@Non Lim Main ones were Luna Cadence and Celestia.After them when Twillight got wings then the main ones were them 4.After them when flurry heart growd-up she were posted on Celestials window of the castle.or castle of 2 sisters.She becomed princess of light.i guess so.i watched on YT. So yeah: Celestia-Princess of Sun Luna-Princess Of the Moon Cadence-Princess of the Love Twillight Sparkle-Princess of the Friendship FlurryHeart-Princess of the Light That's it.
Yet all changelings are alicorns becuase they have horns wings and they are also earth ponys to so if ya think about it they are alicorns and a kingdom under a alicorn ruler
@Mysteryizzy 101 i mean it is in Real life, in mythology its a Pony with both Horn and wings. Its Just In Pony its different. But in Real mythology it is
No your wrong an alicorn might have the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn and the strength of an earth Pony but that pony has to have a reason to be an alicorn he has to have kindness loyalty and much so he must at least be kind
I come from the future with a fun fact: The Fleur in the app was a changeling! At least the alicorn version was. It was run out and the real Fleur joined.
To everyone freaking out about him 'forgetting' Flurry Heart: HE DIDN'T, this video was posted in August of 2015, she was first introduced 7 months later, in March of 2016.
AngoraHM 970 what wut... DARN FLURRY HEART IS NOT A TRUE ALICORN DER SRS SEARYSLY GET THAT RIGHT EXCEPT IF ONE OF THESE VIDEOS WHERE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 1ST I CAME A CROSS ONE AND I WAS LIKE MAD FOR A MONT WELL IT WAS A WEEK AFTER IT WAS THE NEXT MONTH AND I WAS STILL MAD SO I THREW MY KEY BOARD AND COMPUTER OUT OF THE WINDOW...I got in srs trouble but when I showed my parents they also did the same thing so they also had to do the chores while I was doing what I wanted to do... but I still did chores because if I didn't I would have to pay with my own money for a new computer and key board.
@Pastel KittyYT You can't update older videos lol. Why does it matter? The news is out now so people should stop being so dumb and stop living under a rock. If you like the fandom, you should've known this when it was announced lmao.
@Collette Maurice Bro. That alicorn that was born an alicorn IS flurry heart. did you even read the comment at all? Flurry Heart was introduced seven months after this video was uploaded, in 2016. He can't forget something that didn't happen, what do you think he is, a time traveler!?
@Live Laugh Love Flurry Heart is an alicorn. To be an alicorn you need to have magic of earth pony, pegasus and unicorn, Princess Cadance is all of those, so it makes sense that Flurry is an alicorn.
@Pastel KittyYT it should not be updated just because it is now wrong, it CAN be. However it does not have to be. If a YouTube video gets proved wrong and should be updated, then SO many YouTube videos would be updated.
@Live Laugh Love how she is not? Bron alicorn is be a alicorn, well, the fact that she is a hole in the script make people think she is not a ofc alicorn, but its your opinion i respect it
this reminds me of a fan-story i read on FimFiction called "the Celestia code". in that story, it turns out that Chrysalis DID become an alicorn, briefly, when she created a completely new spell, similar to Twilight. it was a Transformation spell. BUT...she lived in a city entirely composed of unicorns, all of whom REALLY hated other types of ponies... so she fled, and they, in a sense, put a curse on her, turning her into a monster. BUT...she was pregnant, so she laid eggs, which hatched into more changelings. she then got her revenge by sucking all the love out of those unicorns, making them all go berserk and destroy themselves.
a complicated story, but i certainly prefer it to that "evil tree in a swamp" in that comic book...
An allicorn is an ALL-icorn, meaning they have the magic of ALL three pony "tribes". Wings and the ability to walk on clouds of a pegasus, a horn and external magical abilities of a unicorn and a connection with the earth and nature of an earthpony
Alicorn Al = All ponies Basically meaning Pegasus, Earth Pony, and Unicorn (maybe stands for the corn part of the word)
Earth pony may sound like a regular pony but they are a bit magic as well with cutie marks, usually a bit stronger or faster and good with growing plants.
I might have stuff wrong but that’s what I am sure is what a alicorn means.
Lunna2012 yes and in season 8 final episode when all of the magic returned to everyone you can see that some pink magic goes into pinki pie which makes sence since she can appear anywhere and can make anything appear anywhere
I think changelings have all of the features of the ponies so they can more easily turn into them. Like how their feet have holes in them, it's just an echo of the real thing, so Chrysalis is more like the echo of an alicorn, not a real one.
Him: yes but actually no Me: no chrysalis is no alicorn, alicorns are a beautiful creature made from 3 types of ponies, like earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasus, chrysalis is a filthy looking beast who tried to take over the world, luna was only like her when she was night mare moon who was sealed in the moon, actually I am surprised chrysalis is not sealed in the moon and in a stone like discord
Two things to say and have always wondered. 1. What if chrysalis tried using the spell twilight used on rarity and it wasn't completely done so it back fired big time so that's why she has wings. And 2. Since chrysalis can use her horn like any unicorn could what about the other changlings? They have horns to but my guess is that since it's small and probably just a horn on their heads for show they can't use it? But see in the new episodes when thorax and the others change they have bigger horn but still can't use them. I'm guessing their magic goes into them changing forms but shouldn't that be considered spells bc ponys can't change their forms with out a spell? And for one to become and Alicorn I guess it has to be given by another and not given by yourself. And it's mostly bird like wings with feathers. And if chrysalis is under a spell, then I wanna know who put it on her. Maybe star swirl? Celestia? Maybe they were friends? Or she tired doing it herself or something
How did Princess Cadence even become an alicorn? When Twilight was a young filly she was still an alicorn meaning she became one a long time ago, maybe when Cadence was a filly she became an alicorn? She couldn’t have been born one because Flurry Heart was the first alicorn to be born in Equestria — thats what really confuses me. This may be a good theory or I just might be stupid.
She is the princess of light and hope because the crystal heart spreads light and love and in one of the episode twilight said that she is the last hope, so it makes sense
@SHSL_Lazy wait it's a joke? And I thought this is a fucking comment seriously I know But that I'm smarter then you doesn't mean you need to be fucking rude
Sad Trombone2020-10-06 12:08:17 (edited 2020-10-06 12:09:59 )
@SlenderWolf 559 I don’t think I’m the person that should calm down when you suddenly started telling people to shut up and fuck you. If people commenting is good enough reason for you to act like a dick, I don’t think you’d be very funny in school either.
SlenderWolf 559 your art is very nice and by judging your hand size and voice I would say your about 15-14 I think. Sorry if I’m wrong
random person2020-11-03 10:19:20 (edited 2020-11-03 10:19:52 )
guys stawppp this is a joke it aint serious you know that also, this was before the last episode and before sawtooth said she was the princess of light B U Y O U R T O Y S .
@SHSL_Lazy also NOT A GACHA KID WILL TELL ME WTAHEVER TO DO You are a gacha kid so shut up Gacha kids are invalid and are subhumans (subhuman means below humans) Gacha kids should never exist
@Sad Trombone okay that is out of line First of all NEVER EVER USE 8 YEARS OLD OR CHILD AS AN INSULT If I were 8 I would be smarter then you probably. That someone is a child doesn't meann they are stupid or less smart then adults some adults are more stupid or the other way around if I'm 8 if I'm 13 if I'm 18 IT DOESNT MATTER AGE DOESNT MATTER your brain doesn't just become smart because you are old but because YOU LEARN So by you saying I act like 8 that only shows YOU ARE THE IMMATURE ONE so GROW UP PLEASE JESUS I hate people like you! That someone is 8 doesn't mean THEY ARE STUPID
@Abbi Jenson what you mean to act like it? Thet I'm above 12 doesn't mean I'm smarter or more mature I know a lot of adults that are a lot dumber then children And either way your brain does change through age BUT INTELLIGENCE ISNT ABOUT THE BRAIN BUT HOW MUCH YOU KNOW AND LEARN please grow up I'm tired of people like you that use child as an insult
@Bozena Z 8 as in immaturity dude, not 8 as in smarts. I know there are plenty of smart 8 year olds. And you’re saying I’M out of line? Who the hell started this whole conversation? Because it sure as hell wasn’t me. “If I was 8 I’d probably be smarter than you.” I beg to differ since you claim you’re older than 12 and you’re acting like this. You’re the one who needs to grow up.
@UCdy5J5y27vl0roZ44K_XEGQ When did I say that I think 8 year olds are stupid and immature children who can’t count?? Now you’re putting words into my mouth. 8 year olds are still learning the world and what’s right from wrong, so they tend to be immature because they’re KIDS. You’re acting immature. That’s what I mean. How the hell am I blaming you for my problems when you literally started this entire thing by telling people to shut up and fuck you, this wouldn’t have started in the first place if you decided to be a decent human being and not be rude for no reason whatsoever.
@Sad Trombone also that they are 8 doesn't mean— You know what? You are closed minded I won't change your opinion it neither YOU WONT ACCEPT my opinion or neither a fact so I will just leave you here I have enough of people that think thet 8 years old are stupid. Goodbye Also it was you who made the comment so it isn't my fault you decided to comment
@Bozena Z If you’re older then 12 years old, act like it. That couldn’t be clearer. Cause right now, you are telling people to “shut up” and acting like you’re 12 years old. You’re being very immature and childish. I’m acting my age and you should act your age or get off the internet and play with your action figures and let the adults talk....
@Bozena Z I don’t want to see your point not because I’m close minded, but because I know it won’t make any sense. You started this entire argument by being rude, people started being rude back to you, and now you’re mad about it. What valid point is there? There isn’t one.
@Bozena Z Lol, you’re such a hypocrite. You got mad at me for using 8 years old as an insult and now you’re using 80 years old as an insult? Damn. I highly doubt you’re an adult, if you are that’s pretty sad.
@Sad Trombone I never used it as an insult Wtf? You know what You make no sense I'm just fucking going away because I'm fucking DONE DONE FUCKING DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE
@Bozena Z I’d say we’re decent human beings. I don’t know what’s messed up in your mind or what someone did to hurt you, but we’re pretty normal from the looks of it.
@Sad Trombone I know that's why I'm doing it So we don't talk about whatever we were I have enough of Hurting myself so I will just say random things to make you laugh lmao
@Bozena Z “HOW DO 12 YEARS OLD ACT HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW I’m fucking DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE.” You just answered your own question, LMFAO. And I’m not telling you my age because you don’t need to know, but I promise I’m much older then you...
@Sad Trombone maybe some torture stuff? I love saw, do you? Saw is awesome especially the traps they are so well done! I like Amanda's ones especially since you can't escape them But jigsaw is still better because he isn't just a killer he actually punished people for their sins! I wish there would be a real life person like that!
Ok here is a theory: Chrysalis is the condemned sister of Celestia and Luna, and the original princess of love. She turned on them and converted to evil form kinda like nightmare moon, which she called a changeling. She used her magic to turn ponies into these changelings and to give them the ability to change form. This could be where prince Brotherhoove of whatever his name is comes in. It is said in s1 ep3 that he is celestias nephew. Could he be Chrysalis’s son? This is just a theory on a whim with no evidence, but whatever lol
If shes an alicorn, you'd have to call Thorax the first male alicorn, and the rest of the changelings alicorns as well. And what if Chrysalis is Princess Celestia and Luna's long lost sister, that was corrupted by something and ran away before Celestia and Luna got to know who she was or somethin
Hi, I think I have a theory. In one of your videos you said that cadeance mother is the one of the love story. I think so too but what if chrysalis is actually this Alicorn under a spell aber the potion worked off? She doesn’t like cadeance because she is the Produkt of something she never wanted and since then she hated love ! So she started to eat it and get revenge on candeance
I based my name off the of Princess Skyla because I think it’s a nice name but the problem with her is: she’s MAGENTA. What’s the point of having an alicorn called Skyla, if she’s not even blue? And also since this is a bit outdated, there are FIVE alicorn princesses in Equestria.
@noobmaster117 I imagine an alicorn prince that sustains a levitation spell of an island nation high above the clouds so his subjects can live in an isolated utopia. I call him Prince Atlas of Skyhalla~!
@noobmaster117 Well We Know Its Possible Since Big Mac Turned Into 1. IK IT WAS A DREAM BUT HEL SPIKE COUD HAVE MADE RARITY LOVE HIM. I GUSS............Ya.........
@noobmaster117 The farthest we've gotten with male ponies in this show is (arguably) Big Mac, My guess is you'll be waiting a looong time for a male alicorn... Unless you choose to beleive in fandom head cannons about King Sombra. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Big Mac? If someone named Big Mac was in an episode, then I obviously didn't see it, I don't have the channel that My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, comes on anymore cause I don't have a cable box anymore...
@noobmaster117 dude I came up with an alicorn male that contro9l's weather and his name is Prince Lightning my oc with a flaming lightning on fire cutir mark
@Budder Guy 42 I think we should leave the bisexual stuff to Lyra and BobBon. But, what about PRINCESS FLUTTERSHY? I would sell my soul to Satan to see that! #MyIdeasAreAwesome
@noobmaster117 what would happen to RD then? (like if they somehow regained there super powers even tho that was in a comic book it was magical) she kinda controlled the weather, would that mean RD would be the one to defeat the villain? or be somehow 'controlled' by the villain? (<--- that would kinda harm their loyalty magic stuff or what ever it is now wont it?) would she be- what ever you get the point (i got annoyed of typing something this long -.-)
@That Person Named Da Best Constellation Well, first off, it's... I wouldn't say stupid, as the whole of MLP and bronydom is probably stupid, but it's not corresponding to canon to think that just because a pegasus can alter weather, they are susceptible to a weather controlling villain's power. Rarity was able to control weather for all of ponyville, but didn't affect the pegasi. Second, from what we know about alicorns, they are not dominating creatures, they merely have powers corresponding with elements of both the physical and metaphysical world, such as Celestia being able to control the sun, and having clairvoyance (which, makes sense, she can bring light where all others see darkness). So, if this made up villain DID have a power concerning that kind of stuff, it would probably have something to do with storms, like being able to see a ponies inner conflicts or something... which would make him an even greater villain, as he could prey on weakness.
Also, not liking having to type? You're an adult aren't you? Even if it's a phone, it's not a big deal to type.
@noobmaster117 wow to be honest your kind of making big fuss about what I said ;p what your taking about is the villain/who ever affects the weather but RD also had that super power you know >.< she controlled the weather for that one episode (and in the dream)
Also, I'm not a adult, just simply a teenager who has a habit of typing stuff small and not that big unless I wanted to. (and a habit of thinking out of the box)
@Justin Sheluga Dude did you miss the "XD" it's a laughing face meaning I was joking I KNOW IT WAS A DREAM STOP BEING MEAN TO ME AAAHHHH I AM JUST GONNA LEAVE THIS CONVERSATION SORRY FOR BEING AN IDIOT BYE! >:U
@CSA360 @Luminescence AJ @Henry goh In reference to Henry's question, survey says...BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I however have seen every episode and EG movie multiple times. Favorite episode: Slice of Life; Favorite character: Rainbow Dash; Favorite pet: Angel #MLPEqualsAwesome
@Justin Sheluga I wasn't asking you, but good job, I suppose. I've seen EG movies and episodes at least 3 to 4 times. I just assumed most fans rewatched the stuff.
@Henry goh The funny thing is, I switched to a cable company that carried Discovery Family in 2012. So i had missed a lot. I watched one episode: Like it. 10 episodes: cool. Aall of the reruns of episodes i missed: my wife and i are officially a brony and pegasister! I cant wait for the next new episode on Sept. 19 and MLP Equestria Girls: Friendship Games the very next Saturday! (26th) #SeptemberWillRock
But don't Pegasus control weather? Maybe a male alicorn who feeds on friendship or something? Or maybe an alicorn that can destroy and build buildings called the PuppetMaster? I don't know I'm horribke if thinking this stuff up 😞
@Christine Lai Male alicorns are very unlikely in MLP, and an alicorn villain acting under his/her own control will not happen. Antagonist, perhaps, but an alicorn would not be one to hold malicious intents.
@Henry goh just stating facts here, but the nightmare forces were never confirmed as canon, So until they are, we kind of have to assume that Luna really is just a spiteful bitch who'd kill her sister and Equestria over petty jealousy... And that is why the Nightmare Forces SHOULD be canonized. Lauren really is given too much credit.
@noobmaster117 I did originally consider Nightmare Moon, however I'm addressing anyone's ideas for an alicorn villain. "Acting under his/her own control" means they are not under a spell, cursed, poison, insane or driven insane, or in any other way forced.
And while the nightmare forces haven't been outright stated, it has been inferred in the show that dark magic was involved, mainly when the "pony of shadows" was described as the residue of Nightmare Moon's "dark magic." Alicorns have alicorn magic, however they can learn dark magic, but that's more of a learned skill than an inherent part of the alicorn package since unicorns could perform that trick as well.
So yes, the nightmare forces aren't technically confirmed, however it's easily inferred that other forms of magic were influencing Luna as Nightmare Moon.
@Henry goh just don't tell Faust, she's very butthurt over Hasbro not following her vision... Plus, she's still pissed Cartoon Network won't do her idea for intergalactic rollerbladers (and considering she walked off of MLP to work with her hubby, I'm beginning to not blame them...)
Well, technically, every channel turned it down. Hasbro was the only one even willing to give her a shot as a creative head.
She blames "male industry dominance" but considering how many strong females are headlining now, I'd say it's more likely that rollerblading aliens just aren't popular. After all, what makes or breaks any franchise for kids these days is toy sales, it's why Young Justice and 2011 thundercats were canceled, and probably why Korra's seasons were such a cluster fuck.
@noobmaster117 I remember a cartoon i liked as a kid that involved 4 teenage sharks who were a neighborhood gang. If that was a precursor to TMNT, please shoot me. Also, if that WAS a show, I'm surprised no networks took up Faust's ball and started running with it! #MissedYourChance
@Justin Sheluga street sharks was an attempt to make lightning strike twice... It didn't, but that was a long time ago. Things have changed since then, even Lego and My Little Pony are making quality cartoons now. (There was no precursor to TMNT, it WAS the precursor, a toy line that spawned several television shows, films, and games... And the closest thing to a followup was cowboys of moo mesa, which was by the same designers)
Besides, if Faust REALLY wanted to make her show, she'd stop dicking around with corporate politics and hit up Kickstarter.
@Henry goh Why do people keep bringing up Big Mac? It was a dream world! This better not lead to a debate over silly stuff from "MLP EG: Friendship Games" after Sept. 26! #PleaseKillMe @Zero Spectrum You aren't the first one to say that #ThisIsGettingReallyOld
@Cursed Grimdark Fluttershy it's *sexist to not have one... We should probably add a zebra alicorn, a diamond dog alicorn, q breezy alicorn, and a griffon alicorn to that as well, since that would be racist not to. Dragons and serpents are covered thanks to discord and spike.
griffons can't be an alicorn. Only ponies can be alicorns. Griffons aren't ponies, diamond dogs are not ponies, zebra aren't ponies. Brezies aren't ponies either. You see my friend. How can brezies be alicorns? When rarity had butterfly wings, she didn't turn to an alicorn at all. Butterfly wings are similar to breezies wings. I have a theory that breezies are little pony butterflies but that's just my theory. I'm not trying to be mean so bye...
@noobmaster117 Not every joke needs an explanation #KilledIt @Henry goh Since youre a brony, i have a serious question. I've been considering trying a MLP/Beyblade fanfic. Should i give it a shot? #Possibly
@Justin Sheluga first, don't be a parrot Second, if you look, you can see I was explaining the joke to a moron who took it literally Third, I've never even watched beyblade. Even as a kid, battle tops didn't sound like riveting tv, and I watch Yugioh, YUGIOH! The diet version of magic the gathering!
@noobmaster117 1. Sorry for my unneeded squawking; 2. Okay, i get that. 3. I meant the new Beyblade that was on starting in like 2009. The very first one was crap. 4. I was asking Henry goh. And 5. I watch Yu-Gi-Oh too.
@Justin Sheluga If you write it well, I suppose readers someone will read it and like it. I've seen a little beyblade, so I'm not sure how well it would integrate, but give it a shot.
P.S. read my stuff on fimfiction, its super important to society! Well, some of it is.
i think there should be a guy in the show thats not a dad, brother, villian, or back round character...or a royal guard it would be insterting wouldnt it
In "A Canterlot Wedding Part 1" during the song "Big Brother Best Friend Forever" and the part (during the song) when filly Twilight was watching Shining Armor and other guards doing a "salute" gesture, if you look closely, you'll see that all the Royal Guards (not including Shining Armor) have wings. Even the unicorn guards had wings. This may have been an animation error or something. Male alicorns were in an episode by accident! Even better than on purpose!
+Dubstep Ocean I was disappointed that Spike didn't even try to Kiss Rarity in his imaginary/dream adult form, or at least show off his muscles to her, or something xD
+noobmaster117 Well, so far with the alicorns, we've seen alicorns be Princesses. I kind of wish that King Sombra was an alicorn, but he was just a really powerful, villainous unicorn. I bet if there were a male alicorn, it'd be a Prince or a King.
@ItzonlyKatt yeah, and she looks terrible, like a bad deviant art oc... Also thanks for reminding me of this comment... I forgot how cringe inducing I could be...
I’m from the future, and I can say that there is a character called Tempest in the Mlp Movie! Sadly, they are not a male nor an alicorn. She is a unicorn with a broken horn.
Well.... That name Tempest, more specifically Tempest Shadow, came out recently in My Little Pony the Movie, but she ( spoilers ahead, only warning). She is a unicorn under the command of Storm King, a creature that looks similar to Tirek, except he has two legs instead of four. He "uses" her to capture the four princesses so he can use the magic from them to control the weather. But maybe you had an idea about that already, since Tempest was the name that you thought of.
G Lambert2020-08-07 21:03:14 (edited 2020-08-07 21:08:46 )
One thing I think is cool is you said "All Alicorns have wings and a horn but not everything that has wings and a horn is an alicorn." Your right! But do you know why Alicorns have wings horns and Earth Pony stuff?
It's because there is too much magic to keep in one form of magic so with the help of Greater Magic that pony can be turned into an Alicorn which lets them Express all the magic with flight strength and raw Magic.
So to be considered an alicorn you have to have enough magic that can be channeled in three ways Earth Pony magic Pegasus magic and unicorn Magic.
And in the season finale Chrysalis (*who already had wings and a horn*) got more magic which was able to turn cozy glow into an Alicorn so I think that the Four Season 8 Chrysalis did not have alicorn magic but after season 8 she had Alicorn Magic.
It would also explain how in A Canterlot wedding Chrysalis was able to defeat Celestia (*who is the really powerful alicorn*) with only some of the love from shining armour. I think like Twilight she was able to access her Alicorn magic a bit before she actually became an alicorn.
1:42 It's actually still kind of shocking how bad they are. If a brony would have tried to use that as their ponysona they would almost immediately be shot down.
Before I start my theory sorry if someone thought of this and wrote it before me I think Chrysalis was the princess of love before cadence because the words chrysalis and crystal sound similar but that’s not the point if you see her character it has a horn and wings. Maybe when Chrysalis was ruling something treacherous happened to the crystal empire so she went on a journey to find help the she went everywhere even to canterlot to ask princess Celestia and princess Luna for help but they said no. Chrysalis was heartbroken and went back but then realized the people were mad at her and she didn’t know why and they told her to leave the crystal empire she was so sad but she left and saw that cadence was ruling she was so mad because it’s was like all the stuff she did for her people went to waste so she turned evil and wanted revenge and that’s how she made her first appearance Here is another thing to hopefully help. So when it happened Luna wasn’t there and maybe she wasn’t because she knew that chrysalis because of “cadence actions” and she was close to chrysalis before she changed so she left. If you saw chrysalis going against princess Celestia you can see she was hesitating and it was because she had a strong bond before they didn’t want to help her so she was hesitating because she didn’t want to destroy princess Celestia but she thought about that they didn’t want to help her so then she used her power harder. But princess Celestia realized that she didn’t want to hurt chrysalis so she let her win. That’s my theory about chrysalis past
I have to disagree. In Equestria alicorns are anypony that fill these three criteria: they have wings, a single horn, AND they hold a position of royalty.
Chrysalis: ✅ Has a horn ✅ Has wings ✅ Holds the title of "Queen"
Some may point out however that Chrysalis is a changeling and thus not technically "anypony". They, ofcourse would not be wrong. Because of this I feel a special caveat should be made and Queen Chrysalis should be classified a "changeling alicorn". (Much the same as Pluto being classified not as a planet, but as a "dwarf planet") Chrysalis is CLEARLY not a regular changeling OR a pony and as such she should be classified in her own group. Still an alicorn, just a changeling alicorn.
To be honest I think that Crysilys (I wrote it wrong) Was a Alicorn but then she got too much power for her to handle So she took over (I guess she WAS a student of Celestia But after she got to a Alicorn she took over) You probably won't see this cause this is a old video
It's been forever since I've watched this channel and forever since I've watched my little pony, to be honest my big brother is more into my little pony than I am and he is MUCH older than me but I thought why not 😂
When I bought princess starling and princess gold- idk whatever, when I was like 5 I though they WERE in episodes and I forgot to watch one episode, the next day I actually went through almost ALL the episodes trying to find them lol
That’s What I’ve Been Saying! People Should Pay Attention To The Show And Actually Realize That CADENCE AND CHRYSALIS ARE NOT SISTERS! I Even Listed Why In A Video Of Some Tribute To Chrysalis But Weird Looking
No it's a simple matter of reformation u see on earth there's always light and dark so in ancient times there was no evil so the universe decided to turn unicorns evil almost causing the extinction for unicorns the unicorns turned evil and changed into changelings but All types of groups must have a leader so the changlings had a battle to see who would win the winner went to a place that aloud them to change into something much more powerful and then went back to the hive and ruled as the Queen of the changings yes I just broke the 4th wall and shit
I think the reason why she has horns and wings and all the changlings do aswell is so they can transform into anything and at least any creature in mlp has a horn or a wing.
There is actually one more possible alicorn, granted only mentioned in the series and kinda... subtly In the episode about Hearts and Hooves day the book Cutie Mark Crusaders read has a princess, which at first looks just like a normal pony... but in later shot has both wings and a horn Weird, huh
Notice something on the wings of a pony while flying. It looks completely connected at the beginning of the wings. But look at twilight wings. It has an extra curve thing at the beginning connection of her wings. That's how u tell if quicken wings are earned or regularly naturally there.
Wait if all princess have a role in Equestria, Celestia is in charge of the sun, Luna the moon, Cadence the crystal empire, and Twilight the magic of friendship. What is Flurry Heart's role?
My theory is that Chrysalis is in fact an alicorn, but something went wrong with the transformation or after the transformation. After all, this would explain why Cestia put Twilight through so many tests before making her into an alicorn. It would also explain why she didn't make Sunset Shimmer an alicorn before finding out her intentions. Chrysalis was turned into an alicorn then turned evil and transformed into Queen Chrysalis. It makes sense with how Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon. If Chrysalis reformed she would turn back into an alicorn just like Nightmare Moon. The changlings didn't turn into ponies because they were artifical changlings that Chrysalis had made aka sge made a new species. And once they had changed their nature they turned into something completely different due to being completely different species.
A. No, not a proper one anyway. HOWEVER. It's interesting to note that Stygian, as The Pony of Shadows, ALSO has wings and a horn! As soon as I saw that, I thought of Chrysalis, and...is there like, something about this world that automatically makes every powerful and/or royal enough being into an alicorn-like shape ?
(Yes, Chrysalis is a queen in the insect-hive sense, not in the actually born into an important family, or promoted to it sense. However, maybe the...magical force isn't smart enough to know that. It just hears the word "queen" and gives her a horn or wings, whichever was missing. :P)
Chrysalis might've been an alicorn before being the changeling queen, but I doubt it. I believe that changelings are actually insects genetically combined with ponies through the metamorphosis thing that regular insects go through. Y'know in Canterlot Wedding, when Celestia was in the cocoon-thingy, the changeling were trying to chang her into one of them.
You know. Just an idea.
random do+fan do2020-09-28 15:58:24 (edited 2020-09-28 16:14:55 )
Or here's another idea for you people who don't seem to get it but the show might have a different story she's the first witch in it or the first Super evil witch in it who gave birth to deformed children didn't you think about that
I think queen crisalis was an alacorn but she lived way longer and everypony was scared of her and the nightmare things that took over Luna controled her and she started doubling herself and it didn't work properly and she made the changlings and she used a spell that would be so that she too could shape shift but in order to do so she had to give up her wings and it messed up a little and took those holes out of her legs and horn .
0:34 Her name is also spelled incorrectly. It is spelt "Fleur dis Lee" when in actuality, it is supposed to be spelt "Fleur de lis". Nobody there knows French, I guess.
No- in the episode where chrysalis was still taking over equestria zecora knew ALOT about chrysalis so maybe zecora made chrysalis? And maybe even the tartarus monsters
Chrysalis maybe an alicorn because in one of the comic there are some portal to another world that the old world Chrysalis is very pretty if u see her and yes she has a normal horn and a normal wings
i didnt know they had so many kids Princess Skyla (Full name Skyla Heart Sparkle) is Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's first born foal. Skyla is the older sister of Princess Armor Bride, Princess Sweetie Heart, Princess Scander and Princess Britney Sweet, Flurry Heart and Prince Tyrone.
In the mlp app fleur dis lee (in the show it's de lis I believe) the app description says the following "While this unicorn supermodel was away for a photo shoot, a Changeling assumed her identity but pretended to be an Alicorn! Knowing Fleur Dis Lee's true nature, her friends exposed the Changeling's deception just in time for her return to Canterlot." So I always think the alicorn fleur is a changeling
meanwhile in the land of merchtpoiay lead by Princess Stirling, Princess Gold lily, and Princess Skyla. " do you think we are the only Alicorns?" Gold lily looked at her sister " what about Twilight sparkle?" Stirling rolled her eyes " Twilight sparkle is a myth, shes not cannon"
Cadence stole being crystal princess queen chrysalis was the crystal princess you can see for yourself on the reverse comic. The changelings lived in the crystal empire as well as the crystal ponys. How you ask king sombra and queen chrysalis are the only king or queens until mlp the movie queen nova appears. Until the crystal empire was lost the changelings had nowhere to stay if you want to see more go to who is the lost crystal princess Ep.4
i have a theory that chrysalis was an alicorn but then she got the cutie pox and they had no cure for it back then and they had to cut out the cutie marks and thats why she has the holes in her legs, body and horn
plot twist: shes the Alicorn Leader and the first alicorn leader of the alicorn civilisation u talked about in 2016 (weird huh) and her army of changelings are the other alicorns that lived with her, Discord was gonna attack them so celestia and luna were sent to go save Equestria from Discord, the home of the alicorns were destroyed by discord and turned it into that place where celestia and luna turned him into stone. Though discord put a forever spell on Chrysalis and a temporary spell on the rest of the alicorns, making them all bad, but was nice and gave the power to change into any form. THE END
Nope She's a changeling. She's been established in the comics that she and the changeling race were born from a carnivorous plant that grew out of a rotten acorn, and was split open by Starswirl nailing a warning-sign into the trunk. In her own words, she was always evil. And until the show says otherwise, that's pretty much canon.
@Michael Welsh "And until the show says otherwise, that's pretty much canon" what if the show staff say otherwise? because they have stated that unless stated otherwise, they AREN'T canon.
i think changelings are an incomplete metamorphosis of a butterfly. I think changelings came from an egg then turned to a caterpillar pony thing and turned to a butterfly already. An evil butterfly pony that is incomplete
+Changeling Grimm (kiri no ōkami) Pics and links, or it didn't happen. I ask because I too often see stuff like what you're saying whenever the comics' canonicity is ever brought up. And any evidence shown in efforts to show that they're not is often either nonexistent or misrepresented/misinterpreted. As a matter of fact, both the showrunners and Andy Price have stated that the comics are indeed canon.
+Sailor Sedna How come you say the the Nightmare Rarity comic "can't be taken as canon"? Because it establishes Nightmare Moon to be an entity separate from Luna? In its defense, Lauren Faust did state that evil magic was involved in Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. (http://comments.deviantart.com/4/1603670/1919104364) And the show never once did address where the evil magic in question came from. Whereas the comics, at least for the moment, did.
+Changeling Grimm (kiri no ōkami) The fact that you're using that link as proof to show that the comics are non-canon is precisely part of what I mean when I say "any evidence shown in efforts to show that they're not is often either nonexistent or misrepresented/misinterpreted". In your case, it's either misrepresented or misinterpreted. Also, https://twitter.com/AndyPriceArt/status/461550768492150784
+Sailor Sedna If additional races or cultures without prior explanation really did break canon, then A Canterlot Wedding and The Crystal Empire would be non-canon. I say this because this sort of thing has been happening since during the Generation 1 days. (Cases in point: Bushwoolies and Grundles.) And by the looks of things, it will keep happening. Adding to that, in the particular case of Friends Forever 14, I'll grant you that it's a bit of a continuity error. But given that Tanks for the Memories exists, it would be a safe bet that the writers don't really want the writers or viewers to worry about a certain detail if it's not an integral part of the story.
+Changeling Grimm (kiri no ōkami) There's no need to resort to vulgarity or getting defensive over a simple disagreement. As for proof that Hasrbo has indeed said that the comics are canon, there's the excerpt from http://www.licensemag.com/license-global/hasbro-magic-branded-play
"We give kids and consumers the opportunity to relive the story, but what sets us apart is that we are not quite interested in telling you what happened in a particular episode, but more interested in telling you what happened between episodes When the TV goes off and the movie theater goes dark, those characters are alive in your imagination. We build that story out and give you stories that happen in between the episodes and movies. A big part of our success is, from a content standpoint, that we deliver not just an interpretation or adaptation, but provide original content that is expanding that universe and giving a different experience of characters.”
+Sailor Sedna I've interpreted that as less like "the deer were controlling the forest", and more like "the deer was maintaining order in the forest itself". It seemed that they were only using their magic to affect the plant life in the Everfree Forest to defend it, as its ecosystem was being thrown out of balance due to a minotaur's actions. It doesn't seem, to me at least, that they would use their magic to affect the plant life in question unless if they have to.
And I did subscribe to the whole "Changelings were an offshoot of the Flutterponies" theory myself at one time. No skin came off of my nose when the comics showed otherwise.
+Sailor Sedna If it helps, I like to see the events shown in the most poorly received of stories in any MLP:FiM tie-in media like something such as broad strokes. As in they happened (unless shown otherwise), but not every detail is accurate.
+Sailor Sedna "Broad Strokes" is sort of slang for details described in a story in a media that ties in with another story within the same or a different media. TV Tropes can help define the term better than I can explain it without getting too long-winded.
+Faniashy from Lightheart team ...... So what, they are mutated half breeds of Breesies? If an egg is good, a Breesy is born, and if it's bad, A changeling queen pops out?
@***** I haven't read the comics since... Well the Pirate one if I remember. That one really turned me off to them. Maybe I should get back to reading them again.
+LittleAl016 That's not true. The show staff have explicitly said the comics aren't canon. The only people who've claimed they are are the comic staff. Show staff have said repeatedly that the comics aren't canon. Now, an ACTUAL canon source, the Elements of Harmony guidebook, has said the changelings are a race of insect-like ponies. So they're ponies.
@***** Twilight says shes not. The book lists her alongside the buffalo as "other Equestrian animals & friends". And in "The Journal of the Two Sisters" (which was explicitly stated by staff to be canon), Luna at first calls the zebras strange ponies before saying they weren't ponies after all.
+TheOtakuX The notion that the show staff has "explicitly said that the comics aren't canon" is a blatant misinterpretation of the show staff trying to dance around the subject of the comics' canonicity. Jim Miller saying that the show will "remain separate from the comics" basically means that whatever happens in the comics doesn't affect what happens in the show in any major way. Much like how Equestria Girls (which has been stated by Meghan McCarthy to be "canon in that it happened") doesn't affect what happens in the show. However, his line of "everything is canon until it's not", if you ask me, does heavily suggest that the show runners do consider the comics to be canon.
+Sailor Sedna A character that appears primarily in tie-in media appearing in the main media doesn't often require a direct reference to the tie-in media in question. Heck, Andy Price's and Katie Cook's self-inserts have appeared in the show themselves, even though neither one of those two was a major character to begin with.
On a side note, is there any indication of Sunset appearing in the show besides Friendship Games? And even then, from what I've heard, that may be instead an indication of EQG getting its own show.
+Sailor Sedna Katie Cook's self-insert is a lime-green Earth Pony mare with a blonde mane and tail, glasses, aqua eyes, a green bandana, and a speech bubble with a heart for a cutie mark. Andy Rpice's self-insert is a blue Earth Pony stallion with a darker blue mane and tail, unshorn fetlocks, glasses, blue eyes, peach fuzz beard and mustache, and a pencil with bat wings (styled in a way that resembles Batman's logo) for a cutie mark.
Mate, look up Ink Rose's headcannon called "Origins of Queen Chrysalis". Watch both parts, and I guarantee you that you'll learn EVERYTHING about Chrysalis and how she was in the early years of her life, etc.
"Headcanon" is another way of saying "personal fanon". Which means that it's an idea that a fan has (Ink Rose in this case) that he or she believes can fit into the story in some way. Personal fanons can be either confirmed if it was a canon idea from the start (which TV Tropes calls "I knew it"), made a part of the canon if it wasn't already (which is called "ascended fanon"), or just flat out denied (which is referred to as "jossing"). However, even jossed ideas such as that video you mentioned could still live on in the form of "alternate universe" fanfics.
flurry heart:princess of light or princess of love for one's parent that's why she is born an alicorn edit:crystal heart is described as love and light
But what about queen Parabola, the zebra alicorn. If she can be classified as an alicorn then why not chrysalis? They’re both the rulers but they’re not technically ponies, yet Queen Parabola is recognized as an alicorn.
I think there are other ponies and creatures outside the land of Equestria abd plus, no one have ever explored Into The Unknown ( Based on the map of Equestria)
in 2015 everyone was like there is only 4 alicorns when march 2016 came there are 5 alicorns lol but this was filmed like 7 months before she was seen still cant believe the show is over its been fun by the way sawtooth i have been a fan since 2014 :)
I agree on something Queen Chrysalis may have a horn like a unicorn but not the wings of a Pegasus she is more of a bug than an alicorn Queen Chrysalis horn does work like a unicorn horn but her wings are bugs and yea I agree just because a pony has a horn and wings doesn’t mean they are a alicorn ps she is a bug not a pony also if there are toy pony’s in the real world and not in my little pony then they don’t count
Therory: she might be a alicorn but she could be a failed experiment of one of The 1st alicorns then she was corrupted and was failed experiment then she made the changelings multiply
Well i said in my new video that Chrysalis is an alicorn and her changelings are also alicorns but I have to agree with you but I am not sure so maybe chrysalis is an alicorn and an alicorn is a very rare thing for pony's but it's not rare for her changelings
I know that she’s royalty because she’s the leader of her children aka The changelings that’s why they use the name queen chrysalis to show that she’s queen of the changelings
Just Dashie2018-06-12 02:36:04 (edited 2018-07-25 08:09:19 )
Only true bronies would recognize the background music is from mlp season 1 show stoppers Edit: sorry I forgot pegasisters T-T
what if changelings are a cursed tribe of ponies and they were banished.besides, have we ever seen a crystal pony leave the crystal empire,what if chrysallis did rule the crystal empire and left but maybe you get turned into a changeling if you leave !
Chrissie is not alicorn here's why: a pegasus has the wings of a bird Chrissie has insect wings Rarity had insect wings and Chrissie is not an alicorn bc she's not a pony
0:46 (0:50 this is where im at) so remember when rarity got butterfly wings that doesn't make her an alicorn so crisilice haveing bug wings dosnt make her one eather. and if changlings are there own type of pony (i will get to that video) then she would be an alicorn of them
Actually, if Chrysalis is an Alicorn, so are ALL of the Changelings. Each and every single one of them has the build of a regular pony with a horn and wings. And before anyone says "Well, none of the normal Changelings are the same size as the other Alicorn", look at Twilight. Celestia and Chrysalis are both almost twice as tall as both Twilight and the normal Changelings.
@Crystal The animatronic cat Actually, he has an antler and a horn, so by this definition: "alicorn: a sentient creature in the MLP universe [or beyond if you like] which has a pair of wings and a horn", he would be considered one. The thing he (and Queen Chrysalis) lacks (that everyone seems to be forgetting, forgive me if you did mention it lower in the comments) is earth pony magic.
@Usman Niazi @Zhane' the Hedgehog @Jhuin Bernardo Discord is a Draconequus. He can't be an Alicorn, because Alicorns are one of the four races of the pony species.
@***** Your original post is "If Chrysalis is an Alicorn, so is Discord." You did not imply in any way that Discord was an Alicorn. You pointed out the fact that if Chrysalis was an Alicorn, Discord would be one too.
No, I mean in the episode where they were talking about the attack, they said, "And I know just the Princess to do it." Twilight thought it was her, but they said, "No, Twilight, we mean Discord."
No, because she said, "And I know just the Princess." And Twilight said, "I will do everythnig I can to-" And Celestia told her that Discord is who they meant.
@Annika the Wolf Celestia did not say they meant Discord. Cadance said herself, looking at Twilight "And I know just the Princess." But Celestia, afraid that Twilight would be beaten, Denied and said they'd rather send Discord.
I didn't want to argue, just respectfully disagreeing :P Anyway, I watched the clip and I noticed Cadence all being surprised when she said Discord, sorry :P
+weijing wu He has a powerful magical ability that can be compared with an Alicorn's, but he doesn't use a horn to convey it, just like a god doesn't use a wand.
+The Brony Notion I have a theory about star swirled the bearded being discord in my theory star swirled is an alicorn and the brother of princess Celestia and Luna it's possible that he created the stars. Anyway the theory goes like this, star swirled had great power and was born an alicorn but the princesses made him coverup his wings to protect him and since no one really appreciated him he made the spell seen in magical mystery cure so that way he would be able to get celestias and Luna's cutie mark but it back fired and turned him into discord! Anyway thanks for reading and please reply back if you liked my idea
I will have to record friendship games, it premiers on my sister`s wedding day JUST MY LUCK out of all the days in September they just had to pick the 26th!
I this i know why changlings are alicorns! If they only had wings the could only turn into peguses and if u have a horn u can only turn into a unicorn so thats why changlings need horns and wings
This is definitely caught my attention when I was watching an episode of MLP it got on my fucking nerves. Excuse my french I thought she was an à la corn finding out that she’s just a bug makes me feel good 😆
Makes sense but what if she was a real pony like other pony’s and then became bad and got a cursed body besides I am a kid called Diantha I sent a message on most of the queen chrysalis videos you made
I have a theory Changlings are some type of parasite that May or may not have infected half of the state meaning that the changilings are some type of pony but they have a infection that can not be cured ((I’m only 9 sorry if the theory makes no sense))
Shining armor cutie mark has three stars that stands for the three princess and that purple star stands forher sister and ofcourse sunset shimmer did not exit in pony world thats why there are three stars not four
Five Alcorns actually I’m not calling Chris listen because I already heard that but there are five because let’s say that I’ve been mostly comedy knees a lot lately is that there are five Alcorns and Celestia and Luna’s older sister Estelle is indeed an à la corn born a unicorn or no or regular earth pony so where is Luna and Celestia became our cars around like two years old and on the other hand Estelle became an à la corn when they are fully grown so kind of what it last year that that’s when she came in Alcorn Forest so yeah make that five Alcorns only
springy100 andy yeah, actually that makes sense, beacuse the only reason why all the Changelings have/had Wings an' Horns is beacuse they could transform into every kind of pony. But, that wouldn't be true at all too - in Comicses where were shown Good Sombra and Evil Princesses (that are Canon to show little bit; forgot the name of Comices) there is shown Chrysalis with Butterfly Wings and Normal Horn an' Body (without Holes)
Hi I'm one of your newest members to your YouTube channel as I am a subscriber and would like to point out 6 years later, that you missed a alicorn every though the time being there was no Flurry Heart. But a few years later Furry heart is made!
If she was an alicorn she would have said so or celestia would have mentioned it to twilight but it was then revealed that shes a changeling thats even what the author said -_-
@MLP The Griffon Gamer Wait...does means he feeds off of us every time we press the like button on his videos? Well...he ain't starving tonight~! *Click*
Queen Chrysails is NOT an Alicorn because if u look at Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight their wings do not have holes in them or have wings smaller than almost their body size and Queen Chrysails is the only one with a weird shaped horn compared to the other alicirns so NO Queen Chrysails is NOT an Alicorn
Jeez this is so old but with hindsight, you are right, she is just the queen changeling but I wanna know where changelings come from and why they have 2 forms.
That colour pallette though, the only thing I see good is that yellow and purple are together (and the colours are complimentary so no wonder the look good together), other than that, its a horrible design...
The truth about the story of cadence and queen chrysalis: princess cadence was queen chrysalis daughter like her daughter chrysalis love to share love to each other ponies one day an a evil monster name discord . discord put a spell on queen chrysalis and queen chrysalis became evil. THE END
Chrysalis is not a Alicorn. But Changlings like her are like Catipillars. When they reform in a cocoon and burst out with a new form like a butterfly. Bro hoof🐎!
We have Princess Celeste the princess of the sun we have Princess Luna the princess of the moon we have princess cadence the princess of love we have twilight the princess of friendship and finally we have flurry heart the princess of merchandise
Chrysalis she is an a alicorn,She was princes of love but Celestia find another pony to be princes of love,and that pony is princes cadence ,and she was anger and she leave ponyvile
no a alicorn sabbiscion is a pony that has magic more powerful than a unicorn and the wings not like a pegasus look in the show look at alicorn wings then at pegusi they are different ok!
She is an alicorn because she is the only changeling with a horn and wings also she is queen of changelings but she is also the princess of rotten burnt swiss cheese
@creepergurl2002 Yeah, a friend has an OC that's an alicorn, but has very little magic and is a poor flier. His talents lie with earth pony magic. He spends his days tending his garden of herbs and alchemy reagents in a town between Canterlot and Manehattan.
@Shirotora Godsbane You made my day with that comment, mate. But... My OC is an Alicorn :(( But it has a long story. Childhood, Adulthood, etc. Friends, Enemies, Events, Love, War. He also has its reasons to be an Alicorn. He studied magic since he was a filly, he created magic, he knew Friendship (he had a friend for ~20 years, but then his friend died). He also was kinda a secretive pony. No pony knew about him studying dark magic. He changed his name, faked his death and became a vassal of Celestia. It is bad to say that he wanted to rule Equestria, but during that time, the ponies were hungry and only the rich had something to eat... He ended the Royal rule, he became like a dictator, he helped everypony with food, home and workplace. Even after exiling the Mane 6, he started to collaborate with them, to raise relationship. He didn't want the death of the Mane 6 and the destruction of the Elements. He actually protected them and the Elements from sending them as far from the dangerous battlefield. Oh, Flash Sentry died, killed by a Private. :)
@Wowkittykat 9wow0 Sorry. Then a Colt. It is weird because Colt was used when Shining Armour married Cadence by Celestia... And a Colt is like a Child for us humans... "I married a woman and now I am once again a Child" :)
Him: there are 4 alicorns in equestria Me: flurry heart is alive u know rest of the mlp fandom: FLURRY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after I finished writing this: 1:49
@Crystal Candy No need to bring on swear words. I'm aware that a headcannon is only in one's mind. I'm only pointing out it is not cannon to the show in any way.
Is everyone here blind? This is literally a quote from the video stating Flurry isn't a real alicorn. It was one of the comments! (Granted, they said a acorn and not an acorn, but still) it's in quotation marks guys, jeez
There are five alicorns blurry heart is v alicorn as if Celestia said an alicorn birth is not a things into Equestria but yet flurry heart is an alicorn the horn and the wings don't believe me just watch my Littleif you watch the hearths warming eve one to find flurry heart
Sorry Brony Notion, im watching it in 20462.... i just changed the date With hacking to make me look less suspicious and come to find out that i am from the future from the planet Mars...
Sharkguy 642 what if she is a artificial alicorn like twilight or cadence? We found out that artificial alicornscan have alicorn baby's but natural alicorns can't.
Skyla may be canon soon. There was a season 5 poster released showing Cadence and Shining standing next to each other with a baby themed cake in the middle of them. There's also going to be an episode called "The One Where Pinkie Knows" I'm assuming she'll find out about their baby before they intended to tell anybody causing Pinkie to learn how to keep big secrets private before spoiling them too early. Then in season 6, we'll get an episode revolving around the birth of Skyla, just a theory.
@Alisha Dee Also Theres Sky Wishes Witch Was A G4 Toy A Long Time Ago Even Thogh Shes A G3 Pony But Now She Made One Of Cutie Mark Magic And In The Blind bags.
@marinus18 Well she IS the friend of Shining's sister and Cadence's sister in law, also the baby cake sitting between them in the poster most likely came from Sugar Cube Corner. They probably went to go order the cake because they are going to announce the baby at a celebration in the Crystal Empire, Pinkie overhears the baby talk and gets all excited for them but they tell her to keep it a secret. That would be a really funny premise, social butterfly Pinkie having to keep a huge secret for a good amount of time, she's going to explode near the end XD
+Alisha Dee But what about in Green isn't your Color when Pinkie Pie talks about how she always promising to keep secrets... Maybe it'll be like she's never had to keep a secret that big before... Idk.
Well,in most situations,she does :o But there are some pics where she is a pegaz with different mane :) I really hope she won't look like Sweetie Belle -_-
@Alisha Dee I hope they show Cadence pregnant. She'll be normal size, and not the swizzle stick Barbie figure she is now. As it is she's so thin I have to wonder how Shining even manage to fit his dick in her to do the job... Love magic? An episode revolving around the birth of a child would be interesting though, even if it comes from a couple I despise. They're good ponies, they're bad characters. Cadence does nothing (except for every now and then) but be a painful reminder of what this show is really about. Selling floofy pink girl toys. Not that there's anything wrong with floofy pink girl toys, just something wrong with the culture that defines that as a girl's place. Sorry for ranting. I kind of agree with Silver Quill in his 'After the Fact: Make New Friends but Keep Discord' video though. "Don't name the child Skyla." Oh well, it won't be any more cringe worthy than its parents.
+Woodsstories Cadence is actually my favorite princess and I do hope they show her pregnant because how they handled Ms.Cake's pregnancy (and by handled I mean never mentioning it until the babies were born and never drawing her differently so that we could even tell) was pathetic. Last time I checked, sex scenes were taboo to show to kids, not cute harmless pregnant belies.
+Alisha Dee To each their own. I hope they show her pregnant too, but it seems unlikely. I mean she doesn't appear too often, so at the most I can imagine us hearing about it in an episode that she's absent from, and then she would show up with a baby. Which of course will get much more attention than it deserves I'm sure. No offense to you, but I really just don't like Cadence (I mean Shining is a goof, but he just sorta seems to be your typical MLP male; that is he's a stereotype), because having Cadence fit the standard idea of princess role on a show where all the other princess have strong personalities, feels like a big slap in the face to the target demographic. Like her all you want, I'd just personally like to ask Brit Mc-I can't remember how to spell her last name and I'm too lazy to look it up-up, how she would make Cadence a better character, and not just a pony who appears to exist solely to live in a pretty castle and sell Hasbro toys. If they give her more character development, I'm willing to rethink her, but for now she doesn't have any. Hmmm, maybe if Minis Tireth was destroyed (sorry LOTR fans I'm sure I got that wrong) and Cadence was forced to come live in Twilight's obvious rip-off of her castle, the writers would be forced to give her more character development and thus make her more than 'The Princess of Merchandising.' Seriously though, if there were a panel at a con titled 'In Defense of Cadence' I'd go, just because I want to hear how people would defend a character who seems to promote something that Lauren Faust seemed to be trying to get away from. Sorry for ranting so long, but you know -
+Thatoneperidotfan22 Hart It might just be for the alternate universe Starlight is going to make in the finale but I prey to god that's not the case -_-
+5656Dana™ It may not be Skyla. It's very, VERY probable, but I feel the writers are better that having it be Skyla. It might be a pony with the same colors, but a different style and mane, or a pony with the same name but a different style and colors. It may be a boy Alicorn, too. I think a lot of fans really want that and the butthurt ones might think of it as sexist. We don't know.
Princess Skyla! 1 Day Later. "I Want The Baby Of Shining And Cadence To Have A Pure Heart, And Im Really Feeling Hungry For A Mc Flurry. Wait A Minute! FLURRY HEART!1!1!!!!!!!11111
What true alicorn is* Ok guys SO this is what it is...lemme just... Unicorn horn+pegasus wings+and strength from a normal horse= alicorn UwU its math i think...
Do we know anything about Queen Crystalist back story nor why Crystalist sounds alot like Crystal is it posible she ruled the crystal ponys before Sombra?
Hablo español y cuando escuché lo primero por un momento pensé que tú cánal era en español, tuve que repetirlo para asegurarme de que estaba en inglés xd
You also forgot something else you know princess warrior heart she is a baby Alcorn but she is a princess and why does all the queens have a question of a princess named can you please do that for your next video if you really want it I’m nervous because I am a huge huge huge huge fan like I said earlier if you watched I watched all your videos so yeah also my sister name Zoya I’m older than her and she watches your videos to
Another youtuber said chrisalis Is the lost crystal princess but she is not a pony and also sombra said the crystal empire was his but his name is king Sombra and queen chrisalis is this why her first attack was on cadence BUT SHE IS NOT A PONY!!! And one question why did sombra lick His lips when spike was falling with the crystal heart did he want to feed on it???plz tell me😳😳
There is 6 alicornsss and can I have a shout out 🥺🥺🥺 btw the alicorns are cosy glow,flurry heart,princess cadence,princess celestia,princess luna,twilight sparkle lolllll
okay okay okay okay okay okay now you're messing up my brain now even though she's bigger and most likely smarter than the others I have got no idea what you're saying hey what did
Chrysalis is not Amore. Amore was the original ruler of the empire, but Sombra encased her in black crystals and shattered her, sending all the shards across equestria.
My opinion Cryshalis is big sister of celestia celestia have four sister first is harmony everpony loves her Cryshalis she no one loves her acept Her sister and her parents Celestia the sunshine of the day Luna the ligth from nigth Ine day harmony is chosen to become the new ruler if equestria but cryshalis dont want harmony become the new ruler of equestria soo she steling the evil book spell and she turn to a monster stole love , harmony know that so she figth her own sister and she took a little magic from cryshalis but she lose so she turn into a seed of harmony wish someone find the seed , star swirl find it and grow the tree with thr magic of the pillars so , now she watting fir someone to free her from her the tree and princess harminy is the one of we call the spirit of tree harmony
Sorry fir my bad english so sorry if my opinion is not good for everyone
I heard there is a pony wich is princess celestias and princess lunas mither her name is queen galaxy she owns everything she was birn at 1000 and shes gone ;-;
Why says she’s not an alicorn, this is fictional it wouldn’t matter if it where pony or none poney maybe zaecora is mysterious she could be the princess of zebra magic queen chrisalis could be the queen of dark magic, Insects!
My sister also watch your videos to can you tell us what your name is Hank and like I said earlier can you please do a video a different kind of video no it’s mild honey like I have a power Puff girls are Peppa Pig know that like? Shining the kind you know crazy so yeah I have a teen titans go there’s so many if you know more cartoons than Mile.
this is sasha,she weighs ten pounds and can stop ignorant people.: (not original) not exactly. this video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later. you didn’t notice the top comment?
Luna Moonstaff2021-03-17 19:45:32 (edited 2021-03-17 19:45:56 )
Wait, there are five alicorns in Equestria, not four. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart. Wait, did Flurry Heart not come out yet when you made this video?
When i was a little kid ilove to watch the my fareat channel that tv show names fraiy show aBeatefull fraiy want to be queen but one day the queen retired so she can rule so she needs to a nice friay but she wases hearded and think she will be queen but the queen cosen a nice fraiy name is naila but that fraid get greedy so she bocome bad fraiy so she the old queen uneder spell so celstya not real pricsses in under spell celstya Luna not real prinnecss and the old queen put her under a spell she cood be apony and she studty Magic her hole life the dark nesses well come de her
you forgot flurry heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy why did you forget her!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she is one of my fav carictors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
What about FLURRY HEART !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In order to be an alicorn, you need a horn and Wings with feathers! Unless, your feathers get shaved off... but then how do you fly? Pick yourself up with magic from your horn? I'd probably be to heavy to pick myself up with magic.
The explanation is that that's how the changelings look like. They have horns to do their magic and insect like wings. They are not alicorns, coz they are not even ponies on one hand. And on the other hand is they just usual changelings. Chrisalis is the Queen that's why she is bigger.
The thing what makes alicorns is magic. As we know every pony has magic, and the thing what makes alicorns that strong is because they have the magic of an earth pony, pegasy and a unicorn in one. I think....
Reminds me about if Ben 10 omey inhansed aliens were ponys, Heat Blast's pony omey inhansed form would not be an alicorn because his wings would work more like a rockets.
I think chrysalis is a Alcon how had love just lost it that’s why she feeds on love she loved but she lost it so she has a empty hole in her ❤️ like on her body
If you read the comics, in a mirror world, Chrysalis was much different, like Sombra, in that other world, Chrysalis is an alicorn, She is not a Changeling.
But in the mlp comic book she WAS a pony and she was transformed into a changeling queen ( or smth like that. I do remember that she was a pony before tho from the comic book so idk how true that would be for the show)
I don't think she's an alricorn. Alicorns are known for their abundance of magic, different kinds of magic. But for crysalis, she only has a bit of magic necessary for her and her changlings.
There's a difference wch exains all of the confusion let's go to rarity rarity didn't earn real featherd wings and they could burn when to much light its them also the spell wouldn't last forever anyway so that's why she wasn't a alicorn. Now to chisilast she is not an alicorn either she is not to powerful in magic and she is based of an insect and she is only queen cause she is like bees they have a hive and a queen also she is not a pony she may only know who are alicorn and who are not and she may know that they are the most powerful but does she know anything else so if she doesn't even know what a alicorn is she can't be qualified as one.
Personally think is a bug Pony with a horn that got burnt in a fire and survived having a holes put in her and have hair gel in her hair just to keep it floating somehow it never dried out.
I think that queen chrysilis IS an anicorn, and like luna's jealosy, her possible ambition grow and grew. why she looks like this, well, nightmare moon looks different than luna!
If Chrysalis was an Alicorn.her horn Would be Perfect And Her wings Would be Perfect Then A bug.chrysalis Is a Insect Its Not Possible that Chrysalis Can fling back Into a Normal pony and Yes,Hasbro's Toys that were featured in this vid Is Cancled or maybe Ready On an Next season Thats what i think.
Queen chrysalis and the other changelings are mosquitos but they don’t take blood they take love so without their horns they couldn’t get the love because they don’t bite because you know pony shows up illustrated of not real you can do whatever you want so they don’t bite the only use their horns to take love
Cosi for the New season can bi chrysalis, KS in the new friendship group was under the school with the roots of the tree of harmony she made them fight
You got the princess of the sun the princess of the moon the princess of love the princess of friendship The princess of... merchandise Buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our merchandise buy our toys
WAIT! Their are 2 California u don't know about they were made as figures their was a yellow and a purple 1 and they i believe we're never mentioned in the show
many people... AND I MEAN MANY PEOPLE... (i may be over exaterating with many people XD) think that Chrysalis use to be the Princess of Love. ((you would also know what i mean if ur a mlp fan of comics and read the one where it showed her as ((and maybe wuse to be)) good. -this is my opinyen ~srry cant even spell~
Can you say something about the other ponies like rarity and rainbow dash and all the other girls and explain why they’re friend ship with twilight by elements.
This is my theory about queen chrysalis if she was an alicorn,she was a regular alicorn ruling the crystal empire before the mane six came instead of the real crystal heart some evil pony might have replaced it,I think it was king sombra and he had the real crystal heart and chrysalis would pick up the fake crystal heart and the fake crystal heart sucked the good magic chrysalis had and the fake crystal heart would make the good magic evil magic and gave it to chrysalis and she became evil looking and since she was able to change the form of herself she grew a swarm of changelings and called them changelings as they were able to change the form of themselves and by that they took the love everypony had and they gained evil magic.like if you agree about this theory
What about ink rose's story about chrysalis? She WAS an alicorn. She IS under a spell. She WAS good. Well, not exactly... ink rose said that she was using love potions as a way to get information on other cities. Like, how the guards are placed, when not as many people are there, and which day a kingdom would least expect an attack.
Queen Chrsalis probably used to be the ruler of the crystal empire but starswirl probably corrupted her (but her horn still worked)( because she was a mean ruler)and she had to flee. I got this idea from Equestria girls friendship games because that could have been some kind of backstory. But this is just my theory😇😸
ok, so all other changlings are alicorn's larvas? Chrysalis is a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions. Nobody of them are alicorns. And yes she is a ruler, but only for her Hive, she is a Queen, her orders is a law, she is a focus of hivemind, she is a Goddess for her drones, but only for them
Actually there are FIVE 5 princesses in Equestria we have: Celestia, luna, Cadendes, Twilight, AND baby flurry heart the dughter of Candendes, and Shining armor
FunFact: I read somewhere that Chrysalis was a magical experiment between a Unicorn and a poisonous plant that went awry. Though I could be wrong on this information. .)
you are wrong :) Chrysalisis a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions
Chrysalis is a Changling's Queen. She is not even a pony, so she can't be an alicorn all changlings (exept guards) have horn and wings, all of them can use magic, so all of them must be an alicorns, isn't it?
I feel like she could've been a princess a princess in the past. But something happend, bla bla bla and then she turned evil. POOF! And then. Atleast you can say.. Princess Of The Changelings? That's if she wereen't evil anymore.
dude chrysalis is an alicorn and theres probably 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 more alicorns to come heres my theory: once Luna and Celeste probably came from a alcorn land and there there were many other ponies like them but had different powers like the power of stars clouds rain water fire thunder and u get the idea but some alcorns who are going to be are starlight sunset shimmer and shinning armor yes ppl the first ever prince or second king is coming and also u will never believe this human twilight!
Queen Crysalis is a alicorn because to be one you are royalty and she is a (read the first word) and plus she has wings and horn aswell as the powerfull magic of one and a bet when Crysalis dies one of the changelings will become a alicorn as a bug also who said alicorns are only ponys there can be different kinds of alicorns as different kind of animals
Who is qeen chrstist I mean you know the qeen of chaling well can you explain who is she like when you do a video about who's candec can you do qeen chaling
Answer: She is an allicorn. She was married to Sombra but Sombra corrupted and the crystal empire split. The crystal empire was a home to Ponies which gave love for Changelings to feed in a symbiotic relation. But when Sombra turned to use dark magic that day it drowned him in it. Former queen of Crystal Empire and part of the royal family, she split and her subjects rebelled against Celestia and Luna. Unwillingly, but had to be done Celestia used the elements and killed Sombra along with half a kingdom that disappeared into anarchy. This lead Luna to regret over killing one of her family. Wife of Sombra, Chrysaslis lead her kind to attack the royal allicorns. The attempt failed and Chrysaslis was almost killed. But before this chaos, Cadence was born as an allicorn under the family of Sombra and Chrysaslis(yes I know, very strange a pony baby, note that allicorns can be born as one but the Celestial family died after they killed Discord’s parents, but this history of MLP is another to discuss later). Cadence was instead adopted by Celestia and Luna, unknowing her true origin. This story explains why Luna didn’t attend the wedding and why Chrysaslis, out of nowhere aims for Cadence’s marriage in Crystal Kingdom as revenge on the royal family. (Kept Cadence locked in cave from figuring her true origin, try deafeat Celestia for revenge, and rule the kingdom again) But all the things I mentioned failed. She wasn’t able to get the kingdom back and defeat the mane 6. Instead Canterlot Wedding attempt forced her to retreat until season 6(to where and back again). In to where and back again, Chrysaslis failed even more. Now her loyal subjects rebelled to have a better life. Chrysaslis was left alone again. That is also why she didn’t accept Starlight’s request to reform and instead ran away. Lesson of this history lesson: Friendship is cruel, sad, and misleading, but worth it
nope, she is not. Chrysalis is a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions
yep, she is a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions
Yes shy wos a pirnstes bot hor cuty mark didint work and a ader qeen pot hor wings awhy and king sobra wos de king of de jenshlings but shy defitet him and tok de kran and shy wos de qeen of de jenshlings but hor cutymark wos a flower and shy pot at awhy and prises kedens tok de flower and shy wos a pritses and dats why shy wots to tek ofer akestria
My theory : she was. I think she wasn't 'insect' all the time. And how she turned into 'insect' ? I think that she was fighting with Starswirl because she wanted more power . Starswirl at the end turned her like this and launched her far away ( with spells, of course).
I never knew why ponies called princess celestia and Luna princesses. But they call their worst enemy Queen Chrystalis a queen? And how come most of the enemies mlp was faced were alicorns?
Well yea i guess??? Well lets start with her horn She does have a horn which DOES have magic. Buuuut her wings are insect like. So no she isnt an Alicorn. Boom done. XD
What about Nightmare Moon Brody notion think about it she's an alicorn that she's an alicorn that but turns evil and back to a unicorn princess because so she's a princess
What is crysalis was a princess but she's under a spell and she got trasformed into a changing and the rest of the changlings were normal ponies and got transformed into changlings.
So everyone out there doesn't hate on me, THIS IS A JOKE! I understand completely that this was made before Flurry Heart was revealed, don't roast me people!
Flurry didn't exist when this video was made she came out I wanna say 7 or 8 months after this was posted so don't get mad at them for it Flurry wasn't even around at that time and we did only have 4 alicorns
Fiery heart. Is. A. Acorn!!!!!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
queen chrysalis may have been born an alicorn and have gone evil from rejection of her parents/society, this of course does not explain why she didn't stay good, it would have made everyone feel bad for her, this adding a layer of emotions to the whole story, princess celestia/an earlier ruler may have restricted her to that form, not knowing she could shape-shift, or that she would build an army to rise against equestria
In the 2013 mlp annual, Chrysalis is described as a 'gangly pegacorn.' So my theory is that a pegacorm is a horse with horn and wings, while an Alicorn has to have earned their wings or horn in some special way, like Twi did. So the changlings are all pegacorns. And I guess Flurry heart could be as well?
So if Queen Chrysalis isn't a alicorn why did she reached the time twilight became a alicorn? You may not confirm her as a alicorn because of her wings and horn, but what about her being a mortal?
Chrysalis is technically an alicorn. If Celestia didn't "rage" at Chrysalis when they "dueled", they would have almost the same strength. This adds to the proof that Chrysalis could be an alicorn.
Actually if you watch ink roses head cannon on the queens origin story you'll find out she WAS an actul alacorn before the whole...changling...thing.. well up until a foolish earth pony king (that was in love with her) gave her an overdose of a love potion which says later cost her to ignore the fact that chose bringers were attacking her insect kingdom?!?
You forgot an alicorn. Laura Lis is the daughter of Luna and is white with a light blue tail and a tail. She lives with her father who is a griffin and is together with Luna. But since she has a colored shepherd she can be in any way. She is born as Alicorn and Luna did not want to take the skanndal that her daughter can not grow up like other children. So she has her husband beting on her and not training to tell anyone what about it. She accepts with her 5 other friends the element of infinity. Laura Lis knew that everyone was surprised about an alicorn birth, so she enchanted Flurry Heart to make everything easier, but unfortunately Flurry is only a unicorn. Unfortunately, there is only too few proofs, because only one who in every 5-10 follow everything exactly followed one could possibly find a hinweis. Image description, Light blue mare + tail Soft fur Light blue eyes Great, striking, a little bit of everything.
The only reason changlings have horns is so they could change into a pony so they cant do anything else with there horns and they have wings because changlings are supposed to be insects with wings coz there not the pretty type if insects.
Brony Notion listen to me I've been doing some recent studies and to show the Twilight Sparkle invented the elements of harmony hear my evidence you said the Clover the clever might be Twilight Sparkle and that the heart May of split two elements of harmony well I think that anyway so that means if Twilight was Clover the clever and she made the fury heart Zen then if it's split into six elements that would explain why the why it looks like it's their cutie mark and why Twilight is the possessor
do you like this logic (READ ALL OF IT) 1.Celestia is the villan it's Nightmaremoon who taken over Luna Nightmaremoon is one person Celestia is the villan here's the logic that proves it:when Celestia tried to use The Elements Of Harmony she couldn't all heroes can use the elements of harmony same thing happened when Sunset Shimmer put on Twilight's crown It corrupted her2.note: the elements can only be used by the forces of good3.because when Sunset Shimmer used the power of an element it corrupted her,note:all the elements work the same so using all the elements won't make much of a difference,it only adds power. so all because of more power doesn't mean that Celestia should fail4. so how could she defeat discord with them,because Luna was there to,she had good magic note:good+bad =good good lifts or defeats bad. it happened with sunset shimmer she WAS bad,and good (the main 6 of course) lifted her to the good and she became good5.when she used them without Luna it didn't work,why? only answer, SHE'S EVIL. so there m8 that's your logic (couple errors DO NOT GET MAD AT ME FOR THAT I USED THE CLIPBOARD)
I think all of them are from the alicorn village u mentioned in a nother vid and flour de Liss or what ever she might be like the other student of celestial that was a alicorn in a time but she just did something wrong like sunset shimmer I think
Well crisilist is a qween and the two other princess you know purple pony and the yellow pony there probably not going to be in season 7 but I'm existed for it!!
I had a question if twilight sparkals is a alicorn and she is very special also her brother but the brother is not a alicorn and he is special then why aren't the parent's?
Chisalis USE TO be an alacorn. But she went mad then she became an Changeling, also Chisalis isn't her ORIGINAL name. (Idk her original name) ●An that's what I know●
Read the date before you comment! Flurry Heart was shown in March 26 2016! This video was made in August 13 2015! That's so long ago! Please read the date before you comment.
maybe all princesses are Alicorns and that is why all the princesses of Equestria are alicorns incense Chrysalis is a princess she just has a Wings in the horn what do you think?
Queen = the queen of the 'Insects' (The Changelings) And Chrysalis = ..........I don't know. Maybe the cocoons the changelings use for imprisoning ponies So, the queen of the changelings and the sinister cocoons they use. If you think I'm correct, give my comment a like.
Read the date before you comment! Flurry Heart was shown in March 26 2016! This video was made in August 13 2015! That's so long ago! Please read the date before you comment.
Well, nobody said that Changelings cant be ponies. You asked can Chrysalis be an Alicorn. Lauren Faust said it is an experimental show so it is possible. He has a horn and wings and is a king, and who said alicorns have to be royalty. Finally, it may be a fanfic. remember when discord was a "alicorn"; changelings can turn into anything so he can change into one too!!!!!!!!! They may be all alicorns.
Someone has probably already said this, but eh. If I am remembering correctly Fleur dis Lee originally appeared as an alicorn in the game because her role had been taken by a changeling who was pretending to be a unicorn? I don't believe the reason was ever explained for why the changeling pretended to be an alicorn tho. ou think someone woulda noticed a supermodel suddenly gaining wings.
queen was actually a term that was originally going to be used for celestia and luna etc. but the producers remebered disney has released tons of movies featuring queens as evil so the term princess was used instead but because of the evil nature of the word queen it was reserved for chrysalis.
I think that Chrysalis is technically an alicorn according to the dictionary definition (a horse with wings and a horn) , but not according to the definition the show gives. Chrysalis looks roughly like a pony, and has wings and a horn. So she fits the dictionary definition. After all, it doesn't say what kind of wings. But according to the show, an alicorn is a full pony (aka without random holes like swiss cheese), as well as having pegasus-like wings and a unicorn-like horn.
The dictionary definition of an alicorn is the horn of a unicorn. MLP took the term and changed it. It never meant "a horse(like thing) with wings and a horn."
To be honest,Crystalis looks like the expired princess of Swiss cheese and made a pack of evil swiss cheese ponys (that look like her but without pupils)and called herself the "queen".
What if Chrysalis and the other changelings were just a bunch of cursed crystal ponies. That would explain why changelings thrive off of love, because they lived in a place with sooo much love.
The Brony Notion let me make another theory on this you said that Queen Chrysalis is NOT an alicorn and I know someone said that she might be an alicorn put under some sort of curse...well while I believe that she is indeed an alicorn listen to this....what if Queen Chrysalis was originally an alicorn but she died and was Resurrected by Discord and her changeling form that she has now is a result of her being Resurrected and bugs eating away at her original alicorn form...and when she was Resurrected the bugs fused with her body...now the reason that I brought up discord is because in the season 6 finale he said that "I haven't walked that far in a Millenia" revealing that he is over 1,000 years old and so in that 1,000 years he could have heard that there was an accident and an alicorn died because it betrayed Equestria and so then Discord said to Chrysalis "Why don't we take over Equestria together" and of course Chrysalis refused to work together because she wanted to take over Equestria for herself.
I don't really know how this theory came to me it just did so Brony Notion please reply and tell me your thoughts on this comment😀
my wackt theory #12- well chrysalis IS the QUEEN of the changeling's so I guess that's why she has a horn AND WINGS, just like celestia and luna (who are like BASICALLY the MAIN RULLERS OF EQUESTRIA!). I think she IS an alicorn! just not a pony like everyone else.
I have a good answer chrysalis was a pony but until a price that like her made-up a porion that made her go nuts she fell so in love with the prince that she drake so many poilons to make sure she was pretty that it changed her look today and her kendom was distoed and chrysils turned evil
what about the newest episode that made me think that in the next season they are going to do the same thing they did with starlight glimmer. they are going to turn chrysalis beautiful what's is going to happen then?
Queen crstalsas is a alicorn the only reason she looks like that is because she drank a potion that made her look like that she use to have a white coat with grey spots and her hair was made of honey I know that does not sound real. I enjoyed your video 😃
Everyone, this may not be true, I don't know but I'm pretty sure that in the comics or Wikipedia I heard that Queen Chrysalis was a pegacorn or something like that.
I have a good answer chrysalis was a pony but until a price that like her made-up a porion that made her go nuts she fell so in love with the prince that she drake so many poilons to make sure she was pretty that it changed her look today and her kendom was distoed and chrysils turned evil 😆
Son buenas tardes ahora donde vivo pero meh! Ya sé que este vídeo es viejito xD This is a question I ever had you know first of all maybe they don't mention her as an Alicorn maybe because she's a villain
chrisalis was a normalalicorn and she didint like the cutie mark and she was banished and to the changeling kingdom and she defited the king changling and the crown turned into the changeling queen
The two twins look like princess Celeste and that is not cadence and shining armor's baby The babies name is flurry heart she is not a dark pink color she's a light pink color and she has huge wings for her size but she's a baby right now
okay all the comments were spammed with "flurry heart exists there are 5 alicorns!!!" now its spammed with "flurry heart wasnt arount when this was uploaded" >:(
My best pony friend forever Thorax is a changeling and he is nice and he turned into a diffrent pony a nice pony and he is the new leader of changelings and they are nice now and when i turn into a pony i'm a alicorn so i got a dotter in the pony world and she is the same changeling as Thorax and she's his dotter and i'm not her real mom in the pony world but i don't know why because she was born at my house in the pony world and there was no nice changeling in that room where she was born so maybe i'm the same changeling as Thorax or maybe she is a true born alicorn.
And in another video, you mentioned that Twilight, Cadence and Flurry Heart are NOT true alicorns, but in this video you said Twilight and Cadence were. So yeah, you forgot flurry heart.
Endergirl959 MC please be nice down here I at least want the comment section to be a little nice and you said a swear word how rude 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡!!!
Twilight Cupcake pie, I will be nice, WHEN YOU GET PEOPLE TO STOP BEING F*UCKING IDIOTS....good luck with that...and to respect people, and not just blankly call out mistakes
chrysalis if the Honeycomb princess of the alicorn nation that alcool nation was attacked there were different countries the Honeycomb princess that looks Christmas see what transformer for my love potion and then of course in a
Cadence don't she wish she is the official princess of the Crystal Empire as an alicorn the prince know the king of the Crystal Empire her mother was a pegasus she what bowl is a pegasus but still have the power as well as an alicorn but without the hall she was raised by year
Schuh track to the crystal and then I mentioned s*** otherwise Christmas is the true honey hole princess jieyou portions to change yourself and then my mum fell in love with her but do chrysalis didn't fall in love with him he is definitely potion that make an extra dose of it because she transform use a potion so bad he took adolphus the love potion of love only a little bit he made the whole world gold disarray Elisa honeycomb Empire link that bought that she is an alcohol she the week for paracord 2015 with older than the fairy ok Allan aldiss because I know the person who makes like My Little Pony personally
I'm King sombra and Luna had the connection Vale best friend he went and took the magic art or another thing he was Star swirl the bearded look like what's it called an apprentice Apprentice things like student out of a human in Doodle magic canterlot V and then I looked at the anode and he looked hot and cold that betrayed human are called few between the nation and he made a book of dark magic he looked up and walk and Maidenhead bonnet heat he was a Crystal Palace in an office and then he got there he got to be a dark magic mouse are made of diamonds palette Taylor Wimpey in the car and then went off that's what you doing with your baby's nose and then he used it went to you later Celestia and then they don't know about that is the book about the dark magic realised that they left their job I said to use my face and then there us master graphs hearing loss and he's started hating them and how to love him his horn went out with another guy and the lives of the Darkmoon dark at the Crystal Empire he was a Crystal Palace keyword to the mass of the kingdom of the Crystal Empire centre Walderslade favourite crystal of the one of a dancer and her mother there Monday ok so basically what is Hitman
First all it know not no and if you take your time to read the release date it says that it was released BEFORE Flurry Heart was even shown maybe even thought of.
P.s-Shes my favorite alicorn{Flurry heart is my favorite alicorn} ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
Him: Currently, there's only 4 alicorns in Equestria.
1807 likesFlurry Heart 7 months later: Not anymore
Replies (47)
Well, the video was posted 5 years ago
40 likesLol
5 likesCozy Glow:
11 likes@Hong Yin cozy glow is an ex alicorn
15 likesFlurry heart: why you no caunt meeeeeeeeee
7 likesDh
1 likeActully there are alot of alicorns flurry heart princess cadence, princess luna, princess clestia and twilite
2 likesAlso cozy glow
2 likesFlurry face,
2 likesNow, we have 6 alicorns
3 likesWhat is ex I’m a kid duhhhh
1 likebig mac in his dreams:
5 likes@Chandrashekar Miryala ex means used to
0 likesI don’t think cozy glow counts because she wasn’t naturally turned into an alicorn, she took magic from grogar’s bell
2 likesnot anymore there is flurry heart
0 likesCozy is an alicorn only after getting magic from gorgan’s bell
0 likesSoooooooooooooo true, he even made a video about it!
0 likes@Hong Yin she's not a real alicon
0 likes4 known unicorns who EARNED their way to being a alicorn and not being born as one
0 likesStop doing it! He didn’t know.
0 likesYea lol
0 likes@Non Lim Main ones were Luna Cadence and Celestia.After them when Twillight got wings then the main ones were them 4.After them when flurry heart growd-up she were posted on Celestials window of the castle.or castle of 2 sisters.She becomed princess of light.i guess so.i watched on YT.
1 likeSo yeah:
Celestia-Princess of Sun
Luna-Princess Of the Moon
Cadence-Princess of the Love
Twillight Sparkle-Princess of the Friendship
FlurryHeart-Princess of the Light
That's it.
@Chandrashekar Miryala Ex means used to.
0 likes@Gaming With Alise Grogar ? You mean the blue character idk,that's not Grogar,that's Discord.
0 likesFlurry be like: Im here bitches
1 like@Non Lim Cozy glow was not
0 likesSunny:
0 likes@Hazy Sky Productions 7
0 likes@Rosethz Celestia and Luna was born alicorns
0 likes@Candy ♡ Girl Where is the proof
0 likes@Rosethz OBVIOUSLY
0 likes@Rosethz here is a video I found it says Celestia and Luna born alicorns in the middle of the vid
0 likes@Rosethz https://youtu.be/WFv1pcJe00U
0 likesCozy Glow: HI SISTERS-
0 likes@akari SIX years ago now
0 likes@Non Lim it is twilight
0 likesXD
0 likesFluffy Hearth (Flurry Heart)
0 likes@CK count*
0 likes@akari 6*
0 likes@Remy Payne ye
0 likesOther alicorns out there in Equestria: flurry we aren’t jokes right?
0 likes@Szymon GO cozy* also she is an ex-alicorn
0 likes@Witchcraft🖤 wow that’s a lot of replys
0 likes@akari*6
0 likes@akari you mean. 7
0 likes@akari no 7 yrs
0 likesmy definition of an alicorn is a pony with the wings of a pegasus, the horn of a unicorn and the strength of an earth pony
2993 likesReplies (84)
It is
57 likesReally????!!!!!, 😔
30 likesYea
22 likesAnd the trust of a nation
94 likes@jeshbean true
20 likesMost important lots and lots and lots and powerful magic
43 likesAnd here I thought Alicorn was a submarine.
18 likesBut arent all hive wings alicorns then lol
4 likes@Mysteryizzy 101 but she still had wings and Horn
6 likesThats the things that show ur alicorn
Yet all changelings are alicorns becuase they have horns wings and they are also earth ponys to so if ya think about it they are alicorns and a kingdom under a alicorn ruler
3 likes@Mysteryizzy 101 i mean it is in Real life, in mythology its a Pony with both Horn and wings. Its Just In Pony its different.
2 likesBut in Real mythology it is
@Bozena Z yes you are correct
1 likeThis became a COMMET WAR
1 likeDub it
1 likeYeah chrysalis isn’t even a pony. Changelings are not ponies
4 likesCorrect
1 likeyeessss
1 likeYup
0 likesThe REAL definition is that an alicorn is a pony with the MAGIC of all 3 tribes
0 likesOmg lol
0 likesYeah she can fly and use magic
0 likesYup!
0 likes@Aoi :3 wait yes- YES-
1 like1k like
2 likesan alicorn is waaay more powerful than an earth pony, has more magic than a unicorn, and has wings differet from a pegasus.
2 likesTwilightfim
1 likeCuz that’s what it is DUH
1 like@JensooKipp weth is you saying 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
1 likeThat is old sawtooth waves here
0 likesYup
0 likesThat what applejacksay
It’s incompleted
0 likesActually this is an old vid of sawtooth a k a brony notion
0 likesCool
0 likesYeah
0 likes@Mysteryizzy 101 Not only that.
0 likesShe isn't a pony.
If you take the magic of all three tribes then one pony mix it together you get an alicorn
0 likesNo
0 likesTwi does not have the strength of an earth pony
1 likeNICEE
0 likesIT IS
0 likesAn alicorn Is a pony with the magic of all 3 tribes so yes
0 likesBut actually no
0 likes@Shivika Chintanippu thank you
0 likesNice
0 likes+ a 24/7 Deus ex machina.
0 likesI was thinking of the same thing
0 likesChrysalis has all of those features, so I guess she is one?? Or used to be.
0 likesEyup...
0 likesSame.
0 likesYeah
0 likesYeah duh
0 likesAnd a cutie mark
0 likesQueen chrysalis definitely doesn’t have earth pony magic so the answer would be no wait does she have Earth pony magic
0 likesAlicorns have bigger wings than pegasi
0 likes@jeshbean I am your 50th like
0 likesWell your not THAT wrong
0 likesYup
0 likesyeah i think thats right
0 likesActually an alicorn’s wings is different from a Pegasus’ wings
1 like@Nika Sadr yee there alot stronger
0 likesActually I think the pony part is actually the body build, would explain why they look taller
0 likesTo me it’s a pony win magic from all three tribes give the the magic or qualities of them
0 likes@Mysteryizzy 101 she's not a pony
0 likes@Mysteryizzy 101 yes she is bc she has wings and horn,and twillight,cadence,Celestia,Luna.
0 likes@Yay Yay she's changeling
0 likes@jeshbean nightmare moon has entered the chat
0 likesMines is a pony type
0 likesAlicorns actually doesn't have pegasus wings...I mean i don't know but idt so..
0 likes@jeshbean not anymore
0 likes@Lumi Uh oh
0 likesYeah
0 likesOooohhhhh yes but are you sick and all!!
0 likesChrysalis be WEEK!
1 likeBURNNN
1 likeNo your wrong an alicorn might have the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn and the strength of an earth Pony but that pony has to have a reason to be an alicorn he has to have kindness loyalty and much so he must at least be kind
0 likesGood theory
1 like...fabulous
1 likeThats what an alicorn is
0 likesbut twilight is far from being as strong as a earth pony
0 likesWait so what do you call a pony that has the horn of a unicorn and the wings of a Pegasus but not the strength of an earth pony
0 likesGood definition.
0 likesI feel this
0 likes@Josuealopez 3 dude u being evil cozy glow rn
0 likesChrysallis is actually a "insecti-corn"
669 likes(Joke)
Replies (20)
There 69 likes I want to like well goodbye 👋 69
4 likesQueen chrysalis is already an allinsect.
11 likesBug-corn
6 likesPoor one had to SAY this is a joke
4 likesPONY 🌈🐎🥳🎊🥂👑👑🎻🥣👸🤴🤬🎋🎊🥂🎏👑🎋🤴👸🥳👑🤴👸👑🍲🤴👸💩💢🍯👧👑👸💩💢🍯👧🐎👑🐴🤴👸🏓👱♀️👧🐎👑🐴🤴👸Princess chrysalis is an insecti 🌽🍿
3 likesLol true
2 likesLol
2 likes@Millie Reaves hahahahahaha
1 likeAlisect
2 likesLolllll
0 likesSorry but I had to 333
0 likesHaha verry funny
0 likes@Esperanza Gomez Jaimes 356 now
0 likeslollolololol
0 likesI laughed way too hard-
0 likesThe door is over there, get out.
1 like(Joke)
0 likesWhere's your nobel price?
0 likesShe's a fly
0 likesI come from the future with a fun fact:
578 likesThe Fleur in the app was a changeling! At least the alicorn version was. It was run out and the real Fleur joined.
Replies (3)
25 likesOoooohhhhh that's where those fan fictions came from
25 likesI do 2
5 likesTo everyone freaking out about him 'forgetting' Flurry Heart:
2030 likesHE DIDN'T, this video was posted in August of 2015, she was first introduced 7 months later, in March of 2016.
Replies (50)
AngoraHM 970 yeah but now we r in 2019 this should be updated
14 likesAngoraHM 970 what wut...
12 likesDARN FLURRY HEART IS NOT A TRUE ALICORN DER SRS SEARYSLY GET THAT RIGHT EXCEPT IF ONE OF THESE VIDEOS WHERE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 1ST I CAME A CROSS ONE AND I WAS LIKE MAD FOR A MONT WELL IT WAS A WEEK AFTER IT WAS THE NEXT MONTH AND I WAS STILL MAD SO I THREW MY KEY BOARD AND COMPUTER OUT OF THE WINDOW...I got in srs trouble but when I showed my parents they also did the same thing so they also had to do the chores while I was doing what I wanted to do... but I still did chores because if I didn't I would have to pay with my own money for a new computer and key board.
Exactly totally correct 👍😊
5 likesCorryn Hockney it’s been updated
3 likes@Pastel KittyYT oh there goes my point gg no re
2 likes@Live Laugh Love yes she is bro
1 likeYep
1 like@Live Laugh Love oof that sucks to be you then
2 likesAngoraHM 970 THANK YOU. you have saved us all from spammed flurry heart comments
1 likeGalaxy FoxDJ
2 likes1. Chill
2. Get some grammar right
3. Put ponctuation
Thank you for finally telling those imbeciles about it. You deserve a like.
0 likesAngora HM ooooooohhhh
1 likeLaurelle Sheng learn to spell punctuation right
0 likesHow do you know? 😑
0 likes@Kitty Cat because flurry heart wasn't introduced until a year later..
1 likeI thought people would know that already, people are so dumb lol
1 like@Pastel KittyYT You can't update older videos lol. Why does it matter? The news is out now so people should stop being so dumb and stop living under a rock. If you like the fandom, you should've known this when it was announced lmao.
1 like@Collette Maurice Bro. That alicorn that was born an alicorn IS flurry heart. did you even read the comment at all? Flurry Heart was introduced seven months after this video was uploaded, in 2016. He can't forget something that didn't happen, what do you think he is, a time traveler!?
0 likesCherry Puppy i know there is no need to have a go at me i am already aware
0 likes@Pastel KittyYT you cant change anything on a video lol
0 likes@mars that's what I said lol
0 likesYep
0 likesKiller the Hybrid- ugh so dramatic 🙄
0 likesI usually do not care about date
0 likes@Pastel KittyYT He👏made👏so👏many👏 videous 👏 about👏her.
0 likesTHANK YOU
0 likes@Pastel KittyYT how tf do you update a video
0 likes@Me do u have youtube studio?
0 likes@foxelzz i wasnt what made u assume that i was?
0 likes@qwack ik
0 likes@Pastel KittyYT uh yeah
0 likesPercy and the freaks gacha ctiy! Wait was part of a video do u want to edit?
0 likesPastel KittyYT yes you were. And I know you were because this is an old video and you were hating on it because it wasn’t updated with flurry heart
0 likes@foxelzz i wasnt hating on it as ik its updated besides y would i hate on a youtuber who i enjoy watching like honestly
0 likesPastel KittyYT you can’t change the video once you already uploaded it >.<
0 likes@DeadDearest i already know this so please stop it was a jokingly way jeez
0 likesPastel KittyYT r/whoosh me I can’t spell-
0 likes@Live Laugh Love A alicorn is someone with wings and a horn.
0 likesShe is an alicorn.
@Live Laugh Love Flurry Heart is an alicorn. To be an alicorn you need to have magic of earth pony, pegasus and unicorn, Princess Cadance is all of those, so it makes sense that Flurry is an alicorn.
0 likesMakes sense why he didn’t count Flurry Heart as an alicorn. It’s now 2022
0 likesI was about to comment that but ur here
0 likes@Pastel KittyYT it should not be updated just because it is now wrong, it CAN be. However it does not have to be. If a YouTube video gets proved wrong and should be updated, then SO many YouTube videos would be updated.
0 likes@Live Laugh Love how she is not? Bron alicorn is be a alicorn, well, the fact that she is a hole in the script make people think she is not a ofc alicorn, but its your opinion i respect it
0 likesYeah! She didn’t exist even then!
0 likes@Live Laugh Love you okay?
0 likesThere are 4 alicorns in equestria....
8 likesCelestia,Luna,Cadance, and Twilight.
Flurry heart came.
anyone else want to see her "loving" form (reformed)? seeing how thorax changed.. i wonder how chrysalis would look like since shes the queen?
61 likesthis reminds me of a fan-story i read on FimFiction called "the Celestia code".
6 likesin that story, it turns out that Chrysalis DID become an alicorn, briefly, when she created a completely new spell, similar to Twilight. it was a Transformation spell.
BUT...she lived in a city entirely composed of unicorns, all of whom REALLY hated other types of ponies...
so she fled, and they, in a sense, put a curse on her, turning her into a monster.
BUT...she was pregnant, so she laid eggs, which hatched into more changelings.
she then got her revenge by sucking all the love out of those unicorns, making them all go berserk and destroy themselves.
a complicated story, but i certainly prefer it to that "evil tree in a swamp" in that comic book...
An allicorn is an ALL-icorn, meaning they have the magic of ALL three pony "tribes". Wings and the ability to walk on clouds of a pegasus, a horn and external magical abilities of a unicorn and a connection with the earth and nature of an earthpony
8 likesShe is not an alicorn she is an acorn
2708 likesReplies (123)
31 likesyeah
25 likesXD
13 likesIs that a big pun??
13 likesShe’s really an acorn
11 likesUniqueen LOL
6 likesShe can be anything but naturally she is an alicorn but who was she before let’s find out
4 likesyeah lol!!!!! XD XDDDDD
4 likesEvery one older than me and my classmates think our friend in reception class says she is an acorn but she's saying she's an ALICORN
4 likesI was about to say that you fricking FRICK
0 likes(I'm joking btw)
Haha LOL
1 likeWhat’s that?
0 likesWhat
0 likesRoated
2 likesRoasted
2 likesWhy you said acorn owange fwen that is sound like a popcorn then hehe im jk i guess your right dont mind plzzzx
0 likesbughorse
1 likeLOL YEA!
0 likesShe’s a nut
0 likesLol yeah
0 likesdun dun dun duuuuuuuuuooonnn squirral face turn meme
0 likesShe's an ALLICORN!
0 likesOwange Fwen #ppffftttt# hahahahaha LOL (wipes off to much laughing tear and falls off chair and faints but yet I didn't faint I just fell asleep)
0 likesIs allacon
0 likesAcorn=A corn?
1 likeLOL ACORN flurry heart is a ACORN HAHAHAHA LOL
0 likesHahahahah
0 likesLOL
0 likesOMG LOL
0 likesSo she's a nut? 😁
1 likeOmg Looool an acorn
0 likesLol ( its funny but how is she a acorn?.........*10 mins later*.............I NEED ANSWERS!! )
0 likesomg yassssssssssssssssssssssssss ( or is she Moldy Cheese??????? DUN DUN DUNNNN!!! )
0 likesXD yeah LOL 😂
1 likei don't get it?
2 likesNo she's cheese
1 likeNat,LOL
1 likeLol 😂
0 likesAn acorn really? 😑 SERIOUSLY 😑 she’s not a acorn,Acorn is a thing that squirrels eat
1 likeROUSTED xD
0 likesLol
0 likesNat noooooo
0 likesLol
0 likesYASSSS
0 likesLol
1 likeacorn a-corn
2 likesWow i didnt know chrysalis is a corn!
Flurry heart the acorn
0 likesDid you fall or did you let go?
0 likesI falled
What are you? An acorn?
Julia Cortez yup
0 likesxD
0 likesHasss
0 likesLol 😂 why acorn
0 likesShe is an acorn with holes
0 likesLol
0 likesyou have knowledge we don't
0 likesXD LOl
0 likesItzz Me Nat no
0 likesChangling: stays same
0 likesChrysalis: stays same: a corn
Ponys: 3 types
Allicorns: all types: all i corns
0 likesHahaha Very true thooo
0 likesLol
0 likesDon’t you mean “a acorn”
0 likesthat makes 0 sense...lol
0 likesXD lol
0 likesAh... yes... a common misconception...🤣
0 likesShe is alicorn not a acorn
0 likesALICORN
0 likesXD
0 likesIs she an Alichange
0 likesLOL
1 likeI agree
0 likesWyvern Slayer tricked me out of my ipad
0 likesOH GOD LOL
0 likesHaha
0 likesWhat a acorn
0 likesWut
0 likesItzz Me Nat XD
0 likesshe turned into one you mean XD
0 likesLMAO
1 like😂
0 likesLol
0 likesI don't understand???
0 likes@jelly_qUeEn it's not supposed to make sense, that's why ppl find it funny
0 likesReynaldo Dionisio bruh people know that she not the only person who wrote she not a Alicorn she’s a acorn
0 likes👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 good one
0 likesSo I can EAT HER NOW!!! 😍
0 likes@Spouop um, no. Just no
2 likesXD
0 likesLOL
1 likeXD
0 likesYes facts
0 likesXD
0 likesLMAO
0 likesPeriodt.
0 likesI eat acorns
0 likes@Yumi Yeet you can edit your comment
0 likes@Live Laugh Love wat
0 likesyes
0 likesI get it cause she's a foe not an Aly
0 likesLogic
0 likesYeah
0 likesOr she's already allinsect.
0 likes@Spouop what if I eat you when you eat chrysalis.
0 likesReally?? Boys
0 likesXD
0 likesLOL LOL 😂 XD
0 likesLOLLLLL
0 likesLol🤣🤣🥲🤣
0 likeslol she got roasted
0 likes@Spouop are you a ship for her to?
1 likeLol
0 likesXD
0 likesAlicorn
233 likesAl = All ponies
Basically meaning Pegasus, Earth Pony, and Unicorn (maybe stands for the corn part of the word)
Earth pony may sound like a regular pony but they are a bit magic as well with cutie marks, usually a bit stronger or faster and good with growing plants.
I might have stuff wrong but that’s what I am sure is what a alicorn means.
Replies (5)
Lunna2012 yes and in season 8 final episode when all of the magic returned to everyone you can see that some pink magic goes into pinki pie which makes sence since she can appear anywhere and can make anything appear anywhere
9 likeswing in spanish is ¨ala¨.
4 likesalicorn comes from latin but it basically means unicorn with wings lmao
1 likeLola Nicolau yeah because earth ponies have no visible traits. At least give them big hooves or something
1 likeThe word originated before mlp came out, the etymology can’t be dependent on the mlp universe
2 likesI think changelings have all of the features of the ponies so they can more easily turn into them. Like how their feet have holes in them, it's just an echo of the real thing, so Chrysalis is more like the echo of an alicorn, not a real one.
9 likes*"Is Chrysalis an alicorn?"
32 likesMe : "Yes, but actually no."
Replies (2)
Him: yes but actually no
2 likesMe: no chrysalis is no alicorn, alicorns are a beautiful creature made from 3 types of ponies, like earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasus, chrysalis is a filthy looking beast who tried to take over the world, luna was only like her when she was night mare moon who was sealed in the moon, actually I am surprised chrysalis is not sealed in the moon and in a stone like discord
@Ad Astra welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll in S9 E24/25 chrysalis is then a stone like discord
0 likes1:41 lol so true the designs are just... just- BLEURGGH!!
207 likesReplies (7)
They are just awful lol
18 likesYeah, that golden is D I S G U S T A N G
22 likesTrue to me they look like re-colors of Celestia but very disgusting let's be happy that it's not in the show because of the design lol
16 likes@sayori kinnie the yellow one is the vore flag-
4 likes@Max_Punch LMAO NOOOOOOOO
0 likesYeah lmao Rarity would puke her guts out.
1 like@TNT if they appeared rarity would give them a huge makeover
0 likesI like watching older theories and videos with hindsight, just to remember what the fandom was like, and what the current theories were.
4 likesShe’s more so an Alicorn equivalent than an actual Alicorn.
11 likesTwo things to say and have always wondered.
2 likes1. What if chrysalis tried using the spell twilight used on rarity and it wasn't completely done so it back fired big time so that's why she has wings.
And 2. Since chrysalis can use her horn like any unicorn could what about the other changlings? They have horns to but my guess is that since it's small and probably just a horn on their heads for show they can't use it?
But see in the new episodes when thorax and the others change they have bigger horn but still can't use them. I'm guessing their magic goes into them changing forms but shouldn't that be considered spells bc ponys can't change their forms with out a spell? And for one to become and Alicorn I guess it has to be given by another and not given by yourself. And it's mostly bird like wings with feathers. And if chrysalis is under a spell, then I wanna know who put it on her. Maybe star swirl? Celestia? Maybe they were friends? Or she tired doing it herself or something
Tbh your theories are so interesting and I can’t stop watching.
4 likesI wish if chrysalis was on good side imagine how much power she would have
4 likesThe title:Is chrysalis an alicorn?
71 likesThe video:ponies who aren’t really alicorns
Replies (1)
Celestia has a nephew omg that raritys ex crush dude him but i feel like it's her grand-grand nephew or something
0 likes"and two years later she still hasn't made an appearance. I'm pretty sure we can expect the same from these two as well."
3 likesMe being a graphic artist and thinking of Flurry Heart: Oh don't tell me you're planning on bringing those two strange things into the show.
Me: checks google oh season nine was the last one. phew
"Is Crystalis an alicorn?" Well she got wings and a horn like all alicorns so maybe
11 likesReplies (2)
Watch the video
2 likes@Toni Vrgoc sorry 😢
1 likethe writers basically just used Chrysalis so they wouldn't have to imagine an "evil" Cadance
5 likesReplies (1)
So true
1 likeSo this is my comment from the starting and the title was a very good question actually.
0 likesHow did Princess Cadence even become an alicorn? When Twilight was a young filly she was still an alicorn meaning she became one a long time ago, maybe when Cadence was a filly she became an alicorn? She couldn’t have been born one because Flurry Heart was the first alicorn to be born in Equestria — thats what really confuses me. This may be a good theory or I just might be stupid.
1 likeTechnically every changling would be an alicorn if all it took was to have wings and a horn.
1 likeFlurry Heart: Princess of merchandise.
1411 likesEDIT: My goodness people don’t know the difference of a joke and actually being serious.
Replies (134)
Blueberry GamerTM buy our toys buy our toys xD
73 likesI thought she was the princess of chaos
21 likesE
7 likesbuy our toys
42 likesBuy Our Toys
B. U. Y. O. U. R. T. O. Y. S
buy our toys.
33 likesbuy our toys.
BUY OUR merchandise!
No she is the princess of adorable and preciousness
11 likesSam Ehrig Creepstar seriously, she is merchandise, haven’t you seen the episode?
27 likesbuy our toys
Buy our toys
21 likesYes
12 likesNo she's the prices of light because the Cristal Hart spreds light and love kadence is love flury islighy
4 likes@Ugne Simba It’s a joke-
13 likesFlurry heart-“buy my toys buy my toys buy my toys”
8 likesMe-XD
6 likesFlurry heart is the Princess of light do u no why cause her mom is the Princess of l love and in the show its called love and LIGHT
1 like@felipe basallo jr It’s a j o k e.
13 likesBUY OUR TOYS
9 likesShe is the princess of light and hope because the crystal heart spreads light and love and in one of the episode twilight said that she is the last hope, so it makes sense
2 likesYes 1000000000000000 times yes
5 likes😂 so true
4 likesNo the princess of light
1 likePrincess of light theres two half thing of the heart love and light
1 likeIt’s light 🙄 duh
1 likeWell isn't all of the changlings have the ability to fly and use magic?
0 likesB U Y
5 likesO U R
! ! ! !
Actually light
1 likeSwagWolf 559 um gawsh if you don’t like it might as well not comment, like geez we like so why not bother us. We have feelings ya know
7 likesSwagWolf 559 also it’s a joke
7 likes꧁lemon paw꧂ there are so many things wrong with this comment
4 likes@Moumita Mukherjee it's a joke ._.
3 likesBUY OUR TOYS!
6 likes@Moumita Mukherjee its a joke you numskull!
4 likesSlenderWolf 559
3 likesR/wooosh...
bUy OuR tOyS
5 likesMoumita Mukherjee dude it’s a joke
4 likesSlenderWolf 559 also could you calm down for a second
3 likes@SlenderWolf 559 Bro calm your hotheaded burrito ass down. There’s no need to be rude for no reason.
2 likesYep agree on the edit part
0 likes@Bozena Z What the frick is wrong with you??
0 likes@Bozena Z I think you're the only one who doesn't enjoy people making jokes
0 likes@Nekokami I do enjoy
1 likeEspecially about my basement or MMMMM MOLLY AND CONNOOOOR
@Nekokami nothing thanks for asking babe
1 like@Sad Trombone rude for no reason? Well for no reason for me a reason
0 likesGo back to learning because I see you aren't very funny in school
@Sad Trombone calm down Jesus
0 likes@Hokaido Chan calm down Jesus
0 likesU need a doctor
@SHSL_Lazy wait it's a joke?
0 likesAnd I thought this is a fucking comment seriously I know
But that I'm smarter then you doesn't mean you need to be fucking rude
@SlenderWolf 559 I don’t think I’m the person that should calm down when you suddenly started telling people to shut up and fuck you. If people commenting is good enough reason for you to act like a dick, I don’t think you’d be very funny in school either.
5 likesSlenderWolf 559 says the one who’s swearing
2 likesSlenderWolf 559 your art is very nice and by judging your hand size and voice I would say your about 15-14 I think. Sorry if I’m wrong
3 likesguys stawppp
3 likesthis is a joke
it aint serious
you know that
this was before the last episode
and before sawtooth said she was the princess of light
New Zealand Singapore wowwowp in this store I love twilightpp p pp qqqqqqq1kooppewoow pool
1 like@Sapphire Diamond I'm smart and I'm totally right* learn to spell are you blond?
0 likes@Sapphire Diamond I'm not smart? Well my grades say otherwise
0 likes@Hokaido Chan yes I am
0 likesyes
1 likeflurry heart flurry heart flurry heart !
1 like@Abbi Jenson are you black?
1 like@SHSL_Lazy sorry
1 like@Hokaido Chan OKAY YOU GACHA KID
1 like@Sad Trombone I love burittos
1 likeYou are a gacha kid so shut up
Gacha kids are invalid and are subhumans (subhuman means below humans)
Gacha kids should never exist
@Bozena Z I don’t use gacha in everything, I’m just taking some art lessons and I’m using them as a replacement for now
2 likes@Bozena Z
2 likesNo. Are you 12?
@Abbi Jenson Nah I'm actually a bit more
0 likes@Hokaido Chan nice
0 likesSHIT I ruined 69 comments with this comment 😔😂
@Bozena Z
2 likesThen fucking act like it...
@Bozena Z If you’re older than 12 that’s hella sad that you’re acting like you’re 8.
4 likes@Sad Trombone okay that is out of line
If I were 8 I would be smarter then you probably. That someone is a child doesn't meann they are stupid or less smart then adults some adults are more stupid or the other way around if I'm 8 if I'm 13 if I'm 18 IT DOESNT MATTER AGE DOESNT MATTER your brain doesn't just become smart because you are old but because YOU LEARN
So by you saying I act like 8 that only shows YOU ARE THE IMMATURE ONE so GROW UP PLEASE JESUS
I hate people like you! That someone is 8 doesn't mean THEY ARE STUPID
@Abbi Jenson what you mean to act like it? Thet I'm above 12 doesn't mean I'm smarter or more mature
1 likeI know a lot of adults that are a lot dumber then children
And either way your brain does change through age BUT INTELLIGENCE ISNT ABOUT THE BRAIN BUT HOW MUCH YOU KNOW AND LEARN please grow up
I'm tired of people like you that use child as an insult
@Bozena Z 8 as in immaturity dude, not 8 as in smarts. I know there are plenty of smart 8 year olds. And you’re saying I’M out of line? Who the hell started this whole conversation? Because it sure as hell wasn’t me. “If I was 8 I’d probably be smarter than you.” I beg to differ since you claim you’re older than 12 and you’re acting like this. You’re the one who needs to grow up.
4 likes@Sad Trombone and I know what you mean and that's what immature about it
1 like@Sad Trombone also how do I act? LIKE A 8 YEARS OLD? or maybe as 6? Or 3?
1 likeBecause in your logic being 8 is being stupid and immature so
@UCdy5J5y27vl0roZ44K_XEGQ When did I say that I think 8 year olds are stupid and immature children who can’t count?? Now you’re putting words into my mouth. 8 year olds are still learning the world and what’s right from wrong, so they tend to be immature because they’re KIDS. You’re acting immature. That’s what I mean. How the hell am I blaming you for my problems when you literally started this entire thing by telling people to shut up and fuck you, this wouldn’t have started in the first place if you decided to be a decent human being and not be rude for no reason whatsoever.
3 likes@Sad Trombone that's basically what you mean by saying I act like 8
0 likesYou are so closed minded
@Sad Trombone also that they are 8 doesn't mean—
0 likesYou know what? You are closed minded I won't change your opinion it neither YOU WONT ACCEPT my opinion or neither a fact so I will just leave you here I have enough of people that think thet 8 years old are stupid. Goodbye
Also it was you who made the comment so it isn't my fault you decided to comment
@Bozena Z Yeah, you act immature. Because you are. I don’t see your point.
1 like@Sad Trombone no
2 likesYou don't don't see my point
You just don't want to see it
Because you are closed minded
@Sad Trombone I act immature
1 likeWell at least I'm not stupid I mean that's what my grades say
@Bozena Z
1 likeIf you’re older then 12 years old, act like it. That couldn’t be clearer. Cause right now, you are telling people to “shut up” and acting like you’re 12 years old. You’re being very immature and childish. I’m acting my age and you should act your age or get off the internet and play with your action figures and let the adults talk....
@Abbi Jenson I just said
@Abbi Jenson you act your age? Yeah prolly like 80 years old
0 likes@Abbi Jenson I'm an adultsoooo
0 likes@Bozena Z I don’t want to see your point not because I’m close minded, but because I know it won’t make any sense. You started this entire argument by being rude, people started being rude back to you, and now you’re mad about it. What valid point is there? There isn’t one.
2 likes@Abbi Jenson you both are the most closed-minded people I ever saw
1 likeI need to talk to some normal people thatt don't make me want to cut my veins
@Sad Trombone you both are the most closed-minded people I ever saw
1 likeI need to talk to some normal people thatt don't make me want to cut my veins
@Bozena Z Lol, you’re such a hypocrite. You got mad at me for using 8 years old as an insult and now you’re using 80 years old as an insult? Damn. I highly doubt you’re an adult, if you are that’s pretty sad.
2 likes@Sad Trombone some people just want to see the whole world burn.....
0 likes@Sad Trombone I never used it as an insult
0 likesWtf? You know what
You make no sense
I'm just fucking going away because I'm fucking DONE DONE FUCKING DONE
@Bozena Z I’d say we’re decent human beings. I don’t know what’s messed up in your mind or what someone did to hurt you, but we’re pretty normal from the looks of it.
3 likes@Bozena Z Also stop liking your own comments. It’s sad.
4 likes@Bozena Z Toodles, I hope you decide to grow up.
2 likes@Sad Trombone slams my head over a wall 1 thousand times and kills my dog with a Knife
1 like@Bozena Z “You act your age? Yeah prolly like 80 years old” That’s not an insult? Hm, sure buddy. Have a nice life.
2 likes@UCdy5J5y27vl0roZ44K_XEGQ Lmaooo resorting to mom jokes now? Awesome, really shows that you’re the adult you say you are ✨
2 likes@UCdy5J5y27vl0roZ44K_XEGQ This is hilarious
1 like@Sad Trombone I know that's why I'm doing it
1 likeSo we don't talk about whatever we were
I have enough of Hurting myself so I will just say random things to make you laugh lmao
@Bozena Z Ookay then, I’mma go now. Have a nice rest of your day!
1 like@Bozena Z
I’m fucking DONE DONE DONE
You just answered your own question, LMFAO. And I’m not telling you my age because you don’t need to know, but I promise I’m much older then you...
@Sad Trombone Nah lets laugh more
1 likeThis time let's talk about psycho stuff
@Sad Trombone maybe some torture stuff? I love saw, do you?
1 likeSaw is awesome especially the traps they are so well done! I like Amanda's ones especially since you can't escape them
But jigsaw is still better because he isn't just a killer he actually punished people for their sins! I wish there would be a real life person like that!
0 likes@zy yes
0 likes@daisy is DIY it’s a joke
0 likes@Sams the bezt at stuff 888 Joke
0 likes@꧁Ugnė Tarbonaitė꧂ take a joke jeez
1 like@ipe basajr bro- its called joking
1 like@Moumita Mukherjee its a joke bruv
1 like@tomjerryandstrangerthings take a joke
1 like@shamceyy !! its a joke
1 like@♡ꨄAmaras shooting starsꨄ♡ its a joke
1 like@Sammy Samsters joke
1 like@daisy is DIY she will be discord's daughter then
0 likesOhh i thought she was the princess f cutness😂
0 likesmaybe I'm just a little dumb, but i think i missed the "buy our toys" joke
0 likeswhat does it mean?!
@꧁Ugnė Tarbonaitė꧂ 7 spelling mistakes
0 likes@Bozena Z *blonde
1 like@Bozena Z not all people are the same
1 likeIm gonna stop now cause i dont want anymore bad energy
1 likeNo she is the princess of light
0 likes@♡ꨄAmaras shooting starsꨄ♡ it’s a joke we know it’s an episode he made a while ago
1 like@Moumita Mukherjee it's a joke
1 like@tomjerryandstrangerthings it's a joke
1 like@shamceyy !! it's a joke
1 like@♡ꨄAmaras shooting starsꨄ♡ it's a joke
1 likeOh yeh
0 likesBuy our toys! Buy our toys
1 likeTechno beatB-B-Buy our toys@꧁Ugnė Tarbonaitė꧂ err bad spelling detected
0 likes@Moumita Mukherjee it's a joje
0 likes@daisy is DIY nah Thats discord
0 likesThis tops the saddest answering sections to read
0 likesouch dude
@daisy is DIY I don't think she like discord
0 likesOk here is a theory:
0 likesChrysalis is the condemned sister of Celestia and Luna, and the original princess of love. She turned on them and converted to evil form kinda like nightmare moon, which she called a changeling. She used her magic to turn ponies into these changelings and to give them the ability to change form. This could be where prince Brotherhoove of whatever his name is comes in. It is said in s1 ep3 that he is celestias nephew. Could he be Chrysalis’s son? This is just a theory on a whim with no evidence, but whatever lol
If shes an alicorn, you'd have to call Thorax the first male alicorn, and the rest of the changelings alicorns as well. And what if Chrysalis is Princess Celestia and Luna's long lost sister, that was corrupted by something and ran away before Celestia and Luna got to know who she was or somethin
0 likesHi,
0 likesI think I have a theory. In one of your videos you said that cadeance mother is the one of the love story. I think so too but what if chrysalis is actually this Alicorn under a spell aber the potion worked off? She doesn’t like cadeance because she is the Produkt of something she never wanted and since then she hated love ! So she started to eat it and get revenge on candeance
I based my name off the of Princess Skyla because I think it’s a nice name but the problem with her is: she’s MAGENTA. What’s the point of having an alicorn called Skyla, if she’s not even blue? And also since this is a bit outdated, there are FIVE alicorn princesses in Equestria.
1 likeI'm still waiting for a male alicorn. my thought is a weather controlling villain, maybe call him tempest.
792 likesReplies (199)
+noobmaster117 tahts a cool idea!
5 likesThere's Big Mac....
70 likes@noobmaster117 Cool. I rlly want Shining Armor To become a alicorn for some stupid reason xD
40 likesikr XD
3 likes@noobmaster117 Weather-controlling? You mean a pegasus?
13 likesDiscord is best allicorn. Duh..
34 likes@noobmaster117 I imagine an alicorn prince that sustains a levitation spell of an island nation high above the clouds so his subjects can live in an isolated utopia. I call him Prince Atlas of Skyhalla~!
9 likes@Andrew Meyer *A* pegasus merely affects the weather. To actually control the weather would require a legion of pegasi or unicorns.
7 likes@noobmaster117 Well We Know Its Possible Since Big Mac Turned Into 1. IK IT WAS A DREAM BUT HEL SPIKE COUD HAVE MADE RARITY LOVE HIM. I GUSS............Ya.........
2 likes@Dubstep Ocean wrong reply.
2 likes@noobmaster117 Wait Wuuuut
0 likes@***** But Is BA... #Memes4ever
0 likes@Dubstep Ocean You replied to me, but you meant to reply to brazen.
0 likes@noobmaster117 Oh Right Sorry...I Atualy have Derp Eyes Irl So This Happins Alot...No Lie......I Am 1 With Best Pont
0 likesCoghsDerpy@noobmaster117 Princess Big Mac
4 likes@Surprise Pop you are not wrong, but also...
0 likeshttp://popculture-patron.deviantart.com/art/Weird-Al-is-BEST-PRINCESS-431235534
I want a solar king/prince and he 2 old be called Saturn rings or Pluto.
0 likes+Crystal The animatronic cat (Cryssie) would**
0 likesIs there? Shining armour is basically a king... He isn't an alicorn.
0 likesthat would be EPIC!! And the name Tempest is also the best!
0 likes@noobmaster117 The farthest we've gotten with male ponies in this show is (arguably) Big Mac, My guess is you'll be waiting a looong time for a male alicorn... Unless you choose to beleive in fandom head cannons about King Sombra. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
4 likes@noobmaster117 Tempest? Oh! That's pretty good! Or, Thunder Tail, or, Twister Tail, I don't know, but Tempest is a pretty good name. Nice thinking!
1 likeWhat about princess Big Mac in do princesses dream of magic sheep?
0 likesYeah wut about Big Mac is he a nothing to u shame
0 likesBig Mac? If someone named Big Mac was in an episode, then I obviously didn't see it, I don't have the channel that My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, comes on anymore cause I don't have a cable box anymore...
0 likes+Skyler Klick that was a dream not in real pony ville
0 likesUmm... Forgetting about Big Mac
2 likesXD
@noobmaster117 dude I came up with an alicorn male that contro9l's weather and his name is Prince Lightning my oc with a flaming lightning on fire cutir mark
0 likes+NickNamedNoob NoBalisticz Nope King Sombra is KING sombra
0 likesbig mac is a burger no you mean oh ok
he was in a dream
@Crystal The animatronic cat
0 likesKing Sombra could be an alicorn depending on what fan fiction theories you read. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Brilliant idea my friend!
0 likes@***** dreams have never and will never count.
0 likes@Omg ISuck Why not Zoidberg?
0 likes@NickNamedNoob NoBalisticz Maybe because Zoidberg is a lobster thing from an entirely different show?
0 likes#duh
@snowy roxx22 Priiiiinceeeeeeeesss Biiiig Maaaaaaac!!!!!
0 likes@Budder Guy 42 I think we should leave the bisexual stuff to Lyra and BobBon. But, what about PRINCESS FLUTTERSHY? I would sell my soul to Satan to see that!
0 likes#MyIdeasAreAwesome
@noobmaster117 wait.. isn't sombra a alicorn?
0 likes@noobmaster117 what would happen to RD then? (like if they somehow regained there super powers even tho that was in a comic book it was magical) she kinda controlled the weather, would that mean RD would be the one to defeat the villain? or be somehow 'controlled' by the villain? (<--- that would kinda harm their loyalty magic stuff or what ever it is now wont it?) would she be- what ever you get the point (i got annoyed of typing something this long -.-)
0 likes@Evelyn Yezzi Since Sombra is a supernatural villain, I don't think the rules apply to him.
2 likes@That Person Named Da Best Constellation please see previous comment: 9th from the top.
0 likesAny more comments asking this will be deleted and/or reported as spam.
@That Person Named Da Best Constellation Yeah. It's getting really old!
0 likes#StopAskingAlready
@Justin Sheluga What does that have to do with anything? You argument is Invallllid!!
0 likesNickNamedNoob NoBalisticz You used a really overused meme cliché. Therefore, your statement is invalid.
0 likes#Invalidity
@noobmaster117 @Justin Sheluga I didint ask that :p
0 likes@That Person Named Da Best Constellation Well, first off, it's... I wouldn't say stupid, as the whole of MLP and bronydom is probably stupid, but it's not corresponding to canon to think that just because a pegasus can alter weather, they are susceptible to a weather controlling villain's power. Rarity was able to control weather for all of ponyville, but didn't affect the pegasi. Second, from what we know about alicorns, they are not dominating creatures, they merely have powers corresponding with elements of both the physical and metaphysical world, such as Celestia being able to control the sun, and having clairvoyance (which, makes sense, she can bring light where all others see darkness). So, if this made up villain DID have a power concerning that kind of stuff, it would probably have something to do with storms, like being able to see a ponies inner conflicts or something... which would make him an even greater villain, as he could prey on weakness.
0 likesAlso, not liking having to type? You're an adult aren't you? Even if it's a phone, it's not a big deal to type.
Sorry @That Person Named Da Best Constellation my mistake
0 likes#sorry
@noobmaster117 wow to be honest your kind of making big fuss about what I said ;p what your taking about is the villain/who ever affects the weather but RD also had that super power you know >.< she controlled the weather for that one episode (and in the dream)
0 likesAlso, I'm not a adult, just simply a teenager who has a habit of typing stuff small and not that big unless I wanted to. (and a habit of thinking out of the box)
@Justin Sheluga its okay, a lot of people make mistakes once and a while right? :)
0 likes@That Person Named Da Best Constellation Right. Thx for being so understanding.
1 likeBTW guys I was joking and yes I am aware that was just a dream.....or was it? XD
0 likes@snowy roxx22 It was.
0 likes#GetYourFactsInOrder
@Justin Sheluga Dude did you miss the "XD" it's a laughing face meaning I was joking I KNOW IT WAS A DREAM STOP BEING MEAN TO ME AAAHHHH I AM JUST GONNA LEAVE THIS CONVERSATION SORRY FOR BEING AN IDIOT BYE! >:U
0 likesOi vei, this comment section has gone to Hell. More miscommunications than a game of telephone.
0 likesAlso, am I the only one not getting updates on likes? I means, seriously! 94 likes (wow... Popular comment) and not one notification.
@noobmaster117 Yeah it's just you, get rekt, #420Sw@gIt-MCJagIt
0 likes@noobmaster117 An alicorn villain is something that will likely never happen.
0 likes+noobmaster117 Technically, Discord is an alicorn because he has horns and wings
0 likes@CSA360 Do you even watch the show?
0 likes@CSA360 @Luminescence AJ @Henry goh In reference to Henry's question, survey says...BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I however have seen every episode and EG movie multiple times. Favorite episode: Slice of Life; Favorite character: Rainbow Dash; Favorite pet: Angel
0 likes#MLPEqualsAwesome
@Justin Sheluga I wasn't asking you, but good job, I suppose. I've seen EG movies and episodes at least 3 to 4 times. I just assumed most fans rewatched the stuff.
0 likes@Henry goh The funny thing is, I switched to a cable company that carried Discovery Family in 2012. So i had missed a lot. I watched one episode: Like it. 10 episodes: cool. Aall of the reruns of episodes i missed: my wife and i are officially a brony and pegasister! I cant wait for the next new episode on Sept. 19 and MLP Equestria Girls: Friendship Games the very next Saturday! (26th)
1 like#SeptemberWillRock
@Justin Sheluga Oh yea, September was a great month....
0 likes@Henry goh You mean September WILL BE a great month. Its also my 1st wedding anniversary! Party at Aruba!
0 likesso close... six more likes and I break a hundred!
0 likesNever thought an off the cuff OC would be so popular.
@noobmaster117 people love off the cuff OC's. They keep things interesting.
0 likes@Justin Sheluga No, that was a September eleventh allusion.
0 likes@noobmaster117 I don't know if they're liking it out of pity, or the sheer hilariousness that you actually consider such things.
0 likes@Henry goh You are an evil man. I LIKE THAT!
0 likes@Henry goh trolls will not be tolerated. Be nice or I will block you.
0 likes@noobmaster117 Dude lighten up. I was kidding
0 likes#Up-tight
@Justin Sheluga I was talking to the guy who brings up 911 in a freaking brony vid.
0 likesSorry man. If someone doesnt specify, Im not sure. Always had that problem. DAMN AUTISM!
0 likesWell...
0 likesBig Mac became a "Princess" on that dream episode.
That's probably the only Male alicorn you'll see in a while!
But don't Pegasus control weather? Maybe a male alicorn who feeds on friendship or something? Or maybe an alicorn that can destroy and build buildings called the PuppetMaster? I don't know I'm horribke if thinking this stuff up 😞
0 likes@Christine Lai you're overthinking this.
0 likes@noobmaster117 Wasn't trolling. I was just saying is all.
0 likes@Christine Lai Male alicorns are very unlikely in MLP, and an alicorn villain acting under his/her own control will not happen. Antagonist, perhaps, but an alicorn would not be one to hold malicious intents.
0 likes@Henry goh Yet another good point brought up.
0 likes@Henry goh just stating facts here, but the nightmare forces were never confirmed as canon, So until they are, we kind of have to assume that Luna really is just a spiteful bitch who'd kill her sister and Equestria over petty jealousy... And that is why the Nightmare Forces SHOULD be canonized. Lauren really is given too much credit.
0 likes@noobmaster117 I did originally consider Nightmare Moon, however I'm addressing anyone's ideas for an alicorn villain. "Acting under his/her own control" means they are not under a spell, cursed, poison, insane or driven insane, or in any other way forced.
0 likesAnd while the nightmare forces haven't been outright stated, it has been inferred in the show that dark magic was involved, mainly when the "pony of shadows" was described as the residue of Nightmare Moon's "dark magic." Alicorns have alicorn magic, however they can learn dark magic, but that's more of a learned skill than an inherent part of the alicorn package since unicorns could perform that trick as well.
So yes, the nightmare forces aren't technically confirmed, however it's easily inferred that other forms of magic were influencing Luna as Nightmare Moon.
@Henry goh just don't tell Faust, she's very butthurt over Hasbro not following her vision... Plus, she's still pissed Cartoon Network won't do her idea for intergalactic rollerbladers (and considering she walked off of MLP to work with her hubby, I'm beginning to not blame them...)
0 likes@noobmaster117 So the rumour was true. CN did reject an idea pitched to them by the MLP mastermind!
0 likes#HolyShit
Well, technically, every channel turned it down. Hasbro was the only one even willing to give her a shot as a creative head.
0 likesShe blames "male industry dominance" but considering how many strong females are headlining now, I'd say it's more likely that rollerblading aliens just aren't popular. After all, what makes or breaks any franchise for kids these days is toy sales, it's why Young Justice and 2011 thundercats were canceled, and probably why Korra's seasons were such a cluster fuck.
@noobmaster117 I remember a cartoon i liked as a kid that involved 4 teenage sharks who were a neighborhood gang. If that was a precursor to TMNT, please shoot me. Also, if that WAS a show, I'm surprised no networks took up Faust's ball and started running with it!
0 likes#MissedYourChance
shining armor is a prince
0 likes@Justin Sheluga street sharks was an attempt to make lightning strike twice... It didn't, but that was a long time ago. Things have changed since then, even Lego and My Little Pony are making quality cartoons now. (There was no precursor to TMNT, it WAS the precursor, a toy line that spawned several television shows, films, and games... And the closest thing to a followup was cowboys of moo mesa, which was by the same designers)
0 likesBesides, if Faust REALLY wanted to make her show, she'd stop dicking around with corporate politics and hit up Kickstarter.
@noobmaster117 i actually miss Street Sharks. I though it wasn't half bad
0 likesHow much ya wanna bet it's big mac
0 likes@Zero Spectrum None, that's ridiculous. Big Mac can't be an alicorn, he just farms apples.
0 likes@Henry goh Why do people keep bringing up Big Mac? It was a dream world! This better not lead to a debate over silly stuff from "MLP EG: Friendship Games" after Sept. 26!
0 likes#PleaseKillMe
@Zero Spectrum You aren't the first one to say that
@noobmaster117 That will never happen because a male alicorn is racist!
0 likes@Cursed Grimdark Fluttershy Don't you mean sexist?
0 likes#DictionaryAnyone
@Cursed Grimdark Fluttershy it's *sexist to not have one... We should probably add a zebra alicorn, a diamond dog alicorn, q breezy alicorn, and a griffon alicorn to that as well, since that would be racist not to. Dragons and serpents are covered thanks to discord and spike.
0 likes@noobmaster117 i thought i was the king of unorthodox suggestions, but i think we have a new champion.
0 likes#PeopleKeepStealingMyTitles
griffons can't be an alicorn. Only ponies can be alicorns. Griffons aren't ponies, diamond dogs are not ponies, zebra aren't ponies. Brezies aren't ponies either. You see my friend. How can brezies be alicorns? When rarity had butterfly wings, she didn't turn to an alicorn at all. Butterfly wings are similar to breezies wings. I have a theory that breezies are little pony butterflies but that's just my theory. I'm not trying to be mean so bye...
0 likesWell, if you've seen the last episode in season 5 Big Mac dreams as being an Capricorn. Looks really funny!
0 likesNot Capricorn, alicorn. Dumb auto-correct.
0 likesI wish Shining Armor would turn into an alicorn.
0 likes@andy zinger That would ruin mlp for me
0 likes#BadIdea
@andy zinger Why would you wish that?
0 likes@Faniashy from Lightheart team it's a joke, I'm highlighting what racism is.
0 likes@noobmaster117 Dammit mate, the joke's ruined if you have to explain it!
0 likes@noobmaster117 Not every joke needs an explanation
0 likes#KilledIt
@Henry goh Since youre a brony, i have a serious question. I've been considering trying a MLP/Beyblade fanfic. Should i give it a shot?
@Justin Sheluga first, don't be a parrot
0 likesSecond, if you look, you can see I was explaining the joke to a moron who took it literally
Third, I've never even watched beyblade. Even as a kid, battle tops didn't sound like riveting tv, and I watch Yugioh, YUGIOH! The diet version of magic the gathering!
@noobmaster117 1. Sorry for my unneeded squawking; 2. Okay, i get that. 3. I meant the new Beyblade that was on starting in like 2009. The very first one was crap. 4. I was asking Henry goh. And 5. I watch Yu-Gi-Oh too.
0 likes@Justin Sheluga Oh god......
0 likes@noobmaster117 They will not going to have a male alicorn because female alicorns are the best!
0 likes@Cursed Grimdark Fluttershy Sarkeesian, get out of here.
0 likes@Justin Sheluga If you write it well, I suppose readers someone will read it and like it. I've seen a little beyblade, so I'm not sure how well it would integrate, but give it a shot.
0 likesP.S. read my stuff on fimfiction, its super important to society! Well, some of it is.
me 2
0 likesPersonally i want to see shining armour turn into an alicorn
0 likes@Thatsso CeriseWolf That's a bad idea.
0 likesi think there should be a guy in the show thats not a dad, brother, villian, or back round character...or a royal guard it would be insterting wouldnt it
0 likes@Natasha Damico so... Just a random guy shows up and lands a main character position?
0 likesKinda like he needs help cause somthing happens and after that he asks the mane six for favers and the six ask him for favers to like that sanerio
0 likes@Natasha Damico I'd rather just see Discord be boosted up to main character status. He already had his own episode.
0 likes+noobmaster117 yea i know what you mean but wouldnt it be cool to have a guy pony being friends with the mane six ¿?
0 likes+noobmaster117 SO AM I
0 likes+snowy roxx22 omg yeah
0 likesprincess bigmac
1 likeEloise D (Dr Lovey Buns) + its cannon
0 likes@Henry goh no its not beacuse if a princess is an alicorn and shining armours a prince then wjy cant he be a flipping alicorn
0 likesIn "A Canterlot Wedding Part 1" during the song "Big Brother Best Friend Forever" and the part (during the song) when filly Twilight was watching Shining Armor and other guards doing a "salute" gesture, if you look closely, you'll see that all the Royal Guards (not including Shining Armor) have wings. Even the unicorn guards had wings. This may have been an animation error or something. Male alicorns were in an episode by accident! Even better than on purpose!
0 likes@Serlina the Servine animatronic I like my alicorns the same way I like my Korrasami.
0 likesCANON! so, no, animation errors don't count.
+noobmaster117 CANNON!
1 likefires Pinkie Pie's party cannon+noobmaster117 I'm sure there's like 500 OCs that fits that description.
0 likesOhh! And he could have Super Breath! LOLZY
0 likes@noobmaster117 Poop...
0 likes+Dubstep Ocean I was disappointed that Spike didn't even try to Kiss Rarity in his imaginary/dream adult form, or at least show off his muscles to her, or something xD
0 likesYer shining armour should become the first male alicorn
1 like+noobmaster117 Well, so far with the alicorns, we've seen alicorns be Princesses. I kind of wish that King Sombra was an alicorn, but he was just a really powerful, villainous unicorn. I bet if there were a male alicorn, it'd be a Prince or a King.
0 likes169.
0 likes... Ok, I think we're done here.
+Sean Drakes its Princess Bic Mac.
0 likesPRINCESS big Mac
0 likes+Pinkamena The. Cupcake Killer that is a dream
0 likesEeeup!
0 likesnoobmaster117 I know
0 likesHoly shit, the irony of this... (SPOILERS!)
5 likesIf you don't care about spoilers, continue:
There's going to be a character in the upcoming MLP Movie called Tempest Shadow, and she has a broken horn.
@ItzonlyKatt yeah, and she looks terrible, like a bad deviant art oc... Also thanks for reminding me of this comment... I forgot how cringe inducing I could be...
0 likesItzonlyKatt pp]pppppppppppppppppppoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopppppppppp
0 likesWhy can't you live with Discord?
3 likesnoobmaster117 there is one its thorax
1 likeJACEY and AEKAE
0 likesThorax isn't an Alicorn
noobmaster117 he h
0 likesyes he is ish
1 likei don't think a male alicorn will appear
0 likescrystyus used to be an alicorn
0 likesnoobmaster117 I like it!
0 likesIt is also kinda weird how King sambra was not an alicorn and had no cutie mark.
1 likeMaybe men rulers are rejected by equestrian pony's since King sambra attacked
13 likesSurprise Pop he's a dirconorcuois
1 likeThere is a male alicorn!!!
0 likessnowy roxx22 dude that was a dream he's just a farm pony (no offense)
0 likesWell now like 3 years later we have a character named Tempest and the Main 6 opened a school
10 likes@spookier wow mlp the movie
2 likesStorm king:
4 likesThe my lil pony movie is out and there’s a girl called tempest so you stole the name 😠
2 likesdid Hasbro really take your idea into the movie mlp!??!?!!?!
10 likesuh that sounds like the mlp movie anyone noitice that?
1 likejust me ok.. btw im on my dads account :p
*Cough* MLP movie beat you to it
2 likes@Valkyrie Rain cough this comment was from 3 years ago.
3 likesHere from the future. I'm– wow
2 likesTEMP-est as in temperature! Any one? Yeah I get it.
1 likeWerewolf Korra you have some kind of foreshadowing ability that’s the name of one of the villains in the MLP movie but I like the idea
2 likesI’m from the future, no not yet........and tempest the name is taken :(
3 likesYou got a tempest
1 likeI’m from the future, and I can say that there is a character called Tempest in the Mlp Movie! Sadly, they are not a male nor an alicorn. She is a unicorn with a broken horn.
2 likes@Laughton Mckenzie but that comment was 3 YEARS ago...
0 likesThere is a girl in the mlp movie called tempest
0 likesThere's already a Tempest, and it's a SHE lol. But she's only a unicorn with a broken horn
1 likeThere’s the Storm King AND Tempest now O_O
3 likes=I =]
0 likesI’m late but in the movie of 2017 tempest controlled the weather and she was a unicorn. Covincidence?
2 likesWell.... That name Tempest, more specifically Tempest Shadow, came out recently in My Little Pony the Movie, but she ( spoilers ahead, only warning). She is a unicorn under the command of Storm King, a creature that looks similar to Tirek, except he has two legs instead of four. He "uses" her to capture the four princesses so he can use the magic from them to control the weather. But maybe you had an idea about that already, since Tempest was the name that you thought of.
0 likesIronically, later than this comment, we got a de-unicorn named Tempest..
2 likesHoly shit you predicted the future
7 likesOmg Tempest O.O
0 likesYou're a god for me thanks
0 likesUmm Tempest is fro the movie
0 likesShe is a unicorn with a broken horn
You’ve predicted tempest shadow
1 likeEvelyn Yezzi no Pegasi parts
0 likesThat is actually a good idea
1 likeWell u just predicted the name of the villain in the MLP movie
0 likesThis lad out here casually predicting the future
0 likesSCARED
0 likesAnd then Tempest Shadow happened
0 likesWell there is the pony of shadows now so i hope you are satisfied
0 likesLittle did you know a pony named Tempest is introduced in the mlp movie... (ik your comment was 4 yrs earlier)
0 likesIm fairly sure that Equestria is a female-lead country. Honestly girlboss country
0 likes@snowy roxx22 but it's a dream
0 likesWell that name aged
1 likeI like how you predicted the future name
0 likesYou are so ahead of ur time and you don’t even know it
0 likes@wolfie🎂 YES!!
0 likesI have a feeling that the writers read your comment when making mlp the movie
0 likesWe got a tempest 😍
1 likeOne thing I think is cool is you said "All Alicorns have wings and a horn but not everything that has wings and a horn is an alicorn."
0 likesYour right! But do you know why Alicorns have wings horns and Earth Pony stuff?
It's because there is too much magic to keep in one form of magic so with the help of Greater Magic that pony can be turned into an Alicorn which lets them Express all the magic with flight strength and raw Magic.
So to be considered an alicorn you have to have enough magic that can be channeled in three ways Earth Pony magic Pegasus magic and unicorn Magic.
And in the season finale Chrysalis (*who already had wings and a horn*) got more magic which was able to turn cozy glow into an Alicorn so I think that the Four Season 8 Chrysalis did not have alicorn magic but after season 8 she had Alicorn Magic.
It would also explain how in A Canterlot wedding Chrysalis was able to defeat Celestia (*who is the really powerful alicorn*) with only some of the love from shining armour.
I think like Twilight she was able to access her Alicorn magic a bit before she actually became an alicorn.
1 likeIt's actually still kind of shocking how bad they are. If a brony would have tried to use that as their ponysona they would almost immediately be shot down.
Before I start my theory sorry if someone thought of this and wrote it before me
0 likesI think Chrysalis was the princess of love before cadence because the words chrysalis and crystal sound similar but that’s not the point if you see her character it has a horn and wings. Maybe when Chrysalis was ruling something treacherous happened to the crystal empire so she went on a journey to find help the she went everywhere even to canterlot to ask princess Celestia and princess Luna for help but they said no. Chrysalis was heartbroken and went back but then realized the people were mad at her and she didn’t know why and they told her to leave the crystal empire she was so sad but she left and saw that cadence was ruling she was so mad because it’s was like all the stuff she did for her people went to waste so she turned evil and wanted revenge and that’s how she made her first appearance
Here is another thing to hopefully help. So when it happened Luna wasn’t there and maybe she wasn’t because she knew that chrysalis because of “cadence actions” and she was close to chrysalis before she changed so she left. If you saw chrysalis going against princess Celestia you can see she was hesitating and it was because she had a strong bond before they didn’t want to help her so she was hesitating because she didn’t want to destroy princess Celestia but she thought about that they didn’t want to help her so then she used her power harder. But princess Celestia realized that she didn’t want to hurt chrysalis so she let her win.
That’s my theory about chrysalis past
She can fly and do magic. Functionally she's an alicorn.
0 likesI have to disagree. In Equestria alicorns are anypony that fill these three criteria: they have wings, a single horn, AND they hold a position of royalty.
0 likesChrysalis:
✅ Has a horn
✅ Has wings
✅ Holds the title of "Queen"
Some may point out however that Chrysalis is a changeling and thus not technically "anypony". They, ofcourse would not be wrong. Because of this I feel a special caveat should be made and Queen Chrysalis should be classified a "changeling alicorn". (Much the same as Pluto being classified not as a planet, but as a "dwarf planet") Chrysalis is CLEARLY not a regular changeling OR a pony and as such she should be classified in her own group. Still an alicorn, just a changeling alicorn.
Why does Princess Skyla look like a recolored SweetieBelle but with wings and a tiara?
0 likesTo be honest I think that Crysilys (I wrote it wrong) Was a Alicorn but then she got too much power for her to handle So she took over (I guess she WAS a student of Celestia But after she got to a Alicorn she took over) You probably won't see this cause this is a old video
0 likesIt would be cool if the toys were canonically part of equestrias past
0 likesLet’s have a moment of peace for skyla
2 likesBefore I watch the video, I think that: Actually Chrysalis is a changeling.
2 likesI don’t even like MLP but I watch this and I remember when I did when I was little (I loved it and I love this now)
9 likesReplies (2)
It's amazing how he comes up with these theories
1 likeMan, that was emotional very, it was supposed to RIGHT???!!!!!
0 likesIt's been forever since I've watched this channel and forever since I've watched my little pony, to be honest my big brother is more into my little pony than I am and he is MUCH older than me but I thought why not 😂
1 likeChrysalis is the real heart queen have you ever looked in the mirror windows which have ponies on them it has chrysalis real form on it
0 likesAnd she is a alicorn cuz she was a princess and before her wings were more like a alicorn wing and her hair was well done she looked really pretty
When I bought princess starling and princess gold- idk whatever, when I was like 5 I though they WERE in episodes and I forgot to watch one episode, the next day I actually went through almost ALL the episodes trying to find them lol
2 likesSawtooth waves: there are only 4 Alicorns in Equestria.
3 likesFlurry heart:AM I A JOKE TO YOU?!?????
Replies (1)
Woah flurry, calm down
0 likesif she's an alicorn, then her whole hive is alicorn XD
3 likesReplies (1)
She is absolutely 100% Right dude
1 likeThat’s What I’ve Been Saying! People Should Pay Attention To The Show And Actually Realize That CADENCE AND CHRYSALIS ARE NOT SISTERS! I Even Listed Why In A Video Of Some Tribute To Chrysalis But Weird Looking
1 likeI think she was a changeling who can disguise herself as any creatures she want.
1 likeNo it's a simple matter of reformation u see on earth there's always light and dark so in ancient times there was no evil so the universe decided to turn unicorns evil almost causing the extinction for unicorns the unicorns turned evil and changed into changelings but All types of groups must have a leader so the changlings had a battle to see who would win the winner went to a place that aloud them to change into something much more powerful and then went back to the hive and ruled as the Queen of the changings yes I just broke the 4th wall and shit
0 likesI think the reason why she has horns and wings and all the changlings do aswell is so they can transform into anything and at least any creature in mlp has a horn or a wing.
0 likesYou could mention to everyone who is counting everything with wing and a horn as an alicorn then literaly every changeling is an alicorn!
0 likesFor alicorns you forgot cozy glow and flurry heart!
0 likes1:40 I watched this video a long time ago and I just realized that the purple one has the pan flag as a mane or at least the colors
8 likes'' there are only four alicorns in equestria''
1 likeme watching 6 years later: you have no idea what the future holds...
There is actually one more possible alicorn, granted only mentioned in the series and kinda... subtly
15 likesIn the episode about Hearts and Hooves day the book Cutie Mark Crusaders read has a princess, which at first looks just like a normal pony... but in later shot has both wings and a horn
Weird, huh
Replies (1)
@Chari Mahariel omg I didn't even realize that... great observation :D
1 likeNotice something on the wings of a pony while flying. It looks completely connected at the beginning of the wings. But look at twilight wings. It has an extra curve thing at the beginning connection of her wings. That's how u tell if quicken wings are earned or regularly naturally there.
0 likesWait if all princess have a role in Equestria, Celestia is in charge of the sun, Luna the moon, Cadence the crystal empire, and Twilight the magic of friendship. What is Flurry Heart's role?
0 likesI think the one who hangs out with fancy pants has alicorn blood, so that’s why she has a alicorn stature.
0 likesCelestia: Day
1 likeLuna: Night
Cadence: Love
Twilight Sparkle: Friendship
Flurry heart: Light
Luster dawn (In the future): I dunno
0:52 similar to how the pillars of the Adollaburst in Fire Force.
1 like"All pillars are adollaburst users, but not all Adollaburst users are pillars"
My theory is that Chrysalis is in fact an alicorn, but something went wrong with the transformation or after the transformation. After all, this would explain why Cestia put Twilight through so many tests before making her into an alicorn. It would also explain why she didn't make Sunset Shimmer an alicorn before finding out her intentions. Chrysalis was turned into an alicorn then turned evil and transformed into Queen Chrysalis. It makes sense with how Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon. If Chrysalis reformed she would turn back into an alicorn just like Nightmare Moon. The changlings didn't turn into ponies because they were artifical changlings that Chrysalis had made aka sge made a new species. And once they had changed their nature they turned into something completely different due to being completely different species.
0 likesIf Starlight Glimmer became an Alicorn Princess, I bet she would be the Princess of Magic
0 likesA. No, not a proper one anyway. HOWEVER. It's interesting to note that Stygian, as The Pony of Shadows, ALSO has wings and a horn! As soon as I saw that, I thought of Chrysalis, and...is there like, something about this world that automatically makes every powerful and/or royal enough being into an alicorn-like shape ?
0 likes(Yes, Chrysalis is a queen in the insect-hive sense, not in the actually born into an important family, or promoted to it sense. However, maybe the...magical force isn't smart enough to know that. It just hears the word "queen" and gives her a horn or wings, whichever was missing. :P)
Chrysalis might've been an alicorn before being the changeling queen, but I doubt it. I believe that changelings are actually insects genetically combined with ponies through the metamorphosis thing that regular insects go through. Y'know in Canterlot Wedding, when Celestia was in the cocoon-thingy, the changeling were trying to chang her into one of them.
3 likesYou know. Just an idea.
Or here's another idea for you people who don't seem to get it but the show might have a different story she's the first witch in it or the first Super evil witch in it who gave birth to deformed children didn't you think about that
0 likesWhat about princess Flurry heart, the princess of light/love to ones caretaker?
1 likeI think queen crisalis was an alacorn but she lived way longer and everypony was scared of her and the nightmare things that took over Luna controled her and she started doubling herself and it didn't work properly and she made the changlings and she used a spell that would be so that she too could shape shift but in order to do so she had to give up her wings and it messed up a little and took those holes out of her legs and horn .
0 likesI did have the purple and yellow alicorn toys once-
0 likesI loved them
What ? Your Skyla is evolving !
741 likesYour Skyla has evolved to..... Flurry Heart !
Replies (16)
Plot twist: the princess of merchendise still sucks, despite her upgrade
30 likesGoodparrotTFM what ? Your Flurry Heart is evolving ! Your Flurry Heart has evolved to..... EVIL FLURRY
13 likes@Julia Włodarczyk not anymore! brony notion likes her now! pRiNzEs Uv LiEhT¡!¡!¡!
2 likesLOOVE the pokemon reference!
2 likes@Julia Włodarczyk stinky stink MC stinker stan
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk im
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk just
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk gonna
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk keep
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk going
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk so
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk your
0 likes@Julia Włodarczyk phone
0 likes@I gave up on Names
3 likesWhat? Your EVIL FLURRY is evolving! Your EVIL FLURRY has evolved into...
Evil Furry
0:34 Her name is also spelled incorrectly. It is spelt "Fleur dis Lee" when in actuality, it is supposed to be spelt "Fleur de lis". Nobody there knows French, I guess.
0 likesNo- in the episode where chrysalis was still taking over equestria zecora knew ALOT about chrysalis so maybe zecora made chrysalis? And maybe even the tartarus monsters
0 likesChrysalis removed her heart from her chest, that is why she needed to feed on love.
0 likes"and based on their design id say that's a good thing"
0 likesTrue
She has such an uncanny resemblance to Airachnid from Transformers Prime. Even her relationship with Starlight
0 likesI’ve always thought that she is a alicorn lol
1 likeChrysalis maybe an alicorn because in one of the comic there are some portal to another world that the old world Chrysalis is very pretty if u see her and yes she has a normal horn and a normal wings
0 likesIm sorry this is only my opinion :/
This gives us lots of facts about alicorns which I like and think it is intresting.
0 likesi didnt know they had so many kids Princess Skyla (Full name Skyla Heart Sparkle) is Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's first born foal. Skyla is the older sister of Princess Armor Bride, Princess Sweetie Heart, Princess Scander and Princess Britney Sweet, Flurry Heart and Prince Tyrone.
0 likesWell all of the changlings have wings and a horn so to say that she is an alicorn means that all changlings are alicorns
0 likesNice rhyme on the saying:
0 likesAll alicorns have wings and a horn,
but not everyone (should have been everypony) with wings and a horn is an alicorn.
Me creating mlp OC s when I was 10 1:30
13 likesIn the mlp app fleur dis lee (in the show it's de lis I believe) the app description says the following "While this unicorn supermodel was away for a photo shoot, a Changeling assumed her identity but pretended to be an Alicorn! Knowing Fleur Dis Lee's true nature, her friends exposed the Changeling's deception just in time for her return to Canterlot." So I always think the alicorn fleur is a changeling
3 likesmeanwhile in the land of merchtpoiay lead by Princess Stirling, Princess Gold lily, and Princess Skyla. " do you think we are the only Alicorns?" Gold lily looked at her sister " what about Twilight sparkle?" Stirling rolled her eyes " Twilight sparkle is a myth, shes not cannon"
2 likesIs the pony of shadows an alicorn? He had a horn and wings. His wings look very different tho.
0 likesCadence stole being crystal princess queen chrysalis was the crystal princess you can see for yourself on the reverse comic. The changelings lived in the crystal empire as well as the crystal ponys. How you ask king sombra and queen chrysalis are the only king or queens until mlp the movie queen nova appears. Until the crystal empire was lost the changelings had nowhere to stay if you want to see more go to who is the lost crystal princess Ep.4
0 likesSawtooth Waves: Always forgets Flurry
1 likeMe: SERIOUSLY!?
According to an IDW mlp comic, chrysalis was born from a tree grown in a toxic pond (if my memory is true)
0 likesi have a theory that chrysalis was an alicorn but then she got the cutie pox and they had no cure for it back then and
0 likesthey had to cut out the cutie marks and thats why she has the holes in her legs, body and horn
This didn’t really talk about Chrysails about being a alicorn just talking about who or if there’s more alicorns in the world of my little pony.
0 likesplot twist: shes the Alicorn Leader and the first alicorn leader of the alicorn civilisation u talked about in 2016 (weird huh) and her army of changelings are the other alicorns that lived with her, Discord was gonna attack them so celestia and luna were sent to go save Equestria from Discord, the home of the alicorns were destroyed by discord and turned it into that place where celestia and luna turned him into stone. Though discord put a forever spell on Chrysalis and a temporary spell on the rest of the alicorns, making them all bad, but was nice and gave the power to change into any form. THE END
0 likesNope She's a changeling. She's been established in the comics that she and the changeling race were born from a carnivorous plant that grew out of a rotten acorn, and was split open by Starswirl nailing a warning-sign into the trunk. In her own words, she was always evil.
26 likesAnd until the show says otherwise, that's pretty much canon.
Replies (24)
@Michael Welsh "And until the show says otherwise, that's pretty much canon"
0 likeswhat if the show staff say otherwise? because they have stated that unless stated otherwise, they AREN'T canon.
@***** yes, it's not the best, but it's good. either way I was addressing the misconception that the comics are 'canon'
1 likei think changelings are an incomplete metamorphosis of a butterfly. I think changelings came from an egg then turned to a caterpillar pony thing and turned to a butterfly already. An evil butterfly pony that is incomplete
0 likes+Changeling Grimm (kiri no ōkami) Pics and links, or it didn't happen. I ask because I too often see stuff like what you're saying whenever the comics' canonicity is ever brought up. And any evidence shown in efforts to show that they're not is often either nonexistent or misrepresented/misinterpreted. As a matter of fact, both the showrunners and Andy Price have stated that the comics are indeed canon.
2 likes+Sailor Sedna How come you say the the Nightmare Rarity comic "can't be taken as canon"? Because it establishes Nightmare Moon to be an entity separate from Luna? In its defense, Lauren Faust did state that evil magic was involved in Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. (http://comments.deviantart.com/4/1603670/1919104364) And the show never once did address where the evil magic in question came from. Whereas the comics, at least for the moment, did.
No the comics aren't linked to the show at all sorry
0 likes@LittleAl016 http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/02/clarification-on-mlp-comics-vs-show.html
0 likes+Changeling Grimm (kiri no ōkami) The fact that you're using that link as proof to show that the comics are non-canon is precisely part of what I mean when I say "any evidence shown in efforts to show that they're not is often either nonexistent or misrepresented/misinterpreted". In your case, it's either misrepresented or misinterpreted. Also, https://twitter.com/AndyPriceArt/status/461550768492150784
0 likes+Sailor Sedna If additional races or cultures without prior explanation really did break canon, then A Canterlot Wedding and The Crystal Empire would be non-canon. I say this because this sort of thing has been happening since during the Generation 1 days. (Cases in point: Bushwoolies and Grundles.) And by the looks of things, it will keep happening. Adding to that, in the particular case of Friends Forever 14, I'll grant you that it's a bit of a continuity error. But given that Tanks for the Memories exists, it would be a safe bet that the writers don't really want the writers or viewers to worry about a certain detail if it's not an integral part of the story.
+Changeling Grimm (kiri no ōkami) There's no need to resort to vulgarity or getting defensive over a simple disagreement. As for proof that Hasrbo has indeed said that the comics are canon, there's the excerpt from http://www.licensemag.com/license-global/hasbro-magic-branded-play
0 likes"We give kids and consumers the opportunity to relive the story, but what sets us apart is that we are not quite interested in telling you what happened in a particular episode, but more interested in telling you what happened between episodes When the TV goes off and the movie theater goes dark, those characters are alive in your imagination. We build that story out and give you stories that happen in between the episodes and movies. A big part of our success is, from a content standpoint, that we deliver not just an interpretation or adaptation, but provide original content that is expanding that universe and giving a different experience of characters.”
+Sailor Sedna I've interpreted that as less like "the deer were controlling the forest", and more like "the deer was maintaining order in the forest itself". It seemed that they were only using their magic to affect the plant life in the Everfree Forest to defend it, as its ecosystem was being thrown out of balance due to a minotaur's actions. It doesn't seem, to me at least, that they would use their magic to affect the plant life in question unless if they have to.
And I did subscribe to the whole "Changelings were an offshoot of the Flutterponies" theory myself at one time. No skin came off of my nose when the comics showed otherwise.
+Sailor Sedna If it helps, I like to see the events shown in the most poorly received of stories in any MLP:FiM tie-in media like something such as broad strokes. As in they happened (unless shown otherwise), but not every detail is accurate.
0 likes+Sailor Sedna "Broad Strokes" is sort of slang for details described in a story in a media that ties in with another story within the same or a different media. TV Tropes can help define the term better than I can explain it without getting too long-winded.
0 likes+Faniashy from Lightheart team ...... So what, they are mutated half breeds of Breesies? If an egg is good, a Breesy is born, and if it's bad, A changeling queen pops out?
0 likesI haven't read the comics since... Well the Pirate one if I remember. That one really turned me off to them. Maybe I should get back to reading them again.
+LittleAl016 That's not true. The show staff have explicitly said the comics aren't canon. The only people who've claimed they are are the comic staff. Show staff have said repeatedly that the comics aren't canon.
0 likesNow, an ACTUAL canon source, the Elements of Harmony guidebook, has said the changelings are a race of insect-like ponies. So they're ponies.
@***** Twilight says shes not. The book lists her alongside the buffalo as "other Equestrian animals & friends". And in "The Journal of the Two Sisters" (which was explicitly stated by staff to be canon), Luna at first calls the zebras strange ponies before saying they weren't ponies after all.
0 likes+TheOtakuX The notion that the show staff has "explicitly said that the comics aren't canon" is a blatant misinterpretation of the show staff trying to dance around the subject of the comics' canonicity. Jim Miller saying that the show will "remain separate from the comics" basically means that whatever happens in the comics doesn't affect what happens in the show in any major way. Much like how Equestria Girls (which has been stated by Meghan McCarthy to be "canon in that it happened") doesn't affect what happens in the show. However, his line of "everything is canon until it's not", if you ask me, does heavily suggest that the show runners do consider the comics to be canon.
0 likes+Sailor Sedna A character that appears primarily in tie-in media appearing in the main media doesn't often require a direct reference to the tie-in media in question. Heck, Andy Price's and Katie Cook's self-inserts have appeared in the show themselves, even though neither one of those two was a major character to begin with.
0 likesOn a side note, is there any indication of Sunset appearing in the show besides Friendship Games? And even then, from what I've heard, that may be instead an indication of EQG getting its own show.
+Sailor Sedna Katie Cook's self-insert is a lime-green Earth Pony mare with a blonde mane and tail, glasses, aqua eyes, a green bandana, and a speech bubble with a heart for a cutie mark. Andy Rpice's self-insert is a blue Earth Pony stallion with a darker blue mane and tail, unshorn fetlocks, glasses, blue eyes, peach fuzz beard and mustache, and a pencil with bat wings (styled in a way that resembles Batman's logo) for a cutie mark.
0 likes+Sailor Sedna You might have also seen them when they appeared in the episode "Princess Spike".
0 likes+Micheal Welsh
0 likesMate, look up Ink Rose's headcannon called "Origins of Queen Chrysalis". Watch both parts, and I guarantee you that you'll learn EVERYTHING about Chrysalis and how she was in the early years of her life, etc.
+Alexandria Christian
0 likesThat's not canon.
It is from Ink Rose. She has a video called "The Origins of Queen Chrysalis", she also said it was a head canon so,,
0 likes+Alexandria Christian
0 likes"Headcanon" is another way of saying "personal fanon". Which means that it's an idea that a fan has (Ink Rose in this case) that he or she believes can fit into the story in some way. Personal fanons can be either confirmed if it was a canon idea from the start (which TV Tropes calls "I knew it"), made a part of the canon if it wasn't already (which is called "ascended fanon"), or just flat out denied (which is referred to as "jossing"). However, even jossed ideas such as that video you mentioned could still live on in the form of "alternate universe" fanfics.
+LittleAl016. I know
0 likes+Michael Welsh (Femoman) Spoiler alert! I haven't read that one yet!
0 likesFlurry heart the daughter of shining and cadance.
41 likesReplies (5)
oh, we had no idea
16 likesOmg rEallY???!!!!!!! I didnt know AT ALL UGHH-
0 likesThis video paste posted in like 2015- bruh
0 likesInteresting. I can see that there exceptions to these rules.
0 likesflurry heart:princess of light
0 likesor princess of love for one's parent
that's why she is born an alicorn
edit:crystal heart is described as love and light
wow when this vid was posted i was enjoying icecream with my left arm in a cast trying to figure out if my dad will stay alive to see me a grad
2 likesI miss read the title and thought it said, ‘Is Chrysails An Acorn?’ XD
888 likesReplies (26)
Yes yes
9 likesWell, she is nutty, lol.
9 likesSAME
4 likesi saw ''chrysalis is a corn'' xD
9 likesYeet
3 likesIt’s true
1 likeOh you didn’t know....oops
1 likeSame here 😂
2 likesShe is an acorn
4 likesYes yes good question
1 likeU did not
0 likesIs Acorn a bad pony word heh😂
0 likesShe’s worth that much
0 likesLol
0 likesOmg
0 likesNo she's swiss cheese XD
1 likeXD
0 likesThe birth of an acorn is something equestria has never seen. it is beyond even my understanding.
2 likesLol 😂
1 likeUhhh you would not want to eat that :/
0 likesLOL 😂
0 likesShe has to be an acorn
0 likesYes
0 likes🤣🤣🤣 you're right. SHE'S TOTALLY NUTS
0 likesLOL
0 likesI saw '' is chrysalis a aly '" XD
0 likesChrysalis is a Alicorn Pony who could have used to been trusted by Tia and Lulu but turned into a villian so I don't know
0 likesMy definition of an Alicorn is a pony with amplified Earth pony strength, Unicorn magic and Pegasus flight power
0 likesIf chrisy is a "alicorn" that means all changlings would be "alicorns" too
0 likesWell theoretically Chrysalis is an Alicorn, because she got wings and a horn but at the same time she isn't an Alicorn. She's a Changeling.
0 likesThere’s 5 + alicorns Bc Celestia and loona and twilight AND flurry heart + more
1 likeI kinda wish that Skyla was the little sister of Flurry Heart.
0 likesi love how its 2021 and im still watching your 2015 videos that I watched back then haha
0 likesThere are 5 alicorns but I guess Flurry Heart wasn't born yet when you made that video
1 likeThese video's are soo interesting! thanks for making them :)
34 likesReplies (11)
I agree. Your videos are AWSOME!!!!!!
0 likesthanks :)
0 likes@wilde_sander @SRChannel I love these videos also!
0 likes@wilde_sander I agree.
0 likesSame
0 likes+NickNamedNoob NoBalisticz bnnvmafjplh
0 likes@danyamay Lobe Negative.
0 likesAffirmative.
0 likesRoger that.
Yes ma'am.
0 likesI understand.
+wilde_sander Incorrect use of an apostrophe.
1 likeoh, english isn't my main language. my bad
1 likeYou forgot Flurry heart. Or was she not born yet?🤔
1 likeBut what about queen Parabola, the zebra alicorn. If she can be classified as an alicorn then why not chrysalis? They’re both the rulers but they’re not technically ponies, yet Queen Parabola is recognized as an alicorn.
1 like0:54 same for flurry heart because her wings are because of gennes
0 likesi feel the the horn stands for the age of the unicor/alicorn
0 likesI think there are other ponies and creatures outside the land of Equestria abd plus, no one have ever explored Into The Unknown ( Based on the map of Equestria)
0 likesin 2015 everyone was like there is only 4 alicorns when march 2016 came there are 5 alicorns lol but this was filmed like 7 months before she was seen still cant believe the show is over its been fun by the way sawtooth i have been a fan since 2014 :)
1 likeyou said there a different species of alcorn so what if chrysalis is a forgotten species of Alcorn the Alcorn of changing
1 likelike celestial Luna are alacorns of the stars,and sun there’s a Krystal Alcorn and so on.who says she can’t be in Alcorn of changing
1:44 this video was realest 5 years ago, but now we know... and that’s why this line gave me chills...
0 likesThis is literally my childhood
0 likes1:31-1:40 Maybe they were the princesses before or after the series oh and ignore or atleast forget about Skyla cuz theres already Flurry heart.
1 likeYou forgot flury heart , the princess of light
0 likesI agree on something Queen Chrysalis may have a horn like a unicorn but not the wings of a Pegasus she is more of a bug than an alicorn Queen Chrysalis horn does work like a unicorn horn but her wings are bugs and yea I agree just because a pony has a horn and wings doesn’t mean they are a alicorn ps she is a bug not a pony also if there are toy pony’s in the real world and not in my little pony then they don’t count
0 likesMaybe she is an alicorn remember when tirek says "it is imposible for any alicorn creature to control" Maybe Chrysalis is an alicorn creature🤔🤔🤔🤔
0 likesHasbro: Princess skyla is cadence's daughter
0 likesFlurry Heart: Am I a joke to you??
Therory: she might be a alicorn but she could be a failed experiment of one of The 1st alicorns then she was corrupted and was failed experiment then she made the changelings multiply
0 likesIn my head canon..
0 likesYes, yes she is..
Princess Skyla?
Good Job Hasbro
Replies (4)
Yup, I didnt like when they added flurry heart insted of skyla!
11 likesHe didn’t mean it because this was made before princess skyla
3 likes@Toony Fluff ugh skyla wouldnt be joining the show!
1 likeSkyla? This is The first time I met the 6TH alicorn, 5 ALICORNS NOOOO WE NEED 6TH ALICORN TO BECAUSE WE ARE HASBRO
1 likeShe's totally not a alicorn.
0 likesBesides, she pretended to be Princess Cadence so she can steal Shining Armor away from her.
I go crazy when my family (my cousins) who watches mlp does not know what alicorns are
0 likesTwilights hooves turn the same as chrysalis’s hooves when she turn dark in the human realm
0 likesWell i said in my new video that Chrysalis is an alicorn and her changelings are also alicorns but I have to agree with you but I am not sure so maybe chrysalis is an alicorn and an alicorn is a very rare thing for pony's but it's not rare for her changelings
0 likesI have no idea if g1 sense applies to g4 sense,
0 likeswhat if Chrysallis is a flutterpony?
noting the flutterponies wings are similair to Chrysallis' wings
She’s not an alicorn.
0 likesShe’s more than an Alicorn.
I know that she’s royalty because she’s the leader of her children aka The changelings that’s why they use the name queen chrysalis to show that she’s queen of the changelings
0 likesOnly true bronies would recognize the background music is from mlp season 1 show stoppers
99 likesEdit: sorry I forgot pegasisters T-T
Replies (3)
Clorox Bleach dude u forgot pegasisters to girls also watch mlp to dude
5 likesI see u every where
pegasisters refer to themselves as bronies anyway..
7 likesThe Ponies Among Us the song also can be heard when you are in cantrlout in the mlp game
3 likeswhat if changelings are a cursed tribe of ponies and they were banished.besides, have we ever seen a crystal pony leave the crystal empire,what if chrysallis did rule the crystal empire and left but maybe you get turned into a changeling if you leave !
0 likesHim: I still believe there is only 4 alicorns
0 likes*later when Flurry Heart was born*
Flurry Heart: not anymore hehe
this was 6 years ago but…. does sunny from G5 count as a alicorn?
0 likesChrysalis is pretty dang cool!
0 likes1:30 when I realized that the pony princess on the right side has pansexual colors as her hair
1 likeEdit: princess Sterling is the one I mean
if I were you the title is "is Chrysalis a alacorn?" I would make a 2 second vid saying "no she is a changeling"
3 likesReplies (1)
Alicorn dude, ALICORN
0 likesI might be late but I'm gonna add this to your theory well she is not an alicorn because she is not a earth pony she is a changeling ...
0 likesNo
1 likeBut the pony of shadows is!!!! Please make a video on this
Chrysalis is a fly.
29 likesChangelings are little fly's.
Replies (5)
They don't have a hive or a queen though.
0 likesflys that suck the love out of u
0 likesScrew.io Animations LOLOLOLOL RIGHT
0 likesMarleen S "QUEEN" Crysalis and an episode had their hive
0 likesScrew.io Animations flies u mean
0 likesI think she isn’t she needs feathers to be an alicorn and she has many different to ponies
1 likeChrissie is not alicorn here's why: a pegasus has the wings of a bird Chrissie has insect wings Rarity had insect wings and Chrissie is not an alicorn bc she's not a pony
1 likeThey COMPLETELY changed the design of flurry :0
0 likesThe list of alicorns I think
1 like1. Celestia
2. Luna
3. Cadence
4. Twilight
5. Queen Galexia
6. Flurry heart
7. Skyla
8. Sterling
9. Goldlily
10. Chysalis
11. King Cosmo
12. Sunset shimmer
Don’t kill me please..
I always wondered....
0 likesAre changelings half bug thing,
Half alacorn???
Reply to let me know
You forgot Flurry heart she is an acorn.
0 likesYou forgot Flurry heart she is an acorn.
0 likes0:46 (0:50 this is where im at) so remember when rarity got butterfly wings that doesn't make her an alicorn so crisilice haveing bug wings dosnt make her one eather. and if changlings are there own type of pony (i will get to that video) then she would be an alicorn of them
0 likesIf Chrysalis is an Alicorn, so is Discord.
119 likesReplies (79)
3 likesSo Chrysalis is an Alicorn. Nuff said
3 likes@***** no Discord is a magical creature but he may have wings but no horn and alicorns are ponies only.......sorry if im wrong
4 likes@Margaret Mccrorie You missed the point.
6 likes@***** Well Technachly Not Hes A Draquo- Draqa- HOW EVER U SAY IT DRQUAGAWAWA Not At Pony (Srry I Cant Spell His Speces... )
2 likes@Dubstep Ocean
2 likesThen Chrysalis isn't an Alicorn.
@***** Ya he Literaly said That In the Vid...Shes Not Even A Pony And if U Look Closley All the Other Changlings Have Horns Magic And Wings To
1 like@Dubstep Ocean
5 likesAll I'm saying is IF people are saying Chrysalis an Alicorn, then they're basically saying Discord is one too.
@***** sure discord is an alicorn
1 likeActually, if Chrysalis is an Alicorn, so are ALL of the Changelings. Each and every single one of them has the build of a regular pony with a horn and wings. And before anyone says "Well, none of the normal Changelings are the same size as the other Alicorn", look at Twilight. Celestia and Chrysalis are both almost twice as tall as both Twilight and the normal Changelings.
4 likesTo be an alicorn you don't need WINGS and A HORN
2 likesdiscord has magic, wings and 2 horns
@Crystal The animatronic cat Discord is a super Alicorn
3 likes@Dubstep Ocean Discord is a Draconequus. Not an alicorn. Alicorn is only a race of the pony species.
1 like@Alter Vayne Yes.
0 likeswhen you get fleur dis lee she doesnt have wings becouse i have her
0 likeswell she is a queen i am talking for cristalis
0 likes@Crystal The animatronic cat Actually, he has an antler and a horn, so by this definition: "alicorn: a sentient creature in the MLP universe [or beyond if you like] which has a pair of wings and a horn", he would be considered one. The thing he (and Queen Chrysalis) lacks (that everyone seems to be forgetting, forgive me if you did mention it lower in the comments) is earth pony magic.
1 likeWell remember discord is a humorous draconicus so he dressed like an alicorn any pony get it
2 likesYa maybe discord is an alicorn but we won't know for sure
1 likediscord is some kind of dragon.
0 likesMan it's like people never read my entire post or something. I never said Discord is an Alicorn.
0 likes@Usman Niazi @Zhane' the Hedgehog @Jhuin Bernardo Discord is a Draconequus. He can't be an Alicorn, because Alicorns are one of the four races of the pony species.
1 likeYES YOU DID!
1 like+Psychotic Ninja he may not be an alicorn but he has magic
0 likes@Lyra'sPlateOfPancakes
0 likesTell me, what's my original post.
@***** Your original post is "If Chrysalis is an Alicorn, so is Discord." You did not imply in any way that Discord was an Alicorn. You pointed out the fact that if Chrysalis was an Alicorn, Discord would be one too.
1 like@Alter Vayne
0 likesThen tell me why people assume I said Discord is an Alicorn?
@***** How would I know? I never said that.
0 likes@Alter Vayne
0 likesWell others are.
0 likes@Dubstep Ocean
0 likesNo need to yell dude.
@***** Srry Im Kinda An Idiot.
0 likes@***** They called Discord a princess in one episode.
0 likes@Annika the Wolf It was a joke. He was wearing fake wings and horn and said "Maybe they should make ME an Alicorn Princess"
0 likesNo, I mean in the episode where they were talking about the attack, they said, "And I know just the Princess to do it." Twilight thought it was her, but they said, "No, Twilight, we mean Discord."
0 likes@Annika the Wolf Cadance said "I know just the princess" And Celestia denied her, saying Discord was a better idea.
0 likesNo, because she said, "And I know just the Princess." And Twilight said, "I will do everythnig I can to-" And Celestia told her that Discord is who they meant.
0 likes@Annika the Wolf Celestia did not say they meant Discord. Cadance said herself, looking at Twilight "And I know just the Princess." But Celestia, afraid that Twilight would be beaten, Denied and said they'd rather send Discord.
0 likesYes, but both of them were referring to Discord. Here's a link to the episode:
0 likeshttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ue54q_my-little-pony-sezon-4-odcinek-25-twilight-s-kingdom-part-1-lektor-pl-1080p_shortfilms
And the scene is at 9:25.
@Annika the Wolf They were not both referring to Discord. Please, tell me how exactly Cadance was referring to Discord, then we can argue.
0 likesI didn't want to argue, just respectfully disagreeing :P
0 likesAnyway, I watched the clip and I noticed Cadence all being surprised when she said Discord, sorry :P
@Annika the Wolf No need to apologize. But before insisting, check the sources ;)
0 likes@***** I just can't believe The Brony Notion is talking some sense into his viewers. He usually just fills them up with nonsense.
0 likesThat is not a horn on his head so he is NOT an alicorn
0 likes@Mohsen Hakami
+Psychotic Ninja he might be surprised
0 likes@Jullianarocks09 no
0 likes@Jullianarocks09 IK
0 likesLol
1 like+Psychotic Ninja well no because Discord isn't exactly a pony
0 likes@Aidia Layne He's saying that it's equally ridiculous to call Discord an alicorn.
0 likes@Henry goh
0 likesThank you! Finally someone who gets it.
@***** No, most people understood it. Those people are smart enough to avoid comment sections.
0 likesLike he said, Queen Chrysalis and Discord may look like an alicorn, but they are actually not. That is because they are not a pony.
0 likesno because discord has wings but no horn
0 likes+weijing wu He has a powerful magical ability that can be compared with an Alicorn's, but he doesn't use a horn to convey it, just like a god doesn't use a wand.
0 likesid think so
0 likesSorry idk how to explain
0 likes@weijing wu Why is anyone debating this? It's sarcasm, and not meant to be taken literally.
0 likesMeh
0 likesOmg yess
0 likesdiscord doesn't have a horn
0 likes@Jamaya Young he has two.
0 likesI think those count as antlers
0 likes@Jamaya Young They are horns and antlers. But it matters not in this discussion.
0 likesno
0 likesYES!
0 likesBitch
0 likesSmart mouth
0 likes@Theresa Edwards
0 likesMom, dad, please stop fighting.
@***** Fighting? This isn't a fighting. It's FUN thing!
0 likesthere is 1 more princess candans baby
0 likes@Charlize Beale Who or what is a candans? Canadians? Can cans? Toucans?
0 likes@Henry goh
0 likesI guess you never heard of typos.
@***** There are typos, and then there's complete and utter butchering.
0 likesYeah
0 likesFarrah Louise Starbuck
1 likeomg don't tell you me you really didn't understood his joke...
0 likes@Jhuin CF-M Maaaan! Discord is the Allicorn who discovered the magic of chaos! What a Sproiler!
0 likesShe is a lost alicorn and the once queen of the crystal empire
0 likesWell now there’s 6 Alicorns (Including Sunny)
0 likesMe before watching the vid: judging by her horn and wings, yes. I would say so
0 likes1:39 it was at this moment that I realized they both looked like the pan and bi pride flags, all the way up to their tail shapes
7 likesHasbro marketing level: Gay 🏳️🌈
Replies (1)
Yessss Lol, i was hoping someone else noticed aswell
1 likeIt feels like season 5 just came out, but I'm already waiting for another season......
350 likesReplies (46)
The hiatus doesn't end for close to a month :/
13 likes+The Brony Notion I have a theory about star swirled the bearded being discord in my theory star swirled is an alicorn and the brother of princess Celestia and Luna it's possible that he created the stars. Anyway the theory goes like this, star swirled had great power and was born an alicorn but the princesses made him coverup his wings to protect him and since no one really appreciated him he made the spell seen in magical mystery cure so that way he would be able to get celestias and Luna's cutie mark but it back fired and turned him into discord! Anyway thanks for reading and please reply back if you liked my idea
2 likes@The Brony Notion when are you going to do q&a?
0 likes@Ashley Hayward yeah I`m wondering that too
0 likes@RachelArtist OOO i like your character btw, the colours are nice together
0 likesSeason 5 part two is coming out in September ;3
0 likes+Meep Moop the second half surely.
0 likesThat's true
0 likes+Meep Moop and after friendship games so maybe umm september 30 or october six-ish? yeah I think so
0 likesI know right
0 likesMlp episode probably rnt coming out until October
0 likesI will have to record friendship games, it premiers on my sister`s wedding day JUST MY LUCK out of all the days in September they just had to pick the 26th!
0 likes@RachelArtist the next episode of season 5 is called canterlot boutique on september 12
1 likeTrue
0 likes@***** i believe its on a hiatus so that might be why its on besides i often see ongoing series on netflix
0 likesskyla looks like sweetie bwll
0 likes+Adam B bell .sweety bell
0 likes@Karsyn Schirm No. It's Sweetie Bell. He just got typoed
0 likesEeyup!
0 likesI now
0 likesYou finished season 5
0 likes@awesome sauce No.
0 likesSAME
0 likesEpisode 14 will come out soon there hasn't been a season finale yet
0 likes+RachelArtist The second half of season 5 starts September 12th.
0 likes@marmik961 :D
0 likes@_Cookies_Gaming_ thanks I knew somepony was going to say that :)
0 likes@jiggie666 I always thought it was sweetie belle
0 likes+RachelArtist Ikr season 5 is already on NETFLEX
0 likesseason 5 already came out! ugh... imma go watch gravity falls theories
0 likes@Autumn Petrey im a happy
0 likes@Faniashy from Lightheart team not on nexfilix
0 likesSame here
0 likesall hail the changelings
0 likes@Denver Kidd why?
0 likesIdk why I watch it all the time
0 likesbecuaes
1 like+CoolkatMC all hail the queen of changelings
2 likes@***** ok...
0 likesRachelArtist Wow
0 likesI’m on season 7
0 likesSeason 7
0 likesIt's not waiting for season five anymore. We're now anxiously waiting for GENERATION FIVE!
0 likesCalypso is
0 likesWell now season 8 is coming out. So well... HAS IT REALLY BEEN 3 FREAKING YEARS SINCE SEASON 5 OH MY GOSH!
0 likesReads title
Watches vid
I like to think chrysalis as an insect alicorn hybrid
1 likeYou forgot somebody that is an alicorn technically she is baby flurry heart the angel of princess cadence
0 likesThose lost alicorns are probably in the world where celestia and Luna came from.
0 likesShe's Not an ALICORN! she is a changeling.
306 likesThat wasn't even funny.
Replies (10)
I'm prety sure you didn't watch the whole video
25 likesyou didn't even make a joke
19 likesyou just kinda stated facts
im sorry i just now made a comment about the same thing before reading yours.
1 likeuidiot
2 likesDid you even see the video tho
3 likesI'm with you 😘😘😘💯
1 likeWatch the video then you will actually understand more -.-
4 likes@victory girluh- tf?
3 likesIt's not a joke
0 likesNoooooloooooo
0 likesYou keep forgetting and baby alicorn flurry heart. Princess of light.
0 likesand i dont think celestial and luna are true alicorns as when flurry heart was born, they said they have never encounterd alicon birth
0 likesAs of the end of MLP: FIM there continues to only be 4 alicorns
0 likesI know what Chrysalis is:
0 likesShe's insane now.
chrysalis I think is a different type of unicorn, but one that is like a bug and maybe a corrupted alicorn, eh, just my headcanon. lol
10 likesReplies (2)
I ment alicorn not unicorn (darn you auto correct!)
0 likesThat's what I thoght
0 likesMy definition of an alicorn is a pony who holds Earth pony, pegasus, and unicorn magic :)
0 likesWell,I think because flurry heart was born an alicorn, is she not a real alicorn.Twilight said alicorn wings had to be earned.
0 likesI this i know why changlings are alicorns! If they only had wings the could only turn into peguses and if u have a horn u can only turn into a unicorn so thats why changlings need horns and wings
0 likesThis is definitely caught my attention when I was watching an episode of MLP it got on my fucking nerves. Excuse my french I thought she was an à la corn finding out that she’s just a bug makes me feel good 😆
0 likesWhen you started the clip, You said some Spanish words!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
45 likesReplies (3)
Pretty sure they mean "good morning"
3 likeshe said "good morning"
3 likes(●__●)
0 likesI have been wondering this for so long AND NOW I FIND IT in 2020
0 likesI always thought Chrysalis was Sisters with Celestia and Luna O>O
0 likesActually Lauren Faust said that queen chirillyas wasn't going to be a queen Cleaeaila was
0 likesEdit : sorry about my spelling
Isn't there a mlp book where there is a character who is an alicorn and they run a school...
1 likeDon't forget that alicorns have the buff of an Earth pony.
5 likesFlurry heart is also an alicorn so there 5 Alicorns
0 likesI think flurry heart is a version of princess skilear
0 likesI think Chrysalis is part Alicorn and part Changeling. Because she have wings and a horn.
0 likesbuy our toys
740 likesbuy our toys
Replies (17)
A nice refreshing reference
8 likesFLURRY HEART!!!!!!
10 likesOke
4 likes@Leah Khoury the princcess of merchandise
5 likesHi
2 likesBuy our merchandise
3 likesacorn the flurry heart reference
4 likesHasbro just like Natsuki
3 likeshttps://youtu.be/peCKlxVmvs0
2 likesBecause Hasbro
3 likesWoo 500th like!
2 likesbuy our toy buy our toy buy our toy buy our toy buy our toy buy our toy buy our toy buy our toy buy our toy buy our toy
0 likesbuy our toys, buy or toys
0 likesBut maybe she is an alicorn cause in german we called her "wechselpony"
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart!!!!
1 likePony = Pony
0 likesUnicorn = Pony with a horn
Pegasus = Pony with wings
Alicorn = Pony with a horn & wings
What if Chrysalis related with Luna and Celestial?
0 likesWhat about Discord? He has 2 horns and wings. Is he an... DOUBLE ALICORN? :0
6 likesReplies (1)
Icsve its not alicorn horns tho.
0 likesYou forgot Flurry heart!
0 likesWhy is crysalis my favorite character?
0 likesFLURY HEART (who I like to call a McFlurry with a heart in it😂🤦🏼♀️
1 likeYou forgot flurry heart ❄💙
0 likesPrincesses skyler looks like SweetieBell
67 likesReplies (3)
Yeah that's why she isn't cannon. She's just a re-color.
1 likeIt’s Skyla
0 likesDuh, the concept art used her base. Whada expect?
0 likesyeah, it is weird. i thought she was an alcorn from hieght, then corrected myself
0 likesFlurry heart is also a alicorn!
1 likeReplies (1)
(not original) not exactly.
0 likesthis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
OMG u forgot flurry heart the first Alicorn Born cadences daughter!!!!!
0 likesIf chrysalis is an alicorn than the WHOLE COLONY IS TOO
0 likesShe’s a alocorn any animal that has a horn and wings are a alocorn that is like a unicorn or horse
0 likes"There are 4 alicorns in equestria"
0 likesFlurryheart: Yo, what's up?
Replies (1)
This vid was released b4 this vid was released
0 likesAnd yet I thought an Alicorn was a submarine
0 likesThere are 4 alicorn including baby flurry heart remember
0 likesLess than 6 years ago crisalis is technically a Alicorn
0 likesMakes sense but what if she was a real pony like other pony’s and then became bad and got a cursed body besides I am a kid called Diantha I sent a message on most of the queen chrysalis videos you made
0 likesI have a theory
0 likesChanglings are some type of parasite that
May or may not have infected half of the state meaning that the changilings are some type of pony but they have a infection that can not be cured
((I’m only 9 sorry if the theory makes no sense))
yup they need to be part horse, part unicorn, and part pegisis
0 likesMy favorite species of ponies is alicorn species🦄♈
0 likesWho’s that Pokémon?
1 likeIt’s...
Flurry Heart! The Princess Of Merchandise Pokémon!
What? Your Flurry Heart Is Evolving! It Evolved into Cadence! The Alicorn Pokémon!
Shining armor cutie mark has three stars that stands for the three princess and that purple star stands forher sister and ofcourse sunset shimmer did not exit in pony world thats why there are three stars not four
0 likesChrisalis is alicorn because she needs wing to turn into a pegusas and a horn to turn into a unicorn
0 likesIn one episode there was this alicorn( and it confused me a lot)
3 likesReplies (1)
What was it called? The 5 known alicorns are flurry, twi, cadence, luna, and celestia. (Yes, i know this vid was posted b4 flurry heart.)
0 likesI think Chrysalis is a alicorn but was made from grogar
0 likesLove your videos
0 likesThe other Alicorns in the hidden civilization I made up a name for the civilization alacornia
0 likesTechnically chrysalis is an alancorn she is a 👑
0 likesI think you should make a video about princess Stirling and princess Gold Lily because I think they are Celestia and LUNA'S AUNT AND MOTHER!!!!!!
0 likesIf she was an alicorn so would every other changling lol
0 likesChrysalis is a literal insect tf why y’all counting her as a pony 🤨
0 likesFive Alcorns actually I’m not calling Chris listen because I already heard that but there are five because let’s say that I’ve been mostly comedy knees a lot lately is that there are five Alcorns and Celestia and Luna’s older sister Estelle is indeed an à la corn born a unicorn or no or regular earth pony so where is Luna and Celestia became our cars around like two years old and on the other hand Estelle became an à la corn when they are fully grown so kind of what it last year that that’s when she came in Alcorn Forest so yeah make that five Alcorns only
0 likesthe answer for the is easy, it's no because then all the of the changelings would be alicorns
8 likesReplies (1)
springy100 andy
1 likeyeah, actually that makes sense, beacuse the only reason why all the Changelings have/had Wings an' Horns is beacuse they could transform into every kind of pony.
But, that wouldn't be true at all too - in Comicses where were shown Good Sombra and Evil Princesses (that are Canon to show little bit; forgot the name of Comices) there is shown Chrysalis with Butterfly Wings and Normal Horn an' Body (without Holes)
She's a changeling changelings have horns and wings not just the changeling queen
0 likesYES, SHE IS
0 likesIf that evil pony sees me oh boy but princess twilight sparkle is the best Alicorn ever long live twilight sparkle the new ruler of Enquestria
1 likeYou forgot flurry heart and cozy glow
0 likesYears later.... Flurry heart was born...
47 likesReplies (1)
@DDLC Natsuki Good point uwu
1 likeAbout the other cord you forgot about Twilight's friends you're not real Alicorns but a rulers of Equestria in season 9
1 likeReplies (1)
It's true
1 likeShe is a changling
1 likeI know because I watched my little pony 🦄
6 years later....
0 likesHi I'm one of your newest members to your YouTube channel as I am a subscriber and would like to point out 6 years later, that you missed a alicorn every though the time being there was no Flurry Heart. But a few years later Furry heart is made!
If she was an alicorn she would have said so or celestia would have mentioned it to twilight but it was then revealed that shes a changeling thats even what the author said -_-
0 likesWell since you are a changeling, you would know! :)
61 likesReplies (12)
@MLP The Griffon Gamer Ya But Thats A Oc XD
0 likes+Dubstep Ocean SHHHHSSSHHHHH, JUST..,... RP!
1 like+Dubstep Ocean SHHHHSSSHHHHH, JUST..,... RP!
0 likesWe can't let princess know he's one
0 likesI do believe my Queen may be an Alicorn, like my Princess.
0 likes@MLP The Griffon Gamer Wait...does means he feeds off of us every time we press the like button on his videos? Well...he ain't starving tonight~! *Click*
8 likesBut he can be a anyone
0 likes@MLP The Griffon Gamer Yes.
0 likesYou have the best picture ever
0 likesUmm that's impressive pic dude
0 likes@Dubstep Ocean THERE IS NO FOURTH WALL HERE.
0 likesnice avatar bruh
0 likesQueen Chrysails is NOT an Alicorn because if u look at Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight their wings do not have holes in them or have wings smaller than almost their body size and Queen Chrysails is the only one with a weird shaped horn compared to the other alicirns so NO Queen Chrysails is NOT an Alicorn
0 likesIn my book if you git a horn and wings your a alicirn
0 likesTo Saw tooth waves: Is starlight a alicorn? From Louise Powell and Bella Powell my kid.
0 likesJeez this is so old but with hindsight, you are right, she is just the queen changeling but I wanna know where changelings come from and why they have 2 forms.
0 likesthey come. the baby of kaidens is the first that born
16 likesReplies (1)
Lol i saw this on his video
0 likescan you put down 4 alicorn and go with 5 because flurry heart is an alicorn
0 likesAnything with a horn BUT with an insect wing is consider as non-alicorns.
0 likesI always wondered that!
0 likesShe could be a ascent made by non other then starswirl the birded
0 likes1:42
36 likesYeah, I hate their designs, too.
That colour pallette though, the only thing I see good is that yellow and purple are together (and the colours are complimentary so no wonder the look good together), other than that, its a horrible design...
(Its mostly the colour pallette)
Replies (2)
Maybe of the colour of their bodies swapped there could be a chance that they would look better
0 likesYeah but you can’t look at the purple girls hair and say you dont see the pansexual pride flag
0 likesI know what is Chrysalis!
0 likesIt's a bad GUY! 😂
Him: there are four alicorns in equestria
0 likesMe: ShOwS fInAl FoRm cUtElY
The truth about the story of cadence and queen chrysalis: princess cadence was queen chrysalis daughter like her daughter chrysalis love to share love to each other ponies one day an a evil monster name discord . discord put a spell on queen chrysalis and queen chrysalis became evil. THE END
0 likesThere are five à la coins and one of them are flurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart is an alicorn tho
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart?
0 likesAnd did you know that i love the 4 alicorns
0 likesYes, yes! YES!!
0 likesIs Chrysalis a Alicorns?
9 likesMe: No she's a Changeling🤣🤣
Replies (1)
She should be changelingalicorn
0 likesWhat if she is star swirls in spell gone wrong when he was trying to turn ponies into alicorns
0 likesFlurry heart:the princess of…….merchandise
0 likesThere is not only 4 alicorns fllury heart is one too
0 likesI have a question can you please do a theory on mod pie why is she always so fine* pinkie is always so happy but her sister is not.
0 likesChrysalis is actually a changeling
0 likesshe is an alicorn. she has wings and a horn
1 likewait....nvm
You forgot about flurry heart
1 likeYou said there was only 4 Non alicorns but there's two more princess flurry heart and Princess Light Breeze
0 likesThere’s 5. Flurry princess flurry
0 likesOh and one thing queen chrysalis are the older sister of princess celestia and Luna
0 likesChrysalis is not a Alicorn. But Changlings like her are like Catipillars. When they reform in a cocoon and burst out with a new form like a butterfly. Bro hoof🐎!
0 likes1:30
1 likePrincess gold lily has bu hair
Princess sterling has pan hair
Replies (1)
Yeesssss 😌💅
1 likeYou forgot about baby flurry heart from Rebecca uthayakumar.
0 likesChrisalis has wings and a horn because then she can take form of unicorns or pegisi and earth pony. Just my theory. 😶
0 likesWe have Princess Celeste the princess of the sun we have Princess Luna the princess of the moon we have princess cadence the princess of love we have twilight the princess of friendship and finally we have flurry heart the princess of merchandise
0 likesThat's just a little mistake that she is an alicorn but would that make all changelings alicorns
0 likesChrysalis is a different kind of alicorn
0 likesUm I don’t think she’s an alicorn because aren’t alicorns supposed to be ponies...?
0 likesShe’s literally a changeling ahem NOT pony
Compare how tirek stole their magic their is a ep that crysalis gaved tirek all her magic compare crysalis with the princess's
50 likesReplies (7)
If only all the kids would know this...
1 like@Set if only...
1 likeSet I do I'm a kid
3 likes@Hermione Granger well then you're a smart kid ^-^
3 likesHermione Granger meh to
1 likeI do t care ?
0 likesare chrysalis minions an alicorn?
3 likesSawtooth:Okay this is that should make sense
0 likesMe: 👁👄👁
Is Flurryheart a true alicorn.
0 likesChrysalis she is an a alicorn,She was princes of love but Celestia find another pony to be princes of love,and that pony is princes cadence ,and she was anger and she leave ponyvile
0 likesIf you complain that flurry heart is not included
Why does nobody sympatize with Queen Chrysalis?!?!? She is my favorite character of all mlp!! Please explain her Brony Notion!
48 likesReplies (6)
I like her too.
5 likesShe's a cool villain and all, but there's nothing to really sympathise with.
0 likesCiel Phantomhive I made a theory about her what happened in season 7 I don’t know if it will be what your looking for but yea
2 likesHow could you like her she is a bad guy.
0 likes@Flufflepuff There's a difference between being bad alignment wise and being a bad character.
1 likeHe’s prob not explaining her because she’s a bad guy: that’s why.
0 likesFalse: Queen chrysalis was used to support the trope Good Princess Evil Queen.
0 likesMe: sees video
Replies (1)
Not really...i mean its different species...
0 likesno a alicorn sabbiscion is a pony that has magic more powerful than a unicorn and the wings not like a pegasus look in the show look at alicorn wings then at pegusi they are different ok!
0 likesi love her
0 likesstupid people who forgot this video is WAY TOO OLD:
3 likesoR aBoUT fLuRRy heARt
I don't think chrysalis is a alicorn.•~•
0 likesShe is an alicorn because she is the only changeling with a horn and wings also she is queen of changelings but she is also the princess of rotten burnt swiss cheese
0 likesSawtooth is definition of brony
0 likesIn alternate dimension there's alicorn Trixie
0 likesNope, sorry. There's hundreds of alicorns... and most of them are red and black ;P
36 likesReplies (21)
@Shirotora Godsbane Exept For Alicorn Ocs... There All trash...
3 likes+Dubstep Ocean not all some do it correctly
1 like@creepergurl2002 Yeah, a friend has an OC that's an alicorn, but has very little magic and is a poor flier. His talents lie with earth pony magic. He spends his days tending his garden of herbs and alchemy reagents in a town between Canterlot and Manehattan.
4 likes@Shirotora Godsbane Yes... Sadly... -_-
0 likes@Shirotora Godsbane true and lol
0 likes+Dubstep Ocean I find your statement of biased opinion to be most offensive.
1 like@Dubstep Ocean Not all Alicorn oc's are trash, the good ones just never make it to the public eye.
0 likes@NickNamedNoob NoBalisticz A couple do. Mad Munchkin's alicorn OC, is hilarious ;P
2 likes@Shirotora Godsbane Affirmative.
0 likes@Shirotora Godsbane You made my day with that comment, mate.
0 likesBut...
My OC is an Alicorn :((
But it has a long story. Childhood, Adulthood, etc. Friends, Enemies, Events, Love, War.
He also has its reasons to be an Alicorn. He studied magic since he was a filly, he created magic, he knew Friendship (he had a friend for ~20 years, but then his friend died). He also was kinda a secretive pony. No pony knew about him studying dark magic. He changed his name, faked his death and became a vassal of Celestia. It is bad to say that he wanted to rule Equestria, but during that time, the ponies were hungry and only the rich had something to eat...
He ended the Royal rule, he became like a dictator, he helped everypony with food, home and workplace. Even after exiling the Mane 6, he started to collaborate with them, to raise relationship. He didn't want the death of the Mane 6 and the destruction of the Elements. He actually protected them and the Elements from sending them as far from the dangerous battlefield.
Oh, Flash Sentry died, killed by a Private. :)
+Andrew “V.” Vasirov male ponies can't be called "filly"'s they are colts
0 likes@Wowkittykat 9wow0 Sorry. Then a Colt.
0 likesIt is weird because Colt was used when Shining Armour married Cadence by Celestia... And a Colt is like a Child for us humans...
"I married a woman and now I am once again a Child" :)
@Andrew Vasirov Sounds about right.
0 likes@NickNamedNoob NoBalisticz How should a pony call another pony, instead of man? Mane? (My Little) Pony? :D
0 likes@Andrew Vasirov Sir? Ma'am? Mister? Madame? Maybe those names only apply to us humans though idk.
0 likes@NickNamedNoob NoBalisticz They are good, they don't represent a human being, but a gender or a personality ;).
0 likesPerfect! We have found the solution to the naming problem.
0 likes@NickNamedNoob NoBalisticz :D
0 likesI like your profile picture. :)
Likewise for yours, as long as yours doesn't have wings behind the cut off mark that is. :3
0 likesSounds like my oc :-D (but no horn just wings)
0 likes@Mangle The Pirate Fox *phew*
1 likeChrysalis mite be an alicorn maybe her wings are just different
0 likesComing back to watch this 6 years later after it was posted. Anyone else?
1 like0:57 soooo... kind of like all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares?
0 likesIs Chrysalis an acorn?
1 likedo a video on why Moondance
10 likesthe pony isn't in human world
please tell me I really want to
Replies (6)
Jocelyn Davenport Moondancer is probably at Crystal Prep.
1 likedid YOU see Hmmmm Hmmmm did you huh
1 likeher
1 likeI didn't see her did you huh?! no she is only in pony worl
0 likesMAYBE SHE ISN"T IN THE SCHOOL CANTERLOT HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure she is in Crystal Prep.
2 likesjocelyn davenport she was made after them i think (im not sure if its corext tho)
0 likesJAJA mortal ese español al comienzo bajshab
0 likesI'm from Argentina so, i just love it xd
Him: there are 4 alicorns in equestria
0 likesMe: flurry heart is alive u know
rest of the mlp fandom: FLURRY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after I finished writing this: 1:49
How about Flurry heart ?
0 likesdude did you actually forgot flurry heart there are 5 princess
0 likesShe is a bug like pony A BUG LIKE PONY all changlings are so yes i count her as an alicorn
5 likesReplies (7)
+ in my headcannon she was born a normal pony alicorn princess and she got turned into a changeling and she is cadences mother
0 likesLol
1 like@Crystal Candy Well that's your headcannon. And it's not cannon with the show.
1 like@Alter Vayne Yeah no shit thays why it's a headcannon
0 likes@Crystal Candy No need to bring on swear words. I'm aware that a headcannon is only in one's mind. I'm only pointing out it is not cannon to the show in any way.
1 like@Alter Vayne Sorry i have a swearing addiction
1 like@***** *gasp*
0 likes“There’s only four alicorns in mlp”
1 like*user named flurryheart has joined the chat*
Yess but also a bug so she’s a Ballocorn
0 likesWell, she is an alicorn
0 likesBecause skyla turned out to be flurry heart xD
0 likes"flurry heart is an acorn"
125 likesReplies (22)
She did not even ccome out this is 2015
7 likesMary The Memer lol then what is 2+2=?
5 likes@NPWB fish
3 likesAcorns, yeah what's up with acorns?
1 likeHo, she is a bean.
1 likeMary The Memer wow she is an acorn I thought she was an alicorn
10 likesMary The Memer why is she a acorn? She's a alicorn!
2 likesPROInHDI YT haha! Thx
0 likesWell I have a question is fluffy heart born in 2015 NO she was born in 2017
0 likesIs everyone here blind? This is literally a quote from the video stating Flurry isn't a real alicorn. It was one of the comments! (Granted, they said a acorn and not an acorn, but still) it's in quotation marks guys, jeez
0 likesMary The Memer (this is made it 2015)
0 likesshes an alicorn
0 likesAcorn????
0 likesthe turth SHE IS THE ACORN QUEEN
0 likesIt’s alicorn. And I agree
0 likesACORN🌰🌰🌰🌰???????
0 likesMary The Memer *alicorn
0 likesyour making fun of the people who were mad about him "forgetting" flurry right
0 likesPopopamAJ what
0 likesyeah their are 5 alacorns
0 likesAn acorn?
0 likesOk, where’s the squirrel?
0 likesGuys, haven’t u watched the vid where flurry heart was a fake alicorn?
0 likesMaybe rarity or sunset shimmer or cadence will help
0 likesmaybe she is an Insect Alicorn?.....I maybe Wrong
3 likesReplies (2)
shes not part earth pony
0 likes+princess luna how do you know?
0 likesthere is five alicorns to you forgotten about flurry heart
0 likesChrysalis is not from the pony species but if she were than she Is an alicorn
0 likesWhat about Nightmare Moon? She is a jealous version of PRINCESS LUNA.
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesCan you please do a video on cc
3 likesIf she a alicorn then is she even a pony? I mean if she queen of changlings she must be one
0 likesI think she is because she has wings and a horn
0 likesYeah she is evil and weird but that is what makes her a cool villain
What about Flurry heart?
0 likesYour probably my favorite mlp YouTuber
0 likesFlurry hart
3 likesThere are five alicorns blurry heart is v alicorn as if Celestia said an alicorn birth is not a things into Equestria but yet flurry heart is an alicorn the horn and the wings don't believe me just watch my Littleif you watch the hearths warming eve one to find flurry heart
0 likesSkyla = Flurry Heart
0 likesMe: going to comment (but you forgot flurry)
0 likesMe again: realizing that this video was made 5 years ago 😂
Hey can You please make a video why luna has the cutie mark in the right and left leg?
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart, princess of merchandise.
125 likesReplies (24)
The V Showalter lol🐩🐩🐩 buy our toys buy our mearchendice
8 likesread the upload date
14 likesInsane Plum it's a joke. she knows.
4 likesThe V Showalter XD
1 likeOmfg 😂👌
0 likesLook at the date!
0 likesThe V Showalter and discord princess of randomness and chaos
2 likesr/whoosh
0 likesIt was before the abomination was born.
0 likesRead. The. Upload. Date
0 likesThis was uploaded before Flurry heart came into existence
0 likesbUY ouR ToYS
0 likesFlurry heart is not a true alicorn
0 likesB U Y. O U R. T O Y S
0 likesDo you know how time works?
0 likesThe video was aploded before the birth of flurry heart
0 likesSue Shipman r/woooooooooooooosh
0 likesFlexi nexy r/wooooooosh
0 likesYes yes
0 likesYes
0 likes@no pe w/roooooooooooooooooosh this is what to say when you want someone to take what you say seriously.
0 likesLucy's life in the baby alive world Oh ok.
0 likesWhat about flury heart?
0 likesI think I know why queen chrysalis isn’t a alicorn . Because she isn’t an earth pony
0 likesVery interesting video I like it
0 likesWait chrysalis is not even a alicorn
1 likemom and dad
3 likesI don't think Chrysalis is a alicorn
0 likesShe is a Changeling
What about flurry heart?
0 likeslaughs in flurry heart
1 likeWhat about flurry heart?
0 likesam i the only one who genuinely HATES flurry heart-
4 likesReplies (2)
1 likei only dislike her because of the comments of this video
1 likeYou forgot flurry heart or maybe this was posted a long time ago and flurry heart didn't exist then
0 likesAnd then the mcflurrycorn ruined his life
1 like1:30 and who is that? Honestly I don’t know ANY of that princesses 👌🏻👌🏻🤦🏽♀️
0 likes1:40
0 likesthey have the same colours of pride flags XD
I’ve been wondering this for an while
12 likes2019??
Baby Skyla and the other rainbow alicorns did not come in the show since It’s at Season9 and it’s ending now
1 likeif chrysalis was an alicorn doesn't that make all the changelings an alicorn
0 likesnot 5 6 flurry glowithink became an alicorn in season 9 so does it count
0 likesChistalest is a pony or what is she 🤔😁
1 likeLol I'm from the future it 2016
179 likesReplies (124)
+Ry N like if ur watching in 20461
39 likesme to
2 likesSame!
1 likeSame!
1 likeRy N yup
1 likeUm it is 2016
1 like+Ry N me to MWHAHAHAHAHAH
1 likeRy N keep on thinking
1 likeYou got me in
1 likeRy N SAME
1 likelol me too
1 likeSAME
2 likeslol I'm also from 2016
2 likesRy n it is allergy out!!!!😝😝😝😞😞😝😝😝😝😡🌾☔⚡☁🎭💩💩💩💩💩💀💢👅👅👅👅👅💤💤💤💤💤
1 likeKenza El Bardai me too
2 likesRy N I'm in November haha
3 likesRy N me to November
2 likeschris slavens lol ya it's is November
1 likeRy N same but in Ummmmmmmm November I think
0 likesSorry Brony Notion, im watching it in 20462.... i just changed the date With hacking to make me look less suspicious and come to find out that i am from the future from the planet Mars...
2 likesRy N 2017 FUCKER
0 likeslike if your watching in summer, therefore the lower hemisphere
1 like*late spring
0 likesme to it 2016 38th November
0 likesFootball4U ok X3
0 likesRy N
0 likesI'm from the future! 10,001!
0 likesjust one day before the end of earth
and fuck you all
same xd
0 likestime
0 likesim in 8016
1 likei bought an apple for 2 million dollars
and it was cheap...
0 likesme 2
0 likes2016
0 likesRy N me too
0 likesIt already is 2016 and its allmost 2017 seriusly —_—
0 likesAlana Bergonje she uploaded that like, 3 months ago.. and I uploaded it before her. mine was posted 8 months ago 😜
0 likesRy N who cares👎🏿👎🏻
1 like3,2,1
0 likeshappy new ye.. WAHT THE FUCK...
and eveyone died
on earth
poor earth
it get over run by coca-cola
and blow up
0 likesim from the future, it will be 2017 in 2 days
1 likeBennett 3207
0 likesRy N 2017
1 likeRy N
0 likesim in 2017 now ;)
7 likesBennett 3207 me too
0 likesRy N 2017
0 likesRy N bruh its 2017 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
2 likesRy N me 2017
0 likesRy N
0 likesIm from 2017
Ry N me too! I'm from 2017
0 likesRy N 2017
0 likesso I am from the future
0 likesRy N im from 2017 lol
5 likesLauraBelleLove 11 same
2 likesHEAVEN TIEFEL me too the day after u spookay
0 likes2017
1 likeRy N w im further in the future it is 2017
1 likeA Subscribble
0 likesand I'm from 2024, where world is f*cked up
me too LOL
0 likesgamerzack 2014
0 likessame :3
Ry N me to 2017
2 likesLol I'm from 2017
5 likesRy N I'm from 2022
1 likeI'm from 9128.
0 likesKiTKaTLPS :3 Actually, a supernova is being caused in 2022 we are unaware about survival.....OR I AM I LEGIT LOOKED UP EVERYWHERE
1 likeI'm even further, 2017.
2 likesJaiden Downing yep
0 likesYou forgot the alicacorn
0 likesRy N 2017
0 likesRy N, lmao😂 and I'm from 2017
0 likesRy N no i am from the futuristic 2017!!!!
0 likesRy N I'm from 2017
0 likesI am watching in 2017
0 likesRy N your not i am in this world the Fidget Spinner now exist
1 likeIM FROM 2017 >:D
Ry N im in 2017 XD
0 likesI is watching in 2017
0 likesim a bit late
The Brony Notion Im watching in 83847474774474643
0 likesRy N no l am
0 likesCrybaby Angel nope I am :)
0 likesAmeil Toons ok u win
0 likesCrybaby Angel xD
0 likesRy N I am too lol
0 likesBut I'm even farther in the future
0 likes2018
0 likesRy N ur in the past
0 likesit's 2017
0 likesI'm in the future 2018
0 likes2018
0 likes2018 lol
0 likesruby paws6 I'm from the future because it is 2018 ;)
0 likesruby paws6 I'm from the future its 2018 :p
0 likesi'm from the future i'm waching 2018
0 likesruby paws6 IM IN 2018....I iz father in da future
0 likes2018 lol
1 likeruby paws6 *past
0 likesHa I'm more in the future cuz I'm watching dis in 2018
0 likesLol I'm from da future it 2018
0 likesruby paws6 your from 2017 now 2018
0 likesruby paws6 it 2018 2016 was two years ago
0 likesruby paws6 I'm from the very future 2018
0 likesruby paws6 ha loll I'm from the future in from 2018
0 likesruby paws6 HAH I'M FROM 2018 BI***ES
2 likesruby paws6 I’m watching in 2018 HA
0 likesAm from 2018
0 likeslol im from the future!!!!!!!!!! 2018
0 likesI’m from the future future. It’s 2020. Trump built his wall. Then he died. Then they knocked his wall down. Wonderful year.
0 likesSo am I 🙂
0 likesruby paws6 no it's 2018...
0 likesruby paws6 im from 2018
0 likesThe Brony Notion me
0 likesruby paws6 I'm your one hundredth like
1 likeI am watching this in 2018 I am from fuuutureeeee
0 likesI’m from 2018!
0 likesIm from the future its 2018
2 likesruby paws6 5098
0 likesruby paws6 I'm from the future, 7018
0 likesLol im from 2032
0 likesI am ahead of you I am in 2018
0 likes+aira 300 same
0 likesIlliana The Sylveon 2019 has yet to come.
0 likesGinny Potter you are a potterhead.
0 likesgamerzack 2014 2018 boom.
0 likesreal world changeling apparently my hunger is never satisfied
0 likesQueen Crysalis is not a alicorn she is a changeling.
0 likesChrysalis is not a Alicorn, she's a corrupt changeling ;-;
0 likesMe watching this in the future “THERE ARE ONLY FOUR ALICORNS!” Me: WHAT ABOUT FLURRY HEART?!?!?!
0 likesReplies (2)
Check the fucking date
0 likes@SicklyBee sheesh calm down
0 likeschrysalis is not an alicorn because changelings also have horns and wings so don't stretch it out into a whole speech on wether it is or isn't
137 likesReplies (10)
Sharkguy 642 q
0 likesHey!!! Bring is just saying his oppinion
2 likesSharkguy 642 what if she is a artificial alicorn like twilight or cadence? We found out that artificial alicornscan have alicorn baby's but natural alicorns can't.
0 likesSharkguy 642 the other changelings have a horn but that horn isnt like Celestia's horn,but the Queen has that power and that horn so you are wrong🤣
1 likeSharkguy 642
0 likesSharkguy 642 i don’t understand............
1 likeSharkguy 642 You don't make that much sense right now.
1 likethis channel is like game theorists or film theorists
0 likesthey over analyze things.
SquishyCat LPS that is very true
0 likesSharkguy 642 it's a theory...JUST A PONY THEORY THANKS FOR READING
0 likesYou forgot Flurry heart
0 likeschrysalis could be the third sister under a spell like nightmare moon... see the connection????????
0 likesCrisalis is not an alicorn beacause to be an alicorn is with feather wings.
0 likesif comic lore is canon the whole changeling race is a bunch of mutated horse flies that came out of a magic tree that was in a grave yard
1 likeReplies (1)
Wow. Just wow
0 likesSkyla may be canon soon. There was a season 5 poster released showing Cadence and Shining standing next to each other with a baby themed cake in the middle of them. There's also going to be an episode called "The One Where Pinkie Knows" I'm assuming she'll find out about their baby before they intended to tell anybody causing Pinkie to learn how to keep big secrets private before spoiling them too early. Then in season 6, we'll get an episode revolving around the birth of Skyla, just a theory.
41 likesReplies (44)
@Alisha Dee Also Theres Sky Wishes Witch Was A G4 Toy A Long Time Ago Even Thogh Shes A G3 Pony But Now She Made One Of Cutie Mark Magic And In The Blind bags.
2 likes@Alisha Dee Can you link a picture of the poster?
3 likesAck!!! This is such a good theory that I consider it a spoiler!!!!
0 likesThat's just a theory...
4 likesA GAME THEORY! Ooh wait wrong fandom or should I say phandom.
Nobody will get these references.
@Alisha Dee
2 likesHA! Silver Quill is not going to be too happy about that!
@Rachel Haworth http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/07/new-season-5-poster-pops-up-with-hidden.html
0 likes@popcorn drop I love Game Theory, I got the joke XD
0 likesThanks
0 likes@popcorn drop I get the joke.
0 likes@kooliana Did you get both?
0 likes@popcorn drop Only the game theory one.
0 likesNice Theroy
0 likes@popcorn drop I get it (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
0 likes@popcorn drop RIGHT PHANDOM.
0 likes@Professional Fangirl
@popcorn drop REMEBER #JAPHAN
0 likesAlisha Dee,you are so genial!!!!Maybe you should make another MLP season :D
1 like@Alisha Dee
0 likesI have some doubts about that. What does Pinkie have to do with Cadance and Shining?
+marinus18 maybe she used her pinkie sense
0 likesThat's Pinkie!!! :D
0 likes@marinus18 Well she IS the friend of Shining's sister and Cadence's sister in law, also the baby cake sitting between them in the poster most likely came from Sugar Cube Corner. They probably went to go order the cake because they are going to announce the baby at a celebration in the Crystal Empire, Pinkie overhears the baby talk and gets all excited for them but they tell her to keep it a secret. That would be a really funny premise, social butterfly Pinkie having to keep a huge secret for a good amount of time, she's going to explode near the end XD
0 likes+Alisha Dee
0 likesBut what about in Green isn't your Color when Pinkie Pie talks about how she always promising to keep secrets... Maybe it'll be like she's never had to keep a secret that big before... Idk.
You all seem like detectives to me :)
0 likes+Nightmare Shadow
0 likeshere's a question, does princess skyla look like Sweetie Belle? Mane wise.
+Clare Nicke
Well,in most situations,she does :o But there are some pics where she is a pegaz with different mane :) I really hope she won't look like Sweetie Belle -_-
0 likesIt means OC is in the show :)
0 likes@Alisha Dee I hope they show Cadence pregnant. She'll be normal size, and not the swizzle stick Barbie figure she is now. As it is she's so thin I have to wonder how Shining even manage to fit his dick in her to do the job... Love magic? An episode revolving around the birth of a child would be interesting though, even if it comes from a couple I despise. They're good ponies, they're bad characters. Cadence does nothing (except for every now and then) but be a painful reminder of what this show is really about. Selling floofy pink girl toys. Not that there's anything wrong with floofy pink girl toys, just something wrong with the culture that defines that as a girl's place. Sorry for ranting. I kind of agree with Silver Quill in his 'After the Fact: Make New Friends but Keep Discord' video though. "Don't name the child Skyla." Oh well, it won't be any more cringe worthy than its parents.
0 likes+Alisha Dee ..I can't wait...TO FIND OUT IF YOUR THEORY IS TRUE. when is that episode gonna air?
0 likes+Woodsstories Cadence is actually my favorite princess and I do hope they show her pregnant because how they handled Ms.Cake's pregnancy (and by handled I mean never mentioning it until the babies were born and never drawing her differently so that we could even tell) was pathetic. Last time I checked, sex scenes were taboo to show to kids, not cute harmless pregnant belies.
0 likes+Alisha Dee To each their own. I hope they show her pregnant too, but it seems unlikely. I mean she doesn't appear too often, so at the most I can imagine us hearing about it in an episode that she's absent from, and then she would show up with a baby. Which of course will get much more attention than it deserves I'm sure. No offense to you, but I really just don't like Cadence (I mean Shining is a goof, but he just sorta seems to be your typical MLP male; that is he's a stereotype), because having Cadence fit the standard idea of princess role on a show where all the other princess have strong personalities, feels like a big slap in the face to the target demographic. Like her all you want, I'd just personally like to ask Brit Mc-I can't remember how to spell her last name and I'm too lazy to look it up-up, how she would make Cadence a better character, and not just a pony who appears to exist solely to live in a pretty castle and sell Hasbro toys. If they give her more character development, I'm willing to rethink her, but for now she doesn't have any. Hmmm, maybe if Minis Tireth was destroyed (sorry LOTR fans I'm sure I got that wrong) and Cadence was forced to come live in Twilight's obvious rip-off of her castle, the writers would be forced to give her more character development and thus make her more than 'The Princess of Merchandising.' Seriously though, if there were a panel at a con titled 'In Defense of Cadence' I'd go, just because I want to hear how people would defend a character who seems to promote something that Lauren Faust seemed to be trying to get away from. Sorry for ranting so long, but you know -
0 likesit also hides characters like The CMC and a 7th element of harmony. CMC ATW GETTING THERE F***ING CUTIE MARKS BRO.
0 likes+Thatoneperidotfan22 Hart It might just be for the alternate universe Starlight is going to make in the finale but I prey to god that's not the case -_-
0 likes+Alisha Dee I would love that more since I am a HUGE nerd for alternate universe. but it basically confirms CMC get there cutie marks tho.
0 likes+Alisha Dee A PONY THEORY
+Alisha Dee thats jsut genius
0 likesThey have A BABY in that episode
wow that was actually on point....
0 likesI just wrote the exact same thing but shorter without looking at your comment weird?!
0 likesYour brief description is SPOILER WARNING exactly how the episode is like
1 likeI've watched that episode, and they admitted they ARE having a baby
0 likes+5656Dana™ It may not be Skyla. It's very, VERY probable, but I feel the writers are better that having it be Skyla. It might be a pony with the same colors, but a different style and mane, or a pony with the same name but a different style and colors. It may be a boy Alicorn, too. I think a lot of fans really want that and the butthurt ones might think of it as sexist. We don't know.
0 likesThat is true but it was FLURRY HEART
0 likesWell because their sort of wasp she is bigger like when thorax transformed
0 likes1:52 This aged like Milk
0 likesChris is a corrupted alicorn that's why cadence defeated her
0 likesSorry if I commented on your videos too much sorry if I annoyed you but I like to share my thoughts about your theories
0 likesu forgot dah babby
6 likesReplies (8)
+Cat Lovers BAB
3 likesthey didn't have the baby in 2015 or i don't think i have netflix so yeah
2 likesthat episode did not come out yet
1 likeshes not a real alicorn
3 likesCat Lovers flurry heart was not there 1 year ago
2 likesWrong vid check the up date silly billy 😂😂😂 also look at the date this vid came out way before Flurry was cannon
2 likesNo he didn’t it was post on 2015 not 2017
0 likesthis was uploaded before the flurry heart episode OK
0 likesis all pony that has horns and wings alicorn? and my sister said she dream of alicorn applejack XD
0 likesI think that The queen is a dun dun dun a shadow pony
0 likesChrysalis is absolutely not an alicorn
0 likesHow can you forget FLURRY HEEEEAAAART
0 likesI Love you
6 likesNot four alicorns I know 6 alicorns Luna celestia cadence twilight cozy glow and flurry heart
0 likesAnd then there comes flurry heart
0 likeswhat about Flurry Heart ?
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesAnd flurry heart
3 likesReplies (6)
no-one is PERFECT he made this when she didn't exist
5 likesSamantha AnimalLover999 oh
2 likesShe didn’t exist when he post it
2 likesno -one is PERFECT flurry 💜 is artificial
1 likeSamantha AnimalLover999 yes ya right
1 likeDude, is it too difficult to understand time?
0 likesYou freaking forgot Flurry Heart
0 likesReplies (1)
my guy this video was posted 4 years ago lol
1 likeBut this video didn't explain about queen crystalis and if she's a alicorn or not sawtooth 😵 I'm a very confused changeling
0 likes1:49 oh boy how designs change..
1 likeIs sombra an alicorn?
0 likesBut you missed Flurry heart
0 likesOfcourse chrysalic is a alicorn
0 likesSawtooth: Queen Christmas isnt an Alicorn
0 likesQueen Christmas: excuse me what the f-
Replies (1)
0 likesCrysalis was an alicorn but she mad becouse she was removed from her truth she was the queen of love and the pink was crystal not love
0 likesYou forgot about flurry heart
0 likesIn episode when rainbow took granny’s to the las Pegasus when they were landing there was an male alicorn
0 likesAre changelings alicorns?
0 likesMcFlurry heart is a acorn
0 likesHow about cozy glow and fluffyheart
0 likesNew subscriber beacuse your telling us secret of my little pony
0 likesI have always been asking this question
0 likes._.
1 likeReplies (1)
(not original) not exactly.
1 likethis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
Friends chrysalis is an Alcorn she just has broken wings
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
1 likeI had a question why she is NOT alicorn
0 likesThere are 5 alicorn in equestria
0 likesPrincess Skyla! 1 Day Later. "I Want The Baby Of Shining And Cadence To Have A Pure Heart, And Im Really Feeling Hungry For A Mc Flurry. Wait A Minute! FLURRY HEART!1!1!!!!!!!11111
0 likeslaughs in Flurry Heart
1 likeShouldn’t princess cadince be a queen since she married shining armor?
0 likesFlurry heart princess of theory’s
0 likesFlurry heart! There's actually 5 alicorns.
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesOf course she is, She is rather the Crystal Princess or the Princess of Changlings
0 likesFlurry heart is...like I you know
0 likesChrysalis gives me tripophobia
0 likesBut those purple and yellow ponies have pride flags in their desgin the bi and pan flag so who knows
0 likesWhat flurry heart is saying: don’t forget mee!
0 likesWhat everyone else is hearing: blah blah babbo ahhhh!
How did chrisalis become a alicorn
0 likesWell chrisalis is royalty
0 likesI have an Idea that skyla is flurry hearts long lost sister
0 likesShe's not other wise her changeling would be alicorns to cuz they have horns and wings
0 likesDon't forget good old McFlurry
0 likesQueen Chrysalis is an alicorn
0 likesI'm one too bybb mlp
There are 5 alicorns princes flurry heart duh
0 likesAn alicorn is a kind of pony. Changelings arent ponies
0 likesYou forgot baby flurry heart
0 likesIs chrysalis a true alicorn
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart Sawtooth have you not checked MLP in forever?!
1 likeReplies (2)
Yeah, exactly. 6 years ago Flurry wasn’t even born... check your dates
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet WHY THE FREAK CANT PEOPLE SEE THE DATE?!
0 likesFlurry Heart: Princess of
0 likesWhat about flury hart!!!
0 likesPrincess Skyla Reboot- Flurry Heart
0 likesYeah rarity did not become an Alicorn because she got butterfly wings and not pegesi/Alicorn wings
0 likesthey fixed fleur dis lee and removed her wings yay
0 likestheoretically yes, but canonically no
0 likesyou we're pretty good at spanish hat the start, im saying because im from Peru, it did sound very clen, just like a spanish person :)
0 likesYou forgot flurryheart
0 likesPrincess Schuyler a real Alcorn
0 likesWhat true alicorn is*
0 likesOk guys SO this is what it is...lemme just...
Unicorn horn+pegasus wings+and strength from a normal horse= alicorn UwU its math i think...
No she isn’t a Alicorn alicorns r a mix if Pegasi earth pony and unicorn ofc she isn’t a pony she’s a changeling so she is not a alicorn
0 likesNo I am a alicorn 😡 in my legs I have a third leg but I think it's a corn 😩
0 likeswhat about cozy glow and flurry heart
0 likesprincess skylar: wha- what are you doing in my house? x2
Oh and princess Skyla is Cadence's secret child oh and Larva is Chrysalis's daughter but has been replaced as Skyla And the real Skyla is history
0 likesWell I don't think chrysylis because she deos'nt have the magic of an earth pony
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart and she has a smaller sister she is also a alicorn
0 likesDo we know anything about Queen Crystalist back story nor why Crystalist sounds alot like Crystal is it posible she ruled the crystal ponys before Sombra?
1 likeReplies (1)
Her name is CHRYSALIS. Which is a term connected to bugs and cocoons. Mainly caterpillars
0 likesyou forgot flery heart
0 likesYes she is
0 likesHablo español y cuando escuché lo primero por un momento pensé que tú cánal era en español, tuve que repetirlo para asegurarme de que estaba en inglés xd
0 likesYou forgot about princess flury hear she comes 9ut 7 months later
1 likePut crystal us in your list of all Quinn's
0 likesMe: sees title
0 likesAlso me: nah, bro, she a bug
This is completely irrelevant, I'm sorry.
I like the my little pony game from the map app it the best
0 likesFlurry Heart!!!!!!!!!
0 likesHe forgot about McFlurry
0 likesTheirs other alicorn like cozy glow
0 likesFluffy heart
Best mlp youtuber<3
0 likes''they come. the baby of kadence is the first that born''
0 likesprincess sky- *cough *cough flurry heart
1 likeThen....be ALL Changelings an Alicorn...
0 likesBuenos días a usted también.
0 likesI'm not expecting an Spanish language introduction
What about the pony of shadows
0 likesI am from the future and that’s another à À la corn and her name is baby flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesYou also forgot something else you know princess warrior heart she is a baby Alcorn but she is a princess and why does all the queens have a question of a princess named can you please do that for your next video if you really want it I’m nervous because I am a huge huge huge huge fan like I said earlier if you watched I watched all your videos so yeah also my sister name Zoya I’m older than her and she watches your videos to
0 likesWhat about the yhorax.
0 likesI guss he is not an alacron
Am i right?
she is not a alicorn but she was princess of the cryastal empire .
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart!
0 likesFlurry heart is a alicorn
0 likesWhy does Chrysalis holes in her horn and legs? That's my Question
0 likesyou forgot Chloe high seas are à la corn princess
0 likesYou know like the first subject to make a alicorn
0 likesThere are 5 not 4 you forgot flurry heart
0 likesWhat about the baby acorn XD
0 likeschrysails is a alicorn
0 likesChrysalis is different because she is the queen and gives birth to every changling
0 likeshow about flurry hart there are 5 alicorns your wrong
0 likesIt's not an Alicorn it is a Petacorn
0 likesYeah she is her real name is Diyamor and she was born as a Nature princess
0 likesThere is actually 5 if you count flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
Yea but this video was made 6 years ago, so there wasn’t Flurry Heart back then
1 likeno there are 5 alicorns
1 likeChrysalis I definitely NOT an alicorn cuz she’s not a pony she’s a changeling. Plus you have to be a pony to be an alicorn duh🙄 😒
0 likesThere are 5 allcorn it's furry heart
0 likesCrhisalis is a BUGcorn cause she has bug wings and a horn!
0 likesHow about nightmare moon and day breaker
0 likesFlurry heart !!!! ✨✨✨
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesLook it would be that there is an Alicorn
0 likesBache
05 princess and why does a alicorn has different wings
0 likesi watch my littlepony and twillight is the new alicorn
0 likesWhat about Candace and flurry heart
0 likesThat's what I been asking myself
0 likesPls do a video on this Saw tooth
1 likeNuh shes a queen
0 likesFlury heart!!!!!!!
0 likesYou forgot Flurry heart
0 likesI used to have that map game ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
0 likesI like the my little pony app it the best
0 likesAll changelings are mini alicorn
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart dude
0 likesYou forgot flurry hart
0 likesWhat if you have difrent alecorns in difrent youniwerses or contries like we have?
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likesAm watching this in 2020😂
1 like@The Brony Notion flurry face: die skyla😀
1 likeSkyla:🌚well, I'm dead
Yes you si him have wings and horn
0 likesright 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
you posted a vid that said there is a sibeling who bails out on the stars maybe it is fleur dis lee
1 likeChrysalis is a changeling ,😀😀
0 likesWho’s the dad of the changelings?
0 likesand she turned compelty turned evil
0 likesAll the changelings are alucorns
0 likesIs she a abandond alicorn?
0 likesYou forgot flury
0 likesyou forgot the 2 sisters mom and dad o-o
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likesLa mayoría de los vídeos no los entiendo porqué no se bien inglés, me asustó el saludo en un primero momento XD
0 likesCommon what about flury heart
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
2 likesReplies (2)
(not original) not exactly.
2 likesthis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
@burpgirlhalo OOH.....SORRY
0 likesShe is a alacorn
1 likeOld sawtooth is so round…
0 likesNo, he's a changeling, queen of changelings actually
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesChrysalis isn’t an alicorn she is burnt Swiss cheese
0 likesFlurry heart!!!!!!!
0 likesU forgot flurry heart !
0 likesAnother youtuber said chrisalis Is the lost crystal princess but she is not a pony and also sombra said the crystal empire was his but his name is king Sombra and queen chrisalis is this why her first attack was on cadence BUT SHE IS NOT A PONY!!! And one question why did sombra lick
0 likesHis lips when spike was falling with the crystal heart did he want to feed on it???plz tell me😳😳
Did she USED to be a alicorn.
0 likesHow about flurry heart
0 likesWhy do you keep forgetting FLURY HEART!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI don't know if this is true but I think she is a princess when she was a demon remember
0 likesShe’s an acorn
1 likeReplies (1)
Lolz true
1 likeRight now im in 2021 so i know that they will have a baby born alicorn
0 likeswhat about flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot Queen novia
0 likesThis is the first video I watched on your channel.
0 likesWhy did you not include cozygol
0 likesNo there is 5 alicorns
0 likesok don’t forget flurry heart ok
it is starlight
0 likesWhat about flurry heart the acorn
0 likesWhat you lack for in beauty you had were fun
0 likesthere are five how about baby flurryheart
0 likesAcorn alicorn acorn ALICORN!
You forgot my heart ❤
0 likesThere are five alacron because of furly.
0 likesOne of the twin princesis lokes like a pansexual flag 💖💛💙
0 likes☆pride☆
There is 5 alicorn You forgot Flurry heart ❤😠😡
0 likesYes cristalin a alicorn
0 likesYou know how to speak another language? I forgot what that one was. I think it was Mexican.
0 likesCant beleave its already been 6 years
0 likesHello what about flurry heart shining armour and candence baby she was born an Alicorn
0 likesWhat about FLURRY HEART
0 likesFlurry!!!
0 likesShe looks like a Alicorn but she is not... OK I doo not get it!
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
1 likeReplies (1)
The forgot flurry heart!!!!!!!
0 likesWHAT ABOUT FLURY HEART !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (5 mins later ) checks date posted OOF WHERES MY TIMING!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesNo, she's a changeling
0 likesPrecious is a Alcorn she’s not I just some kind of spell I did make a new magic which is evil sooooooooo
0 likesDid enyone notice that princess sterling and princess gold lily have LGBTQ+ signs in there hair? 1:31 for my proof.
0 likesMe reading the title: no she is a changling
1 likeReplies (1)
me reading this comment: please watch the whole video
1 likeChrysalis is an Alicorn
0 likesWho’s watching in 2020 and saying yeah cadence and shining armor already have a kid
0 likesBut whears flury the princes of light?
0 likesWhy was Cadence not fat when she was pregnant unless Flurry Face (laughs a little) IS NOT HER KID
1 likeUmm i think u forgot flurry heart she is super cuuuttttteeeee!
0 likesYou forgot to a ailcorn her name is galaxya she’s the mother of Luna and Celestia
0 likesReplies (1)
Not canon
1 likeWhat about Flurry Heart?
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesYeah what about flurry heart
0 likesI had the baby pony toy
0 likesHow about king Sobra
0 likestrue but they have to act like one right?
0 likesYou forget about flurry heart
0 likesThe baby. The child of canden who is the first born.
0 likesThey come, the baby of cadence is the first that born
0 likesBut Crystal his name is queen chrysalis
0 likesthey are achliy 5 alicorns you forgotten ferry heat ?
0 likesFlurry!!!!!
0 likesShe is a bug alicorn
0 likes0:40 I have that game
1 likeFlurry Heart is an alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
(not original) not exactly.
1 likethis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
0 likesthere are 5 alacorns
0 likesThere is another alicorn furry heart
0 likesi didnt even watch this yet so what im saying here is CHRYSALIS IS NOT A PONY ok i will watch now
0 likesKinda… she is half bug I think…
0 likesThe title should be “was”
1 likeCelestia and mum and dad's salicornes
0 likesYou forgot FlyHard
0 likesI love❤ Queen Chrysalis😈
0 likesMayby Chrisalis Is An Corrupted Alicorn
0 likesWhat about flurry haert???
0 likesi need to know this
0 likesBasically he forgot about very hard
0 likesFleur de lis is a changeling
0 likes5 alicorns in the show White Hat
0 likesYou forgot flurry Heart
0 likesReplies (1)
this was made before flurry was born.
0 likesThere are 5 an alicorn's
0 likesThere is 6 alicornsss and can I have a shout out 🥺🥺🥺 btw the alicorns are cosy glow,flurry heart,princess cadence,princess celestia,princess luna,twilight sparkle lolllll
0 likesIt’s a changling thing
0 likesYou of all pony’s should know
Flurry heart so 5😂
0 likesShe's not an alicorn because she's.. She's not? She's just a completely different species.
0 likesShe is not a alicorn because she is a Changeling only the chosen ponys are alicorns. (Not trying to be mean).
0 likesokay okay okay okay okay okay now you're messing up my brain now even though she's bigger and most likely smarter than the others I have got no idea what you're saying hey what did
0 likesshes a changeling not a pony
0 likesI have the same toys
0 likesYes all
0 likesChAnglinga are
If crisalis is the only girl in the hive how dose she have the eggs😟
0 likesFor what candese don't have a pocahontas mane
0 likesHow bout flurry heart
0 likesFurry heart is an alicorn
0 likesU forgot Baby flurry heart
0 likesShe is no alcoin all change lingings have that
1 likeMaybe she’s cursed? Idk
0 likesflurry heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesIs discord an Ali corn?
0 likesChrysalis is a....
0 likesUnibug
Not a alicorn?
0 likesShe isn't a princess she is a queen
0 likesShe's more a bug
0 likes5 alicorns FLURRY HEART
0 likesR.I.P Skyla I dug you a grave
0 likesWell, yes, but actually, no
0 likesFlurry Heart
0 likesShe is
0 likeswow have things changed huh lol
0 likesFlurry Heart
0 likesFlurry heart!
0 likesChangeling=Acorns
0 likesChrysalis was a alicorn and her name was princess amore she was the princess of love
0 likesReplies (2)
Chrysalis is not Amore. Amore was the original ruler of the empire, but Sombra encased her in black crystals and shattered her, sending all the shards across equestria.
1 likeMalus Rising ohh ok thanks for telling me
0 likesFlurry heart?
0 likesE U P also means earth pony unicorn and u know
0 likesQueen chrysalis is
0 likes5 alicorns
1 likeYes.
0 likesshe is not an alicorn becasue she is not a pony and her wings are such as insects as if like they used magic to give her wings..
0 likesChangelings are not COMPLETELY ponies but they are mutated ponies.
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
1 likeIs discord an alicorn?
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
Old video
0 likesFlury Hart you forgot flury Hart
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart
1 likeReplies (2)
hobojackson she’s an alicorn but he’s talked about her way to much
0 likesDino_jack Jack (not original) not exactly.
1 likethis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
many people had the mendela effect
0 likesChancellcorn?
0 likesWhat about flurry heat
0 likesFluffy hart!!!!!!
0 likesu forgot flurry heart / cadathe babay
0 likescosy glow is a ex Alicorn
0 likesWhy does chrysalis have holes in her hair??
0 likesHey flurry heart is alive ya know 😑
1 likeReplies (1)
Alya Gemstone this video was realeased before flurry was invented
0 likesYou forgot flurry
0 likesYou forgot about flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
0 likesme when I see title:Uh ok maybe she a different kind of the pony that has wring whatere
0 likesthere are 5 cause lurryheart
0 likesshes an alicorn !
0 likesReplies (1)
Shes not even a pony
0 likesFLURRY HEART!!!!!!😐
0 likesits cool that the vid has 666 dislikes
0 likesWhat about her little kids they could de alicorns
0 likesshes not an alicorn but shes a buglicorn
0 likesWell , is CHANGLING are ALICORNS?!
0 likesThats not a alicorn is chagecorn!
0 likesChrysalis is not an alicorn. She is a changeling
0 likesShe is not a alicorn.
0 likesShe is a changecorn.
0 likeswoah woah hold on a second there- gold lily pansexual confirmed??/1!/1?!?!!!!?11 (look at her mane-)
0 likesu forgot king cosmos and queen galaxia.
0 likesNo. A. Alcorn is. All. Three
1 likeIs rainbow dash a Pegasus?
0 likesBy the way why are there no boy alicorns shining armor is royal but he doesnt have wings are there other boy alicorns
0 likesFlurry heart:Am I A jke to you
0 likesMy opinion
0 likesCryshalis is big sister of celestia celestia have four sister first is harmony everpony loves her
Cryshalis she no one loves her acept
Her sister and her parents
Celestia the sunshine of the day
Luna the ligth from nigth
Ine day harmony is chosen to become the new ruler if equestria but cryshalis dont want harmony become the new ruler of equestria soo she steling the evil book spell and she turn to a monster stole love , harmony know that so she figth her own sister and she took a little magic from cryshalis but she lose so she turn into a seed of harmony wish someone find the seed , star swirl find it and grow the tree with thr magic of the pillars so , now she watting fir someone to free her from her the tree and princess harminy is the one of we call the spirit of tree harmony
Sorry fir my bad english so sorry if my opinion is not good for everyone
Replies (1)
celestia only has luna as her sister. chrysalis is not related to her.
0 likesTheres five cuz cadence has a baby alicorn her baby wasn't a unicorn she's born a alicorn she never had to receive her wings she had them in birth
0 likesYes
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesFlurry heart There is five
0 likesYes
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart she is an alicorn
0 likesReplies (2)
The video was made before flurry heart was introduced
0 likesmade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likes5 Alcorns flurry heart
0 likesRight 4 alicorn
0 likesCurrupted versions of alicorns
0 likesWhat's a acorn
0 likesSolve Twilight sparkle
0 likesIn one episode of season 9 see say when i lost my love
0 likesi Love ske La
1 likeAbout flurry heart she's she's an alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesflurry is a alucorn
0 likesWhat about flurry heart ?
1 likeReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesTEH heart of the flurry
0 likesOkay but you look very different compared to now
0 likesFlurry heart you forget her
0 likesYOU FORGOT FLURRY HART!!!!!!!??????
0 likesShe a bug corn
1 likeBro you weren't kidding about the amount of people saying "YoU fOrGoT fLuRrY hEaRt"
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesMy oc is named after Skyla which
0 likesFlurryheart
0 likesWhat about flurry heart you forgot very hard very hard flurry heart is the bab princes baby
0 likesForgot flurry heart who is born as an alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
Did not forgot, this video was made 6 years ago
1 likeOh I get it now
0 likesyou forget flarry hart
0 likesflury heart
0 likesFive allicorn flurry heart
0 likesActually theirs 5 since flurry heart was born an alicorn?
0 likesReplies (2)
The vid was made before flurry heart
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesA brand now per of wings
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesAre five Alicorns cuz flurry heart
0 likesShe’s not a pony...
0 likesuh you don’t know it is 5 alicorn
0 likesC'est juste que crisalise c'est la reine des mouches
0 likesOf cours chrisyalis is an alicorn she sed she will do her subjects in the end of the story!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
But flurry haert is an alicorn to
0 likesyou forgot about flurry heart even tho it is 2021
0 likesQueen chrysalis looks like cheese
0 likesYou forgot flereheart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video is from 4 years ago
1 likeThere are five nowwwwwwww
0 likesFlurryheart
there 5 alicorns
0 likesyou forgot flurry heary
0 likesReplies (1)
This was made before Flurry was revealed
0 likesBaby flourite tho
0 likesu forgot flury hart
0 likesYoU FooRgOt AbOuT FlUrRy hEaRt
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likes1:45 and then Fulley heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWAIT l ment to say she had to give up her wings BUT they would be bug like
0 likesFlurry heart!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
(not original) not exactly.
0 likesthis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
Flurry heart
0 likesBuy our toys
1 likeBuy our toys
Flurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesHay owner of the video did your video's name tag mean crystal?
0 likesdid you forget flurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likes5 alicorn
1 likeI think she like a creature alicorn I feel like she is a bat and a alicorn
0 likesWhat about cosy glow. And call me pal pal.
0 likesI heard there is a pony wich is princess celestias and princess lunas mither her name is queen galaxy she owns everything she was birn at 1000 and shes gone ;-;
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesfrom the bran new pair of wings
0 likesFlurry hurt is a stinking alicorn and she was born a alicorn😡
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart you know flurry heart the princess of merchandise buy our toys by our toys by our toys
0 likesCozy glow
0 likesWhat About flurry hart
0 likesThere is five alicorns
0 likesFlurry heart
And cadence
Replies (2)
0 likesAt the time flurry wasn't born this was 5 years ago
0 likescozyglow has joined the chat
0 likesShe is 5 Princess I guess
0 likesNo she's a bug
0 likesNo, she isn't an Alicorn...
0 likesthere is princess Galixia prince moon flurry heart princess cadence princes Luna princess Celestia so whats your point?
0 likesReplies (5)
Galixia and moon aren't Canon and this video was made before flurry heart
0 likesThen why was flury a heart in the video? Explain that then
0 likes@Kira_friendstoo um she wasn't? Give me a timestamp
0 likes@Eliza your just jealous i know all the princesses and one prince your just jealous
0 likes@Kira_friendstoo sure, whatever you say
0 likesChrysalis is not a alicorn because she is EVIL pony
0 likes55555 flurry heart
0 likesIs there a season 4?????????????????wwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaattttttttttttt?????????????????????
0 likesIf you love to read the comments that make a physio about whoever your dad is
0 likesYou forgot Ferrari hart
0 likesisn't cozy glow an alicorn
1 likeReplies (2)
no because she used magic tog eat her wings
0 likesShe isn't
0 likesFlurry is an alicoron
0 likesSuh she's is an alicorn with a weird horn and wings XD
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesI have spell wrong oof me
0 likesThere are five Alicorn princesses flurry heart Twilight Princess Celestia Princess Cadence and princess Luna
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago
2 likesOh
0 likesFive with flurry
0 likesyou forgot Flurry Heart😐😐😐😐
0 likesFive alicorns
0 likesNUMBER 5is flurry heart
0 likeswhy is there no boy alicorn
0 likesIts becouse shes a queen
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
HE DIDN'T, this video was posted in August of 2015, she was first introduced 7 months later, in March of 2016.
1 likehahahahaha
0 likes5 pricess Floryhart
0 likesWhat about cozy glow and Flurry heart
0 likesReplies (3)
THe video was made before they appeared.
0 likescozy glow is not a real alicorn she just had a lot of magic in her to turn into one and flurry wasn't a thing yet cause this was made in 2015.
0 likes@• Itz_Miyuki • yep
0 likesu forgot about flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
1 likeFLURRY HEART YOU FOR GOT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
At the time flurry wasn't born this was 5 years ago
0 likesFlurry heart is a Alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesI know who you really are. A Changling
0 likesShe is not a alicorn
0 likesWhat happened to queen Galaxia and king cosmos? (Not asking why u didn’t add them, but seriously, where are they?????????
0 likesyes
0 likesFurry heart !! !!!
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesFluffy heart
0 likesForgot about flurry heart five okay I'm done
0 likesReplies (1)
He made the video before flurry heart was introduced
0 likesflurry heat is a alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
This video is years old, read the description before being a smartass
1 likeMy opinion bugigycorn
0 likesIt because she’s a queen
1 likeReplies (3)
Sarah Lyons tru...
0 likesPanda Lol thanks
0 likesSarah Lyons npp 💜 🙃🙃
0 likesFLURY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesflunny heart
0 likes5 alicorn
0 likesWhat about flueryheart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
1 likeYou thought sorry Flurry heart
0 likesWhy says she’s not an alicorn, this is fictional it wouldn’t matter if it where pony or none poney maybe zaecora is mysterious she could be the princess of zebra magic queen chrisalis could be the queen of dark magic, Insects!
0 likesYou forgot about fliry heart.!!.!.!.!
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesYou forgot fluty hart
0 likesReplies (1)
When this video came out Flurry heart wasn't a thing yet
0 likesChangelings are like flies
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesUr forgetting flurry heart
0 likesCorrect
0 likesStop it break it up!
0 likesFlurry heartttt
0 likes5 alicorn flurry heart
0 likesKdesert and Simon Armitage daughter
0 likes1:42 they look like the bi and pans flag
0 likesIs 5 Alicorn
0 likesNo, chrysalis is a MOLDY BLOCK OF CHEESE
1 likeReplies (2)
not for long
1 likeSawtooth Waves legend
0 likesflurry hart
0 likesChrysalis = s&m
0 likesForgot flurry heart 😠😡
0 likesHow about flurry heart she's a alicorn
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesFlurry
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likes0:06 HABLA ESPAÑOL!!!
1 likeFlurry Heart is an Alicorn
0 likesFlurry heart is a alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
she didn't exist when this video came out.
0 likesf l u r r y
0 likesh e a r t
6 Alcorns
0 likesWhere is flurry hart
0 likes1:32 Buy Our TOys
0 likes1:45 Buy Our TOys
Replies (1)
Yeah but thats expensive plastic idk why
0 likesWhy do we have cheap plastic and expensive plastic
If your wings are not Pegasus wings and are alicorn wings then you’re a princess and an alicorn and if you have a horn too you’re an alicorn
0 likesChrysalis is not an alicorn because an alicorn is a horse with wings and a horn. Chrysalis is not a horse...Duh!
0 likeshi i want to know if sunsetshimer is going to a prinsese
0 likesThis video is good
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesWho are princess gold lily and princess starling?
0 likesReplies (1)
He literally explained it
1 likeYou for got furry heart
0 likesMe saw this: of crouse she not she not even a pony
0 likesBut changeling is changelings and poni is poni
0 likesMy sister also watch your videos to can you tell us what your name is Hank and like I said earlier can you please do a video a different kind of video no it’s mild honey like I have a power Puff girls are Peppa Pig know that like? Shining the kind you know crazy so yeah I have a teen titans go there’s so many if you know more cartoons than Mile.
0 likesDo you think spike lothers sunset shimmer
0 likesNo cause different pony
0 likescool
0 likesHis profile pic…
0 likes1:56 ummm anyone noticed to pansexual pride flags colors the purple girls head
0 likesFlurry?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likeswhat about princess novo!?!?!
0 likesReplies (1)
She’s an hippogriff and doesn’t even have a horn...
1 likeEasy : no
0 likesNo she Chrysalis
0 likesChrisalis is not an alicorn cause SHE IS NOT A PONY!!
0 likeswhi is sombra king???
0 likesChryslais is not an alicorn she is an changling ;-; SHE IS NOT A PONY!!
0 likesNo and nope I think
1 like5? Wut about flurry
Christeles. Maiet be a inset alecorn
0 likesI hate Queen chrysalis the most the villain just like starlight glimmer
0 likesShe is even not a pony
0 likesno there are 6 DUH
0 likesYou forgot floryhaert
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 4 years ago-
1 likeAsh 1123 Wait...you understand me?
0 likesthis is sasha,she weighs ten pounds and can stop ignorant people.:
(not original) not exactly.
this video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
Flurry heart
1 likeReplies (1)
This video came before her
0 likesYes but no.
0 likesSix ailcorn
0 likes6 flurry and cozy
0 likesWait, there are five alicorns in Equestria, not four. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart. Wait, did Flurry Heart not come out yet when you made this video?
0 likesBack story of sunset
0 likesOk but why do you always use the same song in all ur vids my dude
0 likesWhat is the game called
0 likesDiscord is not an alicorn
0 likesThey are 6 alacorns.
0 likesReplies (1)
This was 5 years ago dumbass
0 likes5 Flurry Heart
1 likeReplies (1)
Princesss Of Light Luna Moon Celestia sun cadence love twilight friendship
0 likesShes an aliling cus change ling ye ye
0 likesHi have a great day 🌈🍓🦄🍩
0 likesThere are more now
0 likes666 dislikes :0
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago 💀
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesfruly heart is one to0
0 likesI know chrysalis lost her horn
0 likesReplies (1)
Have not watched the full video yet
0 likesWhat about Fleurie baby
0 likesseason 5
0 likesAt the end ithe answer is NO
0 likes5 Also Flurry Heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video came before her
0 likesu forgot about flurry heart
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago 💀
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesFlurry Haert
0 likesFlurry heart 555555555555
0 likesWhat about flurry hart
1 likeReplies (2)
Umm this was posted 6 yeaRs ago-
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesThere are 5 alicorns
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago...
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesStop talking about My Little Pony characters are you going to make me mad I'm 7 year old and I love My Little Pony so stop talking about them please
0 likesforry Hart
0 likesOh what if she like a zombie like
0 likesThey are 5 because
1 likeFlure haref
Replies (2)
« Flure haref »
1 likeRIP Flurry Heart
made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet and flurry heart*
0 likesYou are the best
0 likesReplies (1)
made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesFlery Hart
0 likes7 moths later flurry heart: you forgot about me
0 likesYou forgot an alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesPupyyy heart
0 likesflurry haert
0 likesYou’re hid is big 😂
0 likesBoi wat about flurry
1 likeFlurry heart ?
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesYou forgot furry hut
0 likesNo probably not
0 likesReplies (1)
Ok I do not know how to spell sorry
0 likesBb flurry heart
0 likesWord of mouth has been the trip to the trip to the
1 likeReally that's it
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart
0 likesWho is Kala who is the ponies yours telling
0 likesHahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
0 likesFlurrry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
1 likeThere is 5 cause flurry heart
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago...
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesHold up
0 likesYou forgot where are you heart
0 likes5 not 4
1 likeUmmm i think so
0 likesHe is a changling 😃😃😃😃😃😃 duh
1 likeFlurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesNot four five flurry heart
0 likesChrysalis has wings and a horn
0 likesSees The Title
Me: Is this guy blind?
Mlp is ending
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
At the time flurry wasn't born this was 5 years ago
0 likesYou forgot flere hart
1 likeReplies (2)
*Flurry Heart. And this video was made 6 years ago
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet and flurry heart*
0 likes1:41 pan flag :0
0 likesUnicorns are not real
0 likesI just got a my little pony ad...
0 likesReplies (1)
They called the elements “harmony stones”
0 likesYOU Forgot Flurry hart
0 likesReplies (1)
1 likeflurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesFL\URRY HEART IS AN ALICORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
1 likeFurry heart
0 likeswhat about flurry heart
0 likesReplies (5)
This was made before flurryheart was introduced
0 likesoh lol i dindnt know that lol
0 likesbut hope you had a good halloween
0 likes@~¡pogo!~ I don’t celebrate halloween but oh well lmao u too
0 likesbro me too i just watched a movie
0 likesHaha no there are probaly five now
0 likesflury hert
0 likesSaure Sahne ist am besten von diesem sie sind ja auch wie alle bananowa was ist immer auf an wechselpony
0 likeswAt aB0uT F1urRy h3aRt
0 likesStrange
1 likeShes not an alicorn shes a mosquito
0 likesWhen i was a little kid ilove to watch the my fareat channel that tv show names fraiy show aBeatefull fraiy want to be queen but one day the queen retired so she can rule so she needs to a nice friay but she wases hearded and think she will be queen but the queen cosen a nice fraiy name is naila but that fraid get greedy so she bocome bad fraiy so she the old queen uneder spell so celstya not real pricsses in under spell celstya Luna not real prinnecss and the old queen put her under a spell she cood be apony and she studty Magic her hole life the dark nesses well come de her
0 likesSorry I mean Celestia
0 likesmy name is lily😕 offensive
0 likesBecause they don't love me and horn
0 likesIm dasha big fan 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏💎💍💎💍💍💎💍💎💍💎🐱🐱🐱🐱
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why
0 likeswhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy why did you forget her!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she is one of my fav carictors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
glad i got that out of my sistem! :) still why.
Replies (2)
longest coment ever XD lol
0 likes@Nara Lopez This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
1 likeHello SawTooth Dont Worry I Am A Reformed Changling
0 likesOfc she is
0 likesThere is fleuri heurt
0 likesReplies (1)
This video came before her
0 likesCourtyard
0 likesNow there are six
0 likes:3
0 likesYou forgot flurry ❤️ 👑💎🦄🍬
0 likesReplies (1)
she didn't exist
0 likes5 alycone
0 likesReplies (1)
(not original) not exactly.
0 likesthis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
But was is the spell
0 likesFluuy heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
0 likesRecolor
0 likesTHE BAB FLURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FORGOT HER!!!!!!!! YOU MAKE A TON OF VIDS ON HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (2)
this was 7 months before she was canon
0 likesmade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesNo. there are 5
0 likesReplies (1)
Yeah,but not when this vid came out
0 likesQuestion is what is the point of th
0 likesa BUG
0 likesYou forget fluffy
0 likesharta
Replies (2)
.. flurry was made after the video
0 likesmade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesYour missi my a alicorn nightmare moon and daybreaker
0 likesOmg
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesReplies (3)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
0 likesOh ok
0 likesI started watching my little pony 2019 when all seasons 1-9 were made
0 likesI guess...
0 likesConfusing
1 likelol omg sawtooth you play the mlp game?! wat level r u me just started
0 likesWhat song name
0 likesWhat song name
0 likesshe sis not a alacorn because she is a bug
0 likesFlurry heaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaert
0 likesYou four get candes s daughter
0 likesReplies (1)
This video came before her
0 likesFlurryheart
0 likesReplies (2)
Flurryheart came after this video
0 likesmade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesWan wil you make jour next video PS i love you kasia valies
0 likesDelete this video every do it to where you say there's five bc flurry heart
0 likesWho is sklya
0 likesWho is sklya
0 likesFloreherte !!!! Ko
0 likesReplies (1)
Fuulre herte
0 likes*princess
0 likesIntro frennsssssssssssss
0 likesIs anybody watching In 2022?
1 likeno
0 likesUm flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video came before her
0 likesFurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likeswaht is"the mlp app"?
1 likeBuy ur toys, buy ur toys
0 likeshello flurry heart
0 likesFlery heart
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likeshhhhhhheeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrttttttt
*Flurry heart. And this video was made 6 years ago.
1 likeWord of mouth has been the trip to the trip to London and hegwhehegegeggehegehehehevsg and the trip to the trip to the trip
0 likesFLURRY HEART 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
0 likeshuh?
0 likesNo
0 likesWtf lol
1 like5alicrn s in acwestrrya
0 likesThey didint
0 likesNo
0 likesFlurry heart how dare you forget her
0 likesShe's not even a pony dvbnxdh
0 likesyou fergot flurry heart
1 likeReplies (1)
At the time flurry wasn't born this was 5 years ago
0 likesDid you know that today have vares
0 likesBuenos días.
0 likesVideo sumer up robot in the replys
0 likes5!!!!!
1 likeWhat about FLURRY HEART !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago...
1 likemade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet WHY CANT PEOPLE SEE THE RELEASE DATE?!
0 likesFlery Hart
0 likesReplies (1)
This video was made 4 years ago- she wasnt a charater when that video was made.
1 likeBoy where is the princess of merchandise🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙎🙎
0 likesReplies (1)
(not original) not exactly.
0 likesthis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
also b u y o u r t o y s
0 likesDers four alikon in
1 likeNow there are six
0 likesReplies (1)
Who’s the sixth?
1 likeBorn
0 likesIt's 5
0 likesReplies (2)
This video was made 6 years ago...
2 likesmade in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesFurry hart
0 likesMeowiw
0 likesIn order to be an alicorn, you need a horn and Wings with feathers! Unless, your feathers get shaved off... but then how do you fly? Pick yourself up with magic from your horn? I'd probably be to heavy to pick myself up with magic.
0 likesEdit: Ok, the point is, your wings need feathers.
The explanation is that that's how the changelings look like. They have horns to do their magic and insect like wings. They are not alicorns, coz they are not even ponies on one hand. And on the other hand is they just usual changelings. Chrisalis is the Queen that's why she is bigger.
0 likesThe thing what makes alicorns is magic. As we know every pony has magic, and the thing what makes alicorns that strong is because they have the magic of an earth pony, pegasy and a unicorn in one. I think....
Reminds me about if Ben 10 omey inhansed aliens were ponys, Heat Blast's pony omey inhansed form would not be an alicorn because his wings would work more like a rockets.
0 likesThe one that looks like she is supposed to be an alicorn also reminds me of diamond tiara, she looks like she is supposed to have a horn.
0 likesI think chrysalis is a Alcon how had love just lost it that’s why she feeds on love she loved but she lost it so she has a empty hole in her ❤️ like on her body
0 likesif chrysalis was an alicorn,she would have Her own trait as light or darkness.
0 likesIf you read the comics, in a mirror world, Chrysalis was much different, like Sombra, in that other world, Chrysalis is an alicorn, She is not a Changeling.
2 likesBut in the mlp comic book she WAS a pony and she was transformed into a changeling queen ( or smth like that. I do remember that she was a pony before tho from the comic book so idk how true that would be for the show)
0 likesI don't think she's an alricorn. Alicorns are known for their abundance of magic, different kinds of magic. But for crysalis, she only has a bit of magic necessary for her and her changlings.
0 likesBack story of Chrysalis: She was a normal alicorn before a dragon changed her's and the changelings lives forever
0 likesThere's a difference wch exains all of the confusion let's go to rarity rarity didn't earn real featherd wings and they could burn when to much light its them also the spell wouldn't last forever anyway so that's why she wasn't a alicorn. Now to chisilast she is not an alicorn either she is not to powerful in magic and she is based of an insect and she is only queen cause she is like bees they have a hive and a queen also she is not a pony she may only know who are alicorn and who are not and she may know that they are the most powerful but does she know anything else so if she doesn't even know what a alicorn is she can't be qualified as one.
0 likesYou’ve been talking about an alicorn civilization right? What if Princess Goldlily and Sterling live there?
0 likesPersonally think is a bug Pony with a horn that got burnt in a fire and survived having a holes put in her and have hair gel in her hair just to keep it floating somehow it never dried out.
0 likesIf chrisalis can fly and can do magic, she’s a alicorn then because that’s what one is
0 likesI think that queen chrysilis IS an anicorn, and like luna's jealosy, her possible ambition grow and grew. why she looks like this, well, nightmare moon looks different than luna!
0 likesMaybe The toy alicorns were from a far away land so they could not join the alicorn race in equestria.
0 likesFlurry is an alicorn and I'm from the future so I know you'll make a video on this topic soon
0 likesSince thorax changed into a tall bug shes not because if she transform she will be like him too
0 likesIf Chrysalis was an Alicorn.her horn Would be Perfect And Her wings Would be Perfect Then A bug.chrysalis Is a Insect Its Not Possible that Chrysalis Can fling back Into a Normal pony and Yes,Hasbro's Toys that were featured in this vid Is Cancled or maybe Ready On an Next season Thats what i think.
0 likesshe has wings like those butterfly wings twilight made for rarity
0 likesHow can Chrysalis fly when her wings have holes?
0 likesOf course skyla didn't make an apperance! She's been replaced by flurry heart!
0 likesThere are 5 alicorns you forgot flurry heart
0 likesMaybe a pony and a changeling and a pony had some fun and that’s how chrysalis was made
0 likesHow old are you? I’m guessing 20-30. Perfect age for mlp theories. (No hate. Love these videos)
1 likeHorn check wings check
0 likesI'm pretty sure she's in a alicorn
well good question it she is cause she has a horn and wings from the start
0 likesSins : luna and celstia and called queens but Chrisalas is considered an queen
0 likesQueen chrysalis and the other changelings are mosquitos but they don’t take blood they take love so without their horns they couldn’t get the love because they don’t bite because you know pony shows up illustrated of not real you can do whatever you want so they don’t bite the only use their horns to take love
0 likesNo there are 5 alicorns including flurry heart
0 likesWell she is a unicorn she use to be the princess of love untill she turn evil
0 likesYes, yes she is
0 likesTechnically. All the changing are Allicorns
0 likesPrincess goldlily and princess sterling could somewhere out of eqeutria
0 likesKind of short but good prove of chyrsailis isn't a alicorn
0 likesWe’ve got flurry heart now!
0 likesFlurry Heart is an alicorn
0 likesOf cures she is a alicorn she is a Queen!!
0 likesYes she is an alicorn but I don't know what princess she is
1 likeCosi for the New season can bi chrysalis, KS in the new friendship group was under the school with the roots of the tree of harmony she made them fight
0 likesThey look like recolored Celestias
0 likesYou got the princess of the sun the princess of the moon the princess of love the princess of friendship The princess of... merchandise Buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our merchandise buy our toys
0 likesMake a video on what FEED ON LOVE means
0 likesWAIT! Their are 2 California u don't know about they were made as figures their was a yellow and a purple 1 and they i believe we're never mentioned in the show
0 likesPrincess Skyla was the early "beta" form of Flurry Heart like if you agree
1 likeYeah I agree she wood look like an alicorn
0 likesthat 'fluer-de-lis' girl from the mlp app is acctually a changeling?
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesYou forgot Furry Heart the acorn
2 likesflurry heart is an acorn
0 likesmany people... AND I MEAN MANY PEOPLE... (i may be over exaterating with many people XD) think that Chrysalis use to be the Princess of Love. ((you would also know what i mean if ur a mlp fan of comics and read the one where it showed her as ((and maybe wuse to be)) good. -this is my opinyen ~srry cant even spell~
1 likebut chrysalis is queen chrysalis and queens have wings and horns
0 likesChrysalis has changelings wings so..that doesn't count. Her horn is poked with dots. That doesn't count
0 likesYou forgot Fllery Heart
0 likesbut chrysalis is a queen
0 likesI think she is cadences mom and sombra is her dad but somber abandoned her and so did quisalis and they became evil
0 likesChrysalis is a changeling. Not an alicorn.
0 likesYou forgot flury heart
0 likesMake theory on da hair like luna’s is just but selestia has da flow
0 likesYou know that every pony in ekwestria is also inpony vill but one pony is not how about sunset shimmer
0 likesIn future cadence has a baby called flurry Hart
0 likesFlurry heart is a ALACORN
0 likesChangelings are not changelings they are flys or bugs for real
0 likesI believe that chrysalis is not a alicorn
0 likeswell cadence and shining do have a daughter now but its not her
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart!!!!!!!
0 likes1:33 ”BUY OUT TOYS!!!”
1 likeCan you say something about the other ponies like rarity and rainbow dash and all the other girls and explain why they’re friend ship with twilight by elements.
0 likesI have that purple alicorn toy.
0 likesflurry heart the Princess of....merch? buy our toys , buy our toys, buy our toys ...
1 likeDue you forgot Flurry Heart!!!!! ) :<
0 likesLove you bronies
0 likesUmm you forgot the parents of princess Luna and clestia(there alocorns)
0 likesFlurry heart is a princess she is A pony with wings and a horn
0 likesQueen qhrysalis is a alicorn
0 likesHasbro: buy our toys 🧸
0 likesSo that means there are 6 alicorns
0 likes5 alicorns.FLERY HART.
0 likesWho's flirdalee?
1 likeWhat about flurry heart
0 likesShe's a bugacorn
1 likeYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
Poop Doody read the date you fucking idiot
0 likesWe guys know that she's not a alicorn because her minions are alicorns and she is a alicorn (not real alicorn) and a licorns are rare right?
0 likesFlurry heart!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesFlurry Heart!
0 likesi read the title as "Is chrysalis a idiot?"
0 likesFLURRY HEART!!!!!!!
0 likesHey brony what is the cutie mark of queen chrysalis
0 likesWhy don't Twilight have a necklace too
0 likesThere are 5 alicorn
0 likesChrysalis is a changelling
0 likesYes she is alicorn Cheysilis
0 likesFlurry heart is an accorn
0 likesanyone from 2019 shaking their head going if only you new at 1:54
0 likesCrisalis is a pony under a spal
0 likesYou forgot FLURRY HEART 😠 !!!!!!!!
0 likesWait crysalas is an evil Alicorn she is corrupted
0 likesNo you were wrong Chrysalis is an alicorn we know she is a changeling but I don't Believe you
0 likesFor quick words....
0 likesNo,because she is NOT a PONY OR A UNICORN OR A PEGASUS
Only ponies and unicorn PEGASUS can transform to alicorn done!
0 likesThere's five alocon flerehart
0 likesWhat about fluffy heart
0 likesWhat about King zombra
0 likesThe lost crystal princess lol idk :”0
0 likesSo insect unicorn and Swiss chesse
0 likesBuy our toys. Buy our toys. buy our toys. BUY OUR MERCHANDISE
0 likesYou forgotten flurry heart the princess of heart
0 likesReplies (1)
For gods sake. UPLOAD DATE PEOPLE. READ IT!!!!!!
0 likesAlso bs. She's the princess of merch.
Fluury heart?
U forgot flurry heart.
0 likesFlurry heart What About flurry heart don't forget celery flurry heart
0 likesKing sombra queen crisalas hmmm 🙉????
0 likesWhat about Flury Heart
0 likesReplies (1)
For gods sake. UPLOAD DATE PEOPLE. READ IT!!!!!!
0 likesShe is a bugpony
0 likesFlurryheart
0 likesNope shes a changling not a pony
0 likesFlyer 💖
0 likesWhat app is that???
0 likes5 acorns
0 likesu scared the hell out of me with that spanish xd
0 likesWhat if goldlilly and skystorm or what ever her namr is are the other alicirns dun dun dun just kid ing
0 likesShe is a change link
0 likesWait if when the Mane 6 get rainbowfied there hair flow AND LOOK AT CELESTIA AND LUNA they rainbowfied dun dun meow
0 likesYou forgotten flurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesCelestia is what those rip offs r
0 likesFlury heart
0 likesWoot about flurihart
0 likesIf pewdiepie was a pony that's what he would say
0 likesNo, she’s cheese.
0 likesReplies (1)
Look at the upload date!
0 likesAnd she's a bug
0 likesFlur de les is part alicorn
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesPlease explain why dont u count flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
He did. Years ago!
0 likesQueen Chrysalis was born in egg
1 likeReplies (3)
She not even one
0 likesFor gods sake. UPLOAD DATE PEOPLE. READ IT!!!!!!
1 like5 alicorn
0 likesUmm She looks like Swiss cheese experiment gone wrong in a lab
0 likesWho is Princess Skyla
0 likes5* alicorns
0 likesHey you forgot slowly hot
0 likesThe thing is tho, there not ponies
0 likesFury heart is an Alicorn!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (2)
flury not fury
0 likesflurry not flury
0 likesAre there more pony in ponyvill video
0 likesWhere does the flury hart
0 likesFlurry haert!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Look at the upload date!
0 likesoh god. this video is so old ;-;
1 likeb u y o u r t o y s
0 likesThere's 5
0 likesCandace baby
1 likeyou for got flurry heart
0 likes5 ALICORNS
0 likesYou say she is acorn she is unicorn eidt is that I took away he or
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesoooooooo!
0 likesyou forget one
0 likesQUEEN CHRYSALIS IS AN ALLICORN!😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠🐐+🐦
0 likesFury hart
0 likesSi (omg I didn’t even watch the intro lol)
1 likeUni uni uni corn
0 likesYeh
Why are there only alicorns princess not queen,s and king,s
0 likesflurry heart dude
0 likesReplies (1)
Look at the upload date!
0 likes❤️💖 u
0 likes5 fluffy
0 likesIf your a changeilg then what am i
0 likesBuzz Buzz
0 likesF H ALUCORN
0 likesOm i hv dat game i like it what is your brony’s name
0 likesIT 5
0 likesPlease get rid of that entro
0 likesReplies (1)
this was posted over 4 years ago.
0 likesOMG 5555 THERE 5 NOT 4 5 5 5 OMG I JUST UHG
0 likesReplies (1)
(not original) not exactly.
0 likesthis video was made in 2015 , she was introduced later.
you didn’t notice the top comment?
0 likesHello it's me in the future
0 likesYou mean 5
0 likes7 ALCORNS
0 likesReplies (2)
1 likemlp movie wasn't a thing yet and made in 2015 flurry wasn't a thing yet
0 likesYou forgot heart
0 likesWhat😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕
0 likes1. I am a fan of your channel 2.Is this where ,,Flurry Heart Problem" came to life
0 likesI’m watching in 2021 and not sure if this video came out before Flurry Heart.
0 likesBut you forgot Flurry Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesAnd flurry heart is an alicorn
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesYour video is too quick
0 likesWhen is says 4 years ago
0 likesflurry heart :l
0 likesTestcarppp
0 likesLepenjp
0 likesThis is my theory about queen chrysalis if she was an alicorn,she was a regular alicorn ruling the crystal empire before the mane six came instead of the real crystal heart some evil pony might have replaced it,I think it was king sombra and he had the real crystal heart and chrysalis would pick up the fake crystal heart and the fake crystal heart sucked the good magic chrysalis had and the fake crystal heart would make the good magic evil magic and gave it to chrysalis and she became evil looking and since she was able to change the form of herself she grew a swarm of changelings and called them changelings as they were able to change the form of themselves and by that they took the love everypony had and they gained evil magic.like if you agree about this theory
1 likeWhat about ink rose's story about chrysalis? She WAS an alicorn. She IS under a spell. She WAS good. Well, not exactly... ink rose said that she was using love potions as a way to get information on other cities. Like, how the guards are placed, when not as many people are there, and which day a kingdom would least expect an attack.
0 likesAren’t all changelings alicorns? They have a horn to shape shift and wings to fly.
0 likesShe is a Changeling Queen. Kind of like the Alien Queen from the 1986 film Aliens.
0 likesYou need to check out fan art "Flufflepuff"! Crys is in it with her big sister from Dead Space! Lol
0 likesId say princess sterling is pansexual- good job on applying pride onto mlp hasbro🙌👏🍦
1 likeQueen Chrsalis probably used to be the ruler of the crystal empire but starswirl probably corrupted her (but her horn still worked)( because she was a mean ruler)and she had to flee. I got this idea from Equestria girls friendship games because that could have been some kind of backstory. But this is just my theory😇😸
0 likesWell, under some circumstances Crysalis is an Alicorn and let me explain
0 likesYes, Crysalis is the Changling Queen and most would say that because she has the wings if a bug, she's no Alicorn...
BUT she's like Celestia and Luna to Equestia, a ruler! She's like the changlings' Alicorn
So Yea, she's an Alicorn to the Changlings, but not to most ponies
Replies (1)
ok, so all other changlings are alicorn's larvas?
0 likesChrysalis is a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions. Nobody of them are alicorns.
And yes she is a ruler, but only for her Hive, she is a Queen, her orders is a law, she is a focus of hivemind, she is a Goddess for her drones, but only for them
im having a better question! WAS Crhysalis an Alicorn
1 likeNo because all of the changelings have horns and wings. for further detail, changelings don't rule the land.
0 likesdo not forget that if the pony alicorn is the first eye should be a corner instead of a round which should have 2 horns
0 likesI guess Skyla could be a missing link alicorn
0 likesPrincess Skyla looks a lot like Cadence. Because Skyla I think is the first name of Princess Cadence like Tia is the first name for Celestia.
0 likesDid you ever realize that there is a worker at the spa in ponyvile with the same cuttie mark as princes cold lilly?
0 likesI think Chrysalis is basically a bug that looks like a pony under spell. 😶
0 likesI have Gold Lily, only now remember her name, thank you.
0 likesWell now she’s made an apperance...
0 likesFlurry heart ruined so much cannon
Actually there are FIVE 5 princesses in Equestria we have: Celestia, luna, Cadendes, Twilight, AND baby flurry heart the dughter of Candendes, and Shining armor
0 likesFunFact: I read somewhere that Chrysalis was a magical experiment between a Unicorn and a poisonous plant that went awry. Though I could be wrong on this information. .)
0 likesReplies (1)
you are wrong :) Chrysalisis a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions
0 likesbut chrysalis is the queen of changelings tho
0 likesChrysalis is a Changling's Queen. She is not even a pony, so she can't be an alicorn
0 likesall changlings (exept guards) have horn and wings, all of them can use magic, so all of them must be an alicorns, isn't it?
Maybe Golden Lily and Sterling are parents of Celestia and Luna?
0 likesmy little pony: the movie just CRUSHED the theory of alicorns out of equestria!
0 likesIn fact she is classified as a bug in the canon
0 likesChrysalis IS an alicorn, an alicorn quuen. But shes only a quen to the changelings, not equestria.
0 likesI thought it was because of her love for bugs did she have bug like wings (she sorta said that in the canterlot wedding
0 likesChrysalis isnt an Alicorn, shes the queen of the changelings and shes a changeling...
0 likesi disagree with you brony notion because she has wings and a horn, and that means she is an alicorn.
0 likesChrysalis is a pony and in my opinion she is an Alicorn!
0 likesno there is flurry heart the daughter of cadence and shining armor
0 likesShe is a Queen 👑
0 likesyes she has a horn and wings
0 likesLet me give a prediction to the future. Princess Skyla will be replaced with Princess Flurry Heart. let see if im right
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart?
0 likesChisylis was a alicorn but yeah no one knows what happened
0 likesDon't forget about flurry heart she's a alicorn to
0 likesYou forgot Flurry Heart
0 likesDid u notes that all ponys name kinda match their cutymark
0 likesThere is 6 alicorn celestia,luna,candece flurry heart and chrisalis
0 likesI do think crysyles is a alicorn
0 likes1:54 I really like those two especially the one on the right with the ombre wings!
2 likesReplies (3)
* 1:56*
0 likesThat gold lily
0 likesThey one on the right has the eyes of rarity and a smaller horn
0 likesI have the skyla toy!
0 likesCan u do will diacord become a pony or a element
1 likeFlurry heart is a alicorn
0 likesflurry heart is an alicorn
0 likesI know this is late because of the release of the video but we have flurry heart, not princess skyla
0 likesChrysalis is a alicorn not unicorn,pegasus and earth pony
0 likesShe was named Queen because Disney’s queens were evil so that’s why celestia is not a queen she’s a princess because she’s not evil
0 likes5 alicorns now!!!!😳😳 (fliry heart)
0 likesof course shes an alicorn
0 likesYou still forgot about flurry heart
0 likesI feel like she could've been a princess a princess in the past. But something happend, bla bla bla and then she turned evil. POOF! And then. Atleast you can say.. Princess Of The Changelings? That's if she wereen't evil anymore.
0 likesYou forgot Flurrheart
0 likesFlari is a alcorn too
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesMaybe the toys are Hasbro exclusive. Maybe they just make them for the merchandising and make some exclusive
0 likesMaybe queen chrysalis can’t be an Alcorn because she isn’t a Pony
0 likesZFlurry heart!!!! Is cadence and shinning armore,s baby alicorn baby!
0 likesAnd chrysalis was good before princess amore and cadence came
0 likesNo, she’s a bug XD
0 likesShining Armor And cadence have a child called flurry heart
0 likesAre they Celestia and Luna’s sisters
1 likeFlurry Heart!
0 likesfleur is flower in french
0 likesI don't know why I'm watching this in 2018
1 like1:50 i had that toy
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesBrony:buenos días mis pony amigos
0 likesMe:Are u CRAZY ?!?!?!?
dude chrysalis is an alicorn and theres probably 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 more alicorns to come heres my theory: once Luna and Celeste probably came from a alcorn land and there there were many other ponies like them but had different powers like the power of stars clouds rain water fire thunder and u get the idea but some alcorns who are going to be are starlight sunset shimmer and shinning armor yes ppl the first ever prince or second king is coming and also u will never believe this human twilight!
0 likeschrysalis is an alicorn
0 likesHow do you make videos with your oc??
0 likesFlurry heart!!
0 likesI always think about that
0 likesYes cause she is a queen every queen or pincesses are alicorns butshe is not realy a pony
0 likesand then there was flurry heart
0 likesFLURY HEART!!!!!!
0 likesWhat about baby flurry heart
0 likesshes not a alicorn shes a changling
0 likeswhat about flurry heart
0 likeswhat about flurry heart
0 likesNo, she's a changeling
0 likesYou forgot shinning armer
0 likesYou miss Flurry heart
0 likesthe toys are made for: Buy Our Toys
0 likesBut how does how to Queens this list out of holding her anyway can you show me the video of how to chrysalis to all those holes in her name😫😱😶
0 likesShe can't be, an alicorn has to be a "pony".
0 likesReplies (1)
alicorns is not a pony
0 likesIm a fox alicorn
0 likesok if changlings WERE alicorns... There would be over millons of alicorns
0 likesQueen Crysalis is a alicorn because to be one you are royalty and she is a (read the first word) and plus she has wings and horn aswell as the powerfull magic of one and a bet when Crysalis dies one of the changelings will become a alicorn as a bug also who said alicorns are only ponys there can be different kinds of alicorns as different kind of animals
1 likeReplies (2)
no she is not, she is Changling's Queen, but she is not even a pony, and can't be an alicorn
0 likesSt Serg who said alicorns are only ponys their could be different kinds of alicorns
1 likecrisalis isint an alicorn she's a deathacorn
0 likesWho is qeen chrstist I mean you know the qeen of chaling well can you explain who is she like when you do a video about who's candec can you do qeen chaling
1 likeis a alicorn
0 likes5 alicorns flurry heart
0 likesNope there baby is flurry heart
0 likesFlurry Heart
0 likesAnswer: She is an allicorn. She was married to Sombra but Sombra corrupted and the crystal empire split. The crystal empire was a home to Ponies which gave love for Changelings to feed in a symbiotic relation. But when Sombra turned to use dark magic that day it drowned him in it. Former queen of Crystal Empire and part of the royal family, she split and her subjects rebelled against Celestia and Luna. Unwillingly, but had to be done Celestia used the elements and killed Sombra along with half a kingdom that disappeared into anarchy. This lead Luna to regret over killing one of her family. Wife of Sombra, Chrysaslis lead her kind to attack the royal allicorns. The attempt failed and Chrysaslis was almost killed. But before this chaos, Cadence was born as an allicorn under the family of Sombra and Chrysaslis(yes I know, very strange a pony baby, note that allicorns can be born as one but the Celestial family died after they killed Discord’s parents, but this history of MLP is another to discuss later). Cadence was instead adopted by Celestia and Luna, unknowing her true origin. This story explains why Luna didn’t attend the wedding and why Chrysaslis, out of nowhere aims for Cadence’s marriage in Crystal Kingdom as revenge on the royal family. (Kept Cadence locked in cave from figuring her true origin, try deafeat Celestia for revenge, and rule the kingdom again) But all the things I mentioned failed. She wasn’t able to get the kingdom back and defeat the mane 6. Instead Canterlot Wedding attempt forced her to retreat until season 6(to where and back again). In to where and back again, Chrysaslis failed even more. Now her loyal subjects rebelled to have a better life. Chrysaslis was left alone again. That is also why she didn’t accept Starlight’s request to reform and instead ran away. Lesson of this history lesson: Friendship is cruel, sad, and misleading, but worth it
0 likesReplies (1)
That's a headcannon.
0 likesU forgot flurry heart
0 likesYes
0 likesYes
0 likesAnd may I ask you what are the feathers for Maha ha ha ha ha ha ha
0 likesno 5 alicorns cayse what about flurry heart
0 likesumm no there are 5 because of flurryheart
0 likesFLURRY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes2018 here they still don't have any appearance
0 likesMayby Crist' wase an alicorn long time ago.
0 likesi finke Crit' is good
I saw a video that shows spike
0 likesSprayers winges
Why is baby flurry heart there
0 likesWe also said flurry
0 likesFlutur hiart🐎🦄🕊️
0 likescriselis is the alnew qween
0 likesare changelings horses
1 likeStill I don’t care you have to add flurry heart cadences baby.
0 likesWho is skyla ?
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry hart=TRIGGERED
0 likesthis is now real its so...! wirld
Where is flurry heart
0 likesGood Spanish 😂👍
0 likesYep
0 likesmc flurry heart
0 likesFlurry
0 likesflurry baby monster
0 likesD E R P Y
0 likesChrysalis is a alicorn she be the first chrystal ponie on a strange sick she become bad
0 likesObviously yes she is.
0 likesReplies (1)
nope, she is not.
0 likesChrysalis is a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions
furry heart is .
0 likesNot possible.
0 likesOnly princesses are alicorns.
What about the baby?????????
0 likesAhem flurry heart
0 likesbuenos días mi amigo pony and yes I talk english
0 likes5 counting flurry hart
0 likesFlurry heart pls
0 likesFlaryhart
0 likesWho is stirling and gold lily ???
1 likeReplies (1)
Waleska Class BUY OUR TOYS
1 likeWhy are there no boy alaicorn
0 likesWot about Flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot one
0 likesHey aren't you the leader of equstria amino right
1 likeReplies (2)
0 likesFor gods sake. UPLOAD DATE PEOPLE. READ IT!!!!!!
0 likesI mean sterling
1 likeyou forgot flurryheart
0 likesErm..flrery heart 💞+💎💂=❤👼
0 likesYes
0 likesReplies (1)
no, she is Changling's Queen, not an alicorn
0 likesRecently you mean two years ago?
0 likesI'm from the future it's 2018
0 likesaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndddddddddd flurry heart ruined everything
0 likesHey what adout flurry hearts
0 likesflurry
0 likesuh flurry heart
0 likesPrincess sklya is not a charter
0 likesWhy is it qeen crisilis
0 likesSHE BUG
0 likesI'm in the future of 2018
0 likesBuen español tío
0 likes5!!!!!! REMEBER FLURRY HEART!!!
0 likesF R I E N D S S S !!!!!!!
0 likesyup,still hate the theme song.
im from the future im in 2018
0 likesThe baby
0 likes5 new BABBY
0 likesShe’s I’m guessing she’s not cuz she is a changling
0 likesReplies (1)
yep, she is a common changling Queen. We have seven different Hives in Equestria and nearest countries. All of them have different back colours and eat different emotions
0 likesflurrrrryyyyyyharrrrrrrtttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likeslol im in the future it 2018
0 likesYou are rigth
0 likesYes shy wos a pirnstes bot hor cuty mark didint work and a ader qeen pot hor wings awhy and king sobra wos de king of de jenshlings but shy defitet him and tok de kran and shy wos de qeen of de jenshlings but hor cutymark wos a flower and shy pot at awhy and prises kedens tok de flower and shy wos a pritses and dats why shy wots to tek ofer akestria
0 likescrysalis*
0 likes2018 anyone?? No just me?? Ok
1 likeReplies (1)
How do princess celestial and princess Luna get the wavy hair
0 likesi iz from futere i iz from 2018
0 likes5!FLURY HART
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesNoobmaster117 u r an noob cuz tempest is a unicorn and is female in the mlp movie
0 likes4 alicorns? YOU MEAN SIX
0 likesCRYSLIS, FLURRYHART (also i see cryslis as a alicorn)
0 likesNo
0 likesThat is toys dont not true
0 likesHeart
0 likesI am from 2018
0 likesThe is not 4
0 likesThis is not minecraft
0 likes5555555555555
0 likesI don't like you and I don't love you I love love love you
0 likesI'm watching in 2111
0 likesHi🤗
0 likesIs5
0 likesUgh
0 likesOooooooooo
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesMy theory : she was. I think she wasn't 'insect' all the time. And how she turned into 'insect' ? I think that she was fighting with Starswirl because she wanted more power . Starswirl at the end turned her like this and launched her far away ( with spells, of course).
0 likesSombra might be an alicorn. We never see him with his robe (covering his cutie mark and possibly wings) off, just like Clover the Clever.
0 likes5 alicorns, flurry heart is a alicorn, Cadence is her mom, Shining Armor is her dad
0 likesI know flurry heart is not a real Alicorn but you should of added her to the list.
0 likesI never knew why ponies called princess celestia and Luna princesses. But they call their worst enemy Queen Chrystalis a queen? And how come most of the enemies mlp was faced were alicorns?
0 likesI think I might know
0 likesChrylsalis was a alicon
She died but someone brought her back to life
But I don't really know for shore
Not just Chryssi, the entire changeling population (Then the reformed changelings, some only had wings while some had wings and horn)
0 likeshave you theorised on why shining armor isn't an alicorn? he is a prince now.
0 likesThe Daughter of Shining and Cadance is Flurry Heart
0 likesTechnically, discord and the dragons have horns and wings. That doant mean that their alicorns
0 likesI hope there will be the princess of stars
0 likesSky love is pretty similar to flurry heart... 😐
2 likesDon’t forget flurry heart cadence and shining armer’s daughter
0 likesmaybe princess gold lily, sterling and skyla may be in danger thats why we do not see them in the show (this is a theory)
0 likesyou forgot flurry hart the alicorn daughter of shinning and cadence
0 likesThe horn and wing combo Doesn't mean There now automatically Alicorn
0 likesYes she is an alicorn has wings and a horn but she is evil. So never mind that she is not.
0 likesWhat if crysalis used to be a princess?
0 likesRarity has bug wings aka butterfly wings not the kind of wings that most or all alicorns have
0 likesMy theroy is that all true unicorns have height.
0 likesWhat about sunset shimmer?
0 likesIn e.g. we see her with wings in the song "my past is not today" .
Replies (1)
E.g. meens equestria girls.
0 likesChrysalis is an alicorn because she have a horn and wing and she can fly she do magic see alicorn
0 likesThis would mean that there 6 alicorns if you count cryislysis but it would be cool if she turned Good like thorax and the other changelings
0 likesRarity’s wings are artificial and Queen Chrysalis’s wings are natural, or are they? DUN DUN DUN
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart?
0 likesLove all of your videos
0 likesI love those videos !
0 likesFleur dis lee looks like young celestia
0 likesDid the changing queen used to be the queen of beauty
0 likesFlury ❤️
0 likesYes she 😁
0 likesWell yea i guess???
0 likesWell lets start with her horn
She does have a horn which DOES have magic.
Buuuut her wings are insect like. So no she isnt an Alicorn. Boom done. XD
Is chrysalis an alicorn? Or was chrysalis an alicorn?
0 likesShe's a queen
0 likesIf chrysalis WAS the princess of love then who WAS the princess of friendship before twilight sparkle
0 likesShe’s an evil alicorn
0 likesOKAY Maybe the toys you could MAYBE say they are from the alicorn land MAYBE
0 likesI forgot there is an MLP version of MatPat
0 likesChrysalis is not a alicorn any other female changeling would look somewhat like her and all the changelings are not alicorns
0 likesWhat about Nightmare Moon Brody notion think about it she's an alicorn that she's an alicorn that but turns evil and back to a unicorn princess because so she's a princess
0 likesChrisalis is a alicorn half changeling
0 likesTwilight was an alacorn before a alacorn
0 likesEvery Alicorn is a Pony with Wings and a Horn but not every Pony with Wings and a Horn is an Alicorn.
0 likesYes she is an alicorn
0 likesWhat about flurry heart?
0 likesI think chrysilis is cadences mom under a spell and queen chrysilis doesn't know that cadences is her kid
0 likesProbably all changelings are alicorns
0 likesI am waiting for season 8
0 likesAnd Princess Flurry Heart she is the daughter of Princess Cadence abd Shining Armor
0 likesYou forgot fluryheart
0 likesThe changlings are now different dude 😲new season
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart
0 likesWhat is crysalis was a princess but she's under a spell and she got trasformed into a changing and the rest of the changlings were normal ponies and got transformed into changlings.
1 likeYou forgot cadencas dughter flurry heart
0 likesyou forgot flurryheart
0 likesOmg if they have wings and a horn and do a great deal of damage thin they're an aalicorn
1 likeDo a video about are alicorn the only way to being a princess as twilight become one when she became an alicorn
0 likesPeople think princess skyla is the daughter of Princess cadence but it is flurry heart
0 likesThere 5 alicorns u forgot flury heart
0 likesThere is 5 alicorns u forgot flurryheart
0 likesWell skyla is now flurry heart
0 likesThey look like princess celestia
0 likesYes she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesAnswer to title yes because she's queen chrysalis
0 likesChrisalis is with a horn but half insect is that what your saying?
0 likesWrong omg why did you forget flurry heart is a alicorn to you know
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart dude
0 likesPrincess skyler is princess flurry hearts
0 likesLol if changelings were alicorns all the people can't say alicorn oc are a marry sue lol (because then alicorns wouldn't be rare at all
0 likesAnd she is an natroly born alicorn prinsass
0 likesHow about flury heart
0 likesWhy are only the girl pony's alicorns?
0 likes5 alicorns what about flurry heart
0 likesOMG the baby flery heart
0 likesWeight ain't Princess Skyla going to be baby flurry heart or just have to see
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likesShe didn't earn her horn or wings soo yah
0 likesWhat about flurryheart
0 likesOfc she is because she is a Queen
1 likeFlurry not Skyla
1 likeActually 5 because theres flurry heart
0 likesFLURRY HEART!!!!!!!
0 likesHey tu español es bastante bueno😂😂😂😂
0 likesIm from far in the future 2018 BABY But actually very good video!
0 likesMaybe she is a bug so she is not an alicorn
0 likesFluffy Heart WHY NOT COUNT IT FLUFFY Heard!!!!!!!
0 likesPrincess cadens has a duter named flery Harte
0 likesPrincess Twivine sparkle ❤💙💚💛💜💓💕💖💗💘💝💞💟
1 likeShe is she has wings and a horn
0 likesYou forget flurry heart
0 likesman this dude be great
0 likesChrisalis is a..bugacorn
1 likewhat about flurry hart
0 likesTwo Words. One name. Flurry. Heart.
0 likesSo everyone out there doesn't hate on me, THIS IS A JOKE! I understand completely that this was made before Flurry Heart was revealed, don't roast me people!
What about flurry heart you know buy our toys buy our toys buy our toys buy our merchandise
0 likesAre changelings alicorns
0 likesFlurry Heart
0 likesPrincess
0 likesSwirly is celasta but different color
Changeling alicorn
0 likesYay flurry heart is not an alicorn
0 likesits just a simple no.
0 likes5 À la corn's flurry hearts
Omg Your forgot Flurry Heart! 💢
0 likesReplies (1)
Flurry didn't exist when this video was made she came out I wanna say 7 or 8 months after this was posted so don't get mad at them for it Flurry wasn't even around at that time and we did only have 4 alicorns
0 likesPlizzzzz Delta brony alicorn story
1 likewhat bout cadence and flurry hart?
0 likessory if I spelld those rong
chrysalis is not an alicorn
0 likesFlurryheart
0 likesflurry heart is
0 likesthen if she is not alicorn princess why she is tall no pony is taller than a princess like Celestia...
0 likesFlurry?:(
0 likesdid discord an alicorn too and furry heart?
0 likesI am here from the future. It's 2018.
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesIs an alicorn😑😑😑
What about flreey hart??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesKaden's baby dude
0 likesyes
0 likesYou forgot Flurry heart
0 likesHow do you know that 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
0 likesYa becouse she got wing and horn
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesUmmm
0 likesme she's a princesses
Flurry hart
0 likesForgot baby FLUTERSHY HART
0 likesbug queen be changling in changling place dun not equestria
0 likesNice
1 likeI kill the Queen Ant and INE friend we found the Princess Bee but she is lucky they don't kill her
0 likesIs changlings ponies??
0 likesK-kyla?
0 likes5 ALICORNS, don't forget Flurry Heart!!!
0 likesthere are 5 you forgot the baby
1 likeReplies (2)
This video was uploaded in 2015, when Flurry heart didn't exist.
0 likesFor gods sake. UPLOAD DATE PEOPLE. READ IT!!!!!!
0 likesomg!
0 likesi though you was going to speak spanish ;-;
0 likesI am from the future in 2018 :)
0 likesEdit: I am from my own future of 2021. Almost 2022-
Edit 2:Now in 2022, I'm very confused of my comment
Flurry Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 likesReplies (1)
Oml she did not exist when he post this and she not one
0 likesALICORN
2 likesReplies (2)
0 likesDanielle Jacobsen ALICORN PARY 🎼🎸🌟🎁🎀🎂🎈🎨
0 likesflurry heart
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesRip this video death by princess of merch
0 likesyou for got flurry
0 likesSeason 7 came out
0 likes5 flurry herat
0 likesThere’s five
0 likesEh yes
0 likesNo there is a 5th one
1 likeReplies (1)
For gods sake. UPLOAD DATE PEOPLE. READ IT!!!!!!
0 likesyou forgot to mention 💥❤ dod
0 likesyou forgot to mention 💥❤ dod
1 likeReplies (1)
This video was uploaded in 2015, when Flurry heart didn't exist.
0 likesWhat about flurry hearts
0 likesYou forgot furry heart
0 likesTHERE ARE 6 OMG
0 likesYou can speak Spanish?
0 likesI'm from the future 2017
0 likesFiery heart. Is. A. Acorn!!!!!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
0 likeslol
0 likesYeah
0 likesyay
0 likes2017 ANYONE!
0 likesAr you Mexican or Venezuelan
0 likesLol ruby paws6 I’m from the future too 2 Year’s have passed and now it’s 2018
0 likesIts wrong
0 likesThe babbbbbbyyyyyyy
0 likesyou frogot furry heart
0 likesDragon
0 likesReplies (1)
dragon dragon dragon dragon
0 likesWow 😮 that was a short vidio
0 likesWhat about flurry heart? The princess of merchindese
0 likesOMG aaa pony is needed wath the #### omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg she are meee
0 likesYou talk spanish I also talk spanish hola
0 likesMr.FLURRY!!!
0 likes2017 im in 2017
0 likesIts5
0 likes5 alicorns*
0 likesuuh...booooo?
0 likesfive flurry
0 likesthere are six alicorn princess celestia princess Luna princess cadanse princess twilight sparkle princess flurry heart and princess twivine sparkle.
0 likesPrincess flurry heart💞💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💙💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
0 likesFive 👿👿👿👿
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesdu,
Where is flurry heart
1 likewhat happened to flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
Dude this has been post 6 yrs ago flurry heart doesn't exist in the show yet
0 likesjes
0 likesoh I love the part where he said...
0 likes"All alicorns have wings and a horn, but not everyone with wings and a horn is an alicorns."
I totally love that sentence!!!!!!!!!!
queen chrysalis may have been born an alicorn and have gone evil from rejection of her parents/society, this of course does not explain why she didn't stay good, it would have made everyone feel bad for her, this adding a layer of emotions to the whole story, princess celestia/an earlier ruler may have restricted her to that form, not knowing she could shape-shift, or that she would build an army to rise against equestria
0 likesIn the 2013 mlp annual, Chrysalis is described as a 'gangly pegacorn.'
0 likesSo my theory is that a pegacorm is a horse with horn and wings, while an Alicorn has to have earned their wings or horn in some special way, like Twi did. So the changlings are all pegacorns. And I guess Flurry heart could be as well?
Has anyone ever noticed that evil alicorns most of the time have that curved backwards horn?
0 likesSo if Queen Chrysalis isn't a alicorn why did she reached the time twilight became a alicorn? You may not confirm her as a alicorn because of her wings and horn, but what about her being a mortal?
0 likesChrysalis is technically an alicorn. If Celestia didn't "rage" at Chrysalis when they "dueled", they would have almost the same strength. This adds to the proof that Chrysalis could be an alicorn.
0 likesWell, technically if Chysie is an alicorn, then wouldn't all the other changelings be alicorns?
0 likesActually if you watch ink roses head cannon on the queens origin story you'll find out she WAS an actul alacorn before the whole...changling...thing.. well up until a foolish earth pony king (that was in love with her) gave her an overdose of a love potion which says later cost her to ignore the fact that chose bringers were attacking her insect kingdom?!?
0 likes2:00 "there's only 4 alicorns in EQUESTRIA." Still i think theae others are living somewhere else of equestria
1 likeYou forgot an alicorn. Laura Lis is the daughter of Luna and is white with a light blue tail and a tail. She lives with her father who is a griffin and is together with Luna. But since she has a colored shepherd she can be in any way. She is born as Alicorn and Luna did not want to take the skanndal that her daughter can not grow up like other children. So she has her husband beting on her and not training to tell anyone what about it. She accepts with her 5 other friends the element of infinity. Laura Lis knew that everyone was surprised about an alicorn birth, so she enchanted Flurry Heart to make everything easier, but unfortunately Flurry is only a unicorn. Unfortunately, there is only too few proofs, because only one who in every 5-10 follow everything exactly followed one could possibly find a hinweis.
0 likesImage description,
Light blue mare + tail
Soft fur
Light blue eyes
Great, striking, a little bit of everything.
Actually, they called her Queen Chrysalis because they followed the Disney theme of having the Queens as villains.
0 likesThe only reason changlings have horns is so they could change into a pony so they cant do anything else with there horns and they have wings because changlings are supposed to be insects with wings coz there not the pretty type if insects.
0 likesBrony Notion listen to me I've been doing some recent studies and to show the Twilight Sparkle invented the elements of harmony hear my evidence you said the Clover the clever might be Twilight Sparkle and that the heart May of split two elements of harmony well I think that anyway so that means if Twilight was Clover the clever and she made the fury heart Zen then if it's split into six elements that would explain why the why it looks like it's their cutie mark and why Twilight is the possessor
0 likesI wish there was an undercover secret alicorn that didn't want fame so she put a cloaking spell and yah if only
0 likesHer name is Flurry Heart ❤️
0 likesYes, Chrysalis is an alicorn. Wings, Horn, queen of the hive.. its easy to spot....
0 likesi think chryssie is an alicorn because i saw that she has alicorn magic and it becomes stronger as she consumes love
0 likesdo you like this logic (READ ALL OF IT) 1.Celestia is the villan it's Nightmaremoon who taken over Luna Nightmaremoon is one person Celestia is the villan here's the logic that proves it:when Celestia tried to use The Elements Of Harmony she couldn't all heroes can use the elements of harmony same thing happened when Sunset Shimmer put on Twilight's crown It corrupted her2.note: the elements can only be used by the forces of good3.because when Sunset Shimmer used the power of an element it corrupted her,note:all the elements work the same so using all the elements won't make much of a difference,it only adds power. so all because of more power doesn't mean that Celestia should fail4. so how could she defeat discord with them,because Luna was there to,she had good magic note:good+bad =good good lifts or defeats bad. it happened with sunset shimmer she WAS bad,and good (the main 6 of course) lifted her to the good and she became good5.when she used them without Luna it didn't work,why? only answer, SHE'S EVIL. so there m8 that's your logic (couple errors DO NOT GET MAD AT ME FOR THAT I USED THE CLIPBOARD)
0 likes1:49 HOLY MAC AND CHEESE!! I HAD THAT TOY WHEN I WAS A BABY!!!!! (I still have it in my closet)
0 likesif the statement at 56 seconds wasn't true the changelings would be a whole race OF alicorn
0 likesmaybe she is under a curse to be evil and they got a new form in season 6
0 likesIn one of the episodes I saw Fleur de what ever her name is with wings
0 likesShe's a alicorn we all know that
0 likesI think chrysalis is an alicorn because she HAS alicorn magic
0 likes2017 here, you should add on to this theory with what happened to the Changlings recently
0 likesYou forgot Flurry Heart!!!!!!
0 likesThe changelings can not use magic when they leader can
0 likesactually she is! I mean she has wings a horn and all that stuff and she's a queen so that makes her an alicorn!!!!!! boom
0 likesYou also forgot Flurry Heart
0 likes1.have wings
0 likes2.horn
3.note: all ponny have a teal
Okay so if Sunset Shimmer was born in the pony world and she now lives in the human world, what happened to the actual human Sunset Shimmer
0 likesI think all of them are from the alicorn village u mentioned in a nother vid and flour de Liss or what ever she might be like the other student of celestial that was a alicorn in a time but she just did something wrong like sunset shimmer I think
1 likeHey what about flurru heart ( she is a canon pony)
0 likesOf course she's a alicron she has wings and a horn!!!! 😐
0 likesYes she probably is... She might've turned evil.
0 likesIt's pronounced (flor, dee, lee) NOT, (flor, dee, lis)
0 likesWell crisilist is a qween and the two other princess you know purple pony and the yellow pony there probably not going to be in season 7 but I'm existed for it!!
0 likesI had a question if twilight sparkals is a alicorn and she is very special also her brother but the brother is not a alicorn and he is special then why aren't the parent's?
0 likesflurry heart is the first born alicorn
0 likeschrysalis is a different alicorn she was born like and insect with horns and wings of an insect
0 likesThere is an alicorn in twilights magic kindergarten. Look in the one where twilight gets tardy
0 likesi think shes a third sister to celetea and luna who snaped one day
0 likesIs Flur Dis Le Based on the "Symbol" For New Orleans? Please answer I would love to know!
0 likesOne message: FLURRY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesOf course she is the queen of changelings???!!!😨😨😨
0 likesI'm so used to flurry heart...hearing princess skyla seems so odd...I'm not hating I know this was uploaded before that episode
0 likesYes She Is An Alicorn/Changeling
0 likesHey, in Equestria there are 5 Alicorn Ponies
0 likesI think that Chrysalis is a half changeling and half pony. Or a... corrupted pony.
0 likesFlurry Heart is a aliciron
0 likesPlus, she doesn't seem to have the Earth ponies' strenth
0 likesHow about Flurry Heart's sister
0 likesyou forgot Flurry Heart!
0 likesi didn't mind to ask
0 likesthe changelings all changelings are alicorn
Chisalis USE TO be an alacorn.
0 likesBut she went mad then she became an Changeling, also Chisalis isn't her ORIGINAL name.
(Idk her original name)
●An that's what I know●
{My random info}
She's a Changeling from somewhere non-equestria. Not a Alicorn. She ain't a pony. Maybe if she were a pony she would be a alicorn, but right now, naw
0 likeswhat if princess Skylab is related to princess strling and princess gold lily
0 likesYou missed Sunset two!
0 likes1:21 - She's a Queen, a royal Changelimg and that's why she's bigger :P
0 likesReplies (1)
Read the date before you comment! Flurry Heart was shown in March 26 2016! This video was made in August 13 2015! That's so long ago! Please read the date before you comment.
0 likesflery hart is a alicone
0 likesmaybe all princesses are Alicorns and that is why all the princesses of Equestria are alicorns incense Chrysalis is a princess she just has a Wings in the horn what do you think?
0 likesQueen = the queen of the 'Insects' (The Changelings)
0 likesAnd Chrysalis = ..........I don't know. Maybe the cocoons the changelings use for imprisoning ponies
So, the queen of the changelings and the sinister cocoons they use.
If you think I'm correct, give my comment a like.
chrysalis is an CHANGELING ALICORN
0 likesGuys this came out in 2015. Plus, flurry heart is a acorn, not a alicorn.
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart??????
0 likesHe is right... because my pony doesn't have wings. it has only a horn. and it probably wasn't made like a normal Pony. maybe it was a princess.
0 likesWas Chrysalis the lost Crystal Princess
0 likesI know this videos old, but do you know who ink rose is?
2 likesfive alicorns!!!!! Princess flurry heart!!!
0 likesU meant 6 alicorns lets me say all the alicorns
0 likesCelstia
Twilight Sparkle
Flurry Heart
Stormy Heart(twin sister of Flurry Heart)
You have a very good point bro
0 likesflurry heart is a alicorn
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart ??????
0 likesFlurry hart is a alicorn
0 likesdont forget the little crystal heart murderer
0 likesWell skyla is now flurry heart
0 likesI love my little pony toys
0 likesYou've forgotten flurry heat
0 likesThere 5 alicorns you forgot flurry heart
0 likesexcuse me you forgot flurry heart
0 likesThere's 5 alicorns now
0 likesI have a princess skyla doll
0 likesFlurry heart please!!!!!
0 likesI have the golden Lilly mlp
0 likesOooooo por dios ¡HABLÓ EN ESPAÑOL! 😂
1 likechrysalis and changelings are pony bugs
0 likesWhat about baby princess flurry heart
0 likeshow could you forget flurry hart
0 likesflurry is an acorn (yes an ACORN)
1 likeReplies (1)
Upload date!
0 likeswhat about flurry heart?
0 likesNo. She's a changeling.
0 likesChrysalis also don't have cutie mark..... well is that mean she is not a alicorn?
0 likesYou forgot furry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesAlicorn is a horse and crisalist is a bug
0 likeswhat about shinig amors doughter (sorry if missedspell)
0 likesI love the video and alercorns
0 likesPrincess flurry heart
0 likesyou forgot Flurry heart
0 likesShe is an alacorn
0 likesFLURRY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesFlurry heart.
0 likesFlurry Heart
0 likesThare are five alicorns what about flurry
0 likeswhere are apple jack's parents?
0 likesIs that like the saying all Wiccans are witches but not all witches are Wiccan
0 likeswait what about princess flury heart
0 likesYou forgot princess flurry heart
0 likesI Love you're Chanel it Is the best
0 likesDamn look at de date this vid was uploaded in 2015, before going in the comments
0 likesSaying YOU FORGOT FLURRY HEART at least try to look at the date!!
dont get me wrong but Queen chrysalis looks like rotten Swiss cheese....
0 likes5 alicorns
0 likesWell I guess this may BUG people
0 likesWho thinks Rainbow Dash should be a princess I mean with her Sonic Rainbow Boom All of mlp world would be dead or in danger
0 likesFaints (I'm gonna wake up at 5 hour Lol wait then)
2 likesEdit:*Wakes up* WHAT HAPPEN???
A baby one
0 likesHow about flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
+Rainbow BeenBoo lol
0 likesCrysalis cute marks???
0 likesno she's a bug
0 likes5 Alcorns
0 likesNo it have 5 alicorn
0 likesThere's 5 duh flurry heart
0 likesshes a alichangeling (sorry if i spelt that wrong)
0 likesDont forget the chanchaling
0 likesFive alicorns
0 likesyou forgot sunset shimmer
0 likeswhat about Flori heart
0 likesWell idk if she is a true alicorn because she is called queen chrysalis well idk like (if you think she is an alicorn (dislike is you think shes not
0 likeswait what about sunset shimmer
0 likesme too
0 likesReplies (1)
you mean sunset shimmer
0 likesHey i got answers! Vist ink roses channel and read the fall of princess chrysalis!
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart?
2 likesReplies (2)
Look at the upload date
0 likesIt's called time. You should know it.
0 likesFLURRY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Read the date before you comment! Flurry Heart was shown in March 26 2016! This video was made in August 13 2015! That's so long ago! Please read the date before you comment.
0 likesWhy does a MAN care bout mlp? A man a MAN people think bout it a MAN loves mlp
0 likesReplies (1)
+Snow Balll why can't he? it's fine for men to like "girly" shows.
0 likesi rlly tink you're talking in spanish in all the video.. just for "buenos días" :|
0 likesReplies (1)
Xxpurple foxX I'm sorry my videos aren't in Spanish :(
0 likesflurry heart
1 likeits 2017
0 likesBRONY NOTION IS A CHANGELING XD It was in his old ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Intro XD
0 likesflurry hart....
0 likesi know
0 likesSkyla is fake everyone knows that!!!!
1 likeNo hate
you forgot sunset shimmer
0 likes+noobmaster117 thorax is a male alicorn
0 likesReplies (3)
Jacob Manos How can changelings be alicorns if they are not even ponies?
0 likesChangelings are sort of alicorns but they're not.
0 likesWell, nobody said that Changelings cant be ponies. You asked can Chrysalis be an Alicorn. Lauren Faust said it is an experimental show so it is possible. He has a horn and wings and is a king, and who said alicorns have to be royalty. Finally, it may be a fanfic. remember when discord was a "alicorn"; changelings can turn into anything so he can change into one too!!!!!!!!! They may be all alicorns.
0 likesprinces skyla is NOPE
0 likesyou frogot flurry heart DO-DO
0 likesHeres the answer: YES CHRYSALIS IS a ALICORN
0 likesWhat about candance babby
1 likeumm.. hey what about flurry hart
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesTriggered
0 likesPlease talk un spanish 😇
0 likesAre you a pony
0 likesOmg 5 mc flurry heart
0 likesMy name is cassie
0 likesBrony Notion i hafe a quastien to the Flim Flam brother's. Are the a part of the Apple family ? I dont know it because ther cutimarks are Apple's
0 likesI'm from the future 2017
0 likesI'm from 2017 noobs😂
0 likesoooh whoops
0 likesugh fluryheart
0 likesshe vas
0 likesyou fergot flurry heart smarty
0 likesChrysalis is an ailcorn !!!!!
1 likeNO THERE IS 5
0 likesI meet are are u a PONY in Real life
0 likesfrou ? fiive alicrose becase of flurry
0 likesthere is 5
0 likesbuenos dias?!
0 likesBuen nos noches its night here i dunno whats night in spanish
0 likesYou forgot
0 likesWhy do u allways thougth mlp is a real life its just a cartoon
0 likesumm i am not spanish :D
0 likeschrysalis dont hev Cuty Mark
0 likesWhat about discord
0 likesI know it's outdated but five
0 likesReplies (1)
Honestly yeah. We all know this video is outdated.
0 likeslol i commented dude she is an alicorn she has a horn and wings . i watch more . ohhh delets comment lollolol
0 likesWhat bout discord
0 likes5 5 5 5 5
0 likesI am 6 years old
0 likes:P wat?......
0 likesFluflhgyy hrrrrt is Dagestan of kandisss and shinesarmor and acorn
1 likeReplies (1)
*EDIT*: it's a joke about the buy our toys song.
0 likesWhat is your Skype
0 likesNo 5
0 likesi is from te future 2017
0 likes5😶
0 likesKlik niet meer weergeven
0 likesMeer weergeven
How about Princess Skyla is luckiest mother
0 likesedit oops
0 likesI love there design and if they are incorporated into the show or at least a fan fiction they would make good role players for Celestia's cousins.
1 likeSomeone has probably already said this, but eh. If I am remembering correctly Fleur dis Lee originally appeared as an alicorn in the game because her role had been taken by a changeling who was pretending to be a unicorn? I don't believe the reason was ever explained for why the changeling pretended to be an alicorn tho. ou think someone woulda noticed a supermodel suddenly gaining wings.
0 likesqueen was actually a term that was originally going to be used for celestia and luna etc. but the producers remebered disney has released tons of movies featuring queens as evil so the term princess was used instead but because of the evil nature of the word queen it was reserved for chrysalis.
0 likesI came up with a theory maybe chrysalis takes love from others in order to feel better about her mom's rejection
0 likesI think that Chrysalis is technically an alicorn according to the dictionary definition (a horse with wings and a horn) , but not according to the definition the show gives. Chrysalis looks roughly like a pony, and has wings and a horn. So she fits the dictionary definition. After all, it doesn't say what kind of wings. But according to the show, an alicorn is a full pony
1 like(aka without random holes like swiss cheese), as well as having pegasus-like wings and a unicorn-like horn.
Replies (2)
The dictionary definition of an alicorn is the horn of a unicorn. MLP took the term and changed it. It never meant "a horse(like thing) with wings and a horn."
0 likesTo be honest,Crystalis looks like the expired princess of Swiss cheese and made a pack of evil swiss cheese ponys (that look like her but without pupils)and called herself the "queen".
1 likeWhat if Chrysalis and the other changelings were just a bunch of cursed crystal ponies. That would explain why changelings thrive off of love, because they lived in a place with sooo much love.
0 likesWell the reason Rarity didn't turn into an alicorn is I think because of the butterfly wings.
0 likes"All alicorns have wings and a horn, but not everypony who has wings and a horn is an alicorn." Then, Flurry Heart isn't an alicorn. :P
0 likesThe Brony Notion let me make another theory on this you said that Queen Chrysalis is NOT an alicorn and I know someone said that she might be an alicorn put under some sort of curse...well while I believe that she is indeed an alicorn listen to this....what if Queen Chrysalis was originally an alicorn but she died and was Resurrected by Discord and her changeling form that she has now is a result of her being Resurrected and bugs eating away at her original alicorn form...and when she was Resurrected the bugs fused with her body...now the reason that I brought up discord is because in the season 6 finale he said that "I haven't walked that far in a Millenia" revealing that he is over 1,000 years old and so in that 1,000 years he could have heard that there was an accident and an alicorn died because it betrayed Equestria and so then Discord said to Chrysalis "Why don't we take over Equestria together" and of course Chrysalis refused to work together because she wanted to take over Equestria for herself.
0 likesI don't really know how this theory came to me it just did so Brony Notion please reply and tell me your thoughts on this comment😀
Princess Flurry Heart is also my favorite alicorn
0 likesmy wackt theory #12- well chrysalis IS the QUEEN of the changeling's so I guess that's why she has a horn AND WINGS, just like celestia and luna (who are like BASICALLY the MAIN RULLERS OF EQUESTRIA!). I think she IS an alicorn! just not a pony like everyone else.
0 likesI have a good answer chrysalis was a pony but until a price that like her made-up a porion that made her go nuts she fell so in love with the prince that she drake so many poilons to make sure she was pretty that it changed her look today and her kendom was distoed and chrysils turned evil
0 likesChristalis is more like a bug mixed with a alicorn or an alicorn under a bug spell and can only feed on love
0 likeswhat about the newest episode that made me think that in the next season they are going to do the same thing they did with starlight glimmer. they are going to turn chrysalis beautiful what's is going to happen then?
0 likesQueen crstalsas is a alicorn the only reason she looks like that is because she drank a potion that made her look like that she use to have a white coat with grey spots and her hair was made of honey I know that does not sound real. I enjoyed your video 😃
0 likesI believe chrysalis is an alicorn maybe she got upset and ran off and found the changelings they turned her into one and wiped her memores!
0 likesso maybe a changeling like Thorax or Thorax's dotter is a true born alicorn.
0 likesCuando crees que va a hablar en español, pero luego anda con su ingles. Me han roto mi corazón.
0 likesReplies (1)
+Yendaza Comics (YessyCM)
0 likesLo siento, mi idioma es el inglés. No puedo hablar con fluidez en español. El saludo al principio es sólo por diversión. :(
Everyone, this may not be true, I don't know but I'm pretty sure that in the comics or Wikipedia I heard that Queen Chrysalis was a pegacorn or something like that.
0 likesI wish flurry heart's name was skyla
0 likeschrysalis is an alicorn cuz shes a true pony alicorn i watched a vid so im right she use to be a pony alicorn then she turned into that
0 likescould this changeling colony be those corrupted alicorn "Olympus"?
0 likesinstead of skyla, it's flurry heart
0 likesI think queen crisilis (sorry if spelled wrong😭) has a parent who is a bug with wings and a parent who is a pony
0 likesdude I've barely been a new subscriber and i already love ur channel! <3
0 likesI have a good answer chrysalis was a pony but until a price that like her made-up a porion that made her go nuts she fell so in love with the prince that she drake so many poilons to make sure she was pretty that it changed her look today and her kendom was distoed and chrysils turned evil 😆
0 likesReplies (1)
oh yeah she was a honey queen
0 likesbut is Queen Chrysalis a alicorn?
0 likesThose twins resemble Princess Celeste
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart she's in season six
0 likesyou are in correct.She is a pony,only different looking.
0 likesI don't really think so,alicorns earn their wings but cry Sil Eid I don't really know how to spell her name only got them with force
0 likesTechnically, Chrysalis isn't an alicorn because she's not a pony.
0 likesQueen Chrysalis might be ALICORN IN DIFFRENT WORLD.
0 likesi would probably choose a horn than wings because with a horn i haves magic and i can use dat magic to just fly also XD
0 likesChrysalis is like a bug
0 likesAlicorn
she is the an alicorn she's the queen of the change lings
0 likesif a alicorn is a princess then what are the guards
0 likesfun fact, my real name is Skyla!
she is she used to be a Evil bee and she chance her south for love but her love ran away
0 likesEveryone saying that he forgot Flurry Heart look at the date of the vid 😅😅😂
0 likesYou forgot Flurry heart
0 likes(cough coughs) check out princess Trixie sparkle episode 9 there is a 3rd sister and a shadow alicorn
0 likesmabey shes a corrupted alicorn?
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesyes she is
0 likesShe has wings and horn but she does'nt have a cutie mark
0 likeswe know all read and mine...... is luan evil?
0 likesSon buenas tardes ahora donde vivo pero meh!
0 likesYa sé que este vídeo es viejito xD
This is a question I ever had you know first of all maybe they don't mention her as an Alicorn maybe because she's a villain
You forgot fleary heart!!
0 likesI think that She is an alicorn because She is powerfull. and You forgot Flurry heart.
0 likesChrysalis is an
0 likesAlicorn
cadence and shining armor baby is princess flurry heart
0 likesprincess Skyla became Flurryheart oh god
0 likesPut Ghangelings is alicorns and Chrysalis is a Queen - alicorn . MORE BACKGROUNDS PONYS@!!
0 likesgold Lily also has flowing mane
0 likesYou forgot Flurry Heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This was uploaded before Flurryheart was in the show. In 2015!
0 likesYou forgot Flurry Heart
0 likesWhat if chrysalis is the sister of the stars and is under w spell😱😱😲😲
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart 🙄
0 likesReplies (1)
This was made in August 13 2015.
0 likes1:32 i have both of those toys
0 likesthere are 5 alicorns
0 likesFlurry heart!!!!
0 likesChrysalis is a Pegacorn.
0 likeschrisalis was a normalalicorn and she didint like the cutie mark and she was banished and to the changeling kingdom and she defited the king changling and the crown turned into the changeling queen
0 likeswhat about flurry heart
0 likesduh she is a QUEEN! 😠
0 likesThe two twins look like princess Celeste and that is not cadence and shining armor's baby The babies name is flurry heart she is not a dark pink color she's a light pink color and she has huge wings for her size but she's a baby right now
0 likesi have those two
0 likesshe is a alicorn becuse she qween of changelings so I think that
0 likesisn't her name flurry heart
0 likesi think that skyla was mean to be shining and cadence child put then they get better idea and that was flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot Sunset shimmer
0 likesYOU FORGOT FLURRY HEART!!! Lol jk I'm just messing I've seen that video
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesVideo in 3 sec: No. She is a changling
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
This was uploaded before Flurryheart was in the show. In 2015!
1 likeWhat happend to Discord i mean yeah hes bad but then he turns good
0 likesYou are living proof that shit can sprout legs and walk.
0 likesI'm watching this in 2016 lol
0 likesokay all the comments were spammed with "flurry heart exists there are 5 alicorns!!!"
0 likesnow its spammed with "flurry heart wasnt arount when this was uploaded"
Princess Skyla is at season 6
0 likesI have a group named it is called my little pony
0 likesWho is princess Skyla?
0 likesflurry heart is a alecorn
0 likesu forgot flury heart ♥ :(
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesSaphire Dadson-Callaghan JUST SHUT UP GOD YOU CANT READ CAN YOU. BITCH
0 likesWhat about sassy saddles
0 likes#flurryheart
0 likesMy best pony friend forever Thorax is a changeling and he is nice and he turned into a diffrent pony a nice pony and he is the new leader of changelings and they are nice now and when i turn into a pony i'm a alicorn so i got a dotter in the pony world and she is the same changeling as Thorax and she's his dotter and i'm not her real mom in the pony world but i don't know why because she was born at my house in the pony world and there was no nice changeling in that room where she was born so maybe i'm the same changeling as Thorax or maybe she is a true born alicorn.
0 likesyou forgot about Flurry heat
0 likesWhat about Flrry Hart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesYou forgot flurry heart
0 likesu forgot flurry heart (jk that isn't a thing when this video was made lol)
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesWhat about Furry heart.
0 likesWhat is Chrysail cutie mark
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (2)
And in another video, you mentioned that Twilight, Cadence and Flurry Heart are NOT true alicorns, but in this video you said Twilight and Cadence were. So yeah, you forgot flurry heart.
0 likesNever mind, that episode came out later...sorry
0 likesits seson 6 now there are like 20 ponys not added to the show
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesFive, Flury Heart!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesbtw THERE ARE 5 ALICORNS IN EQUESTRIA BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
0 likesdon't forget flury heart
0 likesFluffy heart!!!!
0 likesyou forgot flurry heart!duu
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesReplies (2)
This was made in August 13 2015.
0 likesЛуиза МЛП э ЛПС OMG JUST STOP
0 likesu forgot flurry Heart
0 likesDid you know that she was made that.
0 likeswhy isn't a boy alicorn????????
0 likesCadence and shining armours baby girl is called flurry heart and she is a alicorn !!!
0 likesReplies (4)
READ THE F*CKING UPLOAD DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
0 likesEndergirl959 MC please be nice down here I at least want the comment section to be a little nice and you said a swear word how rude 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡!!!
0 likesTwilight Cupcake pie, I will be nice, WHEN YOU GET PEOPLE TO STOP BEING F*UCKING IDIOTS....good luck with that...and to respect people, and not just blankly call out mistakes
0 likesEndergirl959 MC I am so sorry that I was rude but the word that you said was a swear word 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
0 likeswhy isn't there boy alicorn's
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likeswho is skyla?
0 likeswhy discord want them be be elements of disharmony
0 likesyour forgetting flurry heart
0 likesGosh klover kat the cat that likes to meow isn't that a bit harsh
0 likesbat sunset shimer is an alacorn? ??????????
0 likesuh yea wings and a horn duh!
0 likesFlurryhert
0 likesits the 2017 future
0 likesI'm from the future I'm watching in 2017
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesmaybe she just live another country
0 likeswait how about nightmare moon the brony notion doest she counts
0 likesReplies (1)
She's the same as Luna.
0 likesyou forgot flury hear or cadence baby
0 likesyes
0 likesi'm a changeling maybe.
0 likesanyone else got a tidy cats ad?
0 likesdon't you mean next Wednesday?
0 likesMe too
0 likeswhat about flurry hart
0 likesthere is flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
READ THE F*CKING UPLOAD DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
0 likesoh my God HAVE Any Of you watched the truth about flurry heart my God she not a alcorn for the of God.
0 likesWhat about flurry heart????????????????????????????????????
0 likeschrysalis if the Honeycomb princess of the alicorn nation that alcool nation was attacked there were different countries the Honeycomb princess that looks Christmas see what transformer for my love potion and then of course in a
0 likesReplies (4)
Cadence don't she wish she is the official princess of the Crystal Empire as an alicorn the prince know the king of the Crystal Empire her mother was a pegasus she what bowl is a pegasus but still have the power as well as an alicorn but without the hall she was raised by year
0 likesSchuh track to the crystal and then I mentioned s*** otherwise Christmas is the true honey hole princess jieyou portions to change yourself and then my mum fell in love with her but do chrysalis didn't fall in love with him he is definitely potion that make an extra dose of it because she transform use a potion so bad he took adolphus the love potion of love only a little bit he made the whole world gold disarray Elisa honeycomb Empire link that bought that she is an alcohol she the week for paracord 2015 with older than the fairy ok Allan aldiss because I know the person who makes like My Little Pony personally
0 likescaiden with crystals around her surroundings
0 likesI'm King sombra and Luna had the connection Vale best friend he went and took the magic art or another thing he was Star swirl the bearded look like what's it called an apprentice Apprentice things like student out of a human in Doodle magic canterlot V and then I looked at the anode and he looked hot and cold that betrayed human are called few between the nation and he made a book of dark magic he looked up and walk and Maidenhead bonnet heat he was a Crystal Palace in an office and then he got there he got to be a dark magic mouse are made of diamonds palette Taylor Wimpey in the car and then went off that's what you doing with your baby's nose and then he used it went to you later Celestia and then they don't know about that is the book about the dark magic realised that they left their job I said to use my face and then there us master graphs hearing loss and he's started hating them and how to love him his horn went out with another guy and the lives of the Darkmoon dark at the Crystal Empire he was a Crystal Palace keyword to the mass of the kingdom of the Crystal Empire centre Walderslade favourite crystal of the one of a dancer and her mother there Monday ok so basically what is Hitman
0 likesNobody in the comments section reads the comics
0 likesRead. Inner. Glory!!!!
0 likesFLURY HART!!!!!!!!!
0 likesForgot flurry heart
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesReplies (1)
This was made in August 13 2015.
0 likesno 7 alicorn
0 likes1:49 NU FLURRY HEART
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesno sh#t she's an alicorn wings check. horn check she's an ALICORN !!!!!
0 likesnow the vidieo is outdated because of the well known little baby fluuty heart
0 likesUnless Lauren Faust I making a season 7
0 likesflurry hearts
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesfluryhart
0 likesflurry heart was is this time when he made this video
0 likesWho's watching in 2017?
0 likesI'm a changeling alicorn okay
0 likeseveryalicorn is and alicorn
0 likesthe one the first of kadinces the first that born
0 likesflurry heart
0 likesflurry heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes;0
Who else is watching this in 2016 Saterday November 26?
1 likeBecause I am!!
Replies (5)
Im one day in front it's sunday
0 likesTanya Mishurova HaHa I'm watching on the 27th
1 likeSuperAniah it's the 28 now and 27 was Sunday for me
1 likeTanya Mishurova I'm in 2017
1 like+Pawsome Dragons me 2 XD
1 likeflurry heart.
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesU Forgot Fluryheart
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesFurryheart
0 likeshows a nekst alikorn
0 likesShe a bug
0 likesMe 2
0 likesFlurry heart
0 likesfakery hearts you forgot her the new a dution to the criste place
0 likesIt was 2015
0 likestec anamatiors got lazy
0 likesfashnea is not true
0 likesIf anybody knows this please do not hate
0 likesWell Ry N I 2017
0 likeslol
0 likesThere are 5 hart????
0 likesI'm from the future future I'm in 2017
0 likesWanna here a sad story about you
0 likesU read this.
I'm in the Future 2017
0 likeslol I'm from 2017
0 likesmcflurry heart da cadence baba
0 likesyou forgut flyry hert
0 likesReplies (1)
Super Aunt check the upload date
0 likesBAB
0 likescadences daughter is flurry heart
1 likeReplies (3)
READ THE F*CKING UPLOAD DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
1 likeEndergirl959 MC IKR !!!!
1 likeJinny MincraftMaster READ
1 likeTHE
I'm in February 11 2017
0 likesUmg u orgawt Acorn babbby Cry Stale Hearet
0 likesdat nose
0 likeswatch sesen 6!!!!! there are 5!!!!!!😞😞😞😞😞😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😝
0 likesReplies (1)
This video came out before that episode came out...
0 likesI from the fucher
0 likesIt's 2020
Replies (1)
No...no its not...also, you spelled future wrong
0 likesThe BRONY NOTION you forgot princess flurry heart I no my sister works for the show😊😊😊😊
2 likesReplies (8)
read the fucking date...
3 likesBrokenBlueBottle53 are you talking to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!😠😠😠😠😠
1 like+Amirrah Galbon looks around yes
2 likesBrokenBlueBottle53 well I no he didn't no about it but they were thinking about another princess cause my sister does work there
1 like+Amirrah Galbon uhm... can you spell? I couldn't understand one word you just said
7 likesFirst all it know not no and if you take your time to read the release date it says that it was released BEFORE Flurry Heart was even shown maybe even thought of.
0 likesFlurry heart was posted before this video and get proper spelling, kid
1 likethis was realeased before that episode
0 likes5
1 likeNow e in 2021
0 likes5
0 likes5
0 likes5
1 likeP.s-Shes my favorite alicorn{Flurry heart is my favorite alicorn} ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
Replies (1)
read the upload date
2 likes5
0 likes5