So many views! Well, I guess since so many people are watching, I might as well self promote. If you like MLP content, watch my other videos, most of them are for comedy purposes, but it's all pony, if you like pony, then you'll like my channel. That's about it, thanks for about 1K views.
@Sovereign So? Not every adult has to be a perfect business man with no sense of humor, not every adult has to like dark gritty crap either. (I also unhearted your comments, knowing now that you're an Anti-Brony.)
So many views!
3 likesWell, I guess since so many people are watching, I might as well self promote.
If you like MLP content, watch my other videos, most of them are for comedy purposes, but it's all pony, if you like pony, then you'll like my channel.
That's about it, thanks for about 1K views.
i love how you put buttonmash on the "where gamers" part
2 likesI've heard the same song 5 times in a row
0 likesWhat have you created
1 likeWtf have you done
1 likeReplies (6)
Yo mom!
0 likes(OHHHHH!!!!!)
@Comic Field bro how old are you
0 likes@Sovereign 26, why?
0 likes@Comic Field Because your making videos about ponies and your mom jokes
0 likes@Sovereign So? Not every adult has to be a perfect business man with no sense of humor, not every adult has to like dark gritty crap either.
0 likes(I also unhearted your comments, knowing now that you're an Anti-Brony.)