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Blind Reaction/Review: Attack on Titan Season 3 Episodes 19-22

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Comments (archived 2024-03-08 20:03; 11 top, 11 total comments)

@ballerheadsway4528 2022-06-25 17:47:56 (edited 2022-06-25 18:18:37 )

i think you got confused on the part where eren said if one of the inheritors of the nine titans dies thirteen years after they got the power without being eaten by someone, that power will awaken within a baby of subject of ymir.

so eren kruger aka the owl was the inheritor of the Attack Titan and he passed it down to grisha to go on a mission to get the founding titan. in this same season, we see grisha going into the forest to inject eren with the fluid (that turns people into titans) so eren can eat him and become the Attack Titan; and now eren is the one possessing the Attack Titan

also grisha ate the founding titan if you remember (frieda riess, historia's sister, was the owner of the founding titan)

@overlordsalem2706 2022-06-25 17:39:19

We finally get learn who the Beast Titan is.
And I thought the Skywalkers had a pretty messed up family dynamic.

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@stealthlizard1232 2022-06-25 17:13:21

A hour and a half upload of 4 episodes yay! 🥳

@ballerheadsway4528 2022-06-25 18:20:57

when i found out zeke, grisha's first son (the beast titan) was eren's brother i was just mind-blown lmao

@overlordsalem2706 2022-06-25 17:57:27 (edited 2022-06-25 17:58:31 )

The 9 titans

Founding Titan - original Ymir - Frieda Riess - Grisha Yeager - Eren Yeager
Attack Titan - Eren Kruger - Grisha - Eren
Female Titan - Annie
Armored Titan - Reiner
Colossal Titan - Bertolt - Armin
Beast Titan - Zeke
Jaw Titan - current Ymir
Cart Titan - long faced one that saved Zeke. Its identity is a spoiler right now
The last one hasn't been seen yet

@Iookism 2022-06-25 18:37:47

I'm so excited for your reaction to S4, you'll probably be really confused on the first few episodes, like I was, but you'll understand what's going on soon. It'll make you think you know what's going on, somewhat, then the creator throws things in that you'd least expect lol. This has been such a wonderful ride, love your reactions! ^^

@ballerheadsway4528 2022-06-25 18:13:35

also can't wait for your reaction to season 4

@robertdona8076 2022-06-26 01:08:29

This was a great reaction, can't wait to see you lose your shit in awesomeness known as season 4.

side note: I might suggest you watch the season 3 OVA, because there are strong hints that it connects to the next season.

@stealthlizard1232 2022-06-25 18:33:19

Yea I really want to know what Annie is doing rn.

@legendarymemer1095 2022-06-25 16:43:37

Hey, bro!) Can’t leave you hanging without my comment! Great reaction! Also, I’m on 69 hearts from you, so if you don’t mind make it 70 :3

@thaddeusr.3967 2022-06-26 06:24:38

Quite a lot of information. A lot of political drama going on.