. Oh what if I could be some years younger..
155 likesReplies (6)
what do you mean years younger
0 likes@Decent I'm too old to start studying in depth reversing, now.
4 likesNo one is too old to learn.
67 likes@freeweed4all how old are you?
1 like@ShowNadda thanks for the support. I made a choice some years ago, leaving netsec to start studying at University a totally different thing: knowing today how this sector is growing, maybe my choice wasn't the right one. Today, with these excellent resources, is far more easy to fill the gap with skilled reversing ppl: some years ago they appear like a part of a niche, like an out of reach status. This effect is an outcome of how much the reversing job offers are growing (US government choice about Ghidra isn't random).
13 likesWhy how old are you rn ?
0 likesI'm a vegetable that doesn't understand anything but this was an interesting video
2320 likesReplies (16)
17 likestakes one to know one! unless you're a reptilian
read the book Code by Charles Petzold. You will understand how the CPU and assembler works even if you are a total noob. After that you will automatically understand how programming languages work, reverse engineering too and so on.
15 likes@Piscigone is this true? I really want to give it a shot
4 likes@Rajath R Pai trust me. Petzold is a guru
1 like@Piscigone code by charles petzold?
1 likeOk BOOMER
1 like@Himanshu Pal an indian calling someone else " Boomer" ... these are the signs of Final days... i'm done :)))
11 likes@Ozzy Man Diaz Maybe he's an Avian.
2 likesVacaboy thanks for the recommendation! I ordered it
0 likes@Chron or you know, just take a peek at Caleb Curry's youtube channel and watch 10 hours of c++. Godly put together video.
1 like@M. Rightway? Why can't indians call people boomers. I get their comment was cringe but what's with the weird racist shit
5 likesme to xd
1 likewhat
0 likes@Rajath R Pai you wont “automatically know” but I bet you’ll have great understanding on how coding works. Making learning coding a lot easier
3 likes@Dhuill yea, it's a good book.
0 likesI would recommend
xD saaamee
0 likesWow that was probably one of the best descriptive reverse engineering videos I've seen to date. Your method of explaining and showcasing each step in each function is fantastic and even explaining how to identify when disassemblers/decompilers mess up and how to fix them.
5 likesBravo. I'm upset that I waited this long to actually start watching these videos.
This was SUPER interesting and well made, please continue! You left us on a cliffhanger!
8 likesInteresting and good video. Reverse engineering and programming isn't really my thing and a lot of it is going over my head. But it's an interesting and informative video none the less. Waiting to see part 2!
7 likesReally well done video. I think you should keep this series in this format. Personally I like the pacing of the video, and wouldn't want it slower, or faster.
10 likesNice tutorials man! Maybe some basics for reverse engineering video's in Ghidra would be great as well! Like explaining how the system works and what each action truly means :). But it's great :) Can't wait for the next one.
3 likesGreat Content. I wish I could find and neutralize all the malwares myself instead of depend on a software, but I guess people like you decode all those anti-malware software. Thanks for the work if you are reading this and work for such company!
0 likesVery interesting and complete video, first time I watch a reversing engineering video and I love the way you investigate and explain what you do. It's the first video of your channel I see and I love it. Keep going !
3 likeseveryone: try not downloading files from entrusted places!!!
179 likesGhidra: let's unpack the malware !
Replies (5)
@starshipeleven He could use a VM.
0 likesWhat is an entrusted place?
1 likestarshipeleven presumably you download the sample from within the VM, then disable the Ethernet adapter that gives the VM Internet access to prevent worms from going through the connection.
1 likestarshipeleven forgot about that option, thanks for reminding me.
0 likesJust something that scares me :
0 likesThey are easy accessible websites to download loads of virus to try antivirus and understanding how they work ?
I hope they tell the user several warnings before sending the file
Very nice video, thank you. I would definitely want to see more malware analysis with ghidra videos. :)
6 likesJust wow. Impressive job! I hope you are employed by one of the major tech/AV companies.
12 likesKeep up the amazing work you do with your videos!
2 likesWow... as difficult as all this sounds, I'm a new security enthusiast, so I'm still learning. I was able to understand and somewhat follow what you were doing. kudus.
2 likesThis looks very interesting, great analysis, even for laymen.
1 likeFantastic Video, I hope to see more both on wannacry and other things soon. As an embedded SW guy looking to get into RE this was great.
4 likesLooks good want to see the following episode. Reverse engineering seems pretty fun.
9 likesWould love to see a tutorial on TP-Link router firmware RE or firmware with similar architecture, reverse engineering and rebuild of the firmware. Love your videos so far.
2 likesGreat work and love what you did to show us how to reengineer a malware program like wanna cry I am in discord and on htb trying everything I can do to learn this so thank you and this is very helpful
1 likeI came across your channel shortly after downloading Ghidra. I appreciate how you clearly detail your train of thought in each video. I hope to see more!
0 likesBest video i ever seen on reverse engineering, keep it easy to understand! Thank you.
1 likeI don't really know what's going on because Im noob but these videos are cool, this is the best and practical approach I've seen I think, loving it and subbed immadietely, good commentary, step by step. Waiting for more.
2 likesHey, I love watching reverse engineering videos! Thank you for this one. I'm glad that the YouTube recommendation bots have blessed you.
1 likeThanks for the great work! Can't wait for a part 2
1 likeWow, I learnt so much about decompilation in this video! Thanks, keep it up!
0 likesThe thing that blew my mind the most, was the list of language translations you found in the passworded zip. Made me realize how much they really scaled this thing to take on the world. Absolute savage. Who ever did this was well organized. Do you ever wonder if they watched this video?
0 likesGreat vid! Kepp it up! Would you be able to make vids on "how to" for learning malware and reverse engineering? Im a noob to coding and learning this stuff is really interesting! Thanks!
0 likesI honestly didn't understand a single thing but I still appreciate the video, so thanks for sharing this.
5 likesI wonder who was behind the attack. It pisses me off there was nothing I could do to help when it happened to my relatives.
Replies (1)
It might be finger pointing, but the US, UK, and Australia claimed that North Korea was behind the attack.
0 likesWow, ghidra has very powerful refactoring. I wish it had a debugger
1 likeYou know too many things. You explain it too casually like it's food lmao.
1715 likesThis guy be like:
Ok, let me present you my house.
Replies (11)
hijacking this to say WE NEED PART 2
18 likesInserts his too powerful(smart) to be kept alive meme*
5 likeslooks pretty standard to me
2 likesPlot twist: he is the hacker who made wanna cry
16 likesmarv b first 20 minutes is really basic stuff. Its just general reversing and assigning names
2 likes@marv b Yeah, maybe you're not interested in it, but someone has to do that sitting, typing, and staring or you wouldn't have a computer or smartphone to type that comment on. To each their own, I guess.
5 likesChefs: Yeah so it's easy!
0 likes@A no one asked
0 likesHe prob wrote it
0 likes@Vlad Golov SUS
0 likesI agree, but that's probably on my end.
0 likesBest comparison I can think of is watching a speedrun of a game that you've never heard of before.
first time i watched this about 2 year ago and i was a simple java programer
0 likesnow i am a c/c++ programming working at a hardware developing company and i just watched this again
that was awesome , i finally understood what was u talking about , i am always checking u tube for part 2 please upload it i am tried :)
This was super interesting. Please continue with this series
0 likesVery informative and interesting video. Thanks for that amazing upload! I cannot wait to see its continuation.
1 likePretty nice video I found it really interesting, I didn't know reverse engineering is this fun
0 likesWow this is very impressive! Great job & keep going :)
10 likesGreat video! Thank you! When will part 2 be released?
2 likesI’m trying to learn Ghidra and reverse engineering in general, and this and your other videos are so helpful.
0 likesMan, I used to debug exe using ollydebug and you are taking it to another level 🤯
2 likesI am looking forward to the next video. (Should you encrypt the copy of Wannacry on your website using the AES key in your previous video? That would protect script kiddies from themselves and create a nice easter egg/crackme challenge?)
2 likesReading the WannaCry warning, the creaters were real lads, providing multiple languages, information about BitCoin and a contact method.
16 likesThey just sound incredibly kind.
Replies (2)
tbh, i think they knew that they would affect millions of devices. humble people
4 likesKind, maybe not, but they were reasonable. Do as we ask and we promise all will be well. And see we have written in clear language what we want you to understand. Give us the money and have a nice day 😊
1 likeThanks for your videos, great detail. I hope you carry on with this channel and it's content.
0 likesThat was very insightful! I'm a software developer/architect for 17 years now and I must say that you have a very nice way to tell details and to guide your audience. thank you very much!
15 likesfor the follow up video I would like to see the "physical" impact of the malware, like show the registry-key or the installation folder to make it more understandable for non-developers.
I'm not an expert myself. But I really enjoyed the video. Please do more.
1 likeThis is very interessting! Can't wait for part 2. Have discovered these malwares before, but fortunately it was on a computer with no important stuff on it. One question, are you really using mac osx or is this linux with mac os x skin ??
3 likesReplies (2)
Nope this is macOS
0 likesit's macOS 2: electric boogaloo (system-wide dark theme included)
0 likesget your copy today and save 50% off the normal cost!
I used the GNU debugger to reverse engineer some stuff, but with more complex programs it gets harder, this seems make things more agile and clear
5 likesReplies (1)
Might be just Ghidra making it seem too easy 😃
1 likeI thought it was a long time before the kill switch was actually discovered, but it seems here that you uncovered the url 5 mins into the video. Is it really that easy or is it much harder than it looks?
4 likesYour videos are excellent. I very much hope that you make more.
0 likesHighly informative! Clearly explained, only understood about half of it but subscribed!!!
0 likesCan you please provide part 2 as well? I was following along the tutorial very well, and can't seem to find second part of this. Thank you!
0 likesI have no experience in malware reverse engineering, and my own programming experience is limited, so perhaps someone could answer this question for me:
1 likeAfter watching the interview about the killswitch, seeing the code and seeing how fairly visible the URL is, why was WNCRY such an issue? It seems anyone with a tiny bit of experience in reverse engineering could have found the killswitch with a bit of luck and/or quick thinking.
Replies (1)
Maybe it’s like a puzzle. Where when you know the answer a puzzle that could have taken a long time to solve now takes less then a second too solve. The solution makes it look easy.
1 likeThank you for the video, very entertaining. As far as i understand, Ghidra is not currently available as full open source, but can be downloaded none the less? Has anyone tried looking inside Ghidra on seeing what else it is doing ? :)
5 likesReplies (1)
It's good if you are not on a Russian governamental network.
2 likesAwesome work as always. Keep it up
1 likeGhidra looks like an EXCELLENT tool to manage an RE session. Top notch.
0 likesGreat video, I like the fast-paced-but-detailed format, good job!
0 likesAside: did Wannacry really have an autodisable kill-switch with a plain-text url that a simple `strings` is capable of showing? o_O
Replies (1)
Thank you! Yes, it's crazy :)
0 likesThanks to solo learn the C++ and the python course I understand the basic functions. I just need to finish the modules for both and I'll be able to understand this a lot better
1 likeI'm so happy that YouTube recommended this video to me. Keep up the good work! Waiting for part 2..
2 likesReplies (1)
Hopefully tomorrow :) life has been busy
1 likeAmazing video, very good to follow and it helped me a lot with some frustrating 'features' in Ghidra. I found I was using the disassembler window more than the decompilation window because of weird decompilation results - you helped me understand getting better decompilation results by adjusting Ghidra's interpretation of some code.
11 likesThanks!
Replies (3)
That's awesome to hear, thank you! Feel free to let me know what else you have trouble with, maybe it's something I can feature in the future
3 likes@stacksmashing I'll be sure to comment it when I find more stuff, but seeing you work already solves a lot of problems!
0 likes@stacksmashing greaat tut, can please explain if possible im chrome devtools save the changes i make in offline? i want change a pwa web worker app that works online and offline but the changes i made nolt save when i restart the app, exist any trick to save?if i not save i only get the cache of pwa app and not possible open and edit i think, thanks
0 likesThe video is excellent, I understood most of it with some rudimentary background in programming. I would suggest that after you finish uploading all the videos running through the code, that you upload a 5-10 minute video with just a recap of what you learned and maybe a description of the overall workflow and your thoughts. I think that one would be a lot better for the rest of the 95% of watchers.
5 likesAmazing video, really informational. However, I'd love it if you didn't lower the volume of your voice at the end of each sentence; some words become incomprehensible.
0 likesI hope to be as knowledgeable as you on this topic someday - please make a part 2!
0 likesThanks man! Great content!! Definitely looking forward to more!!
1 likeAll the best!!
Great video, one of a kind r-engineering video!
0 likesOne thing I wasn't able to notice:
Was it a speedrun or a video montage ? 😃
Maybe because it was late night 😪
Replies (1)
Thanks! I analyzed the file before the video, and then analyzed it again and recorded it, then created a voice-over and increased the speed of some passages to fit - otherwise this video would be even longer :)
0 likesA Very Awesome Walk-through . On Point!!! ... Thanks. :D
0 likesI am just happy that there are people out there who understand stuff like this! 😅
5 likesI wouldn't mind doing that for a living. It seems like the sweet spot between meditative focus, puzzle solving, and education.
1 likePlease make more tutorials, preferably on crackmes where we can follow along.
0 likesYou have a deep understanding of refactoring, windows API, C and assembly.
One can learn a lot from your thought process. I have found the pace very good.
There is too much content out there from people who don't have the profoundness of understanding that you do.
The internet needs more of you is all I am saying...
great work....can´t wait for part II
0 likesImpressed by your work. Keep it up! :D
3 likesHi, it's a very cool video. I wonder if you can try to de-restrict an ebike. They are all identical, but they are sold at an exaggerated price ($120). You can see it by yourself if you type speedbox, polini, etc. Thank you !
0 likesYour skills are unbelievable. Good job 👏🏼
2 likesKeep doing this. Show the world sth more about WannaCry.
2 likesSo fast and accurate like a real ninja 😂, nice video , I didn't have to use speed 2 , like I usually do 😂
3 likesAgain your videos are insanely good !!! Love it !
1 likehey, thanks dude! Probably speeding up the video was a good idea. I wish I could speed up Ghidra itself in a live session. I tried to open Microsoft's comctl32.dll in it and it took forever, and made it very sluggish afterwards.
3 likesQuick question -- how do you load symbols from the Microsoft server into it? (Like we used to do with windbg.)
Hi Ninja, everyone always asks how to get started into reverse engineering/ pentesting. I have a different question, since I learn better in a class environment with a professor and other peers which type of computer science would best fit the type of work for pentesting? While a computer science degree would be nice in the end I’d have a lot of unusable knowledge. Where do I get started what would you recommend? What code languages are important? C++ java python? Where did you go to learn how to use GitHub properly? I’m really at a loss. Thank you for the nice video
0 likesI didn't understand anything, but I would have loved to cause it seems like a very useful skill to have and props to you for being so good at it!
1 likeI learned a lot from this video, im surprised the strings weren't obfuscated in any way. And im surprised how bad ghidra's decompiler is lol
0 likesThis is super interesting, however there were some parts that I did not know what you were talking about - mainly the parts where you talk about the code itself, around 3 minutes. I have a focus on network and security, but my coding is very limited (python only, intermediate level). What do you recommend to learn/get familiar with for reverse engineering or to look at code and understand it?
2 likesReplies (2)
Yea, so my recommendation is to get really familiar with C - especially pointer arithmetic etc. From there you have a good understanding on how memory etc works and can go into assembler itself much easier :)
2 likesA lot of Assembler can be attributed to C, especially the memory parts. Learn about C and then you will, at once, understand the memset functions and more
0 likes@Ghidra Ninja. I'm currently studying X86_64 ASM, and I have started basic RE of GNU/Linux Apps.
1 likeI have both the Source Codes for WannaCry V1 & V2. I can't quite remember where I got them from, but I don't know if they're still out there. I keep them on an External HDD; For future Ref.
Awesome video man. Liked & Subbed.
Thank you. Really enjoy and learn much from your videos.
2 likesDoes Ghidra is best in reverse engineering or do you advise another tool/program?
Replies (1)
It's a great one for sure, but does not yet have a debugger (though supposedly it'll be released soon).
4 likesThere are lots of tools:
- Radare2 (and Cutter as its UI) - opensource & free
- Retdec decompiler - opensource & free
- IDA Pro + Hex-Rays decompiler (Expensive, a free version is available of IDA though) - de-facto industry standard
etc :)
I am very impressed with Ghidra for non x86/x64 stuff, so I like it so far! But as you can see in this video, the decompiler really isn't the best for x86/Windows
This is good content. You just earned another sub and a share. Keep up the good work.
0 likesCool video! The domain is not exactly a killswitch, it was made to detect anti-virus sandboxes which arguably makes it a killswitch but I'd rather consider it standard control flow.
0 likesPeople have argued that the domain was intended to be used when the malware would become too widespread and the author would somehow regret making this massively spreading virus that he could kill it.
That's nonsense. It was to get around anti-virus heuristics.
This is some quality work! Congrats...
1 likeWaiting for the part 2. Also please make videos about basics of reverse engineering.
0 likesI didn't understand anything of what you did, but the casualness of explaining something so exoticly complicated drew me in.
4 likesI am currently doing my bachelor in Computer Science and didn't know this reverse engineering even existed!
4 likesVery cool and very nicely explained. Showing the keyboard output is also a nice addition of you! Thanks :)
Replies (1)
RubenCO what language is this in?
0 likesHow much time does it take to get on such level. As a total noob in programming its like watching magic
1 likeAnother great video. This one was a lot more difficult than the previous two or maybe I'm just stupid :(.
2 likesReplies (2)
This one is definitely a bit more advanced, maybe I should label the videos accordingly? Not sure yet - but let me know if you have any concrete questions, trying to keep these as accessible as possible
1 like@stacksmashing Thank you for the reply. Overall the videos are great and the flow diagrams definately helped me understand what was going on. I think my lack of understanding of C probably doesn't help and that it is something I am looking to improve on. Any resources you would recommend that maybe approach C from a RE perpsective? On that topic, linking further supplementary learning resources is the description might help people like myself.
0 likesIn your previous two videos the number of changes/adjustments you make within Ghidra are much fewer and you therefore have much more time to explain each change and add additonal knowledge and supporting information around each. This is where I learnt a lot in your previous two videos.
The production quality and effort you put into each video is very much appreacited. I'm going to give this video atleast two more watches all the way through and take plenty of notes.
Awesome! Making a scary subject seem doable.
1 likeI think you should make a throughout tutorials on hacking from 0 to advanced level. It would bring you even more views and many supporters will come too.It not only helps people know more about cyber security but also benefit you as well. Of course, you have to explain it in a simpler and easy ways so that beginners like us can understand and people will stick around. A lot of tutorials are either too complicated from the beginning or It just asks people to sign up some kind of paid programs etc.. This is not what we want.
1 likeReplies (3)
You can’t just watch video and expect to become a hacker. Strong programming skills make for great hackers, but you need to learn the basics first.
0 likes@JackedCanadianGaming I am not saying that I expect to become a pro hacker just by watching videos. I am talking about providing complete tutorials for people from any sort of level like one of those courses that you can take from udemy but this will be free. Just a suggestion for him nothing more. If he wants to do it then great, if not then it is not a big deal
0 likes@popkahchin Oh yeah of course, but videos are hard to follow and you should get yourself at the very least a basic understanding of programming, and to be more efficient, learn about more advanced programming techniques to make it worth your time.
0 likesI was flying by the seat of my pants for most of this video, but I had JUST enough experience with C/C++ from college to follow MOST of what's going on?
0 likesGood thing there are better geeks than me that were on top of this thing before it could do... more damage than it did... and props to the guy that accidentally found the kill switch :-)
you make me realise how little I know about anything. Great video
0 likesreally good, short, intense, lot to learn! where is part 2?
0 likesawesome video! I'd love to see more!
1 likeThis is fantastic, thank you
1 likeI didn't think there could be something worse than coding in win32… I guess reverse engineering win32 does qualify.
1 likeDear god, did that api age poorly.
Replies (1)
Couldn't agree more
0 likesWow Ghidra really does all the work !
0 likeslearned more about programming from this video than from one year of college 😂
0 likesaccidentally ran this on my pc a few years ago, good thing i was in a call with my friend because we closed it out in task manager before it could do all of its damage lol
1 likeExcellent. Really. You got my respect.
2 likesDebugging and decompiling is so fucking hard, it's like backwards coding...
1 likeGreat job!
Subbed instantly.Cant wait for another episodes.<3
37 likesGhidra: does windows reverse engineering in iOS
166 likesWindows: "Am I a joke to you?"
Replies (4)
55 likes@Rohit A S woops
6 likesmore like Reclass: Am I a Joke to you ?
1 like@Interruption LOL
0 likesYou should do this with cryptowall 3 as well!
1 likeI understood everything except for the renaming parts. Meaning i did not understand a thing. Cool vid tho, you've earned a sub!
141 likesHopefully you could code a tool that pigs out on .wncry files, cracks them with deep neural network based AI, decrypts them and emits the decrypted files without paying the ransom.
0 likesI'm looking forward to the second part to this series..
1 likeNice explanation! Thanks...:)
2 likesGreat vodeos man!!!😁 Keep it up ! I'd like to see more like this reversing firmware malware .. 😅
2 likesWell, I dont really understand well but Im here to understand it better, thanks for the video!
6 likesEdit: i actually managed to understand a part of it
Great video. Waiting for the next part
1 likeAwesome video! I also want to see more :)
1 likeHi Ghidra Ninja,
1 likeDo you run Ghidra through a VM or directly from your main machine?
Replies (2)
Both - untrusted binaries only in VMs, if I reverse for example self compiled binaries then I run it natively.
0 likes@stacksmashing thank you.
0 likesSomeone should port the entirety of Ghidra to QT with a dark theme and new icons
0 likesWaiting for part 2!
0 likesAmazing, subscribed..... can't wait for part 2
1 like10:09 I'm not seeing where the " /i" is added as an argument in the decompiled code. Can you explain?
0 likesThe person who bought domain name that act as a kill switch is almost certainly involved in creating wannacry
0 likes"Microsoft security center (2.0) sevice" LMAO
188 likesThe creators of WannaCry must have been geniuses like this guy
0 likesWhen will you upload part 2? It's getting interesting!
1 likeReplies (1)
Hopefully on the weekend! Been traveling for work etc
0 likesWow Amazing skill I'm SO envy I wish I could do that
0 likesI swear I thought this video had only been five minutes long when it ended.
5 likesGhidra ninja:The function is very simple
90 likesMe:
That’s some proper clever stuff great video x
0 likeshonestly very useful and makes fun of the virus straight out lol in your face wannacry
0 likeswannacry: starts crying
Wow, part 2 please
1 likeWhen I see a new video, I just have to find out what you’ve done with Ghidra.
5 likesI have one question, do you know a good way to get into c, and asm, I really want to learn both of them, I understand the syntax of c, but I cant really find anything that covers everything beyond that
0 likesHow do you get to know all this stuff so well?
0 likesPlease post more videos on ghidra.. You are awesome👏✊👍
0 likesI didn't understand single bit of information u said but I watched full video..and subscribed.. Thanks for making this video
1 likeI need to learn everything about this video and the part 2. But i'm soo far away to understand what he's doing, just made some simple algorithms in CodeBlocks C. Any of you can recommend any books or some information source that i could read to understand better?
0 likesThat was elite. Way to go!
1 likeGreat vid!! So what was happening with the memset? Why are they all in while loops? and how did you figure out that they are memset?
1 likeReplies (1)
They were inlined and optimized by the compiler into that form and the ghidra decompiler didn't recognize the inlined/optimized form as being equivalent to the original function
1 likeFirst time YouTube recommended me something amazing. 😀
25 likesvery great video! keep going
0 likesGreat Video man,keep it up:)
1 likeCan’t wait for part 2
0 likesThank you for your videos!!
9 likesI like this format, but you state things, a bit more explaining would help, at least me, an embedded C programmer.
2 likesReplies (1)
Appreciate the feedback! Do you have some examples on spots where you need more explaining? This video is definitely a bit more advanced, but trying to keep these as accessible as possible (without stretching them out too much) :)
3 likesVery good video! Bravo!
0 likesYou should do a lecture at CCC :)
1 likeI'm more interested in mathematics and cryptography. Programming/reverse engineering isn't my strong suite. All in all this was good to watch but threw me off at some points as my knowledge isba bit dull in this area
9 likesReplies (2)
Harjit Singh If you don’t understand Programming, especially low level code such as the C code here, this will definitely be all foreign.
2 likesJackedCanadianGaming definitely. I need to up my programming game lol.
0 likesHope you can made more videos like this
0 likesالشرح ممتاز
3 likesExcellent
Newbie tutorial please.. looking forward for more
2 likesWow you do that so fast xD hmm very informative video and i learnt a bit about reverse engineering
7 likesHe's the best indeed 🖕 mine works perfectly fine thanks dude 🗝️
0 likesCould you show how to set up a secure VM for this kind of thing?
0 likeskeep going bro....excellent videos
1 likeAbsolutely amazing. Haven't really been in this field for over 25 years, but you and the cool fancy tools available today got me interested in doing this as a hobby again ;). Any chance that you could do this using Cutter on OSX only?
2 likesReplies (1)
Love Cutter, especially for Objective-C binaries. I might do a future video using Cutter, we'll see :) If you have something specific in mind let me know!
1 likeI didn't even know that doing something like this was possible
2 likesInteresting to hear from the workflow. Don’t know anything about it, but can at least connect some dots.
0 likesWhere did you get the binary? or the uncompiled binary?
0 likesOnly vaguely understanding most of what is going on but damn this is so cool :D
0 likescan you make videos to reverse engineer shellcode (e.g meterpreter, cobalt strike)?
0 likesDamn, I'm impressed, subscribing and following with interest
6 likesand some people still prefer to use old reversing tools from the 80's instead of accepting modern day cool tools. there is nothing wrong with being modern. and making tasks simpler to be done than the old days.
0 likesI wish i knew what was going on, I've always had an interest in "behind the scenes" kind of stuff
0 likesAmazing ! 😯 Could you point us to resources to learn about all this ???
1 likeReplies (3)
LiveOverflow is a great channel to learn more!
1 like@stacksmashing thank you !
0 likes@stacksmashing Thank you
0 likesHi GN, any chance of new videos? They're high quality.
0 likesI have no idea what's gong on here, but I'm straining to understand. Great video!
2 likesWhen is the next part coming I wanna see more😁
5 likespart 2, please!!!
1 likeReplies (1)
Working on it :)
1 likeYou are doing God's work 🙏
1 likeThanks for the video! you big helped
0 likesImagine they didn't VMP their malware lol
2 likesThey probably added the first code check with the URL to not run it in their testing environment / hide from analyzers that run in an offline mode and dont return anything for that hostname!
0 likesAwesome video looking fwd to part 2
2 likesGreat video!
1 likeIt's something I've been intrested in. Anyone know a good place for an absolute beginner to rev to learn?
0 likesI understood some of those words. Very interesting!
0 likesExcelente ^^
1 likeyou have finally cracked the 'WannaCry'' virus! I'm Impressed
2 likesI know it has been a year now, but the reason Ghidra was unable to parse InternetOpenA, HINTERENT etc as correct structs because it tried to look up the import dll on your mac, Wininet.dll, and its corresponding PDB, but it was unable to find either of it because you are on mac. If you are on windows ghidra would be able to parse them perfectly. How was it able to identify the function name is out of my mind lol.
1 likeperfect video the only catch is FF is to fast I cannot keep up what's going on :(
0 likesimagine doing this and accidentally running wannacry. i would actually scream
28 likesReplies (12)
*laughs in multiple VMs running in Arch Linux*
13 likesi use arch btw
@Watema 3 no one cares
8 likes@BigbyTheBigBadWolf aparently you do cause you replied!
6 likesalso (incase you haven't noticed), it's an inside joke
@Watema 3 still no one cares
11 likes@ahmed eshra ur prob crying behind ur screen: i dont care either but i gotta be an edgy loser so i can prove this guy wrong
1 like@Dentist﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ learn to read
1 like@Dentist﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ ur so funny with that lol at the end
0 likes@Dentist﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ yeah
0 likes@Plaane No shit Sherlock that's the goddamn point. You got baited hard
5 likes@Watema 3 Most tech savvy people understand that joke, it's corny and bland
0 likesThat's why you rename it to wannacry.VIR
0 likesthis reply section is chaos
0 likesParents: Install obvious virus that slows down the computer.
0 likesParents: It must be that Steam thing.
when is part 2 released?
0 likesAwesome! I feel like an idiot when I see things like this xD
0 likeswhat happens if you force a switch off during the countdown and hook the drive up to another system
0 likesI could either treat this video as background noise or actually try to understand what's going on, which would give me a seizure and then cause an explosion inside my head
0 likesWow subbed 14 min in this guy is smart. Props dude
1 likeWhere can I learn how to reverse engineer?
1 like⬆️ I must have to recommend him he's realistic 💯❤️❤️
0 likes⬆️ I must have to recommend him he's realistic 💯❤️❤️
0 likesSmart explanation
1 likeHah this makes me laugh because I was developing a simple POC ransomware somewhere around that time I made public and I managed to lock a significant amount of my files by accident
1 likeI enjoyed this video. Subscribed!
1 likenach seiner Aussprache zu urteilen würde ich nen 10er wetten das der gute mann aus dem deutsch sprachigen raum kommt.
0 likesgeniale Facharbeit, ich mag es wenn menschen ihre arbeit verstehen.
subbed, 22 minutes passed like a breeze
39 likeswhat happens if you remove windows default encryptor?
0 likesWhat key logger program you use? (I mean the thing what shows you the keys your pressed)
1 likeReplies (2)
0 likes@stacksmashing Thanks, I will use it in my next videos ;)
0 likespart 2 please
0 likescan you record video about how to start learning reverse engineering. what books to read or where to learn.
0 likesI don't know shit about coding, but you've explained this in a very human-readable way and i appreciate that.
0 likesAre you going to do some more crackmes?
1 likeI managed to solve a couple but on some i am just purely stuck after finding what IF staments is the key to cracking it but cant get what i need to find the password.
Replies (2)
Do you have some examples on crackmes where you are having issues with? Maybe I can do a video on them in the future
0 likes5c83501333c5d4776a837df7,5c9ce65c33c5d4419da5562d these are the crackmes i got stuck on,i managed to get ghidra to clear up the code,and when i find that IF statement or something else that points to the password i just dont know what next to do to actually get the password
0 likesNice video!
2 likes"Now we can see this looks much better"
0 likesPython programmers: wHaT dO yOu mEan "BETTER" ?!
Ghidra is a really free source tool, It can fight with ida
0 likesI love your videos. It inspired me to chose computer security for my career. Give me a heart.
0 likesYouTube algo has done it again. Could understand probably 1% of what was talked about, but it seemed very interesting. Subscribed!
3 likesHi could you make sometime a guide on how to get into reverse engineering
1 likeReplies (1)
I might do some in the future! In the meantime you sohuld check out LiveOverflow, he does great videos on this kind of stuff!
2 likesthis is the only guy who can decrypt wannacry without paying it lol
1 likeThanks for the video =)
0 likeswhat do we get from this video: ghidra is cool
1 likeNice, nice, nice!
0 likesThanks for the video.
Hope you continue to make video's.
0 likesThis is gonna be epic
0 likesi was attacked by this i still have the how to recover html files on my computer in random places
2 likesWhen will you make the 2nd part?
0 likes@ Ghidra Ninja - It was irresponsible of you to share a serious problem maker that is still active in the world .. Especially without presenting to people a simple, reliable, solid problem resolution. I'm sure you understand not all your viewers are software developers, yes ?.
0 likesAfter watching this vid, I hacked the NSA with a toaster. Thanks Ghidra!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI'm getting morer dumber the more I watch and I love it
1 like"This is part 1"
51 likesmonths later
Replies (1)
6 days ago part 2 was released
3 likesgreat stuff thanks
0 likes>Download Wanacry
0 likes>wait 7 days
>reimage disk and OS from format
Data destruction done easy
thx a lot - just great!
1 likeThe title should be When an elite programer meets a hacker :))
0 likesWhat, you mean I shouldn't run known malware on my everyday machine?
0 likesthat URL is actually the domain that Marcus Hutchins registered to stop WannaCry from spreading. Each time the ransomware worm spreads over a network, the virus pings that address. If the address is pinged and online, it will no longer spread.
0 likesThe ransomware is in file format.. . How do u make it executable??
0 likesThis guy is cool 😎 subscribed
2 likesGreat! Now i understand nothing :/
0 likesBut very interesting
0 likesSadly for ghidra to demangle this sort of thing correctly would mean it has to be able to analise the string passed..., so in theory if the virus writer was REALLY good
he could cause the format string to be built from sub parts, thereby causing this part of the code to be difficult to decode for humans & analytics. thereby hiding arguments pushed onto the stack before the call........
push 5 items onto the stack before the call, build the format string , use 2 of the items leaves 3 on the stack hidden from analysis... use the 3 later as something else.
will it run when u unpack it or only when u click 2 times on it?
0 likesYou lost me at codebrowser but looked really cool! Wow you so smart
0 likesWhere did you learn these skills?
0 likesso hold on, the man trying to track the infection vector killed this by registering the domain it was calling?
0 likesReplies (1)
Yep, it's well documented but I don't think we know if the author made a mistake or did it deliberately, it's not like they can easily be interviewed about it.
0 likesYes, yes ! love it !
0 likesAwesome!
1 likeVerstehe erst noch Bahnhof, aber ist ein interessanter Kanal. Weiter so!
0 likesDamn, this is how genius sounds like
2 likesPART 2!!!!
0 likesWhat a cliff hanger, we'll see why it downloaded Tor in the next video??
0 likesThanks for sharing
0 likesVery cool!
1 likeAn intelligent person created wannacry and another intelligent person decodes it
0 likesWannaCry: exists
515 likesGhidra: im about to end this mans whole carrer
Replies (9)
what the H E C C is a carrer
7 likes@Xyphoes it's a carrer
1 like@glowing one isnt it meant to be a career tho
4 likes@Xyphoes no this is much different.
5 likesbut wannacry isnt a man
1 likeWannacry: haha my files now boy
3 likesLucky: hold my files
Ransom company*
0 likesSorry, that was the kill switch. Which was already found.
0 likesstop djvu: am i a joke
0 likesbut then you realize you are running a daemon that backups ur files on google drive.
0 likesTry WannaCry vs McAfee Ransomware Interceptor and 360 Ransomware Decryption Tools
0 likesI do not know anything about coding. but what I gather is this malware has a means of creation on top of creation with a fail safe. but as far as this video goes it only touched on the random generated password that it must create and store, then send, and delete. Which is why some people say you can capture the password to unlock and decrypt everything in memory if you know where to look.
0 likesSending money to the hacker
1 likeError: The user is no longer exists. Please check your bitcoin address whether it is entered correctly.
Awesome 100%
2 likesman, this was a trip
2 likesDecompiling explained well
0 likesThis happened it 2017? I must’ve been living under a rock
0 likeswhat is that program for the keystrokes
0 likesI'm curious about what's on the other side of those onion links
0 likesGood video but its so difficult for me... sad
2 likesTo think that somebody wrote this entire software is mesmerising.
0 likesWhy do they concatenate so much strings at runtime?
0 likesI almost fell asleep watching this video just because of this guy's beautiful asmr voice
0 likesI didn't understand anything but i really like this video!!
0 likes1) Is it true, after payment and receaving key you can get your files back?
0 likes2) Does wannacry spread accross entire SMB even if SMB requare password?
3) Can you find a key in source code after reverse engineering or for each pc key willbe different?
4) Is it possible create a tool to restore files to original state before PC got infected?
5) What is the domainName trigger to prevent wannacry infecting a PC?
Replies (1)
1) There is no guarantee. Even if crooks will send you a decryptor app with a valid decryption key, there is always a chance it could partially fail or won't work at all. Don't pay ransom. Report crimes to your local police.
0 likes2) Only if affected PC has mounted SMB share as network disk at the infection time.
3) Encryption key is generated at runtime and is different each time. When encryption process will finish, this key will be sent to crooks via internet.
4) No, because you don't have valid decryption key, and attempts to generate one could take years of computing time.
The only real way to recover files is to restore from backup, or VSS snapshot if it is available, when infected PC was cured.
can you recommend some book to learn this?
0 likesSo the killswitch-URL in question was stored in plaintext in the program?
15 likesWhy wasnt it encrypted?
Replies (1)
Because not many people is an expert at coding.
1 likeLove that!!
0 likes"if you have ever reverse engineered"- Nope, I can't even figure out how to pull up the terminal.
1 likeBro, You really are a ninja :O
3 likesLooking for Part2
0 likesI want to specialize in ransomware im about to take coding classes any other tips? beside cyber security
0 likeswhat if you reverse engineered hydra with hydra
0 likesWhy virus exe is in a plain code? No themida or vmprotect
1 likethe bitcoin wallet in the malware has 179 transactions with total 19.55 bitcoin
0 likesWhen is part 2 coming?
1 likeReplies (2)
Kind of waiting for the Ghidra Debugger - cause so much happens in parallel..
1 like@stacksmashing Glad to hear you didn't give up!
0 likesI heard many say it's made by the khorens but looking at you anaslize I don't belive that for one that's a default program starter and let's admit it wanna cry is a bad use of a good exploit even windows thinks it's scetchy like it appears in program manager good vid though I don't understand this but you helped
0 likescan someone please suggest me some more good channels like this?
0 likesI have VMPlayer, the default and i wanna run viruses but i'm not sure that my host computer will get infected too. I tried looking it up on Google but some say it does, some say kinda and some say no. Anyone has a clear answer??
0 likesTranslation of this video:
0 likesNever run unknown .EXE files.
Replies (1)
That’s incorrect, wannacry also spread via EternalBlue
0 likesDie Maleware hast du geknackt, aber der Akzent bleibt der größte Gegner 😂
1 likeReplies (3)
Lässt sich auch so schwer reverse engineeren!
0 likesOh come on now! That accent wouldn't prevent him from becoming even the governor of California if he wanted to :P
0 likesI should look into that! 😄
1 likegood so this means that we can uncrypt the files right?
0 likesWhich VM did you use to analyse the wanacry binary?
0 likesReplies (1)
VMware Workstation
1 likeMy Dad : do you want to hack tiktok ?
0 likesMe : of course , let me know dad.
My Dad : use wanncry
Me : WTF!, NSA
Please dont speed up the editing. It makes it hard to understand when you are learning from watching.
15 likesReplies (2)
slow down the video
14 likesI think you probably don't really want to watch a video that's 3 days long, but I understand. It would probably be useful to make different kinds of videos, some like this where he explains the techniques being used and why, and others where he slows down and explains the techniques and why you use them where you use them.
0 likesHI ,whats the password for the zip file ? WNcry@2017 NOT WORKING
0 likesYou ma boy are very stronk in what you're doing. Nice!
1 likeThis is interesting video I’m current learning Python
1 likeIs this relevant
Replies (1)
The application is not in Python.
0 likesWhy don't you use IDA pro for this purpose?
0 likesPlease tell me
0 likesWhat are the perquisites to understand the video ..😖
Thanks !
0 likesI didn't know about reverse engineering. I am beginner can you teach me about reverse engineering.
10 likesReplies (1)
Watching, (and recreating Ghidra Ninja's videos) will teach you a lot. I would not start by copying this video as Wannacry is toxic. Learning by doing. Try downloading your CPE router firmware and try cracking that.
0 likesWhere did you get an outdated Windows 10 VM?
0 likeswhat kind of machine is this youtuber? jesas fck this fast and accurate analysis makes my head xplode
59 likesReplies (5)
Reported and removed, there is no room for stuff like this on here :)
4 likes@stacksmashing and also not for the answer of that other random guy calling the guy in the already deleted comment a waste of Oxygen. not all People are capable of following this type of Content not even developers that are already programming for a very long time. i guess in this case calling you a "machine" is somewhat of a compliment although a rather dubious one.
2 likes@urugulu Did you see the comment that I was replying to. It had nothing to do with the video and was just an unprovoked attack on someone minding their own business.
4 likes@stacksmashing what
1 likeyou would NEVER make a good REV eng... your observation skills are poor...
0 likes1. Tool bar top (NOT windows), OSX or linux
2. Apple logo top left
3. APPLE finder logo left tool bar top
how did he learn to do this?
0 likes15:04 is a weird spelling under the cursor
0 likesimagine wannacry on nasa computer
0 likesMy Computer : Randomly installed WannaCry
0 likesMe :
-Download rufus
- Create Bootable Flash drive
- Download windows OS
Clean Format,
Done, wannaCry no more
I love your German Accent!
0 likesdid you know you can just unplug the system and restart normally .
0 likesReplies (1)
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🐂💩
0 likesSomeone pls help me reverse engineer Navi trackers to find its unused map select
0 likesThis is great, I'm always surprised by new hacking channels every now and then. Listening to your voice, it sounds like you're German, am I right?
1 likeReplies (1)
maybe french?
0 likesI can ruin my machine again... Rename wannacry to wanasmile😆
0 likes"let's jump into the function" sounds kinda cute to my german ears :)
2 likesAnyone experienced with dx11 injecting? Or should I just go ahead and say it... making game menus
0 likesCan u please help me to decrypt my files that r encrypted by ramsomeware
0 likesCan you reverse engineer the pupbg ransomware
0 likesI tried to download wannacry to my MacBook, but couldn’t.
0 likesAlmost asmr <3
3 likesWhat do those onion address lead to? The dark web?
0 likesDamn you're smart! where is part 2 though ?
1 likeAbra, Kadabra, Alakazam,
10 likesYou now possess a new subscriber,
1 likeReplies (1)
It only took 1000 re watches!
0 likesI need MOAR
1 likeFucking Amazing man...
0 likesI understood an impressive amount of 0% of the video
0 likesPart 2... GOGOGOGO
0 likesIt’s a program I thought it was a virus
0 likesWow! It's interesting.
0 likesJava_run;board.if=-1
0 likesYeah I understood everything
0 likesHow do you learn to do that sorts of stuff????
1 likeReplies (1)
I guess he first learnt to code in C, then practice on basic programs
0 likesSo what’s that URL at the start for?
0 likesOoops! Your files have been encrypted!
0 likesThis dude: No no no. I’m sorry. Your files have been encrypted.
Replies (1)
So is`nt the second sentence just a repeat of the first sentence ? I`ll do what we normally have to do on YT and make an assumption....... Do you mean this ? :
0 likesOoops! Your files have been encrypted!
This dude: No no no. I’m sorry. It`s YOUR files that have been encrypted.
Notif :- wannacry bla bla something....
0 likesMe :- hell yeah ! I will learn about it now throughly....
*after watching 5 minutes of Ghidra Ninja saying shit like “stack buffer”, “function is easy”.....
Me :- existential crisis.
what program u use for doing this for seing the source of it ?
0 likesReplies (4)
0 likes@stacksmashing i did see it it isn't for windows :( but i'm working most of times with charles fiddler wireshark ILspy ollydbg and other applications awesome tutorials btw
0 likesThank you! Ghidra is available for Windows - just click the .bat file in the download.
0 likes@stacksmashing i did try but error message with java pops up so i need take a look at it if i got time
0 likescan you give me wanna cry source code?
0 likesOne day I wil understand what the heck are you doing and then ... I will be happy :-)
3 likeswhere is part 2?
1 liketop notch
2 likesWhere's the second part?
0 likesdaaaamn and i can't even reverse calc.exe
1 likeawesome
1 likeWait.. I had already seen this one. Oh well.
0 likesI want to make a reverse engineering tool like Ghidra or a tool to view the assembly code of a program can someone help?
0 likesReplies (4)
You want to write your own ? You'll need to be familiar with the CPU architecture you're dealing with, I would start by writing a disassembler.
1 like@SerBallister I'm already understand the architecture (Windows 10) but I'm have a problem of translating it to code to actually and try to extract some assembly instructions
0 likes@H3xad3cimal Dev In that case start by studying the structure of the executable format for exe files. With that you will be able to locate the ".text" sections which contain x86/etc instructions. There will be a lot of other useful data in there like references to OS library calls/etc which will be a start toward reverse engineering it
0 likes@SerBallister ok thank you. I am grateful for your help
0 likesI didn't understand anything, but you motivate to start
0 likes2:08
0 likesWhat name of this program
Replies (1)
0 likesi wonder if wannacry author watched it :D
31 likesReplies (3)
Nsa? Of course
1 like@Josh H It was made by North Korean cybercrime organization codenamed 'Lazarus'
1 likeIt probally have more than 1 author
0 likesdude, to day i am tired.. but after your video i feel devastated.. LoL
1 likeSecond part?
0 likesI like your video
0 likesI don’t know any C++ but this was an interesting video still
0 likesReplies (1)
Only thing I know about "C" is that it scares the hell out of me cos I cant swim !
1 likeDu bischt 1 nice Typ!
3 likesWhere is part 2?
0 likesCaptions, please.
0 likesis it secure to do this in a vm can the root os ever get affected
1 likeReplies (1)
David Buckley there are always VM escape exploits that can get out and infect your host operating system, but you are very unlikely to ever encounter one in the wild. And even if you found one, it would probably be tailored to a very specific virtual machine and version. It isn't 100% safe but it's pretty safe. Your biggest danger is probably user error where you accidentally forget you're in the host OS instead of your lab VM and accidentally infect yourself. Or not setting up your virtual lab environment correctly to be safe.
0 likesHow in the world did you even manage to decompile a binary??
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI'm dying of old age waiting for part 2
0 likesBravo
0 likesThe FBI wants to know your location.
0 likesexcuse me wtf i tried to unpack it and my drives are encrypted (thats a joke)
0 likesCan we have WannaDie? It encrypts your data and it deletes it.
0 likesPlease make new videos
0 likesWhere's part 2?
0 likesthe fuck? I have expected it to be packed or encrypted in some way, if "normal" executables already are.
0 likesok
0 likesnow do this with stop djvu and its variants
Instructions unclear bios encrypted
0 likesBroo great videooo
1 likeplease do crackmes lvl 1 sir!
3 likesReplies (3)
Do you have a specific one in mind? I did a level 1 crackme here:
0 likes@stacksmashing yeah I have watched it 4 times, When I tried other it's difficult to connect dots , can you do a video ,how to detect patterns in each level ,ur wannacry vedio is awesome
0 likes@stacksmashing sir I have a query,I inject connect back payloads in wild , which ty mainly locate at system32 folder,can forensics can reverse engineer the exe file and find my connect back ip and port address?
0 likesCan i do the same with IDA pro?
0 likesReplies (1)
Why not? :)
0 likesWhat's happening with the channel? I've been wating for one month to learn, yet no part 2
1 likeHow did you know that HINTERNET was a void * type?
0 likesReplies (2)
I got it from the WININET.H header file - in it you can see that HINTERNET is a typedef to an LPVOID (which is Windows speak for void pointer):
0 likesOooh, ok thank you
0 likesyour name is well deserved!
0 likesY put a kill switch in it 😂
0 likesLmao they even wrote Bitcoin accepted
0 likesI got scammed by someone when buying cheats he sent me 2 programms and I dont know if those are viruses or not. Can you make a video about those 2?
0 likesReplies (3)
Simple fix: learn to play instead of cheating.
0 likes@stacksmashing Cause everyone is cheating in that game. But I dont care I just wanna know weither or not it is a virus and how I find it out.
0 likes@Mehdi Choukri Other people are cheating in shooter games so its not fair.
0 likeswhere`s part 2?
0 likesplease can you recorde video for how to make virus wannacry
1 likeyou know this job buddy
0 likesi need help on a subject too. Can you help.
record my videos and then play them back at double the speed and narrate it at double the speed that I actually did it...
0 likeshey can you dummit down for normal people a little like why you do this it hasent have to be end all but just like this makes the . exe to think that 69859.juti is not working .cos now its really intresting but my understanding is just so limited in compaliers and shit good vid keep it up subbed
0 likesSo basically if you open that domain name wouldnt the virus stop????
0 likesReplies (1)
Oh thats why the video says 'kill switch' lol
1 likedein englisch ist echt gut :D
0 likessecure your PC by Romad, no one cry then)
0 likesWhere's part 2
0 likesOnly part 1? :s
0 likesThis guy sounds just like Shounic with a better mic and slightly deeper voice
0 likesyou are on a mac either you are using a hackintosh or WannaCry now has a mac version or you are doing the work in a virtual environment like vmware fusion
0 likesi was afraid to play the video 😂😂😂
0 likesI wish i could understand this. I WannaCry.
0 likesI have thing i need disassembled. Its a small routine... im willing to pay :) can you help... well ive disam it. I need to know what its doing
0 likesYou're german right?😅 Ich hör deinen Akzent💁🏻♀️
0 likeslol. "try not to encrypt all your files. "
0 likesHe's the best indeed 🖕 mine works perfectly fine thanks dude 🗝️
0 likesDude, could you maybe try and get yourself a new and better microphone? You would do all us all a pleasure, tx!
0 likesreversie tool developed by nsa that supports 6502 amd 8051? yeaaahhhh... luvlie
0 likesWannacry: wanna cry?
0 likesMe:no u
I wanna cry
Create More Videos
0 likesWhy the fuck would they store a killswitch url completely raw and uncrypted?? Though chinese hackers were supposed to be smarter than that :thinking:
0 likesI want to know what's next dude, hurry up
0 likesWould really like to see some rat r e
0 likesWow, I could barely keep up with what you were talking about.
1 likeSimple as messing with execryptor back in days. my heart is growing when i see people still doing RCE. unfortunatly nowdays ppl know only how to use insta, fb etc... thats shame. i remember good old days when we re using forums exetools, SND, site for doing chalenges and sharing knowledge then was no YT tutorials like today, today u can dig hw to make nuke bomb, then we ysed IRC, GTALK, forums was platform for crowd pdf and .txt tutorials , also not to forget zine 29A im one of the writers i wont tell my identity. public . seemts like we dinosaurs who learn so to say self learn and made it to perfection in the age where is no everithing availble on YT like today and today kids re dumb. all we haven at those days, dumpers, ollydbg, softice, peid, import rec, api functions to study, masm, tasm, after ida pro was come , from nothig we all generaly learn most of all exist languages, cryptografy, asm crytion thing to do rce , and many many more.. im missing this good old days. anyway accident found your channel, undertand what u talking about im in this things since razor 1911. older then most of this audience. but just to support what u doing, my msg to young ppl is to studdy this tutorials, for us is simple for u is treasure, back in days we were no having such tutorials. and sorry for gramatical errors tomuch vodka today . one more thing having private clection of p;ugins non public for personal use starting from olly dbg, cuustom, scripts and tools, unpackers custom made debugers, dissamblers better then ida pro, , lots of scipts and plugs, if u want i can gift u for support for channel bcz im happy to see someone has nerves to teach youngs this days, i lost my nerves around 2006 ithink when themida was removed virtualisation at one given point. bcz ppl ask dumb questions
1 likei'm ignorant as a goat about this, but i find this voice quite relaxing and soothing
0 likesWait a minute, so basically you can see the source code in a .exe?
2 likesReplies (2)
It reads the machine code and tries to generate source for it - so it's not the original source code (and it also often fails to generate something decent). But it can make analysis much easier/faster - the process is called decompilation. :)
1 like@stacksmashing thanks bro, going to install this on Kali Linux :)
0 likesYo so what if you dont have the admin password then what
0 likesim the kind of guy who see this kind of videos, click afap, watch, dont understand anything.. but go to part 2
0 likesReplies (2)
Lets hope you`re also not the kinda guy who randomly clicks on links to Wanna😭 and ends up execting it on his personal P to the C.
1 like@DeeJay1210 since english isnt my mother language, i cant tell if i get what u mean, but i can assure u, im not sump to be fooled y some stupid scam.
0 likesi wont fall for this kinda things
I understand nothing and everything at the same time
0 likesMe downloading coc hack :
0 likesLiked this
1 likeu expect me to know wtf ur saying?!?!? this is WAY over my head.
1 likeNice
0 likesSO Wanna Cry Is Gong to Cry NOW
0 likesmy man said uno reverse card
0 likeswannycry is not packed?
0 likeslmao C:\Windows everywhere. What if someone had windows installed in D: for example :v
1 likeReplies (1)
Imagine writing ransomware and it fails because Windows is installed on D:\ what a bruh moment that would be.
1 likeThis Guy is the second version of enderman but good
0 likesPlot twist this guy is the creator of wannacry
0 likesNice
0 likesWhy did I click this video and watched the whole thing even tho I don't understand what he's saying.
0 likesvielleicht solltest du für google oder so arbeiten omegalul
0 likesnices vid!
Always the slight german accent
0 likesI Wannacry cuz my computer is getting slower :(
0 likesWhen you have no clue what is going on, but somehow end up watching the entire video and keep shaking your head as if you understand...
0 likeswelp internets fucked. epople gonna start sending out the virus
0 likesi still wa8ing for new video
0 likes<3
4 likesReplies (1)
learned mutch new things :D
2 likeswow...
1 likeAll you do takes parts off
0 likesSo he is basically pulling the uno reverse card on wannacry
1 likedo notpetya next!
2 likesCan I do this in Ida Pro.....?
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likes@stacksmashing sir, how can i contact u
0 likeshey guys i'm new to this stuff. Why are you changing every function name? is it because your trying to make sense on whats going on?
0 likesReplies (1)
That’s exactly it!
1 likeI don't yet understand why anyone would program ransom are like this. Why have it depend on a domain someone can simply register to make it stop?
0 likesReplies (1)
It's a kill switch.
0 likesim a noob. can you Ghidra Ghidra?
0 likeshow to make a wannacry2 ?
0 likesReplies (1)
It’s out!
0 likesis it just me or is he talking too fast
0 likesturns out removing wannacry is just a few clicks if you know what you are doing
0 likesReplies (1)
lol if you have the decryption key
0 likesWhere the second video?!
0 likesLook at $hine$ecurity chaos.bat file ;)
0 likeslol , dude you have broken tv :))
0 likesI am super interested, but I dont know anything about all that :c
1 likeidk what he talking about, but goodjob
0 likes<3
0 likesReplies (1)
1 likei like what you have done. i suggest you see what you can address on shadow banning in twitter. basically i am asking you to focus on censorship in anyway you can. we need freedom of speech. i am guessing you know alot more on this than me so let me know what you can do.
0 likesno part 2, r u still buying bitcoins to pay the ransom?
0 likesdont understand what was the idea to write this in C/C++, like ok they used very low lang. bla bla, but for such task as encrypt , write in python in 10 min, sometime sophistication is not worth the time, and how many people actually paid.
0 likesReplies (1)
Its doing more than just encrypting the files.
0 likeshmm i know some of these words. Interesting non the less.
1 likeReplies (1)
Yeah, when I talk about music production people hear this -
0 likesyou are pretty smart
0 likesinteresting.
0 likesMan, what are you talking about??? This some kind level of highest language xD
3 likeswhile(iVar2 != 0){
4 likesiVar2=iVar2 + -1;
YUCK what kind of a coding practise is this
Replies (5)
I'm a newb to coding but I've seen a lot of ppls code and really disagree with it lol. I guess I have my own certain type of style? I know from what I've learned that basically computers use addition to subtract by default? So when you tell the compiler 8-5 it's 8+-5 anyways? I think they made it that way for optimization. But as far as styling goes? idk,
0 likesI'd write that code myself like this lol:
While(iVar2 != 0)
iVar2 = iVar2 + (-1);
@Chris Chavis iVar2--;
3 likesWhat it means:
0 likesWhile the variable ‘iVar2’ is not 0 and iVar2 + -1 = iVar2 (which basically didn’t work)
I assume it’s interpreted from the machine code in whatever way is most basic - so no syntactic sugar or even for loops. I don’t think anyone actually writes code like this.
0 likes@HenryRichard You're right, it's probably just a decompiler thing. while(iVar2--) shouldn't be out of a malware coder's reach
0 likesthat shit complicated
0 likesUpdate?
0 likes"Please be careful when using it..... try not to encrypt all your files", I wont have that issue because I WON`T be using it, ESPECIALLY not on a P.C with personal files on it 😂
0 likesWher can iget this virus for educationelpurpose
0 likesI only 🖕 recommend him for he's genius and realistic 💯
0 likesI only 🖕 recommend him for he's genius and realistic 💯
0 likesAm I hearing things or does he sound German?
0 likesReplies (1)
Regardless, this was one of the most interesting videos I've seen in recent times.
2 likesI saw 2 pictures in the beginning and from there I did not understand a shit :)
1 likeGood
0 likesI know whats going on but not really.... lmfao!
0 likeslots of colorful letters
1 likeliveoverflow
0 likesare you liveoverflow? you sound like him
1 likeReplies (2)
That's cause we are both German :)
1 likeoh haha i thought he created another channel
0 likesWannaCryptor
2 likesb o e i n g
0 likesReplies (1)
p o i n t l e s s
0 likesOr just buy crowdstrike...
0 likesReplies (1)
What does that have to do with the video? :)
0 likesA MAN has fallen victim to the WannaCry virus in LEGO city.
0 likesHEY
Fire up Ghidra. Find the kill switch and unpack the malware.
Yo so what I you don have the admin password then what
0 likesmarcos done it already 5 years ago
0 likesYes.
2 likesgod like
1 likeReplies (1)
teach me more!
0 likesnsa employee?
0 likesReplies (1)
It’s classified.
0 likeshow fast do you want to speech?
0 likesReplies (4)
Even faster!
0 likesWie schnell möchten Sie sprechen? 🤣🤣
0 likesYouTube, providing Play, Pause, Skip, Subtitles and SPEED controls for your convenience.
0 likes@DeeJay1210 als ob ich jz extra das video langsamer mache ich bin faul :) ich mecker lieber in den kommis
0 likesNSA_mainframe
0 likesIndian guy at youtube: How to cure Corona virus
0 likesEveryone: you are the messiah
No one feel weird that the auto cc of youtube when he said the url write
0 likesYeah I don’t understand anything but seems interesting
1 likeI. Don't. Understand.
0 likesYoutube stop.
French accent ?
0 likesReplies (1)
German! :)
1 likeHire me. Plzzzz
1 likePffffffffffffft it never attacked me and never will, because it’s far too scared to because it knows that I have Malwarebytes antimalware on my computer
0 likesYour voice sounds familiar
2 likesAre u liveoverflow?
Replies (3)
Because they both have German accents? They sound quite different to me, and from the reversing I've seen LiveOverflow do it's no where near this guy's level.
2 likesDer Youtube Algorithmus gibt einen Videos aus dem Selben Land egal welcher Sprache
0 likes@Paulo B.D. genau
0 likesNow Reverse engineer Minecraft Bedrock
0 likesYo so like what I you don't have he administrator password then what
0 likesToo much big brains stuff I couldn’t understand shit
0 likesThe doubtful kangaroo successfully beg because edward putatively bump past a expensive brandy. thundering, false familiar famous purple
0 likesReplies (1)
Bots make me Wanna😭
0 likesWannaDie
1 likeYea, very simple. It's like teaching a kid college math, while he is still 1st grade. I'm watching this, i dont know why but still like and sub, very nice. WAIT NEW IDEEA VIDEO : REVERSE ENGINEER MY BODY PLS
0 likesWhat?
0 likeslike before watched this
4 likesI would rather get a new computer than learning this long-ass script.
0 likesWasn't this done months ago?
0 likesReplies (1)
Wasn't what done months ago? :) The malware itself hit in 2017, also see the video description for links to the analysis of some AV vendors.
0 likesYou are german?
0 likesReplies (2)
Are you asking him or telling him ?
0 likes@DeeJay1210 Asking
0 likesProblem is ur on mac
0 likestql
0 likesif you had done this earlier you would have saved a lot of computers’ money
0 likesReplies (1)
Computer`s don`t have money, they are machines.
0 likesU er german?
0 likesReplies (1)
He is yes
1 likeCheck out lsd it's a lot better than ls
0 likesLet's be honest. None of us have any idea what's going on.
0 likesReplies (1)
just learn C
0 likesWenn deutsche englisch reden
0 likesgerman?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesHii
0 likesReplies (2)
1 like@DeeJay1210 hahaha
0 likesIt's s-printf not sprintf, sound so weird when you say it wrong.
0 likesReplies (1)
It's also jiff not gif, but I still say gif :)
1 likeBababooey
0 likesReplies (2)
Ffs, It`s getting tiring seeing people make nonsense one word comments that bare NO rellevance to the above video subject WHAT SO EVER !
0 likes@DeeJay1210 if simple one word comment can anger you I think you have some hatred or anger issues genuinely.
0 likesEw mac
0 likesToo late
0 likesReplies (1)
…for what?