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Cliff Richard and The Shadows – The Final Reunion 2009///+

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Comments (archived 2022-10-03 20:25; 3 top, 3 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-27 22:40:58

Welcome to the 1963 show. The tour, like this DVD, may have been charged as Cliff & the Shadows'Final Reunion, but if you close your eyes to the passage of time and just listen to music, it's little different from the view from the stalls about 40 and something years. True, the audience doesn’t scream like it used to, the monitors don’t fizz, and the sound quality is intact. And we don’t recognize a pair of Shadows here. But in terms of their repertoire, and the muscles they put into it, there is very little choice between the incarnation of the 2009 Union. From “Move It” to “Apache,” “Summer Holiday” to “The Young Ones,” the material is almost entirely draws from the days when this team ruled the world. Occasionally something will sneak in from later days, but not a single Cliffsolo hit is included here, none of his 70s or beyond chestnuts, nor “Congratulations” nor “Mistletoe and Wine”. Everything, and this includes clothing combinations, is “the pinnacle of their powers” ​​vintage, and it doesn’t matter at all that the DVD packaging arrives without a playlist. If it was a big hit of the late 50s or early 60s for Cliff Richard & the Shadows, individually or collectively, it’s here. Add a string of favorite rock & roll covers, all re-drawn from the catalog of the period, and 15,000 fans who don’t just relive the history, immediately returned to it, and Final Reunion should be a must watch for any band planning to reunite. It’s not easy enough to play old songs. And you have to become a part of them, and Cliff & The Shadows don’t miss the beat. If this was a new band, they would conquer space. Just like they did way back when.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-27 22:39:13

Dobrodošli na predstavu iz 1963. Turneja, kao i ovaj DVD, možda je naplaćena kao Cliff & the Shadows'Final Reunion, ali ako zatvorite oči pred protokom vremena i samo slušate glazbu, malo je toga što razlikuje od pogleda sa štandova prije oko 40 i nešto godina. Istina, publika ne vrišti kao nekad, monitori ne fizz, a kvaliteta zvuka je netaknuta. I ne prepoznajemo par Sjena ovdje. No, u smislu njihovog repertoara, i mišića koji su stavili u njega, vrlo je malo izbora između inkarnacije Unije 2009. Od "Move It" do "Apache", "Summer Holiday" do "The Young Ones", materijal se gotovo u potpunosti izvlači iz dana kada je ova ekipa vladala svijetom. Povremeno će se nešto ušuljati iz kasnijih dana, ali ovdje nije uključen nijedan Cliffovsolo hit, ništa od njegovih 70-ih ili dalje od kestena, ni "Čestitam" ni "Imela i vino". Sve, a to uključuje i odjevne kombinacije, "vrhunac je njihovih moći" vintage, a uopće nije važno što DVD ambalaža stiže bez popisa pjesama. Ako je to bio veliki hit kasnih 50-ih ili ranih 60-ih za Cliff Richard & the Shadows, pojedinačno ili kolektivno, to je ovdje. Dodajte niz omiljenih rock & roll naslovnica, sve ponovno izvučene iz kataloga razdoblja, i 15.000 obožavatelja koji ne proživljavaju samo povijest, odmah su se vratili u njega, a Final Reunion bi trebao biti potreban za gledanje za svaki bend koji se planira ponovno okupiti. Nije dovoljno jednostavno svirati stare pjesme. I ti moraš postati dio njih, a Cliff & The Shadows ne propuštaju ritam. Da je ovo novi bend, osvojili bi svemir. Baš kao što su učinili put natrag kada.

ladislav zivanovic 2020-09-28 03:20:02

Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glazbe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!

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