lots of people are suggesting starlight, and that's a great idea! i imagine being headmare keeps her busy, but that's what's so great about a dream team: even people who can only dreamwalk occasionally are still valuable to the team!
Sorry what are you going to review legends of ever free you’ve already done the other request or a girls movies where is Will do legends of ever free in the rest of the min movies
Personally, I want Sunset from the human world to be replaced by that natives Sunset, 1, fully separating the shows/movies. 2 allowing sunset to replace celestias roll and twilight taking on lunas. But maybe that’s just cuz of the sun on her flank lmao.
So In Season two in the first episode, the door of the secret vault thingy had a picture of one sun and SIX moons, so the idea of teamwork and handling the dream realm can maybe actually work, between SIX ponies.
Roles of the ponies?
1.Open and close realms to different ponies dreams 2.Fighting off nightmares 3.Emotionally healing the victim
And to top it off, two groups of three, taking shifts or turns!
But possible. And if talking about the certain ponies needed to do that, Star Swirl, Rainbow Dash, Discord (maybe just maybe), the cutie mark crusaders (poor selection, but maybe!). And maybe even creatures who appeared in the show like Zecora Tartarus characters
Changeling characters Griffonstone characters
There is a chance that we might actually get to see it. The season 10 comic book series. They have confirmed 26 volumes. So they are going to try to release 2-3 per year. 8-13 years. So who knows if it is good we might see season 11 in comic books
I don't think Starlight would rule the night. She also have important duty - ruling the school of friendship, which is difficult, full-day(and night) job.
i mean i suggest starlight glimmer she's cool and responsible and i suggest sunset shimmer and starlight glimmer in the dream team i mean look at it from this point sunset shimmer in the equestria girls sunset was being tested by the princesses of equestria to become an alicorn that's why sunset tranformed into an alicorn in the movie the friendship games at the end because she reached the end of her studies and i think princess twilight transformed sunset that's why i thinks sunset shimmer and starlight glimmer would be good for the dream team and for the job
There's a fanfic that revolves around Luna improving and teaching the tantibus to help her run the dream world,I won't spoil to much but it's on fimfiction,if I remember it's called tantibus mkII (if I spelled it right)
Just you saying " I can imagine how the first night would go terribly wrong " gets my imagination going on what a great episode premise that would be! 😍😋
Hello Brony Notion! I love your videos and watch them so often! Can you make a video about why Sombra is so... well... shadowey? I’m really curious about that!
Ok im to lazy to look this up but this .might be a good topic look at twilights mark she has her pink star five white stars around it representing rainbow dash flutershy rarity pinkypie and applejack but........ if u look close there is a big white star behind twilights
The thing is I think luna is still dream walking u said it leaves her tired but she doesn't sleep at night she sleeps In day we sleep at night so therefore it makes sense for her to be tired
this may be unrelated but, what if discord was a mismash of parts because he did spread chaos not just equestria but to other kingdoms! the dragon tail can represent that discord has been to the dragon lands and the bird claw can represent that his has been to griffonstone etc...maybe that's why discord has a pegasus wing before we can see it appear! plz read this I think this is the best idea I ever came up with
Insert a name2020-04-06 01:48:09 (edited 2020-04-06 01:48:42 )
Well, maybe Starlight would teach Furry heart how to dream walk, sense she is a pure Alicorn, but she is not a dream pony, but maybe she is part star pony, because she is related to Twilight and Star ponies are close enough to dream ponies.
No one, there's no need for a nee dreemwalker. Or a new, suprisingly talented pony that will be another rescue case for twilight before they get asigned to dreams.
Make a theory about human sunset , because we know where pony sunset is , she is in human equestria , and she didn't meet human sunset , we didn't even get to see human sunset
Starlight would be great! Considering how magically powerful she is and since she’s almost like Twilight she studies a lot, so she could be Luna’s replacement, Sunburst looks promising as well but maybe his Sun themed name and cutie mark would make it a little contradicting? I dunno XD
What about sunset she would be amazing at it after all her name is SUNSET and she would be perfect Mach for it so if she was walking in the dreams she could say don’t worry it’s just a dream there was worse things out there
I think I know who protected dreams before Luna returned from her banishment. Changelings! 1) Changelings are good with mind magic (Chrysalis mind-controlled Shining Armor). 2) Changeling invasion's timing. Why they didn't invade before? Because they ate love from inside dreams, and destroyed any competition (i.e. nightmare-born creatures) and maintained ponies' happiness (i.e. no love during unhappy dreams). When Luna returned, she kicked them away due to confusing them with rogue nightmare-born creatures. With no source of food and power, Chrysalis decided to fulfill her ambition in another way. 3) Luna's absence during invasion. The reason: changelings made diversion attack in the dreams, she was busy fighting them.
4) In "To Where and Back Again", Luna was literally dragged away from Starlight's dream by changelings.
For My Little Ponies and you don't pay attention to the show you need to understand that Luna's never will you play Sweet Dream walking number one it's because no other Pony could use her magic number one she's an alicorn it's not easy to become an Alicorn number to Luna is the only one who can probably dreamwalk and you're right Twilight Zone young dream walk at night to lose probably still going to do it Sushi Kaiten probably enjoys that if you get enough rest in the day she doesn't night tonight so why did she sleep at day don't think logically when you going to come to My Little Pony think about the edge of the water that goes with the show every cutie mark is different and not driven desert Alan will Luna's was with a moon that means you have to complete power over the Dreamworld that probably means no other ponies ever going to take over her job
Luna’s dreamwalking job can give to starlight glimmer,for the future it should be moondancer,for celestias job it can be sunburst or...sunset shimmer,flurry’s job...well maybe the future-
Sawtooth Waves I agree! Maybe since Starlight and Rainbow Dash are unicorn, and pegasus, they could work together and help young fouls, buuuut, here's the real question Sawtooth... How exactly IS Starlight going to work on being headmare, AND work the dream realm with Rainbow Dash???? Please reply if you know Sawtooth Waves! (BTW, I'm subbed!!)
I think a pony like Pinkie would find an easier time moving around in the dream world since she is a lucid dreamer, although the same could be said for Rainbow dash
Btw I wanna know more about the new 6 nobody asked about them like what do they do now what have they become? like which adventures they had or u know which villains they fought except we only saw Gallus as one of the guards. Everyone should start a topic on them!
What if starlight with rainbow dash and i guess discord (for opening up portals and helpibg rainbowdash fight) starlight is wise... the school? She is headmare but she has sunburst... and if she needs a day off.... rainbow dash can do the comforting... and discord (I mean he is the lord of chaos) can fight the bad guys... and lets say a little help from someone i don't know can you think of someone??? And to support starlight Luna mentioned "I see a lot of me in you Starlight..." i think thats what she said anyway thanks
Haha no...... she will be the Princess of Light ruling side by side with Princess Cadance the Princess of Love... and the crystal heart produces Light and Love.... Search the video sawtooth waves did about what princess is flurry
Yeah I think it would be Starswirl who would teach starlight to open the door to the dream world and then rainbow 🌈 dash would deal with the conflict until she finds someone up to the job. For the emotions I think flutter shy would be perfect. 1. She doesn’t really have a busy life. 2. She is very sentimental and would understand other ponies feelings. The only thing I would worry about would be flutter shy getting to scared to even talk with the ponies. Like this if you agree!
I think it'll be Starlight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Fluttershy can help with dreams like where someone's being chased or they're being attacked by some kind of animal. Rainbow Dash could help ones related to the Everfree Forest and monsters (for the time being), and Starlight could help with more emotional ones, though Fluttershy could do that too. Not sure how it'd work for pegasi, but if they could find a way to make it work.
I say is going to be crazy but give me a chance okay so we both know Starlight when is it be in something right so maybe Starlight could be the dreamwalker first of all the reason why I'm saying this is because first Chief counselor of the school of friendship mean she has some advice and she helps other ponies to I mean Starlight she hasn't really been in the series but then again she has but one point is she and she's just a cancel out the school meaning she can be way more like a dream Walker cuz the other six like what if something happened and they need to be busy but they're too busy inside someone's dream it's a very confident Pony and she can really help out with this but think about it she could really help out with this when she always want to play since he seems like she's always Boris I mean unless he's not really busy at night
I don't think that Starlight took over dream walking!! Because she has full responsibility at school of friendship and Friendship problems too!! If Starlight took over dream walking then she will be exhausted!! I don't remember that episode!!But she will be exhausted like when she was with Trixie and took her angry in abottle at whatever that episode!!!
it isn't confirmed that starlight still is headmare . I know that she was in the school in the song , but it is possible the school became her home .We know the school had student well , rooms it is possible they have rooms for future headmare's . That also explains why there will not be a room for twillight she already had a castle and it was made pretty clear when she became a alicorn that she was expected to take over after celestia and luna retire .
Luna is retired but she still might be doing it this is because shes the only one who can actully do this when twilight took the princesses magic we saw her NOT dreamwalking luna can't do this without her magic that's my theory
@Mohamad Kodami yea think on it hard if twilight were able to turn into midnight sparkle eithear celesta and Luna may take over agian or the elements sent her to the stars
I think Luna may not be replaced because nopony's destiny is to raise the moon and walk in dreams. If replaced, only any one of Luna's daughters maybe replaced.
No. Not only is Starlight busy but she's one of the worst possible choices. Dreamwalking requires patience and empathy and those are Starlight's worst qualities. Starlight is a leader who get's stuff done. She is good at giving commands, not advice. Luna was always very patient and empathetic. To the point where she sometimes forgets her princesshood and far more prefers interacting with ponies she knows unlike her sister who feels just as comfortable around strangers.
I thought only Luna have the power to dream work she gave the crown to twilight but she didn't give the cutie mark so she have the cutie mark so she can do dream wapking
What if there are two ponies going in the dreams,As in Luna would only do it sometimes and maybe someone else would do it most of the time.When the pony gets tired too much then he/she would contact Luna to run the night shift.By the pony I meant who does the night shift most of the time
I think Sunset Shimmer would be a great dreamwalker. In fact, she kind of already dreamwalked before, minus the fact that it didn't involve dreams. But dreams are still thoughts in someone's mind, just while asleep, so I'm sure that Sunset could use her mind reading powers to enter dreams too. Anyway, in Legend of Everfree, Sunset used her mind reading powers to understand Twilight's fears and was very supportive to her. That's why she's commonly known by the fandom as the Element of Empathy, and empathy is a must-have quality for dreamwalking. Sunset even used her powers to bring the other Equestria Girls into Twilight's mind to help encourage her, very similar to a dream team.
Starlight and starswerl,I think these two ponies are in same family because both's names are starts with "STAR" word and both are the unicorns but there magical powers are more than a allicorn because in the season 5 episode 25 & 26 twilight can't stop the starlight, she only can reform the starlight, she cannot defiet starlight
Black Unicorn starlight fully proved her self to be significantly more powerful than twilight (an alicorn) in the season 5 finale. Twilight literally says she was weaker than starlight. She may not be an alicorn but she’s definitely powerful enough
Black Unicorn If Starlight hadn’t been manipulated by Cozy Glow she could have easily gone and done with Cozy. Starlight has a lot more knowledge then Twilight alone.
Black Unicorn but maybe one day she becomes powerful enough to raise the moon also sunset realizes she belongs in the pony world and becomes the one to be raising the sun maybe they can become princess’s but not rule equestria they become the side rulers of equestria like luna to help twilight raise the sun and moon
They were both evil and here name does have star in the biggining but what does luna even mean if it has something to do with moon or something like that then that could be a no because CaRtOoN lOgIc
Black unicorn she is really powerful so I don't think that matters and a alicorn is a pegasus and unicorn sure a alicorn has all not only those 2 but still I think it's perfect
@Ophelia twilight is strong if she doesn't hold back. She wants to prove friendship can fix anything, that's why we don't see her do many complex spells
@•Miso Soo• But she would be way to busy to do that and she would probably have a squadron of people that she would rotate nights or specialize in certain things
I think that for a while no one will walk on dreams till twilight finishes training starlight and turns her into an alicorn and princess hiving her the reponsability of the moon ,STARS(STARlight) and dreams and they will rule tigger her as friends . if you don’t like my idea I really don’t care but I stand by it
@Black Unicorn So? Ok if she cant do that Why does Luna not teach her? Starlight surely is pretty powerfull in case of magic. So theres a 69% of starlight being the moonwalker, because she's principal of the friendship school WITH Sunburst so she sure has some time to run the school. And in the last EP of season 9 her hair was all messy, Probably because she was awake al noght
@Black Unicorn Well She doesn't need to be an Alicorn as in one Episode she had Done spells with Twilight and it Concludes that she Has the Same Knowledge of Magic as Starswirl or Twilight and maybe she has more talent That she might have not Uncovered But it might be true I'm an Episode we saw that she was Able to remove the cutie marks of Pony's so SHE WAS ABLE TO REMOVE THE DESTINY OF OTHERS AND REPLACE IT! this might Conclude they she has more Magic that Starswirl, Luna,Celestia,Cadence and Twilight! now The reason is that we have NEVER seen any of These Pony's do a Destiny changing spell not even Twilight had learnt that as for Celestia we all know that she was Twilight's Mentor and Guider BUT Celestia would have tought Twilight how to do a Destiny changing spell if she knew it now for the other two princesses well it's clear for some people why but let me Explain it's very easy as Cadance's Destiny was to spread love not Education and same for Luna her destiny was to Rule the night and control dreams so her destiny has nothing to do with Destiny or Education other then Twilight or Starswirl but these two could have done less Education that Starlight so it could be true that might be the next person to walk in dreams and rule the night But one thing still remains......... Who will be the new Councilor of the school well I think I know who.............. I've done my research and the Answer could be..............SUNBURST well think about it Sunburst is also known as a wizard so ofcourse he studied magic I mean we can tell by his home😑 but he would be great at giving advice or helping others and anyway he hasn't come in the show for a while now...... It's time he starts working for his and Equestria's good I mean how does he even get the money for his food, Clothes and BOOKS 📚📚 📚📚 so yeah that's my theory on what will happen Ty for everyone reading and having time for it 😊🥺🥺🥺😎😎✌️✌️✌️🌺🌺🌺
Becuz she's so stress ful for something she don't know and that turn her into evil and Luna feel the same way she thought no pony like her becuz she's out of place and starlight is busy rulling the school
@KiaraLime she has a Counselor, you doesn’t have to work in the Dream realm all the time! Maybe occasionally swapping out with Rainbow dash like what Sawtooth said! A DREAM TEAM!
@Black Unicorn so she’s almost just as powerful as twilight and she’s a alicorn. You don’t need to be a alicorn to have just as much or maybe even more magic just look at star swirl, he was celestia and luna’s mentor as he said in shadow play alicorns just get more magic naturally
@Black Unicorn she is powerful and most likely she is gonna be an Alicorn cuz she is powerful enough to create her own magic so she can be the replacement for Luna or like the vid said it can also be a dream team
@Black Unicorn Well that doesn't nessarcily mean Luna can't give her the power to dream walk. Starlight has the magical ability's and is good with emotions so i think she'd be the best choice for dream walking.
@Black Unicorn and? Rainbow Dash is not an Alicorn nether. She is a PEGASUS. But Starlight still have a horn and she can make magic, so that means that she could learn how to make Luna’s job and then Luna would be replaced by her, or maybe she will still have the help of Rainbow Dash or a team with her or she will work alone. TA-DA!
@Black Unicorn yes but u see her magical power. she can change the destiny of everyone and retire Cutie Mark. so Luna can learn to Starlight Glimmer how to do
What she meant was that she saw how starlight wanted to rule over a village, and how she’s so afraid to rule. Luna wanted to rule all of equestria, then she was scared of turning into nightmare moon again
@Kay I think it can work because there are many creatures in MLP that are capable of running the school and who would most likely be willing to take on that responsibility. I think Starlight dream walking makes most sense because we already know she can use magic to fly, she has experience traveling through time so opening portals might be well within her abilities, and we’ve seen she does a good job at handling others conflicts.
Starlight’s magic is really powerful, the proof is she can replace pony’s cutie mark and she can travel through time. I think LUNA will teach her HOW, then, she can dream walking like LUNA. But, there is another problem. Starlight is also running the school of friendship. So the only possibility option that I think will be fitting is she will ask ANOTHER pony to replace her. Maybe it’s Sunburst, if so, I think that they need to change a little bit. Like, Sunburst will take care of the school, but whenever Starlight come to the school of friendship, she can be in charge too. So, if that happen : - Twilight can just rule and running the day and night. - the school can still running - there will still be dream walking - Starlight won’t have to be awake all day It can be wrong, but I think that’s it, that’s what happen AFTER Twilight’s conation.
@MOVED Uhh, Idk if someone responsible you but, remember when Starlight's old village sent an invitation for Starlight? So she she had a dream abt her old village and Luna was there and bla bla bla, they were talking and then Luna said "I see me in you Starlight"
@Black Unicorn Well she has shown to be more powerful then both Luna and Celsatia, she banished Discord which was something the sisters was not capabel of AND she has the abilaty to change destiny. Starlight is pretty much the most powerful pony we have seen.
True because when he did that theroy when she invented apple blumes dream and he said that starlight invaded the dream world so she'll be able to take Luna's hob
That could be a possibility but Fluttershy would also be really good because she understands people like no one else and she's very caring does she still want to be able to fight so maybe rainbow dash and Fluttershy work together
I really thought that Discord could have been a perfect example for a dream walker, he is capable of magic, emotional support, physical fighting. He has been through situations similar to dream walking! And I think he would be a perfect example for ponies dealing with difficulties with fears and dreams.
A lot of people in the comment mentioned Starlight Glimmer, but did y’all really forget Moondancer? Her cutie mark is literally the Moon with sparkles around it, just like Twilight’s. I’m expecting her return soon.
Ella Slawson2020-08-08 14:00:50 (edited 2020-08-08 14:02:37 )
Here’s another theory... We never see Starlight in the end because “she’s running the school” but what if she were to become a princess like twilight and be princess of dreams or stars i don’t really know but that may be a possibility Also Luna said I see myself in you maybe she was actually thinking about her taking over for her one day in the dream walking business
@Nguyen Chu Anh Khoi yes. And I think what Princess Luna meant when she said she sees herself in Starlight was that they are in the same boat. Being villains in the past and then redempting their selves.
This is a bit far fetched, but I actually think that Starlight watches the dream world now. If she’s not working at the school, she’s giving people advice in there dreams in the form of Luna’s dream walking. Starlight is so wise, and she’s a unicorn soooo. There are some gaps like how is she not grumpy at school, but Sunburst is there also, so I actually think this is a possibility.
The problem I have with starlight as the dream walker is her loyalties. Meaning if she finds someone she doesn't like dreaming. She might give them a nightmare which is bad.
Same here, and I like Starlight being the succesor of Luna, she has the attitude for it, the strenght, and of course magic power, and I remeber in the episode "to where and back again" Luna told Starlight that she saw much of her self in her.
Well I think that Starlight has to run the school pretty much all the time, even if she does have some help. Heck, that’s EXACTLY what Celestia did. She ran equestria with some help from Luna, and other important ponies. And we know that Celestia just can’t do the dream realm. So I don’t think it will be starlight.
yeah that makes more sense and also, her name is Star light after all stars appear at night just like the moon. She has to at least be part of the Dream Team
Thats exatly what I was thinking. Not only does Starlight show the magical potential but also the physical potential as well. (The major battle between Starlight and Chrysilis, remember?) She demonsrates the empathic aspect as well. I also think of Starlight as a bit of Twilight’s “right hoof man” in the series, like when she took on the role of headmaster of Twilight’s school.
@Toad256 I seriously, seriously doubt she's that petty, especially not now. Starlight post-reformation has never been shown to be greatly resentful to anyone -- certainly not to a degree that would warrant such retaliation.
Also, she has nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing that. Think of it: she's risen incredibly far up from where she started; she's gained trust from not only the Princesses and the Elements, but also everyone around her... but despite all that she still was a villain. A little scandal could bring her crashing down. Imagine if ponies started going about how Starlight gave them nightmares out of spite, and that news got around. Imagine if Starlight had to admit to it all in front of Twilight. She'd be bucked all the way back to square minus-1, and had to rebuild her life again!
Starlight can't be that resentful, not just because of how empathetic she's become in the present, but also because she should be clever enough to figure out that that would do her no good in the long run.
Sabrina Goldring I don’t think so, cadence is the princess of love, and I don’t see love being a major issue in dreams. It is possible she is part of this hypothetical dream team, but honestly she doesn’t fit the role. Also Luna said it herself that she and Starlight have a lot in common.
As head mare, it would be difficult to struggle but c’mon. She’s got Sunburst and Trixie, some of the most powerful and wise ponies she knows that could easily cover for her. As we saw in Marks for effort, counselor job doesn’t have a bunch of work and Trixie could cover for Starlight.
they should off ripped away shitlight glimmers magic as pajnfuIIy as possible. injuected her with raybies and lokced her in a dungin cell with a dirty waterfall and dirty river runing thru it. and watterbored her everyday and if the watterborreding kjIIs her my oc can use magic to bring her back to life so she can dje more sIowIy and pajnfuIIy from the raybies. oviously use levatashion to watterbored her from a safe distince so she cant bite and infact them. and anyone can come down and throw water ballons and accjd baloons at her and sqwirt her with waterguns thru the barrs. and laff at her and mock her and $pjtt at her and throw $hjtt and pj$$ at her. and shell be covvered in bI00d and briuses from banging agianst the walls and the barrs durring the terrifying hallusinashions caused by the rabbies and trying to ecscape. and evryone laffs and mocks her even more. and their are cammeras hidden aruond the cell reccording and liverstreeming her slow excrushiatingly pajnfuIIdeath so anyone can watch from anywere if it to inconveniant to go see her in reel life to rellish in her missarry. and mmake her eat 5hjt and moldy and rottin food and make her drink hier own bI00d and mukis. And colect the foam comming out of her mounth into a jar and poar it into her eyes mixed whith floroanimantic accjd. And covver the floor in gympie gympie leafs and bulliet ants. and make hrer eat those to. and stick some of the leafs up her nose and ears. and maybe stick some of the leafs under her eyellids and leave them their for awhile before porring the accjd in. and when finnaly shedies my oc can resierect her and give her corollavires 19 and a magic helth bubble arond evry one else so they wont catch it when they laff in her face and jear at her. And shoove a ventalatiur down her throyte without annathsesha and user his magic to make shure she stay alive for along time so she can fell all the pajn. my oc can keep ressirecting her over and over agien so she can be severly torchered toodeath over and over agein in differint ways for all eternaty becuz my oc Prince Justice Firestorm is immortil and litrally everyone for the rest of eternity can enjoy and delite in her nonstop aggiany and dance to her aggenized screems. lol i haved to spiell alot of things wrong to confusion the yuotube sensors ship bots so they dont doleete my commints to sepress the truth abuout shitlight glimmer like the commas they are.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Sawtooth! I like the idea of a "dream team" watching over the dreamers of Equestria. I wish they'd included something like that in the show. It certainly would have lightened Luna's workload a little. She'd get to have dreamwalking assistants similar to how Celestia has her own staff to help with her royal duties.
at first I was thinking starlight because of how powerful she is, I feel she has the potential on learning how to do luna's job, she's strong and possibly has the ability to comfort people or give advice. I mean she did change the past, being this advanced it really is a possibility. actually scratch that, she has a full job as headmare
The whole notion of Luna retiring was kind of weird to me. Celestia I get, she's been ruling for over a thousand years, but Luna was essentially reborn and she decides to retire after 5 or so years? Yeah, dreamwalking may be very hard work, but seriously 5 years? Luna should still be an active princess. Besides, she's great, I lover her, who doesnt, even the citizens love her now, why leave after only five years?
Seriously? Luna's been ruling equestria for years along side celestia and celestia is also 10 000 years old or more luna might be younger but that still means she's ruled for a long time too. Besides if Luna immediately took over the night shift just after being re born back to her old self would mean that she already has experience that she indeed knows what she is doing, and by the way according to Google alicorns age 1 year after 50 or more years since she is taller and has bigger wings and flowing hair means she's ruled for as long as celestia has since it takes quite some time to acquire that. Notice how their also in the founding of equestria, and that was countless moons ago says that they've been ruling for more than 10 000 years. How do you not know that?!
@Navillea celestia celebrated her 1111 sun rise in one of the episodes that means she must be younger than 1120 because it's clear that ponies find thier special talent at a young age, meaning luna (the younger sister) couldn't have been rulling for more than 100 years
bad lie2020-03-21 10:30:32 (edited 2020-03-21 10:31:28 )
i believe dreamwalking is a way harder job for her than we think. after all, she always has a probability to turn into Nightmare Moon, if negative emotions are prevail. it's hard by itself to fight with other ponies' nightmares, and it's even harder for Luna, because at the same time she must control herself every moment. so maybe this is the reason why princesses' have retired so soon ater NM's defeat, because she might come back.
@Navillea google also says "Celestia and Queen Novo married, and they have a son, Prince Sorath. Celestia is also the step-mom of Princess Skystar." But do the math yourself if celestia raised the sun for 1111 years and ponies find their special tallen at no longer than about 10 years of age that means celestia is aboit 1120 years old
And remember luna didn't RULE equestria during the 1000 years, so she could have ruled for much longer than 100 years
@Navillea 500 000 years? Wtf, how did you even get that number? Do you do math (let me help) Celestai raised the sun for 1 111 years and ponies find their special talent at younger than 10
1 111 + 10 = 1 121
Celestai is NOT older than that sooooooo she us NOT 10 000 not 50 000 not 500 000
@Navillea Sorry that I don't meet your expectations... I guess. Cool for you for taking the time to think about how long Luna has been a Princess, but how long must someone raise the moon every night and not find fulfillment before finally snapping and becoming Nightmare Moon? Everything is conveniently 1000 years ago. Yeah, it's ambiguous, but Tirek is banished to Tartarus, Sombra rises to power and is vanquished, the Pillars of Equestria come and go, Discord is trapped in stone, Luna is banished; it's all roughly around the same period of time. Yes, there is wiggle room, and writers make new things up for stories, such as Luna walking in dreams, but there doesn't seem to be much of an indication of her doing that before becoming Nightmare Moon, otherwise she probably would not have turned evil to begin with. From Luna's perspective, ponies never enjoyed the night she brought because they were sleeping, but she could have still found solace in dreamwalking and connecting with the ponies, something she wanted. Even if for some reason she only reigned for 100 years before finally breaking (personally, I'd be pretty disappointed within a year so good on her for lasting however long she did), I see 1000 years being banished and being reborn by the Elements of Harmony as a fresh start. Luna was basically trapped within Nightmare Moon having nothing to do (my evidence for this is when she expresses how much she missed Celestia, and Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker seem to be treated as different personalities), and after returning she then begins walking in dreams and is finally feeling fulfilled as a Princess. Luna keeps her memories and experiences, but she's ultimately refreshed and hasn't been at work for 1000 years, AKA, a really long break. I only watched the show, I never delved deeper into the lore, so if I missed something, fine (I doubt it's just as easy as Googling info though; way to use sources), but based off what we see in the show, which is what most people did, excuse me for finding it odd that after her return from being gone for 1000 years, and ruling for only 9 Seasons (however long or short that time was, and maybe really Season 2 is when she really began ruling again), she decides to retire. I'm not saying dreamwalking cannot be extraneous, but given her satisfaction in doing so, and caring for the ponies she visited, retiring after such a short time when she has a long life ahead of her seems odd. Yes, she can now spend time with Celestia without other responsibilities and explore the world she never really saw since she was always active at night, but that's what days off and vacations are for, right? Dreamwalking does not seem to be an essential thing to do necessarily since it seems to me that she never did so (or very infrequently did so) before becoming Nightmare Moon, and there isn't much indication of someone else doing so while she was away. A few nights here and there are not going to kill a pony if they have a nightmare... hopefully... but it is something she enjoys doing beyond believing it as her role as a reformed Princess of the Night. Is that ability shed after she retires? Continuing to dreamwalk after retirement kind of defeats the point. I'd argue that this is kind of all Luna has going for her. It may be the longest period of peace for Equestria, but it's really more to do with Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six (And was it really all that peaceful? What was Celestia doing for 1000 years before the Mane Six showed up?). We know Luna was more active defeating various foes, delegating, and whatnot but again, that was over 1000 years ago and she has not been active due to her banishment. Her time before is not irrelevant, but after all that time in between and again, I cannot stress this enough, her rebirth, however long her reign was before, these aren't good enough reasons for her to remain active after only a few years? It seems to me that she's more going along with Celestia just to be with her more, and because the writers wanted Twilight to rule, which makes sense for Twilight, but maybe doesn't make sense for Luna within the universe. Hopefully I've made it clear as to why I find Luna's decision to retire odd. It's just my interpretation, it's really not worth getting too worked up about, but it seemed pretty important to you and I felt I should at least explain myself better since it spawned a big thread.
@Navillea no Starswirl was Celestia and Lunas mentor when they are young. YOUNG. Starswirl was later banished but I think that that was before Celestia was even 100. If nightmare Moon was banished for about a thousand years then shouldn't the Pillars also only have been banished for about a thousand years as well? That makes Celestia over 1000 years old but definitely not over 2000 years old
Dark Warrior2020-03-22 05:19:31 (edited 2020-03-22 05:49:31 )
@Creativiz that's wat google said, and why you sould be careful when reading something on the internet
@Navillea 1 they are immortal they work with the same years as everypony And if they didn't they wouldn't use LONGER years, they would use SHORTER (dog years are longer because they die younger, alicorns are immortal so they would use shorter and NOT even be a thousand years old) 2 so what? 1111 was celebrated at one of the last seasons (8 I think) do you think that 9 thousand years pased in one season 3 no they don't what gave you that idea
I've read arguments both for and against S9, and both sides make valid, solid points. One side has made the great point that all the trials Twilight went through were to carefully craft her into a well rounded leader that could take over for Celestia and Luna. She had to make decisions, understand the role of a leader, and know when to make tough calls when needed. The other side made solid points against things, too. Since she became an alicorn, several people said Twilight would outlive her friends and turn into an expy of Celestia, and, multiple seasons later, those people were proven right with the final episode. Some felt they were lied to when it was stated by one of the show staff that Twilight wouldn't outlive her friends, yet that comment was quashed when it was said "the comment about Twilight not outliving her friends was never stated in the show."
The other side also made the valid argument about certain traits that made Twilight, "Twilight" being slowly taken away. One such trait was her "Twilighting."
**Spoiler: Opinion incoming. No one will like it**
To be honest, I wasn't fond of Celestia and Luna just "retiring" and giving things up to Twilight. I'll also state I wasn't fond of the ending episode or S9 in general. There were a handful of decent episodes, yet the ending felt really... awkward to say the least. Spike looks like a buff dude (someone kept calling him a total chad I think), Twilight looks like an expy Celestia from the flowing mane to the chest plate and such, and I, I'll just be blunt: the ending itself felt like a piece of bad fan-fiction where everyone got what they wanted.
Again, just me and an opinion, it might have been wise to end the show with the two parter. If they did have a final prologue episode, have the whole final episode focus on Twilight fearing the future, but her friends promising to be by her side no matter what. Anyways, just my two cents.
Is the gap between the first episode of the show and last episode really just 5 years before the time skip? It seems to me like 3 years at most (apple bloom did not have any noticeable physical growth so it may be even shorter unless it's like goten and trunks in dragon ball z to super....).
@Some Guy that uses the internet during the 9 seasons there has been 3 summer sun celebrations One in beginning of season 1, one in season 4 and one in season 9
The celebrations only happen once a years same withe hears and hoovs day, it only happen twice, each after a summer sun celebration, season 2 and season 7 Same as nightmare night, season 2 and season 5
Starlight Moon don’t say that that person dose not know that because what you don’t know is something very important the core if you don’t no that what you just said is WRONG but we’ll Luna does need some rest
@Navillea Ok so when Starswirl saw luna and Celestia again, he said that they grew so much. Meaning that the sisters were fairly short when Starswirl disappeared. Look at Twilight in the last problem. She was as tall a Celestia and the mane 5 were still alive. They aren't even as old a granny smith yet and granny smith is a lot younger than Celestia, proving that you can be as tall as Celestia before a hundred years (a hundred because that's the a bit more than the average lifespan of a human). This means that Celestia was definitely not even a hundred when Starswirl disappeared, meaning that she's definitely not over 2000 when Starswirl reappeared. Also Alicorns are just a really rare type of Ponies and shouldn't be separated from other ponies. It's not like they have a feature that makes them that much different. They shouldn't age differently (like numbers) than other ponies.
Also if you consider Alicorns different from other ponies, know that Twilight was a unicorn and (its not canon but) Cadence was a pegasus. It's not like adding wings or a horn would make them a different species therefore giving them their own aging system in numbers is just wrong in a way racist
@Navillea What? No. They just she slower than regular ponies and don't get wrinkles. They still go by pony years and are not like "Hay since this 100 year old person will live for a long time, let's say that for every 10 years we (regular people) live then she ages one year. THiS mAKeS hER 1000 YeARs oLd!"
@Navillea Maybe the entire land of equestria isn't that old. I mean there's a really good chance that Celestia and Luna came after the founding of equestria because Alicorns are ponies with all 3 groups of ponies mushed into one. Yes, in the Play they showed the Equestrian flag with the 2 sisters on it but it's probably because they don't have the first equestrian flag ever made.
Ok real life example. Take Canada for an example. Canada his been founded less than 155 years ago yet is a pretty important part of the economy and the world. You don't know if equestria is over 2000 years old so I'm gonna make an inference. We know that Starswirl was alive when equestria was founded, meaning that if he ages like a normal unicorn, than equestria would be younger than Starswirl which is less than 2000 years.
@Navillea For the last time. There is no "Alicorn years". Their just regular ponies with extra wings/a horn that happen to live longer than the average pony. They don't have their own aging system. Celestia is a bit over 1000 years old in Pony years not 10 000. Its like saying that one person is 100 years old but another person is 700 in OldEN aGe So for the last time if you think they are over 10 000 think of 2 things. Starswirl and That Alicorns are just normal ponies with extra wings and a horn and shouldn't have their own "Alicorn aging system"
@:D well then if you multiply it by 50 she's even older because she IS 10 000 YEARS OLD OR MORE you got that and I have better things to do than be annoyed by someone who can't stop nagging that their right ( aka *YOU*) go annoy someone else
@Navillea Ok but why would you multiply it by 50? She is 1111 in regular, everyday, human, pony years not some random "Alicorn Age" you found on some sort of shady website.
@Navillea but why would you multiply it? Celestia is a bit over 1000 years old and that's a base. You don't tell someone that your 10 and then their like "Oh! So your 500 years old!"
Luna was a great princess besides Celestia I mean Luna actually has fun with her subjects, especially in the Nightmare Night episode, she was having so much fun but Celestia gets too busy to even get outside of Canterlot
@Dark Warrior You know why don't you two just team up with each other Cause I was here because of false information about princess luna NOT because I wanted to start a fight! You're the one who started this in the first place NOT me! So why don't you crawl back under the hole you came out of and stop annoying people who have better things to do! And I was just defending my statement about Princess Luna, there are other matters worth talking about than a fictional characters age why can't you see that?!
@Navillea Chill out. We just wanted to correct you. If my friend told me that something I said was wrong I would honestly thank her for telling me instead of defending myself and staying blind
@Navillea your the one that keeps trying to defend your point and even went as far as insulting me (probably cus you ran out of excuses). I just wanted to correct you so you can have correct information in your head. It's not my fault you chose to stay blind about it
@Navillea just proves my point. Your insulting me while staying blind. It is canon that Celestia is 1111 years old, not 10 000. And there is no such thing as "Alicorn years". There is no reason to believe In "Alicorn years" and the "Every 50 years is 1 year for alicorns" formula. If anything, your the "hard-headed as a rock" person.
@Navillea did you even read my previous comment? I said that you were insulting me. What do you do the very next comment? Call me hard headed. Also If you want me to leave you alone, then simply stop commenting. Problem solved.
@Amana Wolf I totally agree with you. The time skip was a bit too soon and it went tok far into the future. They had great potential to show what alicorn life was like, and they also had great potential to show the actual real grogar
I honestly think Luna is still dream walking. When they said they were looking forward to R&R I think they meant from all the other princess duties. I don't think they retire from their talents ( after all it is what their cutie marks symbolize and what their meant to do) so I think they still raise and lower the sun and moon and dream walk or whatever.
Giggle at the Ghostie becomes a hit and no one gets nightmares anymore -- or if they do, they laugh at them. Or maybe Discord does it. He's bound to get bored otherwise and dreams tend to be rather chaotic. He would probably turn them into D&D games. If someone needs kind talking he'll bring in Fluttershy to do it. (like Celestia called Luna)
Just had a thought, what if Luna’s dream walking career started off as nightmare walking? From when she was nightmare moon maybe? During her reign as nightmare moon, she may have discovered the power to walk in dreams, and decided that she could use it for good when she turned back to normal.
Luna's dreamwalking felt more like a personal duty than a royal duty. Headcanon time!
Knowing how she suffered so many feelings of inadequacy and jealousy, and how letting said feelings fester and turn her into Nightmare Moon, she probably took it upon herself to watch over her subjects' dreams and nightmares, because that is where feelings and thoughts are at their most raw. She took it upon herself to try and guide suffering ponies through their pain, so they may not become the monster that she once was, to protect them and those around them. So I think either she CONTINUED Dreamwalking out of her own personal desire, or she sought out a replacement.
It would make sense, since what else there are for her to do, other than rising the moon. Although she had written the dreamwalking in the list in The Royal Problem, but I guess she wouldn't want to skip one night.
Just clone rainbow dash, simple solution. And then you only need one other pony to open the portals, I would love an army of rainbow dash battling my nightmares!
Question: what happens when we have like a team like you said, except one of the members grew jealous like Luna, maybe because he isn't being appreciated, or his job isn't important or relevant to the rest of his team's glory. This could lead to terrible consequences, not all friendships among the team work out the same way the mane 6's friendship work. Unlike Luna, as nightmare moon she brought eternal night, not dreamwalking. But what happens when one of the members of the team rebels? What would happen to Equestria's Day-Night balance? What if that member only started rebelling after Twilight's friends are gone? Then Princess Twilight is the only pony left that can stop it using her element of harmony, but then again it couldn't work because it also needs the mane 6 around. I have so many questions.
I think starlight is the one who is suitable to "be" luna, because starlight is brave and can emphatise with the ponies in the dreams. She's the one who can comfort other people.
I think that Starlight would be a really good pony for this! It’s fine if you guys don’t agree, but even though she sometimes has some problems with things, she ALWAYS gets a hold of things. Not only that, but he magic skill is through the roof.
When celestia had Luna’s cutie mark it was the only way for her to walk in dreams so I don’t think Luna would want to give up her magic of controlling the moon AND dream walking she probably keeps that job but if she does get replaced I think starlight would be the best choice
Yeah that'd be pretty much like amputating a leg when your a basketball player or giving away your special talent I'm pretty sure she would never do that
1. Flurry heart may be walking in Dreams since she's technically an alicorn.
2. Luna is the only one who can dream walk because of her cutie Mark so Luna still keeps dream walking and twillight raises the sun and does Celestias job and raise the moon.
My theory is that maybe there is a magical artifact that allows non unicorns/alicorns to open a portal to the dream realm, as there are magical artifacts that can open portals.
@Anjali Garg princess cadance might have chance to walk in dreams but she is not as good as luna, she is also a mother, she must protect her subjects and daughter more than dreamwalking because some nightmare cannot be beaten by her even if she is an alicorn.
Honestly, I feel like the pillars in and of themselves could be good candidates, Star Swirl does the portals and stuff, rockhoof and flash make sure that it is ok for mistmane, somnambula, or meadowbrook to go in and beat the emotional reason for the nightmare
I could see Discord loving dream-walking, seeing as how random and nonsensical dreams can be. Starlight Glimmer probably makes the most sense as having the magic as well as the temperament (she's a counselor at the school, and dream-walking seems just as much about therapy as it is about controlling dream monsters).
I like to think Luna continues Dream Walking because even though she's learned to forgive herself for being Nightmare Moon, she probably still feels the need to make up for it in positive ways, feels she owes everypony for 1000 years of her being evil even if she was locked away during that time. Do you have any idea the sense of obligation and responsibility that comes from remorse and guilt from doing something horrid? That feeling sticks with people for a long time. It's not always something we can just shake off, speaking from experience. And I believe Luna enjoys being able to help ponies and will still continue to watch over them in their dreams since she no longer has to raise the moon and the stars, put out lavender, and lower the moon. After all, if she's able to help them, now she's doing what she enjoys and making up for her crimes and feeling loved and appreciated.
Thanks for this one! I've ben wondering! Also I remembered I annoyed people in the fandom about asking how it went when Luna was banished, people were saying Celestia was doing the job or Luna wa doing it from the moon... except I thought she was banished AS NIGHTMARE MOON, I don't think NM would have done a protecting job... But you said at 1:00 "those 1000 years went well enough without her"... We didn't see many of these consequences but I believe that Starlight could have had nightmares to fuel her fear of loosing friends and her need to control... I strongly believe that if someone could have dreamwalked and helped her, none of this would have happened. Maybe others like Trouble Shoes or Moon Dancer...
What if Starlight is no longer headmare? As Luna said: “I see a lot of me in you, Starlight Glimmer.” What if Luna given this task to Starlight, and as you said, Rainbow. Starlight was a counsellor, so she could do the comforting, and Rainbow can fight. Starlight can also open the realm. What about the school? I think Sunburst got that covered. But this is just a theory.
@{ pebble } i agree starlight can get Luna job. no pony suitable than starlight.(Powerful Knowledge Friendship ).Rainbow and moon dancer also can as a team.
I can see that I can see starlight coming the Dreamwalker but oh so the push to meet new princesses so twilight deals with the real world and Starlight deals with the two realms
What do you mean by all of this again in you are the video I said this is Rob a video what you mean by all this seriously what do you mean by of it😊😊🤎 # love your videos💚
Starlight isn't really good at comforting. I don't think she would be great taking over Luna's job. And i think you need to have a lot of magic to do what Luna does, Starlight doesn't have Luna's magic
hear me out… what if the main six all help with the dream realm together ( maybe not with twilight but with spike) and then they'd get all the bad dreams done quicker so they'd be less tired so they can carry on with there lives ( also we have seen how well they work together) and they can all fight and be comforting and who doesn't trust the ponies who have saved our lives many times?
I think this is my favorite theory. Actually I kinda came up with something myself. I actually kinda hope Twilight is married with children herself (we obviously don't see proof but hey I am still shipping Flash Sentry with her) and one of them being a unicorn that helps. This isn't in full details yet but I am still working on it. Also my second choice is that Twilight is preparing that new pony from the last episode
Starlight could open the portals to the dream world since she has similar abilities to twilight, like you said rainbow dash could take care of the physical side of things, and I think either fluttershy or pinkie pie could deal with the emotional stuff if not both of them! Since fluttershy has the more calming effect pinkiepie has a more cheer ya up and smile effect.
Honestly I would imagine that Luna could make some sort of device to help someone traverse the dream realm like Celestua did when she gave Twilight the sun dial thing.
It is true that Starswirl could be ideal in leading a team, but at the same time, I doubt Luna would just step down. She would most likely go through a long transition period. Significantly longer than Celestia's, not least because Twilight was already mostly prepped as Celestia's replacement during her time in Ponyville. Luna once retired, would still be willing every once in a while get involved in Dreamwalking. While not her job anymore it would be likely to be a form of a hobby wanting to get involved and impart knowledge to whoever is now doing the job if anyone is.
As for who would be doing the Job. Rainbow and Applejack would make a good replacement between them but they have too much day work to do. It is, therefore, most likely that Luna has chosen her own dream walking replacement. One we may not know. Twilight inherited the responsibility of both, but not their actual power. Celestia can still do all her Alicorn stuff as can Luna. I imagine while retired, they could still lend a scholarly hand in advice, certainly until Twilight has full knowledge of everything she needs. And they will likely make trips around Equestria if only for the sake of being tourists before returning to the peace of their new home. Luna might pitch in of an odd dream when she's passing by one might and her replacement whoever that might be would be well trained. If I had to guess though, I would not overlook Moondancer as an unappreciated but possible Candidate. She is much like Twilight but without the full magical aptitude of the elements, and she too came to gain friendship. I think with some coaching, her and maybe her friends would become the Dream Team.
Well, I see that when she dream walks it's a safe space for her, so she does it in her meantime or just when she needs a place to calm down and calm down others
I've been thinking about this too and the pony I came up with is... Trixie... No, wait come back - I'm being serious. I love Starlight as a suggestion (she's my favourite pony) but, as people have said, she's busy running the School of Friendship. Yes, Trixie was given the Guidance Counsellor job there but I think becoming the official Dreamwalker is just like that - but on a much larger scale. The same traits that Starlight saw in Trixie when she gave her the Counsellor job are the ones that make her perfect for Luna's replacement.
I honestly think Luna would keep dream walking , but only when she's needed (like how she's called to dreams when needed (correct me if I'm wrong here-) ) she could still retire and relax most nights, and still do dream walking sometimes
Luna’s kind of magic I think is special to her, opening and then being able to leave by herself I mean. She could teach people how to open up a portal to the dream world where Twilight could then send people through to help out, once they’re done the others can pull them back out with a spell
Kaya Fraszczak well she already replaced the old twilight. And the new twilight has replaced celestia. So maybe the rest of the mane 6 will replace luna + and make their jobs. And so will have a timetable. Like on monday: rainbow Tuesday: fluttershy Anf so on. And then they will can rest for a day and the rest of the week would be dedicated to their jobs. ( wonderbolts, the farrn, the boutique and so on)
I think you missed the obvious solution of moondancer. If she was tutored by Starswirl and Luna, she might make an excellent leader of the Dream team, or even absorb all responsibilities at some point
You don't fully give up on something you've done for a lot of your life. Even if it's a job, you will still at times probably miss some aspects of it. I would say that Luna will still do it, but really will leave the actual job part, to the Dream Team. She would probably do it as a hobby more than anything.
According to me, the dream team is Fluttershy(to confront the dreaming ponies), Rainbow dash(for destroying the scary stuff in dreams), and discord(to open up portals).
I think that dream walking would continue, and have a dream team like you said. I think Starlight would be part of it. Maybe Rainbow Dash too. Maybe some of the Student Six too.
that's complicated 🤔 she seems to be done and i don't think she should rule against her will
Golden Horse2020-04-04 09:54:03 (edited 2020-04-04 09:56:44 )
@Sawtooth Waves .If you include t theory that Luna didnt sleepentering before start of the show she was rising the moon ang going to bed.She was sleepentering just for few years.She look lazy.
I think the crusaders would be the ones to walk in dreams, because out of what we saw, luna traveled through their dreams more than anyone which gave them a good connection with her and helping ponies is the crusaders thing
Maybe Luna (Or someone else) Could develop a spell where Luna's physical body could rest, while her conscious would be dream walking? I'm still unsure of this idea, because of mental stress.
What if Luna left part of her spirit in the dream realm. It'd be like her consciousness was left behind just for the sake of helping ponies. Kinda like how the pony of shadows that was left over from nightmare moon even after she'd been banished and reformed.
In your few theories, I saw a little detail of Starlight Glimmer herself INVADING Apple Blooms dream. More likely, before that, she couldve seen ponies dreams IN the dream world . My conclusion: She could very likely replace Luna to be in the dream world, guarding ponies that need mental love (like hugs, adorable quotes, etc.). As in the future she'd get older, and would probably be very lonely. Enter Twilight Sparkle giving her the idea she could replace princess Luna in the dream world. Think about that: Lunas job is to guard the dreams of ponies. Starlight would maybe get replaced by another secretary. She'd find out its best to listen to Twilight Sparkle. Thus, having enough power, she'd enter the dream world and do Luna's job. Hope this helped!
Ok, Sawtooth said a dream team could have someone to deal with the fighting, emotional, and travel parts. Here's what I'm thinking: Fighting: Rainbow Dash, Emotional: Fluttershy, and travel: Rarity. I know this isn't exactly canon but: in the MLP: FIM Obnibus Comics Volume 2, Star Swirl says he's too old to travel to other dimensions with Celestia anymore. This means he's still too old now to deal with the travel part. But, we know that you can teach any unicorn a spell, even if they aren't naturally good at that specific type of magic, from when Starlight, a gifted unicorn, taught Trixie, who's just a show pony, the teleportation spell. So, Star Swirl could teach Rarity the spell to travel into the dream realm, Rainbow would do whatever fighting is needed, while Fluttershy helps the pony overcome whatever problem they have. Boom.
What if Moon Dancer took over for Luna? Her cutie mark is a moon just like Luna’s If Moon Dancer took over for Luna that would explain the similarities in the designs of Twilight and Moon Dancer because it would make sense to design the replacements for the princesses similarly Also Luna means “Moon” in multiple languages so, Moon Dancer and Luna have similar names I would like this to be true since Moon Dancer hasn’t really been relevant or brought up in a while so, it would be nice for her to come up again.
Thank you , even she has the cutie mark of the moon , she’s used to working late at night , with great knowledge of magic . Since the moment Twilight saved her , she learned plenty of lessons from friends and family ,Also doesnt need to be powerful to do the job , just put a spell on an object like the clock to takr the jobs . Best of both worlds honestly
Yes, this is a great theory. But she has a lot more to learn about friendship and comforting which luna knows how to do. So if moon dancer really will be the next luna, she would have to go to twilight's school to learn about friendship first
Just like Starlight , though she has more friends than Starlight ever had so she seems like a better candidate from every angle except powerful magic which doesn’t really affect much if your reasoning and solving abilities are good
Yes unless the comics (season 10) say something else I consider the dream team to have 5 to 6 members: Twilight (honorary as sovereign), Starswirl, Moondancer and Discord as portal opener and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as emotional support ponies, others helping out as needed. (Specially Rarity could properly also learn the dream portal spell and Starlight can do it for sure so that are two more potential ponies for this job.)
Naomi Yappa exactly they will need someone that is loved by others, someone they can trust so that they have the confidence that she/he will help and protect them from nightmares but the possibility isn’t discarded because she could learn through years
it would probably be starlight since she's experienced handling dreams with both celestia and luna in a royal problem and many other things too. luna literally told starlight "i see a lot of me in you". how could i forget that? she is a powerful unicorn and she will probably be able to open portals (i watched sawtooth waves' video on how starlight invaded apple bloom's dream!), she has the strength to fight off evil, and she also can give great advice and emotional support since she used to be the guidance counselor in the school of friendship
I would say someone had been doing lunas dream walking during her time on the moon. I hight doubt that luna would have been the only pony that did dream walk during her rule.
I think maybe Starlight Glimmer could since she has strong magic, so much that it can rival an ALICORN who studied magic her whole life. I think Starlight could at least pull off the magic part since she hasn’t had too much of a comforting streak (unless plot demands it)
@moons moon Sunburst is there though. He can still take care of the school when she's not around, just like how Starlight did when Twilight had to go away for friendship missions.
I think the one who walks in dreams is Moon Dancer(twilight's friend from canterlot), I mean she's not that busy and great at magic. Her cutie mark is also pretty similar. Star Swirl can teach her how (or luna her self). While twilight raise the moon
Personally I think that it's silly that they retired anyway. Especially Luna. Celestia wanting a vacation makes sense. She did the work of 2 for at least a thousand years. But Luna spent most of that time in the moon. And as my comment implies a vacation not full on retiring. Especially when...let's be real twilight doesn't really have the...I'll put it like this. Twilight for most of her time as a princess is basically the head foreign affairs and runs a school outside the normal curriculum (ignoring that it makes way more sense for the school of friendship to be an after school program not a school all on its own).
Sunset Shimmer would be a great dreamwalker, in fact she already kind of is. Thanks to her mind reading powers, she could understand Sci-Twi's fears. She was very empathetic and supportive to Twilight, a perfect example of her qualities essential for a great dreamwalker. She even used her powers to bring the other Equestria Girls into Twilight's mind to help encourage Twilight to conquer her fears, similar to your dream team concept thing. A small problem with this is that Sunset doesn't really interact with dreams specifically. But dreams are still thoughts occurring in someone's mind, albeit while they're asleep. And you did say in another one of your theories that dreams take place in a different dimension and not in the person's mind, but the conscious mind is portrayed like it's a dimension too. She could be a daytime dreamwalker or something, but would that even be dreamwalking anymore? A bigger problem is that Sunset needs to physically touch the person to activate her powers. That would mean that Sunset would need to teleport inside every house during the night to check every dream, and I don't think anyone would be okay with her entering their houses every night. And finally, Sunset doesn't live in Equestria, she lives in the human world. Unless she could be the dreamwalker of that world? But of course that could never work at all.
I think rainbow dash can be dream walking because when the royal sisters announced they were retiring before Sombra, Rainbow dash asked if she could have Luna's powers of dream walking and Luna might have given it to her.
I know it's a messed up theory but it still could be posible. Right?
Maybe this fits your theory about starlight stalking everyone in their dreams to find a way to get revenge on twilight, maybe when she’s not running the school she goes to the dreams, or at least opens a pathway for whoever does get that job if they don’t possess the same magic she does
Year later and still want a spinoff series of dreamwalking.
Best Buddy2020-07-12 04:51:11 (edited 2021-04-30 11:24:30 )
My theory: even though the royal sisters retired and twilight is the new ruler of equestria, I still think Luna will be the one walking in dreams, celestia might not be in her realm thing, but she will still raise the sun and Luna will raise the moon, after they got their cutie marks, they should be doing their responsibilities, like everypony else, twilight is the princess of friendship and she has to spread friendship around equestria with her friends, just because Luna retired she wouldnt still be in charge of the dream realm
Edit: can everyone in the reply section please stop arguing- we all have our theories. It was never confirmed who walks on dreams now, or if they even walk on dreams anymore
@22, Naisha Singh Registration no. 5557 I think the device wasn't meant to be a permanent thing but used when the two sisters were on their holiday and when Twilight was coronated as a symbolic thing. After all moon and sun are Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks and we have seen over and over again that ponies who can't use the special talents indicated by their cutie mark quickly become miserable. Even with Starlight's magic, both the ponies of Our Town and Luna and Celestia were deeply unhappy with their situations. Even with the brainwashing the Our Town ponies were subdued and immediately became much happier when they got their marks back. The princesses gave away their royal duties. Raising the sun and the moon or dream walking aren't part of that for my knowledge. Of course I can be totally wrong.
@Jasmid Nurmi yes of course raising the sun and moon is part of their princess duties! The reason they are even princesses is because they have such power!
@Jimmy Orozco Them being able to do that is the reason they were made princesses yes. But that's kind of the point; it is a power they had naturally, not something they were given after they became the rulers. Just because they gave away their titles doesn't take away their innate powers. And the fact that Celestia couldn't help Luna in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, and Luna coudn't help her in the power-swap episode, shows that the dream realm is a part of Luna's innate powers as well. If twilight was to renounce her crown she wouldn't loose her talent in magic. Of course I can be totally wrong about this. It's fun to swap theories.
@Jasmid Nurmi well that does make sense, but let’s drift off the topic for a second: the reason Luna became Nightmare moon was because she was envy of Celestia, amirite? With dreamwalking in her power list, she didn’t have to be envy. The whole point was that she could see ponies in their dreams and connect with them. Now, let’s say Luna didn’t know this skill before she turned into Nightmare Moon, and that’s why she became envy. Because she had nothing special other than raising the moon. That’s where the off-topic drift comes into play: Luna learned that skill. She never had it before Nightmare Moon and that’s why she became her in the first place. She learned dreamwalking so she can do something else other than raise the moon, do something special. If she can learn that skill, somepony else can too.
@Jasmid Nurmi well that does make sense, but let’s drift off the topic for a second: the reason Luna became Nightmare moon was because she was envy of Celestia, amirite? With dreamwalking in her power list, she didn’t have to be envy. The whole point was that she could see ponies in their dreams and connect with them. Now, let’s say Luna didn’t know this skill before she turned into Nightmare Moon, and that’s why she became envy. Because she had nothing special other than raising the moon. That’s where the off-topic drift comes into play: Luna learned that skill. She never had it before Nightmare Moon and that’s why she became Nightmare Moon in the first place. Because everypony loved Celestia for raising the sun, while nopony payed attention to Luna for raising the moon. If she knew dreamwalking before, everypony would’ve gave her more attention than Celestia and she would’ve had no reason to be envy and turn into Nightmare Moon. After she reformed, she learned dreamwalking so she can do something else other than just raise the moon, so she doesn’t become envy of Celestia again, so she can do something special. If she can learn that skill, somepony else can too.
Jimmy Orozco2020-11-30 19:05:45 (edited 2020-11-30 19:08:45 )
@Jasmid Nurmi well that does make sense, but let’s drift off the topic for a second: the reason Luna became Nightmare moon was because she was envy of Celestia, amirite? With dreamwalking in her power list, she didn’t have to be envy. The whole point was that she could see ponies in their dreams and connect with them. Now, let’s say Luna didn’t know this skill before she turned into Nightmare Moon, and that’s why she became envy. Because she had nothing special other than raising the moon. That’s where the off-topic drift comes into play: Luna learned that skill. She never had it before Nightmare Moon and that’s why she became Nightmare Moon in the first place. Because everypony loved Celestia for raising the sun, while nopony payed attention to Luna for raising the moon. If she knew dreamwalking before, everypony would’ve gave her more attention than Celestia and she would’ve had no reason to be envy and turn into Nightmare Moon in the first place. After she reformed, she learned dreamwalking so she can do something else other than just raise the moon, so she doesn’t become envy of Celestia again, so she can do something special. Sawtooth explains this in his video “Why Celestia turned into DayBreaker”. He explains how Luna learned dreamwalking after reformation so she could have something else to do other than just raising the moon, because what turned her into Nightmare Moon was that ponies didn’t really pay attention to her because all she did was raise the moon. My point in all of this is: Key words, learned. Luna never had dreamwalking before Nightmare Moon, she learned it. If she can learn that skill, somepony else can too. It’s just that Celestia herself never learned it because she never needed to. Luna teached herself to walk in dreams, putting her in charge of the dream realm, while Celestia was in charge of that one realm where she meets the new alicorns like Twi and Cadence. When her (Luna’s) cutiemark was taken away, her skill that she learned of walking in dreams was too. And even if Celestia had her cutiemark along with her talent of walking in dreams, she just didn’t know how to use it because she never learned the skill.
@Jimmy Orozco I think Luna had the power all along, but hadn't learned about it or how to use it before the Nightmare happened, then when she was imprisoned in the moon, she had nothing to do but think and self-reflect, maybe she found out about it at that point. It also could be just like you said.
It just seems a bit odd don't you think: every other pony has a cutie mark that they can occupy themselves with it for hours, but Celestia and Luna get something to do twice a day for less than a minute? Perhaps now that she doesn't need to govern things all the time Celestia can unlock some additional power to occupy her time? What do you think?
@Jasmid Nurmi she does, she has a power to occupy her time. In another vid irk which one, he says that Celestia is in charge of the realm where she meets new alicorn princess like Twi and Cadence. He says that in MMC (magical mystery cure) twilight is sent into a weird realm sort of like the dream realm and how Cadence in The Crystal Heart Spell is sent into a similar realm where she meets Celestia, just Ike Twilight. As for the Luna part, yes that could be possible, so really both of our theories can be possible, though I still think Luna only learned dreamwalking from a book or something.
@Jasmid Nurmi oh, well, look at pony’s daydreams of course! Maybe in her vacation/spare time she can look at pony’s daydreams in that realm, and alert Twilight whenever a new princess-worthy pony enters the realm. That way Tia still has something to do in that realm while Twi does her princess duties. Now about Luna, I think she will still be dreamwalking, but she will just be looking at pony’s dreams, not visiting them. I’ve seen a short called “Two retired princesses” where Luna is looking at pony’s dreams in the dream realm as if it were a TV. maybe Luna will be doing that while the Dream Team, Starlight and Rainbow, take care of comforting ponies in their nightmares. If dreamwalking truly is a unique ability Luna had all this time but never knew she had before Nightmare Moon, it will take a while for Star to control it, but if it’s just a skill she learned on a complex spell book, it won’t take that long.
@Jasmid Nurmi and well, Twi was transported into the realm when Tia wasn’t around so I think she has some sort of special ability to detect whenever somepony is in the realm
@Jimmy Orozco That actually makes a whole lot of sense! Thanks. Now I have a new head-cannon for Celestia! Starlight is definitely the best candidate if the dreamwalking ability needs to be passed on.
@Jasmid Nurmi yup. I’ve actually been working on a mini story explaining how Rainbow and Star are now dreamwalking and Tia and Luna are looking at pony’s daydreams and normal dreams, but I can let you have the idea too. Thanks for the conversation, it’s been very interesting!
@Jimmy Orozco Thank you as well! This is what I love about different fandoms: discussing and swapping theories with other fans in good spirits and without putting anyone down.
Twilight raises the sun & moon now, we know that for a fact cause they say it in the episode before the final, when she gets crowned. So don’t try to argue about that.
@Jimmy Orozco I don’t think Luna learned it I mean it’s possible she could be princess of the night even tho people say she the princess of the moon. Twilight just says it’s her role to raise the moon. Plus when they switched there cutie marks in a royal problem Celestia had Lunas magic and told Luna to help but she said she didn’t have her magic. If she learned it from a book then she could have did it. So it’s pretty much about cutie marks. In the cutie map episode when Starlight took there cutie marks they couldn’t do there talent same thing when Tirek took there magic they lost there cutie marks. But I’m pretty sure it worst cause their weak
@Reactingwithcase I just think Celestia never learned Luna’s skill because she didn’t need to at all. Luna did her things and her things only, while Celestia didn’t think learning Luna’s skill was necessary at all for her. Yes maybe she had the power all along and just never discovered how to use it, that could be it too. Plus I don’t think cutiemarks affect magic, they are just magical symbols that appear when you realize what your special talent is, though there could be an exception with Princesses, maybe in a Royal Problem, it was more than just swapping their Cutiemarks, she also swapped their powers too, and because of that, it makes it look like the cutiemarks had something to do with their powers Idk tho
@Jimmy Orozco plus is Celestia and Lunas cutie marks disappear they probably won’t be able to raise the sun and the moon cutie marks are part of there magic kinda because rainbow dash wasn’t able to fly fast like she use to when starlight took her cutie mark that’s magic
@Reactingwithcase the skill she learned maybe had something to do with her magic, and needed a specific type of magic to be able to learn Or maybe she just had the skill all this time and when Celestia had Luna’s magic in A Royal Problem, Celestia had the skill because it had to do with Luna’s magic somehow but she didn’t know how to use it because she never studied it
@Reactingwithcase maybe the spell book is one of a kind. there's only one of them in the world and it can only be found in the prohibited area of the library (From EQ forgotten friendship)
@Reactingwithcase idk it’s still confusing tho Thing is the whole specific magic thing is only a way to fill the plot hole but I still wanna hold on to the theory bc Luna’s dreamwalking is very confusing and weird and it got a whole reply section to discuss about it
@Jimmy Orozco IIRC, according to mlp: fiendship is magic #4, Luna got her dream powers from the creatures on the moon and I don't think starlight is a suitable candidate because she has a responsibility at day(headmare at the school of friendship) which can be tiring to work both day and night unlike Luna who has nighttime responsibilities only and even she was exhausted as shown in The Royal Problem.
Yes but like Sawtooth said her crown 👑 is a fusion of Celestia's and Luna's so ofc she would be the one still ruling and he also said that even if Luna keeps dream Walking it wouldn't have been a full retirement 😉
I for one think that, no pony could replace Luna. Even though it isn’t a “full retirement” they still have to do their responsibilities just like everypony else. I really don’t think she’s replaceable, even if Startlight will be the one to dream walk, Although the dream tream idea is good tho.
A fair theory. Sadly debunked by one thing: They had (according to what was said in the episodes) decided to dump everything to Twilight and her friends, including the movement of the sun and moon... It's a pretty telling assumption that Luna just ditched the dream realm as well.
Wait i thought twilight raises the moon and sun Me:*realizes* oh sorry i would usaully believe in theorys and i would think that its true i mean some so i now its just a theory
What about Moondancer, she fits the theme, has powerful magic, and is quite similar to Twilight herself, yes Luna and Celestia don't look and aren't 100% similar but, they have a different build of body, not even the other alicorns (Cadence, Twilight, and Flurryheart) have the body strucksure! So it would make sense that the two new rulers also had some kind of simeraltiy! Luna also means Moon, and dancing is a series of movements, just like walking, puting one hoof in front of another, I know this is a bit of a crazy therory. And why Moondancer, when Twilight has closer friends, and well, I think it is like when Celestia locked Nightmare Moon up, each pair of rulers have to go through a time without the other, I realise how important they are to each other! Please don't hate, it's just my oppinuon and an idea! Also I saw a comment by xeno5 on the video on why Moondancer and Twilight look so similar, saying about how Moondancer and Twilight are oppsites of each other (with there colour plattes) just like Celestia and Luna, and night and day!
I have a few suggestions. Sunburst, I mean he can work with the team but not walk in dreams himself. They need a leader, a planner, the magic, and the very creature who walks in dreams. The planner and the possible magic source can be Sunburts, there must be plenty of creatures there the whole equestria is added to the mix not only the pony region. Also, we have seen Starlight being headmare but that doesn't mean she isn't giving atleast reports. Also, theres changelings, ones that have gone through bad stuff...they can be for morale and assurance, they've sadly but surely gone through bad times, Dragons pretty much was feared at first, for others not knowing their true nature.
Maybe Luna might be replaced by a young pony who has earned her cutie mark of dream walking that is something good to think about since luna didnt look that worried about retiring so she may have had another pony in mind!
I think the dream team would have rainbow dash(to help with the physical part) flutter shy(for the mental part) and star swirl (for opening the portel) However he would teach someone like starlight to do it when he retires
It depends on personality. Although Starlight is a counselor, she isn’t the most comforting/ courageous character— definitely not one to govern the dream realm. She is also in charge of the school, so I don’t think that she’d be willing to spend her entire day as a principal, and then go home to help ponies with their nightmares. She isn’t super patient, nobody would be if they were given this lifestyle.
And Sunset Shimmer (I’m saying this because people are saying that she should help Twi) has her life in the human world, so she would certainly not take on the duties of a princess.
I don’t know who would help Twilight rule, but I just don’t think that these two would be good options. Just because they are skilled with magic doesn’t mean that they are suitable to rule- their schedule and personality matters.
You are ✅ but on the other hand sunset can be replaces by celestial and luna you ✅ are wrong but i say you are wrong I think she should be replaced by celestial (do you know sunset shimmer name it presents for celestial and also for her cutie mark and twilight name presents for luna and also her cutie mark plus sunset can return to equstria
I think that by history that work would once again belong to the "nyx", in the mlp comic fiendship is magic nº4 they talk about the arrival of nightmare moon and about the nyx, and how they create the dreams of the ponies since the beginning of The time, it can also be implied that they taught Luna to enter the dreams of others and change them, so with the retirement of Princess Luna, the most logical thing would be for them to create dreams again and eliminate nightmares, of course that that does not eliminate the possibility that they can teach other creatures to enter dreams to eliminate nightmares.
According to me princess twilight is the only pony who is walking in dreams because in some episodes luna is awake is the day so for dream walking ponies don't need to stay awake the whole night.twilight does celestial job in the day and Luna's in the night.
Maybe there is no replacement. It would make sense because nobody walking in dreams could affect what heppens in the future, which could also affect how the unicorns, pegasis and earth ponies got on in the futre and that could be part of the reason why, until Sunny and her friend proved that they shouldn't be enimies, they didn't get alon in the new generation.
I think starlight is a good option bc see seems to like luna a bit more then cleistia bc after she knew luna was hurting Cleistia's feelings she knew there was more unlike twilight
It was mentioned a couple of times that only Luna's magic could have any use in the dream realm, which means that it wouldn't be possible for a "dream team" to exist unless Luna willingly gave away her Alicorn Magic to someone else, which would be quite stupid of her to do since it was proven that her magic, if given to a devious pony, can cause serious havoc and potentially be the cause of Equestria's collapse.
I think instead of Starswirl being the one who might send a pony to the dream realm, I think it will be Starlight. She has traveled through time, so she might be able the travel through worlds as well. Maybe Starswirl will be starlight’s teacher when Twilight starts to run Equestria.
i cant be the only one who thinks Stygian would make a perfect dream walker.
Michal Solnica2020-12-27 16:46:54 (edited 2020-12-27 17:27:16 )
I think Starlight could rule by Twilight, Well she is headmare but i think she could take Luna's place with a dream team to help her(maybe including Rianbow Dash occasionally). And Twilight will take Celestia's place with spike and her friends to help her. Starlight also has the magical potential to become an alicorn. Luna also told her "i see me in you Starlight"
I don't think Luna can be replaced because her ability to travel between dreams seems to come from her cutie mark. So unless there's a way to transfer that specific ability by infusing that specific part of her magic in someone else, then Luna will always be stuck in that role it would seem. We know that magic can be transferred to other ponies, but transferring specific magical abilities is a different story.
I could definetly see a Dream Team working, with a multitude of members of said team where each member specalizes in protecting different ponies from different dreams. Some members help ponies who are facing more violent dreams that involve beasts attacking them, some members help those who are facing something more deep and psychological, and so on and so forth. I'd imagine they'd have dream scouts, who move around differemt dreams and searching for nightmares, and once they find them, they analyze the nightmare and bring the pony most qualified to fight against it. Id also imagine they'd save the position for Dream Team members probably for members of the Royal Gaurd, like a promotion from protecting royal officials during the day, to protecting all ponies and the like during the night
I have a question... Who dreamwalked when Luna was banished to the moon for 1000 years?? I don't think Celestia did, bc she didn't have any power over the dreamrealm, and in the episode 'Royal Problem' she was very stressed and she looked like she was very new to the job or something
So I disagree. I honestly think, and hear me out because I have thought about this for quite some time, that the Cutie Mark Crusaders took it over. They were talked to by Luna, and I know the argument could be held that yes, that's what she does, she walks through ponies' dreams and that was just an example. BUT, it's the only one that Luna was specifically shown to interact with (not counting the one where Luna's nightmare escaped into the Mane 6). It would also make a lot of sense for their cutie marks, as their cutie marks are definitely special in a way that even the Mane 6's lacked. They not only got their cutie marks at the same time, but they match, and the magical lightshow that occurred during the moment they got their marks caused a blast that literally knocked the three out. Their special talent is literally helping ponies find their place in the world, even through their doubts and insecurities. Sweetie Belle would fulfill the magical requirement, Scootaloo more or less was mentored by Rainbow Dash, and Apple Bloom is both brave and compassionate. Yes, Sweetie Belle's magic was shown overall to be lacking in the show, but what if she just wasn't trying to use the right kind of magic? What if her magical prowess was elsewhere, in perhaps the creation of portals into the dream realm? What if that was where Scootaloo was also meant to fly the best? Not to mention, dreams would be a powerful tool in the arsenal of a group literally dedicated to helping ponies find their place in the world, both before they have their cutie marks and after.
I feel likes it’s pinkie pie: here me out; remember in the first episode pt 2 where she shows the nightmare trees away? She is also shown being quite serious at times as well. I think she’s the one
I think it's Twilight. While yes, she does rule Equestria during the day, she also has a night-like name, like Luna did. Also, she doesn't rule alone. She has Spike and her friends, and Spike could rule Equestria while she is too tired. I think she spends half the night dreamwalking and another half sleeping.
A C2020-03-20 21:41:53 (edited 2020-03-20 21:47:03 )
Maybe she does it as a hobby now when she can't sleep or it'll be like when luna was banished to the moon ponies just had to deal with their nightmares
Thats just what I think
Replies (2)
just some dude2020-03-20 23:39:18 (edited 2020-03-20 23:40:00 )
When Luna gets banished Ponies: I got nightmares. Celestia: Puts on sunglasses. Deal with it
Starlight is a good choice but yes royal sister has retired but that doesn`t mean they lost their power of raising sun and moon. I mean Twilight can probably raised both but in dreams Luna may still walking. She is definitely still immortal to do so
Here's some possible food for thought. What about Twilights brother Shining Armor? He technically counts as a prince since he married cadence and from the fact that he might become a alicorn since he'll probably gain a bunch of magic from all three tribes due to running a empire and probably from the fact he might do something that earns him that status. Shining also is rather comforting and seems to be willing to protect since he legit tired himself out protecting chanterlot with a really big shield. Not to mention he was apart of the ryoale guard so he knows a lot about protecting and back to the comfort thing he most likely comforts many ponies while protecting them so he seems like he'd be a good replacement in my oppinion.
Honestly, many ponies have the potential to be great at Luna's nighttime tasks. I do think that there may be spells created instead, however, since Luna was incredibly powerful and was the best at her job. Yes, candidates like Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer are great for some of the tasks Luna had, but I think there was spells created around Luna's tasks. I also think Twilight Sparkle would potentially keep selling the Mane Six' journal, but she might also create or include lessons that would help make dreams be less scary or upsetting. I'm not entirely sure how, or if it's possible, but it's an idea. I do think there'd be a team on the chance that evil lurks within a dream or nightmare. I've seen some people suggest some skilled characters, but I think the team would have sub-units that switch occasionally- only when there's a threat to Equestria, would the team all come together at once to protect.
I think that Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Discord, and Sunburst are all pretty great candidates, but I also think characters like Rarity would be great too. I feel like the Dream Team would need not only strong magic, but also clever minds and characters that can think outside the box. As much as Rarity despises dirt and filth, she's incredibly observant when she investigates.
Like how the two sisters put some magic into the dial that was given to Twilight to raise and set the Sun and Moon, I think Luna might be able to store some of her dream magic for future use, such as moving into and through out dreams. While Starswirl the Bearded, Starlight, and Sunburst are incredibly gifted magically, Luna is even more gifted with magic. Some spells might not be possible for anyone but her.
I think starlight glimmer. She runs the school with sunburst but she can leave early and leave the things to sunburst she is also very talented when it comes to magic and she was very good at giving advice.
I think Luna could train a get this……Changeling to dream walk. It’s a crazy idea I know but now that there good they could do it. They have magic as we have seen. Or they could get a pony to do it but a Changeling can shape shift into anything to comfort the pony or any creature. Plus they can fly in a Dream has no ground because dreams are weird. Plus changelings are a lot more powerful then we give them credit for. Maybe Pharix could do it. He is brave and a warrior. But he could be kind and caring. Thorax is the leader so he is busy and pharix doesn’t have a job to do as far as we know m. It’s crazy but tell me what you think.
What about...Discord. I'm sure he would have no problem entering the world of dreams, and knowing him, more than a chore it would be something fun to do. Besides, What is a dream without some chaos?
I can mention many creatures that can replace Luna The Tantabus, which is a part of Luna may have became good, by Luna's doing of accepting her mistake, which she made to now walk dreams helping ponies, and other creatures, or it is just a nightmare giver Starlight, Ooops she's busy with being Headmare Moondancer? Why hasn't anyone thought about her
I hated that Luna created The Tantabus as manifestation of darkness to punish herself for the things she did as Nightmare Moon. It resided in her dreams and gave her nightmares, such as her turning her into Nightmare Moon
why would she give herself Nightmares when she already has to deal with Nightmares herself
So when the sisters made Twilight Sparkle in charge they still raised the sun and moon. But all that was left Twilight was ruling to keep all of Equestria safe, but Twilight made rules and told pony’s whats your right and what’s your wrong.
Maybe twilights friends in the elements of harmony do the realm of dreams and maybe starlight and rarity could take shifts of opening the realm with starswirls training and each shift they could choose a pony for each nightmare so the responsibility can continue on🌙🦄
I have some interesting thoughts and theories about this too. I’ll give it a go but I have some doubts about it. I have three possible thoughts that might be able to work. The first is Starlight Glimmer. Sure she’s headmare at the school, but if she’s not the headmare anymore, she would be a great dream walker. Even Luna said that she sees herself in Starlight a lot. She could just learn from Luna and be set off in the dream realm as she comforts the ponies because she was headmare already. Sunset Shimmer might also be a suitable replacement for Princess Luna. Since she did already gain trust from everyone, she could relearn and learn from Star Swirl as she was already a former student of Celestia. In my opinion, Sunset and Luna are very similar ponies. Sunset stole Twilight’s crown in order to become a villain and rule the school. Luna’s motive to destroy Celestia and send her to the moon was so she could rule Equestria. They both basically stole something from somepony that means a lot to them so they could rule over something. But one more thing. Since Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer are so alike, even the names are so similar, I think they would make a great team. I can imagine Sunset being confused and worried about a lot of things, but I know that she would be able to learn from Starlight and make Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and many other ponies proud. I know it was kind of a stretch but hey I like to get my thoughts out.
Wasn’t a stretch at all. Managed to read it in 45 seconds. I love your theories. I’ll put some work into finding out. Thanks for giving me a few more hints.
I havent been able to see the newer episodes, i just know what happens. once a princess retires, does she loose her horn or wings? i know the sisters were born with both, but who knows. do they just stay alicorns? kind of like how a king or queen would stay in the royal family despite serving his/her time on the throne?
TBH, it’s probably rarity and discord. In season 4’s do princesses dream of magic sheep, Only rarity was shown to be able to repair the dream realm Luna created, suggesting that she could possibly create or walk through dreams if she had the magic.
Considering her magic is not as advanced as twilight, she probably gets help entering the dream realm and walking through different pony’s dreams. I would actually say discord is the one helping her through this. Fluttershy might be involved, but seeing her character, i think it’s less likely.
I think that new dreamwalkers may have emerged during Luna's imprisonment, just not as powerful and more were needed. I think that in the episode where Celestia takes on Luna's duties, these other dreamwalkers would have been working in other dreams. They may also have also had to work more behind the scenes, instead of being in the dreamworld quite like Luna was. Ponies that may have this ability, or who would eventually, may include Moondancer, a mirror of Twilight, skilled in magic, with a night-based cutie mark. I think I've spelled this out on more another video, but here it is.
I really want to know what exactly happened to Celestia and Luna, like, did they die? Ascended to a higher plane of existence? Or just retired from royal duties but still live doing other things such as raising the sun and moon?
I guess the rainbow dash theory is pretty good since Luna and celestia left an amulet containing some of their magic to help twilight raise the sun and moon. But I think the best option would be starlight because even if she is running the school of friendship she has sunburst to fill in for her sometimes if she’s not up for it because she’s too tired, since he is vice principal. Of course there could also be sunburst and trixie to potentially take over the job, but I think starlight is definitely most trusted with twilight
Sawtooth, this could be just me, but... what if it was Flurry Heart? Flurry Heart was BORN an Alicorn, and even as a baby, she was able to perform spells beyond her age level. She even has a stained glass window in the future, and you only get those when you accomplish a great feat. I know the look of the stained glass window has nothing to do with dreamwalking, but think about it: her cutie mark isn't shown in the window, so we don't know what her special talent is - all we know is she accomplished something concerning the Crystal Heart. Could the Crystal Heart have played a role in dreamwalking? I think that when Flurry got old enough to be in school, she learned that dreamwalking had stopped with her great-aunt Luna's retirement. She went to Silver Shoals to visit Luna, where Luna taught her the spell; that night, Flurry made this alteration to it - her subconscious would be the one to fight the nightmares so her body wouldn't get exhausted. Soon, Flurry got her cutie mark - a crystal heart frame... but Flurry believed her cutie mark was only half-completed, so she delayed her cute-cenera. Her suspicion proved correct many years later, when the Crystal Heart went missing. Using the dreamwalking ability she has used since her youth, while comforting creatures in their nightmares, she learned the whereabouts of the Crystal Heart. Her love for her fellow creatures, her fearlessness in returning the relic, and her magical skills that matched that of any unicorn or alicorn beyond her age, caused her cutie mark to be completed. Now inside the Crystal Heart frame was a "picture" - a starry sky with the Equestrian equivalent to the Northern Lights. Her destiny was now made completely clear through her cutie mark; the frame symbolized her ability to help the waking world when SHE was awake, and the "picture" symbolized her subconscious helping others in their dreams as she slept. Twilight Sparkle (who she called Aunt Twily), who noticed that Flurry had brought dreamwalking back WHILE returning the Crystal Heart, appointed her Equestria's new dreamwalker. Ever since then, Flurry has ruled the Crystal Empire by day, and her subconscious has helped every creature at night. What do you think, Sawtooth? Given that her destiny is up to the viewers, do you believe that Flurry Heart is a good candidate for the next dreamwalker?
Pinkie Pie could have taken on responsibility with Rainbow. Let me explain. Pinkie Pie got some of discord magic and in some episodes she even teleports. So wouldn't she be able to teleport Rainbow Dash to the dream realm?
Honestly, it could be anypony! I think this because in 'between dark and dawn' Celestia and Luna gave magic to twilight sparkle... I think. I don't know the episode much. But I think Rainbow Dash would be a REALLY good dream walker, as you said. I don't think Starlight would be a good one because she is headmare of friendship school and ponies need their sleep. Twilight is a good one also. But also, a dream team is a good idea! All in all, I still think Rainbow should.
I think discord would be a member in the “dream team” I think starswirl is an obvious choice but think about what discord could do? With all that power I think he needs to be doing something with it. Welp this is just my opinion buh bye
@Sprinkle Pie even though discord is chaotic as usual. He is reformed. He's beginning to care for other creatures other than just close friends. He does try to help and often feels jealous when people choose someone else instead of him for things. Yes sure when celestia chose him to talk to tirek, he betrayed them, but he came to his senses and realized that he still had true friends and decided it would be best to help them instead of helping tirek. He learned a lesson from that and it further improved him. I think he'd be good at giving creatures a funny dream in their sleep to dispel nightmares. Like giving them a joke or two. Cause he is capable of making characters laugh.
I believe Discord would also be good at making ponies confront their fears, which ultimately nightmares are truly about. And he is acutely aware of ponies hypocricies and he would not be afraid to call anypony out on their flaws. His methods might be unorthodox at times, but Discord is actually quite a good problem solver as he lets the ponies figure things out by themselves when he puts them in sticky situations. Also, in the Dream Realm, Discord would have a safe outlet for all his chaotic magic and I think that he would really like the job. He likes to play games after all, and to hang out with ponies in their dreams would probably be very fulfilling for him.
Isn't dream walking kinda a big violation of privacy? I mean, what if Luna walks into someone's dream, and they're dreaming...eehhh... about her, if you know what I mean?
Once again, another excellent and wonderful theory vid Brony Notion i love it, like always you make some good points, although i go with the second theory that Twilight may have also replaced Luna as the keeper of the Dream Realm, i mean sure it was never revealed but it's still quite possible.
Sawtooth, can you do a theory vid for G5? If there's no magic and no alicorns... how or who is raising the sun and moon? How does weather and seasons work in this magicless future? Dream walking a thing of the past the everypony sees as old wives tales?
I think twilight goes into dreams because when the sisters put a bit a magic in the amulet Luna could’ve put in some of her walking into dream magic in there too!
Grumpy Rainbow That’s a great idea actually, but there’s already one movie, and it might make it weird to come out with a second, especially after the series ended and it’s an uncommon thing in tv shows.
I just found out something funny, when twilight got her wings right. ( I watched this in danish ) rarity after said. Du bliv en enhjørning! Det vidste jeg ikke man kunne. Which means: you became a unicorn! I didn’t know you could that. So yeah. I think she meant Ali corn but the translation is funny
I like the idea of a Dream Team, but I think the Luna would still walk in dreams. I mean, seriously, she's been in her sister's shadow all her life, wanted her work to be recognized, then spent a thousand years on the moon, and then... everything was fine and she was able to do her job happily... a couple of years? It's not like her to give it up so quickly. Maybe the Dream Team will be made someday, or someone will appear with a suitable cutiemark, but so far, it seems to me that Luna would not give up what she likes and what has finally RECENTLY been appreciated.
But that makes Luna more powerful because celestia can be replaced with one pony but to do Luna's you'll need a group of ponies including starswril him self.
Starlight could become dream walker But defending my inference, I don’t think rainbow dash will be dream walking because like you said, his dream is to be with the wonderbolts. But starlight is strong and doesent have much of a goal, not saying she is not focused but she sure is perfect for the job. And with magic, you can make your self walk on clouds or even better, fly! Starlight is good at convincing others so I think she could control how others could make themselves happier, less scared or even less anxious.
Mabye Starlight, She has a lot of power, She opened a "portal" to the past, took away cuitie marks, Made a crystal sheild explode and so on. All she needs is a pair of wings and earthpony strength. BUT HEY, THAT'S JUST A THEORY
The Brony Notion maybe she will get both sides of both senses, since she is the daughter of the two biggest party animals (pun not intended) She could get something that’s a combination of the Pinkie sense, and the cheesy sense into something new
I'd say if you're to add anyone to a Team, I think Discord (and possibly Fluttershy from time to time) would be a great addition. He's a bit eccentric, but since he's already got a grasp on getting places I don't think it'll be too hard to teach him how to tap into dreams. As for what he could do to help, he has Fluttershy already teaching him how to be compassionate and caring, albeit in his own way, but a little chaos thrown into a dream could turn a frightening nightmare into a hilarious daydream. After all, he can throw a very fun Tea Party, what's to say he couldn't twist things around for the better in dreams?
mil -2021-08-15 03:41:08 (edited 2021-08-15 03:41:57 )
New head canon: Starlight, Rainbow, Moondancer and Star Swirl walking in dreams :D
I think Discord would be the best, but by himself. For one, giving Rainbow the job would make her and Twilight seem higher than the rest of the mane 6. But with Discord, he's one of her friends, but not the mane 6, he would be great in calming people in their areas with his "chaos". Kinda like Fluttershy. It would also give Discord a role in the future, especially since he's nothing but a last resort for when the mane 6 are in dire need of help (The beginning of the end for example). Plus, Discord can open holes in different dimensions, like the "sock puppet dimension" or his own home, who's to say he can't open holes in ponies' dreams?
It’s true that ponies were doing fine during the 1000 years without dreamwalking
Miguel Marshall2021-01-16 04:12:52 (edited 2021-01-16 04:13:37 )
I think that before Twilight was the ruler of equestria, the princesses parted their tiaras to make one of Twilight, so maybe Twilight is responsible for dreams by night and also for protecting the kingdom by day.
Also, remember, when Celestia banished her sister, she was responsible for rasing the sun and moon, and Twilight said it herself that she is a changed pony. So I think Twilight can handle the challenge. Plus, I don't think Starlight is the right suggestion, because she is easy to get worried as past Twilight, plus she's already running a school.
When I saw the episode when the princesses retired I was like huh? Is twilight going to dream walk? But she has enough responsibilities already. She be up all day and then all night
Discord can take over I mean he can open portales everywhere.....he can open a bunch of portals around him that leads to the dream realm and fight nightmares with his chaotic powers
I have a headcanon in which Celestia and Luna didn’t retire and Twilight never became the ruler of Equestria. And I guess Luna’s responsibility of walking in dreams is something more to support it.
Hmm, if there were to be a dream team, I think two of the three ( or how many ponys there are) would be Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash would focus on the physical part, and Fluttershy can calm the dreamer down. For the pony opening the doors to the dreams, it could be anypony.
maybe she given it to Candace,like look at this, Candace spreading love and comfort to those who are scared but in dreams, twilight with the transformation realm and Candace with the dream realm
No single creature... How about Ocealus? She is a reformed Changeling, just like Luna reformed after her banishment. She has a comforting and kind personality. She and Starlight could delegate to running every two night shifts, giving them the space for teaching on other days.
In my opinion, I've always seen the possibility that Starlight and Twilight would be ruling together since Twilight was Celestias pupil and Luna favoured Starlight, let me explain of course. For example, when the changlings were kidnapping everyone in season 6 finale, Luna went to Starlight FIRST for help in her dreams. That shows that Luna trusts her and she even said to her, "I see myself in you". Also adding on another point, is that are SO alike! Being both reformed villains, and yes they both had their insecurites about it for a while, but then they both overcame their guilt and learned to forgive themselves and use it to their advantage as experiance. Which is also why I found it so fitting that Starlight was the school councillor BECAUSE of that experiance. And another obvious point to support this is that Starlight is a very very powerful unicorn, who is also a perfectionist and always tries braodern her horizons. So I say, who better to entrust the power to watch over the dreams of everyone, and trusted by Princess Luna herself than the powerful, fair, experienced, Starlight Glimmer.
Discord could replace Luna, I mean- he did want to take Celestia and Luna's place but then was disappointed when the princesses said Twilight would do that.
Discord would make the most sense to teleport ponies to dreams also because he does not age. Twilight and Discord will sadly outlive everyone else... every 25 - 40 years different creatures would train to fight off nightmares and help others while Discord just sends them there.
Edit: Discord can do everything that celestia and luna can do but better (he spun the moon and sun like they were nothing)
Rainbow dash is perfect for the job. I mean she sleeps a lot so she won't have to worry about getting tired. Also she can comfort people. She would also not let ANYONE else do it because she loves fighting monsters, but remember when she helped scootaloo. Just get some unicorns to make a portal and let rainbow dash handle the rest, when she gets used to the it.
I don’t think it would be likely but one guess is flurry heart She just seems like that person who will comfort you,but I don’t know about alicorn dreams,like twilight’s visions a monster is coming back
Another one of his videos he said that naturally born Alcorns were the only ones to get wavy hair.
But as you see when she is a Queen of a Aquestria she has wavy hair so maybe it’s not that true born Alcorns have the wavy hair but leaders have wavy hair.
I feel starlight or Rainbow will be Luna's replacement. Most probably starlight cus rainbow is running the wonderbolts, plus her cutie mark kind of looks like a dream.
I can imagine the dream team being the cmc. cause they've all had a connection to luna. I can also imagine them being flanked by starlight glimmer or rainbows
I think starlight even though she has some jobs to do she is very related for something near the moon, STARS, stars are hot and firey and starlight be’d the great pony for the job.
Hmm well everyone’s ideas seem to be great and very cool but I don’t think auntie lulu would do that since you might need training to know how to master the dream walking since it seems to be hard for other ponies dreams I’ve seen in the series but that’s just my opinion,I could be wrong
3 ponies to be in the dream team: The comforter: with lots of knowledge and kindness to offer The fighter: the one who fights the evil nightmares ponies have The portal user: the one who opens the dream realm and the door to ponies dreams, when they all go in one dream this one can help fight then after that dream is done this pony could open the door again and they can move on to the next dream. You guys in the comments can give examples of who could be these roles.
portal:discord fighter:either discord,or possibly rainbow dash the comforter: fluttershy or Starlight and,to add to this team... the teacher:Stygian or starlight
what if it's starlight? i mean she has the magic to do it and her name is very close to luna's as if this job was for her. also she can be comfortable to be around and is capable of fighting off anything that's in people dreams. ALSO almost everyone likes her bc she also saved equastria a few times AND we know twilight cares about starlight and her successes and twilight knows she's good… so maybe it can be starlight
The term "dream team" has always been a thing, even outside of gaming. It basically means a "perfect" team, or a team that works really well together. It gained more popularity and recognition because of the gaming community, but it existed long before that.
@Shane (Midnight) Sanchez Cortes The idea was a joke, but the person clearly did not know that dream team was already a thing. You guys need to stop responding because you're ✨wrong✨ and it makes you look ✨the opposite of smart✨
I’m think of pinkie pie cuz remember when her and her friends were in the forest and the trees looked scary (their options lol) and pinkie pie said laugh at it and those “scary faces” were gone... I think she would do good with the job
Aces Spades well if I right we didn’t know anything about her parents back then... and probably later in the series they added them but different then they thought of..
I’m not 100% sure which episode goes first cuz I haven’t watched mlp in a while only gore speedpaints and creepy pasta books
Aces Spades HOL UP pinky was probably adopted she doesn’t look anything like her sisters or parents and yes her parents didn’t say to smile.. diffrent people have diffrent personality
luna only has been back for a few years since she returned from the moon, so ide imagine luna is working in the shadows but I could be wrong, its just a thought I had.
I think it’s going to be discord and fluttershy because we already see in the future discord and fluttershy live together and I think discord could open portals in between dreams and fluttershy would be able to confort the ponies. I think this fits better because fluttershy and discord are already really close so they’d be able to work together well unlike starswirl and rainbow dash who I don’t think have ever really had a conversation unless I’m wrong feel free to call me out on this
In your other video you said that starlight was in apple bloom's dream so she has : 1. magic potencial 2.as a headmare she is not new to emotinal conflict
I think the team will be applejack, twilight ( if Starswirl calls her for help i doubt that's gonna happen tho), Starswirl ( for obvious reasons) , And fluttershy ( she's a angel so she will do this if someone helps)
In my Mlp future universe, twilight is celestia and sunset is Luna. The disappearance of Luna over the years can be similar to the disappearance of sunset shimmer. Once the human world has friendships all around with protectors, sunset decides to return to equestria and fulfill her ALICORN duties. (She got her wings in the human world but they were kind of useless. Sunset couldn’t stabilize her magic yet so if he “ponied-up” in the human world, things can go very bad! Sure twilight was an alicorn in the human world, but she stabilized her alicorn magic already.) sunset came back when the human world was alright and in good hands, so she gave twilight a break and replaced Luna. She walks in daydreams, to make sure that the night-dreams are going to be good dreams, and if they turn to nightmares, she can fix it. She visits the human world too sometimes. Flurry heart replaces cadence when she retires and luster dawn replaces, young twilight. What about starlight? You may ask, well she is already running the school if that’s not enough for her. She thought that it would be best to stay as a unicorn with the magic of an average alicorn. So starlight replaced starswirl. And twilight had a child that replaced baby flurry heart as being another born alicorn. Her name is Starry nebula and you can find her on my friend’s tumblr: https://mlp-arts.tumblr.com/ That’s my universe. By cousin turned me into a brony. And I turned myself into a furry.
What if moondancer takes over Luna? I mean she was quite similar to twilight. And also they look like twin sisters as the royal sisters. Although she is not even a little near as those 2 but there's still a possibility that she earned it later . And she also has a moon and stars cutie mark. And as for magic knowledge, she is quite similar to twilight. What if she learns how to do it. Or taught by some pony. Maybe starlight can also help her with her magic potential. Just stated my thinking
I think all of twilight friends are gonna made part of dream walking( rainbow dash,rarity,pinkie pie,apple jack,flutter shy ect...)because it’s like the card table thing(idk how is it call sorry) always called them for friendships problems so maybe it’s going to be the same but with the dreams if dream walking can be learn.
Maybe everyone realised it’s their dream and that they can do anything since it’s their own dream bc of that one episode where everyone’s dream connected?
I am the kind of person who makes OCs and I have an OC made exactly for it, because even rainbow dash one day will not be here, soooo I think this magic of dream walking could "reincarnate"
I think it is Twilight only, because Luna is Celestia's sister AND Celestia was Twilight's mentor so I don't think Twilight would want to disappoint her mentor, or any pony in fact. And Rainbow Dash can't be walking in the dream because you need a unicorn horn for that, unless she becomes an Alicorn or something. And a team can work together to walk in dreams! Or Twilight alone would be a good idea too. But I'm thinking it's Twilight who should be walking in dreams, it just seems better.
I think so Luna will be replaced by starlight glimmer because twilight has a great trust on startling because in many episodes twilight left the school to starlight for a day or two so that she could do something important
I think it will be starlight since twilight can't stay up all night saving ponies from their nightmares and then also doing celestia's duties she will never be able to sleep then
I think luna can't be replaced plus her cutie mark is a moon wich means that ruling the night is her destiny. That includes dreams. She doesn't have to be a pricess to do her job. Right? At least this is my oppinion.
My theory is that Luna will occasionally appear in dreams, and if she appears in yours you are chosen for dream walking until the last moon of the year.
I think cadence might take luna's job. I mean, she is an alicorn to, and with flurry heart ruling the crystal empire, cadence might be doing the dream thing. Smash the like if u think cadence is the dream walker
mohammed ismail2021-11-14 09:44:00 (edited 2021-11-14 09:47:24 )
I think ifStarswirl's secret theory is true then Starswirl probably invented the dreamwalking magic which she earned over time. Like how flowing mane's come to alicorns over time. But since according to this theory celestia and luna were made alicorns by Starswirl himselfno one else has this ability. So I think thatLuna could give up her dreamwalking magic to someone who seems worthy( this is just a theory your theoy is also great)
KITT vs KARR KR2021-09-02 01:34:36 (edited 2021-09-02 01:37:19 )
I don't really like the fact that Twilight raises the sun and moon now. It makes the true talent of the two sisters seem meaningless if they can literally put their magic in a compact thingy and have anypony do it. Like, what was even the point of doing it themselves? What do their cutie marks mean if they don't symbolize the use they have?
That’s a fair point... I’ll make sure to ask my sister!
Manuel B.2020-10-24 05:53:25 (edited 2020-10-24 05:54:59 )
This is just another point why The Sisters retirement doesn't make much sense to me. If Celestia and Luna would give up ALL their responsibilities, maybe even their special magic to whatever individial or group of ponies, they would not only render themselves useless, they would deny their life's purpose. There are dozens of fanfics already about that theme. I'm almost certain there is no pony that could replace Luna in the dream realm. And I'm not thinking of her special talent/magic, but her special experiences and her character. No other pony touches so many hearts with the story of her life. And no other, none Alicorn pony could ever make these experiences in that magnitude. I know, a lot of you might say "That's the show, roll with it, or shut up!". And I accept that. But in my head Celestia and Luna gave Equestria to Twilight, the nation of ponies. They even lent her an amulet to give her power over the sun and the moon, sharing a task that might be crucial for the survival of any species in their world. But I think they kept anything apart from leading the nation to themselves. Luna has special talents in arts, dreams and psychology, the show has shown that many times. I think Celestia's talents are somewhere in the area of teaching, guiding and forging social harmony. In the show she was always completely occupied by governing Equestria. So now she might have more time to engage in her other talents? They are (almost?) immortal. Being useless makes you desperate and depressive. Luna went down that path once. I heavily doubt she will again. And she won't let her sister, either.
Imagine sunset shimmer's human counterpart helping twilight with the dream realm... wait sunSET Sunset leads into the night. A lot of people are talking about Starlight Glimmer but we have original pony sunset shimmer in the human world, can't she come back to run things-? Or some sort of duplication spell? Or well the human counterpart of Sunset be the element of magic in the human world and the pony Sunset being the moon princess? This is just a theory.
I think it should be shining armor I mean Candace and flurry will be ruling crystal empire and twilight and her friends got rest covered and Thorax is the leader of changelings and I know three are supposed to rule together but nobody will give importance to shining as he is unicorn not a stalicorn 😜 he has supported many ponies emotionally and he is powerful so he should dream walk then he will get some importance
I absolutely HATE to suggest this, but... Flurry Heart is a princess we know next to nothing about in terms of her actual job. Or maybe her mural is her using the crystal heart to banish all nightmares? I could be super off base, but it could be a nice way to tuck her character back in the corner and not touch it again lol.
Okay so some of the people said it could be Starlight and most of you guys said that she isn't an Alicorn for it Well She doesn't need to be an Alicorn as in one Episode she had Done spells with Twilight and it Concludes that she Has the Same Knowledge of Magic as Starswirl or Twilight and maybe she has more talent That she might have not Uncovered But it might be true I'm an Episode we saw that she was Able to remove the cutie marks of Pony's so SHE WAS ABLE TO REMOVE THE DESTINY OF OTHERS AND REPLACE IT! this might Conclude they she has more Magic that Starswirl, Luna,Celestia,Cadence and Twilight! now The reason is that we have NEVER seen any of These Pony's do a Destiny changing spell not even Twilight had learnt that as for Celestia we all know that she was Twilight's Mentor and Guider BUT Celestia would have tought Twilight how to do a Destiny changing spell if she knew it now for the other two princesses well it's clear for some people why but let me Explain it's very easy as Cadance's Destiny was to spread love not Education and same for Luna her destiny was to Rule the night and control dreams so her destiny has nothing to do with Destiny or Education other then Twilight or Starswirl but these two could have done less Education that Starlight so it could be true that might be the next person to walk in dreams and rule the night But one thing still remains......... Who will be the new Councilor of the school well I think I know who.............. I've done my research and the Answer could be..............SUNBURST well think about it Sunburst is also known as a wizard so ofcourse he studied magic I mean we can tell by his home😑 but he would be great at giving advice or helping others and anyway he hasn't come in the show for a while now...... It's time he starts working for his and Equestria's good I mean how does he even get the money for his food, Clothes and BOOKS 📚📚 📚📚 so yeah that's my theory on what will happen Ty for everyone reading and having time for it 😊🥺🥺🥺😎😎✌️✌️✌️🌺🌺🌺 BTW can you guys pls sub to my channel 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
twilight must’ve did the same thing as celestia did to raise the sun and moon. And celestia and Luna gave twilight a pocket of their magic to raise and lower both. But I don’t know who watches over nightmares
First of all I think twilight and sunsets summer should both be Alcorns because sunset shimmer grew wings three times in the song my pass is not today she goofiness wings then when she turned into a she demon she drew him like demon wings then when she turned into that magical creature to save twilight from the Questria games she grew and she had three times that she grew wings in all of the seasons so I think that sunset shimmer should be an alicorn and be the one taking over celestial‘s job and while Twilight should be the one taking over Luna ‘s job Also I disagree with you saying that Rainbow Dash should be the one taking over the dream I think you should also be either rarity or starlight glimmer plus started clamber and twilight sparkle kind of look like sisters they could be they can route together basically plus I bet sunset shimmer was supposed to be the next Alcorn but then she went to the portal and celestial put the new air to be the Alcorn when they retired Edit; I think a dream team would also be really good or like I said before you sunset shimmer turn her to Alcorn and then she takes over Celeste job and twilight takes over Luna‘s job but they do everything together
Malus Rising but what if she gave that role to sunburst. Think about it starlight travelled and messed with time, she could remove cutie marks of other ponies. Who know what other magical spells she has
We actually have (controversial, circumstantial) proof of this "Dream Team"; plus who their members are: . QueenPrincess Twilight Sparkle: The "Sun" & "Moon" Nights ( Sundays & Mondays ) . Pinkamena Diane Pinke Pie : Born on a Tuesday [S4E11] . Chromatica Rainbow Dash : ( Wednesdays ) . Apple Pear Jacqueline Jack : ( Thursdays ) . Flutter Breeze Shy : ( Fridays ) . Tabitha Belle Rarity : ( Saturdays ) -> This is why all of them (sans the alicorn) look so tired/old in the flashforward of S9E26.
I think that rainbow dash will actually do the job of luna (with the wonderbolt) and Twilight will find a way to let rainbow dash jump from dream to dream or Twilight might find a way to put alicorn power into Pegasus wings so rainbow dash will rule the night and Twilight Would rule the day
yeah i highly doubt its rainbow dash it has to be someone with powerful magic. i dont think twilight does because she can't raise the sun and raise the moon, so i think luna still dreamwalks cuz like isnt she immortal
@BitterJoy Yeah and Twilight would be very exhausted and tired from two things at once not to mention it looks really stressful Twilight can't do two things that'll be a pain so much pain.
Since spike took her throne and he ovi has a serios relation ship almost as serious as siblings hood it would be him and I'm sure twilight wouldn't mind the small tast of opening a portal lobby like a hallway of doors like the one in a episode I can't remember the name
All though even though Luna retired it doesn't stop her to go into the dream realm ever once in awhile to check on her friends or just tell them what to do and not do in a ponies dream
wait- I KNOW THIS MIGHT NOT BE POSSIBLE BUT what if Flurry heart becomes the one and only dream walker? it would be cool but not make much sense if you think about for a few minutes..
Wait, if you were right then twilight will just do Celestia job when it's day and when it's night she will rise the moon and lower the moon and go to sleep after setting the alarm to when she needs to raise the sun and then then get a good night sleep and it all over again
I think starlight she is like Luna and I would suggest luster but......you know I think she will be twi's successor so I think starlight I mean twilight herself reformed her she trusted her with her castle and school so I think starlight will be dreamwalking
3:18 she can get magic just like how twilight got magic for the moon and sun all they have to do is put lunas dream magic in a amulet and rainbow dash can yeah you know do her job
I think starlight will do the job, she is really power full but who will take care of the school of friendship? She can't work 24 hours. I think she will give her job to sunburst and do the dream walking
I think starlight should replace luna i mean like starlight's name starts with star and when do you see stars we see stars at night so maybe that's starlight's future to walk in dreams
Shouldn't Starswirl be dead by now? I mean in the last episode we never got to see the Pillars. Surely the Pillars would at least make some sort of appearance (if they were alive tho). Also hes pretty old. Seriously he has been teaching ponies since before equestria was founded and that was a long time ago. Maybe just replace the "swirl" with "light"
Mmm i dont think so because who will take care for the animals and rainbow is following her own dreams. In other hand... remember that discord gives fluttershy a lunch in the end perhaps they are married and now fluttershy is working with twilight and discord help fluttershy with animals and also créate a portal to visit dreams
Maybe it’s starlight because in one episode Luna said “I see me in you starlight” she would also work with flutter shy and rainbow dash rainbow dash = fighting flutter shy = comforting the dreamer :)
My prediction is I agree with you saying Rainbow – but Dream Team yeah that's the future but I know who's going to Scarborough correct but I bet some unicorns will be trying by circolo but the people that will fight the drains will be cold Pegasus in the multiple guys would be the Earth ponies or whatever or whatever type beat animal is or or creature
Am I weird if I think that Celestia did dreamwalking when Luna was on the moon? I mean, she did raise both the sun and the moon, so there's a chance she might have walked in dreams too!
If Celestia did take over dreamwalking when Luna was banished, wouldn't Celestia have more proficiency in dreamwalking then? In that Season 7 episode where Starlight swapped their cutie marks, Celestia didn't seem to know what to do. And dreamwalking wouldn't be an ability that you'd easily forget if you were doing it for the past millennium. Or maybe the plot nerfed Celestia, who knows.
Who is to say Luna wasn't dreamwalking while on the moon? I'd think that would be the only way to not go completely bonkers. Nightmare Moon didn't hate all ponies. She just wasn't happy with her sister. I mean also -- why would she be wanting R&R from dreamwalking if she only came back to Equestria a couple of years ago?
my question is when luna was trapped in the moon for a thousand years who moon walked celestia has no power in the dream world so who? or moon walk gone??
This is a long shot but flurry heart is gifted she could be the gate into everyone's dreams and I think rainbow and Pinkie would be the ones to jump in and help with flurry heart opening the portal to the dream world
Remember the stained glass in the last episode where the young 6 defeated the weird space monster its probably a monster from the dream realm implying THEY ARE THE DREAM WALKING TEAM
P.S I know I already posted this but I really share my idea with the mlp comunity❤💞
Maybe rainbow dash? I say this because in the episode when the main six first found out they would be ruling Equestria rainbow dash said "Ooo I want the power to be in everypony's dreams!" Ok thats not exactly what she said but it's pretty similar to it. And I know she won't but there's still a 00.4 possibility that she could, so I just thought I would say something ;-;
To Mr, The Brony Notion, Today watching magic mystery cure, I came up with the theory that destiny in M,L,P, has no control, at all. My reason is, unicorns make spells to do whatever they want, and Twilight says, "Its not their memory that's been changed, its their true selves that have been altered, their destiny has been changed." and starlight changed destiny three times. First in her village, second going back in time for revenge, third when she gets called by the map to solve Celestia and Luna's problem. In last of those examples, She changed their magic and what they did, not them. And I consider cutie marks as their jobs, not destiny, I hope you see, and like this theory! please respond, even counter this I would enjoy it!
pinkie i think would be walking in dreams because if someone was having a nightmare or if something was about to happen..pinkie can make people smile and pinkie sense
Well since Luna is retired then why wont starlight glimmer switch out the cutie marks, what if celestial, stars world, and other strong magical ponies fuse twilight cutie mark with Luna’s cutie mark, and maybe also with celestias cutie mark? It might be possible, but the problem is, how will celestia and Luna get there part of destiny back? Maybe starlight could take a part from Luna’s cutie mark and fuse that part with twilights? This is hard but have a nice day
maybe luna's job becomes distributed to allt he ponies of equestria, not like the one big dream luna once created but we have seen that ponies can appear in eachothers dreams, maybe when this happens they would have shared dreams and could look out for each other, idk tho
I think twilight is doing everything herself because when celestia banished nightmare moon to the moon celestia took on both the duties so if celestia can't why can't twilight...
luna will be replaced with starlight nd rainbowdash cuz they both r nice starlight can handle magic nd opening dementions and take carte of da bad dreams cuz she was a guidance counsillar aswell as rainbow nd rainbow can hold nd take strlight to the open dimentions.
Remember the stained glass in the last episode where the young 6 defeated the weird space monster its probably a monster from the dream realm implying THEY ARE THE DREAM WALKING TEAM
Somepony I think who is best to do this job other than Starlight is Sunset. Her name. You might think that she is meant to be a villian, but SUNSET, that might just be the clue to her destiny. Maybe Starlight and Sunset can be a team, dreamwalking together!
I think it would be Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and Discord( or insert another powerful entity here) the powerful entity would open up the dream realm, Rainbow Dash would kick everybody who is attacking and Fluttershy could calm everybody down
The funny thing is that when I created my oc she was luna's student in dreamwalking... now it'd fit perfectly for her to take over the job on my headcanon XD
just like luna starlight was once evil then became good. she also has expireence with powerful magic but i dont think its starlight as she will run the school since twilight is the princess. i thin it will be discord. i know but hear me out discord can stop all evil with just one snap of his fingers. what makes him perfect for this is no dream nomater the crazyness will scare him. its just perfect for him plus discord wont go crazzy if he dosent sleep as he is the king of cayos let me know what you think of this idea
Sawtooth: It’s still an occasional gig. Subtitles: It’s still an occasional india king.
Lu D'Angelo2020-11-10 17:45:40 (edited 2020-11-10 17:46:11 )
But if Luna stops raising the moon and dreamealking, wouldn't she be turning her back on her own fate/cutie mark? So wouldn't be Celestia by stopping raising/lowering the sun?
hey, my idea is that luna can (i mean, not should, but can) walk in dreams but this thing is not what she meant to doanymore, so it's like this: twilight has to walk in dreams, but luna can let her rest by she walking in dreams. or when twilight walk in dreams, she's sleeping and doing her work in mind, soooooooo. twilight do sleep.
I feel that starlight would watched over the dream world now, she was Twilight's student so it only makes sense she would take on the job of one of the sisters
I think she is flurry heart but she is taking her mother's place in crystal empire and luster daun take place of twilight she is starlight or maybe twilight's daughter
you forgot about cadence and flurry heart maybe cadence and shining armor will take over the dream world in turns untill flurry heart become old enough to help them and maybe star swirl the bearded himself will take over the dream world with cadence starlight shining armor and twilight and maybe some of twilights friends will help what do you think? edit: dont forget sunburst he knows alot about spells maybe he can help or maybe luna had a child that has the same cutie mark as her and the same magic as her soo it will take over her place and until her child ages she will continue dream walking but not alone the ponies I mentioned earlier will help
Maybe destiny take care off this problem by it self. What if a unicorn get born with a cutie mark like lunas, and become twilights student. She see how powerfull her student is and show her the dream world and with some help this pony become the new dream protektor.
On his own, Tirek only absorbs the raw magic. But the bell absorbs both the raw power and the nature of it. That's why Cozy got a horn, and probably why Chrysalis's wings got so big. Those are traits, or the nature, of all the pony magic in the bell.
people say it might be starlight but..i dont think so. she is a principal who has a busy day at school after all...but..how about discord? he has a lot..like .. ALOT of power after all..beside he is a fun character and good at cheering ponies up..so if any nightmare happend he could just go and help to ponie .. he might be bad at first but as the time would pass he would understand ponie psychology better and cloud help better like turning their scary dream into a fun dream where everything is wierd in a good way..i mean..isnt it what makes our dreams beautiful? the wierdness it in..and it would make it easyer for ponies to befriend him
what about the mirror pool she could make a duplakit and then she could sleep while her duplikated self could do the work then during the day the duplakit can rest like in royal problem thats what and im not saying that you have a bad idea yours is really good but still
Here’s my therapy since Twilight is good at magic and she uses her magic more then her wings so Princess cadence uses her wings more then her magic so will princess cadence wasn’t a princess she was a Pegasus
@Katialiinq he posed as grogar to try and help the 3 villains and boost twilights confidence, grogars magic was locked in a bell and idk where grogar is
This idea is good but cadence is the ruler of an empire and so won’t have the strength for a night job. Flurry heart is probably only still a teenager and won’t be held to such a high task, she is also the future ruler of the crystal empire so I think that training would be more focused on then the Dream realm. Feel free to argue this.
Kookiemations YT this theory is a good but even with their combined strength they still need to sleep as the have to rule the Crystal empire. No hate, there is no such thing as a bad theory.
idk about this but when luna created the tantabus i think that was the only thing that could give ponies nightmares and now that its defeated i think no more nightmares for ponies?
What if someone is having a nightmare but in the middle of the day like they're sleeping they're having a nightmare but it's the middle of the day what is Luna going to do can't even use her magic to help
I know it is maybe too late but, before luna gets kids (if she ever had) maybe she wasn't replaced but if she was, before she get kids or something like that it could be celestia. Beceause in the very first epizode they told after luna was banished to the moon celestia was taking care of sun and moon. But there is one more theory it was showed that luna was walking at dreams of scotaloo sweetie belle and apple bloom, so maybe she was replaced after they was idk teen maybe? Think about all i said.
True. But we do know that talents aren't always unique. There's no evidence saying another pony can't have that ability, or that other ponies can't learn it.
I always imagined a unicorn being born with that ability and discovering his or her cutie mark on accident as an adult. Maybe he or she stumbles out of his personal dream and into the wider dream world. Maybe Luna helps him or her and they follow her, on purpose, and discover that they can both dream walk. Maybe they just appear in the dream world instead of dreaming like everyone else, and walk in on someone else's dream by mistake. The possibilities are endless.
Well I certainly didn‘t think of something like that. It‘s a very good Idea of yours.
J. C.2020-08-21 17:03:54 (edited 2020-08-21 17:28:25 )
Thank you. I always thought Luna should get some kind of apprentice. Celestia had a school and a protege, I thought Luna should too. At least the protege.
I feel sorry for Luna. She always wanted the best for all and gave everything she had. And in the End she wasn‘t even acknowlwdged for all her work. The Night is such a wonderful thing. Luna Nos Custodit!
Maybe Luna was teaching Twilight how to dream walk yes twilight might not have the power to do that but her talent is magic making her magic a little endless(edit) oof that was already a theory but twilight would get tired her friends would probebly help when she goes coo coo bannanas
luna would be replaced but still she is kind of young to do it so u know luna is younger than celestial so luna would do her jod till she is young and have power to do it and for that time luna would find a new princess for night that was easy
Oh no I can already imagine the fan fictions where rainbow dash meets up with Mario and luigi during dream team. Mario: let’s-a go, luigi: okedoky rainbow dash: alright
Plus no dream walking would be bad. they all gotten used to Luna help in there dreams, dreams is where they work out there problems. Just look at what happened in the past. If everyone used there heads maybe things could have been better.
All I can hope is that Celestia and Luna return to being princesses and twilight stops being princesses because they are princesses in a kingdom whose people are cranky and stubborn so twilight Become a princess in the kingdom and the kingdom is led by twilight sparkle And if twilight sparkle stops being a princess there then the population becomes unstable and becomes riot I hope my little pony friendship is magic informs fans of my little pony friendship is magic with the news that they don't want the episode of my little pony friendship is magic to end and We the fans will be happy 😁❤️
Wait for itttt...........................The amazing and powerful TRRRIXIEEE. I mean her surname or whatever is something that has to do with the night.😊
Can you do a video on starlight glimmer possibly being starswirl's daughter I mean they both have star in their name and starlight glimmer cutie mark matches with starswirl's name
Yes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
I’m may be late but I think that starswirl will teach someone and I think that’s starlight. It makes sense to me because she’s already good at magic. Rainbow dash could help with the physical part like you said. And the next part might be a little weird but I think for the comforting part it could either be rarity or pinkie pie. Pinkie pie is funny nice and kind but I’m not sure comforting. Rarity would be a much better choice because her element is generousity. I’m not sure but this is what I think the “ Dream Team” would be.
Speaking about princess Luna what about her mane and tail in the 2cnd episode of my little pony she had no flow but when we saw her in scooterlu’s dream she had flow and that was only a few episodes between and how could starswril see her before starswril had only been gone for a 1000 years and Luna 100000 years how could he see her
when u said dream team i thought about this Star swirl can teach and open the portal Rainbow can save ponies from nightmares and pinkie pie can make then Amazing
Starlight is more powerful than twilight but she can't replace Luna cuz she's busy at school or either pinkie and apple jack but maybe Fluttershy? Cuz she can calm someone and she's good at advice she can teach ponies how to face their nightmare and since she have discord to help her get in the dream world my opinion only
TRIXIE LULA MOON!!!! i mean just look at her name lula Moon!!!!and we also learned that dreams are magic in tthat episode were all of ponyvillegoes into 1 same dream and just look at trixies cutie mark its a MAGIC wand and a blue thing woch almost is in the shape of a MOON!!!! also i think diamond tiara should be a unicorn not an earth pony
i think discord is the replacing luna from the job
Oliver Smith2021-06-06 03:30:11 (edited 2021-06-06 03:32:45 )
Maybe twilight had some thing to with this because if someone is have a nightmare like starlights bracelet twilight could do the same thing but with dreams this could be true because twilight is at day and night so day ruler and night ruler
In the episode the best night ever celestia had a nefew prince blue blood what if he is Luna’s sun or maybe moon but what if he can do what his mom did.
I think we are looking in the wrong place we need pony’s that are up at night like Luna ps I think Sunset Shimmer because it’s the future she is a adult and sometimes she could go to pony Ville to help with the job
Magical: Star Swirl Battle: Rainbow Dash Comforting: Fluttershy Next time: Magical: Star Swirl Battle: Pinkie Pie Comforting: Fluttershy Next time: Magical: Star Swirl Battle: Applejack Comforting: Rarity And Fluttershy
Now I know using the mane six for this “dream team” might not be a good idea but, The main sex have defeated many monsters! But they can keep rotating! Twilight can raise and lower the sun and moon, while her friends take care of the dream world!
Please tell me what you think Sawtooth Waves! I would love to have my idea featured
hi I am moonlight sparkle,I think you're wrong. The crown and the magic translation are power and ability of both Luna and celestia, that means twilight sparkle have their strength to rule day and night.
I don’t think rainbow dash is in there rainbow dash would be so tired of training the wonder bolts 2:42 just because she would be good at the job doesn’t mean she has a lot of energy to do the job
Cause her cutie mark has know straight meaning like twilight magic is anything and everything soo maybe twilight did what celesta did to her to starlight
WAIT A DAMM MINUTE If unicorns have a horn,Pegasus have wings,alicorn's have wings AND a horn Then what do earth ponies have that makes them NOT horses,becouse they are just plain horses
Maybe sunset shimmer will be Celestia and twilight sparkle will be in the dreams like luna cause in a video when every pony is loyal and an alicorn that's why sunset shimmer is like twilight sparkle `s twin sister easy
I think that rainbow dash is a great idea but like pinkie pie we can clone Twilight sparkle in the magical pond like one will rule the sun and the other moon if you have any problem princess Cadence and starligh can help. And Candence also use princes as a prince so she can rule the moon but the 2 crown of celestia and Luna have given to twilight sparkle so it is a good idea
i have a quistion why is that sunset twilight and starlight literally have a star or a ligth (in this case its twilight and starligth have similar ligth names and sunset has immer namer sounding like a glimmer to make like why do these ponies have simalar names that is represented by a sun/star cutie mark coincidence i think not
I think Luna will be replaced her crown gone with twighlit but that has nothing to do with anything so I think PINKY PIE should get replaced for Luna Luna might posibbly do the same thing with twighlit in twilights kingdom she could give her magic but without cadens and celestia and another reason is that pinky pie should be replaced instead of rainbow dash bc she is funny she can brighten up peopl- ponys dreams laughter VS darkness.
AJ Plays2020-11-24 16:54:50 (edited 2020-12-27 17:06:10 )
But here are some pony’s I think will be perfect for the job aka sometimes they could take turns we need Star Swirl to open portals here is my dream team Trixie, Spit Fire, Sunset shimmer, scootaloo, Smoder, Rainbow Dash, and these two might shock you but they are Twilights parents and there is a reason why I chose these pony’s we need strong pony’s to fight but some to keep pony’s com ps look at there cutie marks
No I really don't think when I would ever be replaced but if she was to be replaced I think Pinkie Pie would be the one to do it because she's pretty good at speed or maybe even Rainbow – or Rarity or Applejack or even spite
I think that it would actually be like three people that we know of her appeared to make all the portals and address for kicking all the but I guess pinkie pie for making everything happy I could learn in the first episode and then Fluttershy for the comfort just like that would be nice and who
What if sunset shimmer dose the dream walking I know I sound crazy and she already has a life in the human world but maybe it could be a swap like with Luna and celestia but swapped idk
I think that twilight is wanting for a pony with thooese abilities and she knew from the start that there is that kind of pony and maby there is already one but the pony is to young to take that job and twilight is wanting for the pony to be old enugh
I have a oc in My Little Pony not in the actually series. Shes an alicorn her name is Altar shes friends with Luna and Celestia ever since they were born, she is the princess of good and evil and magic. She helps Twilight Sparkle with her stuff in the night.
Oh and the reason why there mane is flowing it’s because of there magic if u see in ending of the end without there magic there mane will not flow same with the tail
OOORRRR maybe she is deviding celesti's duties to her friends like she gave some responsiblity's to them and slept that while they r doing it and then the remaining she did herself along with dream walking
Im still confused why they didnt make all the mane 6 plus starlight a alicorn so ONLY TWILLIGHT DOESNT DIE and the others die? But twillight is nothing without them
But how will rainbow dash go to the dream Luna is my favorite character and she can’t be replaced :D I feel like when a pony turns into a alcorn then maybe that pony can be Luna but the job can’t be the same so I guess LUNA ID NEVER REPLACED YAY
why not go out on a limb. While Rainbow Dash may have called dibs, but isn't Pinkie Pie the more Qualified? She already know every pony, and every other creature in and out of Equestria.
If you see in season 9 rainbow cask removed the leaves from the cloud with magic there are three surcmstandis unicorn have a magical oras which tells them when to use magic Pegasus are same but no magical oras and earth ponies magic is inside rainbow dash can open some way or another like how twilight uses the amulet to raise the sun and moon
I wish I could join the unicorn- tri I did want to be the alicorn one but it did not have discord so yeah I hope o join unicorn- tri wish it was free
I think you’re right but maybe sunset could be dowing it because we seen sunset is magical and she did inroll in celecetias school but that’s not only that because we know that sunset shimmer pony’s up because she is from Equstria and cantorlot high and she has magic from both worlds
Hmm, maybe Luna gave her cutie mark to somepony else I think its possible because Celestia and Luna switched cutie marks, so maybe she gave in to rainbowdash????
To be honest I do not like the person ( or pony team in this matter ) idea I personally think that sunberst would be the most likely candidate ( I will say the rest later and sry if I offended you )
I was thinking dad going to be water fire and air alicorns the control dad and There's Gonna Be some other ones like like some other teams ruining the yeah
Princess Luna should get replaced Twilight because true there cutie marks are different but u If u see princess Twilight and princess Luna are equally concerted together
What about scootalo sweetybell and applebloom they all had dreams with Luna plus what about how so well sense rainbow dash knows about the dream walking she would tell her little sis and then she could tell sweetybell and applebloom so probably they would be the dream team or starlight glimmer or sense scootalo sweetybell and applebloom wouldn't they tell each other about it
Cadence of course is dream walking she is a princess no one in my little pony needs love now everyone has friendship and friendship means love too 🙄Right !?
We will never know what is going to happen because the season has ended but maybe they make Movies of IT and shows us.
I really think rainbow dash culd me good at dream walking Yes but do YOu think scooteloo wanted rainbow dash to SEE her embarrassing nightmares? I wuld prefer not to let the one i look up to SEE my emarrassing nightmares
Oh yeah I remember Rainbow dash saying but I think it most like Starlight if not it her helping Rainbow dash go in dreams cause she is a Uni and her magic does kinda rival Twilights but I don’t think it will be Starswirl
I think that maybe the is a possibility that luna had a child and that child had Luna's power to dream walk si there for maybe she trained her child to dream walk but are a few questions there like who the father of Luna's child and dose the child have another who will one day take over or why didn't Luna's child take over and rule but twilight sparkle was crowed before Luna's child was born so maybe luna have a child is still a possibility
Oh come on i don't believe it >:((( I mean it's very good but my first thought was DISCORD WITH HIS POWER OF CHANGING REALITY like he would make funny chaos in every nightmare and still be learning to br kind for the ponies And he would take this job if Fluttershy slightly suggest him to
Luna:there can be one knowledge pony in internet and that will be ........................................................................................................................................................................................ sawtooth waves !!!!!!!
If luna WILL be replaced by rainbow then y not turn rainbow into an alicorn or if thats not possible y doesnt luna use a duplication spell? N make another copy of herself or give her powers to rainbow??
fluttershy , rainbow dash , starlight , and the pony in the dream. good idea? flutter shy calms the pony rainbow beets the monster and starlight brengs them there! the pony cold fight back! but we will find that out soon. :( Or rip mlp.
Wait how did they become alicorns my sis said "flurryheart was born an alicorn"but me I said"luna said this is something we never seen before"soooooooo make a video about that
Hey I think that more than one pony will take a Luna job I think it’s going to be Rainbow Dash flutter shy and pinkie pie threes and why is that those are the most good candidates I can tell you it but I’m probably not because this is already really long
I think mabey pinkie pie rarity apple jack raindbow dash and fluttershy would do the dream walking for example if there was a need for combat raindbow dashe or they would teach there elements like honesty kindness idk some thing like that
Unicorn nope alicorn cuz you can't hide wings and sue has some so maybe that's why she said this Rarity : being a alicorn princess is everyponys dream (or something like that) Rainbow dash : maybe not everyponys Maybe that's why its not her dream cuz she already is an alicorn
You might be like why rainbow dash why not anypony else well why is she the most tom-boyish you may also be like well apple jack is a tom-boy too well you can't hide wings so ya and apple jack has no wings but rainbow dash does you may also be like well how does that make rainbow dash so tom-boy well its cuz if she's to princess alicorny like then everypony will know and she doesn't want that
Yes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
Yes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
Yes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
Omg it I think with the fighting Mabye derpy and rainbow dash and with comforting I anostly think fluttershy could do that all by her self then star swirl Mabye teaching trixy
season 9 didn't even go out on the full episodes in friendship is magic wait I think u sawtooth waves are watching the friendship is magic season on google that explains everything I thought about you
This is random but what if... Sombra and luna were secretly in love once then luna gave birth to moon dancer. Sombra was mad because luna cheated on him. He also was jealous that luna was ruler of equestria. He became evil. Used alicorn amulet to try taje lunas alicorn magic and he tried to kill moon dancer. Luna gave her child to a family to keep her safe. Sombra took over crystal empire and u know the rest. Twilight defeated him with her friends. Blahblah blah.
My theory is that starlight will take over for Luna. She has powerful magic, Has gone between realms, (to me time travel is going to an other dimension stuck in the past) can fight, and has an emotional side to her personality. She can put the right words together.
i would think starlight glimmer would walk in dreams now. princess luna told starlight “i see a lot of me in you starlight glimmer” and starlight could fight their nightmares since she has super powerful magic. she could also give them advice since she is used to giving advice and she could tell them to stand up for themselves, like what she did for twilight. she’s really calming and sweet, so she could be walking on dreams now.
One potential option could be a similar concept to the friendship map. The idea of magical items holding a significant amount of power has been shown multiple times in the show. Even if one individual or a small group starts off doing the job, a sudden event or fight could create a new magical item which is able to decide who needs to visit another character's dreams. (Maybe even a set of powerful ponies and/or creatures come together to create it.) I'm not really sure how they would know about being sure that they are being chosen or if they succeeded. (Glowing cutie mark has already been used by the map, so even if it's something similar, differentiating in some way prevents a certain amount of confusion.)
Even though I know she wasn’t and will never be in MLP:FIM it has been a dream of mine to have Sunset Shimmer take on the role of royalty in some way. I have always been a huge Sunset fan, ever since she was introduced in Equestria Girls, and she has grown so much. Of course, she does seem to be fitting quite well in the human world, as of now, but let’s keep in mind that in the Equestria Girls series/movies they are still only in high school. I would imagine that Sunset’s fondness of the human world would be a bit minimized once her friends and her began taking their own ways, we’ve seen before that Sunset does feel a strong connection to magic and in the past has become easily bored if there aren’t anything happening that is in someway linked to Equestria. I would imagine that it might very well be possible for her to return to Equestria and perhaps become an alicorn herself, perhaps helping Twilight out in the same way Luna did with Celestia. And she would still be able to go back every once in a while and meet up with her friends from the human world, in the same way that Twilight meets up with her friends that are now spread across Equestria.
I have a theory that it’s the Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Starlight, And a few other important Ponies. The Mane Six each go into a dream if it relates to their Element of Harmony while Twilight goes for friendship issues. The Crusaders go in when a Pony is unsure of their place in the world and help them figure out what it is. Starlight is sent in for self confidence issues with occasional help from Trixie and Sunburst. I’m thinking the task will work similarly to the Map.
Is it wrong that i would totally see Luna giving the responsibility to the crusaders? Shes shown to be very close to them as fillys and their jobs in helping ponies discover who they are and their roles kinda strikes me as a great fit for dream walkers.
we have seen rainbow being able to motivate people. i think back to hurricane fluttershy where you originally went into her usual motivational talk, but then changed her way of talking when realising she was motivating fluttershy. she (and AJ, could see them sharing the job too) also had a lesson in motivation in buckball season.
another option may be: discord. crazy? perhaps, but hear me out: could he do it? absolutely. there doesn't appear to be a limit on his power. have the time? if there's one creature who won't need sleep it'd be discord. we've also seen him duplicate himself. they also claim he'd be using his magic for good, but we never see it, this may be where he's fully put to use. would he want to? probably where most would say no. i'd say yes. what was his plan in season 9? to motivate twilight and help her trough her fears. he may be crazy, but he also turned quite nice. and who better to deal with and make sense of the craziness that is dreams then the lord of chaos?
People may not like my idea, but what about that Dream creature? It could create nightmares. It stopped torturing Luna, so maybe it can help others with her job. It can go to different dreams already and wouldn't be busy. Plus, it's really good with changing dreams.
You are 50 percent right. You are right that no 1 pony 🐴 can fully replace Luna but u should have said not any type of pony 🐴. Mabye Twilight will make a pony 🐴 an Alricorn and that could run the dream world. I think that Starlight would be the best pony 🐴 for this. She could make Sunburst👨🏻🏫 the head stallion of the Friendship School 🏫 and she could rule the dream world. Still, I think this dream team idea of yours is perfect.
I think the mane 5 would be the dream team. Rainbow- Going in the dream Flutters- Also going in the dreams Rarity- opening the dreams Applejack- ??? Pinkie- Destroy all of time and space
I see rainbow dash as a good candidate if you read the journal of the two sisters rainbow dash and Luna were almost identical when it came to personality and I can totally see it
I love the idea but you didn't go dar enough! After watching "My Past is not Today" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqnbYUG6Bn8 it occurs to me that Sunset shimmer might be the Right Hoof do Rainbow dash when it comes to dream walking. she might even be able to be the gatekeeper or alternate walker for dreams. We know she has enough darkness that she can bring to bear and she certainly has the drive and desire to help make dreams. So All she needs is a little magic. Like the aura that surrounded her at the end f the video. what if she were to transform into a nightmare and carry dreams with Rainbow Dash? It might take both of them. RD as guide and SS as carrier of dreams. Of course they could get the dreams from a well of dreams! It also might be interesting if it wasn't just nightmares but other kinds of dreams as well. I'm borrowing a bit of Xanth here I admit. But it is still a good fit. You could have an episode where they discover the need for dreams and learn about hte well of dreams and nightmares and a quest to find it to bind the dream team together. Finally an episode or two about learning to carry dreams and nightmares and work together in harmony to deliver the dreams and nightmares. It could be a whole graduate study at the academy to become a night mares and dream ponies!
Maybe its starlight because in one episode luna says ' i can see me in you' to satrlight or maybe it's spike if twilight is playing celestia's role then it must be spike playing luna's role
i think itd be discord, he volunteers to do it when twilight starts worrying, she has no other options so lets him go for it, and even though he doesn't do much, everyone jusf goes with it
I have another question who turns ponys into alicorns now? Because celestia is also retired so i pretty sure she wont be doing it anymore. Yes Twilight took over celestia's duties but does that mean Twilight transforms ponys into alicorns?
Hi sawtooth waves I wanna talk about the one you said that celestia freed Luna actually I think it’s star swirl while he’s still real he does have stars and moons on he’s hat and clothes
Why can I see Pinkie Pie going into others dreams I mean she has so much chaotic energy that the craziest dream would have no effect on her and she could find some Pinkie Pie way to solve it.
Ok this is kind of funny but I just started watching like 2 hours ago and I just saw your character that’s a pony so I took a pick of flutter shy and changed the color of her skin and the cutey mark :3 /it’s going great 👍😎
My idea might be a lost cause, but if you hear me out and decide if it's good or not, then that'd be great:
Maybe Cozy Glow can be the dream walker! *Visable confusion from fellow reader* I know, but just hear me out! If you haven't seen Sawtooth Waves' recent video 'Reforming Cozy Glow' then you should watch it first to understand my comment. If you have already watched it, then you know that she will be the leader of motovation. She can motovate herself to learn how to make portals to go into dreams. She has a lot of courage, she already worked with four villians, if you include Sombra. Cozy Glow is also pretty smart, she gave good reasons to work together with Crysilys And Tirek. If Cozy Glow stays an alicorn, then she will keep her wings, which will be perfect to use for the dream world. Because she will be the leader of Motovation, she can motovate the pony who is having the nightmare to get over their fears by showing the good side to them. Let's say that someone was having a nightmare about falling from a great height. Cozy Glow can save them with her wings or magic and show how good it is to be in the sky. even if the pony doesn't have wings, they will see that there's no need to be scared of heights when the sky is the limit! Cozy Glow can continue that route, and show pony's the opposite to their fears, just like when she thought her destiny was Manipulation. Sure, Rainbow Dash is pretty suited for the job, but again, she is a busy pony, and handles her life around her friends, being a wonderbolt, and daring doo. She might go mad if she doesn't get any sleep, like twilight, but because Cozy Glow doesn't have too much of a busy life because, there's not really much 'motovation' needed in Equestria when it's daytime, she can spend most of her time sleeping so she can wake up at night so she can do Luna's Job. Which is perfect! But what do you, fellow reader, think? I'd like to hear any other ideas in the replies!
Spike should do it. He can walk in dreams and before twilight went to sleep she will put spike in with a spell and in the morning she will take spike out by 10AM
MLP Dream Team: Vinyl Scratch - Unicorn Dj works at night Flurry Heart - Alicorn has same powers as Luna Octavia - Earth Pony beautiful music to help ponies sleep Lyra - ERRR coluld give them a HAND!!!!!
She said some R&R this means she still will be helping in the dream room maybe and that’s a possibility of discord my help because he literally freaked cozy glow into your work from Tartarus and Fried let me Telya king Sombra and also to chrysalis and he literally opened up another room to almost put some pony in jeopardy in the main six can handle it and if it’s to have a control Louis can come over timer for a few minutes to put it in control in the main six his control will not twilight she’ll be asleep but basically the other ponies in the main six will take over the control then and then she can go back to her R&R
I was thinking about starlight... I did see the song you placed on youtube, seriously, she will be the right pony to help... And I'm not joking because Starlight will be very good at this... And don't forget how the road looked in the dream realm, it is just like her cutie mark and I think that is why her magic is too powerful to even twilight...It is equal to Starswirl the bearded...... And I wanna know what you think......
has nobody suggested pinkie pie walking in dreams? she already knows about the fourth wall and time travel, i’m sure she’d know some way to enter everyone’s dreams
Hi! I watched mlp for the first time in like 5 years and i realized that luna and celestia have another sibling! You might ask why i think that well do you remember in season 1 where all the ponys wanted the ticket to the grand galoping gala rarity said that she wanted to marry THE NEPHEW OF CELESTIA that means they have to have a sibling!!!!!!
I think king sombra and princess Luna's daughter will replace Luna and I thing she will be close to flurry heart as she is the princess of light I think Luna's daughter will be the princess of dark
Omg ok so I think Luna will get replace and I’m really think of starlight she might be the person who like open portals or she can be the person who do everything not sure
Rainbow lithing dust if she does any good by now & ember:fithing nightmares team Thorax pinkie:calming down pony's team Star sirwl mis mane:teloporting dreams team!
I think Twilight will replace Candace (Forget about flurry),Starlight will replace Luna and Sunset will replace Celastia Edit: WAIT!!!!! I want a movie with the above topic How many of you are watching this after Season 9😅😅😭😭 Edit 2: *Types comment before watching*😶😶
Sawtooth no one can fully replace Luna human that can turn into a alicorn and that is the most powerful being that ever exsisted opens a portal and appears in sawtooths room and says are u sure about that sawtooth ;)
Star swirl and flutter shy also rainbow dash could be the dream team Fluttershy is amazing at giving advice starswirlhad experience on demention stuff and rainbow dash is brave and knows how to fight
If twilight sparkle has a twin sister she would be the one who watching everyone’s dreams at night and hangout with sunset shimmers friends at canterlot high.!
I know this sounds like WWWAAAAAAAAAYYYYY far fetched but hear me out:
luna has a child!!!! it's not like an alicorn hasn't gotten married before plus it does seem like Flurry Heart will take over Cadences job when she retires. Annnnnd like Twilight, I am sure they had a love interest in the past but were too busy to pursue them due to the fact they would probably outlive them and their duties as princess. (i would have totally loved an episode where Cadence tried to find Celestia and Luna 'Somepony to love') now that they are retired they might do so. BUUUUUT. if @Sawtooth Waves theory were to be true luna's child may be somehow connected to the moon without being connected to dreams. or her cutie mark could be found on something completely different like with pinkie and her family. Ooorrrr there could be some sort of order of the moon that is put together so that dream walking could be passed through the generations. it is kind of like @Sawtooth Waves theory above except there might be a sort of training camp founded by Luna over the years to pass dream walking through the ages. it could pass down Luna's legacy and keep the dreams safe.
I have a theory myself.... Rainbow dash is like twilights sidekick- I am not kidding Heres why : 1. She made the rainboom and the one who reunited the mane six 2. I feel like its kinda strange that rainbow dash gets called last i mean if its normal idk And yea thats it ;-;
What about the cutie mark crusaders One unicorn,One earth pony,One pegasus Unicorn opens dream world earth pony goes into the dream realm and pegasus encourages unicorn
What about sunset I know she's probably staying in the human world but what about human sunset coming to stay in the pony world forever so there's not 2 sunsets in on world
tomas peterson2020-07-24 00:33:33 (edited 2020-07-24 00:34:30 )
3:54 oh you should video on him, like is he going to live forever . witch that look like the case. and how he and his friend made pass a thousand years. 4:30 too
No rainbow dash cuz one she cant take care of that starlight has some problems plus starlight isnt the ruler team like ranbow tiwilight and more so i think rainow dash is bettter
Clarisa DA Pony2020-08-01 07:35:39 (edited 2020-08-01 07:37:18 )
I hv an amazing video idea how about you make who raise the sun video now it’s twilight but she use a machine with celestial and Luna power the machine is fail at lotta little things episode and than so celestial fix the machine at summer sun setback episode and twilight rises the sun easily in the part two or one celestial gives the machine to twilight
I think its gonna be the rest of the name six rairity opens the portal raindbow dash will will fight pinkie will get out her party canon apple jack will fart apples and flutter shy will comfert
If twilight is the princess of friendship then she cant she be like three princess at once so then the next ruler of the night is starlight since it like in her name star - light and luna , so then sunset shimmer will be the ruler of the sun bc of her name and ya OwO im smart
well i been thinking sunset shimmer well come back to equestria and take job of the sun and forgivess, and starlight well take the job of the moon and peace , so that just leaves twilight the ruler of equestrian she well need help went the main 5 die off old age so these are my quesss
What about the shit show they turned mlp into? Like bring back the old show and keep going with it.... What's wrong with showing twilight and her gang being the new rulers? And seeing the new roles for everyone like wtf???!! It was an actual decent show and now... They went and made it trash 😱😱😰😰😞😞☹☹😖😖😭😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😡
In Twilight Sparkle coronation Princess Luna and princess Celestia join the crowds together so princess Twilight Sparkle could maybe the dreamworld plan of person that diamond crazy that she always does without sleeping I never know what that we could do she's the magical ok and this is a person on comment sorry if I rayt rong 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
U said: that luna and celestia hair flod bicuse they are from a nother plase but twilight and kadenc hair do not flode bc there from ponyvile but why wen twilight grow up her hair start to flode too and what happen ????
Personally, I think it would be the CMCs, because if they can help with cutie marks, why not dream problems? Also, when they grow up, although they would work in the friendship school, the three of them would be able to do all the work(of dream walking) even though they need to work in the school, and perhaps they could use an amulet similar to the one twilight uses to raise the sun and moon, but for dream walking. Finally, these 3 ponies are the only ones that appear in an episode together in a shared dream with princess luna guiding them(with their cutie marks), so it would be nice if they are now guiding ponies in their dreams(during this time they could also help ponies with their cutie marks in their dreams!). This would be a lot like twilight being celestia's pupil and now luster dawn is twilights pupil, so I think there are parallels here, just like equestria needs both sun and moon in harmony to work and they are connected.( I'm not counting the shared dream of all of ponyville cause that doesn't count, but correct me if I am wrong if there are more episodes with shared dreams that don't include the mane six 😁.)( also I just realised, that sweetie belle would be able to use the magic amulet (hypothetical) since she is a unicorn, so this would work! Also since the CMCs are a unicorn, pegasus and earth pony, when they work together it would be a lot like alicorn magic, like Luna is an alicorn, and they would meet up at the end of the night or take shifts so they dont get too tired. This is just a theory tho but I personally think it would work!)
Hey Sawtooth! Love your channel and theories. This video made me think about something and I would like your opinion on the matter. What about the dreams of other creatures? We do know they dream, but does Luna walk in their dreams too? Because other than Spike being in the shared dream, I don't think we've seen any proof that she does. And if she didn't would the pony/ponies/creatures who do it now, do it differently due to the increased interactions between ponies and other creatures?
I think this job can be handled by sunset shimmer or starlight glimmer. First, they are both unicorns so they can be taught by Starswirl to open magical doors to ponies dreams. Then when you think of sunset's name, the word sunset means the sun going down, making way for the moon.
I believe Discord is more than capable of dream walking. and he has always know just how to test ponies and make them face their fear. Doing it in dreams would be less dangerous and he always wants to be included. I can see how people would disagree, but in my mind it makes sense.
I personally think that Luster Dawn will take over. That would be a perfect fall to practicing friendship. Besides, Luster is a number 1 magic school student. I also think it could also be Star Swirl since he’s a powerful wizard.
If you go through the comments of your other previous vids like this, hear me out. Maybe because the magic of Celectia and Luna is in Twilight now, half of Twilight's powers work in the dreamworld, so she might be sleeping at the same time dreamwalking
wait I know something! If any of you watched Dr.Strange, there ARE astral forms. And Luna in those dreams, looks like she's a ghost basically. That could be just what she looks like in dreams, but what if Twilight could become an "astral form?" can she do the same?
Ok so here’s my idea for the dream team. Starswirl for casting the actual spell. Rainbow dash for handling the physical conflict. Silverstream and/or occelus for the emotional conflict. One other random pony if either a dream gets too hard to handle or another pony is having another nightmare and nether can wait. Also sorry for not doing bullet lines, I physically don’t have that button
I guess when Luna were in the moon for 1000 years, no one looked dreams.... so that can mean that there doesn't have to be anyone who will look out for them. But one I think would be possible in that work, would be starlight glimmer!
I was thinking it would be starlight and in another video you said that she would most likely become an alicorn so it's a perfect fit not to mention all of the personality aspects that she has that are perfect for the job.
Or maybe the next dreamwalker could be one or the 6 students connected to the tree of harmony.
It might not make sense at first but hear me out: Since they are most likely to be the next generation harmony elements then that means that maybe they will play an important part in the future of the "new Equestria". So, with that in mind i think it would make sense if one of them was a dreamwalker (despite the fact that they don't have the magic of a unicorn)
honestly i thought it'll be starlight glimmer, she s super powerful and i bet she can learn dream walking, we ve seen her being supportive to other ponies, she has a dark past but she learnt from her mistakes, so she can learn other ponies too.. (just my opinion)
This is probably really far-fetched, more so the idea I have in mind and not the character, but i think Starlight would be perfect... and Starlight... as an alicorn. She would step down from her role as headmare. (Sadly), but Sunburst would take over as headstallion. Then they’d need a new Vice Headpony! (This is probably an odd idea but hear me out). The replacement would be Moondancer. I can see her taking it seriously, plus Twilight could help convince her if she’s not up for it. I see her and Sunburst being a good working pair in that situation! So yeah! Princess Starlight would live full time in Twilight’s old castle and would constantly being dreamwalking. Essentially being one pony taking on that job. Moondancer is new Vice Headmare. Sunburst is promoted to Headstallion.
But! Dream team is a good idea, but I personally like the idea of an Alicorn Starlight doing it on her own! Maybe she could establish the dream team once she gets tired of doing it alone! Who knows lol
i think luna might still walk in dreams but with a dream team as she would get help and luna would be well replaced by well luna , and the dream team so the problem might be quite little
Another question is who did that while Luna was in/on the moon? Like Celestia certainly acted like she had no idea how to handle dream walking or nightmares, so who was doing it for 1000 years?
I think the dream team will be starsworld (to open dreams), rainbow (for physics) and fluttershy (for emotional) because starsworld we know nothing about in the future, rainbow is tied then though she was not before and same with flutter shy
I think that the most likely candidates are the most obvious... the six elements of harmony or the ponies who represent them. Say the current six have that job once Luna steps down and then if or when they can't do that job because of their jobs. The next "dream team" would the six (inter race) students. If there are more generation of these groups of friends then you have a job being passed on from generation to generation. Please let me know what you think if you like or understand my jumble of a mini theory.
Starlight cuz she's good at giving advice and she's good at magic which means she can travel in the dream realm Edit: but if she goes into the dream realm she would be too tired to run the school of friendship Good thing she has Trixie and Sunburst :)
I know I’m Kinda late to the video, but I think a scenario that might happen with rainbow is that her and the pony are both scared of the thing in the dream and they have to over come the fear together!
I think a Dream Team could help! And these are the people who I think could help if there was a Dream Team: Some sort of already powerful unicorn. Maybe Rarity or Trixie? - Starswirl could teach them amazing magic in order to get the rest of the Dream Team into the dream world.
Rainbow Dash - Basically what Sawtooth Waves said. Rainbow Dash would protect the ponies while the other members of the Dream Team do their thing.
Pinkie Pie and/or Fluttershy - Pinkie Pie can entertain ponies and show them not to be scared. Fluttershy can also comfort them.
Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it... Could Discord go into the Dreams? Although he's kind of frightening, he has incredible magic. Discord could also make nightmares into happy dreams with just a snap. Also, if needed, he could bring Fluttershy with him so he'll make sure to control himself and not go overboard.
Hey Sawthoot can you make a vid on explaining Luna’s cutie mark. In the episode in which her cutie mark was removed when she gave her magic to Twillight a black mark on her flank was left but in the episode, Royal problems when starlight switched her cutie mark with Celestia the black mark wasn’t there
Starlight will probably open the dream world I mean she was able to edit a time travel spell to go years back in time then maybe rainbow, apple jack and fluttershy helping the pony's fluttershy for emotional support and the other 2 for fighting the dreams
sawtooth wave hi i have something id like to be seen touched upon celestia had never run the dream realm before she did not know what to do luna pointed out that if you do nothing it can have a great impact on someones mind yes it seems everything went well during those 1000 years but what do you think happened to the ponies who did not get dream help as well as in nightmare moons reality from the multiple realities does she still help with nightmares or does she cause them to keep ponies under her control. sorry this is a long one but ive been thinking about this for years
I don't think that this "Dream Team" will be running the dream world. I think it would be one pony. But it's not Rainbow Dash, not Luna, nor Twilight. I think it will be... drumroll STARLIGHT GLIMMER. Just think about it for a moment. Doesn't it all come together?
I know who to put in the dream team rainbow dash:physical, starlight:emotional, starswerld:magic thorax's brother: the one who finds a place for starlight to talk to the pony
well are you sure rainbow dash? does she know EVERYONE IN EQUESTRIA? doesnt she only know everyone in PONYVILLE? and does she know what there thinking?
but who would be in the dream team? yeah, your right, starlight WOULD be useful, but umm... does she really have THAT much experience?!?
What about starlight after retiring from head teacher and possibly passing it on to one of the student six she could be the one walking through dreams I mean she is powerful enough to do it or even sunburst
Well I would imagine that fluttershy and rainbow could work together, because rainbow can fight off the nightmares, but fluttershy is better with the emotional part. For example, The My Little Pony movie
Paula Salazar2020-06-23 02:51:48 (edited 2020-06-26 21:31:17 )
Okay hear me out, but what if Sunset Shimmer did it (I know it won’t happen, even though I’ll like it) I mean, she has experience with portals and is an unicorn with powerful magic abilities, she could learn from Luna and Starswirl a spell to open realms. She’s also one of Twilight’s best friends, she really trusts her. So with the mane 6 and Starlight bussy with their jobs, Sunset could be the one dream walking, maybe not every night (because of the fact that she has a formed life in the human world) but often and help ponies with their nightmares. She also has the ability of reading minds and knowing how others feel and she’s good hearing and understanding others problems and fears. The only problem is that her superpower only works in the other dimension. BUT what if that superpower, as time passes, became part of Sunset completely, so she could also use it in her pony form. Wouldn’t it be cool? Nobody...? Just me? Ok. :(
I don't think Rainbow Dash is a good idea. The reason for this is because luna was an alicorn that could live forever but Rainbow Dash is not. She will die of old age and then who will walk in dreams.
When Brony Notio— erm, ahem, I mean SAWTOOTH... 😑, brought up Twilight dreamwalking, I placed my bets in and was instantly like “it’s STARlight or SUNSET, isn’t it? Another of his theories came true!: humanoid-Sunset came to Equestria! Bow down before her.. well, no, but these names are starting to shift logically, now..”
Star swirl,rainbow and fluttershy will take over the dream realm star swirl will open the portal to the dream rainbow will perfect the pony in that dream and fluttershy will comfort the pony who is having the dream and I love you'r channel
Luna is awesome but HER CUTIE MARK. I like her cutie mark when she gave her power the black of it stayed on her but when it was swapped with Celestia the black went with the moon.
If discord worked wyth rainbow dash that would make for some busy, intresting dreams. And he wouldnt feel useless and get bored so he wouldnt rly cause much trouble.
I think the whole retirement thing is kinda weird they’re princesses shouldn’t they had gone upper in the royal food chain or sum? And what’s the pony life span normal ponies seem to die like humans do but not Celestia and Luna also if the main six rule “together” what’s gonna happen when they pass away and twilight is left alone to rule or maybe she’ll make new princesses like celestia did
I thought it starlight would’ve been walking in dreams now, or ar least played a part by opening the realms bc shes a very magically strong unicorn, but who e,se but RAINBOW DASH??
luna still as she is the only one who can enter the dream realm. I agree with one of the other comments is t more personal than a job, idk why but my headcannon is that after retirement luna gets bored... as celestia got wayyyy more time ruling over 1000 years! so I think luna would probably get mad and turn into nightmare moon again and go against twilight. that's just my headcannon.
Maybe the original human sunset will come through the portal and take on dreamwalking or pony sunset will come back to equestria ( by the way I have not seen season 9 so I do not know what happens )
I think rainbow dash should take lunas job. She is the best choice and if it weren't for rainbow dashes sonic rainboom, none of the other mane 6 would get they're cutie Mark's (including twilight)
2:26 I thought it might be a plot twis and u were gonna say starlight glimmer might also twilight , starlight and shining are the only unicorns and Ali corn with two names not including rainbow dashe’s family or zephyr
I have a feeling it would by starlight glimmer I mean if she could take ponies cutie marks a play the act that she wanted to help I have a feeling she would by go a dream walking
Starlight glimmer has potential on great magics along with sunburst. If were a team i would think it would be starlight, rainbow dash and maybe sunburst with others?
Twilight sparkle is walking into dreams now because princess Luna and celestia turned In their crown together and gave it to twilight sparkle which means she has the control of the day and night
I think flutter shy well be dream walking cause of her kindness it could confuturent the ponys of a equastra and I also think discord well help flutter shy to get in the dream world.
What if Luna died and she will be born again but she miht be like Flurry like shenwas born as a Alicorn and Celestia she may die with her sister too but what if both of them was born as a alicorn at the same time and what if starlight is the princess of stars and there is a possibility where Starlight is like Twilight and well here is another theory
Theory about the changeling's:
While Throax is still alive there is a chance when he will die from villans a sickness or anything So who will be the King of- wait king.. queen.. KING QUEEN WAIT THEY ARE MISSING A QUEEN okay here Sawtooth Waves can you make a theory of changeling's? And a theory of who will be a queen of Changelings :3 Edit from October 8 2021: wtf is this theory i made, but it kinda made sense
I think rainbow dash had to be a alacorn be customized if rainbow dash was never born the power of friendship will be never a thing and if rainbow dash did not do the sonic rainbow then they will not get there cutie mark
Me being a person with an active imagination, I can see this. Twilight might even recruit different races so they can solve their different problems. I can also imagine a full room in the castle designated to this Dream Team. As so scenarios, I can imagine the physical fighter taking the night off only for the dream team to find them in a nightmare of their own. This could honestly be it's own series! It's also just a lot of fun to imagine this!
Just a thought, Discord, sure he’s chaotic but that can also mean he can CREATE dreams that are chaotic and teach the Pony a lesson, and I’m sure years of Fluttershy have rubbed off on him well enough to have a somewhat heart to heart with ponies so he sounds logical, sure it might not go so well at first but overtime he would understand
A "Dream Team" would be an interesting offshoot I would DEFINITELY watch! That would awesome!
Though I wonder, what do Tia and Luna do now for retirement? Do they go off exploring Equestria like tourists? Do they have a secluded island they "retire" to? How long is this "retirement?" I've always wondered what happened to them in the last episode since it takes place "much later."
I really question myself at this point if the creators take a lot of time to really think about the stories that they are making and the details they use, just think about it, it will take a lot of time to actually remember every single thing they have created, I mean I really believe they are geniuses inventing this type of series and let us think about what happened or what should have happened by ourselves like it’s a supper opened series, they just leave with the doubt of how things occurred, and that’s why it’s so special I don’t think it’s just a series for kids.🤯🤯
So here’s my thoughts: like you said star swirl would be a great candidate to open the portals to the dream realm and teach other unicorns the skill, rainbow dash beating off the nightmares are a good idea but she’ll need a backup so I’m thinking maybe a pharynx! He certainly has the strength and determination to do it and he has the ability to transform which will definitely be useful! And since he’s a backup it won’t take up too much of his time especially since I don’t think he does too much at the hive, (that’s not an insult don’t freak out notion) and for emotional support I think gabby would be good! She obviously has a lot of free time after she delivers all her mail and she’s energetic enough to make it through the night!
I think Starlight would be the one walking in dreams. She's known fear and insecurity just like Luna has, and Rainbow just hasn't had that expirience. Starlight has gone to those same lengths that Luna has, which allows her to relate to ponies in the same way.
What if Luna's last gift to Equestria before retirement was creating a sort of... anti-tantabus? She created the tantabus to cause nightmares (for herself) out of guilt, but what if- she created a creature the opposite of the tantabus? This creature would be created out of her will to protect the creatures of Equestria, who instead of causing nightmares to others- provides comfort.
honestly I think it's most likely that starlight might take on that task. She has the power to do it, and has been built up to be twilight's pupil. So it seems like as her confidence grows, she would eventually take on that role.
I feel like, SOMEHOW, Twilight would be able to do it. Mainly because, thematically, it would be pretty cool. "Twilight" is between night and day, and her taking the responsibilities of the sisters who ruled the sun and moon would be too perfect.
I think it s more likely to be starlight because of her previous experience in dreamwalking. She has proven herself in defiting crisalys and as school counselor already have the experience needed.
Starswirl is the teacher, rainbow dash the one to handle the dreams, and fluttershy comforting the pony that had the dream. I think that's a perfect dream team. There aren't that many jobs to do in the dream team. Star swirl, rainbow dash, and fluttershy are the perfect ponies for the job.
So, if there would be a dream team.... I'm pretty late to the party but still. What if the CMC would do it. They have seen what Luna did over the whole time and I think that they are the right team for it. Maybe they would get the thing Twilight got for raising sun and moon, just for dreams and everyone would take a turn.
I doubt that I’m the first person to realize this, but twilight is in between day and night. Twilight may not be able to dream walk, but maybe Starlight could learn. If the naming convention is one reason, but so is the fact she’s an incredibly powerful unicorn.
I like your idea of Rainbow dash, but personally I’d like to see the mane six (excluding Twilight) and then adding in Starlight. I’d see starlight operating the magic, cause clearly she is insanely powerful and then all the girls walking in the dreams. It would almost be like the friendship map, except traveling in dreams instead of across equestria.
I think it could be flurry heart. I mean, remember her having a tantrum nearly destroyed the crystal empire? Since her mom is also an alicorn, she, luna, and maybe starlight or twilight can help her. Starlight is also pretty capable too, So either for me its flurry heart, starlight, or both.
How’s this for a suggestion: get Screwball to do it. We don’t know whether or not she has any function in the show other than being a background character, so we may assume she is unemployed or has no job to begin with. If she truly is Discord’s relative of some sort, considering she is only there when he is, it may be safe to assume that she has alicorn-level magic and can basically do anything the princesses can.
Heck, if Equestria is truly a meritocracy, she could possibly even befriend Twilight Sparkle and, when she becomes a citizen of Equestria, be crowned as Twilight’s co-ruler.
Heres an idea: bat ponies along with other species. I can see twilight hiring Luna’s closest bat guards along with at least one representative of each species two be dream walkers lead by Starswirl and (maybe) Starlight. I don’t see twilight wanting just ponies to have good dreams so she would send her representatives to make sure everyone could have a good nights rest. I can even imagine luna popping by every now and then to see how everyone’s doing.
(I’m not sure if anyone else has said this but i wanted to put in my 2 cents!)
I think luna can be replaced by starlight -has magic -knows alot in magic -like luna starlight glimmer is evil too in the past but changed starligt can learn how to dream walk with the help of twilight -starlight glimmer ang twilight sparkle has a deep relationship that can build a foundation to create such thing as dream walking(twilight=celestia. Starlight=luna)
Just had a thought! I mean who else in the mlp franchise has really powerful magic other the starswirled celestia Luna and twilight? Starlight glimmer! Think about it she has traveled through TIME and she is a very intelligent pony. Soo I think if it isn’t a team starlight would be doing Lucas job. I could Imagine starswirled or Luna her self teaching glimmer how too dream walk? Do you think I’m on to something here?!
I believe that Celestia and Luna either died and before finding someone to rule the dream world. Or gave up their "Age Spell" and "Alicorn spell" (The ones that Star Swirl gave them ) and moved to Silver Shoals (canon) where they spend the rest of their lives as old unicorn mares. Luna might try to find a suitable replacement for ruling the dream world and mentor them during her golden days. This successor might be someone we don't know with the special talent to help ponies with their dreams.
I think there is ONE thing you didn't consider: Option 4: Luna puts her dream walking power into an object or two(In case one breaks or a villain takes one) so that ANY willing pony could enter the dream realm and thus this way it could go on forever. After all, if Celestia and Luna can put their power into a object for Twi to raise the sun and moon, why not dream walking too? This means Rainbow Dash could still take over the roll for a while until a NEW pony is born with the ability to do dream walking. (I refuse to believe that only ONE power for one pony, forever even if the power changes and evolves over time.)
one thing that would be cool but is most likely not it is moondancer being apart or even fully being apart of managing the dream realm, i've just seen moondancer as a partly opposite of twilight, just like celestia and luna
Since I haven't seen anyone else say this I thought I'd leave Discord up for consideration He may not be the most trustworthy with a job like that but I think it would be an interesting idea to entertain lol
I think Starlight Glimmer is the dream walker... because Twilight might give Starlight a pair of wings... but maybe no pair of wings and Starlight just uses her magic because Starlight also did time travel in season 5.
Rainbow Dash does technically have magic, but just not on the same scale as unicorns. Magic is what allows all pegasi to fly. When Tirek was stealing everyone's magic, the pegasi could no longer fly. Then once Twilight and her friends defeated Tirek all the pegasus ponies got their magic back, and could fly once again.
I was thinking that Starlight would do it, because she's quite a powerful unison and knows how to change realms and turn back time! And she singlehandedly did that friendship quest with the two royal sisters! So in my opinion, I think Starlight would be the dream walker, and maybe Rainbow dash could help because she seems ok
I really think that star light is the new dream walker it might be a thank you for the royal (sort of) sisters for helping her in the dream realm and why can't the someone else have taken over the school for some time 😊
well flurry heart is also a princess and we actually don't know what type of princess she is so there is a possibility that flurry heart will be okay for the job. She is also has very powerful at magic since she was born alicorn.
Dream Team Members: Unicorns: Starswrilled and Starlight, Pegasi: RD and Vapor Trail, Earth Ponies: AJ and Pinkie, Changelings: Ocellus and Pharynx, others: Silver Stream and Smolder. Night One: Starswrilled and Starlight open multi portals to the dream world and the team enter. Dash enters the dream of Yona, a escpecting mother, having the same nightmare of her baby being hated by the world for being part pony part yak. Vapor enters the dream of Trixie, having the same nightmare that she is freezing up every time she goes to tell Starlight she's in love with her. ever certure pretty much enters a main or secondary characters reacuring nightmare. they all try to help, but only make things worse for everyone. so are pulled out. over and over again. finally, after about 3 months, they get it right.
Luna didn't fight the dreams, she instead comforted the ponies that had a nightmare. Honestly I think that the most comforting pony in the mane six would be... Fluttershy. She has lots of emotional connections, (I mean... I am a bit biased because Fluttershy is my favorite mane six character) she has plenty of friends and can speak with animals, so that could be a way to comfort the pony. Rainbow dash likes fighting, yes she can comfort ponies but she's more into fighting, and you don't have to fight the nightmares since it isn't real.
I believe that princess cadence and princess twilight will take turns waking in dreams and I believe that princess flurry heart will help too . And Luna mint still do from time to time.
I still think Twilight should've said NO to Celestia about being the new ruler Why couldn't it be just Celestia retiring and have Luna take her place instead
Now if we look back on there cutie marks it represents what they do best and we see on Luna’s a moon and a dot so we could say the dream ends when she uses her magic from her dot because part of there magic of a alicorn is the cutie mark is what made them so power ful because they achieved it when they did something magical so she used the magic of her dot to end dreams and the moon is what starts the dreams and not a lot of people don’t have that cutie mark.
fluttershy emotional (cause u know its fluttershy) , rainbow with psychical stuff (explained already) , star swirl as said (open to dream stuff) , twilight could make sure things are going smoothly (so things do not crumble to well crumbs)
K this is random but flurry might be the princess of hope because her and cadence will out live shining armour and because of that she would need to stay strong and rule the crystal empire and give her subject’s hope. Maybe cadence will even be kidnapped and flurry heart will have to lead her subjects while others will have to look for cadence
Luna not walking in dreams wouldn't really effect anyone for 1000 years when she was in the moon I'm pretty sure no one was dream walking and everyone turned out fine as far as we know
I think Starswirl will open up the portal Rainbow Dash will help with the physical problem and Fluttershy will help with the emotional problem because in the movie during the fight Fluttershy talked to one of the Stormking's guards and made him feel better what do u think
I think rainbow dash is a great pick after all shes the element of loyalty (aldoe fuddershy would work if she wast shy.. but then her name would just be fudder)
Who says that Starlight, Twilight's student, can not one day be an allicorn herself, then take over Luna's old job of dream walking. If Twilight learned how to rise the sun and the moon why can't here one day be a pony have the magic for dream walking and become an allicorn to help these who need it. There are many cutie marks out there so how do we know that a pony can already be able to dream walk due to there cutie mark.
I think fluttershy would be replaced luna in dream walking because she sweet and could team whith discord to open dream world why I think discord because he proff him slef to overpowered and fluttershy could work against her shyness and she can relate to the pony .
well as far as the practical means of doing so...there a likely ways to replicate Lunas magic.. at the time,only celstia and luna were capable of effectively raising the celestial bodies...however,they were able o impart this ability to twilight b creating a (assumingly powerfull) magical relic that will do i for her.
as far as whome will have the responsibility i have two different theories,1 is not unlike what Brony notion said...havving not one person,but a team that will share the responsibility...and perhaps even be chosen for specific troublesome dreams based on thier own capabilities skills and psychological experiences...
however,if it were to bbe regulated to a single pony...i honestly do not think rainbow dash is a responsible choice,she is brave and unwavering,this is true but she does not poses the insight or wisdom to properly take the action needed in ALL circumstances,there are a few scenarios where she would be perfect at...but that is not good enough to give the job to her alone.
however there are two individuals that both fit the profile,and lack a purpose in equestria. one of them being discord...as he already has something of an understanding to the innerworkings of magic and has a long span of emotional life experiance,has made some of the worst mistakes and has learned from them...and not to mention is more than capable of handling even the most out of control nightmares...he may even have the same dream magic luna does given his vast power...and has an almost meddling habit of "testing" others and getting his point across in indirect,nuanced and surreal methods. on top of that,he lacks a true and consistent place in equestrian society...of course there are a few problems with this too,mainly stemming from his ego and lack of patiants,not to mention his tendency of being self centered and irresponsible...he would likely operate under twilight's guidance .
however the other one that,who would fit the role more perfectly psychologically..maybe even more so than starlight and has no other responsibilities or roles in equestria other than being a scholor is none other than Stygian. he is the one pony that likely has the most in common with Luna,he has experianced the same hardships,envy and resentments..has suffered the end result of him giving into them and has grown from these experiences and obviously learned from them just as luna has...this ontop of his calm,patiant nature (something luna has a few times shown to have troubles with) would make him a perfect dream walker...the only problem that would cause difficulty is the ability to actually do this...(as it has been implied that his unicorn magic is somewhat mediocre) but like a said,luna could likely create some sort of means for him to do it.
When all the ponies come to twilights castle when everyone is older. The main 6 were all old and if there was someone who ran the dream tell I feel like they would be immortal or have a prolonged life.
I think Fluttershy may replaced Luna because she have a lot of spare times and she also have discord with can may use magic to open the portal to the dream world.
I fell like sunset should be ruling with twilight so then it would be like how it was or it would be starlight coz she is powerful as well because her name is SUNSET so it would be perfect
I have been wondering about that since Celestia and Luna retires. Who will be protecting the dream realm for luna. While that in mind I created a Pic on the Future. Here's the link to it: https://www.deviantart.com/starlinesparkle896/art/The-Future-Rulers-of-Equestria-820069698 But I can understand about theory about Rainbow Dash walking to dreams. She can protect the Ponies. But how will she get to the realm itself, good question. There's gotta be another Pony who can do that.
No. It wouldn’t be rainbow dash. It’s not possible. She’s aging. Giving that role to that many ponies would not only be taxing on all those ponies and the kingdom’s currency, but also this opens up the possibility for MANY villains and mess ups. Discord has a better shot of running the dream world. Dreams don’t have to follow logic, he’s powerful enough. He doesn’t age. And he’s learned from Fluttershy how to be kind enough to help people with their problems. Not to mention, he has the power to break the forth wall and over a million years worth of living experience. It’s a good fit.
But, if you really want to find Luna’s replacement, you have to look at her 3 elements of harmony associated. Then find a pony that most emulates those 3 combined.
Maybe fluttershy can be on the dream team to for comforting pony’s she really kind and sweet and rainbow dash for defatting the monsters? Maybe rarity for opening portals?
Wait maybe Luna was never going to be retired in the first place so Luna might be still walking in dreams even though she is not a ruler anymore it doesn't mean she wont be dream walking now
(I know that I pretty late but I thought this might be something cool that I thought of.) So Twilight is known for always wanting to Live up to her Idol or Idol(s) *Celestia and Starswirl*, BUTTTT what if ALL of this is (The whole Series) just a dream _O_. I know unbelievable but I've got some evidence. 1. (I think in season 2 and or 3) She is all freaked out about not writhing letters to Celestia so she tries to make a problem herself, in my opinion, this is her trying to show that she is worthy enough to be like Celestia. 2. In like season 7 she is so eager so un-leash STARSWIRLED from Limbo since she is soooo obsessed. SIDE NOTE*Has anyone realized without spike she wouldn't be who she is .-. 3. When we see how all 6 of them got their CutieMarks we realize that it has always been her dream to be by the side of Celestia. But to me, none of the ending made sense Why wasn't twilight like luna and Cadance like Celestia? It would've all made more and clearer sense Cadence was an Alice first. But in the end, you could imagine Twilight waking up after the shaking of spike and telling him about her WHOLE dream. I don't know I've been binge-watching your theories and thought my thought would be a cool thing to point out.
Ok so this is an awful question, but are Luna and Celestia dead now? I don’t think they are... they gave Twilight the magic to do their duties... but they can’t give up all their magic... so are they still immortal? And does twilight now have to watch all her friends die?
What about twilight messenger she can enter dream realm When young 6 in a dream realm she just like Luna Because she snapped out of them from a nightmare I guess but it's on young 6 build the tree house of harmony EP
Brony,I think moon dancer will take care of luna's spot and just listen to her name,Moon DANCER. And,she is twilight's friend and since they are now happy together,they probobly rule equestria together because the mane 6 have other jobs and will probobly not take that role!So,because of the name and relationship,moon dancer should be the one who takes luna's spot!
Know what I think is that maybe it was enhanced since She is twilight in the middle of the night and Morning end it can’t be Rainbow Dash because she’s a wonderful she’s day person and I think Twilight Twilight can actually do it in her sleep
Bruh what if Sunset Shimmer started dream walking. What if Sunset became Luna’s replacement, and Twilight somehow elevated her to Alicorn status and her and Twilight has the same relationship as Celestia and Luna. It would solve the issue of her not being seen in The Last Problem because if she had the same relationship as Celestia and Luna, Sunset wouldn’t be seen in the day, as she would be asleep. Not to mention she wouldn’t be in the Council of Friendship because she was mostly in the human world. It makes sense, sooo...
I think that there will be a new series that focuses on the new mane six ya know the students. Or maybe it will look at twilights new student being turtored by them and repeating the journey in her own, totally different way, or maybe a series that coresponds to flurry heary
futtershy and discord would be great dicords magic with flutter shys kindnes and shore she would be scared but discord would be there but i can think of reasons why not to. . .
Tell me if I’m wrong but I here’s a theory: What if the title My little pony Freind is Magic is over but there can be another title My little pony chapter 2 or My little pony The crystal empire idk tell me if I’m wrong
What about Rarity Rainbow dash Flutter shy 1.Rarity can make the portal. 2. Rainbow dash she can fight the nightmares. 3. Flutter shy can do the part to help the pony when its being very sad.
I've always headcanoned Sunset returning, becoming an alicorn and ruling Equestria side by side with Twilight as a full second generation diarchy. Much like Luna, Sunset's skills and powers have grown into the direction of empathy, understanding and comforting. Heck, her magic in the EQG world is already kind of a daytime variant of Luna's: she can see people's thoughts, actions and anxieties. With a bit more training I can easily see that magic expanding into the dream world, putting Sunset at just the right place to take over from Luna.
I’d think Fluttershy alone would be able to accomplish that, though I think she’d need someone to open the portals for her.
I’ve read a fanfic about the Tantabus turning good, so maybe it could do that.
Though on a side note, I continue to have a recurring dream with Luna and Twilight entering my dreams, so perhaps Luna and Twilight would be co-rulers. I’d imagine them doing it well.
I remember watching MLP when I was 11. But now that I'm 18 I want to try watching it from a more adult perspective especially considering the amount of adults that actually like the show. I stopped watching MLP for a couple years and I never finished it but this time I want to. I'm on season 2 right now and I never realized how smart twilight is and how creepy pinkie pie is. I'm definitely convinced pinkie pie has a serious mental disorder
Option 4: You can't have a nightmare if you never dream. Twilight's second royal decree is nationalizing the Red Bull industry and distributing it to the most mentally-vulnerable to nightmares.
But yeah, like everyone already said, I think Starlight would be stellar in the Dream Team. It would wrap up her character nicely -- it's a great payoff to Luna's "I see a lot of myself in you" line; Starlight would get to be teamed up with someone else in the Mane 6 other than Twilight or Pinkie; her magical potential would cease to hit a plateau; it'll be great.
A very good question. I don't think a non-Alicorn could do dream walking. Maybe Twilight discovered a way to sleep and her dreams are dream walking, so she is rested when a new day rises. This theory doesn't make much sense, but I believe that Twilight would have to do it. c:
I think Cadence is a good candidate. Along with a few others with starlight and starswirl. Think about it. She has the alicorn magic, and emotional appreciation from the crystal empire along with the physical appreciation . Maybe she could run the cream team after starswirl teaches her so she can pass that information onto some of the other people. I think that starlight and sunburst could be the start of it alongside rainbowdash. Comment some other good candidates if you have some!
I'm not convinced that Dash would make a good dreamwalker (although that could change over time, I admit); she brings out a nurturing side for Scootaloo when necessary, sure, but I can't imagine her showing that same nurturing side to strangers. And of course while she'd probably do a great job at fighting the nightmares themselves, that wouldn't help to address the underlying issues causing them.
But you make a good point that Twilight would not settle for any regression relative to the prior status quo (even if it was only the status quo of the last few years), so somecreature or creatures would have to take over the night shift. I suspect though that it would end up being only one or few creatures who would do it and that they would consequently have few to no daytime responsibilities, so it probably wouldn't be any of the characters who have known (or strongly suspected) jobs as of "The Last Problem."
What if Flurryheart grows up to walk in dreams? She literally has heart in her name so she will likely be compassionate when she grows up. Plus, as an alicorn, she will likely be magical enough to take on the full job by herself.
Personally I believe if Luna retired she'd eventually come back to dream walking because it had her have a connection with most of the ponies in the world it allowed her to feel like she was doing something and I don't think necessarily that keep hardwood been taken away yes I think she would have still taken vacation and dude probably be a dream team but I think Luna with occasionally peep into dreams because of how she felt about are bonds with each of the ponies
Yeah I thought it would be Starlight Glimmer. She’s learned a lot about empathy over the years, and like Luna, had a similar past as regards being evil. Not to mention, she is a powerful unicorn, so powerful that even Twilight couldn’t beat her with magic. I like to think that those years being the school counselor would’ve trained her in helping other ponies. I know it ended with Starlight running the school, but who’s to say what happened afterwards? Eventually she might’ve shared the workload with Sunburst or like you suggested, delegated the work. Even when Twilight ran the school, she seemed to have a fair bit of leeway for time to do other things. But we’ve seen how powerful Starlight is in combat as well as emotionally. That’s why I say she’d also be a great candidate, not to mention she can use the magic herself. We’ve seen her jump through realms before, haven’t we? She might actually share this position with Starswirl, since I know he was the one who had the spell of jumping to alternate dimensions. The Starswirl theory is a good one, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility for Starlight. Personally the way I see it is Starlight has never been beaten and has learnt a lot more about friendship than I think Starswirl has, but that’s just my opinion. :)
In this video, Brony Notion said that Luna didn't walk in dreams before becoming Nightmare Moon(information gained from his video on Daybreaker). Going by that, people didn't need Luna in their dreams at that time. Only after that people realised that she would save them from their nightmares now. So, it makes sense that it should affect their psyche NOW if there would be no dream-walking.
My list for a potential "Dream Team" would be RD (since she called dibs), Starswirl (with his experience), Starlight (she did help the sisters with a friendship problem, including in the dream realm), Pinkie Pie (who better than the Element of Laughter to help a pony having a nightmare to "giggle at the ghosties"?), and the Cutie Mark Crusaders (perhaps when they're older, but they do have experience with dealing with dream, and they have a bond with Luna, and if a nightmare is cutie mark related, who better than the CMC to help with a cutie mark problem?). I could also include Applejack and Fluttershy, but I don't think they're the type to deal with that kind of responsibility. Maybe they could be part of a B Team.
Technically, the reason ponies did well without a dreamwalker for 1000 years is because there wasn't one before then. Luna didn't get her dreamwalking ability until after becoming Nightmare Moon and being banished. So it's not unreasonable to assume the ability just isn't there anymore.
As for Rainbow Dash calling dibs on dreamwalking, I know it shows Luna using magic when she dreamwalks. But what reason do we have to assume only magic users can use the ability? After all, Nightmare Moon originally got the ability from non-ponies who can't even use magic like a unicorn can. They did use ritual magic though. So if RD just has something to focus the magic with, then perhaps she wouldn't need to be a unicorn. Perhaps some kind of amulet or something (and no, not THAT amulet) to focus the power with. After all, Twilight was given a device to raise and lower the sun and moon so that the royal sisters could take a vacation.
I think Starswirl and Stygian could do the job considering their magic power, knowledge, strong psyche and experience about magic traveling. And what about Somnambula? Considering her name being maybe a hint? She would bring hope in every pony dreams, every night. But Dash would be better for fighting them nightmares. Also considering that Luna was making changes in the dreams themselves, so Stygian or Starswirl would have to follow for that duty.
Hi. I've always wondered who princess celestia's nephew was. during the grand galloping gala in i think the episode 'the best night ever' celestia introduces rarity to the nephew. does this mean Luna has a son or do celestia and Luna have another sibling? i would very much appreciate it if you could explain this to me.
i recently read a story where rainbow was a dream-walker and to quote #Luna "it is a very rare ability" and well rainbow became sort of a knight of dream's, the story itself was not about that tho ^^
@The Brony Notion , I'm just curious, what do you think happened after the mane 5 died? I mean, more specifically, twilight? She couldnt have handled the loss easily.
Here's is food for thought, for a thousand moons or years or whatever the case, Luna was trapped in the moon, so it was Celesita raising and lowering the moon and sun, but who was handling the dream world during that time?
Ok so in the episode “Crusaders of the lost mark” Diamond Tiara’s mom said “Its bad enough you lost to that transplant from trottingham, but imagine if you lost to one of those blank flanks” so CAN Pip get a cutie mark??
I think one of them are maybe one of the main characters, like rainbowdash for example or it can be just a normal pony that they teach what they have to do. But the one that helps them, are maybe starlight or sunburst, they are both really good at magic so maybe🙂
Maybe the five alicorns are different types of the alicorn species, because of the evidence I have that each alicorn has a different types flowing manes and Cadence was the only alicorn with the tip of the wings to be a different color.
I may have a theory that may be possible? What if Luna’s magic was stored? Example is the magic in the locket that allows twilight to raise the sun and moon. What if Rainbow Dash can dream walk without having to need a “dream team”. She just needs a locket that contains Luna’s magic. Note that this is possible for any magic. We all know that every pony has a special talent WHAT if the unicorns could store there magic (there specific talent) and use it for the better for all ponies, I am not sure if this is possible for Pegasi or earth ponies. In conclusion my theory is that unicorns can store there special abilities in lockets for anyone to use.
Did anyone else notice that Twilight’s cutie mark has to be representing her element because the amount of smaller stars around her main star on the cutie mark were 5 and there are 5 friends/elements before the “spark” so then twilight has to have that cutie mark because of destiny I just wanted to put it out there
My first thought was Starlight doing the dream walking. I don’t agree with your theory. Star swirl is old and just wants to explore. He doesn’t want responsibilities anymore. I think he’s technically retired. Starlight could do it. The school is a temp gig. She will retire from it someday so full time she could work on dream walking if she wanted too. She’s also very comforting like Rainbow. I would say even more so. Guidance counsellor. She’s had training. Starlight is a workaholic. She’d be up for running the school and being head of the dream walking. Head of schools actually don’t do much. They go to meetings. Sit in the office. Do paperwork. It’s kind of boring actually. Starlight hates being bored. So if she wants a break from normal life she can hope in dreams.theres also weekends. Days off that she can do. She has an obvious partnership with sunburst running the school.
Can you make a theory about Flurry Heart, Cadence and Shining Armor?? I'm dead curious about them and was super disappointed when the mlp team didn't show them at all after season 9 ended. I was hoping to get a quick glance at them in the episode the last problem. But atlas they weren't there. So a theory about them would be so cool
I thought about it for a bit and here is my theory- flurry heart is an alicorn and she has a lot of magic and she could help her aunt twilight by dream walking while her mom ( cadance) rules the crystal empire
But Starswirl said he’s going to keep the everfree forest under control because the tree of harmony was gone, and even if he called on “the dream team” to go train in the everfree forest, is there a possibility that dream walking is only possible if they’re in the palace? If there’s a limitation to where the dream walker must be at to dream walk, that wipes out the possibility of Starswirl doing anything. Unless, a possibility that Starswirl could be in another place physically but also keeping the forest under control, I have more theories and well, I don’t think the comment section would fit my thoughts and theories so PLEASE Brony Notion if u see this comment PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email me 🥺, I’d srsly love to share my whole theory/questions/(video content) to u and to a whole audience (thro ur vids Ofc)
2:05 reminds me of ForgaLorga's video where she was trying to do both jobs and that truly exhausted her 🤔
savage bear2020-03-23 00:34:51 (edited 2020-03-23 00:35:40 )
Not sure if this has suggested but maybe dreamealking isn't needed anymore. In the last episode the sun set by itself, without Twilight even using her magic. Maybe the same goes with dreamwalking. It's a bit of a farfetched idea, but just a thought.
I still remember that Glass pane where Flurry heart was crowned but maybe also no for she handles Crystal Empire now, but also since Luna and Celestia rules Equestria it's possible to have an Outside Canterlot and Ponyville relative handle the task for she was also an Alicorn and able to do so, plus Shining Armor and Cadence were still there.
I think even duplication would make it worse for her sleep what if the duplicate gets tired and dissolve back to twilight that duplicate tiredness can't just disappear so basically it is like a drug temporarily good but very bad in a long run
And suddenly I am reminded of the song Rainbow by Koroshi-Ya & Feather. Element of Loyalty, never to let you down in your dreams. On the alternative side of things, ever heard of a fic called Licky Flitter?
What's about Starlight? She is a powerful pony and when Starswirl would train her, she could walk in Dreams (with or without Rainbow. I think without) and do Luna's Job?
#TheBronyNotion Hmm. Does it have to be a unicorn doing it? A powerful unicorn could make a portal amulet. Or Discord could open it. Wait, nevermind. That would not go well. Ok, so if it has to be a unicorn, why not make it Starlight? I've been seeing things that indicate Starlight will be an alicorn(New Pair of Wings), and her name is Star Light. See? So Twilight can take over Celestia's duties, and Starlight can take over Luna's duties. Now as to who the Counselor for the Friendship School, it would be Trixie. She would've gotten training from Starlight and did some practices with her too. The reason I don't say Sunburst being Counselor is because he's needed at the Crystal Empire, probably as a Royal Advisor to Cadence and Shining Armor or Flurry Heart.
Ack, now my hand hurts. I've done too much typing. Oh well. That's my therioy!
Lmao, silly dillies. I think it is discord. It is obvious discord can travel through dimensions in several episodes (Examples: Make new friends but keep discord, and the last problem.) plus, discord had a great relationship with the princesses by the end of the series, so I’m sure they would fill him in on the situation, and how to do things. Although, i do like the starlight theory due to the fact that she is a counseler at the school, and that would be more relaxing than a lord of chaos. Edit: Another example: Disordant Harmony
I just got to thinking about something, but it's not entirely related to this video.
Why are Pharynx and Thorax different then the rest of the reformed changelings? They are brothers, right? But Queen Chrysalis was the mother to the hive, so why don't the reformed changelings all look like Thorax and Pharynx? There's clearly a difference between the brothers and the rest of the hive. But if we default to the reasoning of Thorax was the first to embrace giving love, then how do we explain Pharynx as the last changeling to embrace the new ways?
Might just be some ramblings, but hey, food for though I guess.
Hey, Brony. I've rewatched The Friendship Games movie and I've notices that Dark Twilight's Horn had the same shape as Crysalis' one. I dunno what to think about it.
There going to be a mlp and transformers crossover for those who don't know and it seems to takes place before the sister step down and I hope hasdro does the right thing and hopefully makes deeper lore (by the way i'm not a big watcher of mlp) As manly a transformers fan (my own opinion) would like to see Unicron the chaos briner make Discord (my favourite mlp character) The god of chaos. For some it doesn't click but it does for me
Orrrrrr.... Twighlight waits till a unicorn discovers the magic and get turned into an alicorn, (like in your theory video about alicorns and star swirl) and it will be another alicorn taking over dreams. What if Luna continues for a little bit and finds an apprentice?
I think twilight will replace Luna as a dream walker But in daytime i think twilight will only observed the Friendship council taking care of all the duties cuz she will Be there if something happen and at night the friendship Council will sleep and twilight will be at the dream realm
I thought it would be starlight but in the end of season nine she is head mear of the school of friendship so I think starswell would teach moon dancer how to open portals and Rainbow Dash would fight the dream and comfort the pony
Brony Notion hope that you see this comment ,these are my thoughts about the dream waking team ,I can only thought up of some small conclusion while can't really thought of a big conclusion , so hope that you can do a big conclusion with your analytical skill . ( I don't comment much so my wording on some stuff might sound weird , also if my wording does offend you in anyway I aplogize ,and if anyone is reading this is wondering I am a fulttershy type of a guy)
Conclusion-C Theory-T
Celestia draged Luna to Starlight's dream (royal problem) Luna can put multiple ponies in one dream but the more ponies the more difficult it is to control(does prinesses dream of magic sheep) C : there can be more then 2 real ponies mind in the dream realm
Luna can create semi sentient creature's that can effect the dream realm like the Tantabus (does prinesses dream of magic sheep) Starlight explains that her own magic is tied to her emotions—the stronger she feels, the stronger her magic (all bottled up) T : Tantabus was created to do negative intent like giving nightmare so it had a possibility of it going rouge to seek out more victims when it has collected enough let say . corresponding "psychic power" which is Negetive like fear/guilt and so on cause it is it's intital purpose like making an AI and let it learn and grow toward it's purpose , so making a . being that is similar to Tantabus that is kind and want to help ponies in their dreams will have a very low chance of going rouge C : so Luna can also create other semi sentient creature that is good to dive into other ponies dream to help them , or help the dream walking team to visit other ponies dream
complicated spells like moving the sun can be cast by multiple magically gifted unicorn but it is very difficult and magic draining for those who's talent is not spec on it (horse play) T : Tantabus was able to hold it's own form by absorbing it's corrisponding "pcychic power" , so with "nice Tentabus" can also have power similar abilities to Tantabus when absorbed . enough corresponding "psychic power" which is positive like happiness C : the dream walking team can funtion without Luna's present ,but it would require multiple gifted unicorn to perform dream walking spell or find a successor to Luna and have he/she . perform said spell or have the "good Tantabus " perform these spell
everyone in the share dream can use their magic and imagination and you can do and be anything in a dream and even becoming an Alicorn (does prinecesses dream of magic sheep) when Luna have Celestia's cutie mark or magic ,she can't do anything in Starlight's dream while knowing she can use her imagination [this could be debunk by saying Luna have some bad imagination but I think is highly unlikely] (royal problem) T/C : creature can only use their magic or imagination in their "main dream" but when they are moved to another creature "main dream" they can't use their magic or imagination , by . fusing two "main dream" to a "shared dream" so both creature can use their magic or imagination , and Luna's main power in the dream realm is the ability to make "shared . dream"
not so related stuff :
all/some magic spells are based on incantation (magical mystery cure , uncommon bond , shadow play) Twilight teaches magic to Swettie Bell step by step (twilight time) Starlight explains that her own magic is tied to her emotions—the stronger she feels, the stronger her magic (all bottled up) T : when casting a spell an unicorns place all the the incantation or steps in their mind to cast it but if you think it that way it would take too long and we can clearly see some spells . can just be cast in a fly even powerful one that is seen in Shadow play , so I recon that spells' effects are based on ones intent (which can explain incantations on scrolls) and . imagination while emotion emplifies the power C : all magic could be said to be their own imagination , if casting magic is almost the same as imagining it to happen
Wait I have a question, when the human twilight went to the portal in the spring break vacation she was a unicorn but when she use her powers she has wings like a alicorn, what does that mean?
@Hello Studios I’ve never heard of dream sans cuz I don’t play the game he’s in, but i do know what the Minecraft dream team. Now that I think of it, yeah it is weird.
@Skylight Furrs yeah! aus? everyheard of them? you know alternte universe there is like a couple million by this point here i'll list a few underfell underswap underfresh oceantale pj's daycare reapertale outertale dreamtale undersource
Ok I think starlight sparkle should be the dream walker cus you don’t see her in the day of the last episode and she was the School counselor of The friendship school and she is on the path of being an Alcorn so not much of a Stretch
You know, I was thinking and this dream team idea of yours isn’t a bad one but I think you overlooked something Who will be in it? Now I’m you said RD and starswirl but I think there is somepony else
Fluttershy, she comforts ponies even those who are portrayed as bad guys Discord, that guy from Daringdo, etc... Ik her sanctuary may take up a Lot of time, but this would help her leave the fighting to RD portal opening to StarSwirl or someone else, and leave the comforting to Flutershy
Pls make a video on what Twilights element actually means. The other 5's elements have something to do with friendship but Twilight's element is magic. What does magic have to do with friendshi[.
I don't know if you play at the role play game of MLP but in brief take the place of Luna and dream walk at her place is the core mission of our campain XD
Hey notion, Can you do a theory and what would've happened if twilight didn't become a princess? what if she never became an alicorn? what is Celestia never saw anything in her?
Princess Flurry Heart (baby) maybe she grew and learned or luna thought her to dream walk because season9 is the Future so Flurry heart should be grown up now so yea she stays in crystal empire while dream walking she rules crystal empire while dream walking. Or yea starlight but she's busy in school so i think shes the principal now but she is that powerful she can just do a spell making herself not sleep but still has energy but is she that really powerful that shes near alicorn magic? No because without luna's power she is truly weak and the pillars are busy taking or protecting the rest of equstria ao yeah! That mine i hope they make a new version of MLP called My Little Creatures Future! But Luster Dawn is the next princes and new Friends or character with her There is - Determination(Luster Dawn) and her other friends are Bravery Justice Integrity Hope and Perseverance Thats mine Brony Did you like it? And i think meanings of princesses dosent matter like twilight magic luna moon clestia sun so i think the new princess is DETERMINATION
The Brony Notion why not trust him in your dreams his chaos could easily turn a nightmare into a fun silly dream. Discord has the power to alter anything so surely wouldnt having discord as the new Dream walker be sensible, as well as he isn’t shown to need rest and he doesn’t like to see ponies upset and he has far proven his trust and even the incident about Grogar he did out of a good reason. Also he can open realm portals on his own. I really hope you see this I love your theories and your channel keep it up. P.s please don’t stop making mlp vids just cause the shows over. Thanks for reading if you have and please argue my theory if you have anything to prove me otherwise😁.
Hey I was just looking for other youtuber for a good theorys and I saw this really interesting one the long lost crystal princess try watch it and I have a question about it it's really good for both or more youtuber work together so here is my question If Crystalist is the lost crystal princess then wo is the past one's I mean there might be right For my theory changelings are the one that was the past rulers of the crystal empire. But I wanna know what you think about it tho....
As far as I'm concerned anyway, very little of the series from Season 8 on is true canon & I for one refuse to accept it as such. I refuse to accept either the idiotic "friendship school" nonsense OR the even-more-retarded-and-lame "Princesses Retiring" idiocy as canon. So for me, it's a very simple solution:
It never happened.
And since it never happened, it's therefore not up to me to find solutions for the problems & bad-writing mistakes the S8 & S9 pseudo-writers created, simply because they didn't bother to adequately think things through. (It's not my job to clean up other people's messes.)
I can continue to enjoy virtually all of Seasons 1-7, and accept only a very-select few episodes beyond that as canon, and scrap everything else beyond that as either (a) somepony's bad dream after binge-drinking some spoiled cider or (b) some foolish human's mistranslation of the tales from the original Ponish. (Well, humans are stupid & haven't a lick of simple horse sense, so what do you expect?)
I think twilight will eventually learn how to dreamwalk I think twilight sparkle will take on dreamwalken. But hey it's just a teheroy a my Little pony teheroy thanks for reading.
At the end we just found out that this sould never happend. Celestia and Luna sould rule Equestria forever. When i hear these turbid theories i just got sad because its just not right like that, its not working like before.
İ think this theory comes with SPACE . twilight can slove the day-night problems bc there are billions of stars what if she was getting help from the stars bc it even fits with her cutie mark but there is a problem sun is a star to so i couldn't slove it its weird
I just watched the last vid again and I saw her at twilight's school then what is starlight gonna do now since she was the first student of twilight right?
Celectia’s and Luna’s special talent was raising their moon and sun, but now twilight is doing that with her contraption thing. So whats the point for their cutie marks now?
Lol here’s more -3- Maybe part of luna’s cutie mark, she just never realized it until after she returned from the moon. If Luna did stop walking in dreams, then I think moon dancer would take over Luna, she had a rough past with her friendships and her name is ‘Moon Dancer’ her cutie mark is also a moon like Luna’s is. 👁👅👁
Ooooh! I can’t WAIT to see the Dream team! Imagine who would be on it! Pretty sure Luna probably would be a bit jealous at first but then will warm up to them.
love the m&l reference lol but i feel luna might still dream walk occasionally, but not full time as it isnt her responsibility anymore. so maybe she looks for a student much like celestia had with twilight sparkle. they arent royalty or an alicorn, just a magically talented creature that luna trusts and may teach over the course of time to get them used to the job.
I think it might be twilights star pupil. She seems extremely amazing at magic. Twilight might start teaching Dream walking to the best unicorns of her school. Twilights star pupil MIGHT get the job and take the role of luna. I'd expect the dream team to be: Starlight, Sunburst, Rainbow dash and maybe twilights star pupil?
My question is though, when Luna (Nightmare moon at the time) was banished to the moon, who walked in the dreams? I doubt that Nightmare Moon would go in ponies' dreams. That would just scare every pony. If Luna didn't walk in ponies' dreams then, why would it be any different now?
So I just had a grand idea... what about Flurry Heart? Now that she's grown it could be one of her first roles as a true princess, and as a pony with a ton of raw magical talent she could easily learn the required spells!
But what if it's the tree of harmony? We've seen them appear in a dream once before, and since they're more of an embodiment of magic they seem to easily shift between planes. They're definitely a good candidate for it. :)
What about Flurry Heart? We never see what her job in Equestria was, so it could be possible that she took over from Luna by getting some form of dream walking ability. Also, she is a very powerful alicorn, as we can see from the episode she's revealed, making it pretty easy to protect and defend different ponies from their nightmares. It seems like quite an interesting theory to me
A dream-team does make sense, since Celestias duties habe also been taken over by a team, but I don't think that rainbowdash would be in it, since she's already in the day-team, and that would be too much work, even without leading the wonderbolts at the beginning
What if Luna left a trace of herself in the dream world, or a magic remnant to stay in the dream world, and separated it from herself, essentially removing the unicorn magic from herself and only becoming part-pegasus-part-earth-pony? Just wanted to share this, could be possible.
I really like this theory, but it's a bit too specific. Also I think Dashie would be a great dreamwalker after she retires from the Wonderbolts. A dreamwalker must be calm and experienced, not a young and wild tornado like her right now. Maybe dreams could be a class in both the school of friendship and the school of magic, but in different perspectives. So kids could learn to deal with their nightmares and if they still can't, they would have a group or teacher to talk about. Maybe when someone is really stuggling with a nightmare, Dashie would appear in it to deal with it. But still I found both of our theorys a bit too specific
So In Season two in the first episode, the door of the secret vault thingy had a picture of one sun and SIX moons, so the idea of teamwork and handling the dream realm can maybe actually work, between SIX ponies.
Roles of the ponies?
1.Open and close realms to different ponies dreams
2.Fighting off nightmares
3.Emotionally healing the victim
And to top it off, two groups of three, taking shifts or turns!
But possible.
And if talking about the certain ponies needed to do that,
Star Swirl,
Rainbow Dash,
Discord (maybe just maybe),
the cutie mark crusaders (poor selection, but maybe!).
And maybe even creatures who appeared in the show like
Tartarus characters
Changeling characters
Griffonstone characters
1. Nice new intro 2. I think the pillars replaced Luna in dream walking since they are strong yet comforting. 3. Can you do a theory on Pony Life? I wanna here your opinion, your theories on what it might be about, and if it connects to G4 MLP.
I'd like to think that, at least at first, all of mane 6 would help with this. All of them could be great at this. Maybe fluttershy would have biggest problems with facing nightmares, but her caring personalityand kindness would go a long way in soothing others. Also Pinkie Pie would just destroy any nightmare by a combination of giggling at the ghosties and a good dose of Pinkie logic.
How about the due starlight and sunburst. Hear me out, they are unicorns, that means magic. Starlight have been studying for all of her life in magic and she traveled through time. Sunburst went to a high academic school, study magic all of his life and very knowledgeable about magic (he also like books) if they work together to dreamwalk they would be powerful! I think they will take in charge of Luna’s job. I call them the moon duo
This all falls apart when you consider that raising the sun and the moon and all the aspects of that are literally celestia and lunas cutie marks. Only luna’s magic works in the dream realm. The royal problem was only a small glimpse of luna’s duties as a princess, extremely small as it only really covered her work in the dream realm and her personal decision to put up lavender every night. She likely has other princess duties, just not as public as celestia’s duties. Maybe twilight took over raising the sun and moon for a while to give them a break, but I doubt she would keep doing it forever.
I feel like Moondancer could be a good candidate, not just because of her name but also because she is a close friend to Twilight that she would trust, and someone who has dealt with insecurities and can help ponies try to get over them
Here's a note: You say the 1000 years went well, but as you quoted from Luna, dreams can ruin a pony's psyche. Dreams can ruin a pony's heart, mind, and spirit, as if an evil force (Grogar, (pony of) shadows, etc) is making them. Every pony seems to have their own tantabus, though not acting every dream. Maybe due to Luna, maybe due to just not acting every night. But what if it did? What I'm saying is, the tantabus in every pony can realize if they can become a villain in the future. When Luna was gone for 1000 years, not protecting dreams, the tantabus ruined ponies hearts, minds, and spirits. This lead to villains in the future. This being Starlight as a filly, getting nightmares about how sunburst abandoned them, Trixie, getting nightmares about how she needs to lie to get her fame (saying how she defeated an Ursa Major), Tempest, getting nightmares influencing her to run away from home and later join the Storm King, Diamond Tiara as a little foal, influencing her to bully blank-flanks (as well as her greedy parents), Cozy Glow as a foal, influencing her to become Tirek's pen-pal (how else??), Gladmane's greed, Suri Polomare's greed, Svenggallop, Lightning Dust too! Every Pony Villain can be explained with the 1000 year gap (not other creatures, there is zero proof Luna goes into their dreams.) When a pony is a filly, or foal, an evil force (tantabus) influenced them in their dreams. Why would Tempest want to leave her town on her own? Why would Trixie want to lie on her own? Why would Cozy glow want to become the friend of a pony who stole all magic? So I do think Luna being gone for 1000 years flipped this up. If she had stayed, pony villains would never have become a thing. (maybe besides Starlight, Diamond Tiara, and Lightning Dust)
Well... If you really omit the fact that Luna’s retirement is a very unfair decision, given the working hours of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, then...
Yes, creating such a team would be an interesting idea.
Starswell being the one to open and close each dream is a good idea but he’s getting old and might not last forever but I did have another suggestion Moondancer she has really good magical ability just like unicorn twilight so I think moon dancer and Rainbow Dash would be the dream team. Anyway that’s just my theory let me know what you think of it when you get a sec thanks BN
But what if it only starts as a Dream team. Just like with raising the sun? To be entirely honest, my first suggestion would have been starlight too, but there is someone else who is kind of connected to the night (at least in the name). I mean I know that Sunset is in the human world and everything, but she still could be the one walking in dreams. If we look at the power she has after Legend of Everfree, it would make sense that she can do it. And her whole nature is helping. I could imagine that Twilight would start a dream team but later either Starlight or Sunset would become alicorns (I would want to see that) and one of them takes on the whole team's job. Just how Celestia did with raising the Sun.
personally, I think Starlight Glimmer could take over dream walking for Luna. She already has experience helping others with their problems as the school of friendship's counselor, and her aptitude for any type of magic is astronomical so I can't imagine her having any trouble learning dream walking magic. Plus if names are anything to go by, Starlight is a night time name just like Luna.
Also, if anything I would like to think that she and Trixy are running the school now so Trixy could always take over daytime duties at the school for Starlight.
I can't think anyone can take Luna's place she is a very hardworking princess and her job is difficult so I think nobody can take her place but starlight glimmer may take her place she is very self confident and when it comes to magic no one can beat her even twilight was not able to beat her in magic and also she is as powerful as luna so she is the one who can take Luna place
Okay, but what about Discord? With the snap of his fingers he could defeat any enemy. He may be crazy but he does his best to do what's right and support Twilight along the way. He's familiar with different dimensions, so maybe he could just open portals?
I think Rainbow Dash would be physical for anything scary in the dream. Starlight Glimmer for emotional and opening the portal. Star swirl can help with the portals too.
I feel like that job is gonna go for Discord... in the episode "Last Problem" we just saw Discord traveling between realms and portals plus he's immortal just like Luna and Celestia and Twilight.
I think starlight and sunburst can get a chance to dreamwalk too and starlight is also powerful, see dreamwalking can be a total energy waste if you're facing a nightmare, even luna said it so she needs a Rest and relaxing-
Hey I was wondering if you could look into something. In the third mlp movie(with the human like ponies) at the moment where the Twilight that lives in that world starts getting told to unleash the magic, her necklace starts to activate but as most people would think that it's only bc it's going to get unleash but what if it's the elements of disharmony. The necklace was made to trap magic, yes it was only for friendship magic but there is also dark magic shown there. So what if the greed of the others wanting to win cause it to react. Sorry just a little theory you could look into, have a nice day, and I love your videos.
I think luna will continue to do dream waking because shes the only one who understands nightmares such as other things that threatens equestria and reality
I think that Dream team is a great idea, but I also think that for Luna is dream walking part of her life, so she sometimes get back, look if everything is okay in dream realm and go to sleep, but this time it's more like hobby than job. And if there’s a Dream team I can imagine Luna teaching with Starswirl about her dimension and couching them.
When Celestia and Luna combined their crowns and gave it to twilight, twilight was passed on Celestia and Lunas responsibilities, which probably includes dream walking
I'm a big fan of the idea of a "Dream Team". Perhaps it's just Twilight's friends. Maybe more. Maybe none of them, and a new team, altogether. But in any case, there may be one member of the team who's better suited for some dream problems, and others who are better suited for other problems. A team would make their efforts in the dream realm actually more effective and successful than Luna could have ever done alone. Not to mention, the workload would be divided amongst them, instead of all on one pony.
Discord. I know, I know, but hear me out. He is already very well versed with realm-bending magic, and he could very easily deal with literally anything any creature's dreams could throw at him. He can literally be in many places at once. Nothing is going to really phase him, nothing is outlandish, because he is literally the embodiment of chaos. His only problem is his personality. If he became more mature, and learned how to be a better psychologist, he would be the perfect dream walker.
I finally got on my device on time to see your video, this is rare for me when you were gone for that long time after you made that a brand new pair of wings video I had to go back and watch old videos I haven't seen in the past, so I'm happy I got here on time thank you for being the first brony I ever watched in my entire life!!! 💗💕
Actually, Luna would still have to do it. A Royal Problem established that it is Lunas cutie mark talent that gives her the ability to do so and nobody else can do it.
Remember, she told Celestia that she could not do anything because Celestia had her cutie mark, along with the cutie mark talent magic that goes with it. Plus if it had been teachable, Luna would have still been able to do it, even with Celestias cutie mark, which she established in that episode that she couldn't.
So unless they strip Luna of her cutie mark permanently, which they have established is not an option because that would be ripping away a essential part of the pony, Luna will still have to do it. Either that or permanently switch Mark's with another pony. Which would not be an option with RainbowDash because that would take away her speed, which has been established to be part of her cutie mark talent, which she would rather die than do.
I know I've said it before but I'm going to say it again- even if it's totally unrelated to the subject.
Pinkie pie was adopted. This already you can see, because even before she got her cutie mark she looked nothing like her family. She doesn't even share the same destiny as any of the pie's descents. But who's her real parent? Well, first we'll have to look at other ponies. My theory is pinkie pie's parent is someone who is just as happy and silly- no. CHAOTIC as her. See what I'm getting at? It's already obvious I'm talking about discord. He's over a thousand years old for crying out loud, surely he would have thought to create a child with his magic, even if it was only once. Maybe he even messed with time travel, create the child in the future. Of course, being Discord, this can't be any old kid. And since it's seemingly impossible to create a filly, there will be some flaws- maybe this child will have... a slight streak of insanity if something slants in their minds. Come on, pinkie pie can control CHAOS MAGIC! In fact, she can also use alicorn- the power of two Alicorns as well! And she's self aware, can teleport, jump so high it's like she's flying, and can produce anything out of thin air, even though she's an earth pony! The amount of evidence to back this up is strong, and the only issue is discords lack of memory about her. Idk, it can't be easy remembering everything from more then a thousand years ago
Now, this is only a theory, but I have a strong feeling that Sunset Shimmer took Luna's place. Now, I know she's in the EQG world, but what if she moved back to Equestria and took the job once Twilight needed somepony to fill in the position and someone that's she's known well enough to trust for such a task? Starlight, The Mane 6, heck, even Trixie, couldn't possibly take the role. They have stuff going on to do Luna's job. Sunset had to graduate Canterlot High at some point in her life, thus giving her a reason to come back to her home world, Equestria. But still... why Sunset, you ask? It's not because she appeared during Twilight's freeze frame scene in Magic Of Friendship Grows. It's because of her power in the human world: mind reading. She could read other people's minds back in Canterlot High and it's kind of the nearest thing to watching and entering someone's dreams. So that job world be perfect for someone like Sunset. Also, why is it that she didn't appear properly in The Last Problem? The same reason why Luna wouldn't have. The episode was set in the day time, right? And what would Celestia and Luna be doing if they were still the rulers of Equestria? Luna would sleep during the day and be awake at night for her duties. And what would Sunset be doing if she had Luna's job? She would sleep during the day and be awake at night for her duties! As for Twilight/Celestia, they'd be awake in the day for their stuff. And that seat Spike was sitting on in The Last Problem? I do believe that could be Sunset's, as he has stuff going in The Dragon Lands.
But, like I said... that's just a theory. Stay safe, guys!!!
My version of a dream team will involve the main six (-twilight) Pinkie bringing happiness, fluttershy teaming up with Rainbow Dash for the comforting aspect, AJ will being the nightmare combat with Rainbow Dash, and Rarity and Starlight opening the dream doors.
1.hes a unicorn so he has magic needed to battle nightmares and enter dreams
2. He’s a previous royal guard which means he’s tough and good at fighting like rainbow dash
3. He’s a Prince by marriage naturally they’d want a royal replacement and cadence dies most of the word running the crystal empire so he’s free for whatever
4. He’s twilights brother think about it equestria was tulles by two sisters passing to a brother sister team would fit really well
So who's going to be writing a non-plot story on the concept of a Dream Team after everything we learned in Season 9 Finale and what Notion just suggested?
what's the big deal? Luna was stuck on the moon for 1000years and nobody walked the dream real in that time. ponies now just have to deal with their problems the old fashioned ways, and without any alicorn-magic messing things up those dreams are pretty much harmless
I have a question, how old is princess cadance? Since in the season four finale tirej didn’t question why there was a third alicorn princess he only asked about twilight and tirek was imprisoned in tataurus for a millennia so he wouldn’t get any new news on how there was a third alicorn princess unless she’s also that old.
Okay what about Starlight? What happened to her? What if in the clip she was taking a rest from dreamwalking? Or what if she was in the hallway replacing the lavenders to be advanced??
The Brony Notion can you explain why the CMC didn't show up when all of Equestria was assembled? I'm getting the notion that these three ponies should have their own roles during the series finale.
Well I think you may be underestimated discord... It's obvious if there is replacement available for luna it should be discord... He can create potrals from one dimension to another so i think dream walking will be piece of cake for him... Also no matter how bad the dream is he can Fight with ease 😅so yeah I think if there is any replacement for luna then it must be discord....
My answer will be weird but I think the dream team is the CMC ! I explain:
-Luna have always a special bond with the CMC. She helped Scootaloo with her fears (Sleepless in Ponyville) She helped Sweetie Belle to not become jealous (From whom the Sweetie Belle toils) and she helped Apple Bloom to not fear her future cutiemark (Bloom and Gloom)
-This spécial bond can be also confirmed with the end of "Crusaders of the lost mark" when Spike send the picture to the princesses. If in the theme Celestia keep looking at the letter because Twilight is her student in "Crusaders of the lost mark" she immediatly give the letter to Luna just like the picture was for her
-And for the practical part that's the problem. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom can't use magic and Sweetie Belle is not very good. So maybe Twilight or another pony open the portal then go to sleep and one of the crusaders (they can switch every day to not be tired) go in the dream world
Thank you for reading and sorry for my bad english !
Maybe Moondancer could do the job. I mean,in her Name is Moon in it and she is an Unicorn who can learn the Magic. Also Twillight cold make do her the job as Excuse for not being there for her so Moondancer can forgive her.
Also it wasn't established or discovered HOW sombra escaped his prison in season two maybe the pony of shadows had something to do with it I dunno!? I'm sure a amazing YouTuber like you can find something out about it!!! 😊💗
What about a pony with good magic skills and his/her cutie mark refer to moon or night like Sunset Shimmer? Of course not Sunset (cause her cutie mark refers to the sun and she lives in Canterlot High) but a pony from Celestia's school or a pony that Luna really liked for some reason or taught that pony but we never new about that or a student at the friendship school with really good magic skills? 🤔 (I know the different sides are a lot but they came to my mind as I wrote this comment 😄😂)
I think Discord could help rainbow, he could turn her into unicorn, because in second season he turn the whole main six (except pinkie and Applejack) in earth ponies. Or give her some amulet like Grogaror Trixie had. Grogar wasn't a unicorn and as we saw in season 9 he must used his straps in order to cast magic. I think if someone would give Rainbow some kind of amulet, she could use magic and instead of horn magic would come out of the amulet.
Kinda not related but you know the realm Celestia is in charge of? You know,where Twilight was sent to see Celestia before becoming an alicorn? I think she still might doing that job after retirement to see other ponies that triggerred the enchantment,maybe. this comment is reffering to the theory of Star Swirl inventing the Alicorn.
@Zoey yeah, but we've seen how the mane six have gotten older and that means that everyone else aged. It doesn't have to mean that Flurry does Luna's job at once, but she might be training for it.
rainbow dash 'could' actualy do it on her own, twilight isnt useing HER magic to raise and lower the moon,. she doesnt have the strength for it shes useing an enchanted relic the sisters put a good chunk of there OWN magic into, whats to say that luna couldnt create another relic specificly for dreamwalking that would let 'anypony' or any creature, dreamwalk...and to flip it back to your team idea whats to say, given time, twilight couldnt replicate this item...thus it might start out with just rainbow dash...then as rainbow garnered more responsiblities in the wakeing world another could be asigned to help her...then another, then another...till theres basicly a small branch of the government deadicated to the subconcious health of the population.
I think the best canadent can be thorax if hes still alive with his coferting Personality
Linda C.2020-03-21 16:45:43 (edited 2020-03-21 16:47:17 )
I was hoping sunset shimmer or starlight glimmer would be princesses as well since sunset shimmer is like twilight and starlight as twilight star student aka new principle of da school but I will just keep dreaming
I haven't watched MLP since season....6...?5? ended. Now that I'm coming back it really seems a shame how much everything has changed, often for the worse.
There is nothing else than my imaginashion (i spelled that wrong) but maybe luna and selestia gave their eternety to twilights friends and the magic went to them to? How would it work? Maybe they would just apear in ponys dreams, i mean the pony that is best at helping in that dream. This is just somthing i came up whit when i was thinking randomly, but maybe its not imposible? Plz say if this was unclear (:
Why isnt rainbow dash an alicorn I mean, she indirectly brought the main six together with her rainboom Thats why starlight went directly to rainbow dash when she went back in time Rainbow dash made new magic didn't she
When you haven’t seen season nine yet because it isn’t on your Netflix, but the brony nation is too tempting to watch so you watch it anyways confused about the whole thing. Relatable?
this is a great idia! im good at writing stroys so i will write a book called the dream team. only for brony nothoin, show me where i can shere my idias with you!
My source is a comic that name i dont remember, but Luna was doing nothing for 1000 years while Celestia did, so maybe Luna doesn't even deserve retirement :D
I think fluttershy and discord we see them travel too the normal realm through the chaos realm so why wouldnt they be able to do that with the dream realm
What about by flurry heart I mean she is a grown pony when twilight talks to her student I mean that would mean twilight day cadence was never said to have retired so flurry heart needs a responsibility right so why not dream walking
what about Sunset Shimmer? Maybe? I get its kinda backwards and it would make more sense if SUNset shimmer took over Celestias duties and TWILIGHT sparkle take over luna but maybe it'll be just flipped around not a big deal the reason why I think sunset shimmer might is because after high school everyone will go do different things she'll be left thinking I don't know what I want to do and return to the pony world to study magic again cause its her true passion maybe even become a student not like the little ponies but similar to how starlight is/was and then becomes an Alicorn to rule by Twilight while starlight runs the school
You forgot about one person and I think this person would be very good at it he has corn but he's a quarter or however you say it and I believe he would be very good at this job just cord is the person I'm talking about you'd be very good at it
We all know that Luna wants too du thinks bei her self. Reameber that episode wehre Twilight and Shining armor "fought" vor there paper Krown. Twilight needed to break in the Cassel to get it. Shining armor and the Prinzesses wantet to test if the cassel was safe (they had now more Soldiers to Ptotect it). But Luna didn't like the Ideea of more Soldiers she tougt that the cassel is save and the didn't need more because she and Celestia were there. Or am I wrong?
I found and Easter egg (well my friend did and told me and I just confirmed it) Applejack said the b word when she got her cutie mark back from starlight glimmer. 😐😂😂
Emma mxfr2020-03-21 05:42:34 (edited 2020-03-21 05:43:03 )
Here is my theory No Luna did not retire doing her job because thats her life You can't stop a destiny wait...(Having flash back starlight changing destiny) ummm but yeah starlight is not gonna go crazy and change destiny again And in the episode "The royal problem" Luna did said Only her magic can defeat the nightmares/going into the dream world That's all Just saying why would you ant to stop what you have been doing all your life that represent your cutie mark And also i think Twilight takes over Celestia's job while Luna does her job (I mean Luna did not did her job for a thousand years when banished to the moon)
lots of people are suggesting starlight, and that's a great idea! i imagine being headmare keeps her busy, but that's what's so great about a dream team: even people who can only dreamwalk occasionally are still valuable to the team!
3118 likesReplies (169)
Would you like to look at the my little pony Disney chronicles series on fimfition please?
11 likesSamantha _cookiez true
4 likesI know this may be a little bossy but can you please check my theory? It's in a comment on this video
6 likesHey umm can u tell which job is harder Luna's or Celestia?
7 likesYup
1 likeYea that can true but I think Blood moon Luna daughter Will Walk in the Dreams
5 likesFace reveal my is yer is askinnnnnng
2 likesI suggested Flurry Heart in another comment
4 likesThe Brony Notion...for me starlight glimmer replaced luna for she is more capable than twilight
2 likes@TheBronyNotion
8 likeswhat about discord...i know its weird theory but discord can also walk throght dimensions so...
I think it is a dream team, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie
8 likesWhat you say?
It's a good idea?
The Brony Notion who did it when Celestia banished her to the moon
2 likes@KIkot mimkja I agree, Discord is a necessity for any respectable dream team. Or he could do the whole thing himself.
3 likesMaybe luna give rd a device that allows her dream walking like twilight sun raising Device
2 likesStarlight
0 likesDiscord
5 likesSorry what are you going to review legends of ever free you’ve already done the other request or a girls movies where is Will do legends of ever free in the rest of the min movies
1 likePersonally, I want Sunset from the human world to be replaced by that natives Sunset, 1, fully separating the shows/movies. 2 allowing sunset to replace celestias roll and twilight taking on lunas. But maybe that’s just cuz of the sun on her flank lmao.
2 likes@Dreamt he said that...propably noone
1 likeSo In Season two in the first episode, the door of the secret vault thingy had a picture of one sun and SIX moons, so the idea of teamwork and handling the dream realm can maybe actually work, between SIX ponies.
0 likesRoles of the ponies?
1.Open and close realms to different ponies dreams
2.Fighting off nightmares
3.Emotionally healing the victim
And to top it off, two groups of three, taking shifts or turns!
But possible.
And if talking about the certain ponies needed to do that,
Star Swirl,
Rainbow Dash,
Discord (maybe just maybe),
the cutie mark crusaders (poor selection, but maybe!).
And maybe even creatures who appeared in the show like
Tartarus characters
Changeling characters
Griffonstone characters
Yakyakistan characters
Dragon Lands characters
Klugetown characters
Ornithia characters
Hippogriffia and Seaquestria characters
Yeah starlight doesn’t have that power.
0 likesThere is a chance that we might actually get to see it. The season 10 comic book series. They have confirmed 26 volumes. So they are going to try to release 2-3 per year. 8-13 years. So who knows if it is good we might see season 11 in comic books
0 likesThe Brony Notion so what is grogar future of mlp after season 9 ?
0 likesI don't think Starlight would rule the night. She also have important duty - ruling the school of friendship, which is difficult, full-day(and night) job.
1 likeThe Brony Notion I’m pretty sure it’s rainbow dash. She wanted to in the first episode of the season so my bet’s on her
1 likei mean i suggest starlight glimmer she's cool and responsible and i suggest sunset shimmer and starlight glimmer in the dream team i mean look at it from this point sunset shimmer in the equestria girls sunset was being tested by the princesses of equestria to become an alicorn that's why sunset tranformed into an alicorn in the movie the friendship games at the end because she reached the end of her studies and i think princess twilight transformed sunset that's why i thinks sunset shimmer and starlight glimmer would be good for the dream team and for the job
0 likesThere's a fanfic that revolves around Luna improving and teaching the tantibus to help her run the dream world,I won't spoil to much but it's on fimfiction,if I remember it's called tantibus mkII (if I spelled it right)
1 likeWhat if FLURRY HEART is the one doing the work
1 like@BearTical no i don't think so she is with cadence and shinning armor in the crystal empire flurry is going to be the next crystal princess
2 likesFlurry heart might take the responsibility of dream walking
0 likes@Ana Sofia Tello Bro , from what we see , almost all alicorns are immortal , Flurry will probs be dreamwalking until cadence kicks the bucket
4 likesThere is also the fact to consider that twilight, starlight and trixy have the same meaning for a cutie mark, magic
2 likesI think sunset
1 likeI think dream team is starlight,sunset,flurry
2 likesJust you saying " I can imagine how the first night would go terribly wrong " gets my imagination going on what a great episode premise that would be! 😍😋
0 likesHello Brony Notion! I love your videos and watch them so often! Can you make a video about why Sombra is so... well... shadowey? I’m really curious about that!
0 likesOk im to lazy to look this up but this .might be a good topic look at twilights mark she has her pink star five white stars around it representing rainbow dash flutershy rarity pinkypie and applejack but........ if u look close there is a big white star behind twilights
0 likesWhat about sunset
0 likesThe thing is I think luna is still dream walking u said it leaves her tired but she doesn't sleep at night she sleeps In day we sleep at night so therefore it makes sense for her to be tired
0 likesPlus luna loves dream walking and she needs to control the tantibus
1 likeThe Brony Notion, what makes the colour of a unicorn's magic?
1 likeThis is my opinion but wasnt grogar the vilian in the old mlp series my little pony n' friends?
0 likesI did see him in an episoede i dont know what though
Maybe this “dream team” storyline will be in the season 10 comics. Fingers crossed 🤞
1 likethis may be unrelated but, what if discord was a mismash of parts because he did spread chaos not just equestria but to other kingdoms! the dragon tail can represent that discord has been to the dragon lands and the bird claw can represent that his has been to griffonstone etc...maybe that's why discord has a pegasus wing before we can see it appear! plz read this I think this is the best idea I ever came up with
4 likesThe Brony Notion it suggest Spike
2 likesWell, maybe Starlight would teach Furry heart how to dream walk, sense she is a pure Alicorn, but she is not a dream pony, but maybe she is part star pony, because she is related to Twilight and Star ponies are close enough to dream ponies.
3 likesNo one, there's no need for a nee dreemwalker. Or a new, suprisingly talented pony that will be another rescue case for twilight before they get asigned to dreams.
3 likesRockhoof, discord, starlight, or cadence
3 likesOr flurry heart
3 likesMake a theory about human sunset , because we know where pony sunset is , she is in human equestria , and she didn't meet human sunset , we didn't even get to see human sunset
1 likeThe Brony Notion What about cadens?
1 likeStarlight would be great! Considering how magically powerful she is and since she’s almost like Twilight she studies a lot, so she could be Luna’s replacement, Sunburst looks promising as well but maybe his Sun themed name and cutie mark would make it a little contradicting? I dunno XD
1 likeOh I thought of Discord
1 likeHey Brony Notion you realise that 6 years ago you hit 100 subs
1 likeWhat about discord? No pun intended but he can open portals, in the episode what about Discord?
1 likeWhat about sunset she would be amazing at it after all her name is SUNSET and she would be perfect Mach for it so if she was walking in the dreams she could say don’t worry it’s just a dream there was worse things out there
1 likeI think I know who protected dreams before Luna returned from her banishment. Changelings!
4 likes1) Changelings are good with mind magic (Chrysalis mind-controlled Shining Armor).
2) Changeling invasion's timing. Why they didn't invade before? Because they ate love from inside dreams, and destroyed any competition (i.e. nightmare-born creatures) and maintained ponies' happiness (i.e. no love during unhappy dreams). When Luna returned, she kicked them away due to confusing them with rogue nightmare-born creatures. With no source of food and power, Chrysalis decided to fulfill her ambition in another way.
3) Luna's absence during invasion. The reason: changelings made diversion attack in the dreams, she was busy fighting them.
4) In "To Where and Back Again", Luna was literally dragged away from Starlight's dream by changelings.
what if descord helped? or flutter shy?
1 likeFor My Little Ponies and you don't pay attention to the show you need to understand that Luna's never will you play Sweet Dream walking number one it's because no other Pony could use her magic number one she's an alicorn it's not easy to become an Alicorn number to Luna is the only one who can probably dreamwalk and you're right Twilight Zone young dream walk at night to lose probably still going to do it Sushi Kaiten probably enjoys that if you get enough rest in the day she doesn't night tonight so why did she sleep at day don't think logically when you going to come to My Little Pony think about the edge of the water that goes with the show every cutie mark is different and not driven desert Alan will Luna's was with a moon that means you have to complete power over the Dreamworld that probably means no other ponies ever going to take over her job
2 likesstarlight the alicorn made by starswirl walking in dreams with flutter shy :dream twins
1 likestarlight toes the magic rainbow fights flutter shy camfots the pony and twilight teachs flutter shy.
2 likesLuna’s dreamwalking job can give to starlight glimmer,for the future it should be moondancer,for celestias job it can be sunburst or...sunset shimmer,flurry’s job...well maybe the future-
1 likeI suggest showing this video to the people who made the show so they can try to make a season 10 where this can possibly happen.
1 likeNot that I don't want them to happy or get rest I just miss the show and would love to see a season 10
1 liketwighlight
1 likeSawtooth Waves I agree! Maybe since Starlight and Rainbow Dash are unicorn, and pegasus, they could work together and help young fouls, buuuut, here's the real question Sawtooth... How exactly IS Starlight going to work on being headmare, AND work the dream realm with Rainbow Dash???? Please reply if you know Sawtooth Waves! (BTW, I'm subbed!!)
2 likes@HalfLife Games ur soooooooooooooooooooooo right i like you lets be freinds :) like if you accept :)
2 likesI think a pony like Pinkie would find an easier time moving around in the dream world since she is a lucid dreamer, although the same could be said for Rainbow dash
1 likeShe has a vice principal for a reason
1 likeI thought it was gonna be derp
1 likeI think Rarity
1 likeChangling can change, why can't they turn into Luna?
1 likeDid you seriously make a pun to mario and luigi dream team?
1 likeBtw I wanna know more about the new 6 nobody asked about them like what do they do now what have they become? like which adventures they had or u know which villains they fought except we only saw Gallus as one of the guards. Everyone should start a topic on them!
2 likesStarlight is not a Alcorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeWhat if starlight with rainbow dash and i guess discord (for opening up portals and helpibg rainbowdash fight) starlight is wise... the school? She is headmare but she has sunburst... and if she needs a day off.... rainbow dash can do the comforting... and discord (I mean he is the lord of chaos) can fight the bad guys... and lets say a little help from someone i don't know can you think of someone??? And to support starlight Luna mentioned
1 like"I see a lot of me in you Starlight..." i think thats what she said anyway thanks
Haha no...... she will be the Princess of Light ruling side by side with Princess Cadance the Princess of Love... and the crystal heart produces Light and Love.... Search the video sawtooth waves did about what princess is flurry
1 likeExcuse me??? Discord giving advices and COMFORTING PEOPLE?? I dont think so he still needs help
1 likeMabye starlight helps on saturday nights
1 like@Totally RemiTM luna 100%
1 likeYeah I think it would be Starswirl who would teach starlight to open the door to the dream world and then rainbow 🌈 dash would deal with the conflict until she finds someone up to the job. For the emotions I think flutter shy would be perfect. 1. She doesn’t really have a busy life. 2. She is very sentimental and would understand other ponies feelings. The only thing I would worry about would be flutter shy getting to scared to even talk with the ponies. Like this if you agree!
1 likeOk 👌 so I think I may have posted a comment already posted
1 like@Arsam good I think it's awesome!
1 likeLuna is asleep and it’s her dream
1 likePls tell me flurry heart cutie mark
1 likeNo i disagree
0 likesDuplication spell?
2 likesI think you mean that one pool with pinkie pie
@Totally RemiTM Honestly in my opinion, Luna's is harder
1 likeI think it'll be Starlight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Fluttershy can help with dreams like where someone's being chased or they're being attacked by some kind of animal. Rainbow Dash could help ones related to the Everfree Forest and monsters (for the time being), and Starlight could help with more emotional ones, though Fluttershy could do that too. Not sure how it'd work for pegasi, but if they could find a way to make it work.
1 likeI say is going to be crazy but give me a chance okay so we both know Starlight when is it be in something right so maybe Starlight could be the dreamwalker first of all the reason why I'm saying this is because first Chief counselor of the school of friendship mean she has some advice and she helps other ponies to I mean Starlight she hasn't really been in the series but then again she has but one point is she and she's just a cancel out the school meaning she can be way more like a dream Walker cuz the other six like what if something happened and they need to be busy but they're too busy inside someone's dream it's a very confident Pony and she can really help out with this but think about it she could really help out with this when she always want to play since he seems like she's always Boris I mean unless he's not really busy at night
1 likeSunset flurry moondancer
1 liketwilight will do the same as celestia did when luna was banished to moon
1 likeI don't think that Starlight took over dream walking!! Because she has full responsibility at school of friendship and Friendship problems too!! If Starlight took over dream walking then she will be exhausted!! I don't remember that episode!!But she will be exhausted like when she was with Trixie and took her angry in abottle at whatever that episode!!!
1 like@Totally RemiTM Of course surely Luna's job!!
1 likeWhat about spick or cmc or young 6
1 likeI think that the dream team would be starlight, trixie maybe flurry heart?
1 likeMy queen is irreplaceable!!
1 likeThe princess of light fighting The darkness of your nightmares 🤔
1 likeBut i thought even if the royal sisters that retired they still raise the sun and the moon im confused.
2 likesI would argue that her retirement was from the political parts of her job. as well as raising the moon.
1 likeThat is to say that she still dream walks but she has help now. So, It doesn't tire her out as much.
We always want things to be in a neat little box. 1,2, or 3. Reality tends to be more alongthe lines of part of 1, part of 2, and part of 3.
it isn't confirmed that starlight still is headmare . I know that she was in the school in the song , but it is possible the school became her home .We know the school had student well , rooms it is possible they have rooms for future headmare's . That also explains why there will not be a room for twillight she already had a castle and it was made pretty clear when she became a alicorn that she was expected to take over after celestia and luna retire .
1 likeThis comint is for sawtooth waves the next vidio can you till if star light glimmer was a alicorn in the fuacher
2 likesLuna is retired but she still might be doing it this is because shes the only one who can actully do this when twilight took the princesses magic we saw her NOT dreamwalking luna can't do this without her magic that's my theory
1 likeStarlight is the one beacaus she is star light
1 likeMoondancer?
2 likesMAYBE IT'S RARITY because she's a unicorn
1 like@Starry Skies same
1 likeAhhem sawtooth can you see my idea
1 likeMaby flurryheart could walking in dreams well she is a alicorn
1 likeI think Fluttershy could help with the emotional stuff! I mean look at her!
1 likeHow about sunsets
1 likeI think spike would look where he is sitting
1 likeStarlight is great
1 likeAgreed
1 likeor luna could occasionally walk in dreams like when somepony is having a nightmare
0 likesCan you explain whether Twilight sparkle and flash century he together
0 likesYeah
0 likesShe is very powerfull
0 likesWhat if sunset came back and took Luna's job
0 likesMaybe when flurry heart become's of age she could replace Twilight as the princess of equestria
0 likesWell take a look on twilight’s cutie Mark what we always see in the night starts so her new abitlty could be raising both since our sun is a star
0 likeslol, i just saw the video and was going to suggest starlight...XD
0 likesI think you may be right
0 likes@Mohamad Kodami yea think on it hard if twilight were able to turn into midnight sparkle eithear celesta and Luna may take over agian or the elements sent her to the stars
0 likesIf u believe gen 5 no 1 take the job probably leading to segregation.
2 likesMaybe Twilight has a duplication spell
0 likes@Totally RemiTM Luna has the harder job
0 likesHi
0 likesIt could be starlight
0 likes@Ayana Batoon possible
0 likes@cristina alvarez possible
0 likesK
0 likesThe dream team is starlight,rainbow Dash, and starswirl
0 likesI think Luna may not be replaced because nopony's destiny is to raise the moon and walk in dreams. If replaced, only any one of Luna's daughters maybe replaced.
0 likesNo. Not only is Starlight busy but she's one of the worst possible choices. Dreamwalking requires patience and empathy and those are Starlight's worst qualities. Starlight is a leader who get's stuff done. She is good at giving commands, not advice. Luna was always very patient and empathetic. To the point where she sometimes forgets her princesshood and far more prefers interacting with ponies she knows unlike her sister who feels just as comfortable around strangers.
0 likesHmm...idk
0 likesI want the dream team to be Star swirl derpy rainbow dash and starlight glimmer!
0 likesWhat if Luna was able to transfer her magic to rain bow dash and she became an alicorn.
0 likesI thought only Luna have the power to do dream work she gave the crown
0 likesI thought only Luna have the power to dream work she gave the crown to twilight but she didn't give the cutie mark so she have the cutie mark so she can do dream wapking
0 likeshmm what about sunset shimmer
0 likesWhat if there are two ponies going in the dreams,As in Luna would only do it sometimes and maybe someone else would do it most of the time.When the pony gets tired too much then he/she would contact Luna to run the night shift.By the pony I meant who does the night shift most of the time
0 likesI love your vids and theories❤️
By Sunset Shimmer
0 likesI think it’s Cadence since she is alacorn
0 likesBut Starlight is going to be in charge of the school of friendship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesTwilight is perfect!
0 likesOkay sorry I said there was no season 9 but I just looked and there is a season 9 sorry
0 likesI think Sunset Shimmer would be a great dreamwalker. In fact, she kind of already dreamwalked before, minus the fact that it didn't involve dreams. But dreams are still thoughts in someone's mind, just while asleep, so I'm sure that Sunset could use her mind reading powers to enter dreams too. Anyway, in Legend of Everfree, Sunset used her mind reading powers to understand Twilight's fears and was very supportive to her. That's why she's commonly known by the fandom as the Element of Empathy, and empathy is a must-have quality for dreamwalking. Sunset even used her powers to bring the other Equestria Girls into Twilight's mind to help encourage her, very similar to a dream team.
1 likeIts Maybe starlight glimmer or Rarity
0 likesPfffffft "Dream Team"
0 likesMaybe the mane 5 will take over in dreamwalking. As the sisters said " with the help of your friends".
0 likesI don't think it would be Starlight to take Luna's place because she's terrible with the pressure that comes with dreams 🤔
0 likesTwligt the element magic so since twligt can raise the sun with out the amulet now yes she is twligt can raise the dreams twligt
0 likesNever say it's
0 likesYm
0 likesMøl
Zecora and twilight sparkle
0 likesI think it's really starlight
0 likesI think the best team in dream walking is Starlight and Rainbow Dash
0 likesI think the best team in dream walking is Starlight and Rainbow Dash
1 like@Totally RemiTM watch Royal Problem
0 likesTure
0 likesTure
0 likesTru cooki
0 likesi subscribed
0 likesadhrit
0 likes@Totally RemiTM Luna
0 likesStarlight and starswerl,I think these two ponies are in same family because both's names are starts with "STAR" word and both are the unicorns but there magical powers are more than a allicorn because in the season 5 episode 25 & 26 twilight can't stop the starlight, she only can reform the starlight, she cannot defiet starlight
0 likesMaybe it’s starlight because in one episode Luna said “I see me in you starlight”
4215 likesReplies (194)
Starlight is not a Alcorn!!!!
75 likesThat's a really good theory but Starlight now runs the school which means she'd have to be fully awake in the mornings.
365 likesWait- what when-?!
15 likesBlack Unicorn so?
13 likesBut starlight already has to stay up all day to run the school
43 likesBlack Unicorn starlight fully proved her self to be significantly more powerful than twilight (an alicorn) in the season 5 finale. Twilight literally says she was weaker than starlight. She may not be an alicorn but she’s definitely powerful enough
79 likesNo
3 likesDarn sounds like luna said something wrong XD
11 likes@Black Unicorn aLcoRn
10 likesThat’s a really good theory
4 likesI agree
4 likesI agree
4 likesBlack Unicorn well twilight became one she wasn’t born one so could be the same with starlight
13 likesBut she runs the school
5 likes@hi, im a person with alot of opinions did you even watch the video- dream t e a m
4 likesBlack Unicorn well Hasbro SHOULD make her into an alicorn, she really deserves to be a princess in my opinion.
12 likesben beardmore that’s cuz twilight realizes a little too much on the power of friendship xD
2 likesMia Lathem she doesn’t have to be an Alicorn she’s one of the most powerful unicorns that exist
5 likesBlack Unicorn If Starlight hadn’t been manipulated by Cozy Glow she could have easily gone and done with Cozy. Starlight has a lot more knowledge then Twilight alone.
6 likes@Black Unicorn true but what if she became an alicorn in the future?
3 likesTell me in what season is it??
1 likeThat’s exactly what I thought
0 likesI was going to say that how sad
0 likesBlack Unicorn you don’t need to be an alicorn to do royal duties , star light is also super powerful
3 likesKiaraDog :p No , she runs the school in the day time at night she can possibly go in dreams
0 likesAnv I she runs the school in the day time she could possibly go in dreams at night
0 likes@Mars that's a tHeOrY we have our OWN
0 likes@Black Unicorn she doesn't need to she's powerful enough
2 likes@Black Unicorn that does not me it wont work
0 likesMaybe
0 likesBlack Unicorn but maybe one day she becomes powerful enough to raise the moon also sunset realizes she belongs in the pony world and becomes the one to be raising the sun maybe they can become princess’s but not rule equestria they become the side rulers of equestria like luna to help twilight raise the sun and moon
2 likes•Miso Soo• just maybe Im only saying a possibility never said it is true only conspiracy theory
1 like•Miso Soo• sorry i didn’t mean for it to sound mean when I said that but I call it a conspiracy theory
1 like•Miso Soo• ok
0 likesShe could become a alacorne
0 likesShe doesn’t have to be bro
0 likesSupriya Lanka what episode is that when Luna said I see me in you starlight
0 likesBlack Unicorn so?
0 likesThey were both evil and here name does have star in the biggining but what does luna even mean if it has something to do with moon or something like that then that could be a no because CaRtOoN lOgIc
1 likeBlack unicorn she is really powerful so I don't think that matters and a alicorn is a pegasus and unicorn sure a alicorn has all not only those 2 but still I think it's perfect
0 likesI just noticed STARLIGHT star plus light probably means something good
0 likes@Black Unicorn she doesnt have t e an alicorn to walk in dreams
0 likesBlack Unicorn she can become one though
0 likesBlack Unicorn also it’s alicorn not alcorn
0 likesYass
0 likes@Black Unicorn so is raibowdash?
0 likes@Black Unicorn they don't have to be an alicorn to do magic
0 likesBut yeah no
0 likesWhat episode and what season
0 likesWhat episode was it
0 likesShe dose NOT have to be a alicorn
0 likesBut didn't she also say that to sweetie belle
0 likesHmm.. Kinda true
0 likesBlack Unicorn bruh you gotta accomplish that ;-;
0 likes@Black Unicorn she doesnt have to be maybe in the future she turns into one
0 likes@Black Unicorn starlight is kinda powerful so maybe she can
0 likesWell, I could try.
4 likesAlso Starlight I saw that episode 😀😀😀
0 likes@Ophelia twilight is strong if she doesn't hold back. She wants to prove friendship can fix anything, that's why we don't see her do many complex spells
1 like@•Miso Soo• But she would be way to busy to do that and she would probably have a squadron of people that she would rotate nights or specialize in certain things
0 likes@Black Unicorn BAHAAH ALCORN
0 likesI think that for a while no one will walk on dreams till twilight finishes training starlight and turns her into an alicorn and princess hiving her the reponsability of the moon ,STARS(STARlight) and dreams and they will rule tigger her as friends . if you don’t like my idea I really don’t care but I stand by it
0 likes@Meli Cardaci i dont think that starlight is meant to be an alicorn, she runs the school and from what we see she has no wings
0 likesHuh
0 likesI saw the princeses said to the six they are who is gonne take care of the ponyvill but it didnt say who is gonna walk on there dreams
0 likesyah to smart
0 likes@Black Unicorn maybe twilight will make her an alicorn
0 likesI was literally about it comment this-
0 likesYeah, Starlight is powerful Enough
1 likeThat would be interesting.
0 likesThat is exactly WhAt I ThOuGHt
0 likes@Black Unicorn i dont think she has to be a alicorn and even if she does well maybe twilight can make her a alicorn but only for her job
0 likesYa
0 likesThats perfect
0 likes@Black Unicorn don't worry she can hold her self with her horn 👍👍👍👍
0 likes@xai STAR-light
0 likeswow 🤩
0 likes@Black Unicorn Starlight could become one!
1 likeShe has the magic potential
Well that makes sense
0 likesShe did something totally amazing and became an alicorn and took the job of luna
@Black Unicorn So? Ok if she cant do that Why does Luna not teach her? Starlight surely is pretty powerfull in case of magic. So theres a 69% of starlight being the moonwalker, because she's principal of the friendship school WITH Sunburst so she sure has some time to run the school. And in the last EP of season 9 her hair was all messy, Probably because she was awake al noght
0 likes@Black Unicorn *an *alicorn
0 likes@Black Unicorn like he said he could be learned also you don’t have to be a alicorn
1 likeThat was my first thought
0 likesI think when Luna said that, she meant that she could relate to Starlight’s struggle to move on from past mistakes.
0 likesYes starlight because if she becomes a all acorn maybe she could be dreem working
0 likes@Ophelia plus empathy coco
0 likes@Black Unicorn Even though starlight is not a Alacorn she can still walk into dreams
0 likesI was thinking that too
0 likesthat can work maybe one day STARLIGHT would be a alicorn someday
1 likehttps://youtu.be/w7X6rLQawE4
1 like@Isabella Castillo LPS XD
2 likesi was think starlight too lol
1 likei think the same
0 likes@Black Unicorn Well She doesn't need to be an Alicorn as in one Episode she had Done spells with Twilight and it Concludes that she Has the Same Knowledge of Magic as Starswirl or Twilight and maybe she has more talent That she might have not Uncovered But it might be true I'm an Episode we saw that she was Able to remove the cutie marks of Pony's so SHE WAS ABLE TO REMOVE THE DESTINY OF OTHERS AND REPLACE IT! this might Conclude they she has more Magic that Starswirl, Luna,Celestia,Cadence and Twilight! now The reason is that we have NEVER seen any of These Pony's do a Destiny changing spell not even Twilight had learnt that as for Celestia we all know that she was Twilight's Mentor and Guider BUT Celestia would have tought Twilight how to do a Destiny changing spell if she knew it now for the other two princesses well it's clear for some people why but let me Explain it's very easy as Cadance's Destiny was to spread love not Education and same for Luna her destiny was to Rule the night and control dreams so her destiny has nothing to do with Destiny or Education other then Twilight or Starswirl but these two could have done less Education that Starlight so it could be true that might be the next person to walk in dreams and rule the night But one thing still remains......... Who will be the new Councilor of the school well I think I know who.............. I've done my research and the Answer could be..............SUNBURST well think about it Sunburst is also known as a wizard so ofcourse he studied magic I mean we can tell by his home😑 but he would be great at giving advice or helping others and anyway he hasn't come in the show for a while now...... It's time he starts working for his and Equestria's good I mean how does he even get the money for his food, Clothes and BOOKS 📚📚 📚📚 so yeah that's my theory on what will happen Ty for everyone reading and having time for it 😊🥺🥺🥺😎😎✌️✌️✌️🌺🌺🌺
1 likeOmg yes
0 likes@Kathie Lynn YESS
0 likes@Black Unicorn she's more talented that twilight, or at least comparable
0 likes@Black Unicorn but doesnt mean she cant she is probably a princess or thats a spell that unicorns can do too i have free common sense for you
0 likes@Black Unicorn twilight wasnt always an alicorn. She was turned into one by Celestia- maybe twilight might turn starlight into one too
0 likes@Black Unicorn does it matter?
0 likes@Black Unicorn i dont think that matters
0 likes@Kathie Lynn hmmmmmmmmm i ges so its starlight
0 likes@Kathie Lynn good point
0 likesStarlight is one of my favorite characters in mlp so she need to become an alicorn first
0 likesWatch the friendship games again keep your eyes on rainbows wing it looks like a alicorn wing
0 likesNo see can not battle demons by herself dislike that idea
0 likes@Black Unicorn She might be changed In the future. Cause she was rude before and now she is nice. And her magic is actually very strong
0 likesWhich season and which episode?
0 likes@Black Unicorn neither was luna or twilight or even celestia
0 likes@Kathie Lynn pretty late but yes she is absoulutely good with magic cause it depends on your talent-
0 likes@Black Unicorn She can Self Levitate, Put laser beams, Teleport, Telekinisis and more. Does she look like she needs wings to you?
0 likesBecuz she's so stress ful for something she don't know and that turn her into evil and Luna feel the same way she thought no pony like her becuz she's out of place and starlight is busy rulling the school
0 likes@Black Unicorn I—-You don’t need to be an alicorn—Starlight is a very powerful unicorn without having alicorn magic.
1 like@KiaraLime she has a Counselor, you doesn’t have to work in the Dream realm all the time! Maybe occasionally swapping out with Rainbow dash like what Sawtooth said! A DREAM TEAM!
0 likes@Black Unicorn She doesn't have to be
0 likes@Black Unicorn She doesnt have to be one! She is very good with magic and besides, is rainbow dash an alicorn? Is Starswirl an alicorn?
0 likesNo cause she meant she related to her as having a bad past
0 likes@Black Unicorn And?
0 likesTrue
0 likes@Kay trixie can take over
0 likeswhich one
0 likes@Black Unicorn so she’s almost just as powerful as twilight and she’s a alicorn. You don’t need to be a alicorn to have just as much or maybe even more magic just look at star swirl, he was celestia and luna’s mentor as he said in shadow play alicorns just get more magic naturally
0 likes@Black Unicorn she is powerful and most likely she is gonna be an Alicorn cuz she is powerful enough to create her own magic so she can be the replacement for Luna or like the vid said it can also be a dream team
0 likes@KiaraLime it can be anything starlight can be a alicorn too in future if there were episodes but it can be future luster dawn too
0 likes@Kathie Lynn mat pat is not good about this
0 likes@Black Unicornand rainbow dash is Pegasus not alicorn
0 likesMe too I think the same she has teleportation magic to go inside the dreams!
0 likesMakes much more sense
0 likesAnd in the future starlight probably became an Alicorn but that’s just a theory and starlight can use her magic to fly soooo
0 likesIt's great idea But starlight running friendship school how she can do two business
0 likesYeah!! Starlight!!! Even her name says STAR-----LIGHT!!!!!!
0 likes@Black Unicorn ok so
0 likesStartlight may not be an Alicorn but she still is able to do what she can do
0 likes@Black Unicorn Well that doesn't nessarcily mean Luna can't give her the power to dream walk. Starlight has the magical ability's and is good with emotions so i think she'd be the best choice for dream walking.
0 likesYahh maybe shes also good with magic
0 likesYou guys missing the fact that Sunset shimmer = SUN and Starlight = STAR (aka night) and the twilight itself is between day and night
0 likesanyone which ep did luna said that
0 likesThat's exactly what I was thinking. She already was a counsellor and she has enough powerful magic to do so.
0 likes@Li No yes
0 likes@Black Unicorn and? Rainbow Dash is not an Alicorn nether. She is a PEGASUS. But Starlight still have a horn and she can make magic, so that means that she could learn how to make Luna’s job and then Luna would be replaced by her, or maybe she will still have the help of Rainbow Dash or a team with her or she will work alone. TA-DA!
0 likes@Black Unicorn She’s an incredibly powerful unicorn so she could use her magic to go into dreams
0 likes@Black Unicorn does it have to be an Alcorn
0 likes@Black Unicorn yes but u see her magical power. she can change the destiny of everyone and retire Cutie Mark. so Luna can learn to Starlight Glimmer how to do
0 likesI think star light cuss her neam starts with star
0 likesalways the second fiddle lol
0 likes@Black Unicorn so she don’t have to be
0 likesWhat she meant was that she saw how starlight wanted to rule over a village, and how she’s so afraid to rule. Luna wanted to rule all of equestria, then she was scared of turning into nightmare moon again
0 likesWait I think your rigth
0 likes@Black Unicorn she can fly without wings.
0 likes@Black Unicorn yea but she's a unicorn and has magic. She can also time travel. So probs true
0 likes@Ophelia l
0 likesRainbow dash called walking in dreams episode 1 season 9
0 likesShe meant personality and trauma probably lol
0 likesI agree she has almost the best amount of magic as twilight
0 likes@Black Unicorn There can be a Diarchy like Luna and Celestia, or just doing it without alicorn magic.
0 likes@Kay I think it can work because there are many creatures in MLP that are capable of running the school and who would most likely be willing to take on that responsibility. I think Starlight dream walking makes most sense because we already know she can use magic to fly, she has experience traveling through time so opening portals might be well within her abilities, and we’ve seen she does a good job at handling others conflicts.
0 likesA Dream Team might happen and if it dose I think the pillars can take the job
0 likes@Black Unicornstarlight is one of the most powerful unicorns herself
0 likesI agree because in one of Sawtooth’s videos he said that starlight did dream walk.
0 likesI remember that episode
0 likesRainbow Dash is also a good option
0 likes@Black Unicorn it doesnt have to be an alicorn she is prtty magical and she has magic
0 likesStarlight’s magic is really powerful, the proof is she can replace pony’s cutie mark and she can travel through time. I think LUNA will teach her HOW, then, she can dream walking like LUNA. But, there is another problem. Starlight is also running the school of friendship. So the only possibility option that I think will be fitting is she will ask ANOTHER pony to replace her. Maybe it’s Sunburst, if so, I think that they need to change a little bit. Like, Sunburst will take care of the school, but whenever Starlight come to the school of friendship, she can be in charge too. So, if that happen :
2 likes- Twilight can just rule and running the day and night.
- the school can still running
- there will still be dream walking
- Starlight won’t have to be awake all day
It can be wrong, but I think that’s it, that’s what happen AFTER Twilight’s conation.
@Black Unicorn so your saying that only alicorns enter the dream realm-?
0 likesMaybe
0 likesshe'd be dead by now though..
0 likes@Black Unicorn but twilight can make her a alicorn
0 likesYa but Starlight is runing the school of frendship
1 like@MOVED Uhh, Idk if someone responsible you but, remember when Starlight's old village sent an invitation for Starlight? So she she had a dream abt her old village and Luna was there and bla bla bla, they were talking and then Luna said "I see me in you Starlight"
0 likes@Black Unicorn you mean Alicorn?
0 likes@Black Unicorn Well she has shown to be more powerful then both Luna and Celsatia, she banished Discord which was something the sisters was not capabel of AND she has the abilaty to change destiny. Starlight is pretty much the most powerful pony we have seen.
0 likesyes acsacly
0 likesWow Lunar turn into dream wondering spirit after she died....
0 likesTrue because when he did that theroy when she invented apple blumes dream and he said that starlight invaded the dream world so she'll be able to take Luna's hob
0 likesJob
0 likes@Black Unicorn you spelled
1 likeAlicorn wrong
@MOVED season 7
1 like@Ophelia stronger?!
1 likeI don’t think so!
Twilight took celestia’s place!
Don’t think it’s starlight!
Twilight is confirmed the strongest right now
Starlight wouldn’t be able to become a dream Walker if She’s no Alicorn royalty
@Mika-chan but that doesn’t make her stronger then the mane 6
1 likeYes
0 likes@Kay its been generations... starlight must have died bro..
0 likes@Black Unicorn i like alcorns
0 likesYes
0 likes@Black Unicorn isn't the horn magic important in walking dreams?
0 likesThat could be a possibility but Fluttershy would also be really good because she understands people like no one else and she's very caring does she still want to be able to fight so maybe rainbow dash and Fluttershy work together
0 likes@Black Unicorn She dosen't need to be one to dream walk, she just needs the magic which she has.
0 likesShe would be a good candidate but she's already headmare of The School of Friend Ship.
0 likes@Black Unicorn that doesn’t matter plus maybe before the sisters left they probably made her a alicorn so she can take Lunas place.
0 likesto make that sound less wrong she actually said “i see much of myself in you starlight glimmer.”
0 likes@Black Unicorn dont matter 💀
0 likes@Black Unicorn doesn’t matter stupid
0 likesI really thought that Discord could have been a perfect example for a dream walker, he is capable of magic, emotional support, physical fighting. He has been through situations similar to dream walking! And I think he would be a perfect example for ponies dealing with difficulties with fears and dreams.
28 likesDo you remember moondancer
624 likesShe could be dream walker Her name is even
"Moon dancer"
And shes Her old friend🎀
Replies (19)
You have a point
11 likesHmm
4 likesThat makes a lot of sense
1 likeI thought that too
1 likeYea maybe
1 likeand it would actually give her plot relevance too
14 likesMaybe sunset? Even though her name doesn't match at all
5 likesDream Team Members so far:
13 likesRainbow Dash
Starlight Glimmer
Hmm I’m not sure names may mean something but not everything
0 likesYeah good idea lol
1 likeYou are the only one who remebers this only epesode
0 likesThats exactly what i was saying to myself
1 likeMaybe he's name is matched
0 likes@coldhaixx no
0 likesMake Sense
0 likesyah does
0 likesStar swirl, moon dancer,sometimes rainbow dash+ starlight+ ... Um I forgot his name sunburst yeah
2 likes@coldhaixx it does macth think after the sun sets
0 likesI think that too
0 likesA lot of people in the comment mentioned Starlight Glimmer, but did y’all really forget Moondancer? Her cutie mark is literally the Moon with sparkles around it, just like Twilight’s. I’m expecting her return soon.
7 likesHere’s another theory...
64 likesWe never see Starlight in the end because “she’s running the school” but what if she were to become a princess like twilight and be princess of dreams or stars i don’t really know but that may be a possibility
Also Luna said I see myself in you maybe she was actually thinking about her taking over for her one day in the dream walking business
Replies (7)
tbh, makes sense...
4 likesy e s
1 likeStarlight was definitely in the end. You should rewatch their last song, she was there. With a Headmare uniform along with Sunburst.
10 likes@Kitty Cute yeah she was
2 likesSo no, I don’t think so
@Nguyen Chu Anh Khoi yes. And I think what Princess Luna meant when she said she sees herself in Starlight was that they are in the same boat. Being villains in the past and then redempting their selves.
7 likesthis is a good theory
0 likesMakes sense, she’s also really powerful
0 likesThis is a bit far fetched, but I actually think that Starlight watches the dream world now. If she’s not working at the school, she’s giving people advice in there dreams in the form of Luna’s dream walking. Starlight is so wise, and she’s a unicorn soooo. There are some gaps like how is she not grumpy at school, but Sunburst is there also, so I actually think this is a possibility.
1378 likesedit: well this ended up getting attention...
Replies (30)
Pibbi City Liver
69 likesThat’s what I was thinking. Not only is she a unicorn, she quite a powerful one.
I was thinking the same, she has the potential and magic to do it
41 likesI think that too.
2 likesThe problem I have with starlight as the dream walker is her loyalties. Meaning if she finds someone she doesn't like dreaming. She might give them a nightmare which is bad.
18 likesWhat if Starlight opens the realms and Sunburst does the dream walking?
9 likesSame here, and I like Starlight being the succesor of Luna, she has the attitude for it, the strenght, and of course magic power, and I remeber in the episode "to where and back again" Luna told Starlight that she saw much of her self in her.
27 likesThat might be true
1 likeWell I think that Starlight has to run the school pretty much all the time, even if she does have some help. Heck, that’s EXACTLY what Celestia did. She ran equestria with some help from Luna, and other important ponies. And we know that Celestia just can’t do the dream realm. So I don’t think it will be starlight.
8 likesyeah that makes more sense and also, her name is Star light after all stars appear at night just like the moon. She has to at least be part of the Dream Team
3 likesand it fits her role at the school, so it makes a lot of sense!
1 likeSame answer over here .-. I actually commented the same thing 3 hours ago
0 likesI don't care I still don't trust her
0 likesYes but maybe she also had the help of sunburst because with his knowledge, he could also be a great help
2 likesPibbi City Liver Lets also not forget that Starlight also had experience with Luna and Celestia in the dream world.
3 likesYeah! Sunburst could take over sometimes!
2 likesThats exatly what I was thinking. Not only does Starlight show the magical potential but also the physical potential as well. (The major battle between Starlight and Chrysilis, remember?) She demonsrates the empathic aspect as well. I also think of Starlight as a bit of Twilight’s “right hoof man” in the series, like when she took on the role of headmaster of Twilight’s school.
5 likesThey could all be part if the dream team
0 likes@Toad256 I seriously, seriously doubt she's that petty, especially not now. Starlight post-reformation has never been shown to be greatly resentful to anyone -- certainly not to a degree that would warrant such retaliation.
2 likesAlso, she has nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing that. Think of it: she's risen incredibly far up from where she started; she's gained trust from not only the Princesses and the Elements, but also everyone around her... but despite all that she still was a villain. A little scandal could bring her crashing down. Imagine if ponies started going about how Starlight gave them nightmares out of spite, and that news got around. Imagine if Starlight had to admit to it all in front of Twilight. She'd be bucked all the way back to square minus-1, and had to rebuild her life again!
Starlight can't be that resentful, not just because of how empathetic she's become in the present, but also because she should be clever enough to figure out that that would do her no good in the long run.
I agree, because Starlight did spells that would take years to fully understand it, like time traveling.
1 likeWgy
0 likesStar no
0 likesSabrina Goldring I don’t think so, cadence is the princess of love, and I don’t see love being a major issue in dreams. It is possible she is part of this hypothetical dream team, but honestly she doesn’t fit the role. Also Luna said it herself that she and Starlight have a lot in common.
1 likeGreat point Starlight is more powerful than ever I think more powerful than twilight honestly
0 likes@Abbi Jenson taking pony cutiemarks WOW :0
1 likeStarlight is also a really powerful unicorn too
1 likeI think starlight and sunburst should turn into alicorns and become the rulers of the dream world to do it
0 likesAs head mare, it would be difficult to struggle but c’mon. She’s got Sunburst and Trixie, some of the most powerful and wise ponies she knows that could easily cover for her. As we saw in Marks for effort, counselor job doesn’t have a bunch of work and Trixie could cover for Starlight.
1 likeWhat if sunset can be dream wa.king what about sunset shimmer
0 likesBut sunset shimmer should be replaced as celestial and twilight as luna
they should off ripped away shitlight glimmers magic as pajnfuIIy as possible. injuected her with raybies and lokced her in a dungin cell with a dirty waterfall and dirty river runing thru it. and watterbored her everyday and if the watterborreding kjIIs her my oc can use magic to bring her back to life so she can dje more sIowIy and pajnfuIIy from the raybies. oviously use levatashion to watterbored her from a safe distince so she cant bite and infact them. and anyone can come down and throw water ballons and accjd baloons at her and sqwirt her with waterguns thru the barrs. and laff at her and mock her and $pjtt at her and throw $hjtt and pj$$ at her. and shell be covvered in bI00d and briuses from banging agianst the walls and the barrs durring the terrifying hallusinashions caused by the rabbies and trying to ecscape. and evryone laffs and mocks her even more. and their are cammeras hidden aruond the cell reccording and liverstreeming her slow excrushiatingly pajnfuIIdeath so anyone can watch from anywere if it to inconveniant to go see her in reel life to rellish in her missarry. and mmake her eat 5hjt and moldy and rottin food and make her drink hier own bI00d and mukis. And colect the foam comming out of her mounth into a jar and poar it into her eyes mixed whith floroanimantic accjd. And covver the floor in gympie gympie leafs and bulliet ants. and make hrer eat those to. and stick some of the leafs up her nose and ears. and maybe stick some of the leafs under her eyellids and leave them their for awhile before porring the accjd in. and when finnaly shedies my oc can resierect her and give her corollavires 19 and a magic helth bubble arond evry one else so they wont catch it when they laff in her face and jear at her. And shoove a ventalatiur down her throyte without annathsesha and user his magic to make shure she stay alive for along time so she can fell all the pajn. my oc can keep ressirecting her over and over agien so she can be severly torchered toodeath over and over agein in differint ways for all eternaty becuz my oc Prince Justice Firestorm is immortil and litrally everyone for the rest of eternity can enjoy and delite in her nonstop aggiany and dance to her aggenized screems. lol i haved to spiell alot of things wrong to confusion the yuotube sensors ship bots so they dont doleete my commints to sepress the truth abuout shitlight glimmer like the commas they are.
1 likeim 13 btw
1 likeThanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Sawtooth! I like the idea of a "dream team" watching over the dreamers of Equestria. I wish they'd included something like that in the show. It certainly would have lightened Luna's workload a little. She'd get to have dreamwalking assistants similar to how Celestia has her own staff to help with her royal duties.
9 likesat first I was thinking starlight because of how powerful she is, I feel she has the potential on learning how to do luna's job, she's strong and possibly has the ability to comfort people or give advice. I mean she did change the past, being this advanced it really is a possibility. actually scratch that, she has a full job as headmare
4 likesReplies (1)
Yes !
0 likesI think Pinkie pie would be a good dreamwalker because she is the element of laughter and she can comfort for anyone
0 likesSawtooth Waves' job is literally to write argumentative essays and then make them into fun videos
28 likesThe whole notion of Luna retiring was kind of weird to me. Celestia I get, she's been ruling for over a thousand years, but Luna was essentially reborn and she decides to retire after 5 or so years? Yeah, dreamwalking may be very hard work, but seriously 5 years? Luna should still be an active princess. Besides, she's great, I lover her, who doesnt, even the citizens love her now, why leave after only five years?
347 likesReplies (47)
i never really thought about that haha
70 likesSeriously? Luna's been ruling equestria for years along side celestia and celestia is also 10 000 years old or more luna might be younger but that still means she's ruled for a long time too. Besides if Luna immediately took over the night shift just after being re born back to her old self would mean that she already has experience that she indeed knows what she is doing, and by the way according to Google alicorns age 1 year after 50 or more years since she is taller and has bigger wings and flowing hair means she's ruled for as long as celestia has since it takes quite some time to acquire that. Notice how their also in the founding of equestria, and that was countless moons ago says that they've been ruling for more than 10 000 years. How do you not know that?!
42 likesIt's called bad writing
14 likes@Navillea celestia celebrated her 1111 sun rise in one of the episodes that means she must be younger than 1120 because it's clear that ponies find thier special talent at a young age, meaning luna (the younger sister) couldn't have been rulling for more than 100 years
24 likesi believe dreamwalking is a way harder job for her than we think. after all, she always has a probability to turn into Nightmare Moon, if negative emotions are prevail. it's hard by itself to fight with other ponies' nightmares, and it's even harder for Luna, because at the same time she must control herself every moment. so maybe this is the reason why princesses' have retired so soon ater NM's defeat, because she might come back.
22 likesYes that was weird
1 like@Navillea google also says "Celestia and Queen Novo married, and they have a son, Prince Sorath. Celestia is also the step-mom of Princess Skystar."
12 likesBut do the math yourself if celestia raised the sun for 1111 years and ponies find their special tallen at no longer than about 10 years of age that means celestia is aboit 1120 years old
And remember luna didn't RULE equestria during the 1000 years, so she could have ruled for much longer than 100 years
@Navillea 500 000 years?
2 likesWtf, how did you even get that number?
Do you do math (let me help)
Celestai raised the sun for 1 111 years and ponies find their special talent at younger than 10
1 111 + 10 = 1 121
Celestai is NOT older than that sooooooo she us NOT 10 000 not 50 000 not 500 000
She IS 1 120 or younger
@Navillea Sorry that I don't meet your expectations... I guess. Cool for you for taking the time to think about how long Luna has been a Princess, but how long must someone raise the moon every night and not find fulfillment before finally snapping and becoming Nightmare Moon? Everything is conveniently 1000 years ago. Yeah, it's ambiguous, but Tirek is banished to Tartarus, Sombra rises to power and is vanquished, the Pillars of Equestria come and go, Discord is trapped in stone, Luna is banished; it's all roughly around the same period of time. Yes, there is wiggle room, and writers make new things up for stories, such as Luna walking in dreams, but there doesn't seem to be much of an indication of her doing that before becoming Nightmare Moon, otherwise she probably would not have turned evil to begin with.
10 likesFrom Luna's perspective, ponies never enjoyed the night she brought because they were sleeping, but she could have still found solace in dreamwalking and connecting with the ponies, something she wanted. Even if for some reason she only reigned for 100 years before finally breaking (personally, I'd be pretty disappointed within a year so good on her for lasting however long she did), I see 1000 years being banished and being reborn by the Elements of Harmony as a fresh start. Luna was basically trapped within Nightmare Moon having nothing to do (my evidence for this is when she expresses how much she missed Celestia, and Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker seem to be treated as different personalities), and after returning she then begins walking in dreams and is finally feeling fulfilled as a Princess. Luna keeps her memories and experiences, but she's ultimately refreshed and hasn't been at work for 1000 years, AKA, a really long break.
I only watched the show, I never delved deeper into the lore, so if I missed something, fine (I doubt it's just as easy as Googling info though; way to use sources), but based off what we see in the show, which is what most people did, excuse me for finding it odd that after her return from being gone for 1000 years, and ruling for only 9 Seasons (however long or short that time was, and maybe really Season 2 is when she really began ruling again), she decides to retire. I'm not saying dreamwalking cannot be extraneous, but given her satisfaction in doing so, and caring for the ponies she visited, retiring after such a short time when she has a long life ahead of her seems odd.
Yes, she can now spend time with Celestia without other responsibilities and explore the world she never really saw since she was always active at night, but that's what days off and vacations are for, right? Dreamwalking does not seem to be an essential thing to do necessarily since it seems to me that she never did so (or very infrequently did so) before becoming Nightmare Moon, and there isn't much indication of someone else doing so while she was away. A few nights here and there are not going to kill a pony if they have a nightmare... hopefully... but it is something she enjoys doing beyond believing it as her role as a reformed Princess of the Night. Is that ability shed after she retires? Continuing to dreamwalk after retirement kind of defeats the point.
I'd argue that this is kind of all Luna has going for her. It may be the longest period of peace for Equestria, but it's really more to do with Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six (And was it really all that peaceful? What was Celestia doing for 1000 years before the Mane Six showed up?). We know Luna was more active defeating various foes, delegating, and whatnot but again, that was over 1000 years ago and she has not been active due to her banishment. Her time before is not irrelevant, but after all that time in between and again, I cannot stress this enough, her rebirth, however long her reign was before, these aren't good enough reasons for her to remain active after only a few years? It seems to me that she's more going along with Celestia just to be with her more, and because the writers wanted Twilight to rule, which makes sense for Twilight, but maybe doesn't make sense for Luna within the universe.
Hopefully I've made it clear as to why I find Luna's decision to retire odd. It's just my interpretation, it's really not worth getting too worked up about, but it seemed pretty important to you and I felt I should at least explain myself better since it spawned a big thread.
@Navillea no Starswirl was Celestia and Lunas mentor when they are young. YOUNG. Starswirl was later banished but I think that that was before Celestia was even 100. If nightmare Moon was banished for about a thousand years then shouldn't the Pillars also only have been banished for about a thousand years as well? That makes Celestia over 1000 years old but definitely not over 2000 years old
4 likes@Creativiz that's wat google said, and why you sould be careful when reading something on the internet
2 likesEdit:By you I mean evie edits
0 likes1 they are immortal they work with the same years as everypony
And if they didn't they wouldn't use LONGER years, they would use SHORTER (dog years are longer because they die younger, alicorns are immortal so they would use shorter and NOT even be a thousand years old)
2 so what? 1111 was celebrated at one of the last seasons (8 I think) do you think that 9 thousand years pased in one season
3 no they don't what gave you that idea
@:D also she celebrated her 1111 year raising the sun in season 8, and ponies are young when they discover their talent
0 likesI have to agree. It did feel awkward.
6 likesI've read arguments both for and against S9, and both sides make valid, solid points. One side has made the great point that all the trials Twilight went through were to carefully craft her into a well rounded leader that could take over for Celestia and Luna. She had to make decisions, understand the role of a leader, and know when to make tough calls when needed. The other side made solid points against things, too. Since she became an alicorn, several people said Twilight would outlive her friends and turn into an expy of Celestia, and, multiple seasons later, those people were proven right with the final episode. Some felt they were lied to when it was stated by one of the show staff that Twilight wouldn't outlive her friends, yet that comment was quashed when it was said "the comment about Twilight not outliving her friends was never stated in the show."
The other side also made the valid argument about certain traits that made Twilight, "Twilight" being slowly taken away. One such trait was her "Twilighting."
**Spoiler: Opinion incoming. No one will like it**
To be honest, I wasn't fond of Celestia and Luna just "retiring" and giving things up to Twilight. I'll also state I wasn't fond of the ending episode or S9 in general. There were a handful of decent episodes, yet the ending felt really... awkward to say the least. Spike looks like a buff dude (someone kept calling him a total chad I think), Twilight looks like an expy Celestia from the flowing mane to the chest plate and such, and I, I'll just be blunt: the ending itself felt like a piece of bad fan-fiction where everyone got what they wanted.
Again, just me and an opinion, it might have been wise to end the show with the two parter. If they did have a final prologue episode, have the whole final episode focus on Twilight fearing the future, but her friends promising to be by her side no matter what. Anyways, just my two cents.
Is the gap between the first episode of the show and last episode really just 5 years before the time skip? It seems to me like 3 years at most (apple bloom did not have any noticeable physical growth so it may be even shorter unless it's like goten and trunks in dragon ball z to super....).
1 like@Some Guy that uses the internet during the 9 seasons there has been 3 summer sun celebrations
2 likesOne in beginning of season 1, one in season 4 and one in season 9
The celebrations only happen once a years same withe hears and hoovs day, it only happen twice, each after a summer sun celebration, season 2 and season 7
Same as nightmare night, season 2 and season 5
Dream walking Might take a lot energy
1 likeStarlight Moon don’t say that that person dose not know that because what you don’t know is something very important the core if you don’t no that what you just said is WRONG but we’ll Luna does need some rest
2 likes@Navillea Ok so when Starswirl saw luna and Celestia again, he said that they grew so much. Meaning that the sisters were fairly short when Starswirl disappeared. Look at Twilight in the last problem. She was as tall a Celestia and the mane 5 were still alive. They aren't even as old a granny smith yet and granny smith is a lot younger than Celestia, proving that you can be as tall as Celestia before a hundred years (a hundred because that's the a bit more than the average lifespan of a human). This means that Celestia was definitely not even a hundred when Starswirl disappeared, meaning that she's definitely not over 2000 when Starswirl reappeared.
1 likeAlso Alicorns are just a really rare type of Ponies and shouldn't be separated from other ponies. It's not like they have a feature that makes them that much different. They shouldn't age differently (like numbers) than other ponies.
And yes I actually watched all of the Celestia, Luna, and Starswirl (plus the last problem) episodes to make my answer. Watch them all yourself
1 likeAlso if you consider Alicorns different from other ponies, know that Twilight was a unicorn and (its not canon but) Cadence was a pegasus. It's not like adding wings or a horn would make them a different species therefore giving them their own aging system in numbers is just wrong in a way racist
1 like@Navillea What? No. They just she slower than regular ponies and don't get wrinkles. They still go by pony years and are not like "Hay since this 100 year old person will live for a long time, let's say that for every 10 years we (regular people) live then she ages one year. THiS mAKeS hER 1000 YeARs oLd!"
1 like@Navillea also where did you get that "50 'regular pony years' is 1 'Alicorn year'? I don't think the main series ever said anything about it :/
1 like@Navillea Maybe the entire land of equestria isn't that old. I mean there's a really good chance that Celestia and Luna came after the founding of equestria because Alicorns are ponies with all 3 groups of ponies mushed into one. Yes, in the Play they showed the Equestrian flag with the 2 sisters on it but it's probably because they don't have the first equestrian flag ever made.
1 likeOk real life example. Take Canada for an example. Canada his been founded less than 155 years ago yet is a pretty important part of the economy and the world. You don't know if equestria is over 2000 years old so I'm gonna make an inference. We know that Starswirl was alive when equestria was founded, meaning that if he ages like a normal unicorn, than equestria would be younger than Starswirl which is less than 2000 years.
@Navillea For the last time. There is no "Alicorn years". Their just regular ponies with extra wings/a horn that happen to live longer than the average pony. They don't have their own aging system.
1 likeCelestia is a bit over 1000 years old in Pony years not 10 000. Its like saying that one person is 100 years old but another person is 700 in OldEN aGe
So for the last time if you think they are over 10 000 think of 2 things. Starswirl and That Alicorns are just normal ponies with extra wings and a horn and shouldn't have their own "Alicorn aging system"
@Navillea Also I wont stop because I'm competitive and nothing can stop me until yes
1 like@Navillea dude it's literally canon that Celestia being 1111 years is a thing. She's not 10 000 and there is no Alicorn aging system.
1 like@:D well then if you multiply it by 50 she's even older because she IS 10 000 YEARS OLD OR MORE you got that and I have better things to do than be annoyed by someone who can't stop nagging that their right ( aka *YOU*) go annoy someone else
1 like@Navillea Ok but why would you multiply it by 50? She is 1111 in regular, everyday, human, pony years not some random "Alicorn Age" you found on some sort of shady website.
1 like@Navillea but why would you multiply it? Celestia is a bit over 1000 years old and that's a base. You don't tell someone that your 10 and then their like "Oh! So your 500 years old!"
1 likeLuna was a great princess besides Celestia I mean Luna actually has fun with her subjects, especially in the Nightmare Night episode, she was having so much fun but Celestia gets too busy to even get outside of Canterlot
2 likes@Navillea your only arguing because you want to be right (of course what os the point of an argument)
0 likesLauran faust also said they were born alicorns
@Dark Warrior apparently the show changed that Celestia and Luna were born Alicorns but they aren't 10 000 years old that's for sure
1 like@Dark Warrior You know why don't you two just team up with each other Cause I was here because of false information about princess luna NOT because I wanted to start a fight! You're the one who started this in the first place NOT me! So why don't you crawl back under the hole you came out of and stop annoying people who have better things to do! And I was just defending my statement about Princess Luna, there are other matters worth talking about than a fictional characters age why can't you see that?!
1 like@Navillea Chill out. We just wanted to correct you. If my friend told me that something I said was wrong I would honestly thank her for telling me instead of defending myself and staying blind
1 like@Navillea Also you could have just ignored us if you thought this was pointless :/
1 like@:D I'm not the one who keeps annoying people
1 like@Navillea your the one that keeps trying to defend your point and even went as far as insulting me (probably cus you ran out of excuses). I just wanted to correct you so you can have correct information in your head. It's not my fault you chose to stay blind about it
1 like@Navillea just proves my point. Your insulting me while staying blind. It is canon that Celestia is 1111 years old, not 10 000. And there is no such thing as "Alicorn years". There is no reason to believe In "Alicorn years" and the "Every 50 years is 1 year for alicorns" formula. If anything, your the "hard-headed as a rock" person.
1 like@Navillea did you even read my previous comment? I said that you were insulting me. What do you do the very next comment? Call me hard headed. Also If you want me to leave you alone, then simply stop commenting. Problem solved.
1 like@:D then why don't you do the same seeing that you were the one putting yourself into conversations where you clearly aren't apart of
0 likes@Navillea I can do this until I die. I really don't care. Your the one that seems to be pissed off with me.
2 likesugh people are just too salty they are retiring.
0 likes@Amana Wolf I totally agree with you. The time skip was a bit too soon and it went tok far into the future. They had great potential to show what alicorn life was like, and they also had great potential to show the actual real grogar
0 likesThere is a lot of ponys in equestria and a lot of them will be dreaming nightmare
0 likes@:D NO
0 likes@Navillea Umm that can't be right cause Twilight is tall with a flowing mane after a 15-20 year time jump
0 likesI honestly think Luna is still dream walking. When they said they were looking forward to R&R I think they meant from all the other princess duties. I don't think they retire from their talents ( after all it is what their cutie marks symbolize and what their meant to do) so I think they still raise and lower the sun and moon and dream walk or whatever.
2 likes"Now we're looking at a 'Dream Team'. "
752 likesMe: Alright, time for Minecraft
Replies (29)
20 likesWhere are you dream?
16 likesI said the same thing
du du du du
13 likesikr
7 likesYeah Minecraft timeeee!!!
11 likesNuuuuu I can’t escape that fandom aaaaaa
10 likesSapnap George dream
6 likesSame
5 likeslitterally what comes first on my mind when i heard Dream team 😭✊
5 likesDu du du dU du Du dU dU
9 likes@Icezz the potato LOL SAME
3 likesWas literally about to comment This XD
4 likesYass lol gsd
1 likeLol
1 likei knew there was gonna be a comment like this right as he first said 'dreamteam'
2 likesSame we can never escape mcyt
1 likeIM CRYING 😭
0 likesSeriously tho
0 likesew. no.
1 likeHe wasn't referencing dream actually, he was referencing a mario and luigi game, just so you know.
0 likesNope
0 likesGiggle at the Ghostie becomes a hit and no one gets nightmares anymore -- or if they do, they laugh at them. Or maybe Discord does it. He's bound to get bored otherwise and dreams tend to be rather chaotic. He would probably turn them into D&D games. If someone needs kind talking he'll bring in Fluttershy to do it. (like Celestia called Luna)
2 likesJust had a thought, what if Luna’s dream walking career started off as nightmare walking? From when she was nightmare moon maybe? During her reign as nightmare moon, she may have discovered the power to walk in dreams, and decided that she could use it for good when she turned back to normal.
1 likeLuna's dreamwalking felt more like a personal duty than a royal duty. Headcanon time!
188 likesKnowing how she suffered so many feelings of inadequacy and jealousy, and how letting said feelings fester and turn her into Nightmare Moon, she probably took it upon herself to watch over her subjects' dreams and nightmares, because that is where feelings and thoughts are at their most raw. She took it upon herself to try and guide suffering ponies through their pain, so they may not become the monster that she once was, to protect them and those around them. So I think either she CONTINUED Dreamwalking out of her own personal desire, or she sought out a replacement.
Replies (1)
It would make sense, since what else there are for her to do, other than rising the moon.
12 likesAlthough she had written the dreamwalking in the list in The Royal Problem, but I guess she wouldn't want to skip one night.
Just clone rainbow dash, simple solution. And then you only need one other pony to open the portals, I would love an army of rainbow dash battling my nightmares!
1 likeQuestion: what happens when we have like a team like you said, except one of the members grew jealous like Luna, maybe because he isn't being appreciated, or his job isn't important or relevant to the rest of his team's glory. This could lead to terrible consequences, not all friendships among the team work out the same way the mane 6's friendship work. Unlike Luna, as nightmare moon she brought eternal night, not dreamwalking. But what happens when one of the members of the team rebels? What would happen to Equestria's Day-Night balance? What if that member only started rebelling after Twilight's friends are gone? Then Princess Twilight is the only pony left that can stop it using her element of harmony, but then again it couldn't work because it also needs the mane 6 around. I have so many questions.
1 likeI think starlight is the one who is suitable to "be" luna, because starlight is brave and can emphatise with the ponies in the dreams. She's the one who can comfort other people.
3 likesI think that Starlight would be a really good pony for this! It’s fine if you guys don’t agree, but even though she sometimes has some problems with things, she ALWAYS gets a hold of things. Not only that, but he magic skill is through the roof.
3 likesWhen celestia had Luna’s cutie mark it was the only way for her to walk in dreams so I don’t think Luna would want to give up her magic of controlling the moon AND dream walking she probably keeps that job but if she does get replaced I think starlight would be the best choice
532 likesReplies (6)
Yeah that'd be pretty much like amputating a leg when your a basketball player or giving away your special talent I'm pretty sure she would never do that
28 likesBut Luna can't live forever can she?? She will want some break for a while??
8 likesI agree too cuz dreamwalking is like Luna's job or smth which cld also be what her cutie mark is supposed to do other than rising the moon.
3 likes@Fun-tastic Kids idt shes supposed to do it forever its js her job for as long as she lives ig
2 likesNot the best choice looking
1 likeBecause she has a lot to learn more then the mane 6 so no
@Fun-tastic Kids alicorn has an ♾ time line of life
1 likeBut their body changes but the height doesn’t-
1. Flurry heart may be walking in Dreams since she's technically an alicorn.
11 likes2. Luna is the only one who can dream walk because of her cutie Mark so Luna still keeps dream walking and twillight raises the sun and does Celestias job and raise the moon.
Replies (1)
I think either starlight,flurry heart or a whole dream team
0 likesMy theory is that maybe there is a magical artifact that allows non unicorns/alicorns to open a portal to the dream realm, as there are magical artifacts that can open portals.
2 likesThe concept of a "Dream Team" is honestly a GENIUS cartoon concept, even outside the realm of MLP.
1 likeMaybe Discord? I mean he have enough power and with help from Fluttershy the could make a great team
18 likesI completely forgot that she wouldn’t be dream walking, anymore.
710 likesReplies (11)
We all did lmao
13 likes@Marigoldie No we did not. We who call bullsht on the retirement idea have been asking who guard the dream since the premier.
4 likesprincess cadence can take luna 's job
1 likeplease answer quicke
0 likesanjali garg sorry, but I don’t think that’ll happen. She’s a mom and a princess of her own kingdom. So no.
9 likes@Anjali Garg princess cadance might have chance to walk in dreams but she is not as good as luna, she is also a mother, she must protect her subjects and daughter more than dreamwalking because some nightmare cannot be beaten by her even if she is an alicorn.
5 likes@Ismael Villalta what about florryheart for twilight a princess and all pony character is old florry is now growed up maybe she walking dreams
0 likes@Dark Queen maybe... Maybe
1 like@Fl0rex I don't really think so, but it makes sense.
0 likesMe too
0 likessame
0 likesHonestly, I feel like the pillars in and of themselves could be good candidates, Star Swirl does the portals and stuff, rockhoof and flash make sure that it is ok for mistmane, somnambula, or meadowbrook to go in and beat the emotional reason for the nightmare
0 likesI could see Discord loving dream-walking, seeing as how random and nonsensical dreams can be. Starlight Glimmer probably makes the most sense as having the magic as well as the temperament (she's a counselor at the school, and dream-walking seems just as much about therapy as it is about controlling dream monsters).
4 likesI like to think Luna continues Dream Walking because even though she's learned to forgive herself for being Nightmare Moon, she probably still feels the need to make up for it in positive ways, feels she owes everypony for 1000 years of her being evil even if she was locked away during that time. Do you have any idea the sense of obligation and responsibility that comes from remorse and guilt from doing something horrid? That feeling sticks with people for a long time. It's not always something we can just shake off, speaking from experience. And I believe Luna enjoys being able to help ponies and will still continue to watch over them in their dreams since she no longer has to raise the moon and the stars, put out lavender, and lower the moon. After all, if she's able to help them, now she's doing what she enjoys and making up for her crimes and feeling loved and appreciated.
0 likesThanks for this one! I've ben wondering! Also I remembered I annoyed people in the fandom about asking how it went when Luna was banished, people were saying Celestia was doing the job or Luna wa doing it from the moon... except I thought she was banished AS NIGHTMARE MOON, I don't think NM would have done a protecting job...
0 likesBut you said at 1:00 "those 1000 years went well enough without her"... We didn't see many of these consequences but I believe that Starlight could have had nightmares to fuel her fear of loosing friends and her need to control... I strongly believe that if someone could have dreamwalked and helped her, none of this would have happened. Maybe others like Trouble Shoes or Moon Dancer...
What if Starlight is no longer headmare? As Luna said: “I see a lot of me in you, Starlight Glimmer.” What if Luna given this task to Starlight, and as you said, Rainbow. Starlight was a counsellor, so she could do the comforting, and Rainbow can fight. Starlight can also open the realm. What about the school? I think Sunburst got that covered. But this is just a theory.
532 likesReplies (21)
I agree
2 likesI think moon dancer should be the new luna
7 likesLxmonsAreSour She can’t, in the Final Problem, we see that she’s head mare at the school, so...
2 likesLxmonsAreSour I like that theory
1 likeLast14 I’m just saying, “what if”, and I’m aware. 😅
0 likesI agree plus starlight GM t was twilig ht s pupil at one point so maybe twilight and Luna would send starlight on the dream walking task...
1 like@{ pebble } i agree starlight can get Luna job. no pony suitable than starlight.(Powerful Knowledge Friendship ).Rainbow and moon dancer also can as a team.
2 likesmakes sense
1 likeI can see that I can see starlight coming the Dreamwalker but oh so the push to meet new princesses so twilight deals with the real world and Starlight deals with the two realms
1 likeA Film Theory!
1 likeSpiritFang36 AJ woah
0 likesWhat do you mean by all of this again in you are the video I said this is Rob a video what you mean by all this seriously what do you mean by of it😊😊🤎 # love your videos💚
1 likeThat's what I was thinking too
1 likeNo
0 likesStarlight is a alicorn .princess of the moon
0 likesIs not "not longer headmare" maybe just sunburst and starlight taking turns in the school or in the dream team.
0 likesAnne Mulvany I don’t think that’s the case
0 likesStarlight isn't really good at comforting. I don't think she would be great taking over Luna's job. And i think you need to have a lot of magic to do what Luna does, Starlight doesn't have Luna's magic
0 likesthat does make sense I agree
0 likesanyone know which ep luna said that
0 likeshear me out… what if the main six all help with the dream realm together ( maybe not with twilight but with spike) and then they'd get all the bad dreams done quicker so they'd be less tired so they can carry on with there lives ( also we have seen how well they work together) and they can all fight and be comforting and who doesn't trust the ponies who have saved our lives many times?
1 likeI think this is my favorite theory. Actually I kinda came up with something myself. I actually kinda hope Twilight is married with children herself (we obviously don't see proof but hey I am still shipping Flash Sentry with her) and one of them being a unicorn that helps. This isn't in full details yet but I am still working on it. Also my second choice is that Twilight is preparing that new pony from the last episode
0 likesStarlight could open the portals to the dream world since she has similar abilities to twilight, like you said rainbow dash could take care of the physical side of things, and I think either fluttershy or pinkie pie could deal with the emotional stuff if not both of them! Since fluttershy has the more calming effect pinkiepie has a more cheer ya up and smile effect.
1 likeHonestly I would imagine that Luna could make some sort of device to help someone traverse the dream realm like Celestua did when she gave Twilight the sun dial thing.
1 likeAs starlight has shown there is a spell that lets you be in two places at once.
4 likesIt is true that Starswirl could be ideal in leading a team, but at the same time, I doubt Luna would just step down. She would most likely go through a long transition period. Significantly longer than Celestia's, not least because Twilight was already mostly prepped as Celestia's replacement during her time in Ponyville. Luna once retired, would still be willing every once in a while get involved in Dreamwalking. While not her job anymore it would be likely to be a form of a hobby wanting to get involved and impart knowledge to whoever is now doing the job if anyone is.
0 likesAs for who would be doing the Job. Rainbow and Applejack would make a good replacement between them but they have too much day work to do. It is, therefore, most likely that Luna has chosen her own dream walking replacement. One we may not know. Twilight inherited the responsibility of both, but not their actual power. Celestia can still do all her Alicorn stuff as can Luna. I imagine while retired, they could still lend a scholarly hand in advice, certainly until Twilight has full knowledge of everything she needs. And they will likely make trips around Equestria if only for the sake of being tourists before returning to the peace of their new home. Luna might pitch in of an odd dream when she's passing by one might and her replacement whoever that might be would be well trained. If I had to guess though, I would not overlook Moondancer as an unappreciated but possible Candidate. She is much like Twilight but without the full magical aptitude of the elements, and she too came to gain friendship. I think with some coaching, her and maybe her friends would become the Dream Team.
Well, I see that when she dream walks it's a safe space for her, so she does it in her meantime or just when she needs a place to calm down and calm down others
0 likesor luna could occasionally walk in dreams like when somepony is having a nightmare
18 likesWhat if there was a Dream CutieMap? It would be pretty cool, but it might cause problems when someone is asleep and their flank starts glowing.
198 likesReplies (6)
OOOOO i LOVE that idea
34 likesThe Brony Notion really? Wow thanks!
11 likesofc this is a great idea
1 likeWhat if their flank didn't glow, but they would be teleported (in the dream world) to the dream that needs help?
4 likes@「 dusk 」 ohh that's cool!!!
1 like@「 dusk 」 Teleported then there cutie mark start flying and goes to the place
0 likesI've been thinking about this too and the pony I came up with is... Trixie... No, wait come back - I'm being serious. I love Starlight as a suggestion (she's my favourite pony) but, as people have said, she's busy running the School of Friendship. Yes, Trixie was given the Guidance Counsellor job there but I think becoming the official Dreamwalker is just like that - but on a much larger scale. The same traits that Starlight saw in Trixie when she gave her the Counsellor job are the ones that make her perfect for Luna's replacement.
0 likesI honestly think Luna would keep dream walking , but only when she's needed (like how she's called to dreams when needed (correct me if I'm wrong here-) ) she could still retire and relax most nights, and still do dream walking sometimes
0 likesI actually got the info, who walks in the dream realm now. And it actually IS Dream Team. So the participants being:
10 likes-Dream
Luna’s kind of magic I think is special to her, opening and then being able to leave by herself I mean. She could teach people how to open up a portal to the dream world where Twilight could then send people through to help out, once they’re done the others can pull them back out with a spell
0 likesI think Starlight actually might go do the dream realm aspect of Luna's job
178 likesReplies (4)
She already runs the school of friendship
3 likesmoonsxlod she’ll give it to Sunburst
2 likesKaya Fraszczak well she already replaced the old twilight. And the new twilight has replaced celestia. So maybe the rest of the mane 6 will replace luna + and make their jobs. And so will have a timetable. Like on monday: rainbow
3 likesTuesday: fluttershy
Anf so on. And then they will can rest for a day and the rest of the week would be dedicated to their jobs. ( wonderbolts, the farrn, the boutique and so on)
I mean Starlight is really powerful, and starlight has a lot of good advice too
1 likeI think you missed the obvious solution of moondancer. If she was tutored by Starswirl and Luna, she might make an excellent leader of the Dream team, or even absorb all responsibilities at some point
0 likesYou don't fully give up on something you've done for a lot of your life. Even if it's a job, you will still at times probably miss some aspects of it. I would say that Luna will still do it, but really will leave the actual job part, to the Dream Team. She would probably do it as a hobby more than anything.
0 likesAccording to me, the dream team is Fluttershy(to confront the dreaming ponies), Rainbow dash(for destroying the scary stuff in dreams), and discord(to open up portals).
0 likesI think that dream walking would continue, and have a dream team like you said. I think Starlight would be part of it. Maybe Rainbow Dash too. Maybe some of the Student Six too.
0 likesI Also Think Luna Should Rule A Little Bit Longer Because She Was Sent To The Moon For Years Don't You Think?
54 likesReplies (3)
that's complicated 🤔 she seems to be done and i don't think she should rule against her will
11 likes@Sawtooth Waves .If you include t theory that Luna didnt sleepentering before start of the show she was rising the moon ang going to bed.She was sleepentering just for few years.She look lazy.
0 likesYes I think Luna is younger than celestia I think anacondas have a retire in a certain age so Luna will wack in drem a little longer
0 likesI think the crusaders would be the ones to walk in dreams, because out of what we saw, luna traveled through their dreams more than anyone which gave them a good connection with her and helping ponies is the crusaders thing
0 likesMaybe Luna (Or someone else) Could develop a spell where Luna's physical body could rest, while her conscious would be dream walking? I'm still unsure of this idea, because of mental stress.
0 likesBased off of your video about Starlight infiltrating Applejack's dream, I could definitely at least see her on the team.
0 likesStarlight would work perfectly. Also, Luna is my favourite character.
1 likeWhat if Luna left part of her spirit in the dream realm. It'd be like her consciousness was left behind just for the sake of helping ponies. Kinda like how the pony of shadows that was left over from nightmare moon even after she'd been banished and reformed.
61 likesReplies (1)
I think that the dream world itself take care of dreams of Luna Left something there that might help
4 likesIn your few theories, I saw a little detail of Starlight Glimmer herself INVADING Apple Blooms dream. More likely, before that, she couldve seen ponies dreams IN the dream world .
0 likesMy conclusion:
She could very likely replace Luna to be in the dream world, guarding ponies that need mental love (like hugs, adorable quotes, etc.). As in the future she'd get older, and would probably be very lonely. Enter Twilight Sparkle giving her the idea she could replace princess Luna in the dream world. Think about that: Lunas job is to guard the dreams of ponies. Starlight would maybe get replaced by another secretary. She'd find out its best to listen to Twilight Sparkle. Thus, having enough power, she'd enter the dream world and do Luna's job.
Hope this helped!
"Dream team"
43 likes'-' sounds fammiliar
Replies (1)
Yeah we wonder
0 likesNot sure why but Stygian was who came to mind for me. He and Luna have a lot in common, and I could see her passing it on to him.
1 likeOk, Sawtooth said a dream team could have someone to deal with the fighting, emotional, and travel parts. Here's what I'm thinking: Fighting: Rainbow Dash, Emotional: Fluttershy, and travel: Rarity. I know this isn't exactly canon but: in the MLP: FIM Obnibus Comics Volume 2, Star Swirl says he's too old to travel to other dimensions with Celestia anymore. This means he's still too old now to deal with the travel part. But, we know that you can teach any unicorn a spell, even if they aren't naturally good at that specific type of magic, from when Starlight, a gifted unicorn, taught Trixie, who's just a show pony, the teleportation spell. So, Star Swirl could teach Rarity the spell to travel into the dream realm, Rainbow would do whatever fighting is needed, while Fluttershy helps the pony overcome whatever problem they have. Boom.
0 likesWhat if Moon Dancer took over for Luna?
458 likesHer cutie mark is a moon just like Luna’s
If Moon Dancer took over for Luna that would explain the similarities in the designs of Twilight and Moon Dancer because it would make sense to design the replacements for the princesses similarly
Also Luna means “Moon” in multiple languages so, Moon Dancer and Luna have similar names
I would like this to be true since Moon Dancer hasn’t really been relevant or brought up in a while so, it would be nice for her to come up again.
Replies (15)
Thank you , even she has the cutie mark of the moon , she’s used to working late at night , with great knowledge of magic . Since the moment Twilight saved her , she learned plenty of lessons from friends and family ,Also doesnt need to be powerful to do the job , just put a spell on an object like the clock to takr the jobs . Best of both worlds honestly
58 likesYes, this is a great theory. But she has a lot more to learn about friendship and comforting which luna knows how to do. So if moon dancer really will be the next luna, she would have to go to twilight's school to learn about friendship first
22 likesJust like Starlight , though she has more friends than Starlight ever had so she seems like a better candidate from every angle except powerful magic which doesn’t really affect much if your reasoning and solving abilities are good
6 likesGemmy 2 but just their names are somehow connected doesn’t mean she can do the job. It can also be difficult for her and she isn’t used to it.
5 likes@KamyDrawz everypony also forgot that Luna is moon in Italian too
5 likesGemmy 2 L-Latin??? Luna is moon in Latin too
5 likesYes unless the comics (season 10) say something else I consider the dream team to have 5 to 6 members: Twilight (honorary as sovereign), Starswirl, Moondancer and Discord as portal opener and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as emotional support ponies, others helping out as needed. (Specially Rarity could properly also learn the dream portal spell and Starlight can do it for sure so that are two more potential ponies for this job.)
4 likesNow I think their cousins and that's why Moon dancer got very upset when Twilight dident come to her party.
1 likeI can already can imagining her doing it as an alicorn
0 likesNaomi Yappa exactly they will need someone that is loved by others, someone they can trust so that they have the confidence that she/he will help and protect them from nightmares but the possibility isn’t discarded because she could learn through years
0 likesLuna means Moon in my language also(Spanish)
1 likeleader,composer,lead rapper hongjoong my lenguaje it’s also Spanish:)
0 likessame here I also comment about it!
0 likesIn my opinion I think she could run it and discord could be a member I made a hole comment about it and I’m not putting it here so you can read it.
0 likesTrue but, remember when she appeared in the show she did not care about friendship and did not really comfort anypony
1 likeDream team: rainbow dash fighting nightmares,flutter shy comforting the people and starlight letting them into their dreams
3 likesit would probably be starlight since she's experienced handling dreams with both celestia and luna in a royal problem and many other things too. luna literally told starlight "i see a lot of me in you". how could i forget that? she is a powerful unicorn and she will probably be able to open portals (i watched sawtooth waves' video on how starlight invaded apple bloom's dream!), she has the strength to fight off evil, and she also can give great advice and emotional support since she used to be the guidance counselor in the school of friendship
0 likesI would say someone had been doing lunas dream walking during her time on the moon. I hight doubt that luna would have been the only pony that did dream walk during her rule.
0 likesperhaps once the main 5 passed away, their spirits continued on helping each other ponies with certain dreams
0 likesI think maybe Starlight Glimmer could since she has strong magic, so much that it can rival an ALICORN who studied magic her whole life. I think Starlight could at least pull off the magic part since she hasn’t had too much of a comforting streak (unless plot demands it)
113 likesReplies (8)
4 likesOmg yaaaasss
1 likeI think Starlight being a former Guidance Counsellor could also foreshadow her being able to comfort those in need if she ever ends up dream walking.
6 likesI was thinking that too!
1 likeStarlight aready runs the school of friendship.
1 likeStarlight already has a major job to do, so she wouldn't be able to do that.
0 likesThought the same thingg
0 likes@moons moon Sunburst is there though. He can still take care of the school when she's not around, just like how Starlight did when Twilight had to go away for friendship missions.
2 likesI think the one who walks in dreams is Moon Dancer(twilight's friend from canterlot), I mean she's not that busy and great at magic. Her cutie mark is also pretty similar. Star Swirl can teach her how (or luna her self). While twilight raise the moon
0 likesAm I the only one who thinks it's Moon Dancer?
Personally I think that it's silly that they retired anyway. Especially Luna. Celestia wanting a vacation makes sense. She did the work of 2 for at least a thousand years. But Luna spent most of that time in the moon.
1 likeAnd as my comment implies a vacation not full on retiring.
Especially when...let's be real twilight doesn't really have the...I'll put it like this. Twilight for most of her time as a princess is basically the head foreign affairs and runs a school outside the normal curriculum (ignoring that it makes way more sense for the school of friendship to be an after school program not a school all on its own).
sawtooth you're right about this being limitless! I mean this could be an literal spin-off series!!!
0 likesSunset Shimmer would be a great dreamwalker, in fact she already kind of is. Thanks to her mind reading powers, she could understand Sci-Twi's fears. She was very empathetic and supportive to Twilight, a perfect example of her qualities essential for a great dreamwalker. She even used her powers to bring the other Equestria Girls into Twilight's mind to help encourage Twilight to conquer her fears, similar to your dream team concept thing.
0 likesA small problem with this is that Sunset doesn't really interact with dreams specifically. But dreams are still thoughts occurring in someone's mind, albeit while they're asleep. And you did say in another one of your theories that dreams take place in a different dimension and not in the person's mind, but the conscious mind is portrayed like it's a dimension too. She could be a daytime dreamwalker or something, but would that even be dreamwalking anymore? A bigger problem is that Sunset needs to physically touch the person to activate her powers. That would mean that Sunset would need to teleport inside every house during the night to check every dream, and I don't think anyone would be okay with her entering their houses every night. And finally, Sunset doesn't live in Equestria, she lives in the human world. Unless she could be the dreamwalker of that world? But of course that could never work at all.
I think, Luna will be replaced by Starlight Glimmer because she's a very powerful pony and she changed princesses' cutie marks!!🌞🌛
163 likesReplies (11)
Well I think flurry should grow to do that
9 likesNah she runs the school of friendship
9 likesStarlight is too busy for that, so unfortunately no.
8 likes@moons moon
3 likesOoo, i forgot it!
Your right!
@Magi_H but she could still be part of the dream team
6 likesUnless she could become immortal I doubt it.
2 likesWell Sunburst can run the school
3 likes@• 8 ball • she gotta take over the crystal empire
2 likes@_jeongjaehyun she doesn't have to do it at night tho, she should be free at this time
2 likes@• 8 ball • "even alicorns need a rest"
3 likes¿?Itz_ Catnip¿? Nope flurry is the princess of light :P
2 likesI think rainbow dash can be dream walking because when the royal sisters announced they were retiring before Sombra, Rainbow dash asked if she could have Luna's powers of dream walking and Luna might have given it to her.
1 likeI know it's a messed up theory but it still could be posible. Right?
I do think it's quite possible that Twilight would do this! Who says you have to be awake to visit others' dreams?
0 likesMaybe this fits your theory about starlight stalking everyone in their dreams to find a way to get revenge on twilight, maybe when she’s not running the school she goes to the dreams, or at least opens a pathway for whoever does get that job if they don’t possess the same magic she does
0 likesYear later and still want a spinoff series of dreamwalking.
0 likesMy theory: even though the royal sisters retired and twilight is the new ruler of equestria, I still think Luna will be the one walking in dreams, celestia might not be in her realm thing, but she will still raise the sun and Luna will raise the moon, after they got their cutie marks, they should be doing their responsibilities, like everypony else, twilight is the princess of friendship and she has to spread friendship around equestria with her friends, just because Luna retired she wouldnt still be in charge of the dream realm
470 likesEdit: can everyone in the reply section please stop arguing- we all have our theories. It was never confirmed who walks on dreams now, or if they even walk on dreams anymore
Replies (62)
So True
9 likesTho luna also had to watch over equestria so i thing luna only has to visit not stay
8 likes@22, Naisha Singh Registration no. 5557 I think the device wasn't meant to be a permanent thing but used when the two sisters were on their holiday and when Twilight was coronated as a symbolic thing. After all moon and sun are Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks and we have seen over and over again that ponies who can't use the special talents indicated by their cutie mark quickly become miserable. Even with Starlight's magic, both the ponies of Our Town and Luna and Celestia were deeply unhappy with their situations. Even with the brainwashing the Our Town ponies were subdued and immediately became much happier when they got their marks back. The princesses gave away their royal duties. Raising the sun and the moon or dream walking aren't part of that for my knowledge. Of course I can be totally wrong.
15 likes100$
3 likesThat is a good theory.
3 likesI don’t think so. As everybody else is suggesting, I think Starlight will be in charge of the dream realm.
3 likes@Jasmid Nurmi yes of course raising the sun and moon is part of their princess duties! The reason they are even princesses is because they have such power!
2 likes@Jimmy Orozco Them being able to do that is the reason they were made princesses yes. But that's kind of the point; it is a power they had naturally, not something they were given after they became the rulers. Just because they gave away their titles doesn't take away their innate powers. And the fact that Celestia couldn't help Luna in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, and Luna coudn't help her in the power-swap episode, shows that the dream realm is a part of Luna's innate powers as well. If twilight was to renounce her crown she wouldn't loose her talent in magic. Of course I can be totally wrong about this. It's fun to swap theories.
11 likes@Jasmid Nurmi well that does make sense, but let’s drift off the topic for a second: the reason Luna became Nightmare moon was because she was envy of Celestia, amirite? With dreamwalking in her power list, she didn’t have to be envy. The whole point was that she could see ponies in their dreams and connect with them. Now, let’s say Luna didn’t know this skill before she turned into Nightmare Moon, and that’s why she became envy. Because she had nothing special other than raising the moon. That’s where the off-topic drift comes into play: Luna learned that skill. She never had it before Nightmare Moon and that’s why she became her in the first place. She learned dreamwalking so she can do something else other than raise the moon, do something special.
2 likesIf she can learn that skill, somepony else can too.
@Jasmid Nurmi well that does make sense, but let’s drift off the topic for a second: the reason Luna became Nightmare moon was because she was envy of Celestia, amirite? With dreamwalking in her power list, she didn’t have to be envy. The whole point was that she could see ponies in their dreams and connect with them. Now, let’s say Luna didn’t know this skill before she turned into Nightmare Moon, and that’s why she became envy. Because she had nothing special other than raising the moon. That’s where the off-topic drift comes into play: Luna learned that skill. She never had it before Nightmare Moon and that’s why she became Nightmare Moon in the first place. Because everypony loved Celestia for raising the sun, while nopony payed attention to Luna for raising the moon. If she knew dreamwalking before, everypony would’ve gave her more attention than Celestia and she would’ve had no reason to be envy and turn into Nightmare Moon. After she reformed, she learned dreamwalking so she can do something else other than just raise the moon, so she doesn’t become envy of Celestia again, so she can do something special.
0 likesIf she can learn that skill, somepony else can too.
@Jasmid Nurmi well that does make sense, but let’s drift off the topic for a second: the reason Luna became Nightmare moon was because she was envy of Celestia, amirite? With dreamwalking in her power list, she didn’t have to be envy. The whole point was that she could see ponies in their dreams and connect with them. Now, let’s say Luna didn’t know this skill before she turned into Nightmare Moon, and that’s why she became envy. Because she had nothing special other than raising the moon. That’s where the off-topic drift comes into play: Luna learned that skill. She never had it before Nightmare Moon and that’s why she became Nightmare Moon in the first place. Because everypony loved Celestia for raising the sun, while nopony payed attention to Luna for raising the moon. If she knew dreamwalking before, everypony would’ve gave her more attention than Celestia and she would’ve had no reason to be envy and turn into Nightmare Moon in the first place. After she reformed, she learned dreamwalking so she can do something else other than just raise the moon, so she doesn’t become envy of Celestia again, so she can do something special. Sawtooth explains this in his video “Why Celestia turned into DayBreaker”. He explains how Luna learned dreamwalking after reformation so she could have something else to do other than just raising the moon, because what turned her into Nightmare Moon was that ponies didn’t really pay attention to her because all she did was raise the moon. My point in all of this is: Key words, learned. Luna never had dreamwalking before Nightmare Moon, she learned it.
0 likesIf she can learn that skill, somepony else can too. It’s just that Celestia herself never learned it because she never needed to. Luna teached herself to walk in dreams, putting her in charge of the dream realm, while Celestia was in charge of that one realm where she meets the new alicorns like Twi and Cadence. When her (Luna’s) cutiemark was taken away, her skill that she learned of walking in dreams was too. And even if Celestia had her cutiemark along with her talent of walking in dreams, she just didn’t know how to use it because she never learned the skill.
@Jimmy Orozco I think Luna had the power all along, but hadn't learned about it or how to use it before the Nightmare happened, then when she was imprisoned in the moon, she had nothing to do but think and self-reflect, maybe she found out about it at that point. It also could be just like you said.
6 likesIt just seems a bit odd don't you think: every other pony has a cutie mark that they can occupy themselves with it for hours, but Celestia and Luna get something to do twice a day for less than a minute? Perhaps now that she doesn't need to govern things all the time Celestia can unlock some additional power to occupy her time? What do you think?
@Jasmid Nurmi she does, she has a power to occupy her time. In another vid irk which one, he says that Celestia is in charge of the realm where she meets new alicorn princess like Twi and Cadence. He says that in MMC (magical mystery cure) twilight is sent into a weird realm sort of like the dream realm and how Cadence in The Crystal Heart Spell is sent into a similar realm where she meets Celestia, just
2 likesIke Twilight.
As for the Luna part, yes that could be possible, so really both of our theories can be possible, though I still think Luna only learned dreamwalking from a book or something.
@Jimmy Orozco But, what exactly is the realm where new princesses go? I mean, what can Celestia do in there when there isn't a new princess to meet?
2 likes@Jasmid Nurmi oh, well, look at pony’s daydreams of course!
1 likeMaybe in her vacation/spare time she can look at pony’s daydreams in that realm, and alert Twilight whenever a new princess-worthy pony enters the realm. That way Tia still has something to do in that realm while Twi does her princess duties. Now about Luna, I think she will still be dreamwalking, but she will just be looking at pony’s dreams, not visiting them. I’ve seen a short called “Two retired princesses” where Luna is looking at pony’s dreams in the dream realm as if it were a TV. maybe Luna will be doing that while the Dream Team, Starlight and Rainbow, take care of comforting ponies in their nightmares.
If dreamwalking truly is a unique ability Luna had all this time but never knew she had before Nightmare Moon, it will take a while for Star to control it, but if it’s just a skill she learned on a complex spell book, it won’t take that long.
@Jasmid Nurmi and well, Twi was transported into the realm when Tia wasn’t around so I think she has some sort of special ability to detect whenever somepony is in the realm
1 like@Jimmy Orozco That actually makes a whole lot of sense! Thanks. Now I have a new head-cannon for Celestia! Starlight is definitely the best candidate if the dreamwalking ability needs to be passed on.
1 like@Jasmid Nurmi yup. I’ve actually been working on a mini story explaining how Rainbow and Star are now dreamwalking and Tia and Luna are looking at pony’s daydreams and normal dreams, but I can let you have the idea too. Thanks for the conversation, it’s been very interesting!
2 likes@Jimmy Orozco Thank you as well! This is what I love about different fandoms: discussing and swapping theories with other fans in good spirits and without putting anyone down.
2 likes@Jasmid Nurmi yep.
0 likesBest Buddy That’s what I always thought too...
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco That's false
0 likes@Catmixo What is false? Can you be a little more... specific?
1 likeTwilight raises the sun & moon now, we know that for a fact cause they say it in the episode before the final, when she gets crowned. So don’t try to argue about that.
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco I don’t think Luna learned it I mean it’s possible she could be princess of the night even tho people say she the princess of the moon. Twilight just says it’s her role to raise the moon. Plus when they switched there cutie marks in a royal problem Celestia had Lunas magic and told Luna to help but she said she didn’t have her magic. If she learned it from a book then she could have did it. So it’s pretty much about cutie marks. In the cutie map episode when Starlight took there cutie marks they couldn’t do there talent same thing when Tirek took there magic they lost there cutie marks. But I’m pretty sure it worst cause their weak
1 likeNo I don’t think starlight can do it star swirl is a wizard
0 likes@Reactingwithcase but that’s exactly what I think too
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco I thought you said she learned it from a book
1 like@Jimmy Orozco you said Luna learned dream walking from a book
1 like@Reactingwithcase I didn’t?
0 likes@Reactingwithcase oh wait yes I did :p
0 likes@Reactingwithcase possibly
0 likes@Reactingwithcase I just think Celestia never learned Luna’s skill because she didn’t need to at all. Luna did her things and her things only, while Celestia didn’t think learning Luna’s skill was necessary at all for her. Yes maybe she had the power all along and just never discovered how to use it, that could be it too. Plus I don’t think cutiemarks affect magic, they are just magical symbols that appear when you realize what your special talent is, though there could be an exception with Princesses, maybe in a Royal Problem, it was more than just swapping their Cutiemarks, she also swapped their powers too, and because of that, it makes it look like the cutiemarks had something to do with their powers
0 likesIdk tho
@Reactingwithcase it’s been a while and I had to Re read the conversation because I’d not even remember what I said
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco that wouldn’t make sense if Celestia had Lunas magic and Luna said she can’t do it that wouldn’t make sense at all
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco plus is Celestia and Lunas cutie marks disappear they probably won’t be able to raise the sun and the moon cutie marks are part of there magic kinda because rainbow dash wasn’t able to fly fast like she use to when starlight took her cutie mark that’s magic
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco like twilight learns ,avid from a book a lot of times but when her cutie mark disappears she can’t do good magic
0 likes@Reactingwithcase the skill she learned maybe had something to do with her magic, and needed a specific type of magic to be able to learn
0 likesOr maybe she just had the skill all this time and when Celestia had Luna’s magic in A Royal Problem, Celestia had the skill because it had to do with Luna’s magic somehow but she didn’t know how to use it because she never studied it
@Jimmy Orozco it still doesn’t make sense cause if they learned it from a book anyone can do it
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco same thing with starlight and twilight
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco Took me a good 4 minutes to read this whole reply section and all I have to say is this was more interesting the video itself
1 like@Reactingwithcase maybe the spell book is one of a kind. there's only one of them in the world and it can only be found in the prohibited area of the library (From EQ forgotten friendship)
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco your pretty much talking about the book but if you read it in a book anyone can do it epically if you change magic
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco I still think Luna is the princess of the night
0 likes@Reactingwithcase Only Celestia and Luna can access that area
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco the royal problem is still confusing
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco if Luna learned it from a book she could have just did the spell
0 likes@Reactingwithcase yeah it is
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco so that means she didn’t learn it from a book to make it not confusing
0 likes@Reactingwithcase she found the book in the prohibited area after she was released from the moon
0 likes@Reactingwithcase idk it’s still confusing tho
0 likesThing is the whole specific magic thing is only a way to fill the plot hole but I still wanna hold on to the theory bc Luna’s dreamwalking is very confusing and weird and it got a whole reply section to discuss about it
@Jimmy Orozco that’s not solving the confusion of royal problem your just telling me how she did it and where she got it
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco the only way to make it make sense is that she didn’t learn it from a book it’s just her magic
0 likes@Reactingwithcase I’m sorry but I just haven’t watched The Royal Problem yet
0 likes@Jimmy Orozco IIRC, according to mlp: fiendship is magic #4, Luna got her dream powers from the creatures on the moon and I don't think starlight is a suitable candidate because she has a responsibility at day(headmare at the school of friendship) which can be tiring to work both day and night unlike Luna who has nighttime responsibilities only and even she was exhausted as shown in The Royal Problem.
0 likesYeah but that wouldn’t be a retirement but an idea of a dream team is good maybe Luna Will still be walking in dreams but not alone
0 likesYes but like Sawtooth said her crown 👑 is a fusion of Celestia's and Luna's so ofc she would be the one still ruling and he also said that even if Luna keeps dream Walking it wouldn't have been a full retirement 😉
0 likesI for one think that, no pony could replace Luna. Even though it isn’t a “full retirement” they still have to do their responsibilities just like everypony else. I really don’t think she’s replaceable, even if Startlight will be the one to dream walk, Although the dream tream idea is good tho.
0 likesA fair theory. Sadly debunked by one thing:
0 likesThey had (according to what was said in the episodes) decided to dump everything to Twilight and her friends, including the movement of the sun and moon...
It's a pretty telling assumption that Luna just ditched the dream realm as well.
Wait i thought twilight raises the moon and sun
0 likesMe:*realizes* oh sorry i would usaully believe in theorys and i would think that its true i mean some so i now its just a theory
This is a testhttps://youtu.be/0BIaDVnYp2A
0 likesShe said she wanted a rest and relaxing i think she meant sue want to stop walking in the dream world
0 likesWhat about Moondancer, she fits the theme, has powerful magic, and is quite similar to Twilight herself, yes Luna and Celestia don't look and aren't 100% similar but, they have a different build of body, not even the other alicorns (Cadence, Twilight, and Flurryheart) have the body strucksure! So it would make sense that the two new rulers also had some kind of simeraltiy! Luna also means Moon, and dancing is a series of movements, just like walking, puting one hoof in front of another, I know this is a bit of a crazy therory. And why Moondancer, when Twilight has closer friends, and well, I think it is like when Celestia locked Nightmare Moon up, each pair of rulers have to go through a time without the other, I realise how important they are to each other! Please don't hate, it's just my oppinuon and an idea! Also I saw a comment by xeno5 on the video on why Moondancer and Twilight look so similar, saying about how Moondancer and Twilight are oppsites of each other (with there colour plattes) just like Celestia and Luna, and night and day!
1 likeA dream team huh?
0 likesI have a few suggestions. Sunburst, I mean he can work with the team but not walk in dreams himself. They need a leader, a planner, the magic, and the very creature who walks in dreams. The planner and the possible magic source can be Sunburts, there must be plenty of creatures there the whole equestria is added to the mix not only the pony region. Also, we have seen Starlight being headmare but that doesn't mean she isn't giving atleast reports. Also, theres changelings, ones that have gone through bad stuff...they can be for morale and assurance, they've sadly but surely gone through bad times, Dragons pretty much was feared at first, for others not knowing their true nature.
That's me for today see you next time
Maybe Luna might be replaced by a young pony who has earned her cutie mark of dream walking that is something good to think about since luna didnt look that worried about retiring so she may have had another pony in mind!
0 likesI think the dream team would have rainbow dash(to help with the physical part) flutter shy(for the mental part) and star swirl (for opening the portel)
0 likesHowever he would teach someone like starlight to do it when he retires
It depends on personality. Although Starlight is a counselor, she isn’t the most comforting/ courageous character— definitely not one to govern the dream realm. She is also in charge of the school, so I don’t think that she’d be willing to spend her entire day as a principal, and then go home to help ponies with their nightmares. She isn’t super patient, nobody would be if they were given this lifestyle.
260 likesAnd Sunset Shimmer (I’m saying this because people are saying that she should help Twi) has her life in the human world, so she would certainly not take on the duties of a princess.
I don’t know who would help Twilight rule, but I just don’t think that these two would be good options. Just because they are skilled with magic doesn’t mean that they are suitable to rule- their schedule and personality matters.
Replies (1)
You are ✅ but on the other hand sunset can be replaces by celestial and luna you ✅ are wrong but i say you are wrong I think she should be replaced by celestial (do you know sunset shimmer name it presents for celestial and also for her cutie mark and twilight name presents for luna and also her cutie mark plus sunset can return to equstria
2 likesI think that by history that work would once again belong to the "nyx", in the mlp comic fiendship is magic nº4 they talk about the arrival of nightmare moon and about the nyx, and how they create the dreams of the ponies since the beginning of The time, it can also be implied that they taught Luna to enter the dreams of others and change them, so with the retirement of Princess Luna, the most logical thing would be for them to create dreams again and eliminate nightmares, of course that that does not eliminate the possibility that they can teach other creatures to enter dreams to eliminate nightmares.
0 likesI like to imagine the Dream Team quarreling in both Dream World and reality.
0 likesI love it when he uses that little star music it’s so relaxing
0 likesWow that is an excellent theory and I am convinced that there could be a dream team 😊😊😊
0 likesAccording to me princess twilight is the only pony who is walking in dreams because in some episodes luna is awake is the day so for dream walking ponies don't need to stay awake the whole night.twilight does celestial job in the day and Luna's in the night.
1 likeMaybe there is no replacement. It would make sense because nobody walking in dreams could affect what heppens in the future, which could also affect how the unicorns, pegasis and earth ponies got on in the futre and that could be part of the reason why, until Sunny and her friend proved that they shouldn't be enimies, they didn't get alon in the new generation.
0 likesI think starlight is a good option bc see seems to like luna a bit more then cleistia bc after she knew luna was hurting Cleistia's feelings she knew there was more unlike twilight
0 likesIt was mentioned a couple of times that only Luna's magic could have any use in the dream realm, which means that it wouldn't be possible for a "dream team" to exist unless Luna willingly gave away her Alicorn Magic to someone else, which would be quite stupid of her to do since it was proven that her magic, if given to a devious pony, can cause serious havoc and potentially be the cause of Equestria's collapse.
0 likesI think instead of Starswirl being the one who might send a pony to the dream realm, I think it will be Starlight. She has traveled through time, so she might be able the travel through worlds as well. Maybe Starswirl will be starlight’s teacher when Twilight starts to run Equestria.
141 likesReplies (6)
She already runs the school of friendship.
3 likesIn the day
4 likesAnd opening up the dream realm would only take a few minutes. Theoretically.
3 likesYou now that star swirl MADE the spell that she used to travel in time
1 likei cant be the only one who thinks Stygian would make a perfect dream walker.
0 likesI think Starlight could rule by Twilight,
1 likeWell she is headmare but i think she could take Luna's place with a dream team to help her(maybe including Rianbow Dash occasionally).
And Twilight will take Celestia's place with spike and her friends to help her.
Starlight also has the magical potential to become an alicorn.
Luna also told her "i see me in you Starlight"
You could give Dash an amulet to "walk" into the drem realm.
0 likesI don't think Luna can be replaced because her ability to travel between dreams seems to come from her cutie mark. So unless there's a way to transfer that specific ability by infusing that specific part of her magic in someone else, then Luna will always be stuck in that role it would seem. We know that magic can be transferred to other ponies, but transferring specific magical abilities is a different story.
0 likesI also think there will be a dream team, but, maybe with ponies we don't know, tho i do think Starswirl would be included as a teacher.
0 likesI could definetly see a Dream Team working, with a multitude of members of said team where each member specalizes in protecting different ponies from different dreams. Some members help ponies who are facing more violent dreams that involve beasts attacking them, some members help those who are facing something more deep and psychological, and so on and so forth. I'd imagine they'd have dream scouts, who move around differemt dreams and searching for nightmares, and once they find them, they analyze the nightmare and bring the pony most qualified to fight against it. Id also imagine they'd save the position for Dream Team members probably for members of the Royal Gaurd, like a promotion from protecting royal officials during the day, to protecting all ponies and the like during the night
63 likesReplies (1)
We think the same way apparently.
4 likesI have a question...
0 likesWho dreamwalked when Luna was banished to the moon for 1000 years??
I don't think Celestia did, bc she didn't have any power over the dreamrealm, and in the episode 'Royal Problem' she was very stressed and she looked like she was very new to the job or something
So I disagree. I honestly think, and hear me out because I have thought about this for quite some time, that the Cutie Mark Crusaders took it over. They were talked to by Luna, and I know the argument could be held that yes, that's what she does, she walks through ponies' dreams and that was just an example. BUT, it's the only one that Luna was specifically shown to interact with (not counting the one where Luna's nightmare escaped into the Mane 6). It would also make a lot of sense for their cutie marks, as their cutie marks are definitely special in a way that even the Mane 6's lacked. They not only got their cutie marks at the same time, but they match, and the magical lightshow that occurred during the moment they got their marks caused a blast that literally knocked the three out. Their special talent is literally helping ponies find their place in the world, even through their doubts and insecurities. Sweetie Belle would fulfill the magical requirement, Scootaloo more or less was mentored by Rainbow Dash, and Apple Bloom is both brave and compassionate.
0 likesYes, Sweetie Belle's magic was shown overall to be lacking in the show, but what if she just wasn't trying to use the right kind of magic? What if her magical prowess was elsewhere, in perhaps the creation of portals into the dream realm? What if that was where Scootaloo was also meant to fly the best? Not to mention, dreams would be a powerful tool in the arsenal of a group literally dedicated to helping ponies find their place in the world, both before they have their cutie marks and after.
I feel likes it’s pinkie pie: here me out; remember in the first episode pt 2 where she shows the nightmare trees away? She is also shown being quite serious at times as well. I think she’s the one
1 likeI think it's Twilight. While yes, she does rule Equestria during the day, she also has a night-like name, like Luna did. Also, she doesn't rule alone. She has Spike and her friends, and Spike could rule Equestria while she is too tired. I think she spends half the night dreamwalking and another half sleeping.
0 likesMaybe she does it as a hobby now when she can't sleep or it'll be like when luna was banished to the moon ponies just had to deal with their nightmares
91 likesThats just what I think
Replies (2)
When Luna gets banished
13 likesPonies: I got nightmares.
Celestia: Puts on sunglasses. Deal with it
Starlight is really powerful too, I mean she learned so many spells by herself too
2 likesi think in order to help ponies in dreams, you have to be really sympathetic. Dash definitely lacks that :).
0 likesStarlight is a good choice but yes royal sister has retired but that doesn`t mean they lost their power of raising sun and moon. I mean Twilight can probably raised both but in dreams Luna may still walking. She is definitely still immortal to do so
0 likesHere's some possible food for thought. What about Twilights brother Shining Armor? He technically counts as a prince since he married cadence and from the fact that he might become a alicorn since he'll probably gain a bunch of magic from all three tribes due to running a empire and probably from the fact he might do something that earns him that status. Shining also is rather comforting and seems to be willing to protect since he legit tired himself out protecting chanterlot with a really big shield. Not to mention he was apart of the ryoale guard so he knows a lot about protecting and back to the comfort thing he most likely comforts many ponies while protecting them so he seems like he'd be a good replacement in my oppinion.
0 likesI think the dream team is a great idea 👍
0 likesI love the show and I get that it had to move in and all good things come to an end but its so depressing that celestia and luna retired like noo.
0 likesHonestly, many ponies have the potential to be great at Luna's nighttime tasks. I do think that there may be spells created instead, however, since Luna was incredibly powerful and was the best at her job. Yes, candidates like Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer are great for some of the tasks Luna had, but I think there was spells created around Luna's tasks. I also think Twilight Sparkle would potentially keep selling the Mane Six' journal, but she might also create or include lessons that would help make dreams be less scary or upsetting. I'm not entirely sure how, or if it's possible, but it's an idea. I do think there'd be a team on the chance that evil lurks within a dream or nightmare. I've seen some people suggest some skilled characters, but I think the team would have sub-units that switch occasionally- only when there's a threat to Equestria, would the team all come together at once to protect.
0 likesI think that Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Discord, and Sunburst are all pretty great candidates, but I also think characters like Rarity would be great too. I feel like the Dream Team would need not only strong magic, but also clever minds and characters that can think outside the box. As much as Rarity despises dirt and filth, she's incredibly observant when she investigates.
Like how the two sisters put some magic into the dial that was given to Twilight to raise and set the Sun and Moon, I think Luna might be able to store some of her dream magic for future use, such as moving into and through out dreams. While Starswirl the Bearded, Starlight, and Sunburst are incredibly gifted magically, Luna is even more gifted with magic. Some spells might not be possible for anyone but her.
I think starlight glimmer. She runs the school with sunburst but she can leave early and leave the things to sunburst she is also very talented when it comes to magic and she was very good at giving advice.
0 likesI think Luna could train a get this……Changeling to dream walk. It’s a crazy idea I know but now that there good they could do it. They have magic as we have seen. Or they could get a pony to do it but a Changeling can shape shift into anything to comfort the pony or any creature. Plus they can fly in a Dream has no ground because dreams are weird. Plus changelings are a lot more powerful then we give them credit for. Maybe Pharix could do it. He is brave and a warrior. But he could be kind and caring. Thorax is the leader so he is busy and pharix doesn’t have a job to do as far as we know m. It’s crazy but tell me what you think.
1 likeWhat about...Discord. I'm sure he would have no problem entering the world of dreams, and knowing him, more than a chore it would be something fun to do. Besides, What is a dream without some chaos?
1 likeYes I love the dream team idea I love it!
0 likesI think Pinkie Pie will replace Luna’s dream walking because she can break though walls and predict the future.
1 likeI can mention many creatures that can replace Luna
0 likesThe Tantabus, which is a part of Luna may have became good, by Luna's doing of accepting her mistake, which she made to now walk dreams helping ponies, and other creatures, or it is just a nightmare giver
Starlight, Ooops she's busy with being Headmare
Moondancer? Why hasn't anyone thought about her
I hated that Luna created The Tantabus as manifestation of darkness to punish herself for the things she did as Nightmare Moon. It resided in her dreams and gave her nightmares, such as her turning her into Nightmare Moon
why would she give herself Nightmares when she already has to deal with Nightmares herself
I think Luna casted a spell so every pony had good dreams.
0 likesLuna is immortal, so I'm pretty sure she'd keep watching over dreams regardless.
0 likesSo when the sisters made Twilight Sparkle in charge they still raised the sun and moon. But all that was left Twilight was ruling to keep all of Equestria safe, but Twilight made rules and told pony’s whats your right and what’s your wrong.
1 likeMaybe twilights friends in the elements of harmony do the realm of dreams and maybe starlight and rarity could take shifts of opening the realm with starswirls training and each shift they could choose a pony for each nightmare so the responsibility can continue on🌙🦄
0 likesI have some interesting thoughts and theories about this too. I’ll give it a go but I have some doubts about it. I have three possible thoughts that might be able to work.
20 likesThe first is Starlight Glimmer. Sure she’s headmare at the school, but if she’s not the headmare anymore, she would be a great dream walker. Even Luna said that she sees herself in Starlight a lot. She could just learn from Luna and be set off in the dream realm as she comforts the ponies because she was headmare already.
Sunset Shimmer might also be a suitable replacement for Princess Luna. Since she did already gain trust from everyone, she could relearn and learn from Star Swirl as she was already a former student of Celestia.
In my opinion, Sunset and Luna are very similar ponies. Sunset stole Twilight’s crown in order to become a villain and rule the school. Luna’s motive to destroy Celestia and send her to the moon was so she could rule Equestria. They both basically stole something from somepony that means a lot to them so they could rule over something.
But one more thing. Since Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer are so alike, even the names are so similar, I think they would make a great team. I can imagine Sunset being confused and worried about a lot of things, but I know that she would be able to learn from Starlight and make Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and many other ponies proud.
I know it was kind of a stretch but hey I like to get my thoughts out.
Replies (1)
Wasn’t a stretch at all. Managed to read it in 45 seconds. I love your theories. I’ll put some work into finding out. Thanks for giving me a few more hints.
0 likesStarlight kinda have potential especially how she can learn magic so easily and she can switch cutie marks
0 likesSawtooth: 'good enough is not good enough'
0 likesalso Sawtooth: 'just as good if not better'
I havent been able to see the newer episodes, i just know what happens. once a princess retires, does she loose her horn or wings? i know the sisters were born with both, but who knows. do they just stay alicorns? kind of like how a king or queen would stay in the royal family despite serving his/her time on the throne?
0 likesI like to think that Luna dream walks for fun sometimes
0 likes🧐🤔 I like how you come up with these amazing theories!
16 likesKeep up the good work!!
TBH, it’s probably rarity and discord. In season 4’s do princesses dream of magic sheep, Only rarity was shown to be able to repair the dream realm Luna created, suggesting that she could possibly create or walk through dreams if she had the magic.
0 likesConsidering her magic is not as advanced as twilight, she probably gets help entering the dream realm and walking through different pony’s dreams. I would actually say discord is the one helping her through this. Fluttershy might be involved, but seeing her character, i think it’s less likely.
I think that new dreamwalkers may have emerged during Luna's imprisonment, just not as powerful and more were needed. I think that in the episode where Celestia takes on Luna's duties, these other dreamwalkers would have been working in other dreams. They may also have also had to work more behind the scenes, instead of being in the dreamworld quite like Luna was. Ponies that may have this ability, or who would eventually, may include Moondancer, a mirror of Twilight, skilled in magic, with a night-based cutie mark. I think I've spelled this out on more another video, but here it is.
0 likesReplies (1)
Loved your suggestion of Starswirl btw
0 likesI really want to know what exactly happened to Celestia and Luna, like, did they die? Ascended to a higher plane of existence? Or just retired from royal duties but still live doing other things such as raising the sun and moon?
0 likesThere are some interesting thoughts in this video, but the truth is that no pony can truly replace the royal sisters!
0 likes"Good Enough is never good enough"
142 likes-The Brony Notion, 2020
I could see Star Swirl doing the magic door opening, Rainbow Dash doing the fighting, and Fluttershy doing the comforting
0 likesI guess the rainbow dash theory is pretty good since Luna and celestia left an amulet containing some of their magic to help twilight raise the sun and moon. But I think the best option would be starlight because even if she is running the school of friendship she has sunburst to fill in for her sometimes if she’s not up for it because she’s too tired, since he is vice principal. Of course there could also be sunburst and trixie to potentially take over the job, but I think starlight is definitely most trusted with twilight
0 likesWhat if Luna opened a school for all creatures to learn dream walking?
1 likeSawtooth, this could be just me, but... what if it was Flurry Heart?
0 likesFlurry Heart was BORN an Alicorn, and even as a baby, she was able to perform spells beyond her age level. She even has a stained glass window in the future, and you only get those when you accomplish a great feat. I know the look of the stained glass window has nothing to do with dreamwalking, but think about it: her cutie mark isn't shown in the window, so we don't know what her special talent is - all we know is she accomplished something concerning the Crystal Heart. Could the Crystal Heart have played a role in dreamwalking?
I think that when Flurry got old enough to be in school, she learned that dreamwalking had stopped with her great-aunt Luna's retirement. She went to Silver Shoals to visit Luna, where Luna taught her the spell; that night, Flurry made this alteration to it - her subconscious would be the one to fight the nightmares so her body wouldn't get exhausted. Soon, Flurry got her cutie mark - a crystal heart frame... but Flurry believed her cutie mark was only half-completed, so she delayed her cute-cenera.
Her suspicion proved correct many years later, when the Crystal Heart went missing. Using the dreamwalking ability she has used since her youth, while comforting creatures in their nightmares, she learned the whereabouts of the Crystal Heart. Her love for her fellow creatures, her fearlessness in returning the relic, and her magical skills that matched that of any unicorn or alicorn beyond her age, caused her cutie mark to be completed. Now inside the Crystal Heart frame was a "picture" - a starry sky with the Equestrian equivalent to the Northern Lights. Her destiny was now made completely clear through her cutie mark; the frame symbolized her ability to help the waking world when SHE was awake, and the "picture" symbolized her subconscious helping others in their dreams as she slept.
Twilight Sparkle (who she called Aunt Twily), who noticed that Flurry had brought dreamwalking back WHILE returning the Crystal Heart, appointed her Equestria's new dreamwalker. Ever since then, Flurry has ruled the Crystal Empire by day, and her subconscious has helped every creature at night.
What do you think, Sawtooth? Given that her destiny is up to the viewers, do you believe that Flurry Heart is a good candidate for the next dreamwalker?
Pinkie Pie could have taken on responsibility with Rainbow. Let me explain. Pinkie Pie got some of discord magic and in some episodes she even teleports. So wouldn't she be able to teleport Rainbow Dash to the dream realm?
1 likeDo a part 2 of the dream team cose I love it so much and I think I know who is the next dream waker
2 likesHonestly, it could be anypony! I think this because in 'between dark and dawn' Celestia and Luna gave magic to twilight sparkle... I think. I don't know the episode much. But I think Rainbow Dash would be a REALLY good dream walker, as you said. I don't think Starlight would be a good one because she is headmare of friendship school and ponies need their sleep. Twilight is a good one also. But also, a dream team is a good idea! All in all, I still think Rainbow should.
0 likesStarlight would be a great candidate for dream walking, until Luna is back in business
0 likesI think discord would be a member in the “dream team” I think starswirl is an obvious choice but think about what discord could do? With all that power I think he needs to be doing something with it. Welp this is just my opinion buh bye
95 likesReplies (6)
Discord would also be good in creating chaotic and crazy dreams or nightmares
4 likes@˚✧₊⁎Audrey⁎⁺˳✧ yeah and like just give fluttershy good ones or he would trap them in their dreams and rule them there
3 likesi was thinking the same. also lines up with his goal in season 9 where he tries to boost twilights confidence and dispel her fears.
3 likes@Sprinkle Pie even though discord is chaotic as usual. He is reformed. He's beginning to care for other creatures other than just close friends. He does try to help and often feels jealous when people choose someone else instead of him for things. Yes sure when celestia chose him to talk to tirek, he betrayed them, but he came to his senses and realized that he still had true friends and decided it would be best to help them instead of helping tirek. He learned a lesson from that and it further improved him.
4 likesI think he'd be good at giving creatures a funny dream in their sleep to dispel nightmares. Like giving them a joke or two. Cause he is capable of making characters laugh.
Also when he helps he gives indirect hints, just like Luna, not trying to solve the problem, but to help the people do it for themselves
2 likesI believe Discord would also be good at making ponies confront their fears, which ultimately nightmares are truly about. And he is acutely aware of ponies hypocricies and he would not be afraid to call anypony out on their flaws. His methods might be unorthodox at times, but Discord is actually quite a good problem solver as he lets the ponies figure things out by themselves when he puts them in sticky situations. Also, in the Dream Realm, Discord would have a safe outlet for all his chaotic magic and I think that he would really like the job. He likes to play games after all, and to hang out with ponies in their dreams would probably be very fulfilling for him.
1 likewell luna can never be fully replaced but I love the idea
0 likesHear me out if Dashie was a alicorn then she could probably have the magic to do so
0 likesIt is Starlight because it was mentioned she In a video she invaded apple blossoms dream. So who says Starlight couldn’t use it for good in the future
1 likeIsn't dream walking kinda a big violation of privacy?
0 likesI mean, what if Luna walks into someone's dream, and they're dreaming...eehhh... about her, if you know what I mean?
Once again, another excellent and wonderful theory vid Brony Notion i love it, like always you make some good points, although i go with the second theory that Twilight may have also replaced Luna as the keeper of the Dream Realm, i mean sure it was never revealed but it's still quite possible.
19 likesSawtooth, can you do a theory vid for G5? If there's no magic and no alicorns... how or who is raising the sun and moon? How does weather and seasons work in this magicless future? Dream walking a thing of the past the everypony sees as old wives tales?
0 likesI think the dream team could be-
0 likesApple jack - protector in dreams.
Flutter shy - emotional support in dreams
Starlight- portal opener.
I think twilight goes into dreams because when the sisters put a bit a magic in the amulet Luna could’ve put in some of her walking into dream magic in there too!
0 likesStarlight is the best to walk in the dreams and her name also fits as a Star's Light Starlight
0 likesthey should come back together one more time with like a movie or something answering unanswered questions :)
34 likesReplies (3)
Grumpy Rainbow That’s a great idea actually, but there’s already one movie, and it might make it weird to come out with a second, especially after the series ended and it’s an uncommon thing in tv shows.
6 likesFurry I think is going to dream walk
1 likeI think Hasbro ll never do that
0 likesI just found out something funny, when twilight got her wings right. ( I watched this in danish ) rarity after said. Du bliv en enhjørning! Det vidste jeg ikke man kunne. Which means: you became a unicorn! I didn’t know you could that. So yeah. I think she meant Ali corn but the translation is funny
2 likesI like the idea of a Dream Team, but I think the Luna would still walk in dreams. I mean, seriously, she's been in her sister's shadow all her life, wanted her work to be recognized, then spent a thousand years on the moon, and then... everything was fine and she was able to do her job happily... a couple of years? It's not like her to give it up so quickly. Maybe the Dream Team will be made someday, or someone will appear with a suitable cutiemark, but so far, it seems to me that Luna would not give up what she likes and what has finally RECENTLY been appreciated.
0 likesLuna would be replaced by Trixie or Starlight in my thoughts!
0 likesBut that makes Luna more powerful because celestia can be replaced with one pony but to do Luna's you'll need a group of ponies including starswril him self.
0 likesHas Anyone Considered Another Alicorn? Maybe... Flurry Heart? Or Starlight?
1 likeStarlight could become dream walker
0 likesBut defending my inference, I don’t think rainbow dash will be dream walking because like you said, his dream is to be with the wonderbolts. But starlight is strong and doesent have much of a goal, not saying she is not focused but she sure is perfect for the job. And with magic, you can make your self walk on clouds or even better, fly! Starlight is good at convincing others so I think she could control how others could make themselves happier, less scared or even less anxious.
I think it's starlight bc she has advanced magic and could learn a spell
0 likesMabye Starlight, She has a lot of power, She opened a "portal" to the past, took away cuitie marks, Made a crystal sheild explode and so on. All she needs is a pair of wings and earthpony strength. BUT HEY, THAT'S JUST A THEORY
0 likesHey I had a wired ????? What if lil cheses get her own “pinkie sense”
778 likesReplies (16)
who knows what craziness lil cheese is destined for
43 likesJasmine Mathew yeah your right
9 likesThe Brony Notion but what would happen
4 likesHis*
6 likesOwen Kappus wait is her full name cheese cake by any chance
5 likes? I was just wondering
3 likesIt was confirm this is a lil cheese is a boy
8 likesIt was even mention before that Cheese Sandwich has his own cheesey sense. So maybe Lil Cheese has both.
10 likesWølves Øf The Førest he wouldn’t know
2 likesLil' Cheese's both parents haves senses(which is not so common). So why not?
3 likesCheesy sense!
2 likesThe Brony Notion maybe she will get both sides of both senses, since she is the daughter of the two biggest party animals (pun not intended)
1 likeShe could get something that’s a combination of the Pinkie sense, and the cheesy sense into something new
I wanna like but you have 666 like-
1 like@Owen Kappus That would be Awesome if Lil Cheese got her own “ Pinkie Sense”
1 likeCheese has cheesy sence so mabey lil cheeses will be called something else
2 likesThe artifact has luna's magic so I guess twilight used the artifact to dream walk.
0 likesI think, Moondancer would be a good choice. She learned all over macig for years. And her name. I mean, come on.
0 likesI might use this idea, I love it
0 likesStarlight should be apart of the dream team for the emotional support
0 likesI'd say if you're to add anyone to a Team, I think Discord (and possibly Fluttershy from time to time) would be a great addition. He's a bit eccentric, but since he's already got a grasp on getting places I don't think it'll be too hard to teach him how to tap into dreams. As for what he could do to help, he has Fluttershy already teaching him how to be compassionate and caring, albeit in his own way, but a little chaos thrown into a dream could turn a frightening nightmare into a hilarious daydream. After all, he can throw a very fun Tea Party, what's to say he couldn't twist things around for the better in dreams?
3 likesNew head canon: Starlight, Rainbow, Moondancer and Star Swirl walking in dreams :D
1 likeI think Discord would be the best, but by himself. For one, giving Rainbow the job would make her and Twilight seem higher than the rest of the mane 6. But with Discord, he's one of her friends, but not the mane 6, he would be great in calming people in their areas with his "chaos". Kinda like Fluttershy. It would also give Discord a role in the future, especially since he's nothing but a last resort for when the mane 6 are in dire need of help (The beginning of the end for example). Plus, Discord can open holes in different dimensions, like the "sock puppet dimension" or his own home, who's to say he can't open holes in ponies' dreams?
0 likesIt’s true that ponies were doing fine during the 1000 years without dreamwalking
0 likesI think that before Twilight was the ruler of equestria, the princesses parted their tiaras to make one of Twilight, so maybe Twilight is responsible for dreams by night and also for protecting the kingdom by day.
0 likesReplies (1)
Also, remember, when Celestia banished her sister, she was responsible for rasing the sun and moon, and Twilight said it herself that she is a changed pony. So I think Twilight can handle the challenge. Plus, I don't think Starlight is the right suggestion, because she is easy to get worried as past Twilight, plus she's already running a school.
0 likesMaybe twilight would do dream walking for a bit.her friends would see her tired and assemble the dream team
0 likesWhen I saw the episode when the princesses retired I was like huh? Is twilight going to dream walk? But she has enough responsibilities already. She be up all day and then all night
0 likesDiscord can take over I mean he can open portales everywhere.....he can open a bunch of portals around him that leads to the dream realm and fight nightmares with his chaotic powers
1 likeI have a headcanon in which Celestia and Luna didn’t retire and Twilight never became the ruler of Equestria. And I guess Luna’s responsibility of walking in dreams is something more to support it.
0 likesHmm, if there were to be a dream team, I think two of the three ( or how many ponys there are) would be Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.
5 likesRainbow Dash would focus on the physical part, and Fluttershy can calm the dreamer down.
For the pony opening the doors to the dreams, it could be anypony.
maybe she given it to Candace,like look at this, Candace spreading love and comfort to those who are scared but in dreams, twilight with the transformation realm and Candace with the dream realm
0 likesi feel like it could be starlight bc she’s very good at magic even better then twilights
0 likesGreat, can’t wait for Dream, GeorgeNotFound, and Sapnap to start showing up in my dreams lol
0 likesNo single creature...
0 likesHow about Ocealus? She is a reformed Changeling, just like Luna reformed after her banishment. She has a comforting and kind personality. She and Starlight could delegate to running every two night shifts, giving them the space for teaching on other days.
In my opinion, I've always seen the possibility that Starlight and Twilight would be ruling together since Twilight was Celestias pupil and Luna favoured Starlight, let me explain of course. For example, when the changlings were kidnapping everyone in season 6 finale, Luna went to Starlight FIRST for help in her dreams. That shows that Luna trusts her and she even said to her, "I see myself in you". Also adding on another point, is that are SO alike! Being both reformed villains, and yes they both had their insecurites about it for a while, but then they both overcame their guilt and learned to forgive themselves and use it to their advantage as experiance. Which is also why I found it so fitting that Starlight was the school councillor BECAUSE of that experiance. And another obvious point to support this is that Starlight is a very very powerful unicorn, who is also a perfectionist and always tries braodern her horizons. So I say, who better to entrust the power to watch over the dreams of everyone, and trusted by Princess Luna herself than the powerful, fair, experienced, Starlight Glimmer.
3 likesReplies (1)
But also wouldn't it be halarious if Trixie tagged along one time and just messed everything up
1 likeWhen Sawtooth says DreamTeam
2 likesDream SMP stans be like
but when celestia was taking over the dreams in season 7 and she came across daybreaker, what will that mean for the other teams?
0 likesSawtooth Waves I might know who will rule the dream realm in Luna's replacement. It is Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Star Swirl.
0 likesThat's why we needed Sunset as the sun princess 😅
0 likesThe dream Walker doesn't need magic because they can just use a staff or amulet
63 likesReplies (3)
I'm not sure one of those would exist
2 likes@Dup Dop, if it can be learned, someone could lock that magic in a gem, slap it on a necklace, and boom, new amulet for dream walking
5 likes@*Aura_Flower* Why would anyone want to give up their magic?
0 likesMaybe if shining became an alicorn he could run the dream world!
1 likeI think starlight is going to be the dream walker, because she has strong magic even tho she isn't an alicorn and she is also a little passionate
0 likesThis would be a good spin-off
1 likeDiscord could replace Luna, I mean- he did want to take Celestia and Luna's place but then was disappointed when the princesses said Twilight would do that.
0 likesDiscord would make the most sense to teleport ponies to dreams also because he does not age. Twilight and Discord will sadly outlive everyone else... every 25 - 40 years different creatures would train to fight off nightmares and help others while Discord just sends them there.
4 likesEdit: Discord can do everything that celestia and luna can do but better (he spun the moon and sun like they were nothing)
Replies (1)
I agree in discord and him alone I don’t support the Dream Team theory
0 likesImagine Twilight makes her friends alicorns. And they’re the dream team
0 likesRainbow dash is perfect for the job. I mean she sleeps a lot so she won't have to worry about getting tired. Also she can comfort people. She would also not let ANYONE else do it because she loves fighting monsters, but remember when she helped scootaloo. Just get some unicorns to make a portal and let rainbow dash handle the rest, when she gets used to the it.
0 likesTwilight has changed, she got the point clear sadly 🤧
0 likesI don’t think it would be likely but one guess is flurry heart
0 likesShe just seems like that person who will comfort you,but I don’t know about alicorn dreams,like twilight’s visions a monster is coming back
Ohhh I now realized that who’s gonna be doing the dreams!...now everyone’s gonna end up with nighmares
30 likesReplies (1)
1 likeAnother one of his videos he said that naturally born Alcorns were the only ones to get wavy hair.
0 likesBut as you see when she is a Queen of a Aquestria she has wavy hair so maybe it’s not that true born Alcorns have the wavy hair but leaders have wavy hair.
i have a theory, what if Luna duplicated herself using the pond? I'm new to the fandom so idk
0 likesI feel starlight or Rainbow will be Luna's replacement. Most probably starlight cus rainbow is running the wonderbolts, plus her cutie mark kind of looks like a dream.
0 likesI think that Twilight has used an awakening spell on her so she can do both celestia and Luna duties
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesStarlight looks great for the job, so she can take over
0 likesrarity for portal rainbow for fighting and fluttershy for comfort
1 likeStarlight shimmer!! She’d be so good!
0 likesI hope the creators of m l p. See this and make it real it’s a good idea!
0 likesI can imagine the dream team being the cmc. cause they've all had a connection to luna. I can also imagine them being flanked by starlight glimmer or rainbows
5 likesReplies (1)
That. That’s actually a really good idea!
0 likessomeone else will definitely be walking in dreams but luna cant be replaced
0 likesI think starlight even though she has some jobs to do she is very related for something near the moon, STARS, stars are hot and firey and starlight be’d the great pony for the job.
0 likesHmm well everyone’s ideas seem to be great and very cool but I don’t think auntie lulu would do that since you might need training to know how to master the dream walking since it seems to be hard for other ponies dreams I’ve seen in the series but that’s just my opinion,I could be wrong
0 likesI think discord as dreams are nice and wacky and he has strong magic
1 like3 ponies to be in the dream team:
16 likesThe comforter: with lots of knowledge and kindness to offer
The fighter: the one who fights the evil nightmares ponies have
The portal user: the one who opens the dream realm and the door to ponies dreams, when they all go in one dream this one can help fight then after that dream is done this pony could open the door again and they can move on to the next dream.
You guys in the comments can give examples of who could be these roles.
Replies (3)
The portal user— Starlight (very powerful at magic)
1 likeThe fighter— Rainbow Dash
The Comforter— Fluttershy
Portal- Discord
2 likesComforter- Fluttershy
Fighter- Rainbowdash
1 likefighter:either discord,or possibly rainbow dash
the comforter: fluttershy or Starlight
and,to add to this team...
the teacher:Stygian or starlight
It might might be discoed who will take the dream walking bc he can open portals and has magic and fight bad guys
0 likesYou know she literally had a
what if it's starlight? i mean she has the magic to do it and her name is very close to luna's as if this job was for her. also she can be comfortable to be around and is capable of fighting off anything that's in people dreams. ALSO almost everyone likes her bc she also saved equastria a few times AND we know twilight cares about starlight and her successes and twilight knows she's good… so maybe it can be starlight
0 likesSawtooth: "dream team"
3 likesmcyt fans have entered the chat
i always thought that the toyline exclusive unicorn, Star Dreams, would have been Luna's replacement
9 likesLuna Dreamwalking: Go in when needed
0 likesTwilight: Clean, orderly and b o o k s
Starlight: Easly sees to the Problem to fix it
Fluttershy: H u g
Sawtooth: Dream Team
50 likesMe: you sure you didn't just steal a name already in existence in another realm called "gaming?"
Replies (5)
The term "dream team" has always been a thing, even outside of gaming. It basically means a "perfect" team, or a team that works really well together. It gained more popularity and recognition because of the gaming community, but it existed long before that.
6 likes@Frazzledazzle r/wooosh
1 likeIt was a joke...
2 likesIt very clearly was not a joke.
@Shane (Midnight) Sanchez Cortes
0 likesThe idea was a joke, but the person clearly did not know that dream team was already a thing. You guys need to stop responding because you're ✨wrong✨ and it makes you look ✨the opposite of smart✨
0 likesYou said "Rainbow Dash" and my mind immediately went to having the Wonderbolts as the Dream Team, even though they can't get in on their own XD
0 likesi believe that Rainbow Dash was serious and yes, she would be perfect as new pony walking in dreams
0 likesI’m think of pinkie pie cuz remember when her and her friends were in the forest and the trees looked scary (their options lol) and pinkie pie said laugh at it and those “scary faces” were gone... I think she would do good with the job
106 likesReplies (5)
Aces Spades well if I right we didn’t know anything about her parents back then... and probably later in the series they added them but different then they thought of..
3 likesI’m not 100% sure which episode goes first cuz I haven’t watched mlp in a while only gore speedpaints and creepy pasta books
@Luciシ Okay unrelated but same tho
0 likesAces Spades HOL UP pinky was probably adopted she doesn’t look anything like her sisters or parents and yes her parents didn’t say to smile.. diffrent people have diffrent personality
0 likesRajyasree MUKHERJI yes yes true but there is a chance of her being adopted.
0 likes@Aces Spades It was her grandma. Didn't the song lyrics say so? We never really met her. Maybe she was more like Pinkie than the rest of the family.
0 likes3:56 okay but can we appreciate that transition with Star Swirl???
0 likesIDK, I feel like Flurry would take over the crystal empire and Cadence taking over Luna's duties.
0 likesluna only has been back for a few years since she returned from the moon, so ide imagine luna is working in the shadows but I could be wrong, its just a thought I had.
0 likesI think it’s going to be discord and fluttershy because we already see in the future discord and fluttershy live together and I think discord could open portals in between dreams and fluttershy would be able to confort the ponies. I think this fits better because fluttershy and discord are already really close so they’d be able to work together well unlike starswirl and rainbow dash who I don’t think have ever really had a conversation unless I’m wrong feel free to call me out on this
0 likesIf I’m being honest sunset and starlight would be an amazing replacement for celestia and Luna, I can imagine starlight going into dreams
3 likesReplies (1)
i agree
0 likesI think Starlight glimmer will walk in dreams. And Starswirl will not walk in dreams because he might be dead.
1 likeIn your other video you said that starlight was in apple bloom's dream so she has :
0 likes1. magic potencial
2.as a headmare she is not new to emotinal conflict
I think the team will be applejack, twilight ( if Starswirl calls her for help i doubt that's gonna happen tho), Starswirl ( for obvious reasons) , And fluttershy ( she's a angel so she will do this if someone helps)
0 likesTwilight has a star ⭐️ on her flank so she can raise the stars and sun but not the moon
1 likeIn my Mlp future universe, twilight is celestia and sunset is Luna. The disappearance of Luna over the years can be similar to the disappearance of sunset shimmer. Once the human world has friendships all around with protectors, sunset decides to return to equestria and fulfill her ALICORN duties. (She got her wings in the human world but they were kind of useless. Sunset couldn’t stabilize her magic yet so if he “ponied-up” in the human world, things can go very bad! Sure twilight was an alicorn in the human world, but she stabilized her alicorn magic already.) sunset came back when the human world was alright and in good hands, so she gave twilight a break and replaced Luna. She walks in daydreams, to make sure that the night-dreams are going to be good dreams, and if they turn to nightmares, she can fix it. She visits the human world too sometimes. Flurry heart replaces cadence when she retires and luster dawn replaces, young twilight. What about starlight? You may ask, well she is already running the school if that’s not enough for her. She thought that it would be best to stay as a unicorn with the magic of an average alicorn. So starlight replaced starswirl. And twilight had a child that replaced baby flurry heart as being another born alicorn. Her name is Starry nebula and you can find her on my friend’s tumblr: https://mlp-arts.tumblr.com/
0 likesThat’s my universe. By cousin turned me into a brony.
And I turned myself into a furry.
I’m weird. But I’m still straight.
0 likesNow I wanna write a fanfic about it.
What if moondancer takes over Luna? I mean she was quite similar to twilight. And also they look like twin sisters as the royal sisters. Although she is not even a little near as those 2 but there's still a possibility that she earned it later . And she also has a moon and stars cutie mark. And as for magic knowledge, she is quite similar to twilight. What if she learns how to do it. Or taught by some pony. Maybe starlight can also help her with her magic potential. Just stated my thinking
0 likesI think all of twilight friends are gonna made part of dream walking( rainbow dash,rarity,pinkie pie,apple jack,flutter shy ect...)because it’s like the card table thing(idk how is it call sorry) always called them for friendships problems so maybe it’s going to be the same but with the dreams if dream walking can be learn.
0 likesNever thought that this is the REAL “last problem”
42 likesMaybe everyone realised it’s their dream and that they can do anything since it’s their own dream bc of that one episode where everyone’s dream connected?
0 likesI am the kind of person who makes OCs and I have an OC made exactly for it, because even rainbow dash one day will not be here, soooo I think this magic of dream walking could "reincarnate"
0 likesMaybe flurry heart?but the dream team for now😅 just like how a team used to raise the sun until celestial came
0 likesI think it is Twilight only, because Luna is Celestia's sister AND Celestia was Twilight's mentor so I don't think Twilight would want to disappoint her mentor, or any pony in fact. And Rainbow Dash can't be walking in the dream because you need a unicorn horn for that, unless she becomes an Alicorn or something. And a team can work together to walk in dreams! Or Twilight alone would be a good idea too. But I'm thinking it's Twilight who should be walking in dreams, it just seems better.
1 likei think the dream team should be rarity (the magic person) and fluttershy (to comfert them).
0 likesI think so Luna will be replaced by starlight glimmer because twilight has a great trust on startling because in many episodes twilight left the school to starlight for a day or two so that she could do something important
0 likesi think its starlight because she is very powerful with her unicorn magic
0 likesI imagine MLP getting inspired for the story by YOU
1 likeI think it will be starlight since twilight can't stay up all night saving ponies from their nightmares and then also doing celestia's duties she will never be able to sleep then
1 likeI think luna can't be replaced plus her cutie mark is a moon wich means that ruling the night is her destiny. That includes dreams. She doesn't have to be a pricess to do her job. Right?
0 likesAt least this is my oppinion.
3:57 can we talk about how smooth that was
0 likesDiamond Tiara: Allow me to introduce myself
1 likecracks knuckles It's fanfiction time.
29 likeswrites ideas for plots with the dream team theory and then immediately abandons it once I find new fanart
Rainbow in Celestia/Luna form would be hilarious
0 likesWhen you said dream team you called a whole new fandom
1 likesome weird duplication spell? hmmmm......if only there was something like that in equestria...? what about the mirror pool???
2 likesMy theory is that Luna will occasionally appear in dreams, and if she appears in yours you are chosen for dream walking until the last moon of the year.
Why not one of twilight’s closest friends other than the mane 6
42 likesMoondancer, or Sunset Shimmer
Replies (3)
Sunset shimmer says she doesn’t want to leave the human world and moon dancer has a long way to go before having that responsibility
8 likesHow about the Student 6?
1 likeThe student six work at the friendship school
0 likesI think Luna will continue dresmwalking but it won’t be as consistent as it was back when she was ruling
0 likesI think cadence might take luna's job. I mean, she is an alicorn to, and with flurry heart ruling the crystal empire, cadence might be doing the dream thing. Smash the like if u think cadence is the dream walker
0 likesI think ifStarswirl's secret theory is true then Starswirl probably invented the dreamwalking magic which she earned over time. Like how flowing mane's come to alicorns over time. But since according to this theory celestia and luna were made alicorns by Starswirl himselfno one else has this ability. So I think thatLuna could give up her dreamwalking magic to someone who seems worthy( this is just a theory your theoy is also great)
0 likesI don't really like the fact that Twilight raises the sun and moon now. It makes the true talent of the two sisters seem meaningless if they can literally put their magic in a compact thingy and have anypony do it. Like, what was even the point of doing it themselves? What do their cutie marks mean if they don't symbolize the use they have?
0 likesAlso, I appreciate the Cars + Sonic meme
That’s a fair point... I’ll make sure to ask my sister!
14 likesThis is just another point why The Sisters retirement doesn't make much sense to me. If Celestia and Luna would give up ALL their responsibilities, maybe even their special magic to whatever individial or group of ponies, they would not only render themselves useless, they would deny their life's purpose. There are dozens of fanfics already about that theme. I'm almost certain there is no pony that could replace Luna in the dream realm. And I'm not thinking of her special talent/magic, but her special experiences and her character. No other pony touches so many hearts with the story of her life. And no other, none Alicorn pony could ever make these experiences in that magnitude.
0 likesI know, a lot of you might say "That's the show, roll with it, or shut up!". And I accept that.
But in my head Celestia and Luna gave Equestria to Twilight, the nation of ponies. They even lent her an amulet to give her power over the sun and the moon, sharing a task that might be crucial for the survival of any species in their world.
But I think they kept anything apart from leading the nation to themselves. Luna has special talents in arts, dreams and psychology, the show has shown that many times. I think Celestia's talents are somewhere in the area of teaching, guiding and forging social harmony. In the show she was always completely occupied by governing Equestria. So now she might have more time to engage in her other talents?
They are (almost?) immortal. Being useless makes you desperate and depressive. Luna went down that path once. I heavily doubt she will again. And she won't let her sister, either.
Maybe StarSwirel or Starlight? Because they have strong magic☺
0 likesWe need a new season now
0 likesI’m just saying when Luna was in the moon Celestia was doing all of Luna’s duties
0 likesSawtooth Waves: Shows a silhouette of someone who could become the new pony to walk in dreams
1 likeMe: is that... is that DERPY?!
Imagine sunset shimmer's human counterpart helping twilight with the dream realm... wait sunSET
1 likeSunset leads into the night. A lot of people are talking about Starlight Glimmer but we have original pony sunset shimmer in the human world, can't she come back to run things-? Or some sort of duplication spell? Or well the human counterpart of Sunset be the element of magic in the human world and the pony Sunset being the moon princess? This is just a theory.
Replies (1)
Hmmmm... Good Theory...
0 likesI think these will be dream-walkers:
1 likeRainbow
Discord ( yep I did just say discord)
Twilight ( Sunset shimmer doing Celestia's job)
Luna was the princess of night/moon and will be even after retirement. So, she would never abandon walking in dreams
0 likesFinally
30 likesI’ve missed my favorite Changling
I think it should be shining armor I mean Candace and flurry will be ruling crystal empire and twilight and her friends got rest covered and Thorax is the leader of changelings and I know three are supposed to rule together but nobody will give importance to shining as he is unicorn not a stalicorn 😜 he has supported many ponies emotionally and he is powerful so he should dream walk then he will get some importance
0 likesInstead of being renewed or having a spin-off/epilogue show, the crew went with a typical late-2010s cartoon (The bad ones)
0 likesI absolutely HATE to suggest this, but... Flurry Heart is a princess we know next to nothing about in terms of her actual job. Or maybe her mural is her using the crystal heart to banish all nightmares? I could be super off base, but it could be a nice way to tuck her character back in the corner and not touch it again lol.
0 likesOkay so some of the people said it could be Starlight and most of you guys said that she isn't an Alicorn for it Well She doesn't need to be an Alicorn as in one Episode she had Done spells with Twilight and it Concludes that she Has the Same Knowledge of Magic as Starswirl or Twilight and maybe she has more talent That she might have not Uncovered But it might be true I'm an Episode we saw that she was Able to remove the cutie marks of Pony's so SHE WAS ABLE TO REMOVE THE DESTINY OF OTHERS AND REPLACE IT! this might Conclude they she has more Magic that Starswirl, Luna,Celestia,Cadence and Twilight! now The reason is that we have NEVER seen any of These Pony's do a Destiny changing spell not even Twilight had learnt that as for Celestia we all know that she was Twilight's Mentor and Guider BUT Celestia would have tought Twilight how to do a Destiny changing spell if she knew it now for the other two princesses well it's clear for some people why but let me Explain it's very easy as Cadance's Destiny was to spread love not Education and same for Luna her destiny was to Rule the night and control dreams so her destiny has nothing to do with Destiny or Education other then Twilight or Starswirl but these two could have done less Education that Starlight so it could be true that might be the next person to walk in dreams and rule the night But one thing still remains......... Who will be the new Councilor of the school well I think I know who.............. I've done my research and the Answer could be..............SUNBURST well think about it Sunburst is also known as a wizard so ofcourse he studied magic I mean we can tell by his home😑 but he would be great at giving advice or helping others and anyway he hasn't come in the show for a while now...... It's time he starts working for his and Equestria's good I mean how does he even get the money for his food, Clothes and BOOKS 📚📚 📚📚 so yeah that's my theory on what will happen Ty for everyone reading and having time for it 😊🥺🥺🥺😎😎✌️✌️✌️🌺🌺🌺 BTW can you guys pls sub to my channel 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
1 likestarlight might become an alicorn and rule the great valley as the princess of peace and then she could take on luna's job.
0 likestwilight must’ve did the same thing as celestia did to raise the sun and moon. And celestia and Luna gave twilight a pocket of their magic to raise and lower both. But I don’t know who watches over nightmares
0 likes“Now, we’re looking at a ‘dream team’!
2 likesMe: Eh? But that’s already a thing?
Replies (1)
if you’re referring to the mcyt dream team, the term was already a thing but became popularised by the exposure given to it by mcyt
0 likesmaybe the dream team could be starlight,rainbowdash,apple jack (maybe),star swirl
0 likesDream smp has come to mind.DREAM TEAM
1 like꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
First of all I think twilight and sunsets summer should both be Alcorns because sunset shimmer grew wings three times in the song my pass is not today she goofiness wings then when she turned into a she demon she drew him like demon wings then when she turned into that magical creature to save twilight from the Questria games she grew and she had three times that she grew wings in all of the seasons so I think that sunset shimmer should be an alicorn and be the one taking over celestial‘s job and while Twilight should be the one taking over Luna ‘s job
1 likeAlso I disagree with you saying that Rainbow Dash should be the one taking over the dream I think you should also be either rarity or starlight glimmer plus started clamber and twilight sparkle kind of look like sisters they could be they can route together basically plus I bet sunset shimmer was supposed to be the next Alcorn but then she went to the portal and celestial put the new air to be the Alcorn when they retired
Edit; I think a dream team would also be really good or like I said before you sunset shimmer turn her to Alcorn and then she takes over Celeste job and twilight takes over Luna‘s job but they do everything together
I also think that starlight will be the only replacement for Luna
0 likesPlease do another theory about this I would like to think more about this
0 likesStarlight glimmer could maybe replace Luna
14 likesReplies (2)
starlight is the headmare of the school of friendship.
2 likesMalus Rising but what if she gave that role to sunburst. Think about it starlight travelled and messed with time, she could remove cutie marks of other ponies. Who know what other magical spells she has
1 likeRemember when celestial says if you need help we will always be there I think later on luna and celestia will rule side by side with twilight
0 likesWhat if twilight will teach her student to dream walk and she’ll be there until she does good
0 likesSilverstream as an analogue to the element of laughter acting in the vein of S1 E1 Pinkie "Giggle at the Ghosties should be on the Dream Team.
0 likesWhat if luna made a permanent portal like the mirror?
0 likesWe actually have (controversial, circumstantial) proof of this "Dream Team"; plus who their members are:
QueenPrincess Twilight Sparkle: The "Sun" & "Moon" Nights ( Sundays & Mondays ).
Pinkamena DianePinke Pie : Born on a Tuesday [S4E11].
ChromaticaRainbow Dash : ( Wednesdays ). Apple
Pear JacquelineJack : ( Thursdays ). Flutter
BreezeShy : ( Fridays ).
Tabitha BelleRarity : ( Saturdays )-> This is why all of them (sans the alicorn) look so tired/old in the flashforward of S9E26.
Replies (2)
0 likesPusheenplays Random fancytext maybe? i remember there was a way to do this but i forgot.
1 likeHonestly i would rather see the ending being that celestia and luna still rule and twilight being a princess of friendship
0 likesI thought Rainbow dash, Sweety Belle, and star swirl.
0 likesSweety Belle- She has a sweet voice to soothe and she also is pretty good at magic
Rainbow Dash- She is very brave and could help with adventure nightmares
Star Swirl- He could open portals, but honestly sweety belle might be able to do that if Luna teaches her
Starlight can open the portal to people's dreams and then Rainbow – can you know get rid of the bad dreams
0 likesWhen it says dream team I think of the real Dream team ( as in Dream, George, BadBoyHalo and Sapnap )
1 likeLuna: Oh no! Now that I'm retired who will walk in the dreams?! Who will watch over the ponies nightmares?
17 likes- "We will watch over (FOR) you"
Replies (1)
If you can't do that I'll do it FOR you! - white diamond
3 likesJust because Luna retired does not mean she is no longer dream Guard
0 likesI think that rainbow dash will actually do the job of luna (with the wonderbolt) and Twilight will find a way to let rainbow dash jump from dream to dream or Twilight might find a way to put alicorn power into Pegasus wings so rainbow dash will rule the night and Twilight Would rule the day
0 likesyeah i highly doubt its rainbow dash it has to be someone with powerful magic. i dont think twilight does because she can't raise the sun and raise the moon, so i think luna still dreamwalks cuz like isnt she immortal
0 likesSawtooth:dream team
2 likesMe: *Speedrun music*
I think luna give some of her magic to twiligth so she can see everyponys dreams
33 likesReplies (3)
solar flare to do the day and the night? That’s almost impossible
3 likes@BitterJoy
0 likesYeah and Twilight would be very exhausted and tired from two things at once not to mention it looks really stressful Twilight can't do two things that'll be a pain so much pain.
Twilight would go Lesson Zero
1 likeSawtooth: dream team
1 likeMe: speedrun music intensifies
Since spike took her throne and he ovi has a serios relation ship almost as serious as siblings hood it would be him and I'm sure twilight wouldn't mind the small tast of opening a portal lobby like a hallway of doors like the one in a episode I can't remember the name
0 likes0:01 “the royal sisters are no long ruling equestria , by the end season 9 twilight has totally replaced celestia.”
1 likeI think pinkie should be a part of the team and I see flutter shy helping people with the emotional part and maybe discord could help
0 likesDude. You summoned a Whole Fandom using the Term 'Dream Team'
0 likesAll though even though Luna retired it doesn't stop her to go into the dream realm ever once in awhile to check on her friends or just tell them what to do and not do in a ponies dream
0 likesWhat about Starlight and Rainbow doing the dream stuff?
1 likewait- I KNOW THIS MIGHT NOT BE POSSIBLE BUT what if Flurry heart becomes the one and only dream walker? it would be cool but not make much sense if you think about for a few minutes..
0 likesSawtooth : I don't need sleep, I need answers!
6 likesMe : Then how will you find out who's walking in dreams?
Sawtooth : (Goes to sleep)
Sawtooth, my theory is that twilight hired dreamwalkers to do the work. How about that?
0 likesWait, if you were right then twilight will just do Celestia job when it's day and when it's night she will rise the moon and lower the moon and go to sleep after setting the alarm to when she needs to raise the sun and then then get a good night sleep and it all over again
0 likesme, a former brony and now a dsmp enjoyer watching this:
0 likesthe dream team huh?
Past Sun: Clestea
0 likesPast Moon:luna
New Moon:Twilight or Starlight
New Sun:Sunset
I’d be cool if Luster Dawn tried learning how to do it
3 likesif rainbow dash is a full time wonderbolt it must be stressful so she cant opening dreams if she needs her sleep
0 likesI think starlight she is like Luna and I would suggest luster but......you know I think she will be twi's successor so I think starlight I mean twilight herself reformed her she trusted her with her castle and school so I think starlight will be dreamwalking
1 likeMust suck to raise the sun ,do day duties and dream walking all night
0 likesZero sleep bro
Some pony must be talented
Just because she’s retiring from ruling equestria, doesn’t mean she loses her cutie mark.
1 likeTechnically twilight does have a clone her human form in the movies except I don’t think that the case🤪
0 likesBy our OC's, of course!
1 like3:18 she can get magic just like how twilight got magic for the moon and sun all they have to do is put lunas dream magic in a amulet and rainbow dash can yeah you know do her job
1 likeI think starlight will do the job, she is really power full but who will take care of the school of friendship? She can't work 24 hours. I think she will give her job to sunburst and do the dream walking
0 likesTwilight: "I'm here to talk about the Luna Initiative."
23 likesi wonder if there will be a series 20 or 21
0 likesI think starlight should replace luna i mean like starlight's name starts with star and when do you see stars we see stars at night so maybe that's starlight's future to walk in dreams
0 likeswhen he said dream team i was like ' the dsmp one?'
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesAren't alicorns immortal? Who's to say that Luna can't walk in dreams forever.........
0 likesAnd on that note, if alicorns are immortal then why isn't Twilight sparkle still ruling Equestria in G5 MLP?
Dream walking team:
77 likes*Starswirl
*Rainbow Dash
Replies (6)
Shouldn't Starswirl be dead by now? I mean in the last episode we never got to see the Pillars. Surely the Pillars would at least make some sort of appearance (if they were alive tho). Also hes pretty old. Seriously he has been teaching ponies since before equestria was founded and that was a long time ago.
2 likesMaybe just replace the "swirl" with "light"
Scarlet I’d think Fluttershy alone would be able to accomplish that, though I think she’d need someone to open the portals for her.
1 likeI’ve read a fanfic about the Tantabus turning good, so maybe it could do that.
Replace Starswirl with Discord....
0 likesI don't think Fluttershy will be a part of the dream team because she is shy.
0 likesMmm i dont think so because who will take care for the animals and rainbow is following her own dreams.
0 likesIn other hand... remember that discord gives fluttershy a lunch in the end perhaps they are married and now fluttershy is working with twilight and discord help fluttershy with animals and also créate a portal to visit dreams
I think Fluttershy would be a bit too nervous to be on the dreamteam but idk
0 likesImagine if Discord walked in dreams... what a disaster...
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesMaybe it’s starlight because in one episode Luna said “I see me in you starlight” she would also work with flutter shy and rainbow dash rainbow dash = fighting flutter shy = comforting the dreamer :)
0 likesMy prediction is I agree with you saying Rainbow – but Dream Team yeah that's the future but I know who's going to Scarborough correct but I bet some unicorns will be trying by circolo but the people that will fight the drains will be cold Pegasus in the multiple guys would be the Earth ponies or whatever or whatever type beat animal is or or creature
0 likesSawtooth : May be she has a duplication spell up her sleeve.
8 likesEverypony involved in the episode 'Too Many Pinkie's' : STOP IT!
I think Rairaty should replace luna because she is also emotinal so she will probaly no what the ponys are going through.
0 likesDre team! Dream, sapnap and george!
1 likeDre team! Dream, sapnap and george!
1 likeFor some reason I think Sikora would take her job
0 likesCrazy thought, but what if the Young Six became the new Dream team?....
0 likesI noticed something? 3:40
0 likesWhy is it that in G5 the moon and sun still raise and lower with no magic?
Interesting. I suppose Rainbow Dash and Starswirl could be the new Luna.
0 likesstarlight could be the one who walks on dream
0 likes"Who's walking in dreams now?"
25 likes... probably the same one who was doing it for the past 1000 years while Luna was stuck on the moon...
Replies (3)
i don't believe anyone has been established to have done that
7 likesAm I weird if I think that Celestia did dreamwalking when Luna was on the moon? I mean, she did raise both the sun and the moon, so there's a chance she might have walked in dreams too!
3 likesIf Celestia did take over dreamwalking when Luna was banished, wouldn't Celestia have more proficiency in dreamwalking then? In that Season 7 episode where Starlight swapped their cutie marks, Celestia didn't seem to know what to do. And dreamwalking wouldn't be an ability that you'd easily forget if you were doing it for the past millennium. Or maybe the plot nerfed Celestia, who knows.
6 likesi think that twilight would first try to do it herself then understand that she need
0 likesAKA Starlight
Who is to say Luna wasn't dreamwalking while on the moon? I'd think that would be the only way to not go completely bonkers. Nightmare Moon didn't hate all ponies. She just wasn't happy with her sister. I mean also -- why would she be wanting R&R from dreamwalking if she only came back to Equestria a couple of years ago?
0 likesmy question is when luna was trapped in the moon for a thousand years who moon walked celestia has no power in the dream world so who? or moon walk gone??
0 likesThis is a long shot but flurry heart is gifted she could be the gate into everyone's dreams and I think rainbow and Pinkie would be the ones to jump in and help with flurry heart opening the portal to the dream world
0 likesMy Idea before I saw this Video: Star Swirl uses some spell to save everyone from nightmares
0 likesMe after seeing the Video: Yeah that makes more sense
Remember the stained glass in the last episode where the young 6 defeated the weird space monster its probably a monster from the dream realm implying THEY ARE THE DREAM WALKING TEAM
0 likesP.S I know I already posted this but I really share my idea with the mlp comunity❤💞
Every time you said Dream Team I laughed
0 likesDream team:Starlight light opening portals,AJ and Rainbow fighting nightmares,Pinkie and Fluttershy doing therapy work! TELL ME OTHERWISE!
0 likesfor like a thousand years there was no dream walking. i’m guessing that happened again
11 likesReplies (2)
Maybe Luna did used her power from moon, yes she was a prisoner but she was can use her talents still.
1 like@Mango Ağacı But she was nightmare moon when she was on the moon 🌚
1 likeI think starswirl could replace Luna by himself
0 likesMaybe it’s luna’s daughter because she has the magic to dream walk
0 likesSawtooth listen to this: Grogar’s Bell + Pegasus = Alicorn
1 likeMaybe
0 likes-Starswirl
-Flurry Hearth
Someone write a fan fic about this
15 likesIt's 8 hours in my life when every other hand can understand it to be all over every day when they do what it was left out with and how
0 likesBut twilight does have a weird duplication spell!
0 likesMaybe rainbow dash? I say this because in the episode when the main six first found out they would be ruling Equestria rainbow dash said "Ooo I want the power to be in everypony's dreams!" Ok thats not exactly what she said but it's pretty similar to it. And I know she won't but there's still a 00.4 possibility that she could, so I just thought I would say something ;-;
1 likeFWIW, one fic puts down the idea Luna rebuilt a better Tantabus that gained sapience, and later took over the job.
0 likesJust look at Twilights cutie mark, She has stars. Stars simply connect with the night. Maybe Twilight could do both?
3 likesReplies (1)
0 likesSo a dream team would be good but But the flying ponies need magic to fly
0 likesI like your videos because you tell us what is going on
0 likesI chocked on my water when you said Dream team
1 likeThen there is me, who found out about this video only now , while i was writing a fanfic about a dream team 😭😭😭.
1 likeTo Mr, The Brony Notion, Today watching magic mystery cure, I came up with the theory that destiny in M,L,P, has no control, at all. My reason is, unicorns make spells to do whatever they want, and Twilight says, "Its not their memory that's been changed, its their true selves that have been altered, their destiny has been changed." and starlight changed destiny three times. First in her village, second going back in time for revenge, third when she gets called by the map to solve Celestia and Luna's problem. In last of those examples, She changed their magic and what they did, not them. And I consider cutie marks as their jobs, not destiny, I hope you see, and like this theory! please respond, even counter this I would enjoy it!
4 likesI think Starlight Glimmer will replace luna
0 likesStarlight: the shine of stars
Glimmer: little shine, like maybe moon shine.
She did master Friendship
What if star light walked in dreams and when she retires starlight will train Twilight top student to dream walk
0 likespinkie i think would be walking in dreams because if someone was having a nightmare or if something was about to happen..pinkie can make people smile and pinkie sense
0 likesRarity could also be there because like the only time she was for use was when tirek got hold of twillight in s 9
0 likesWell since Luna is retired then why wont starlight glimmer switch out the cutie marks, what if celestial, stars world, and other strong magical ponies fuse twilight cutie mark with Luna’s cutie mark, and maybe also with celestias cutie mark? It might be possible, but the problem is, how will celestia and Luna get there part of destiny back? Maybe starlight could take a part from Luna’s cutie mark and fuse that part with twilights? This is hard but have a nice day
4 likesmaybe luna's job becomes distributed to allt he ponies of equestria, not like the one big dream luna once created but we have seen that ponies can appear in eachothers dreams, maybe when this happens they would have shared dreams and could look out for each other, idk tho
0 likesI always wondered if anypony had a promiscuous dream and luna just stepped in-
0 likesI think twilight is doing everything herself because when celestia banished nightmare moon to the moon celestia took on both the duties so if celestia can't why can't twilight...
0 likesluna will be replaced with starlight nd rainbowdash cuz they both r nice starlight can handle magic nd opening dementions and take carte of da bad dreams cuz she was a guidance counsillar aswell as rainbow nd rainbow can hold nd take strlight to the open dimentions.
0 likesRemember the stained glass in the last episode where the young 6 defeated the weird space monster its probably a monster from the dream realm implying THEY ARE THE DREAM WALKING TEAM
3 likesReplies (1)
Wait- YESSS!
0 likesOh thank you because of you now I know the full form of R&R
0 likesHonestly I would love pinkie pie just busting into my nightmares lol
0 likesTurn the dream team into pony and then they can be the dream team lol
0 likesMaybe Trixie or Starlight since they both are powerful unicorns
0 likes2:10 well starlight could teach her in Every little thing she does she actually knows a multiplication spell
8 likesI think AJ would be perfect after all she is strong
0 likesOmg this could be such a great comic idea
0 likesCould it be discord? He seemed to have the ability
0 likesStarlight maybe dreamwalking as she had a magic as twilight
1 likeThe dream team should totally be the cutie mark crusaders
3 likesReplies (1)
I don’t think it’s likely but that would be awesome
0 likesSomepony I think who is best to do this job other than Starlight is Sunset. Her name. You might think that she is meant to be a villian, but SUNSET, that might just be the clue to her destiny. Maybe Starlight and Sunset can be a team, dreamwalking together!
0 likesReplies (1)
Its possible
0 likesit should be starlight beaucause her name has star which means that the night has stars and starlight has the name star
0 likeswhen luna was trapped in the moon the clesetia deals with her responsbiles all alone
0 likesand twilight is ruliing alone so she could ask clesetia that how she did boths responsibilty
I think it would be Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and Discord( or insert another powerful entity here) the powerful entity would open up the dream realm, Rainbow Dash would kick everybody who is attacking and Fluttershy could calm everybody down
0 likesThe funny thing is that when I created my oc she was luna's student in dreamwalking... now it'd fit perfectly for her to take over the job on my headcanon XD
3 likesDream team: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, tommyinnit, Tecnoblade, Wilbur soot, the rest of the dream smp
0 likeswhen you cant hear dream team without thinking of the 4 muffineer (dream team + bbh)
0 likesjust like luna starlight was once evil then became good. she also has expireence with powerful magic but i dont think its starlight as she will run the school since twilight is the princess. i thin it will be discord. i know but hear me out discord can stop all evil with just one snap of his fingers. what makes him perfect for this is no dream nomater the crazyness will scare him. its just perfect for him plus discord wont go crazzy if he dosent sleep as he is the king of cayos let me know what you think of this idea
0 likes“Dream team”
ahhhh nothing like watching the brony notion instead of sleeping 😴
6 likesReplies (1)
Yep. It's 4:03 am for me right now
1 likeI have a question...how old was Luna before she got banished
0 likesSawtooth: It’s still an occasional gig.
0 likesSubtitles: It’s still an occasional india king.
But if Luna stops raising the moon and dreamealking, wouldn't she be turning her back on her own fate/cutie mark? So wouldn't be Celestia by stopping raising/lowering the sun?
0 likesThere were tons of ponies with moon related cutie marks.
0 likesBrony Notion: Good enough, is never good enough.
27 likesMy Brain: Just okay, is not okay
Me: Brony Notion is starting to sound like an AT&T commercial
But doesn’t Luna have at least one daughter or son who could take on the job?
0 likesTeam work make s the dream work
0 likesYou know what it could possibly be the cutie mark Crusaders Because every single time you see them there comforting people and helping people
0 likesDid Celestia dream walk when Luna was in the moon?
0 likesI wouldn’t have a problem with Dash in my dreams.
4 likesTantabus Mk2: Moondog! (I still can't believe she chose that name for herself...)
0 likesWhat?? I can't really imagine somepony else doing it after reading that...
in my headcanon, my pony OC is walking in dreams
1 likehey, my idea is that luna can (i mean, not should, but can) walk in dreams but this thing is not what she meant to doanymore, so it's like this: twilight has to walk in dreams, but luna can let her rest by she walking in dreams. or when twilight walk in dreams, she's sleeping and doing her work in mind, soooooooo. twilight do sleep.
0 likesWell.. luna dream walking is apart of her CUTIE MARK its what makes her special, I honestly don't think - WOW THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!
0 likesI feel that starlight would watched over the dream world now, she was Twilight's student so it only makes sense she would take on the job of one of the sisters
4 likesI think she is flurry heart but she is taking her mother's place in crystal empire and luster daun take place of twilight she is starlight or maybe twilight's daughter
1 likeyou forgot about cadence and flurry heart maybe cadence and shining armor will take over the dream world in turns untill flurry heart become old enough to help them and maybe star swirl the bearded himself will take over the dream world with cadence starlight shining armor and twilight and maybe some of twilights friends will help what do you think?
0 likesedit: dont forget sunburst he knows alot about spells maybe he can help or maybe luna had a child that has the same cutie mark as her and the same magic as her soo it will take over her place and until her child ages she will continue dream walking but not alone the ponies I mentioned earlier will help
3:35 I saw the Mario and Luigi title and the memories came flooding back.
0 likesMaybe the dream team ?
0 likesSawtooth: Dream Team
663 likesMe: MINECRAFT--
Replies (53)
@cat enthusiast i agree and same with nana
9 likesSigh 😐
14 likesDudeakiss :P 👀?
8 likes@cat enthusiast Can't go anywhere without hearin about him 😔
18 likesDudeakiss :P oh 👁👁💧
4 likesi'm sorry
4 likesDon't get it but cool
3 likesLMAOOOO
7 likesI was thinking the same thing. :’)
4 likes@idealistic Boo
3 likesHaha same
4 likesI found some Dream team fans-
7 likesDreamnotfound
12 likesOh my gosh THE CROSSOVER
4 likesOmg I thought that
3 likesI THOUGHT THE SAME! Dream, George & Sapnap would be an ultimate team to dreamwalk xD
6 likes@Lobii No Lobo Same
2 likesFR-
0 likesY E A H
1 like@Lila Smith there are Minecraft players called the dream team on YouTube that's why people are saying stuff about Minecraft
0 likesSame
1 likeYes
1 like@Kokonut Nut the dream team are minecraft youtubers
1 likeLmao same
2 likesWhy do you guys ship like real people? I mean, you can ship the characters, but please don't ship real people, it's absulotely disgusting..
5 likesXd
3 likesAh yes haha
1 likePogchamp-
5 likesYes! that was exactly what i thought
2 likesLOL same
4 likesi thought i was safe
1 likeYes
1 likePOG
1 likeyes use mods to get in the dream dimension
2 likessame
1 likeLmaoo sameee
1 likeTime stamp lol your smart
1 like@Hello Studios i ship you with random so hello human or random studios just kidding i dont ship you and random
1 like@꧁CåndyTheFøx꧂ XD its okay i don't really care
1 like@Hello Studios I was kidding i dont actually lol
1 like@꧁CåndyTheFøx꧂ i know its chill
1 likeis it ok for me to pelt yall with rocks
1 likeYeahhh Minecraft
1 like@cat enthusiast #Gay
0 likesYes
0 likesMe: Dreaming of being invited to dream SMP
What if shining armor was the pony to take care of the dream world.As shining is the brother of twilight
0 likesmaybe glimmer duplicated lunas mark and changed the destiny of another pony (POSSIBLY FLURRY) which is why her pic is on the wall (flurries pic)
0 likesMinecraft discord he's the best character of them all and has the fitting roll.
1 likeWell i guess you haven't think of luna doing it herself cause hint-hint the magic duplicating lake in everfree forest.
0 likesHow can tirek take discord’s magic in season four and then say that it is to powerful for any being to take in season 9?
4 likesReplies (2)
Omg your right!!!!!
0 likesObviously, Tirek can take away only life force, but not the magic with all its spells and powers
0 likesstar light? She used star swirls spell to travel in a diff world
0 likesMaybe destiny take care off this problem by it self. What if a unicorn get born with a cutie mark like lunas,
0 likesand become twilights student. She see how powerfull her student is and show her the dream world and with some help this pony become the new dream protektor.
Luna will still walk in dreams
0 likesMaybe when it's night, Spike becomes the InCharge of the world and Twilight walks in dreams
0 likes4:55 It’s nice to see my cat supporting you!
5 likesstarlight could open between realms as we have seen
0 likesStarlight glimmer Veil be the one to replace Luna besides she's the student of Twilight Sparkle of course
0 likesMaybe Dream is the one Dreanwalking?
0 likes"Looking at a DREAM TEAM "
Maybe Rainbow Dash controlled the dream world in her sleep just like humans have dreams she will just show up in other pony's dreams
5 likesIs it possible it could be someone we don't even know? I mean the future is the future, there could be tons of powerful ponies
0 likesReplies (1)
I also thought there might be two dream teams that take shifts.....
0 likesStarlight will walk in dreams because she is talented
0 likesHere's my opinion rarity rises the moon and gets portals to rainbow so she can beat the nightmares and when she's done rarity gets the magic
0 likesWhat if sunset ran as celestia and twilight as Luna, just a thought,please give feedback.
0 likesNo one:
4 likesCelestia and luna’s crowns:
I will combine these two to make, venetoise
I think Luna will stay dream walking.
0 likesLuna and celestia will still raise the moon and sun because thats their destiny and thats what their cutie mark represents
0 likesHe wasn't referencing dream actually, he was referencing a mario and luigi game, just so you know.
0 likesOne Pony makes sense …………Starlight Glimmer !!
0 likesAs well as A few others who would help
When you said Dream team all I could think about was Dream, George, and Sapnap forgive me 😔
3 likesReplies (4)
well i you need to be sorry i am too i thought the exact same thing
0 likes@Hello Studios (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
0 likes@Yagaloi ey! also i feel like you are going so where weird with that face
0 likes@Hello Studios I'm going nowhere with the face, my friend. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
0 likesMaybe mistmane could run the dream world
0 likesRainbow Dash is my favorite and I would watch the hell out of that
0 likesWe need fanfiction
2 likesI think twilight duplicates her self to dream walk
0 likesTirek could handle discords magic before so why could he not after he was freed by grogar
5 likesReplies (1)
On his own, Tirek only absorbs the raw magic. But the bell absorbs both the raw power and the nature of it. That's why Cozy got a horn, and probably why Chrysalis's wings got so big. Those are traits, or the nature, of all the pony magic in the bell.
0 likesCue the many many OCs to form a dream team XD
0 likesI feel like starlight wil be the one to open the dream relm rainbow dash wil deal with the psychicle aspect and fluttershy the emotional aspect!
0 likesSawtooth: a dream team
0 likesMe: mAnHuT tImE
The team could be Starswirl, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash
0 likespeople say it might be starlight but..i dont think so. she is a principal who has a busy day at school after all...but..how about discord? he has a lot..like .. ALOT of power after all..beside he is a fun character and good at cheering ponies up..so if any nightmare happend he could just go and help to ponie .. he might be bad at first but as the time would pass he would understand ponie psychology better and cloud help better like turning their scary dream into a fun dream where everything is wierd in a good way..i mean..isnt it what makes our dreams beautiful? the wierdness it in..and it would make it easyer for ponies to befriend him
0 likesHoney, you in charge of walking in dreams 🤪
0 likeswhat about the mirror pool she could make a duplakit and then she could sleep while her duplikated self could do
0 likesthe work then during the day the duplakit can rest like in royal problem
thats what and im not saying that you have a bad idea yours is really good but still
Here’s my therapy since Twilight is good at magic and she uses her magic more then her wings so Princess cadence uses her wings more then her magic so will princess cadence wasn’t a princess she was a Pegasus
1 likeI think starlight or rarity bec there the only ones who have horns and magic so yea and star swirl will be good too
0 likesDon’t mind me, just watching all your vids from top to bottom :)
0 likesI think starlight because twilight did teach her and in the future she will be a alicorn.
0 likesCan We Just Get Dream Dust????
0 likesI actually thought of Starlight because... Well she seems like a perfect fit also you kinda sound like Ryan from BuzzFeed unsolved lmao
4 likesI'm wondering if it's not discord who opens the doors like he did for Fluttershy.
0 likesI think its probably luster dawn or maybe its still Luna
0 likesIf luna can't dreamwalk how will she defeat some black villain shadow thingy?
0 likes(But yeah who will be the one replaced her?)
Maybe "no dream walking" caused g5 😮
0 likes0:20 I still dream walk to this day (while Tia just watches TV and eats cake all day....)
18 likesReplies (3)
1 likeMahogany Mouse your vid are cringe
2 likesPrincess Luna No
0 likesAcording to the show luna prop still Walls in dreams
0 likesyeah walking in dreams is tiring. I bet Luna can't wait to retire
0 likesI rly thought he was going to say derpy instead of rainbow dash 🤦♀️
1 likeMaybe twilight made starlight or sunset an alicorn and either runs the dream world
0 likesHey wasn’t this early since Discord was Star swirl 💃
496 likesReplies (20)
ouch haha
77 likesIt would be weird if Fluttershy married an old pony, so instead they made her marry someone who is few thousands years older than Starswirl
29 likesWait what-
2 likesYeetus defeetus its an theory thats i think years old. Idk why i still remember that theory 😂
3 likesdon't steal my jokes dude heh...
2 likesOk i know this is random but Elsa CAN SING
3 likes@MrConredsX good thing that FS didn't marry, all the M6 only PP did
3 likesDiscord was Star Swirl?
0 likes@Spiral晃晃 Everyone knows they got married. It was in the leaked script not to mention implied in the show.
3 likes@MrConredsX What do you mean? The end they just appear together, no one can 120% sure they're marry, just a possibility.
0 likes@Spiral晃晃 You might say the same thing about CheesepIe, nobody said they are married or that the kid is hers
1 like@MrConredsX whatever ╮( シ )╭
0 likesI thought Discord was Grogar
0 likesMrConredsX who is Cheeseple now? Eheh
0 likes@MrConredsX pretty much like 1000 year old anime monster girls that look like they are 18 in a nutshell.
0 likes@Some Guy that uses the internet Thats basically Steven Universe parents. Also Holo in Spice and Wolf
0 likesWait what I thought discord was grogar?
0 likes@Katialiinq he posed as grogar to try and help the 3 villains and boost twilights confidence, grogars magic was locked in a bell and idk where grogar is
0 likesCatChannel Gacha no that is True
0 likesDebunked
0 likesOr... THIS is what Flurry Heart is for!
0 likesHi sawtooth i think insted of a dream team starlight or mabey sunset will be princess of the night most likely starlight
0 likesThe finale was super flawed and unexplained.
0 likesI always questioned that after forges vid
16 likesI thought maybe cadence or flurry
Replies (4)
finally someone who found out my theory! ty for speaking up I couldn’t find any comments talking about cadence
1 likeThis idea is good but cadence is the ruler of an empire and so won’t have the strength for a night job. Flurry heart is probably only still a teenager and won’t be held to such a high task, she is also the future ruler of the crystal empire so I think that training would be more focused on then the Dream realm. Feel free to argue this.
0 likesZaraStorm268 well idk, Maybe it’s both, Cadence and flurry, Heck maybe even shining amor do it together as a family job
1 likeKookiemations YT this theory is a good but even with their combined strength they still need to sleep as the have to rule the Crystal empire. No hate, there is no such thing as a bad theory.
0 likesidk about this but when luna created the tantabus i think that was the only thing that could give ponies nightmares and now that its defeated i think no more nightmares for ponies?
0 likesMy vote’s on Trixie
0 likesMaybe Discord that would explain all the weird dreams that I have.
0 likesMaybe starlight doing the dream walk because she is good at magic after Twilight this is my theory
0 likesAs soon as I saw the title, it hit me "SWEET SISTERS, YOU'RE RIGHT"
3 likesI think starlight glimmer can replace Princess Luna and twilight sparkle can replace celestia
0 likesOr they can use a magical item.
0 likesWhat if someone is having a nightmare but in the middle of the day like they're sleeping they're having a nightmare but it's the middle of the day what is Luna going to do can't even use her magic to help
0 likesIts so weird to see the princesses without crowns
0 likesLuna might of been replaced by pinkie since she is magic
5 likesReplies (1)
Huh hell no
0 likesI know it is maybe too late but, before luna gets kids (if she ever had) maybe she wasn't replaced but if she was, before she get kids or something like that it could be celestia. Beceause in the very first epizode they told after luna was banished to the moon celestia was taking care of sun and moon. But there is one more theory it was showed that luna was walking at dreams of scotaloo sweetie belle and apple bloom, so maybe she was replaced after they was idk teen maybe? Think about all i said.
0 likesdid you know theres an actual team called dream team the dream team is a famous group of friends that play minecraft.
0 likesIt could also be spike as now he has like a pendant it could be magical and he could use it to open the dream realm
0 likesReplies (1)
No one agrees???????
0 likesMaybe Twilight will raise the moon cuz twilight time is closer to night and sunset shimmer can return and raise the sun
0 likesSawtooth Waves: Dream Team
6 likesMe: m i n e c r a f t
Uh I kinda think that nobody is walking in dreams now since everyone concered their fear......
0 likesCelestia has a son and his son became the dream walker in the next gen ,agreed?
0 likesstarsworld for reasons you already said, rainbow dash for physical, and starlights a councillor-
0 likesat 3:34 WasI the only one that thought of the dream team?
0 likeslike the green blob man, gogy, and sapnap?
I never even thought of that
41 likesReplies (2)
Neither did I
1 likeBees Meliss or me
0 likesthe night guard huh? interesting or maybe moon guard?
0 likesDid the sisters ever said anything about having Twilight taking over the jobs of raising and lowering of the sun and moon?.
0 likesTeam dream star. I like it.
0 likes*Video playing*
0 likes*Me in the corner*: why is no one fighting in my nightmares?
When you can only watch Netflix and Netflix doesn’t have season 9.
16 likesAnd this spoils the series already 6 seconds in 😭😢☹️
Replies (2)
Hi i subbed cuz im bored lol
1 likeHappel do you have Hulu available to you? It has season nine
0 likesWhat about flurry heart, who knows what her cutie mark could be and what her future is...
0 likesI think in the fuacher there will be a new alicorn that will replace luna
0 likesmaybe traxi or starlight could learn
0 likesI think Who should be replaced by the Luna Is Ready
0 likesDoesn‘t Luna said multiple times that her Sister and other Ponys would have no Power in the dream world?
4 likesReplies (4)
True. But we do know that talents aren't always unique. There's no evidence saying another pony can't have that ability, or that other ponies can't learn it.
2 likesI always imagined a unicorn being born with that ability and discovering his or her cutie mark on accident as an adult. Maybe he or she stumbles out of his personal dream and into the wider dream world. Maybe Luna helps him or her and they follow her, on purpose, and discover that they can both dream walk. Maybe they just appear in the dream world instead of dreaming like everyone else, and walk in on someone else's dream by mistake. The possibilities are endless.
Well I certainly didn‘t think of something like that. It‘s a very good Idea of yours.
2 likes@𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒜𝓁𝒾𝒸𝑒
1 likeThank you. I always thought Luna should get some kind of apprentice. Celestia had a school and a protege, I thought Luna should too. At least the protege.
I feel sorry for Luna. She always wanted the best for all and gave everything she had. And in the End she wasn‘t even acknowlwdged for all her work. The Night is such a wonderful thing.
4 likesLuna Nos Custodit!
twilight will do the same as celestia did when luna was banished to moon
0 likesPinkie pie: I have dream duty tonight
1 likeCheese sandwich: okai doki honi, I'll give the little one a kiss for ya!
Maybe Luna was teaching Twilight how to dream walk yes twilight might not have the power to do that but her talent is magic making her magic a little endless(edit) oof that was already a theory but twilight would get tired her friends would probebly help when she goes coo coo bannanas
0 likesI think starlight and rainbow should tam up
0 likes2:25 I thought it was derpy the muffin queen...
10 likesReplies (1)
Haha lol
1 likeWhen the words "dream team" was said all I could think of was the Minecraft players :
1 likeDream
The Dream team: Starswirl, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, At least 1 changeling, and Luster Dawn
0 likesDerpy should help walk in dreams XD
0 likesI think star light wold be prefect for it
0 likes3:57 LOOK AT STAR SWIRL
4 likesWill there ever be a season 9 of my little pony
0 likesdiscord is a perfect replacement for luna
0 likesTbh if Sunset was the main character and Twilight was the second main one THEN TWILIGHT WOULD RAISE THE MOON AND SUNSET- YKNOW WHAT I MEAN RIGHT?
0 likesOr maybe starlight could do it
0 likesyou: " Dream team "
luna would be replaced but still she is kind of young to do it so u know luna is younger than celestial so luna would do her jod till she is young and have power to do it and for that time luna would find a new princess for night that was easy
0 likesWhat about discord he would have a Lotta fun going into dreams he probably can he just never tried
0 likesHmm......how about flurry heart?Or Starlight?
1 likeIn the end of the last song twilight i think didnt use magic to lower the sun so i think celestia keeps her job
0 likesReplies (1)
So i think luna stilll saves dream or whatever she does
0 likes"Dream team" me having flashbacks with a totally diffrent fandom 👁👄👁
13 likesI think that ponies used to dreaming without Luna in future
0 likesWhat if Luna and celestial are still doing the sun and moon
0 likesOh no I can already imagine the fan fictions where rainbow dash meets up with Mario and luigi during dream team.
0 likesMario: let’s-a go, luigi: okedoky rainbow dash: alright
Can the 6/7 the others Main carachters do it
47 likesMe: IT'S STARLIGHT!
The Brony Notion: IT'S RAINBOW DASH!
Plus no dream walking would be bad. they all gotten used to Luna help in there dreams, dreams is where they work out there problems. Just look at what happened in the past. If everyone used there heads maybe things could have been better.
0 likesAll I can hope is that Celestia and Luna return to being princesses and twilight stops being princesses because they are princesses in a kingdom whose people are cranky and stubborn so twilight Become a princess in the kingdom and the kingdom is led by twilight sparkle And if twilight sparkle stops being a princess there then the population becomes unstable and becomes riot
0 likesI hope my little pony friendship is magic informs fans of my little pony friendship is magic with the news that they don't want the episode of my little pony friendship is magic to end and We the fans will be happy 😁❤️
maybe but we can only dream about these things
0 likesTwilight runs on redbull and friendship, no sleep, just day and night
0 likesFire intro
3 likesWait for itttt...........................The amazing and powerful TRRRIXIEEE.
0 likesI mean her surname or whatever is something that has to do with the night.😊
Can you do a video on starlight glimmer possibly being starswirl's daughter I mean they both have star in their name and starlight glimmer cutie mark matches with starswirl's name
0 likesIn my opinion its moondancer walk in dreams
0 likesi love this theory
0 likes"The Dream Team"
But when luna was in the moon Celestia was doing her Job so i think twilight can do her Job i think😕
1 likeRemember the episode where pinkie doubbles herself in a pond? Why shouldn't Twi just do that?
0 likesYes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
2 likesWhat if spike replaced luna and some pony opens the portal
1 like12 likes, 0 views, 0 comments
10 likesYouTube you ok?
Replies (2)
Don't worry it's drunk all the time
1 likeyoutube counts likes first, then views 👍
1 likeI think rarity rainbow pinkie and FLUTTERSHY would be perfect for the job
0 likesSomday I hope to be like you!
0 likesI’m may be late but I think that starswirl will teach someone and I think that’s starlight. It makes sense to me because she’s already good at magic. Rainbow dash could help with the physical part like you said. And the next part might be a little weird but I think for the comforting part it could either be rarity or pinkie pie. Pinkie pie is funny nice and kind but I’m not sure comforting. Rarity would be a much better choice because her element is generousity. I’m not sure but this is what I think the “ Dream Team” would be.
0 likesWhy can’t starlight be replaced with Luna? Even if she’s not a alicorn, she’s powerful she can do a spell that can make her fly!
0 likes3:35 MINECRAFT TIME
4 likesReplies (2)
oh lord i knew y'all would start this
0 likesOh lord i knew it
0 likesSpeaking about princess Luna what about her mane and tail in the 2cnd episode of my little pony she had no flow but when we saw her in scooterlu’s dream she had flow and that was only a few episodes between and how could starswril see her before starswril had only been gone for a 1000 years and Luna 100000 years how could he see her
0 likes3:38
0 likesMiddle: dream
Right: georgenotfound
Left: sapnap
Lol every pony is awful for dream walking so please keep luna
0 likesYesss im early ive been thinking of thta too if twilight is already the main queen or whatever what about lunaaaa
13 likesReplies (2)
That question was in my head for alonggg time already
0 likesLuuuuuuunaaaaaaa
0 likesDream... Team??? Dream Team? THE DREAM TEAM???
0 likes(I’m making a joke, I’m sorry I had to)
Maybe Luna and celestia give there alicorn power to twilight that is why she has the same body as celestia :)
0 likesWhen your the only one thinking its spike
0 likesWelp, Time to go in the Only one zone.
It could be starlight
0 likesI'm the first like !!!! Omgah that's so cool
8 likesIt could be starlight
0 likesMy idea: Starlight glimmer, princess sky star, rainbow dash and star swirl!
0 likesI think its moon dancer doing work alone. I mean it is in the name
0 likesMoondancer might be doing it?
0 likesWhat about discord?? You guys know when dream can be distorted or messed up... What could discord job might be??
0 likesI miss the old intro 😭😭
0 likesI think it's Starlight
0 likeswhen u said dream team i thought about this Star swirl can teach and open the portal Rainbow can save ponies from nightmares and pinkie pie can make then Amazing
0 likesStarlight is more powerful than twilight but she can't replace Luna cuz she's busy at school or either pinkie and apple jack but maybe Fluttershy? Cuz she can calm someone and she's good at advice she can teach ponies how to face their nightmare and since she have discord to help her get in the dream world my opinion only
0 likesWhen luna's dream ended happily then why was she worried ???
0 likesOMG I think lots of people wants starlight
1 likeI think celestia and luna transform the power to twilight
0 likesI think princess cadences will be in luna's place
0 likesSawtooth: Dream team
0 likesMinecraft fans: WHAAAAAAAAT
Maybe just maybe the team has star swirld star light and Trixie could be because star light can travel trough time so we not dreams with some help
0 likesStar swirl is! Well, he’s a unicorn 🦄 and can create portals for rainbow dash.
0 likesI know who's walking in dreams now! It's Flurry heart, twilight's niece
0 likesReplies (1)
How’s that
0 likesI know somebody MUST doo this video:D
1 likeThe "from sawtooth waves" thinghy at the end:who walks in your dreams?(The music video)
0 likesMe:me,myself and i
Can you make a video about who is the queen of Equestria.
0 likesI think luna will be replaced by rarity and rainbow dash or maybe rainbow will have twilight or maybe the mane 6 will take it in turns
0 likesi really like luna,but i think this could be a posebildi
0 likesI think the next dream walker will be...
0 likesTRIXIE LULA MOON!!!! i mean just look at her name lula Moon!!!!and we also learned that dreams are magic in tthat episode were all of ponyvillegoes into 1 same dream and just look at trixies cutie mark its a MAGIC wand and a blue thing woch almost is in the shape of a MOON!!!! also i think diamond tiara should be a unicorn not an earth pony
0 likesstarlight
i kinda wish they showed a episode where rainbow dash takes over spit fires spot.
0 likesTwilight is walking in dreams now
0 likesi think discord is the replacing luna from the job
0 likesMaybe twilight had some thing to with this because if someone is have a nightmare like starlights bracelet twilight could do the same thing but with dreams
0 likesthis could be true because twilight is at day and night so day ruler and night ruler
In the episode the best night ever celestia had a nefew prince blue blood what if he is Luna’s sun or maybe moon but what if he can do what his mom did.
0 likesBut wait... Rainbow Dash and Starswirl aren't immortals like Luna, how could they do that more than some shorts years?
0 likesWhat if she uses the mirror pool
0 likesThere are other people who control the dream realm
0 likesno one can replace luna like if only someone has like her powers
0 likesI think we are looking in the wrong place we need pony’s that are up at night like Luna ps I think Sunset Shimmer because it’s the future she is a adult and sometimes she could go to pony Ville to help with the job
0 likesMagical: Star Swirl
0 likesBattle: Rainbow Dash
Comforting: Fluttershy
Next time:
Magical: Star Swirl
Battle: Pinkie Pie
Comforting: Fluttershy
Next time:
Magical: Star Swirl
Battle: Applejack
Comforting: Rarity And Fluttershy
Now I know using the mane six for this “dream team” might not be a good idea but, The main sex have defeated many monsters! But they can keep rotating! Twilight can raise and lower the sun and moon, while her friends take care of the dream world!
Please tell me what you think Sawtooth Waves! I would love to have my idea featured
Meaning of twilight is sun and moon but they mix but not eclipes
0 likesLove you sow. Tooth.
0 likesThere crowns were put together making one so basically her job is both of them now.
0 likesI think Luna might have a baby/faul. Cuz in other vid she had a baby.
1 likeWhen everyone heard dream team:
0 likesDream team big big fans be like: AYOOOOO THIS GUY KNOW DREAM TEAM
hi I am moonlight sparkle,I think you're wrong. The crown and the magic translation are power and ability of both Luna and celestia, that means twilight sparkle have their strength to rule day and night.
0 likesCadence of course will be dream walking she's the third alicorn princess🙄so simple
0 likesI don’t think rainbow dash is in there rainbow dash would be so tired of training the wonder bolts 2:42 just because she would be good at the job doesn’t mean she has a lot of energy to do the job
0 likesMaybe rainbow dash because in season 9 she said she wanted to step into everypony dreams
0 likesI honestly think she hired starlight for dream walking lol her first student maybye
0 likesReplies (1)
Cause her cutie mark has know straight meaning like twilight magic is anything and everything soo maybe
0 likestwilight did what celesta did to her to starlight
0 likesIf unicorns have a horn,Pegasus have wings,alicorn's have wings AND a horn
Then what do earth ponies have that makes them NOT horses,becouse they are just plain horses
"Dream team"
0 likesMe:dream,georgenotfound and sapnap
What about Sunset . We have no idea about her future .
0 likesI think that pinky is the perfect one
0 likesso dream , george and sapnap will do Lunas job? lol
0 likesGreat and powerful dream master trixie
0 likesI think sunset shimmer from eg Because her and Luna both had been Villains. Sunset as a shedemon and Luna as Nightmare moon
0 likesthe one who is walking into ponies dreams would be the elements of harmony!!! yes the dreams!!!!!!!! The element tree...!!!!!
0 likesthe dream team is correct
0 likesIn the future apple bloom, scoodalo and the 3rd crosader (I forgot her name)
0 likesMaybe sunset shimmer will be Celestia and twilight sparkle will be in the dreams like luna cause in a video when every pony is loyal and an alicorn that's why sunset shimmer is like twilight sparkle `s twin sister easy
1 likeI think that rainbow dash is a great idea but like pinkie pie we can clone Twilight sparkle in the magical pond like one will rule the sun and the other moon if you have any problem princess Cadence and starligh can help. And Candence also use princes as a prince so she can rule the moon but the 2 crown of celestia and Luna have given to twilight sparkle so it is a good idea
0 likesBut wait wouldn’t she (rainbow dash) be an alicorn big twilight can’t find anyone to be the rest of the team ?
0 likesStarlight can be the alicorn of power and go replace luna so what do you think ma- i mean sawtooth wave?!...
0 likesI thought you were gonna say something about the mirror pool
0 likesMaybe Starlight? or... you won't believe this... I won't either...
0 likesTRIXIE? am not sure random guess-
maybe sunshine shimmer may be of the day and thinkle sprinkle may be of the night
0 likesi have a quistion why is that sunset twilight and starlight literally have a star or a ligth (in this case its twilight and starligth have similar ligth names and sunset has immer namer sounding like a glimmer to make like why do these ponies have simalar names that is represented by a sun/star cutie mark coincidence i think not
0 likesMaybe all the twilight and her pals do it together
0 likesRainbow dash will need a replacement eventually so what about scootaloo
0 likessapnap, georgenotfound, and dream, THE DREAM TEAM
0 likes(lol I had to but this is just a joke)
What about Moondancer??
0 likesDream team pun intended or no
0 likesYeh, dats right Luna’s important!
0 likesstarlight glimmer is because she got strong magic and she is a unicorn
0 likesSunshet should be taking celestia job and twilight would be taking luna job
0 likesI think Luna will be replaced her crown gone with twighlit but that has nothing to do with anything so I think PINKY PIE should get replaced for Luna Luna might posibbly do the same thing with twighlit in twilights kingdom she could give her magic but without cadens and celestia and another reason is that pinky pie should be replaced instead of rainbow dash bc she is funny she can brighten up peopl- ponys dreams laughter VS darkness.
0 likesBut here are some pony’s I think will be perfect for the job aka sometimes they could take turns we need Star Swirl to open portals here is my dream team Trixie, Spit Fire, Sunset shimmer, scootaloo, Smoder, Rainbow Dash, and these two might shock you but they are Twilights parents and there is a reason why I chose these pony’s we need strong pony’s to fight but some to keep pony’s com ps look at there cutie marks
0 likesMaybe Spike. I’m pretty sure he was sitting on LUNA’S throne right?
0 likesRainbow Dash is best pony
0 likesAnd now you've got me shipping TwiDash
If twilight gave rainbow dash the responsibility, she'll be like bam wam thank you mam
0 likesHow is he so smart-
0 likesNo I really don't think when I would ever be replaced but if she was to be replaced I think Pinkie Pie would be the one to do it because she's pretty good at speed or maybe even Rainbow – or Rarity or Applejack or even spite
0 likesI think that it would actually be like three people that we know of her appeared to make all the portals and address for kicking all the but I guess pinkie pie for making everything happy I could learn in the first episode and then Fluttershy for the comfort just like that would be nice and who
0 likesIf it's not starlight maybe I think its star swirl but idk if he'll be alive till then
0 likesstarlight is a good idea
0 likes“..somehow be able to be in two places at once.” ahem StArLiGhT dId ThAt OnCe..
0 likesMaybe they retired beacuase of something but they won't tell why 🤨
0 likesLuna should be reeplace by ramble dash
0 likes3:34 Dream Reference.
0 likesYou know what FLURRY HEART should
0 likesit makes no sense and i have no argument but i want luna successor to be starlight
0 likesMaybe It’s star swirl?
0 likesluna will never stop walking on dreams untill she give birth the a baby girl and her name is princess Skaya
0 likesWhat if sunset shimmer dose the dream walking I know I sound crazy and she already has a life in the human world but maybe it could be a swap like with Luna and celestia but swapped idk
0 likesI think that twilight is wanting for a pony with thooese abilities and she knew from the start that there is that kind of pony and maby there is already one but the pony is to young to take that job and twilight is wanting for the pony to be old enugh
0 likesWait if anyone wants luna job they have to live forever because of life spans
0 likesI think it Will be starlight,starswirl and rainbow Dash
0 likeswhat if the dream team is starlight rainbow dash and at first starswirl intill starlight gets the hang of going between realms
0 likesin 0:59 luna is having celestia's cutie mark
0 likesIs Luna gets replaced then who will be nightmare moon if there's no Luna
0 likesWe haven't nightmare moon if Luna is gone do you know
Sawtooth waves is like the 5th secret channel of mat pat called mlp theory
0 likesI have a oc in My Little Pony not in the actually series. Shes an alicorn her name is Altar shes friends with Luna and Celestia ever since they were born, she is the princess of good and evil and magic. She helps Twilight Sparkle with her stuff in the night.
0 likeswell i think some day g4 will continue with sparkle shine and she twilight will rule togther
0 likesOh and the reason why there mane is flowing it’s because of there magic if u see in ending of the end without there magic there mane will not flow same with the tail
0 likesSince Netflix never went past season 7, I have no clue where this information for videos is coming from.
0 likesI think it is starlight glimmer
0 likesWhy am I the only ne who thinks flurry heart is the best candidate when she becomes older
0 likesStarlight can do it
0 likesSawtooth Talking about Luna and dream walker
0 likesThe comment: OH GEORGE
I think that there be no more dream walking in the future. But maybe 🤔 some of the powfull pony but how🤔
0 likesWhat if starlight replaces luna after changing in to a alicorn🐴🐴🐴🐎🐎🐎💝💝💝
0 likesI feel like it starlight.
0 likesi think the a dream team is a good idea cause rainbowdesh has no magic so ya a good idea
0 likesStarlight glimmer will take responsibility of Princess Luna from Mishti
0 likesOOORRRR maybe she is deviding celesti's duties to her friends like she gave some responsiblity's to them and slept that while they r doing it and then the remaining she did herself along with dream walking
0 likesMentions Dream Team
0 likesMy brain: "OH GEORGE"
Replies (1)
0 likesSawtooth: dream team me: DREA- oh nvm
0 likesStarlight and Dash: Dream Team 101?
0 likesI don’t like how they made twilight look like the royal sisters I wish they changed it a bit but it did make me cry like a bitch
0 likesWhen Luna was banished to the moon celestial did rule day and night so when did she sleep
2 likesIm still confused why they didnt make all the mane 6 plus starlight a alicorn so ONLY TWILLIGHT DOESNT DIE and the others die? But twillight is nothing without them
0 likesReplies (1)
Ik im talking about something diffrent but its true tho why?
0 likesI suggest moondancer
0 likesThe dream team is already taken
1 likeBy Minecraft
Rainbow dash would be a great as lunas replacement twilight should make rainbow dash a Alicorn
0 likesI think it’s sun set shimmer
0 likesLuna never gets replaced do you wanna know why he still has a long life to go until she’s Celestia age so she hast me world as/year was
0 likesi think rainbow dash and rareity are the dream team
0 likesI see a dreamer over there by the water. (sorry I just had to do it XD)
0 likesTrixie Lula M O O N
Starlight glimmer or possibly Sunset Shimmer
0 likesSpike walks in dreams
1 likeI think um starlight she has had the comfort envormental mind-set sooooo-
0 likesI think it is twillight because twillight cutie mark is just like star and luna cutie mark is moon
0 likesBut rainbow dash would probably make every dream ever about her
0 likesMabye luna turned in to night mare moon because of a bad dream that affected her pyhsic
0 likesWhat if all 6 in the dream wold go because everyone can Handel Ader dreams.
0 likesHey dude, i guessed rainbow bc of how the pic turned out
0 likesBut how will rainbow dash go to the dream
1 likeLuna is my favorite character and she can’t be replaced :D
I feel like when a pony turns into a alcorn then maybe that pony can be Luna but the job can’t be the same so I guess LUNA ID NEVER REPLACED YAY
I think its discord and fluttershy because of how fluttershy arrive at the throne room it was a portal that look like the dream realm
0 likesdoes the comics talk about this?
0 likesI would say discord or starlight😂
0 likesI am thinking discord too because he can just turn nightmare to party
0 likeswhy not go out on a limb. While Rainbow Dash may have called dibs, but isn't Pinkie Pie the more Qualified?
0 likesShe already know every pony, and every other creature in and out of Equestria.
Maybe twilight does both
0 likesIf you see in season 9 rainbow cask removed the leaves from the cloud with magic there are three surcmstandis unicorn have a magical oras which tells them when to use magic Pegasus are same but no magical oras and earth ponies magic is inside rainbow dash can open some way or another like how twilight uses the amulet to raise the sun and moon
0 likesI wish I could join the unicorn- tri I did want to be the alicorn one but it did not have discord so yeah I hope o join unicorn- tri wish it was free
Well it does make sense of rainbow dash because Celestia said they were ruling together
0 likesLongest dare team Somebody can keep eye flatter shy rainbow — apple jack twilight sparkle Start
0 likesI think you’re right but maybe sunset could be dowing it because we seen sunset is magical and she did inroll in celecetias school but that’s not only that because we know that sunset shimmer pony’s up because she is from Equstria and cantorlot high and she has magic from both worlds
0 likesWhat I thought Sunnet was.
0 likesI think twilight because they sended their job onto twilight
0 likesI saw princess Luna in my dream
0 likesMabye Fluttershy Discord and Pinkie Pie? Think abou it
1 likeedit: cant believe this was 1 year ago wow, i still think its a good possibility that discord and fluttershy could replace luna though
I don’t want Luna to be replaced
0 likesi was thinking twilight might automate everything, turn into skyfactory Ssundee
0 likesSo why people don't need someone for dream walking
0 likesWait on Netflix there is no season 9 so I’m so confused
0 likesOr maybe human sunset will come to the pony world
0 likesno one noticed the name dream team like those youtubers
0 likesreality good reality
I think that ponies have to get over there nightmares-
0 likesWell i mean i guess they did spend 1000 by itself.
0 likesDREAM team lol
0 likesI think its starlight
0 likesI think a good dream team would be.... rainbow dash, Star swirl, AND............. PINKIE PIE
0 likesI think it’s star swirl the bearded. Or,, however you pronounce his name.
0 likesReplies (1)
Rarity , because she is a unicorn
1 likeSawtooth: okay now that I have that over with I can focus on other thi people who created My Little pony-season 10
0 likesHmm, maybe Luna gave her cutie mark to somepony else I think its possible because Celestia and Luna switched cutie marks, so maybe she gave in to rainbowdash????
0 likesA dream team
0 likesI say Luna is best pony :D
0 likesdude.. get over it.. its been generations since this whole luna thing.. it might just be doing it on its own.. like it is for humans on earth
0 likes"dream team"
0 likesface it, your secretly stanning behind your phone screens
What if? Its the cutie mark crusaders?
0 likeswait......if rainbow goes to the dream world then will he/she turn into nightmaredash.
0 likes... Okay that sounds like a good idea for mlp fanfiction
0 likesFirst night goes wrong and the child is scared for life
0 likesTo be honest I do not like the person ( or pony team in this matter ) idea I personally think that sunberst would be the most likely candidate ( I will say the rest later and sry if I offended you )
0 likesReplies (2)
Ok so the reason why sunberst would be the best pony to do it because ( I’m going to sound like starlight 😓🙄 ) 1
0 likes1. He has studied magic his whole life ( yes I did sound like starlight- )
2. He has a horn to open the dream realm or as I like to call it nOt ReAl WoRlD
3. He probably had an old book by sTaR SwIrl ThE WizArD [ btw that’s how I call him and me being silly 🙃 )
And that’s prob it hope you like my idea!
I forgot to put - say how to open and close the dream realm
0 likesI think spike will replace luna.
0 likesOf course rainbow dash will do the sun ponys job and twlight dose dream walking.
0 likesI was thinking dad going to be water fire and air alicorns the control dad and There's Gonna Be some other ones like like some other teams ruining the yeah
1 likeBy the way I spelt starswirl incorrectly including this one
I think rarity and starlight
0 likesI think Starlight
0 likesi could see the team being rainbow, rarity, and pinkie pie
0 likesReplaced by
0 likesRainbowdash 🌈
Princess Luna should get replaced Twilight because true there cutie marks are different but u If u see princess Twilight and princess Luna are equally concerted together
0 likesLuna and celestia gave twilit there power in a orb couldent that open portals to the dream realm to
0 likesTwilight will take lunas and celestias place
0 likesBut Luna and celestias cutie marks are about the sun and moon. Soo y aren’t they doing what there cutie marks are telling them to do 😭
0 likesWhat about scootalo sweetybell and applebloom they all had dreams with Luna plus what about how so well sense rainbow dash knows about the dream walking she would tell her little sis and then she could tell sweetybell and applebloom so probably they would be the dream team or starlight glimmer or sense scootalo sweetybell and applebloom wouldn't they tell each other about it
0 likesI think no one walk in dream now
0 likesCadence of course is dream walking she is a princess no one in my little pony needs love now everyone has friendship and friendship means love too
0 likes🙄Right !?
I think Luna will not be replaced
0 likesgreat idea
0 likesWe will never know what is going to happen because the season has ended but maybe they make Movies of IT and shows us.
0 likesI really think rainbow dash culd me good at dream walking Yes but do YOu think scooteloo wanted rainbow dash to SEE her embarrassing nightmares?
I wuld prefer not to let the one i look up to SEE my emarrassing nightmares
"Now we have a Dream Team"
0 likesMe: Yup, Dream SapNap and George
“Dream Team”
The Dream SMP is sometimes called The Dream Team
Dream team?- hmmmm sounds lime a certain minecraft team...
0 likesI think someone that is good like starlight
0 likesMoondancer? Starlight Glimmer?Or maybe it is Rainbow Dash.Or Discord.
0 likesHi I guess sunset shimmer should take over the sun and twilight could take over the moon
0 likesand rarity would open the portal.
0 likesOh yeah I remember Rainbow dash saying but I think it most like Starlight if not it her helping Rainbow dash go in dreams cause she is a Uni and her magic does kinda rival Twilights but I don’t think it will be Starswirl
0 likes4:33 spike be new one he kind of say it in last episode of mlp
1 likeI felt like the dream team in Minecraft dream sapnap and Georgenotfound
0 likesMaybe the 4th princess
0 likesNo twilight is doing dream walking?
0 likes"With what magic? Shes a pegaus?"
0 likesThats racist
No sunset shimmer is the best possibility dependingon her name
0 likesI think twilight is realatied to celstia and Luna well at least Luna because look at there cuttie mark. And we have seen it with twilight and shinning
0 likesstarlight and rainbow
1 likeIts a nice idea
1 likeI think that lunas’s job will be replaced by rainbow dash
0 likes"now were looking at a dream team"
0 likesme: Minecraft.
What I think of rainbow dash cutie mark I think it’s a lightning cuz she’s strong but has a cloud because she cares
0 likesI think starlight glimmer
0 likesequestria sleep in peace and its all because of you, But dear luna who walks in your dreams when you finally fall asleep!-
0 likesYou are the best!
0 likesMaybe discord he is powerful and he like make things funny maybe he can fight nightmare with his chaos power
0 likesLuna is being Replaced by flurry heart or princess cadence.
0 likesum... doesen't twilight have flowimg hair now?
0 likesIS TWIVNE WALKING THE DREAMS NOW because Luna is the sis of Celestia and TWIVINE is the LITTLE SISTER of Twilight
0 likesI've been gone too long. When did Brony Notion get a rebrand?
0 likesI’m adopted to mlp equestrian girls and conspiracy theories 👁👄👁
0 likesI don't think it's starlight or either any pony but
0 likesno Luna she has to stay
0 likes"dream team"
0 likesI Love it
0 likes3:26 cadence flurry heart
1 likePlease stop calling it the dream team there is a british voice yelling "bitch" at me in my head
1 likeMaybe Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have children so they can replace their parents
0 likesLook Flurry heart she's already at Alcorn So should perfect right and I'm not joking
0 likesDREAM TEAM!!!!!
0 likesDREAM
3:36 DREAM TEAM AYYYYYY LET'S GOOOOOOO- @GeorgeNotFound @DreamWasTaken @SapNap
0 likes3:34
0 likesDream!!!
I think Spike took over luna's job
0 likesI think that maybe the is a possibility that luna had a child and that child had Luna's power to dream walk si there for maybe she trained her child to dream walk but are a few questions there like who the father of Luna's child and dose the child have another who will one day take over or why didn't Luna's child take over and rule but twilight sparkle was crowed before Luna's child was born so maybe luna have a child is still a possibility
0 likes“And now we’re looking at the Dream Team”
Season nine?! There’s no in Netflix?!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
0 likesyup i was going to say that. cause i saw a video that sunset ruled the sun but starlight ruled the moon so i'm out bye
0 likesMaybe rarity will open the door and rainbow dash cloud go by it
0 likesFor a 1000 years Luna was fanised on the moon she did not do her job she has to be a ruler again
0 likesOh come on i don't believe it >:(((
0 likesI mean it's very good but my first thought was DISCORD WITH HIS POWER OF CHANGING REALITY
like he would make funny chaos in every nightmare and still be learning to br kind for the ponies
And he would take this job if Fluttershy slightly suggest him to
Writing a fanfic off this.
0 likesSue me.
It's twilight ofc
0 likesTwilight could transfer magic to rainbow dash but she does not have a horn how could she use wings to fly through dreams
0 likesWHAT A season 9 so I watched all 8 seasons in a few days FOR NOTHING where is season 9 I NEED IT
0 likesI am not arguing with you but what about the mirror pool and then put discord on watchout if the clone of twilight goes haywire.
0 likesFiddly Twang. It's so obvious I don't want to insult anyone's intelligence by explaining why.
0 likesI am thinking of starlight or moondancer or rainbow das
0 likesStarlight she is like soooooooooo powerful
0 likesMy ideas
0 likesMoon dancer
Or sunburst
0 likeswho raises the sun and moon now
0 likesI’m very surprised theres no dream smp comments here though
0 likesnoooooooooooooo luna is to much precious to go
0 likestotally starlight
0 likesi thought of something interesting,considdering your recent video....what if a reformed Tirek dreamwalked?
0 likeswhy is twlilight replacing the princesses ? she is not worthy
0 likesI think princess luna & princess celestia will do it they won,t retire
0 likesHe said dream team lol
0 likes3:52 wait,i don't think rainbow dash is the one , because he is a pegasus , isn't she gonna die 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
1 likeWhat about the pool remember how pinkie got clones maybe luna has a clone that taught twilight
0 likesI think It's Starlight Glimmer.
0 likesReplies (1)
i think it is rainbow dash
0 likesI think twilight took over
0 likesyou could try making my little pony animations
1 likeIt’s sunset shimmer for the job
0 likesWhat about cadence she is a princess like twilight now
0 likesif there is no dream
0 likesSo that's why I never dream since I sleep because I don't sleep
Your outro is named who walks in your dreams
0 likesdream team
1 likeWhen did Cadence die?
1 likeI think maybe sunset shimmer, starswirl and rainbow dash
0 likestrixie or starlight
0 likesI think thers someone opening the portals from the dream world then the ponie that been selected ti gi and fight and protect the dream world is...
0 likesI think rainbow and twilight
0 likesLuna:there can be one knowledge pony in internet and that will be ........................................................................................................................................................................................ sawtooth waves !!!!!!!
0 likesthere needs to be a dream team
0 likesdream: •-• oh hell nah
If luna WILL be replaced by rainbow then y not turn rainbow into an alicorn or if thats not possible y doesnt luna use a duplication spell? N make another copy of herself or give her powers to rainbow??
0 likesMaybe no night?
0 likesLet’s hope Freddy Krueger didn’t replace her
0 likesI'd think Discord tbh
0 likesthey really messed it up luna celestia ingrid cadance cosmos and galaxia are much better
0 likesWho walks in the dream wold in the human wold
0 likesIt's starlight it's easy I mean she's like so close to Luna I mean like yeah so it must be starving cuz she's a unicorn
0 likesSawtooth: rainbow dash
0 likesMane 6: Ohhh, whaaa?
maybe nightmare rarity
0 likesThey mane 6 are ruling equestria together but twilight took on celestias job and rainbow dash dibbed it so maybe her.
0 likes3:35 Dream Team
0 likesLuna best princess.
0 likesi mean like it can be spike becuse dragons are strong , legend say dragon are umm popular
0 likeswait season 9? there is a season 9? and if there is why isn´t it in german netflix?
0 likesDiscord and star scroll open then door together cuz its hard for only star scroll to do it
0 likesI think starlight
0 likesfluttershy , rainbow dash , starlight , and the pony in the dream. good idea? flutter shy calms the pony rainbow beets the monster and starlight brengs them there! the pony cold fight back! but we will find that out soon. :( Or rip mlp.
0 likesMaybe rarity or starlight could open the protals and fluttershy could be emotional support and rainbow dash could fight the nightmares. Boom tem done
0 likesStarlight or sunset shimmer
0 likesOr it could be starlight glimmer her name is star like Lemmer late bloomer so hi so it could be her
0 likesIf Luna retired rainbow would be a good example but if big butt Twilight
0 likesdo you realeyes that when luna was in starlight drem chrysalis can chacher luna how?
0 likesRainbow Dash- Duh!
1 likeWait how did they become alicorns my sis said "flurryheart was born an alicorn"but me I said"luna said this is something we never seen before"soooooooo make a video about that
0 likesFlurry is next night princessie UwU
0 likesHey I think that more than one pony will take a Luna job I think it’s going to be Rainbow Dash flutter shy and pinkie pie threes and why is that those are the most good candidates I can tell you it but I’m probably not because this is already really long
0 likesI think i prefer princess luna & princess celestia will do them all they are not going to retire
0 likeshow about discord? whats going to happen to him?
0 likes...and it's Rainbow Dash!
0 likesoh, but i thought it was Derpy....
When you said rainbow dash i thought you were gonna say derpy
0 likesDream team
0 likesDream team
0 likesWhen he showed rainbow dash I thought it was derpy
0 likesRarity oh wait where is he doesn't have wings and she already has a cutie mark remember mind
0 likesStarlight because about your idea about Starlight Glimmer going in Apple-blooms dream
0 likesI like how you answer this
0 likesI'v been thinking sunset is now ruler of day twilight is ruler of night me so funny!
0 likesIt’s prob starlight glimmer
0 likesI think discord or starlight
0 likesPossible dreamwalkers
0 likesStarlight
Replies (1)
Anf flurryheart
0 likesFlurry heart well help twilight
0 likesstarlight and rainbow?
0 likesI wish Luna and celestial never retired
0 likesYou will be replaced for luna
0 likesYa mean trotting in dreams? 😅😎😏🦄🐴
0 likesI think is starlight cuase noon luna is walking in dreams i think she stop replaced him
0 likesMy teory:
1 likeNightmare for you! nightmare for your mother! your father! your sister! your dog! your neighbor! nightmare for everybody in this shit!!!
I think mabey pinkie pie rarity apple jack raindbow dash and fluttershy would do the dream walking for example if there was a need for combat raindbow dashe or they would teach there elements like honesty kindness idk some thing like that
0 likesPlaying this playing bass RainbowDash
0 likesLuna will be replaced with sunset shimmer
0 likesPlot twist. Snowdrop becomes cannon and she is risen from the dead to do Lunas job (they
0 likesmaybe spike?
0 likesThis video is interesting than all videos
0 likesHow was doing her job when she was trap one the moon
0 likesSometimes I feel like under rainbowdash's main She has a horn a unicorn horn
0 likesReplies (2)
Unicorn nope alicorn cuz you can't hide wings and sue has some so maybe that's why she said this
0 likesRarity : being a alicorn princess is everyponys dream (or something like that)
Rainbow dash : maybe not everyponys
Maybe that's why its not her dream cuz she already is an alicorn
You might be like why rainbow dash why not anypony else well why is she the most tom-boyish you may also be like well apple jack is a tom-boy too well you can't hide wings so ya and apple jack has no wings but rainbow dash does you may also be like well how does that make rainbow dash so tom-boy well its cuz if she's to princess alicorny like then everypony will know and she doesn't want that
0 likesCan you pls stop saying "Dream Team" iTs gEttINg OvER mY hEaD!
0 likesThis can be flurry heart
0 likesmabe pinke pie will start dream walking
0 likesI was thinking about Minecraft when the said dream team-
0 likesNo mario and Luigi dream team references in the comments?
0 likesRainbow dash is walking in dreams
0 likesNight 1:rd's dream
0 likesIt is great.
0 likesDo you want Sapnap and GNF to join Rainbow Dash? Lol
0 likesDp you mind if I just- STARLIGHT
0 likesWhat about queen. Galaxia
0 likesMaybe ummm starlight?
0 likes#3 agreeable
1 likeRainbow dash could become an alacorn. (I'm 13 years old.)
1 likeStarlight,flutter shy,rainbow dash,discord and for the first few weeks,twlight
0 likesIt doesn’t show there’s a season 9.
0 likesMoondancer?
0 likeshaha funny dream team
0 likesrainbow and star?
0 likesOoooo did you say dream team like DREAM TEAM? I meant the mcyt dream team
0 likesYou sure there's a season 9 last time I look there is not one single season 9
1 likeAnd that episode was the last episode of 6th season
0 likesIdk, my last theory is T R A S H Y
0 likesSo I ain't sharing it
Just show it now?
0 likesLuna is the best of Qouns and kings, she wil never bee replaist
0 likesI like your video .
0 likesYo when you said dream team i thought dream smp
1 likeSunset shimmer can be princess of day and twilight can be princess of night
0 likesSo they are not making anymore seasons...?
0 likes2:30 I thinking spike will be it
0 likesSawtooth: Dream Team
1 likeme: hehhehehehehhehehehehheheheheheehhehe dream smp dream team
I love you Luna 😘😘😘😘😘
0 likesits DREAM TEAM foe me
0 likesPinkie pie can you see she crazy so it makes sense
0 likesEdit: pinkie open portals cuz she crazy flutter shy company to the scared pony and rainbow figh
Sawtooth tell me why season 9 is not coming 9 on Netflix
0 likeswhat about the relm the unicorns turn in to alicorns
0 likesYes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
0 likesYes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
0 likesYes, celestia and luna are not president of Equestria and they haven't crown anymore. But they still have their cuite marks and they can use their talents still. Sun and moon is not belong to Equestria, Celestia can raise the sun from another location of the world. And luna can raise the moon too. Luna still can walk in dreams from another location of the world. and other creatures dreaming too, not only ponies. they needs luna too.
0 likesMaybe flurryheart or cadance
0 likes*Me sees thumnail*
0 likesMe : good question...
thats what the point of the mas- *gets slapped
0 likesor her daughter
0 likesHere a nickname 4 twilight is twi twi
0 likeswhy is spike so buff
0 likesHow about trixie
0 likesmaybe sunset shimmer
0 likesHey people who got easily broken by any change like starlight can become a thread like starlight reform ed
0 likesOmg it I think with the fighting Mabye derpy and rainbow dash and with comforting I anostly think fluttershy could do that all by her self then star swirl Mabye teaching trixy
0 likesIt's the 4 muffiteers dream sapnap George and badboyhalo
0 likesgotta go speed
0 likesIs Sampoorna stop working in dreams or anything to the loose the tutor marks
0 likesReplies (1)
If some pony stops working in dreams or anything do they lose their cutie marks and sorry for my last message
0 likes2:18
0 likesPoor Discord..
Hi I love your video
0 likesWOW!
0 likesSonic car says gotta go speed
0 likesWhy human twilight not get wings in pony world
0 likesDid you know luna is moon in spanish
0 likesA new pony
0 likesYou have very good Hypothesis
0 likesYeah a dream team but who dream team
0 likesLuna said i see you in me starlight
0 likesYou are cool 😎 😎 👍 💘
1 likeseason 9 didn't even go out on the full episodes in friendship is magic wait I think u sawtooth waves are watching the friendship is magic season on google that explains everything I thought about you
0 likesflurry heart?
0 likesTwilight will sleep in noon
0 likesI could replase Luna
1 likeTo many spoilers for season 9 I can't watch it :(
0 likesCan you upload season 9?👉🏻👈🏻
I like it
0 likesno she wont plus the videos still going on will ruler shift and normal twilit
0 likesYou end the first one to a point Indiana!.? And why would he seems like he
0 likesStarlight glimmer
0 likesI like this
0 likesDREAM SMP
0 likesMaybe........ the cmc.
1 likeStarlight, rainbow dash, star swirl, and...
0 likesfreddy is coming for the ponies
0 likesSUNsetshimmer
0 likesSTARlight
You sayd DREAM TEAM AKA the dream SMP
1 like2:41 wai wai wai when did we see this
0 likesHaha
0 likesDream team go brrrr
I do my story and in my story its Reryty student of Luna she reis the moon And sun and she start dreem wolking shes a princes of sun and moon
0 likes4:no pony see nightmare
0 likesI me what if the unicorns / alacorns make rainbow dash be able to do magic just think about it
0 likesMaybe cadence
0 likesWhat is it spike?🧐
0 likesWho is racing the moon and sun
0 likesNo they are ruling silver showls
1 likestarlight glimmer
0 likes3:34 hehe dream team
0 likesI thi k starlight should do it
0 likesWhat is Celestial walked in dreams😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
0 likesYeah l know your right
0 likesi think it will be spike
0 likesRainbow dash she's walking in the dreams but i don't now
0 likesTwinkle sprinkle
0 likesRainbow dish
Flitter Florsheim
Pinkie pink
The Maine six
um luna have the power still so bruh you just ways your time
0 likesPlot twist: Spike takes over Luna's job
0 likesNo one could do it and I mean no one
0 likesYes it’s rainbowdash
1 likeThis a theory.
0 likesFlutershy yup definitely Fluttershy
0 likesStarlight star swirl sunset
0 likesYES
0 likesi wonder what you are ganna eat for lunch
0 likesThe dream team could be the ponies with the same cutie mark - ⏳
0 likesMoon dancer. Did u notice her cutie mark? She also good twilighr friend
0 likesReplies (1)
This is random but what if...
0 likesSombra and luna were secretly in love once then luna gave birth to moon dancer. Sombra was mad because luna cheated on him. He also was jealous that luna was ruler of equestria. He became evil. Used alicorn amulet to try taje lunas alicorn magic and he tried to kill moon dancer. Luna gave her child to a family to keep her safe. Sombra took over crystal empire and u know the rest. Twilight defeated him with her friends. Blahblah blah.
Too bad Luna isn't real because my dreams aren't really nice and a lot of them are nightmares now
0 likesReplies (1)
That's because she lives in Equestria
0 likesLuna and Kara 🏳️🌈💗💚💛💖🎀🎁🏅🥇🎖🏅❤️💜❣️🧡💞💓💙🔔💝💘💕💅🏻🦄🐰🐇🌺🌸💐🌷🌹🌻🌼🐚🎄🌙🌟✨⚡️🌈🍏🍌🍒🥝🥬🍎🍉🍑🍅🍞🍔🍕🍟🍐🍇🥭🍊🍓🍍🌽🥨🧀🥐🥕🥦🥥🍈🍋🍱🍭🎂🍦🍨🥉🥈🏵🥇🏆🎉🛍
0 likesStarlight
0 likesStarlight
0 likesStarlight
0 likesLol dream team
0 likestwilight likes learning and she is alcorn
0 likesДрим Тим…. Ага ага
0 likesyour the best
0 likesDream smp
0 likesLol gotta go speed SonicMcqueen
0 likesI think rainbow dash
0 likesMy theory is that starlight will take over for Luna. She has powerful magic, Has gone between realms, (to me time travel is going to an other dimension stuck in the past) can fight, and has an emotional side to her personality. She can put the right words together.
1 likei would think starlight glimmer would walk in dreams now. princess luna told starlight “i see a lot of me in you starlight glimmer” and starlight could fight their nightmares since she has super powerful magic. she could also give them advice since she is used to giving advice and she could tell them to stand up for themselves, like what she did for twilight. she’s really calming and sweet, so she could be walking on dreams now.
1 likeOne potential option could be a similar concept to the friendship map. The idea of magical items holding a significant amount of power has been shown multiple times in the show. Even if one individual or a small group starts off doing the job, a sudden event or fight could create a new magical item which is able to decide who needs to visit another character's dreams. (Maybe even a set of powerful ponies and/or creatures come together to create it.) I'm not really sure how they would know about being sure that they are being chosen or if they succeeded. (Glowing cutie mark has already been used by the map, so even if it's something similar, differentiating in some way prevents a certain amount of confusion.)
0 likesMost likely
1 likeFluttershy- emotion
Rainbow- hardcore
Starlight- opening to the dream world and the use of magic in the dream world
Even though I know she wasn’t and will never be in MLP:FIM it has been a dream of mine to have Sunset Shimmer take on the role of royalty in some way. I have always been a huge Sunset fan, ever since she was introduced in Equestria Girls, and she has grown so much. Of course, she does seem to be fitting quite well in the human world, as of now, but let’s keep in mind that in the Equestria Girls series/movies they are still only in high school. I would imagine that Sunset’s fondness of the human world would be a bit minimized once her friends and her began taking their own ways, we’ve seen before that Sunset does feel a strong connection to magic and in the past has become easily bored if there aren’t anything happening that is in someway linked to Equestria. I would imagine that it might very well be possible for her to return to Equestria and perhaps become an alicorn herself, perhaps helping Twilight out in the same way Luna did with Celestia. And she would still be able to go back every once in a while and meet up with her friends from the human world, in the same way that Twilight meets up with her friends that are now spread across Equestria.
0 likesI have a theory that it’s the Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Starlight, And a few other important Ponies. The Mane Six each go into a dream if it relates to their Element of Harmony while Twilight goes for friendship issues. The Crusaders go in when a Pony is unsure of their place in the world and help them figure out what it is. Starlight is sent in for self confidence issues with occasional help from Trixie and Sunburst. I’m thinking the task will work similarly to the Map.
0 likesI just stated your videos and I'm already wanting to binge them!
0 likesIs it wrong that i would totally see Luna giving the responsibility to the crusaders? Shes shown to be very close to them as fillys and their jobs in helping ponies discover who they are and their roles kinda strikes me as a great fit for dream walkers.
0 likeswe have seen rainbow being able to motivate people. i think back to hurricane fluttershy where you originally went into her usual motivational talk, but then changed her way of talking when realising she was motivating fluttershy. she (and AJ, could see them sharing the job too) also had a lesson in motivation in buckball season.
0 likesanother option may be: discord. crazy? perhaps, but hear me out:
could he do it? absolutely. there doesn't appear to be a limit on his power.
have the time? if there's one creature who won't need sleep it'd be discord. we've also seen him duplicate himself. they also claim he'd be using his magic for good, but we never see it, this may be where he's fully put to use.
would he want to? probably where most would say no. i'd say yes. what was his plan in season 9? to motivate twilight and help her trough her fears.
he may be crazy, but he also turned quite nice. and who better to deal with and make sense of the craziness that is dreams then the lord of chaos?
I think that Trixie would be a good candidate for dream walking , she already knows quite a bit of magic that she could use .
0 likesPeople may not like my idea, but what about that Dream creature? It could create nightmares. It stopped torturing Luna, so maybe it can help others with her job. It can go to different dreams already and wouldn't be busy. Plus, it's really good with changing dreams.
0 likesI think that starlight will be the one to help people in dreams! Its possible and most likely in my opinion, anyway thats my thought ;3
0 likesStarlight is the most trustworthy to do this job :)
2 likesI feel like so much stuff could have still been done in mlp it sucks that they ended it there where so many more possibilities
0 likesFantastic speculation as usual. Thanks for the video.
0 likesYou are 50 percent right. You are right that no 1 pony 🐴 can fully replace Luna but u should have said not any type of pony 🐴. Mabye Twilight will make a pony 🐴 an Alricorn and that could run the dream world. I think that Starlight would be the best pony 🐴 for this. She could make Sunburst👨🏻🏫 the head stallion of the Friendship School 🏫 and she could rule the dream world. Still, I think this dream team idea of yours is perfect.
0 likesI think the mane 5 would be the dream team.
0 likesRainbow- Going in the dream
Flutters- Also going in the dreams
Rarity- opening the dreams
Applejack- ???
Pinkie- Destroy all of time and space
I think starlight would be dream walking seen as oh when she had so much power to open up time portals
1 likeI see rainbow dash as a good candidate if you read the journal of the two sisters rainbow dash and Luna were almost identical when it came to personality and I can totally see it
0 likesI love the idea but you didn't go dar enough! After watching "My Past is not Today" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqnbYUG6Bn8 it occurs to me that Sunset shimmer might be the Right Hoof do Rainbow dash when it comes to dream walking. she might even be able to be the gatekeeper or alternate walker for dreams. We know she has enough darkness that she can bring to bear and she certainly has the drive and desire to help make dreams. So All she needs is a little magic. Like the aura that surrounded her at the end f the video. what if she were to transform into a nightmare and carry dreams with Rainbow Dash? It might take both of them. RD as guide and SS as carrier of dreams. Of course they could get the dreams from a well of dreams! It also might be interesting if it wasn't just nightmares but other kinds of dreams as well. I'm borrowing a bit of Xanth here I admit. But it is still a good fit. You could have an episode where they discover the need for dreams and learn about hte well of dreams and nightmares and a quest to find it to bind the dream team together. Finally an episode or two about learning to carry dreams and nightmares and work together in harmony to deliver the dreams and nightmares. It could be a whole graduate study at the academy to become a night mares and dream ponies!
0 likesI think Luna shodn't be replaced😐
1 likeShe do it the best 🌙🌙🌙🌌🌌🌉🌉🌃
She control the moon the most🌙👍
I know you want shining armour to be an alicorn so why not turn him into an alicorn and looks after the night.
1 likeI think Fluttershy and Rainbow would be a good dreamteam Combo
0 likesI think starlight glimmer would be able to dreamwalk herself
1 likeI really wanted her to turn into day breaker tbh lmao XD
1 likeMaybe its starlight because in one episode luna says ' i can see me in you' to satrlight or maybe it's spike if twilight is playing celestia's role then it must be spike playing luna's role
0 likesi think itd be discord, he volunteers to do it when twilight starts worrying, she has no other options so lets him go for it, and even though he doesn't do much, everyone jusf goes with it
0 likesMaybe the only thing she does from her old life is dream walking maybe she didn’t give dream walking up
1 likeI have another question who turns ponys into alicorns now? Because celestia is also retired so i pretty sure she wont be doing it anymore. Yes Twilight took over celestia's duties but does that mean Twilight transforms ponys into alicorns?
0 likesI say flurry heart, since her mom probably didn’t retire, she technically has nothing to do so.....She seems like a good candidate.
0 likesI think Rarity should take the job because there is a character who someone made up called nightmare rarity also because she is good at magic
0 likesI think it is starlight bc she's a great friend and helper and twilihgt gave her the pawer
1 likeMaybe luna’s daughter can do the dream walking
0 likesI think apart of the mane 6 could be the one who will be going in dreams cause flutter shy can comfort rainbow can fight
0 likesHi sawtooth waves I wanna talk about the one you said that celestia freed Luna actually I think it’s star swirl while he’s still real he does have stars and moons on he’s hat and clothes
1 likeReplies (1)
Thanks whoever liked my comment
0 likesWhy can I see Pinkie Pie going into others dreams I mean she has so much chaotic energy that the craziest dream would have no effect on her and she could find some Pinkie Pie way to solve it.
0 likesMaybe with a pony with kind of a darkness. Maybe a Changeling??
0 likesOk this is kind of funny but I just started watching like 2 hours ago and I just saw your character that’s a pony so I took a pick of flutter shy and changed the color of her skin and the cutey mark :3 /it’s going great 👍😎
0 likesMy idea might be a lost cause, but if you hear me out and decide if it's good or not, then that'd be great:
0 likesMaybe Cozy Glow can be the dream walker!
*Visable confusion from fellow reader*
I know, but just hear me out! If you haven't seen Sawtooth Waves' recent video 'Reforming Cozy Glow' then you should watch it first to understand my comment. If you have already watched it, then you know that she will be the leader of motovation. She can motovate herself to learn how to make portals to go into dreams. She has a lot of courage, she already worked with four villians, if you include Sombra. Cozy Glow is also pretty smart, she gave good reasons to work together with Crysilys And Tirek. If Cozy Glow stays an alicorn, then she will keep her wings, which will be perfect to use for the dream world. Because she will be the leader of Motovation, she can motovate the pony who is having the nightmare to get over their fears by showing the good side to them. Let's say that someone was having a nightmare about falling from a great height. Cozy Glow can save them with her wings or magic and show how good it is to be in the sky. even if the pony doesn't have wings, they will see that there's no need to be scared of heights when the sky is the limit! Cozy Glow can continue that route, and show pony's the opposite to their fears, just like when she thought her destiny was Manipulation. Sure, Rainbow Dash is pretty suited for the job, but again, she is a busy pony, and handles her life around her friends, being a wonderbolt, and daring doo. She might go mad if she doesn't get any sleep, like twilight, but because Cozy Glow doesn't have too much of a busy life because, there's not really much 'motovation' needed in Equestria when it's daytime, she can spend most of her time sleeping so she can wake up at night so she can do Luna's Job. Which is perfect! But what do you, fellow reader, think? I'd like to hear any other ideas in the replies!
Starlight. HELLO. Surely, she has the power to do this on her own. With a little help on the side so she can run the friendship school.
0 likesSpike should do it. He can walk in dreams and before twilight went to sleep she will put spike in with a spell and in the morning she will take spike out by 10AM
0 likeswalking in other people's dreams and be immortal must be awsome. i would reather be DISCORD tho
0 likesI don’t know what unicorn to open the realm but i think that flutter shy being the person to calm people and rainbow dash protecting them
1 likeLuna maybe replaced by discord since he has all magic cause he's made of all different animals Instead of a dream team
0 likesThis would be a good Spin off
1 likeMLP Dream Team:
1 likeVinyl Scratch - Unicorn Dj works at night
Flurry Heart - Alicorn has same powers as Luna
Octavia - Earth Pony beautiful music to help ponies sleep
Lyra - ERRR coluld give them a HAND!!!!!
She said some R&R this means she still will be helping in the dream room maybe and that’s a possibility of discord my help because he literally freaked cozy glow into your work from Tartarus and Fried let me Telya king Sombra and also to chrysalis and he literally opened up another room to almost put some pony in jeopardy in the main six can handle it and if it’s to have a control Louis can come over timer for a few minutes to put it in control in the main six his control will not twilight she’ll be asleep but basically the other ponies in the main six will take over the control then and then she can go back to her R&R
0 likesLuna: At night we see all. We... never wanted to see THAT
0 likesFlurry Heart should walk in dreams... BUT until Flurry Heart grows up it should be Pinkie
0 likesThey said they where retiring from their princess duties but they still do their jobs
0 likeswhat do you think about sunset? when she will get out from another world? maybe she cold help twilight with celestia's work?
0 likesSo you said no living being can fully replace Luna..... Hmm what about you actually in charge the MOON to walk in dreams
0 likesStarlight glimmer should be a ailcorn
1 likeIts sad that celestia and luna are gonna be retired :(( i will miss them
0 likesI thought their gonna retire but still doing their duty. Idk what episode it was but I'm sure they retire being the ruler. Not being princesses.
0 likesWhat I saw though.
I think the team should have Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Starswirl
0 likesI was thinking about starlight... I did see the song you placed on youtube, seriously, she will be the right pony to help... And I'm not joking because Starlight will be very good at this... And don't forget how the road looked in the dream realm, it is just like her cutie mark and I think that is why her magic is too powerful to even twilight...It is equal to Starswirl the bearded...... And I wanna know what you think......
0 likeshas nobody suggested pinkie pie walking in dreams? she already knows about the fourth wall and time travel, i’m sure she’d know some way to enter everyone’s dreams
2 likesI was thinking as well who would walk the dreams
0 likesI think Luna is definitely be replaced by some unicorn
0 likesHi! I watched mlp for the first time in like 5 years and i realized that luna and celestia have another sibling! You might ask why i think that well do you remember in season 1 where all the ponys wanted the ticket to the grand galoping gala rarity said that she wanted to marry THE NEPHEW OF CELESTIA that means they have to have a sibling!!!!!!
0 likesI think king sombra and princess Luna's daughter will replace Luna and I thing she will be close to flurry heart as she is the princess of light I think Luna's daughter will be the princess of dark
0 likesOmg ok so I think Luna will get replace and I’m really think of starlight she might be the person who like open portals or she can be the person who do everything not sure
0 likesShe hasn’t even taken over the moon and sun rising job because at the end of the last episode of mlp the sunsets but twilight Horn isn’t even glowing
0 likesLife is good at silvershoals, although my sister does eat all the cake no matter how many times I tell her.. I like your theory grey pony!
0 likesRainbow lithing dust if she does any good by now & ember:fithing nightmares team
0 likesThorax pinkie:calming down pony's team
Star sirwl mis mane:teloporting dreams team!
I think Twilight will replace Candace (Forget about flurry),Starlight will replace Luna and Sunset will replace Celastia
0 likesEdit: WAIT!!!!!
I want a movie with the above topic
How many of you are watching this after Season 9😅😅😭😭
Edit 2: *Types comment before watching*😶😶
maybe discord could dream walk?
0 likesLuna is the QUEEN OF THE MOON!!!!!
0 likesAnother Good idea for a movie!
0 likesWhos taking in dreams now
0 likesMy answer is still luna she retired to let twilight to take her place but still a princess and taking in dreams
how about spike or starlight or flurry heart or cadance or shinning armor
1 likeImagine if discord became the dream walker
0 likesI think that Starlight replace Luna.
0 likesThe sonic car picture thing
2 likesIs kinda cursed and kinda blessed .—.
yes i watch spoilers instead of watching the actual show
0 likesSawtooth no one can fully replace Luna human that can turn into a alicorn and that is the most powerful being that ever exsisted opens a portal and appears in sawtooths room and says are u sure about that sawtooth ;)
0 likesFor the teams I think star swirl rainbow dash and flutter shy
0 likesStar swirl and flutter shy also rainbow dash could be the dream team Fluttershy is amazing at giving advice starswirlhad experience on demention stuff and rainbow dash is brave and knows how to fight
0 likesWho is gonna replace twilight in the future?
0 likes3:58 OMG smooth transition i never saw before cool
0 likesI actually thought rainbow dash first and discord second so I was half right but yes I totally see rainbow dash doing this
0 likesI bet Star Swirl will teach Rarity because Rarity became Nightmare Rarity in the book series Facts
0 likesThe legend is still alive
0 likesIf twilight sparkle has a twin sister she would be the one who watching everyone’s dreams at night and hangout with sunset shimmers friends at canterlot high.!
0 likesI would think sunburst would do it lol also make a video about what happened to sunset shimmer after
0 likesI imagion it being the pillars
0 likesNo lunar still will bc its her cutie mark soooooo it's only her Mabye tho
1 likeWho walks in Luna's dream
0 likesDream walking..how about starlight glimmer?
0 likesI think Luna has kids who dream walk
0 likesDashie going to replace me for soarin
0 likesFlurry heart could do it
0 likesMaybe cilastya and luna's parents control the stars😮
0 likesalternate luna tought thestrals no magic stick on heads to do dream walk
0 likesI am suggesting the Mane 5.
0 likes3:34
1 likeSomeone say DREAM TEAM? :D
0 likesPlease do more videos about star swirl
0 likesmaybe starlight or spike
1 likeGreat Thinking i wouldve never thought of that
0 likesIf rainbow was in the dream world how would people know how to get her out so then she will never be able to go out again
0 likesShe said a little r&r not no more dream walking
1 likeI think the cutie mark crusaders would be the next dreamwalkers.🤔🤔🤔🤔
0 likesI could voice Luna in my little pony
0 likesI know this sounds like WWWAAAAAAAAAYYYYY far fetched but hear me out:
2 likesluna has a child!!!!
it's not like an alicorn hasn't gotten married before plus it does seem like Flurry Heart will take over Cadences job when she retires. Annnnnd like Twilight, I am sure they had a love interest in the past but were too busy to pursue them due to the fact they would probably outlive them and their duties as princess. (i would have totally loved an episode where Cadence tried to find Celestia and Luna 'Somepony to love') now that they are retired they might do so.
BUUUUUT. if @Sawtooth Waves theory were to be true luna's child may be somehow connected to the moon without being connected to dreams. or her cutie mark could be found on something completely different like with pinkie and her family.
there could be some sort of order of the moon that is put together so that dream walking could be passed through the generations. it is kind of like @Sawtooth Waves theory above except there might be a sort of training camp founded by Luna over the years to pass dream walking through the ages. it could pass down Luna's legacy and keep the dreams safe.
dream team rainbow dash/nightmare fighter fluttershy/conferter lyra/rift opener
1 likeI have a theory myself.... Rainbow dash is like twilights sidekick-
0 likesI am not kidding
Heres why :
1. She made the rainboom and the one who reunited the mane six
2. I feel like its kinda strange that rainbow dash gets called last i mean if its normal idk
And yea thats it ;-;
Sawtooth: sun and moon
0 likesMe: salgeo and lunala
How about flutter shy if she learns to not be so shy and discourd could help her
0 likesWhat about the cutie mark crusaders
0 likesOne unicorn,One earth pony,One pegasus
Unicorn opens dream world earth pony goes into the dream realm and pegasus encourages unicorn
i think star swirl or twilight replaces
0 likeswho's cutie mark aka destiny to dream walking duh
1 likeOr starlight
1 likeWhat about sunset I know she's probably staying in the human world but what about human sunset coming to stay in the pony world forever so there's not 2 sunsets in on world
0 likes3:54 oh you should video on him, like is he going to live forever . witch that look like the case. and how he and his friend made pass a thousand years. 4:30 too
0 likesI think twilight would turn starlight into an alicorn and starlight will take over the nighttime
0 likesReplies (1)
Twighlight can’t turn starlight into an alicorn starlight has to do something princess worthy. Just like all the others (not including flurry)
0 likesOne look at the thumbnail or something Me: Wait what? Looks at title Me: Good point....
0 likesYay rainbow dash she even called dibs on doing it!
1 likeWhere do you watch it cause Netflix doesn’t have does :(
1 likeWell how about spike?
0 likesmy mary sue oc i made when i was 10: my time has come
0 likesNo rainbow dash cuz one she cant take care of that starlight has some problems plus starlight isnt the ruler team like ranbow tiwilight and more so i think rainow dash is bettter
0 likesMaybe starlight
0 likesI would say flurry heart
0 likesWhat about Starlight or sunset shimmer?!
0 likesWell done YouTube preview thing. You spoiled the season. Not blaming the person who made this, I'm blaming YouTube.
0 likesI think Luna 's daghter will be replace
0 likesI hv an amazing video idea how about you make who raise the sun video now it’s twilight but she use a machine with celestial and Luna power the machine is fail at lotta little things episode and than so celestial fix the machine at summer sun setback episode and twilight rises the sun easily in the part two or one celestial gives the machine to twilight
0 likesI think its gonna be the rest of the name six rairity opens the portal raindbow dash will will fight pinkie will get out her party canon apple jack will fart apples and flutter shy will comfert
0 likesIf twilight is the princess of friendship then she cant she be like three princess at once so then the next ruler of the night is starlight since it like in her name star - light and luna , so then sunset shimmer will be the ruler of the sun bc of her name and ya OwO im smart
1 likeReplies (1)
I don’t think that names matter all that much haha
0 likesSeason 9 isn’t out on netflix for Me yet :((((
0 likesFanfic writers TO YOU'RE TABLES
0 likesMaybe sunset shimmer can replace celestial and twilight replace Luna 😂
0 likesReplies (1)
Or maybe starlight
0 likesI can think its sunset or twily daughter
1 likeMoon dancer?
0 likesIn the future, Starswirl is ded tho. He old
0 likesI thought you were going to say some pony different but its rainbow dash
0 likesMlp: dream team, Minecraft manhunt
0 likesWait a darn minute when did season 9 come out
0 likesSome other videos I watch I saw twilights friends and they are alacorn
0 likesRainbow dash should do it she's the best
1 likewell i been thinking sunset shimmer well come back to equestria and take job of the sun and forgivess, and starlight well take the job of the moon and peace , so that just leaves twilight the ruler of equestrian she well need help went the main 5 die off old age so these are my quesss
0 likesDashie won't spend time with me
0 likesHey... the egs are prolly graduating soon, meaning..........
0 likesStarlight and sunset dream team? OwO
sees title
0 likesuh, oh yeah. (Help my hand is sleeping :d)
Flash magenis and star swirl
0 likesSTAR swirl MOON dancer and STAR LIGHT
0 likesWhat about the shit show they turned mlp into? Like bring back the old show and keep going with it.... What's wrong with showing twilight and her gang being the new rulers? And seeing the new roles for everyone like wtf???!! It was an actual decent show and now... They went and made it trash 😱😱😰😰😞😞☹☹😖😖😭😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😡
0 likesWait a minute... I though rainbow dash was a boi-
0 likesThere is no season nine on Netflix
0 likesOop Star swirl I forgot about that for a sec
0 likesWait did I hear season 9?
0 likesI did not see season 9 cause it was not on. Netflix
1 like1:34 spike or one of other girls or discord my guess
0 likesSpock cud be dreem wucking
1 likeMoOn dAnCer?
0 likesI know were luna and celestia live for your other video they live in silver shoals
0 likesI nOMinATE sTArLIgHT
0 likesLuna vale stia shining armor caitence retiring
0 likesThe thing is that I live in Uae and patron doesn’t work here
0 likesStarlight
0 likesRainbow Dash is evil
0 likesStarlight?
0 likesReplies (1)
Or maybe in the future, Lunas child?
0 likesHmmm i...dont...think...so...
0 likesI think starlight to
0 likesand i like your 2 music
0 likesvideo's
I haven’t seen one of your videos in years
0 likesI think maybe rairty help rainbow dash to go to every pony dream maybe rairty do has big migic
0 likesI g o t t a g o s p e e d
0 likesReplies (1)
Also dream team is a actual team lol
0 likesStar world he is better he has a lot of magic
0 likesStar lite glimmer
0 likesIn Twilight Sparkle coronation Princess Luna and princess Celestia join the crowds together so princess Twilight Sparkle could maybe the dreamworld plan of person that diamond crazy that she always does without sleeping I never know what that we could do she's the magical ok and this is a person on comment sorry if I rayt rong 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
0 likesU said: that luna and celestia hair flod bicuse they are from a nother plase but twilight and kadenc hair do not flode bc there from ponyvile but why wen twilight grow up her hair start to flode too and what happen ????
1 likeI think Rainbowdash
0 likesWow
1 likeI agree
0 likesLuna is replaced. With moon dancer see her name and cutie mark
0 likesReplies (1)
In a way moon dancer read many books like going into dream realm ?!
0 likesi think pinkie pie is the ancser becuse pinkie is ...... well forget it . The ancser is Rainbow Dash.
0 likesWhy can't I watch season 9????????? Plz answer me
0 likesI think dat de drem team sina good idea
0 likesLuna plss don't leave
0 likesAll of ponyvil
0 likesWhat is dips?
0 likesI mean hown good would she be shes not so comforting as people think and soesnt really think about what people are afraid of
0 likesSunset Shimmer
0 likesDon't think about it
0 likesi hate making TEAMS
0 likesUm hello what about starlight
0 likesCuz flurryheart I the merch and light princess nope, starswirl is the one to teach, only starlight
0 likesDo you think Spike lothers sunset shimmer
0 likesSatan is :)
0 likesWow
0 likesI know it’s one year later but it could me starlight glimmer to?
0 likesReplies (1)
You know cuz she is her tutor
0 likesOmg wow
0 likesMe too
0 likesPrincess Luna daughter will do it 😐😒😑
0 likesPersonally, I think it would be the CMCs, because if they can help with cutie marks, why not dream problems? Also, when they grow up, although they would work in the friendship school, the three of them would be able to do all the work(of dream walking) even though they need to work in the school, and perhaps they could use an amulet similar to the one twilight uses to raise the sun and moon, but for dream walking. Finally, these 3 ponies are the only ones that appear in an episode together in a shared dream with princess luna guiding them(with their cutie marks), so it would be nice if they are now guiding ponies in their dreams(during this time they could also help ponies with their cutie marks in their dreams!). This would be a lot like twilight being celestia's pupil and now luster dawn is twilights pupil, so I think there are parallels here, just like equestria needs both sun and moon in harmony to work and they are connected.( I'm not counting the shared dream of all of ponyville cause that doesn't count, but correct me if I am wrong if there are more episodes with shared dreams that don't include the mane six 😁.)( also I just realised, that sweetie belle would be able to use the magic amulet (hypothetical) since she is a unicorn, so this would work! Also since the CMCs are a unicorn, pegasus and earth pony, when they work together it would be a lot like alicorn magic, like Luna is an alicorn, and they would meet up at the end of the night or take shifts so they dont get too tired. This is just a theory tho but I personally think it would work!)
2 likesHey Sawtooth! Love your channel and theories. This video made me think about something and I would like your opinion on the matter. What about the dreams of other creatures? We do know they dream, but does Luna walk in their dreams too? Because other than Spike being in the shared dream, I don't think we've seen any proof that she does. And if she didn't would the pony/ponies/creatures who do it now, do it differently due to the increased interactions between ponies and other creatures?
0 likesI think this job can be handled by sunset shimmer or starlight glimmer.
1 likeFirst, they are both unicorns so they can be taught by Starswirl to open magical doors to ponies dreams.
Then when you think of sunset's name, the word sunset means the sun going down, making way for the moon.
I believe Discord is more than capable of dream walking. and he has always know just how to test ponies and make them face their fear. Doing it in dreams would be less dangerous and he always wants to be included. I can see how people would disagree, but in my mind it makes sense.
0 likesI personally think that Luster Dawn will take over. That would be a perfect fall to practicing friendship. Besides, Luster is a number 1 magic school student. I also think it could also be Star Swirl since he’s a powerful wizard.
0 likesIf you go through the comments of your other previous vids like this, hear me out. Maybe because the magic of Celectia and Luna is in Twilight now, half of Twilight's powers work in the dreamworld, so she might be sleeping at the same time dreamwalking
0 likeswait I know something!
0 likesIf any of you watched Dr.Strange, there ARE astral forms. And Luna in those dreams, looks like she's a ghost basically. That could be just what she looks like in dreams, but what if Twilight could become an "astral form?" can she do the same?
Ok so here’s my idea for the dream team. Starswirl for casting the actual spell. Rainbow dash for handling the physical conflict. Silverstream and/or occelus for the emotional conflict. One other random pony if either a dream gets too hard to handle or another pony is having another nightmare and nether can wait. Also sorry for not doing bullet lines, I physically don’t have that button
0 likesI guess when Luna were in the moon for 1000 years, no one looked dreams.... so that can mean that there doesn't have to be anyone who will look out for them. But one I think would be possible in that work, would be starlight glimmer!
0 likesI was thinking it would be starlight and in another video you said that she would most likely become an alicorn so it's a perfect fit not to mention all of the personality aspects that she has that are perfect for the job.
0 likesOr maybe the next dreamwalker could be one or the 6 students connected to the tree of harmony.
0 likesIt might not make sense at first but hear me out: Since they are most likely to be the next generation harmony elements then that means that maybe they will play an important part in the future of the "new Equestria". So, with that in mind i think it would make sense if one of them was a dreamwalker (despite the fact that they don't have the magic of a unicorn)
We are more than grateful for every dream, that you walk through.
0 likesRAINBOW
You look after us but
princess, someone's gotta look after you too.honestly i thought it'll be starlight glimmer, she s super powerful and i bet she can learn dream walking, we ve seen her being supportive to other ponies, she has a dark past but she learnt from her mistakes, so she can learn other ponies too.. (just my opinion)
0 likesThis is probably really far-fetched, more so the idea I have in mind and not the character, but i think Starlight would be perfect... and Starlight... as an alicorn. She would step down from her role as headmare. (Sadly), but Sunburst would take over as headstallion. Then they’d need a new Vice Headpony! (This is probably an odd idea but hear me out). The replacement would be Moondancer. I can see her taking it seriously, plus Twilight could help convince her if she’s not up for it. I see her and Sunburst being a good working pair in that situation! So yeah! Princess Starlight would live full time in Twilight’s old castle and would constantly being dreamwalking. Essentially being one pony taking on that job. Moondancer is new Vice Headmare. Sunburst is promoted to Headstallion.
0 likesBut! Dream team is a good idea, but I personally like the idea of an Alicorn Starlight doing it on her own! Maybe she could establish the dream team once she gets tired of doing it alone! Who knows lol
i think luna might still walk in dreams but with a dream team as she would get help and luna would be well replaced by well luna , and the dream team so the problem might be quite little
0 likesAnother question is who did that while Luna was in/on the moon? Like Celestia certainly acted like she had no idea how to handle dream walking or nightmares, so who was doing it for 1000 years?
0 likesI think the dream team will be starsworld (to open dreams), rainbow (for physics) and fluttershy (for emotional) because starsworld we know nothing about in the future, rainbow is tied then though she was not before and same with flutter shy
0 likesI think that the most likely candidates are the most obvious... the six elements of harmony or the ponies who represent them. Say the current six have that job once Luna steps down and then if or when they can't do that job because of their jobs. The next "dream team" would the six (inter race) students. If there are more generation of these groups of friends then you have a job being passed on from generation to generation.
0 likesPlease let me know what you think if you like or understand my jumble of a mini theory.
sounds like the deam team storys would make a great fanfic :)
0 likesThe dream team:
0 likesStarswirl+twilight - open dimension.
All - walk in.
Rainbowdash - comfort.
All fight fear
Starlight cuz she's good at giving advice and she's good at magic which means she can travel in the dream realm
0 likesEdit: but if she goes into the dream realm she would be too tired to run the school of friendship
Good thing she has Trixie and Sunburst :)
I LOVE the dream team idea
1 likeI know I’m Kinda late to the video, but I think a scenario that might happen with rainbow is that her and the pony are both scared of the thing in the dream and they have to over come the fear together!
0 likesI think Discord and Fluttershy are the perfect team to for dream walking.
0 likesI think a Dream Team could help! And these are the people who I think could help if there was a Dream Team:
0 likesSome sort of already powerful unicorn. Maybe Rarity or Trixie? - Starswirl could teach them amazing magic in order to get the rest of the Dream Team into the dream world.
Rainbow Dash - Basically what Sawtooth Waves said. Rainbow Dash would protect the ponies while the other members of the Dream Team do their thing.
Pinkie Pie and/or Fluttershy - Pinkie Pie can entertain ponies and show them not to be scared. Fluttershy can also comfort them.
Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it... Could Discord go into the Dreams? Although he's kind of frightening, he has incredible magic. Discord could also make nightmares into happy dreams with just a snap. Also, if needed, he could bring Fluttershy with him so he'll make sure to control himself and not go overboard.
Assuming twilight would walk in dreams too is surface level I think. Shes a princess of a new era. She would do things her own way.
0 likesi think dash is keepable of dream walking, but i don't think she needs a team, because she can use a amulet like twilight did.
0 likesHey Sawthoot can you make a vid on explaining Luna’s cutie mark. In the episode in which her cutie mark was removed when she gave her magic to Twillight a black mark on her flank was left but in the episode, Royal problems when starlight switched her cutie mark with Celestia the black mark wasn’t there
0 likesStarlight will probably open the dream world I mean she was able to edit a time travel spell to go years back in time then maybe rainbow, apple jack and fluttershy helping the pony's fluttershy for emotional support and the other 2 for fighting the dreams
1 likeI think a pony can still use magic without a horn if the pony HAS magic inside them
0 likessawtooth wave hi i have something id like to be seen touched upon celestia had never run the dream realm before she did not know what to do luna pointed out that if you do nothing it can have a great impact on someones mind yes it seems everything went well during those 1000 years but what do you think happened to the ponies who did not get dream help as well as in nightmare moons reality from the multiple realities does she still help with nightmares or does she cause them to keep ponies under her control. sorry this is a long one but ive been thinking about this for years
1 likeI don't think that this "Dream Team" will be running the dream world. I think it would be one pony. But it's not Rainbow Dash, not Luna, nor Twilight. I think it will be...
0 likesdrumroll
STARLIGHT GLIMMER. Just think about it for a moment. Doesn't it all come together?
I know who to put in the dream team rainbow dash:physical, starlight:emotional, starswerld:magic thorax's brother: the one who finds a place for starlight to talk to the pony
1 likeI wish that Luna kept her job because she really didn't spend alot of time ruling new Equestria
0 likesWow, what if the rest of the main six (not Twilight) became the dream team
0 likesLuna might be replaced by rarity and rainbow who can handle physical therapy and rarity can handle the emotional fear
0 likeswell are you sure rainbow dash? does she know EVERYONE IN EQUESTRIA? doesnt she only know everyone in PONYVILLE?
1 likeand does she know what there thinking?
but who would be in the dream team? yeah, your right, starlight WOULD be useful, but umm... does she really have THAT much experience?!?
Maybe Starlight glimmer can be a replacement for Luna.she is a powerful unicorn.
0 likesTbh I think starlight will be the one taking over the dreams.
0 likesWait a minute!!! I thought you said in one of your previous videos that Luna did walk in dreams before returning from the moon!
0 likesWhat about starlight after retiring from head teacher and possibly passing it on to one of the student six she could be the one walking through dreams I mean she is powerful enough to do it or even sunburst
0 likesI picture starlight opening the portals to dreams to help rainbow, maybe!
0 likesIf i was in mlp i would wanna be in the dream team it seems so cool
0 likesCelestia and Luna only stepped down from the thrown and gave their position to Twilight. They are still responsible for the Sun and Moon and Dreams.
0 likesWell I would imagine that fluttershy and rainbow could work together, because rainbow can fight off the nightmares, but fluttershy is better with the emotional part. For example, The My Little Pony movie
0 likesOkay hear me out, but what if Sunset Shimmer did it (I know it won’t happen, even though I’ll like it) I mean, she has experience with portals and is an unicorn with powerful magic abilities, she could learn from Luna and Starswirl a spell to open realms. She’s also one of Twilight’s best friends, she really trusts her. So with the mane 6 and Starlight bussy with their jobs, Sunset could be the one dream walking, maybe not every night (because of the fact that she has a formed life in the human world) but often and help ponies with their nightmares. She also has the ability of reading minds and knowing how others feel and she’s good hearing and understanding others problems and fears. The only problem is that her superpower only works in the other dimension. BUT what if that superpower, as time passes, became part of Sunset completely, so she could also use it in her pony form. Wouldn’t it be cool? Nobody...? Just me? Ok. :(
0 likesI think twilight was supposed to do both from the begginning of the show, her name is literally twilight, the between of night and day
0 likesI wonder who dreamwalked when Luna was locked up in the moon
0 likesI don't think Rainbow Dash is a good idea. The reason for this is because luna was an alicorn that could live forever but Rainbow Dash is not. She will die of old age and then who will walk in dreams.
1 likei think discord would be a good one. i mean look at it...
0 likesdreams are a chaotic mishmash of our memory's and deepest thoughts, and no one knows chaos better then discord
This theory is AwSoMe!I understand now who will replace luna
0 likesI don't think rainbow dash because dream walking is not just fighting
2 likesI hope Luna do the job by herself 😂😂
Yes starlight is perfect for my dream walking job
0 likesWhen Brony Notio— erm, ahem, I mean SAWTOOTH... 😑, brought up Twilight dreamwalking, I placed my bets in and was instantly like “it’s STARlight or SUNSET, isn’t it? Another of his theories came true!: humanoid-Sunset came to Equestria! Bow down before her.. well, no, but these names are starting to shift logically, now..”
0 likesStar swirl,rainbow and fluttershy will take over the dream realm star swirl will open the portal to the dream rainbow will perfect the pony in that dream and fluttershy will comfort the pony who is having the dream and I love you'r channel
2 likesi was thinking maybe cadence but i’m not really sure cause she has to take care of flurry heart
1 likeI think starlight would take on this job but I’m not sure
0 likesShe could use her sonic rainbow boom because that’s by magic so he could use it and go to the dream world 🌍
0 likesStarlight be like:Am I a joke To You?
1 likeI think Starlight could be the moon person...maybe.
0 likesLuna is awesome but HER CUTIE MARK.
0 likesI like her cutie mark when she gave her power the black of it stayed on her but when it was swapped with Celestia the black went with the moon.
And I think you should start a series about it and other theorys to
2 likesI think Rarity and Rainbowdash will be the dream team
1 likeIf discord worked wyth rainbow dash that would make for some busy, intresting dreams. And he wouldnt feel useless and get bored so he wouldnt rly cause much trouble.
1 likeWait so if they left then who will talk in dreams?
0 likesI feel like sun set will come back though the portal or starlight glimmer would maybe even spike
0 likesnow his song ,who walks in your dream , makes more sense
0 likesRainbow dash could fight flutter shy could comfort and twilight could open the realms
0 likesI think the whole retirement thing is kinda weird they’re princesses shouldn’t they had gone upper in the royal food chain or sum? And what’s the pony life span normal ponies seem to die like humans do but not Celestia and Luna also if the main six rule “together” what’s gonna happen when they pass away and twilight is left alone to rule or maybe she’ll make new princesses like celestia did
0 likesI thought it starlight would’ve been walking in dreams now, or ar least played a part by opening the realms bc shes a very magically strong unicorn, but who e,se but RAINBOW DASH??
0 likesWhat about Prince blueblood? Celestias nephew? (It has been theory that he's luna son so, there's always that)
0 likesMaybe sunset could be a alicorn and dreamwalk
0 likesi think starlight will become an alicorn and rule the dream world
0 likesWe need more seasons ;w;
0 likesThis is my theory I think that sunset shimmer will run the sun and twilight sparkle will rise the moon :>
1 likeBut who walked Luna’s dreams before
0 likesStarlight Glimmer can dream walk full time
0 likesI think Luna will still walk in dream
0 likesWhat if Starlight Glimmer took over Luna job?
1 likeI think it would be starlight
0 likesIf an alicorn took celestia’s spot the an alicorn must have took luna’s spot
0 likesStarlight because she's most likely to become a princess 🦄
0 likesme being a rainbow dash fan i would love to see her walk in dreams
1 likeluna still as she is the only one who can enter the dream realm. I agree with one of the other comments is t more personal than a job, idk why but my headcannon is that after retirement luna gets bored... as celestia got wayyyy more time ruling over 1000 years! so I think luna would probably get mad and turn into nightmare moon again and go against twilight. that's just my headcannon.
0 likesMaybe spike could do it? He is ruling alongside twilight like Luna with celestia soo
0 likesYes Luna will be replaced but I think she will be replaced by spike because Luna is the helper to celestia and spike is the helper to twilight.
0 likes0:37 luna protects ponies from nightmares
0 likes4:28 she broke the 4th wall
1 likeHonestly. I think that Rainbow Dash and Rarity will take over Luna’s job idk
0 likesMaybe the original human sunset will come through the portal and take on dreamwalking or pony sunset will come back to equestria ( by the way I have not seen season 9 so I do not know what happens )
0 likesI think rainbow dash should take lunas job. She is the best choice and if it weren't for rainbow dashes sonic rainboom, none of the other mane 6 would get they're cutie Mark's (including twilight)
0 likesStarlight could be luna
0 likesI recon it will be some kind of offspring from celestia or Luna who does the dream relem
0 likesStarlight glimmer is the one that controls the Stars
0 likesI am more than happy to have rainbow dash dreamwalking
0 likesI think it is a dream team.
0 likesStarlight maybe? Or maybe sunset shows back up?
0 likesDo a video why all alicorns are princesses 👸
0 likesWhat if star swirl can bring back Queen galaxia and king cosmos and make a team comform in star swirl and the king and the queen to walk in dreams
0 likesLauren Faust is probably taking notes for season 10
0 likesI thought it would be the one twilight is
0 likesteaching
0 likesStarlight her name only says to rule dreams
0 likesMaybe luna would be replaced by a new alicorn
0 likes2:26 I thought it might be a plot twis and u were gonna say starlight glimmer might also twilight , starlight and shining are the only unicorns and Ali corn with two names not including rainbow dashe’s family or zephyr
0 likesPlease warn spoilers! I don't have access to the episodes due to it not being on Netflix!!
0 likesSnowdrop will be walking in dreams
0 likesIn season 4 finale didn't the princeses give twiligth all thier magic
0 likesI have a feeling it would by starlight glimmer I mean if she could take ponies cutie marks a play the act that she wanted to help I have a feeling she would by go a dream walking
0 likesCan anyone tell me how and where I can watch all 9 seasons of My Little Pony?
1 likeLunar hasn't retired she is evolved
0 likesI think it might replace by starlight glimmer.
0 likesReplies (1)
Starlight glimmer has potential on great magics along with sunburst. If were a team i would think it would be starlight, rainbow dash and maybe sunburst with others?
0 likesWait..didn’t rainbow dash call dibs on seeing people’s dreams?
0 likesTwilight sparkle is walking into dreams now because princess Luna and celestia turned In their crown together and gave it to twilight sparkle which means she has the control of the day and night
0 likesI think flutter shy well be dream walking cause of her kindness it could confuturent the ponys of a equastra and I also think discord well help flutter shy to get in the dream world.
0 likesWhere do you watch these episodes can you make an episode when you can read the fan mail
0 likesI think she will get placed
0 likesWho's walking in dreams now?Leonardo DiCaprio,Joseph Gordon-Levitt,Ellen Page and Tom Hardy i guess
0 likesStarswirl is perfect
0 likesI think twilight is doing it cause she may be sleeping and then while shes sleeping she can go to everponies dream so yea
0 likesNooooooooo my precious Luna is gone 😭😭😭😢😢🥺😢😭
0 likesU know I think rainbowdash is hidding something from us she's more of a alicorn attitude if u ask me
0 likesI think starlight glimmer !
0 likesMy first thought was starlight glimmer
0 likesI see rainbow dash pinkie pie and rareity running dream team I think they would be great
0 likesNo way she will be replaset no pony is that strong to take her job!
0 likesI think they need to sniff some dogs out of the way that would be helpful.
1 likeI don't really like new name of your chanle but you can keep it, I'm sure other people have different opinions but that's just my opinion
0 likesWhat if twilight turns rainbow into a allicorn
0 likesNaaa i think starlight should do the moon
0 likesIm walking in dreams. See you there
0 likesWhat if..
0 likesMy Theory:
What if Luna died and she will be born again but she miht be like Flurry like shenwas born as a Alicorn and Celestia she may die with her sister too but what if both of them was born as a alicorn at the same time and what if starlight is the princess of stars and there is a possibility where Starlight is like Twilight and well here is another theory
Theory about the changeling's:
While Throax is still alive there is a chance when he will die from villans a sickness or anything
So who will be the King of- wait king.. queen.. KING QUEEN WAIT THEY ARE MISSING A QUEEN okay here Sawtooth Waves can you make a theory of changeling's? And a theory of who will be a queen of Changelings :3
Edit from October 8 2021: wtf is this theory i made, but it kinda made sense
I think that discord could actually do it
0 likesBut he would not be great at the part we’re you stop nightmares
Haha my teacher calls our class dream team
0 likesfour words
0 likesCadance and Flurry Heart
maybe spike or starlight just a thought
0 likesDiscord
0 likesHear me out discord can jump between worlds he could be the new night pony
0 likesdoes luna sleep?
0 likesI want to see a Dream team animation some one do dat plz
0 likes2:17 look at discord :( poor discord I feel bad now
0 likesWhat the kids from the night you know Luna did that thing does no one remember
0 likesthose look creepy😱
0 likesDream team
0 likesYeah I making calls always sounds like a good idea but but boy you know what you’re locked in the room with 51 pinkie pie is watching paint dry
0 likesI think rainbow dash had to be a alacorn be customized if rainbow dash was never born the power of friendship will be never a thing and if rainbow dash did not do the sonic rainbow then they will not get there cutie mark
0 likesspike could do it
1 likeIt could be discord and rainbow dash
0 likesLuna is replaced bye Starlight glimmer how about thinking about the name like the last name Starlight glimmer Sunset Shimmer Shimmer glimmer, see
0 likesi dont think reason three would work whow ould be lunas succsesor maybe not twilight how about one ofthe mane 6 or the mane 6 themselves!
0 likesLightning McQueen The Fastest Racer In The Piston Cup
0 likesWhat do the princess cadence mother looks like
0 likesstarlight, fluttershy and rainbowdash
0 likesWait what—
1 likedream team rainbow dash pinkie pie and star swirl
0 likesUmm maybe Luna will have a daughter and she will do it
0 likesUhm u forgot discord he is chaotic
1 likeStarlight and rainbow dash one night it’s starlight next night starlight opens the portal for rainbow dash
0 likesSo inception?
0 likesWhy not cadance and twilight sparkle rule equestria?
0 likesmay be the doter of luna take her place
0 likesFlurry heart
1 likeMaybe starsocil
0 likesStarlight
0 likesStarlight
0 likesWho controls the sun and moon
0 likesReplies (1)
Wat sun set shimer frekin sun shimer in mlp theres a copy to every one in the human relm so sun setshimer has a copy or she killed her
0 likesSo true
0 likesWhy wouldn’t little Mary Sue twilight do everything.
0 likesI dont see season 7,8 and 9..
0 likes? Love it
0 likesby stars ward I thing it is
0 likesI have a theory
0 likesDream Team Fluttershy Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash also discord
1 likeSunset flurry
0 likesi did not think about that
0 likesLuna wal replace wth rarate
0 likesReplies (1)
!!!!!wayt af rarate rool th moon than rmboo daash raas th saan
1 likeI stopped watching your videos and came back and WOAH new NAME?
0 likesrarity
0 likesWhat about Discord
0 likesThere is no season 9 liar
0 likesPeople who gave a dislike are like..
0 likesI will give dis a like
Luna’s children
0 likesinteresting
0 likesrainbow 🌈 Dash omg no wat.
0 likesherobrine wlks my nightmres but bbein bn4nn4 4lks my dre4nns
0 likesYOU MADE A VIDIEO"STARLIGHT invated apple blooms DREAM "MABYE IT COULD JUST BE 😇+🤔+😏=STARLIGHT GLIMER first😈and then 😎
0 likesWe’re season nine located?
0 likesMaybe 👌🧐
0 likesFrom Chloe Whittle
0 likesRAINBOW
0 likesWow good
0 likeswhere are you guys watching season 9???
0 likescool
0 likesNooooooo
0 likestwilite how goes. Crazy when some thing it out of place 😂 haha 😆 haha 🤣
0 likeshow did you watch the new seosons? 7-9
0 likesReigns lol!
0 likesWhat's the discord?
0 likesSunset shimmerrrrrrrrr
0 likesLuna be qween of moon
0 likesMe being a person with an active imagination, I can see this. Twilight might even recruit different races so they can solve their different problems. I can also imagine a full room in the castle designated to this Dream Team.
1 likeAs so scenarios, I can imagine the physical fighter taking the night off only for the dream team to find them in a nightmare of their own. This could honestly be it's own series! It's also just a lot of fun to imagine this!
Just a thought, Discord, sure he’s chaotic but that can also mean he can CREATE dreams that are chaotic and teach the Pony a lesson, and I’m sure years of Fluttershy have rubbed off on him well enough to have a somewhat heart to heart with ponies so he sounds logical, sure it might not go so well at first but overtime he would understand
1 likeA "Dream Team" would be an interesting offshoot I would DEFINITELY watch! That would awesome!
0 likesThough I wonder, what do Tia and Luna do now for retirement? Do they go off exploring Equestria like tourists? Do they have a secluded island they "retire" to? How long is this "retirement?" I've always wondered what happened to them in the last episode since it takes place "much later."
I really question myself at this point if the creators take a lot of time to really think about the stories that they are making and the details they use, just think about it, it will take a lot of time to actually remember every single thing they have created, I mean I really believe they are geniuses inventing this type of series and let us think about what happened or what should have happened by ourselves like it’s a supper opened series, they just leave with the doubt of how things occurred, and that’s why it’s so special I don’t think it’s just a series for kids.🤯🤯
1 likeSo here’s my thoughts: like you said star swirl would be a great candidate to open the portals to the dream realm and teach other unicorns the skill, rainbow dash beating off the nightmares are a good idea but she’ll need a backup so I’m thinking maybe a pharynx! He certainly has the strength and determination to do it and he has the ability to transform which will definitely be useful! And since he’s a backup it won’t take up too much of his time especially since I don’t think he does too much at the hive, (that’s not an insult don’t freak out notion) and for emotional support I think gabby would be good! She obviously has a lot of free time after she delivers all her mail and she’s energetic enough to make it through the night!
0 likesI think Starlight would be the one walking in dreams. She's known fear and insecurity just like Luna has, and Rainbow just hasn't had that expirience. Starlight has gone to those same lengths that Luna has, which allows her to relate to ponies in the same way.
0 likesWhat if Luna's last gift to Equestria before retirement was creating a sort of... anti-tantabus? She created the tantabus to cause nightmares (for herself) out of guilt, but what if- she created a creature the opposite of the tantabus? This creature would be created out of her will to protect the creatures of Equestria, who instead of causing nightmares to others- provides comfort.
1 likehonestly I think it's most likely that starlight might take on that task. She has the power to do it, and has been built up to be twilight's pupil. So it seems like as her confidence grows, she would eventually take on that role.
0 likesI feel like, SOMEHOW, Twilight would be able to do it. Mainly because, thematically, it would be pretty cool. "Twilight" is between night and day, and her taking the responsibilities of the sisters who ruled the sun and moon would be too perfect.
0 likesI think it s more likely to be starlight because of her previous experience in dreamwalking. She has proven herself in defiting crisalys and as school counselor already have the experience needed.
0 likesStarswirl is the teacher, rainbow dash the one to handle the dreams, and fluttershy comforting the pony that had the dream. I think that's a perfect dream team. There aren't that many jobs to do in the dream team. Star swirl, rainbow dash, and fluttershy are the perfect ponies for the job.
1 likeSo, if there would be a dream team.... I'm pretty late to the party but still. What if the CMC would do it. They have seen what Luna did over the whole time and I think that they are the right team for it. Maybe they would get the thing Twilight got for raising sun and moon, just for dreams and everyone would take a turn.
0 likesI doubt that I’m the first person to realize this, but twilight is in between day and night. Twilight may not be able to dream walk, but maybe Starlight could learn. If the naming convention is one reason, but so is the fact she’s an incredibly powerful unicorn.
0 likesThere is one other option... Luna could be "on call" where she dream walks only as something extreme appears.
0 likesI like your idea of Rainbow dash, but personally I’d like to see the mane six (excluding Twilight) and then adding in Starlight. I’d see starlight operating the magic, cause clearly she is insanely powerful and then all the girls walking in the dreams. It would almost be like the friendship map, except traveling in dreams instead of across equestria.
0 likesI think it could be flurry heart. I mean, remember her having a tantrum nearly destroyed the crystal empire? Since her mom is also an alicorn, she, luna, and maybe starlight or twilight can help her. Starlight is also pretty capable too,
0 likesSo either for me its flurry heart, starlight, or both.
How’s this for a suggestion: get Screwball to do it. We don’t know whether or not she has any function in the show other than being a background character, so we may assume she is unemployed or has no job to begin with. If she truly is Discord’s relative of some sort, considering she is only there when he is, it may be safe to assume that she has alicorn-level magic and can basically do anything the princesses can.
0 likesHeck, if Equestria is truly a meritocracy, she could possibly even befriend Twilight Sparkle and, when she becomes a citizen of Equestria, be crowned as Twilight’s co-ruler.
Damn I want a fan series about the dream team or even an official one !
0 likesHeres an idea: bat ponies along with other species. I can see twilight hiring Luna’s closest bat guards along with at least one representative of each species two be dream walkers lead by Starswirl and (maybe) Starlight. I don’t see twilight wanting just ponies to have good dreams so she would send her representatives to make sure everyone could have a good nights rest. I can even imagine luna popping by every now and then to see how everyone’s doing.
0 likes(I’m not sure if anyone else has said this but i wanted to put in my 2 cents!)
Maybe instead of a team, Starlight might become a alicicorn and when Twilight needs help She will help her in her responsibilities.
0 likesi really like ur vids keep up the AMAZING work!
1 likeI agree that Luna will be replaced with a dream team
1 likeI think luna can be replaced by starlight
0 likes-has magic
-knows alot in magic
-like luna starlight glimmer is evil too in the past but changed starligt can learn how to dream walk with the help of twilight
-starlight glimmer ang twilight sparkle has a deep relationship that can build a foundation to create such thing as dream walking(twilight=celestia. Starlight=luna)
Just had a thought! I mean who else in the mlp franchise has really powerful magic other the starswirled celestia Luna and twilight? Starlight glimmer! Think about it she has traveled through TIME and she is a very intelligent pony. Soo I think if it isn’t a team starlight would be doing Lucas job. I could Imagine starswirled or Luna her self teaching glimmer how too dream walk? Do you think I’m on to something here?!
0 likesI believe that Celestia and Luna either died and before finding someone to rule the dream world. Or gave up their "Age Spell" and "Alicorn spell" (The ones that Star Swirl gave them ) and moved to Silver Shoals (canon) where they spend the rest of their lives as old unicorn mares. Luna might try to find a suitable replacement for ruling the dream world and mentor them during her golden days. This successor might be someone we don't know with the special talent to help ponies with their dreams.
0 likesI think there is ONE thing you didn't consider: Option 4: Luna puts her dream walking power into an object or two(In case one breaks or a villain takes one) so that ANY willing pony could enter the dream realm and thus this way it could go on forever. After all, if Celestia and Luna can put their power into a object for Twi to raise the sun and moon, why not dream walking too? This means Rainbow Dash could still take over the roll for a while until a NEW pony is born with the ability to do dream walking. (I refuse to believe that only ONE power for one pony, forever even if the power changes and evolves over time.)
0 likesone thing that would be cool but is most likely not it is moondancer being apart or even fully being apart of managing the dream realm, i've just seen moondancer as a partly opposite of twilight, just like celestia and luna
0 likesSince I haven't seen anyone else say this I thought I'd leave Discord up for consideration
0 likesHe may not be the most trustworthy with a job like that but I think it would be an interesting idea to entertain lol
I think Starlight Glimmer is the dream walker... because Twilight might give Starlight a pair of wings... but maybe no pair of wings and Starlight just uses her magic because Starlight also did time travel in season 5.
0 likesOh I really like this theory. Rainbow Dash helping in running the dream world seems really fitting!
0 likesRainbow Dash does technically have magic, but just not on the same scale as unicorns. Magic is what allows all pegasi to fly. When Tirek was stealing everyone's magic, the pegasi could no longer fly. Then once Twilight and her friends defeated Tirek all the pegasus ponies got their magic back, and could fly once again.
0 likesI was thinking that Starlight would do it, because she's quite a powerful unison and knows how to change realms and turn back time! And she singlehandedly did that friendship quest with the two royal sisters! So in my opinion, I think Starlight would be the dream walker, and maybe Rainbow dash could help because she seems ok
0 likesThat would honestly be a nice spin off
0 likesI was thinking Tricky and Starlight. They would be a good team for that.
0 likesI really think that star light is the new dream walker it might be a thank you for the royal (sort of) sisters for helping her in the dream realm and why can't the someone else have taken over the school for some time 😊
0 likesReplies (1)
Or maybe the student six take up the job with star light that way each person gets one night a week in the dream realm
0 likeswell flurry heart is also a princess and we actually don't know what type of princess she is so there is a possibility that flurry heart will be okay for the job. She is also has very powerful at magic since she was born alicorn.
0 likesDream Team Members: Unicorns: Starswrilled and Starlight, Pegasi: RD and Vapor Trail, Earth Ponies: AJ and Pinkie, Changelings: Ocellus and Pharynx, others: Silver Stream and Smolder.
0 likesNight One: Starswrilled and Starlight open multi portals to the dream world and the team enter. Dash enters the dream of Yona, a escpecting mother, having the same nightmare of her baby being hated by the world for being part pony part yak. Vapor enters the dream of Trixie, having the same nightmare that she is freezing up every time she goes to tell Starlight she's in love with her. ever certure pretty much enters a main or secondary characters reacuring nightmare. they all try to help, but only make things worse for everyone. so are pulled out.
over and over again.
finally, after about 3 months, they get it right.
I feel like she wouldn’t rule but she would still walk in dreams to help ponies if she really needs to
0 likesLuna didn't fight the dreams, she instead comforted the ponies that had a nightmare. Honestly I think that the most comforting pony in the mane six would be... Fluttershy. She has lots of emotional connections, (I mean... I am a bit biased because Fluttershy is my favorite mane six character) she has plenty of friends and can speak with animals, so that could be a way to comfort the pony. Rainbow dash likes fighting, yes she can comfort ponies but she's more into fighting, and you don't have to fight the nightmares since it isn't real.
0 likesI believe that princess cadence and princess twilight will take turns waking in dreams and I believe that princess flurry heart will help too . And Luna mint still do from time to time.
0 likesRainbow Dash walking in dreams would make my mind blow up.It makes more sense that Starlight would replace Luna,though.
0 likesI still think Twilight should've said NO to Celestia about being the new ruler
0 likesWhy couldn't it be just Celestia retiring and have Luna take her place instead
Now if we look back on there cutie marks it represents what they do best and we see on Luna’s a moon and a dot so we could say the dream ends when she uses her magic from her dot because part of there magic of a alicorn is the cutie mark is what made them so power ful because they achieved it when they did something magical so she used the magic of her dot to end dreams and the moon is what starts the dreams and not a lot of people don’t have that cutie mark.
0 likesfluttershy emotional (cause u know its fluttershy) , rainbow with psychical stuff (explained already) , star swirl as said (open to dream stuff) , twilight could make sure things are going smoothly (so things do not crumble to well crumbs)
0 likes“Wouldn’t you feel secure around a legend around her?”
1 likeNo Wings of Fire secures me
There is probably a unicorn out there somewhere with Luna's powers as well like how sunset shimmer has celestia's powers who could take over her job.
0 likesK this is random but flurry might be the princess of hope because her and cadence will out live shining armour and because of that she would need to stay strong and rule the crystal empire and give her subject’s hope. Maybe cadence will even be kidnapped and flurry heart will have to lead her subjects while others will have to look for cadence
1 likeLuna not walking in dreams wouldn't really effect anyone for 1000 years when she was in the moon I'm pretty sure no one was dream walking and everyone turned out fine as far as we know
0 likesI think Starswirl will open up the portal Rainbow Dash will help with the physical problem and Fluttershy will help with the emotional problem because in the movie during the fight Fluttershy talked to one of the Stormking's guards and made him feel better what do u think
1 likeI think rainbow dash is a great pick after all shes the element of loyalty (aldoe fuddershy would work if she wast shy.. but then her name would just be fudder)
0 likesI hope they have season 10.like change their mind or something or they should just start a new series continuation!who agrees?
0 likesI think flutter shy would also be good. I mean look at the movie! She made one of the Guard things cry! She could be kind of like a dream therapist.
0 likesWho says that Starlight, Twilight's student, can not one day be an allicorn herself, then take over Luna's old job of dream walking.
0 likesIf Twilight learned how to rise the sun and the moon why can't here one day be a pony have the magic for dream walking and become an allicorn to help these who need it. There are many cutie marks out there so how do we know that a pony can already be able to dream walk due to there cutie mark.
You just made me go back and watch all the episodes again lol
0 likesI think fluttershy would be replaced luna in dream walking because she sweet and could team whith discord to open dream world why I think discord because he proff him slef to overpowered and fluttershy could work against her shyness and she can relate to the pony .
1 likewell as far as the practical means of doing so...there a likely ways to replicate Lunas magic..
0 likesat the time,only celstia and luna were capable of effectively raising the celestial bodies...however,they were able o impart this ability to twilight b creating a (assumingly powerfull) magical relic that will do i for her.
as far as whome will have the responsibility i have two different theories,1 is not unlike what Brony notion said...havving not one person,but a team that will share the responsibility...and perhaps even be chosen for specific troublesome dreams based on thier own capabilities skills and psychological experiences...
however,if it were to bbe regulated to a single pony...i honestly do not think rainbow dash is a responsible choice,she is brave and unwavering,this is true but she does not poses the insight or wisdom to properly take the action needed in ALL circumstances,there are a few scenarios where she would be perfect at...but that is not good enough to give the job to her alone.
however there are two individuals that both fit the profile,and lack a purpose in equestria.
one of them being discord...as he already has something of an understanding to the innerworkings of magic and has a long span of emotional life experiance,has made some of the worst mistakes and has learned from them...and not to mention is more than capable of handling even the most out of control nightmares...he may even have the same dream magic luna does given his vast power...and has an almost meddling habit of "testing" others and getting his point across in indirect,nuanced and surreal methods. on top of that,he lacks a true and consistent place in equestrian society...of course there are a few problems with this too,mainly stemming from his ego and lack of patiants,not to mention his tendency of being self centered and irresponsible...he would likely operate under twilight's guidance .
however the other one that,who would fit the role more perfectly psychologically..maybe even more so than starlight and has no other responsibilities or roles in equestria other than being a scholor is none other than Stygian.
he is the one pony that likely has the most in common with Luna,he has experianced the same hardships,envy and resentments..has suffered the end result of him giving into them and has grown from these experiences and obviously learned from them just as luna has...this ontop of his calm,patiant nature (something luna has a few times shown to have troubles with)
would make him a perfect dream walker...the only problem that would cause difficulty is the ability to actually do this...(as it has been implied that his unicorn magic is somewhat mediocre)
but like a said,luna could likely create some sort of means for him to do it.
are you seriously not thinking about Starlight Shimmer? the job would obviously be fit for her.
1 likediscord could be the one to dream walk cause he is more powerful then luna and pinkie could watch him to make sure he doesn't get into trouble.
0 likesWhen all the ponies come to twilights castle when everyone is older. The main 6 were all old and if there was someone who ran the dream tell I feel like they would be immortal or have a prolonged life.
0 likesI'm imagining Rainbow Dash handling the physical confrontations and Fluttershy handling the emotional confrontations.
0 likesI think Fluttershy may replaced Luna because she have a lot of spare times and she also have discord with can may use magic to open the portal to the dream world.
0 likesI fell like sunset should be ruling with twilight so then it would be like how it was or it would be starlight coz she is powerful as well because her name is SUNSET so it would be perfect
0 likesAbout the dream team
0 likesI can imagine Discord, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
About StarSwirl... would he even be alive in at the time the show ends
Or maybe Flurry Heart would take Luna Place
Luna could teach her own student. It's not to late for her.
0 likesWait what about Luna? Being the next in line!
0 likesI think flurry heart would most likely to be doing dream walking as she is a princess and we don't know what her job is
0 likesCan you answer my question? Who controls the sun since Celestia is retired to? Please?
0 likesWhy do i think Spike would be a good candidate? I mean he can fly and has kind of magic? (scroll teleporting in earlier seasons)
0 likesI have been wondering about that since Celestia and Luna retires. Who will be protecting the dream realm for luna. While that in mind I created a Pic on the Future.
0 likesHere's the link to it: https://www.deviantart.com/starlinesparkle896/art/The-Future-Rulers-of-Equestria-820069698
But I can understand about theory about Rainbow Dash walking to dreams. She can protect the Ponies. But how will she get to the realm itself, good question. There's gotta be another Pony who can do that.
Maybe twilight or Twilight might turned starlight to a new alicorn
1 likeAnd also I think starlight is going to replace Luna
1 likeNo. It wouldn’t be rainbow dash. It’s not possible. She’s aging. Giving that role to that many ponies would not only be taxing on all those ponies and the kingdom’s currency, but also this opens up the possibility for MANY villains and mess ups.
0 likesDiscord has a better shot of running the dream world. Dreams don’t have to follow logic, he’s powerful enough. He doesn’t age. And he’s learned from Fluttershy how to be kind enough to help people with their problems. Not to mention, he has the power to break the forth wall and over a million years worth of living experience. It’s a good fit.
But, if you really want to find Luna’s replacement, you have to look at her 3 elements of harmony associated. Then find a pony that most emulates those 3 combined.
I think it should be starlight glimmer
0 likesUhh is no one going to talk about Stygian? He could be a perfect fit for a replacement.
0 likesMaybe fluttershy can be on the dream team to for comforting pony’s she really kind and sweet and rainbow dash for defatting the monsters? Maybe rarity for opening portals?
0 likesWait maybe Luna was never going to be retired in the first place so Luna might be still walking in dreams even though she is not a ruler anymore it doesn't mean she wont be dream walking now
0 likesI would rather have nightmares than see rainbow in my dreams...
0 likesTwilight have the power of magic so she can do everything
0 likesWhen MLP G5 will come out? I'm still waiting for Chrysalis to get reformed and rule her changeling hive besides Thorax.
0 likes(I know that I pretty late but I thought this might be something cool that I thought of.) So Twilight is known for always wanting to Live up to her Idol or Idol(s) *Celestia and Starswirl*, BUTTTT what if ALL of this is (The whole Series) just a dream _O_. I know unbelievable but I've got some evidence.
0 likes1. (I think in season 2 and or 3) She is all freaked out about not writhing letters to Celestia so she tries to make a problem herself, in my opinion, this is her trying to show that she is worthy enough to be like Celestia.
2. In like season 7 she is so eager so un-leash STARSWIRLED from Limbo since she is soooo obsessed.
SIDE NOTE*Has anyone realized without spike she wouldn't be who she is .-.
3. When we see how all 6 of them got their CutieMarks we realize that it has always been her dream to be by the side of Celestia.
But to me, none of the ending made sense Why wasn't twilight like luna and Cadance like Celestia? It would've all made more and clearer sense Cadence was an Alice first. But in the end, you could imagine Twilight waking up after the shaking of spike and telling him about her WHOLE dream. I don't know I've been binge-watching your theories and thought my thought would be a cool thing to point out.
Or, Hasbro could resurrect Moondreamers.
0 likesdreamteam fanfiction is definitely coming our way
0 likesive been watching you since 2016 and u havent changed a bit
0 likesImagien now the dazzlings reforming and showing up in Equestria
1 likeWell I think twilight will rest in morning after raising the sun then in the night she will go with someone like flutershy to cheer the persons dream
0 likesCan you do a video on what cozy glows cutie mark means?
0 likesOk so this is an awful question, but are Luna and Celestia dead now? I don’t think they are... they gave Twilight the magic to do their duties... but they can’t give up all their magic... so are they still immortal? And does twilight now have to watch all her friends die?
0 likesMe and my friends think she will believe that she’ll become a alicorn and leave the student six in charge of the school and become the new Luna
0 likesOkay I can see flurry heart taking over the dreams or the one the only Pinkie Pie because he breaks fourth wall a lot
0 likesRainbow Dash, Sweetie Bell or possibly Starlight, and maybe even Flurryheart.
0 likesTheorie:
0 likesCelestia equals Sunset Shimmer Luna equals Twilight Twilight equals Starlight glimmer
Or maybe there can be a prequel series about the sisters or star swirls group
0 likesI have a theory of why scootalo can't fly due to her parents are two different species of pony.😕
0 likesI think flurry, starlight, sunset
1 likei seriously cried at the last episode of mlp :(
0 likesI mean starswirl just by himself would be enough tho
0 likesI thought starlight was going to take over Luna’s place
0 likesWhat about twilight messenger she can enter dream realm
1 likeWhen young 6 in a dream realm she just like Luna
Because she snapped out of them from a nightmare I guess but it's on young 6 build the tree house of harmony EP
Hmmmmm, I GOT IT
0 likesIt doesn't need to be a pony but Discord may be the solution he knows magic
But why is Luna retired. She just come back from the Moon, and only worked just a few years compare to her sister.
0 likesU know she's powerful she can open the portal of the past
0 likesDiscord might the who walked in the dream or another possibility is that Twilight and Cadence , discord and flurry heart take turns . Doing it
0 likesI think it's Twilight bc Starlight is headmare of the friendship school who else would be headmare?
0 likesBrony,I think moon dancer will take care of luna's spot and just listen to her name,Moon DANCER. And,she is twilight's friend and since they are now happy together,they probobly rule equestria together because the mane 6 have other jobs and will probobly not take that role!So,because of the name and relationship,moon dancer should be the one who takes luna's spot!
0 likesOf course nightmares affect a pony’s psyche, have you read rocket to insanity?
0 likesKnow what I think is that maybe it was enhanced since She is twilight in the middle of the night and Morning end it can’t be Rainbow Dash because she’s a wonderful she’s day person and I think Twilight Twilight can actually do it in her sleep
0 likesWhat if there is no dream team what if the ponies protect themselves from nightmares
0 likesWhat if Rainbow still deam walks but shes asleep too like a connected dream
0 likesBruh what if Sunset Shimmer started dream walking. What if Sunset became Luna’s replacement, and Twilight somehow elevated her to Alicorn status and her and Twilight has the same relationship as Celestia and Luna. It would solve the issue of her not being seen in The Last Problem because if she had the same relationship as Celestia and Luna, Sunset wouldn’t be seen in the day, as she would be asleep. Not to mention she wouldn’t be in the Council of Friendship because she was mostly in the human world. It makes sense, sooo...
0 likesFlurry heart! When she gets older. She's an alcorn and has still yet to find her purpose so maybe....
0 likesReplies (1)
You might want to watch the video about Flurry hearts purpose.Flurry heart purpose most likely might or will be connected to the crystal heart
0 likesStarlight or sunset(I guess)
0 likesI think Luna is still dream walking or twillight sparkle
0 likesI hope there is a new movie on the future or
0 likesThey will carry on with the you know other movies not bothered to write name
No starlight should walk in dreams
0 likesThen how luna raise the sun and Luna raise the moon, who did it?
0 likesAre we going to have more shows
0 likesEither Twilight Or Starlight
0 likesDid you make a song?
0 likesA new pair of wings?😊
Look at scootaloo during the final episode her wings are still small
0 likesIn theory I think they're would be a school for that.
0 likesWait, so where did celestia and Luna go and will hey come back???
0 likesIt is said that the main 6 all helped with the royal duties. Rainbow dash did said she woud
0 likesSpike is the new dream walker
0 likesTwilight will raise the sun and shining armor will raise moon and if shining is raising moon so flurry heart will help cadance to rule crystal empire
0 likesMaybe candance beacuse she can raise the moon
0 likesMaybe it's discord, after all he does it regularly
0 likesRainbow dash as a alicorn is a cursed image, it’s such a cursed image
0 likesDo u even know about those "tall twilight" clips?,they are fanmade,and they havnt putted any actual footage of twilight being that "powerfull"yet =/
0 likesThis is a good question
0 likesOk this is kinda cheesy thought but maybe sunset shimmer could do it or star light
0 likesMaybe starlight glimmer
0 likesI guess luna will be replaced by starswirl the bearded
0 likesWhat about starlight?
0 likesI think that there will be a new series that focuses on the new mane six ya know the students. Or maybe it will look at twilights new student being turtored by them and repeating the journey in her own, totally different way, or maybe a series that coresponds to flurry heary
0 likesSun moon twilight
0 likesTwilight is both sun and moon like the eclipse it’s like a twilight
When will season 9 be on nexflix!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
0 likesI have olny 1 thing to say... there will be no dream team ok
0 likesfuttershy and discord would be great dicords magic with flutter shys kindnes and shore she would be scared but discord would be there but i can think of reasons why not to. . .
0 likessomeone should make a dream team fanimation.I am only 9 yrs old soo i can't do it!😢☺️😊
0 likesTell me if I’m wrong but I here’s a theory: What if the title My little pony Freind is Magic is over but there can be another title My little pony chapter 2 or My little pony The crystal empire idk tell me if I’m wrong
0 likesStarlight i think
0 likesStarlight Glimmir!
0 likesRainbow dash, starswirl, discord, flutter shy and spike the dream team
0 likesTwighlight did not replace them
0 likesHonestly I don't think it's rainbow dash lol
0 likesFreddy Krueger, obviously
0 likesCelestia twilight “-Luna-“
0 likesWhat about starlight
0 likesThe new princess do it
0 likesMy name is Adeline in real life I love your videos
0 likesWhat if DISCORD took over
0 likesGood enough is not good enough WHAT DO U MEAN SO GOOD ENOUGH IS NOT BETTER ENOUGH
0 likesIf Daughter of Luna
0 likesGood question
0 likesAnswer is flurry heart
0 likesStarlight can
0 likesDerpy will switch
0 likeswhere can i access season 9 :(
0 likesThen what happend to flash. he clould
0 likesBe the🤴👑
What about sunset shimmer in the human world and the pony world
0 likesWill there be soon coming to season 9 because I don't see any you see the nines yet
0 likesI think the rest of the mane six
0 likesBut MLP is ended? ;-;
0 likesLuna huh?
0 likesthe TRUE answer:My little pony is a made up children's cartoon
0 likesStarlight glimmer
0 likesSeason...9?
0 likesIs starlight glimmer
0 likesStarlight
0 likesThe main six
0 likesfans of mlp: yay
0 likesme: im not gay mlp fans
DiScoRd 😂😂😂
0 likesBy starlight
0 likesWhat about Rarity Rainbow dash Flutter shy 1.Rarity can make the portal. 2. Rainbow dash she can fight the nightmares. 3. Flutter shy can do the part to help the pony when its being very sad.
0 likesReplies (1)
Starlight can make portals she has made portals before and she knows more teleporting spells
1 likeSunset shimmer
0 likesI like fluttershy better
0 likesEh i think raraty and apple
0 likeswhat aboutfluttershy and discord
0 likesi still don’t have ok netflix season 9 mines only to season 8
0 likesIt hi k Luna opens the door for rainbow dash
0 likesOr twilight does it Or cadence can
Come on, young 6
1 likeReplies (1)
they could do it!
0 likesNo body said who os gonna take care of there dreams
0 likesReplies (1)
I mean who’s
0 likeshahahah dream team
1 likehaha dream team smp war
hahahahaha betrayals
hahahahahhahahaahahahaha jschlatt
Replies (1)
haha funny yes
0 likesi didn’t watch season 9
0 likesRainbow dash
1 likeSpike!
1 likeWhere is everyone finding season 9
0 likesStarting and rainbow dash
0 likesWhy not derpy why
0 likesWhat do you think about ponies huh really if you don't like it why are you talking about it
0 likesYes I do
0 likesRarity
0 likesWhat about discord ?
0 likesRainbow Dash ok.
0 likesI mean Freed
0 likesWhy there are not human sunset and human starlight
0 likes2:54 yo wtf
0 likesI've always headcanoned Sunset returning, becoming an alicorn and ruling Equestria side by side with Twilight as a full second generation diarchy. Much like Luna, Sunset's skills and powers have grown into the direction of empathy, understanding and comforting. Heck, her magic in the EQG world is already kind of a daytime variant of Luna's: she can see people's thoughts, actions and anxieties. With a bit more training I can easily see that magic expanding into the dream world, putting Sunset at just the right place to take over from Luna.
0 likesI thought fluttershy should be in the “dream team” for comfort. She is great with stuff like that, and other than her sanctuary, she isn’t very busy.
1 likeI like how you put in "Who Walks in Your Dreams" at the end. A small detail that fits too well with the topic ^^
1 likeI’d think Fluttershy alone would be able to accomplish that, though I think she’d need someone to open the portals for her.
0 likesI’ve read a fanfic about the Tantabus turning good, so maybe it could do that.
Though on a side note, I continue to have a recurring dream with Luna and Twilight entering my dreams, so perhaps Luna and Twilight would be co-rulers. I’d imagine them doing it well.
I remember watching MLP when I was 11. But now that I'm 18 I want to try watching it from a more adult perspective especially considering the amount of adults that actually like the show. I stopped watching MLP for a couple years and I never finished it but this time I want to. I'm on season 2 right now and I never realized how smart twilight is and how creepy pinkie pie is. I'm definitely convinced pinkie pie has a serious mental disorder
0 likesOption 4: You can't have a nightmare if you never dream. Twilight's second royal decree is nationalizing the Red Bull industry and distributing it to the most mentally-vulnerable to nightmares.
0 likesBut yeah, like everyone already said, I think Starlight would be stellar in the Dream Team. It would wrap up her character nicely -- it's a great payoff to Luna's "I see a lot of myself in you" line; Starlight would get to be teamed up with someone else in the Mane 6 other than Twilight or Pinkie; her magical potential would cease to hit a plateau; it'll be great.
A very good question. I don't think a non-Alicorn could do dream walking. Maybe Twilight discovered a way to sleep and her dreams are dream walking, so she is rested when a new day rises. This theory doesn't make much sense, but I believe that Twilight would have to do it. c:
0 likesI think Cadence is a good candidate. Along with a few others with starlight and starswirl. Think about it. She has the alicorn magic, and emotional appreciation from the crystal empire along with the physical appreciation . Maybe she could run the cream team after starswirl teaches her so she can pass that information onto some of the other people. I think that starlight and sunburst could be the start of it alongside rainbowdash. Comment some other good candidates if you have some!
0 likesI'm not convinced that Dash would make a good dreamwalker (although that could change over time, I admit); she brings out a nurturing side for Scootaloo when necessary, sure, but I can't imagine her showing that same nurturing side to strangers. And of course while she'd probably do a great job at fighting the nightmares themselves, that wouldn't help to address the underlying issues causing them.
0 likesBut you make a good point that Twilight would not settle for any regression relative to the prior status quo (even if it was only the status quo of the last few years), so somecreature or creatures would have to take over the night shift. I suspect though that it would end up being only one or few creatures who would do it and that they would consequently have few to no daytime responsibilities, so it probably wouldn't be any of the characters who have known (or strongly suspected) jobs as of "The Last Problem."
What if Flurryheart grows up to walk in dreams? She literally has heart in her name so she will likely be compassionate when she grows up. Plus, as an alicorn, she will likely be magical enough to take on the full job by herself.
0 likesPersonally I believe if Luna retired she'd eventually come back to dream walking because it had her have a connection with most of the ponies in the world it allowed her to feel like she was doing something and I don't think necessarily that keep hardwood been taken away yes I think she would have still taken vacation and dude probably be a dream team but I think Luna with occasionally peep into dreams because of how she felt about are bonds with each of the ponies
0 likesYeah I thought it would be Starlight Glimmer. She’s learned a lot about empathy over the years, and like Luna, had a similar past as regards being evil. Not to mention, she is a powerful unicorn, so powerful that even Twilight couldn’t beat her with magic. I like to think that those years being the school counselor would’ve trained her in helping other ponies. I know it ended with Starlight running the school, but who’s to say what happened afterwards? Eventually she might’ve shared the workload with Sunburst or like you suggested, delegated the work. Even when Twilight ran the school, she seemed to have a fair bit of leeway for time to do other things. But we’ve seen how powerful Starlight is in combat as well as emotionally. That’s why I say she’d also be a great candidate, not to mention she can use the magic herself. We’ve seen her jump through realms before, haven’t we? She might actually share this position with Starswirl, since I know he was the one who had the spell of jumping to alternate dimensions. The Starswirl theory is a good one, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility for Starlight. Personally the way I see it is Starlight has never been beaten and has learnt a lot more about friendship than I think Starswirl has, but that’s just my opinion. :)
0 likesIn this video, Brony Notion said that Luna didn't walk in dreams before becoming Nightmare Moon(information gained from his video on Daybreaker). Going by that, people didn't need Luna in their dreams at that time. Only after that people realised that she would save them from their nightmares now. So, it makes sense that it should affect their psyche NOW if there would be no dream-walking.
0 likesMy list for a potential "Dream Team" would be RD (since she called dibs), Starswirl (with his experience), Starlight (she did help the sisters with a friendship problem, including in the dream realm), Pinkie Pie (who better than the Element of Laughter to help a pony having a nightmare to "giggle at the ghosties"?), and the Cutie Mark Crusaders (perhaps when they're older, but they do have experience with dealing with dream, and they have a bond with Luna, and if a nightmare is cutie mark related, who better than the CMC to help with a cutie mark problem?). I could also include Applejack and Fluttershy, but I don't think they're the type to deal with that kind of responsibility. Maybe they could be part of a B Team.
0 likesTechnically, the reason ponies did well without a dreamwalker for 1000 years is because there wasn't one before then. Luna didn't get her dreamwalking ability until after becoming Nightmare Moon and being banished. So it's not unreasonable to assume the ability just isn't there anymore.
As for Rainbow Dash calling dibs on dreamwalking, I know it shows Luna using magic when she dreamwalks. But what reason do we have to assume only magic users can use the ability? After all, Nightmare Moon originally got the ability from non-ponies who can't even use magic like a unicorn can. They did use ritual magic though. So if RD just has something to focus the magic with, then perhaps she wouldn't need to be a unicorn. Perhaps some kind of amulet or something (and no, not THAT amulet) to focus the power with. After all, Twilight was given a device to raise and lower the sun and moon so that the royal sisters could take a vacation.
I think Starswirl and Stygian could do the job considering their magic power, knowledge, strong psyche and experience about magic traveling. And what about Somnambula? Considering her name being maybe a hint? She would bring hope in every pony dreams, every night. But Dash would be better for fighting them nightmares. Also considering that Luna was making changes in the dreams themselves, so Stygian or Starswirl would have to follow for that duty.
0 likesHi. I've always wondered who princess celestia's nephew was. during the grand galloping gala in i think the episode 'the best night ever' celestia introduces rarity to the nephew. does this mean Luna has a son or do celestia and Luna have another sibling? i would very much appreciate it if you could explain this to me.
0 likesI think it makes sense with starlight since she dealt with the dream space before to help the two sisters
0 likesi recently read a story where rainbow was a dream-walker and to quote #Luna "it is a very rare ability" and well rainbow became sort of a knight of dream's, the story itself was not about that tho ^^
0 likesThat's such a cool idea! Bummed we'll never get that lore lmao
0 likes@The Brony Notion , I'm just curious, what do you think happened after the mane 5 died? I mean, more specifically, twilight? She couldnt have handled the loss easily.
1 likeHere's is food for thought, for a thousand moons or years or whatever the case, Luna was trapped in the moon, so it was Celesita raising and lowering the moon and sun, but who was handling the dream world during that time?
0 likesThe bug moose would be interesting to see as a dream team member , character development.
0 likesOk so in the episode “Crusaders of the lost mark” Diamond Tiara’s mom said “Its bad enough you lost to that transplant from trottingham, but imagine if you lost to one of those blank flanks” so CAN Pip get a cutie mark??
3 likesI think one of them are maybe one of the main characters, like rainbowdash for example or it can be just a normal pony that they teach what they have to do. But the one that helps them, are maybe starlight or sunburst, they are both really good at magic so maybe🙂
0 likesMaybe the five alicorns are different types of the alicorn species, because of the evidence I have that each alicorn has a different types flowing manes and Cadence was the only alicorn with the tip of the wings to be a different color.
0 likesI may have a theory that may be possible? What if Luna’s magic was stored? Example is the magic in the locket that allows twilight to raise the sun and moon. What if Rainbow Dash can dream walk without having to need a “dream team”. She just needs a locket that contains Luna’s magic. Note that this is possible for any magic. We all know that every pony has a special talent WHAT if the unicorns could store there magic (there specific talent) and use it for the better for all ponies, I am not sure if this is possible for Pegasi or earth ponies. In conclusion my theory is that unicorns can store there special abilities in lockets for anyone to use.
1 likeDid anyone else notice that Twilight’s cutie mark has to be representing her element because the amount of smaller stars around her main star on the cutie mark were 5 and there are 5 friends/elements before the “spark” so then twilight has to have that cutie mark because of destiny I just wanted to put it out there
0 likesMy first thought was Starlight doing the dream walking.
0 likesI don’t agree with your theory. Star swirl is old and just wants to explore. He doesn’t want responsibilities anymore. I think he’s technically retired. Starlight could do it. The school is a temp gig. She will retire from it someday so full time she could work on dream walking if she wanted too. She’s also very comforting like Rainbow. I would say even more so. Guidance counsellor. She’s had training. Starlight is a workaholic. She’d be up for running the school and being head of the dream walking. Head of schools actually don’t do much. They go to meetings. Sit in the office. Do paperwork. It’s kind of boring actually. Starlight hates being bored. So if she wants a break from normal life she can hope in dreams.theres also weekends. Days off that she can do. She has an obvious partnership with sunburst running the school.
Can you make a theory about Flurry Heart, Cadence and Shining Armor?? I'm dead curious about them and was super disappointed when the mlp team didn't show them at all after season 9 ended. I was hoping to get a quick glance at them in the episode the last problem. But atlas they weren't there. So a theory about them would be so cool
0 likesI think you put way more thought into this mess than the actual writers did.
0 likesI thought about it for a bit and here is my theory- flurry heart is an alicorn and she has a lot of magic and she could help her aunt twilight by dream walking while her mom ( cadance) rules the crystal empire
0 likesBut Starswirl said he’s going to keep the everfree forest under control because the tree of harmony was gone, and even if he called on “the dream team” to go train in the everfree forest, is there a possibility that dream walking is only possible if they’re in the palace? If there’s a limitation to where the dream walker must be at to dream walk, that wipes out the possibility of Starswirl doing anything. Unless, a possibility that Starswirl could be in another place physically but also keeping the forest under control, I have more theories and well, I don’t think the comment section would fit my thoughts and theories so PLEASE Brony Notion if u see this comment PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email me 🥺, I’d srsly love to share my whole theory/questions/(video content) to u and to a whole audience (thro ur vids Ofc)
0 likes2:05 reminds me of ForgaLorga's video where she was trying to do both jobs and that truly exhausted her 🤔
2 likesNot sure if this has suggested but maybe dreamealking isn't needed anymore. In the last episode the sun set by itself, without Twilight even using her magic. Maybe the same goes with dreamwalking.
0 likesIt's a bit of a farfetched idea, but just a thought.
Since Luna is an alicorn with traits for all three kinds of ponies, maybe this dream team could be the CMC?!
0 likesHonestly if any Pony was going to take over Luna's position I would expect it to be Starlight glimmer.
0 likesFlurry heart maybe
1 likeI still remember that Glass pane where Flurry heart was crowned but maybe also no for she handles Crystal Empire now, but also since Luna and Celestia rules Equestria it's possible to have an Outside Canterlot and Ponyville relative handle the task for she was also an Alicorn and able to do so, plus Shining Armor and Cadence were still there.
I think even duplication would make it worse for her sleep what if the duplicate gets tired and dissolve back to twilight that duplicate tiredness can't just disappear so basically it is like a drug temporarily good but very bad in a long run
0 likesI think Luna can be replaces with Starlight Glimmer, because she can change anybody's cutie mark so I think Luna can be replaced to Starlight Glimmer.
0 likesI love Who Walks In Your Dreams! Is that your new background music?
0 likesAnd suddenly I am reminded of the song Rainbow by Koroshi-Ya & Feather. Element of Loyalty, never to let you down in your dreams.
0 likesOn the alternative side of things, ever heard of a fic called Licky Flitter?
What's about Starlight? She is a powerful pony and when Starswirl would train her, she could walk in Dreams (with or without Rainbow. I think without) and do Luna's Job?
0 likesOne question if they are retired does it mean they will find someone to date and marry to right ?
1 likeThe new intro is noice! Keep up the good work!👍
0 likes#TheBronyNotion Hmm. Does it have to be a unicorn doing it? A powerful unicorn could make a portal amulet. Or Discord could open it. Wait, nevermind. That would not go well. Ok, so if it has to be a unicorn, why not make it Starlight? I've been seeing things that indicate Starlight will be an alicorn(New Pair of Wings), and her name is Star Light. See? So Twilight can take over Celestia's duties, and Starlight can take over Luna's duties. Now as to who the Counselor for the Friendship School, it would be Trixie. She would've gotten training from Starlight and did some practices with her too. The reason I don't say Sunburst being Counselor is because he's needed at the Crystal Empire, probably as a Royal Advisor to Cadence and Shining Armor or Flurry Heart.
0 likesAck, now my hand hurts. I've done too much typing. Oh well. That's my therioy!
Lmao, silly dillies. I think it is discord. It is obvious discord can travel through dimensions in several episodes
0 likes(Examples: Make new friends but keep discord, and the last problem.) plus, discord had a great relationship with the princesses by the end of the series, so I’m sure they would fill him in on the situation, and how to do things. Although, i do like the starlight theory due to the fact that she is a counseler at the school, and that would be more relaxing than a lord of chaos.
Edit: Another example: Disordant Harmony
But let’s all agree that there should’ve been one more Alicorn besides cozy glow
0 likesI just got to thinking about something, but it's not entirely related to this video.
0 likesWhy are Pharynx and Thorax different then the rest of the reformed changelings? They are brothers, right? But Queen Chrysalis was the mother to the hive, so why don't the reformed changelings all look like Thorax and Pharynx? There's clearly a difference between the brothers and the rest of the hive. But if we default to the reasoning of Thorax was the first to embrace giving love, then how do we explain Pharynx as the last changeling to embrace the new ways?
Might just be some ramblings, but hey, food for though I guess.
+1 for Dream Team with Rainbow Dash. Hopefully they do something in the comics or the MLP Mangas
0 likesHey, Brony. I've rewatched The Friendship Games movie and I've notices that Dark Twilight's Horn had the same shape as Crysalis' one.
0 likesI dunno what to think about it.
There going to be a mlp and transformers crossover for those who don't know and it seems to takes place before the sister step down and I hope hasdro does the right thing and hopefully makes deeper lore (by the way i'm not a big watcher of mlp) As manly a transformers fan (my own opinion) would like to see Unicron the chaos briner make Discord (my favourite mlp character) The god of chaos. For some it doesn't click but it does for me
0 likesoh god, imagine discord as the new dream walker. There would be no nightmares, there would be no sleep, only confusion and cotton candy clouds
0 likesLuna could give up most of her magic to Rainbow Dash so she could just do a simple wing Motion to go into dreams
0 likesOrrrrrr.... Twighlight waits till a unicorn discovers the magic and get turned into an alicorn, (like in your theory video about alicorns and star swirl) and it will be another alicorn taking over dreams. What if Luna continues for a little bit and finds an apprentice?
0 likesI'm so glad that you're still making videos
0 likesIt is possible she won't be replaced. Remember during her banishment no one was watching over the dream realm and Equestria still got along fine.
0 likesMy own theory
0 likesI think twilight will replace Luna as a dream walker
But in daytime i think twilight will only observed the
Friendship council taking care of all the duties cuz she will
Be there if something happen and at night the friendship
Council will sleep and twilight will be at the dream realm
Jus my own theory
I thought it would be starlight but in the end of season nine she is head mear of the school of friendship so I think starswell would teach moon dancer how to open portals and Rainbow Dash would fight the dream and comfort the pony
0 likesI think star swirl will be perfect for this job
0 likesRainbow Dash lacks the emotional depth and empathy for such a job. Seriously, comparing her to Luna in any way is laughable.
0 likesWho was dream walking the past thousand years when Luna was in the moon?
0 likesmaybe in twilights dreams she could use a spell to sleep dream walk
0 likesBrony Notion hope that you see this comment ,these are my thoughts about the dream waking team ,I can only thought up of some small conclusion while can't really thought of a big conclusion , so hope that you can do a big conclusion with your analytical skill . ( I don't comment much so my wording on some stuff might sound weird , also if my wording does offend you in anyway I aplogize ,and if anyone is reading this is wondering I am a fulttershy type of a guy)
0 likesConclusion-C
Celestia draged Luna to Starlight's dream (royal problem)
Luna can put multiple ponies in one dream but the more ponies the more difficult it is to control(does prinesses dream of magic sheep)
C : there can be more then 2 real ponies mind in the dream realm
Luna can create semi sentient creature's that can effect the dream realm like the Tantabus (does prinesses dream of magic sheep)
Starlight explains that her own magic is tied to her emotions—the stronger she feels, the stronger her magic (all bottled up)
T : Tantabus was created to do negative intent like giving nightmare so it had a possibility of it going rouge to seek out more victims when it has collected enough let say . corresponding "psychic power" which is Negetive like fear/guilt and so on cause it is it's intital purpose like making an AI and let it learn and grow toward it's purpose , so making a . being that is similar to Tantabus that is kind and want to help ponies in their dreams will have a very low chance of going rouge
C : so Luna can also create other semi sentient creature that is good to dive into other ponies dream to help them , or help the dream walking team to visit other ponies dream
complicated spells like moving the sun can be cast by multiple magically gifted unicorn but it is very difficult and magic draining for those who's talent is not spec on it (horse play)
T : Tantabus was able to hold it's own form by absorbing it's corrisponding "pcychic power" , so with "nice Tentabus" can also have power similar abilities to Tantabus when absorbed . enough corresponding "psychic power" which is positive like happiness
C : the dream walking team can funtion without Luna's present ,but it would require multiple gifted unicorn to perform dream walking spell or find a successor to Luna and have he/she . perform said spell or have the "good Tantabus " perform these spell
everyone in the share dream can use their magic and imagination and you can do and be anything in a dream and even becoming an Alicorn (does prinecesses dream of magic sheep)
when Luna have Celestia's cutie mark or magic ,she can't do anything in Starlight's dream while knowing she can use her imagination [this could be debunk by saying Luna have some bad imagination but I think is highly unlikely] (royal problem)
T/C : creature can only use their magic or imagination in their "main dream" but when they are moved to another creature "main dream" they can't use their magic or imagination , by . fusing two "main dream" to a "shared dream" so both creature can use their magic or imagination , and Luna's main power in the dream realm is the ability to make "shared . dream"
not so related stuff :
all/some magic spells are based on incantation (magical mystery cure , uncommon bond , shadow play)
Twilight teaches magic to Swettie Bell step by step (twilight time)
Starlight explains that her own magic is tied to her emotions—the stronger she feels, the stronger her magic (all bottled up)
T : when casting a spell an unicorns place all the the incantation or steps in their mind to cast it but if you think it that way it would take too long and we can clearly see some spells . can just be cast in a fly even powerful one that is seen in Shadow play , so I recon that spells' effects are based on ones intent (which can explain incantations on scrolls) and . imagination while emotion emplifies the power
C : all magic could be said to be their own imagination , if casting magic is almost the same as imagining it to happen
Rainbow Dash is a daytime wonderbolt so this would be a new big step for her taking on Luna's job
0 likesWait I have a question, when the human twilight went to the portal in the spring break vacation she was a unicorn but when she use her powers she has wings like a alicorn, what does that mean?
0 likesCan we make a MLP dream team with all the MLP you tubers ?
0 likesI honestly think Luster Dawn or maybe Starlight.
0 likesplease pick me for that dream team- I WANT IN.
2 likesReplies (6)
0 likes@Skylight Furrs idk why but when i heard dream team i just thought of dream sans and the minecraft dream team
0 likes@Hello Studios I’ve never heard of dream sans cuz I don’t play the game he’s in, but i do know what the Minecraft dream team.
0 likesNow that I think of it, yeah it is weird.
@Skylight Furrs i know also dream sans is a version of sans from undertale
0 likes@Hello Studios What??
0 likes@Skylight Furrs yeah! aus? everyheard of them? you know alternte universe
0 likesthere is like a couple million by this point
here i'll list a few
pj's daycare
Ok I think starlight sparkle should be the dream walker cus you don’t see her in the day of the last episode and she was the School counselor of The friendship school and she is on the path of being an Alcorn so not much of a Stretch
0 likesI think Starlight Glimmer should take dream walking
0 likesI thought it would be discord since they made a comic where him Luna travelled in discord's dreams
2 likesI'd just say Sunset arrived back from the human world and became a co-ruler of Equestria when she heard Twilight needed help.
0 likesIt might be more Easier 4 twilight to do day and night she could be doing it with out realizing it while she’s sleeping
0 likesWhat about a video on What happens with Luna and Celestia after they retired?
0 likesI was thinking Starlight but she’s working at the school wow that is some interesting issue to deal with
0 likesYou know, I was thinking and this dream team idea of yours isn’t a bad one but I think you overlooked something
0 likesWho will be in it?
Now I’m you said RD and starswirl but I think there is somepony else
Fluttershy, she comforts ponies even those who are portrayed as bad guys
Discord, that guy from Daringdo, etc...
Ik her sanctuary may take up a Lot of time, but this would help her leave the fighting to RD portal opening to StarSwirl or someone else, and leave the comforting to Flutershy
I agree but I think starswirl would open portals and rainbow would fight the nightmares but I think fluttershy would comfort the ponies
0 likesWho did dream walking at anyway when Luna was banished to the moon ?
0 likesThese are great theories! Bro-Hoof!
0 likesMaybe Discord could take Luna’s place?
0 likesPls make a video on what Twilights element actually means. The other 5's elements have something to do with friendship but Twilight's element is magic. What does magic have to do with friendshi[.
0 likesMaybe Rarity because there was a theory that she turned into nightmare rarity.
1 likeFlurry heart might become a night time alicorn like Luna
0 likesI don't know if you play at the role play game of MLP but in brief take the place of Luna and dream walk at her place is the core mission of our campain XD
0 likesIs nobody gonna talk about how celestia has a nephew? In the ticket master Rarity was going crazy over meeting “Celestias Nephew” at the gala
0 likesHey notion, Can you do a theory and what would've happened if twilight didn't become a princess? what if she never became an alicorn? what is Celestia never saw anything in her?
0 likesYeah not like there's going to be a show about The Young Six. . .
1 likeWait, hold up
Princess Flurry Heart (baby) maybe she grew and learned or luna thought her to dream walk because season9 is the Future so Flurry heart should be grown up now so yea she stays in crystal empire while dream walking she rules crystal empire while dream walking. Or yea starlight but she's busy in school so i think shes the principal now but she is that powerful she can just do a spell making herself not sleep but still has energy but is she that really powerful that shes near alicorn magic? No because without luna's power she is truly weak and the pillars are busy taking or protecting the rest of equstria ao yeah! That mine i hope they make a new version of MLP called My Little Creatures Future! But Luster Dawn is the next princes and new Friends or character with her There is - Determination(Luster Dawn) and her other friends are Bravery Justice Integrity Hope and Perseverance Thats mine Brony Did you like it? And i think meanings of princesses dosent matter like twilight magic luna moon clestia sun so i think the new princess is DETERMINATION
0 likesWait why didn't Chrysalis go after Cadence, Shinning Armor and Flurry heart in season 9?
0 likesThe nightmares shall run free!!!
0 likesLuna Vs. Darkrai
0 likes(My Little Pony Vs. Pokemon)
It's literally the fight of your dreams as these two battle to the death. Who wins?
Discord would probably be able to do it easy peasy.
2 likesWell if he was more trustworthy... And. Less chaotic
Replies (3)
i wouldn't want him in a 10 mi radius of my dreams
1 likeLmao
0 likesThe Brony Notion why not trust him in your dreams his chaos could easily turn a nightmare into a fun silly dream. Discord has the power to alter anything so surely wouldnt having discord as the new Dream walker be sensible, as well as he isn’t shown to need rest and he doesn’t like to see ponies upset and he has far proven his trust and even the incident about Grogar he did out of a good reason. Also he can open realm portals on his own. I really hope you see this I love your theories and your channel keep it up. P.s please don’t stop making mlp vids just cause the shows over. Thanks for reading if you have and please argue my theory if you have anything to prove me otherwise😁.
0 likesHey I was just looking for other youtuber for a good theorys and I saw this really interesting one the long lost crystal princess try watch it and I have a question about it it's really good for both or more youtuber work together so here is my question
0 likesIf Crystalist is the lost crystal princess then wo is the past one's I mean there might be right
For my theory changelings are the one that was the past rulers of the crystal empire.
But I wanna know what you think about it tho....
It could be starlight glimmer
0 likesHere's hoping we get an answer in the Season 10 comics
0 likesI think pinkie pie and Underworld pinky pie would do it because clearly they can somehow open portals or something communicates who each other
0 likesAs far as I'm concerned anyway, very little of the series from Season 8 on is true canon & I for one refuse to accept it as such. I refuse to accept either the idiotic "friendship school" nonsense OR the even-more-retarded-and-lame "Princesses Retiring" idiocy as canon. So for me, it's a very simple solution:
1 likeIt never happened.
And since it never happened, it's therefore not up to me to find solutions for the problems & bad-writing mistakes the S8 & S9 pseudo-writers created, simply because they didn't bother to adequately think things through. (It's not my job to clean up other people's messes.)
I can continue to enjoy virtually all of Seasons 1-7, and accept only a very-select few episodes beyond that as canon, and scrap everything else beyond that as either (a) somepony's bad dream after binge-drinking some spoiled cider or (b) some foolish human's mistranslation of the tales from the original Ponish. (Well, humans are stupid & haven't a lick of simple horse sense, so what do you expect?)
Your right who is walking in dreams now Luna can’t retire for that
0 likesSunset shimmer and starlight glimmer should be the dream team
0 likesWhat makes the colour of a unicorn's magic?
0 likesWait, i have a theory... Can a pony get rid of it's cutie mark?
0 likesmeans twilight will be doing all celestia's jobs
0 likesand starlight will be doing all luna's jobs
Please make an AU!!!!
0 likesIsnt love already friendship?
0 likesI dot think Luna stoped dream walking, maybe she dont do it every night but she surely would do it at least sometimes
0 likesCelestia promised 100.000 years of peace so........i guess until they have a child or something
0 likeswhat about Cadence or Flurry Heart? They are alicorns.
0 likesI just thought of a good video: What would spikes cutie mark be
0 likesIt’s probably too late to ask this but why didn’t the CMC get their cutie marks when they helped Trouble Shoes?
0 likesNot gonna lie but I hope Hasbro sees this 😅
0 likestwilight as sun rising and starlight as moon rising
0 likesI think twilight will eventually learn how to dreamwalk I think twilight sparkle will take on dreamwalken.
0 likesBut hey it's just a teheroy a my Little pony teheroy thanks for reading.
Twilight should take lunas place, and Sunset shimmer should take tia's 👀
0 likesI wish mlp never ended
0 likesWait a second, season 9 isn’t out on netflix yet!
0 likes#dreamteam 100%
0 likesFanfic writers: to your keyboards!
0 likesI though I had finally got out of the MLP fandom but noooppppeee
0 likesI think it should be rainbow dash
1 likeMaybe not a pony will be opening the portals discord he opens portals
0 likesWhen you can't get all of season 9 so you just start crying. Oop? Lol. I actually started crying... 0-0
0 likesI think the knew main 6 would be taking Luna job idk tho
0 likesmaybe please do a video on why everypony in the cristal empire is a earth pony
0 likesBrony notion! I suggest the next video will be what happens after celestia and luna retire like when they retire will they turn old and die or?
0 likesAt the end we just found out that this sould never happend. Celestia and Luna sould rule Equestria forever. When i hear these turbid theories i just got sad because its just not right like that, its not working like before.
0 likesMane 6, Celestia, Luna... I'll miss you 😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 likesBrony Notions, Do you know where I can find all the seasons because on Netflix there is only season 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?
0 likesWait so if twilight is ok the main alicorn now does that mean flurry isn’t baby now?
0 likesİ think this theory comes with SPACE . twilight can slove the day-night problems bc there are billions of stars what if she was getting help from the stars bc it even fits with her cutie mark but there is a problem sun is a star to so i couldn't slove it its weird
0 likesReplies (1)
Or the sparkles?
0 likesBut that’s just a theory, a PONY THEORY
0 likesHmmm who will get sent to the moon now? Obey twilight sparkle or you’ll get the Luna treatment
0 likesMake a video about Cadence's parents
0 likesCan a male be a alicorn?
0 likesHow about twilight they made twilight the empress after all
0 likesOr, the average pony grows up and begins handling their own problems...
0 likesI figured Starlight took over for Luna.
0 likesWhat about flurry heart?
0 likesHmm... Interesting Theoris...
2 likesYes.
Or maybe sunset shimmer could take over for the dream world
1 likeReplies (1)
That's what I was thinking. I mean she knows some pretty strong magic as well
0 likesI think all of twilight’s friends or starlight and sunset shimmer
0 likesOk all of that makes a lot of sense I don’t think is going to happen but I want it to
0 likesSomebody MAKE THIS
0 likesWait so what would flurry heart be doing
0 likesi will try to dreamwalking
0 likesRD is scared of singing flowers
0 likesI wonder if the brony notion has other social medias...
0 likesMaybe Rd and rarity cuz she uses magic
0 likesProblem is we’ll never know. 😔😔😔😔😔
0 likesNew show idea: my little pony future
0 likesHmm... Interesting Theoris...
1 likeYes.
But I haven't seen starlight at the last episode of mlp then what could've happened to her
0 likesI meant what will starlight do or what will happen to her?
0 likesI just watched the last vid again and I saw her at twilight's school then what is starlight gonna do now since she was the first student of twilight right?
0 likesI don't think Luna replaced
0 likesWho cares the series is over.
0 likesMove on with your lives.
in my opinoin i think flurryheart
0 likesWhat about starlight and sunburst
0 likesi am such a big fan i want to know how you do it
0 likesI think about mod's cutie mark . . .
0 likesRemember starlights duplicate spell
0 likesthats a great idea YOU SHOULD BE A WRITER ON THE SH..... oh..
0 likesWhat about flurry heart
0 likesCan u do where Celestia and Luna went?
1 likeReplies (3)
silver shoals retirement home :3
0 likesThe Brony Notion Oh. I haven’t watched the final season bc it’s not on Netflix yet
0 likesI'm sorry but rainbow in dream world? Maybe Trixie
0 likesIt’s mlp! Stop poking holes in the logic!
0 likesNah! Not rainbow dash prolly the pony that is twighlights apprentice
0 likesnot rainbow dash. she likes pranking others too much. to put in into other ponies dreams? disaster. she'd have too much power and control
0 likesBut look in the sound my past is not today I think sunset got WINGS
0 likesI think rainbow dash personally
0 likesTake the REIN
0 likesNo Luna is still alive just in another idk
0 likesWhat happened to flurryheart
0 likesYay I guested it was rainbow dash 2:27
0 likesWhat episod RAINBOW DASH fighting
1 likeI fink that sweetubell, appelblom and skutalu
0 likesWhere can I watch mlp.
0 likesWhat about pinkie she never gets tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesCelectia’s and Luna’s special talent was raising their moon and sun, but now twilight is doing that with her contraption thing. So whats the point for their cutie marks now?
1 likeLol here’s more -3-
Maybe part of luna’s cutie mark, she just never realized it until after she returned from the moon. If Luna did stop walking in dreams, then I think moon dancer would take over Luna, she had a rough past with her friendships and her name is ‘Moon Dancer’ her cutie mark is also a moon like Luna’s is. 👁👅👁
Oh my God
0 likesWhat about discord will turn evil by tastatbus monsters use discord new dark magic more powerful all villains
0 likesRead comic discord dreams
0 likesReplaced by discord
1 likeFirst were did celestia and luna go????
0 likesIt's me, sweetie ;3 sorry lmao
0 likes2:40 was that fluttershy flying with the wonderbolts?
0 likesLong answer: rrrrraaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnbooooooowwwwwwwww dddddddaaaaaaaassssshh
0 likesShort answer: rainbow dash
Twilight sparkle
0 likesDiscord
0 likesHave a kayoutic night
0 likesI havn't watched it yet
Replies (1)
Bro the next gen of mlp is already out where tf have you been
0 likesI don't know about that
0 likesWho likes me princess luna because I do like luna
0 likesStarlight kan
0 likes3:35
0 likesHmm..
Rainbow dash
0 likesThe 3 tribes
0 likesU mean there is only 2 or 3
0 likes;-; yay
0 likesk i love pinkie pie talk about her game,,.
0 likesI think Flurry Heart is the main dream walker. If she’s a mix of Shining Armor and Cadence then she would be perfect!
2 likesShining Armor: Brave, a knight(Aka a good defender), and protective
Cadence: Kind, comforting, motherly, and just great with people
Ooooh! I can’t WAIT to see the Dream team! Imagine who would be on it! Pretty sure Luna probably would be a bit jealous at first but then will warm up to them.
0 likeslove the m&l reference lol
0 likesbut i feel luna might still dream walk occasionally, but not full time as it isnt her responsibility anymore. so maybe she looks for a student much like celestia had with twilight sparkle. they arent royalty or an alicorn, just a magically talented creature that luna trusts and may teach over the course of time to get them used to the job.
I think it might be twilights star pupil. She seems extremely amazing at magic. Twilight might start teaching Dream walking to the best unicorns of her school. Twilights star pupil MIGHT get the job and take the role of luna.
0 likesI'd expect the dream team to be: Starlight, Sunburst, Rainbow dash and maybe twilights star pupil?
My question is though, when Luna (Nightmare moon at the time) was banished to the moon, who walked in the dreams? I doubt that Nightmare Moon would go in ponies' dreams. That would just scare every pony. If Luna didn't walk in ponies' dreams then, why would it be any different now?
0 likesSo I just had a grand idea... what about Flurry Heart? Now that she's grown it could be one of her first roles as a true princess, and as a pony with a ton of raw magical talent she could easily learn the required spells!
0 likesBut what if it's the tree of harmony? We've seen them appear in a dream once before, and since they're more of an embodiment of magic they seem to easily shift between planes. They're definitely a good candidate for it. :)
0 likesWhat about Flurry Heart? We never see what her job in Equestria was, so it could be possible that she took over from Luna by getting some form of dream walking ability. Also, she is a very powerful alicorn, as we can see from the episode she's revealed, making it pretty easy to protect and defend different ponies from their nightmares. It seems like quite an interesting theory to me
0 likesA dream-team does make sense, since Celestias duties habe also been taken over by a team, but I don't think that rainbowdash would be in it, since she's already in the day-team, and that would be too much work, even without leading the wonderbolts at the beginning
0 likesWhat if Luna left a trace of herself in the dream world, or a magic remnant to stay in the dream world, and separated it from herself, essentially removing the unicorn magic from herself and only becoming part-pegasus-part-earth-pony? Just wanted to share this, could be possible.
0 likesI really like this theory, but it's a bit too specific. Also I think Dashie would be a great dreamwalker after she retires from the Wonderbolts. A dreamwalker must be calm and experienced, not a young and wild tornado like her right now. Maybe dreams could be a class in both the school of friendship and the school of magic, but in different perspectives. So kids could learn to deal with their nightmares and if they still can't, they would have a group or teacher to talk about. Maybe when someone is really stuggling with a nightmare, Dashie would appear in it to deal with it. But still I found both of our theorys a bit too specific
0 likesSo In Season two in the first episode, the door of the secret vault thingy had a picture of one sun and SIX moons, so the idea of teamwork and handling the dream realm can maybe actually work, between SIX ponies.
0 likesRoles of the ponies?
1.Open and close realms to different ponies dreams
2.Fighting off nightmares
3.Emotionally healing the victim
And to top it off, two groups of three, taking shifts or turns!
But possible.
And if talking about the certain ponies needed to do that,
Star Swirl,
Rainbow Dash,
Discord (maybe just maybe),
the cutie mark crusaders (poor selection, but maybe!).
And maybe even creatures who appeared in the show like
Tartarus characters
Changeling characters
Griffonstone characters
Yakyakistan characters
Dragon Lands characters
Klugetown characters
Ornithia characters
Hippogriffia and Seaquestria characters
1. Nice new intro
0 likes2. I think the pillars replaced Luna in dream walking since they are strong yet comforting.
3. Can you do a theory on Pony Life? I wanna here your opinion, your theories on what it might be about, and if it connects to G4 MLP.
I'd like to think that, at least at first, all of mane 6 would help with this. All of them could be great at this. Maybe fluttershy would have biggest problems with facing nightmares, but her caring personalityand kindness would go a long way in soothing others. Also Pinkie Pie would just destroy any nightmare by a combination of giggling at the ghosties and a good dose of Pinkie logic.
0 likesHow about the due starlight and sunburst. Hear me out, they are unicorns, that means magic. Starlight have been studying for all of her life in magic and she traveled through time. Sunburst went to a high academic school, study magic all of his life and very knowledgeable about magic (he also like books) if they work together to dreamwalk they would be powerful! I think they will take in charge of Luna’s job. I call them the moon duo
1 likeThis all falls apart when you consider that raising the sun and the moon and all the aspects of that are literally celestia and lunas cutie marks. Only luna’s magic works in the dream realm. The royal problem was only a small glimpse of luna’s duties as a princess, extremely small as it only really covered her work in the dream realm and her personal decision to put up lavender every night. She likely has other princess duties, just not as public as celestia’s duties. Maybe twilight took over raising the sun and moon for a while to give them a break, but I doubt she would keep doing it forever.
0 likesI feel like Moondancer could be a good candidate, not just because of her name but also because she is a close friend to Twilight that she would trust, and someone who has dealt with insecurities and can help ponies try to get over them
0 likesHere's a note: You say the 1000 years went well, but as you quoted from Luna, dreams can ruin a pony's psyche. Dreams can ruin a pony's heart, mind, and spirit, as if an evil force (Grogar, (pony of) shadows, etc) is making them. Every pony seems to have their own tantabus, though not acting every dream. Maybe due to Luna, maybe due to just not acting every night. But what if it did?
0 likesWhat I'm saying is, the tantabus in every pony can realize if they can become a villain in the future. When Luna was gone for 1000 years, not protecting dreams, the tantabus ruined ponies hearts, minds, and spirits. This lead to villains in the future. This being Starlight as a filly, getting nightmares about how sunburst abandoned them, Trixie, getting nightmares about how she needs to lie to get her fame (saying how she defeated an Ursa Major), Tempest, getting nightmares influencing her to run away from home and later join the Storm King, Diamond Tiara as a little foal, influencing her to bully blank-flanks (as well as her greedy parents), Cozy Glow as a foal, influencing her to become Tirek's pen-pal (how else??), Gladmane's greed, Suri Polomare's greed, Svenggallop, Lightning Dust too!
Every Pony Villain can be explained with the 1000 year gap (not other creatures, there is zero proof Luna goes into their dreams.) When a pony is a filly, or foal, an evil force (tantabus) influenced them in their dreams. Why would Tempest want to leave her town on her own? Why would Trixie want to lie on her own? Why would Cozy glow want to become the friend of a pony who stole all magic?
So I do think Luna being gone for 1000 years flipped this up. If she had stayed, pony villains would never have become a thing. (maybe besides Starlight, Diamond Tiara, and Lightning Dust)
I think the princess of merchandise (Flurry Heart) is maybe gonna replace Luna. But the dream team is also a great idea!
0 likesWhat if Luster Dawn started to walk in dreams? That could give her some sort of purpose in the story.
0 likesthe dream team is such a clever idea! after all, there is a limit to how many dreams one teacher can handle. can I use it to my fanfic please?
0 likesWell... If you really omit the fact that Luna’s retirement is a very unfair decision, given the working hours of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, then...
0 likesYes, creating such a team would be an interesting idea.
Starswell being the one to open and close each dream is a good idea but he’s getting old and might not last forever but I did have another suggestion Moondancer she has really good magical ability just like unicorn twilight so I think moon dancer and Rainbow Dash would be the dream team.
0 likesAnyway that’s just my theory let me know what you think of it when you get a sec thanks BN
But what if it only starts as a Dream team. Just like with raising the sun? To be entirely honest, my first suggestion would have been starlight too, but there is someone else who is kind of connected to the night (at least in the name). I mean I know that Sunset is in the human world and everything, but she still could be the one walking in dreams. If we look at the power she has after Legend of Everfree, it would make sense that she can do it. And her whole nature is helping. I could imagine that Twilight would start a dream team but later either Starlight or Sunset would become alicorns (I would want to see that) and one of them takes on the whole team's job. Just how Celestia did with raising the Sun.
0 likespersonally, I think Starlight Glimmer could take over dream walking for Luna. She already has experience helping others with their problems as the school of friendship's counselor, and her aptitude for any type of magic is astronomical so I can't imagine her having any trouble learning dream walking magic. Plus if names are anything to go by, Starlight is a night time name just like Luna.
0 likesReplies (1)
Also, if anything I would like to think that she and Trixy are running the school now so Trixy could always take over daytime duties at the school for Starlight.
0 likesI can't think anyone can take Luna's place she is a very hardworking princess and her job is difficult so I think nobody can take her place but starlight glimmer may take her place she is very self confident and when it comes to magic no one can beat her even twilight was not able to beat her in magic and also she is as powerful as luna so she is the one who can take Luna place
1 likeOkay, but what about Discord? With the snap of his fingers he could defeat any enemy. He may be crazy but he does his best to do what's right and support Twilight along the way. He's familiar with different dimensions, so maybe he could just open portals?
0 likesThis idea is perfect for fanfics. It has a lot of potential to explore.
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash would be physical for anything scary in the dream. Starlight Glimmer for emotional and opening the portal. Star swirl can help with the portals too.
0 likesMaybe the comics will touch on this aspect. I think that would be interesting.
0 likesYou know sunset she has power to see in people's mind and she is also pretty powerful, maybe She replace Luna
1 likeI feel like that job is gonna go for Discord... in the episode "Last Problem" we just saw Discord traveling between realms and portals plus he's immortal just like Luna and Celestia and Twilight.
0 likesI think starlight and sunburst can get a chance to dreamwalk too and starlight is also powerful, see dreamwalking can be a total energy waste if you're facing a nightmare, even luna said it so she needs a Rest and relaxing-
0 likesHey I was wondering if you could look into something. In the third mlp movie(with the human like ponies) at the moment where the Twilight that lives in that world starts getting told to unleash the magic, her necklace starts to activate but as most people would think that it's only bc it's going to get unleash but what if it's the elements of disharmony. The necklace was made to trap magic, yes it was only for friendship magic but there is also dark magic shown there. So what if the greed of the others wanting to win cause it to react. Sorry just a little theory you could look into, have a nice day, and I love your videos.
0 likesMy theory is that Twilight now has the ability to walk in dreams, as Luna could have passed on the ability to her.
0 likesI think luna will continue to do dream waking because shes the only one who understands nightmares such as other things that threatens equestria and reality
0 likesI think that Dream team is a great idea, but I also think that for Luna is dream walking part of her life, so she sometimes get back, look if everything is okay in dream realm and go to sleep, but this time it's more like hobby than job. And if there’s a Dream team I can imagine Luna teaching with Starswirl about her dimension and couching them.
0 likesI love this the reason I like game theory is because they find the true story and this is similar and I love these channel I hope you keep going
0 likesWhen Celestia and Luna combined their crowns and gave it to twilight, twilight was passed on Celestia and Lunas responsibilities, which probably includes dream walking
0 likesI'm a big fan of the idea of a "Dream Team".
0 likesPerhaps it's just Twilight's friends. Maybe more. Maybe none of them, and a new team, altogether.
But in any case, there may be one member of the team who's better suited for some dream problems, and others who are better suited for other problems.
A team would make their efforts in the dream realm actually more effective and successful than Luna could have ever done alone. Not to mention, the workload would be divided amongst them, instead of all on one pony.
Replies (1)
0 likesYou know what I just realised?
I know, I know, but hear me out.
He is already very well versed with realm-bending magic, and he could very easily deal with literally anything any creature's dreams could throw at him. He can literally be in many places at once. Nothing is going to really phase him, nothing is outlandish, because he is literally the embodiment of chaos. His only problem is his personality. If he became more mature, and learned how to be a better psychologist, he would be the perfect dream walker.
I finally got on my device on time to see your video, this is rare for me when you were gone for that long time after you made that a brand new pair of wings video I had to go back and watch old videos I haven't seen in the past, so I'm happy I got here on time thank you for being the first brony I ever watched in my entire life!!! 💗💕
0 likesWe all care about you,
From fanservis
Sorry for my spelling
I think maybe Starlight would take over the dream world since she is quite powerful and comforting.
0 likesActually, Luna would still have to do it. A Royal Problem established that it is Lunas cutie mark talent that gives her the ability to do so and nobody else can do it.
0 likesRemember, she told Celestia that she could not do anything because Celestia had her cutie mark, along with the cutie mark talent magic that goes with it. Plus if it had been teachable, Luna would have still been able to do it, even with Celestias cutie mark, which she established in that episode that she couldn't.
So unless they strip Luna of her cutie mark permanently, which they have established is not an option because that would be ripping away a essential part of the pony, Luna will still have to do it. Either that or permanently switch Mark's with another pony. Which would not be an option with RainbowDash because that would take away her speed, which has been established to be part of her cutie mark talent, which she would rather die than do.
I know I've said it before but I'm going to say it again- even if it's totally unrelated to the subject.
0 likesPinkie pie was adopted. This already you can see, because even before she got her cutie mark she looked nothing like her family. She doesn't even share the same destiny as any of the pie's descents. But who's her real parent? Well, first we'll have to look at other ponies. My theory is pinkie pie's parent is someone who is just as happy and silly- no. CHAOTIC as her. See what I'm getting at? It's already obvious I'm talking about discord. He's over a thousand years old for crying out loud, surely he would have thought to create a child with his magic, even if it was only once. Maybe he even messed with time travel, create the child in the future. Of course, being Discord, this can't be any old kid. And since it's seemingly impossible to create a filly, there will be some flaws- maybe this child will have... a slight streak of insanity if something slants in their minds. Come on, pinkie pie can control CHAOS MAGIC! In fact, she can also use alicorn- the power of two Alicorns as well! And she's self aware, can teleport, jump so high it's like she's flying, and can produce anything out of thin air, even though she's an earth pony! The amount of evidence to back this up is strong, and the only issue is discords lack of memory about her. Idk, it can't be easy remembering everything from more then a thousand years ago
Ok but I'd be definitely down for Discord to come turn my nighmares into silly and harmless things :D
0 likesNow, this is only a theory, but I have a strong feeling that Sunset Shimmer took Luna's place. Now, I know she's in the EQG world, but what if she moved back to Equestria and took the job once Twilight needed somepony to fill in the position and someone that's she's known well enough to trust for such a task? Starlight, The Mane 6, heck, even Trixie, couldn't possibly take the role. They have stuff going on to do Luna's job. Sunset had to graduate Canterlot High at some point in her life, thus giving her a reason to come back to her home world, Equestria. But still... why Sunset, you ask? It's not because she appeared during Twilight's freeze frame scene in Magic Of Friendship Grows. It's because of her power in the human world: mind reading. She could read other people's minds back in Canterlot High and it's kind of the nearest thing to watching and entering someone's dreams. So that job world be perfect for someone like Sunset. Also, why is it that she didn't appear properly in The Last Problem? The same reason why Luna wouldn't have. The episode was set in the day time, right? And what would Celestia and Luna be doing if they were still the rulers of Equestria? Luna would sleep during the day and be awake at night for her duties. And what would Sunset be doing if she had Luna's job? She would sleep during the day and be awake at night for her duties! As for Twilight/Celestia, they'd be awake in the day for their stuff. And that seat Spike was sitting on in The Last Problem? I do believe that could be Sunset's, as he has stuff going in The Dragon Lands.
0 likesBut, like I said... that's just a theory. Stay safe, guys!!!
My version of a dream team will involve the main six (-twilight) Pinkie bringing happiness, fluttershy teaming up with Rainbow Dash for the comforting aspect, AJ will being the nightmare combat with Rainbow Dash, and Rarity and Starlight opening the dream doors.
0 likesI think shining armor could take over lunas roles
0 likes1.hes a unicorn so he has magic needed to battle nightmares and enter dreams
2. He’s a previous royal guard which means he’s tough and good at fighting like rainbow dash
3. He’s a Prince by marriage naturally they’d want a royal replacement and cadence dies most of the word running the crystal empire so he’s free for whatever
4. He’s twilights brother think about it equestria was tulles by two sisters passing to a brother sister team would fit really well
Why not Discord? He is capable of dream walking—maybe. Besides, he can open up different portals and that should include the dream realm.
0 likesSo who's going to be writing a non-plot story on the concept of a Dream Team after everything we learned in Season 9 Finale and what Notion just suggested?
0 likeswhat's the big deal?
0 likesLuna was stuck on the moon for 1000years and nobody walked the dream real in that time. ponies now just have to deal with their problems the old fashioned ways, and without any alicorn-magic messing things up those dreams are pretty much harmless
I have a question, how old is princess cadance?
0 likesSince in the season four finale tirej didn’t question why there was a third alicorn princess he only asked about twilight and tirek was imprisoned in tataurus for a millennia so he wouldn’t get any new news on how there was a third alicorn princess unless she’s also that old.
I think star light she could do a great job and she would make a much better candidate for the dream team or she could do it herself
0 likesI just ADORE that new intro ♡
0 likesOkay what about Starlight?
0 likesWhat happened to her?
What if in the clip she was taking a rest from dreamwalking? Or what if she was in the hallway replacing the lavenders to be advanced??
my opinion is that starlight will do dream walking cuz she has magic and she can advice others , she will be a good dream walker
0 likesThe Brony Notion can you explain why the CMC didn't show up when all of Equestria was assembled? I'm getting the notion that these three ponies should have their own roles during the series finale.
0 likesWell I think you may be underestimated discord... It's obvious if there is replacement available for luna it should be discord... He can create potrals from one dimension to another so i think dream walking will be piece of cake for him... Also no matter how bad the dream is he can Fight with ease 😅so yeah I think if there is any replacement for luna then it must be discord....
0 likesMy answer will be weird but I think the dream team is the CMC ! I explain:
0 likes-Luna have always a special bond with the CMC. She helped Scootaloo with her fears (Sleepless in Ponyville) She helped Sweetie Belle to not become jealous (From whom the Sweetie Belle toils) and she helped Apple Bloom to not fear her future cutiemark (Bloom and Gloom)
-This spécial bond can be also confirmed with the end of "Crusaders of the lost mark" when Spike send the picture to the princesses. If in the theme Celestia keep looking at the letter because Twilight is her student in "Crusaders of the lost mark" she immediatly give the letter to Luna just like the picture was for her
-And for the practical part that's the problem. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom can't use magic and Sweetie Belle is not very good. So maybe Twilight or another pony open the portal then go to sleep and one of the crusaders (they can switch every day to not be tired) go in the dream world
Thank you for reading and sorry for my bad english !
Maybe Moondancer could do the job. I mean,in her Name is Moon in it and she is an Unicorn who can learn the Magic. Also Twillight cold make do her the job as Excuse for not being there for her so Moondancer can forgive her.
0 likesYes this seems like a possible explanation so I'm gonna go with yes keep making videos
0 likesAlso it wasn't established or discovered HOW sombra escaped his prison in season two maybe the pony of shadows had something to do with it I dunno!? I'm sure a amazing YouTuber like you can find something out about it!!! 😊💗
0 likesWhat about a pony with good magic skills and his/her cutie mark refer to moon or night like Sunset Shimmer? Of course not Sunset (cause her cutie mark refers to the sun and she lives in Canterlot High) but a pony from Celestia's school or a pony that Luna really liked for some reason or taught that pony but we never new about that or a student at the friendship school with really good magic skills? 🤔 (I know the different sides are a lot but they came to my mind as I wrote this comment 😄😂)
0 likesGonna be honest and say I just can't handle the finale and the two sisters "retiring" Luna just dreamwalks forever lmao
0 likesI think Discord could help rainbow, he could turn her into unicorn, because in second season he turn the whole main six (except pinkie and Applejack) in earth ponies. Or give her some amulet like Grogaror Trixie had. Grogar wasn't a unicorn and as we saw in season 9 he must used his straps in order to cast magic. I think if someone would give Rainbow some kind of amulet, she could use magic and instead of horn magic would come out of the amulet.
0 likesCan you start theorizing the Sonic company? By that I mean anything in the games, comics, or tv shows that are mysteries. Please do this!
0 likesMy initial thought: Spike is the new Luna. But I prefer your theory.
0 likesKinda not related but you know the realm Celestia is in charge of? You know,where Twilight was sent to see Celestia before becoming an alicorn? I think she still might doing that job after retirement to see other ponies that triggerred the enchantment,maybe.
0 likesthis comment is reffering to the theory of Star Swirl inventing the Alicorn.
I think we should make an animation based off this.
0 likesi feel like a new pony will get a tatent in dream walking, the world dose seem to tend to give the right pony at jsut the right time
0 likesOr maybe Starlight replaced luna, lol (but ageing would be an issue) plus wouldn't the two sisters show age without the crown possibly.
1 likeI would think flutershy would be best suited for the role
0 likesI really wanna see what candance and flurry heart look like by this time lol
0 likesI want Sunset to become the new night princess. It's highly unlikely, but I want Sunset and Twilight to get married and rule Equestria together.
0 likesReplies (1)
Still want this
0 likesI don't know if this is right but I think that luna can be dream walking forever as she is immortal
0 likesTo be honest, Flurry Heart might be able to take this on, I mean when she's older, which she probably is by the time Luna and Celestia retired.
0 likesReplies (2)
Are you sure? Celestia and Luna lived just as they were in season 9 when granny smith was a filly! Proof in the zap apple jam episode!
0 likes@Zoey yeah, but we've seen how the mane six have gotten older and that means that everyone else aged. It doesn't have to mean that Flurry does Luna's job at once, but she might be training for it.
1 likeI feel like pinkie pie would definitely be on the team
0 likesI think Starlight should walk in dreams
0 likesrainbow dash 'could' actualy do it on her own, twilight isnt useing HER magic to raise and lower the moon,. she doesnt have the strength for it shes useing an enchanted relic the sisters put a good chunk of there OWN magic into, whats to say that luna couldnt create another relic specificly for dreamwalking that would let 'anypony' or any creature, dreamwalk...and to flip it back to your team idea whats to say, given time, twilight couldnt replicate this item...thus it might start out with just rainbow dash...then as rainbow garnered more responsiblities in the wakeing world another could be asigned to help her...then another, then another...till theres basicly a small branch of the government deadicated to the subconcious health of the population.
0 likesIt's just a thought but what about discord ruling the dream realm. He has enough power to make dreams let alone watch them
0 likesDream Hopper walks in dreams! I've been writing that story :3
0 likesstarlight should be head mare of the school of friendship and rarity should be in the dream realm
0 likesThe team could be rainbow, fluttershy, and some unnamed ones.
0 likesHey Brony whats your thoughts on pony life?
You can look at the glass of the castle you might see flurry heart she must have helped I'm saying this in the first point I swear
0 likesThe real question is who walk dream before luna?
0 likesI think the best canadent can be thorax if hes still alive with his coferting Personality
0 likesI was hoping sunset shimmer or starlight glimmer would be princesses as well since sunset shimmer is like twilight and starlight as twilight star student aka new principle of da school but I will just keep dreaming
1 like2:53
0 likesThis is one of the worst things I have ever seen, ever.
Overall 8/10 video, cool stuff.
I think Fluttershy would have recruited Discord to be the Walker of Dreams.
0 likesFans have more episode ideas than the whole season.
1 likeReplies (1)
I haven't watched MLP since season....6...?5? ended. Now that I'm coming back it really seems a shame how much everything has changed, often for the worse.
0 likesI think that Luna will be replaced by Starligth Glimmer!
0 likeswhat about looking towards the comics for who would (re)take up the 'mantle'
0 likesIs it just me or have I heard of a "Dream Team"
0 likesI still believe that it's still Twilight.
0 likesIt would be Twilight, Starlight, maybe Sunset Shimmer, spIkE? Or it's Cadence.....
But does Luna still keep the arrangements she made with Pip with regards to visiting the ponies on Nightmare Night?
0 likesI gotta say, i like the new intro~
0 likesI think ponies in Equestria are feeling safe, and they don’t have any nightmares. This my theory.
0 likesNo one ca EVER replace Princess Luna
0 likesSpeaking of dream team, there is a fanfic called lunar guard staring Pipsqueak.
0 likesMaybe Cadance,cause flurry heart is incharge of the crystal empire so cadance is free with nothing to do
1 likeI saw the title and went "Holy crap that's true"
0 likesI think i makes more sense for Pinky P to take over instead of Rainbow, seem more apropiate
0 likesThis job is perfect for Discord!
0 likesThere is nothing else than my imaginashion (i spelled that wrong) but maybe luna and selestia gave their eternety to twilights friends and the magic went to them to? How would it work? Maybe they would just apear in ponys dreams, i mean the pony that is best at helping in that dream. This is just somthing i came up whit when i was thinking randomly, but maybe its not imposible? Plz say if this was unclear (:
0 likesthey gave the job to rarity first . but had to stop her after she made herself rich by making ponies dream about buying her fashion
0 likesI just noticed that rainbow's new hair is the same as spitfire's
0 likesStygian could be the pony asistant
0 likesTwilight probably would probably assign Starlight cause she’s been into it ya know when she and celestia met daybreaksr
0 likesWhy isnt rainbow dash an alicorn
0 likesI mean, she indirectly brought the main six together with her rainboom
Thats why starlight went directly to rainbow dash when she went back in time
Rainbow dash made new magic didn't she
I think i need fan fiction of this yesterday
0 likesTwilight can’t fully trust him but star swirl can watch him or someone else
0 likesWhen you haven’t seen season nine yet because it isn’t on your Netflix, but the brony nation is too tempting to watch so you watch it anyways confused about the whole thing. Relatable?
0 likesthis is a great idia! im good at writing stroys so i will write a book called the dream team. only for brony nothoin, show me where i can shere my idias with you!
1 likeMy source is a comic that name i dont remember, but Luna was doing nothing for 1000 years while Celestia did, so maybe Luna doesn't even deserve retirement :D
0 likesI totally didn’t forget this show existed....
0 likesI think fluttershy and discord we see them travel too the normal realm through the chaos realm so why wouldnt they be able to do that with the dream realm
1 likeMy Thoughts are Luna will be replaced by Blood moon and it will be her daughter
0 likesI see it being star dream the protege of Luna take on the role
0 likesWhen the show goes to sleep, the bronies begin to wake.
0 likesStarlight glimmer becomes an alicorn and she will run the dreamworld
0 likesPff the outro music is such a nice little detail
0 likesI love your songs, man.
Well idw comics are now A canon. Maybe they’ll tackle this without tv restrictions like how they can now do Zecoras home country and Kelpies?
0 likesWhat about by flurry heart I mean she is a grown pony when twilight talks to her student I mean that would mean twilight day cadence was never said to have retired so flurry heart needs a responsibility right so why not dream walking
0 likesBut where did they go?(Princess Luna and Celestia)If they have left?What would they do,BC if they left where else would they go
0 likeswhat about Sunset Shimmer? Maybe? I get its kinda backwards and it would make more sense if SUNset shimmer took over Celestias duties and TWILIGHT sparkle take over luna but maybe it'll be just flipped around not a big deal the reason why I think sunset shimmer might is because after high school everyone will go do different things she'll be left thinking I don't know what I want to do and return to the pony world to study magic again cause its her true passion maybe even become a student not like the little ponies but similar to how starlight is/was and then becomes an Alicorn to rule by Twilight while starlight runs the school
0 likesI think discord cause he makes a bunch of portals like star swirl but he is the king of chaos but someone can watch him do it
0 likesWhat about flutter heat
0 likesI mean she has not got her cutie make yet right?
So maybe she can help her aunt twilight
I was not thinking of Rainbow Dach but Starlight
0 likesYeah like so she just went like screw their dreams
0 likesI think
0 likesDiscord would replace luna
my first thought was either Starlight or Rainbow Dash
0 likesDibs on the dream team fanfic!
1 likeReplies (1)
Ahh yes! I really wanna see a fanfic on this now
0 likesMaybe Luna will be replaced by MoonDancer
0 likesi think starlight glimmer replace luna
0 likesI had the same question.
0 likesWell i think that luna been replaced but ranbodash meh... Not possble but a dream team could be possible but really who are they??
0 likesYou forgot about one person and I think this person would be very good at it he has corn but he's a quarter or however you say it and I believe he would be very good at this job just cord is the person I'm talking about you'd be very good at it
0 likesI feel like Sunset Shimmer is the best candidate if you remember the Equestria girls music video my past is not today or Forgotten friendship
0 likesWe all know that Luna wants too du thinks bei her self. Reameber that episode wehre Twilight and Shining armor "fought" vor there paper Krown. Twilight needed to break in the Cassel to get it. Shining armor and the Prinzesses wantet to test if the cassel was safe (they had now more Soldiers to Ptotect it). But Luna didn't like the Ideea of more Soldiers she tougt that the cassel is save and the didn't need more because she and Celestia were there. Or am I wrong?
0 likesI bet discord helps on the dream team
0 likesI found and Easter egg (well my friend did and told me and I just confirmed it) Applejack said the b word when she got her cutie mark back from starlight glimmer. 😐😂😂
0 likesHere is my theory
0 likesNo
Luna did not retire doing her job because thats her life
You can't stop a destiny wait...(Having flash back starlight changing destiny)
ummm but yeah starlight is not gonna go crazy and change destiny again
And in the episode "The royal problem" Luna did said Only her magic can defeat the nightmares/going into the dream world
That's all
Just saying why would you ant to stop what you have been doing all your life that represent your cutie mark
And also i think Twilight takes over Celestia's job while Luna does her job (I mean Luna did not did her job for a thousand years when banished to the moon)
Starlight or dreamteam
0 likesRainbow dash is perfect
1 likeSpike be looking like he on steroids
1 likeStarlight will be there
0 likesi reckon it could be Discord.
0 likesOmg I love your intro
0 likes1:45 1:50 Celestia’s crown is back!?
0 likeshi i am from colombia and i love your videos
1 likeSimple. My sleep paralysis demon
0 likesKeyanu weed
Sunset shimmer willl return and raise the sun and and starlight glimmer will be in ponies dream and twilight will just rule
0 likesYou fool 'Em other nightmare moon one never stopped rolling the night and sunites stop giving us great dreams
0 likesI think discord is in charge of dreams
0 likesLuna is great so no one can exchange her
0 likesSpike can replace luna
0 likesRW:Brony Notion thats a very good and excellent question.😕
0 likesThis is the "alicorn nation" theory all over again....... Not based in any facts
0 likesNice theory
0 likesWait season 9? When did that happen?
0 likesIs cozy glow an alicorn
0 likesSpike did the job
0 likesWell here is an Idea what about discord and his magic
0 likesLuna may be replaced by cadance
0 likesI have this thought since 2 days ago and BOOM this video shows up in my recommendation.
0 likesBro I haven't gotten a notification to this channel in years
0 likesStop telling it Nd spoiling it it’s so freaking annoying
0 likesStop telling it Nd spoiling it it’s so freaking annoying
0 likesSo dude...um...sadly you cant keep...you know what nvm😭😭
0 likesHaven’t seen you in so long
0 likesLuna will get replaced by a changling and rainbow dash because they can me unicorns and Pegasus
0 likesOh right!
1 likeWhy not try to reform da pony of shadows
0 likesI watched this a day after you posted it
0 likesYou are so smart dude phlosof (sarcasm if your little minds didn't understand)
0 likesI HATE the mlp final SO much !
0 likesDream team
0 likesrainbow dash
star swirl
star Lhite
0 likesfLuRrY hEaRt?
mlp is shutting down so what are you going to do
0 likes4:07 minecraft music
0 likesWhat about rainbow dash
0 likesI was hoping you would say discord
0 likesi don't want to stop
0 likesMaybe the students six
1 likeReplies (1)
But we see her as the head mare of the school
0 likesHmmmm pickie pie
0 likesMy sister birthday is today.
0 likesSí y no luna mi villas de verdad se ubica si Things resto de los foramen es bajito haz esto duele no han Coming Space luna no hay pena si
0 likesOK changeling
0 likesDISCORD
1 likeCan I be your fan
0 likesWhat seasen is this
0 likesI don't see seen 9 at all !!!! you stopped
0 likesRainbow dash yes Rainbow dash
0 likesI can find it in nefils can you plsss help me
0 likeshaw bawt yuo
0 likesWhy did he say person win there pony’s
0 likesI love you
0 likesLuna