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ABEDUL&Nosotros...Full Album....

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Comments (archived 2022-10-01 12:41; 2 top, 2 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-28 05:15:58

The music's kicking, but the vocals... Not so much.
This would have been a higher rating if the vocals weren't just awful. They needed a better singer to bring the whole album. if you just ignore the vocals, the music is pretty damn catchy for an electronic prog/disco band. But all in all good music is worth listening to...By Ladislav&Zivanovic!!IAbedul biografija
Ako postoji bend koji se može nazvati legendarnim, govorimo o ABEDUL-u iz Španjolske, informacije, fotografije, pa čak i albumi gube se u magli vremena, ali uspjeli smo pronaći ovaj bend koji su 1979. godine osnovali Albert Aranega (klavijature), Narcis Baiges (Vokal), Pedro Castro (Bass), Jose L. Pérez (Gitara), i Luis Visiers (Bubnjevi) u gradu Barceloni.Njihov zvuk uglavnom je bio mainstream s Prog tendencijama, ali kako svaki ugledni bend iz Španjolske ima neke nejasne keltske narodne melodije pomiješane s jasnim etničkim utjecajima, stihovi su na engleskom i španjolskom jeziku, vrlo bliski zvuku drugog benda pod nazivom "BLOQUE".Godine 1979. uspjeli su izdati LP pod nazivom "Nosotros" koji bi bilo gotovo nemoguće pronaći da nije jer je japanska izdavačka kuća Tachiko uspjela izdati neslužbenu verziju svog LP-a u CDR-u, ali zbog loše kvalitete zvuka čini se kao da nikada nisu imali pristup originalnim master kazetama.Zaista je tužno što je bend poput ABEDUL-a koji je bio dio plodnog španjolskog scenarija praktički zauvijek izgubljen, vrijeme je za nadogradnju "Nosotrosa" u pristojnom CD formatu kako bi im i nove generacije imale pristup.Ladislav&Zivanovic………….Abedul biography
If there is a band that can be called legendary, we are talking about ABEDUL from Spain, information, photos and even albums are lost in the fog of time, but we managed to find this band founded in 1979 by Albert Aranega (keyboards), Narcis Baiges (Vocals), Pedro Castro (Bass), Jose L. Pérez (Guitar), and Luis Visiers (Drums) in the city of Barcelona.Their sound was mostly mainstream with Prog tendencies, but since every reputable band from Spain has some vague Celtic folk melodies mixed with clear ethnic influences, the lyrics are in English and Spanish, very close to the sound of another band called "BLOQUE". In 1979, they managed to release an LP called "Nosotros" that would be almost impossible to find if it were not because the Japanese publishing house Tachiko managed to release an unofficial version of its LP in the CDR, but due to the poor sound quality it seems as if they never had access to the original master cassettes. It's really sad that a band like ABEDUL that was part of a prolific Spanish script is practically lost forever, it's time to upgrade "Nosotros" in a decent CD format so that new generations have access to them as well. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-03-28 05:17:06

Biographie d’Abedul
S’il y a un groupe que l’on peut appeler légendaire, on parle d’ABEDUL d’Espagne, des informations, des photos et même des albums sont perdus dans le brouillard du temps, mais nous avons réussi à trouver ce groupe fondé en 1979 par Albert Aranega (claviers), Narcis Baiges (Chant), Pedro Castro (Basse), Jose L. Pérez (Guitare), et Luis Visiers (Batterie) dans la ville de Barcelona.Leur son était principalement grand public avec des tendances Prog, mais comme chaque groupe réputé d’Espagne a de vagues mélodies folkloriques celtiques mélangées à des influences ethniques claires, les paroles sont en anglais et en espagnol, très proches du son d’un autre groupe appelé « BLOQUE ». En 1979, ils ont réussi à sortir un LP appelé « Nosotros » qui serait presque impossible à trouver si ce n’était pas parce que la maison d’édition japonaise Tachiko a réussi à sortir une version non officielle de son LP dans le CDR, mais en raison de la mauvaise qualité sonore, il semble qu’ils n’ont jamais eu accès aux cassettes maîtresses originales. C’est vraiment triste qu’un groupe comme ABEDUL qui faisait partie d’un script espagnol prolifique soit pratiquement perdu à jamais, il est temps de mettre à niveau « Nosotros » dans un format CD décent afin que les nouvelles générations y aient également accès. Ladislav&Zivanovic.............