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Sabicas With&Joe Beck....Rock Encounter 1970 Full Album...

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-28 06:32:55

Printed in the U.S..Biography
Sabicas was born in Pamplona, Spain, and started playing guitar at the age of five, and made his debut at the show two years later. His early style was influenced by Ramón Montoya, with whom he was related to his mother's side of the family. [2] Extensive collaboration with important cantarores (male flamenco singers) of the period helped him develop his personal style.

Leaving Spain in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War, he went into exile in South America with bailaor (dancer) Carmen Amaya. He lived in Mexico City, married Esperanza González Erazo and had four children: Maricruz in 1944, Carlos in 1946, Agustine in 1952 and Margaret in 1956. Agustine and Margaret live in New York, Maricruz lives in Alaska, and Carlos died. Amaya and Sabicas were together several times. Sabicas later settled in New York in the United States, where he formed a lifelong bond of friendship and business with classical guitarist Roland Valdés-Blain. He only returned to his native Spain in 1967. [3]

Sabicas was instrumental in introducing flamenco to audiences outside Spain and the Spanish-speaking world. He was probably best known for his technical skills: glowingly fast picados (scales), fast arpeggios, a quality composition for many forms of flamenco and an unmistakable rhythm, which was critical when playing with a dancer. It was also thought to have the perfect height. "The best technique has to be Sabicas, the flamenco player," Chet Atkins told Guitar Player Magazine in March 1972.

Sabicas was one of Flamenco's greatest guitarists, not only as a technician, but also as a composer. He played flamenco on a previously unthinkable level and created new techniques, opening up new possibilities for a solo instrument. He brought his art to concert halls and large theaters, making it available to all classes. Modern players such as Paco de Lucía, Tomatito, Serranito, René Heredia, Juan Manuel Cañizares, El Viejín, Vicente Amigo, Gerardo Nuñez, Javier Conde and many others acknowledge the great influence of Sabicas' music.

Sabicas died at the age of 78 at a Hospital in New York City, New York, from complications from pneumonia and multiple strokes........ ladislav&zivanovic

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-28 06:32:24

Tiskano u SAD-u.Biografija
Sabicas je rođen u Španjolskoj Pamploni,a gitaru je počeo svirati s pet godina, a dvije godine kasnije debitirao je na nastupu. Na njegov rani stil utjecao je Ramón Montoya, s kojim je bio u rodu s majčine strane obitelji. [2] Opsežna suradnja s važnim kantaoresima (muškim flamenco pjevačima) tog razdoblja pomogla mu je da razvije svoj osobni stil.

Napustivši Španjolsku 1936. godine tijekom Španjolskog građanskog rata,otišao je u egzil u Južnu Ameriku s bailaorom (plesačicom) Carmen Amaya. Živio je u Mexico Cityju, oženio esperanzu González Erazo i dobio četvero djece: Maricruz 1944., Carlos 1946., Agustine 1952. i Margaret 1956. Agustine i Margaret žive u New Yorku, Maricruz živi na Aljasci, a Carlos je preminuo. Amaya i Sabicas su nekoliko puta bili zajedno. Sabicas se kasnije nastanio u New Yorku u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama gdje je sklopio doživotnu vezu prijateljstva i poslovanja s klasičnim gitaristom Rolandom Valdés- Blainom. U rodnu Španjolsku vratio se tek 1967. godine. [3]

Sabicas je bio ključan u uvođenju flamenca publici izvan Španjolske i svijeta španjolskog govornog područja. Vjerojatno je bio najpoznatiji po svojim tehničkim vještinama: užareno brzi picados (vage), brzi arpeggios, kvalitetna kompozicija za mnoge oblike flamenca i nepogrešiv ritam, koji je bio kritičan pri igranju s plesačem. Također se smatralo da ima savršenu visinu. "Najbolja tehnika mora biti Sabicas, flamenco igrač", izjavio je Chet Atkins za Guitar Player Magazine u ožujku 1972. [4]

Sabicas je bio jedan od najvećih flamencovih gitarista, ne samo kao tehničar, već i kao skladatelj. Svirao je flamenco na dosad nezamislivoj razini i stvarao nove tehnike, otvarajući nove mogućnosti za solo instrument. Donio je svoju umjetnost u koncertne dvorane i velika kazališta, čineći je dostupnom svim razredima. Moderni igrači kao što su Paco de Lucía, Tomatito, Serranito, René Heredia, Juan Manuel Cañizares, El Viejín, Vicente Amigo, Gerardo Nuñez, Javier Conde i mnogi drugi priznaju veliki utjecaj Sabicasove glazbe.

Sabicas je preminuo u 78. godini u bolnici u New Yorku u New Yorku od komplikacija uzrokovanih upalom pluća i višestrukim moždanim udarom........ladislav&zivanovic

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-28 06:51:25 (edited 2021-12-28 06:52:08 )

............Impreso en la U.S..Biografía
Sabicas nació en Pamplona, España, y comenzó a tocar la guitarra a la edad de cinco años, e hizo su debut en el espectáculo dos años después. Su estilo temprano fue influenciado por Ramón Montoya, con quien estaba relacionado con el lado de la familia de su madre. [2] La extensa colaboración con importantes cantarores de la época le ayudó a desarrollar su estilo personal.

Saliendo de España en 1936 durante la Guerra Civil Española, se exilió en América del Sur con la bailaora Carmen Amaya. Vivió en la Ciudad de México, se casó con Esperanza González Erazo y tuvo cuatro hijos: Maricruz en 1944, Carlos en 1946, Agustín en 1952 y Margarita en 1956. Agustine y Margaret viven en Nueva York, Maricruz vive en Alaska y Carlos murió. Amaya y Sabicas estuvieron juntos varias veces. Sabicas más tarde se estableció en Nueva York en los Estados Unidos, donde formó un vínculo de amistad y negocios de por vida con el guitarrista clásico Roland Valdés-Blain. Sólo regresó a su España natal en 1967. [3]

Sabicas fue fundamental para introducir el flamenco a audiencias fuera de España y del mundo de habla hispana. Probablemente era mejor conocido por sus habilidades técnicas: picados (escalas) brillantemente rápidos, arpegios rápidos, una composición de calidad para muchas formas de flamenco y un ritmo inconfundible, que era crítico cuando se tocaba con un bailarín. También se pensó que tenía la altura perfecta. "La mejor técnica tiene que ser Sabicas, el intérprete de flamenco", dijo Chet Atkins a Guitar Player Magazine en marzo de 1972.

Sabicas fue uno de los más grandes guitarristas del flamenco, no solo como técnico, sino también como compositor. Tocó el flamenco a un nivel antes impensable y creó nuevas técnicas, abriendo nuevas posibilidades para un instrumento solista. Llevó su arte a salas de conciertos y grandes teatros, poniéndolo a disposición de todas las clases. Músicos modernos como Paco de Lucía, Tomatito, Serranito, René Heredia, Juan Manuel Cañizares, El Viejín, Vicente Amigo, Gerardo Núñez, Javier Conde y muchos otros reconocen la gran influencia de la música de Sabicas.

Sabicas murió a la edad de 78 años en un hospital en la ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, por complicaciones de neumonía y múltiples accidentes cerebrovasculares. ladislav&zivanovic.......

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-28 06:34:28

Printed in the U.S..Biography
Sabicas was born in Pamplona, Spain, and started playing guitar at the age of five, and made his debut at the show two years later. His early style was influenced by Ramón Montoya, with whom he was related to his mother's side of the family. [2] Extensive collaboration with important cantarores (male flamenco singers) of the period helped him develop his personal style.

Leaving Spain in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War, he went into exile in South America with bailaor (dancer) Carmen Amaya. He lived in Mexico City, married Esperanza González Erazo and had four children: Maricruz in 1944, Carlos in 1946, Agustine in 1952 and Margaret in 1956. Agustine and Margaret live in New York, Maricruz lives in Alaska, and Carlos died. Amaya and Sabicas were together several times. Sabicas later settled in New York in the United States, where he formed a lifelong bond of friendship and business with classical guitarist Roland Valdés-Blain. He only returned to his native Spain in 1967. [3]

Sabicas was instrumental in introducing flamenco to audiences outside Spain and the Spanish-speaking world. He was probably best known for his technical skills: glowingly fast picados (scales), fast arpeggios, a quality composition for many forms of flamenco and an unmistakable rhythm, which was critical when playing with a dancer. It was also thought to have the perfect height. "The best technique has to be Sabicas, the flamenco player," Chet Atkins told Guitar Player Magazine in March 1972.

Sabicas was one of Flamenco's greatest guitarists, not only as a technician, but also as a composer. He played flamenco on a previously unthinkable level and created new techniques, opening up new possibilities for a solo instrument. He brought his art to concert halls and large theaters, making it available to all classes. Modern players such as Paco de Lucía, Tomatito, Serranito, René Heredia, Juan Manuel Cañizares, El Viejín, Vicente Amigo, Gerardo Nuñez, Javier Conde and many others acknowledge the great influence of Sabicas' music.

Sabicas died at the age of 78 at a Hospital in New York City, New York, from complications from pneumonia and multiple strokes........ ladislav&zivanovic

rafael braga 2021-12-29 03:33:03


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