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Shawn Phillips Woman Keep On Sleepwalker Song For Mr C

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-31 21:15:43

Né en
Fort Worth, comté de Tarrant, Texas, États-Unis

Shawn Phillips (Fort Worth, Texas, États-Unis) est un musicien folk-rock, principalement influent dans les années 1960 et 1970. Phillips a enregistré vingt albums et a collaboré avec des musiciens dont Donovan, Paul Buckmaster, J. Peter Robinson, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Bernie Taupin et bien d’autres. Le chanteur et compositeur né au Texas a été décrit par le regretté imprésario rock Bill Graham comme « les secrets les mieux gardés dans l’industrie de la musique ».

"... un artiste d’un tel talent brut, d’une telle ambition et d’une telle bonne volonté... L’attraction principale de Phillips est toujours sa voix. Reedy et flexible, avec un falset extraordinaire, c’est un instrument dramatique puissant. « C’est ce que Rolling Stone Magazine avait à dire sur Shawn Phillips, un musicien dont le travail ne rentre littéralement dans aucune catégorie.

Shawn Phillips a près de deux douzaines d’albums à son actif (dont des millions ont été vendus) et un certain nombre d’associations avec certains des noms les plus respectés de l’industrie, y compris Donovan, Paul Buckmaster, J Peter Robinson, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood et bien d’autres, mais il est pratiquement oublié à l’exception d’un cadre de fans fidèles. L’auteur-compositeur-interprète né au Texas a été qualifié de « secret le mieux gardé dans l’industrie de la musique » par le regretté imprésario rock Bill Graham.

À partir des années 1960, Phillips a apporté une contribution significative à la musique populaire. Il s’est produit au Festival de l’île de Wight et a été choisi dans la production originale de « Jesus Christ Superstar » (il a dû prendre sa retraite en raison d’un calendrier de tournage et de tournées difficiles.)

Au cours des années 1960, Phillips a travaillé sur la scène de la musique folklorique à Haight-Ashbury à San Francisco, Greenwich Village de New York et Londres. Phillips a déménagé à Positano, en Italie, en 1967, où il est resté pendant les années 1970, écrivant certaines de ses œuvres les plus célèbres. Cette période a produit les albums 'Contribution', 'Second Contribution', 'Collaboration' et 'Faces'.

Quatre de ses albums « Faces », « Bright White », « Furthermore » et « Do You Wonder » ont fait le Top 100 du Billboard. De plus, les singles « Lost Horizon », « We » et « Woman » ont fait partie du Top 40 du Billboard. L’une des chansons de Noël les plus recherchées est l’édition de 1970 de Phillips de « A Christmas Carol ». La chanson est maintenant disponible sur une réédition de faces.

Son dernier album No Category avec ses collaborateurs de longue date Paul Buckmaster et Peter Robinson est sorti en 2002.............. bya.,ladislav&zivanovic.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-31 21:39:23

Born in
Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, U.S.

Shawn Phillips (Fort Worth, Texas, USA) is a folk-rock musician, primarily influential in the 1960s and 1970s. Phillips recorded twenty albums and collaborated with musicians including Donovan, Paul Buckmaster, J. Peter Robinson, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Bernie Taupin and many others. The Texas-born singer and songwriter was described by the late rock impresario Bill Graham as "the best kept secrets in the music business."

"... an artist of such raw talent, ambition and goodwill... Phillips' main attraction is still his voice. Reedy and flexible, with extraordinary falset, it's a powerful dramatic instrument. "that's what Rolling Stone Magazine had to say about Shawn Phillips, a musician whose work literally doesn't fit into any category.

Shawn Phillips has nearly two dozen albums to his credit (millions of which have been sold) and a number of associations with some of the most respected names in the industry, including Donovan, Paul Buckmaster, J Peter Robinson, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood and many others, but he is virtually forgotten except for a cadre of loyal fans. The Texas-born singer/songwriter was called "the best kept secret in the music business" by the late rock impresario Bill Graham.

Starting in the 1960s, Phillips made a significant contribution to popular music. He performed at the Isle of Wight Festival and was cast in the original production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" (he had to retire due to a difficult filming schedule and tours.)

During the 1960s, Phillips worked on the folk music scene at Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, New York's Greenwich Village and London. Phillips moved to Positano, Italy, in 1967, where he remained during the 1970s, writing some of his most famous works. This period produced albums 'Contribution', 'Second Contribution', 'Collaboration' and 'Faces'.

Four of his albums "Faces", "Bright White", "Furthermore" and "Do You Wonder" made the Billboard Top 100. In addition, the singles "Lost Horizon", "We" and "Woman" made the Billboard top 40. One of the most sought-after Christmas songs is Phillips' 1970 edition of "A Christmas Carol." The song is now available on a faces re-release.

His latest album No Category with his longtime collaborators Paul Buckmaster and Peter Robinson was released in 2002.............. bya.,ladislav&zivanovic.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-31 21:14:59

Born in
Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, U.S.

Shawn Phillips (Fort Worth, Texas, USA) is a folk-rock musician, primarily influential in the 1960s and 1970s. Phillips recorded twenty albums and collaborated with musicians including Donovan, Paul Buckmaster, J. Peter Robinson, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Bernie Taupin and many others. The Texas-born singer and songwriter was described by the late rock impresario Bill Graham as "the best kept secrets in the music business."

"... an artist of such raw talent, ambition and goodwill... Phillips' main attraction is still his voice. Reedy and flexible, with extraordinary falset, it's a powerful dramatic instrument. "that's what Rolling Stone Magazine had to say about Shawn Phillips, a musician whose work literally doesn't fit into any category.

Shawn Phillips has nearly two dozen albums to his credit (millions of which have been sold) and a number of associations with some of the most respected names in the industry, including Donovan, Paul Buckmaster, J Peter Robinson, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood and many others, but he is virtually forgotten except for a cadre of loyal fans. The Texas-born singer/songwriter was called "the best kept secret in the music business" by the late rock impresario Bill Graham.

Starting in the 1960s, Phillips made a significant contribution to popular music. He performed at the Isle of Wight Festival and was cast in the original production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" (he had to retire due to a difficult filming schedule and tours.)

During the 1960s, Phillips worked on the folk music scene at Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, New York's Greenwich Village and London. Phillips moved to Positano, Italy, in 1967, where he remained during the 1970s, writing some of his most famous works. This period produced albums 'Contribution', 'Second Contribution', 'Collaboration' and 'Faces'.

Four of his albums "Faces", "Bright White", "Furthermore" and "Do You Wonder" made the Billboard Top 100. In addition, the singles "Lost Horizon", "We" and "Woman" made the Billboard top 40. One of the most sought-after Christmas songs is Phillips' 1970 edition of "A Christmas Carol." The song is now available on a faces re-release.

His latest album No Category with his longtime collaborators Paul Buckmaster and Peter Robinson was released in 2002.............. bya.,ladislav&zivanovic.

ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-29 19:18:46

Rođen u
Fort Worth, okrug Tarrant, Teksas, Sjedinjene Američke Države

Shawn Phillips (Fort Worth, Texas, SAD) je folk-rock glazbenik, prvenstveno utjecajan šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina. Phillips je snimio dvadeset albuma i surađivao s glazbenicima, uključujući Donovana, Paula Buckmastera, J. Petera Robinsona, Erica Claptona, Stevea Winwooda, Bernieja Taupina i mnoge druge. Pjevača i tekstopisca rođenog u Teksasu pokojni rock impresario Bill Graham opisao je kao "najbolje čuvane tajne u glazbenom biznisu".

"... umjetnik takvog sirovog talenta, ambicije i dobre volje... Phillipsova glavna atrakcija je još uvijek njegov glas. Reedy i fleksibilan, s izvanrednim falsetom, to je moćan dramski instrument. " to je Rolling Stone Magazine imao za reći o Shawnu Phillipsu, glazbeniku čiji se rad doslovno ne uklapa u nijednu kategoriju.

Shawn Phillips ima gotovo dvadeset albuma na svoju zaslugu (od kojih su milijuni prodani) i niz asocijacija s nekim od najcjenjenijih imena u industriji, uključujući Donovana, Paula Buckmastera, J Petera Robinsona, Erica Claptona, Stevea Winwooda i mnoge druge, ali je praktički zaboravljen osim kadra vjernih obožavatelja. Pjevača/tekstopisca rođenog u Teksasu pokojni rock impresario Bill Graham nazvao je "najbolje čuvanom tajnom u glazbenom biznisu".

Počevši od 1960-ih, Phillips je dao značajan doprinos popularnoj glazbi. Nastupao je na festivalu "Isle of Wight" i dobio glavnu ulogu u originalnoj produkciji "Jesus Christ Superstar" (morao se povući zbog teškog rasporeda snimanja i turneja.)

Tijekom 60-ih Phillips je radio na sceni narodne glazbe u Haight-Ashburyju u San Franciscu, newyorškom Greenwich Villageu i Londonu. Phillips se 1967. preselio u Positano u Italiji, gdje je ostao tijekom 1970-ih, pišući neka od svojih najpoznatijih djela. To je razdoblje proizvelo albume 'Contribution', 'Second Contribution', 'Collaboration' i 'Faces".

Četiri njegova albuma "Faces","Bright White","Furthermore" i "Do You Wonder" dospjela su u Billboard Top 100. Osim toga, singlovi "Lost Horizon","We" i "Woman" ušli su u Billboardovih top 40. Jedna od najtraženijih božićnih pjesama je Phillipsovo izdanje "Božićne pjesme" iz 1970. Pjesma je sada dostupna na ponovnom izdanju Facesa.

Njegov najnoviji album 'No Category' s njegovim dugogodišnjim suradnicima Paulom Buckmasterom i Peterom Robinsonom objavljen je 2002. godine..............bya.,ladislav&zivanovic..

ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-31 21:16:17

Rođen u
Fort Worth, okrug Tarrant, Teksas, Sjedinjene Američke Države

Shawn Phillips (Fort Worth, Texas, SAD) je folk-rock glazbenik, prvenstveno utjecajan šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina. Phillips je snimio dvadeset albuma i surađivao s glazbenicima, uključujući Donovana, Paula Buckmastera, J. Petera Robinsona, Erica Claptona, Stevea Winwooda, Bernieja Taupina i mnoge druge. Pjevača i tekstopisca rođenog u Teksasu pokojni rock impresario Bill Graham opisao je kao "najbolje čuvane tajne u glazbenom biznisu".

"... umjetnik takvog sirovog talenta, ambicije i dobre volje... Phillipsova glavna atrakcija je još uvijek njegov glas. Reedy i fleksibilan, s izvanrednim falsetom, to je moćan dramski instrument. " to je Rolling Stone Magazine imao za reći o Shawnu Phillipsu, glazbeniku čiji se rad doslovno ne uklapa u nijednu kategoriju.

Shawn Phillips ima gotovo dvadeset albuma na svoju zaslugu (od kojih su milijuni prodani) i niz asocijacija s nekim od najcjenjenijih imena u industriji, uključujući Donovana, Paula Buckmastera, J Petera Robinsona, Erica Claptona, Stevea Winwooda i mnoge druge, ali je praktički zaboravljen osim kadra vjernih obožavatelja. Pjevača/tekstopisca rođenog u Teksasu pokojni rock impresario Bill Graham nazvao je "najbolje čuvanom tajnom u glazbenom biznisu".

Počevši od 1960-ih, Phillips je dao značajan doprinos popularnoj glazbi. Nastupao je na festivalu "Isle of Wight" i dobio glavnu ulogu u originalnoj produkciji "Jesus Christ Superstar" (morao se povući zbog teškog rasporeda snimanja i turneja.)

Tijekom 60-ih Phillips je radio na sceni narodne glazbe u Haight-Ashburyju u San Franciscu, newyorškom Greenwich Villageu i Londonu. Phillips se 1967. preselio u Positano u Italiji, gdje je ostao tijekom 1970-ih, pišući neka od svojih najpoznatijih djela. To je razdoblje proizvelo albume 'Contribution', 'Second Contribution', 'Collaboration' i 'Faces".

Četiri njegova albuma "Faces","Bright White","Furthermore" i "Do You Wonder" dospjela su u Billboard Top 100. Osim toga, singlovi "Lost Horizon","We" i "Woman" ušli su u Billboardovih top 40. Jedna od najtraženijih božićnih pjesama je Phillipsovo izdanje "Božićne pjesme" iz 1970. Pjesma je sada dostupna na ponovnom izdanju Facesa.

Njegov najnoviji album 'No Category' s njegovim dugogodišnjim suradnicima Paulom Buckmasterom i Peterom Robinsonom objavljen je 2002. godine..............bya.,ladislav&zivanovic.