"Fool me once, I'm mad. Fool me twice, how could you. Fool me three times, you're officially that guy, okay? You know him, you know the one. You go up to the bar and he's like, 'This suit is, uh, officially it's a Giorgio Armani, ech, my dad knows him.' Fuck you! I aiiiiiiin't havin' that shit!"
As Jonathan Jafari once said:
3 likes"Fool me once, I'm mad. Fool me twice, how could you. Fool me three times, you're officially that guy, okay? You know him, you know the one. You go up to the bar and he's like, 'This suit is, uh, officially it's a Giorgio Armani, ech, my dad knows him.' Fuck you! I aiiiiiiin't havin' that shit!"
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