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Cai&Más ...Alá de Nuestras Mentes Diminutas Álbum ....Copleto

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ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-14 18:59:47

Cai biografija
Osnovan u Cádizu, Španjolska 1977. godine - Raspušten 1982. godine - Reformiran u 2007-2010CAIbio je harmonični španjolski kvintet s Diegom Fopianijem Maciasom (bubnjevi / vokali), Joseom A. Fernandezom Mariscallom (gitara), Franciscom Delgadom Gonzalezom (gitara), Sebastianom Dominguezom Lozanom (klavijature i klavir) i Joseom Velezom Gomezom (bas/vokal). Objavili su tri albuma pod nazivom "Mas Alla Mentes Diminutas" ('78), "Noche Abierta" ('80) i "Cancion De La Primavera" ('81). Drugi i treći album objavljeni su kao 2-u-1-CD.Album "Noche abierta" (1980.) jedan je od dragulja španjolskog progresivnog rocka. Sedam pjesama zvuči ugodno s toplim španjolskim vokalima, ukusnim klavijaturama (klavir, žice, sintesajzeri i orgulje) i osjetljivom električnom gitarom. Integracija "umjetnosti flamenca" gitare daje ovom progrocku dodatnu dimenziju.Kao što je Javi Herrera komentirao, u LCDM-u 307, zapravo je ime benda, CAI, andaluzijski način izgovaranja Cadiza, pokrajine i glavnog grada Andaluzije iz koje potječu. Tijekom svoje povijesti snimili su tri albuma, a svi su bili uključeni u struju koja se zvala u to vrijeme Rock Andaluz, koji je imao svoje maksimalne eksponente u drugim bendovima kao što su TRIANA ili ALAMEDA dati primjer.

Prvi od njih, sada praktički nedefiniran, pod nazivom "Izvan naših malih umova", objavljen je 1978. godine za marginalnu etiketu Trova (sada ugašena). Sastav su činili Paco Delgado Gonzalez na gitari, Sebastian "Chano" Dominguez na klavijaturama, Diego Fopiani Macias na bubnjevima i vokalima te Jose Laureano Velez-Gomez na basu. Album se sastoji od četiri pjesme: Alameda, Mas alla de nuestra mentes diminutas, Solucion a un viejo problema i Pasa un dia i u njima razvijaju progresivni rock označenih andaluzijskih boja, koji oscilira između fuzije s jazzom u nekim pjesmama i hard rocka u drugima. To je prilično pristupačno za većinu slušatelja i dragulj za kolekcionare jer se njegovo ponovno objavljivanje na CD-u čini prilično malo vjerojatnim, jer su očito majstori izgubili kada je diskografija nestala. Odličan prvi album………….Ladislav&Zivanovic!

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-14 19:08:37

CAI : (ESPAÑA)Como comentaba Javi Herrera, en LCDM 307, es en realidad el nombre de la banda, CAI, la forma andaluza de pronunciar Cádiz, la provincia y la capital de Andalucía de la que proceden. A lo largo de su historia, grabaron tres discos, todos ellos incluidos en una corriente llamada Rock Andaluz en su momento, que tuvo sus máximos exponentes en otras bandas como TRIANA o ALAMEDA para dar ejemplo.

El primero de ellos, ahora prácticamente indefinido, titulado "Beyond Our Little Minds", fue publicado en 1978 para el sello marginal Trova (ahora desaparecido). La banda estaba formada por Paco Delgado González en la guitarra, Sebastián "Chano" Domínguez en los teclados, Diego Fopiani Macías en la batería y la voz, y José Laureano Vélez-Gómez en el bajo. El disco consta de cuatro canciones: Alameda, Mas alla de nuestra mentes diminutas, Solucion a un viejo problema y Pasa un dia y en ellas se desarrolla un rock progresivo de marcados colores andaluces, que oscilita entre la fusión con el jazz en algunas canciones y el hard rock en otras. Esto es bastante asequible para la mayoría de los oyentes y una joya para los coleccionistas porque su republicación en CD parece bastante improbable, ya que aparentemente los maestros perdieron cuando desapareció la discografía. Es un gran primer álbum.

El segundo álbum titulado "Open Night" es para mí el mejor de su carrera discográfica y muy homogéneo en su calidad. Fue lanzado en 1980 para la editorial épica de la multinacional CBS, ahora Sony. Consta de siete excelentes temas: Dream with You, Awakening, Joys of Cai, Open Night, Strange Seduction, Faible y Devil's Rock. Destacar, si cabe, "La roca del diablo", un excelente tema instrumental que muestra a la banda plena madurez artística. La banda es quinteto en esta ocasión y se armónica con la misma formación del primer disco, más el nuevo segundo guitarrista, José A. Fernández Mariscal "Ni~o". Reutilizado en CD.

El tercer y último disco de "Canción de la primavera" es el más comercial, el rock andaluz comenzó a dejar de tener sellos discográficos interesantes y la banda naturalmente tuvo mucha presión para desarrollarse hacia el barniz, aunque supieron resistir y a pesar de su comercialidad es un disco bastante valioso. Fue editado en 1981 para el mismo sello épico y consta de ocho canciones: El viaje, Tu mirada, Mercadillo del piojito, Donde tu estas, Fiesta en el barrio, Caletera, Camino a seguir y Canción de la primavera. Para este álbum, la banda ha vuelto a ser un cuarteto desde que el guitarrista Paco Delgado González lo dejó.

Después de este álbum, la banda se separó y sus integrantes siguieron carreras muy diferentes, ya que Chano Domínguez fue el único en alcanzar el éxito al convertirse en uno de nuestros mejores teclistas y compositores de jazz, de los cuales vale la pena comentar algo de su carrera especialmente para los amantes en cierta forma de fusión:

En 1986 fundó la banda de jazz "HISCADIX" con la que ganó la I Exposición Nacional de Jóvenes Artistas y grabó el disco "La guinda" para algunos documentales de la Diputación de Cádiz.

En 1987, participó en el Festival Internacional de la U.E.R. en Suecia.

En 1988 realiza una gira por Alemania y al año siguiente en Bélgica y participa en el disco "La piel de Sara" de Javier Ruibal.

En 1990, llegó a la final del Concurso Internacional de Piano Martial Solal, celebrado en París y grabó con la banda progresiva esp~ola "OMNI", cinco canciones para el álbum "Tras el puente" que no será lanzado hasta el año 2000.

En 1991 graba con el disco "DECOY" "D'aqui pa' lla" y participó en el disco "Las quimeras del momento" de Nono García.

En 1992, fundó su propio trío junto con Javier Cholin y Guillermo McGill, con la idea de combinar ritmos flamencos con formas musicales de jazz. En el mismo año, por unanimidad del jurado, recibió el Primer Premio en la Exposición Nacional de Jazz para Jóvenes Intérpretes de Ibiza y participó en la superbanda andaluza de rock progresivo-sinfónico que se creó para la Exposición Universal de 1992 en Sevilla, titulada "ROCK ANDALUZ AYER Y HOY".

En 1993, lanzó su primer álbum en solitario titulado "Chano" y participó en los álbumes "Veneno para el corazón" de Ana Belén y "Paco Ríos" de Paco Ríos.

En 1994 actuó junto a Jorge Pardo, "lo de Paco", según las composiciones del guitarrista flamenco andaluz Paco de Lucía y participó en los discos "Temura" de Javier Paxari~o y "Pension Triana" de Javier Ruibal.

En 1995, produjo "Coplas de madruga" con Martiri, una obra de canción popular española, trató la estética del jazz y participó en los álbumes "Sol Mestizo" de Markus Stockausen y "La noche (edición especial)" de Presuntos Implicados.

En 1996, lanzó su segundo trabajo flamenco de jazz en solitario titulado "Hecho a mano" y participó en los álbumes "A little magic in a noisy world" de World Jazz y "Cheio de dedos" de Guinga.

En 1997, compuso música para "Siempre hay un camino a la derecha" del director español José Luis García Sánchez y participó en midem en Miami ofreciendo un concierto a dúo con otro gran pianista latinoamericano Michel Camila, y en diciembre de ese año editó un álbum grabado en vivo en el Café Central de Madrid, "Directo a piano solo" y colaboró en los álbumes "Pajaro" de Pajar Juárez, "Breve diccionario de Habana abierta" de Habana Abierte y "Algo p'a nosotros" de La Barberia del Sur.

En 1998, produjo, arregló y compuso para el álbum de Ana Belén "Lorquiana" y participó en los álbumes de H. Yamamoto, "Oto~o", "Por el mar de mi mano" de Luis Pastor y "Flamenco lo seras tu" de Tino di Geraldo.

En 1999, grabó su último trabajo en solitario "Iman", con el que ganó el premio al mejor álbum de jazz en la IV Edición de los premios de la música y produjo y dirigió la grabación del álbum "Tu no sospechas" de la compositora cubana Marta Valdés, colaborando en los álbumes "Flor de piel" de Martiri y "Los sueños y el tiempo" de Guillermo MacGuill.

En 2001, realizó una gira con ella por varias ciudades españolas, acompañado por el contrabajista Javier Colina y el baterista Guillermo McGill.

También colaboro en el disco el pequeño salvaje de Kiko Veneno.

Hasta la próxima!.......LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC....

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-14 19:01:01

Cai biography
Founded in Cádiz, Spain in 1977 - Disbanded in 1982 - Reformed in 2007-2010CAIbio a harmonious Spanish quintet with Diego Fopiani Macias (drums/vocals), Jose A. Fernandez Mariscall (guitar), Francisco Delgad Gonzalez (guitar), Sebastian Dominguez Lozano (keyboards and piano) and Jose Velez Gomez (bass/vocals). They released three albums titled "Mas Alla Mentes Diminutas" ('78), "Noche Abierta" ('80) and "Cancion De La Primavera" ('81). The second and third albums were released as 2-in-1-CD.The album "Noche abierta" (1980) is one of the jewels of Spanish progressive rock. Seven songs sound comfortable with warm Spanish vocals, delicious keyboards (piano, strings, synthesizers and organ) and a delicate electric guitar. The integration of the "flamenco art" of the guitar gives this progrock an extra dimension. As Javi Herrera commented, in LCDM 307, it is actually the name of the band, CAI, the Andalusian way of pronouncing Cadiz, the province and the capital of Andalusia from which they originate. Throughout their history, they recorded three albums, all of which were included in a current called Rock Andaluz at the time, which had its maximum exponents in other bands such as TRIANA or ALAMEDA to set an example.

The first of these, now virtually undefined, titled "Beyond Our Little Minds", was published in 1978 for the marginal label Trova (now defunct). The band consisted of Paco Delgado Gonzalez on guitar, Sebastian "Chano" Dominguez on keyboards, Diego Fopiani Macias on drums and vocals, and Jose Laureano Velez-Gomez on bass. The album consists of four songs: Alameda, Mas alla de nuestra mentes diminutas, Solucion a un viejo problema and Pasa un dia and in them develop progressive rock of marked Andalusian colors, which oscilites between fusion with jazz in some songs and hard rock in others. This is quite affordable for most listeners and a gem for collectors because its reposting on CD seems quite unlikely, as apparently the masters lost out when the discography disappeared. Great first album.............Ladislav&Zivanovic!

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-14 19:07:56

CAI : (SPAIN)As Javi Herrera commented, in LCDM 307, is actually the name of the band, CAI, the Andalusian way of pronouncing Cadiz, the province and the capital of Andalusia from which they originate. Throughout their history, they recorded three albums, all of which were included in a current called Rock Andaluz at the time, which had its maximum exponents in other bands such as TRIANA or ALAMEDA to set an example.

The first of these, now virtually undefined, titled "Beyond Our Little Minds", was published in 1978 for the marginal label Trova (now defunct). The band consisted of Paco Delgado Gonzalez on guitar, Sebastian "Chano" Dominguez on keyboards, Diego Fopiani Macias on drums and vocals, and Jose Laureano Velez-Gomez on bass. The album consists of four songs: Alameda, Mas alla de nuestra mentes diminutas, Solucion a un viejo problema and Pasa un dia and in them develop progressive rock of marked Andalusian colors, which oscilites between fusion with jazz in some songs and hard rock in others. This is quite affordable for most listeners and a gem for collectors because its reposting on CD seems quite unlikely, as apparently the masters lost out when the discography disappeared. It's a great first album.

The second album titled "Open Night" is for me the best of his recording career and very homogeneous in his quality. It was released in 1980 for the epic publishing house of multinational CBS, now Sony. It consists of seven excellent themes: Dream with You, Awakening, Joys of Cai, Open Night, Strange Seduction, Faible and Devil's Rock. Highlight, if possible, "La roca del diablo", an excellent instrumental theme that shows the band full artistic maturity. The band is quintet on this occasion and is harmonious with the same formation of the first album, plus the new second guitarist, Jose A. Fernandez Mariscal "Ni~o". Reused on CD.

The third and final album of "Cancion de la primavera" is the most commercial, Andalusian rock began to stop interesting record labels and the band naturally had a lot of pressure to develop towards varnish, although they knew how to resist and despite their commerciality it is a fairly valuable album. It was released in 1981 for the same epic label and consists of eight songs: El viaje, Tu mirada, Mercadillo del piojito, Donde tu estas, Fiesta en el barrio, Caletera, Camino a seguir and Cancion de la primavera. For this album, the band has been a quartet again since guitarist Paco Delgado Gonzalez left it.

After this album, the band broke up and its members followed very different careers, since Chano Dominguez was the only one to achieve success by becoming one of our best keyboardists and jazz composers, of whom it is worth commenting on something from his career especially for lovers in a certain way of fusion:

In 1986 he founded the jazz band "HISCADIX" with which he won the First National Exhibition for Young Artists and recorded the album "La guinda" for some documentaries Diputacion de Cadiz.

In 1987, he participated in the U.E.R. International Festival in Sweden.

In 1988 he toured Germany and the following year in Belgium and participated in the album "La piel de Sara" by Javier Ruibal.

In 1990, he reached the final of the Martial Solal International Piano Competition, held in Paris and recorded with the progressive band esp~ola "OMNI", five songs for the album "Tras el puente" which will not be released until 2000.

In 1991 he recorded with the album "DECOY" "D'aqui pa' lla" and participated in the album "Las quimeras del momento" by Nono Garcia.

In 1992, he founded his own trio along with Javier Cholin and Guillermo McGill, with the idea of combining flamenco rhythms with musical forms of jazz. In the same year, unanimously from the jury, he received the First Prize at the National Jazz Exhibition for Young Performers in Ibiza and participated in the Andalusian progressive-symphonic rock superband that was created for the Universal Exhibition in 1992 in Seville, titled "ANDALUSIAN ROCK YESTERDAY AND TODAY".

In 1993, he released his first solo album titled "Chano" and participated in the albums "Veneno para el corazon" by Ana Belen and "Paco Rios" by Paco Rios.

In 1994 he performed with Jorge Pardo, "lo de Paco", according to the compositions of the Andalusian flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia and participated in the albums "Temura" by Javier Paxari~o and "Pension Triana" by Javier Ruibal.

In 1995, he produced "Coplas de madruga" with Martiri, a work of popular Spanish song, treated to jazz aesthetics and participated in the albums "Sol Mestizo" by Markus Stockausen and "La noche (special edition)" by Presuntos Implicados.

In 1996, he released his second solo jazz flamenco work titled "Hecho a mano" and participated in the albums "A little magic in a noisy world" by World Jazz and "Cheio de dedos" by Guinga.

In 1997, he composed music for spanish director Jose Luis Garcia Sanchez's "Siempre hay un camino a la derecha" and participated in midem in Miami offering a duo concert with another great Latin American pianist Michel Camila, and in December of that year he edited an album recorded live at Cafe Central in Madrid, "Directo a piano solo" and collaborated on the albums "Pajaro" by Pajar Juarez, "Breve diccionario de Habana abierta" by Habana Abierte and "Algo p'a nosotros" by La Barberia del Sur.

In 1998, he produced, arranged and composed for Ana Belen's album "Lorquiana" and participated in the albums of H. Yamamoto, "Oto~o", "Por el mar de mi mano" by Luis Pastor and "Flamenco lo seras tu" by Tino di Geraldo.

In 1999, he recorded his last solo work "Iman", with which he won best jazz album in the IV Edition of music awards and produced and directed the recording of the album "Tu no sospechas" by Cuban composer Marta Valdes, collaborating on the albums "Flor de piel" by Martiri and "Los sueños y el tiempo" by Guillermo MacGuill.

In 2001, he toured with her in various Spanish cities, accompanied by double bassist Javier Colina and drummer Guillermo McGill.

I also collaborate on Kiko Veneno's album El pequeño salvaje.

Until next time!.......LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-14 19:00:20

Biographie de Cai
Fondée à Cadix, Espagne en 1977 - Dissous en 1982 - Reformé en 2007-2010CAIbio un quintette espagnol harmonieux avec Diego Fopiani Macias (batterie/chant), Jose A. Fernandez Mariscall (guitare), Francisco Delgad Gonzalez (guitare), Sebastian Dominguez Lozano (claviers et piano) et Jose Velez Gomez (basse/chant). Ils ont sorti trois albums intitulés « Mas Alla Mentes Diminutas » ('78), « Noche Abierta » ('80) et « Cancion De La Primavera » ('81). Les deuxième et troisième albums ont été publiés en tant que 2-en-1-CD.L’album « Noche abierta » (1980) est l’un des joyaux du rock progressif espagnol. Sept chansons sonnent à l’aise avec des voix espagnoles chaleureuses, de délicieux claviers (piano, cordes, synthétiseurs et orgue) et une guitare électrique délicate. L’intégration de « l’art flamenco » de la guitare donne à ce progrock une dimension supplémentaire. Comme l’a commenté Javi Herrera, dans LCDM 307, c’est en fait le nom du groupe, CAI, la façon andalouse de prononcer Cadix, la province et la capitale de l’Andalousie d’où ils sont originaires. Tout au long de leur histoire, ils ont enregistré trois albums, qui ont tous été inclus dans un courant appelé Rock Andaluz à l’époque, qui avait son maximum d’exposants dans d’autres groupes tels que TRIANA ou ALAMEDA pour donner l’exemple.

Le premier d’entre eux, maintenant pratiquement indéfini, intitulé « Au-delà de nos petits esprits », a été publié en 1978 pour le label marginal Trova (aujourd’hui disparu). Le groupe était composé de Paco Delgado Gonzalez à la guitare, Sebastian « Chano » Dominguez aux claviers, Diego Fopiani Macias à la batterie et au chant, et Jose Laureano Velez-Gomez à la basse. L’album se compose de quatre chansons: Alameda, Mas alla de nuestra mentes diminutas, Solucion a un viejo problema et Pasa un dia et en eux développent le rock progressif de couleurs andalouses marquées, qui oscille entre la fusion avec le jazz dans certaines chansons et le hard rock dans d’autres. C’est assez abordable pour la plupart des auditeurs et un joyau pour les collectionneurs car son repostage sur CD semble assez peu probable, car apparemment les maîtres ont perdu lorsque la discographie a disparu. Grand premier album.............Ladislav&Zivanovic!

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-14 19:07:17

CAI : (ŠPANJOLSKA)Kao što je Javi Herrera komentirao, u LCDM-u 307, zapravo je ime benda, CAI, andaluzijski način izgovaranja Cadiza, pokrajine i glavnog grada Andaluzije iz koje potječu. Tijekom svoje povijesti snimili su tri albuma, a svi su bili uključeni u struju koja se zvala u to vrijeme Rock Andaluz, koji je imao svoje maksimalne eksponente u drugim bendovima kao što su TRIANA ili ALAMEDA dati primjer.

Prvi od njih, sada praktički nedefiniran, pod nazivom "Izvan naših malih umova", objavljen je 1978. godine za marginalnu etiketu Trova (sada ugašena). Sastav su činili Paco Delgado Gonzalez na gitari, Sebastian "Chano" Dominguez na klavijaturama, Diego Fopiani Macias na bubnjevima i vokalima te Jose Laureano Velez-Gomez na basu. Album se sastoji od četiri pjesme: Alameda, Mas alla de nuestra mentes diminutas, Solucion a un viejo problema i Pasa un dia i u njima razvijaju progresivni rock označenih andaluzijskih boja, koji oscilira između fuzije s jazzom u nekim pjesmama i hard rocka u drugima. To je prilično pristupačno za većinu slušatelja i dragulj za kolekcionare jer se njegovo ponovno objavljivanje na CD-u čini prilično malo vjerojatnim, jer su očito majstori izgubili kada je diskografija nestala. Odličan prvi album.

Drugi album pod nazivom "Open Night" za mene je najbolji u njegovoj diskografskoj karijeri i vrlo homogen po svojoj kvaliteti. Objavljen je 1980. godine za epic izdavačku kuću multinacionalnog CBS-a, danas Sony. Sastoji se od sedam izvrsnih tema: Sanjajte s vama, Buđenje, Radosti Caija, Otvorena noć, Čudno zavođenje, Fabula i Vražja stijena. Istaknuti, ako je to moguće, "La roca del diablo", izvrsnu instrumentalnu temu koja bendu pokazuje punu umjetničku zrelost. Sastav je ovom prilikom kvintet i skladan je istom formacijom prvog albuma, plus novi drugi gitarist, Jose A. Fernandez Mariscal "Ni~o". Ponovno se koristi na CD-u.

Treći i posljednji album "Cancion de la primavera" je najkomercijalniji, andaluzijski rock počeo je zaustavljati zanimljive diskografe i bend je prirodno imao mnogo pritisaka da se razvije prema lakom, iako su znali odoljeti i unatoč svojoj komercijalnosti to je prilično vrijedan album. Objavljena je 1981. godine za istu epic izdavačku kuću i sastoji se od osam pjesama: El viaje, Tu mirada, Mercadillo del piojito, Donde tu estas, Fiesta en el barrio, Caletera, Camino a seguir i Cancion de la primavera. Za ovaj album bend je ponovno kvartet otkako ga je napustio gitarist Paco Delgado Gonzalez.

Nakon ovog albuma bend se raspao i njegovi članovi pratili su vrlo različite karijere, budući da je Chano Dominguez jedini postigao uspjeh postavši jedan od naših najboljih klavijaturista i jazz skladatelja od kojih vrijedi komentirati nešto iz svoje karijere posebno za ljubitelje na određeni način fuzije:

Godine 1986. osnovao je jazz sastav "HISCADIX" s kojim je osvojio Prvu nacionalnu izložbu za mlade izvođače i snimio album "La guinda" za neke dokumentarne filmove Diputacion de Cadiz.

Godine 1987. sudjelovao je na Međunarodnom festivalu U.E.R. u Švedskoj.

Godine 1988. bio je na turneji po Njemačkoj, a sljedeće godine u Belgiji i sudjelovao na albumu "La piel de Sara" Javiera Ruibala.

Godine 1990. stigao je do finala Međunarodnog pijanističkog natjecanja Martial Solal, održanog u Parizu i snimljenog s progresivnim bendom esp~ola "OMNI", pet pjesama za album "Tras el puente" koji će biti objavljen tek 2000. godine.

Godine 1991. snimio je s albumom "DECOY" "D'aqui pa' lla" i sudjelovao na albumu "Las quimeras del momento" Nona Garcije.

Godine 1992. osnovao je vlastiti trio zajedno s Javierom Čolinom i Guillermom McGillom, s idejom da spoji ritmove flamenca s glazbenim oblicima jazza. Iste godine, jednoglasno od žirija, dobiva Prvu nagradu na Nacionalnoj jazz izložbi za mlade izvođače na Ibizi i sudjeluje u andaluzijskom progresivno-simfonijskom rock superbandu koji je nastao za Univerzalnu izložbu 1992. u Sevilli, pod nazivom "ANDALUZIJSKI ROCK JUČER I DANAS".

Godine 1993. objavio je svoj prvi samostalni album pod nazivom "Chano" i sudjelovao na albumima "Veneno para el corazon" Ane Belen i "Paco Rios" Paca Riosa.

Godine 1994. nastupao je s Jorgeom Pardom, "lo de Paco", prema skladbama andaluzijskog flamenco gitarista Paca de Lucije i sudjelovao na albumima "Temura" Javiera Paxarija~o i "Pension Triana" Javiera Ruibala.

Godine 1995. producirao je s Martirijem"Coplas de madruga", djelo popularne španjolske pjesme, tretirano jazz estetikom i sudjeluje na albumima "Sol Mestizo" Markusa Stockausena i "La noche (specijalno izdanje)" Presuntosa Implicadosa.

Godine 1996. objavio je svoje drugo samostalno jazz-flamenco djelo pod nazivom "Hecho a mano" i sudjelovao na albumima "A little magic in a noisy world" World Jazza i "Cheio de dedos" Guinge.

Godine 1997. skladao je glazbu za film "Siempre hay un camino a la derecha" španjolskog redatelja Josea Luisa Garcije Sancheza i sudjelovao na Midemu u Miamiju nudeći duo koncert s još jednim velikim latinoameričkim pijanistom Michelom Camilom, a u prosincu iste godine montirao je album snimljen uživo u Cafe Centralu u Madridu, "Directo a piano solo" i surađuje na albumima "Pajaro" Pajara Juareza, "Breve diccionario de Habana abierta" Habane Abierte i "Algo p'a nosotros" La Barberia del Sur.

Godine 1998. producirao je, aranžirao i skladao za Anu Belen album "Lorquiana" i sudjelovao na albumima H. Yamamota, "Oto~o", "Por el mar de mi mano" Luisa Pastora i "Flamenco lo seras tu" Tina di Geralda.

Godine 1999. snimio je svoje posljednje samostalno djelo "Iman", s kojim je osvojio nagradu za najbolji jazz album u IV Izdanju glazbenih nagrada te producirao i režirao snimanje albuma "Tu no sospechas" kubanske skladateljice Marte Valdes, uz suradnju na albumima "Flor de piel" Martirija i "Los sueños y el tiempo" Guillerma MacGuilla.

Godine 2001. bio je s njom na turnejama u raznim španjolskim gradovima, u pratnji kontrabasista Javiera Coline i bubnjara Guillerma McGilla.

Surađujem i na albumu "El pequeño salvaje" Kika Venena.

Do sljedećeg puta!…….LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC...……….