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The Crypto Chronicles - Chapter 1 Finale. $100 + mystery prize to the first to decode!

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Comments (archived 2022-07-05 10:39; 2 top, 3 total comments)

Doroftei Doroftei 2020-08-30 17:20:26

Bro , i swore to get the response few time ago ... is it even for real, the scenario, anyway i am down to get inti it , I swear to all my living being , that i am verry interested to get into IT, long d*ck style, this weeks i would afford a decent laptop and i am considering into getting some cheap but useful equipement

CroniclePlayz 2019-11-20 13:01:59

What if no one does complete the code would you do it yourself ? 🤔

Replies (1)
Crypto The Llama 2019-11-22 05:06:12

I'll just continue the series with it still unsolved and revisit it etc. It'll make things interesting! Can't wait to start chapter 2

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