.'/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!....................Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glazbe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!........
.......Phil Keaggy is an excellent, versatile guitarist who has been part of the CCM scene for over two decades. Born and raised in Ohio in a Catholic family of ten, Keaggy has always loved music and spent hours listening to singers such as Johnny Ray and Elvis Presley. He began to imitate the latter at the age of four. Keaggy was also exposed to other types of music and became well versed in classical. His first guitar was a Gretsch Anniversary model from the late 50s; at the age of ten his father bought him a Sears Silvertone, and by the end of the fifth grade he was playing in front of his entire school. Three years later, Keaggy played professionally with the Squires. He and his longtime friend, drummer John Sferra, founded Glass Harp in the late '60s when he was in eleventh grade. They quickly became known as one of the most innovative power trios...
Read the full biography... LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC.............
It means so much to me that you posted some of the works of this great son of the Living God, whom, by his own choice, chose not to walk with the ways of the world, and chose Jesus instead of a Rolling Stone, he chose the Rock that doesn't Roll.
.......Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection - Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///+Philip Tyler Keaggy (23. ožujka 1951.) američki je akustični i električni gitarist i vokal koji je objavio više od 50 albuma i pridonio mnogim drugim snimkama kako na suvremenom kršćanskom tako i na mainstream tržištu. Sedmerostruki je dobitnik nagrade GMA Dove za instrumentalni album godine, a dva puta je bio nominiran za nagradu Grammy za najbolji rock gospel album. Često je bio naveden kao jedan od tri najbolja svjetska gitarista "u stilu prsta" i "branje prstiju" prema anketama čitatelja Guitar Player Magazinea. Rani život
Keaggy je odrastao u maloj seoskoj kući u Hubbardu, Ohio s devetoro braće i sestara. Išao je u srednju školu Austintown Fitch, diplomirao je 1970. [Citat potreban] Nedostaje mu pola srednjeg prsta na desnoj ruci zbog nesreće u dobi od četiri godine u kojoj je sudjelovala pumpa za vodu. Keaggy se osvrće na incident:
Živjeli smo na farmi u Hubbardu, Ohio koja je imala veliku pumpu za vodu, a ja sam se penjao na nju. Dok sam klečao na vrhu platforme, puklo je i slavine su mi se srušile na prst i odsjekle ga. Sjećam se toga vrlo živo – kao da se dogodilo jučer, i mogu vidjeti tatu kako trči niz brdo, spašava me i vodi u bolnicu. Sjećam se bijelog odljeva i zavoja; bilo je ogromno! Pokušali su ga zašiti, ali nije trebalo, pa sam odrastao s devet prstiju. Kao malom djetetu, bilo mi je jako neugodno zbog toga, pogotovo kad sam se počeo baviti gitarom.
U početku, nije gitara privukla Keaggyja na glazbu. "Pitao sam tatu za set bubnjeva za deseti rođendan, ali došao je kući s gitarom Sears Silvertone.///+//Phil Keaggy jedan je od najcjenjenijih gitarista u glazbi danas. Majstor električnog rocka i akustičnog stila prsta, brusi svoj zanat više od 50 godina.
Nastavlja prodavati koncerte diljem Sjedinjenih Država, sa svojim stilom koji se stalno mijenja, od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestriranih instrumentalnih skladbi. +By,Ladislav&Z,Phil Keaggy je jedan od najdivnijih gitarista u muti danas. Majstor i električnog kamena i austična prstoga stila, na je bio honingu njegov zanat za više od 50 godina.
Radi poslovai koncerte po cijeliom SAD-u, sa svoj stilom koji se mijenja, u rasponu od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestrirane instrumentalne skladbe. +By,Ladislav&Z,///+ Nemam riječi, jer nisam vlasnik autorskih prava za ovaj prekrasan glazbeni album,ako društvo i administracija smatraju da sam prekršitelj autorskih prava izbrisat ću ga i ukloniti, sa svog kanala, moje duboko poštovanje i veliku zahvalnost!!! ladislav&zivanović.......
.............Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///+Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection - Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///+Philip Tyler Keaggy (born March 23, 1951) is an American acoustic and electric guitarist and vocalist who has released more than 50 albums and contributed to many more recordings in both the contemporary Christian music and mainstream markets. He is a seven-time recipient of the GMA Dove Award for Instrumental Album of the Year, and was twice nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Gospel Album. He has frequently been listed as one of the world's top-three "finger-style" and "finger-picking" guitarists by Guitar Player Magazine readers' polls.Early life
Keaggy was raised in a small farmhouse in Hubbard, Ohio with nine brothers and sisters. He went to high school at Austintown Fitch High School, graduating in 1970.[citation needed] He is missing half of the middle finger on his right hand due to an accident at age four involving a water pump. Keaggy reflects on the incident:
We lived on a farm in Hubbard, Ohio which had a big water pump, and I was climbing up on it. As I was kneeling on top of the platform, it broke and the faucets came crashing down on my finger and cut it off. I can remember it very vividly—as if it happened yesterday, and I can see my dad running down the hill, rescuing me, and taking me to the hospital. I can recall having a white cast and bandage; it was gigantic! They tried to sew it on, but it didn't take, so I grew up with nine fingers. As a young kid, I was embarrassed about it a lot, especially when I was beginning to get into guitar.
Initially, it was not the guitar that attracted Keaggy to playing music. "I asked my dad for a set of drums for my tenth birthday but he came home with a Sears Silvertone guitar.///+//+Phil Keaggy is one of the most admired guitarists in music today. A master of both electric rock and acoustic finger style, he has been honing his craft for over 50 years.
He continues to sell out concerts all over the United States, with his ever-changing style, ranging from rock-and-roll to fully orchestrated instrumental compositions. ///+By ,Ladislav&Z,Phil Keaggy je jedan od najdivnijih gitarista u glazbi danas. Majstor i električnog kamena i akustičnog prsta stila, on je bio honing njegov zanat za više od 50 godina.
Nastavlja prodavati koncerte po cijelom SAD-u, sa svojim stilom koji se stalno mijenja, u rasponu od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestrirane instrumentalne skladbe. +By ,Ladislav&Z,,///+ I have no words, as I do not own the copyright for this wonderful music album,if society and administration consider that I am a copyright violator I will delete it and remove it, from my channel, my deep respect and great thanks!!!ladislav&zivanovic…….
.............Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist////+Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection - Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist////+Philip Tyler Keaggy (né le 23 mars 1951) est un guitariste et chanteur acoustique et électrique américain qui a sorti plus de 50 albums et contribué à de nombreux autres enregistrements dans les marchés de la musique chrétienne contemporaine et grand public. Il a reçu sept fois le GMA Dove Award de l’album instrumental de l’année, et a été nominé deux fois pour un Grammy Award pour le meilleur album rock gospel. Il a souvent été répertorié comme l’un des trois meilleurs guitaristes au monde « style doigt » et « cueillette de doigts » par les sondages des lecteurs de Guitar Player Magazine. Début de la vie
Keaggy a été élevé dans une petite ferme à Hubbard, Ohio avec neuf frères et sœurs. Il est allé à l’école secondaire à Austintown Fitch High School, obtenant son diplôme en 1970. [citation nécessaire] Il lui manque la moitié du majeur sur sa main droite en raison d’un accident survenu à l’âge de quatre ans impliquant une pompe à eau. Keaggy réfléchit à l’incident:
Nous vivions dans une ferme à Hubbard, ohio qui avait une grande pompe à eau, et je grimpais dessus. Alors que je m’agenouillais sur le dessus de la plate-forme, il s’est cassé et les robinets sont venus s’écraser sur mon doigt et l’ont coupé. Je m’en souviens très bien, comme si c’était arrivé hier, et je peux voir mon père courir en bas de la colline, me sauver et m’emmener à l’hôpital. Je me souviens d’avoir eu un plâtre blanc et un bandage; c’était gigantesque! Ils ont essayé de le coudre, mais ça n’a pas pris, alors j’ai grandi avec neuf doigts. Quand j’étais enfant, j’étais très gêné à ce sujet, surtout quand je commençais à me lancer dans la guitare.
Au départ, ce n’était pas la guitare qui attirait Keaggy à jouer de la musique. « J’ai demandé à mon père un ensemble de batterie pour mon dixième anniversaire, mais il est rentré à la maison avec une guitare Sears Silvertone.///+////+Phil Keaggy est l’un des guitaristes les plus admirés de la musique aujourd’hui. Un maître du rock électrique et du style acoustique des doigts, il perfectionne son métier depuis plus de 50 ans.
Il continue de vendre des concerts partout aux États-Unis, avec son style en constante évolution, allant du rock and roll aux compositions instrumentales entièrement orchestrées. +By ,Ladislav&Z,Phil Keaggy je jedan od najdivnijih gitarista u glazbi danas. Majstor i električnog kamena i akustičnog prsta stila, on je bio honing njegov zanat za više od 50 godina.
Nastavlja prodavati koncerte po cijelom SAD-u, sa svojim stilom koji se stalno mijenja, u rasponu od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestrirane instrumentalne skladbe. +Par ,Ladislav&Z,,///+ Je n’ai pas de mots, car je ne possède pas les droits d’auteur de ce merveilleux album de musique, si la société et l’administration considèrent que je suis un violateur de droits d’auteur, je vais le supprimer et le supprimer, de ma chaîne, mon profond respect et de grands remerciements!!! ladislav&zivanovic.......
.'/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!....................Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glazbe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!........
0 likesAlways liked his style. Thumbs up for Keaggy
1 like.......Phil Keaggy is an excellent, versatile guitarist who has been part of the CCM scene for over two decades. Born and raised in Ohio in a Catholic family of ten, Keaggy has always loved music and spent hours listening to singers such as Johnny Ray and Elvis Presley. He began to imitate the latter at the age of four. Keaggy was also exposed to other types of music and became well versed in classical. His first guitar was a Gretsch Anniversary model from the late 50s; at the age of ten his father bought him a Sears Silvertone, and by the end of the fifth grade he was playing in front of his entire school. Three years later, Keaggy played professionally with the Squires. He and his longtime friend, drummer John Sferra, founded Glass Harp in the late '60s when he was in eleventh grade. They quickly became known as one of the most innovative power trios...
0 likesRead the full biography... LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC.............
It means so much to me that you posted some of the works of this great son of the Living God, whom, by his own choice, chose not to walk with the ways of the world, and chose Jesus instead of a Rolling Stone, he chose the Rock that doesn't Roll.
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likes.......Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection - Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///+Philip Tyler Keaggy (23. ožujka 1951.) američki je akustični i električni gitarist i vokal koji je objavio više od 50 albuma i pridonio mnogim drugim snimkama kako na suvremenom kršćanskom tako i na mainstream tržištu. Sedmerostruki je dobitnik nagrade GMA Dove za instrumentalni album godine, a dva puta je bio nominiran za nagradu Grammy za najbolji rock gospel album. Često je bio naveden kao jedan od tri najbolja svjetska gitarista "u stilu prsta" i "branje prstiju" prema anketama čitatelja Guitar Player Magazinea. Rani život
0 likesKeaggy je odrastao u maloj seoskoj kući u Hubbardu, Ohio s devetoro braće i sestara. Išao je u srednju školu Austintown Fitch, diplomirao je 1970. [Citat potreban] Nedostaje mu pola srednjeg prsta na desnoj ruci zbog nesreće u dobi od četiri godine u kojoj je sudjelovala pumpa za vodu. Keaggy se osvrće na incident:
Živjeli smo na farmi u Hubbardu, Ohio koja je imala veliku pumpu za vodu, a ja sam se penjao na nju. Dok sam klečao na vrhu platforme, puklo je i slavine su mi se srušile na prst i odsjekle ga. Sjećam se toga vrlo živo – kao da se dogodilo jučer, i mogu vidjeti tatu kako trči niz brdo, spašava me i vodi u bolnicu. Sjećam se bijelog odljeva i zavoja; bilo je ogromno! Pokušali su ga zašiti, ali nije trebalo, pa sam odrastao s devet prstiju. Kao malom djetetu, bilo mi je jako neugodno zbog toga, pogotovo kad sam se počeo baviti gitarom.
U početku, nije gitara privukla Keaggyja na glazbu. "Pitao sam tatu za set bubnjeva za deseti rođendan, ali došao je kući s gitarom Sears Silvertone.///+//Phil Keaggy jedan je od najcjenjenijih gitarista u glazbi danas. Majstor električnog rocka i akustičnog stila prsta, brusi svoj zanat više od 50 godina.
Nastavlja prodavati koncerte diljem Sjedinjenih Država, sa svojim stilom koji se stalno mijenja, od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestriranih instrumentalnih skladbi. +By,Ladislav&Z,Phil Keaggy je jedan od najdivnijih gitarista u muti danas. Majstor i električnog kamena i austična prstoga stila, na je bio honingu njegov zanat za više od 50 godina.
Radi poslovai koncerte po cijeliom SAD-u, sa svoj stilom koji se mijenja, u rasponu od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestrirane instrumentalne skladbe. +By,Ladislav&Z,///+ Nemam riječi, jer nisam vlasnik autorskih prava za ovaj prekrasan glazbeni album,ako društvo i administracija smatraju da sam prekršitelj autorskih prava izbrisat ću ga i ukloniti, sa svog kanala, moje duboko poštovanje i veliku zahvalnost!!! ladislav&zivanović.......
thanks for posting this
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likes.............Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///+Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection - Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist///+Philip Tyler Keaggy (born March 23, 1951) is an American acoustic and electric guitarist and vocalist who has released more than 50 albums and contributed to many more recordings in both the contemporary Christian music and mainstream markets. He is a seven-time recipient of the GMA Dove Award for Instrumental Album of the Year, and was twice nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Gospel Album. He has frequently been listed as one of the world's top-three "finger-style" and "finger-picking" guitarists by Guitar Player Magazine readers' polls.Early life
0 likesKeaggy was raised in a small farmhouse in Hubbard, Ohio with nine brothers and sisters. He went to high school at Austintown Fitch High School, graduating in 1970.[citation needed] He is missing half of the middle finger on his right hand due to an accident at age four involving a water pump. Keaggy reflects on the incident:
We lived on a farm in Hubbard, Ohio which had a big water pump, and I was climbing up on it. As I was kneeling on top of the platform, it broke and the faucets came crashing down on my finger and cut it off. I can remember it very vividly—as if it happened yesterday, and I can see my dad running down the hill, rescuing me, and taking me to the hospital. I can recall having a white cast and bandage; it was gigantic! They tried to sew it on, but it didn't take, so I grew up with nine fingers. As a young kid, I was embarrassed about it a lot, especially when I was beginning to get into guitar.
Initially, it was not the guitar that attracted Keaggy to playing music. "I asked my dad for a set of drums for my tenth birthday but he came home with a Sears Silvertone guitar.///+//+Phil Keaggy is one of the most admired guitarists in music today. A master of both electric rock and acoustic finger style, he has been honing his craft for over 50 years.
He continues to sell out concerts all over the United States, with his ever-changing style, ranging from rock-and-roll to fully orchestrated instrumental compositions. ///+By ,Ladislav&Z,Phil Keaggy je jedan od najdivnijih gitarista u glazbi danas. Majstor i električnog kamena i akustičnog prsta stila, on je bio honing njegov zanat za više od 50 godina.
Nastavlja prodavati koncerte po cijelom SAD-u, sa svojim stilom koji se stalno mijenja, u rasponu od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestrirane instrumentalne skladbe. +By ,Ladislav&Z,,///+ I have no words, as I do not own the copyright for this wonderful music album,if society and administration consider that I am a copyright violator I will delete it and remove it, from my channel, my deep respect and great thanks!!!ladislav&zivanovic…….
.............Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist////+Phil Keaggy All Songs Collection - Phil Keaggy Best Greatest Hits Of All Time Playlist////+Philip Tyler Keaggy (né le 23 mars 1951) est un guitariste et chanteur acoustique et électrique américain qui a sorti plus de 50 albums et contribué à de nombreux autres enregistrements dans les marchés de la musique chrétienne contemporaine et grand public. Il a reçu sept fois le GMA Dove Award de l’album instrumental de l’année, et a été nominé deux fois pour un Grammy Award pour le meilleur album rock gospel. Il a souvent été répertorié comme l’un des trois meilleurs guitaristes au monde « style doigt » et « cueillette de doigts » par les sondages des lecteurs de Guitar Player Magazine. Début de la vie
0 likesKeaggy a été élevé dans une petite ferme à Hubbard, Ohio avec neuf frères et sœurs. Il est allé à l’école secondaire à Austintown Fitch High School, obtenant son diplôme en 1970. [citation nécessaire] Il lui manque la moitié du majeur sur sa main droite en raison d’un accident survenu à l’âge de quatre ans impliquant une pompe à eau. Keaggy réfléchit à l’incident:
Nous vivions dans une ferme à Hubbard, ohio qui avait une grande pompe à eau, et je grimpais dessus. Alors que je m’agenouillais sur le dessus de la plate-forme, il s’est cassé et les robinets sont venus s’écraser sur mon doigt et l’ont coupé. Je m’en souviens très bien, comme si c’était arrivé hier, et je peux voir mon père courir en bas de la colline, me sauver et m’emmener à l’hôpital. Je me souviens d’avoir eu un plâtre blanc et un bandage; c’était gigantesque! Ils ont essayé de le coudre, mais ça n’a pas pris, alors j’ai grandi avec neuf doigts. Quand j’étais enfant, j’étais très gêné à ce sujet, surtout quand je commençais à me lancer dans la guitare.
Au départ, ce n’était pas la guitare qui attirait Keaggy à jouer de la musique. « J’ai demandé à mon père un ensemble de batterie pour mon dixième anniversaire, mais il est rentré à la maison avec une guitare Sears Silvertone.///+////+Phil Keaggy est l’un des guitaristes les plus admirés de la musique aujourd’hui. Un maître du rock électrique et du style acoustique des doigts, il perfectionne son métier depuis plus de 50 ans.
Il continue de vendre des concerts partout aux États-Unis, avec son style en constante évolution, allant du rock and roll aux compositions instrumentales entièrement orchestrées. +By ,Ladislav&Z,Phil Keaggy je jedan od najdivnijih gitarista u glazbi danas. Majstor i električnog kamena i akustičnog prsta stila, on je bio honing njegov zanat za više od 50 godina.
Nastavlja prodavati koncerte po cijelom SAD-u, sa svojim stilom koji se stalno mijenja, u rasponu od rock-and-rolla do potpuno orkestrirane instrumentalne skladbe. +Par ,Ladislav&Z,,///+ Je n’ai pas de mots, car je ne possède pas les droits d’auteur de ce merveilleux album de musique, si la société et l’administration considèrent que je suis un violateur de droits d’auteur, je vais le supprimer et le supprimer, de ma chaîne, mon profond respect et de grands remerciements!!! ladislav&zivanovic.......