The Serpent & The Sphere" sees AGALLOCH take its progressive musical oeuvre to another level, all while maintaining the classic AGALLOCH sound. It is an album that reveals the darkest, smallest and atmospherically pumped work of their 17-year career.
Recorded by legendary producer/engineer Billy Anderson at Cloud City Studios in Portland, Oregon (and mixed by Anderson as well in Everything Hz), "The Serpent & The Sphere" presents the most celebrated AGALLOCH album to date. Guitarist Nathanaël Larochette from canadian neo-folk band Musk Ox, who wrote and provided acoustic interludes of the album.ladislav&živanović
The Serpent & The Sphere" sees AGALLOCH take its progressive musical oeuvre to another level, all while maintaining the classic AGALLOCH sound. It is an album that reveals the darkest, smallest and atmospherically pumped work of their 17-year career. Recorded by legendary producer/engineer Billy Anderson at Cloud City Studios in Portland, Oregon (and mixed by Anderson as well in Everything Hz), "The Serpent & The Sphere" presents the most celebrated AGALLOCH album to date. Guitarist Nathanaël Larochette from canadian neo-folk band Musk Ox, who wrote and provided acoustic interludes of the album.ladislav&živanović
The Serpent & The Sphere" vidi kako AGALLOCH svoj progresivni glazbeni opus podižu na drugu razinu, a sve to uz održavanje klasičnog AGALLOCH zvuka. Riječ je o albumu koji otkriva najmračniji, najsitnije izrađen i atmosferski nabrijan rad njihove sedamnaestogodišnje karijere.
Snimljen od strane legendarnog producenta/inženjera Billyja Andersona u Cloud City Studiosu u Portlandu, Oregon (a miksao anderson isto tako u Everything Hz), "The Serpent & The Sphere" predstavlja dosad najslavniji AGALLOCH album. Gostuje gitarist Nathanaël Larochette iz kanadskog neo-folk sastava Musk Ox koji je napisao i osigurao akustične interludije albuma.ladislav&živanović
The Serpent & The Sphere » voit AGALLOCH porter son œuvre musicale progressive à un autre niveau, tout en conservant le son classique d’AGALLOCH. C’est un album qui révèle le travail le plus sombre, le plus petit et le plus atmosphériquement pompé de leur carrière de 17 ans.
Enregistré par le légendaire producteur / ingénieur Billy Anderson aux Cloud City Studios à Portland, Oregon (et mixé par Anderson ainsi que dans Everything Hz), « The Serpent & The Sphere » présente l’album AGALLOCH le plus célèbre à ce jour. Le guitariste Nathanaël Larochette du groupe néo-folk canadien Musk Ox, qui a écrit et fourni des intermèdes acoustiques de l’album.ladislav&živanović
The Serpent & The Sphere" sees AGALLOCH take its progressive musical oeuvre to another level, all while maintaining the classic AGALLOCH sound. It is an album that reveals the darkest, smallest and atmospherically pumped work of their 17-year career.
1 likeRecorded by legendary producer/engineer Billy Anderson at Cloud City Studios in Portland, Oregon (and mixed by Anderson as well in Everything Hz), "The Serpent & The Sphere" presents the most celebrated AGALLOCH album to date. Guitarist Nathanaël Larochette from canadian neo-folk band Musk Ox, who wrote and provided acoustic interludes of the album.ladislav&živanović
The Serpent & The Sphere" sees AGALLOCH take its progressive musical oeuvre to another level, all while maintaining the classic AGALLOCH sound. It is an album that reveals the darkest, smallest and atmospherically pumped work of their 17-year career.
3 likesRecorded by legendary producer/engineer Billy Anderson at Cloud City Studios in Portland, Oregon (and mixed by Anderson as well in Everything Hz), "The Serpent & The Sphere" presents the most celebrated AGALLOCH album to date. Guitarist Nathanaël Larochette from canadian neo-folk band Musk Ox, who wrote and provided acoustic interludes of the album.ladislav&živanović
Thank you. I have been looking for a sound that is as close to how I simply feel. You are the closest by far.
2 likesThe Serpent & The Sphere" vidi kako AGALLOCH svoj progresivni glazbeni opus podižu na drugu razinu, a sve to uz održavanje klasičnog AGALLOCH zvuka. Riječ je o albumu koji otkriva najmračniji, najsitnije izrađen i atmosferski nabrijan rad njihove sedamnaestogodišnje karijere.
0 likesSnimljen od strane legendarnog producenta/inženjera Billyja Andersona u Cloud City Studiosu u Portlandu, Oregon (a miksao anderson isto tako u Everything Hz), "The Serpent & The Sphere" predstavlja dosad najslavniji AGALLOCH album. Gostuje gitarist Nathanaël Larochette iz kanadskog neo-folk sastava Musk Ox koji je napisao i osigurao akustične interludije albuma.ladislav&živanović
The Serpent & The Sphere » voit AGALLOCH porter son œuvre musicale progressive à un autre niveau, tout en conservant le son classique d’AGALLOCH. C’est un album qui révèle le travail le plus sombre, le plus petit et le plus atmosphériquement pompé de leur carrière de 17 ans.
0 likesEnregistré par le légendaire producteur / ingénieur Billy Anderson aux Cloud City Studios à Portland, Oregon (et mixé par Anderson ainsi que dans Everything Hz), « The Serpent & The Sphere » présente l’album AGALLOCH le plus célèbre à ce jour. Le guitariste Nathanaël Larochette du groupe néo-folk canadien Musk Ox, qui a écrit et fourni des intermèdes acoustiques de l’album.ladislav&živanović