Even Faust said every type of pony has a magic, but only unicorns can control it. Pegasi can walk on clouds due to it and earth ponies get on well with nature
I've noticed that a lot of unicorn's magic corresponds with there eye color. Ex: Twilight-Eyes are purple-magic is purple Rarity-eyes are blue-magic is blue Lyra-eyes are amber-magic is amber Sunset-Eyes are turquoise-magic is turquoise
This is sort of off-topic, but I think something similar happens sometimes with the other groups as well. AJ has green eyes, and has been seen causing plants to pop out of the ground. This might just be a universal Earth Pony thing, but others seem not to have this same skill. Fluttershy has green eyes too, but a different shade, possibly because her talent refers to caring for animals and nature, not raising plants. Unicorn eyes also somehow tie in to their talent, for instance Rarity's diamond-blue = her gems and crystals, and Twilight's alicorn-violet = magic, study, and eventual ascent to royalty. This is probably wrong, and if valid, only in a few cases, but that's what I was thinking of.
I love you. and can you do great times and can you play Lego to see a lot more about it and I 💘 you do play games in the most of the same of a good to see a lot more about it play please.
I'd just like to point out, that if this theory is correct, then it just emphasizes that Alicorns are another type of being all together, because, when Celestia, Luna, and Cadence gave Twilight their alicorn magic, and I think it's implied all their other magic, their eyes did not pale, but their cutie marks did disappear, BUT Twilight did not gain any additional cutie marks, not did she suddenly take on the other three Alicorns cutie marks. Which, I think, means that Alicorn magic is a different force all together, but also, taking magic doesn't count as your own extra magic, it's most like hosting the magics in your own body than assimilating it into your own magic, which is why I believe it was so hard for Twilight to control.
I know that this is an old video, but using information from more current videos and older ones I have come to this conclusion. There are three basic types of magic, dark, light and neutral, and each being in equestria has the power to use that magic. There are many different ways to use that magic, there is pony magic, alicorn magic, conjuring magic, and entity magic.
Everyone may be wondering, "When did TheBronyNotion mention entity magic", and he didn't, I made that up. Here's why, you have to think, season four added new information to magic, and now we know that all ponies have magic (pony magic), and we know that alicorn magic is different from pony magic, but where does that leave people like Discord and Tirek. They don't have a horn or any visible magic component, but we can see them using magic, so I decided on the new category of entity magic.
Now we have pony magic (Unicorn, Pegasus and Earth Pony magic), alicorn magic, conjuring magic and entity magic. I have also divided pony magic into three categories, unicorn, pegasus and earth pony. This makes perfect sense. I saw another comment that stated that Earth Pony magic is the magic of strength and that Pegasus magic is the magic of flight, but where does that leave unicorn magic? I believe that the explanations for Earth and Pegasus ponies are fine, but I also believe that Unicorn magic is very similar to Alicorn magic, but is different in two ways. Number one, Unicorns are very limited compared to Alicorns, and number two, Unicorns can only manipulate physical objects, and Alicorns can manipulate almost anything.
We have noticed the !!MANE!! difference between Celestia/Luna and Twilight/Cadence. TheBronyNotion's theory on that is the amount of power in an Alicorn determines whether the mane is wavy or not, and that makes good sense, but there is one plot hole there. In "A Canterlot Wedding" , Cadence's magic outweighs even that of Celestia, but her mane is only wavy for a split second as she is ?battling? Chrysalis.
Tell me if you have anything to add or contradict...
That means blank flanks have no magic or very very little. That may explain why scootaloo can't fly or why we only saw Apple bloom bucking apples in very few episodes or that sweetie belle does'nt use magic that often. So tirek can't get blank flanks magic! But that means in the season finale of all went wrong the blank flanks could (but probably not) save the day!
I think that the lack of a cutie mark doesn't mean a lack of magic. I mean, look at Rainbow Dash. She did a Sonic Rainboom before she had her cutie mark.
That's because it focused on ponies that we were all familiar with, for earth ponies: Braeburn in Apploosa, for unicorns: Shining Armor, and pegasi: The Wonderbolts.
Scootaloos parents are a pegasis and an earth pony so her body is the structure of an earth pony but has wings of a pegasis making her too heavy for her wings.
i thought it was just a random fluttershy, then i looked closer and... uhhh is that a fluttershy with human eyebrows and eyes?! faints, then wakes up I just had the weirdest dream. oh wait, it was real O_O runs away
Ditto! Like what the heck! Why? Just why? I would expect Discord of course, in fact I would believe it was Discord himself and it wasn't you who put him there. But Fluttershy? Seriously? Kindness is creepy.
@Aqua Galaxy Did you realize it was like a flutter shy with a human face mutated into it.... almost made me wanna scream when i saw it.. pretty creepy..
Look i know it's been 4 years but, dont. Look. Its fluttershy with Nickolas cage's face. I am scared for my life but if you dare. Go to the 25th second near the end and start pausing and unpausing
This is interesting when incorporated with The Cutie Map. Starlight took away the other ponies' cutie marks, but she had to replace it with the equal sign so pegasi could remain flying, unicorns could use at least basic telekinesis and earth ponies... well, there's not much agriculture around the town to speak of...
One of the many reasons I love My Little Pony? Loads of CONTINUITY. I am always so impressed to hear and see it from what is seen by some of the world as a "kid's show." This bit of continuity, the change of eye color and glow when magic is changed is really interesting. You'll notice the same thing in The Crystal Empire part 1 with Celestia and Sombra. It wasn't their iris that changed though, it was their eyeball color changing from white to green when they used the amazing dark magic. Wish you could see it when Twilight used dark magic but her eyes were closed.
My headcanon was that all pony tribes posses some form of magic: Strength, endurance, and a greater connection to the earth (mostly aimed at letting them know where and when to plant and harvest crops) for Earth Ponies; Flight and weather manipulation for Pegasi; overt magic spell for Unicorns. This is intrinsic to my OC, Gearhead, who has ancestors with whose magic Discord messed rather severely. Gearhead himself possesses no Earth Pony magic of his own, but he does have a small portion of Pegasus and Unicorn magic, which after more than 3,000 years has come out right-side-out and untwisted. He does learn how to cast spells, but he requires an activation key, incantation, and substitute spell medium to do so. This increases his casting time, and therefore his vulnerability when compared to Unicorns.
Cutie marks appear magically, so it stands to reason that if enough magic gets sapped, they will disappear. What interests me more is that Tirek is so thorough in his siphoning of magic that he takes everything, including the source of magic, so his victims would never regenerate any magical energy unless their magic was restored. But Tirek only adds their power as a pure number, not their skills -- and that's an especially good thing after he takes Discord's magic. Reality-warping Beatstick, anyone?
Arguably, Earth Ponies have magic as well (for example, Pinkie Pie wielding chaos magic) , but these abilities are brushed off by unicorn professors as tall tales. Chaos magic is very different from normal magic in MLP, as users (most notably Discord & Pinkie Pie) seem to defy physics, biology & gravity without the coloured sparkle from a unicorn’s horn or spellbook.
Each pony needs their magic to reach their destiny, or else they aren't able to do what their destiny requires them to do, so if their magic is not there, that means their destiny can not be reached, which means their cutie mark would disappear because it is their destiny.
If magic and cutie marks are so related, I must wonder how this affects fillies and colts, those who haven't discovered their talent and earned their cutie mark yet (like the CMC). How much magic do they have, if any? Maybe it's weaker? As Sweetie Belle improves on her magic skills, does this mean she'll be the first to earn her cutie mark?
Whoa, I just thought of something when you brought up an excess of magic amplifying their destiny/talent, like Rarity's talent is finding gems so I guess her spell would have much farther range, then I thought about Fluttershy and maybe she could finally befriend those dumb animals at the gala that ignored her. Then I thought, what if Fluttershy could use "The Stare" on Discord? I mean that's part of Fluttershy's individual magic right? Just like how Pinkie has her Pinkie Sense, so could it work on Discord? 0c0'
Another interesting thing to note, in s5 e 1 and 2, the ponies that have thier cutie marks equalised cannot perform the magic they could prior, which could mean that while all ponies can fly and do telekinesis, they need a mark to do specialized magic
I came up with something: Everyone knows by now that since Tirek stole magic from not only unicorns, but also pegasi and earth ponies, all 3 types of ponies do have magic. Well something I thought of now, could actually add up to that!: Unicorns have magic that they use through their horns. Pegasi have magic that they use through their wings, to fly with. (This describes why they couldn't fly when Tirek took their magic.) And lastly, earth ponies have magic that they use through....their bodies?? I don't have a good enough reason to this, so I just thought that since they are earth ponies their magic is used through their bodies as a strength. Take Applejack as an example. She can knock down apples from a whole apple tree just with her own hooves. That means she probably has good strength. Do you like my theory about how magic works for all 3 types of ponies? Give it a like if you want! I'm not professional so don't expect much from me.😅 Also, if you have more to add or something that I made wrong here, write it below and MAYBE I'll correct it. PS: LOVE your vids BN!👍 Keep going on!😎🤘
From that episode and the cutie map episode I guess everyone has two kinds of magic that are attached to their bodies: 1) the destiny magic: in the case of ponies it's related to the cutie mark, which exists even before the cutie mark is revealed to the pony. 2) the creature magic: in the case of ponies it's pony magic, as in earth/pegasus/unicorn I would say that the eye color is related to 2 , and that Tirek absorbed both, since Starlight's spell didn't affect the eye color, nor did Starswirl's unfinished spell... buuut the whole thing related to the keys made the mane six's eyes shine with a rainbow which would rather point at 1. And I would say that the coat color would be affected by 1 but this is very contradicting: Tirek didn't change the coat color, but Starlight did, but the unfinished spell from Starswirl didn't either (nor did it affect Applebloom when she was sick). We can be sure that the cutie mark's magic isn't directly linked to the pony magic because the equality village had flying pegasi and unicorns doing telekinesis. But the cutie mark's magic does affect the pony magic as in the talent to fly fast or to be particularly skilled to grow and harvest food, or to be able to master more spells. I suppose, but I'm not sure, that non ponies could actually have some similar magic, maybe the two being intertwined, while their talents don't reveal visually, but maybe it's a kind of magic that is incompatible with Tirek? I mean, kirins can use telekinesis, griffons and hyppogriffs can fly and all creatures can get their own food so they probably have something equivalent. Also note that the ponies Tirek attacked are exhausted, they can't even stand up, but Starlight's village wasn't.
About the end of season 4, I was wondering, it never showed Zecoras Magic being taken, and she's got a cutiemark. Maybe do a video once you'get had time to chew on that. I personally think that she got the same thing as Twilight, he didn't realize she was there.
When you say possessing more magic, doesn't that mean that when Twilight possessed Celestia, Luna, and Cadence's magic, she should have had "more cutie marks". This is just a theory and I would really like it if you could do a video on this. Btw, I love your videos and you are awesome. @The Brony Notion
When I saw the season 4 last episode and I saw when Tirek took there magic away and the cutiemarks disappeard I was VERY confused I went back and played it again and again but I didn't figure why the cutiemark disappeared. Thanks to you again I found my answer. Thanks.
If an excess of magic makes a cutiemark more prominent, how come when Twi gets Tia, Luna, and Cadences magic, her cutie mark and very image remains the same?
I'm actually starting to wonder if there might actually be any real canon fact to this. I mean it's fun overthinking this stuff and all but I'm starting to wonder if Hasbro's actually making this whole thing with magic and the cutie mark more complicated than it first appears.
I have a theory! All ponies in Equestria have magic. This is what give unicorns their ability to use spells, peagusi to fly(because their wings are way to small to lift them on they're own) and earth ponies their strength and their ability to connect more with natural. This magic is also what gives all ponies their Cutie Marks, so when a pony's magic is stolen, their Cutie Marks vanish as well.
Most things that take control of points are old or hard to get like when tricks wanted that necklace that pony seemed nervous and she had to give all those pursuits to get her hoves on it. And spike who almost fell on a big trap.
Normal, which is used by every pony. Magical Items Dark Magic
Normal Magic is seen all the time, it is powerful and can do a great amount of different things. This lets them teleport, use shield, and other such things.
Magical Items which are seen a great deal less tend to be powerful and can affect other ponies without a problem corrupting them in some way.
Dark Magic - which is what you mistake for Alicorn magic.
All these fall under Choas Magic, as they change the world in a way that it could not be changed by natural events.
Magical items I think are those made with Dark magic, as seen by the book Rarity gets and the Amulet that Trixie buys. As such each time they use it, it corrupts them a little bit more. Most likely made by the former King in an efferent to over throw Equestria. Now the reason the color is different is most likely the pony using them causes a sort of filter for the magic, meaning if the items where switched it is possible the magical color for the items would switch as well.
Now as for Dark magic. It is likely it is not really dark, but rather is pulls from the corrupted parts of the magical side. So if a pony were to use it for long periods of time they would fall pray to this fate. This is why Celestia and Twilight can use it without strong effects.
Now as to why Zacora says it needs to be a Alicorn to magic... I think Twilight mess read that meaning. I honestly think Twilight could have used her normal magic on the bottle and it could have worked, as the potion needed a large amount of magic rather than a small amount in order to work.
Now that brings use to the Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Heart.
It is likely they use the same magic, which is not any of the above and yet all of the above. What both of these items do is protect those around them, and undo the magic around them.
In short I believe the magic of friendship created by the three tribles years ago, caused the tree to grow and form which was why no one ever knew about it. The Crystal Ponies were able to build a magical item that had a similar effect when they learned the power of friendship possible not long after the kingdom of Equestria was made.
I think that the magical aura of a unicorn is a actually the life force of a pony's magic, and resides in all ponies. This would explain how that whenever Tirek stole magic from any kind of pony, a magical aura identical to a unicorns was pulled out of them. Not just unicorns.
On the topic of magic how are unicorns able to perform spells? Do chant words of the spell inside their heads, put a lot of concentration into the spell, because in the episode,"Magical Mystery cure" Twilight said that the unfinished spell didn't even rhyme, so that really got me thinking how magic really works there, it could answer almost half of the questions we ask about the world of equestria
Well, we have already seen that all ponies posses magic, because in the pilot episode we see that the mane six includes 2 of each race of ponies and they have the MAGIC to posses the elements of harmony
Well, what about the other magical thingamagigs? You know, the pendants, the elements of harmony, the crystal heart, and all that crazy magical stuff? Plus, remember season 5's The Mane Attraction? Those ponies were listening to a sad, peaceful, relaxing, calming song played by Rara: the magic inside. Those unicorns and alicorns use magic to create light, because, 1: they don't have cell phones, and 2: the song was a sad, peaceful, relaxing, calming song. Lots of people make light when listening to songs like that.
When you say possessing more magic, doesn't that mean that when Twilight possessed Celestia, Luna, and Cadence's magic, she should have had "more cutie marks". This is just a theory and I would really like it if you could do a video on this. Btw, I love your videos and you are awesome.
I now have a reason to say that the magic of a unicorn is the same as the color of his/her magic. This theory doesn't express to ALL unicorns, take shining armor for example, shining armor's magic is the color of twilight's but his eyes aren't purple, i also have the theory of unicorns from the same kin have the same color of magic. If you agree or disagree please reply.
I everypony has magic, no doubt about it. But the reason unicorns can use spells and levitate materials is because not because the horn stores magic, but it centers it, allowing for said spells and levitation. The magic itself is stored throughout the entire body of the pony. I think this allows the actual formation of the cutie mark. That's my opinion.
I think the cutie Mark is a magical manifestation of a pony's talents and destiny. So when a pony is drained of their magic the mark fades. When Twilight accidentally swapped her friends' cutie marks it didn't actually change their talents merely the destinies that were supposed to go with it, hence everypony being really bad at their new jobs. They just flat out didn't have the talents to go with their destiny.
The relationship between cutie marks, destiny, and a pony's talents and personality makes Starlight Glimmer's spell all that more insidious. It does not merely remove a cutie mark but also a pony's talents, related personality traits, and judging by the shift into grey tones, a good portion of their magic. What it does not remove it suppresses with the new cutie mark.
Sorry I think I may have gotten a bit off topic and started to ramble.
Magic does require the cutie mark as the magic represents the magic the ponies have, like fluttershy having kindness since she can talk to animals and stuff. The magic of friendship does not effect with the cutie mark as they come from within the ponies friendship themselves
@The Brony Notion twilight is the princess of magic and friendship and shining armor is the prince of protection of princess and magic altogether which gives him a big part in the future
I just wanna say that since their eyes pale and when they're at magic is gone and for the unicorn and Alicorn the eye color is like the color of the magic coming from the horn, so for the non-unicorns/Alicorns,the color of their eyes would be the color of their magic if they were unicorns this is all just my opinion I still love your videos
I want to see the parent ponies who try to hide their foal's cutie mark or force her to cover it up because they are embarrassed by it because it's unconventional.
Well, Tbh. I did remember something when Twilight was turned into a alicorn. her eyes went fully white, And when discord took over equestria with chaos, zecora gave twilight a potion to see the past. And when she did, her eyes also went fully white. what do u think? Or is it just a connivance?
I have a question: "What would happen if two ponies had the same cutiemark?" I remember seeing a pony in an episode with the same cutiemark as Rainbow Dash. It could've been an animation flump, but that sight made my mind reeling.
it doesn't make a big stretch to think two ponies could have a similar talent... not for very important ponies like princesses, heroes, elements of harmony... but after all how many pegasi want to be a wonderbolt? How many ponies want to open a bakery? etc.
random thought, if celestia, luna, and cadence gave their magic to twilight why would she have extra cutie marks already? just a thought also I found it interesting that pegusi can't fly after their magic is stolen but they still have their wings so they need not just their wings but magic to fly as well? just a thought
The cutie mark itself is a magical effect, there's no other way it could just appear out of nowhere in response to personal realisation. It disappears when magic is taken because it needs magic to exist. This is the only magic Earth Ponies have, and the only thing Tirek would go after them for. As for Pegasi, it has been noted that their wings are in no way big enough to carry their weight, butterflies can't have been strong enough to carry Fluttershy and Dash should not have launched from her sea-saw thing higher than the platform AJ jumped from. All would make more sense if the Pegasi weighed next to nothing, although there are times when they clearly do have weight. (Derpy sitting through a deck, for example.) It is my belief that Pegasi have an inherent magical effect that significantly reduces gravity's effect on them when they want to be flying. This is why they fell to the ground when Tirek took their magic, their wings were no longer capable of supporting their weight. This creates a hierarchy of who has the most magic- Allicorn>Unicorn>Pegasus>Earth Pony, which fits Tirek's feeding pattern.
maybe all ponies have magic that came from different parts. earth ponies have magic but it only comes from their bodies. pegasi have magic in their bodies and wings so it is strong enough to get them off the ground and let them walk on clouds. unicorns have magic in their bodies and horns which let them do spells. alicorns like twilight have a small amount of magic from their bodies but also the horn AND wings which make it stronger. alicorns like celestia have strong magic from their bodies wings AND horn so it is strong enough to move the sun (I think this would explain why alicorn wings are different from pegasus ones). Trixi possessed the alicorn amulet which enhanced her power but because it didn't go to her wings so it made her unicorn magic too much to handle.
First and another great video! Could you do the theory on Twilight is more then it is. 10/10/10 She did play huge roll in defeating a spirit of chaos and all bad things She is magic yet Magic isn't in our world so therfor not an element exactly Whatever else there is.
lets just be glad that the book possessed Rarity instead of someone evil. She just wanted to make ponyville a beautiful and happier place, and look at the damage caused.
Actually the point was to show that flight and strength were Due to thier race's specific magic which is what was actually taken from them,this also explains why Scootaloo can hover but not fly,she has a deficiency. ortoput it les scientifically,she has less magic than other pegasi which is why she can't do anymore than hover when pegasi like Bulk Biceps can fly with such small wings in proportion to their body
@jeweltara Yes but it i described as flight and strength in the show and it doesn't really make sense to use magic as the term to describe it. I totally understand the concept of flight/strength= magic and whatever but i would prefer they be referred to as flight and strength.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys ...So basically your whole argument boils down to the name things are given?,in that case you may want to state ahead of time it's a preference issue, after all some people may not be as willing to calmly discuss stuff as I am.
@jeweltara And also i just wanted to make sure people pay attention to the episode that they are referring to. And to me at least saying earth ponies and pegasi are having magic stolen from them doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Unicorns and alicorns are the only ones with real magic.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys again that is merely opinion based,while i get where you are coming from the fact is the magic in the other races is no less real it's simply passive. example of pegasi magic other than flight isthat they can walk on clouds afeet of magic with earth ponies is thier bond with the plants they grow. you can see a staged example oft that in the hearths warming episode. ...it's debates like this that make it hard to avoid the brony label just cause i like the show ><
@jeweltara Earth ponies do not bond with the plants as they grow i don't know what your talking about. And i forgot pegasi can walk on clouds but that might just be their bodies. Since they have to fly they must be the lightest ponies and they might just have the proper body weight to walk on clouds but all the other ponies are just a tiny bit to heavy.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys actually the thing i mentioned was that thier bond with nature helps them grow better crops than other races,again if it isn't outright stated on the show it;s atleast eluded to. As for your theory on weight that can be disproved by two pegasi. Derpy and Bulk Biceps. No lightwight is going to break a wooden floor just by plopping down,and all of Bulk's muscle cleary makes him heavy, yet ((with varying degrees of difficulty for plot comvenice)) he is able to fly evenwith incredably tiny wings on a massive body I have enjoyed having a sivil debate with you,but unless you have proof within show context that the race's special abilities are not infact due to their own special type of magic and it isn't all just about what to call something i think we're both gona start getting flamed for dragging this out before long. Now if you had said unicorns and Alocorns are the only ones that have real control of thier magic,there would be no need for this debate at all cause that would have been accurate within show context.
@jeweltara Well have you ever thought of how old the town hall is? If you sat hard enough on it it probably could break and that's what happened. The town hall was there since pretty much the begging of ponyville. Bulk Biceps well i think he's mostly there to add a bit of comedy with his tiny wings and giant body.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys I'll give you that age could be a factor,yet if that were the case i doubt it would have been able to support the large trophy Applejack was given in a later episode which is most likely far heavier than Derpy. and yeah Bulk is there for comic releif but that's the thing about taking ((parden this pun)) a one trick pony and giving him a personality beyond "the big guy who shouts alot" suddenly alot of things that we wouldn't have thought of or questioned ,matter.
@jeweltara Well the thing is is that also the bottom layer of the town hall was most likely repaired at some point because its the most used part. It doesn't appear that any ponies but pegasi can get up to the higher levels well unicorns could to if they used a teliportation spell but why would they want to anyway.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys mhm,now that makes since within show context,and is something there's no real point in debating,I think you're starting to get the hang of this!
@jeweltara Well i'm usually a more opinion based person. And then if it comes to a point where I cant really put my opinion in to much I actually use factual evidence. As shown by this debate.
@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys right so far you've managed to prove town hall probably got it;s floor repaored and the higher floors were probably meant mostly for pegasi, not what you were originally going for but if you're anything like the pony on your icon my guess is you plan to keep trying till one of us gives up. In which case I look forward to seeing what you come up with,ifyou still feel like going at it.. Catch ya in afew hours, need some sleep.
That's what I remember being said. I'm glad I'm not the only one to remember. But I feel there is something else that causes a connection of cutie marks and their ponys, not just magic
Magic gives ponies their cutie marks so everypony has a small bit of magic in them. Unicorns have more magic than pegisi and earthponys. Alicorns have the most magic because they are a mix of the three other kinds of ponies. That's what gives the Celestia and Luna their flowing manes and tails. Cadence and Twilight weren't born alicorns, but had the destiny of becoming princesses. Luna and tia were born princesses so they have more strenth than their neices.
Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Ahem Rainbow but it was their magic too! If you think flight is a type of magic strength like that is a type of magic so sorry to burst your cloud Rainbow but your statement is......INCORRECT!
Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Yes FACT I am her student and successor 😊 plus I must add if you think about it I would be the most powerful pony in equestria cos of Rainbow power, element power alicorn magic alicorn strength and alicorn flight also pegasus flight earth pony strength and unicorn magic also my own magic!
I'm sure this has been stated by someone else, but I'm too lazy to go searching through comments. Magic in Equestria is quite similar to the Force in Star Wars. Think about it (though I think you do compare it to the Force in one of your videos), magic has it's normal, or "Light", side and and a Dark side (Dark Magic), just like the Force. Now what do we know of the Force that relates to Earth Ponies and pegasi having magic? That the Force binds all things and comes from living cells in the body called Midichlorians. What does Equestrian Magic do? It resides in ALL ponies and basically binds Equestria together (all types of ponies require magic to perform their tasks). So what if Magic, like the Force, comes from something in the Ponies similar to midichlorians? What if unicorns are able to perform Magic (unlike pegasi and earth ponies who simply have it to aid their other strengths of flying and tending the earth) due to their higher count of "midichlorians'? Perhaps unicorns (and Alicorns) are like the Jedi, while pegasi and earth ponies are like the life forms in Star Wars like the Felucians (I think those are the ones I'm thinking of) who use the Force on a simple or basic level. Maybe the other races of Equestria who don't have magic are the life forms who can't use the Force.
But one thing I remember from the season ending was I believe she said was " He stole magic from unicorns, flight from Pegasus and strength from earth ponys" no not directly saying all pony's have magic
So instead of blood...they have magic running through their veins. If they were born with wings, they can use it to fly. If they were born with a horn, they can use it to do cool stuff. If they were born without either, they can be body builders and be super strong. Done.
The tree of Harmony did have all that magic so maybe all that magic inside the tree of Harmony was transferred into them making the Elements of Harmony stronger and then putting the magic inside the spirits of The Elements of Harmony which is the main six
I believe there are three different types of magic but it verys how strong it is depending on some pony. Like normal magic is shown in all three races but unicorns have better control over this magic and is shown as an "aura " when in use. But the other races , earth pony and Pegasus, naturally use this or have a semi-control or this normal magic. The second type is alicorn magic I believe that Celestia and Luna's magic is stronger then Twilight's and Candence's magic because they where naturally born as alicorns but cadence and twilight are stronger than normal ponies because they have wings and horns same with celestia and Luna but they have earth pony strength too their by make ing them stronger . The third one is dark magic which any pony can poses throw and object like rarity's book and the alicorn amulet or can possibly be learned maybe sombera , celestia , and twilight . This dark magic might be stronger for one pony like how I said before with alicorns and unicorns and possibly other ponies and how Lang you have been exposed to dark magic as well.
I personally think magic/pegusi/earthponystrennght is ability to fulfill ones destiny so if a unicorn who cant use magic has magic for thier element would the cutie mark be useless and change or go away in the episode magic mystery cure perhaps destiny is just their use and their former cutie mark was replaced by one that suited them so basiclly the ability to fulfull is increased w/ the magic/flight/strenght to multiply the cute marks
In unicorns there magic is manifestated in there horns allowing the conscious manipulation of magic itself. In Pegasus it is in there wings allowing them to fly on the magic plane in adition to air (how else could they fly, I doubt there bones are hollow.) In earth ponys there magic is in there muscles and hooves giving them increased stragnth and fertile crops as the plants are infused with trace amounts of magic when planted by an earth pony.
I thought magic was in their cutie marks and that allowed unicorns/alicorns use magic along with pegasi for flying, earth ponies are a bit harder to say because neither have horns or wings so then how do they have magic ( even though it's limited )??
So here is actually my take that connects everything-(( p.s I was going to post this on your first video but I saw this one and watched it and I decided it would be better to be placed here. ))) I believe that Twilight is actually a reincarnation of a unicorn all the way back back from even before Luna and Celestia- before there were Alicorns . This pony held a very similar talent to Twilights. But unlike Twilight whose talent is magic, this pony's talent was concentrated on one specific but power type of magic that has no doubt been lost to time. This pony's talent would be circling around Magic infusion. Around that time long long LONG ago something happened whether as part of a villains plan or a freak occurrence of nature that caused magic to slowly dissipate in the land that is now known as Equestria. This unicorn used her talent/magic to bring back the magic to the land but the effort drained all of the pony's magic in the end killing them. As she had basically infused with the land though- In her place grew a tree bearing her cutie mark- ( Notice how the tree's trunk has only the big star not the five small ones) And this tree served as a protector of the land ( Ex; holding back the Everfree Forest) but as time went by after the princesses had taken the jewels that represented the traits of this unicorn who had given his/her life as well as the jewel representing the unicorns destiny- slowly the tree's strength faded with these key parts gone. ( Also note how the tree took Celestia and Luna to get it's elements back indicating it is an intelligent being. This is important for the next part! ) Around the time Twilight was born the tree realized that it was soon reaching it's end and it must act now as it's protective charm that had allowed everything to end up okay( Ex; how they never really loose) over the centuries was breaking! Knowing this, the many foes Equestria had faced and conquered would in turn come out because this charm was broken, so it decided to bring in Twilight as it's representative and almost a reincarnation of the unicorn/tree. After all- The tree's jewels holding its power were taken and Equestria must be saved ( This explains why suddenly ALL the villains just appear when Twilight is there! ) . But why a pony instead of another tree? The 'element of magic' needed a much more permanent home that which it could not be separated from as easily- ( The magic element would naturally draw the other five to it thus taking care of all the other elements but also allows them to change holders as those can change because they will come back to the element of magic ) A pony was the perfect choice for this as a pony's fate was determined by their cutie mark - And Twilights cutie mark- which was affected by the tree- means that basically the tree shaped her fate from the very beginning- also since no other species besides ponies have cutie marks this makes me thing that their destinies are just up for grabs- that ability to control fate through a cutie mark would in turn allows the tree to make sure that it's plan basically goes through. Also note that it appears that only Alicorns are immortal ( phoenixes don't count and well .. for dragons its unknown if they are immortal or just live for a realllyyy long time ) on top of that Alicorn note only a pony can be one- whether through birth or transformation. This too was part of the tree's plan to provide it a permanent home connecting back to what I said earlier about the tree basically deciding Twilight's fate. All of this- insured that the tree's original cause for even blooming was fulfilled even after it was gone.
Yo, The Brony Notion, I have to ask, what's your opinion on ponies' names? Like about how they connect to the ponies etc. I've realized that most ponies' names fit them perfectly, ex. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Apple Jack, etc. And other ponies' names somewhat connect, but not fully. Ex. Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, etc. But there is one ponies' name that has had me thinking long and hard about it. Princess Cadance. Like, that's a COMPLETELY human name, and it doesn't connect whatsoever to her talent, bestowing love upon people. Thoughts, anyone?
If they have magic within their cutie mark it would help them on there struggles like when Teaneck (can't spell) they wouldn't be able to fly so could it mean the cutie mark is the source for the pony to be strong?
did you see how the mane six's manes were flowing like the manes of Luna and Celestia when all that MAGIC was given to them. please do an analysis on this in a video
For me Magic is simply a force of life. the thing that connects us to each other and everything else. MLP shows this with the evil dude taking magic from not only unicorns but earth ponies and pegasi... Although I feel as if magic also flows threw things like plants (like: poison joke or whatever it's called.) and stones (thus Rarity, and dragons, being able to find them) and so on...... @The Brony Notion
Wait, has anyone noticed that the magical position thing like blue-pink colored magic? Rarity, Cadence and Luna all have blue magic, and Tricksy and Twilight both have pink purple. But notice that when when anyone is ever trying to take over Equestria, the normally go after Celestia first, and someone else after, and Celestia has GOLD magic. No one we have seen so far in the series has GOLD magic, but that's all I got.
I love this and I have one thing to add I think cuti marks are tecnichly magic so that's why when the magic was stolen it took it with it wait wouldn't that mean that terec has all the ponys destinys
So maybe Cutie marks carry a little extra magic and flows it's pony. After all, sparkles appear every time a Cutie Mark appears. Pegasus are also magical creatures so they fly. The princesses are a licorns so they could carry twice the magic.
earth magic is magic strength like celestia said and the magic of flight and properties needed for pegasie magic so thats how 🙅 horned ponys also have magic and unoco
Or maybe just like humans magic is a soul for pony so as their magic got absorbed they started to faint and looked like everything that kept them alive was took away from them but in the season where chrysalis tirek and cozy glow are turned into stone twilight says : others that can continue our mission EVEN AFTER WE ARE GONE that confirm that even ponies dis appear
about the beginning, so, the ponies magic is inside of them just like how the cutie mark on the mane six have mini cutie marks on them, for example: Princess luna would have moons around her. just like how they have magic in them, it can be stolen and replaced with evil.
But celestial said that at one point tirek was able to steal FLIGHT from pegasi and STRENGTH from earth ponies, perhaps the flight ability gives the pegasi its cutiemark same goes with the earth ponies and their strength, also with unicorns and, what else? Magic
I thought their magic (unicorn/alicorn magic) is based ONLY on their cutie marks. I mean, if it was their eyes, it would be different. Princess Celestia would have pink magic, Princess Cadence would have purple magic, and many more ponies would have different magic. Oh well. BRO HOOF.
its more like when you get this magic and you discover your destiny that magic slowly increases as you practice your special talent so it's more like steeling talent than destiny , that the way I see it .
wait! why is it that any pony that Twilight helps changes with magic (sunset and Trixie) when they are first evil before twilight changing them, had on black cloaks? it doesn't make sense. and while wearing the cloak try to kill Twilight. Are black cloaks out for twilight? she does take the position of princess of magic. the other two ponies who's talent is magic goes after her. same with the pony in the first episode of season 5. they all go after twilight.
Wait, this concept relates to boast busters. Twilight Sparkle: Unicorn magic only matches to their special talent. (cutie mark) I dont know if that is 100% true but its something like that and it might of been Rarity
I think the syrens are the ones who wrote the book that rarity read. 1.rarity and the humans in rainbow rocks who were under the sirens spell at one point had green eyes
earth pony is magical strength and pagasie magic is the magic of flight and therefore the properties needed for flight unicorn and alicorn magic is minipulating things and everything other than what i have already mentioned
actually... this kinda backs up my theory on my season three canterlot wedding cutie mark theory. the first clue i had that cadance was evil was her magic color. i actually went back some then noticed that all ( al least most ) have their magic the color of their cutie mark. for ezample : rarity always uses blue magic and her cutie mark is blue. twilight's is pink, so on so on. I figured it out because of the theory. i actually went back a few episodes before finishing part 1. and i noticed this very fact... can someone tell me why this is? why is it not like always orange?
Take The Cutie Mark Crusaders, before they get their cutie marks they still have magic. I think that the cutie marks are invisible until they discover their talent. When they discover it, the cutie mark becomes visible. When the magic is stolen, it takes the entire cutie mark. That's what I think.
The Brony Notion, I was wandering if you could do a whole video of princess luna and celestias past, including discord. I have my own theory of why luna minimized in size and why her flowing mane disappeared and turned in to regular mane. If u want to hear my theory about that just ask k? Just MANE-ly asking lol (pony pun)
Omg guys in season 5 did you notice how starlight glimmers cutie mark looked like 2 ribbons going into a cutie mark well maybe the first is starlight pulling out the magic and sending in her own magic to replace it scence it is her mane color too it means that she probably is the only pony to be able to do such a thing... or maybe not... nut any way did yah see how her cutie mark had twilight's mark on it meaning she has magic to surpass magic
I think shining armor's magic is purple because Twilight's magic is purple and she is his sister but rarity's magic is blue and sweetie bell's magic is green because her eyes are green and rarity's eyes are blue and Twilight's eyes are purple.
Starlight Glimmer, she used her normal magic to do that and they didn't lose their magic, they could still levitate things, just their cutie mark and talent
Oh ya one more thing people have come up with a theory that what ever color the glow is that is the same color of the cutie mark for example rarity has blue diamonds for a cutie mark notice how the magic glow around her horn is the same shade of blue as the cutie mark and same with twilight and science you see a green glow around sweetie belle's horn this might mean that she will have a green cutie mark there are some ponies who break this theory like Trixie with her blue moon cutie mark and the pink magic glow but even the color match is with celestial the yellow sun and the yellow magic glow and twilight with the pinkish purple cutie mark and the same shade of color the magic glow is so this might be a way to find out what sweetie belle's cutie mark is going to be
the eye color of the unicorn coincides with the color of the magic aura but, that could be errored then changed. eye color plays a huge role with magic auras
@The Brony Notion Sweetie has matching eye and magic colour but I think this is because she doesn't have her cutie mark yet. Almost all other unicorns and alicorns have magical glow colours based on the colours of their cutie marks. The exceptions include Sunset Shimmer and Luna, whose C.M. colours are too similar to their mane and coat colours to stand out enough, and Sweetie Belle, who maybe the fact she learned magic before getting a cutie mark had something to do with it. Of course, Twilight's magic was the colour of her cutie mark even before she got it, but this might be because of the fuchsia highlight already in her design pallette.
+thebronynotion on a unicorn or an Alicorn there eye colour or there colour of their cutie mark is there colour of their magic e.g twilight's eye colour is purple and here magic is purple not sure if you noticed but in season 1 twilight and rarity's magic is both pink I would love if you would do a video on that thanks
did you mean to place that troll fluttershy (I think that was fluttershy) at the end as you signed out? also I have read some where, not sure where, but all three races have magic just unicorns magic are external based-spells, pegisi are a mix of external and internal-how else could their small wing allow them to fly as most flying creatures wings are about the size of themselves and land on or move clouds while earth ponies and unicorns can't? Lastly earth ponies magic are mostly internal based-stronger faster(on land) and how else could they buck apples out of the trees perfectly into the baskets?
but at the end of the episode twilight and her friend changed for some time. the hair move.... her cutie murks show on her legs... soo..... what does it means?
If Magic=Destiny Than Destiny=Magic soooo... that explains my earth pony and Pegasus had there marks removed, let me explain in the simple Yak language.. Magic from unicorn taken and destiny too. Destiny from Pegasus taken and flight is Pegasus destiny. Destiny from earth pony taken and so is stength. That sums it up pretty well right.... if you didn't get it then... Cutie Marks=Destiny=Magic. If you have no Mark then you have no Destiny then magic doesn't want you anymore and so you have no magic..... EXCEPT THE MOST POWERFUL MAGOC OF ALL THE MAGIC OF 🌈🌈FRIENDSHIP🌈🌈🌈✨
i don't know that Kharasa but maybe its because they are alicorns and they (celestia, luna and cadance) were giving their magic away to benefit others. do you see where i am going?
Did my eyes decieve me, or did Fluttershy flash across the bottom of the screen near the end of the video, so fast that if you blinked you would miss it?
when the princess' gave their magic to twilight their cutie marks disappeared that means twilight has their magic so shouden't twilight have four cutie marks because in one of the scenes twilight makes the sun rise therefore she has their destiny
In the fight with Sombera OMG it sounds like shadow in spanish you should make a video of spanish sounding pony names Candace got more strenght*sorry if I spell wrong* by the Crystal Heart which looks like the heart on her cutie mark.
You know season 4 finally? Tearek stoll the magic from earth ponies pegasus and unicorns.? Well we know pegasus have it to fly and stand on clouds. Unicorns have it for the over kill horns. So why did Tearwreck take it from earth ponies...? Do they have it to become stronger. Or For Cutie marks. Plus The Cutie Mark Crusaders Don't have cutie marks so if apple bloom had her magic taken. So how did Tearwreck take any.Plus Unicorns have magic so why can't they stand on clouds? All for next time. 2017 19 November
Lots of unicorn magic is the same colour as their eyes: Twilight Rarity Sunset shimmer Sweetie belle Ect But others are (and/or) the colour of there cutie marks: Twilight Rarity Shining armour Cadance Celestia Ect
I think earth have some magic from cutie marks. But why did discord only took wings and horn and not cutie marks. That dindnt make any sense becuase no magic was floating out of them. Or maybe just took off some magic but not the cutie mark.
When tirex got their magic and cutiemarks dissapers their destiny isn't deleted! If with their magic tirex turn into a pony his will have all cutcutiemarks!
Hey I have a question. U were talking bla bla bla. U said their magic is taken away and also their cutie mark. Tereck also took Discord ' s magic but he has no cutie mark so how really does it work for Discord?
This is probably stupid to ask, but I've been wondering, are unicorn horns covered in fur or are they just bone? If they are bone, why are they the same color as the characters fur?? Are their bones not white then? :P
My guess is it has nerves along it in addition to being bone,and in addition to protect the nerves a small amount of skin,much like a human's nails however it can overgrow which is why some unicorns filet hiers much like us humans file nails. as for why the nerves are necessary,contrary to alot ofgrimdarks bone alone dose not feel,without nerves attached only flesh and nerves feel,so they are necessary for a unicorn to feel the magical charge in thier horns and thus help control it. at;east that's what makes since to me. sorry if i went alittle science nerd on you.
i think that the cutie mark disapears because with out magic they cant fufill there destany ex twillight her cuitie mark is magic, rarity her horn was the one who brout her to that big rock, rainbow dash got her cuitie mark wile fling fluttershy i cant explain apple jack how can she pic apples with no streth, pinkie pie i cant explain
Yes um ur theory I think is gone now that the cutie marks are used by the mane six like a link. Meaning their cutie marks have some sort of toll on each others
But wait did u actually look at their cutie marks notice that yeah they disappearEd but ever think that what their cutie mark is (talking bout unicorns and any thing else with a horn that can be used with magic)actually what they excel in even if ot was something stupid. And I know most thought of this but say they didn't have their cutie marks like the cmc. Does that mean that they really don't have magic or that much at least. But in season four we see sweetie bell using magic does that indicate that she will get her cutie mark first? Plus when their magic was stolen it doesn't mean they can't get it back (hint hint end of season 4) so really their magic is gone nor their talents just at a low were it can't be used. Do I think it can grow over time? Yes just like they were a foal trying to get their cutie mark or use magic. But the cakes twins use their wings and horn just a bit after they were born but it could be a magic surge for both of them. Indicating that earth ponies and pegasus both have their own type of magic witch can't be taken ever.
cutie marks DON'T equal destiny, they only show a pony's talent. but I agree with you about the star representing the universal magic. try searching "The Flower of Life" and you'll see way.
If you are the carator of my little pony make more plz ive been waiting for u to do that and make another my little pony character named nightmare spake and she's the princess of the sky
okay i thought about this too and did anyone else notice that only the alicorns cutie marks disappear and there eye's didn't dim any? maybe if magic is taken by force it's effect are like the ponies but if it's given like twilight got the others powers they effects are lessened? or is it just alicorns have magic they can't get rid of toadly? either way .... why did the alicorns eyes not dim?!
I think it's because if you give up your magic with your own will, your eyes still stay bright. This is just my own theory...I seriously don't know for sure why.
Another thought: if Twilight was given the alicorn magic of 3 others, plus her own, why did she not get a billion cutie marks (exaggerated) all over her?
I get your thinking but what about winter rap up the rules are no magic but since wings are considered magic the pegasis (sorry I spelld it Ronge) tecnicly cited sorry rainbow dash but you brook the rules TO JAIL YOU GO
Um, why DO I KEEP SEEING FLUTTER SHY? SHE'S SCARING ME, HALP I'm scared of what her face will look like. I've seen her in the end of multiple Notion episodes now..
Well in real life ponies don't have cutie marks people just animated series of ponies havin cutie marks which is filled with magic look carefully how do ponies get there cutie mark they don't carve it in it just "magically " appears magic maaaaagic now that I had said this WHO IS THE PONY OR WHATEVER MAGICALLY GIVIN PONIES CUTIE MARKS???????????
Ya becuse there cutie Mark is raltad to there magic sinse when you get a cutie Mark it come with special ability so if they lose magic they lose their cutie Mark
U can't forget how discordes magic was stolen to and there fore he once was a pony. It is impossible to say u did not notis this watching those epasode sand celecitea ,Luna and discord knew each other for a wile and I bet u that wizard and celecitea knew each other and probably traned together for a bit. Possibly for years or sumthing like that. And o ur vids are unlike any one els that I've seen on YouTube at all.
I actually didn't notice that! It makes sense! Discord is the only non-pony character with magic (other than Tirek but he stole all the magic he has) And thanks!
I saw tgat awkward fluttershy face again Is this some kind of glitch or test to see how much we are paying attention Make it stop or tell me why its happening Its driving me nuts What's going on
I guess you could say that. Since Sweetie Belle's eyes and her magic are light green, we can confidently come to a conclusion that her cutie mark will be light green too (though we don't know exactly WHAT her cutie mark is).
@mlp shyvideos I think it could be a light green treble clef, or light green music notes, as Sweetie Belle has a blossoming talent for singing. I think that Sweetie Belle is learning a lot of magic now, too...so her cutie mark might be something that resembles magic.
Wait brony notion what if there were earth pony's with magic the use with there eyes like there eyes would glow there cooler of there cutie mark if these pony's come or don't I would call them pshciy ponys . like who knows maybe just maybe zorca was one of those pony she does predicted stuff and has spells oh and pshciy pony's can see or tell the furture plz raeply and may I by shown in a vid with this comment 🙏🎇🐎⏳these are little cave art things umm pochey right well theses may or could look like theses little pictures but you know with ancient art look yeah and plz show this in a vid bye!!!!! :)
If magic=cutie mark, then maybe other species do not have cutie marks because they don't possess magic? But if friendship is magic....then they do not have friendship? hhhmmmm o-o
@Kori Lorde well, magic is a force, a kind of energy, so when it isnt neede anymore, like when a pony dies, the magic flows into the ground and manifests in other things like plants or something, or in the next baby pony.
well, at least i think it is like this, not sure, but it makes sense to me.
Sawtooth waves why the heck on your video so short like what do you need to go back to the pony world or something like that we’re trying to find another or something like that are you trying to do that we’re like dude what are you doing after the video is like Bruh Bruh real for real’s
+Aaliyah Phillips my little pony is a great show that everyone can enjoy :D but what i dont get is that if u dont like mlp why are u watching a mlp video .-.
this comment chain has gotten so weird I can't read it any more,guys,stop it ok?it's over,read the entire comment chain or at least a part of it before you reply.
this comment chain has gotten so weird I can't read it any more,guys,stop it ok?it's over,read the entire comment chain or at least a part of it before you reply.
+Renee Parkes same me-10-other girls even the 6 yr olds r like "WUT U WATCH MLP DATS A BABY SHOW" its just so sad and yeah brony @ pegasister haters u hafta stop with the swearing please...?
Even Faust said every type of pony has a magic, but only unicorns can control it. Pegasi can walk on clouds due to it and earth ponies get on well with nature
102 likesI've noticed that a lot of unicorn's magic corresponds with there eye color.
131 likesEx:
Twilight-Eyes are purple-magic is purple
Rarity-eyes are blue-magic is blue
Lyra-eyes are amber-magic is amber
Sunset-Eyes are turquoise-magic is turquoise
Replies (14)
But some don't have like Shining Armor, his magic is pink but eyes green, but his cutie mark is short of pink :s
7 likesI think it's their favorite color.
3 likesSame with sweetie bell (green)
5 likes@Hollyleaf 14 And their magic also sometimes has the same colour of their cutie mark.
0 likesThis is sort of off-topic, but I think something similar happens sometimes with the other groups as well. AJ has green eyes, and has been seen causing plants to pop out of the ground. This might just be a universal Earth Pony thing, but others seem not to have this same skill. Fluttershy has green eyes too, but a different shade, possibly because her talent refers to caring for animals and nature, not raising plants. Unicorn eyes also somehow tie in to their talent, for instance Rarity's diamond-blue = her gems and crystals, and Twilight's alicorn-violet = magic, study, and eventual ascent to royalty. This is probably wrong, and if valid, only in a few cases, but that's what I was thinking of.
6 likesAnd Celestia. Her magic keeps changing.
2 likesI love you. and can you do great times and can you play Lego to see a lot more about it and I 💘 you do play games in the most of the same of a good to see a lot more about it play please.
0 likesI also noticed that, but some aren't the same
1 likeTrixie has pink magic but purple eyes
0 likesBut I guess your tired of hearing examples
Of why that statement is weong
Well, to me, Twilight’s eyes are purple, but her magic is pink! But if you see purple, that’s fine! ;)
1 likeIn spring breakdown, Sunsets magic is red not turquoise
0 likesFlutter shy
0 likesI noticed that too. And for some ponies, their magic is the colour of their cutie mark. (And Twilight's magic is pink)
0 likesI'd just like to point out, that if this theory is correct, then it just emphasizes that Alicorns are another type of being all together, because, when Celestia, Luna, and Cadence gave Twilight their alicorn magic, and I think it's implied all their other magic, their eyes did not pale, but their cutie marks did disappear, BUT Twilight did not gain any additional cutie marks, not did she suddenly take on the other three Alicorns cutie marks. Which, I think, means that Alicorn magic is a different force all together, but also, taking magic doesn't count as your own extra magic, it's most like hosting the magics in your own body than assimilating it into your own magic, which is why I believe it was so hard for Twilight to control.
60 likesReplies (1)
Good tbought
0 likesI just realized he just predicted season 5. The whole "going further into the cutie mark" theme for the new season.
180 likesReplies (4)
He magic? 0.0
2 likes@Holly Martin yep
0 likes+Holly Martin HE AN ALICORN 0o0
0 likesHes done predictions like this so many times
1 likeI know that this is an old video, but using information from more current videos and older ones I have come to this conclusion. There are three basic types of magic, dark, light and neutral, and each being in equestria has the power to use that magic. There are many different ways to use that magic, there is pony magic, alicorn magic, conjuring magic, and entity magic.
11 likesEveryone may be wondering, "When did TheBronyNotion mention entity magic", and he didn't, I made that up. Here's why, you have to think, season four added new information to magic, and now we know that all ponies have magic (pony magic), and we know that alicorn magic is different from pony magic, but where does that leave people like Discord and Tirek. They don't have a horn or any visible magic component, but we can see them using magic, so I decided on the new category of entity magic.
Now we have pony magic (Unicorn, Pegasus and Earth Pony magic), alicorn magic, conjuring magic and entity magic. I have also divided pony magic into three categories, unicorn, pegasus and earth pony. This makes perfect sense. I saw another comment that stated that Earth Pony magic is the magic of strength and that Pegasus magic is the magic of flight, but where does that leave unicorn magic? I believe that the explanations for Earth and Pegasus ponies are fine, but I also believe that Unicorn magic is very similar to Alicorn magic, but is different in two ways. Number one, Unicorns are very limited compared to Alicorns, and number two, Unicorns can only manipulate physical objects, and Alicorns can manipulate almost anything.
We have noticed the !!MANE!! difference between Celestia/Luna and Twilight/Cadence. TheBronyNotion's theory on that is the amount of power in an Alicorn determines whether the mane is wavy or not, and that makes good sense, but there is one plot hole there. In "A Canterlot Wedding" , Cadence's magic outweighs even that of Celestia, but her mane is only wavy for a split second as she is ?battling? Chrysalis.
Tell me if you have anything to add or contradict...
That means blank flanks have no magic or very very little. That may explain why scootaloo can't fly or why we only saw Apple bloom bucking apples in very few episodes or that sweetie belle does'nt use magic that often. So tirek can't get blank flanks magic! But that means in the season finale of all went wrong the blank flanks could (but probably not) save the day!
23 likesReplies (8)
I think that the lack of a cutie mark doesn't mean a lack of magic. I mean, look at Rainbow Dash. She did a Sonic Rainboom before she had her cutie mark.
3 likesWow. Both of you have an amazing point...but you never see blank flanks magic being taken away......
2 likesThat's because it focused on ponies that we were all familiar with, for earth ponies: Braeburn in Apploosa, for unicorns: Shining Armor, and pegasi: The Wonderbolts.
1 likeAnother thing would be Twilight, she had a huge burst of magic that would be a full grown unicorn to shame before she had her cutie mark.
1 like@Flame Wraith and derpy!
0 likesScootaloo cant fly because she has a disability in her wings so even when she got her cutie mark and became a grown up she still couldnt fly.
1 likeScootaloos parents are a pegasis and an earth pony so her body is the structure of an earth pony but has wings of a pegasis making her too heavy for her wings.
1 like@Zuzanna Eitner that's bs, what about Pound Cake? He can fly very well. It really is because Scootaloo has atrophied wings, it's a disability.
0 likesDid anyone else see the creepy fluttershy flash by at the end?
433 likesReplies (198)
haha don't ask
90 likesi defenitly saw something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 likesI did
9 likesWHERE
7 likesKeep wacthing from 2:16 and look close at the left corner. Pause and go back to where you see.
5 likes@Eliza Nelson Still don't see it :/
2 likes2:25
20 likesOH I SAW IT TY
1 likeI saw it. It was so creepy like it was gonna kill you!
2 likesYES I DID RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 likesYes XD
0 likesi thought it was just a random fluttershy, then i looked closer and... uhhh
2 likesis that a fluttershy with human eyebrows and eyes?! faints, then wakes up
I just had the weirdest dream. oh wait, it was real O_O runs away
0 likeshumashy
1 like@Evan Keeling yes
0 likesOh my God I'll have nightmares with it! My reaction is: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Aaah! I'm scared. ;-;
0 likesYes what a wonderful idea!
0 likesLol
0 likes@Eliza Nelson yes i did i kinda thought it was creepy too.....
0 likesMe I did I did
0 likesIt was Nicolas Cage's face
0 likes:D
0 likes@KitPlaysGamez HOLY CRAP THAT SCARED ME
0 likesi keep seeing those
0 likesIt will murder us.
0 likesI know it was horrifying it had real life eyes
0 likesI can't catch it. Can I get a screen shot?
0 likes@The Brony Notion But why XD it made me laugh XD
0 likesCreepy.
0 likes@Heaven Hilliard I found it.
1 likehttp://sta.sh/01s3avmblyjf
@Sofie Lejion lol thanks
0 likeswtf though
0 likesit's creepy as shiat! X333
0 likes*shiz
Yeah. It's weird.
0 likesDitto! Like what the heck! Why? Just why? I would expect Discord of course, in fact I would believe it was Discord himself and it wasn't you who put him there. But Fluttershy? Seriously? Kindness is creepy.
0 likes@The Brony Notion your addiction to Nicholas cage! ! Ha! I sas your april fools vid!
0 likesyes! and i jumped
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy What was that O.O
0 likesThat's a weird flutter shy
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy IT'S NICHOLAS CAGE RUUUUN!
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy yes
0 likesNicholas face on FlutterShy the brony notion is a slaver to the NICHOLAS CAGE what next his face on Discord
0 likesHe worships him! º~º
0 likesyes he dose 100% or 89%
0 likesNicholas fluttershy
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy yes
0 likesYes I did it was pritty flipping creepy
1 like@Aqua Galaxy Did you realize it was like a flutter shy with a human face mutated into it.... almost made me wanna scream when i saw it.. pretty creepy..
0 likesYep
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy no
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy am not doing it AM ONLY A 6 YEAR OLD
0 likesAhhh!! OMFG
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy yes i loved it! so funny
0 likes@***** :3
0 likesEek
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy yes wtaf in deed
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy put it on 0.25 youll see it
0 likesI did.
0 likesI did.
0 likesI did to
0 likesWhat the heck NO I have to get up in the night to do something I don't want to be creeped out by her
0 likesI saw it as well I mean how creepy
0 likes@***** yeah ...,...you keep that in your head
0 likesDid someone here seen the one with funny monu leaseu you know that priceless painting come on I'm only 6 you should know it but go and see it
0 likesI did it was like. . .
0 likes3
Yea and i screenshot it it was fluttershy bet with a guys face!!
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy Me
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy yeah but i can't seem to pause the video at just the right time to see it better
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy I totally did
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy Yeah ive seen it in other vids too
0 likes@Aqua Galaxy Yeah ive seen it in other vids too
0 likesYea I did
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy xxaxaxa ayaa
0 likesWhat was that at the end it was weird
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy eeyup
0 likeswow!
0 likesI SAW IT!
0 likesmy friend posted it on facebook. add her, musica angelina belle
0 likessee it
+Pinkyshy101 It's on the lower left-hand side of the screen....it only appears for a second....
0 likesHoly crap that scared me
0 likesOk it's beyond creepy and scary...I paused on it
0 likesthats scary..
0 likesI saw it too. Brrrrrrr!
1 like+Aqua Galaxy NOPE i swore it to #creepyerthenfnaf
0 likesits a Nicolas cage fluttershy brony notion worships him
0 likesits a Nicolas cage fluttershy brony notion worships him
1 likeYA
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy
0 likesi did
+Aqua Galaxy yup
0 likeswas that flutter shy a glitch
0 likesa werd pic of flutershy
0 likesi wonder if that was on perpus
1 likeYeah I saw it I think he diddent mean to put that there😕💩
1 likeI saw it too god it was creepy
0 likesyeah
0 likesme creepy
0 likesI seen it, it was disturbing.
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy i did
0 likes@The Brony Notion Okay we won't 😒😒😒😒😨😨😨😨😨😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy Me it was so creepy like "HI."
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy Me it was so creepy like "HI."
0 likesyeah
0 likesomg yes
0 likesi know
0 likesi see it.
0 likes@∞IɴғɪɴɪᴛᴇGʀᴀᴠɪᴛʏDᴀsʜ∞ I'm,not
0 likesYep
0 likesyas
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy It was a troll.
0 likesyeah
0 likeso did creepy
0 likesi know
0 likesi did
0 likesi did
0 likesu jewish?
0 likesAqua Galaxy yes
0 likesAqua Galaxy yes
0 likesYep
0 likesI'm concerned that I posted this three years ago and people are still commenting on it.
1 likeAqua Galaxy yep
0 likesAqua Galaxy it's two
0 likesAqua Galaxy me too
0 likesAqua Galaxy yes i did
1 likeAqua Galaxy she had the face of Nickolas cage
1 likeAqua Galaxy yes
1 likeAqua Galaxy I did...😶😬😐⚫️➖⚫️
0 likesAqua Galaxy I did and it was like a jumpscare to me
1 likeAqua Galaxy i did
0 likesMe! I tried pausing it after seeing it...it failed
0 likesAqua Galaxy me
0 likesThe Brony Notion why
0 likesits making me barf it has man face
0 likesAqua Galaxy yes
0 likesAqua Galaxy agahhaaya
0 likesI saw it and it gave me a heart attack XD
0 likesAqua Galaxy I did
0 likesok?
0 likesI had a man face
0 likesme
0 likesyes
0 likes;D
1 likei saw but i dident proply wy is he soo creepy
0 likescreepy (:
0 likesyep
0 likesit has a man's face!! what the heck!?!?
0 likesI did
0 likesLol 2:25
0 likesAqua Galaxy I did
0 likesYup 😬
0 likesIts a creepy Nicholasshy
0 likesAqua Galaxy I did
0 likesAqua Galaxy yes!
0 likesAqua Galaxy its nic cage
0 likesI saw it, too
0 likesOMG yes even thogh i had to scroll bach a few times
0 likesI did
0 likesYa
0 likesUmmm no...... but I can imagine it
0 likesHaha
0 likes2:26
0 likesIt's Nicolas Cage's face on Fluttershy (sorry if i didn't spell it right)
0 likesI saw it and paused the video to make sure I wasnt seeing things xD
0 likesLook i know it's been 4 years but, dont. Look.
0 likesIts fluttershy with Nickolas cage's face. I am scared for my life but if you dare. Go to the 25th second near the end and start pausing and unpausing
@Sawtooth Waves I will ask
0 likesI also saw it in the last video that I watched...
1 likeya but I thought it was funny
0 likes@Hannah C YOU COPIED MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes2:31
0 likesI thot that was just a glicth on my phone
0 likesAqua Galaxy me
1 like@Sawtooth Waves i'm gonna ask
0 likesya
0 likesAqua Galaxy ya I did to!
0 likesWow that creepy😓
0 likesAhh mommy
0 likesAqua Galaxy I saw it
0 likesYes
0 likesYa I saw it
0 likes2:26
0 likesI saw it
0 likesI did
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves why
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves 👋 ughcfhcfhddffgt7t7futf
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves why
0 likes2:26
0 likesI did
0 likesThis is interesting when incorporated with The Cutie Map. Starlight took away the other ponies' cutie marks, but she had to replace it with the equal sign so pegasi could remain flying, unicorns could use at least basic telekinesis and earth ponies... well, there's not much agriculture around the town to speak of...
1 likeOne of the many reasons I love My Little Pony? Loads of CONTINUITY. I am always so impressed to hear and see it from what is seen by some of the world as a "kid's show." This bit of continuity, the change of eye color and glow when magic is changed is really interesting. You'll notice the same thing in The Crystal Empire part 1 with Celestia and Sombra. It wasn't their iris that changed though, it was their eyeball color changing from white to green when they used the amazing dark magic. Wish you could see it when Twilight used dark magic but her eyes were closed.
1 likeMy headcanon was that all pony tribes posses some form of magic: Strength, endurance, and a greater connection to the earth (mostly aimed at letting them know where and when to plant and harvest crops) for Earth Ponies; Flight and weather manipulation for Pegasi; overt magic spell for Unicorns. This is intrinsic to my OC, Gearhead, who has ancestors with whose magic Discord messed rather severely. Gearhead himself possesses no Earth Pony magic of his own, but he does have a small portion of Pegasus and Unicorn magic, which after more than 3,000 years has come out right-side-out and untwisted. He does learn how to cast spells, but he requires an activation key, incantation, and substitute spell medium to do so. This increases his casting time, and therefore his vulnerability when compared to Unicorns.
1 likeCutie marks appear magically, so it stands to reason that if enough magic gets sapped, they will disappear. What interests me more is that Tirek is so thorough in his siphoning of magic that he takes everything, including the source of magic, so his victims would never regenerate any magical energy unless their magic was restored. But Tirek only adds their power as a pure number, not their skills -- and that's an especially good thing after he takes Discord's magic. Reality-warping Beatstick, anyone?
I think earth pony magic is in the hooves and pegasi magic is in the wings
32 likesReplies (2)
Hayward Feaster yeah earth ponies have more strength and shown in an episode which I forgot if they touch dead plants they come back to life
3 likes@CrystalMuffyn bro i was like 14 when i wrote this i-
1 likeArguably, Earth Ponies have magic as well (for example, Pinkie Pie wielding chaos magic) , but these abilities are brushed off by unicorn professors as tall tales. Chaos magic is very different from normal magic in MLP, as users (most notably Discord & Pinkie Pie) seem to defy physics, biology & gravity without the coloured sparkle from a unicorn’s horn or spellbook.
1 likeI think it's a bit simpler than that.
1 likeEach pony needs their magic to reach their destiny, or else they aren't able to do what their destiny requires them to do,
so if their magic is not there, that means their destiny can not be reached, which means their cutie mark would disappear because it is their destiny.
If magic and cutie marks are so related, I must wonder how this affects fillies and colts, those who haven't discovered their talent and earned their cutie mark yet (like the CMC). How much magic do they have, if any? Maybe it's weaker? As Sweetie Belle improves on her magic skills, does this mean she'll be the first to earn her cutie mark?
0 likesWhoa, I just thought of something when you brought up an excess of magic amplifying their destiny/talent, like Rarity's talent is finding gems so I guess her spell would have much farther range, then I thought about Fluttershy and maybe she could finally befriend those dumb animals at the gala that ignored her. Then I thought, what if Fluttershy could use "The Stare" on Discord? I mean that's part of Fluttershy's individual magic right? Just like how Pinkie has her Pinkie Sense, so could it work on Discord? 0c0'
1 likeI’ve also noticed, pretty much since I first started watching the show, that a unicorn’s eyes are the same colour as their magic.
0 likesAnother interesting thing to note, in s5 e 1 and 2, the ponies that have thier cutie marks equalised cannot perform the magic they could prior, which could mean that while all ponies can fly and do telekinesis, they need a mark to do specialized magic
0 likesI came up with something:
1 likeEveryone knows by now that since Tirek stole magic from not only unicorns, but also pegasi and earth ponies, all 3 types of ponies do have magic. Well something I thought of now, could actually add up to that!: Unicorns have magic that they use through their horns.
Pegasi have magic that they use through their wings, to fly with. (This describes why they couldn't fly when Tirek took their magic.)
And lastly, earth ponies have magic that they use through....their bodies?? I don't have a good enough reason to this, so I just thought that since they are earth ponies their magic is used through their bodies as a strength. Take Applejack as an example. She can knock down apples from a whole apple tree just with her own hooves. That means she probably has good strength. Do you like my theory about how magic works for all 3 types of ponies? Give it a like if you want! I'm not professional so don't expect much from me.😅 Also, if you have more to add or something that I made wrong here, write it below and MAYBE I'll correct it. PS: LOVE your vids BN!👍 Keep going on!😎🤘
From that episode and the cutie map episode I guess everyone has two kinds of magic that are attached to their bodies:
0 likes1) the destiny magic: in the case of ponies it's related to the cutie mark, which exists even before the cutie mark is revealed to the pony.
2) the creature magic: in the case of ponies it's pony magic, as in earth/pegasus/unicorn
I would say that the eye color is related to 2 , and that Tirek absorbed both, since Starlight's spell didn't affect the eye color, nor did Starswirl's unfinished spell... buuut the whole thing related to the keys made the mane six's eyes shine with a rainbow which would rather point at 1.
And I would say that the coat color would be affected by 1 but this is very contradicting:
Tirek didn't change the coat color, but Starlight did, but the unfinished spell from Starswirl didn't either (nor did it affect Applebloom when she was sick). We can be sure that the cutie mark's magic isn't directly linked to the pony magic because the equality village had flying pegasi and unicorns doing telekinesis. But the cutie mark's magic does affect the pony magic as in the talent to fly fast or to be particularly skilled to grow and harvest food, or to be able to master more spells.
I suppose, but I'm not sure, that non ponies could actually have some similar magic, maybe the two being intertwined, while their talents don't reveal visually, but maybe it's a kind of magic that is incompatible with Tirek? I mean, kirins can use telekinesis, griffons and hyppogriffs can fly and all creatures can get their own food so they probably have something equivalent.
Also note that the ponies Tirek attacked are exhausted, they can't even stand up, but Starlight's village wasn't.
About the end of season 4, I was wondering, it never showed Zecoras Magic being taken, and she's got a cutiemark. Maybe do a video once you'get had time to chew on that. I personally think that she got the same thing as Twilight, he didn't realize she was there.
0 likesWho saw the fluttershy picture close to the end ?
145 likesReplies (20)
i have so wierd
2 likesi have so wierd
0 likesMiranda Huerta me
0 likesMiranda Huerta me it's so creepy 😧🙀
0 likesMandy t3f me
0 likesmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
0 likesMandy I did
0 likesmemememe
0 likesWarmCat me
0 likesWarmCat meh
0 likesWarmCat Mabde she made the cry
0 likesIt goes too fast for me lol
1 likeYa thats weird
0 likesI did!
1 likeI’m ur 100th like
0 likesMe
0 likesMe
0 likesCan someone give a time stamp?
0 likes@Spring’coat 2:25. Play the slowest as possible
0 likes@Alegria Déesse Thankyou!
0 likesWhen you say possessing more magic, doesn't that mean that when Twilight possessed Celestia, Luna, and Cadence's magic, she should have had "more cutie marks". This is just a theory and I would really like it if you could do a video on this. Btw, I love your videos and you are awesome. @The Brony Notion
0 likesWhen I saw the season 4 last episode and I saw when Tirek took there magic away and the cutiemarks disappeard I was VERY confused I went back and played it again and again but I didn't figure why the cutiemark disappeared. Thanks to you again I found my answer. Thanks.
0 likesIf an excess of magic makes a cutiemark more prominent, how come when Twi gets Tia, Luna, and Cadences magic, her cutie mark and very image remains the same?
0 likesI'm actually starting to wonder if there might actually be any real canon fact to this. I mean it's fun overthinking this stuff and all but I'm starting to wonder if Hasbro's actually making this whole thing with magic and the cutie mark more complicated than it first appears.
0 likesI have a theory! All ponies in Equestria have magic. This is what give unicorns their ability to use spells, peagusi to fly(because their wings are way to small to lift them on they're own) and earth ponies their strength and their ability to connect more with natural. This magic is also what gives all ponies their Cutie Marks, so when a pony's magic is stolen, their Cutie Marks vanish as well.
0 likesMost things that take control of points are old or hard to get like when tricks wanted that necklace that pony seemed nervous
0 likesand she had to give all those pursuits to get her hoves on it.
And spike who almost fell on a big trap.
Now looking at magic I think we have three group
0 likesNormal, which is used by every pony.
Magical Items
Dark Magic
Normal Magic is seen all the time, it is powerful and can do a great amount of different things. This lets them teleport, use shield, and other such things.
Magical Items which are seen a great deal less tend to be powerful and can affect other ponies without a problem corrupting them in some way.
Dark Magic - which is what you mistake for Alicorn magic.
All these fall under Choas Magic, as they change the world in a way that it could not be changed by natural events.
Magical items I think are those made with Dark magic, as seen by the book Rarity gets and the Amulet that Trixie buys. As such each time they use it, it corrupts them a little bit more. Most likely made by the former King in an efferent to over throw Equestria. Now the reason the color is different is most likely the pony using them causes a sort of filter for the magic, meaning if the items where switched it is possible the magical color for the items would switch as well.
Now as for Dark magic. It is likely it is not really dark, but rather is pulls from the corrupted parts of the magical side. So if a pony were to use it for long periods of time they would fall pray to this fate. This is why Celestia and Twilight can use it without strong effects.
Now as to why Zacora says it needs to be a Alicorn to magic... I think Twilight mess read that meaning. I honestly think Twilight could have used her normal magic on the bottle and it could have worked, as the potion needed a large amount of magic rather than a small amount in order to work.
Now that brings use to the Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Heart.
It is likely they use the same magic, which is not any of the above and yet all of the above. What both of these items do is protect those around them, and undo the magic around them.
In short I believe the magic of friendship created by the three tribles years ago, caused the tree to grow and form which was why no one ever knew about it. The Crystal Ponies were able to build a magical item that had a similar effect when they learned the power of friendship possible not long after the kingdom of Equestria was made.
And well those are my thoughts
I think that the magical aura of a unicorn is a actually the life force of a pony's magic, and resides in all ponies. This would explain how that whenever Tirek stole magic from any kind of pony, a magical aura identical to a unicorns was pulled out of them. Not just unicorns.
0 likesOn the topic of magic how are unicorns able to perform spells? Do chant words of the spell inside their heads, put a lot of concentration into the spell, because in the episode,"Magical Mystery cure" Twilight said that the unfinished spell didn't even rhyme, so that really got me thinking how magic really works there, it could answer almost half of the questions we ask about the world of equestria
0 likesWell, we have already seen that all ponies posses magic, because in the pilot episode we see that the mane six includes 2 of each race of ponies and they have the MAGIC to posses the elements of harmony
0 likesCould Cadence's magic being returned to her have accidently caused flurry heart's alicorn form?
0 likesThe magic of friendship lives in all of them
1 likeWell, what about the other magical thingamagigs? You know, the pendants, the elements of harmony, the crystal heart, and all that crazy magical stuff? Plus, remember season 5's The Mane Attraction? Those ponies were listening to a sad, peaceful, relaxing, calming song played by Rara: the magic inside. Those unicorns and alicorns use magic to create light, because, 1: they don't have cell phones, and 2: the song was a sad, peaceful, relaxing, calming song. Lots of people make light when listening to songs like that.
0 likesWhen you say possessing more magic, doesn't that mean that when Twilight possessed Celestia, Luna, and Cadence's magic, she should have had "more cutie marks". This is just a theory and I would really like it if you could do a video on this. Btw, I love your videos and you are awesome.
0 likesI now have a reason to say that the magic of a unicorn is the same as the color of his/her magic. This theory doesn't express to ALL unicorns, take shining armor for example, shining armor's magic is the color of twilight's but his eyes aren't purple, i also have the theory of unicorns from the same kin have the same color of magic. If you agree or disagree please reply.
0 likeswhat was fluttershy doing in the corner of the video
151 likesReplies (14)
It was Nicholas Cage fluttershy
11 likesI thought it was troll fluttershy
7 likesWhat?
0 likesyes
0 likesI think It was a glitch
0 likes+Daisy Clarke yeah😟!!?
0 likes+Sinem Saglam she had big eyebrows
1 likespying us
0 likesFluttershy is watching you...
2 likesThose eyes are creepy...
Persons keep seeing this
0 likesYou dont need to know
0 likesI saw it but I did not see face was it creep?
0 likes@ALYA_KASIM01 when it's 2:25
0 likesI’ve seen an image flash just for a split second before! He was talking about Luna I think, and it was literally a number four! Why 4?
0 likesI everypony has magic, no doubt about it. But the reason unicorns can use spells and levitate materials is because not because the horn stores magic, but it centers it, allowing for said spells and levitation. The magic itself is stored throughout the entire body of the pony. I think this allows the actual formation of the cutie mark. That's my opinion.
0 likesI think the cutie Mark is a magical manifestation of a pony's talents and destiny. So when a pony is drained of their magic the mark fades. When Twilight accidentally swapped her friends' cutie marks it didn't actually change their talents merely the destinies that were supposed to go with it, hence everypony being really bad at their new jobs. They just flat out didn't have the talents to go with their destiny.
0 likesThe relationship between cutie marks, destiny, and a pony's talents and personality makes Starlight Glimmer's spell all that more insidious. It does not merely remove a cutie mark but also a pony's talents, related personality traits, and judging by the shift into grey tones, a good portion of their magic. What it does not remove it suppresses with the new cutie mark.
Sorry I think I may have gotten a bit off topic and started to ramble.
Hasbro could do anything with the show and this guy can explain it
0 likesMagic does require the cutie mark as the magic represents the magic the ponies have, like fluttershy having kindness since she can talk to animals and stuff. The magic of friendship does not effect with the cutie mark as they come from within the ponies friendship themselves
0 likesI thought of this just now: twilight is the spirit of friendship! Celestia sensed it in season 1! What do you think?
11 likesReplies (3)
Yes! That's why she became the princess of friendship!
1 like@The Brony Notion twilight is the princess of magic and friendship and shining armor is the prince of protection of princess and magic altogether which gives him a big part in the future
1 likeTry making an update on this theory notion using season 5 evidence
0 likesI just wanna say that since their eyes pale and when they're at magic is gone and for the unicorn and Alicorn the eye color is like the color of the magic coming from the horn, so for the non-unicorns/Alicorns,the color of their eyes would be the color of their magic if they were unicorns this is all just my opinion I still love your videos
0 likesI want to see the parent ponies who try to hide their foal's cutie mark or force her to cover it up because they are embarrassed by it because it's unconventional.
1 likeI don't think they lose the magic, they just forget they had it so tyreck can easily steal it without them noticing until it's to late
0 likesWell, Tbh. I did remember something when Twilight was turned into a alicorn. her eyes went fully white, And when discord took over equestria with chaos, zecora gave twilight a potion to see the past. And when she did, her eyes also went fully white. what do u think? Or is it just a connivance?
0 likesWow some pony actually noticed the magic eye color thing I am so proud;-) ✌
9 likesI have a question: "What would happen if two ponies had the same cutiemark?" I remember seeing a pony in an episode with the same cutiemark as Rainbow Dash. It could've been an animation flump, but that sight made my mind reeling.
1 likeReplies (1)
it doesn't make a big stretch to think two ponies could have a similar talent... not for very important ponies like princesses, heroes, elements of harmony... but after all how many pegasi want to be a wonderbolt? How many ponies want to open a bakery? etc.
0 likesrandom thought, if celestia, luna, and cadence gave their magic to twilight why would she have extra cutie marks already? just a thought also I found it interesting that pegusi can't fly after their magic is stolen but they still have their wings so they need not just their wings but magic to fly as well? just a thought
0 likesThe cutie mark itself is a magical effect, there's no other way it could just appear out of nowhere in response to personal realisation. It disappears when magic is taken because it needs magic to exist. This is the only magic Earth Ponies have, and the only thing Tirek would go after them for. As for Pegasi, it has been noted that their wings are in no way big enough to carry their weight, butterflies can't have been strong enough to carry Fluttershy and Dash should not have launched from her sea-saw thing higher than the platform AJ jumped from. All would make more sense if the Pegasi weighed next to nothing, although there are times when they clearly do have weight. (Derpy sitting through a deck, for example.) It is my belief that Pegasi have an inherent magical effect that significantly reduces gravity's effect on them when they want to be flying. This is why they fell to the ground when Tirek took their magic, their wings were no longer capable of supporting their weight. This creates a hierarchy of who has the most magic- Allicorn>Unicorn>Pegasus>Earth Pony, which fits Tirek's feeding pattern.
1 likemaybe all ponies have magic that came from different parts. earth ponies have magic but it only comes from their bodies. pegasi have magic in their bodies and wings so it is strong enough to get them off the ground and let them walk on clouds. unicorns have magic in their bodies and horns which let them do spells. alicorns like twilight have a small amount of magic from their bodies but also the horn AND wings which make it stronger. alicorns like celestia have strong magic from their bodies wings AND horn so it is strong enough to move the sun (I think this would explain why alicorn wings are different from pegasus ones). Trixi possessed the alicorn amulet which enhanced her power but because it didn't go to her wings so it made her unicorn magic too much to handle.
0 likesWhat episode was the "Rarity got posseded to their road thingy"
6 likesReplies (4)
Inspiration managefstation
0 likes+CllifforStories watch the video called sikie breaks the spell mlp fim
0 likesit was inspiration manifestation (or something like that)
0 likesIris Huisman you are correct
0 likesI think magic runs through their whole body, making bright colors. you can say this is right cause season 5 showed me that 😇
0 likesI think that the horn is simply a way to focus or vent magic like a wand in Harry potter
0 likesIf my OC met you, she'd be in love. (Not like that. She'd just really like you as a per....pony. pony.)
4 likesWhat happens if a blank flank, such as one of the CMC members, gets their magic stolen?
0 likesFirst and another great video!
0 likesCould you do the theory on Twilight is more then it is.
She did play huge roll in defeating a spirit of chaos and all bad things
She is magic yet Magic isn't in our world so therfor not an element exactly
Whatever else there is.
lets just be glad that the book possessed Rarity instead of someone evil. She just wanted to make ponyville a beautiful and happier place, and look at the damage caused.
0 likesActually, the thing being taken from pegasi was their flight and earth ponies their strength, not their magic.
12 likesReplies (25)
Actually the point was to show that flight and strength were Due to thier race's specific magic which is what was actually taken from them,this also explains why Scootaloo can hover but not fly,she has a deficiency.
8 likesortoput it les scientifically,she has less magic than other pegasi which is why she can't do anymore than hover when pegasi like Bulk Biceps can fly with such small wings in proportion to their body
@jeweltara Yes but it i described as flight and strength in the show and it doesn't really make sense to use magic as the term to describe it. I totally understand the concept of flight/strength= magic and whatever but i would prefer they be referred to as flight and strength.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
3 likes...So basically your whole argument boils down to the name things are given?,in that case you may want to state ahead of time it's a preference issue,
after all some people may not be as willing to calmly discuss stuff as I am.
@jeweltara And also i just wanted to make sure people pay attention to the episode that they are referring to. And to me at least saying earth ponies and pegasi are having magic stolen from them doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Unicorns and alicorns are the only ones with real magic.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
2 likesagain that is merely opinion based,while i get where you are coming from the fact is the magic in the other races is no less real it's simply passive.
example of pegasi magic other than flight isthat they can walk on clouds
afeet of magic with earth ponies is thier bond with the plants they grow.
you can see a staged example oft that in the hearths warming episode.
...it's debates like this that make it hard to avoid the brony label just cause i like the show ><
@jeweltara Earth ponies do not bond with the plants as they grow i don't know what your talking about. And i forgot pegasi can walk on clouds but that might just be their bodies. Since they have to fly they must be the lightest ponies and they might just have the proper body weight to walk on clouds but all the other ponies are just a tiny bit to heavy.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys actually the thing i mentioned was that thier bond with nature helps them grow better crops than other races,again if it isn't outright stated on the show it;s atleast eluded to.
1 likeAs for your theory on weight that can be disproved by two pegasi.
Derpy and Bulk Biceps. No lightwight is going to break a wooden floor just by plopping down,and all of Bulk's muscle cleary makes him heavy, yet ((with varying degrees of difficulty for plot comvenice)) he is able to fly evenwith incredably tiny wings on a massive body
I have enjoyed having a sivil debate with you,but unless you have proof within show context that the race's special abilities are not infact due to their own special type of magic and it isn't all just about what to call something i think we're both gona start getting flamed for dragging this out before long.
Now if you had said unicorns and Alocorns are the only ones that have real control of thier magic,there would be no need for this debate at all cause that would have been accurate within show context.
@jeweltara Well have you ever thought of how old the town hall is? If you sat hard enough on it it probably could break and that's what happened. The town hall was there since pretty much the begging of ponyville. Bulk Biceps well i think he's mostly there to add a bit of comedy with his tiny wings and giant body.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
1 likeI'll give you that age could be a factor,yet if that were the case i doubt it would have been able to support the large trophy Applejack was given in a later episode which is most likely far heavier than Derpy.
and yeah Bulk is there for comic releif but that's the thing about taking ((parden this pun)) a one trick pony and giving him a personality beyond "the big guy who shouts alot"
suddenly alot of things that we wouldn't have thought of or questioned ,matter.
@jeweltara Well the thing is is that also the bottom layer of the town hall was most likely repaired at some point because its the most used part. It doesn't appear that any ponies but pegasi can get up to the higher levels well unicorns could to if they used a teliportation spell but why would they want to anyway.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys
1 likemhm,now that makes since within show context,and is something there's no real point in debating,I think you're starting to get the hang of this!
@jeweltara Well i'm usually a more opinion based person. And then if it comes to a point where I cant really put my opinion in to much I actually use factual evidence. As shown by this debate.
0 likes@Princess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys right
1 likeso far you've managed to prove town hall probably got it;s floor repaored and the higher floors were probably meant mostly for pegasi,
not what you were originally going for but if you're anything like the pony on your icon my guess is you plan to keep trying till one of us gives up.
In which case I look forward to seeing what you come up with,ifyou still feel like going at it..
Catch ya in afew hours, need some sleep.
That's what I remember being said. I'm glad I'm not the only one to remember. But I feel there is something else that causes a connection of cutie marks and their ponys, not just magic
1 likeThat's the same thing
0 likesindeed it is Katie glad someone quickly picked up on that.
0 likesMagic gives ponies their cutie marks so everypony has a small bit of magic in them. Unicorns have more magic than pegisi and earthponys. Alicorns have the most magic because they are a mix of the three other kinds of ponies. That's what gives the Celestia and Luna their flowing manes and tails. Cadence and Twilight weren't born alicorns, but had the destiny of becoming princesses. Luna and tia were born princesses so they have more strenth than their neices.
0 likes@derpy hooves Twilight isn't Celestia and Luna's niece, She is Tia's student
0 likesCadence is tia's niece and cadence and twi's sis in law so she is her niece.
0 likes@derpy hooves More like a niece in law then, but sorry i'm not good with extended family
0 likesIt's ok!
0 likesIf that was true they should of kept their cutie marks
2 likesPrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Ahem Rainbow but it was their magic too! If you think flight is a type of magic strength like that is a type of magic so sorry to burst your cloud Rainbow but your statement is......INCORRECT!
1 likePrincess Rainbow Dash Ruler of the skys Yes FACT I am her student and successor 😊 plus I must add if you think about it I would be the most powerful pony in equestria cos of Rainbow power, element power alicorn magic alicorn strength and alicorn flight also pegasus flight earth pony strength and unicorn magic also my own magic!
1 likeYah...But those are their types of magic....
0 likesI'm sure this has been stated by someone else, but I'm too lazy to go searching through comments. Magic in Equestria is quite similar to the Force in Star Wars. Think about it (though I think you do compare it to the Force in one of your videos), magic has it's normal, or "Light", side and and a Dark side (Dark Magic), just like the Force. Now what do we know of the Force that relates to Earth Ponies and pegasi having magic? That the Force binds all things and comes from living cells in the body called Midichlorians. What does Equestrian Magic do? It resides in ALL ponies and basically binds Equestria together (all types of ponies require magic to perform their tasks). So what if Magic, like the Force, comes from something in the Ponies similar to midichlorians? What if unicorns are able to perform Magic (unlike pegasi and earth ponies who simply have it to aid their other strengths of flying and tending the earth) due to their higher count of "midichlorians'? Perhaps unicorns (and Alicorns) are like the Jedi, while pegasi and earth ponies are like the life forms in Star Wars like the Felucians (I think those are the ones I'm thinking of) who use the Force on a simple or basic level. Maybe the other races of Equestria who don't have magic are the life forms who can't use the Force.
0 likesBut one thing I remember from the season ending was I believe she said was " He stole magic from unicorns, flight from Pegasus and strength from earth ponys" no not directly saying all pony's have magic
0 likesLuna and stygian's eyes changed when they were overtaken by shadow ponies and became more powerful
0 likesI'd think a unicorn's horn is in a way like a wond and it just enable a pony to conjure or use magic, so all pony can have magic
0 likesthat audio quality is terrible
3 likesReplies (8)
Oh yes it is. I used my lap top recorder until a couple of videos later. I waited to long to buy a microphone.
5 likesLol
0 likes@The Brony Notion Great grammar, it's 'I waited too long to buy a microphone.' Sorry, I'm kind of a grammar nazi.
0 likestel that too my 203 subc rivers
0 likes@Tomversal ok but i dont know them
0 likes@lolcatz57 I was talking to @*****
0 likestell me about it
0 likeswhen i first whatched it
and then i paused it
0 likesthe quality Is terrible i agree
I'd think a unicorn's horn is in a way like a wond and it just enable a pony to conjure or use magic, so all pony can have magic
0 likesSo instead of blood...they have magic running through their veins. If they were born with wings, they can use it to fly. If they were born with a horn, they can use it to do cool stuff. If they were born without either, they can be body builders and be super strong. Done.
0 likesThe tree of Harmony did have all that magic so maybe all that magic inside the tree of Harmony was transferred into them making the Elements of Harmony stronger and then putting the magic inside the spirits of The Elements of Harmony which is the main six
0 likesI believe there are three different types of magic but it verys how strong it is depending on some pony. Like normal magic is shown in all three races but unicorns have better control over this magic and is shown as an "aura " when in use. But the other races , earth pony and Pegasus, naturally use this or have a semi-control or this normal magic. The second type is alicorn magic I believe that Celestia and Luna's magic is stronger then Twilight's and Candence's magic because they where naturally born as alicorns but cadence and twilight are stronger than normal ponies because they have wings and horns same with celestia and Luna but they have earth pony strength too their by make ing them stronger . The third one is dark magic which any pony can poses throw and object like rarity's book and the alicorn amulet or can possibly be learned maybe sombera , celestia , and twilight . This dark magic might be stronger for one pony like how I said before with alicorns and unicorns and possibly other ponies and how Lang you have been exposed to dark magic as well.
0 likesI personally think magic/pegusi/earthponystrennght is ability to fulfill ones destiny so if a unicorn who cant use magic has magic for thier element would the cutie mark be useless and change or go away in the episode magic mystery cure perhaps destiny is just their use and their former cutie mark was replaced by one that suited them so basiclly the ability to fulfull is increased w/ the magic/flight/strenght to multiply the cute marks
0 likesIn unicorns there magic is manifestated in there horns allowing the conscious manipulation of magic itself. In Pegasus it is in there wings allowing them to fly on the magic plane in adition to air (how else could they fly, I doubt there bones are hollow.) In earth ponys there magic is in there muscles and hooves giving them increased stragnth and fertile crops as the plants are infused with trace amounts of magic when planted by an earth pony.
0 likesI thought tirek was stealing more then just magic but the natural abilities and on head canon a small piece of their soul
0 likesI noticed the eye color being the same as the magic color way before seeing this but like he said it's not as consistent.
0 likesI thought magic was in their cutie marks and that allowed unicorns/alicorns use magic along with pegasi for flying, earth ponies are a bit harder to say because neither have horns or wings so then how do they have magic ( even though it's limited )??
0 likesSo here is actually my take that connects everything-(( p.s I was going to post this on your first video but I saw this one and watched it and I decided it would be better to be placed here. ))) I believe that Twilight is actually a reincarnation of a unicorn all the way back back from even before Luna and Celestia- before there were Alicorns . This pony held a very similar talent to Twilights. But unlike Twilight whose talent is magic, this pony's talent was concentrated on one specific but power type of magic that has no doubt been lost to time. This pony's talent would be circling around Magic infusion. Around that time long long LONG ago something happened whether as part of a villains plan or a freak occurrence of nature that caused magic to slowly dissipate in the land that is now known as Equestria. This unicorn used her talent/magic to bring back the magic to the land but the effort drained all of the pony's magic in the end killing them. As she had basically infused with the land though- In her place grew a tree bearing her cutie mark- ( Notice how the tree's trunk has only the big star not the five small ones) And this tree served as a protector of the land ( Ex; holding back the Everfree Forest) but as time went by after the princesses had taken the jewels that represented the traits of this unicorn who had given his/her life as well as the jewel representing the unicorns destiny- slowly the tree's strength faded with these key parts gone. ( Also note how the tree took Celestia and Luna to get it's elements back indicating it is an intelligent being. This is important for the next part! ) Around the time Twilight was born the tree realized that it was soon reaching it's end and it must act now as it's protective charm that had allowed everything to end up okay( Ex; how they never really loose) over the centuries was breaking! Knowing this, the many foes Equestria had faced and conquered would in turn come out because this charm was broken, so it decided to bring in Twilight as it's representative and almost a reincarnation of the unicorn/tree. After all- The tree's jewels holding its power were taken and Equestria must be saved ( This explains why suddenly ALL the villains just appear when Twilight is there! ) . But why a pony instead of another tree? The 'element of magic' needed a much more permanent home that which it could not be separated from as easily- ( The magic element would naturally draw the other five to it thus taking care of all the other elements but also allows them to change holders as those can change because they will come back to the element of magic ) A pony was the perfect choice for this as a pony's fate was determined by their cutie mark - And Twilights cutie mark- which was affected by the tree- means that basically the tree shaped her fate from the very beginning- also since no other species besides ponies have cutie marks this makes me thing that their destinies are just up for grabs- that ability to control fate through a cutie mark would in turn allows the tree to make sure that it's plan basically goes through. Also note that it appears that only Alicorns are immortal ( phoenixes don't count and well .. for dragons its unknown if they are immortal or just live for a realllyyy long time ) on top of that Alicorn note only a pony can be one- whether through birth or transformation. This too was part of the tree's plan to provide it a permanent home connecting back to what I said earlier about the tree basically deciding Twilight's fate. All of this- insured that the tree's original cause for even blooming was fulfilled even after it was gone.
2 likesReplies (3)
sorry for how long that is- >.>
0 likeswhoops
my hand just kept slipping across the keyboard. /loves head canons and regrets nothing/
0 likes=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O I dont know what to say!that is just 😱 !
0 likesI think the magic is located in the most magical part of that pony
0 likesearthpony=hooves
I think that the magic is kept in the eye because of the spark in twighlights eyes in two episodes in MLP
0 likesYour theories are really good. :3
0 likesYo, The Brony Notion, I have to ask, what's your opinion on ponies' names? Like about how they connect to the ponies etc. I've realized that most ponies' names fit them perfectly, ex. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Apple Jack, etc. And other ponies' names somewhat connect, but not fully. Ex. Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, etc. But there is one ponies' name that has had me thinking long and hard about it. Princess Cadance. Like, that's a COMPLETELY human name, and it doesn't connect whatsoever to her talent, bestowing love upon people. Thoughts, anyone?
0 likesIf they have magic within their cutie mark it would help them on there struggles like when Teaneck (can't spell) they wouldn't be able to fly so could it mean the cutie mark is the source for the pony to be strong?
0 likesdid you see how the mane six's manes were flowing like the manes of Luna and Celestia when all that MAGIC was given to them. please do an analysis on this in a video
0 likesI think the CM didn't actually dissapear completely. It just becomes so vague that it's no longer visible.
0 likesall i've got to say:
2 likes-Adagio: Its equestrian maaagic!!!!!
so all ponies have magic but some ponies are able to tap into it by focusing it to a certain spot on their body aka horn, legs and wings
0 likesFor me Magic is simply a force of life. the thing that connects us to each other and everything else. MLP shows this with the evil dude taking magic from not only unicorns but earth ponies and pegasi... Although I feel as if magic also flows threw things like plants (like: poison joke or whatever it's called.) and stones (thus Rarity, and dragons, being able to find them) and so on...... @The Brony Notion
0 likesWait, has anyone noticed that the magical position thing like blue-pink colored magic? Rarity, Cadence and Luna all have blue magic, and Tricksy and Twilight both have pink purple. But notice that when when anyone is ever trying to take over Equestria, the normally go after Celestia first, and someone else after, and Celestia has GOLD magic. No one we have seen so far in the series has GOLD magic, but that's all I got.
0 likesThis makes sense because in equestria girls I noticed that they(the people) didn't have cutie marks, they also don't have magic
0 likesI love this and I have one thing to add I think cuti marks are tecnichly magic so that's why when the magic was stolen it took it with it wait wouldn't that mean that terec has all the ponys destinys
0 likesQuote from Artemis Fowl that may apply here “magic is in the mind”
0 likesDid you know that Rarity had light pink magic but now blue.
0 likesTwilight had light pink magic but now dark pink.
So maybe Cutie marks carry a little extra magic and flows it's pony. After all, sparkles appear every time a Cutie Mark appears. Pegasus are also magical creatures so they fly. The princesses are a licorns so they could carry twice the magic.
0 likesearth magic is magic strength like celestia said and the magic of flight and properties needed for pegasie magic so thats how 🙅 horned ponys also have magic and unoco
0 likesI would be rather amazed if you read my comment due to the fact of time but if so how would you explain the scene where Tyrec stole Discord's magic???
0 likesOr maybe just like humans magic is a soul for pony so as their magic got absorbed they started to faint and looked like everything that kept them alive was took away from them but in the season where chrysalis tirek and cozy glow are turned into stone twilight says : others that can continue our mission EVEN AFTER WE ARE GONE that confirm that even ponies dis appear
0 likesThe talents the ponies have are magic
0 likesabout the beginning, so, the ponies magic is inside of them just like how the cutie mark on the mane six have mini cutie marks on them, for example: Princess luna would have moons around her. just like how they have magic in them, it can be stolen and replaced with evil.
0 likesBut celestial said that at one point tirek was able to steal FLIGHT from pegasi and STRENGTH from earth ponies, perhaps the flight ability gives the pegasi its cutiemark same goes with the earth ponies and their strength, also with unicorns and, what else? Magic
0 likesI feel like the only reason they made the rainbow power was to sell toys
2 likesalso the color of the pony 's magic usually is t h e same color of their eye. like Sweetiebelle, rarity, and luna
0 likesThat fluttershy at the end of the vid 😂😂😂
1 likeI thought their magic (unicorn/alicorn magic) is based ONLY on their cutie marks. I mean, if it was their eyes, it would be different. Princess Celestia would have pink magic, Princess Cadence would have purple magic, and many more ponies would have different magic. Oh well. BRO HOOF.
0 likesThe fact that earth ponies have magic isn't surprising unless some people thought earth ponies other than the earth ponies in the Mane 6
0 likesI say your right. “ For one to be different, they must have there mark, with no mark to be, they are lost.” How’s that?
0 likesits more like when you get this magic and you discover your destiny that magic slowly increases as you practice your special talent so it's more like steeling talent than destiny , that the way I see it .
0 likeswait! why is it that any pony that Twilight helps changes with magic (sunset and Trixie) when they are first evil before twilight changing them, had on black cloaks? it doesn't make sense. and while wearing the cloak try to kill Twilight. Are black cloaks out for twilight? she does take the position of princess of magic. the other two ponies who's talent is magic goes after her. same with the pony in the first episode of season 5. they all go after twilight.
0 likesWait, this concept relates to boast busters.
0 likesTwilight Sparkle: Unicorn magic only matches to their special talent. (cutie mark)
I dont know if that is 100% true but its something like that and it might of been Rarity
I think the syrens are the ones who wrote the book that rarity read.
0 likes1.rarity and the humans in rainbow rocks who were under the sirens
spell at one point had green eyes
earth pony is magical strength and pagasie magic is the magic of flight and therefore the properties needed for flight unicorn and alicorn magic is minipulating things and everything other than what i have already mentioned
0 likesi think, that since starlight glimmer stole the ponies cutie marks, the magic the pony holds within fades away.
0 likesactually... this kinda backs up my theory on my season three canterlot wedding cutie mark theory. the first clue i had that cadance was evil was her magic color. i actually went back some then noticed that all ( al least most ) have their magic the color of their cutie mark. for ezample : rarity always uses blue magic and her cutie mark is blue. twilight's is pink, so on so on. I figured it out because of the theory. i actually went back a few episodes before finishing part 1. and i noticed this very fact... can someone tell me why this is? why is it not like always orange?
0 likesReplies (1)
and YES this was my first time watching it.
0 likesTake The Cutie Mark Crusaders, before they get their cutie marks they still have magic. I think that the cutie marks are invisible until they discover their talent. When they discover it, the cutie mark becomes visible. When the magic is stolen, it takes the entire cutie mark. That's what I think.
0 likesThe reason they lose there cutie mark is because magic is what helped them get there cutie mark so destiny is the magic of a cutie mark
0 likesIn season 5 episode 1 the mane six cutie marks vibrate and kind of the picture goes out and in on their bodies.
0 likesThe form of discord magic was so magnificent
2 likesReplies (2)
Oh yes! I loved that extra touch. /)
0 likesThe Brony Notion, I was wandering if you could do a whole video of princess luna and celestias past, including discord. I have my own theory of why luna minimized in size and why her flowing mane disappeared and turned in to regular mane. If u want to hear my theory about that just ask k? Just MANE-ly asking lol (pony pun)
2 likesSweetie Belle used her on in season 4 and it was green like her eyes but that might be her color of her cutie mark
0 likesOmg guys in season 5 did you notice how starlight glimmers cutie mark looked like 2 ribbons going into a cutie mark well maybe the first is starlight pulling out the magic and sending in her own magic to replace it scence it is her mane color too it means that she probably is the only pony to be able to do such a thing... or maybe not... nut any way did yah see how her cutie mark had twilight's mark on it meaning she has magic to surpass magic
0 likesim glad somepony made the connection between the alicorn amulet and the stone magic book
0 likesReplies (1)
now that i think about it sombra may have got his corruption from his crown
0 likesAnd the colour/magic of cadence when Chrysalis was impersonating Cadence
0 likesI think shining armor's magic is purple because Twilight's magic is purple and she is his sister but rarity's magic is blue and sweetie bell's magic is green because her eyes are green and rarity's eyes are blue and Twilight's eyes are purple.
0 likesI'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the correlation between magic and eye color
0 likesThere should be a wolf in mlp not a timber wolf though it should be friendly and made out of that wolf constilation in the sky
0 likesYou actually forgot one thing in i think season 4 a pony (i forgot ber name) used a thing to take out ponys cutie marks and put them in a magic thing
0 likesReplies (1)
Starlight Glimmer, she used her normal magic to do that and they didn't lose their magic, they could still levitate things, just their cutie mark and talent
0 likesIt makes so much sense now although ive thought about those things before
0 likeswhat about how the princesses gave there magic to twilight and twilight done all this new powerful stuff? explain please
0 likesOh ya one more thing people have come up with a theory that what ever color the glow is that is the same color of the cutie mark for example rarity has blue diamonds for a cutie mark notice how the magic glow around her horn is the same shade of blue as the cutie mark and same with twilight and science you see a green glow around sweetie belle's horn this might mean that she will have a green cutie mark there are some ponies who break this theory like Trixie with her blue moon cutie mark and the pink magic glow but even the color match is with celestial the yellow sun and the yellow magic glow and twilight with the pinkish purple cutie mark and the same shade of color the magic glow is so this might be a way to find out what sweetie belle's cutie mark is going to be
0 likesIf the magic aura from the horn is the same as eye colour, why does shining armour have pink magic and cadence has blue?
0 likesIs it just me or does "magic prezides in all" sound like something an mlp version of obi wab canobi would say
0 likesanother think about the eyes...
0 likesthey already had the color of the magic
Twilight: purple eyes and purple magic
Rarity: blue eyes and blue magic
the eye color of the unicorn coincides with the color of the magic aura but, that could be errored then changed. eye color plays a huge role with magic auras
1 likeReplies (5)
I've recently noticed some ponies that actually don't have matching eyes and auras... Sweetie Belle is one of them.
0 likesSweetie does have matching eye and aura colors
0 likes@The Brony Notion Sweetie has matching eye and magic colour but I think this is because she doesn't have her cutie mark yet. Almost all other unicorns and alicorns have magical glow colours based on the colours of their cutie marks. The exceptions include Sunset Shimmer and Luna, whose C.M. colours are too similar to their mane and coat colours to stand out enough, and Sweetie Belle, who maybe the fact she learned magic before getting a cutie mark had something to do with it. Of course, Twilight's magic was the colour of her cutie mark even before she got it, but this might be because of the fuchsia highlight already in her design pallette.
0 likes@TJ Young And starlight glimmer
0 likes@TJ Young I think it is the cutie mark color. Theory time. Her cutie mark will be green.
0 likesMaybe how much magic determines the colour of their magic
0 likesTwilight did say in the first trixie episode spike had said dont ponies just have enough magic to match their cutie mark
0 likes+thebronynotion on a unicorn or an Alicorn there eye colour or there colour of their cutie mark is there colour of their magic e.g twilight's eye colour is purple and here magic is purple not sure if you noticed but in season 1 twilight and rarity's magic is both pink I would love if you would do a video on that thanks
0 likesdo an episode explaning a thory about the magical comic book in "power ponies"
0 likesDo ponies without horns or wings (or both) have magic?
0 likesdid you mean to place that troll fluttershy (I think that was fluttershy) at the end as you signed out? also I have read some where, not sure where, but all three races have magic just unicorns magic are external based-spells, pegisi are a mix of external and internal-how else could their small wing allow them to fly as most flying creatures wings are about the size of themselves and land on or move clouds while earth ponies and unicorns can't? Lastly earth ponies magic are mostly internal based-stronger faster(on land) and how else could they buck apples out of the trees perfectly into the baskets?
1 likeWell if Tirek stole discords magic then does that mean discord has magic too?
0 likesCan Tirek get magic from Changelings?
0 likesdo you realize that the hairstyles of the main 6 are also part of the movie equestrian girls rainbow rocks.
0 likesWhat about when twilight took the magic from celestia Luna and cadence? Is it different when magic is stolen or given?
0 likesAnd all so in a book I made when her cutie mark came she was empowered by magic
0 likesDo you think when tirek stole magic from the earth ponies it also affected diamond tiara and her cutie mark disappeared
0 likesAlso notice that their Eye color is always the SAME color as there Magic Aura
0 likesbut at the end of the episode twilight and her friend changed for some time.
0 likesthe hair move.... her cutie murks show on her legs... soo..... what does it means?
only problem with the eye and magic thing is one pony.....Shining Armor his magic color is lavender but his eye color is blue
0 likeswhat if the book and the amulet is an element of harmony spread across eqestria
0 likesBecause cutie marks represent The town that means the magic disappear when you lose your talent
0 likesIf Magic=Destiny Than Destiny=Magic soooo... that explains my earth pony and Pegasus had there marks removed, let me explain in the simple Yak language.. Magic from unicorn taken and destiny too. Destiny from Pegasus taken and flight is Pegasus destiny. Destiny from earth pony taken and so is stength. That sums it up pretty well right.... if you didn't get it then... Cutie Marks=Destiny=Magic. If you have no Mark then you have no Destiny then magic doesn't want you anymore and so you have no magic..... EXCEPT THE MOST POWERFUL MAGOC OF ALL THE MAGIC OF 🌈🌈FRIENDSHIP🌈🌈🌈✨
1 likeWait,does that mean people can steal destinies?
0 likesif he can still magic what else could that lead us?
0 likeshm
Magic can also be the color of someone's cutie mark
0 likeswhen or what episode is the one with rarity being evil and all that? i havent watched it and i wanna
0 likesi don't know that Kharasa but maybe its because they are alicorns and they (celestia, luna and cadance) were giving their magic away to benefit others. do you see where i am going?
0 likesDid my eyes decieve me, or did Fluttershy flash across the bottom of the screen near the end of the video, so fast that if you blinked you would miss it?
0 likesReplies (2)
I saw it to.
0 likesI saw it also!!!
0 likesU can also steal cutie marks and the magic disappear like what starlight glimmer did
0 likesCan the magic from the human mlp dresses fade when their magic is taken by twilight sparkle in the human wold?
0 likesit's a good show
0 likesAfter many raid attempts I paused it and just the right moment to where the face appears
0 likesCould you do a video or the book that rareaty got possessed by pls. thx u! Like more I think there could be more to the book
0 likesI saw that magic/power is from cutie marks too. XD
0 likesThe fluttershy at the end is Nicholas Cage lol
0 likeswhen the princess' gave their magic to twilight their cutie marks disappeared that means twilight has their magic so shouden't twilight have four cutie marks because in one of the scenes twilight makes the sun rise therefore she has their destiny
0 likesIn the fight with Sombera OMG it sounds like shadow in spanish you should make a video of spanish sounding pony names Candace got more strenght*sorry if I spell wrong* by the Crystal Heart which looks like the heart on her cutie mark.
0 likesOne word: Flutterbat. Her cutie mark was changed, and I'm too lazy to figure this out, so... yeah...
1 likepegesus has speed in there wings an earth ponys has strength in there legs
0 likesYou know season 4 finally? Tearek stoll the magic from earth ponies pegasus and unicorns.? Well we know pegasus have it to fly and stand on clouds. Unicorns have it for the over kill horns. So why did Tearwreck take it from earth ponies...? Do they have it to become stronger. Or For Cutie marks. Plus The Cutie Mark Crusaders Don't have cutie marks so if apple bloom had her magic taken. So how did Tearwreck take any.Plus Unicorns have magic so why can't they stand on clouds? All for next time. 2017 19 November
0 likesThen yet again when twilight turned to alicorn she was unicorn before so then pegasi as well as earth ponies ruin on magic that's my theory
0 likes1:35 makes sense because when tirek stole a ponies magic their eyes turn white
0 likesappears in season 5 too
0 likeslook up season 5 that goes perfect with your theory.
0 likesI think he's going bananas for MLP
0 likesTHIS got me thinking: maybe earth ponies and Pegasi have magic night. They can't use it?
0 likesHold the phone... That evil G1 king that Celestia and Luna stole from. He took magic from... Dun dun DUN!!!!! Derpy!
0 likesLots of unicorn magic is the same colour as their eyes:
0 likesTwilight
Sunset shimmer
Sweetie belle
But others are (and/or) the colour of there cutie marks:
Shining armour
Replies (2)
0 likesIt's etc not ect
0 likesAn I the only one who saw Fluttershy?
I'm scared
Why was Nicholashy at 2:26 and who decided that giving birth to that monstrosity was a good idea?!
0 likesHave you seen nightmare Rarity before?Its the most AMAZING Thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesHow MANY times did he say magic?!
0 likesWhat episode was it where they got cutie marks by their hooves?
0 likesSweetie belles eye color is the same color for her magic same for any pony
0 likesOmg I saw derpy as a wonder bolt!
0 likesif this is true then why didn't twilight's cutie Mark disappear when her magic was taken
2 likesReplies (1)
cause she still have the magic of friendship
1 likeI think earth have some magic from cutie marks. But why did discord only took wings and horn and not cutie marks. That dindnt make any sense becuase no magic was floating out of them. Or maybe just took off some magic but not the cutie mark.
0 likesTierack did not steal the magic he stole their strength and flight
0 likesan idea for a video: Is pinkie pie related to the apple family?
0 likesno it isnt weird and lots of people watch this show
0 likesWhen tirex got their magic and cutiemarks dissapers their destiny isn't deleted! If with their magic tirex turn into a pony his will have all cutcutiemarks!
0 likesi think its energy, not magic
0 likesBut when Twilight keep the princes magic she did not have the magical cuitemark form so I don't really get that tell me if u agree.
0 likesHe fixed the rainbow ponies...!
1 likeMake the vids longer please
0 likesWait a min the CMC does not have DULL eyes even they don't have their cutie marks yet...
0 likesWeird I guess......
Is it my eyes or did he flash a creepy fluttershy near the end
0 likesThe microphone audio is....... A+
0 likesi think the eye and magic color change was jus a way t show the audience that they are possessed
0 likesDid you notice Fluttershy at the end of the video?
0 likeswhat happens if terrek tries to steal magic from a blank-flank. There is no cutie mark to take with it.
0 likesat the end you can see fluttershy for a second
0 likesOn that ending pic, Cheese Sandwich wasn't there.
0 likesreason for celestia eyes are in fact yellow DUN DUN DUN because magic and they eyes did not match so contact lens'
0 likeshe actually stole flight from the pegasi and strength from the earth ponies not magic..
0 likeswho was the first pony to use magic what do u think
0 likesTwilight Sparkle as a princess and her Magic isn't as powerful as Princess Celestia's Magic thow
0 likes0 0
kinda simaler to Kai from DBZ or the "Chaos Force" from the Sonic world
0 likesWhen starlight stole the cutymarks it lefted a =.Why did it not do the same of ty rone
0 likeswas that an attempted subliminal message about fluttershy?
0 likesWhat was the flash that looked like Fluttershy?
0 likesYea the flutter shy that flashed on the screen had a human like face
0 likesHey Did You See The Fluttershy Weird Face At The End?
0 likesHey I have a question. U were talking bla bla bla. U said their magic is taken away and also their cutie mark. Tereck also took Discord ' s magic but he has no cutie mark so how really does it work for Discord?
0 likesOh that ain’t extra magic on their bodies dude, that is just a motif for their magic transform. We even saw pinkie transform solo in mean six
0 likesDude, what was that meme at the ending!?
0 likeswatching this vid makes me think was trixie once princess celistias student?
0 likeswait what was that Fluttercage?
0 likesDid you see Fluttershy troll face at 2:24?
0 likesWait did tirek take magic from zecora??
0 likesThis is probably stupid to ask, but I've been wondering, are unicorn horns covered in fur or are they just bone? If they are bone, why are they the same color as the characters fur?? Are their bones not white then? :P
0 likesReplies (3)
My guess is it has nerves along it in addition to being bone,and in addition to protect the nerves a small amount of skin,much like a human's nails however it can overgrow which is why some unicorns filet hiers much like us humans file nails.
0 likesas for why the nerves are necessary,contrary to alot ofgrimdarks bone alone dose not feel,without nerves attached only flesh and nerves feel,so they are necessary for a unicorn to feel the magical charge in thier horns and thus help control it.
at;east that's what makes since to me.
sorry if i went alittle science nerd on you.
You are talking to the queen of science nerds, my friend. :3
0 likesInteresting theory. brohoof
science was my best subject.
0 likescan't help but try to explain things at times.
i think that the cutie mark disapears because with out magic they cant fufill there destany ex twillight her cuitie mark is magic, rarity her horn was the one who brout her to that big rock, rainbow dash got her cuitie mark wile fling fluttershy i cant explain apple jack how can she pic apples with no streth, pinkie pie i cant explain
0 likesthis is a good point but can he still steel scootaloos sweetiebelles and apple blooms magic
0 likesif you watch rainbows mane it moves like celestia's
0 likes1:26 when was that? still dont remember, what season? what episode? ANSWER ME.
0 likesShining wears CONTACT LENSES
0 likesAnyone see nicholas cage in the left cornor near the end
0 likesWait, that means sawtooths eyes should be black
0 likesI have a response.... 'Friendship is magic'. And two Earth ponies wield Elements of Harmony.
0 likes... then how do you explain dragons from many sources dragons have magic even in mlp but no cutie mark can u explain it plz
0 likestheir eye color is the same as their magic color.
0 likesrartiy freed by a friend tixe was freed by removeing a amet
0 likesIf there MAGIC changes then the ora colours of there MAGIC changes too
0 likesHow about alicorns?
0 likesdid you now test that trixie and rarity look alike
0 likesSO PONIES CAN...
did any one see a fluttershy with nic cages face on it?
0 likesFluttershy with Nicholas Cage's face.
0 likesWTF
i'm like WHAT th....th......there cutie marks are the magic/power?!
0 likesthier hair looks so pretty
0 likesOk well did you even notice the unicorn you showed with the three green gems look at it it doesent connect to his magic but to MINECRAFT!!!!
0 likesI saw Flutter sgy in the corner in the end it poped up
0 likesYes um ur theory I think is gone now that the cutie marks are used by the mane six like a link. Meaning their cutie marks have some sort of toll on each others
0 likesDid you saw that thing on the bottom off the scren at the end????
0 likesNear the end, did anyone else see fluttershy???
0 likesWas that flutter shy?
0 likesthey were be ing mind contel by their greed but rarity was conter by a spell and greed.
0 likesI saw FlutterCage!!
0 likesomg....I saw that fluttershy was nicolases cages eyes XD
0 likesWhat about zecora she is just a zebra not even a pony yet she can make potions of healing not even unicorns of mlp can make
0 likesAt 2:26 pause and you might see fluttershy creepy pic
0 likesBrony notion I have a question is there any lord of the rings
0 likes"Hints" in mlp hmmmmm
0 likesOh wait. That's just the fading effect. Nevermind....
the magic within each pony would explain why other animals dont have cutie marks. magic is limited to ponies only, earth, pegasi, or unicorn.
0 likesReplies (2)
And zecora.
0 likes@123itisez yes, zebra too. they are technically part pony, which explains why (idk random choice) cows don't have magic.
0 likesShe comes up at 2:27 I think
0 likesI saw a creepy fluttershy at the end
0 likesBut wait did u actually look at their cutie marks notice that yeah they disappearEd but ever think that what their cutie mark is (talking bout unicorns and any thing else with a horn that can be used with magic)actually what they excel in even if ot was something stupid. And I know most thought of this but say they didn't have their cutie marks like the cmc. Does that mean that they really don't have magic or that much at least. But in season four we see sweetie bell using magic does that indicate that she will get her cutie mark first? Plus when their magic was stolen it doesn't mean they can't get it back (hint hint end of season 4) so really their magic is gone nor their talents just at a low were it can't be used. Do I think it can grow over time? Yes just like they were a foal trying to get their cutie mark or use magic. But the cakes twins use their wings and horn just a bit after they were born but it could be a magic surge for both of them. Indicating that earth ponies and pegasus both have their own type of magic witch can't be taken ever.
0 likesWell if MAGIC is stolen but MAGIC is what takes it n MAGIC takes there cutie marks doesn’t that mean they have MAGIC just there not using it
0 likesI so agree also please make another video
0 likesWhy does fludder shy pop up in the end ?!!!! D:
0 likescutie marks DON'T equal destiny, they only show a pony's talent.
0 likesbut I agree with you about the star representing the universal magic.
try searching "The Flower of Life" and you'll see way.
Replies (1)
Why did the mane six's lives change when their cutie-marks swapped?
1 likeHello everyone! I'm coming up with an idea about a reality show. Its called Brooklyn And Friends.
0 likes2:26 creepy fluttershy flash
0 likes1:16 where did her horn go?
0 likesone thing crystal empire part 1&2
0 likesQueen chrisilis and the changelings has magic but they don't have cutiemarks
0 likescan you make a video why they have their cutie marks on their butts but no where else on their body
0 likesSEASON 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesCelestia and Flurry Heart eyes arn't yellow
0 likesIf you are the carator of my little pony make more plz ive been waiting for u to do that and make another my little pony character named nightmare spake and she's the princess of the sky
0 likesSo the CMC dont have magic
0 likeshahaha yes i paused the video un purpose on that, its like a meme (de image of fluthershy)
0 likesWHATS THE BAD AUDIO??!!??!
0 likesWait tricky has majored mask lol
0 likeshey notion why do all ponies have all things in common
0 likesthen why do starswirl controls dark magic and what does discord control ? and the shadow pony iiiiiiiiiiiiis chrysalis :[ say this in next wednesday
0 likesflutter shy is going to take over the world !!!!!!
0 likesU KNOW WAT! *Passes out*😤
0 likes0:40 flowy glowy manes like luna and celes
0 likesWhat was that flutter shy thing u flashed for a part of a second XD !
0 likesyou didn't criticise the rainbow powers???
0 likesohhhhhh I'm the only one who thinks they're crap
So... When is the new Nic Cage Fluttershy movie coming out?
0 likesDid any one see the Nicholas cage flutter shy
0 likesi have the toy set lol
0 likesWho else saw Fluttercage at the end?? Lol
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesi think i was living under a rock i am watching at 2019 ;-; :/
0 likesDuh earth ponies have cutie marks n cutie marks come from MAGIC so of course earth ponies have magic
0 likesThe fluttershy is cursed, it has a human face
0 likesOrg i saw fluttershy with the deep duck face near thwart end in the left bottom corner
0 likesisn't this something beyond Equestria so are the ponies be on there.
0 likesisn't this something beyond Equestria so are the ponies be on there.
0 likes2:26 fluttershy with a weird face
0 likes2:25 Nicholas cage on fluttershy
0 likesAnyone see flutter shy with Nicholas Cage’s face
0 likesI know why the eyes change color it's becaese the eyes are the the gateway to the sole
0 likesRIP Twilight's Library tree
0 likesWhy had twilight White magic in the start of friendship is magic, and now pink? Uhm
0 likesWhat was that at the end?
0 likesokay i thought about this too and did anyone else notice that only the alicorns cutie marks disappear and there eye's didn't dim any? maybe if magic is taken by force it's effect are like the ponies but if it's given like twilight got the others powers they effects are lessened? or is it just alicorns have magic they can't get rid of toadly? either way .... why did the alicorns eyes not dim?!
0 likesReplies (5)
I think it's because if you give up your magic with your own will, your eyes still stay bright. This is just my own theory...I seriously don't know for sure why.
0 likesAnother thought: if Twilight was given the alicorn magic of 3 others, plus her own, why did she not get a billion cutie marks (exaggerated) all over her?
0 likeswell twilight special talent is magic.... so i guess that makes since
0 likeswell the eyes of all the mane six relighted before they opened the chest after there magic was gone
2 likes@Deborah Peck that was a special case
0 likesI get your thinking but what about winter rap up the rules are no magic but since wings are considered magic the pegasis (sorry I spelld it
0 likesRonge) tecnicly cited sorry rainbow dash but you brook the rules TO JAIL YOU GO
0 likescause it takes the talent
0 likesOk I guess he could be correct?????
0 likesthis is part of mine there cutiemark match their magic or eyes
0 likesAt 2:26 meme fluttershy appeared.
0 likesI'm scared of what her face will look like.
I've seen her in the end of multiple Notion episodes now..
Replies (4)
Someone please reply to this comment if you know what her face looks like...
0 likesO3O'
OMG I saw it O-O!
0 likesHALP I'm going to have nightmares.....
@Julianna Chastain i under stqnd i saw it too it ok derp
0 likes@The Brony Notion is a troll.
0 likeslol fluttershy close to the end
0 likesI saw the flutter shy
0 likesmore like flutter spy
Yes what's with that creepy flutter shy
0 likesthe fluttershy pic with the human face
0 likesWell in real life ponies don't have cutie marks people just animated series of ponies havin cutie marks which is filled with magic look carefully how do ponies get there cutie mark they don't carve it in it just "magically " appears magic maaaaagic now that I had said this WHO IS THE PONY OR WHATEVER MAGICALLY GIVIN PONIES CUTIE MARKS???????????
0 likesAt 2:25 there is a weird/creepy face
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesi saw that flashing fluttershy
0 likesYa becuse there cutie Mark is raltad to there magic sinse when you get a cutie Mark it come with special ability so if they lose magic they lose their cutie Mark
0 likes2:25 who saw that?
0 likesMagic is coloured by cutiemark
0 likesAwesome bro
1 likeWhere's the random ending?? 😟
0 likestrixies eye color was a flash kinda
0 likesI saw luttersshy for a sec at the end?
0 likesanybody notice fluttershy in the corner
0 likesWhat about discord he does not have a cutie mark?
0 likesYes that was creepy maybe the bring noito. Is evil that was one spooky fluttershy
0 likesWhat about mistmane
0 likesOmg flutter shy hahaha
0 likesAlso there eye color changes
2 likesOh god that was creepy it was like a human guy face mixed wih fluttershy
0 likesWhat did you do to fluttershys face when it flashed on the screen what did you do.
0 likesWhat was that...I thought i saw fluttershy
0 likesWhy is there a flutter shy in the end of your video?
0 likesMy birthday is on the 20th of may and my brothers is the 22nd and we share one on the 21st of may so this was thechnicaly posted on my birthday.
0 likesUhhhmmmm..
0 likesHave you posibley recognized that at the end fluttershy zooms by on yor lower left side
There was a troll in the corner of the screen
0 likesDude at realy close to the end of the vid there is a glitched flutter shy for a small second Lol
0 likesIs it just me or does fluttershy look awful with teal.
0 likesThere talents are lost after there power is lost because they are no talented anymore
0 likesU can't forget how discordes magic was stolen to and there fore he once was a pony. It is impossible to say u did not notis this watching those epasode sand celecitea ,Luna and discord knew each other for a wile and I bet u that wizard and celecitea knew each other and probably traned together for a bit. Possibly for years or sumthing like that. And o ur vids are unlike any one els that I've seen on YouTube at all.
1 likeReplies (1)
I actually didn't notice that! It makes sense! Discord is the only non-pony character with magic (other than Tirek but he stole all the magic he has) And thanks!
0 likesthere was a MAN!!!!! dressed up as fluttershy!!!!!😨😨😨😲😲😲
0 likesAnyone else notice fluttershy at the end
2 likesReplies (2)
@Whisp TheKiller I did XD
0 likesTechnoWoof Art when
0 likesWhat did you do to FLUTTERSHY? 😱🔫😈
0 likesSAW THAT LOL IT'S AT 2:25 !!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeThere is a twilight copy in the front from 1:30 to1:33 ha lazy animators i caught you😆
0 likesIn your video witch pony is the best the right awenser is rainbow dash
1 like+Aqua Galaxy
0 likesthe creepy fluttershy is a Nicolas Cage copy
Did I see fluttershy for a. Split second
0 likeseye color = horn glow it work i have seen it
0 likesReplies (2)
Not for all
0 likesyeah but for most that i've seen
0 likes1:34
0 likeso.o random scream
Brony only tells my little pony information
0 likesNicholas Cage Fluttershy?
0 likesand sunset shimmer
0 likes+Bronte Notion What's up with the weird Fluttershy flash towards the end?😐
0 likesI saw tgat awkward fluttershy face again
0 likesIs this some kind of glitch or test to see how much we are paying attention
Make it stop or tell me why its happening
Its driving me nuts
What's going on
Replies (1)
It was toward your ending words it showed up on the bottom left corner
0 likesDo a video is this. Is Daring Do is Similar Adventures to Indiana Jones?
0 likesis not. he is a cool boy who has love for mlp. that is all. you are mean
0 likesthere is a 6th alicorn other than twilight, celestia, luna, and the baby: DID EVERY ONE FROGET ABOUT QUEEN CRISTOLISS (soz fo typeoz
0 likesReplies (1)
this came out before season 6
0 likes2:25 - 2:26
0 likesI SAW IT
0 likesSo it gives us a a big hints about what sweetie bells Cutie mark is gonna be obviously
0 likesReplies (3)
I guess you could say that. Since Sweetie Belle's eyes and her magic are light green, we can confidently come to a conclusion that her cutie mark will be light green too (though we don't know exactly WHAT her cutie mark is).
0 likes@Yi-Yi Lian a grass? wait no..a tree? noo.. a emarled?
0 likes@mlp shyvideos I think it could be a light green treble clef, or light green music notes, as Sweetie Belle has a blossoming talent for singing. I think that Sweetie Belle is learning a lot of magic now, too...so her cutie mark might be something that resembles magic.
0 likesIs there a way to change the cutie mark that thay allredy earnt😑
0 likesIt's human FLUTTERSHY
0 likes2:25 fluttershy are you ok
0 likesTiny Fluttershy cameo it was quick but it was there
1 likeReplies (1)
XD. I forgot to do one in todays! /)*_*(\
0 likesthe heck was with that fluttershy thing at the end
1 likeReplies (1)
Don't ask lol. I usually flash a picture of Nicolas Cage for 1/30 of a second in my videos ikd why XD.
0 likesAll though when twilights. School was not excepted by the eea princess celestia said I recall earth pony Pegasus and unicorns doing somthing similar
0 likesIt's not weir that he watches Mlp..
0 likesOh I get it
0 likes2:25 :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
0 likes2:25...why!?
0 likesReplies (1)
Pause on 2:25
0 likesya aqua galaxy that was creepy
0 likesyes I saw it
0 likesReplies (2)
Fluttercage, my arch nemesis.
0 likesI'm not surprised
0 likes1:55 nuuuu derpy....
0 likeswhats ur pony halloween costume look like
0 likesflutters Nicolas cage
0 likesponies dont have skeleton byt why ponies dont have skeleton haw Twilight have wings a new opereshan and skeleton ???
0 likes+Aqua Galaxy I was like WTF
0 likesI think i can explain......
1 likeWait brony notion what if there were earth pony's with magic the use with there eyes like there eyes would glow there cooler of there cutie mark if these pony's come or don't I would call them pshciy ponys . like who knows maybe just maybe zorca was one of those pony she does predicted stuff and has spells oh and pshciy pony's can see or tell the furture plz raeply and may I by shown in a vid with this comment 🙏🎇🐎⏳these are little cave art things umm pochey right well theses may or could look like theses little pictures but you know with ancient art look yeah and plz show this in a vid bye!!!!! :)
0 likesUm what about discord he has no cutie mark but magic and his eyes went dull
0 likesAnd eye colors!
0 likesi agree
0 likes2:25
0 likesBottom left corner
Interesting. I suppose.
0 likesat 2:45
0 likesI found futtercage/ nicshy
0 likesDude, you and your tendency to flash random images up on the screen for a split second at the end of your videos. >:I
0 likesu transformed fluttershy u had to flash that really
0 likesUmmmmmm Nickolis Cage or Nickolis Shy!? Huh? No? ok.
0 likes2:25 pause
0 likes2:25... Why?
0 likesIf you look closely the fluutershy looks like a man (what!!!!!!!!!!!!)
0 likes2:24 | the pic is at 2:25
0 likesI just think they went super sain
2 likesReplies (2)
0 likeslol dragonball
0 likesDa writerz got lazy and didn't focus on anything
0 likesomg I say flutter shy and a human
0 likesWow
0 likesScootalo is a peasus she is disabled so no magic no cutie mark ? This is just a random thought
0 likesmy little pony
0 likesWhy are they change in smmthing more powarfule, becuse like Pinke pie she dose not heve magic?
1 likeDose it really matter what you like and whatyou dis like different people like different things
0 likesPS
flash of flutter shy troll
0 likesWait. Fluttershy?
0 likes2:26
0 likesI saw it
0 likesWhat about yaks
0 likes2:26
0 likesIf magic=cutie mark, then maybe other species do not have cutie marks because they don't possess magic? But if friendship is magic....then they do not have friendship? hhhmmmm o-o
0 likesReplies (1)
No I think it means that they don't have any real magic it may be magic but does that really mean it can be used the same
0 likesThis is on my 9th b-day
0 likeshipnosis
0 likesthat make sence
0 likes2:25
0 likes2:26
0 likesminecraft pony
0 likesXD
0 likesso notion if a pony dose die there cutie mark is taken and givein to someone else?
1 likeReplies (3)
Probably not. But you never know, they might have kids.
0 likes@Kori Lorde well, magic is a force, a kind of energy, so when it isnt neede anymore, like when a pony dies, the magic flows into the ground and manifests in other things like plants or something, or in the next baby pony.
1 likewell, at least i think it is like this, not sure, but it makes sense to me.
But u know how their kids have similar cutie marks
0 likes2:25
0 likesI saw that Creepy Fluttershy! ????.
1 like????????????????????? ( XD what?
hey i see fluttershy flash! hhhh...? 😕
0 likesreally fluttercage
1 likeReplies (1)
spippys :-P
0 likesnice
0 likesI'm sooo exiden
0 likesYes
0 likesHIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
0 likesI LOVE!!!!!!
Why did you say why do you say in a meme face
0 likesI did aqua
0 likeswow u really smart
0 likesyes
0 likescool pic
0 likesThe mic is very bad
0 likes2:24 WTF. ..
0 likesReplies (1)
2:25 I ment
0 likesBrony noiton*
0 likes2:26 wtf
0 likesSawtooth waves why the heck on your video so short like what do you need to go back to the pony world or something like that we’re trying to find another or something like that are you trying to do that we’re like dude what are you doing after the video is like Bruh Bruh real for real’s
0 likesWAD
0 likesYour thoughts in the comments
0 likes2:25
0 likesReplies (1)
Slow it down all the way and keep pausing XD
0 likesit is not! my little pony is for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesDo is eqastrea belong to the U.S.S.R
0 likeswow cool and boring can you change your main color
0 likesyep
0 likesyay
0 likesI don’t know ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesconsistency
0 likes6 years ago😭🥺
0 likesoh so done already said that oops
0 likesI don't get it 🤔🤨
0 likesi thought so to
0 likes2:25 wtf
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesuh idk wut to say lol!
0 likes2:25 w hy XD
0 likeshi I am moonlight sparkle
0 likesi dont know what to do or say
0 likeswow I didn't no dat
0 likesYa lol
0 likesWat was dat Fluttershy thingy
0 likesReplies (1)
Bea Asuncion FLUTTERCAGE!!!!!
0 likesYou are a chanceling
2 likesReplies (1)
I'm 1
0 likesI saw
0 likeswait I did
0 likesi did
0 likesi did
0 likesI did
0 likesI did
0 likesI did
0 likesMLP :-P
0 likesDat was not clear to u yet?
0 likesHI
0 likes2019?
1 likeI dont understand
0 likesno
0 likesno
0 likesDidn't see it
0 likesReally
0 likesBoooooooo!!!
0 likesHi sawtooth wave
0 likesHi
0 likesFailed
0 likesI don't have anything to add
0 likesi dont
0 likesi dont
0 likeslol you are weird
0 likessaw
0 likeshe watches my little pony
2 likesthat is really weird😒
Replies (82)
You do what you enjoy, I'll do what I enjoy, we can all be friends. :)
12 likes+The Brony Notion may i be ur friend??
0 likesbtw im Ashley wut's ur name?
+gingerspice17 if you're
0 likestalking to me then yes
my name is Aaliyah
im so sorry i was talking to brony notion
1 likeHEY!!!!!!!☺😯😐😑😕😠😬😡😢😮😣😤😦😧😨😩😰😟😱😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😵😶
0 likesI think watching mlp is absolutely fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes+gingerspice17 what's that supposed to mean 😡😡😡
0 likeswuts wut?
+gingerspice17 Hi☺
0 likeshi, do u know wut video it was when he says ''equal its just gonna have...''?
1 likehe is a #$%#$ changeling!!!!
+Aaliyah Phillips He is a Brony, and Girls who watch MLP are PegaSisters
1 likeEXctly!
0 likes@gingerspice17 its ok
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips my little pony is a great show that everyone can enjoy :D but what i dont get is that if u dont like mlp why are u watching a mlp video .-.
1 like+Aaliyah Phillips That's a matter of opinion. I guess girls liking stuff like Transformers is also weird?
1 like@***** no of course not :D they where trying to make a point that boys watching mlp is not weird :D
0 likesWell he's a Brony ok! 😠
0 likes@GlitterToys/ Cupcake bluepink yah nothings wrong with being a brony :D
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips HES A BRONY!
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips you're stupid so that's really weird as well
0 likesReally? Search Brony.
0 likes@weeaboo fuckboi don`t be mean
0 likes@GlitterToys/ Cupcake bluepink I don't give a shit about being mean or not
0 likes@weeaboo fuckboi oh ok
0 likesthis comment chain has gotten so weird I can't read it any more,guys,stop it ok?it's over,read the entire comment chain or at least a part of it before you reply.
0 likesthis comment chain has gotten so weird I can't read it any more,guys,stop it ok?it's over,read the entire comment chain or at least a part of it before you reply.
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips Holy shet a brony hater
1 like+Aaliyah Phillips me too.
0 likesGuess I'm weird! pffffffffffft!!!! We knew dat!
0 likes+The Brony Notion yes people get to do what they like
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips For your information there are millions of people over the age of seven (including me) who watch the show! Hmmph!
0 likes+Kandy The Gamer :D Exactly! i almost dfied of laughter
0 likes+Ashley Hunter yeah I'm 10 and I watch it 😶😶
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips hes a brony its not weird so dont call him that
0 likes@Alpha Plays yeah
0 likesIt's not weird. I still watch MLP and I'm 22 but I'm still normal. Everyone has different tastes in t.v. shows. Just deal with it.
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips lots of people his age and older and has channels like Dr.wolf and canned cream heck there is a film about bronies
0 likesIt's called a brony bro
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips big deal a 18 year old waches it ( not me Im 9)
0 likes+SharonSharon Heck i don't know if he is 18
0 likesWhat's so weird about it?There is a whole society of men who watches my little pony they are called bronies
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips What's so wrong about that there s no shame you f being a brony everyone can express what they like in odd or different ways.😒
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips What's so wrong about that there s no shame you f being a brony everyone can express what they like in odd or different ways.😒
0 likes+Chloe Africa ? srlsy
0 likes+Chloe Webb 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 rely? 😂😂😂😂😂😂omgosh I haven't laughed so much!
0 likes+Aaliyah Phillips um.. sry BUT ITS FINE NO NEED TO APOLOGISE👍
0 likes+Bishop “The” Bishop SHE JUST SAID SORRY U BLIND!?!
0 likes+Bishop “The” Bishop SCREW U ( don't wanna be mean either u just have to learn forgiveness
0 likes+Ashley Hunter STOP HATIN'N SHE SAID SORRYY😠😠
0 likes+The Brony Notion Thank u 4 the understandment
0 likesGuys I'm sorry it's just kinda weird for me I am so sorry
0 likes+Renee Parkes same me-10-other girls even the 6 yr olds r like "WUT U WATCH MLP DATS A BABY SHOW" its just so sad and yeah brony @ pegasister haters u hafta stop with the swearing please...?
0 likes+Gifty Mensah Sorry people talk about me watching my little PONEY it made me mad and yeah...
0 likesit's not that werd a lot of people watch mlp including me.
1 likeDarling were u looking urself in the mirror
1 likethat's your opinion hatter. He can watch it if he wants.
0 likeslol in the same person
0 likes+Mykalah Saldivar what's wrong with Power Puff Girls?
0 likes+Nightingale 666 nothing is wrong with it but it's more of a feminine show so I turned into an insult against him
0 likesNo it's that a called brony dummmie
0 likesSo what there is nothing wrong with watching mlp
0 likesit's actually called a bony no wait your right sorry..... please forgive me.......
0 likeshe is a brony
0 likesAnd I'm weird too SOOO YAHHHH
0 likes+Bishop “The” Bishop don't call people stupid
0 likesWell not really, people can do what they want...
2 likesWhy do you find that weird... I'm 12!!!! I watch this show! Why should he be any different? So ha. Not weird.
4 likesDISLIKE
1 likeI watch mlp and I'm too old for it!!!!
1 likeso what if hes a brony?
3 likesWell, your watching this and your probably too old. BTW I'm using my mums... I like watching these theories
2 likesAaliyah Phillips hey remember that mlp isn't just for girls it can be for anyone
0 likesomg I'm dien!!!!!aaa
0 likesMelissa I know
0 likesummm i i said he watches mylittle pony thats wierd and now everyone is gonna kill me
0 likeslol