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Lunas Future [Dandelion Remix]

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Comments (archived 2023-12-28 18:34; 5 top, 8 total comments)

@TheCommenterDragon 2020-12-26 02:40:36

Another brilliantly done remix i love it, Luna's Future is one of my all time favorite songs from A Hearth's Warming Tail, Having the Spirit of Hearth's Warming yet to come look like Luna was genius, because we all know Luna is all about dark and mysterious and not to mention she used to worry that her reputation as Nightmare Moon would have horrible effects on her future, so it was understandable why they made it look like Luna was telling Snowfall Frost that her actions would make the Windigos return and cause an apocalyptic winter.

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@dandelionass9389 2020-12-26 20:44:01

I also like the whole idea of ​​letting our famous characters, do this "theater like" look back in older pony times. Completely agree with you! Luna is the strongest character with the greatest sense and the power needed to convice us of the danger in that spell.

@Makenshi179 2020-12-27 16:39:30

Lovely remixes for Hearth's Warming, with your own touch <3 (THREE uploads wow!) Very appreciated! <3 And, I love your emotion about that episode <3

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@dandelionass9389 2020-12-28 20:56:33

Aww! Thanks! That episode it very special both for the story and for the exeptional music that Daniel Ingram + crew got awarded for. And I like how they got the whole xmas theme converted into pony life, the name Hearts Warming is just so amazing! No religion in it at all, just a pure pony celebration in their own pony mythology.

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@SeriousDamir 2020-12-25 22:40:07 (edited 2020-12-28 15:56:19 )

The more I listen to this remix the more it sounds like a boss battle to me O_O
Awesome as always :3
Happy Hearth's Warming!

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@dandelionass9389 2020-12-26 20:45:47

Luna is a boss, at least to me <3 Happy Heart's Warming to you too!

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@extremawesomazing 2021-01-15 03:28:15

Great listen. Deep song with boosted epic-ness in this remix.

@LoneBronyProductions 2020-12-29 04:00:51

Nice!! <3