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Grief Test Server

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Comments (archived 2022-07-03 19:19; 2 top, 6 total comments)

Андрей Петров 2016-02-24 19:13:07

Shockingly, count of protector blocks Life has placed rivals one, gold_digger have. Logs show numbers around 3 - 4 thousands. And he has actually crafted like 100 of them.

From analyzing logs, i suspect, that he used "map last changes not saved on server restart" or "inventory last changes not saved on server restart" bugs. not sure which one.

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Replies (1)
maikerumine 2016-02-24 21:07:09

+Андрей Петров WOW... all in a few days too. I wish MT could be locked down more, makes running a server a pain.

TemaX 2016-02-24 19:53:18

Why you dont show my city D:

Replies (3)
maikerumine 2016-02-24 21:11:47

+temka32924 Because of cheats and hacks. How can I show city if it was all made with cheating? Unfair to other players.

TemaX 2016-02-25 06:18:12

+ロレンジャーマイケル and you believe that? or is it the word of those who are jealous of me? because I said about independence from the blue of the village, after which offended me, and called "dishonest." the one that I supposedly "cheater" does not make me the same. asia14 friends with merlin he did cheat, but it does not make asia14 cheater right?

maikerumine 2016-02-29 15:26:21

+temka32924 I don't believe that anymore. I am sorry Temax! I should make a video of your place soon!