Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Percussion – Michael Sievert....... Freeport's debut is definitely on the jazz side of the Swabian fusion equation. Unique really. The acoustic piano (superbly played and recorded) and the saxophone are the main lead instruments, while the overall atmosphere is quite meditative. Somewhere between Key, later Catamaran and Orexis.ladislav&zivanovic.............
Freeport - Izmjenična struja i duanelessness (Njemačka) Apsolutno zapanjujuće otkriće moćnog i neusporedivog osureca, isprike za bočno dugu pukotinu (možda možemo zamoliti našeg majstora da podijeli i osvoji ovu, osim što oklijevam znati da je preopterećen svojim radom).
Barebones opis na rateyourmusic:
Osnovana 1977., Njemački članovi Michael Berger (klavijature), Michael Sievert (tenor saksofon, sopran saksofon), Manni Naumann (bubnjevi), Jens Ahlers (bubnjevi)
Smatram da je prvi album, s neobičnim naslovom Duanelessness (1980), superiorniji u kompoziciji i pristupačniji. Pijanist puno podsjeća na neusporedivog W. Daunera (ovaj put je usporediv). Drugi album, AC (1983), je slobodniji, improviziraniji i atonalniji inmelody, sličan nedosljednim sol albumima za one koji su upoznati s blogom. Mi smo u tradiciji europskog akustičnog jazza s visokom energetskom dinamikom gotovo do točke fuzije........ Ladislav&Živanović................
Freeport - Alternating Current and Duanelessness (Germany)An absolutely stunning discovery by the mighty and incomparable osurec, apologies for the side-long rip (perhaps we can ask our master shige to divide and conquer this one except I hesitate knowing he is overloaded with his work).
Barebones description on rateyourmusic:
Formed 1977, Germany Members Michael Berger (keyboards), Michael Sievert (tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone), Manni Naumann (drums), Jens Ahlers (drums)
I find the first album, with the odd title of Duanelessness (1980), to be superior in composition, and more accessible. The pianist reminds a lot of the incomparable W. Dauner (he is comparable this one time). The second album, AC (1983), is more free, more improvised, and more atonal inmelody, similar to the inconstant sol albums for those who are familiar with the blog. We are in the tradition of European acoustic jazz with a high energy dynamic almost to the point of fusion……..Ladislav&Zivanovic………….
Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Percussion – Michael Sievert....... Freeport's debut is definitely on the jazz side of the Swabian fusion equation. Unique really. The acoustic piano (superbly played and recorded) and the saxophone are the main lead instruments, while the overall atmosphere is quite meditative. Somewhere between Key, later Catamaran and Orexis.ladislav&zivanovic.............
1 likeFreeport - Izmjenična struja i duanelessness (Njemačka) Apsolutno zapanjujuće otkriće moćnog i neusporedivog osureca, isprike za bočno dugu pukotinu (možda možemo zamoliti našeg majstora da podijeli i osvoji ovu, osim što oklijevam znati da je preopterećen svojim radom).
0 likesBarebones opis na rateyourmusic:
Osnovana 1977., Njemački članovi Michael Berger (klavijature), Michael Sievert (tenor saksofon, sopran saksofon), Manni Naumann (bubnjevi), Jens Ahlers (bubnjevi)
Smatram da je prvi album, s neobičnim naslovom Duanelessness (1980), superiorniji u kompoziciji i pristupačniji. Pijanist puno podsjeća na neusporedivog W. Daunera (ovaj put je usporediv). Drugi album, AC (1983), je slobodniji, improviziraniji i atonalniji inmelody, sličan nedosljednim sol albumima za one koji su upoznati s blogom. Mi smo u tradiciji europskog akustičnog jazza s visokom energetskom dinamikom gotovo do točke fuzije........ Ladislav&Živanović................
Freeport - Alternating Current and Duanelessness (Germany)An absolutely stunning discovery by the mighty and incomparable osurec, apologies for the side-long rip (perhaps we can ask our master shige to divide and conquer this one except I hesitate knowing he is overloaded with his work).
0 likesBarebones description on rateyourmusic:
Formed 1977, Germany Members Michael Berger (keyboards), Michael Sievert (tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone), Manni Naumann (drums), Jens Ahlers (drums)
I find the first album, with the odd title of Duanelessness (1980), to be superior in composition, and more accessible. The pianist reminds a lot of the incomparable W. Dauner (he is comparable this one time). The second album, AC (1983), is more free, more improvised, and more atonal inmelody, similar to the inconstant sol albums for those who are familiar with the blog. We are in the tradition of European acoustic jazz with a high energy dynamic almost to the point of fusion……..Ladislav&Zivanovic………….