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A LA PING&PONG....Extrem Musik Full Album...

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Comments (archived 2022-10-03 11:36; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-25 13:18:49

Dobra zvučna atmosfera, vrlo jedinstvena. Podsjeća me na Mikea Oldfielda.Prekrasna elektronika; nije uvijek bogata sadržajem, već meditativna i lijepa. Preporučeno., za vas..!Ovo je fascinantno, jedan od stilski jedinstvenih albuma koje sam čuo u neko vrijeme. Jedan dio čudna ambijentalna elektronika ala Kraftwerk, jedan dio tipkovnica dron Pink Floyd cirka "Wish You Were Here", a jedan dio minimalistička elektronika ala Manuel Gottsching. Pluta prilično nježno, ali nije pozadinska glazba, dovoljno je kreativna i izazovna i izvan kiltera da zadrži vašu pažnju na mjestu.ladislav&zivanovic………….

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-25 13:19:54

Good sound atmosphere, very unique. It reminds me of Mike Oldfield. it is not always rich in content, but meditative and beautiful. Recommended., for you..! This is fascinating, one of the stylishly unique albums I've heard in a while. One part strange ambient electronics ala Kraftwerk, one part keyboard drone Pink Floyd circa "Wish You Were Here", and one part minimalist electronics ala Manuel Gottsching. It floats quite gently, but it's not background music, it's creative and challenging enough and out of kilter to keep your attention in place.ladislav&zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-25 13:19:30

Bonne ambiance sonore, très unique. Cela me rappelle Mike Oldfield. il n’est pas toujours riche en contenu, mais méditatif et beau. Recommandé., pour vous..! C’est fascinant, l’un des albums élégamment uniques que j’ai entendus depuis un moment. Une partie étrange électronique ambiante ala Kraftwerk, une partie de drone de clavier Pink Floyd circa « Wish You Were Here », et une partie électronique minimaliste ala Manuel Gottsching. Il flotte assez doucement, mais ce n’est pas de la musique de fond, c’est assez créatif et stimulant et déphasé pour garder votre attention en place.ladislav&zivanovic.............

Nikolaos Mosxakis 2022-02-25 13:44:48

very good...............................................................................

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