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Flea,On.The Honey &Flea On The Honey..1971..Full Album...

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Comments (archived 2022-11-25 08:46; 7 top, 9 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-24 16:47:53

Il s’agit du premier album de FLEA ON THE HONEY, un quatuor de Sicile mais basé à Rome. Après cette sortie, ils ont raccourci leur nom à FLEA et ont publié le bien meilleur « Melt about Uomina » en 1972. Puis ils se sont séparés pendant un certain temps après quelques changements de personnel, mais le quatuor original s’est reformé en 1975 et a produit un très bon album de Jazz Rock appelé ETNA.

Cet album est très loin du style jazz rock de 1975. Voici du hard rock proto-prog, avec des guitares berçantes, des riffs intéressants, même de la flûte à la Tull. Les chansons ne sont pas quelque chose de spécial, mais ils ne sont pas mauvais. En fait, quelques-uns sont assez bons - sauf, c’est-à-dire, de chanter. Ils ont décidé de chanter en anglais, avec des paroles qui s’approchent insupportablement. S’ils avaient chanté dans leur italien natal, ou même gardé l’album principalement instrumental, cela aurait été une grande amélioration. Mais quant aux contemporains, il est similaire à « La Bibbia » de ROVESCIO DELLA MEDAGLIA - encore une fois, à l’exception des paroles et des accents anglais stupides. (Le groupe porte même des noms anglais là-dessus!) Il y a certainement des signes pointant vers leur prochain bel album, ouvertement plus progressif, mais dans ces courtes chansons, l’approche est le hard rock à saveur prog.

Le mini lp Sony / BMG est typique, avec un joli gatefold mais peu de documentation (par opposition aux excellents livrets BTF mini lps)--et est maintenant épuisé, comme tous les Sony mini lps. Donc, si vous êtes intéressé, surtout en tant que collecteur RPI, agissez rapidement! Deux étoiles, mais j’aimerais qu’elles soient stella.ladislav&zivanovic...

Герман Кукушкин 2021-09-24 18:17:52

Впервые слышу итальянскую психоделику знаете вполне на уровне послушаю на ночь сегодня опять же дух эпохи передаёт

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-24 18:06:00

This is prehistoric release. The band was of Italian descent and it's the only RPI connection I can see. This album is a mixture of psychedelia and heavy rock. They were all sung in English to make the relationship with Italy even less obvious?
I can't be too thrilled with this album, even bearing in mind that it's been almost forty years between its release and this review.

Songs are mostly boring. The longest song of this album and the opener "Mother Mary" sounds like a joke to me. Some weak drum solos and bad vocals are the "highlight." What follows is no better: short pieces of vaguely psyche ("The King's Thoughts"? "Don't You Ever Feel Hunger"), jazzy ("Happy Killer") or heavy ("Let The Flags Fly High," "Moon Park Woman") but definitely not very interesting.

You should not be fooled by this inclusion: it has very, very little to do with Italian music. Some basic rock mood and that's it. The final "Next Choices" has some short section of flute and slightly more built music. But nothing too fancy to tell the truth. The two stars are well paid.ladislav&zivanovic...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-24 16:49:56

This is prehistoric release. The band was of Italian descent and it's the only RPI connection I can see. This album is a mixture of psychedelia and heavy rock. They were all sung in English to make the relationship with Italy even less obvious?
I can't be too thrilled with this album, even bearing in mind that it's been almost forty years between its release and this review.

Songs are mostly boring. The longest song of this album and the opener "Mother Mary" sounds like a joke to me. Some weak drum solos and bad vocals are the "highlight." What follows is no better: short pieces of vaguely psyche ("The King's Thoughts"? "Don't You Ever Feel Hunger"), jazzy ("Happy Killer") or heavy ("Let The Flags Fly High," "Moon Park Woman") but definitely not very interesting.

You should not be fooled by this inclusion: it has very, very little to do with Italian music. Some basic rock mood and that's it. The final "Next Choices" has some short section of flute and slightly more built music. But nothing too fancy to tell the truth. The two stars are well paid.ladislav&zivanovic...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-24 16:33:37

Ovo je prvi album FLEA ON THE HONEY, kvarteta sa Sicilije, ali sa sjedištem u Rimu. Nakon ovog izdanja, skratili su svoje ime na FLEA i objavili mnogo bolji "Topi o Uomini" 1972. godine. Zatim su prekinuli na neko vrijeme nakon nekih kadrovskih promjena, ali izvorni kvartet reformirao se 1975. godine i producirao stvarno dobar album Jazz Rocka pod imenom ETNA.

Ovaj album je vrlo daleko od jazz rock stila iz 1975. Ovdje je proto-prog hard rock, s ljuljajućim gitarama, zanimljivim rifovima, čak i nekom flautom a la Tull. Pjesme nisu ništa posebno, ali nisu loše. Zapravo, nekoliko ih je prilično dobro- osim, to jest, od pjevanja. Odlučili su pjevati na engleskom jeziku, sa stihovima koji pristupaju nepodnošljivo. Da su pjevali na materinjem talijanskom, ili čak zadržali album uglavnom instrumentalnim, to bi bio veliki napredak. No, što se tiče suvremenika, sličan je "La Bibbiji" ROVESCIO DELLA MEDAGLIA- opet, osim blesavih engleskih tekstova i naglaska. (Bend čak i sportska engleska imena na ovom!) Definitivno postoje znakovi koji ukazuju na njihov sljedeći prekrasan, otvoreno progresivniji album, ali u ovim kratkim pjesmama pristup je hard rock s prog okusom.

Sony /BMG mini lp je tipičan, s lijepim gatefold, ali malo dokumentacije (za razliku od izvrsnih knjižica BTF mini lps)--i sada je izvan tiska, kao i svi Sony mini lps. Dakle, ako ste zainteresirani, posebno kao kolekcionar RPI-ja, djelujte brzo! Dvije zvijezde, ali volio bih da su stelle.ladislav&zivanovic...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-24 16:49:07

Ovo je prapovijesno puštanje. Bend je bio talijanskog podrijetla i to je jedina veza s RPI-jem koju mogu vidjeti. Ovaj album je mješavina psihodelije i heavy rocka. Svi su pjevani na engleskom kako bi veza s Italijom bila još manje očita?
Ne mogu biti previše oduševljen ovim albumom, čak i imajući na umu da je prošlo gotovo četrdeset godina između njegovog objavljivanja i ove recenzije.

Pjesme su uglavnom dosadne. Najduža pjesma ovog albuma i otvarač "Mother Mary" zvuči mi kao šala. Neki slabi drum solo i loš vokali su "vrhunac". Ono što slijedi nije ništa bolje: kratki komadi nejasno psiha ("Kraljeve misli"? "Don't You Ever Feel Glad"), jazzy ("Happy Killer") ili heavy ("Let The Flags Fly High", "Moon Park Woman") ali definitivno ne baš zanimljivo.

Ne biste trebali biti zavarani ovim uključivanjem: to ima vrlo, vrlo malo veze s talijanskom glazbom. Neko osnovno rock raspoloženje i to je to. Završni "Sljedeći izbori" imaju neki kratki dio flaute i nešto izgrađeniju glazbu. Ali ništa previše otmjeno da bi se reklo istinu. Dvije zvijezde su dobro plaćene.ladislav&zivanovic...

PeterPrism 2021-09-24 17:39:57

Tnx Bro

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Replies (2)
ladislav zivanovic 2021-09-24 17:58:40

A big thank you mate always came and pleases you weekend blessed by God was..

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PeterPrism 2021-09-24 18:02:13

@ladislav zivanovic tnx to u man!!!