hey jerry, i just wanted to stop by and say that i really enjoy your game reviews. you're a really funny guy, and your sense of humor is strange, but still very enjoyable. i heard you run the vsauce2 channel, so you're probably a very busy man. but if you ever get the time to, i'd love to see another uninformed video game review!
@Justin Phillips I honestly don’t blame Kevin for not wanting to make more. For starters a lot of people didn’t understand the show. Strange since the humour wasn’t intellectual but ment to not be taken seriously which the majority did. (Hence the skit in the beginning). Even JonTron was in an episode if you look way back.
Hey I just found you from vsauce and I think your videos are pretty cool. I just watched a few of your videos and was wondering why you have so many dislikes because this is a very funny satirical show. This videos has the least dislikes of any of your videos I saw and I think its because you break character. Vloging could really help people see you in a different light and I think vlogging more often would really help your channel. Just a tip from and avid youtuber. Great videos though!
You characterize yourself so well as 'Mr. Bloop' that I would never think he's Kevin from Vsauce. Kevin seems to know a lot and be very intelligent, while Jerry er.. does not. XD
He's in the house because I tried to clean all the vanilla icing off his face from the last episode. I ended up pushing a lot of the icing into the small cracks in his head and now I'm afraid he'll become the perfect home for fly larva. Actually, he lives on my kitchen counter and helps me decide what kind of Chef Boyardee to eat for dinner.
Hey really funny stuff! I like. Remember that nerdy video game kid character from The Kids in the Hall sketch comedy show? Jerry is that kid when he grows up ! I even remember references to his unattentive single mother! Anyway, I love it ! How about a look at those sweet 80s action figures? Maybe a review for something yet to come out like GTA 5 or Bayonetta 2 (since Jerry couldn't buy them anyway- why wait?)
I have some more mind blowing logic. If Jerry Bloop is real then that must mean that Kevin Lieber is actually just a made up character. If Kevin Lieber is fictional that means everything featured on VSause 2 is fictional. I don't know what's real anymore... oh wait hold on... I forgot I lost touch with reality YEARS ago. Brain explosion averted.
I agree with that dude, I got here from vsauce, and came here because i really like you. Only things, Im not so much a gamer, although Ive been watching these videos because I really really like you :D Vlogging would be a great idea :D
OH. MY. GOD. You put my Zelda picture on the wall! I am in shock and awe... I... I... I... *EXPLODES* ... ahem. And you broke character My fantasies are ruined. Thanks, Bloop, if that's your REAL name... poser. PFFFFFT!
Hay man really like the vids but i think its missing something. Like more cut scenes or someone to bounce off of during the comedy bits. Also i think the show could do whit an opening intro. Sort of like your logo or something like that just a friendly suggestion or two if it helps.!
The dislikes might be because this kind of comedy can be very polarizing, you either love it, or you . . .well, don't. I personally do not. I think it can get a little repetitive for my taste, but I am not going to leave any of those stupid comments like wish I had my time back or something because I am still going to appreciate the time that was used to make this and I see others find it funny. I just wanted to give you a different view with out being offensive.
still more informative than any IGN review ive seen
2 likeshey jerry, i just wanted to stop by and say that i really enjoy your game reviews. you're a really funny guy, and your sense of humor is strange, but still very enjoyable. i heard you run the vsauce2 channel, so you're probably a very busy man. but if you ever get the time to, i'd love to see another uninformed video game review!
3 likesReplies (1)
his real name is kevin :)
1 likeI love this one! Is it just me or is it getting better and better as I keep on watching.. :D
0 likeslol, you've really taken this episode to strange new places. And I recognize the fan service bits. you are a hell of a fella!
0 likesMan I've been watching your stuff for a while now... they just keep getting better and better. Your Bill Cosby impression is spot on hah!
0 likesPlease more Jerry Bloop. I'm a bit worried if he's still alive, considering it was established in this episode that he's a real person.
0 likesI love your show man Jerry has msde me laugh so much!
0 likesThis show was probably the most underrated on YouTube
3 likesReplies (2)
I’ve watched it so many times over and over it was the highlight of my childhood, shit it’s still enjoyable to this day, Kevin should bring it back
0 likes@Justin Phillips I honestly don’t blame Kevin for not wanting to make more. For starters a lot of people didn’t understand the show. Strange since the humour wasn’t intellectual but ment to not be taken seriously which the majority did. (Hence the skit in the beginning). Even JonTron was in an episode if you look way back.
0 likesJerry Bloop is actually kinda smart in this one
1 likeOh my god! the farrrr carrr thrarrrr part was hysterical. I had to pause for like a minute just to wait to stop laughing about it. Great stuff man
0 likesHey I just found you from vsauce and I think your videos are pretty cool. I just watched a few of your videos and was wondering why you have so many dislikes because this is a very funny satirical show. This videos has the least dislikes of any of your videos I saw and I think its because you break character. Vloging could really help people see you in a different light and I think vlogging more often would really help your channel. Just a tip from and avid youtuber. Great videos though!
0 likesYou characterize yourself so well as 'Mr. Bloop' that I would never think he's Kevin from Vsauce. Kevin seems to know a lot and be very intelligent, while Jerry er.. does not. XD
0 likesThis made my Christmas break!
0 likesMerry Christmas and a happy new year, Jerry!
0 likesThis was hilarious!
0 likesHe's in the house because I tried to clean all the vanilla icing off his face from the last episode. I ended up pushing a lot of the icing into the small cracks in his head and now I'm afraid he'll become the perfect home for fly larva. Actually, he lives on my kitchen counter and helps me decide what kind of Chef Boyardee to eat for dinner.
0 likesI want you to know that I appreciate this thoughtful comment. You are a good egg. Thank you for watching my weirdness.
2 likesJerry Bloop is a real live man.
0 likesHey really funny stuff! I like. Remember that nerdy video game kid character from The Kids in the Hall sketch comedy show? Jerry is that kid when he grows up ! I even remember references to his unattentive single mother! Anyway, I love it ! How about a look at those sweet 80s action figures? Maybe a review for something yet to come out like GTA 5 or Bayonetta 2 (since Jerry couldn't buy them anyway- why wait?)
0 likesWe miss you Jerry Bloop
0 likesI know what it feels like to have dirty buckettoilet water spilled all over my crotch
0 likesI have some more mind blowing logic. If Jerry Bloop is real then that must mean that Kevin Lieber is actually just a made up character. If Kevin Lieber is fictional that means everything featured on VSause 2 is fictional. I don't know what's real anymore... oh wait hold on... I forgot I lost touch with reality YEARS ago. Brain explosion averted.
0 likesI agree with that dude, I got here from vsauce, and came here because i really like you. Only things, Im not so much a gamer, although Ive been watching these videos because I really really like you :D Vlogging would be a great idea :D
0 likesThis should be on adult swim
0 likesOH. MY. GOD. You put my Zelda picture on the wall! I am in shock and awe... I... I... I... *EXPLODES* ... ahem. And you broke character My fantasies are ruined. Thanks, Bloop, if that's your REAL name... poser. PFFFFFT!
0 likesYeaaasss, best episode yet
0 likesHey, what did you do to Mr. Potato Bloop?! Has he been banished after the last video? Do I have to send you another one? FEH!
0 likesYour fucking mess man!........I LOVE IT
0 likesITS MASTER CHIEF THUMBS DOWN, lol jk i love this show cant wait till next one!
0 likesMORE!!!! Or I'll date your mom! MORE!!!
0 likesOMG WTF. How, and where the he hell did you find cinnabons cereal. You must share your secrets
0 likeswell that was really fucking meta.
0 likesmore please
0 likesReplies (1)
Your profile pic is the screensaver for my lock screen on my phone.
0 likesHay man really like the vids but i think its missing something. Like more cut scenes or someone to bounce off of during the comedy bits. Also i think the show could do whit an opening intro. Sort of like your logo or something like that just a friendly suggestion or two if it helps.!
0 likesI miss these
1 likego home bloops, you're drunk
0 likeswhere did you get the cinnabon cereal?
0 likesI thought Jerry celebrated Kwanzaa.
0 likesOlde Tyme Pretzels. Seems legit.
0 likesman i love ur madness lol
0 likes4:15 Fozzie! How could you!?
0 likesJiNgLe BaLlS jInGlE BaLlS JiNgLe bAlLs.... no wait I mean Jingle bel- ahhh screw it.
0 likesJerry, Gary Busey's farts.
0 likesthe new games are good, kinda
0 likes4:08 Freddy Fazbear, what are you doing here? O_O
0 likesThumbs up for pretzels
0 likesi really like kevin :) and jerry
0 likesThe dislikes might be because this kind of comedy can be very polarizing, you either love it, or you . . .well, don't. I personally do not. I think it can get a little repetitive for my taste, but I am not going to leave any of those stupid comments like wish I had my time back or something because I am still going to appreciate the time that was used to make this and I see others find it funny. I just wanted to give you a different view with out being offensive.
0 likesor maybe it Jerry bloop acting as Kevin =D
0 likesamazing
0 likesYou look like a Swedish rapper, just tought I should say it.
0 likesYou broke character. D:
0 likesO.O WTF? jerry bloop isnt real? *mind exploded*
0 likesi want to like it, its just too stupid and silly for me
0 likesMOAR
0 likesdafuq am i still watching?
0 likeslol wraped in tin fiol
0 likeswhere is Mr. Domino?
0 likes<3
0 likesLOL
0 likesAll the new games suck!!
0 likesAW YIS
0 likeswhat the fuck
0 likesYea i got this video link from v sauce and i don't think you know what your doing.. Your trying way to hard to be funny and make jokes its really sad
0 likesoh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh