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Gracious this is Gracious...1971 Full Album Heavy Psych Prog Rock..

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Comments (archived 2022-11-19 18:59; 3 top, 3 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-18 19:44:53

A little better than their good debut album, first of all the extraordinary apartment "Super Nova" and another song that is not included in (strange !!), despite being in exactly the same sense, which is entitled "What happened". .. the suite is transitioning from such classic progressive rock to romantic pop into the vein of early KING CRIMSON anyway and stands alone as the best episode of this interesting album, although it is not a masterpiece ... He recommends !!

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-18 19:42:53

Great addition
to every collection of prog rock music ... This second album is much better than their debut because they corrected one of the flaws (songwriting) that rated the predecessor pretty badly. The problem is that the singer is still uninspired, even though he has a good voice and uses it properly, but he doesn’t know what and where (that’s a lack of inspiration) would sound too often like the Beatles or Moody Blues. Other musicians are excellent especially the guitarist by pulling in some blistering solos. The first page is entirely dedicated to the 24+ min package starting in Floydish mode (circa Atom, Echoes & Interstellar Overdrive) and the average proghead is in paradise for a while until everything stops at at the beginning of the fourth movement. There the acoustic guitar and horrible lyrics along with the uninspired singing melody destroy the ambiance and then resume, better as it goes, but never re-conquer the original strenght. A little waste. In my compilation two Merciful! album I edited that awful passage.C.B. S. is my fave song from this band, full of energy and everything. Windy Day is another song that would benefit from better vocals (again in the Moody Blues vein) on another correct song. Blue Skies is another fierce song with an excellent interplay between Bass, KB and Guitar. The last song is also accurate, but suffers from a strange and sudden disappearance. It was a band that had a lot of assets and all the ingredients to make big leagues at least one, an inspiration - not only in singing, but in the overall writing dept. Still worth a spin ..... but there are many more gems to discover in early British prog bands like Audience, Comus, Gnidrolog ........ but give this a chance.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-18 19:41:38 (edited 2021-04-18 19:44:04 )

Odličan dodatak
svakoj kolekciji prog rock glazbe...Ovaj drugi album je mnogo bolji od njihovog prvijenca , jer su ispravili jednu od mana (pisanje pjesama) koja je prilično loše ocijenila preteču. Problem je u tome što je pjevač još uvijek neinspiriran , iako ima dobar glas i koristi ga ispravno, ali ne zna što bi i gdje (to je nedostatak inspiracije) zvučao prečesto poput Beatlesa ili Moody Bluesa. Ostali glazbenici su izvrsni pogotovo gitarist povlačenjem u nekim blistering solo.Prva strana je u potpunosti posvećena 24 + min paketu koji počinje u Floydish modu (circa Atom , Echoes & Interstellar Overdrive) i prosječni proghead je u raju neko vrijeme dok se sve ne zaustavi na početku četvrtog pokreta. Tu akustična gitara i užasni stihovi zajedno s neinspiriranom pjevačkom melodijom uništavaju ambijent, a zatim se ponovno nastavlja , bolje kako ide, ali nikada ne ponovno osvaja izvorni strenght. Malo otpada . U mojoj kompilaciji dva Milostiva! albuma sam uredio taj grozan odlomak.C.B. S. je moja fave pjesma iz ovog benda, puna energije i svega. Windy Day je još jedna pjesma koja bi imala koristi od boljih vokala (opet u Moody Blues veni) na drugoj ispravnoj pjesmi. Blue Skies je još jedna žestoka pjesma s izvrsnom međuigrom između Bassa, KB-a i Gitare. posljednja pjesma je također točna, ali pati od čudnog i naglog iščezanja.To je bio bend koji je imao puno imovine i sve sastojke kako bi big leagues bar jedan, inspiracija - ne samo u pjevanju, ali na ukupnom pisanju dept. Još uvijek vrijedi spin ..... ali postoji mnogo više dragulja za otkriti u ranim britanskim prog bendovima kao što su Audience , Comus , Gnidrolog ........ ali dajte ovome priliku .Malo bolji od njihovog dobrog debitantskog albuma, prije svega izvanrednog apartmana "Super Nova" i još jedne pjesme koja nije uključena u (čudno!!), unatoč tome što je potpuno u istom smislu, koja nosi naslov "Što je došlo do toga"... suite ionako prelazi iz takvog klasičnog progresivnog rocka u romantični pop u venu ranog KING CRIMSONA i stoji sam kao najbolja epizoda ovog zanimljivog albuma, iako nije remek-djelo... Preporučuje!!