Uhm if you’re talking abt this happening in the show, I don’t agree with you. They remain in the same dimension because they remain 2D. The creatures depicted in Equestria Girls aren’t humans, they have coloured skin of all colours of the rainbow and naturally dyed hair. Even if they were humans, they’re still 2D and aren’t part of the third dimension.
However if this is something that you theorize may have happened previous to the show, it would be interesting, but I think it’s a universe-jumping thing, not a dimension thing.
"You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it they don't work anymore, and you need them all to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time! squee"
This makes perfect sense as a conclusion Pinkie would jump to! In fact, this portrays Pinkie as kind of a genius. She read the signs Twilight was holding up, like her bad handwriting and holding the pen in her mouth to deduce that she was a pony or some other four-legged creature. The video helped her to deduce the "pony" part of it, because she didn't seem to understand fingers in the first part of it. Also, the fact that she was so eager to get the crown, that it was "something she had to do," led her to believe the crown belonged to her and it was extremely significant. And why would it belong to her if she wasn't a princess? Also, the fact that she had to get it so quickly kind of put the time limit in place! Why is it significant though? Maybe it has some magical element that powers up other magical elements used to defend her world, and if the elements were magical, maybe her world was magical, too. That could have been it, but it was still... "Just a hunch!"
The first part of your theory kinda ties into my entire thing XD And the second part is very plausible and is a good idea ^^ It would make a lot of sense too. Maybe she was quite close to Cloudsdale when it went off, so she got affected? Rainbow Dash wouldn't have gotten affected because the magic spreads around her body after she breaks the sound barrier. A large amount of air would push the magic away and outward, and if Pinky was the closest to the explosion, she'd be hit by the magic. She also had no protection from it. Applejack and Twi were indoors, Rarity was possibly far away and behind a huge rock which took on the force, and fluttershy, despite being right below it, was protected by the tree tops. Pinky Pie was wide open and took all the magic full force ^^
@Auria_Autumn Well, that might be it, but I think I'm going to have to object on Fluttershy and the whole "Pinkie Pie was closest" part. Fluttershy was right next to the blast and the only thing protecting her from it was a bunch of thin branches and leaves, which aren't very reliable outside of Minecraft. Also, remember, she was in a clearing in the forest. Perhaps she was closer to the blast than we think and since the Rainboom is only a 2-dimensional explosion, its magic couldn't go down far enough to reach Fluttershy. Or maybe the magic was carried by the wind and that's why Fluttershy wasn't affected? Because there wasn't enough "magic wind"? I don't know. I'm just throwing out random ideas right now. But if you look at this: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130403195243/mlp/images/c/cb/Map_of_Equestria_April_2013.jpg, you'll see that Fluttershy was the closest. Even though there is no rock farm, we know it was just outside of Ponyville, and, from Cloudsdale, that's further away than Canterlot. So, I don't think the distance has anything to do with it.
However, everything else you said fits perfectly. Yet, when you brought up AJ, well, you got your facts a little confused. Take a look at the map of Equestria as well as another look at Cutie Mark Chronicles. AJ didn't see the Rainboom, which would make sense seeing how Manehattan is the furthest city from Cloudsdale that any of the Mane 6 were in. Also, she was looking out an open window at the time the Rainboom happened, so her protection would instead be distance.
@Crystal Wang That's only the effect it had on her mentally. The Rainboom affected her physically (the poofy hair), mentally (the excessive cheer), AND magically (the logic breaking). All three make sense: That wind would blow anypony back, those vivid colors would bring anypony cheer, and... wait a second... if this theory is to be taken into consideration, then the Sonic Rainboom has magical properties... right? @The Brony Notion, if you're reading this, this could be a good topic!
Okay, so it appears there's a small fault in my theory in the form of assumption. It's still plausible, but until someone finds out why the Rainboom has magical properties, if it does, it isn't entirely plausible. I'm still sticking with it though!
Actually, now that I think about it, the Sonic Rainboom is physically impossible upon multiple levels, so it would only make sense that it has magical properties, right? I mean, shattering the visible light spectrum? That doesn't just happen without some sort of magic applied!
Well The Pony Part Would Not Be Reasonal Because Not Only Physically But Mentally Because She Is Always Happy So The Rainboom Might Have Effected Her Not Only Physically Thats The Reason She Could Do Extraordinary Things Too Many To Count And Hitting Her Mentally Is What Caused The Quote On Quote "Pinky Sense" Or Its Just Pinky Being Pink
@Zafirah Rahman Yeah But That Might Just Be Because In The Episode That There Cutie Marks Got Switched It Is Described As Pinkie Pies Destiny Was Happiness So When She Gets Depressed She Denied Her Destiny As A Result It's Like When Starlight Removed The Mane 6 Cutie Marks They Got There Colors Less Bit Saturated So Implying When You Deny Your Destiny You Get Darker So Pinkie Pie Being Darker Is Just A Result Of Her Denying Her Destiny
That makes a lot of sense! The Sonic Rainboom possibly caused her ‘Pinkie Sense’ (which could either be seeing into other universes and maybe slightly into the future)
@Oliver the Bat Eared Fox Ok but there must have been a lot of other ponies also feeling that full force, and not just the ones with the hourglass ⏳ cutie marks.
Or as sawtooth would put it, maybe discord's chaos magic she absorbed in the last episode affected all of her time line, affected her mind like you said and made her the pinkie pie we know and love, I'm not 100%, sold on this theory but it sounds cool af
I'm rewatching all of your old videos because I love your work and I must say, right off the bat you are really good at what you do. I enjoy you videos immensely, they give something to me that I don't think anyone else has provided. I know I'm kind of rambling, but you're awesome your video's are awesome, your remixes are awesome. Love ya
I always thought that pony pinkie has a special form of esp; her earth pony magic allows her to feel vibrations in both ground and air so it manifests in her pinkie sense. this also helps her remember important dates like birthdays, anniversaries, ext.
As for human pinkie or fourth wall powers? I just take that as hand of the author. Especially since there's little to no magic outside the mane 7 and portal.
My two bits: In metaphysical/ new age circles Pinkie Pie and her actions would be described as highly intuitive and clairvoyant, or at least clairaudient (pre hearing) or claircognizant (pre knowing). Intuition is developed by following hunches, feelings, and inspiration which Pinkie's done since she got inspired to host her first party.
I would even go so far to say that her cutie mark doesn't just represent her party planning skills, but her openness to cosmic inspiration. Whatever she saw/felt during that sonic rainboom she allowed inside herself enough to change her mane and tail, which I think is symbolic of allowing the way she presents herself to the world to change as well as willing to change who she is. Ballons could represent an element not of airheadedness, but of loftiness, cosmic inspiration. Again, referencing metaphysics, yellow stands for clarity, and light blue stands for communication. Pinkie Pie is a clear cosmic communicator (yellow and blue) of joy (balloons).
I also want to point out that she might be claircognizant because of the paraspryte ep. Instead of focusing her efforts on trying to explain the creatures (which Twilight might do), she goes on gathering what she needs to send the creatures back to the forest. That demonstrates her pre-knowledge of what to do in this situation. Also, it was after the gilda ep, where we saw Pinkie questioning her feelings/intuition.
That being said, in my own personal experience, Pinkie's Pinkie Sense is intuition at the very least. Intuition grows and thrives on not being mentally inhibited. Twilight's very smart, but as a result has mental inhibitions, for example, things MUST be understood before they can be accepted is her usual m.o. Pinkie skips that step. Yet since there is no formal training (to my knowledge) of intuition/psychic gifts for non-unicorns and even unicorns, Pinkie's abilities are stuck they way they are for the time being.
Also interesting to note is the fact how Pinkie's hair used to be very much like Twilight's, straight and plain in form. I feel that is a design choice used to represent Twilight's straightforward by the book approach to life. Pinkie maybe, was like Twilight mentally. Perhaps she was so sad on the rock farm because she knew, mentally, the reality of what life would be like there for her.
Maybe, just before Twilight Sparkle went through the portal Pinkie Pie touched the mirror and said "sparkly" only to be moved by princess Luna. Well I think that when Pinkie touched the mirror somehow some of her memories might of went through the portal and into human pinkies dream because some of Luna's magic went through there too. Human Pinkie might of put two and two together. When Human Twilight went back to ponyville towards the end, Human Pinkie run after her but the portal closed before she could catch up with Twilight but maybe some of her memories transferred into Pony Pinkie's thoughts.
Pony Pie: Spaaarrrkklllyyy! Hooman pie: okay so now i have vauge memories of living in a little village with asses and breaking de 4th wall... Lets tell it to mah new frend!
@Ashwitha Peddi could be because it’s Pinkie specifically. She’s always been able to do the physically impossible (as long as we’ve known her) after all 😂
Friendship is magic is the groundwork for the show. Most just think it's a silly thing, but the show repeatedly shows that it friendship is indeed magical. If having friends is magical, what happens if you're... say... friends with everypony?
I like to think that since she's friends with everypony, she has a huge amount of raw magic, and has found a way to use it. Not a way that exactly makes sense, mind you, but a way nonetheless. She's never used her '4th wall breaking' for herself while actively thinking about it. She has, though, used it for her friends, like the quiet dive for Rainbow.
Her hunches are something else... If she's friends with everypony, I imagine it's /mostly/ the same across all the dimensions. Who's to say that these huge wells of idle magic aren't doing something? Like connecting to other ones across several dimensions? I think that she's accidentally linked herself with every other friend-rich version, and just like before, she can't be consciously selfish about doing it.
But I cant say for sure that she's an accidental alicorn with an inter-dimensional link to all versions of herself, of course... but she's clearly powerful and not to be trifled with... ... and best pony <3
An old friend of mine had a theory, and I kind of lean towards agreeing...
She said that perhaps Pinkie has Unicorn magic, and it can't get out the way it normally would because she was born an Earth pony. Who knows why, maybe she had a powerful Unicorn in her ancestry? But it does sort of feel like, without a horn, her abundance of magic is sort of bubbling over at times.
Read some of the comments and had a thought: If you think about the episode where Pinkie Pie babysits the two newborn ponies from Mrs. and Mr. Cakes (cant remember episode or names, sorry). When the two are born, Twi asks how the two had a unicorn baby and a Pegasus baby. If you remember, they explained how it comes from their ancesters. SOOOOO what if somewhere down the line, there was a unicorn in Pinkie's family? Is it possible that while she doesn't have a horn, she is Supposed to? If she does indeed have unicorn magic and doesn't have a horn to control it, doesn't it make sense that it would appear to be random and spontaneous? And look at her cutie mark and what it means. If she does have magic, it would have to be such that would help make other ponies (and herself) happy. So it isn't so much that she's telepathic, but rather she empathic and maybe a little claravoient(spelled wrong i think.... oops). Clara=clear voient(?)=sight. Maybe she gets random images in the back of her mind that interprets them and sends her little signals to warn her of the future...
Well, Pinkie is just... Pinkie. I don't think it's possible to describe it better. Also she's doing things like, um... teleport? Cuz she goes out of the screen and second later she's on the opposite side of the screen. I always wondered, how it looks from perspective of other pony. Do they see her actually disappear?
I get so tired of hearing about Pinkie "breaking the 4th wall" when breaking the 4th wall refers to a character on the show addressing the audience, and we've only seen that a few times on the show. Most of what Pinkie does is what I classify "Cosmic Shifts" or going against the laws of nature.
Here's a theory for you: it's possible that Pinkie has chaos powers similar to Discord. She's shown many similar abilities such as appearing out of no where, shape shifting (aka one of her mirror pond clones growing fingers and such), and other such things. When you consider how much magic is in Equestria it's very possible that a little chaos magic is mixed in there somewhere, possibly a remnant of Discord's power or a natural occurrence. What's to stop that chaos magic from interfering with ponies in subtle ways like giving them additional abilities. Think about when Tirek drained the power out of all the ponies, he was even able to drain it from the earth ponies who don't really have powers. What I think is that they do have magic power, it's just not as noticeable as pegasi or unicorn magic and manifest as strength. Yet Pinkie Pie hasn't shown herself to be extremely strong or anything, so maybe her natural magic was changed or even replaced by the ambient chaos magic. So while she may not be on the same level as Discord she does have enough power to bend the laws of nature, though not out right break them like Discord. Plus the fact that she's a pony with chaos magic would explain why she can do things that Discord can't like break the 4th wall, because she's a hybrid.
@Derek Blake My own theory on the Mirror pond, it didn't make clones of Pinkie so much as it pulled other Pinkies to Equestria from across the multiverse... Equestria Girls Pinky being one of them... (She remembers the experience and may have gained some latent magical ability before the rest as a result) Constants and variables and all of that...
Prolly. There’s a theory that when she touched the portal at the beginning of the movie something happened that made their thoughts connected. (Which makes a lot of sense)
and there’s another theory that it’s her ‘pinky sense’ (for context her ‘pinky sense’ is seeing into alternative universes and timelines caused by the sonic Rainboom that effected her mental state, how she looked, and possibly her magic. this is a theory btw)
I know that this was two years ago, though I would still like to share my thoughts. Maybe Pinkie is just imaging her friends. I get this idea from one thing, and that's when she was going 'insane' in "Party of one" and she started talking for the inanimate objects. Maybe she thought of other inanimate objects as her friends. Such as an apple for A.J, anything fragile for Flutter, a book or some ink for Twilight, a jewel or necklace for Rarity, and any rainbow thing for Rainbow Dash. And she talks for them, thus leading it that she can say what she will make the objects say beforehand. Sorry, if I sound like a maniac. It's just my theory, maybe I'm overlooking other more logical theories.
I don't think it can be explained any more than "That's Pinkie Pie" She is based on a pony named 'Surprise' after all. It fits more in-line with "breaking the fourth wall" than anything else. I just imagine her having access to the script and the story board. Have you SEEN her party cave? There has to be more in there than just ponies' birthday's
Comes in the family. In one of the episodes, (can't remember what it's called and what season, but it's an episode about Pinky, Rarity, and Maud, and the "Perfect Gift" being a "Rock Pouch" and it's some special event thing where you exchange gifts...) Maud tracks down someone, who Pinky had traded her Part Cannon with for exchange of the "Perfect Gift". When Rarity asks how Maud knew, Maud answered with "Maud Sense." This suggests that Pinky's psychic abilities is something that runs in the family.
I also think that the family received these powers from Selestia, or some other powerful God-Like pony/being from long ago. Or, maybe long ago, Pinky's ancestors were "enchanted" or "rewarded" in a way. If it were falling in a pit of pink ink, or a gift from the elements of harmony, it could use f been what happened.
I think pinkie might be able to see (and hear) past the fourth wall, from the POV of the creators, thus the (apparent) mind reading and vague premonitions.
I've had a headcanon since about series 2 that Pinkie Pie used to be another royal deity like Celestia, Luna, Discord, Sombra, Chrysallis etc., and they all used to rule their own separate parts of Equestria, but they were all corrupted/turned bad in some way apart from celestia, and had to be defeated by the elements of harmony. Almost 1000 years on, Pinkie was the first to return, only in a powered down form, looking and sounding like a child, just like Luna in season one. She had no memory of her past life, and was adopted by a family of rock farmers, until the sight of the sonic rainboom sparked er memory, as it looks very similar to the elements when they're used. Luna and Discord were the next to return, then Sombra and Chrysalis, but Celestia knew in advance that Sombra and Chrysalis could not be reformed, so she trained Cadence and Twilight to replace them, so that each part of Equestria could one day have it's own ruler, just like the old days. (it's a silly headcanon, I know, but I like it.)
it's kinda common sense, for example, Maud has supper strength ( idk about the other sisters ), but Maud was very strong and she was also very aware of everything despite being emotionless, and Pinkie Pie has her Pinkie sense. this must mean everyone in the Pie family has a unique " power " or something, or maybe Pies pay attention closely giving them an upper hand (or hoof in this case ). but i'm not sure if i'm right it's just a theory of mine, hope it helps X3
My headcanon: she has similar powers as Discord, just very very diluted. I know there's no solid evidence of Discord being psychic, but as seen in The Return of Harmony, he doesn't just mess with ponies on a physical level, (i.e, cotton candy clouds) but on a mental level as well. Not only did he make the mane six act the opposite of normal, but he made Big Mac act like a dog, and probably messed with other ponies the same way.
Pinkie plays the fool so that nopony knows exactly how powerful she really is. It's a deception technique I read in The Art of War. By bonding with those around her on an intimate level (fun/happy) she gains introspective to their though processes and she is also an expert on reading facial expressions and body language. I also think she has a lesson about friendship that has not been discovered by Twilight.
I believe pinky pie is physic in telling the future. twilight was about to day what she said, but pinky pie sensed it and said it to relive her from a very hard explanation. Did she do this because she was a friend, or was something else going on? Back on track. It would sorta kinda explain her "pinky sense". Was she able to see what would happen next and did not say it? Could it mess up time law by "giving dangerous knowlage of the future"? Was something else going on? Mabe her pinky sense was her giving a different expiation for her being physic. Basicly, she made it up. Random eye movements and twiches could easily be faked, right?
Idk I mean I have this theory that the Sonic Rainboom from when they were kids gave her the power to see into alternative universes and timelines. It makes a lot of sense since the Sonic Rainboom is most definitely magical (i mean it’s air reflecting the sun showing the colour spectrum like that’s not possible)
You know how in one of your more recent videos, you talked about worlds? Dream world, pony world, sock puppet world, and human world? What if in the show, we are a world too, and sort of how Discord can open portals and go through one world to another, maybe Pinkie has a similar connection with the worlds, but only strong enough to break the fourth wall every once in a while and the is almost always a little ahead of time.
Well she is seen having some sort of limited telepathy with reading minds and her Pinkie sence is already a limited precognition that she translates through body spasms...yeah, though it is in a minor form she does have some psionic powers
what i think happened is when pinkie got her cutie mark after the rainboom pinkie looked STRAIGHT into the boom and she was closest. i think when that happened pinkie saw the truth of what was going on and from then on she could see the audience and get her other abilities.
@After Antibirth I have a similar theory. Time travel and alternative universes are a common occurrence throughout the show, so her ‘pinkie sense’ could make her see into alternative timelines (proving how she can see slightly in the future) and alt universes (proving by her seeing into what happened in equestria girls)
Let's not forget that the two are completely different entities... or are they? If you think about it, they may both have an interest in the other world's culture and lifestyle. Also, don't forget about human Pinkie's attempt to go through the portal at the end of the film. If they're not one and the same, they may switch places as per the Friendship Games gag reel.
If that's not enough, I also have my own "hunch" here that at least one of them is some kind of magician. That would also explain her other cartoonish behavior throughout the series. (My question is if she were real, could she have Penn and Teller fooled?)
I think ponies who grow up on rock farms somehow get mysterious abilities in maud pie maud was able to run through an obstacle course in 5 seconds flat and smash a boulder in 6 with her bare hooves. But pinkie's were enhanced incredibly when she was the victim of an amazing magical force: a sonic rain boom !
I have a few Pinkie theories One is that she MAY have had a unicorn ancestor at one time (it was revealed in her original sketches that she was supposed to be a pegasus so that one is unlikely) and she inherited small bouts of magic that show up at random Another theory is that Equestria has the same medical problems as the human world. We already saw a pony in a wheelchair in "Trade Ya" and "Read it and Weep" we see a bald pony, which can be a strong indicator that the pony had a cancer. As someone who has AS (Aspergers Syndrome is a SOCIAL disorder, thankfully) I can sort of see that Pinkie Pie COULD have some sort of mental disorder Another brony already went over this though in "Could Cupcakes Really Happen" and his theories on that fit pinkie like a glove
Remember how she got her cutie mark? Well, I have a HUNCH (pun intended) that the rainbow that made her mane go fluffy also made something click in her brain. She was so jumpy with happiness that her senses started to get jumpy. This created her "Pinkie Sense". As for the weird psychic powers, I got nuffin
She breaks the fourth wall and reads the scripts and occasionally 'making changes' (which resulted in an Alicorn Twilight and the backstory behind everyone's cutie marks) while Larson and Faust are on break!
I actually believe Pinkie is connected to EVERY Pinkie in existence, every dimension, every universe. Through this connection, she doesn't just gain "psychic" abilities, but also random info like the mirror pond and how to build a candy-copter. In the episode where the ponies are begging Twilight for the second Grand Galloping Gala ticket, Pinkie's reflection behaves strangely , just like it does in the Equestrian Girls short "Perfect Day For Fun". I believe that whatever abilities she has in other worlds is spread between ALL Pinkie's.
I think, because Pinkie is possibly related to Apple Jack, maybe Apple Jack's honesty expanded in Pinkie Pie into Pinkie being honest about the future.
Pinkie Pue is much smarter than every pony in Equestria, including Twilight. She's the only self aware character, she can break the fourth wall, she can sometimes even hide some special references like in "Too Many Pinkie Pies" when one of the Pinkie clones changes her face to look like the art style of a past generation of MLP. Pinkie Pie knows EVERYTHING but she can't tell anyone because she knows that would tear a huge rip in the fabric of alternate dimensions.
That just clicked with how much Pinkie Pie reminds me of the Mad Hatter's daughter from Ever After High. 1. Only one to interact with narrators. 2. loves to laugh and have fun. 3.Seemingly psychic. Coincidence?
I like to think she knows we are watching her and acts funny to make us laugh. It actually matches up with the song Flawless, "I like to joke around a little too much, but I'm just so happy your here." I also like to look at an Equestria Girls blooper where Pinkie Pie swaps places with herself from Canterlot High and take it seriously XD
Yes! You are correct! I think Pinkie Pie's a psychic! She broke the 4th wall, told what Twilight was doing in the Equestria Girl world in EG 1, blew up a balloon and floated in EG 1, etc. Pinkie Pie is the most random and crazy pony ever! But she's still pretty funny, awesome, and random! :3
call me crazy, but maybe pinkie is actually other pinkie from eg. i know a moon is a month so one hundred moons is one hundred months, which is about twelve years give or take, and pinkie is about a new adult, so maybe she found another portal to go to the other world. so here's my theroy, pinkie was twelve or thirteen when she got her cutie mark, around the time normal ponies would. some time before her and other pinkie, at the exact same time swapped places. now, we know pinkie was miserable on her rock farm and probably other pinkie two. and in one of your vids you said that sunset shimmer's home is meant to be in the human world, maybe its the same for the two pinkie's. so maybe both pinkie's home is in the opposite world.
and some extra info: maybe pinkie knows all this because she had seen herself in the space between the portal, so she isnt suprised when twi tells them about the other her. and maybe when they seen each other like that, they were eternally linked.
oh and a minor theroy, maybe they are both humans and ponies, maybe there brains are ponies while there other bodies are asleap and vice versa
It's not much of a backstory, but I believe Pinkie's powers can be explained by her lifestyle. She's been spreading friendship/happiness her entire life, - welcoming new residents, spreading cheer, planning parties, all that good stuff- and thus, has an unprecedented amount of friendship magic flowing through/around her. So much so that it can't all be contained; ultimately imbuing her with special abilities. The same is true of Cheese Sandwich, who walks the same path and holds similar abilities. Prolonged exposure to all that friendship (magic) can have serious consequences...seriously awesome ones ^^
I always say, if I were a pony, I’d be pinkie pie. She can travel faster than rainbow dash sometimes and can FLY WITH HER TAIL! Also, super creepy crazy cool mind powers that could probably rival twilight’s. Pinkie pie appeared whenever twilight was about to tell rarity and fluttershy’s secrets. She appeared in a mirror without being there. She knew about the parasprites. She knew about the pond thing that could split her into two. If she users her powers against a serious enemy, the series would never be the same.
jo hi well there is a chance she is adopted, I mean look at her 'parent's' and sisters' manes. Ever realized how...COLORFUL and less bland she is. And also think of her names compared to her family's names. They are all rock related EXEPT pinkie. Maud pie, Marble Pie, someone else, Cloudy quartz and the father (I can't remember the name) but pinkies FULL name is pinkannema Diane Pie. And of course they could have adopted her into the family's last name. It all depends if the parent's DNA that they pass down to their children... Then again I am talking logic and science about a show with colorful horses that teach us about friendship.
Well, maybe Discord was worried that Celestia would banish his daughter (Pinke) too, so he sent her into hiding to protect her. She never knew he was her father, and that's why Pinke helped defeat him instead of just being like, "Oh yeah by the way Discord's my dad friends" and having this really touching moment with him.
That actually makes so much sense now that you think abt it. Can discord time travel? If he can it might support my theory and explain why the rainboom effected her and no one else.
@J-starzZ maybe that was her bio father and she was later adopted by the ponies she called her parents. This would also make sense for Maud aswell since she has a ‘maud sense’
@Dawn Vampyra However, she is not the only one with a sixth (or alternative dimension seeing I explained this in other comments) sense bc maud has one too and she explained that all of her sisters have a ‘sense’
My head cannon is that Pinkie knows we're watching! I mean, come on, in some episodes, she looks DIRECTLY at the freaking camera! Seriously, how does that NOT make her psychic? Also, I think Equestria is REAL! So, yeah... anyway, earlier, I dropped a comment bomb on What's With the Royal Guards that asked if you could do a video on who has the best cutie mark, so yeah... can you make that official? Thanks!
You know, there are many who'd dismiss Equestria Girls as being cannon. However, aside from that and the Pinkie Sense, one part where this can show in a "subtle" way is after Gummy's birthday party, Pinkie calls out asking if anyone wants more cake, and Twilight replies "I think I'm gonna pass. Great party, though. We should do this again soon."
The "soon" that Twi was talking about was the plans for Pinkie's surprise party tomorrow afternoon. Pinkie may have picked up on that thought a little, and the only thing that stuck was "Party tomorrow afternoon". And so she plans a party tomorrow afternoon, except everyone else had plans to throw Her a party that afternoon.
The other thing being knowing how to make everypony else smile. Knowing JUST the right trick, picking up on their inner most happy memories... With a few exceptions (buffalos, Crankey, Fluttershy).
If that were true about the mind-reading, "A Party of One" would never have happened. Sorry. I can see her getting weird premonitions every once in a while, though.
It runs in her family. You want to avoid a falling rock in a rock farm, right? Maybe Pinky's family members have farther reaching sense, and they just know people will die. Pinky just got ADHD too-- she gets distracted and CAN find happiness even there, seeing a rainbow. And then she's obsessed with it. She never wants to go back to that gloomy state...
In season five, Twilight gives Pinkie a talent enhancer. This greatens the ponie's natural talent: for example, if Rianbow Dash drunk the enhancer, she would fly really fast. So, when Pinkie drunk the potion, she could see through time and space. This means that, watered down, her natural ability is to see snipits through time and space, into different dimentions.... you see where I'm going here...
Well as we know in that one episode Twilight Sparkle tried to figure out how Pinkie sense works. She couldn't understand how it works. It was said that there was no explanation. We also know that Pinkie is the wildest pony around. In testing 123 do you remember When twilight was talking to rainbow about all the ponies and didn't really know how to explain pinkie and just said she is wild. Maybe Pinkie learned about Zecora a long time ago and read all her books and learned some stuff I guess like with the parasites and that pond that makes her duplicate. I don't know anyone wanna add on?
Well,maybe the elements of Harmony gives random powers sometimes,meaning that when pinkie wore the element of laughter,it gave her a power. I think this is stupid,but if u like it,I'm gonna be so happy.
I have 2 explenations 1. It may be possible that somehow both the aquestria girls and the ponies get visions, or dreams of themselves (from the other world). Pinkie Pie can remember the visions because, well she's pinkie. 2. Maybe the pinkies from the both dimensions swapped places (they went through the portal).
Maybe whoever "Granny Pie" is as referenced in Giggle at the Ghosties taught Pinkie psychic sorts of skills and laughter attacks were just as much a part of the training as extrasensory reading?
When she got her cutie mark (when she saw the rainboom) I think that some of it's magic hit her. That's what made her hair all puffy, but it also made her phsycic
Pinkie pie was not Originally born with her psychic abilities. When Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom hit her it carried a special power and with Pinkie her hair curled and she got her Psychic powers as seen with her Backstory also it is linked with her happiness as when she saw the rainbow she was happy and her psychic powers where born into it which is why her psychic powers are only available when her hair is curly (Hopefully this head canon makes sense)
Her parents worked in a farm and she had to work as it said in one episode.She was never able to have fun or anything.Until the day of the sonic boom!She was really happy and might have grown happy that she turned psychic and might have been known for the laughes she does.
G4 Pinkie Pie is actually G3 Pinkie Pie. G3 was an alternate timeline and Pinkie was the only pony from that reality that retained her memories (to a degree). This is would explain her medium awareness and reality warping.
Pinky is in a type of character that is crazy to the point that they've almost become sane again. (Think of a pressure gage becoming so full that the hand points to zero again)
She is the type of person who is at lease subconsciously aware that she is a fictional character. Like Dead pool only less stab boom stab stab boom head shot!
She either hit herself with rock on her head, drank a mysterious tonic, or the sonic rainboom did something to her. her eyes looked like she was cured or saw something when she was a filly
Either she was born with it or the rainboom did it. In the human world maybe it was an earthquake that sparked it instead. My main head canon is that she is the only one to know that their in a show. Hence always breaking the 4th wall. The producers chose her because of her constant cheeryness making is easy to dismiss the activity as just pinky. She brings uneeded exposition in new situations when the characters should know it. She knows most of the answers or accidentally reveals them claiming to not know what she did. She knows everything about everyone. That cant be from normal interactions.
here is my headcanon, pinkie pie breaks into some place magical possibly the arkhives finds a spell to give her magic or access to magic to later find out it worked thinking it failed but downside is it made her childish and 100x as hyper as she was after getting her cutie mark the reason she did it or motive was too many parties a month of the year or she was trying to make it big and got tired so she wanted some magic to help.
When she saw the rainbooom she was given special powers to her she knew it would be perfect for her party planning so she uses it more than she should that causes her to be the crazy pony we know today
i think pinkie is rather misunderstood, and there's a whole lotta magic craziness that maybe she just was born with some sorta connection to canterlot high. heck, maybe one of her ancestors was from the human world and her crazy abilities are just some sort of rececive gene or somthing like that.
Well, I believe I saw a comment a long time ago that inspired this (like, inspired me) but Pinkie was kind of normal before the sonic rainboom. Could she have gotten her powers from it? It is a magical thing... But... Then... What about the others? How did Rainbow unleash that power?
Pinkie Pie is classic theater "narrator" the only one the cast that can talk directly to the audience or wink to them. She exists in both worlds, both the world of Equestria, but also in our world. She can see the future, because she can read the script, or knows she is in a cartoon and knows here tropes, or simply can wind ahead and look.
Perhaps in the middle of the night, the Pinkie from Canterlot High and the one from Equestria went through the portal and met each other and you know,exchanged words.
she originally lived in the " human world " which time line is longer that Equestrias (soz if i spelled it wrong ) so she " knows " a lot of stuff since the humans on Earth are like the exact same as the ponies Pinkie quickly noticed and remembed and quickly the info. The hunches are still unexplained which means she actually could be a little phycic
This is just a theory, but I guess that whenever she was struck with happiness from the rain boom, that gave her a special power that made her a telepathy pony. She also has pinkie sense, so I think that has something to do with the fact that she is the weirdest pony around. That pinkie sense is only around in a few, if not then one episode. She is a very misterious, silly pony. Therefore giving her a part of magic purpose.
In the episode when Trixie was more powerful than twilight pinkie pie couldn’t talk and she kept goingmmmmm And twilight interacting with the audience to give pinkie pie back her mouth
If you watch "the bitterness of mortality" (written by silversolstice & read by obabscribbler) twilight was telling cadence about how pinkie had showed twilight a rift in dementions that twilight couldnt understand, and she was so freaked out that she proceaded to break down and cry. It was then, that pinkie murmered that there was no exposing ponies to the rift after a certain age... (though this fanfic might not be a very acurate headcannon because cadence had turned twilight into an alicorn in the end of the story)
I honestly am not sure because she has literally broken every rule; but so have other characters. Like in Keep Calm and Flutter On, Discord says "Oopsie" to the audience after he "accidentally" hypnotizes or I guess brainwashes beavers. And in Party of One Spike pulls a mirror out of thin air. The strange thing about all this is that none of the others seem to have psychic powers, so I don't really know. Maybe it's part of her special talent is simply to be the comic relief yet also break all the rules simultaneously?
Soon after Pony Twilight went through the portal, so did Pinkie Pie. She found her human version and they started talking about each other's worlds. Then they decided to switch places. I mean...who would ever know?
Fun fact; both pinkies swapped over from each worlds. When Pinkie put her head through the portal, she must've seen a part of Equestria. Maybe Pony Pinkie was there. And when they were all gone, maybe she went through the portal and planned everything with the other Pinkie. They would say everything they knew at the right moment. I found it in a video ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wzPCQyaPA8 I know it's a blooper video so skip to 2:09 You'll see it
i know this is kinda old, but can you PLEASEEE look into this a bit more?? I think this is the most mysterious case in mlp that doesn't need to be solved, but could let everyone sigh out relief if it were to be!
My theory is that something happened in Pinkie's mind when she was a filly and she witnessed Rainbow's sonic rainboom, meaning she developed some kind of power.
Ponies have their own magic. Pegasus with flight unicorns with magic and earth ponies with strength. I believe her magic is used as a phycic power and speed instead of strength.🎈
My theory is Pinkie was dropped on her head or something when she was a baby. Maybe the drop mixed in with her would-be "magic" connected to the Elements of Harmony creating (and I mean this in the best possible way) a slightly insane mentality. Just crazy enough to be not crazy but still special. No hate please. If you don'y agree you just don't and that's okay because we're only human and we're not all goign to agree.
foreshadowing. when the author of a book, a movie, or a TV show gives you a hint of what's to come. something might happen to pinkey pie. just a guess.
i always wanted an episode about granny pie, as i have the theory of pinkie pie being raised by her and some questions without answer: where did Pinkie learn to iceskate, play so many instruments, heard about the parasprites? is granny pie pink? where did Pinkie go after leaving her home? where were Maud? is granny pie related to the apple family? as a facts we know: granny pie tell Pinkie about the mirror pool teach Pinkie the marjolaine recipe didn't show up in the Hearthbreakers episode She said: "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."
Also...Pinkie has to have been adopted because nobody else in her family is even remotely pink...ponies probably take color from their parents because if you look at the cake twins, the colors resemble their father...less so on pound cake.
I think it had to do with her cutie mark. She gained that pinkie sense once she got it. Although I could be wrong. I mean, the story of how Pinkie got her cutie mark didn't show any sign of her pinkie sense, but that doesn't mean she got her pinkie sense at the exact time she got her cutie mark. Well, before or the exact time she got it, this "special ability" gaining also happened with another pony. FLUTTERSHY. Her stare. I don't know if either the other 4 mane ponies don't have the "special ability" that Pinkie and Fluttershy have, I haven't notice the other 4 mane ponies "special ability", or it's we're just going to see it in a future episode.
My theory is pinkie used to see a therapist about the pinkamena thing shown in her Bday episode where she talks to objects,the therapist had one option...use a syrum in one visit he injected pinkie which had side affects......insanity was one but this certain mental ilness which gave her the assumption that weird creatures with hands and fingers watch her. She had no idea what they looked like until she overheard lyra explaning humans to bon bon and immediately assumed that humans were watching her. More side affects included scarce twitching when the brain senses some sorot of danger (pinkie sense) and knowing the future stupid but makes sense...sort of
In "double rainboom" pinkie pie takes Twilight's "talent enhancer" that allows her to see into different demensions. I believe that the talent enhancer enhanced her pinkie sense. This could lead to something.....
I have a headcanon that Pegasus has also the magic to keep the cloud in the same shape while they are moving. It also imply that Earth Pony have magic. Maybe mental magic? AppleJack may have mental magic to know the lie and Pinkie Pie use mental magic to be psychic. I don't know.
Pppppffffftttt.............Ahahahahaha!!!!!! I I I....... I'm sorry I ... I need to calm down I get the giggles a lot. Whew... Hehe. But also she pinkie isn't even from pony ville she's from a rock farm remember?
I can relate you see pinkie could be adopted but instead of Heros they are uncharted alicorns giving birth to an earth pony is next to impossible BUT pinkie is next to impossible to make sad OR mr and ms cake are pinkies real parents and she got her phycic from a spell that twilight or rarity accedently did like in MMC
Guys, I know that you Bronies and Pegasisters are pretty strict in your fandom, but I pieced it all together. All superheroes have some home and secret identity. I mean, Clark Kent was found and raised as a normal kid. And now for the part where everyone hates me: what fandom has a villian nicknamed Egghead, by the hero?
+blackandwhiteAJ my god! Pinkie Pie and her family are really mobians from a genderswaped!Mobius and she travels between equestria and GS!Mobius and is a Fem!Sonic (or Fem!Sonic is pink and/or is a pony) Pinkie and Rainbow/Sonic and Rainbow shippers beware Fem!Sonic/Pinkie Shipping is here!
+HappyPonyJunior I was serious that kind of relate to that Pinkie Pie was adopted into the pie family whose name was never thought it was pinky I'm not sure she even knows her real parents who could have been unicorn and earth pony which would explain a lot
Pinks has a 4th wall breaking ability, able to not only communicate with the viewer, but also predict what will happen, like she's using the -> and L skip on youtube
You know who is psychic? You, for pete's sake! You predicted the meaning behind diamond tiara, and that's pretty big. You were also able to theorize and tap into the changeling story! (Well, not that you didn't have any help)
Sometimes I get dreams and they tell the future. One time I dreamed that I was bradding someones orange hair then we stood up and I stoped bradding.the same thing happened but not in a dream it happened at church
Yeah I had two of my friends have interlocking dreams. One dreamt that they fell off a cliff and woke up before they reached the ground. The other one dreamt that they saw someone fall off a cliff and disappear before reaching the bottom.
Lots of people claim that they can see the future through their dreams. Dreams can show many things. Usually they are a summary of what you consciously and unconsciously felt and experienced the day before.
so twilight is in a room with a curtain around it aka a stall.now if u ever talked in a stall u would know that people outside of it can hear you.so i think pinkie pie and the others heard,pinkie pie couldnt hold the info and shouted it out.Maybe everything else she does is her power but personally that scene doesnt make me think she is physic.
This vid is from almost 2 years ago, but if you still read this that'd be cool. You should post a new video discussing THIS videos topic. Is Pinkie Pie really psychic?? She is one of my favorite ponies, so I'm sure me and a lot of other people would like to know. Also, I'd like to congratulate you on getting so far.... In only 2 years!! Something I could never achieve.
Maybe (like you said in the episode about shirtie marks) the pony Pinkie and human Pinkie are communicating through dreams. Or just dreaming about the other world and not actually talking to each other.
+justin xiang no because pinkie's personality allows her to remember the dreams but not even Twilight's Magic can allow her to remember dreams about the other world her
Pinkie Pie used to be a unicorn but the horn couldve broke like Sombra when he was defeated and thrown out of the empire. Some of the magic stays in her head so she can create spells without an aura (no horn)
OK i might be the only one thinking this but i don't think pinkie is psychic. I believe that she is able to figure out the future but analyzing things in the present. At the beginning pinkie works on a rock farm with her sisters and her family but as she got older we see her with an entirely new family and the presence of a introduced new sister who isn't even in the family photo. Its clear that somewhere in her life something has changed and no I'm not relating this to the rainboom. In the episode party of one we see a side of pinkie we never notice before. Pinkie lives for attention and in this episode when she doesn't get it she goes into this psychotic state where she is her only friend. This is why i believe pinkie is not psychic. She pays attention to all the small details that a normal pony would overlook because it makes her feel important and it makes her feel like she is apart of the crowd and this also explains her pinkie sense. Since she spent most of her life impressing others she is use to the unexpected which is why she unlike other has power over her mind so her body reacts when something odd occurs because she preps for the unknown which is why she is so prepared for the future. She isn't psychic she is just a prepared psychopath but hey its just my opinion and for those who get to the bottom pinkie pie is my favorite
ok i have an idea maybe the two pinkies have just been through the portal and met each other and they tell each other about their original realms and pinkie secretly knew more about the human world than anypony else until twilight went in and explored and stuff
I think Pinkie Pie knows about Hasbro and the cameras so she talks to us at the end of some of the episodes to tell us about the world she lives in A.K.A Equestria.
Pinkie is like Maddie from ever after high,Maddie is the only character in the show that can speak to the Narraters and in the most recent episode she guessed exactly what raven was about to say. I think hasbro and the ever after high creator are up to something.
But think about it her cutie mark is ballon with obviously means she's crazy so my guess is she's somehow more related to her human self than we thought or maybe someone travels in and out of the mirror?? I dunno :P
I think the sonic rainbows gave pinkie some..... special...... thoughts and abilities, all the others were never actually hit by it, but its what turned pinkies mane frizzy. So the sonic rainbows is what caused pinkies insaniay and psychic abilities.
maybe she is a changeling and can go anywhere,anytime and come back to her world whenever she wanted with the info she needs or some one in the human world went to the pony world to tell her
@Rhiannon Wollmuth twilight was obviously affected, as shown in her flashback, fluttershy and applejack, probably not, because i think pinkie was the only one affected because of who she is inside
My head canon is that she was one day being her happy random self after the rainboom, but before she got her powers, and she encountered the universes guardian of chaos. The guardian of chaos looked at Pinkie and said "Tell you what; I give you cool chaos powers and the ability to traverse the dimensions, and you do things for me occasionally. How does that sound?" And Pinkie said "Heck yeah!" And that's what happened.
i think whilst at the rock farm pinkie pie came into contact with some magic rock that made her physic or another one pinkie pie whilst battling discord gained some of his magic which also explains why pinkie can break the 4th wall
Human pinkie and pony pinkie switched places when they were vary young. Working on the rock farm in the middle of nowhere and/or near that portal. So young in fact that they have no memory of ever passing threw it, because they're linked to a diff world they have psychic powers.
I think that pinkie knows how to cheat the system and go through the portal at any time. Because of this, she and human pinkie can switch places all the time so pinkie could talk to pinkie giving the illusion that she knows enerything.
I have another theory that says all of this simply her being a magician and this possibly involving the magic of the stage, but I'm not sure whether this explains whether every little thing she does is magic.
I also like watching "Penn and Teller: Fool Us", so I like thinking about whether Pinkie could fool Penn and Teller if she were real. Does anyone think she could?
Well, we ALL know about pinkie pie, and her abilities outside her world, that’s one of the things that draw us to her, pinkie pie is super special, her abilities to go beyond logic, allows her to stand out from everyone else, well except discord but you know!?! They are the only two who has that power and that’s what we love about them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that when she was on the rock farm, Pinkie was bored all the time. This could've caused her to practice. Eventually, the rainbow came and you know the rest. This is only a hunch so don't hate if you disagree.
I think pinkie pie is reading something because when twilight needs help finding a certain book pinkies all over the place and could of found a special book that she's read to give her the mental power.
My head cannon is that Pinkie's cutie Mark is not partying but making EVERYONE smile and because of this she can do what ever it takes to make EVERYONE smile. I don't just mean the characters in the franchise but us as well. So basically cutie mark > phisics or cutie Mark magic is almost as strong as friendship magic.
OMG dude this made me think: am i psychic? I randomly get a thought in my head and then someone says whatever i thought, like i will think the word Pony and then someone says pony. Weird right? It happens randomly though so I cant really try to predict what someone is about to say or whats about to happen.
It must've been the sonic rainboom! Think about it. Pinkie saw the rainboom and it is magic so all the magic from it might've given Pinkie some sort of special ability!
i think its because of the sonic rainboom she got her cutie mark and sort of went crazy after it so it could be the reason, also twilight first used a huge amount of magic that went out of control because of the sonic rainboom, it could be a possibility xx
Who knows? My theory has led me to believe that her powers originate from Princess Celestia. I don't have any proof however so all I can label it as is just a vague theory.
"You're from an alternate world and you're pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements and without it they don't work anymore and you need them all to help protect your magical world and if you don't get the crown tonight you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for like a really really long time!"
This is a perfect example for how Pinkie is psychic.Pinkie is know by her ablitily to make people laugh easily this makes her...special.I find Pinkie funny for her way of knowing what people will say before they say it.This makes me think for her ablitily to do that is just part of her entartainment.But then it made me realize Pinkie did it when it was normaly not funny.Also when twilight asked if being psychic something you could normaly do Pinkie let out a "not normaly" this gave me full confidence Pinkie is psychic.
Pony Pinkie Pie
Pinkie has been doing the psychic thing since the beginning and i mean the very beginning(since after the first rainboom).This makes me think that Rainbow Dash's rainboom magic fused with Pinkies magic to make Pinkie psychic i'm not saying Pinkie was affected but changed by the rainboom.I only know this because after the rainboom Pinkie started to be psychic.
@The Cake Don't blame me for calling this person out on stealing my comment. It literally is almost word for word... take a look at my comment on this video, then this person's. They're 90% the same...
You do NOT have to read if you do not want to. This is my personal analysis and reply to this video. It's long, I know it, and that's why this is here
I personally like Digibrony's view on Pinky ^^ It might explain a lot about her character, and I think I may add to this just a bit. He says Pinky is more than meets the eye. Pinky isn't there for comical relief, as everyone believes, and she isn't as 2D and stupid as everyone believes. He started with saying that she must have a super mind because she remembers everything about every pony that she knows. Given that we can only keep connections like that with 500 or so people, he compares Ponyville to a small town, of which will usually have at least a thousand people living there, excluding the visitors of which she has connections with as well, and excluding the connections she has made in other cities. This already means that she has surpassed our own capability of social lives (off of social sites v.v'), something not very many people do. Next he says that she has all of this in her mind that she needs to balance herself out. If she lets everything whirl in her brain, she'll become overloaded, and so she is constantly letting out weird, crazy, and seemingly random thoughts in order to keep balance. This in turn makes people laugh, which makes her fulfill her destiny and it makes her happy. He further explains that her happiness and randomness is what is keeping her sane and well, happy. This is shown in Party of One, where Pinky snaps. She felt she let her friends down, which in turn made her feel she let herself down, and all she could focus on how she had failed and why she wasn't happy. The random spurts of thought had no escape because she didn't let them do so. They eventually caused her to break and become overloaded, her thoughts no longer coming out as spurts of randomness but instead spurts of insanity. She had a mental break down. But once she realized she hadn't failed at making people (and herself) happy, she let her thoughts flow naturally again, thus breaking the insanity she had just moments before.
He went on further, saying that the song Smile wasn't necessarily about her friends. It was about her own struggles, as shown in the clip where she pulls herself out of the darkness. He said that she did so because when she feels she has failed in making some pony happy, she feels she fails in life and gets down in he slumps, where only she can pull herself out of it. This is shown in Pinky Pride, where she thinks she's not needed to make other ponies happy anymore, and thus becomes depressed, but she soon starts to realize she needed to do something to keep her optimistic attitude, in which she pulls herself too high and forgot the reason she made people happy, in which made her upset again. Enough to almost leave Ponyville. Just like in the Equestia Games, where Twilight says Spike was the only one disappointed with himself, Pinky is the only one who can keep herself happy and optimistic. Though it looks like Cheese Sandwich and her friends helped her out of her negative thoughts, she still had the choice to be negative and stubborn, or to pick herself up and smile. She's also seen being smart in other ways, such as in Rainbow Rocks, where she not only figures out what Twi needed to do to get back to Canterlot High, she also knew exactly everything Twi said despite no one else, including Spike who had known Twi all his life, not having a clue. There are a few more instances, but this is getting long ^^' Anyway, on my theory as to why she can break the forth wall, practically read minds, and why she has Pinky sense, is simply because she's a genius. I mean think about it, we only use 10% of our brain, and MLP is loosely based off of humans for the sake of reliability. Pinky already surpasses us with memories and social status, and is proven on many accounts to be a genius, probably more so than Twilight for the simple fact that she isn't just smart, she's observant.
Though the movie wasn't all that great, but in Lucy, she is able to access all parts of her brain and is able to bend the world around her. The movie Limitless, which is a brilliant movie, shows how clear and observant the mind becomes once in full power, even to the point of being able to accurately predict the stocks because the brain is able to find all holes in the market and figure out a system. Maybe Pinky isn't telling the future, but notices signs no one else does, that allows her to "see" the future? And because of her genius mind, she's able to put all of those together and figure out two and two. Pinky sense comes from her mind sending signals to her body for different things, allowing her to react to something when necessary and such. She's oblivious to how observant she is. Just like Rainbow was oblivious about how she catalogs everything when she flies. She notices things, and her mind sends her signals or thoughts that combine those signs and tell her what's up. I mentioned the Lucy movie because of Pinky's 4th wall breaking and moments like in Equestria Girls where she was apparently psychic. Lucy becomes psychic at one point, but she also has the ability to mold the world around her. Pinky breaks the 4th wall, molding the world around her. She also shows capabilities of having some psychic abilities, though those could just be an affect of her molding the world to how she sees fit. If you read this whole thing, you are amazing ^^
That's why I said don't read it ^^' I knew it was going to be long. And I'm not summarizing the video, I'm just saying my views on Pinkie Pie and why she can do what she does.
@Auria_Autumn still u comment to share your feelings or opinions to others so people want to read it so can u summarize ur thoughts.like because it is so long most people dont even bother to read it so there really is no point so u should. dont have to but i would thats all.
Basically I was just saying that everything happens because she's a genius ^^' Everything else was my own reasoning, and sources from another analysist because we shared many of the same views. It was getting late, and I just kept writing because I wasn't really thinking ^^'
@mew girl Consequences of being a writer ^^' Ah, well, once I'm on a roll, it's hard to stop, so nothing can really be done unless I reign that in. Though it sounds easy, it's not quite so for me. I get a train of thought and go with it until it's finished.
@Kerabear 1432 Not consciously. We only use 10% consciously. The rest of the brain we use subconsciously, which means we aren't really using it, it's just instinct. However, theoretically, if one were to tap into their instinctive, and subconscious, mind, they will be able to do thing thought impossible.
@Obioma Oparanozie Always wanted to ^^' Never had the patience. I would write up to 3-4 chapters then loose interest in the story or get writer's block that I don't manage to get rid of before I loose interest. But I want to finish a book sometime, just need to work on it whether I loose interest or not.
I read the whole thing in 3 minutes, also, I enjoy seeing how others view others, its interesting to me to see other peoples point of view and I completely agree with your way of seeing pinkie pie, and yes I admit it I'm a brony.
@David Garramone Nothing wrong with liking a show about friendship and happiness ^^ It sounds a little cheesy, but those are two things everyone looks for in life. :3
@Auria_Autumn omg this is an amazing theory I mean my mind is blown amazing, XD and as for the book thing you should totally try it you have the imagination and skill just keeping to it is the problem but no good things come without hard work and challenges and if you did write a book I would totally read it. well keep it up =)
@Auria_Autumn you are more than welcome I would be interested in seeing this as I am greatly interested in animation one of my favourite animators on youtube is vizziepop
@Ashleigh Lavender Vizziepop is really good ^^ I'm only an amateur, so my animations won't be as good yet. But she is a big inspiration. I'm planning my own animation series at the moment, I just need to write the script for the first episode and gather voice actors before I start.
@Auria_Autumn well I look forward to viewing them when they are finished and we all have to start somewhere right? Like me I love to draw and write so I set up a deviant art account which has been a real confidence booster
@Ashleigh Lavender I'm not very good at keeping my dA updated ^^' I doodle all the time, and I don't have a scanner, so I need to upload from my camera, save the images to my computer, then upload them to dA. When I get backed up, I end up not doing it at all ^^'
I read the whole that go and know about the movies you mentioned and I agree!! Pinkie pie has always been my favorite character because she's always random, happy, and breaks the 4th wall. But maybe pinkie pie is a genius and she doesn't even know it. Be its because
Loren Buisman Sorry ^^' what I meant to say was that Pinkie Pie, as random as she is, is actually brilliant. She knows quite a bit, and understands more than the others including Twilight, who is considered the most knowledgeable of the mane 6. She's constantly thinking and making observations without her realizing, thus creating her random thoughts. The moment that all those thoughts didn't have a release is the moment she cracked and went insane.
Faezy_Duneyr we use 100% of our brain, however you are correct about how much of that 100% is conducted, however, the real hole there is that if you were to gain full 100% conscious control of your brain, you would have to constantly control your breathing, consciously make chemicals that trigger your immune system, not be able to sleep because your subconscious does not exist (in this theoretical scenario ), and essentially you would be worse off, than if you didn't have 100% conscious control over your brain.
I always say, if I were a pony, I’d be pinkie pie. She can travel faster than rainbow dash sometimes and can FLY WITH HER TAIL! Also, super creepy crazy cool mind powers that could probably rival twilight’s. Pinkie pie appeared whenever twilight was about to tell rarity and fluttershy’s secrets. She appeared in a mirror without being there. She knew about the parasprites. She knew about the pond thing that could split her into two. If she users her powers against a serious enemy, the series would never be the same.
+_MugglebornSquib_ wouldn't that just be a muggle? Like, a squib is someone born from a wizarding family with no magic, and a muggle-born is someone born into a muggle family.
Heres my theory i know its long but hopefully it explains
well Pinkie was adopted, and born from a human family she probably has memories from there on but who were the humans? i don't know but my guess is pinkies parents abondened her from an early age therefore she went into the portal and was found by those parents i also think pinkie has some sort of disease/disorder type but i do think she has adhd and pinkie seems to communicate with the audience so pinkie may not have a regular mind this theory is strange but i think pinkie has down syndrome / autism and distracts herself by throwing parties to the point where she forgets all about her um illnesses so thats my theory probably not true but thanks 4 reading :3 have a great day and i like your shoes :3
i dont really remember the name of the episode but when pinkie used the secret cave to make more of her to visit all of her friends then some started to dissapear, and twilight made a spell to make them dissapear, however i never saw any pony dissapear forever and that means that maybe twilight just sent them anywhere, also the pinkie copyes could make hands and faces of other generations, and no one know where the copies went
I think that when Pinkie was a filly other pony's would tell her what they were thinking but then she got tired of it and that's when she started her guessing but every time she guessed she was right.
maybe she was once an alicorn but somehow she lost her powers. i think that Pinkie rose the stars as a princess. well anyway maybe Pinkie lost her wings horn & powers because she was so busy planning parties and she didn't want to do her duties so celestia (sun butt) took away her wings magic excetra but a bit of her magic stayed with her.
she grew up on a rock farm conspiracy time in later episodes bring thinks that game hold some magical power while on the rock farm pinkie may have found a way to absorb that magic like twilight's compass in the third equestra girls movie harnessing this magic has given her powers to break the fourth wall become a jepsi and has given her the"pinkie sense"
My idea is that when pinkie was a fillie, her parents cared little for her or sisters. Her parents abused pinkie and made her scared of herself. He probably got these hunches because she wanted to avoid abuse from her parents, meaning she new what to do and what not to do. This means that pinkie pie got her amazing psychic power from her childhood and child abuse as well as the wanting to miss her parents smacks... Dont blame her hoof smacks would hurt. ALOT.
pinkie IS psyhcic. a hunch can also mean a guess. and if you are a good guesser(is that even a word?) you can also be called a psyhcic. psyhcic means being able to guess things right. it does not mean mind reading. mind reading and pshycic are two different things. mind reading being able to read mind. pshycic,as i said being able to guess things right. but it may also be similar,seeing you can also guess things by reading other persons thoughts. Pinkie calls her psyhcicness as a pinkie sense and claims it as a part of her sense. this is only a theory. A PONY THEORY!!!(see the reference there??)
what if the sonic rain boom had something to do to cause this. I mean her hair is alway frizzy because of it and it suddenly gave her a outgoing personality, so maybe it has something to do with that
I have these weird thoughts randomly, and I have no idea why. But for a second I though, What if Pinkie Pie's parents were like ancient ponies (Possibly even alicorns but didn't give birth to an alicorn for some reason) that have an experience with future telling and pshycic type of things. Notice how Pinkie's parents look NOTHING like her and might've just adopted her. It also kinda explains why she hated the rock farm so much, not just because it's boring, but she has wild genetics causing her to be a crazy party person. It also kinda explains why Maud loves her so much, because she is adopted so she tries to make her feel apart of the family.
Maybe pinkie came from acdifferent dimention but dhanged form and age and was brainwashed while going to the mlp dimention. In her dimention, everyone could be cyckick (or however you spell it).
hmmmmmm. I think that pinkies parents were psychic too but the lack of backstory caused Hasbro to over look the topic. the real question here is if pinkie were not psychic wold that effect the show?
If she can read minds, then why did she think the mane 6 didn't like her? In pinkie pride, cheese sandwich lied to her about not being shy when he was a filly. If she is psychic, she would know that he lied.
Maybe every enthusiastic pony like cheese sandwich have pinky sence. Or when she got her cutie mark something sparked in her mind. That doesn't explain cheese sandwich though.
Maybe when she was little she was hit by a rock (because she lived in a rock farm) and had to undergo serious medical treatment. Then maybe she got some memory loss or some neurological problem or maybe she was connected to deep religious thing. Or even maybe Celestia took pity on her rock farm family and gifted Pinkie Pie this power. I don't know, this is just what I think! 😀😀🎯
Maybe pinkie was a unicorn when young that's how she put up the decorations in the flashback in the cutie mark chronicals and when she was going to see her mom and dad she tripped and fell on her head causing memory loss but a little bit of magic was still with her but not strong enough to levitate a and other things.
now here's a funny theory 😀 she got her mind reading abilities from Derren Brown haha (a british illusionist!) and f.y.i that was not a typo!! his name IS Derren not darren! check him out if you've never heard of him & you will see what i mean!
pinkie pie worked on a rock farm right she broke a magic rock and awakened a magical beast that granted her 3 wishes cause of her luckiness her wishes were number 1 to be psychic 2 to be happy and bring happiness and 3 to find her destiny sooner so the magical beast, made rainbow dash do the rainbow boom and pinkie got her abilities. by the way this is just my hypothesis.
pinkie used to be a pegusus pony and lost her wings in an accident in the accident she got a concussion that gave her pshcic abities and magical powers
This is just a theory, but what if she wasn't an earth pony?
What is her hair hiding?
A horn. That's right! I think pinkie pie is a unicorn- with psychic powers. What if pinkie pie had found a magic spell to change her cutie mark to balloons so her secret would still be secret!!
In the episode when twilight made the potion to increase one ponys 'power' and rainbow dash drank it pinkie also did and she could do all sorts of things
no twilight also interacted with the aduince. remember when pinkie lost her mouth in the battle between twilight and Trixie with the alicorn amulet at the end of the ep pinkie tells us or gestures she wants her mouth back and twilight also comes and gives it to her also interacting with us.
I personally think that the Human Pinkie and the pony Pinkie, have books, just like Twilight and Sunset,and they use them to comunicate about whats going on in their different dimensions. I don't know. Im just a 10 year old girl
welll the rainboom gave her fun, her cutie mark and i think it gave her psychic powers too. you see the force of the rainboom gave her messy hair but some of the rainbow could have went in her ear then to her brain witch gave her psychic powers.
PINKIE IS AN ALICORN!!!!!! totaly adopted by the pies. I think that whoever celestia and lunas parents were might have had pinkie and hid her away. then used magic to hide her wings and maybe her hair hides a horn stump. i realize her hair can deflate and you see nothing but when she gets her cutie mark she has it before she actually gets it which makes me think its a pre determined, pre selected, cutie mark... she might have been inserted into the pie family as a seemingly normal pony as a cover, replacing the real pinkie pie. This doesnt explain equestria girls but if we only look at the show its self explanitory.
+Rebecca Warren that actually does make some sense! pinkies bubbly personality and lack of the traditional pie family talent of creepy rock knowledge is super unlike her "Pie" family. Or also it could be that maybe being physic is part of the pie talent because Mod, Pinkie's sister did have the weird notion of the rocks falling on pinkie in the episode when Mod comes to visit. AND maybe the pie family are so low key so they can hide this talent but pinkies destiny/cutie mark of the element of laughter and hyperactive personality prevents her from hiding this ability. Or not.. just a thought lol
+Livy Gamez due to the recent episode of season six, the gift of maud, I think every pie has a special "sense" and can use it differently. Pinkies parents also seem low key, like they know something we dont or like something is trying to be hidden. Who knows. also, is being a rock farmer the equivalent to being amish? I just noticed how amish people live simple lives with no technology and as far as we can tell, the pies have no real contact with magic or any kind of technology. Is it possible that if pinkie is an alicorn, she was put there for the sole purpose of her not finding magic or anything related to that so she wouldnt get her cutie mark? we see in the cutie map episodes how equestria would have turned out but what if only pinkie didnt get her cutie mark, would she have been replaced in the elenents of harmony? would she even exist? what if all of the mane six are like this, just slightly different. like rainbow dash, we kinda see her dad in that one episode but what if her mom wasnt there because she was a unicorn and dashie was actually an alicorn with her horn cut off, like pinkie if my theory is corect. please respond back to me, i would love to hear your thoughts
I think that when she was working on the rock farm, that she ether hit her head on a rock or crystal many times triggering something in her brain or. maybe when she got her cuttie mark, that it gave her specal mind powers and a crazy amount of energy.
so before she got her cutie mark she was like her family right, but then she changed when the rainbow happened. her cutie mark was different from her family so she must be that one pony that stands out. or the only super pony.
I very much know this is before season five, but Pinkie can't remember everyone's birthday. She was a secret tunnel with all da files. That makes sense why Pinkie can't remember her own birthday- it'll be pointless to keep a file of herself cuz she's herself. You know :P
Maybe,pony pinkie went through the portal and took human Pinkie's place for a while,bc she missed Twilight,but actually Pinkie is Pinkie so it would have more sense if she was a phsysic or whatever its written
OMG I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING IN EQUESTRIA GIRLS! when pinkie said "do u have a twin sister lives in the city and has a dog ecactly like that one?" THAT IS FOR THE NEW MOVIE!
Since Pinkie used to work at a rock farm when she was a filly, maybe one day while she was working a rock somehow hit her head and made he brain act a strange way, Pinkie sence, And since the human universe is a bit sim to the pony world, Pinkie maybe worked at a rock farm when she was a kid in the human world and a rock done a same thing.
Somewhere I saw a clip that Pony pinkie knows where the portal is in Swiches places with human pinky all the time, so it makes sense she knows what’s going on
Twilight became in Elkhorn pinky The supplies for an alkaline party And she attached a line like nothingness she definitely has discord magic laying in her body body
I think before pinkie pie got her cutie mark her family didn,t made her feel special when pinkie wanted to so she found a way to make her self feel special by reading the future. (Just my guest)
In a short it shoes Rainbow Dash uses her powers irresponsibly, and because of that they all have a power surge. Everyone except Pinkie Pie. There’s even a chart. Have you seen the Spy Kids movie with the purple girl who ends up being a virus? Her and her friends are the embodiment of the elements of harmony. That means the elements of what makes the world function. I think when the world has a lot of power it understands Pinkie Pie to be a virus just like the computer in the movie. That’s why she had bad luck: the world was trying to get rid of her. It thinks she’s a virus because she is kind of. She’s not just a function of the universe, she is a higher being. That’s why she can break the fourth wall and interact with the universe in ways literally no one else can. I think she’s the opposite of Discord. How he creates Chaos, she creates the opposite. I think she wasn’t born to her family and they just took her in. That also explains why she is so radically different from her parents. She has a totally different personality, color scheme, cutie mark concept. I think she wasn’t born from her parents, but from the Universe itself.
I don't think pinkie pie is the only pyscic pony in s4 ep2:princess twighlight sparkle part 2 discord says to the audience "I'm going to need more popcorn" is discord pysic too it would explain he Is master of chaos
Your probably correct about THIS theory, but I saw deleted scenes that pinkie in equestria girls AND the pinkie in ponyville switch places(in the portal ) , so that might crack the case I guess
Okay, a YouTuber named RLYoshi has this Cutiemark Laboratories thing and in one of them he explains Pinkie Sense.
My explanation for Pinkie possibly being "physic" is that maybe her Pinkie Sense transferred into the Equestria Girls universe? I know it probably sound crazy, but maybe some form of magic did it? Possibly Principle Celestia secretly knowing, along with Luna, that there's an alternate universe where they're all ponies? Maybe Celestia gave Pinkie Pie a form of Pinkie Sense, wanting at least somebody to know? Maybe I'm just crazy? I don't know, but that's just my idea. Considering the fact that all the Equestria Girls are alike to their pony versions, Pinkie just got something extra somehow (again, maybe Celestia)?
Did you see the episode double rainbow? When pinkie reveals that when twilight gave her the talent enhancer, she could see space and time or something. That I find suspicious.
Pinkie's... got a similar thing to Derpy Hooves (Or Ditzy Doo but I like Derpy better...). But Derpy's one was caused by falling in water and having her mouth and eyes open and surviving... She fell in cause of the SONIC RAINBOOM... Making her Clumsy, causing 1 eye a look up and 1 down and slight loss of sight... the SONIC RAINBOOM didn't JUST cause Pinkie to puff out her hair and be a party pony... it somehow gave her something... (not the cutie mark) she may have found the element of laughter before ANY of them met..... Except Rainbow and Fluttershy...
Maybe when the sonic rainboom happened it gave her the "pinkie sense "and maybe she studied it and when she learned that if her tail "twiches" then something is going to fall exedra exedra
Pinkie pie is pretty twilight Without much magic Focus And neatness She has so much room in that head of hers he gets a "sixth sense" Her pinkie sense. Her head is really so big its a over blown balloon getting ready to pop. So she can fit all of that. So in conclusion. Pinkie pies hed.....
Pinkie Pie is...special No duh Pinkie Pie can remember every birthday in Ponyville except her own My reason Pinkie can hear the narrator, like Madeline Hatter from ever after high
How about that she is connected to her other selves but doesn't want others to find out... or she's not whatever the dominant creature of the demention is but an all-time powerful magical being that wants to fit in so took the form of said dominant creature how else would she have the same cutie Mark as surprise.
When rainbow dash did her first sonic rainboom and pinkie got her cutie mark, it might have infused her with magic. That explains why her hair exploded with poofiness. But how? Rainbow dash does not have magic. Maybe the sonic rainboom has magic....when twilight got her cutie mark, the same thing happened. She got infused with magic....but what kind of magic? Is it the same magic that turned her into an alicorn? If it wasn't for rainbow dash, twilight would have never went to ponyville and the mane six would have never been united
pinkie could be a changeling!!!!! it would explain everything that's happened. how she break laws of physics and y she wants to make everypony love her. it would b very interesting
Pinkie probably had the same Jornal as twilight and sunset or pinkie went through the portal and met her pony self and they switch places. Just a hunch😊
She also predicted the friendship games because she says you're like the girl that has a twin sister that has a dog 🐶 named spike that looks just like that one
Remember maud pie and how she can tell what a pony has been doing just by looking at the peples on there houves well I think pinky pie is somewhat related to that
maybe when she was a baby maybe her mom accidentally hit her with a rock because I know how they lived on a rock Farm and maybe that's how to develop Pinkie sense
Well If You Watch EverAfterHigh Then You "MAY" Know Maddlen Hatter! (The Daughter Of The MAD Hatter) And She Can Talk To The Narrators Just Like How Pinkie Talked To The Audience. {P.S: This Is Just A "HUNCH".
Pinkie Pie got affected the most from the Sonic Rainboom. Yes, Applejack, Fluttershy, & Rarity also noticed it, but did you see her eyes? Also, I have another theory. Rainbow Dash didn't do the Sonic Rainboom. Yes, she physically did it, but If she didn't stand up for Fluttershy, she wouldn't compete with the bullies and do the Sonic Rainboom. So if Fluttershy wasn't there, their cutie marks and friendship would never exist, meaning Twilight would never be an alicorn.
Like in that episode of X files that the head floating in a jar got psychic powers from having so long to think, Maybe that's what happens when a party pony is raised amish?
wait if there's a pinkie in the pony world,and another one in the other world,doesn't that mean there's another twilight? and another sunset shimmer? hasnt anyone thought of that?
Maybe one Rainbow Dash to the Sonic Rainboom Pinkie Pie was part of the main six and lived on a very boring drop farm and was filled with happiness during the Rainbow Loom it affected her so much that she is now able to break the fourth wall and everything else she does.
Pinkie pie is secretly not a pony, but someone who has come through the portal in Equestrian Girls, there for her senses have been altered to where it's as though she has a psychic super nova of a "power" which brings me to the conclusion PINKIE PIE ISN'T REALLY A PONY! (Or she was born in the everfree forest before her parents settled at the rock farm)
I beleive that pinkie accedentely went to the human world and met her human self and now they contact each other by dreams but when she met her human self she some how manage to get certain powers.
maybe pinkie's family is not her real family. maybe pinkie is a type of pony that we just haven't heard of, and these ponies have a special kind of magic. and pinkie just isn't aware of it herself.
I don't know that much of Pinkie Pie it but I can explain it picking up I was born in a rock form correction but she wants to make everybody smile so she planned this party for her mother father and sister to make her happy and that's how she made her prediction that's how she got her psychic powers and her cutie mark at the same time I think that the laptop I'm not sure😎✌
I think she might be related to discord but not in the way you said in a later video. I'm thinking maybe she is discord or even some kind of family member. I mean she does look like she's adopted so it could be
Maybe pinkie was exposed to radio activity when she was a foul and the only ponies that wanted her were her "parents" and that would also explain why she looks so diffrent from her family
We all know twilight has magical friends. But how did they BECOME magical? Well for you FYI all the friends have cutie marks that can also mean attitudes. But if twilights one of them how is magic an attitude? We already have laughter kindness loyalty honesty and generosity. But magic? Tell me in my videos see ya!
Pinky pie is most likely a inter dimension travelling pony. In kill la kill episode 12, a girl with a pink outfit and bland curls, with a pink umbrella might be pinky pie she sounds like pinky pie, and talks like pinky pie.. She even acts like pinky pie. Pinky pie tries to have fun, so does nui, the name of kill la kill pinky!!!! But way more adult than mlp
MY GUESS: Pinkie pie is not actually psychic. Pinkie from both dimensions (equestria girls/Ponyville/RainbowRocks/) Pinkie uses different dimensions thats why pinkie is psychic. Here's what I think: Pinkie before twilight went into the portal pinkie somehow switched places with the other Pinkie. Because when twilight is right about to say something, the other pinkie says what happened. She also has something about the portal she likes. Such as, when pinkie puts her hand in the portal she saids "sparkly" It may seem "Pinkie-Ish" But don't be fooled. And the seen in the movie "Equestria girls" Pinkie puts her head inside the portal. When she does this I think she's telling the first Pinkie whats happening or "A signal". But back to twilight. When pinkie says "Are you psychic?!" And twilight answers: "Is that something you can do here?" Pinkie adds: "Not normally" Or she is just playing along trying to make sound like she's the real pinkie.
Well in the pony world pinkie has well pinkie scents so it doesn't surprise me if pinkie really is psychic. But I have something on my mind how did pinkie get pinkie scents it's possible pinkie is half unicorn but at the same time she has no horn but the magic stays in pinkie then again maybe I'm wrong
mabey she has a special connection with someone who's more powerful than celetia in anoter planet and has taught pinkie how to find out whats gonna happen or mabey cealestia cast a spel on pinke by accident and pinkie has " hunches" on what's hppen going to happen or happenig
Here is my theory Pinkie Pie actually traveled through the portal with twighlight and spike so she knows everything about twighlight already she travels back quickly but actually she traded places with pinkie pie from earth so no notices she's gone that's my theory so bye ps its my birthday this is the best channel ever bye!!!
Did anyone else think of doctor who when they watched this? I did, also did anyone think She should be called pinkie who or Doctor pie? Reply your idea
ok hear this what if when the rainboom went so close to her brain i gave her psychic powers i mean if its so rare it would make sense for no one to put two and two together
pinkie pie is loki and deadpools daughter who hid her in that demension to keep her safe hence the reason she has an affinity towards the chaotic nature of discord another trickster god like her mother...loki
Maybe all of the characters are actually girls in a coma, and Pinkie is their mutual friend/family member who's been talking to them while they're in a coma, and sometimes the girls are mumbling things so then Pinkie says them (because for some odd reason they can hear her... dunno about that) right before they say them in the 'real' world.
I meant the mane 6. Everyone else is figments of their coma, based off of characters they knew in the outside world.
Actually, I've refined the theory a little. It's just Twilight who's in a coma, and the whole world is made up, with the other Mane 6 ponies being similar to her friends outside. Celestia is actually the doctor looking over her, and Luna is the assisting nurse, which is why whenever something goes pretty bad in Ponyville (AKA her vital stats) they show up.
OMG I KNOW You know how Twily got her cutie mark by the sonic rainboom? Twilight unlocked her powers by interacting by the sonic rainboom, correct? Well, It might be the same thing with Pinkie Pie My headcannon is that when the sonic rainboom happened, as Pinkie came up with her party ideas, something magical, like what happened to Twilight, unlocked her brain to out of the box ideas, enabling her for reading minds. And her Pinkie sense? My headcannon is that when the rainboom ocurred, a sudden rainbow-ish flash of light, that gave her a sudden shock to vague events that were going to happen. My only problem is why didn't Pinkie Pie's powers activate immediatley. Another fact is that she is a land pony, enabling powers like Applejack's undenyable strength. Voted best Headcannon 2015
Yes, i think shes totally psychic also that other episode where she went to the magic pond thing? how did she know about the Oringinal Version of My Little Pony? and speaking of my little pony... howcould she cut through the worlds to the audience i also saw her do that in a comic book i read. O_O
probably it has to do with the sonic rainboom,I mean,that is when she discovered her true self, so,maybe when that happened she got in touch with the future or...something idk it doesn't make much senses but it could be possible 😶
maybe shes adopted i mean it makes sense shes i lighter color than her family even before her cutie mark and her real family is a group of phycics? just a hunch
There has been something that we are not being told pinkie most likely does have special powers the pinkie sense is like the spidie sense spider man has and she obviously knows something we don't she know far to much about time travel and she has her party cave hidden inside sugar cube corner which gives me an idea she could be a time lord or know the doctor I'm going to make a theory on this topic on my channel
Pinkie pies family bought a mirror. It reminded the, of there worthless live so they gave it back. Celestai wanted it back not telling them before it was given back pinkie pie traveled through the time porter demisntion thing and the orginsly pinkie found her when she was young and then told her everything
i'm sorry and know you made this when season 5 wasn't even close but in season five we find out she has files stating everypony's birthday in equestria (also she most likely doesn't have one for herself)
The Brony Notion, their are two possibilities:1) Pinkie Pie improvises with all the possibilities that appears in her head, and makes a coincidence between what she says and the answer that she has to make .Or:2) The classic Pinkie Pie from Equestria rushed toward the mirror (Like Spike), and entered to the human world of themselves. Maybe she acted like she doesn't know the Twilight Sparkle that entered to the human world, and she predicts the answers what Twilight has to say, because she already knows, for example: ''Your a princess from a magical world and you have get the crown from Sunset Shimmer, because if you don't get the crown back, the portal In the statue will close and you will never go back in 30 moons''
I think Pinkie Pie has another connection with her from the other world and their minds could be connected and maybe that's how she figured out that Twilight was a pony princess because Pinkie Pie was thinking that and it sent the other Pinkie Pie from Equestria girls and her hunch was like that just popped into her head like out of the ordinary so maybe there's actually a certain connection between those two have you ever tried to see it think of it try to see what they have in common if you do then maybe there's something that we should know maybe in season 5 pinky pie might go to twilight and try to see what she is doing and see if Twilight okay and if she runs into the wrong room maybe she accidentally steps inside the mirror and meets her real human self.
When Rainbow dash did her first rain boom pinkie's hair sprang up and gave her an idea to leave the farm and do things maybe the boom went to her brain because in other movies when that happens it can leave a gap through dimensions maybe she has a gate way into the other world in her head and it only works right when it happens. And that gate way also let's her use other ponies thoughts!
Well some characters like seasick is sidekick and breaks the fourth wall so pinkie pie is just pinkie pie and just a funny out of control 4th walk breaker and sidekick for some reason ITs A MYSTERY
how about pinkie was adopted and her actual perants were scientists and they accedentlyput some chemical who made her mental thingies and they didn't want to see pinkie like that so they asked the rock family to adopt her and they gave her medicine so she only remembers the times with the rock family oh forgot to mention the rock family were close relatives
I thought that pinkie pie got those "hunches" because she had touched the portal in the beginning of the movie, and twilight touched the portal, then after going through the portal twilight touched it yet again, ;3 just a hunch
pinkie has E.S.P. that mixed with the fact she has mania (look it up she exibits all the signs) and hyperactivity and a severe need for decaf and her earth pony magic creates PINKIE SENSE!!!!! *to be said in epic announcer voice*
Brony notion Maybe the rainbow sonic boom when she got her cutie mark Corruppted her in a good way to be a surprise like her cutie mark would be or...it is given to her naturally
I think Pinkie from the MLP dimension talks to the human Pinkie Pie through the portal because why would Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Luna, Princess Cadence and Celestia sleep on the cold crystal floor? They would catch a cold! They would have to sleep and Pinkie, not having Twilight as a friend and not having a sleep over as in Rainbow Rocks, no one would know and Pinkie Pie in the pony world would have an excuse such as 'I want to stay to see if Twilight comes back!' or 'I'm hungry!!!!!!'. Also, according to Rainbow Rocks, Maud lives with Pinkie. But what if Maud sleeps on the opposite side of the house? Anyways, Pinkie from human world would go to the portal and talk to Pinkie that lives in Ponyville and also, if the guards caught Pinkie by the portal, she could have the same excuse of, 'I'm on a look out for Twilight!' But that is my head canon and u will not see this because this is such an old video :)
O yeah and it only affected her because she had had no fun in her life before that, kind of like how she was the only one tho change in appearance with her hair
pinkie know that twilight is a princess pony because she switch places with the other pinkie. you should see it on friendship games bloopers. you see it at the end
While i agree Pinkie pie is not wrapped well I think I can explain her 'Knowing'
See if there a doorway to other worlds perhaps Pinkie is able to 'see' throw other pinkie pies eyes. So Pony pinkie know what happens in the Human world because he had a vision showing her what human pinkie pie saw and know. Where as Human Pinkie had a vision of what pony Pinkie saw. Take it as a doorway in Pinkie pies mind that opens into other Pinkie pies minds giving her the ability to know what shouldn't be know
My theory is human pinkie secretly knows about the portal at canterlot high and goes through as pony pinkie and pony pinkie goes through the mirror as human pinkie
She's Maddie Batter, both can interact with the other world, Pinkie with audience, Maddie with the narrator and audience (audience us in the third book)
i think pinkie pie might be phychic but one of my friends(who is not allowed to coment)said maybe(and this is way too random)it had something to do with discord....wait is there a human discorn i wanna see this!
I think maybe she touched the magic portal and now is connected to the pony pinkie pie and dreams what she thinks thats why she asked ARE you a princess? Because she dreamt it
maybe pinkie when she was born at the rock farm a few years later she was pushing rocks and got struck by lightning and it was a few weeks before the rainboom so it was apatrt of the puzxle to what pinkkies destany was at the time so the lightning struck her and she got all of her powers call me crazy but it might of happened
there was a scene showing pinkie from the pony world walking through the mirror to the human world meeting the other pinkie and high fiving her as the pinkie from the human world goes to the pony world. they switch worlds......
In the movie equestia girls pinkie wanted to find out so maybe she found out or before Twilight came to The human world pinkie pie already knew the pony world because she probably already went there and met the equestria Pinkie pie so for a day they switched World and keep that for a secret. Pinkie pie in the human world is friends with Pinkie pie in the equestria.
''SPOILER ALERT'' on the episode. called ''it's pinky keen'' it is supposed to be like that and twilight sparkle was already spying on her too ! ! ! ! !
She has a friend that goes to the portal every 30 moons and report to pinkie or pinkie in equestria and in CHS are friends and report to each other whats happening so thats why pinkie knows what twilight is a pony princess or that she met a boy named flash😊😊😊
I agree of you she might be going through the portal maybe that's why I'm in the bloopers of the movie that came out this Sierra question girls you know the lawn when ya she guests twilights she might be great though the mirror. /:
All i am going to say is that pinkamena is very cheerful but why does she change even if her friends like her.not saying this is an episode or anything but just saying...and the thing is that why did her hair not go down when discord took over her,i mean every time she is mean with friends her hair goes down. but why did it not go down?
Maybe pinkie is from human world and human pinkie from equestria and they switch on a regular basis. In equestria girls spring break there was a portal to the human world near ponyville so maybe she found another near town
I got an idea first of all watch behind the scenes you see her switching life's with the pony pinkie and maybe nobody knows pinkie did that maybe that's why
Is RD a psychic because in the lat 2 episodes in season 4 Twilight is being sent back to ponyvill because they need a princess, Twilight say but you dont even know what the tree of harmony looks like, RD say something like huge tree cutie marks on the trunk. When Twilight hasnt said anything about what it looks like.
mini Pinky has powers but I understand that you can read for the future but maybe she has magic leaving undeveloped heart maybe she's meant to be a unicorn butt her hair was undeveloped
I don't think that pinkie is psychic cuz in the second movie pinkie actualy put her dead through the portal so maybe she had some sortof a connection to the other pienkie in ponivill so she might have told here what happened
I don't understand much when it comes to MLP: FIM, but one thing struck me when it comes to the Mane 6, let's start with Twilight Sparkle, Twilight was in magic school, when she was giving the task of hatching a dinosaur egg...she had no ideal of what to do, but low and behold, there was a sonic rainboom done just outside of window of the classroom and next thing you know, spike is born and the teachers are everything but teachers...next comes Applejack...Applejack left the sweet apple acres to live with her Aunt and Uncle Orange in Marehatten to live a new life, but she felt out of place and was missing something in her life, but when she saw that rainboom, she saw that it pointed to her home in ponyville, she knew right away that she belonged there. Pinky Pie, Pinky Pie lived with her family on a rock farm and all she did was move one pile of rocks to another pile and so forth, but Pinky knew that something was missing in her life as well, but when she saw the rainboom, it had a very big effect on her and changed her in ways that confound ones own mind...and Pinky started doing things that no Earth Pony could do. It had to have something to do with Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom that changed the outcome of 3 of the mane 6 Ponies...I'm not sure what effect it had on Rarity or Fluttershy, besides maybe scaring the heck out of Fluttershy, but without that sonic rainboom from Rainbow dash, the mare 6 would never had formed and there wouldn't be the new elements of harmony through out all of the seasons. This is just my thought, but it would explain what happened to Pinky and the rest as mention above.
On the farm that pinkie grew up on he was so board that she disided to have some fun when rainbow dash flew above pinkie a rock hit her head an PD the rock had a psychic powers and gave her phychic powers
I have an idea but this isnt like the others if you watch a certain clip from the human my little pony sunset shimmer uses her powers to read pinkies mind and what happens in her past and she saw that somehow pinkie mabe got pulled into another dimension that lightened her up and made her who she is today
When pinkie was a little filly and the sun was going DOWN! He Parents couldn't find a candle and it was dark AROUND! Pinkie hid under he pillow For the darkness that she saw then she fell off her bed and hide her head on the WALL! THEN SHE Got The Ability to read minds with out knowing... She just did it randomly..
I think there is only one of pinkie pie and she secretly went in to learn about the new world and spy on twilight sparkle or there is another portal that only she knows about and went through that
maybe it is that the Ponies have dreams about the humans and the humans have dreams about the ponies that would explain why there wear their Cutie marks on their clothes
Oh pinkie pies cutie mark backstory was made up and she's from another universe Or she isn't real twilight or one of the mane 6 ( except pinkie) could be sleeping and it's all a dream and I imagine that twilight could be the one dreaming because of her isolation from others and/or she is in a coma wanting to see her friends again this is her dream and she may remember the least of pinkie pie so she sets out pinkie as the random character that we see now only knowing of her randomness and her love for parties not to mention her supernatural abilities plus this might explain why we can't figure out how the time line works and why you start out every other episode with a town that's in touched or I can be completely wrong I just want to go on with my theory
No, remember in pinkie apple pie when she looks in the window r something, she draws here self as a, a...... BREZZIE!!! HOW DID AGE KNOW THAT? Well, in that ep when flutter shy is gone and discord gets sick, she says she is leaving to study creatures, aka brezzies... Maybe flutter sky told pinkie r something, so yeah.. I feel smart.. In this moment, yay!!! 😺
Remember friendship games bloopers both pinkies switches pony pinkie went to human world and vice versa Ik he made this before that came out, but I was just clarifying
I knoe this is an aincent video, but if you watch the blooper reel of freindship games equestria girls, you'll put it ALL toegether. Trust me. It's kinda what i do. Your friend, Pinkie Pie
What if when the pony pinkie put her hand in the mirror it gave the human pinkie the ability to find out about there being equestria.And when the human pinkie tried to go thru the portal it gave the pony pinkie the ability to find out what happend.Or pinkies just sidekick.8\
pinkie can travel through the 4th wall right what if she can do more like see the other dimension so she could have seen twilight as a alicorn like if u agree
Maybe In episode cutie mark chronicles when that rainbow boom blew over pinkie and she first learned to smile she then got some crazy rainbow powers like reading minds
I think pinkie pie is from another dimension where she had super powers and she either had someone from that dimension give her her powers or it's genetic either way I think she probably say how ponyville was in need of happiness when unicorns, pegasi and Earth ponies were starving and she went then the pie family found her and adopted her and maybe even changed her name but she had to work on a rock farm so the sadness and boringness made her just as sad and bored as everyone else then rainbow dash does her Sonic rainboom yada yada yada and that's the true meaning of Christmas
In the serious of Princes Trixie Sparkle the main 6 spike and trixie got switched. So twilight switched w/ trixie then rainbow dash switched w/ spike rarity switched with pinkie pie AJ switched w/ fluttershy so in episode 7 this happened so near the end since pinkie and rarity switched pinkie's tail twitched in her body rarity said "is (my) tail twitching?" so pinkie's random pinkie sense tells us that maybe her pinkie sense stays in her own body
Well I know this is old but now.... We all know why pinkie pie knows everything XD I mean, in the video hasbro released a few months ago we can see how 2 pinkies exchange their places (pony pinkie pie and the equestria pinkie pie) but now that I think about it... This could be wrong because in the first movie (equestria girls) the portal was just opened for a few time so, how in the world was pinkie pie able to travel to the pony world if the portal was closed when twilight went? Because she actually knew everything when twilight return to the pony world.... I mean it could had make sense when the equestria pinkie pie knew everything because the portal was opened, but it just doesn't make sense when she knew it all at the pony world... Or maybe she just went through it before it was closed.... I don't know..... OMG what am I saying?! .-. xD
Pinkie pie is probably friends with the human pinkie and after that she knows what she’s doing because Pinkie pie is very mysterious all the time she might have put her hooves inside the portal and all the knowledge even for the future knowledge went inside her brain so when Twilight was going to tell them pinkie pie knew what happened
Will in the friendship games bloopers pinkie pie from ponyvill and pinkie pie from the other world they were changing their places so that explains how pinkie knew everything and of course she has a pinkie since
it because of the sonic rainboom the rainbow is the thing that change her whole life she became sad to fun scared to brave the rainboom improve her self which meanings is to change her self of adding more personalities in her self
I have found out the true reason how pinkie pie knows things that happened in the other world. It's be sauce human pinkie and pony pinkie swap places.search in YouTube mop friendship games bloopers .somewere near the end of the video the pinkies swap places
It's like this her family was a rock collector and she saw the sonicrainboom made by rainbow dash fill the sky and then she was so inspired of making a party see became sykick and so on shes like...special ok thats my head cannon
hen rainbow did her first sonic rainboom when she got her cutie mark pinky was the only one on the rock farm the exitment most have been so great along with the rush and magic In the s.r it most have given he an extra sence. (thus pinky sence was created)
I meant to say she's kept it a little odd a little strange but gifted I don't know however Pinkie sense works I hope I know to be honest I don't even all that nonsense but I do live as her sister mod when I sure do love Pinkie Pie she's funny she's amazing my favorite color I my dad is pink and she's got it in Spades she's got a balloon on her and how cute is that doesn't really matter if she is or not that she knows people are thinking before they even say it who cares stop over-analyzing things over-analyzing things gets downright annoying but I hate the spoiler alerts that's the only thing I didn't like
here is my theory to pinkies crazyness when rainbowdash made a sonicrainboom the shock effected pinkies brain and she is weird now and can see things as and sense things normal ponies dont.
If you search MLPEG deleted scenes the last one is there is 2 pinkies and they switch like: Human pinkie goes into the pony world and Pony Pinkie goes into the Human world
i think pinky got all her odd powers during the sonic rainboom i mean just think she didnt do any of that stuff on the rock farm as a filly or she would know the rainboom was comeing and what it meant ...................right ...........i dont just a thought
In the one double rainboom rainbow dash drank the potion and it increased her talent.So for pinkie pies pinkie scence when she drank the potion she could see through time and space.
I already know that she is psychic from the episode called Double Rainboom Note I am just on my dad's tablet and I am a girl 😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸
I know many people noticed things about pinkie pie. But because of that, I told my brother about it. He called pinkie pie a freaking hacker! I thought she was to. And I saw proof! In eg rainbow rocks, listen to the song "with my best friends, though we're different. " and pay special attention to pinkie pie. If you notice, please subscribe to my channel, and leave a comment if you can. And this final request, HAS ANYONE EVER THOUGHT OF DOING A THEORY VIDEO ON THE MANE 6, AND THE 6 OTHER CHARACTERS (SMART COOKIE, C.PUDDINGHEAD, C.HURRICAN, CLOVER THE CLEVER,ETC) I THINK THEIR RELATED SOMEHOW. PLUS C.PUDDINGHEAD ACTS EXACTLY LIKE PINKIE PIE! IF YOU READ THE JOURNAL OF THE 2 SISTERS, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. LIKE WHAT THE HAY, I HAVEN'T SEEN A SINGLE VIDEO ABOUT THESE HEARTS WARMING EVES CHARACTERS BEING SOMEHOW CONNECTED TO THE MANE 6!!!!!
this is pinkie back story in the ep when the pie family and the apple family got toghether you can see pinkie pie is nothing like her family, but then agin the rest of her family lived on a rock farm there untir life. so maybe pinke got to be uniqe by the sonic rainboom, after all that is how she most liklely the way she got so diffrent from the rest of her family. btw i now i spelled a lot of words wrong.
maybe pinky pie has connection with the other pinky pie from the human world or maybe they both pinky from the human and pony world meet each other from time to time to time. something like that?! Thats all i have to say about! One more thing i like your videos and give you 100,000,000,000 thumbs up on all your videos about talking about MLP! :) I would love if you let me join your next video or videos, i would so love it if you did that! Just think about that!!
I don't have any idea but youst for you to know she is pretty not normal and she is friend of every one so I agree with all your opinions but youst take this into account.😁😁😁😁
I'm sunset Shimmer i think that pinkle pie iš crazy and all of that iš from a sonic rainboom cause when she was little in the rock farm she was loney and sad also her hair was stright not puffy !!! :)
Maybe when pinky saw the rainbow by rainbow dash you know when pinky mane became poofy and she got her new personality and maybe her powers pinky sense and pysic and probably many more in the future maybe that's how 😋
pinkie the sonic rain-boom maybe be it was that the ponies who never felt happy get's a power so THINK ABOUT THIS ever poney outside at the sonic rain-boom did not get crazy hair only pinkie pie
About pinkie pie , in my own opinion it's because of her cutie mark means a wild party animal she's like that remember in the video of double rainboom twilight said that if pinkie pie drinks it she would get crazy but she is crazy already but who get crazier that pinkie pie!!!!!!!
Pinkie is not psychic me and my sister think that pony Pinkie traveled from Equestria to the human world and that Human Pinkie traveled from the human world to Equestria because at the end Pinkie goes "AWW MAN" when the portal closes and then 'pony Pinkie' knows everything MAKES SENSE RIGHT
Hey its kyla I have an idea maybe when she was little and rainbow dash did her rainboom she got her powers just like twilight and rairity it makes sense. Think about please.:)
Maybe thats her superpower because fluttershy has the stare rarity is so creative Rainbow has super speed apple is so strong Twilight is....well super organized
Forget about that poor dash guy, it was LITTLE MISS PINKAMINA PIE WHO TOLD SUNSET!!!!!! You were saying that...she could be a changing...if you see what I'm implying...yeah it could be....
Pinkie braked the 4th wall to the human world ar she is related to spiderman, she can climb up wall's and she has a pinkie sans and spiderman has a spider sans
do you know that episode on how the mane six got there cutie marks rainbow dashes rainboom effect pinkie pie too maybe in that rainboom it gave her psychic powers idk its just theroy
I think Pinkie pie is psychic because she is a changeling only because she can teleport and she can turn her head up side down we can see she can turn her head upside down in the peraspriteds episode I also think that she lived before that so she knows everything and maybe that's how she knows all the birthdays and ponyville and that's how maybe she got her pinky sense and maybe star swirl the bearded cast a spell on Pinkie pie so that she is psychic and can teleport and all of that other stuff
in the ep. a gift for maud pie pinkie says that pinkie sense run's arocss the family but that makes me think if applejack and pinkie pie were family maybe that means applejack would have the sense to right?
I agree that pinkie is psychic but I think she is ADHD too, this is my theory,She moves a lot and barely stays still right?That the same for ADHD.So is this a good theory?
think of this ok Pinkie bow what happened right.That said is probably because they could of put pony pinkie in the human work and when twilight came back they put pony pinkie in the pony world. TaDa
@Katherine Perez Nope, if that was true, in the ending of the first movie, pinkie tried going in the thing and failed Katherine, ._. Sorry if this offends you idea, I liked the tought though!
Pikeie is an interdemenshunal biing like bill cipher and prububly an pony vearshen of an indgo child. You know that eposode you made viguring out how rairtys houarn was pulled to that rock? Well, maby becase shes beeen around roks SO MUCH and is a rock farmer, maby some of the rocks powersrubbed of on her. How dos this work you ask? well, it works becase if you trow a rouk out of the portal, it wont change into enything else. Exactly like the two pinke pies! The only thing that seprates them is that one s a pony and the other is humen. Well, thats my opinyun. hope I gave some imsparashen!
i LOVE ur channle but........pinkie pie shes adopted shes pink and her cutie mark is WAAAAAY difrent then her family alltho.... that might just be the same thing that will happen to sweetie bell and apple bloom soo (this is mostley about her cutie mark so) idk what im saying
Can can you make more videos with changing because I don’t want her are good so you should make more videos with you and your friends and twilight and have add a car Baba I have a con Alcorn blow
Stop over thinking she just a wierd and something crazy party ponie
Party people are not like other people so we see them as weirdos and strange people but pinkie is not psychic she just thinks of something crazy and says it and it turns out to be true like we she geussed Twi is really a pony and not a human
Wouldn't you say WTF if you're new friend was a horse and not human and if you thought your friend was a horse wouldn't you confront them on it even though it's a wierd ideas that's basically what pinkie does
Okey dokey well that is pretty frieking cool but no one listens to this so my best friend doesn't think twilight should be a princess then she did save her friends so yeah help meeeeeeeeeeee!😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😮
Maybe the first time she had cake (During the "Party" where she got her cutie mark.), the thing that she was going to love the most as who she was had caused her to quickly develop strange phycic powers.
You know how they say humans only use 10% of there brain power? Well lets just say that this applies for ponies too. Think, what if the rainboom that came and gave her her cutiemark it unleashed the power to access more than just 10% of the brain power. This would explain why she has pinkie sense, with more than 10% of the brain she would be more aware of her surrondings and be able to perdict what will happen. (And why she always breaks the fourth wall XD) And have you noticed in the flashback of when discord showed twilight the twist and turn part, pinkie seemed to look at them, like she could sense something there... and I would also like to think when pinkie gets mad or insane, her mane deflates because less of her brain power is being used here. She would be losing control of the other 90% of her brain power, (because when you think back to the sonic rainboom that enwakened her other 90% of her brain power, it also blew up her mane.) So when every Pinkie loses more percentage of her brain power, the more deflated her mane becomes. o3o
I honestly relate to Pinkie better than any other character in MLP:FIM. We are super similar. That being said, I am actually going to talk about MLP:FIW for a second.
So, Pinkies back story in FIW is that her family was killed during the war when she was a filly. She grew up in a orphanage.
Okay, bear with me here. My story is pretty similar. Had a very rough childhood. And now I tend to scare the crap out of other people because I know things about them before they even realize it themselves. I know where my "gift" came from. When you walk on eggshells your whole life, you become HYPER-observant of your surroundings and you develop a acute sense of empathy.
In MLP:FIM, Pinkie grew up in a stifling environment. With parents that seemed so strict (this IS a kids show, so maybe I'm letting my head go wild, if you got the drift of what I meant there) that she walked on eggshells until she saw the sonic rainboom, threw her first party, and left the rock farm for Ponyville!
My head canon is that when Pie was exposed to the rainbow energy, It gave her the ability to break the fourth wall and read minds. The reason this did not happen to the rest of the mane 6 is because Twilight and Applejack were both inside, Rarity was behind a rock, and I think Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get automatically protected because they're pegasi
Pinky watches the show before it happens, and then decides that the butterfly effect would take place if it didn't happen, and she feels as if that would change their friendship drastically and sets everything up.
She has ESP but since she's a hyperactive earth pony, her body absorbed the ability so she has movements that tell the immediate future, and sometimes she gets little flashes in her mind so she knows what someone is about to say.
Does anypony remember how pinkie got her cutiemark? I noticed when she saw the rainbow... her eyes went from a dark blue to light blue... I have actually looked this up and most psychics do have light blue eyes. Plus she does notice the background events too... did you also notice in the episode with gilda the Griffin, she built a contraption that was able to get her off the ground with in seconds.... I do find this video very interesting... thank you the brony notion for giving me more important evidence that pinkie is physic!
Mostly her psychic powers seem limited to a psychic danger sense, and she was seen crawling up a wall in a season 4 episode. Filli vanilli I think, or whatever the name was. Here's my theory:
So some how she was still able to do magic, like in one of the mlp comics when they were pirates or something like that. And thus discovered that she could still use magic and just likes to make her friends think she is psychic.
Maybe the rock farm she grew up on used to be some kind of bomb shelter after nuclear war (a theory that I didn't make up about ponies being mutations of humans and magic is just the advanced technology left over and blah blah blah) and she must've slipped into it, which explains why she looks nothing like the rest of her family.
I personally think that when the sonic rainboom went off, whoever was OUTSIDE when it happened, it gave them special powers for example Rarity's gem-finding ability, pinkie's pinkie sense and fluttershy's ability to speak to the animals. JUST A THEORY DONT HATE APPRECIATE
I wrote a fanfiction about ponies with special abilities who were locked up in a government facility, and at one point, Pinkie was locked up to be studied for her psychic abilities.
since you asked, what if the balloons on her flanks means more then merely the fun and partying? is there a possible link to flight in there, or yet more unseen? Have a goo at this, if you will. Just as the butterflies on Flutter Shy is more of fragility?
I think yes. Although , I think she has a little of everyone's thoughts all the time and that makes her loopy. BUT when an exciteing event happens to her or anouther around her(Equestria movie w/ twilight) she gets honed in on that persons thoughts for a while longer than anyone's elses which caued her to know what twilight was gonna say.
my theory is that when the sonic rainboom hit twilight she relayed it, and added power to it. As twilight was the second-to-last to get hit by the rainboom, the enhanced power rainboom only hit pinky, and being bound by destiny to the rainboom only affected pinky.
I feel almost like with Rainbow's Filly Rainboom, and her hair poofed up. that something else happened. As in Pinkie Sense and EG, she was able to know what was going to happen and when. She also guessed the name of Spike in EG, which confuzed me untill i thought back to previous episodes like Party of One. We got to meet... how do I put this without being her next Cupcake victim Yes i believe in Cupcakes her.. challenged side? I think that what drove her to Insanity was everybody hating on her, and I completely agree that she is the ONLY pony to acually break the fourth wall as in My Little Pony: Friendship is Witchcraft; The Gypsy Bard.
Pinkie is like Maddie from Ever After High.Maddie is able to hear/talk to the narrators and do crazy things until she knows it's impossible.She's even guessed what Raven has been thinking from time to time,and will of be seen saying silly things to cheer her friends up,such as "No gloomy glooms!"So,yeah.
So, what I heard is that Pinkie used to be a pegasus, but lost her wings in an accident. She bounces to feel like she's flying, and her cutie mark is balloons, which fly. This leads me to believe that she WAS once a pegasus, since in the episode "Griffon the Brush Off", she knows how to fly using balloons, and that flying contraptions, both in which Gilda destroys. She also can bounce really high up on a trampoline, which also means she certainly knows how to fly. Her three balloons might also represent Mr. and Mrs. Cake, their son is a pegasus. Could Pinkie possibly relate to Mr. and Mrs. Cake? I don't know exactly. Maybe she was given up by the Cakes because of her powers, or because they couldn't figure out why she was born a pegasus? She might have been given up because they were scared of her being physic, and Igneous Rock and Ivory Quartz adopted her. That leads me to say that they're last name isn't Pie, but it relates to rocks, why? Pinkie never enjoyed rocks, maybe she doesn't like them because rocks are the reason she lost her wings. Maybe Cloudy and Igneous got her to believe her last name is Pie so that she could have something to remember the Cake's by. I don't know exactly, just a hunch. ;)
Twilight Joins Pinkie in the fourth wall once. (I can't remember what episode and I'm sure someone has pointed this out before.) Also Spike breaks the fourth wall more routinely than Pinkie, he's just not normally as overt about it (except in lesson zero).
Based on pinkie pie, I am a lot like her actually I have a mental disorder (which I do not wish to speck of) I actually experience all those "senses" also but because of my mentality I become insane during the process, which is also explained when pinkie pie becomes insane too. If that makes any sense
maybe discord practice magic on pinkies ancestors and the spell for psychic got trapped in their genes, and to hide it the y made sure they would never activate it, aka no happiness on a rock farm, and after pinkie saw the rainboom and got frizzed, her psychic powers activated.
My Humor Headcanon (meaning a headcanon I think of when I need a laugh): When Pinkie was a filly growing up on a rock farm, on the day of the Sonic Rainboom, Pinkie managed to throw a rock into the Fourth Wall. The rock went through the Fourth Wall leaving a hole and cracks (we've all seen how a rock breaks glass and if you haven't, I pity you) and Pinkie was able to see through it. Forever after, she was able to see us watching her and her friends and all of her silly, crazy, Pinkie Pie stunts are Good Guy Pinkie giving us a good show. When she turns into Pinkamenia, she temporarily forgets about giving us a good show.
Well if you think about Season 1 Episode 15, Feeling Pinkie Keen her Pinkie sense is kind of like being Psychic. And yeah because she guessed. So pretty much.
I almost think that pinkie was a unicorn at one point in time, then something happened to her horn, being cut off or something. But I don't know how to explain the EQG movie. Leaving that aside, the memory of that horror was so fixed in her mind that she wanted to think of something else
Stupid thought, but still a thought: the rainboom made by rainbow dash could have effected pinkies nerves in someway or triggering soooo much happiness and laughter that her inside magic was triggered too, and allowed her to see things and protect her friends because she wanted to see her friends smile, not frown from injuries. Pinkie might have a 6th sense, like those of animals, and be able to detect immediate thoughts by reading facial features. Because of that, pinkie pie may be blessed with the awareness of what go's around her, hence the fact that she can detect harmful things before they happen and speak to the audience. Or she might just be really crazy. Anyway, just a thought.
Well we can safely assume that Fluttershy's dad was a sociopathic raging alcoholic that murdered her mother when she was young in front of her traumatizing her to deep introverted nature and he died of liver failure and that's why we have no mention of her family they're all dead. Pinkie Pie well it's tough because we've seen her family and sister (s). I don't think you can repeat the same thing with Fluttershy with Pinkie though. I try not to hate on Fluttershy so much because when I see her I see that repressed rage of her father always in conflict with the sweet innocence and timidness of her mother. It's dark but hey it works.
Side Effect of Sonic rainboom is my guess. All of the Mare 6 got their Cutie marks from that even and i even say Twilight's own destiny weas altered. So maybe a side effect gave pinkie her strange ablilities
I'm pretty sure pinkie had it pretty rough so that's why she trows so many parties and stuff, people who bring try so hard to bring joy to other people often have no join for themselfs
Pinkie was getting bored sitting around waiting for Twilight to come back. So when nopony was looking, she slipped through the mirror and into the school. Since she had her "human self" there already, she took her place.
i think when pinkie got her cutie mark partying hecticness began,she had a lot of parties. all that parting went to her head, and messed with her brain,but that's only the beginning. she and rainbow dash grew close over the years,and, chances are,she saw alot of rainbows. probbly, the flashing colers messed with her brain. now, imagine both events put together and make her psykik
Well, pinkie is adopted. So maybe her real parents had some sort of psychic power or something and passed it to her. Or, like others have said, it could be the sonic rainboom. Why is it that rainbows are constantly included in this show? Like when everybody got their cutie mark. Or when rarity went to Manehattan and got rainbow thread. How about every time the elements of harmony are activated or in the season 4 finale or during the whole season. That's something you should discuss.
I'm kinda like Pinkie Pie. I have a slight physic power that my friend's mom says comes from being ADHD. And I have a weather sense. My stomach hurts and my hair poofs up about 24 hours be for a major storm hits. So maybe Pinkie is ADHD and like me he has that type of sense. Or she's dead pool's sister.
Maybe Pinkie is adopted and has half unicorn blood, and was blessed before being set in front of a random door on a cotton candy cloud raining chocolate milk night. Just a thought XD
Maybe pinkie pie was born with latent psychic abilities, which was unlocked due to an emence amount of emotion. This emotion was joy. We both saw that pinkie wasn't joyful or happy for some of her fillyhood. So perhaps when the sonic rainboom happened it overloaded her brain causing her to use more than 2% of her mental power. Now she has these abilities and an incredible amount of joy. This is simply my graduation.
I have a hoard of these Head-Canons. The one thing I am waiting for now is to see her take on the form of another, in clasical Changeling style. She have done something from all the rest? Even if she have no wings or horn visibly, she has been caught both flying and levitationg for starters. Now, why does she draw power from other ponies being happy?(like a changeling?) the range of knowledge seems acended?
"Oki Doki Loki" ..... I'm not first with this headcanon-suggestion, and it is possible that it even is un-official canon for the scriptwriters, considering she might have 8 hooves in Cranky Doodle Donkey (and shows 6 of them), she is Laughter(more harmonical than Mischief, but still) ....
I would not be surprised if she has a gramps called Sleipner ....
My headcannon was that Pinkie was frailer then the other 6 when she was little (she looks the smallest but it may be age) and when the rainboom hit she may have hit her head in just the right place (or maybe some flying stone smacked her she did live on a rock farm) which gave her fourth wall powers. Yea not a great theory but what evs
I myself believe that it has something to do when when she first saw the sonic rainboom, that could have have a dramatic effect on her. or it could have been because she has a mental illness, I'm not saying she does, but it's a possibility
Remember this : Pinkie is the silly one, Ever seen ever after high? Maddie hatter,Shes the only one who can interact with the narrarators! Shes also the silly one! For some stange reson a lot of TV shows take the silly one and make them have sometimes "unnoticed" Powers.
Pinkamina was in the field doing her chorus. Farming rocks. While shuffling through the dusty earth she subbed her hoof on a rock. ROCKS! That's all that's around her. Pinkie picked up the rock and through it. I cracked opened, exposing the light blue gems inside. Gems? She carefully trotted toward the glittering crystals. They let off a faint glow. It was almost like magic. When her hoof picked up the geo her eyes widen. She saw lives, past lives, future lives, impossible lives. When the vision faded she heard a voice "Pinkamina it's time to come in for breakfast!" Pinkie heard her mother called for her daughters. Pinkie hide the stone for she knew it's power and ability. She knew everything.
Im guessing Pinkie's "parents" adopted her because her real parents were unicorns and she was born without a horn. And that would explain why her 'family' is bland and dull grey when Pinkie is bright pink and happy
I think that pinkie might be distantly related to Starswirl the Bearded... Cough cough Discord cough cough His magic can explain her pinkie senses and her psychicness... hope this helps
i think that everyone/pony has a link to their human/pony self and pink has it stronger. like some of the other human mane 6 thought thought they had seen her before
What I am about to say might be stupid. But I think that since Pinkie Pie grew up on a rock farm before she saw the rainbow from Rainbow Dashes first Rainboom and learned to smile, party and have fun. She self taught herself how to read the minds of her family members and her Pinkie Sense got stronger and she started being able to figure out when bad things we're gonna happen or rain or whatever due to her miserable past life on the farm. That her teaching herself how to be psychic was her only way of early on having fun before she ever really learned what "fun" was. And it was also so she could help her family get off the rock fields before a storm ad such. That may have all just been way to random. But it's just a thought.
i think that maby pinkie has already gone though the portal that twilight went though but she didnt only go though the one but though all of them. then she slowly started to gane the ability to see though the forth wall like she knows were there, but keeps it to herself so she dosnt alarm anypony. i also think that when shes pinkimena thats just all the things shes seen flasing back at her.Or maby she is a time traveler and some traumatizing event happens in the future and every time she is sad it reminds her about it so she gose crazy. i will probably make a video about it so if your intested in my thery pleze watch the video
My headcannon would be: Pegasi have wings and can walk in clouds and unicorns have magical abilities sooooooo.... Earth ponies need to have a special power don't they? So I guess earth ponies have a special ability someway or another. Example: Maud Pie and Applejack are strong and powerful. (Maud pie crushed that boulder that was about to fall to Pinkie pie and applejack applebucks apples) so Pinkie pie has the pinkie sense and mind reading ability. :-) +The Brony Nation
Remember in boast busters when Tricia took pinkie's muzzle away? Then at the end she is in the black screen. Twilight came through to give back her muzzle..anyone remember that episode?
I think pinkie might be originally from another demension wich explains why she was the only pink pony in her ADOPTED family ! U can see her family in a clip called pinkie's cutie mark.
Pinkie pie probably was hearing strange voices from someone like a ghost or from one of a spirit from her family who has pasted and dosn't won't her getting hurt
pinkie may be able to do things but technically i think about pinkie a little like me becuz i have a few of these abilities and a few more it's posable that she never learned to block them out like her family. her family could have a little but she got everything in the genes to be psychic
I have an idea but it might now be that great but here I go..... so when pinkie pie was a filly after the rainbow (sonic rainboom) her hair went all crazy and she got her cutie mark I thought that mabe before she got her cutie mark she already was psychic so she had it when she was born but she dident use it that mutch because she never smiled until the sonic rainboom so im gussing she got her pinkie sense when she got more happy, and she was born physchic and now she uses very well.
Pinkie Pie, the missing Warner Sister. Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinkie. Explains her Loony Toony ways, mostly. Or Discord's long lost grand grand grand grand grand grand etc. etc. grand daughter. That could explain her hammerspace ability (party cannon, streamers, water glass, etc from nowhere) Pinkiesense, walking upside down on invisible ground, shared love of cotton candy and chocolate milk rain (could go for some chocolate milk rain myself about now) and maybe a bit of why she doesn't trust Discord (long almost forgotten family dispute?)
Remember in sonic rainboom (Special Episode) After Rainbowdash went missing From a spell Twilight made she made another one and gave it too pinkiepie And she said she was able to see through the fabrics of space and time 4th wall broken :O
The way she got her powers is the rain boom because when she was a filly her hair was down and suddenly the rainboom appears and made her hair all poofy and that radiation might caused her to have the powers
Pinkie is Psychic. It is canon. Premonitions AKA Pinkie sense. Limited ESP. I pinkie does not so much "remember" every ponies birthdays as much as she "extracts" this information from their mind.
but now i think about it pinkie is not the only pony who has senses e.g cheese sandwich . may party ponys are like that after they get cutie mark . plus there are 3 ponys who are diffenet from where they come from .cheese ,pinkie and bab seed .
Since she grew up on a rock farm, she probably fell of something and hot her head, injuring it, but uncovering a different part of the brain no ponies use... Like you know how humans only use 20% of their brain??? hhhuuuhhh hhuuhhhh uuhhhhh?!?!?!?!
well pinkie maybe has some magic she is hiding like the gypsy thing but with her sisters one or two of them have a horns maybe when maud taught her how to make candy necklaces she also taught her some magic that went along with her gypsy thing because maud was a very quiet mysterious pony but pinkie could of also been adopted because she has pinkie hair and she's all PARTY!!!!!! and because she wasn't very happy at the rock farm she might of been sad cause she misses her family same with my little pony friendship is witch craft even though its the fandom it could mean something. but when rainbow dash did her sonic rainboom its could of let out a electric charge on her to make her physic because every time she uses her sense she lets out an electric charge . hope those help
What if pinkie pie had alicorn magic in her but because she don't have wings or a horn it gets trapped inside giving her psychic powers or something like that!
I believe the secret behind this and pinkies logic diffhighing powers and maybe the pinkie sense is that she's disended from discord tho the only evidence I have is that it explains it and pinkie and screwball are both pink
Maybe the sonic rainboom when she got an opportunity to get a cutie mark maybe it wasnt just the cutie mark and happiness she can also recieved this power by the dramatic change in mental state and personality and power in the rainbow heck she looked like the family discord compared to her family and also inculdes why pinkie pie likes rainbow dash because she herself (not intentionally) changed her life for the better (not including cupcakes) and gave her power and is greatful for what see has done
Sky-the-Dreadful that is not actually ridiculous idea maybe if you go back to previous episodes before the first sonic rainboom story maybe we can see if pinkie pie had her powers before hand or after the rainboom event, if the whole gang got their cutie mark because of this event then it could be possible along with her cutie mark she had gotten the power to sense quick mind notes. Although this theory in equestria girls would make no sense but none the less they are the same person / pony
I 2as gonna type something..... I don't know what....... but so I'm not wasting my time...................................... pinkie's just straightforward - AWESOME!
I'm just being stupid here.. and so is my little cousin... but.. Maybe Pinkie was kinda... again stupid but.. maybe she was a unicorn... and maybe while she lived at the rock farm... her parents didn't want her to be a unicorn... or maybe Pinkie was born with a horn.. but as she got a bit older... it vanished due to little magic (in friendship or ANYTHING) because remember... she said "it was sad.. there was no talking.. so fun" maybe if she was a unicorn.. she lost that because there was nothing for her to go with that helped her magic in her special talent
hmmm maybe i bet she go it at the rock farm, i mean think about it she has been so alone in that farm that it wold make sense if got something like that. or maybe hasbro did it so the fans wouldn't have to hear twilight blah on stupid crap.
(lol I disliked my own comment) ok my Idea goes like this: all the pies are psychic, I mean in Maud pie pinkie say i've never see her so happy. what if pinkie and Maud could communicate with each other with there minds? is that how pinkie can see maud's emotions? or maybe pinkie is the only psychic.... who knows
The Time The Sonic Rainboom Came Did U Guys See Her Hair It Look Like She Know Everything And Maybe Her First Party Or Cuz She Said She Could Smile Fir Ever Or Is It Cuz She Was Born On A Rock Farm Please Help Me I Have So Many Thoughts Right Now!!!
Wait remember when she put her hoof on the portal Maby that makes her some one in each world she watches the show and she is freinds with dead pool and something like that because who would win is a 4th wall breaking contest pinky or dead pool
mybe from the radiation from rainbow dashes sonic rainboom before she got her cutie mark, just think about it for a second, comment NICE things if u think so to plz I nu like mean comments :(
No way, absolutely not. If she's a changeling, how come when she was mentioning her past (episode where the CMCs were looking for Rainbow Dash to learn about how she got her cutie mark) she didn't say anything about Chrysalis? This person actually studies MLP and colects clues to solve mysteries. I have NO idea what she did there.
She's pinkie pie. She can do whatever in Equestria she feels like. Okay seriously. She's actually the daughter of Discord. Her parents and sisters are a foster family. She was born with her powers because she's the daughter of Discord. The looks and party pony self is probably from her mum's side. Her mum's origin is unknown. Thanks
Need the school has the same powers pinky and has the same ability is like pinky sons knowing that parties are around yeah I kind of copied your day but yeah kind of gave you my dear for comment but that’s not the point
Maybe Pinkie is a human being in disguise in both worlds who is secretly watching and skipping ahead in the show and she knows there filming. Just remember PINKIE IS ALWAYS WATCHING
Got a questions for your Q&A - tell as about how started this channel? And why you choose changeling for OC? Well anyway, happy upcomming holidays! Btw Siberia say hi :)
I'm sorry. I'm Ukrainian but I grew up in America. The written languages are so similar, I guess I got confused. Sorry if that offended you, I don't know the written languages that well
Pinkie Pie is actually a being from the 4th dimension which has escaped to the second dimension to find out what the third dimension is like.
333 likesReplies (17)
@Atho WAT?
3 likes@billy jean yes.
1 likeNo, i ment, wat did u meen?
2 likes@billy jean What I meant is that Pinkie is a transdimensional being.
4 likesNo, she's just being Pinkie Pie.
6 likes@Atho Pinkie breaks the fourth wall.
1 like@Emma Wood Its what keeps the cartoon world and our world apart. :P
0 likes@Emma Wood yeah
0 likesYeah. I think she might be a gipsy you now from gipsy's brew. Sorry I spelled it wrong
1 likenope. just the ability to break the 4th wall.
1 like...
0 likesWhat is the 4th dimention and 2nd dimention and 3rd mention
0 likesAh yes, Pinkamena Pie: The Fourth-wall breaker of many worlds.
0 likesUhm if you’re talking abt this happening in the show, I don’t agree with you. They remain in the same dimension because they remain 2D. The creatures depicted in Equestria Girls aren’t humans, they have coloured skin of all colours of the rainbow and naturally dyed hair. Even if they were humans, they’re still 2D and aren’t part of the third dimension.
0 likesHowever if this is something that you theorize may have happened previous to the show, it would be interesting, but I think it’s a universe-jumping thing, not a dimension thing.
I don't get it?
0 likes@eeliot you are right
0 likesAnd Discord is a normal thing.
0 likesOkay, I have an explanation for both Pinkie Pies!
189 likesHuman Pinkie:
"You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it they don't work anymore, and you need them all to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time! squee"
This makes perfect sense as a conclusion Pinkie would jump to! In fact, this portrays Pinkie as kind of a genius. She read the signs Twilight was holding up, like her bad handwriting and holding the pen in her mouth to deduce that she was a pony or some other four-legged creature. The video helped her to deduce the "pony" part of it, because she didn't seem to understand fingers in the first part of it. Also, the fact that she was so eager to get the crown, that it was "something she had to do," led her to believe the crown belonged to her and it was extremely significant. And why would it belong to her if she wasn't a princess? Also, the fact that she had to get it so quickly kind of put the time limit in place! Why is it significant though? Maybe it has some magical element that powers up other magical elements used to defend her world, and if the elements were magical, maybe her world was magical, too. That could have been it, but it was still... "Just a hunch!"
Pony Pinkie:
Pony Pinkie Pie is a riddle wrapped in a mystery, but I'm going to reveal her secret! This all goes back to the very beginning. And I mean the very beginning. As a filly on the rock farm, Pinkie Pie didn't have much logic-bending abilities. But then, something happened: The legendary Sonic Rainboom. The Sonic Rainboom's magic fused with Pinkie Pie's magic, intensifying it by... a large percentage. Am I the only one who noticed this?! Take a look at the five ponies affected by the Sonic Rainboom:
Applejack: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Filly_Applejack_sees_the_rainboom_S01E23.png
Fluttershy: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Filly_Fluttershy_fearful_S1E23.png
Rarity: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Explosion_S1E23.png THEN http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Rock_opens_to_gems_S1E23.png
Twilight: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Twilight_after_the_Sonic_Rainboom_S1E23.png
Pinkie Pie: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Filly_Pinkie_Pie_blown_back_by_wind_S01E23.png
Is anyone else seeing this?! Pinkie is the only one physically altered by it! The Rainboom never touched the others, and Rainbow Dash was the one who did it, so we can't say she was affected! But this explains Pinkie's ability to bend reality! She owes it all to Rainbow Dash! Talk about hidden in plain sight!
Replies (21)
The first part of your theory kinda ties into my entire thing XD And the second part is very plausible and is a good idea ^^ It would make a lot of sense too. Maybe she was quite close to Cloudsdale when it went off, so she got affected? Rainbow Dash wouldn't have gotten affected because the magic spreads around her body after she breaks the sound barrier. A large amount of air would push the magic away and outward, and if Pinky was the closest to the explosion, she'd be hit by the magic. She also had no protection from it. Applejack and Twi were indoors, Rarity was possibly far away and behind a huge rock which took on the force, and fluttershy, despite being right below it, was protected by the tree tops. Pinky Pie was wide open and took all the magic full force ^^
16 likes@Auria_Autumn Well, that might be it, but I think I'm going to have to object on Fluttershy and the whole "Pinkie Pie was closest" part. Fluttershy was right next to the blast and the only thing protecting her from it was a bunch of thin branches and leaves, which aren't very reliable outside of Minecraft. Also, remember, she was in a clearing in the forest. Perhaps she was closer to the blast than we think and since the Rainboom is only a 2-dimensional explosion, its magic couldn't go down far enough to reach Fluttershy. Or maybe the magic was carried by the wind and that's why Fluttershy wasn't affected? Because there wasn't enough "magic wind"? I don't know. I'm just throwing out random ideas right now. But if you look at this: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130403195243/mlp/images/c/cb/Map_of_Equestria_April_2013.jpg, you'll see that Fluttershy was the closest. Even though there is no rock farm, we know it was just outside of Ponyville, and, from Cloudsdale, that's further away than Canterlot. So, I don't think the distance has anything to do with it.
11 likesHowever, everything else you said fits perfectly. Yet, when you brought up AJ, well, you got your facts a little confused. Take a look at the map of Equestria as well as another look at Cutie Mark Chronicles. AJ didn't see the Rainboom, which would make sense seeing how Manehattan is the furthest city from Cloudsdale that any of the Mane 6 were in. Also, she was looking out an open window at the time the Rainboom happened, so her protection would instead be distance.
I wrote this around 1 in the morning ^^' Too tired to realize the flaws lol Either way, it's still very plausible!
6 likesHoly crap, I just realized... Pinkie Pie makes sense... She was easier to explain than her human counterpart...
9 likes♪ It's the end of the world as we know it! ♪
but... didnt pinkie just turn into a party animal? oh wait that counts
6 likes@Crystal Wang That's only the effect it had on her mentally. The Rainboom affected her physically (the poofy hair), mentally (the excessive cheer), AND magically (the logic breaking). All three make sense: That wind would blow anypony back, those vivid colors would bring anypony cheer, and... wait a second... if this theory is to be taken into consideration, then the Sonic Rainboom has magical properties... right? @The Brony Notion, if you're reading this, this could be a good topic!
7 likesOkay, so it appears there's a small fault in my theory in the form of assumption. It's still plausible, but until someone finds out why the Rainboom has magical properties, if it does, it isn't entirely plausible. I'm still sticking with it though!
Actually, now that I think about it, the Sonic Rainboom is physically impossible upon multiple levels, so it would only make sense that it has magical properties, right? I mean, shattering the visible light spectrum? That doesn't just happen without some sort of magic applied!
9 likesI agrre with you, and ShTHfan 1
2 likesi love your idea @ShTHfan 1
2 likespoop
2 likesgasps
1 likehow do u do the italics? the slanted writing?
1 likeSoaring Symphony That seems unlikely, as the USA doesn't have a monarchy.
1 likeWell The Pony Part Would Not Be Reasonal Because Not Only Physically But Mentally Because She Is Always Happy So The Rainboom Might Have Effected Her Not Only Physically Thats The Reason She Could Do Extraordinary Things Too Many To Count And Hitting Her Mentally Is What Caused The Quote On Quote "Pinky Sense" Or Its Just Pinky Being Pink
1 like@Zafirah Rahman Yeah But That Might Just Be Because In The Episode That There Cutie Marks Got Switched It Is Described As Pinkie Pies Destiny Was Happiness So When She Gets Depressed She Denied Her Destiny As A Result It's Like When Starlight Removed The Mane 6 Cutie Marks They Got There Colors Less Bit Saturated So Implying When You Deny Your Destiny You Get Darker So Pinkie Pie Being Darker Is Just A Result Of Her Denying Her Destiny
1 likeHow in equestria did you write so much 😱 you finger's will be hurting by now even it has been 6 years
1 likeThat makes a lot of sense! The Sonic Rainboom possibly caused her ‘Pinkie Sense’ (which could either be seeing into other universes and maybe slightly into the future)
0 likes@Oliver the Bat Eared Fox Ok but there must have been a lot of other ponies also feeling that full force, and not just the ones with the hourglass ⏳ cutie marks.
1 likeYes!
0 likesI knew it I knew this was the answer
0 likesMaybe the sonic rainboom affected her mind differently than the others.
423 likesReplies (26)
That's a good theory!!
13 likesI had a similar theory. :)
8 likesTrue
5 likesYep I agree
4 likesShadow Absol Maybe
5 likesMaybe
4 likesI thought this said is pinkie syco😅
4 likes2D. 1D is a line. And yah good theory. This is 1D _______
1 likethat makes sense and explains why fluttershy can understand animals
4 likesAnd sorry. I think your right .
0 likes@jax like what?
0 likesYa
0 likesOr that so called pinkamina diane pie
0 likesYes that could be possible😄
0 likesYeah
0 likesWhat she's pinkie u can't question her 🎉🏆?
0 likesUnlike the other mane 6 the rainboom was refelcted in pinkies eyes
1 likeTrue!!
0 likesYes
0 likesYa
0 likes(Season 9 spoilers)
0 likesOr as sawtooth would put it, maybe discord's chaos magic she absorbed in the last episode affected all of her time line, affected her mind like you said and made her the pinkie pie we know and love, I'm not 100%, sold on this theory but it sounds cool af
I think no because well did earth ever have a rainboom
0 likesMaybe
0 likesI'm rewatching all of your old videos because I love your work and I must say, right off the bat you are really good at what you do. I enjoy you videos immensely, they give something to me that I don't think anyone else has provided. I know I'm kind of rambling, but you're awesome your video's are awesome, your remixes are awesome. Love ya
9 likesI always thought that pony pinkie has a special form of esp; her earth pony magic allows her to feel vibrations in both ground and air so it manifests in her pinkie sense. this also helps her remember important dates like birthdays, anniversaries, ext.
0 likesAs for human pinkie or fourth wall powers? I just take that as hand of the author. Especially since there's little to no magic outside the mane 7 and portal.
My two bits: In metaphysical/ new age circles Pinkie Pie and her actions would be described as highly intuitive and clairvoyant, or at least clairaudient (pre hearing) or claircognizant (pre knowing). Intuition is developed by following hunches, feelings, and inspiration which Pinkie's done since she got inspired to host her first party.
3 likesI would even go so far to say that her cutie mark doesn't just represent her party planning skills, but her openness to cosmic inspiration. Whatever she saw/felt during that sonic rainboom she allowed inside herself enough to change her mane and tail, which I think is symbolic of allowing the way she presents herself to the world to change as well as willing to change who she is. Ballons could represent an element not of airheadedness, but of loftiness, cosmic inspiration. Again, referencing metaphysics, yellow stands for clarity, and light blue stands for communication. Pinkie Pie is a clear cosmic communicator (yellow and blue) of joy (balloons).
I also want to point out that she might be claircognizant because of the paraspryte ep. Instead of focusing her efforts on trying to explain the creatures (which Twilight might do), she goes on gathering what she needs to send the creatures back to the forest. That demonstrates her pre-knowledge of what to do in this situation. Also, it was after the gilda ep, where we saw Pinkie questioning her feelings/intuition.
That being said, in my own personal experience, Pinkie's Pinkie Sense is intuition at the very least. Intuition grows and thrives on not being mentally inhibited. Twilight's very smart, but as a result has mental inhibitions, for example, things MUST be understood before they can be accepted is her usual m.o. Pinkie skips that step. Yet since there is no formal training (to my knowledge) of intuition/psychic gifts for non-unicorns and even unicorns, Pinkie's abilities are stuck they way they are for the time being.
Also interesting to note is the fact how Pinkie's hair used to be very much like Twilight's, straight and plain in form. I feel that is a design choice used to represent Twilight's straightforward by the book approach to life. Pinkie maybe, was like Twilight mentally. Perhaps she was so sad on the rock farm because she knew, mentally, the reality of what life would be like there for her.
Pinkie loves to break the forth wall
80 likesPinkie loves to break physics
Replies (3)
Pinkie loves also to break skulls.
4 likesThat's why she is the best pony to me 💕🤲
1 likeyeap
0 likesMaybe, just before Twilight Sparkle went through the portal Pinkie Pie touched the mirror and said "sparkly" only to be moved by princess Luna. Well I think that when Pinkie touched the mirror somehow some of her memories might of went through the portal and into human pinkies dream because some of Luna's magic went through there too. Human Pinkie might of put two and two together. When Human Twilight went back to ponyville towards the end, Human Pinkie run after her but the portal closed before she could catch up with Twilight but maybe some of her memories transferred into Pony Pinkie's thoughts.
209 likesReplies (24)
thats a very plausible theory, I like it. :3
21 likesOh thank you :-)
7 likesExactly what I was thinking
5 likesCool!!!
4 likesGreat theory, sounds like something Pinkie would do
12 likesGood theory! Makes sense, too. Well, in a Pinkie sort of way.
10 likesSO GENIUS!!
4 likes😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱how
2 likesPony Pie: Spaaarrrkklllyyy!
7 likesHooman pie: okay so now i have vauge memories of living in a little village with asses and breaking de 4th wall... Lets tell it to mah new frend!
@Rainbow Dash No...?
0 likes@The Archives Beyond YESSS
1 likeYOU. BLEW. MY. MIND! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
1 likeWoah. True.
2 likesYa
1 likeYou're rainbow Dash the cool
0 likesThat's,actually a pretty solid idea!nice!
1 like@Rainbow Dash your,probably only saying that to steal they’re idea.
0 likesWell in the same movie twilight touch the mirror and she never got to see the future that when she go's back to equestria she'll get her crown back
0 likesthis is such a good theory
1 likeThat makes sense!😁
1 likeI had a stroke reading that
1 likeBut that also makes a lot of sense! I think the script writer added that detail for a reason.
I’m still going by the rainboom making her see into alternative universes and timelines theory tho
1 like@Ashwitha Peddi could be because it’s Pinkie specifically. She’s always been able to do the physically impossible (as long as we’ve known her) after all 😂
0 likes@IceFox606 lol u might be right 😆
0 likesWhen I watch her in the show she seems really, really, really energetic. Maybe the psychics are massive jolts of energy going into her brain
4 likes"We can already see that Pinkie is... Special" I laughed way harder then I should have
4 likesDiscord have kind of interacted with we audience when he said
25 likes"I'm going to need more popcorn ! "Who else he would of said it two?!
Friendship is magic is the groundwork for the show.
4 likesMost just think it's a silly thing, but the show repeatedly shows that it friendship is indeed magical.
If having friends is magical, what happens if you're... say... friends with everypony?
I like to think that since she's friends with everypony, she has a huge amount of raw magic, and has found a way to use it.
Not a way that exactly makes sense, mind you, but a way nonetheless. She's never used her '4th wall breaking' for herself while actively thinking about it. She has, though, used it for her friends, like the quiet dive for Rainbow.
Her hunches are something else... If she's friends with everypony, I imagine it's /mostly/ the same across all the dimensions. Who's to say that these huge wells of idle magic aren't doing something? Like connecting to other ones across several dimensions?
I think that she's accidentally linked herself with every other friend-rich version, and just like before, she can't be consciously selfish about doing it.
But I cant say for sure that she's an accidental alicorn with an inter-dimensional link to all versions of herself, of course... but she's clearly powerful and not to be trifled with... ... and best pony <3
Replies (3)
Does that means she's like doctor who? Pinkie who Or doctor pie? Which one sounds better?
0 likes... no. .-.
0 likesalso 'doctor pie' sounds like a porno. Please no.
0 likesAn old friend of mine had a theory, and I kind of lean towards agreeing...
2 likesShe said that perhaps Pinkie has Unicorn magic, and it can't get out the way it normally would because she was born an Earth pony. Who knows why, maybe she had a powerful Unicorn in her ancestry? But it does sort of feel like, without a horn, her abundance of magic is sort of bubbling over at times.
Read some of the comments and had a thought: If you think about the episode where Pinkie Pie babysits the two newborn ponies from Mrs. and Mr. Cakes (cant remember episode or names, sorry). When the two are born, Twi asks how the two had a unicorn baby and a Pegasus baby. If you remember, they explained how it comes from their ancesters. SOOOOO what if somewhere down the line, there was a unicorn in Pinkie's family? Is it possible that while she doesn't have a horn, she is Supposed to? If she does indeed have unicorn magic and doesn't have a horn to control it, doesn't it make sense that it would appear to be random and spontaneous? And look at her cutie mark and what it means. If she does have magic, it would have to be such that would help make other ponies (and herself) happy. So it isn't so much that she's telepathic, but rather she empathic and maybe a little claravoient(spelled wrong i think.... oops). Clara=clear voient(?)=sight. Maybe she gets random images in the back of her mind that interprets them and sends her little signals to warn her of the future...
8 likesReplies (1)
That was Applejack not Twilight
0 likesMy head cannon:
9 likesWhen off stage pinkie reads the scripts that haven't been released yet. 😂
Well, Pinkie is just... Pinkie. I don't think it's possible to describe it better. Also she's doing things like, um... teleport? Cuz she goes out of the screen and second later she's on the opposite side of the screen. I always wondered, how it looks from perspective of other pony. Do they see her actually disappear?
4 likesI get so tired of hearing about Pinkie "breaking the 4th wall" when breaking the 4th wall refers to a character on the show addressing the audience, and we've only seen that a few times on the show. Most of what Pinkie does is what I classify "Cosmic Shifts" or going against the laws of nature.
1 likeHere's a theory for you: it's possible that Pinkie has chaos powers similar to Discord. She's shown many similar abilities such as appearing out of no where, shape shifting (aka one of her mirror pond clones growing fingers and such), and other such things. When you consider how much magic is in Equestria it's very possible that a little chaos magic is mixed in there somewhere, possibly a remnant of Discord's power or a natural occurrence. What's to stop that chaos magic from interfering with ponies in subtle ways like giving them additional abilities. Think about when Tirek drained the power out of all the ponies, he was even able to drain it from the earth ponies who don't really have powers. What I think is that they do have magic power, it's just not as noticeable as pegasi or unicorn magic and manifest as strength. Yet Pinkie Pie hasn't shown herself to be extremely strong or anything, so maybe her natural magic was changed or even replaced by the ambient chaos magic.
2 likesSo while she may not be on the same level as Discord she does have enough power to bend the laws of nature, though not out right break them like Discord. Plus the fact that she's a pony with chaos magic would explain why she can do things that Discord can't like break the 4th wall, because she's a hybrid.
Replies (1)
@Derek Blake
1 likeMy own theory on the Mirror pond, it didn't make clones of Pinkie so much as it pulled other Pinkies to Equestria from across the multiverse... Equestria Girls Pinky being one of them... (She remembers the experience and may have gained some latent magical ability before the rest as a result) Constants and variables and all of that...
maybe the human pinky is connected with the pony pinky
54 likesReplies (7)
0 likesPinkie is a changeling
2 likesYeah maybe good idea
0 likes*pinkie
2 likesFloopy Tovar :3 of course not
0 likesthen all of them will know but all of them didn’t so there got your fact she doesn’t conect to the human body and mind at all ok
0 likesProlly. There’s a theory that when she touched the portal at the beginning of the movie something happened that made their thoughts connected. (Which makes a lot of sense)
0 likesand there’s another theory that it’s her ‘pinky sense’ (for context her ‘pinky sense’ is seeing into alternative universes and timelines caused by the sonic Rainboom that effected her mental state, how she looked, and possibly her magic. this is a theory btw)
I know that this was two years ago, though I would still like to share my thoughts. Maybe Pinkie is just imaging her friends. I get this idea from one thing, and that's when she was going 'insane' in "Party of one" and she started talking for the inanimate objects. Maybe she thought of other inanimate objects as her friends. Such as an apple for A.J, anything fragile for Flutter, a book or some ink for Twilight, a jewel or necklace for Rarity, and any rainbow thing for Rainbow Dash. And she talks for them, thus leading it that she can say what she will make the objects say beforehand. Sorry, if I sound like a maniac. It's just my theory, maybe I'm overlooking other more logical theories.
0 likesWho here from the "Solving Pinkie Pie" video? XD
11 likesI don't think it can be explained any more than "That's Pinkie Pie"
0 likesShe is based on a pony named 'Surprise' after all.
It fits more in-line with "breaking the fourth wall" than anything else. I just imagine her having access to the script and the story board. Have you SEEN her party cave? There has to be more in there than just ponies' birthday's
Comes in the family. In one of the episodes, (can't remember what it's called and what season, but it's an episode about Pinky, Rarity, and Maud, and the "Perfect Gift" being a "Rock Pouch" and it's some special event thing where you exchange gifts...) Maud tracks down someone, who Pinky had traded her Part Cannon with for exchange of the "Perfect Gift". When Rarity asks how Maud knew, Maud answered with "Maud Sense." This suggests that Pinky's psychic abilities is something that runs in the family.
0 likesI also think that the family received these powers from Selestia, or some other powerful God-Like pony/being from long ago. Or, maybe long ago, Pinky's ancestors were "enchanted" or "rewarded" in a way. If it were falling in a pit of pink ink, or a gift from the elements of harmony, it could use f been what happened.
I think pinkie might be able to see (and hear) past the fourth wall, from the POV of the creators, thus the (apparent) mind reading and vague premonitions.
0 likesI've had a headcanon since about series 2 that Pinkie Pie used to be another royal deity like Celestia, Luna, Discord, Sombra, Chrysallis etc., and they all used to rule their own separate parts of Equestria, but they were all corrupted/turned bad in some way apart from celestia, and had to be defeated by the elements of harmony. Almost 1000 years on, Pinkie was the first to return, only in a powered down form, looking and sounding like a child, just like Luna in season one. She had no memory of her past life, and was adopted by a family of rock farmers, until the sight of the sonic rainboom sparked er memory, as it looks very similar to the elements when they're used. Luna and Discord were the next to return, then Sombra and Chrysalis, but Celestia knew in advance that Sombra and Chrysalis could not be reformed, so she trained Cadence and Twilight to replace them, so that each part of Equestria could one day have it's own ruler, just like the old days. (it's a silly headcanon, I know, but I like it.)
1 likeit's kinda common sense, for example, Maud has supper strength ( idk about the other sisters ), but Maud was very strong and she was also very aware of everything despite being emotionless, and Pinkie Pie has her Pinkie sense. this must mean everyone in the Pie family has a unique " power " or something, or maybe Pies pay attention closely giving them an upper hand (or hoof in this case ). but i'm not sure if i'm right it's just a theory of mine, hope it helps X3
1 likeMy headcanon: she has similar powers as Discord, just very very diluted. I know there's no solid evidence of Discord being psychic, but as seen in The Return of Harmony, he doesn't just mess with ponies on a physical level, (i.e, cotton candy clouds) but on a mental level as well. Not only did he make the mane six act the opposite of normal, but he made Big Mac act like a dog, and probably messed with other ponies the same way.
0 likesPinkie plays the fool so that nopony knows exactly how powerful she really is. It's a deception technique I read in The Art of War. By bonding with those around her on an intimate level (fun/happy) she gains introspective to their though processes and she is also an expert on reading facial expressions and body language. I also think she has a lesson about friendship that has not been discovered by Twilight.
0 likesMaybe she wants to make people happy so much that she learned to mind read they're thoughts so she knows what they want in happiesness
1 likeJust a hunch
I believe pinky pie is physic in telling the future. twilight was about to day what she said, but pinky pie sensed it and said it to relive her from a very hard explanation. Did she do this because she was a friend, or was something else going on? Back on track. It would sorta kinda explain her "pinky sense". Was she able to see what would happen next and did not say it? Could it mess up time law by "giving dangerous knowlage of the future"? Was something else going on? Mabe her pinky sense was her giving a different expiation for her being physic. Basicly, she made it up. Random eye movements and twiches could easily be faked, right?
12 likesReplies (2)
Idk I mean I have this theory that the Sonic Rainboom from when they were kids gave her the power to see into alternative universes and timelines. It makes a lot of sense since the Sonic Rainboom is most definitely magical (i mean it’s air reflecting the sun showing the colour spectrum like that’s not possible)
1 likePlus the Rainboom changed her appearance and her mental state, why not her magic?
1 likeYou know how in one of your more recent videos, you talked about worlds? Dream world, pony world, sock puppet world, and human world? What if in the show, we are a world too, and sort of how Discord can open portals and go through one world to another, maybe Pinkie has a similar connection with the worlds, but only strong enough to break the fourth wall every once in a while and the is almost always a little ahead of time.
0 likesWell she is seen having some sort of limited telepathy with reading minds and her Pinkie sence is already a limited precognition that she translates through body spasms...yeah, though it is in a minor form she does have some psionic powers
0 likeswhat i think happened is when pinkie got her cutie mark after the rainboom pinkie looked STRAIGHT into the boom and she was closest. i think when that happened pinkie saw the truth of what was going on and from then on she could see the audience and get her other abilities.
24 likesReplies (2)
and her pinkie sence is conecting with what made her see the future of other thoughts so her pinkie sence gave her the ability to read twilights mind
5 likes@After Antibirth I have a similar theory. Time travel and alternative universes are a common occurrence throughout the show, so her ‘pinkie sense’ could make her see into alternative timelines (proving how she can see slightly in the future) and alt universes (proving by her seeing into what happened in equestria girls)
0 likesLet's not forget that the two are completely different entities... or are they? If you think about it, they may both have an interest in the other world's culture and lifestyle. Also, don't forget about human Pinkie's attempt to go through the portal at the end of the film. If they're not one and the same, they may switch places as per the Friendship Games gag reel.
0 likesIf that's not enough, I also have my own "hunch" here that at least one of them is some kind of magician. That would also explain her other cartoonish behavior throughout the series. (My question is if she were real, could she have Penn and Teller fooled?)
On a rock farm, she may have needed to watch her surroundings, having to guess and be aware for potential rock slides
0 likesI think ponies who grow up on rock farms somehow get mysterious abilities in maud pie maud was able to run through an obstacle course in 5 seconds flat and smash a boulder in 6 with her bare hooves. But pinkie's were enhanced incredibly when she was the victim of an amazing magical force: a sonic rain boom !
0 likesI have a few Pinkie theories
0 likesOne is that she MAY have had a unicorn ancestor at one time (it was revealed in her original sketches that she was supposed to be a pegasus so that one is unlikely) and she inherited small bouts of magic that show up at random
Another theory is that Equestria has the same medical problems as the human world. We already saw a pony in a wheelchair in "Trade Ya" and "Read it and Weep" we see a bald pony, which can be a strong indicator that the pony had a cancer. As someone who has AS (Aspergers Syndrome is a SOCIAL disorder, thankfully) I can sort of see that Pinkie Pie COULD have some sort of mental disorder
Another brony already went over this though in "Could Cupcakes Really Happen" and his theories on that fit pinkie like a glove
when she went crazy she opened up a part of her mind that others don't have such as memory extension and psychic powers.
0 likesGod your audio was so bad-
11 likesReplies (1)
His audio is good here
0 likesRemember how she got her cutie mark? Well, I have a HUNCH (pun intended) that the rainbow that made her mane go fluffy also made something click in her brain. She was so jumpy with happiness that her senses started to get jumpy. This created her "Pinkie Sense". As for the weird psychic powers, I got nuffin
0 likesDiscord’s magic most likely took of her untied life time with all his strange abilities
1 likeShe breaks the fourth wall and reads the scripts and occasionally 'making changes' (which resulted in an Alicorn Twilight and the backstory behind everyone's cutie marks) while Larson and Faust are on break!
0 likesReplies (1)
+Kobe One "In every fourth wall of a room, there is a window"
0 likesI actually believe Pinkie is connected to EVERY Pinkie in existence, every dimension, every universe. Through this connection, she doesn't just gain "psychic" abilities, but also random info like the mirror pond and how to build a candy-copter. In the episode where the ponies are begging Twilight for the second Grand Galloping Gala ticket, Pinkie's reflection behaves strangely , just like it does in the Equestrian Girls short "Perfect Day For Fun". I believe that whatever abilities she has in other worlds is spread between ALL Pinkie's.
0 likesI think, because Pinkie is possibly related to Apple Jack, maybe Apple Jack's honesty expanded in Pinkie Pie into Pinkie being honest about the future.
1 likePinkie Pue is much smarter than every pony in Equestria, including Twilight. She's the only self aware character, she can break the fourth wall, she can sometimes even hide some special references like in "Too Many Pinkie Pies" when one of the Pinkie clones changes her face to look like the art style of a past generation of MLP. Pinkie Pie knows EVERYTHING but she can't tell anyone because she knows that would tear a huge rip in the fabric of alternate dimensions.
0 likesBut it's just a theory.
That just clicked with how much Pinkie Pie reminds me of the Mad Hatter's daughter from Ever After High. 1. Only one to interact with narrators. 2. loves to laugh and have fun. 3.Seemingly psychic. Coincidence?
0 likesI like to think she knows we are watching her and acts funny to make us laugh. It actually matches up with the song Flawless, "I like to joke around a little too much, but I'm just so happy your here." I also like to look at an Equestria Girls blooper where Pinkie Pie swaps places with herself from Canterlot High and take it seriously XD
0 likesYes! You are correct! I think Pinkie Pie's a psychic! She broke the 4th wall, told what Twilight was doing in the Equestria Girl world in EG 1, blew up a balloon and floated in EG 1, etc. Pinkie Pie is the most random and crazy pony ever! But she's still pretty funny, awesome, and random! :3
4 likesReplies (10)
why pinkie pie?
0 likes@Dan Quarts bruh... my comment tells you why.
0 likes@Kittana the Sad Female Cat Animatronic ik
0 likes@Dan Quarts k
0 likeslol
0 likes@Dan Quarts :P
0 likes@Kittana the Sad Female Cat Animatronic what?
0 likes@Dan Quarts idk
0 likes@Kittana the Sad Female Cat Animatronic k
0 likesshe also pulled the baloon from her skirt check if you dont believe me😜
0 likesas we all know, the all the mane 6 got there cutie marks from a rainbow, so maybe after she got her cutie mark, she ganed powers. no hate plz
4 likescall me crazy, but maybe pinkie is actually other pinkie from eg. i know a moon is a month so one hundred moons is one hundred months, which is about twelve years give or take, and pinkie is about a new adult, so maybe she found another portal to go to the other world. so here's my theroy, pinkie was twelve or thirteen when she got her cutie mark, around the time normal ponies would. some time before her and other pinkie, at the exact same time swapped places. now, we know pinkie was miserable on her rock farm and probably other pinkie two. and in one of your vids you said that sunset shimmer's home is meant to be in the human world, maybe its the same for the two pinkie's. so maybe both pinkie's home is in the opposite world.
11 likesand some extra info: maybe pinkie knows all this because she had seen herself in the space between the portal, so she isnt suprised when twi tells them about the other her. and maybe when they seen each other like that, they were eternally linked.
oh and a minor theroy, maybe they are both humans and ponies, maybe there brains are ponies while there other bodies are asleap and vice versa
Replies (6)
2 likesno...
0 likesGood I like it! It is superb ! 😃☺😊
0 likesI have to agree... that... explains... everything! lol
1 like+randolph rosenberg It's 30 moons not 100
0 likesYaaa! 🎇🥇🎟🎑
1 likeIt's not much of a backstory, but I believe Pinkie's powers can be explained by her lifestyle. She's been spreading friendship/happiness her entire life, - welcoming new residents, spreading cheer, planning parties, all that good stuff- and thus, has an unprecedented amount of friendship magic flowing through/around her. So much so that it can't all be contained; ultimately imbuing her with special abilities. The same is true of Cheese Sandwich, who walks the same path and holds similar abilities. Prolonged exposure to all that friendship (magic) can have serious consequences...seriously awesome ones ^^
0 likesI always say, if I were a pony, I’d be pinkie pie. She can travel faster than rainbow dash sometimes and can FLY WITH HER TAIL! Also, super creepy crazy cool mind powers that could probably rival twilight’s. Pinkie pie appeared whenever twilight was about to tell rarity and fluttershy’s secrets. She appeared in a mirror without being there. She knew about the parasprites. She knew about the pond thing that could split her into two. If she users her powers against a serious enemy, the series would never be the same.
1 likeOh, I know! Isn't it obvious? Pinkie is Discord's daughter! Now that'll toggle yer mind. >:)
51 likesReplies (43)
Yes, tis' true.
1 likeI so agree
1 likeThen why would she help stop discord instead of saying he is my dad
3 likesi dont think so.
1 like+Tj K Becuz ov fwends!!!! :3
1 likeDiscord can't be her father if she already told them she lived on a rock farm and in that part they showed her father. it wasn't discord
3 likesMaybe she wuz adopted. Come on guys, have a little imagination. -_-
2 likesThat might be true! Because she is the ONLY one in her family with lots of energy and a bright colour.
3 likes@Dawn Vampyra the Animatronic Vampire Bat Ya that always confused me bout Pinkie!
1 likeTHANK YOU!!!
0 likesno she's not if you watch an episode (I forgot THE name)
0 likesYou see her REAL parents
jo hi well there is a chance she is adopted, I mean look at her 'parent's' and sisters' manes. Ever realized how...COLORFUL and less bland she is. And also think of her names compared to her family's names. They are all rock related EXEPT pinkie. Maud pie, Marble Pie, someone else, Cloudy quartz and the father (I can't remember the name) but pinkies FULL name is pinkannema Diane Pie. And of course they could have adopted her into the family's last name. It all depends if the parent's DNA that they pass down to their children... Then again I am talking logic and science about a show with colorful horses that teach us about friendship.
2 likes@Alexis2004cute RobloxGaming
0 likesTHANK YOU! You proved a VERY good point.
Well, maybe Discord was worried that Celestia would banish his daughter (Pinke) too, so he sent her into hiding to protect her. She never knew he was her father, and that's why Pinke helped defeat him instead of just being like, "Oh yeah by the way Discord's my dad friends" and having this really touching moment with him.
2 likesMaybe.......
@***** What do you mean, if only? No one truly knows Pinke's secrets........ >:)
2 likesStormy Fire-Bird good one~☆
1 like@Zehara Jabeen Wadda ya mean "good one"?!
0 likesyour porobly rigt*! *am I?
0 likesStormy Fire-Bird I liked what you said
0 likesStormy Fire-Bird I meant I liked what you wrote. I like ur thinking
1 like@Zehara Jabeen Ya, but yer acting as if it ain't possible.
0 likes@Stormy Fire-Bird its possible actually. Ur so right.
0 likesStormy Fire-Bird But she has parents though.
0 likesDiscord has one daughter, and one son :P
0 likes(isnt Pinkie)
0 likesthen flutter shy is her mom
0 likesTj K maybe she did not know?
0 likesNah.
0 likesThis would explain her resemblance to Screwball(the fluttercord child)
0 likesI think so to she is chaos and Ye
1 likeSo who’s telling Fluttershy?
0 likesThat actually makes so much sense now that you think abt it. Can discord time travel? If he can it might support my theory and explain why the rainboom effected her and no one else.
0 likes@Tj K because she didn’t know?!??? Not everyone knows their bio parents
0 likes@J-starzZ maybe that was her bio father and she was later adopted by the ponies she called her parents. This would also make sense for Maud aswell since she has a ‘maud sense’
0 likes@Dawn Vampyra However, she is not the only one with a sixth (or alternative dimension seeing I explained this in other comments) sense bc maud has one too and she explained that all of her sisters have a ‘sense’
0 likes@Advisor Golden Axolotl pls don’t say that is legitimately canon?!????
0 likes@Tiger Stone31 discord is centuries old
0 likes@Tiger Stone31 he has literally all the time in the world to knock ppl up and have magical children such as pinkie pie.
0 likes@꧁𝐸 𝑙 𝑙 𝑖 𝑒꧂ plus she has a pinkie sense
0 likes@꧁𝐸 𝑙 𝑙 𝑖 𝑒꧂ + she defies logic a lot
0 likes@꧁𝐸 𝑙 𝑙 𝑖 𝑒꧂ and she saw into another universe
0 likes@꧁𝐸 𝑙 𝑙 𝑖 𝑒꧂ and she was the only one who was physically and mentally affected by the sonic rainboom (and possibly magically)
0 likesevery damn time i forget about this and think its died it comes back
0 likesMy head cannon is that Pinkie knows we're watching! I mean, come on, in some episodes, she looks DIRECTLY at the freaking camera! Seriously, how does that NOT make her psychic? Also, I think Equestria is REAL! So, yeah... anyway, earlier, I dropped a comment bomb on What's With the Royal Guards that asked if you could do a video on who has the best cutie mark, so yeah... can you make that official? Thanks!
0 likesYou know, there are many who'd dismiss Equestria Girls as being cannon. However, aside from that and the Pinkie Sense, one part where this can show in a "subtle" way is after Gummy's birthday party, Pinkie calls out asking if anyone wants more cake, and Twilight replies "I think I'm gonna pass. Great party, though. We should do this again soon."
0 likesThe "soon" that Twi was talking about was the plans for Pinkie's surprise party tomorrow afternoon. Pinkie may have picked up on that thought a little, and the only thing that stuck was "Party tomorrow afternoon". And so she plans a party tomorrow afternoon, except everyone else had plans to throw Her a party that afternoon.
The other thing being knowing how to make everypony else smile. Knowing JUST the right trick, picking up on their inner most happy memories... With a few exceptions (buffalos, Crankey, Fluttershy).
If that were true about the mind-reading, "A Party of One" would never have happened. Sorry.
0 likesI can see her getting weird premonitions every once in a while, though.
It runs in her family. You want to avoid a falling rock in a rock farm, right? Maybe Pinky's family members have farther reaching sense, and they just know people will die. Pinky just got ADHD too-- she gets distracted and CAN find happiness even there, seeing a rainbow. And then she's obsessed with it. She never wants to go back to that gloomy state...
0 likesIn season five, Twilight gives Pinkie a talent enhancer. This greatens the ponie's natural talent: for example, if Rianbow Dash drunk the enhancer, she would fly really fast. So, when Pinkie drunk the potion, she could see through time and space. This means that, watered down, her natural ability is to see snipits through time and space, into different dimentions.... you see where I'm going here...
0 likesWell as we know in that one episode Twilight Sparkle tried to figure out how Pinkie sense works. She couldn't understand how it works. It was said that there was no explanation. We also know that Pinkie is the wildest pony around. In testing 123 do you remember When twilight was talking to rainbow about all the ponies and didn't really know how to explain pinkie and just said she is wild. Maybe Pinkie learned about Zecora a long time ago and read all her books and learned some stuff I guess like with the parasites and that pond that makes her duplicate. I don't know anyone wanna add on?
0 likesI see Pinkie as a pony who can only explain her actions when she actually tries to explain them.
0 likesI'd like to think that Pinkie happens to have the same 4th wall sense that comic book character Deadpool has, but that might just be me.
0 likesWell,maybe the elements of Harmony gives random powers sometimes,meaning that when pinkie wore the element of laughter,it gave her a power. I think this is stupid,but if u like it,I'm gonna be so happy.
8 likesReplies (4)
and Fluttershy the stare.
0 likes@Sitting Pyro Exactly.
0 likes@Sitting Pyro U know so well.
0 likesAmy82004 oops
0 likesI have 2 explenations
1 like1.
It may be possible that somehow both the aquestria girls and the ponies get visions, or dreams of themselves (from the other world). Pinkie Pie can remember the visions because, well she's pinkie.
Maybe the pinkies from the both dimensions swapped places (they went through the portal).
But that's just what I think.😀
Maybe whoever "Granny Pie" is as referenced in Giggle at the Ghosties taught Pinkie psychic sorts of skills and laughter attacks were just as much a part of the training as extrasensory reading?
1 likeI know why Pinkie can do all that stuff.
0 likesBecause she's AWESOME!
Also, according to the Trump cards, she's got a TON of magic!
When she got her cutie mark (when she saw the rainboom) I think that some of it's magic hit her. That's what made her hair all puffy, but it also made her phsycic
0 likesPinkie pie was not Originally born with her psychic abilities. When Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom hit her it carried a special power and with Pinkie her hair curled and she got her Psychic powers as seen with her Backstory also it is linked with her happiness as when she saw the rainbow she was happy and her psychic powers where born into it which is why her psychic powers are only available when her hair is curly (Hopefully this head canon makes sense)
7 likesSomeone may have said this all ready, but maybe the sonic rainboom that helped her get her cutie mark affected her more then she thought.
0 likesHer parents worked in a farm and she had to work as it said in one episode.She was never able to have fun or anything.Until the day of the sonic boom!She was really happy and might have grown happy that she turned psychic and might have been known for the laughes she does.
0 likes2013: Is Pinkie Pie a psychic?
0 likes2020: Finally solving Pinkie Pie!
G4 Pinkie Pie is actually G3 Pinkie Pie. G3 was an alternate timeline and Pinkie was the only pony from that reality that retained her memories (to a degree). This is would explain her medium awareness and reality warping.
0 likesPinkie is the embodyment of chaos in the form of a single small creature.
2 likesPinky is in a type of character that is crazy to the point that they've almost become sane again. (Think of a pressure gage becoming so full that the hand points to zero again)
0 likesShe is the type of person who is at lease subconsciously aware that she is a fictional character. Like Dead pool only less stab boom stab stab boom head shot!
To be honest, I think it's got something to do with the fact she's so different from her family. Think about it.
0 likesShe either hit herself with rock on her head, drank a mysterious tonic, or the sonic rainboom did something to her. her eyes looked like she was cured or saw something when she was a filly
0 likes"Heck, she could even remember every birthday in Ponyville" Except her own
7 likesPinkie really reminds me of Madeline Hatter from ever after high, especially the ‘interacting with the audience’ part
0 likesEither she was born with it or the rainboom did it. In the human world maybe it was an earthquake that sparked it instead.
0 likesMy main head canon is that she is the only one to know that their in a show. Hence always breaking the 4th wall. The producers chose her because of her constant cheeryness making is easy to dismiss the activity as just pinky. She brings uneeded exposition in new situations when the characters should know it. She knows most of the answers or accidentally reveals them claiming to not know what she did. She knows everything about everyone. That cant be from normal interactions.
here is my headcanon, pinkie pie breaks into some place magical possibly the arkhives finds a spell to give her magic or access to magic to later find out it worked thinking it failed but downside is it made her childish and 100x as hyper as she was after getting her cutie mark the reason she did it or motive was too many parties a month of the year or she was trying to make it big and got tired so she wanted some magic to help.
1 likeITS PINKIE LOGIG! ITS ALWAYS PINKIE LOGIC! sigh why does everypony not get this.
6 likesWhen she saw the rainbooom she was given special powers to her she knew it would be perfect for her party planning so she uses it more than she should that causes her to be the crazy pony we know today
0 likesi think pinkie is rather misunderstood, and there's a whole lotta magic craziness that maybe she just was born with some sorta connection to canterlot high. heck, maybe one of her ancestors was from the human world and her crazy abilities are just some sort of rececive gene or somthing like that.
0 likesWell, I believe I saw a comment a long time ago that inspired this (like, inspired me) but Pinkie was kind of normal before the sonic rainboom. Could she have gotten her powers from it? It is a magical thing... But... Then... What about the others? How did Rainbow unleash that power?
0 likesI know, I'm more questions than answers.
pinkie and discord have broken the forth wall more than once
5 likesReplies (1)
that fits with my theory that Pinkie is part draconequus(the creature that discord is)
0 likesPinkie Pie is classic theater "narrator" the only one the cast that can talk directly to the audience or wink to them. She exists in both worlds, both the world of Equestria, but also in our world. She can see the future, because she can read the script, or knows she is in a cartoon and knows here tropes, or simply can wind ahead and look.
0 likesPerhaps in the middle of the night, the Pinkie from Canterlot High and the one from Equestria went through the portal and met each other and you know,exchanged words.
1 likeshe originally lived in the " human world " which time line is longer that Equestrias (soz if i spelled it wrong ) so she " knows " a lot of stuff since the humans on Earth are like the exact same as the ponies Pinkie quickly noticed and remembed and quickly the info. The hunches are still unexplained which means she actually could be a little phycic
0 likesThis is just a theory, but I guess that whenever she was struck with happiness from the rain boom, that gave her a special power that made her a telepathy pony. She also has pinkie sense, so I think that has something to do with the fact that she is the weirdest pony around. That pinkie sense is only around in a few, if not then one episode. She is a very misterious, silly pony. Therefore giving her a part of magic purpose.
0 likesIn the episode when Trixie was more powerful than twilight pinkie pie couldn’t talk and she kept goingmmmmm And twilight interacting with the audience to give pinkie pie back her mouth
2 likesI can’t put my theory into words anymore new things keep on coming to mind
0 likesIf you watch "the bitterness of mortality" (written by silversolstice & read by obabscribbler) twilight was telling cadence about how pinkie had showed twilight a rift in dementions that twilight couldnt understand, and she was so freaked out that she proceaded to break down and cry. It was then, that pinkie murmered that there was no exposing ponies to the rift after a certain age... (though this fanfic might not be a very acurate headcannon because cadence had turned twilight into an alicorn in the end of the story)
0 likesI honestly am not sure because she has literally broken every rule; but so have other characters. Like in Keep Calm and Flutter On, Discord says "Oopsie" to the audience after he "accidentally" hypnotizes or I guess brainwashes beavers. And in Party of One Spike pulls a mirror out of thin air. The strange thing about all this is that none of the others seem to have psychic powers, so I don't really know. Maybe it's part of her special talent is simply to be the comic relief yet also break all the rules simultaneously?
0 likesWhen pinkie was younger, she got hit in the head by a rock and she predicted what her sister was about to say. That's my story.
1 likeSoon after Pony Twilight went through the portal, so did Pinkie Pie. She found her human version and they started talking about each other's worlds. Then they decided to switch places. I mean...who would ever know?
0 likesPinkie is definitely psychic. Like future seeing kind, and mind reading kind. 😜
0 likes"We have already seen the pinkie is um..... special" Laughs so hard i fall over
0 likesI think that Pinkie got those powers from some kind of dark spirit, how else would she become Pinkamena the serial killer?
1 likeFun fact; both pinkies swapped over from each worlds. When Pinkie put her head through the portal, she must've seen a part of Equestria. Maybe Pony Pinkie was there. And when they were all gone, maybe she went through the portal and planned everything with the other Pinkie. They would say everything they knew at the right moment. I found it in a video ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wzPCQyaPA8
0 likesI know it's a blooper video so skip to 2:09
You'll see it
i know this is kinda old, but can you PLEASEEE look into this a bit more?? I think this is the most mysterious case in mlp that doesn't need to be solved, but could let everyone sigh out relief if it were to be!
0 likesI know it's dumb but could it be possible pinky regularly swaps places with her double? I doubt it but... You gotta admit that'd be cool
0 likesMy theory is that something happened in Pinkie's mind when she was a filly and she witnessed Rainbow's sonic rainboom, meaning she developed some kind of power.
0 likesPonies have their own magic. Pegasus with flight unicorns with magic and earth ponies with strength. I believe her magic is used as a phycic power and speed instead of strength.🎈
0 likesMy theory is Pinkie was dropped on her head or something when she was a baby. Maybe the drop mixed in with her would-be "magic" connected to the Elements of Harmony creating (and I mean this in the best possible way) a slightly insane mentality. Just crazy enough to be not crazy but still special.
0 likesNo hate please. If you don'y agree you just don't and that's okay because we're only human and we're not all goign to agree.
foreshadowing. when the author of a book, a movie, or a TV show gives you a hint of what's to come. something might happen to pinkey pie. just a guess.
0 likesShe probably looked in2 the 💝 of the sonic rain boom, and it gave her special powers.
0 likesi always wanted an episode about granny pie, as i have the theory of pinkie pie being raised by her and some questions without answer:
0 likeswhere did Pinkie learn to iceskate, play so many instruments, heard about the parasprites?
is granny pie pink?
where did Pinkie go after leaving her home?
where were Maud?
is granny pie related to the apple family?
as a facts we know:
granny pie tell Pinkie about the mirror pool
teach Pinkie the marjolaine recipe
didn't show up in the Hearthbreakers episode
She said: "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."
This explains how she knows what Gummi (or whatever) is thinking, I always thought that Pinkie was just nuts or something. No hate
0 likesi think pinkie can talk to all the pinkie pie's (even the G3 one) and i also agree that maybe she can see in to other dimensions
0 likesPinkie NEEDS a movie with backstory...rock farm ain't enough
2 likesReplies (1)
Also...Pinkie has to have been adopted because nobody else in her family is even remotely pink...ponies probably take color from their parents because if you look at the cake twins, the colors resemble their father...less so on pound cake.
1 likeI think it had to do with her cutie mark. She gained that pinkie sense once she got it. Although I could be wrong. I mean, the story of how Pinkie got her cutie mark didn't show any sign of her pinkie sense, but that doesn't mean she got her pinkie sense at the exact
0 likestime she got her cutie mark. Well, before or the exact time she got it, this "special ability" gaining also happened with another pony.
FLUTTERSHY. Her stare. I don't know if either the other 4 mane ponies don't have the "special ability" that Pinkie and Fluttershy have, I haven't notice the other 4 mane ponies "special ability", or it's we're just going to see it in a future episode.
My theory is pinkie used to see a therapist about the pinkamena thing shown in her Bday episode where she talks to objects,the therapist had one option...use a syrum in one visit he injected pinkie which had side affects......insanity was one but this certain mental ilness which gave her the assumption that weird creatures with hands and fingers watch her. She had no idea what they looked like until she overheard lyra explaning humans to bon bon and immediately assumed that humans were watching her. More side affects included scarce twitching when the brain senses some sorot of danger (pinkie sense) and knowing the future
0 likesstupid but makes sense...sort of
Pinkie Pie = Changeling. She feeds off of so much of friendship love that it gave her super powers. There are some good theory videos on this.
0 likesMaybe when pinkie was at the rock farm she was hit in the head with a rock so hard she went psychic? Ok, KINDA violent lol, but it's a possibility
4 likesReplies (3)
SO what I was thinking!
0 likesIt's her dad's fault...
0 likes@blackandwhiteAJ Her daddy stuck glass in her vagina. :(
I think she is "phsycic" because since she loves to be friends with a ton of people so she gets to know them and predicts their thoughts.
0 likesReplies (1)
like me
0 likesIn "double rainboom" pinkie pie takes Twilight's "talent enhancer" that allows her to see into different demensions. I believe that the talent enhancer enhanced her pinkie sense. This could lead to something.....
0 likesShe's just insane, in a good way
0 likesI have a headcanon that Pegasus has also the magic to keep the cloud in the same shape while they are moving.
0 likesIt also imply that Earth Pony have magic. Maybe mental magic? AppleJack may have mental magic to know the lie and Pinkie Pie use mental magic to be psychic.
I don't know.
Ether pinkie is adopted and her real parents are super heroes or twilight could have have an acsadent with a spell.
77 likesReplies (20)
Maybe pinkie came from one of Spike's Comic books! That would explain how she's always avoiding physics haha.
9 likesPppppffffftttt.............Ahahahahaha!!!!!! I I I....... I'm sorry I ... I need to calm down I get the giggles a lot. Whew... Hehe. But also she pinkie isn't even from pony ville she's from a rock farm remember?
1 likeoh yeaah... I guess... you just can't explain Pinkie Pie! It's like Twilight trying to explain Pinkie-sense lol. It just is what it is. /)))
0 likesOr rainbow dash trying to call herself an egghead. Its almost impassible!
1 like@light lit she called herself an egghead
0 likesI can relate you see pinkie could be adopted but instead of Heros they are uncharted alicorns giving birth to an earth pony is next to impossible BUT pinkie is next to impossible to make sad OR mr and ms cake are pinkies real parents and she got her phycic from a spell that twilight or rarity accedently did like in MMC
0 likesGuys, I know that you Bronies and Pegasisters are pretty strict in your fandom, but I pieced it all together.
0 likesAll superheroes have some home and secret identity. I mean, Clark Kent was found and raised as a normal kid.
And now for the part where everyone hates me: what fandom has a villian nicknamed Egghead, by the hero?
+blackandwhiteAJ my god! Pinkie Pie and her family are really mobians from a genderswaped!Mobius and she travels between equestria and GS!Mobius and is a Fem!Sonic (or Fem!Sonic is pink and/or is a pony) Pinkie and Rainbow/Sonic and Rainbow shippers beware Fem!Sonic/Pinkie Shipping is here!
dadadadadadadadadadadaddadadadada... PINK-EYY!!
(batman theme song :3)
@radio rebel or maybe she was just born with a natural gift
2 likes+HappyPonyJunior I was serious that kind of relate to that Pinkie Pie was adopted into the pie family whose name was never thought it was pinky I'm not sure she even knows her real parents who could have been unicorn and earth pony which would explain a lot
0 likes@MLP MDog true
0 likes+radio rebel talking about a rock farm: thee term Rock Farmers sounds to me like peasents with an awesome taste in music :)
1 likeradio rebel you are right
1 likeradio rebel or you could have an accident with spelling?
0 likesPinkie is probably adopted because the rest of her family aren't so colourful
0 likes@The Millie Show actually recently or about maybe year ago and I forget it someone actually proved why Pinkie Pie is just colorful because of genetics
0 likesHow old r u I'm a child and I know how to spell accident :/
0 likesSu Farrow that was 3-4 years...
0 likesI guess Pinkie is proof earth ponies can use magic too...
2 likesPinks has a 4th wall breaking ability, able to not only communicate with the viewer, but also predict what will happen, like she's using the -> and L skip on youtube
0 likesYou know who is psychic? You, for pete's sake!
0 likesYou predicted the meaning behind diamond tiara, and that's pretty big. You were also able to theorize and tap into the changeling story! (Well, not that you didn't have any help)
the creepiness of pinky just slapped me in the face! she knows we are watching them? is she a stalker lol?
0 likesI think pinkie pie’s dad had great memory and her mom was a sidekick so it wit to her and had her personality that she has now.
0 likesDoes any pony get like a strang feeling like something bad is going to happen but then it goes away? 8/
12 likesReplies (10)
Huh that does happened to me.
0 likesMy family calls it a sixth sense, and we have it all the time.
0 likesWatch spirit science.
2 likesi think thats paranoia i got it when im up late most thanks to all the creeppypastas i read but yeah it paranoia
0 likesI get weird dreams then something related happens
0 likesMy dad NO JOKE has predicted the future on multiple occasions
Sometimes I get dreams and they tell the future. One time I dreamed that I was bradding someones orange hair then we stood up and I stoped bradding.the same thing happened but not in a dream it happened at church
0 likesYes
0 likes@***** This comment may be old, but that happens to me too.
0 likesYeah I had two of my friends have interlocking dreams. One dreamt that they fell off a cliff and woke up before they reached the ground. The other one dreamt that they saw someone fall off a cliff and disappear before reaching the bottom.
0 likesLots of people claim that they can see the future through their dreams. Dreams can show many things. Usually they are a summary of what you consciously and unconsciously felt and experienced the day before.
0 likesactually here is what i think
0 likesso twilight is in a room with a curtain around it aka a stall.now if u ever talked in a stall u would know that people outside of it can hear you.so i think pinkie pie and the others heard,pinkie pie couldnt hold the info and shouted it out.Maybe everything else she does is her power but personally that scene doesnt make me think she is physic.
Don’t be silly. She’s just all-powerful.
1 likemaybe she had gone in contact with a pony that had extraordinary magic ability and got zapped with a WIP spell
0 likesThis vid is from almost 2 years ago, but if you still read this that'd be cool. You should post a new video discussing THIS videos topic. Is Pinkie Pie really psychic?? She is one of my favorite ponies, so I'm sure me and a lot of other people would like to know. Also, I'd like to congratulate you on getting so far.... In only 2 years!! Something I could never achieve.
0 likesMaybe she was celisitia student and forgot just a hunch ;)
5 likesMy explanation is pinkie has so much energy all the time that psychic powers are like 123 super fast
1 likeThere are rumours that Pinkie has a sixth sense called "Pinkie Sense"
0 likesI cannot relate anything else for today.
Maybe (like you said in the episode about shirtie marks) the pony Pinkie and human Pinkie are communicating through dreams. Or just dreaming about the other world and not actually talking to each other.
2 likesReplies (3)
Then doesn't that mean the 2 Twilights would know about each other?
0 likes+justin xiang no because pinkie's personality allows her to remember the dreams but not even Twilight's Magic can allow her to remember dreams about the other world her
0 likesumm mabye i think EG 3 is gonna show it.
0 likesPinkie Pie used to be a unicorn but the horn couldve broke like Sombra when he was defeated and thrown out of the empire. Some of the magic stays in her head so she can create spells without an aura (no horn)
0 likesShort answer? Just a hunch :)
8 likesOK i might be the only one thinking this but i don't think pinkie is psychic. I believe that she is able to figure out the future but analyzing things in the present. At the beginning pinkie works on a rock farm with her sisters and her family but as she got older we see her with an entirely new family and the presence of a introduced new sister who isn't even in the family photo. Its clear that somewhere in her life something has changed and no I'm not relating this to the rainboom. In the episode party of one we see a side of pinkie we never notice before. Pinkie lives for attention and in this episode when she doesn't get it she goes into this psychotic state where she is her only friend. This is why i believe pinkie is not psychic. She pays attention to all the small details that a normal pony would overlook because it makes her feel important and it makes her feel like she is apart of the crowd and this also explains her pinkie sense. Since she spent most of her life impressing others she is use to the unexpected which is why she unlike other has power over her mind so her body reacts when something odd occurs because she preps for the unknown which is why she is so prepared for the future. She isn't psychic she is just a prepared psychopath but hey its just my opinion and for those who get to the bottom pinkie pie is my favorite
1 likeI think Pinkie is kind of like discord because they both can talk to the audience and break the law of physics,but she is not as crazy.
0 likeswell this seems true and she broke the fourth wall I'm serious this needs more explaining
0 likesOh, ohh! I'm psychic too! I predict, that 7 years from now, you will find your answer to Pinkie Pie! Now do I get a cookie?
0 likes0:55 my face when he uploads new videos
3 likesPinkie is like dr who! She breaks the boundaries of time and space!
0 likesok i have an idea
0 likesmaybe the two pinkies have just been through the portal and met each other and they tell each other about their original realms and pinkie secretly knew more about the human world than anypony else until twilight went in and explored and stuff
We've already seen that Pinkie is... Special.
0 likesI died.
When i saw this video the first thing I thought was Yes, yes she is.
1 likeWhat if her hair is hiding a unicorn horn? It's father forward than usual Earth pony hair.
3 likesReplies (3)
And now a random thought in accordance to my earlier comment, Starswirl the Bearded? NAH! XD
0 likesNo the scoop in her hair that goes in front of her face would show it
0 likes@Charlotte Shewchuk It's just an if. There have veen some really whacky horns latrly.
0 likesI think Pinkie Pie knows about Hasbro and the cameras so she talks to us at the end of some of the episodes to tell us about the world she lives in A.K.A Equestria.
0 likesPinkie is like Maddie from ever after high,Maddie is the only character in the show that can speak to the Narraters and in the most recent episode she guessed exactly what raven was about to say. I think hasbro and the ever after high creator are up to something.
0 likesShe also knows everyone and on the day when Twilight went Equeastria,Pinkie knew she was new
0 likesshe could have been gifted with a unique power
0 likesit's just pinkie....being pinkie!
14 likesReplies (6)
+TheVideoClube lol true
0 likesyeah
1 likeI mean sort of
0 likesBut think about it her cutie mark is ballon with obviously means she's crazy so my guess is she's somehow more related to her human self than we thought or maybe someone travels in and out of the mirror?? I dunno :P
0 likes@Zion Sitarzewski well, that's theory a pony theory!
0 likesThe point of this guy is to try to come up with a more satisfying answer for the veiwers and not just dismiss it like that.
0 likesWhat's the difference between Psychic and fourth wall awareness? I somehow think human Pinkie Pie has the exact same awareness as pony Pinkie Pie.
0 likesI think the sonic rainbows gave pinkie some..... special...... thoughts and abilities, all the others were never actually hit by it, but its what turned pinkies mane frizzy. So the sonic rainbows is what caused pinkies insaniay and psychic abilities.
0 likesmaybe she is a changeling and can go anywhere,anytime and come back to her world whenever she wanted with the info she needs or some one in the human world went to the pony world to tell her
0 likesmy theory is that the sonic rainboom did something and she got the powers... but that's kind of ridiculous if you think about it.
3 likesReplies (16)
Pinkie pie is rediculous do u have budder?
0 likesplease not another skydoesminecraft fan... puny mortals like such annoy me out of my skull
1 like....wut?
0 likes@***** i used to be part of it too :P I quit because creepypasta and Jacksepticeye had a more calm fanbase
1 likeThat's my theory to so...
0 likesthat actually makes sense to me
0 likesIt does make sense but what about apple jack and flutter shy and twilight
0 likes@Rhiannon Wollmuth twilight was obviously affected, as shown in her flashback, fluttershy and applejack, probably not, because i think pinkie was the only one affected because of who she is inside
0 likesI think that is true
0 likesMy head canon is that she was one day being her happy random self after the rainboom, but before she got her powers, and she encountered the universes guardian of chaos. The guardian of chaos looked at Pinkie and said "Tell you what; I give you cool chaos powers and the ability to traverse the dimensions, and you do things for me occasionally. How does that sound?" And Pinkie said "Heck yeah!" And that's what happened.
0 likes@Mindy Capp i am now envisioning a fanfic where pinkie has to go on random and hilarious tasks for the guardians of chaos.
0 likessadly, i dont have the patience to write a fanfiction, so could someone else please make this happen?
@The Derptor I could do that when I'm done with another one I'm writing.
0 likes@Mindy Capp
0 likesYay thanks!
Ok seriously while I was watching this I seriously thought it might've been the sonic rainboom :3
0 likesthat IS the reason she saw a rainbow bow for the first time and well you know the rest
0 likesGreat idea man, I wouldn't have thought of that
0 likesi think whilst at the rock farm pinkie pie came into contact with some magic rock that made her physic or another one pinkie pie whilst battling discord gained some of his magic which also explains why pinkie can break the 4th wall
0 likes"Is Pinkie Psychic?"
0 likesNo, she's just Pinkie.
Human pinkie and pony pinkie switched places when they were vary young. Working on the rock farm in the middle of nowhere and/or near that portal. So young in fact that they have no memory of ever passing threw it, because they're linked to a diff world they have psychic powers.
0 likesI think that pinkie knows how to cheat the system and go through the portal at any time. Because of this, she and human pinkie can switch places all the time so pinkie could talk to pinkie giving the illusion that she knows enerything.
0 likesAlright I think I have MY idea for this
4 likesPinkie is a fourth wall breaker. And can tell when an object is gonna fall,opening doors, and these 'hunches'... I have my answer
Pinkie will never be understood...NEVER
Replies (5)
My daddy makes me put glass on my vagina
0 likeswhat?!
0 likesiiBaconXD pinkie is a pokemon
0 likesiiBaconXD a legendary pokemon
0 likesI have another theory that says all of this simply her being a magician and this possibly involving the magic of the stage, but I'm not sure whether this explains whether every little thing she does is magic.
0 likesI also like watching "Penn and Teller: Fool Us", so I like thinking about whether Pinkie could fool Penn and Teller if she were real. Does anyone think she could?
I think she is but that's why we love her! ^^
0 likesShe is a magic creature that can mind read and change like a changeling
0 likesWell, we ALL know about pinkie pie, and her abilities outside her world, that’s one of the things that draw us to her, pinkie pie is super special, her abilities to go beyond logic, allows her to stand out from everyone else, well except discord but you know!?! They are the only two who has that power and that’s what we love about them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeMaybe she's smarter then she seems... This is a secretive pony I can tell...
0 likesokay ether pinkie is magic or she broke the fourth wall so hard she was able so to steal a script from our world
9 likesReplies (9)
0 likesMakes sense
0 likes@CutePanda0118 i know.
0 likesMakes sense or she can control the people who make it and hypnotized them and told them to give her the script!
0 likesMaybe she has magic in her just no horn?
1 like@***** friendship is witchcraft reference?
0 likesI prefer mentally advance, but i love sweetie bot!
0 likesYeah she's a fourth wall breaker like Deadpool or She-Hulk
0 likesThat sounds like a Monty Python sketch!
0 likesI think that when she was on the rock farm, Pinkie was bored all the time. This could've caused her to practice. Eventually, the rainbow came and you know the rest. This is only a hunch so don't hate if you disagree.
0 likesReplies (1)
I totally agree!!!!!😋
0 likesI think pinkie pie is reading something because when twilight needs help finding a certain book pinkies all over the place and could of found a special book that she's read to give her the mental power.
0 likesMy head cannon is that Pinkie's cutie Mark is not partying but making EVERYONE smile and because of this she can do what ever it takes to make EVERYONE smile. I don't just mean the characters in the franchise but us as well. So basically cutie mark > phisics or cutie Mark magic is almost as strong as friendship magic.
0 likesPinkie was abandoned as a filly and she developed her "sense" when she had to fend for herself.
0 likeshere is my theory, Pinkies was actually discord. and the Discord we seen are actually just a clone that the real discord created.
5 likesReplies (14)
Er... nop?
0 likes@MasterSonicKnight how old are you if you can't spell nope
0 likesi can spell nope, i just didn't wanted to
0 likesI just didn't wanted to dude how'd you make a game with this grammar
0 likes@MasterSonicKnight just how dude
0 likes@MasterSonicKnight how in the hell did you make a game with this horrible sentence.........just kidding
0 likes"Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?" - Discord
3 likese-e
Doesn't make sense.... For me.
0 likes@Jacqueline Trisha Subahri Eeyup
0 likesThis is the most beautiful theory ever X3
0 likesI tots agree
0 likes@Killashandra Chase im surprised you read it all..
1 likeuhhh.... No. Srry.... It doesn't make much sense, especially when you compare it to ShTHfan 1's theory. I don't want to be rude but....
1 like@Zayd Lee hello sir grammar Nazi
0 likesOMG dude this made me think: am i psychic? I randomly get a thought in my head and then someone says whatever i thought, like i will think the word Pony and then someone says pony. Weird right? It happens randomly though so I cant really try to predict what someone is about to say or whats about to happen.
0 likesMy roommate said, "The only explanation: Pinkie Pie is on drugs."
0 likes...She's kidding though.
It must've been the sonic rainboom! Think about it. Pinkie saw the rainboom and it is magic so all the magic from it might've given Pinkie some sort of special ability!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWelp, we got our explanation at the finale apparently
0 likesI just thought of a comparison between pinkie pie and maddie hatter from ever after high.....
10 likesReplies (4)
Oh yeah there kinda a like. Maddie can hear the narrator and pinkie can you know predict the future
3 likesalso they can do impossible things-ish along with hair and ranbucios (dont know if i spelt that right) character
2 likes+Yeyea Blue it is rambunctious.
1 likeI've actually had a dream that involved a narrator in it.
0 likesI'd wager the whole story behind Pinkie Pie might be a Bioshock Infinite-esque affair.
0 likesi think its because of the sonic rainboom she got her cutie mark and sort of went crazy after it so it could be the reason, also twilight first used a huge amount of magic that went out of control because of the sonic rainboom, it could be a possibility xx
0 likesI honestly just think the writers were doing all that for comic relief.
0 likesMaybe she's a long lost daughter of Discord!
1 likePinkie Pie is MLP's Deadpool
6 likesReplies (1)
hahahaha I Soooo agree!!! 😄😜
2 likesher power is CARTOON LOGIC: as long as nopony questions it, it works
0 likesPinkie always creeped me out but now I know why.
0 likesWho knows? My theory has led me to believe that her powers originate from Princess Celestia. I don't have any proof however so all I can label it as is just a vague theory.
0 likesi have explanation for both pinkies!
5 likesHuman Pinkie Pie
"You're from an alternate world and you're pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements and without it they don't work anymore and you need them all to help protect your magical world and if you don't get the crown tonight you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for like a really really long time!"
This is a perfect example for how Pinkie is psychic.Pinkie is know by her ablitily to make people laugh easily this makes her...special.I find Pinkie funny for her way of knowing what people will say before they say it.This makes me think for her ablitily to do that is just part of her entartainment.But then it made me realize Pinkie did it when it was normaly not funny.Also when twilight asked if being psychic something you could normaly do Pinkie let out a "not normaly" this gave me full confidence Pinkie is psychic.
Pony Pinkie Pie
Pinkie has been doing the psychic thing since the beginning and i mean the very beginning(since after the first rainboom).This makes me think that Rainbow Dash's rainboom magic fused with Pinkies magic to make Pinkie psychic i'm not saying Pinkie was affected but changed by the rainboom.I only know this because after the rainboom Pinkie started to be psychic.
Replies (5)
This is almost word for word my comment except with the word "psychic" thrown in there everywhere. -_-
2 likesPlagiarism much?
@The Cake Don't blame me for calling this person out on stealing my comment. It literally is almost word for word... take a look at my comment on this video, then this person's. They're 90% the same...
1 like@ShTHfan 1
1 likePlagiarism? Seriously? You're acting like the retarted YouTube copyright system!
@The Cake.mov ikr
0 likesi like your profile pic :)
I'm glad someone else thinks Pinkie is a psychic! All my friends either hate My Little Pony or disagree with me.
0 likesWhat if she's from another dimension, this has happened with other characters too so it could surely happen with pinkie.
0 likesShe does know stuff when know one told her.
0 likesi think pinkie is so close to her friends she knows what they're going to say
0 likesYou do NOT have to read if you do not want to. This is my personal analysis and reply to this video. It's long, I know it, and that's why this is here
52 likesI personally like Digibrony's view on Pinky ^^ It might explain a lot about her character, and I think I may add to this just a bit. He says Pinky is more than meets the eye. Pinky isn't there for comical relief, as everyone believes, and she isn't as 2D and stupid as everyone believes. He started with saying that she must have a super mind because she remembers everything about every pony that she knows. Given that we can only keep connections like that with 500 or so people, he compares Ponyville to a small town, of which will usually have at least a thousand people living there, excluding the visitors of which she has connections with as well, and excluding the connections she has made in other cities. This already means that she has surpassed our own capability of social lives (off of social sites v.v'), something not very many people do. Next he says that she has all of this in her mind that she needs to balance herself out. If she lets everything whirl in her brain, she'll become overloaded, and so she is constantly letting out weird, crazy, and seemingly random thoughts in order to keep balance. This in turn makes people laugh, which makes her fulfill her destiny and it makes her happy. He further explains that her happiness and randomness is what is keeping her sane and well, happy. This is shown in Party of One, where Pinky snaps. She felt she let her friends down, which in turn made her feel she let herself down, and all she could focus on how she had failed and why she wasn't happy. The random spurts of thought had no escape because she didn't let them do so. They eventually caused her to break and become overloaded, her thoughts no longer coming out as spurts of randomness but instead spurts of insanity. She had a mental break down. But once she realized she hadn't failed at making people (and herself) happy, she let her thoughts flow naturally again, thus breaking the insanity she had just moments before.
He went on further, saying that the song Smile wasn't necessarily about her friends. It was about her own struggles, as shown in the clip where she pulls herself out of the darkness. He said that she did so because when she feels she has failed in making some pony happy, she feels she fails in life and gets down in he slumps, where only she can pull herself out of it. This is shown in Pinky Pride, where she thinks she's not needed to make other ponies happy anymore, and thus becomes depressed, but she soon starts to realize she needed to do something to keep her optimistic attitude, in which she pulls herself too high and forgot the reason she made people happy, in which made her upset again. Enough to almost leave Ponyville. Just like in the Equestia Games, where Twilight says Spike was the only one disappointed with himself, Pinky is the only one who can keep herself happy and optimistic. Though it looks like Cheese Sandwich and her friends helped her out of her negative thoughts, she still had the choice to be negative and stubborn, or to pick herself up and smile. She's also seen being smart in other ways, such as in Rainbow Rocks, where she not only figures out what Twi needed to do to get back to Canterlot High, she also knew exactly everything Twi said despite no one else, including Spike who had known Twi all his life, not having a clue. There are a few more instances, but this is getting long ^^' Anyway, on my theory as to why she can break the forth wall, practically read minds, and why she has Pinky sense, is simply because she's a genius. I mean think about it, we only use 10% of our brain, and MLP is loosely based off of humans for the sake of reliability. Pinky already surpasses us with memories and social status, and is proven on many accounts to be a genius, probably more so than Twilight for the simple fact that she isn't just smart, she's observant.
Though the movie wasn't all that great, but in Lucy, she is able to access all parts of her brain and is able to bend the world around her. The movie Limitless, which is a brilliant movie, shows how clear and observant the mind becomes once in full power, even to the point of being able to accurately predict the stocks because the brain is able to find all holes in the market and figure out a system. Maybe Pinky isn't telling the future, but notices signs no one else does, that allows her to "see" the future? And because of her genius mind, she's able to put all of those together and figure out two and two. Pinky sense comes from her mind sending signals to her body for different things, allowing her to react to something when necessary and such. She's oblivious to how observant she is. Just like Rainbow was oblivious about how she catalogs everything when she flies. She notices things, and her mind sends her signals or thoughts that combine those signs and tell her what's up. I mentioned the Lucy movie because of Pinky's 4th wall breaking and moments like in Equestria Girls where she was apparently psychic. Lucy becomes psychic at one point, but she also has the ability to mold the world around her. Pinky breaks the 4th wall, molding the world around her. She also shows capabilities of having some psychic abilities, though those could just be an affect of her molding the world to how she sees fit. If you read this whole thing, you are amazing ^^
Replies (45)
one thing i wanna complain about.
1 likeITS WAY TOO LONNG!!!!!!!!!
nest time dont give us the video and just summarize it we arent writing a passage here! no offence.
That's why I said don't read it ^^' I knew it was going to be long. And I'm not summarizing the video, I'm just saying my views on Pinkie Pie and why she can do what she does.
7 likes@Auria_Autumn still u comment to share your feelings or opinions to others so people want to read it so can u summarize ur thoughts.like because it is so long most people dont even bother to read it so there really is no point so u should. dont have to but i would thats all.
0 likesBasically I was just saying that everything happens because she's a genius ^^' Everything else was my own reasoning, and sources from another analysist because we shared many of the same views. It was getting late, and I just kept writing because I wasn't really thinking ^^'
6 likes@mew girl bro it's for the youtubers not the fans don't hate on her comment yes it was long as heck but it is a very good head cannon
4 likes@Emerald hiawa I do not hate it I just said she should have made it a teeny bit shorter but I like it when people share head cannons.
0 likes@mew girl Consequences of being a writer ^^' Ah, well, once I'm on a roll, it's hard to stop, so nothing can really be done unless I reign that in. Though it sounds easy, it's not quite so for me. I get a train of thought and go with it until it's finished.
3 likesWe use 100% of our brains....
1 like@Kerabear 1432 Not consciously. We only use 10% consciously. The rest of the brain we use subconsciously, which means we aren't really using it, it's just instinct. However, theoretically, if one were to tap into their instinctive, and subconscious, mind, they will be able to do thing thought impossible.
3 likes@Auria_Autumn oh ok XD
0 likesListen man if u can write a comment that long, then u can write a book!
2 likes@Obioma Oparanozie Always wanted to ^^' Never had the patience. I would write up to 3-4 chapters then loose interest in the story or get writer's block that I don't manage to get rid of before I loose interest. But I want to finish a book sometime, just need to work on it whether I loose interest or not.
3 likes@Auria_Autumn
1 likesame XD ****it writers block *u lmao
@Auria_Autumn i thought it was really interesting and loved reading the whole dang thing!! :) haha
2 likes@Kaseyshere101 Then you're totally awesome XD Thank you so much! I'm hoping on turning that big whole thing into a video soon ^^
0 likes@Auria_Autumn i'd read it lol
1 like@Obioma Oparanozie Then you're awesome too ^^
1 likeI read the whole thing in 3 minutes, also, I enjoy seeing how others view others, its interesting to me to see other peoples point of view and I completely agree with your way of seeing pinkie pie, and yes I admit it I'm a brony.
1 like@David Garramone Nothing wrong with liking a show about friendship and happiness ^^ It sounds a little cheesy, but those are two things everyone looks for in life. :3
1 like@***** Yes, yes it is. I established that at the very beginning, which made it a few lines longer.
1 like@Auria_Autumn great theory!! i hope there are more people who will stop to read this this is amazing!!
2 likes@***** I can't tell if you are being genuine or sarcastic.....
0 likes@Auria_Autumn omg this is an amazing theory I mean my mind is blown amazing, XD and as for the book thing you should totally try it you have the imagination and skill just keeping to it is the problem but no good things come without hard work and challenges and if you did write a book I would totally read it. well keep it up =)
1 like@Ashleigh Lavender That's for the encouragement ^^ I'm a little more into animation at the moment, but maybe I'll finis a book someday!
0 likes@Auria_Autumn you are more than welcome I would be interested in seeing this as I am greatly interested in animation one of my favourite animators on youtube is vizziepop
0 likes@Ashleigh Lavender Vizziepop is really good ^^ I'm only an amateur, so my animations won't be as good yet. But she is a big inspiration. I'm planning my own animation series at the moment, I just need to write the script for the first episode and gather voice actors before I start.
0 likes@Auria_Autumn well I look forward to viewing them when they are finished and we all have to start somewhere right? Like me I love to draw and write so I set up a deviant art account which has been a real confidence booster
1 like@Ashleigh Lavender I'm not very good at keeping my dA updated ^^' I doodle all the time, and I don't have a scanner, so I need to upload from my camera, save the images to my computer, then upload them to dA. When I get backed up, I end up not doing it at all ^^'
0 likes@Auria_Autumn
0 likesIt's not really that long
0 likesWait...
The rest is cut off now
@TrueVenturianGirl Whaddya mean O3O
0 likesThe comment was cut off on my page...
0 likesIt's hella long
@TrueVenturianGirl It is long ^^' The longest comment I ever made, that's for sure. I dunno why it would cut off, though. Perfectly fine on my page.
0 likes@Auria_Autumn
0 likesI see it now, and my eyes hurt from looking at it's GODLY LONGNESS
@TrueVenturianGirl Don't have to read it ^^' It's just here for those able and willing.
0 likesAh. It's all so clear now!
0 likesI read the whole that go and know about the movies you mentioned and I agree!! Pinkie pie has always been my favorite character because she's always random, happy, and breaks the 4th wall. But maybe pinkie pie is a genius and she doesn't even know it.
2 likesBe its because
I read the whole thing and almost get it, but I'm kinda confused.
0 likesLoren Buisman Sorry ^^' what I meant to say was that Pinkie Pie, as random as she is, is actually brilliant. She knows quite a bit, and understands more than the others including Twilight, who is considered the most knowledgeable of the mane 6. She's constantly thinking and making observations without her realizing, thus creating her random thoughts. The moment that all those thoughts didn't have a release is the moment she cracked and went insane.
0 likesFaezy_Duneyr we use 100% of our brain, however you are correct about how much of that 100% is conducted, however, the real hole there is that if you were to gain full 100% conscious control of your brain, you would have to constantly control your breathing, consciously make chemicals that trigger your immune system, not be able to sleep because your subconscious does not exist (in this theoretical scenario ), and essentially you would be worse off, than if you didn't have 100% conscious control over your brain.
0 likesFaezy_Duneyr. well that's a mouth full 😂
0 likesFaezy_Duneyr I read the whole thing and I found it extremely interesting! Although it's long it's still amazing!
1 likeI always say, if I were a pony, I’d be pinkie pie. She can travel faster than rainbow dash sometimes and can FLY WITH HER TAIL! Also, super creepy crazy cool mind powers that could probably rival twilight’s. Pinkie pie appeared whenever twilight was about to tell rarity and fluttershy’s secrets. She appeared in a mirror without being there. She knew about the parasprites. She knew about the pond thing that could split her into two. If she users her powers against a serious enemy, the series would never be the same.
0 likesI is amazing?
0 likes+_MugglebornSquib_ wouldn't that just be a muggle? Like, a squib is someone born from a wizarding family with no magic, and a muggle-born is someone born into a muggle family.
0 likesHeres my theory i know its long but hopefully it explains
0 likeswell Pinkie was adopted, and born from a human family she probably has memories from there on but who were the humans? i don't know but my guess is pinkies parents abondened her from an early age therefore she went into the portal and was found by those parents i also think pinkie has some sort of disease/disorder type but i do think she has adhd and pinkie seems to communicate with the audience so pinkie may not have a regular mind this theory is strange but i think pinkie has down syndrome / autism and distracts herself by throwing parties to the point where she forgets all about her um illnesses so thats my theory probably not true but thanks 4 reading :3 have a great day and i like your shoes :3
I know how she got her powers, her family are aliens so they have mind reading powers! 😃
0 likesI got head canon! Maybe Pinkie can time travel and cross universes?
0 likesi dont really remember the name of the episode but when pinkie used the secret cave to make more of her to visit all of her friends then some started to dissapear, and twilight made a spell to make them dissapear, however i never saw any pony dissapear forever and that means that maybe twilight just sent them anywhere, also the pinkie copyes could make hands and faces of other generations, and no one know where the copies went
0 likesI think that when Pinkie was a filly other pony's would tell her what they were thinking but then she got tired of it and that's when she started her guessing but every time she guessed she was right.
0 likesboth pinkie pies are connected through dimensions like when you call someone in another country
0 likesThere is nothing to analyse, she's just always been there to break the fourth wall !
0 likesOkay so apparently when he made this he hadn't watched the video with discord yet because discord ALSO just stares off into space
0 likesmaybe she was once an alicorn but somehow she lost her powers. i think that Pinkie rose the stars as a princess. well anyway maybe Pinkie lost her wings horn & powers because she was so busy planning parties and she didn't want to do her duties so celestia (sun butt) took away her wings magic excetra but a bit of her magic stayed with her.
0 likesI think she's TOTALLY sphycic, because in that sene of equestria girls, she barely met twilight.
0 likesPinkey was born with it. She said it runs in the family.
0 likesEven her sister has it
she grew up on a rock farm conspiracy time in later episodes bring thinks that game hold some magical power while on the rock farm pinkie may have found a way to absorb that magic like twilight's compass in the third equestra girls movie harnessing this magic has given her powers to break the fourth wall become a jepsi and has given her the"pinkie sense"
0 likesshe's psychic like me sometimes ...🤔
0 likesThe sonic rain-boom is an explosion of magic thus altering pinkies DNA immensely because she was in the blast
0 likesdoes anyone agree with my hunches! 😂
0 likesI think she can see through time and space.
0 likesPinkie is just braking the 4th wall...
Pinkie is an alien adopted by ponies and the alien part helps her tell the future
1 likeNo, she switched places with e.g. Pinkie, and that's how she knew everything
0 likesI totally know why.You know how that sonic rain-boom awoke twilight's true powers?Well maybe it did the same to Pinkie!
0 likesMaybe the sonic Rainboom gave her the powers, I mean it DID make Twilights powers out the roof.
1 likemaybe it happened back when she was a filly not only did the rainbow make her smile but it also changed her whole life around
0 likesRainbowdash's first sonic boom must've changed her somehow... I can't quite put my finger on it though...
0 likesMy idea is that when pinkie was a fillie, her parents cared little for her or sisters. Her parents abused pinkie and made her scared of herself. He probably got these hunches because she wanted to avoid abuse from her parents, meaning she new what to do and what not to do. This means that pinkie pie got her amazing psychic power from her childhood and child abuse as well as the wanting to miss her parents smacks... Dont blame her hoof smacks would hurt. ALOT.
0 likespinkie IS psyhcic. a hunch can also mean a guess. and if you are a good guesser(is that even a word?) you can also be called a psyhcic. psyhcic means being able to guess things right. it does not mean mind reading. mind reading and pshycic are two different things. mind reading being able to read mind. pshycic,as i said being able to guess things right. but it may also be similar,seeing you can also guess things by reading other persons thoughts. Pinkie calls her psyhcicness as a pinkie sense and claims it as a part of her sense. this is only a theory. A PONY THEORY!!!(see the reference there??)
0 likesor maybe Twilight messed up a spell before the episode "feeling Pinkie keen" when Pinkie was around and it gave Pinkie her mental powers.
0 likesshe got hit on the head by a pot while she shuddered for no reason, and that's how it happened
0 likeswhat if the sonic rain boom had something to do to cause this. I mean her hair is alway frizzy because of it and it suddenly gave her a outgoing personality, so maybe it has something to do with that
0 likesI have these weird thoughts randomly, and I have no idea why. But for a second I though, What if Pinkie Pie's parents were like ancient ponies (Possibly even alicorns but didn't give birth to an alicorn for some reason) that have an experience with future telling and pshycic type of things. Notice how Pinkie's parents look NOTHING like her and might've just adopted her. It also kinda explains why she hated the rock farm so much, not just because it's boring, but she has wild genetics causing her to be a crazy party person. It also kinda explains why Maud loves her so much, because she is adopted so she tries to make her feel apart of the family.
0 likesMaybe pinkie came from acdifferent dimention but dhanged form and age and was brainwashed while going to the mlp dimention. In her dimention, everyone could be cyckick (or however you spell it).
0 likeshmmmmmm. I think that pinkies parents were psychic too but the lack of backstory caused Hasbro to over look the topic. the real question here is if pinkie were not psychic wold that effect the show?
0 likes"She has Pinkie-Sense, cuz she has Pinkie-Sense, cuz it runs in her family!!!!!!!" No.
1 likeReplies (1)
obvoiusly people!
0 likesPinkie: Time to break the fourth wall!
0 likesPinkie broke through the forth wall and is part of the Illuminati but hides it from everyone
1 likeIf she can read minds, then why did she think the mane 6 didn't like her? In pinkie pride, cheese sandwich lied to her about not being shy when he was a filly. If she is psychic, she would know that he lied.
0 likesMaybe every enthusiastic pony like cheese sandwich have pinky sence. Or when she got her cutie mark something sparked in her mind. That doesn't explain cheese sandwich though.
0 likesMaybe she got her powers from Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom,
0 likesafter she sees the rainbow that's when she gets her smile.
I have a head cannon.
0 likesMaybe when she was little she was hit by a rock (because she lived in a rock farm) and had to undergo serious medical treatment. Then maybe she got some memory loss or some neurological problem or maybe she was connected to deep religious thing. Or even maybe Celestia took pity on her rock farm family and gifted Pinkie Pie this power. I don't know, this is just what I think! 😀😀🎯
she did say in the episode called ponyville confidential "its true, i do have a problem" so yeah......
0 likesI've watched you since before this came out... Wow
0 likesmaybe she gained the ability due to an over exposition of magic as she got her cutie mark as backlash
0 likesfor once I agree with you
0 likesMaybe pinkie was a unicorn when young that's how she put up the decorations in the flashback in the cutie mark chronicals and when she was going to see her mom and dad she tripped and fell on her head causing memory loss but a little bit of magic was still with her but not strong enough to levitate a and other things.
0 likesnow here's a funny theory 😀 she got her mind reading abilities from Derren Brown haha (a british illusionist!) and f.y.i that was not a typo!! his name IS Derren not darren! check him out if you've never heard of him & you will see what i mean!
0 likespinkie pie worked on a rock farm right she broke a magic rock and awakened a magical beast that granted her 3 wishes cause of her luckiness her wishes were number 1 to be psychic 2 to be happy and bring happiness and 3 to find her destiny sooner so the magical beast, made rainbow dash do the rainbow boom and pinkie got her abilities. by the way this is just my hypothesis.
0 likespinkie used to be a pegusus pony and lost her wings in an accident in the accident she got a concussion that gave her pshcic abities and magical powers
0 likesI think she fell on her head one too many times
0 likesI think that when she got hit with the sonic rain boom she got hit with a very small amount of magic
0 likesThis is just a theory, but what if she wasn't an earth pony?
0 likesWhat is her hair hiding?
A horn.
That's right! I think pinkie pie is a unicorn- with psychic powers. What if pinkie pie had found a magic spell to change her cutie mark to balloons so her secret would still be secret!!
Dun dun duuun.......
she can also break the fourth wall
0 likesPinkie did say, "I'm totally on to her"
0 likesIn the episode when twilight made the potion to increase one ponys 'power' and rainbow dash drank it pinkie also did and she could do all sorts of things
0 likesDon't question her it will only make it harder to understand believe me I tried for about 2 weeks making it harder and got no result
0 likesWhat about when she defies gravity?
0 likesI don't think she can read OTHER ponies' minds; I think she is telepathically linked with her Equestrian self!!
1 likeThe brony notion: how did pinkie get her strange powers?
0 likesMe: I was born with em
Head cannon: look at when she got her cutie mark! Her hair, (or mane) went all poofy! Then she got psychic!
0 likesPinkie operates according to the laws of cartoon physics.
0 likesno twilight also interacted with the aduince. remember when pinkie lost her mouth in the battle between twilight and Trixie with the alicorn amulet at the end of the ep pinkie tells us or gestures she wants her mouth back and twilight also comes and gives it to her also interacting with us.
0 likesI get a feeling that Pinkie Pie might NOT be what she seems in this movie!
0 likesIt COULD be her Earth Pony magic... How it manifests...
0 likesMy theory
0 likesI think pinkie was looking for twilight one day in her house
and she read one of the spells in the book . Just thinking
I think the sonic rainboom not only messed up her hair, gave her her cutie mark, but it made Pinkie Pie physic.
0 likesI personally think that the Human Pinkie and the pony Pinkie, have books, just like Twilight and Sunset,and they use them to comunicate about whats going on in their different dimensions. I don't know. Im just a 10 year old girl
0 likeswelll the rainboom gave her fun, her cutie mark and i think it gave her psychic powers too. you see the force of the rainboom gave her messy hair but some of the rainbow could have went in her ear then to her brain witch gave her psychic powers.
0 likesMaybe the two sides of Pinkie Pie are somehow connected with each other.
0 likesI first read this as "is Pinkie Physcotic?" The answer yo this day us still yes
0 likesThe whole pie family are psychic.Why?
0 likesIn one episode we got to know that maud pie(pinkie pies sister) has maud sence
Maybe Pinkie was supposed to be a unicorn! (Baby cakes related)
0 likesI don't think pinkie is psychic, although i do think she reads the script before hand
0 likesPinkie breaks through the 4th wall to other dimensions and that's where she gets her psychical powered from that's MY opinion about Pinkie :)
0 likesMaybe Pinkie is a far relative of Celestia or Luna or Cadence or an other powerfull pony
0 likesPinkie is my favourite pony and in all the personality quizzes I get her!;-)
4 likesReplies (4)
I always get Luna
0 likesSame i really live pinkie she is really interesting character
2 likesSame 😏
1 like+Swag feather Same! I'm a Luna lover <3 ALL HAIL THE NIGHT!
0 likessees CelestiaArgh Umm.. I Mean... The Sun!Celestia goes awayNight is best ;)0:19 That balloon was taken off the cutie mark on her skirt, dont believe me, go re-watch that scene, and pay VERY close attention to her cutie mark
0 likeswhen your from the future amd you realise alll of pinkie's psychic powers are from discord-
0 likesMe: reads title
1 likeAlso me: yes
Well she did touch the portal so maybe when she did she was able to see the future?
0 likesThe sonic rain boom gave her powers along with her crazy personality and look
0 likesPINKIE IS AN ALICORN!!!!!! totaly adopted by the pies. I think that whoever celestia and lunas parents were might have had pinkie and hid her away. then used magic to hide her wings and maybe her hair hides a horn stump. i realize her hair can deflate and you see nothing but when she gets her cutie mark she has it before she actually gets it which makes me think its a pre determined, pre selected, cutie mark... she might have been inserted into the pie family as a seemingly normal pony as a cover, replacing the real pinkie pie. This doesnt explain equestria girls but if we only look at the show its self explanitory.
2 likesReplies (2)
+Rebecca Warren that actually does make some sense! pinkies bubbly personality and lack of the traditional pie family talent of creepy rock knowledge is super unlike her "Pie" family. Or also it could be that maybe being physic is part of the pie talent because Mod, Pinkie's sister did have the weird notion of the rocks falling on pinkie in the episode when Mod comes to visit. AND maybe the pie family are so low key so they can hide this talent but pinkies destiny/cutie mark of the element of laughter and hyperactive personality prevents her from hiding this ability. Or not.. just a thought lol
1 like+Livy Gamez due to the recent episode of season six, the gift of maud, I think every pie has a special "sense" and can use it differently. Pinkies parents also seem low key, like they know something we dont or like something is trying to be hidden. Who knows. also, is being a rock farmer the equivalent to being amish? I just noticed how amish people live simple lives with no technology and as far as we can tell, the pies have no real contact with magic or any kind of technology. Is it possible that if pinkie is an alicorn, she was put there for the sole purpose of her not finding magic or anything related to that so she wouldnt get her cutie mark? we see in the cutie map episodes how equestria would have turned out but what if only pinkie didnt get her cutie mark, would she have been replaced in the elenents of harmony? would she even exist? what if all of the mane six are like this, just slightly different. like rainbow dash, we kinda see her dad in that one episode but what if her mom wasnt there because she was a unicorn and dashie was actually an alicorn with her horn cut off, like pinkie if my theory is corect. please respond back to me, i would love to hear your thoughts
1 likeLong lost family member could have been psychic
0 likesI think that when she was working on the rock farm, that she ether hit her head on a rock or crystal many times triggering something in her brain or. maybe when she got her cuttie mark, that it gave her specal mind powers and a crazy amount of energy.
0 likesi can read peaple’s minds too just like her and i have special scenses as well
0 likesso before she got her cutie mark she was like her family right, but then she changed when the rainbow happened. her cutie mark was different from her family so she must be that one pony that stands out. or the only super pony.
0 likesi figured she always had future fore-knowledge due to time shenanigans, allons-y
1 likeReplies (1)
Allons-y 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
1 likeI very much know this is before season five, but Pinkie can't remember everyone's birthday. She was a secret tunnel with all da files. That makes sense why Pinkie can't remember her own birthday- it'll be pointless to keep a file of herself cuz she's herself. You know :P
0 likesAlso she is an extradimentional being!
0 likesShe breaks the fourth wall a lot.
0 likesMaybe,pony pinkie went through the portal and took human Pinkie's place for a while,bc she missed Twilight,but actually Pinkie is Pinkie so it would have more sense if she was a phsysic or whatever its written
0 likesOMG I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING IN EQUESTRIA GIRLS! when pinkie said "do u have a twin sister lives in the city and has a dog ecactly like that one?" THAT IS FOR THE NEW MOVIE!
2 likesit's Pinkie Pie if you try to understand how she works you'll be more confused than when you started it's best to leave it to Pinkie Pie
0 likesWhat if shes really the goddess of Happines????
0 likesSince Pinkie used to work at a rock farm when she was a filly, maybe one day while she was working a rock somehow hit her head and made he brain act a strange way, Pinkie sence, And since the human universe is a bit sim to the pony world, Pinkie maybe worked at a rock farm when she was a kid in the human world and a rock done a same thing.
0 likesor shes a master of 4th wall breaking
0 likespinkie psychics = theory of everything
1 likeSomewhere I saw a clip that Pony pinkie knows where the portal is in Swiches places with human pinky all the time, so it makes sense she knows what’s going on
0 likesTwilight became in Elkhorn pinky The supplies for an alkaline party And she attached a line like nothingness she definitely has discord magic laying in her body body
0 likesWell duh! She is a big ball of uncontrollable fluff!
0 likesI think before pinkie pie got her cutie mark her family didn,t made her feel special when pinkie wanted to so she found a way to make her self feel special by reading the future.
0 likes(Just my guest)
Pinkie can connect with other dimensions and worlds but it was only when she drank the amplify talent potion was she able to visit those other worlds.
0 likesIn a short it shoes Rainbow Dash uses her powers irresponsibly, and because of that they all have a power surge. Everyone except Pinkie Pie. There’s even a chart. Have you seen the Spy Kids movie with the purple girl who ends up being a virus? Her and her friends are the embodiment of the elements of harmony. That means the elements of what makes the world function. I think when the world has a lot of power it understands Pinkie Pie to be a virus just like the computer in the movie. That’s why she had bad luck: the world was trying to get rid of her. It thinks she’s a virus because she is kind of. She’s not just a function of the universe, she is a higher being. That’s why she can break the fourth wall and interact with the universe in ways literally no one else can. I think she’s the opposite of Discord. How he creates Chaos, she creates the opposite. I think she wasn’t born to her family and they just took her in. That also explains why she is so radically different from her parents. She has a totally different personality, color scheme, cutie mark concept. I think she wasn’t born from her parents, but from the Universe itself.
0 likesYes, Pinkie is a Psychic. Have all those episodes of MLP gone to waste?
0 likesMaybe when she was in the rock farm she knocked her head on a rock. JK😂
0 likesI don't think pinkie pie is the only pyscic pony in s4 ep2:princess twighlight sparkle part 2 discord says to the audience "I'm going to need more popcorn" is discord pysic too it would explain he Is master of chaos
0 likesshe got the ability the same as she got her cutie mark
0 likesShe drank a magical potion witch gave her the pinkie since :)
0 likesPinkie always break the 4th wall lol
0 likesYour probably correct about THIS theory, but I saw deleted scenes that pinkie in equestria girls AND the pinkie in ponyville switch places(in the portal ) , so that might crack the case I guess
0 likesIt's just cartoon logic being cartoon logic.
0 likesOkay, a YouTuber named RLYoshi has this Cutiemark Laboratories thing and in one of them he explains Pinkie Sense.
0 likesMy explanation for Pinkie possibly being "physic" is that maybe her Pinkie Sense transferred into the Equestria Girls universe? I know it probably sound crazy, but maybe some form of magic did it? Possibly Principle Celestia secretly knowing, along with Luna, that there's an alternate universe where they're all ponies? Maybe Celestia gave Pinkie Pie a form of Pinkie Sense, wanting at least somebody to know? Maybe I'm just crazy? I don't know, but that's just my idea. Considering the fact that all the Equestria Girls are alike to their pony versions, Pinkie just got something extra somehow (again, maybe Celestia)?
Replies (1)
0 likesDid you see the episode double rainbow? When pinkie reveals that when twilight gave her the talent enhancer, she could see space and time or something. That I find suspicious.
0 likesI spilled Gatorade on my self and I'm in bed :(
0 likesPinky is definitely psychic👀👍
0 likesPinkie's... got a similar thing to Derpy Hooves (Or Ditzy Doo but I like Derpy better...). But Derpy's one was caused by falling in water and having her mouth and eyes open and surviving... She fell in cause of the SONIC RAINBOOM... Making her Clumsy, causing 1 eye a look up and 1 down and slight loss of sight... the SONIC RAINBOOM didn't JUST cause Pinkie to puff out her hair and be a party pony... it somehow gave her something... (not the cutie mark) she may have found the element of laughter before ANY of them met..... Except Rainbow and Fluttershy...
0 likesokay but here is a real question: can Pinkie Pie beat Goku in a fight?
0 likesMaybe they meant for pinkie to be a unicorn but it must have gone balloons and they liked it that way.
0 likesMaybe Pinkie Pie was born into an alicorn family that died and took Pinkies wings and horn, but kept mind reading abilities. Yep, thats my best guess!
1 likeReplies (2)
Haha that would be so awesome that would make her a really interesting character ( but she already is)
0 likesi totaly agree
0 likesmaybe since she was born on a rock farm she got hit with a bolder on the head and that's how she got her pinkie sence
0 likesProbably got hit in the head with a rock as a kid ;D SERIOUSLY THINGS FALL FROM THE SKY ALL THE TIME IN THIS SHOW!
0 likesI think Pinkie's pinkie sense might of came with her cutie mark. . .
0 likesShe hit her head on a magical rock
0 likesI think the sonic rainboom not only made her smile, but also gave her those powers.
0 likesMaybe when the sonic rainboom happened it gave her the "pinkie sense "and maybe she studied it and when she learned that if her tail "twiches" then something is going to fall exedra exedra
0 likesPinkie pie is pretty twilight
0 likesWithout much magic
And neatness
She has so much room in that head of hers he gets a "sixth sense" Her pinkie sense. Her head is really so big its a over blown balloon getting ready to pop. So she can fit all of that. So in conclusion. Pinkie pies hed.....
Is a water balloon
It's simple,
0 likesPinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.
maybe pinkie has powers that we the audience has not thought for a pony to have
0 likesi think she tripped on a rock in her rock farm and hit her head HARD!
0 likesPinkie Pie is...special
0 likesNo duh
Pinkie Pie can remember every birthday in Ponyville except her own
My reason Pinkie can hear the narrator, like Madeline Hatter from ever after high
Maybe it has something to do with her cutie mark. I mean look at discord. Imagine if he had a cutie mark.
0 likesPinkie is a 2 dimentional character. 1D is just a line
0 likesHow about that she is connected to her other selves but doesn't want others to find out... or she's not whatever the dominant creature of the demention is but an all-time powerful magical being that wants to fit in so took the form of said dominant creature how else would she have the same cutie Mark as surprise.
0 likesI am psychic, thanks for noticing! Lol.
0 likesReplies (1)
I'm not special! Oh wait you're right, I am. (Laughs)
0 likesWhen rainbow dash did her first sonic rainboom and pinkie got her cutie mark, it might have infused her with magic. That explains why her hair exploded with poofiness. But how? Rainbow dash does not have magic. Maybe the sonic rainboom has magic....when twilight got her cutie mark, the same thing happened. She got infused with magic....but what kind of magic? Is it the same magic that turned her into an alicorn? If it wasn't for rainbow dash, twilight would have never went to ponyville and the mane six would have never been united
1 likeI have a theory that Rainbow Dashs first sonic ranboom gave Pinkie Pie super powers.
0 likesMaybe pinkypie got her magic naturally or from the episode were she got multiple of her self made her get her magic in some confusing way.
0 likesShe hit her head really HARD
0 likesOr maybe discord put a spell that did something to read minds. AND have mind powers
0 likesMaybe she got it from some sort of extra Magic a little more then regular earth ponies
0 likesi think she is i mean she does have pinkie senses and really good 'hunches" like is she the only one who can interact with the oddience
0 likespinkie could be a changeling!!!!! it would explain everything that's happened. how she break laws of physics and y she wants to make everypony love her. it would b very interesting
0 likeshere is an easy explanation from my head canon
0 likesPinkie is part draconequus
Pinkie probably had the same Jornal as twilight and sunset or pinkie went through the portal and met her pony self and they switch places. Just a hunch😊
0 likesShe also predicted the friendship games because she says you're like the girl that has a twin sister that has a dog 🐶 named spike that looks just like that one
0 likesshe travels throughout universes
0 likesI Know Pinkie Pie Went Through The Portal When Nopony Was Looking And Came Back The Same
0 likes7 years later SOLVED!!!
0 likesNo, she isn't! Maybe she's magic?
0 likesI think it is a magic spell cuased by a alicorn
0 likesI honestly think it's just Hasbro being EXTREMELY stupid
0 likesI think she's celestia's secret spy or something
0 likesMy head canon is simple she will take discord's place when he reiters from being lord of chaos
0 likesRemember maud pie and how she can tell what a pony has been doing just by looking at the peples on there houves well I think pinky pie is somewhat related to that
0 likesi think she can time travel
0 likespinkie has some weird magic even weirder then discords magic
0 likesShe got her strange abilities from the sonic rainboom. That's what made pinkie pie, pinkie pie.
0 likesMaybe the rainboom gave her the pyhchic power!!!
0 likesher whole family might have it
0 likesmaybe when she was a baby maybe her mom accidentally hit her with a rock because I know how they lived on a rock Farm and maybe that's how to develop Pinkie sense
0 likeswhile twillight was in the other world pinkie switched with the pinkie from the other world by going through the portal too.
0 likesThe theary is way out there but maybe one of her ancestors ate gemstones and became magical and then it just ran in her family
0 likesDo you remember in that one episode when pinkie was telling her cutie mark story at the end she said that is how equestrian was born
0 likesYou do tend to overanalyse things. A little to much sometimes they really dont make sense.
0 likespinkie is secretly a changling i mean like every changling is a alicorn so a mind reading and future telling spell?
0 likesWell If You Watch EverAfterHigh Then You "MAY" Know Maddlen Hatter! (The Daughter Of The MAD Hatter) And She Can Talk To The Narrators Just Like How Pinkie Talked To The Audience. {P.S: This Is Just A "HUNCH".
0 likesMaybe, pinkie taught herself how to be psychic while living on a boring rock farm.
0 likesshes just a freaking boss
0 likesLong story short: YES
0 likesmaybe the sonic rainboom she saw as a filly fused her with reality bending magic
0 likesI know this is old but I thought, the title said "Is pinkie psycho"
0 likesShe's me ! I can do that some times.
0 likesShe's smart
0 likesShe downlaoded a fourth dimensional equation to her brain.
0 likesPinkie Pie got affected the most from the Sonic Rainboom. Yes, Applejack, Fluttershy, & Rarity also noticed it, but did you see her eyes? Also, I have another theory. Rainbow Dash didn't do the Sonic Rainboom. Yes, she physically did it, but If she didn't stand up for Fluttershy, she wouldn't compete with the bullies and do the Sonic Rainboom. So if Fluttershy wasn't there, their cutie marks and friendship would never exist, meaning Twilight would never be an alicorn.
0 likesPinkie pie is overpowered.💪
0 likesI think that Pinkie Pie just went to the mirror pool and cloned herself. While the real her goes to the human world.
0 likesLike in that episode of X files that the head floating in a jar got psychic powers from having so long to think, Maybe that's what happens when a party pony is raised amish?
0 likesfor the pinkie sense it runs in the family
0 likeswait if there's a pinkie in the pony world,and another one in the other world,doesn't that mean there's another twilight? and another sunset shimmer? hasnt anyone thought of that?
0 likesMaybe pinkie pie is and unique phoney that has lived even longer the time itself like a God that got trapped by a pony prices
0 likesMaybe one Rainbow Dash to the Sonic Rainboom Pinkie Pie was part of the main six and lived on a very boring drop farm and was filled with happiness during the Rainbow Loom it affected her so much that she is now able to break the fourth wall and everything else she does.
1 likePinkie pie is secretly not a pony, but someone who has come through the portal in Equestrian Girls, there for her senses have been altered to where it's as though she has a psychic super nova of a "power" which brings me to the conclusion PINKIE PIE ISN'T REALLY A PONY! (Or she was born in the everfree forest before her parents settled at the rock farm)
0 likesHey,she can look into other dimensions. Watch sonic rainboom.
0 likesbabs seed's cutiemark is like snip's cutiemark
0 likesShe got her cutie mark in 4th wall breaking. The 4th balloon popped.
1 likeIf pinkie has broblems then there's an aveas back story the reason pinkie can remamber so well is cupcakes
0 likesI beleive that pinkie accedentely went to the human world and met her human self and now they contact each other by dreams but when she met her human self she some how manage to get certain powers.
0 likesmaybe pinkie's family is not her real family. maybe pinkie is a type of pony that we just haven't heard of, and these ponies have a special kind of magic. and pinkie just isn't aware of it herself.
0 likesdouble rainboom pinkie drinks phycic potion that makes her travel through time and space!
0 likesI don't know that much of Pinkie Pie it but I can explain it picking up I was born in a rock form correction but she wants to make everybody smile so she planned this party for her mother father and sister to make her happy and that's how she made her prediction that's how she got her psychic powers and her cutie mark at the same time I think that the laptop I'm not sure😎✌
0 likesI think she might be related to discord but not in the way you said in a later video. I'm thinking maybe she is discord or even some kind of family member. I mean she does look like she's adopted so it could be
0 likesWell now it’s explained lol
0 likesMaybe pinkie was exposed to radio activity when she was a foul and the only ponies that wanted her were her "parents" and that would also explain why she looks so diffrent from her family
0 likesLike if you agree
Pinkie's sister Maud can locate other people without a GPS. Maybe it runs in the family?
0 likesshe got her powers from her cutie mark
0 likesWow, title has a typo! Its supposed to say "Is Pinkie A Phycho???"
0 likes(This is just a joke , haters)
We all know twilight has magical friends. But how did they BECOME magical? Well for you FYI all the friends have cutie marks that can also mean attitudes. But if twilights one of them how is magic an attitude? We already have laughter kindness loyalty honesty and generosity. But magic? Tell me in my videos see ya!
0 likesI think she (Pinkie Pie) was a alien from another dimension.
0 likesPinky pie is most likely a inter dimension travelling pony. In kill la kill episode 12, a girl with a pink outfit and bland curls, with a pink umbrella might be pinky pie she sounds like pinky pie, and talks like pinky pie..
0 likesShe even acts like pinky pie. Pinky pie tries to have fun, so does nui, the name of kill la kill pinky!!!! But way more adult than mlp
MY GUESS: Pinkie pie is not actually psychic. Pinkie from both dimensions (equestria girls/Ponyville/RainbowRocks/) Pinkie uses different dimensions thats why pinkie is psychic. Here's what I think: Pinkie before twilight went into the portal pinkie somehow switched places with the other Pinkie. Because when twilight is right about to say something, the other pinkie says what happened. She also has something about the portal she likes. Such as, when pinkie puts her hand in the portal she saids "sparkly" It may seem "Pinkie-Ish" But don't be fooled. And the seen in the movie "Equestria girls" Pinkie puts her head inside the portal. When she does this I think she's telling the first Pinkie whats happening or "A signal". But back to twilight. When pinkie says "Are you psychic?!" And twilight answers: "Is that something you can do here?" Pinkie adds: "Not normally" Or she is just playing along trying to make sound like she's the real pinkie.
0 likesI may be strange, but i'm :D!
Duh,pinkie is pinkie
0 likesI've seen her travel in the powerpuffs
Yes, U heard me
The powerpuffs
I like bubbles the most
I think her "hunches" are pinkie sense
0 likesis pinkie a phychic?:YES SHE IS!
0 likesWell in the pony world pinkie has well pinkie scents so it doesn't surprise me if pinkie really is psychic. But I have something on my mind how did pinkie get pinkie scents it's possible pinkie is half unicorn but at the same time she has no horn but the magic stays in pinkie then again maybe I'm wrong
0 likesmabey she has a special connection with someone who's more powerful than celetia in anoter planet and has taught pinkie how to find out whats gonna happen or mabey cealestia cast a spel on pinke by accident and pinkie has " hunches" on what's hppen going to happen or happenig
0 likesMaybe when she saw the Sonic Rainboom.She was the only one to stare straight at it and she was the closest next to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.
0 likesHere is my theory Pinkie Pie actually traveled through the portal with twighlight and spike so she knows everything about twighlight already she travels back quickly but actually she traded places with pinkie pie from earth so no notices she's gone that's my theory so bye ps its my birthday this is the best channel ever bye!!!
0 likesBoth pinkie's are psychicly connected
0 likesDid anyone else think of doctor who when they watched this?
0 likesI did, also did anyone think She should be called pinkie who or Doctor pie?
Reply your idea
Maybe human pinkie spied on Twilight.And for pony pinkie maybe the mirror has an option so you can see through it.
0 likesok hear this what if when the rainboom went so close to her brain i gave her psychic powers i mean if its so rare it would make sense for no one to put two and two together
0 likesI think Pinkie traveled through the portal at night
0 likesShe can see through the human vegin of her self in equestria and in canterlock
0 likesShe KNOWS we're out here...EVERYPONY RUN!!!
0 likesshe's my pet
well pinkie is adopted I think so it can't be from the rock family might be the family
0 likesshe was abandoned from
I think the rainboom made her insane!!!!
0 likesEveryone probably has heard this but......
1 likeIn the bloopers video of Equestria girls the end was...
The two pinkies swap places..!
pinkie pie is loki and deadpools daughter who hid her in that demension to keep her safe hence the reason she has an affinity towards the chaotic nature of discord another trickster god like her mother...loki
0 likesActually maybe she has her Pinkie Sense in human version too
0 likesI think pinkie was dumped into a pool of cemacles when she was little xD
0 likesThis all can be answered in the bloopers and outtakes of :Equestria Girls: The Friendship Games:
0 likesmaybe just maybe the sonic rain-boom gave her her powers
0 likesGreat,not only is mlp,a show with magic talking ponies,but have a very psychotic pink pony
0 likesour idea, all the pinkies in every dimension is mentally linked so the eg pinkie has the same memories of the pony pinkie
0 likesHer brain puffed up with her hair.
0 likesFuture Sawtooth: It's because of Discord
0 likesA dream told her it all
0 likesI think pinkie pie might actually be a twin when she was on the rock farm pinkie pie said that her and marble pie where born only a few minutes apart
0 likesI'm gonna buck with your mind a little here...
0 likesMaybe all of the characters are actually girls in a coma, and Pinkie is their mutual friend/family member who's been talking to them while they're in a coma, and sometimes the girls are mumbling things so then Pinkie says them (because for some odd reason they can hear her... dunno about that) right before they say them in the 'real' world.
Total mindbuck.
Replies (2)
What about dudes? I kno its pretty rare that u see multiple males but hey.........just a thought
0 likesI meant the mane 6. Everyone else is figments of their coma, based off of characters they knew in the outside world.
0 likesActually, I've refined the theory a little. It's just Twilight who's in a coma, and the whole world is made up, with the other Mane 6 ponies being similar to her friends outside. Celestia is actually the doctor looking over her, and Luna is the assisting nurse, which is why whenever something goes pretty bad in Ponyville (AKA her vital stats) they show up.
This kind of goes back to gen 3 pinkie who had a twitch like thing happpen
0 likesOMG I KNOW
0 likesYou know how Twily got her cutie mark by the sonic rainboom? Twilight unlocked her powers by interacting by the sonic rainboom, correct? Well, It might be the same thing with Pinkie Pie
My headcannon is that when the sonic rainboom happened, as Pinkie came up with her party ideas, something magical, like what happened to Twilight, unlocked her brain to out of the box ideas, enabling her for reading minds. And her Pinkie sense? My headcannon is that when the rainboom ocurred, a sudden rainbow-ish flash of light, that gave her a sudden shock to vague events that were going to happen.
My only problem is why didn't Pinkie Pie's powers activate immediatley.
Another fact is that she is a land pony, enabling powers like Applejack's undenyable strength.
Voted best Headcannon 2015
Maybe when she saw the rainboom it kind of kick started her psychic abilities by her cutey mark idk
0 likes(I'm terrible at spelling sorry)
Maud has Maud sense and pinkie has pinkie sense so one of there parents must had it
0 likesShe reminds me of Maddie from Ever after high
0 likesor....... when the rainboom happened it could have given her mental powers
0 likesYes, i think shes totally psychic also that other episode where she went to the magic pond thing? how did she know about the Oringinal Version of My Little Pony? and speaking of my little pony... howcould she cut through the worlds to the audience i also saw her do that in a comic book i read. O_O
0 likesI love it😒
1 likeHey you should make a video of how they would look like alicorns
0 likesprobably it has to do with the sonic rainboom,I mean,that is when she discovered her true self, so,maybe when that happened she got in touch with the future or...something idk it doesn't make much senses but it could be possible 😶
0 likeslike with derpy i think pinkypie is secretly an alicorn
0 likesshe self aware like dead pool!
0 likesShe's like garnet she has future vision
0 likesThat's why Pinkie pie is my favorite pony from the mane 6 😏🎈
0 likesi think she may be adopted because her sisters look nothing like pinkie and the only pony who seems to care about pinkie is Maud
0 likesIn the equestria girls bloopers pinkiepie switches place from the mirror, the blooper is cannon
1 likedude, she's PINKIE PIE! There is NO reason for this video!
0 likespinkiepie is pinkie pie her job is to break the 4th wall end-of-story
0 likesShe can remember any birthday in ponnyville exept her own hahahahahahahaha lololololololol 😄
1 likemaybe shes adopted i mean it makes sense shes i lighter color than her family even before her cutie mark and her real family is a group of phycics? just a hunch
0 likesNever Question Pinkie Pie
0 likesThere has been something that we are not being told pinkie most likely does have special powers the pinkie sense is like the spidie sense spider man has and she obviously knows something we don't she know far to much about time travel and she has her party cave hidden inside sugar cube corner which gives me an idea she could be a time lord or know the doctor I'm going to make a theory on this topic on my channel
0 likesmaybe she was born with it. Maybe it just runs in her family, but that is just what I think
0 likesMy Explanation: It's Pinkie!
0 likesPinkie Pie must have just figured out she's in a cartoon
1 likeI want to know the story
1 likeMaybe when Zecora warned them pinkie got two "pranks"and the phicic prank cuddly go away
0 likesMaybe she is psych but she needs a back story really , who agrees?
0 likesPinkie pie is probably my favorite. After fluttershy
0 likesIf pinkie is psychic it must be something to do with her appearance as madam pinkie or something
0 likesI think it's because something happens to equestria girl pinkie she secretly went with so she knew what happens at end
0 likesPinkie pies family bought a mirror. It reminded the, of there worthless live so they gave it back. Celestai wanted it back not telling them before it was given back pinkie pie traveled through the time porter demisntion thing and the orginsly pinkie found her when she was young and then told her everything
0 likesI agree with you so much
0 likesyou are right about pinky pie
She got her powers when she saw the sonic rainboom.
0 likesThat's so pinkie. If anyone could get this reference, i will be very happy.
0 likesi didnt know it was in theatres
0 likesPinkie isn't psychic.
0 likesShe's just a fourth-wall breaker.
the pinkies have the same memory and go back and forth in the portal
0 likesI think Pinkie Pie got hit in the head with a rock at her rock farm
0 likesshe a time traveler
0 likesthis is pinkie pie she is an exception to everything
0 likesmaybe she met zecora and she casts a spell on her and thats how she sings that song about her to be an evil enchantress
0 likesWhen she was younger some spell got cast on her
0 likespinkie my faverite pony 1 because shes a detective 2 because of her powers
0 likesYa how did she know that twilight was a pony princess in equestria 🤔
0 likesi'm sorry and know you made this when season 5 wasn't even close but in season five we find out she has files stating everypony's birthday in equestria (also she most likely doesn't have one for herself)
0 likesThe Brony Notion, their are two possibilities:1) Pinkie Pie improvises with all the possibilities that appears in her head, and makes a coincidence between what she says and the answer that she has to make .Or:2) The classic Pinkie Pie from Equestria rushed toward the mirror (Like Spike), and entered to the human world of themselves. Maybe she acted like she doesn't know the Twilight Sparkle that entered to the human world, and she predicts the answers what Twilight has to say, because she already knows, for example: ''Your a princess from a magical world and you have get the crown from Sunset Shimmer, because if you don't get the crown back, the portal In the statue will close and you will never go back in 30 moons''
0 likesWhen she got hit by the rainboom she became psychic😕
0 likesshe got hit over the head when she was a filly XD
0 likesTwilight breaks the 4th wall in magic duel when she gets pinkies mouth back
0 likesI think Pinkie Pie has another connection with her from the other world and their minds could be connected and maybe that's how she figured out that Twilight was a pony princess because Pinkie Pie was thinking that and it sent the other Pinkie Pie from Equestria girls and her hunch was like that just popped into her head like out of the ordinary so maybe there's actually a certain connection between those two have you ever tried to see it think of it try to see what they have in common if you do then maybe there's something that we should know maybe in season 5 pinky pie might go to twilight and try to see what she is doing and see if Twilight okay and if she runs into the wrong room maybe she accidentally steps inside the mirror and meets her real human self.
0 likesmaybe she was born that way maybe her mom is psychic or maybe her dad is psychic who knows that's just my headcanon
1 likedon't u know she has chaos magic?
0 likesPinkie can remember EVERYPONY'S birthday but not her own? Lol.
1 likeWhen Rainbow dash did her first rain boom pinkie's hair sprang up and gave her an idea to leave the farm and do things maybe the boom went to her brain because in other movies when that happens it can leave a gap through dimensions maybe she has a gate way into the other world in her head and it only works right when it happens. And that gate way also let's her use other ponies thoughts!
0 likesSuperfunny !
0 likesThree words...... rainboom power activate. Too vague look back to the cute mark chronicles.
1 likelike maddie from eah can interact with the narrators
0 likes0:52 cracks up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😂😂
0 likesMabeye the rest of the mane six went through the mirror with Twilight but didn't say anything about it.
0 likesI think Pinkie is an alien from another planet
0 likesYou know EAH, maybe it's another dimension and maddie hatter is EAH pinkie. Or she has a psychic connection with the other pinkies, and vice-versa.
0 likesSo pinky pie is my favourite character and we will – but I also watched that video so I know already
0 likesWell some characters like seasick is
0 likessidekick and breaks the fourth wall so pinkie pie is just pinkie pie and just a funny out of control 4th walk breaker and sidekick for some reason ITs A MYSTERY
She became like this using THE POWER OF ROCKS!
0 likesthe writers are doing that ridcaualis thing... LOL
0 likeshow about pinkie was adopted and her actual perants were scientists and they accedentlyput some chemical who made her mental thingies and they didn't want to see pinkie like that so they asked the rock family to adopt her and they gave her medicine so she only remembers the times with the rock family oh forgot to mention the rock family were close relatives
0 likesRadioactive Rocks on the rock farm. That's why. :)
0 likesMe: simple, it's pinkie
1 likeYou: that explains everythings!
maybe the old pinkie pie came to the new pinkie pie and told her about the future
0 likesAre ponies made of candy?
0 likesI thought that pinkie pie got those "hunches" because she had touched the portal in the beginning of the movie, and twilight touched the portal, then after going through the portal twilight touched it yet again, ;3 just a hunch
0 likes0:56 I don’t know why but I find it funny the captions are in Russian
1 likeha ha ha
maybe pinky got her sense at the time of the 1 rainboom
0 likesDidnt pinkie said (in episode 3 Season 6) That Maud has a 'Pie Sense?' or whatever is it. and she also mentioned that it runs in the family.
0 likesReplies (1)
True but I think it's stronger in Pinkie since amongst her family she is the only one we see whose tail, mane etc shake just before it happens
0 likespinkie has E.S.P. that mixed with the fact she has mania (look it up she exibits all the signs) and hyperactivity and a severe need for decaf and her earth pony magic creates PINKIE SENSE!!!!! *to be said in epic announcer voice*
0 likesShe have fwb forth wall breaking powers.
0 likesAlso she gets her pinkie sense
0 likesI read title
0 likesme:yes she is physic
Brony notion Maybe the rainbow sonic boom when she got her cutie mark
0 likesCorruppted her in a good way to be a surprise like her cutie mark would be or...it is given to her naturally
I think that the sonic rainboom gave Pinkie Pie her strange effects.
0 likesI think Pinkie from the MLP dimension talks to the human Pinkie Pie through the portal because why would Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Luna, Princess Cadence and Celestia sleep on the cold crystal floor? They would catch a cold! They would have to sleep and Pinkie, not having Twilight as a friend and not having a sleep over as in Rainbow Rocks, no one would know and Pinkie Pie in the pony world would have an excuse such as 'I want to stay to see if Twilight comes back!' or 'I'm hungry!!!!!!'. Also, according to Rainbow Rocks, Maud lives with Pinkie. But what if Maud sleeps on the opposite side of the house? Anyways, Pinkie from human world would go to the portal and talk to Pinkie that lives in Ponyville and also, if the guards caught Pinkie by the portal, she could have the same excuse of, 'I'm on a look out for Twilight!' But that is my head canon and u will not see this because this is such an old video :)
0 likesI LOVE PINKIE!!!!!
0 likesWell I've heard that pinkie is a changeling
0 likesO yeah and it only affected her because she had had no fun in her life before that, kind of like how she was the only one tho change in appearance with her hair
0 likesWhat about the Rainboom? Did that have to do with anything?
0 likesWhy is your pony’s cutie mark a music note? I think a question mark would be more suitable judging by your videos...are you holding out on us?
0 likesReplies (1)
@Crazy_ Red_Panda Its for his love of music. He actually does do remixes of songs.
0 likesPinkie pie is psychic and we all know that......or believe because some people dont believe pinkie pie is psychic and that is totally okay
0 likesWhen the rainboom appeared it gave her her powers
0 likes1 word MAGIC
0 likesWhat does your cutimark mean/ how did you get it?
0 likespinkie know that twilight is a princess pony because she switch places with the other pinkie. you should see it on friendship games bloopers. you see it at the end
0 likesWhile i agree Pinkie pie is not wrapped well I think I can explain her 'Knowing'
0 likesSee if there a doorway to other worlds perhaps Pinkie is able to 'see' throw other pinkie pies eyes. So Pony pinkie know what happens in the Human world because he had a vision showing her what human pinkie pie saw and know. Where as Human Pinkie had a vision of what pony Pinkie saw. Take it as a doorway in Pinkie pies mind that opens into other Pinkie pies minds giving her the ability to know what shouldn't be know
maybe the sonic rainboom had something to do with it?
0 likesi think that pinkie...wasn't always pinkie
0 likesMy theory is human pinkie secretly knows about the portal at canterlot high and goes through as pony pinkie and pony pinkie goes through the mirror as human pinkie
0 likesshe has cotton candy brain thats why she is soo smart!!
0 likesMaybe the rainboom gave her the powers...
0 likesShe's Maddie Batter, both can interact with the other world, Pinkie with audience, Maddie with the narrator and audience (audience us in the third book)
0 likespinkie may be a time lord :P
0 likesI love how you talk
0 likesMind. Blown
0 likesI think pinkie pie was born with it but she didn't unlock it until she became her silly self.
0 likesi think pinkie pie might be phychic but one of my friends(who is not allowed to coment)said maybe(and this is way too random)it had something to do with discord....wait is there a human discorn i wanna see this!
0 likesshe is such crazy she can have a pinkie sense
0 likesDo me a favor and stay out of my head, it's not a friendly place for anypony to be peeking at my head cannons like you did in this one
0 likesMy theory is that its one of the special abilities of earth ponies.
0 likesGAAAA pinkie is adorable!
1 likeI got it the sonic rainboom she saw as a kid gave her the magic ability to read minds it all adds up if u think about it! ;) :) "Just a hunch!:)"
0 likesThere's a only a matter of time....before pinkie pie rules equestria then the EG world then the REAL WORLD!
0 likesI think maybe she touched the magic portal and now is connected to the pony pinkie pie and dreams what she thinks thats why she asked ARE you a princess? Because she dreamt it
1 likeI don't know why but pinkie reminds me of me
0 likeshaha I thought the title said "is pinkie phyco" I'm so dumb
0 likesmaybe pinkie when she was born at the rock farm a few years later she was pushing rocks and got struck by lightning and it was a few weeks before the rainboom so it was apatrt of the puzxle to what pinkkies destany was at the time so the lightning struck her and she got all of her powers call me crazy but it might of happened
0 likesWhat if pinkie traveled with twilight but twilight didn't know so that's probably how she got her knowledge
0 likes+Brony Notion
-Bre Camp p.s. I love ur vids 😀😀😀
so thats how pinkie breaks the 4th wall.....
0 likesthere was a scene showing pinkie from the pony world walking through the mirror to the human world meeting the other pinkie and high fiving her as the pinkie from the human world goes to the pony world. they switch worlds......
0 likesHave u ever thought that the animators just did this to make it funny and if u think about it hmmmm...... ITS PINKIE PIE WHAT DO U EXPECT
0 likeslike she said in the movies that if she has a twin sister that lives in the city (crystal prep) and has a dog named spike
0 likeseven twilight is pcychic in episode lesson zero you see twilight acts very wierd
0 likesIts now cannon that Pinky is psychic.
0 likesI think that the sonic rain boom when she was a fillie didn't only get her her cutie mark but also gave her her mental powers reply if you agree
0 likesDiscord also interacts with the audience
1 likeshe was zapped by lightning
0 likesI think Pinkie can read minds because of Rainbow Daches soneke rain boom
0 likesSurprises duh!!!!!
0 likesPinkies Talent is surprises not Parties so she's almost impossible to surprise, but can surprise almost anyone.
shes from the future
0 likesIts genetics pinkie said so herselt when maud said she could do it too
1 likeReally? You? Over analyze! I had no idea! 😆
0 likesIt's Earth Pony magic.
0 likesmaybe she was hit in the head when she was little
0 likesAt the end of mysterious mare do well, rainbow dash interacts with the audience
0 likesshe has her PINKIE SENCE!
0 likesShe was born with her powers
0 likespinkie is adopted and her real parents are super heroes or twilight could have an accident with a spell.
0 likesIn the movie equestia girls pinkie wanted to find out so maybe she found out or before Twilight came to The human world pinkie pie already knew the pony world because she probably already went there and met the equestria Pinkie pie so for a day they switched World and keep that for a secret. Pinkie pie in the human world is friends with Pinkie pie in the equestria.
0 likesmaybe when she got her cutie mark . the sonic rainboom got her so happy it gave her her powers or something.
0 likesPinky stop breaking the fourth wall
1 likePinkie is a pony, and thus has magic and is silly. She is phychic
0 likesthe audience is called the fourth wall
0 likesYou should see the deleted scenes in the first eq movie
0 likesQuantum physics?
0 likesShes insane
0 likesDoes somepony know what is a headkanon or headcanon? I have no idea.
0 likesI noticed something from the beginning of the video, r u a homestuck? If so who is your favorite character.
0 likes''SPOILER ALERT'' on the episode. called ''it's pinky keen'' it is supposed to be like that and twilight sparkle was already spying on her too ! ! ! ! !
1 likeor mabey its just a show for kids that grown men watch :O
0 likesShe has a friend that goes to the portal every 30 moons and report to pinkie or pinkie in equestria and in CHS are friends and report to each other whats happening so thats why pinkie knows what twilight is a pony princess or that she met a boy named flash😊😊😊
0 likesmaybe she is secretly trericks daughter and stole some ones power
0 likescool theory!!
0 likesShe is the chosen one
0 likesI agree with you she might going through the
0 likesBronies OVI Pinkie's '' Pinkie Sense'' was just with her all the TIME!
0 likesThe main 6 actally were there DUUH!
0 likesShe's crazy 😋 I love Pinkie Pie 😋😛😋😛😋😛
0 likesOK here is my cannon on pinkie pie:
0 likesShe's pinkie pie there is nothing more to say about it
Simple ; its pinky
0 likesi think she is psychic because how did she now what twilight was going to say then she took the words from her mouth idk but i think she is psychic
0 likespinkie was adapted by the pie family
0 likesMaybe its her history of........ROCKS
0 likesThat makes sense
0 likesShe broke the forth wall!!!!!!!!!
0 likesTwo words "4th wall"
0 likesShe's not psychic she's sicodic
0 likesI agree of you she might be going through the portal maybe that's why I'm in the bloopers of the movie that came out this Sierra question girls you know the lawn when ya she guests twilights she might be great though the mirror. /:
0 likesShould her parents be evolve to 🤔
0 likesPinkie pie can break the forth wall. Duh
0 likesShe IS psychotic!
0 likesShe got hit on the head at the rock farm
0 likesAll i am going to say is that pinkamena is very cheerful but why does she change even if her friends
0 likeslike her.not saying this is an episode or anything but just saying...and the thing is that why did her hair
not go down when discord took over her,i mean every time she is mean with friends her hair goes down.
but why did it not go down?
Maybe pinkie is from human world and human pinkie from equestria and they switch on a regular basis. In equestria girls spring break there was a portal to the human world near ponyville so maybe she found another near town
0 likesThat's my pony! That's why she is my favorite pony!
0 likesReplies (1)
Samee ;)
0 likesWho else thought the title said is Pinkie psychotic
1 likeContact the creators of MLP and see about a Pinky Pie backstory!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI got an idea first of all watch behind the scenes you see her switching life's with the pony pinkie and maybe nobody knows pinkie did that maybe that's why
0 likespinkie breaks the 4th wall
0 likesIs RD a psychic because in the lat 2 episodes in season 4 Twilight is being sent back to ponyvill because they need a princess, Twilight say but you dont even know what the tree of harmony looks like, RD say something like huge tree cutie marks on the trunk. When Twilight hasnt said anything about what it looks like.
0 likesmini Pinky has powers but I understand that you can read for the future but maybe she has magic leaving undeveloped heart maybe she's meant to be a unicorn butt her hair was undeveloped
0 likesI don't think that pinkie is psychic cuz in the second movie pinkie actualy put her dead through the portal so maybe she had some sortof a connection to the other pienkie in ponivill so she might have told here what happened
0 likesi think pinkie was abducted by aliens and that is why shy is psychic
0 likesin the episode feeling pinkie keen when twilight was spying on pinkie pie pinkie pie knew that twilight was spying on her
0 likesI don't understand much when it comes to MLP: FIM, but one thing struck me when it comes to the Mane 6, let's start with Twilight Sparkle, Twilight was in magic school, when she was giving the task of hatching a dinosaur egg...she had no ideal of what to do, but low and behold, there was a sonic rainboom done just outside of window of the classroom and next thing you know, spike is born and the teachers are everything but teachers...next comes Applejack...Applejack left the sweet apple acres to live with her Aunt and Uncle Orange in Marehatten to live a new life, but she felt out of place and was missing something in her life, but when she saw that rainboom, she saw that it pointed to her home in ponyville, she knew right away that she belonged there. Pinky Pie, Pinky Pie lived with her family on a rock farm and all she did was move one pile of rocks to another pile and so forth, but Pinky knew that something was missing in her life as well, but when she saw the rainboom, it had a very big effect on her and changed her in ways that confound ones own mind...and Pinky started doing things that no Earth Pony could do. It had to have something to do with Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom that changed the outcome of 3 of the mane 6 Ponies...I'm not sure what effect it had on Rarity or Fluttershy, besides maybe scaring the heck out of Fluttershy, but without that sonic rainboom from Rainbow dash, the mare 6 would never had formed and there wouldn't be the new elements of harmony through out all of the seasons. This is just my thought, but it would explain what happened to Pinky and the rest as mention above.
0 likes4th WALL !! 4th WALL!!!
1 likePinkie Pie human form and pony form switch lives for a day
0 likesomg she IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesAnswer: Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie
0 likesOn the farm that pinkie grew up on he was so board that she disided to have some fun when rainbow dash flew above pinkie a rock hit her head an PD the rock had a psychic powers and gave her phychic powers
0 likesI have an idea but this isnt like the others if you watch a certain clip from the human my little pony sunset shimmer uses her powers to read pinkies mind and what happens in her past and she saw that somehow pinkie mabe got pulled into another dimension that lightened her up and made her who she is today
0 likespinky couldn't tell that the queen changling was
0 likesEasy answer, no. She's just Pinkie. ;)
0 likesLook with the theories and stuff cool but here's my theory... It's pinkie.
0 likesanother fact in rainbow rocks the dj turn up the volume higher and how did she know that the dj turn it higher
0 likesmy head canon pinkie is adopted
0 likesHmm.... So that means if she interacts with the audience....... I HATE 4TH WALL JOKES!!!!
0 likesWhen pinkie was a little filly and the sun was going DOWN!
0 likesHe Parents couldn't find a candle and it was dark AROUND!
Pinkie hid under he pillow
For the darkness that she saw
then she fell off her bed and hide her head on the WALL!
THEN SHE Got The Ability to read
minds with out knowing...
She just did it randomly..
thats all i got :P
mind blown : |
0 likeswhat about a party cannon
0 likesYes she is deal with it
0 likesShe was born with psychic powers and I think she will be the princess of laughter along with th other mane 6
0 likesWhat if here hunch she used it out of love or maybe to help someone or it could be one of her was to have something funny or more in silly
0 likesFor all of the ever after high fans pinkie is madline hatter
0 likesumm... crazy superpowers? made by rock boringness?
0 likesI think there is only one of pinkie pie and she secretly went in to learn about the new world and spy on twilight sparkle or there is another portal that only she knows about and went through that
0 likesits a mess up clone from the mirror pond
0 likespinkiepie is comfirmed to be the new pony deadpool!
0 likesmaybe it is that the Ponies have dreams about the humans and the humans have dreams about the ponies that would explain why there wear their Cutie marks on their clothes
0 likesMaybe pinkie pie was born with her psychic powers
0 likesPinkie can see What Twilight is Going
0 likesMy explanation
0 likesPinkie is the Illuminati
She's from another world!??!😱 dun dun duuunnn
0 likesshe a time travler .
0 likesok if they do do a backstory thing episode they would have to break the forth wall cause pinkie well look 1:04 to 1:08 so yeah
0 likesPinky likes to nreak the 4th walk and is the only one that can do it making a nother romer that she is more powerful then selesta and luna combined!
0 likespinky is like ever after
1 likePinkie might not have been phycic before she had her cutie mark but when she did she might have got phycic just a hunch lol😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
0 likespinkie pie knows about the portal!?!
0 likespinkie pie knows about the portal!?!
0 likesOh pinkie pies cutie mark backstory was made up and she's from another universe
0 likesOr she isn't real twilight or one of the mane 6 ( except pinkie) could be sleeping and it's all a dream and I imagine that twilight could be the one dreaming because of her isolation from others and/or she is in a coma wanting to see her friends again this is her dream and she may remember the least of pinkie pie so she sets out pinkie as the random character that we see now only knowing of her randomness and her love for parties not to mention her supernatural abilities plus this might explain why we can't figure out how the time line works and why you start out every other episode with a town that's in touched or I can be completely wrong I just want to go on with my theory
omg she is psychic
0 likesHead cannon? Or....... party cannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
0 likesShe was born with it
0 likesI feel like Madeline hatter and pinkie pie are cousins
0 likesNo, remember in pinkie apple pie when she looks in the window r something, she draws here self as a, a...... BREZZIE!!! HOW DID AGE KNOW THAT? Well, in that ep when flutter shy is gone and discord gets sick, she says she is leaving to study creatures, aka brezzies... Maybe flutter sky told pinkie r something, so yeah.. I feel smart.. In this moment, yay!!! 😺
0 likesRemember friendship games bloopers both pinkies switches pony pinkie went to human world and vice versa Ik he made this before that came out, but I was just clarifying
1 likeI knoe this is an aincent video, but if you watch the blooper reel of freindship games equestria girls, you'll put it ALL toegether. Trust me. It's kinda what i do. Your friend, Pinkie Pie
0 likesMENTAL POWERS SHE IS JUST MENTAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA
0 likesshe's the child of discord?
0 likesWhat if when the pony pinkie put her hand in the mirror it gave the human pinkie the ability to find out about there being equestria.And when the human pinkie tried to go thru the portal it gave the pony pinkie the ability to find out what happend.Or pinkies just sidekick.8\
0 likesPinkie broke MLP..
0 likesMaybe pinkie is breaking the 4 th wall
0 likesMaybe in. Another world was a unicorn?!?!
0 likesIt's pinkie don't even question it
0 likes#PinkyBrakes4thWalls
0 likesshe's a change ling!
0 likesJUST A HUNCH :D
0 likesI think pinkie is just crazy
0 likesparty is how she knows
0 likesnaouw.. pinkie just likes too break the fourth wall....
0 likesThere's a theory that pinkie is a changeling
0 likesshe's pinky does she need a reason
0 likespinkie can travel through the 4th wall right what if she can do more like see the other dimension so she could have seen twilight as a alicorn like if u agree
0 likesWow so many questions rises at the beginning of the MLP
0 likesradioactive rock on the rock farm made her a super hero.
0 likesReplies (2)
with your rocks combined i am captain pinkie
0 likesok crossover artists theres an idea
It could be possible that pinky didn't ALWAYS have this ability maby the sonic rain boom did something to her
0 likesbecause of her pinkie sense but she probobly just hides it a psychic
0 likesMaybe In episode cutie mark chronicles when that rainbow boom blew over pinkie and she first learned to smile she then got some crazy rainbow powers like reading minds
0 likesI think Pinkie Pie have Magic
1 likeshe is SO phsycic
0 likesWell she went through the portal whatch the bloppers
0 likesIf my littel pony has a move why cant i have one
0 likesI saw girl pony eyes just for a second on the intro
0 likeswith that talent like you the sister or mom or dad or the rain boom gave her that
0 likesLook at the episodes to many pinkies she can change faces when she is angry she can change her voice
0 likesPinkie is CRAZY!!!!! If any of you watched cupcakes, she killed RAINBOWDASH. I don't think she should be in the Main Six.
0 likesHow in the hoof? XD
0 likesI am going to get so much crap for this comment but Pinkie is the pony version of Deadpool.
0 likesWell
0 likesPinkie is being pinkie
We can't change herXD
mabey pinkie followed her through the portal
0 likesMaby she came from the portal to get spike and was trying to get him
0 likesShe did not say not normally she said not usually!
0 likesmaybe she was born with it
0 likesI have a headcanon!! THIS A CHILDRENS SHOW NO MORE THEORY BULLSHIT!! Lol jk ur awesome.
0 likesshe's a ghost ( JK ) she's just Pinkie
0 likesShe's just weird
1 likeAnd the Lauryn Faust makes mlp however and whatever she wants in the show
0 likesThe answer is...pinkie pie...that's it...
0 likesI think pinkie pie is from another dimension where she had super powers and she either had someone from that dimension give her her powers or it's genetic either way I think she probably say how ponyville was in need of happiness when unicorns, pegasi and Earth ponies were starving and she went then the pie family found her and adopted her and maybe even changed her name but she had to work on a rock farm so the sadness and boringness made her just as sad and bored as everyone else then rainbow dash does her Sonic rainboom yada yada yada and that's the true meaning of Christmas
1 likeSimple Answer:
2 likesBOOKS!
Remember that Equestria is a storybook HERE on our dimension,OK?
Maybe pinkie is adopted. notice that the rest of her family is dull?
0 likesSHE'S PHYSIC :) :) :3 OMG
0 likesPinkie is the Deadpool of Equestria
0 likesOr maybe pinkie is just psychic
0 likesI think it's from the sonic rainboom
0 likesIn the serious of Princes Trixie Sparkle the main 6 spike and trixie got switched. So twilight switched w/ trixie then rainbow dash switched w/ spike rarity switched with pinkie pie AJ switched w/ fluttershy so in episode 7 this happened so near the end since pinkie and rarity switched pinkie's tail twitched in her body rarity said "is (my) tail twitching?" so pinkie's random pinkie sense tells us that maybe her pinkie sense stays in her own body
0 likesWell I know this is old but now.... We all know why pinkie pie knows everything XD I mean, in the video hasbro released a few months ago we can see how 2 pinkies exchange their places (pony pinkie pie and the equestria pinkie pie) but now that I think about it... This could be wrong because in the first movie (equestria girls) the portal was just opened for a few time so, how in the world was pinkie pie able to travel to the pony world if the portal was closed when twilight went? Because she actually knew everything when twilight return to the pony world.... I mean it could had make sense when the equestria pinkie pie knew everything because the portal was opened, but it just doesn't make sense when she knew it all at the pony world... Or maybe she just went through it before it was closed.... I don't know..... OMG what am I saying?! .-. xD
0 likesYES !
0 likesYou don’t need to read this it’s probably long
0 likesPinkie pie is probably friends with the human pinkie and after that she knows what she’s doing because Pinkie pie is very mysterious all the time she might have put her hooves inside the portal and all the knowledge even for the future knowledge went inside her brain so when Twilight was going to tell them pinkie pie knew what happened
This theory is stupid and probably not right but what if her abilities came from starswril
1 likewell maybe the people who created friendship is witchcraft is right! if anyone saw it they would know what I mean about pinkie
0 likesAll pinkies are telepathically connected, pony pinkie was bitten by the Spiderman spider
0 likesIn the bloopers they switched places
0 likesequestria pinky and my little pony pinky switch so each one knows what happens
0 likesruns in the family
0 likesThe rainboom triggered these things
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesA villain cursed pinkie at birth
0 likesIt's nothing, JUST PINKIE PIE
0 likesMy theory is pinkie is a unicorn
0 likesI think pinky you got her powers during the rainboom incident
0 likeswait what about the mirror pond maybe it was that pinkie
0 likesWill in the friendship games bloopers pinkie pie from ponyvill and pinkie pie from the other world they were changing their places so that explains how pinkie knew everything and of course she has a pinkie since
0 likesMaybe she is a pony narrater or her pony self is connected to her human self or are the same people.
0 likesit because of the sonic rainboom the rainbow is the thing that change her whole life she became sad to fun scared to brave the rainboom improve her self which meanings is to change her self of adding more personalities in her self
0 likesORRRRRRRRRRR she could has ASD, people with ASD are just well, act a bit like Pinkie.
0 likesLike me c:
yes pinkie is psychic and no they don't need to elaborate.. some things are better left alone and just get ruined by trying to explain it
0 likesTo be real with you I thi K pi lie was supposed to be an unicorn but when she was born her real parents left her at a door step
0 likesESP. I have it too.
0 likesAnd THIS, my dear ponies, is why Pinkie Pie is best pony.
0 likesshe born that way.
0 likesCause for Pinkie's powers two words : sonic rainboom
0 likesFirst off, Twilight also interacted with the audience in Boast Busters. Second Off, http://ifunny.co/fun/XVvPllUu2 - Pinkie Is Phychic
0 likesI think she got her powers by the sonic rainboom dash created I mean her hair was straight and then puffy
0 likesI have found out the true reason how pinkie pie knows things that happened in the other world. It's be sauce human pinkie and pony pinkie swap places.search in YouTube mop friendship games bloopers .somewere near the end of the video the pinkies swap places
0 likesno iron will interacts with the audeance
0 likeswhat if pinky went through the portal
1 likeReplies (1)
Anusha Holli She DID went to the portal!!
0 likesi think maybe pony pinkie pie can interact with equestria girls pinkie pie through the mirror or sometging like that
0 likesMaybe the answer is in pinkie pie and the ponypaloza
0 likesIt's like this her family was a rock collector and she saw the sonicrainboom made by rainbow dash fill the sky and then she was so inspired of making a party see became sykick and so on shes like...special ok thats my head cannon
0 likesDo the equestrian girls have hooves or feet
0 likeswhy does the brony notion think why to much into mlp
0 likesI think that it was the same pinkie pie from Equestria
0 likes...deadpool's relative... somehow.
0 likespinkie is just crazy
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesShes the same pinkie as equestria girl pinkie
0 likesI think Pinky started the channel?
0 likesReplies (1)
I will do this
1 likeIt's Pinky pie for Pinkys sake.
0 likeshen rainbow did her first sonic rainboom when she got her cutie mark pinky was the only one on the rock farm the exitment most have been so great along with the rush and magic In the s.r it most have given he an extra sence. (thus pinky sence was created)
0 likesPinkie had a thing with deadpool XD
0 likesmore evidence
1 likeWell we are talking about Pinkie Pie..
0 likesMaybe pinkie isnt a pony (dun dun dunnnnnn)
0 likesBECAUSE SHE IS FROM THE FUTURE!!!!!! i mean i guess :P
0 likesI meant to say she's kept it a little odd a little strange but gifted I don't know however Pinkie sense works I hope I know to be honest I don't even all that nonsense but I do live as her sister mod when I sure do love Pinkie Pie she's funny she's amazing my favorite color I my dad is pink and she's got it in Spades she's got a balloon on her and how cute is that doesn't really matter if she is or not that she knows people are thinking before they even say it who cares stop over-analyzing things over-analyzing things gets downright annoying but I hate the spoiler alerts that's the only thing I didn't like
0 likesI think she went through the portal and her and the pinkie pie there switched
0 likeshere is my theory to pinkies crazyness when rainbowdash made a sonicrainboom the shock effected pinkies brain and she is weird now and can see things as and sense things normal ponies dont.
0 likescomment me please😄😄😄
She is Craizy!
0 likesIf you search MLPEG deleted scenes the last one is there is 2 pinkies and they switch like: Human pinkie goes into the pony world and Pony Pinkie goes into the Human world
2 likesReplies (1)
Chantelle Almadin what if it's all editing? WHAT IF ITS REALLLLLLLLL
0 likespinkie the psychic!
0 likesi saw a clip that both pinkiepies switch places
1 likeHow can you do it its pinkie pie for goodness sake.
0 likescan earth ponies be a alicorn
0 likespinky probily sneaked in
0 likesi think pinky got all her odd powers during the sonic rainboom i mean just think she didnt do any of that stuff on the rock farm as a filly or she would know the rainboom was comeing and what it meant ...................right ...........i dont just a thought
0 likesIn the one double rainboom rainbow dash drank the potion and it increased her talent.So for pinkie pies pinkie scence when she drank the potion she could see through time and space.
0 likesReplies (1)
@Jamie Huntley dude, that vid had NO CANON WAT SO EVER!
0 likesWhy are you questioning it it's pinkie
0 likestwilight can interact with the audience to
0 likesIf pinkie was a pokemon I guess an abra.
0 likesI already know that she is psychic from the episode called Double Rainboom
0 likesNote I am just on my dad's tablet and I am a girl
Replies (1)
That episode is fan-made
2 likesit's just pinkie pie
0 likesShe's just weird
0 likesDon't call her one dimensional!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Sorry, I was mad.
0 likesI know many people noticed things about pinkie pie. But because of that, I told my brother about it. He called pinkie pie a freaking hacker! I thought she was to. And I saw proof! In eg rainbow rocks, listen to the song "with my best friends, though we're different. " and pay special attention to pinkie pie. If you notice, please subscribe to my channel, and leave a comment if you can.
I think that the pony Pinky pie and the human pie met before or that I only dreamed of that or she just had lung luck lucky hinges
0 likesface reveal!
0 likespinky is the mlp of Deadpool
0 likesPinkypiy breaks fissics
0 likesOh dear god pinkie and coffee = ??
0 likesPinkie is psychic because in the rainboom a rock hit her but she didn't know
0 likesSorry I meant to say pinkie is a psychic type legendary pokemon
0 likesShe is a unicorn
0 likesShe got hit by a tree
0 likesHahahahaha😂😂😂ahhhha
0 likesNo silly Pinkie Pie is Deadpool.
0 likesPinkie pie is crazy.
0 likeswhat is a hand canin
0 likesI know why BECAUSE uh she's um uhhh cuz she's the Element of laughter
0 likesI think pinkie from pony place went to human world and human pinkie went in there and they switch back to their normal homes
0 likesPinkie is physic. Reply to this comment if you think so too.
0 likesMaybe she has sum thing to do with discord
0 likesthis is pinkie back story in the ep when the pie family and the apple family got toghether you can see pinkie pie is nothing like her family, but then agin the rest of her family lived on a rock farm there untir life. so maybe pinke got to be uniqe by the sonic rainboom, after all that is how she most liklely the way she got so diffrent from the rest of her family.
0 likesbtw i now i spelled a lot of words wrong.
Still 2018
0 likesthe sonic rain boom that gave them all there cutie marks gave pinkypie her powers it in beded it self into her and gave her her powers
0 likesmy name is ponygirl and I thank u are right
0 likesthats what human pinkie said!
0 likesPinkie is just like maddie
0 likesNothing to explain about that
0 likesPinkie pie is my fave
0 likesRead Cupcakes... And know we know why!
0 likeslikely her songs in friendship is witchcraft
0 likespinkie is crazy
0 likesMy ex best friend loves Pinkie Pie
0 likesi've learned to not over analyse pinkie... she defies all logic everywhere...
0 likesmaybe pinky pie has connection with the other pinky pie from the human world or maybe they both pinky from the human and pony world meet each other from time to time to time. something like that?! Thats all i have to say about! One more thing i like your videos and give you 100,000,000,000 thumbs up on all your videos about talking about MLP! :) I would love if you let me join your next video or videos, i would so love it if you did that! Just think about that!!
0 likespinkie pie just from future
0 likesSelestia thought that Pinkie is da best so she gave her powers!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
I wrote da best for purposes
0 likespinkie sense! 🎈!
0 likesShe went to that word
0 likesI don't have a head cannon but my reason is well pinkie is pinkie
0 likesT'was the SONIC RAINBOOM that made pinkie be cool :/ I think...
0 likesIt is her pinky sense
0 likesI don't have any idea but youst for you to know she is pretty not normal and she is friend of every one so I agree with all your opinions but youst take this into account.😁😁😁😁
0 likesThis is olddddd wow
0 likespickydiepie is linked with her
0 likescould she bee the same pinke human
0 likeshi I was wondering if you could do a video on princess Cadence.
0 likesPinkie Pie was born with the powers because she had pink not like any other and because of that she had powers
0 likesexcuses me pinkie is 2D not 1D.
0 likesDuh! She used to be pinkemina Dian pie
0 likesPinkie is Pinkie you can't explain her
0 likesits a shoe
0 likesI'm sunset Shimmer i think that pinkle pie iš crazy and all of that iš from a sonic rainboom cause when she was little in the rock farm she was loney and sad also her hair was stright not puffy !!! :)
0 likesShe's an alien
0 likesI know pinkie is psychic because she is crazy
0 likesyou saw it in THEATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesanswer: probably
0 likesIf you want to now watch EG friendship games bloomers
0 likesIs pinkie pie mental
0 likesI think she is
1 likecupcakes reference
0 likesShe is god😵
0 likessame pony! she went too!
0 likesI think she was given strange powers at birth maybe
0 likesReplies (1)
or sonic rain boom gone bad
0 likesPinkiePie is psychic
0 likesMaybe when pinky saw the rainbow by rainbow dash you know when pinky mane became poofy and she got her new personality and maybe her powers pinky sense and pysic and probably many more in the future maybe that's how 😋
0 likespinkie the sonic rain-boom maybe be it was that the ponies who never felt happy get's a power so THINK ABOUT THIS ever poney outside at the sonic rain-boom did not get crazy hair only pinkie pie
0 likesits her pinkie sense
0 likesSHES A ALIEN PONY!!!!!!!!LOL or she might just be adopted.
0 likesAbout pinkie pie , in my own opinion it's because of her cutie mark means a wild party animal she's like that remember in the video of double rainboom twilight said that if pinkie pie drinks it she would get crazy but she is crazy already but who get crazier that pinkie pie!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Plus pinkie can remember anything but I watch an episode that pinkie forgot her own birthday
0 likesIn my mlp world she got it by the sonic rainboom
0 likesi agree
0 likesPinkie is not psychic
1 likeme and my sister think that pony Pinkie traveled from Equestria to the human world and that Human Pinkie traveled from the human world to Equestria because at the end Pinkie goes "AWW MAN" when the portal closes and then 'pony Pinkie' knows everything
Replies (5)
That what I think
0 likesNo human pinkie probably wanted to go with her new bff Twilight
0 likes@Idunno Song then there would be 2 Pinkamina Diane Pie
0 likesyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
0 likesStephanie Scarlett Carranza Alday no because pinkie pie ran to the portal and it was hard and she said and I quote (aww bummer)
0 likesYes.
0 likesInteresting. I suppose.
0 likesit is a way that pinkie may be but how the story off HER life is the lest popjuler thing in mlp
0 likesBELIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey its kyla I have an idea maybe when she was little and rainbow dash did her rainboom she got her powers just like twilight and rairity it makes sense. Think about please.:)
0 likesTwɷ wɷɾɖى: Gʏpىʏ. Baɾɖ.
0 likesMaybe thats her superpower because fluttershy has the stare rarity is so creative Rainbow has super speed apple is so strong Twilight is....well super organized
0 likesNo one menchen cupcakes.😮 ow crap!
0 likesForget about that poor dash guy, it was LITTLE MISS PINKAMINA PIE WHO TOLD SUNSET!!!!!! You were saying that...she could be a changing...if you see what I'm implying...yeah it could be....
0 likesShe's pinkie pie
0 likesShe's pinkie pie
0 likesPinkie braked the 4th wall to the human world ar she is related to spiderman, she can climb up wall's and she has a pinkie sans and spiderman has a spider sans
0 likesyeah that sownds about right
0 likesPinkie is best pony
1 likeJust saying
XD how in the hoove
0 likesdo you know that episode on how the mane six got there cutie marks rainbow dashes rainboom effect pinkie pie too maybe in that rainboom it gave her psychic powers idk its just theroy
0 likesita just a film guys 😃😄😄 remember?
0 likeswatch pinckie in friendship games pinckies eyes bbbbrrrr
0 likesI think Pinkie pie is psychic because she is a changeling only because she can teleport and she can turn her head up side down we can see she can turn her head upside down in the peraspriteds episode I also think that she lived before that so she knows everything and maybe that's how she knows all the birthdays and ponyville and that's how maybe she got her pinky sense and maybe star swirl the bearded cast a spell on Pinkie pie so that she is psychic and can teleport and all of that other stuff
0 likesQuite a short video but me still likey
0 likespinkie pie is not a physic. it’s pinkie sense.
0 likesher cut Mark!!!!!
0 likesmaybe pinkie pie is a storker
0 likespinkie is a spy
0 likesJust ask injuries for a pinkiepie headcanon
0 likesReplies (1)
I ment inkrose
0 likesMabe an Posen Rock on the Rokform
0 likesmy least fav pony is twilight because the way she acts is weird to me and i don't like it
0 likesIt’s pinkie don’t question it
0 likesReplies (1)
You never question pinkie.
0 likesPinkie is a psychologi
0 likesderpy and octavia
0 likesthe rain boom
0 likesthis video is so old lol
0 likesin the ep. a gift for maud pie pinkie says that pinkie sense run's arocss the family but that makes me think if applejack and pinkie pie were family maybe that means applejack would have the sense to right?
0 likesok BN r u tryin' to offend us Pinkie Pie Fans? PPF=PFF (LEEDLE:3)
0 likesIS A KILLER!!!!!!!!
0 likesWhat if pinkie pie has magical power from another pony or being??😱😱.......................!?
0 likesPinkie pie isn't psychic
0 likesI agree that pinkie is psychic but I think she is ADHD too,
0 likesthis is my theory,She moves a lot and barely stays still right?That the same for ADHD.So is this a good theory?
Replies (3)
0 likesnevermind
0 likes+Kiara Urbano ._.
0 likesThat was me a year ago, and I wasn't smart. Sowwy
0 likesUr More Than One "Discord Thing" What if she was one and that is how the sprit is Represented?
0 likesthink of this ok Pinkie bow what happened right.That said is probably because they could of put pony pinkie in the human work and when twilight came back they put pony pinkie in the pony world. TaDa
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likespinkie pie just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CRAZY
1 likeBalloons 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎈🎈🎈🎈ant partys
0 likesWhat if pinkie was born
0 likesWha? I don't get it!
0 likesDon’t forget about the discord
0 likesWho's watching this in 2016?
0 likesReplies (1)
Me....... pinkie pie + Crystal ball just sayin
0 likesEarthpony power
0 likes1. rainbow dash
0 likes2. apple jack
3. twilight
4. rarity
5. pinkie pie
6. fluttershy
MLP Deadpool????
0 likesMaybe????
Deja Vu Just deja vu
0 likesshe is a spoild pony
0 likesMy little pony is a show in a show
0 likesI am Physic
0 likesDONT JUDGE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesshe ate tocex waste
0 likesIdk but im "special" to
0 likespinkie makes contackt with other pinkie in the other world
0 likesIt's pink
0 likesSHE ADHD
0 likesadd he is nt dopted when she was a filly she was like her family she just changed
0 likesYeh I bet it is filly second
0 likesbrony gems
0 likestheir something
0 likespinkie pie: suspicious
Replies (2)
thank you pinkie could hyman pinkie be pony pinkie even thought she dose have hunches SHE IF THAT REAL HUMAN PINKIE SHE NEVER SEEN TWILIGHT I HER LIFE
0 likesShe traveled with twilight
0 likesReplies (1)
@Katherine Perez Nope, if that was true, in the ending of the first movie, pinkie tried going in the thing and failed Katherine, ._. Sorry if this offends you idea, I liked the tought though!
0 likesGOOᗪ ᒍOᗷ ᗯᖇITEᖇᔕ ᑭIᑎKIE ᑭIE ᑕᗩᑎ ᖇEᗰEᗰᗷEᖇ EᐯEᖇYOᑎE Iᑎ ᑭOᑎY ᐯIᒪE E᙭ᑕEᑭT ᕼEᖇ Oᗯᑎ GOOᗪ ᒍOᗷ ᗯᖇITEᖇᔕ GOOᗪ ᒍOᗷ 👍 ᑎOT😒
0 likesWhat does head connonmean
0 likesPinkie is..................pinkie just pinkie no explenation 😕
0 likesPinky is a changing
0 likescool
0 likesPinkie is Pinkie
0 likesI lOve pinkie coz she strange like mE
0 likesWho watching this in 2016
0 likesPikeie is an interdemenshunal biing like bill cipher and prububly an pony vearshen of an indgo child. You know that eposode you made viguring out how rairtys houarn was pulled to that rock? Well, maby becase shes beeen around roks SO MUCH and is a rock farmer, maby some of the rocks powersrubbed of on her. How dos this work you ask? well, it works becase if you trow a rouk out of the portal, it wont change into enything else. Exactly like the two pinke pies! The only thing that seprates them is that one s a pony and the other is humen. Well, thats my opinyun. hope I gave some imsparashen!
0 likescan my co marry your co mine is a dark unicorn
0 likesMybe the rainboom that rainbow dash did when she got her cuite mark gave pinkie magical powers
0 likesI think pinkie pie is mew to
0 likesI meant Changling
0 likespinkamenua ?
0 likesi LOVE ur channle but........pinkie pie
0 likesshes adopted shes pink and her cutie mark is WAAAAAY difrent then her family alltho....
that might just be the same thing that will happen to sweetie bell and apple bloom soo (this is mostley about her cutie mark so) idk what im saying
Replies (1)
She is unique that's why she is pink and her parents and sisters are not
0 likeschaos magic
0 likesReplies (1)
one word chaos magic and grogars bell season 9
0 likesCan can you make more videos with changing because I don’t want her are good so you should make more videos with you and your friends and twilight and have add a car Baba I have a con Alcorn blow
1 likerandom person: I just got to know pinkie is 100% psychic
1 likeme: not much of a big deal
random person: also..... apple jack's a psychic
Me: woah woah woah WHAT!!!?! ok thats informative.
random person: why not the first one?
me: why not the first one u ask is because pinkie being a psychic is a universal FACT.
53 Pinkamena Diane Pie!!!
0 likesMy daughter thinks you should make a who is wost princess.
0 likesI think that she new about the meror
0 likesPinkie is well pinkie
0 likeshey pinkie did rember her b day
0 likesYa she Got the Role Psychic in Roblox flicker
0 likesShe spy
0 likesdiscord's migic
0 likesat 0:52 it's pinkimina
0 likesReplies (2)
Its Pinkamena and Pinkie&Pinkamena are same person
0 likestechnically yes but im kind of a girl for precision so yeah
0 likesI am going to look up pinkie I will tell u what I find
0 likesWOT DO YOU MINE :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) cp
0 likespinkie pie that all it is
0 likesthe sonic rainbon
0 likesSonic rain boom is how she got her powers like the hulk and gamma DUH
0 likespinkys not a pony
0 likesI have a theory what if pinky pie knows we're watching and she going to make us in to cupcakes what ever you don't beak you t. While watch mlp
0 likesMaud pie has a maud sens
0 likesReplies (1)
I am not english
0 likesWho watching in 2018
0 likesit all in a video called double rainbom only on YouTube its at the end of the video
0 likesUp the irons
0 likesI watched three videos and I haven't seen bro hoof what happened to dear old bro hoof
0 likesYou are a changing?
0 likesI like princess twilight princess luna and everyone 1but luna is my fav
0 likesIn the ep. that the mane six told the cute mark three how they got there cute marks.wen rainbow dash did the rain boom pinky got hit by the raindow
0 likesI meant psychic*
1 likeare when twily wanna go to human world pinkie use a miror pool and the anorher pinkie stay in pony world and another go with twily?
0 likesPinky is asome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesJust a hache
0 likesOr pinkie is a chaindshling
0 likesBrony i need to saysome thing
0 likesI got something bum
0 likesStop over thinking she just a wierd and something crazy party ponie
0 likesParty people are not like other people so we see them as weirdos and strange people but pinkie is not psychic she just thinks of something crazy and says it and it turns out to be true like we she geussed Twi is really a pony and not a human
Wouldn't you say WTF if you're new friend was a horse and not human and if you thought your friend was a horse wouldn't you confront them on it even though it's a wierd ideas that's basically what pinkie does
Replies (1)
@ArtyJ Fox This is a fucking TV show.
0 likesDrugs
0 likesI like pie
0 likespinkie pieeeeeeeeeee
0 likespinkie is NOT a pony
0 likeslook at pinks cutie mark illuminati he three bloons
0 likesWhoch the smile song
0 likesthe poition
0 likesthe poition
0 likesHmmm I don't know
0 likesBaby Pinkie Pie evil
0 likesMY BIRTHDAY IS 2008/5/26
0 likesSpecial 😆😆😆😆
0 likesThey switch
0 likeszeckora
0 likesmy idea is that wen pinky was bon=rn difrent
0 likesin thathes
0 likesmlp ad before watching.
0 likesSimply look at ink roses earth pony magic video
0 likescome on there is no need for this video it's pinki pie !!!!!!!!!m😄😎😺😺😺😺😺😺
0 likesWHATCH RAINBOW ROCKS AT THE END THERE WAS A TWILIGHT THAT WAS FROM DA HUMAN WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesIs Bronx Notion here?
0 likescreepypasta
0 likesPinkie is not 1 dimension she is 2 she has an x and a y
0 likesReplies (1)
Makes no sense
0 likes*usualllyyyy (im sorry i had to)
0 likesI say that’s Averie day the human pike and the pony pike trade worlds just my aping by love you video 😱🤣
0 likesYa speshel a she is
0 likestell us
0 likespinke sence
0 likesAre you a changling
0 likesmy bff says im a special kind of stupid
0 likesReplies (3)
Mines too
0 likes@giggle cake good I'm not the only one dats why derpy best character
0 likesand my twin told me "Your smart yet your, your special in many aspects
0 likesmy name is domestic pinkie pie
0 likesReplies (1)
me too
0 likesOkey dokey well that is pretty frieking cool but no one listens to this so my best friend doesn't think twilight should be a princess then she did save her friends so yeah help meeeeeeeeeeee!😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😮
0 likesI mean Changlihg
0 likesI think so to
0 likes1:00 cof discord cof
0 likesMaybe the first time she had cake (During the "Party" where she got her cutie mark.), the thing that she was going to love the most as who she was had caused her to quickly develop strange phycic powers.
1 likeYou know how they say humans only use 10% of there brain power? Well lets just say that this applies for ponies too. Think, what if the rainboom that came and gave her her cutiemark it unleashed the power to access more than just 10% of the brain power. This would explain why she has pinkie sense, with more than 10% of the brain she would be more aware of her surrondings and be able to perdict what will happen. (And why she always breaks the fourth wall XD) And have you noticed in the flashback of when discord showed twilight the twist and turn part, pinkie seemed to look at them, like she could sense something there... and I would also like to think when pinkie gets mad or insane, her mane deflates because less of her brain power is being used here. She would be losing control of the other 90% of her brain power, (because when you think back to the sonic rainboom that enwakened her other 90% of her brain power, it also blew up her mane.) So when every Pinkie loses more percentage of her brain power, the more deflated her mane becomes. o3o
1 likeI honestly relate to Pinkie better than any other character in MLP:FIM. We are super similar. That being said, I am actually going to talk about MLP:FIW for a second.
1 likeSo, Pinkies back story in FIW is that her family was killed during the war when she was a filly. She grew up in a orphanage.
Okay, bear with me here. My story is pretty similar. Had a very rough childhood. And now I tend to scare the crap out of other people because I know things about them before they even realize it themselves. I know where my "gift" came from. When you walk on eggshells your whole life, you become HYPER-observant of your surroundings and you develop a acute sense of empathy.
In MLP:FIM, Pinkie grew up in a stifling environment. With parents that seemed so strict (this IS a kids show, so maybe I'm letting my head go wild, if you got the drift of what I meant there) that she walked on eggshells until she saw the sonic rainboom, threw her first party, and left the rock farm for Ponyville!
Phew, I'm done. :p
My head canon is that when Pie was exposed to the rainbow energy, It gave her the ability to break the fourth wall and read minds. The reason this did not happen to the rest of the mane 6 is because Twilight and Applejack were both inside, Rarity was behind a rock, and I think Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get automatically protected because they're pegasi
1 likePinky watches the show before it happens, and then decides that the butterfly effect would take place if it didn't happen, and she feels as if that would change their friendship drastically and sets everything up.
1 likeShe has ESP but since she's a hyperactive earth pony, her body absorbed the ability so she has movements that tell the immediate future, and sometimes she gets little flashes in her mind so she knows what someone is about to say.
0 likesI think it would be awesome if Pinkie was psychic! It is possible. She is either psychic or....really good at guessing games. lol. :)
2 likesDoes anypony remember how pinkie got her cutiemark? I noticed when she saw the rainbow... her eyes went from a dark blue to light blue... I have actually looked this up and most psychics do have light blue eyes. Plus she does notice the background events too... did you also notice in the episode with gilda the Griffin, she built a contraption that was able to get her off the ground with in seconds.... I do find this video very interesting... thank you the brony notion for giving me more important evidence that pinkie is physic!
0 likesMostly her psychic powers seem limited to a psychic danger sense, and she was seen crawling up a wall in a season 4 episode. Filli vanilli I think, or whatever the name was. Here's my theory:
2 likesPinkie was bit by a radioactive spider.
Replies (3)
Your just pulling stuff from Spider-Man dude
0 likesYeah I agree
0 likesLuna Galaxy
0 likesSo some how she was still able to do magic, like in one of the mlp comics when they were pirates or something like that. And thus discovered that she could still use magic and just likes to make her friends think she is psychic.
0 likesMaybe the rock farm she grew up on used to be some kind of bomb shelter after nuclear war (a theory that I didn't make up about ponies being mutations of humans and magic is just the advanced technology left over and blah blah blah) and she must've slipped into it, which explains why she looks nothing like the rest of her family.
1 likeI personally think that when the sonic rainboom went off, whoever was OUTSIDE when it happened, it gave them special powers for example Rarity's gem-finding ability, pinkie's pinkie sense and fluttershy's ability to speak to the animals. JUST A THEORY DONT HATE APPRECIATE
0 likesI wrote a fanfiction about ponies with special abilities who were locked up in a government facility, and at one point, Pinkie was locked up to be studied for her psychic abilities.
0 likessince you asked, what if the balloons on her flanks means more then merely the fun and partying?
0 likesis there a possible link to flight in there, or yet more unseen?
Have a goo at this, if you will.
Just as the butterflies on Flutter Shy is more of fragility?
I think yes. Although , I think she has a little of everyone's thoughts all the time and that makes her loopy. BUT when an exciteing event happens to her or anouther around her(Equestria movie w/ twilight) she gets honed in on that persons thoughts for a while longer than anyone's elses which caued her to know what twilight was gonna say.
0 likesmy theory is that when the sonic rainboom hit twilight she relayed it, and added power to it. As twilight was the second-to-last to get hit by the rainboom, the enhanced power rainboom only hit pinky, and being bound by destiny to the rainboom only affected pinky.
0 likesshe has so much joy and laughter that she has more energy than lots of ponies allowing her to break her laws of physics.
0 likesHave u noticed that in about every flashback on the show, pinkie can be seen staring directly at where the camera would be?!
0 likesI feel almost like with Rainbow's Filly Rainboom, and her hair poofed up. that something else happened. As in Pinkie Sense and EG, she was able to know what was going to happen and when. She also guessed the name of Spike in EG, which confuzed me untill i thought back to previous episodes like Party of One. We got to meet... how do I put this without being her next Cupcake victim Yes i believe in Cupcakes her.. challenged side? I think that what drove her to Insanity was everybody hating on her, and I completely agree that she is the ONLY pony to acually break the fourth wall as in My Little Pony: Friendship is Witchcraft; The Gypsy Bard.
0 likesI love this theory! If this is cannon it would be awesome.
0 likesPinkie is like Maddie from Ever After High.Maddie is able to hear/talk to the narrators and do crazy things until she knows it's impossible.She's even guessed what Raven has been thinking from time to time,and will of be seen saying silly things to cheer her friends up,such as "No gloomy glooms!"So,yeah.
0 likesSo, what I heard is that Pinkie used to be a pegasus, but lost her wings in an accident. She bounces to feel like she's flying, and her cutie mark is balloons, which fly. This leads me to believe that she WAS once a pegasus, since in the episode "Griffon the Brush Off", she knows how to fly using balloons, and that flying contraptions, both in which Gilda destroys. She also can bounce really high up on a trampoline, which also means she certainly knows how to fly. Her three balloons might also represent Mr. and Mrs. Cake, their son is a pegasus. Could Pinkie possibly relate to Mr. and Mrs. Cake? I don't know exactly. Maybe she was given up by the Cakes because of her powers, or because they couldn't figure out why she was born a pegasus? She might have been given up because they were scared of her being physic, and Igneous Rock and Ivory Quartz adopted her. That leads me to say that they're last name isn't Pie, but it relates to rocks, why? Pinkie never enjoyed rocks, maybe she doesn't like them because rocks are the reason she lost her wings. Maybe Cloudy and Igneous got her to believe her last name is Pie so that she could have something to remember the Cake's by. I don't know exactly, just a hunch. ;)
0 likesTwilight Joins Pinkie in the fourth wall once. (I can't remember what episode and I'm sure someone has pointed this out before.) Also Spike breaks the fourth wall more routinely than Pinkie, he's just not normally as overt about it (except in lesson zero).
0 likesBased on pinkie pie, I am a lot like her actually I have a mental disorder (which I do not wish to speck of) I actually experience all those "senses" also but because of my mentality I become insane during the process, which is also explained when pinkie pie becomes insane too. If that makes any sense
0 likesmaybe discord practice magic on pinkies ancestors and the spell for psychic got trapped in their genes, and to hide it the y made sure they would never activate it, aka no happiness on a rock farm, and after pinkie saw the rainboom and got frizzed, her psychic powers activated.
1 likeMy Humor Headcanon (meaning a headcanon I think of when I need a laugh): When Pinkie was a filly growing up on a rock farm, on the day of the Sonic Rainboom, Pinkie managed to throw a rock into the Fourth Wall. The rock went through the Fourth Wall leaving a hole and cracks (we've all seen how a rock breaks glass and if you haven't, I pity you) and Pinkie was able to see through it. Forever after, she was able to see us watching her and her friends and all of her silly, crazy, Pinkie Pie stunts are Good Guy Pinkie giving us a good show. When she turns into Pinkamenia, she temporarily forgets about giving us a good show.
0 likesWell if you think about Season 1 Episode 15, Feeling Pinkie Keen her Pinkie sense is kind of like being Psychic. And yeah because she guessed. So pretty much.
0 likesI almost think that pinkie was a unicorn at one point in time, then something happened to her horn, being cut off or something. But I don't know how to explain the EQG movie. Leaving that aside, the memory of that horror was so fixed in her mind that she wanted to think of something else
0 likesStupid thought, but still a thought: the rainboom made by rainbow dash could have effected pinkies nerves in someway or triggering soooo much happiness and laughter that her inside magic was triggered too, and allowed her to see things and protect her friends because she wanted to see her friends smile, not frown from injuries. Pinkie might have a 6th sense, like those of animals, and be able to detect immediate thoughts by reading facial features. Because of that, pinkie pie may be blessed with the awareness of what go's around her, hence the fact that she can detect harmful things before they happen and speak to the audience. Or she might just be really crazy. Anyway, just a thought.
0 likesI think it has something to do with Pinkie Pie's hyperactivity, but it's just a thought.
0 likesWell we can safely assume that Fluttershy's dad was a sociopathic raging alcoholic that murdered her mother when she was young in front of her traumatizing her to deep introverted nature and he died of liver failure and that's why we have no mention of her family they're all dead. Pinkie Pie well it's tough because we've seen her family and sister (s). I don't think you can repeat the same thing with Fluttershy with Pinkie though. I try not to hate on Fluttershy so much because when I see her I see that repressed rage of her father always in conflict with the sweet innocence and timidness of her mother. It's dark but hey it works.
0 likesSide Effect of Sonic rainboom is my guess. All of the Mare 6 got their Cutie marks from that even and i even say Twilight's own destiny weas altered. So maybe a side effect gave pinkie her strange ablilities
2 likesShe's a time traveler lol
1 likeI'm pretty sure pinkie had it pretty rough so that's why she trows so many parties and stuff, people who bring try so hard to bring joy to other people often have no join for themselfs
0 likesPinkie was getting bored sitting around waiting for Twilight to come back. So when nopony was looking, she slipped through the mirror and into the school. Since she had her "human self" there already, she took her place.
i think when pinkie got her cutie mark partying hecticness began,she had a lot of parties. all that parting went to her head, and messed with her brain,but that's only the beginning. she and rainbow dash grew close over the years,and, chances are,she saw alot of rainbows. probbly, the flashing colers messed with her brain. now, imagine both events put together and make her psykik
0 likesWell, pinkie is adopted. So maybe her real parents had some sort of psychic power or something and passed it to her. Or, like others have said, it could be the sonic rainboom. Why is it that rainbows are constantly included in this show? Like when everybody got their cutie mark. Or when rarity went to Manehattan and got rainbow thread. How about every time the elements of harmony are activated or in the season 4 finale or during the whole season. That's something you should discuss.
0 likesI'm kinda like Pinkie Pie. I have a slight physic power that my friend's mom says comes from being ADHD. And I have a weather sense. My stomach hurts and my hair poofs up about 24 hours be for a major storm hits. So maybe Pinkie is ADHD and like me he has that type of sense. Or she's dead pool's sister.
0 likesMaybe...pinkie got her psychic powers from nuclear gas(ya know,because she would think it was a drink
2 likesThis might sound weird but, Pinkie probably is the director of My Little Pony. Since she can interact with the audience. Just a thought.
0 likesI thought it was her pinkie sense saying "Yo! This girl is a pony princess!"
1 likeMaybe Pinkie is adopted and has half unicorn blood, and was blessed before being set in front of a random door on a cotton candy cloud raining chocolate milk night. Just a thought XD
0 likesMaybe pinkie pie was born with latent psychic abilities, which was unlocked due to an emence amount of emotion. This emotion was joy. We both saw that pinkie wasn't joyful or happy for some of her fillyhood. So perhaps when the sonic rainboom happened it overloaded her brain causing her to use more than 2% of her mental power. Now she has these abilities and an incredible amount of joy. This is simply my graduation.
1 likeIdea! Maybe the sonic rain boom that caused her to throw a party also put her into a magical trance that gave her these special powers!!
0 likesI have a hoard of these Head-Canons.
0 likesThe one thing I am waiting for now is to see her take on the form of another, in clasical Changeling style.
She have done something from all the rest?
Even if she have no wings or horn visibly,
she has been caught both flying and levitationg for starters.
Now, why does she draw power from other ponies being happy?(like a changeling?)
the range of knowledge seems acended?
Replies (3)
That is a very good theory
0 likesI never thought of it that way :/
0 likes"Oki Doki Loki" .....
0 likesI'm not first with this headcanon-suggestion, and it is possible that it even is un-official canon for the scriptwriters, considering she might have 8 hooves in Cranky Doodle Donkey (and shows 6 of them), she is Laughter(more harmonical than Mischief, but still) ....
I would not be surprised if she has a gramps called Sleipner ....
My headcannon was that Pinkie was frailer then the other 6 when she was little (she looks the smallest but it may be age) and when the rainboom hit she may have hit her head in just the right place (or maybe some flying stone smacked her she did live on a rock farm) which gave her fourth wall powers. Yea not a great theory but what evs
0 likesI myself believe that it has something to do when when she first saw the sonic rainboom, that could have have a dramatic effect on her. or it could have been because she has a mental illness, I'm not saying she does, but it's a possibility
0 likesPinkie Sense is scary. It's her Earth Pony magic, which grants a connection to the earth.
0 likesMaybe the rainbow that helped her smile and made her hair all poofish also gave her pinkie senses.
0 likesRemember this : Pinkie is the silly one, Ever seen ever after high?
0 likesMaddie hatter,Shes the only one who can interact with the narrarators! Shes also the silly one! For some stange reson a lot of TV shows take the silly one and make them have sometimes "unnoticed" Powers.
Pinkamina was in the field doing her chorus. Farming rocks. While shuffling through the dusty earth she subbed her hoof on a rock. ROCKS! That's all that's around her. Pinkie picked up the rock and through it. I cracked opened, exposing the light blue gems inside. Gems? She carefully trotted toward the glittering crystals. They let off a faint glow. It was almost like magic. When her hoof picked up the geo her eyes widen. She saw lives, past lives, future lives, impossible lives. When the vision faded she heard a voice "Pinkamina it's time to come in for breakfast!" Pinkie heard her mother called for her daughters. Pinkie hide the stone for she knew it's power and ability. She knew everything.
0 likesIm guessing Pinkie's "parents" adopted her because her real parents were unicorns and she was born without a horn. And that would explain why her 'family' is bland and dull grey when Pinkie is bright pink and happy
0 likesI think that pinkie might be distantly related to Starswirl the Bearded... Cough cough Discord cough cough
0 likesHis magic can explain her pinkie senses and her psychicness...
hope this helps
Creators of MLP originally made Pinkie a PEGASUS.But they gave her wings to Fluttershy who was originally an earth pony.
2 likesi think that everyone/pony has a link to their human/pony self and pink has it stronger. like some of the other human mane 6 thought thought they had seen her before
0 likesShe might be depressed of her old life or a rock dropped on her head
0 likesShe could have got hit on the head with a mettle rock at her rock farm
0 likesWhat I am about to say might be stupid. But I think that since Pinkie Pie grew up on a rock farm before she saw the rainbow from Rainbow Dashes first Rainboom and learned to smile, party and have fun. She self taught herself how to read the minds of her family members and her Pinkie Sense got stronger and she started being able to figure out when bad things we're gonna happen or rain or whatever due to her miserable past life on the farm.
2 likesThat her teaching herself how to be psychic was her only way of early on having fun before she ever really learned what "fun" was. And it was also so she could help her family get off the rock fields before a storm ad such.
That may have all just been way to random. But it's just a thought.
Replies (2)
Actually that makes sense
0 likesMhm. c: Just throwing out ideas.
0 likesi think that maby pinkie has already gone though the portal that twilight went though but she didnt only go though the one but though all of them. then she slowly started to gane the ability to see though the forth wall like she knows were there, but keeps it to herself so she dosnt alarm anypony. i also think that when shes pinkimena thats just all the things shes seen flasing back at her.Or maby she is a time traveler and some traumatizing event happens in the future and every time she is sad it reminds her about it so she gose crazy. i will probably make a video about it so if your intested in my thery pleze watch the video
0 likesShe is the only pony who can break the 4th wall
0 likesMy headcannon would be: Pegasi have wings and can walk in clouds and unicorns have magical abilities sooooooo.... Earth ponies need to have a special power don't they? So I guess earth ponies have a special ability someway or another. Example: Maud Pie and Applejack are strong and powerful. (Maud pie crushed that boulder that was about to fall to Pinkie pie and applejack applebucks apples) so Pinkie pie has the pinkie sense and mind reading ability. :-) +The Brony Nation
0 likesRemember in boast busters when Tricia took pinkie's muzzle away? Then at the end she is in the black screen. Twilight came through to give back her muzzle..anyone remember that episode?
0 likesPinkie Pie has the ability to break the fourth wall!
0 likesWell she is the party pony, so I guess she would be really crazy..
0 likesOMG... I forgot... Dang it! it was a good one, too!
0 likesshe some how time traveled back in time and met star swirl the bearded and became his apprentice (i'm just kidding but it's an idea)
0 likesMaybe Madeline Hatter from ever after high is like Pinkie Pie since she can talk to the narrators...
0 likesShe can predict the future. Even i can do that.( when im sleeping) Pinkie can do the same but while shes awake. SHE CAN ALSO BREAK THE FOURTH WALL
0 likesReplies (2)
Finally I now I know I'm not the only one
1 like@Jessica Linkins :D
0 likesI think pinkie might be originally from another demension wich explains why she was the only pink pony in her ADOPTED family ! U can see her family in a clip called pinkie's cutie mark.
0 likesPinkie pie probably was hearing strange voices from someone like a ghost or from one of a spirit from her family who has pasted and dosn't won't her getting hurt
0 likesHmmm... Mayby she's a mindgodess. I know its crazy, but Mayby she was enchanted? Mayby she got these powers when doing a good deed?
1 likeReplies (1)
Huh or maybe she got it when she got her cutie mark same with cheese sandwich
0 likespinkie may be able to do things but technically i think about pinkie a little like me becuz i have a few of these abilities and a few more it's posable that she never learned to block them out like her family. her family could have a little but she got everything in the genes to be psychic
0 likesI have an idea but it might now be that great but here I go.....
0 likesso when pinkie pie was a filly after the rainbow (sonic rainboom) her hair went all crazy and she got her cutie mark I thought that mabe before she got her cutie mark she already was psychic so she had it when she was born but she dident use it that mutch because she never smiled until the sonic rainboom so im gussing she got her pinkie sense when she got more happy, and she was born physchic and now she uses very well.
i have no idea but i love this thought!!!!
0 likesPinkie Pie, the missing Warner Sister. Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinkie. Explains her Loony Toony ways, mostly.
0 likesOr Discord's long lost grand grand grand grand grand grand etc. etc. grand daughter. That could explain her hammerspace ability (party cannon, streamers, water glass, etc from nowhere) Pinkiesense, walking upside down on invisible ground, shared love of cotton candy and chocolate milk rain (could go for some chocolate milk rain myself about now) and maybe a bit of why she doesn't trust Discord (long almost forgotten family dispute?)
Too insane too psychic!
0 likesRemember in sonic rainboom (Special Episode) After Rainbowdash went missing From a spell Twilight made she made another one and gave it too pinkiepie And she said she was able to see through the fabrics of space and time 4th wall broken :O
0 likesOK does the changeling thing at the beginning freak any else out?
0 likesPinkie found a magical rock on the rock farm
0 likesI like when he said ehhhh special lol
0 likesThe way she got her powers is the rain boom because when she was a filly her hair was down and suddenly the rainboom appears and made her hair all poofy and that radiation might caused her to have the powers
1 likeReplies (1)
That's what I thought too
0 likesPinkie breaks the fourth wall. The end
0 likesWell.....she wasn't dropped as a filly , that's for sure.
0 likesPinkie is Psychic. It is canon. Premonitions AKA Pinkie sense. Limited ESP. I pinkie does not so much "remember" every ponies birthdays as much as she "extracts" this information from their mind.
1 likepinky is a crazy messed up pony who can read minds and p.s (I cant rember at what time )but lyra can be found in winter wrap up hoping up in down
0 likesbut now i think about it pinkie is not the only pony who has senses e.g cheese sandwich . may party ponys are like that after they get cutie mark . plus there are 3 ponys who are diffenet from where they come from .cheese ,pinkie and bab seed .
0 likesSince she grew up on a rock farm, she probably fell of something and hot her head, injuring it, but uncovering a different part of the brain no ponies use... Like you know how humans only use 20% of their brain??? hhhuuuhhh hhuuhhhh uuhhhhh?!?!?!?!
0 likesMaybe she's just born with it, why not
0 likesshe is just pinkie it's that simple
0 likesshe did beat rarity in all those games of tic tac toe
0 likesi got a theory. SHE GOT HIT ON THE HEAD lol
0 likesI have to stop you on that, (this is a joke) Pinkie isnt psychic, she just being herself :)
0 likesyes she is ''special''
0 likesA magic rock at the rock farm ,she touched it and it's power what to her
0 likesPinkie has to be psychic.
0 likesMaybe the Sonic Rainboom caused it to happen
0 likeswell pinkie maybe has some magic she is hiding like the gypsy thing but with her sisters one or two of them have a horns maybe when maud taught her how to make candy necklaces she also taught her some magic that went along with her gypsy thing because maud was a very quiet mysterious pony but pinkie could of also been adopted because she has pinkie hair and she's all PARTY!!!!!! and because she wasn't very happy at the rock farm she might of been sad cause she misses her family same with my little pony friendship is witch craft even though its the fandom it could mean something. but when rainbow dash did her sonic rainboom its could of let out a electric charge on her to make her physic because every time she uses her sense she lets out an electric charge . hope those help
1 likeGuess it's her Pinkie Senses... I dunno :P
0 likesi just thought she went though the portal for fun
0 likesReplies (1)
in equestria girls but im not sure about the others
0 likesYeah I get that a lot :)!!!!!!!!!
0 likesWhat if pinkie pie had alicorn magic in her but because she don't have wings or a horn it gets trapped inside giving her psychic powers or something like that!
0 likesi swear pinkie went through that portal in mlpeg (mlp equestria girls)
1 likeReplies (1)
When she's asleep her soul goes to MlpEG. Passing through the portal.
0 likesPinkie is magical leave it at that
2 likesReplies (2)
Well actully ur right the magic power of friendship shes just magic its self
0 likesI believe the secret behind this and pinkies logic diffhighing powers and maybe the pinkie sense is that she's disended from discord tho the only evidence I have is that it explains it and pinkie and screwball are both pink
0 likesthis is probably stupid, but maybe it has to do with pinkamini and pinkie she is both right
1 likemaybe her, hair(?) led to it possably
Maybe the sonic rainboom when she got an opportunity to get a cutie mark maybe it wasnt just the cutie mark and happiness she can also recieved this power by the dramatic change in mental state and personality and power in the rainbow heck she looked like the family discord compared to her family and also inculdes why pinkie pie likes rainbow dash because she herself (not intentionally) changed her life for the better (not including cupcakes) and gave her power and is greatful for what see has done
1 like:ll pinky followed her to the other demension I rest my case
1 likepinkie pie knows anything :P
0 likesSky-the-Dreadful that is not actually ridiculous idea maybe if you go back to previous episodes before the first sonic rainboom story maybe we can see if pinkie pie had her powers before hand or after the rainboom event, if the whole gang got their cutie mark because of this event then it could be possible along with her cutie mark she had gotten the power to sense quick mind notes. Although this theory in equestria girls would make no sense but none the less they are the same person / pony
0 likesperhaps pinkie is a mutant with the X gene
2 likesReplies (2)
And thus goes to the "Double Rainboom" fan animation.
0 likesIt's her dad's fault...
0 likesI thought this exactly
0 likesi think pinkie can break the fifth wall... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likespinky can break 4t wall
0 likesI'm not telling you your wrong but I just think pinkie is crazy
0 likesI 2as gonna type something..... I don't know what....... but so I'm not wasting my time...................................... pinkie's just straightforward - AWESOME!
0 likesIf that didn't really make sense, please reply
0 likesI love pinkie pie
0 likesI'm just being stupid here.. and so is my little cousin... but.. Maybe Pinkie was kinda... again stupid but.. maybe she was a unicorn... and maybe while she lived at the rock farm... her parents didn't want her to be a unicorn... or maybe Pinkie was born with a horn.. but as she got a bit older... it vanished due to little magic (in friendship or ANYTHING) because remember... she said "it was sad.. there was no talking.. so fun" maybe if she was a unicorn.. she lost that because there was nothing for her to go with that helped her magic in her special talent
0 likeshmmm maybe i bet she go it at the rock farm, i mean think about it she has been so alone in that farm that it wold make sense if got something like that. or maybe hasbro did it so the fans wouldn't have to hear twilight blah on stupid crap.
0 likesOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI think Pinkie is linked to pinkie. It makes more sence to me this way.
0 likesReplies (7)
0 likes@Katelyn Norton The pony pinkie is psychic-ly linked to the human pinkie (if that pinkie is even human...)
0 likes@Alex Childers ...? I'm even more confused, now.
0 likes@blackandwhiteAJ Pony pinkie's mind is linked to Human pinkie's mined =/
0 likesBut...
0 likes@Alexa Young .-. are you talking about brony notion or me? caussseeee i'ma girl....
0 likes(lol I disliked my own comment) ok my Idea goes like this: all the pies are psychic, I mean in Maud pie pinkie say i've never see her so happy. what if pinkie and Maud could communicate with each other with there minds? is that how pinkie can see maud's emotions? or maybe pinkie is the only psychic.... who knows
0 likesmaybe insanity
0 likespinkie =]
0 likesIt's Pinke Pie
0 likesmabe pinky pie did not get rid of a clone of herself in that episode were she cloned herself so that clone followed her around
0 likesThe Time The Sonic Rainboom Came Did U Guys See Her Hair It Look Like She Know Everything And Maybe Her First Party Or Cuz She Said She Could Smile Fir Ever Or Is It Cuz She Was Born On A Rock Farm Please Help Me I Have So Many Thoughts Right Now!!!
0 likesI think she is a changeling look it up pinkie pie the changeling??
0 likesHeadcannon: ........r u kidding meh y r u having dis theory??? Cmon its pinky even celestial doesn't know!😳 there is obviously no hope.....
0 likesand for that do you have to go see Dr wolf001
1 likeI say she was droped on like the I'm
0 likesWait remember when she put her hoof on the portal Maby that makes her some one in each world she watches the show and she is freinds with dead pool and something like that because who would win is a 4th wall breaking contest pinky or dead pool
0 likesthe rainboom she her powers from the rainboom
0 likesprincess pinkie pie
1 like:)
0 likesThat last comment was about the first cutiemarks video. Sorry
0 likesin my opinion. YS
0 likesi am from the a few years in the fucher
0 likesmr brony notion, not that I m againt you, but why are you a changeling? just for the fun of changing your appearances?
0 likesIt was because of rainbow dash is sonic rainboom which must of affection we her in some way
1 likewhy u evil
0 likesPinkimina
0 likesmybe from the radiation from rainbow dashes sonic rainboom before she got her cutie mark, just think about it for a second, comment NICE things if u think so to plz I nu like mean comments :(
0 likesIt s trow.
0 likesThat's because pinkie pie is a changeling
0 likesReplies (3)
Pinkie Pie is not a changeling where'd you come up with THAT theory
0 likes+Bryden Productions its from a video check it out i think the channel was conspira pon3 or something
0 likesNo way, absolutely not. If she's a changeling, how come when she was mentioning her past (episode where the CMCs were looking for Rainbow Dash to learn about how she got her cutie mark) she didn't say anything about Chrysalis? This person actually studies MLP and colects clues to solve mysteries. I have NO idea what she did there.
0 likesIs Pinky suck it up
0 likes( Stupid Mode Activate )
Durrrrrrrrr I never noticed that lolllllll
Sonic rainboom
0 likesI she's a secret alicorn i think this because she do pegusi and unicorns can do please reply
0 likesIn eqastria girls bloopers in the end pony pinkie pie and human pinkie pie swich places # it's from the friendship games
0 likesShort
0 likesᗯᕼᗩT I ᗰEᗩᑎT ᗯᗩᔕ ᔕᕼE ᑕᗩᑎ ᖇEᗰEᗰᗷEᖇ EᐯEᖇY ᑭOᑎY Iᑎ ᑭOᑎY ᐯI ᒪEᔕ ᗷIᖇTᕼᗪᗩY E᙭ᑕEᑭT ᕼEᖇ Oᗯᑎ
0 likespinkie sence anyone no really
0 likesNow people this is a CARTON television show! Im not a hater just sayin... And plz don't reply to this and say that I'm a "hater"..... 😩
0 likesP.S. 🎤Do u want to build a snowman?! 🎶 ❄️⛄️❄️
Replies (1)
why is frozen freaking EVERYWHERE IN MY LIFE?! 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
1 likeShe's pinkie pie. She can do whatever in Equestria she feels like. Okay seriously. She's actually the daughter of Discord. Her parents and sisters are a foster family. She was born with her powers because she's the daughter of Discord. The looks and party pony self is probably from her mum's side. Her mum's origin is unknown. Thanks
1 likepinkie? yeah tottaly physcic...... whierd egh.
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likes+Chloe Paige psychic*
1 likethe episod wen raindowdash dass a duble sonic rainbom shy rips thriu time and spais but pinkypie pips thru so yeah
0 likesHere coctmark
0 likesNeed the school has the same powers pinky and has the same ability is like pinky sons knowing that parties are around yeah I kind of copied your day but yeah kind of gave you my dear for comment but that’s not the point
0 likesI don't have any thing
0 likessonic rainboom any one
0 likesHello !
0 likesDont know dont care as i alveis says
0 likesPie
0 likeswhy you wcik
0 likesMaybe Pinkie is a human being in disguise in both worlds who is secretly watching and skipping ahead in the show and she knows there filming. Just remember PINKIE IS ALWAYS WATCHING
1 likeRussian subtitles, eh? Where are you from comrade? :)
1 likeReplies (8)
I'm actually American, the only full episodes I could download had Russian subtitles. :)
1 likeTorrent, i presume? :)
0 likesGot a questions for your Q&A - tell as about how started this channel? And why you choose changeling for OC?
0 likesWell anyway, happy upcomming holidays!
Btw Siberia say hi :)
0 likesI think it's Ukrainean
0 likesI think it's Ukrainean
You done this comment on my birthday
1 likeI'm sorry. I'm Ukrainian but I grew up in America. The written languages are so similar, I guess I got confused. Sorry if that offended you, I don't know the written languages that well
0 likesi dont think she is psychic... i think there is more to her than that... psychic doesnt explain why she is able to somehow break the fourth wall tho.
1 likeWho are u realy
0 likesU