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The...Mandrake&Memorial..Puzzle .1.969..Full album..

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Comments (archived 2022-11-28 19:16; 6 top, 6 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 09:33:23

The puzzle is between any of the album's price hikes in the rock years. Incognito sky, hidden in reality, away from home, where people can live among angels.
Puzzle not when 'psychedelic hidden jewelry', for a jeno trip to a place of wonder and magical things at the same time, what place we use it for rhyme: Fantasy.Philadelphia meets Pink Floyd ... Sounds weird? Yes, but it's also one of a handful of albums I own that deserves a four-star rating.
For a band that began with a serious Beatles fixation, 1969's "Puzzle".
As the band's third and final album, the project actually had an interesting, if problematic, history. Following the departure of keyboardist Michael Kaco to pursue a career with classical guitarist Linda Cohen (RIP), the remaining trio consisting of guitarist Craig Anderton, bassist Randy Monaco and drummer J. Kevin Lally packed for the UK where they recorded an acoustic album with producer Shel Talmy. Poppy Records executives hated the results and the recordings were immediately put off, leaving the trio to rework the material in New York with producer Ron Frangipane.
Dressed in a striking design by M.C. Escher (I wonder how much it cost to get the rights to the pictures), it seems that the album was conceived as a conceptual piece, although I must admit that I have no idea what it is
concept. (If you read German, the verbiage of the inner sleeve can provide a clue.) Whatever their intention, songs like the opener 'Earthfriend' and 'Kyrie' had a distinctive lisergic flavor. Adding Gregorian chants to 'Children's Prayer' and a few songs also added a pseudo-religious feel. Complete with elaborate orchestration, instrumental preludes, extended musical segue modes and a lot of electronic nods, that was about as far away from the band's previous top 40 orientation. Geez, 'Children's Prayer' even included a children's choir. In its place, material such as 'Earthfriend', 'Hide' and 'Tadpole' flowed in a thick and trippy stupor. This may sound like a stupid analogy, but prompted by Monaco's sycophants (he literally sounded stoned), strange weather signatures and production effects, weird synthesizers and some really weird lyrics (see Ocean's Daughter' and 'Whisper Play'), that's a fitting description. The whole other side, complete with sound effects, strips backwards and other effects made for a great experience with headphones. The band hasn't completely abandoned their talent for commercial material, with 'Just a Blur' (featured in three separate versions) and a title track that stands as appealing as anything on their first or second releases. Last comment - watching it for almost 50 minutes, this was one long album.
"Puzzle" playlist:
(page 1)
1.) Earthfriend Prelude (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 2:49: ** stars Heavily orchestrated instrumental opener 'Earthfriend Prelude' was certainly pleasant, but in the end it turned out to be little more than atmospheric background music for a fantasy film.
2.) Earthfriend (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 6:17 rating: ** stars
While it was hard to tell where the prelude ended and the main theme began, the ballad 'Earthfriend' sounded like it was bathed in a heavy dose of foxergic acid. Randy Monaco's bass line was amazing, and the orchestral arrangement got crazier and crazier as it went on.
3.) Just a Blur (Version 1) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:53 rating: * stars
'Just a Blur (Version 1)' was a pretty acoustic fragment of the song. Too bad it was so short.
4.) Hiding (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - rating
3:15 a.m.: ** stars Another beautiful, sour performance. Maybe a little too fey for the good of the band. This time, J. Kevin Lally's drums gave the secret ingredient to the song.
5.) Just a Blur (Version 2) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:51 rating: * stars
A pretty acoustic guitar powered segment that really wasn't much different from the previous segment.
6.) Tadpole (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 2:25 rating: ** stars
I'd die happy mastering Monaco's initial bass sample. 'Tadpole' was another cute ballad that was actually a little more commercial than the rest of the side.
7.) Kyrie (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
rating 3:24: * stars Geez, for a moment I thought I slapped the electric plums "Mass In F Minor". So at this point why not throw in some Gregorian chants ? Very nice, although I have no idea what he's doing here.
8.) Ocean's Daughter (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
3:24 rating: ** stars I'm not sure why I find this ballad so interesting. On the surface it seems quite mild and the lyrics are quite ILO-ish. Maybe Monaco's acoustic bass, or the sound effects buried in the orchestration...
Volcano Prelude (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 2:08: ** stars Page two opened with the same tricks - a short instrumental introduction; the main theme, and then a more conventional path. Just like 'Earthriend', 'Volcano' turned out to be a forgettable cinematic instrumentation - maybe something out of an Exorcist-style horror movie ?
2.) Volcano (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - rating
5:59: ** stars I'm not sure why I find this ballad so interesting. On the surface it seems quite
the mild and lyrics to 'Volcano' opened with some irritating guitar feedback effects, but quickly shifted to a more conventional tune.
3.) Whisper Play (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
rating 3:00: * stars Well, the title was safe, and 'Whisper Play' offers another segment of Gregorian chants, along with lots of whispers and bizarre lyrical interludes.
4.) Bucket of Air (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 9:37: ** stars With one of the album's strong melodies, 'Bucket of Air' offered a terrifying mix of Anderton's jangle rock guitar, Lally's wild drums and Monaco's melodic bass act. The middle part of the song recalled something Roger McGuinn and Byrds might have recorded if they had actually discovered psycedelia.
5.) Children's Prayer (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 3:25: ** stars More Gregorian singing ... I think I've reached my limit at this point.
6.) Puzzle (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 3:08 rating: ** stars
After the last few tunes, it was nice to get back to a more conventional tune. Yes, another sour-soaked ballad, but at least it had a decent melody and Monaco's bass was great.
7.) Just a Blur (version 3) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- 0:51 rating: * stars And back to the opening tune...

The puzzle is the horse of a band too busy to be, overlooked, unavailable.
A blissful prize for one who takes adventures outside mainstream pop music. A place called Fantasia
Puzzle is probably one of the most underrated albums in rock history. Incognito sky, hidden in parallel reality, away from home, where people can live among angels (at least for a while).
Puzzle is not a typical 'psychedelic hidden gem', it is an unexpected journey to a place made of divine and magical things at the same time, a place we use to call: Fantasy.

Puzzle is the testimony of a band destined to be ignored, overlooked, unavailable.
A blissful reward for those who take adventures outside mainstream pop music. LADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 09:42:24

A place called Fantasia
Puzzle is probably one of the most underrated albums in rock history. Incognito sky, hidden in parallel reality, away from home, where people can live among angels (at least for a while).
Puzzle is not a typical 'psychedelic hidden gem', it is an unexpected journey to a place made of divine and magical things at the same time, a place we use to call: Fantasy.

Puzzle is the testimony of a band destined to be ignored, overlooked, unavailable.
A blissful reward for those who take adventures outside mainstream pop music.LADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 09:28:30

Slagalica je između bilo koje od poskupljenja albuma u godinama rocka. Inkognito nebo, skriveno uoj stvarnosti, daleko od kuće, gdje ljudi mogu živjeti među anđelima.
Puzzle ne kada 'psihodelični skriveni nakit', za jeno putovanje na mjesto čuda i čarobnih stvari u isto vrijeme, koje mjesto koje je koristimo za rimu: Fantazija.Philadelphia upoznaje Pink Floyd ... Zvuči čudno? Jest, ali to je također jedan od pregršt albuma koje posjedujem koji zaslužuje ocjenu od četiri zvjezdice.
Za bend koji je započeo ozbiljnom fiksacijom Beatlesa, "Puzzle" iz 1969.
Kao treći i posljednji album sastava, projekt je zapravo imao zanimljivu, ako problematičnu povijest. Nakon odlaska klavijaturista Michaela Kaca da nastavi karijeru s klasičnom gitaristicom Lindom Cohen (RIP), preostali trio koji čine gitarist Craig Anderton, basist Randy Monaco i bubnjar J. Kevin Lally spakirali su se za Veliku Britaniju gdje su snimili akustični album s producentom Shelom Talmyjem. Rukovoditelji Poppy Recordsa mrzili su rezultate i snimke su odmah odložene, ostavljajući trojac da preradi materijal u New Yorku s producentom Ronom Frangipaneom.
Odjeven u upečatljiv dizajn M.C. Eschera (pitam se koliko je koštalo dobivanje prava na slike), čini se da je album zamišljen kao konceptualni komad, iako moram priznati da nemam pojma koji je to
koncept. (Ako čitate njemački, verbiage unutarnjeg rukava može pružiti trag.) Bez obzira na namjeru, pjesme poput otvarača 'Earthfriend' i 'Kyrie' imale su prepoznatljiv lisergijski okus. Dodavanje gregorijanskih napjeva na 'Dječju molitvu' i nekoliko pjesama također je dodalo pseudoreligijski osjećaj. Upotpunjena razrađenom orkestracijom, instrumentalnim preludijama, proširenim glazbenim segue načinima i puno elektroničkog klimanja glavom, to je bilo otprilike što dalje od ranije top 40 orijentacije benda. Geez, 'Dječja molitva' je čak uključivala i dječji zbor. Na njegovom mjestu materijal kao što su 'Earthfriend', 'Hide' i 'Tadpole' tekao je u debelom i trippy stuporu. To može zvučati kao glupa analogija, ali potaknuta Monacovim ulizicama (doslovno je zvučao napušeno), čudnim vremenskim potpisima i produkcijskim efektima, čudnim sintesajzerskim točkicama i nekim doista čudnim stihovima (pogledajte Oceanovu kćer' i 'Whisper Play'), to je prikladan opis. Cijela druga strana, zajedno sa zvučnim efektima, trakama unatrag i drugim efektima napravljenim za veliko iskustvo sa slušalicama. Bend nije u potpunosti napustio svoj talent za komercijalni materijal, s pjesmom 'Just a Blur' (predstavljenom u tri zasebne verzije) i naslovnom pjesmom koja stoji privlačno kao i bilo što na njihovim prvim ili drugim izdanjima. Posljednji komentar - gledajući ga na gotovo 50 minuta, ovo je bio jedan dugi album.
Popis pjesama "Puzzle":
(strana 1)
1.) Earthfriend Prelude (instrumentalno) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- ocjena 2:49: ** zvijezde Jako orkestrirani instrumentalni otvarač 'Earthfriend Prelude' svakako je bio ugodan, ali je na kraju ispao nešto više od atmosferske pozadinske glazbe za fantasy film.
2.) Earthfriend (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 6:17 ocjena: ** zvijezde
Dok je bilo teško reći gdje je preludij završio i glavna tema počela, balada 'Earthfriend' zvučala je kao da je okupana teškom dozom lisergične kiseline. Bas linija Randyja Monaca bila je nevjerojatna, a orkestralni aranžman postao je luđi i luđi kako je prolazio.
3.) Just a Blur (Verzija 1) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:53 ocjena: * zvijezde
'Just a Blur (Verzija 1)' bio je prilično akustični fragment pjesme. Šteta što je bilo tako kratko.
4.) Skrivanje (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - ocjena
3:15: ** zvijezde Još jedna lijepa, kisela izvedba. Možda malo previše fey za dobrobit benda. Ovaj put bubnjevi J. Kevina Lallyja dali su tajni sastojak pjesme.
5.) Just a Blur (Verzija 2) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:51 ocjena: * zvijezde
Prilično akustična gitara powered segment koji stvarno nije bio mnogo drugačiji od prethodnog segmenta.
6.) Punoglavac (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 2:25 ocjena: ** zvijezde
Umro bih sretan svladavajući Monacov početni bas uzorak. 'Punoglavac' je bila još jedna slatka balada koja je zapravo bila malo komercijalnija od ostatka bočne.
7.) Kyrie (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
ocjena 3:24: * zvijezde Geez, na trenutak sam pomislio da sam ošamario električne šljive "Mass In F Minor". Dakle , u ovom trenutku zašto ne baciti u neke gregorijanske napjeve ? Vrlo lijepo, iako nemam pojma što radi ovdje.
8.) Oceanova kći (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
3:24 ocjena: ** zvijezde Nisam siguran zašto mi je ova balada tako zanimljiva. Na površini se čini prilično blag i stihovi su prilično MOR-ish. Možda je Monacov akustični bas, ili zvučni efekti zakopani u orkestraciji ...
Volcano Prelude (instrumentalno) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- ocjena 2:08: ** zvijezde Strana dva otvorila se istim trikovima - kratkim instrumentalnim uvodom; glavnu temu, a zatim konvencionalniju stazu. Baš kao i 'Earthriend', 'Volcano' je ispao zaboravljiva filmska instrumentacija - možda nešto iz horor filma u stilu Egzorcista ?
2.) Vulkan (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - ocjena
5:59: ** zvijezde Nisam siguran zašto mi je ova balada tako zanimljiva. Na površini se čini prilično
blag i stihovi 'Volcano' otvorili su se s nekim iritantnim povratnim efektima gitare, ali brzo su se prebacili u konvencionalniju melodiju.
3.) Whisper Play (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
ocjena 3:00: * zvijezde Pa, naslov je bio siguran, a 'Whisper Play' nudi još jedan segment gregorijanskih napjeva, zajedno s puno šaptanja i bizarnog lirskog interludija.
4.) Bucket of Air (instrumentalno) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- ocjena 9:37: ** zvijezde Uz jednu od jakih melodija albuma, 'Bucket of Air' ponudio je zastrašujuću mješavinu Andertonove jangle rock gitare, Lallynih divljih bubnjeva i Monacovog melodičnog bas-djela. Srednji dio pjesme prisjetio se nečega što su Roger McGuinn i Byrds možda snimili da su doista otkrili psycedeliju.
5.) Dječja molitva (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- ocjena 3:25: ** zvijezde Više gregorijanskog pjevanja ... Mislim da sam dostigao svoj limit u ovom trenutku.
6.) Puzzle (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 3:08 ocjena: ** zvijezde
Nakon posljednjih nekoliko melodija, bilo je lijepo vratiti se konvencionalnijoj melodiji. Da, još jedna kiselo natopljena balada, ali barem je imala pristojnu melodiju i Monacov bas je bio sjajan.
7.) Samo mrlja (verzija 3) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- 0:51 ocjena: * zvijezde I natrag na uvodnu melodiju ...

Slagalica je konjo benda prezog da buden, previđen, nedostupan.
Blažena nagrada za jedan koji se avanture izvan mainstream pop glazbe.Mjesto zvano Fantazija
Puzzle je vjerojatno jedan od najpodcjenjenijih albuma u povijesti rocka. Inkognito nebo, skriveno u paralelnoj stvarnosti, daleko od kuće, gdje ljudi mogu živjeti među anđelima (barem neko vrijeme).
Puzzle nije tipični 'psihodelični skriveni dragulj', to je neočekivano putovanje na mjesto napravljeno od božanskih i čarobnih stvari u isto vrijeme, mjesto koje koristimo za nazvati: Fantazija.

Puzzle je svjedočanstvo benda predodređenog da bude ignoriran, previđen, nedostupan.
Blažena nagrada za one koji se avanture izvan mainstream pop glazbe.LADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 09:29:34

Le casse-tête est entre l’une des hausses de prix de l’album dans les années rock. Ciel incognito, caché dans la réalité, loin de chez soi, où les gens peuvent vivre parmi les anges.
Puzzle pas quand 'bijoux cachés psychédéliques', pour un voyage jeno à un lieu d’émerveillement et de choses magiques en même temps, quel endroit nous l’utilisons pour la rime: Fantasy.Philadelphia rencontre Pink Floyd ... Cela semble bizarre? Oui, mais c’est aussi l’un des rares albums que je possède qui mérite une note de quatre étoiles.
Pour un groupe qui a commencé avec une fixation sérieuse des Beatles, « Puzzle » de 1969.
En tant que troisième et dernier album du groupe, le projet avait en fait une histoire intéressante, bien que problématique. Après le départ du claviériste Michael Kaco pour poursuivre une carrière avec la guitariste classique Linda Cohen (RIP), le trio restant composé du guitariste Craig Anderton, du bassiste Randy Monaco et du batteur J. Kevin Lally a fait ses valises pour le Royaume-Uni où ils ont enregistré un album acoustique avec le producteur Shel Talmy. Les dirigeants de Poppy Records détestaient les résultats et les enregistrements ont été immédiatement reportés, laissant le trio retravailler le matériel à New York avec le producteur Ron Frangipane.
Vêtu d’un design frappant de M.C. Escher (je me demande combien il en a coûté pour obtenir les droits sur les images), il semble que l’album ait été conçu comme une pièce conceptuelle, même si je dois admettre que je n’ai aucune idée de ce que c’est
concept. (Si vous lisez l’allemand, le verbiage de la manche intérieure peut fournir un indice.) Quelle que soit leur intention, des chansons comme l’ouvreur « Earthfriend » et « Kyrie » avaient une saveur lisergique distinctive. L’ajout de chants grégoriens à « Prière des enfants » et de quelques chansons a également ajouté une sensation pseudo-religieuse. Complet avec une orchestration élaborée, des préludes instrumentaux, des modes de séquence musicale étendus et beaucoup de clins d’tête électroniques, c’était à peu près aussi loin de l’orientation précédente du groupe dans le top 40. Geez, « Prière des enfants » comprenait même une chorale d’enfants. À sa place, des matériaux tels que « Earthfriend », « Hide » et « Tadpole » coulaient dans une stupeur épaisse et trippante. Cela peut sembler une analogie stupide, mais incité par les flagorneurs de Monaco (il avait littéralement l’air lapidé), des signatures météorologiques étranges et des effets de production, des synthétiseurs étranges et des paroles vraiment étranges (voir Ocean’s Daughter' et 'Whisper Play'), c’est une description appropriée. L’autre côté, complet avec des effets sonores, des bandes vers l’arrière et d’autres effets fait pour une grande expérience avec des écouteurs. Le groupe n’a pas complètement abandonné son talent pour le matériel commercial, avec 'Just a Blur' (présenté dans trois versions distinctes) et une chanson-titre qui est aussi attrayante que n’importe quoi sur leurs première ou deuxième sorties. Dernier commentaire - en le regardant pendant près de 50 minutes, c’était un long album.
Liste de lecture « Puzzle »:
(page 1)
1.) Earthfriend Prelude (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- note 2:49: ** étoiles L’ouvreur instrumental fortement orchestré « Earthfriend Prelude » était certainement agréable, mais à la fin, il s’est avéré être un peu plus que de la musique de fond atmosphérique pour un film fantastique.
2.) Earthfriend (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 6:17 note: ** étoiles
Alors qu’il était difficile de dire où le prélude s’est terminé et le thème principal a commencé, la ballade « Earthfriend » sonnait comme si elle était baignée dans une forte dose d’acide foxergique. La ligne de basse de Randy Monaco était incroyable, et l’arrangement orchestral est devenu de plus en plus fou au fur et à mesure.
3.) Just a Blur (Version 1) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:53 note: * étoiles
« Just a Blur (Version 1) » était un fragment assez acoustique de la chanson. Dommage que ce soit si court.
4.) Cacher (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - note
3:15 a.m.: ** étoiles Une autre belle, performance aigre. Peut-être un peu trop fey pour le bien du groupe. Cette fois, la batterie de J. Kevin Lally a donné l’ingrédient secret à la chanson.
5.) Just a Blur (Version 2) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:51 note: * étoiles
Un segment assez acoustique alimenté par la guitare qui n’était vraiment pas très différent du segment précédent.
6.) Têtard (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 2:25 note: ** étoiles
Je mourrais heureux de maîtriser l’échantillon de basse initial de Monaco. « Tadpole » était une autre ballade mignonne qui était en fait un peu plus commerciale que le reste du côté.
7.) Kyrie (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
note 3:24: * étoiles Geez, pendant un moment, j’ai pensé que j’ai giflé les prunes électriques « Mass In F Minor ». Alors à ce stade, pourquoi ne pas ajouter des chants grégoriens ? Très bien, même si je n’ai aucune idée de ce qu’il fait ici.
8.) La fille d’Ocean (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
3:24 note: ** étoiles Je ne sais pas pourquoi je trouve cette ballade si intéressante. À première vue, cela semble assez doux et les paroles sont assez ILO-ish. Peut-être la basse acoustique de Monaco, ou les effets sonores enfouis dans l’orchestration...
Volcano Prelude (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- note 2:08: ** étoiles Page deux ouverte avec les mêmes astuces - une courte introduction instrumentale; le thème principal, puis un chemin plus conventionnel. Tout comme 'Earthriend', 'Volcano' s’est avéré être une instrumentation cinématographique oubliable - peut-être quelque chose d’un film d’horreur de style Exorciste?
2.) Volcan (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - note
5:59: ** étoiles Je ne sais pas pourquoi je trouve cette ballade si intéressante. À première vue, il semble tout à fait
le doux et les paroles de « Volcano » ouvert avec quelques effets de rétroaction de guitare irritants, mais rapidement déplacé à un air plus conventionnel.
3.) Whisper Play (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
note 3:00: * étoiles Eh bien, le titre était sûr, et 'Whisper Play' offre un autre segment de chants grégoriens, avec beaucoup de chuchotements et d’intermèdes lyriques bizarres.
4.) Bucket of Air (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- note 9:37: ** étoiles Avec l’une des mélodies fortes de l’album, « Bucket of Air » a offert un mélange terrifiant de la guitare rock jangle d’Anderton, de la batterie sauvage de Lally et de la basse mélodique de Monaco. La partie centrale de la chanson rappelait quelque chose que Roger McGuinn et Byrds auraient pu enregistrer s’ils avaient réellement découvert psycedelia.
5.) Prière des enfants (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- note 3:25: ** étoiles Plus de chant grégorien ... Je pense que j’ai atteint ma limite à ce stade.
6.) Puzzle (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 3:08 note: ** étoiles
Après les derniers morceaux, c’était agréable de revenir à un air plus conventionnel. Oui, une autre ballade aigre-trempée, mais au moins il avait une mélodie décente et la basse de Monaco était super.
7.) Just a Blur (version 3) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- 0:51 note: * étoiles Et de retour à la mélodie d’ouverture...

Le casse-tête est le cheval d’un groupe trop occupé pour être, négligé, indisponible.
Un prix de bonheur pour celui qui prend des aventures en dehors de la musique pop grand public. Un endroit appelé Fantasia
Puzzle est probablement l’un des albums les plus sous-estimés de l’histoire du rock. Ciel incognito, caché dans la réalité parallèle, loin de chez eux, où les gens peuvent vivre parmi les anges (au moins pendant un certain temps).
Puzzle n’est pas un « joyau caché psychédélique » typique, c’est un voyage inattendu vers un endroit fait de choses divines et magiques en même temps, un endroit que nous appelons: Fantaisie.

Puzzle est le témoignage d’un groupe destiné à être ignoré, négligé, indisponible.
Une récompense béate pour ceux qui prennent des aventures en dehors de la musique pop grand public. LADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-26 09:30:45

The puzzle is between any of the album's price hikes in the rock years. Incognito sky, hidden in reality, away from home, where people can live among angels.
Puzzle not when 'psychedelic hidden jewelry', for a jeno trip to a place of wonder and magical things at the same time, what place we use it for rhyme: Fantasy.Philadelphia meets Pink Floyd ... Sounds weird? Yes, but it's also one of a handful of albums I own that deserves a four-star rating.
For a band that began with a serious Beatles fixation, 1969's "Puzzle".
As the band's third and final album, the project actually had an interesting, if problematic, history. Following the departure of keyboardist Michael Kaco to pursue a career with classical guitarist Linda Cohen (RIP), the remaining trio consisting of guitarist Craig Anderton, bassist Randy Monaco and drummer J. Kevin Lally packed for the UK where they recorded an acoustic album with producer Shel Talmy. Poppy Records executives hated the results and the recordings were immediately put off, leaving the trio to rework the material in New York with producer Ron Frangipane.
Dressed in a striking design by M.C. Escher (I wonder how much it cost to get the rights to the pictures), it seems that the album was conceived as a conceptual piece, although I must admit that I have no idea what it is
concept. (If you read German, the verbiage of the inner sleeve can provide a clue.) Whatever their intention, songs like the opener 'Earthfriend' and 'Kyrie' had a distinctive lisergic flavor. Adding Gregorian chants to 'Children's Prayer' and a few songs also added a pseudo-religious feel. Complete with elaborate orchestration, instrumental preludes, extended musical segue modes and a lot of electronic nods, that was about as far away from the band's previous top 40 orientation. Geez, 'Children's Prayer' even included a children's choir. In its place, material such as 'Earthfriend', 'Hide' and 'Tadpole' flowed in a thick and trippy stupor. This may sound like a stupid analogy, but prompted by Monaco's sycophants (he literally sounded stoned), strange weather signatures and production effects, weird synthesizers and some really weird lyrics (see Ocean's Daughter' and 'Whisper Play'), that's a fitting description. The whole other side, complete with sound effects, strips backwards and other effects made for a great experience with headphones. The band hasn't completely abandoned their talent for commercial material, with 'Just a Blur' (featured in three separate versions) and a title track that stands as appealing as anything on their first or second releases. Last comment - watching it for almost 50 minutes, this was one long album.
"Puzzle" playlist:
(page 1)
1.) Earthfriend Prelude (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 2:49: ** stars Heavily orchestrated instrumental opener 'Earthfriend Prelude' was certainly pleasant, but in the end it turned out to be little more than atmospheric background music for a fantasy film.
2.) Earthfriend (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 6:17 rating: ** stars
While it was hard to tell where the prelude ended and the main theme began, the ballad 'Earthfriend' sounded like it was bathed in a heavy dose of foxergic acid. Randy Monaco's bass line was amazing, and the orchestral arrangement got crazier and crazier as it went on.
3.) Just a Blur (Version 1) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:53 rating: * stars
'Just a Blur (Version 1)' was a pretty acoustic fragment of the song. Too bad it was so short.
4.) Hiding (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - rating
3:15 a.m.: ** stars Another beautiful, sour performance. Maybe a little too fey for the good of the band. This time, J. Kevin Lally's drums gave the secret ingredient to the song.
5.) Just a Blur (Version 2) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 0:51 rating: * stars
A pretty acoustic guitar powered segment that really wasn't much different from the previous segment.
6.) Tadpole (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 2:25 rating: ** stars
I'd die happy mastering Monaco's initial bass sample. 'Tadpole' was another cute ballad that was actually a little more commercial than the rest of the side.
7.) Kyrie (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
rating 3:24: * stars Geez, for a moment I thought I slapped the electric plums "Mass In F Minor". So at this point why not throw in some Gregorian chants ? Very nice, although I have no idea what he's doing here.
8.) Ocean's Daughter (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
3:24 rating: ** stars I'm not sure why I find this ballad so interesting. On the surface it seems quite mild and the lyrics are quite ILO-ish. Maybe Monaco's acoustic bass, or the sound effects buried in the orchestration...
Volcano Prelude (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 2:08: ** stars Page two opened with the same tricks - a short instrumental introduction; the main theme, and then a more conventional path. Just like 'Earthriend', 'Volcano' turned out to be a forgettable cinematic instrumentation - maybe something out of an Exorcist-style horror movie ?
2.) Volcano (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - rating
5:59: ** stars I'm not sure why I find this ballad so interesting. On the surface it seems quite
the mild and lyrics to 'Volcano' opened with some irritating guitar feedback effects, but quickly shifted to a more conventional tune.
3.) Whisper Play (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) -
rating 3:00: * stars Well, the title was safe, and 'Whisper Play' offers another segment of Gregorian chants, along with lots of whispers and bizarre lyrical interludes.
4.) Bucket of Air (instrumental) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 9:37: ** stars With one of the album's strong melodies, 'Bucket of Air' offered a terrifying mix of Anderton's jangle rock guitar, Lally's wild drums and Monaco's melodic bass act. The middle part of the song recalled something Roger McGuinn and Byrds might have recorded if they had actually discovered psycedelia.
5.) Children's Prayer (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- rating 3:25: ** stars More Gregorian singing ... I think I've reached my limit at this point.
6.) Puzzle (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally) - 3:08 rating: ** stars
After the last few tunes, it was nice to get back to a more conventional tune. Yes, another sour-soaked ballad, but at least it had a decent melody and Monaco's bass was great.
7.) Just a Blur (version 3) (Craig Anderton - Randy Monaco - J. Kevin Lally)
- 0:51 rating: * stars And back to the opening tune...

The puzzle is the horse of a band too busy to be, overlooked, unavailable.
A blissful prize for one who takes adventures outside mainstream pop music. A place called Fantasia
Puzzle is probably one of the most underrated albums in rock history. Incognito sky, hidden in parallel reality, away from home, where people can live among angels (at least for a while).
Puzzle is not a typical 'psychedelic hidden gem', it is an unexpected journey to a place made of divine and magical things at the same time, a place we use to call: Fantasy.

Puzzle is the testimony of a band destined to be ignored, overlooked, unavailable.
A blissful reward for those who take adventures outside mainstream pop music. LADISLAV&Z...

Dan K-Tel Record Selector 2021-12-05 22:04:38

'Three Part Inventions' is the long lost 1969 3rd album.

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