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Forest &We...Are Just Watching Time ..981 Full Album..

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Comments (archived 2022-12-11 22:42; 6 top, 7 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-24 23:10:30

Hi friends !!!

Here, in Ezhevik Fields, I give information and listen to samples of lost albums from the past. My only goal is to promote real art and music for some reasons that are currently unavailable according to my sources. If you are an artist or publisher - you want the link removed just contact me - it will be done.
I would like to thank all the original transmitters;

collectors who share music provide us with a unique opportunity to explore culture. Thank you!

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-24 23:17:57

Forest biography
FOREST was a minstrel / medieval type of folk-prog trio from the late 60's in the style of The INCREDIBLE STRING BAND, FAIRPORT CONVENTION and DR. STRANGELY STRANGE. They have released several albums with dark but subtle sour lyrics, which include pipes, harmonium, harpsichord, mandolin, 12-string guitar and percussion to their sound. Their music doesn’t have the current that is usually associated with rock, but it can’t even be described as hetero folk, the lyrics are pretty weird, and the band’s approach is too eclectic - hence their inclusion here.
Their self-titled album (1969) is practically a clone of The INCREDIBLE STRING BAND, while “Full Circle” (1970) features more original songwriting and a variety of arrangements, and the themes still deal with nature, mystery and darkness.
Both albums are completely esoteric, pastoral, serious and common as befits the time.
It doesn't matter, but if you like the spirit of COMUS, GRYPHON or MELLOW CANDLE, maybe you should check them out, for a bit of hippie nostalgia. LADISLAV ZIVANOVIC ...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-24 23:17:13

Šumska biografija
FOREST bila je minstrel/srednjovjekovni tip folk-prog trojca s kraja 60-ih godina u stilu The INCREDIBLE STRING BANDA, FAIRPORT CONVENTION-a i DR. STRANGELY STRANGE-a. Izdali su nekoliko albuma s tamnim, ali suptilnim kiselim stihovima, koji uključuju cijevi, harmonij, čembalo, mandolinu, gitaru od 12 žica i udaraljke na njihov zvuk. Njihova glazba nema struju koja se obično povezuje s rockom, ali se ne može opisati ni kao hetero folk, stihovi su prilično čudni, a pristup benda previše eklektičan - dakle njihovo uključivanje ovdje.
Njihov istoimeni album (1969.) praktički je klon The INCREDIBLE STRING BANDA, dok "Full Circle" (1970.) prikazuje originalnije pisanje pjesama i raznovrsnije aranžmane, a teme se još uvijek bave prirodom, misterijom i tamom.
Oba albuma su u potpunosti ezoterična, pastoralna, ozbiljna i zajednička kako i priliči vremenu.
Nije bitno, ali ako vam se sviđa duh COMUS-a, GRYPHON-a ili MELLOW CANDLE-a, možda biste ih trebali provjeriti, za malo hipijevske nostalgije.LADISLAV ZIVANOVIC...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-24 23:18:49

Biographie de la forêt
FOREST était un trio folk-prog de type ménestrel / médiéval de la fin des années 60 dans le style de The INCREDIBLE STRING BAND, FAIRPORT CONVENTION et DR. ÉTRANGEMENT ÉTRANGE. Ils ont sorti plusieurs albums avec des paroles aigres sombres mais subtiles, qui incluent des tuyaux, de l'harmonium, du clavecin, de la mandoline, de la guitare à 12 cordes et des percussions à leur son. Leur musique n'a pas le courant qui est généralement associé au rock, mais elle ne peut même pas être qualifiée de folk hétéro, les paroles sont assez étranges et l'approche du groupe est trop éclectique - d'où leur inclusion ici.
Leur album éponyme (1969) est pratiquement un clone de The INCREDIBLE STRING BAND, tandis que "Full Circle" (1970) propose des compositions plus originales et une variété d'arrangements, et les thèmes traitent toujours de la nature, du mystère et de l'obscurité.
Les deux albums sont complètement ésotériques, pastoraux, sérieux et communs comme il sied à l'époque.
Peu importe, mais si vous aimez l'esprit de COMUS, GRYPHON ou MELLOW CANDLE, vous devriez peut-être y jeter un œil, pour un brin de nostalgie hippie. LADISLAV ZIVANOVIC ...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-24 23:10:02

Bok prijatelji!!!

Ovdje, u Ezhevika Fieldsu, dajem informacije i slušam uzorke izgubljenih albuma iz prošlosti. Moj jedini cilj je promovirati pravu umjetnost i glazbu iz nekih razloga koji su trenutno nedostupni prema mojim izvorima. Ako ste umjetnik ili izdavač - želite da se veza ukloni samo me kontaktirajte - to će biti učinjeno.
Želio bih zahvaliti svim izvornim prenositeljima;

kolekcionari koji dijele glazbu pružaju nam jedinstvenu mogućnost istraživanja kulture. Hvala!

PeterPrism 2021-07-24 22:44:39


Replies (1)
ladislav zivanovic 2021-07-24 23:10:43

Hi friends !!!

Here, in Ezhevik Fields, I give information and listen to samples of lost albums from the past. My only goal is to promote real art and music for some reasons that are currently unavailable according to my sources. If you are an artist or publisher - you want the link removed just contact me - it will be done.
I would like to thank all the original transmitters;

collectors who share music provide us with a unique opportunity to explore culture. Thank you!