It's a funny thing! I was obsessed with Tintin as a kid. Had all the books. When I commissioned the art for Lights Out, I told the artist to do something "kinda like Tintin, but in a paper boat." I got blonde Tintin in a paper boat. As long as I don't get sued by the ghost of Georges Remi, that's the greatest thing ever.
1 likeGreat work (:
Damn good video :)
0 likesOmg it was tintin yassss
1 likeReplies (2)
It's a funny thing! I was obsessed with Tintin as a kid. Had all the books. When I commissioned the art for Lights Out, I told the artist to do something "kinda like Tintin, but in a paper boat." I got blonde Tintin in a paper boat. As long as I don't get sued by the ghost of Georges Remi, that's the greatest thing ever.
0 likesCool I still love Tintin and hope they make a new movie...the first one was awesome Spielberg you've done it this time!!!
0 likesNoice
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Very Noice
2 likes*makes a sick music vid
0 likes*10 comments
Its still ten comments, wait OH F---- me
0 likessecond
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You got witness to say this is true