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SWAY&Human..Carnage..Full Album...

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Comments (archived 2022-10-01 20:06; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-16 07:17:47

La perle obscure vient de Belgique, active à la fin des années 70. Le groupe Sway a été fondé dans la ville de Liège et avait le claviériste et leader Yvon Hubert (anciennement Laurelie) et avec un ancien membre S to S. Le seul et rare album qu’ils ont lancé en 1979 en privé, et surtout dans leurs performances. L’album Human Carnage se compose de 10 courtes chansons de rock progressif typiques de la fin des années 70, qui ont leurs meilleurs moments, créatifs et complexes, des moments dirigés par Hubert, avec synthétiseur et orgue, et des passages plus mélodiques de folk et de rock classique, avec de bons solos de guitare, de saxophone et de percussion. Les paroles sont en anglais. L’accent est mis sur le « carnage humain », le « pourquoi » et le « balancement ». Recommandé pour les amateurs de rock progressif à cette époque. Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC.......

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-16 07:18:38

The obscure pearl comes from Belgium, active in the late '70s. The band Sway was founded in the city of Liège and had keyboardist and leader Yvon Hubert (formerly Laurelie) and with one former member S to S. The only and rare album they launched in 1979 privately, and mostly in their performances. The Human Carnage album consists of 10 short songs by progressive rock typical of the late '70s, which have their best, creative and complex moments, moments led by Hubert, with synthesizer and organ, and more melodic passages of folk and classical rock, with good guitar, saxophone and percussion solos. The lyrics are in English. Emphasis on "Human Carnage," "Why" and "Sway." Recommended for progressive rock lovers at that time. Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC.......

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-16 07:18:08

Opskurni biser dolazi iz Belgije, aktivan u kasnim 70-ima. Grupa Sway osnovana je u gradu Liègeu i imala je klavijaturista i vođu Yvona Huberta (bivša Laurelie) i s jednim bivšim članom S to S. Jedini i rijedak album lansirali su 1979. godine privatno, a najviše u svojim nastupima. Album Human Carnage sastoji se od 10 kratkih pjesama progresivnog rocka tipičnog za kasne 70-e, koje imaju svoje najbolje, kreativne i složene trenutke, trenutke koje vodi Hubert, sa sintesajzerom i orguljama te melodičnijim odlomcima folka i klasičnog rocka, s dobrim gitarskim, saksofonskim i udaraljkaškim solažama. Stihovi su na engleskom. Naglasak na "Ljudski pokolj", "Zašto" i "Sway". Preporučuje se progresivnim ljubiteljima rocka u to vrijeme.Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC…….

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-16 08:27:19

....... Bass, acoustic guitar, Banjo, Vocals – Marc Lemaire
Drums, percussion, others [alcohol] - Andy Jordant
Lead Guitar – Jean-Marie Lejoncq (songs: B4)
Lead guitar, guitar, vocals – Castor Grana M.*
Saxophone – Michel Dickenscheid (songs: A3)
Vocals, guitar – Jean-Marie Lejoncq
Vocals, Organ, Piano, Grand Piano, Electric Piano [Piano Fender], Mellotron – Yvon Hubert (2)
............. The obscure pearl comes from Belgium, active in the late '70s. The band Sway was founded in the city of Liège and had keyboardist and leader Yvon Hubert (formerly Laurelie) and with one former member S to S. The only and rare album they launched in 1979 privately, and mostly in their performances. The Human Carnage album consists of 10 short songs by progressive rock typical of the late '70s, which have their best, creative and complex moments, moments led by Hubert, with synthesizer and organ, and more melodic passages of folk and classical rock, with good guitar, saxophone and percussion solos. The lyrics are in English. Emphasis on "Human Carnage," "Why" and "Sway." Recommended for progressive rock lovers at that time. Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC