@Sawtooth Waves BonBon works as a secret agent for the government. I'm pretty sure she would know. If not, considering the two are still married in the final episode, Lyra is either a very talented liar or BonBon was never very good at her job to begin with.
Or what if both Lyra and BonBon are changelings? They both have a coverup story to keep from the ponies. If any pony asks or wants to know what they are hiding, they'll just say as their coverup story that they are secretly into each other and didn't want ponies to know that they are into each other. But the real secret is that they are both changelings working together. But one of them, (Kevin) got to attached to the ponies and came to liking the ponies and secretly keeps it a secret from the other changeling.
Honestly, if an unreformed changeling wants impersonate somepony, they should just capture the pony, ofcourse Kevin won't do that. If anypony gets suspicious, they can just cook up some excuse for their despair and mental sadness.
@U r a c t u a l m u m [Cliffer] but what if that part is still true. That they do like each other but use that true lessor secret to hide the bigger secret, that they are both changelings.
LOL its like how Lyra is obsessed with great pony mythology its like How we thought we had pony’s unicorn pegises but not really alicorns anyway like LOL again cause Lyra seems to LOVE. great mythology btw IMAGINE DERPY BEING A CHANGELING no wait derpy lost her power when tirek took her magic as changelings like thorax sawtooth(not really cannon no efence )or much more they couldn’t change they’re forms so derpy would have showed her true but fierce form
It happened before because in my school vr game goalius teamed up with a oddsquard agent who was a rookie changeling and during the boss fight against the demon slayer duo tanjirou and nezuko there's a 55% chance of even the real upper moon 3 demon akare or a imposter SD tallgeese ( a really dangerous mobile suit) and it's revealed in the end if with akare he give goalius a thumbs up but if it would be the SD tallgeese ( first off its not a real thing and second only the flewgue version has a SD form ) the tallgeese is gone and in its place was the omega pirate ( that would make less sense because both are dead first killed by bounty hunter samus aran and second was killed when the belogoga was first and only made then killed by the arihanrod fleets dainsleft bombing )
While it could easily be dismissed, Berry Punch is a possible candidate.
She was at the Crystal Empire in the season 3 premiere despite not being a Crystal Pony.
Eavesdropping, Kevin could've heard about how the Empire is essentially the centre of love in Equestria and, love being a Changeling's mane diet until season 5's finale, Kevin could've gone to investigate to see the potential, taking Berry Punch's form to hide... though that was risky, since nopony from the Empire would recognize Berry, making her form stand out.
What bothers me about this theory is the fact that Rainbow Dash personally knows both versions of Bulk Biceps. If him having trouble getting off the ground was so unusual after he was a candidate for the Wonderbolts, then shouldn't she have noticed the discrepancy?
@Sawtooth Waves It is soooooo groovy. its like my second favorite color(ironicly, my favorite color is green, my second favorite is burgandy. a clear portrayal of my color scheme preferences... interests... not sure what the word is).
Love the switch to red hair it looks great on you It is a change from having orange hair since the beginning of the channel However it looks amazing have a nice day
bulk biceps' small wings and huge body were a reference to steroid abuse. steroids increase body mass, but causes other body parts to shrink. which in his case, are his wings; and in the case of his CHS counterpart, his testicles have shrunk.
From spotting Kevin in a crowd to Changeling spies infiltrating the military. That's a pipeline I didn't know I needed. You look great with a red mane btw! 💖
@Sawtooth Waves sawtooht were are you in the g5 in my little pony New generation is about the future but were are you do you miss twilight and they friends mabel I can't created a cómic movie about you in g5 and sunny and you Will meet but sunny now is a royal alicorn like twilight sparkle and sunny is a alicorn permantili and mabel you meet sunny royal alicorn and you and doctor Wolf reunited and you Will tells doctor Wolf about you become a Stone for Long Long Long time ago I must created a cómic movie about you in g5
@Florencia Salina 1) please don't spam people's comments to be seen with a completely unrelated comment 2) it's very complicated to understand you: there's no punctuation, several parts seem repeated, others are not linked with the rest...
@Alegria Déesse what did you mean I was an idea to created a cómic movie about sawtooht Waves in g5 but in compatade of g4 sunny izzy zipp pipp and hicht versión of g4 in the movie of g5 whats rong alegría deesse what did you mean about that
@Alegria Déesse It's not rude when you're replying to someone else on someone else's comment. About the grammar and all, they're probably little or It's not their first language, or something similar/related.
@Roxanne Wolf no, what is rude is to talk about something unrelated to the initial comment. Alex H was talking about something. Sawtooth replied to that. And that person I'm telling to stop comes with their unrelated comment, only because Sawtooth had a reaction, in hope to get more visibility. Except Sawtooth gets notifications for all their channel's comments. So it just ends up being rude. It shifts the conversation topic. Ironically, my comment shifts the topic too, but I'm doing it so they don't do it all the time to many people commenting here.
@Alegria Déesse A lot of other people do that as well. It's the internet, pretty sure the original replier didn't mind, as it doesn't affect them at all. It's okay if you see an opportunity to reach out and genuinely ask someone something, although they usually don't answer. Sawtooth probably won't see this as rude either. In general, it's not exactly rude. It would be more annoying if it gets too much. That person saw an opportunity to reach out and give Sawtooth a notification directly and took it. Despite all the grammatical errors and spelling, and how it may be annoying at some points, he just wanted to ask something, and that's okay. It's up to the person you replied to if they want to answer or not.
@Roxanne Wolf that's why I say that to a lot of other people too (by the way, "a lot of people" say "kill yourself" to other people on internet). It is exactly rude. Sawtooth sees every comment on their channel so it's not "an opportunity". And the problem is not that they are making grammar errors, the problem is that it's very complicated to decipher the message. I don't even know what they want!
@Alegria Déesse Hey. I am not including everyone. Like I said, this is the internet. It's alright to branch out if you want to, it's not always about inappropriate, unnecessary topics.
You're thinking about other offensive stuff people are saying, while this was not offensive at all. And yes, the person's errors in grammar and spelling are a part of this, hence why you don't know what they're saying because like I said before, either this isn't their first language or they're little, etc.
If you'd like me to tell you what they're saying, pretty sure this is what it is: They're asking Sawtooth to collab with then in a story, and that they can add a bunch of other characters to the mix. The rest is not too much. Just the same thing. It may not be important to anyone, but the thing is that they just wanted to ask, and besides, maybe they don't know Sawtooth sees every comment you post and wanted to reach out to him directly. I get that, since sometimes YouTube doesn't show everything due to their glitches, or you accidentally skipped over it. It may show up the same way even when you just comment, but again, maybe the person doesn't know that. At the end of the day, it's not something to focus much on, and they were just trying to ask someone something. The question wasn't for you, and it wasn't offensive. Just move on with your day.
@Roxanne Wolf if they were doing minor grammar errors and more importantly if they were arranging their sentences in a way that makes sense, I wouldn't mind grammar errors. If it was possible to understand them. And YES IT IS RUDE TO COMMENT WITH UNRELATED STUFF. Me telling them so is so they learn not to be rude and to make it easier for people to read them. I am NOT saying "get the hell off internet you don't belong here", I am saying "there's room for improvement and here's how you can do that". Now I'm sooooo sooooorry Roxanne if I'm not allowed to do that. I'll do it anyway!
@Alegria Déesse Sure, but those are things you can just ignore. You don't have to make a big deal about it if it's something you don't wanna focus on, or no one wants to focus on. Now that you've mentioned it, the entire thread has become about it. If you never mentioned it, they would've never replied back to you and maybe even leave the entire thing alone because Sawtooth didn't answer.
How is just asking someone something that's just a little off topic (a little because they are still talking about the ponies and whatsoever) so rude to someone you have to tell them off? It doesn't seem the original commenter would mind either. It doesn't harm anyone. It's just one question, get over it. If you want to keep telling people off just because they went off topic on a thread because they wanted to ask a simple question, and it's rude to you, (unless someone else in the thread feels that way. I don't really think so though, but that's just me.) Sure, that's your choice. You do you. If the person was spamming every single comment or just talking about something no one wants to hear or both, then sure. I understand. You can report them yourself for that. (Not sure if YouTube even does anything though, that's the stupid part.)
Besides, like I said before, the question wasn't for you. You don't need to worry about their mistakes on sentences, or whatever. That's something they need to work on, and that's their choice. It's fine if you want to help them though. That's your choice.
If you want to help them correct something so badly, why not tell them the corrections? That's just a suggestion, because the person didn't really understand why you were telling them that either, because they weren't sure what they did wrong. In their perspective, they're just asking someone if they're want to work on something together. I don't think that's rude at all. It may be not in the same topic as the commenter, but what's wrong with just asking? They're not looking for attention (unless they were actually spamming the same reply on every comment, it's because I didn't check every one. I don't have to.) So in the end, you're telling them you can't understand them, and that they should improve. That's fine, but there's nothing else wrong with the comment. Just a question with errors. If you think it's rude, that's on you.
@Roxanne Wolf too long, didn't read. I already said my remark ironically deflected the topic as well, but that it was for a greater good: to avoid it to happen on more comments on more videos. Why don't YOU ignore it? I was GIVING ADVICE so they do better in the future but yeah why not let people do mediocre and get people to ignore them because they've been rude instead of getting better?
@Alegria Déesse Oh well, too bad. This person still wasn't rude, or trying to be rude. That's what you think about them. I don't think anyone else did. Why didn't I ignore it? Because of you. If you want to help them, sure. The rude part though, didn't make any sense. You're the one who should've ignored that in the first place. You're talking to the wrong person. All they tried to do was reach out to Sawtooth and see if they wanted to join. You should be saying that to someone who means harm, and isn't just asking a genuine question. In the end, that was all what you think.
@Roxanne Wolf well I didn't ignore them because of them, that's the same thing. It IS rude to come to a conversation and change the topic just because you want to be seen. It's just as rude as if you were going to a classroom and telling something to students that doesn't even have anything to do with the lesson. So it's not just "what I think". But I see you just like to be rude. They didn't know it was rude so I told them it is rude. So that they know how to do. Someone who means harm will be glad to be told it's rude and will do it EVEN MORE, it doesn't make any sense! So yes, I was talking to the right person but you decided to do worse instead of ignoring me.
@Alegria Déesse This is different. It isn't fully barging into someone's classroom. No one minds if this person just asks a question, hoping he will answer. Barging into a classroom however, is also physical. What, did he make anyone feel uncomfortable or disturb anyone? No, because it's not that big a deal. Just a reply. This happens so much more on the internet, and those are actually bad.
Bots flooding the place, unwanted self-advertising, words that are offensive to someone. (If telling them they're rude makes everything worse, why spend time on this? It doesn't make any sense either.)
This was just one question, and it really bothered me that they didn't know how to respond, yet they didn't want anything wrong. They aren't asking for attention from other people like bots or haters do. They just wanted an answer from Sawtooth. Just because they said something doesn't mean you have to completely change the topic. It doesn't stop you from continuing the chat about the original comment.
I think it's okay if he didn't though. It was still just a simple question. Why don't you go focus on helping stop those actual stupid unnecessary stuff in the comments, instead of someone just wanting to know something, which shouldn't bother anyone.
@Roxanne Wolf talking to a bot does not make it stop. Talking to someone meaning to hurt doesn't make them stop. Talking to someone who made a genuine mistake makes them learn and do better. Like I've said for all these replies, I didn't want them to stop being on internet, I want them to improve so people don't ignore them in the future. Had I ignored them and continued about the first topic, it would just have made them sad they're ignored and they wouldn't have known what to do. Now stop it.
@Alegria Déesse Talking to a bot? How about reporting it? The person who means hurt? Give them a genuine answer and they will look back and see what they did wrong. If they don't, that's their problem. What I see from here is that you want to correct their grammar, etc. Besides, they weren't looking for your response. They were looking for his. Yours wouldn't matter, except the fact you were trying to help them. You don't want them to be ignored really cleared up that part more. The rude part, however, still doesn't make sense. That's all I've got to say unless you reply again. Now you can stop.
@Roxanne Wolf do you think I don't report bots and haters? Haters don't reflect, they like doing harm and know they're doing harm. Sawtooth didn't respond, so maybe if they did a better comment, next time Sawtooth would reply, but right now they're being ignored. The rude part makes sense but you decided to like being rude, obviously.
@Alegria Déesse Maybe, maybe not. It looked like you don't because you don't want to get involved. I guess I was wrong about that and it's not the case. No, the rude part does not make sense. (You also said that I am rude. This has become an argument, it's not like I'm making fun of your profile picture or assuming bad things like what you must like, etc.) This place isn't forbidden from branching out on other topics. (Not all of them, though. It always depends.)
This isn't a place where you aren't supposed to ask people something on someone else's comment, what's wrong with that, it shouldn't be something that bothers you unless it does. (For example, an uncomfortable question, even if the person didn't mean it, it still has a bad impact on someone.)
The person doesn't seem to mind since it doesn't have anything to do with them, and the person asking the question isn't asking them either, so why bother?
There's nothing wrong with it. This is a casual place, not a strict one where you can only talk about the same topic on one comment if you want to say something else, and other rules that the creator or someone else gives out, then you have to respect them and follow that. If you don't, then just leave.
If you do switch it and no one else does, then just forget about it, or maybe elaborate on why. No one's stopping you from continuing to talk about the original topic.
Unless you start spamming the same thing over and over, then it starts to become an actual nuisance. This however, (If they were actually spamming, that's on me, I just didn't see it.) Is just one question that was poorly worded. Maybe Sawtooth will answer next time they do better. Nothing rude to anyone, just casual. One of those things you can have a small opinion on, but nothing big enough to keep on talking about it. Just move on. Helping correct them was okay. But oh well.
Right now, I think it is time to move on. Please don't reply back, and I won't either. Doing so will just add more gasoline to the fire, and this will just get longer and longer, and that's just a problem and a waste of time. I've already said enough unless you do reply back, so don't. This is over. Please do not reply anymore. Goodbye.
@Roxanne Wolf the rude part makes sense and I already explained why. But go ahead, put your elbows on the table too. Yes this is a place where you're not supposed to make it all about you after someone else got a reply. There is something wrong about it, it is rude. When I told you to stop you just keep making long replies that just repeat themselves like you don't even care, I suppose you just like to be rude. Because it is rude. You know, it is rude, I already said it. It's rude. C'est malpoli (j'essaye dans une autre langue au cas où, ça a l'air de mal rentrer)
Oh, "next time they do better"? And how are they supposed to do better if nobody tells them what to improve? Because you spammed with "they don't have to change anything"?
@Alegria Déesse I was talking about their grammar and such. It isn't rude if no one thinks so. What if a thousand years old law tells you that this is rude, yet it isn't anymore, does that mean it's rude to anyone just because the law said so? No. What matters if it was actually rude to someone, not what you think of it. Maybe ask Alex yourself and see if they thought it was rude. It's his comment, not yours. If someone posted that on your comment, sure it's yours, but this one is not. So you're not really saving anyone, unless they agreed with you. I was about to stop as well, as I said so on those two other comments. Yet you still have the audacity to keep replying, it's like you don't want this to be over. I already saw what you said, you already saw what I said. This should be done. Please stop replying, so we don't have to say anything anymore. That's what I meant by adding more gasoline to the fire. Go do something else. We're just wasting our time, do not reply again. Goodbye.
I literally screamed “I love that!” Out loud after you said the “fillies, colts, and enby folks” line. I’m sorry, I guess I’m just happy to see some representation by a large creator I like…
@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 personally I’m not offended or anything, but saying ‘fillies’ is like calling adult women ‘girls’, and no one likes being called a kid when they are an adult. Calling men ‘boys’ is rude, same as calling women ‘girls’. Boys and girls are children of both genders before puberty.
My sister pointed out bulk's inconsistent flying skills, and felt really sad when I told her it was probably a mistake- UNTIL I SHOWED HER THIS VIDEO THANK YOU FOR FIXING BOTH OF OUR CHILDHOODS
I love the idea! I just imagine Lauren Faust, or any of the other creators looking at your videos and being baffled. The pony universe is its own, the creators were guided towards uncovering its secrets!
I’ve always loved theorizing about changeling battle tactics and thinking about what I would do with an army of shapeshifters. On that note, I actually don’t think that the spies reformed with the rest of the hive. During the season 6 finale, all of the changelings that were at the hive at the time of reformation were reformed (except Chrysalis). Not only do we not see anymore unreformed changelings there, but it also wouldn’t make sense for them to be there. If any changelings at the hive didn’t reform, then they probably would’ve fled alongside Chrysalis since she was there queen. It would’ve made no sense for any non-reformed changelings to stay at the hive instead of going with their queen who was seen escaping by LITERALLY EVERYONE, so I think it’s safe to say that there were no more unreformed changelings at the hive after the season 6 finale. HOWEVER, Thorax mentions a renegade group of changelings in a season 7 episode titled “Triple Threat”. Here, he says that he’s having trouble convincing these changelings to reform with the rest of the hive, and here’s where the mystery starts. How is it that there is a renegade group of non-reformed changelings when it’s almost certain that no unreformed changelings remained at the hive? Simple, they weren’t at the hive during the reformation. I believe that all of those renegade changelings Thorax had to deal with were actually all of the spies still posing as ponies in Equestria. That would explain why they weren’t at the hive during the season 6 finale, and it would explain why they didn’t want to reform in the first place. Think about it, Chrysalis would’ve likely only trusted her most loyal and skilled minions for espionage since it was the most important part of her plan. With her spies being the most loyal to her, it makes sense why they wouldn’t be super in to the idea of reforming. The logic of it just lines up too well. Plus, we already know that there were some changelings disguised as the mane 6, the princesses, and some others while the season six finale was actually happening. I don’t think those changelings could’ve possibly been at the hive for the reformation since they were carrying out their jobs of impersonating the most beloved ponies in Equestria. That’s a few of our renegades found, but it’s probably not all of them. I still think that the renegade changelings were the many Equestrian spies. This leads me to believe that either, A: the changeling spies got some sort of message or signal about what was happening at the hive and immediately left their lives of impersonation to confront Thorax and eventually reform, or B: Thorax (along with his reformed changelings and Equestrian allies) lead a massive and potentially secret operation to find and capture all of the unreformed changeling spies still hiding in Equestria. I know the second one isn’t very likely, but I think the idea is pretty cool. Either way, it’s unlikely that there were any changeling spies in Equestria for too long after the season 6 finale. Not only would they have not had a mission/purpose anymore after Chrysalis fled, but they also would’ve likely revealed themselves to Chrysalis during the season 9 finale. I think it’s far more likely that all of the unreformed changelings hiding in Equestria would’ve simply heard about what had happened to the changeling hive eventually and in one way or another ended up back at home and getting reformed. This has pretty much been my mindset on the events of the changelings for the past few years now. It all works out surprisingly well and doesn’t leave too many loose ends. My only regret is that the awesome sounding storyline of king Thorax secretly hunting changeling spies throughout Equestria probably didn’t actually happen (but I still think it’s a cool idea).
Hey, maybe Pharynx was hunting down the spies between patrol shifts. Like, everyone thought he was on a break or sleeping, but he was hunting down renegade changelings
I think the Bulk at the academy is more likely to be the real Bulk because a) Real bulk has lived all his life with tiny wings - he’d know how to fly with them so it would make sense that changeling bulk struggles since he’s used to having a more proportionate body. Flying is portrayed as a skill which can be developed hence why Kevin may be a better flyer however that process of growing the skill varies from pony to pony depending on all of their attributes, we can infer that body influences flight based unfortunately on Scootaloo who has been trying to fly all her life and most likely was never able to even though her wings appeared to function normally. B) Imagine that Bulk Biceps went to wonder bolt academy, graduated, and decided to go into some form of Wonderbolt related work or simply be a full time wonderbolt requiring him to stay in Cloudsdale. This gives Kevin the perfect way to remain in Ponyville - he simply needs to tell everyone he decided to come back home and nobody would question it. However Bulk was there in Cranky’s wedding where Kevin also was but in his true form, but I don’t think Star Hunter was so I still agree it’s more likely Star Hunter is the Kevin
Something like that was also my immediate thought when Sawtooth brought up Bulk in this context. All a changeling would need to do is replace him after we saw him at the academy and everything would be explained! Though the reverse that Sawtooth brought up is, of course, also intriguing.
You know changelings better than I do, but do changelings feed only on romantic love? Or can they feed on other forms of love? Like the love of flying for example? If so, that changeling at the Wonderbolt Academy might have just been on a fad diet.
I’m experimenting with changelings feeding on other strong emotions. I’m writing a fanfic that’s The Princess Bride but set in the MLP world. And my version of Count Rugen is a changeling. He took the form of the original Rugen- a high profile scholar and inventor who was soon to be given the title of count- with the intention of spying on the royal family since he and humperdinck were already close. However, when attending battles by humperdinck’s side, this changeling rugen discovered something far more delectable to him than love- Pure unbridled suffering. He goes on to inflict pain on anypony he has power over to get away with it (i.e. Killing Inigo’s father and scarring him for life) and dedicating his life’s work to building the machine- which is infused with the changeling magic to steal and store ephemeral things like love, and in this case, life force itself. I’m having a lot of fun with this concept.
I'd think that they can just feed on any type of love like familial or platonic love as in Thorax's debut episode he was seen have temptations of feeding on the ponies love for Flurry Heart :)
@Summer Melody like I said: it's ignoring the comment's topic. If they want to say that, they can make their own comment, instead of using someone else's comment.
I think that the coincidence of having changeling spies during the preparation on second invasion is possible, because we can see that Starlight was also foreshadowed to return, even though it was scripted, this could have been scripted aswell!
@Sawtooth Waves you should make another video putting out that the only pony on the card not at the wedding is starhunter. I think it adds to your case!
i did have one theory on which pony in that card was Kevin's sona: if any of those ponies weren't at Cranky's wedding, that must be Kevin
either that, or they were disguised as an accessory a pony was wearing at that moment we've seen Changelings turn into various objects, so it's not too farfetched lol
Okay so I MIGHT have an idea for how to find the pretender, and it involves the timeskip in the last problem
In that episode, we see many characters across the show aged up. So i see two ways to try to find him
1. Find someone who aged much differently or didn't age at all
2. Find someone who doesn't appear in the timeskip, as since changlings are accepted in that Era, and all changlings rebels are likely few to none there's no need to hide.
Alternatively, since you see Kevin at the wedding, you can eliminate possible candidates based on who was at the wedding with kevin
Minuette Twinkleshine Derpy Cherry Berry Lyra Amethyst Star Sassaflash Lemon Hearts Sea Swirl Orange Swirl Dr Hooves The cmc Zecora Cloud Kicker Bulk Biceps Sprinkle Medley (Unnamed silver haired stallion) Big Macintosh and Mayor Mare all have an alibi
This leaves us with Silver Spoon Diamond Tiara Granny Smith White Lightning Snails Merry May Photo Finish And your first choice Star Hunter
Now keep in mind this list is only useful if his goal was to have a longer stay. How do I explain bulk bicep's bizzare flight capabilities? Simple. Not. The same. Changeling. The changeling that infiltrated wonderbolt academy was still loyal to chrysalis, while kevin seems to be pretty peaceful. Now assuming that his was a longer stay by Kevin after he left the hive for whatever reason we can eliminate based first on social status. Anyone with high status or connections is a risk, so we can eliminate Diamond tiara and silver Spoon because of Filthy Rich, photo finish for her celebrity status, and Granny smith, for her connection to the founding of ponyville and relation to applejack.
I can't believe no one's said anything about this! It makes sense since Kevin was in his original form at the wedding. I don't think it's White Lightning though since she's not on the card but that still leaves Snails, Merry May, and Star Hunter. I'll leave this for you to think about now :)
another possible Changeling that is not in this picture is Carrot Top one-time she had orange hair another time she had green hair is this a coincidence or not and most of the changelings change something about the original form like how Bulk biceps flys, how starhunter goes from a pegasus to an earth pony, how Lyra sits, and how the Royal Guards can be alicorns, unicorns, and Pegasus oh so sometimes in the earlier seasons a lot of the ponies can be seen and pureed crowds so probably they could be changing as well and there are other times where some ponies change form so who knows how many changelings are in Ponyville.
@willow the octo agent it's cool to therozie but we can assume most of these were on accident but it would be cool to see someone make an argument for the fun of it.
@Sawtooth Waves Can you explain to me why Twillight from the Human-World does only have wings when she "Pony-Up" and doesn't when she is in Equestria? Twillight from Equestria and Rainbow Dash from Human-World on the other hand have wings in both worlds.
Maybe The others and their pony version since their magic is technically still earth pony and pegasus magic and since twilight is the main so maybe she accidentally absorb A tiny bit of the earth pony and pegasus magic and it only last during the power up time because the others magic is shut off after the power up disappear and their pony side magic can no get out of their bodies so twilight loses their wings because they no longer have the Earth pony and Pegasus Magic anymore?
One thing to consider about Mayor Mare. Imagine that you were a changeling who formed the persona of Mayor Mare into being, and wanted to change to make yourself look older(such as turning your mane and tail gray) without raising any eyebrows
Best way to do that is to use mane dye, which is what we see Mayor Mare doing
What about Minuet ? The pony who lives out of town and only some times visits? Or they could be the sunglasses or a rock or the furniture. Or maybe even Derppy the pony who was always around but went missing for a while and then suddenly returned a lot more talkative then before.
Ditzy/Muffins could be another good candidate. Someone that clumsy and simple-minded could easily sabotage, would be unlikely to be investigated, and would have a very easy time keeping up such a simple appearance. She drops a piano on Twilight, nearly destroys the town hall, and she becomes less frequently appearing later in the series, around the same time changelings become common knowledge to other ponies. Heck, she also appears on the card, and she's even on your technical difficulties image.
Bulk biceps would make sense for being the changeling, Especially when you factor in scootaloo (i.e. her tiny wings). Tiny wings are a rare disability in equestria that leaves a Pegasus unable to fly or makes it near impossible to fly. So bulk biceps flying with the wonderbolts despite his tiny wings is pretty sus.
I love the fact that changelings, a species that uses psychological energies to live and is able to basically take over the world if they so chose, has the greatest weakness of freaking Pinkie Pie
This is something I was thinking about seeing Bulk having trouble flying in that episode. Never thought much on it but gotta give Queen Chrysalis credit where it's do. But yaaa Pinkie is a big problem for the Changelings going to Ponyville. She is the all seeing pony there. Makes you wonder what other secrets Pinkie may know that others don't.
That's why my OC and my father Changeling ended up making a life there just for cover. While still seeking off to Everfree Forest to visit there lovers/mothers grave. Even going as far to make a small hidden home to relax at. Although I do write in some miss happenings. Just for fun and development.
Makes sense Bulk would be a changeling. The flight ability change is very suspicious. Star Hunter lacking wings is also. Two very good candidates. Bulk - easy to impersonate. Star Hunter - as far as I'm aware, no dialogue. So, I don't know how he would act or what he would say, and how would the changeling know other than through intense observation.
New idea- If he was starting from scratch then Kevin could take on a new personality, new birthday, new name, new everything. Saved from the Pinkie Paradox.
@Sawtooth Waves: I think it would also make sense for Kevin to impersonate Derpy. The reason why I think this is because Derpy has literally no dialogue whatsoever, so Kevin wouldn't have to memorize any words because he wouldn't have to say anything at all. So, the only thing that he would have to do to blend in would be to pretend to be exceedingly clumsy. Also, who would suspect a pony like Derpy of being a changeling spy?!?😄 It just wouldn't make sense. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
Another great theory Sawtooth! I just wanted to bring something up. I know on the trading card with all the ponies, we don't really see anything other than some ponies and the ground they are standing on, but could it be possible that Kevin would be hiding as an inanimate object like a rock or something? I know it doesn't fit as well as your theory, but I mean, Thorax did it... Just an idea I had.
There is one more way of eliminating candidates for Kevin if he always lived in ponyville. Compare the wedding to that photo. Kevin was untransformed at the wedding, so find all Pony's that we saw at the wedding and eliminate them as candidates from the photo. Eliminate enough to either narrow down or find the actual Kevin.
truth is if your able to change forms why wouldn't you have a back up form or 2. to take in a small town where people come and go from. if your forms are both from the same town then you would need 2 or 3 just to be sure incase they ever bump into each other. it would just be good planning to have more forms at the ready for when you walk into that person. heck he might of been at the wonder bolts as star hunter to keep up appearances but the real one came also. so he switched to bulk biceps because that's a good fall back and he knows that he probably would never really be there in the first place. the 2 forms might just be his go to forms that he knows are most safe forms to take. there would have to be a 3rd form of his also for safety incase the 2 star hunter and bulk biceps ever meet or bumped into each other. wonder what his 3rd form was.
would be neat if one of them ever talked about their plans or their like day to day life in hiding while spying or blending in. would be good info in to how to counter if any other creatures could do that again in the future.
Thats pretty thought through! Irs a bit scary how they spied during the time between the invasions. It was a very good move. No one would think that an allie would be a foe. The changelings are military too so they wont have trouble fitting in with the guards. I just would like to know why Kevin joined the wedding in his true form and why no one paniced. Yeah they had their own little stories and the bride and groom were the center of attention, but it would be deathly to show them their real form. Thats too risky. Also wasnt any of the adults with the foals? Surely one adult would see them frightened when entering the wedding and ask whats wrong. Maybe they did, but Kevin changed and the adult didnt believed the other foals. But then, why would he change back, when he nearly got spotted? The mission would be failed, because Equestria would increase security, if they spot a changeling. I also think that it would make sense to disguise themselves into a filly. No one expects a filly ro be a threat, so it also could bei one of the cmc in the picture. But Star Hunter is more likely.
I could just be looking too much into it but it seems like Sawtooth is slowly changing their pony design, not like an art style evolution as we've seen over the years, but a while new pony persona
Sawtooth, I am with you, but also adding this detail look at Zekora she lives in the forest the changeling may know this. The changeling will choose someone Pinky knows and someone who is less likely to run into. The changeling may just want to stay shortly. Yes Star Hunter is a great guess, but what if the changeling didn't want to stay shortly if the changeling didn't even be a pony what if he was there spying before the beginning and what if he was a spy before he was reformed -ish. Also stop the among us ascent.
Great theory once again Sawtooth! Btw, speaking of Changelings, can you make a video discussing what species can return in G5? Of course it's now confirmed Dragons still exist, but what about everyone else?
If changeling want they can literally live as a pony whole life by becoming different pony everday Like One day mayor Then cheerilee Then carrot top(she also changed her Mane once) And so on I know it's complicated but it still make some sense
I love this video Thankyou for making it amazing job. Also Kevin could just be one of the background characters that we don’t usually pay a lot of attention to.
Awesome video as always! But a question? Why didn't you include mares in the list I mean like Candy Maine the pink-haired earth pony she is really suspicious... She didn't show up on a lot of episodes but in Luna eclipse she seems little worried on the background if u focus
I agree that star hunter is Kevin but another factor that needs to be accounted for is when was that pic taken? Was it after bulk was in the academy or before if it was after then Kevin could be bulk but if it was before then Kevin could be hunter. all factors need to be accounted for and every pony in that pic needs to be well known, every detail and everything about them in general for the mystery to be solved.
Or, you know, its an animation error to forget the wings so often. You do that a lot, and Hasbro is known for silly mistakes, nor do I think they're that creative to think of it like that. A majority of your theories are based on animation errors. Often, from front angles, they wont add wings and people constantly point this out, from awkward and slim areas the wings can be forgotton and just not added. A case of looking into a mistake to closely like people often do, i see it all the time
in one of you video you talked about the amulet that twilight used to raise the sun and the moon but if you rewind you can see that celestia did not always make the sun rise she would just walk casually like she already raised it or did she? the royal sisters only raised the sun and the moon dramatically when there was a festival take the summer sun festival for an example . I think we should understand first that equestria rotates around the sun or the sun rotates around equestria I really hope this theory makes in your next video
There is a possibility of Bulk Biceps being Kevin. Also, you forgot to mention that Bulk Biceps' Original name was 'Snowflake'. This brings up the Question, Sawtooth: What if 'Snowflake' was Kevin, with 'Snowflake' being somewhat of a code name he uses while in disguise, while the REAL Bulk Biceps is still there?
Wow, this is like dominoes u get so much (maybe) lore from a little mystery. But also, if u search up “Changeling Queens” or “Queen Changelings” something shows up, I believe it was the siblings of Queen Changeling (srry I suck at spelling her name). Also I have something that may prove to be a good theory. So u know the portal to the human world, on the other side Celestia and Luna r alive and seem pretty young even tho they’re about a thousand yrs old. Does that mean other immortal or long living creatures could still be alive? Like Tirek or Discord? Or maybe the pillars. But the pillars r the most interesting to me. We have seen Star Swirl in the school wearing ancient stuff. And the pillars r ponies which means they have human counterparts. And in limbo time doesn’t work, I’m wondering if they’re maybe alive! But I’ll leave the theories to u! Hopefully u can make a vid on this or not, thx for reading :)
What if Kevin's actually the Snails we see in the crowd shot- He's oddly without Snips, compared to how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are near each other. A way to infiltrate the younger. Still neat spy theory, Sawtooth!
Just had a thought on how the crystals got separated. So pegasi seem pretty content with their lives and don’t seem to have any superstitions on unicorns or earth ponies. Unicorns are very superstitious of magic and pegasi and lastly, it’s engrained into the earth ponies to fear the other races. It honestly sounds like something major actually happened where the pegasi took their crystal thinking that their wings are physical and don’t need magic, unicorns took theirs, hoping it could bring magic back, and the earth pony crystal was left behind, looking like a normally cut crystal.
and what if (breathes) its derpy? still fits the having to speak less description. Also, suspects can be eliminated for permanent stay by seeing who else was there at the wedding
Sawtooth: All these incobsistencies must mean Changelings! Animators: Phew! Glad we made THAT loophole! Viewers: You mean what I thought were mistakes actually meant the writers were better than I thought? WOW
i went to the wedding episode and all of the easy to pretend to be ponies in the kevin card appear except for star hunter! so youre probably right for multiple reasons. any pony on the card at the wedding cant be kevin, and excluding famous in ponyville ponies it would be hard to pretend to be,, on top of having no wings! so its probably him like you said.
I just thought of one thing while looking back at this video... Imagine if in this card are all ponies Kevin has one day impersonated. Like, he isn't there there but, he took the form of each of those ponies at least once. (Possibly using alternate version of them in different town, like pegasus star hunter in the wonderbolt academy because he couldn't go there anyway. Maybe Kevin has lot of trouble with creating a sona and so plays with changing into alternate form of ponies he met)
I like to think that during Twilight's rule, she recalls the anit-shapeshifting lotion Zecora made in that alternative universe where Chrysalis won. Twilight would seek Zecora out and start producing the lotion for border security, where every new arrival to Equestria must have the lotion put on them brielfy to see if they are a Changeling in disguise.
for Bulk Biceps, I got a theory about his flying... In the wonderbolt academy, we can already see that he is the slowest of the bunch (and possibly even the weakest, he seems to have difficulties to even break clouds and he is the only one not catching a pony, though that could simply be because he was to slow to and caught the package because it was the last thing falling). I wonder if, trying to do more and more, he didn't end injured? Possibly even beginning to have troubles after getting throw in the cloud by Lightning and Dash forcing the way ahead. Some injures can take time before getting worse. I think he may have gotten injured but, not feeling too much pain and seeing that he was the slowest, he may have not stop to get check out (or refused to be stopped to recover). And after a while of forcing and forcing... His wings may have suffer big damage, forcing him to stop completly for a long, long while... And when he finally recovered enough to fly a bit, his wings have lost too much strenght to easily carry his weight. He may even be in pain when he flies for the equestrian game... Because we can see than once in the air fluttershy is perfectly fine despite having trouble getting up in the air while Bulk seems to have trouble longer.
But it is just a quick little theory, I haven't watch either episode in a long while so I don't remember too well what happened ^^' But seeing the clip of him flying up for the game made me immediatly think that he seems in pain
Hey Sawtooth I need you to go back and watch the episode where Applebloom meets her 2 friends at the very opening you can spot a recolored version of both Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo WITH cutie marks. No one knows their names and they're never spotted after the 3 are introduced to each other....Can you maybe do a video based on those 2?
0:03 i wonder how could the creators allow Menuet, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine show up here and there in Ponyville, and then tell the story about them that they are Twilight's long forgotten friends. They showed up in the very first episode, and then they were in Ponyville and were payling no attention to Twilight
I just can’t see a changeling forgetting to put wings on. Too much attention from everyone in ponyville asking “hey, where’s your wings?” I think Kevin having an original form is much more believable. I’m glad you pointed out bulks flying. That’s been bugging me for years!
There's also a scene later on in On Our Marks where Bulk asks the CMCs for help. It's true, Bulk isn't very smart, but the way he acted seemed very suspicious. Even Applebloom caught on to this, saying that it may have been too easy of a job. Maybe this was the once-Bulk spy taking a look at Ponyville, but being too shy to show his true colors because of his past
Brother sawtooth I'm amazed that ur still able to squeeze ideas for content from g4 considering netflix removed 4 seasons. I hope youtube will preserve the letupita channel for future generations to watch g4.
When you saw animation errors of ponies being alicorns, those are accidents, if not, changeling infiltration, I remember there's one more in Las Pegasus when a pony guide the airship down. And of course in G5 in Zephyr Heights when dancing to Pipp's "Pony Pony" music
I have to question it!! So twilight is shown in the depiction of the 3 crystals. There is NOW WAY that she’d let ponyville get wiped off the map and yet here we are. I’m wondering if there was a massive event that has caused large scale cities to get wiped off the map. Look at canterlot in the upcoming comic, something happened at a large scale to wipe these cities out.
Maybe we should look at cutie marks for the spy. Two thirds of the times we see changes we see them have bug cutie marks, and the last time is a different type of crystal pony who may not even know much on bugs. Anypony with butterflies, ladybugs or dragonflies could be the changeling we're looking for. Anyway, since the TF2 joke wasn't made I'll do it: THAT STAR HUNTER IS A SPY!
5:26 If it was anypony else, using mane dye would actually be a pretty smart way to throw everypony of his track. Surely nopony with shapeshifting abilities would be using mane dye, would they?
I have a theory for you if would like to use it feel free : in the new generation of mlp how is does the weather work , we know it used to work with the pegisi and sometimes grifins but since they fully separated. Furthermore the pegisi couldn't possibly control the weather without their wings and would have no reason to . My theory is that is where the grifins are. After the pegisi found that the problems in the run up to the new gen were important enough to take their full attention , the grifins were left to control the weather. Just a thought
Hey, Sawtooth I have a theory idea that involves Discord and the Chaos dimension
Discord had been trying to take over Equestria for over 1,000 years and turn it into his own playground
But something I thought of 2 weeks ago made this so. . .confusing
We already know that a chaos dimension exists within FIM, where Discord is shown to have a home he lives in when he’s not in Equestria
So, why does he want to take over Equestria so badly if he already had an entire dimension that is just as chaotic as he is
Well, what if he didn’t? What if he created the chaos dimension himself, a place of pure chaos that he could live in so he wound never need to think about taking over Equestria again.
It even fits in with the timeline. The first instance we saw the chaos dimension was after Discord helped Tirek in season 4. Maybe Discord realized that he no longer desired to torment Equestria past a few pranks here and there, so he used his powers to create a dimension that he could live in
Ya know something like this happened in Scootertrix the Abridged. The changeling invasion was a serious ongoing problem towards the end to the point where changeling spies would nearly out number the actual ponies. It's also revealed that a major character who's lived in Ponyville for years (won't say who since I think it's worth watching to find out for yourself) is a defector from the changeling empire and was given their new identity by Celestia for their service in the last changeling conflict.
There’s also another excuse for more changling disguises. Such as the Mirror Pinkies. We saw one escaped Mirror clone when Pinkie was talking to the reporter in the rarity episode. It’s odd that a clone would be so close to pinkie, but had the brains to escape from the whole Mirror clone purge. It could’ve just simply been unaccounted for at first, but then the clone would act more like the pinkie clones we saw rather than disguising in a hat. The whole bulk biceps has got me questioning a lot more things in the series
If you go with the other theory about why scootaloo cant fly, I think it would be more likely that the changeling was the one who was flying poorly, because a changeling wouldnt have the magic wing outline thing you theorized about.
what if he had a twin that was an earth pony? like the flim flam brothers where there is only a slight difference, and the baby cakes where one was a unicorn and the other was a pegasus.
imagine for a second, look at the scene WHERE YOU SAW the characters in the wedding, any that were there you can cross off because the challenging can’t be them. It’ll cross of bluck, mayor and Lyra for sure from memory but that’s all
1:12 I thought diamond tiara was the imposter for a moment but then I got curious as to if she was an earth pony or not so I looked up and I was wrong.
What if, he just after a time of avoiding Pinkie, Kevin just go and speak personally with her, blackmailing her with tell Twilight about Pinkie clones still are alive, or even better, Kevin pass as a Pinkie clone, and Pinkie just protect him thinking is another of her clones.
Another idea. What if he was working with a pony so that they never appeared in the same place twice. Maybe he works as a double agent and switches places with Bon Bon, who is also a spy, and is actually helping the ponies. This could explain why Bon Bon sounded completely different in the first few seasons.
I could see it being derpy/ditzy. Since they had to be quite along with being the easiest to be. Have fun be silly and give out muffins along with (even though it had to be done) there voice changing.
About a changeling being one of the royal guard, on a real royal guard the star on their chest allows them to open doors for themselves. changelings can't.
For the medium Risk of taking a new form I think if Pinkie Pie doesn’t get the details of one pony she probably would keep bugging them until she gets their information, hates, likes, birthday etc., if you put fake information you’re possibly bound to forget the fake details and easy to pull off surprise birthdays, and real details, yeah you’d most likely remember but both still pull off a lot amount of love and care and stuff.
It’s also possibly bound to happen that you’d get caught either way, unless you get used to being around love and/or have a strong willpower to resist, it may perhaps be easier to hide as a new pony reducing the chances by a lot.
But one eventually cannot handle with the charades can they? eventually they must be caught, it is inevitable but if you’d been well know enough to eventually be found out as a changeling, maybe ponies would start to trust you and even forgive you? But there’s also the side that they think you’d replace the pony, the same way that happened with Spike and Thorax, unless you reveal to them yourself you are a changeling.
Sure you’d be hated and everything and not well trusted or anything, but if they eventually see you’re not like the other changelings, they might start to trust you again, if you flat out came as a changeling, no doubt the same thing would happen to Zecora before she were well known, if instead every pony didn’t run away and you managed to actually make a friend, they’d possibly might be able to get other ponies to gain your trust.
speaking of Zecora, if she in fact came the day you came by some luck or kept visiting, if she didn’t see you might notice her, and follow her, if you follow her there is a chance that she might welcome you and not be afraid of you, of course you can disguise as a pony as well but most likely get caught by her more easily, but can be well trusted or not, depending on how she catches you
There are many ways this can go, but this is what I’d think what happened with the Medium Risk and how to change it a bit better
9:33 funny you should say that,you know how they have background ponies copied throughout the series,I'm starting to think if we keep seeing doubles everywhere in the cowards they could be changeling,sure this is just what all cartoons do they copy characters from crowds but has anyone ever explained that? no,but in MLP we can explain it
Wouldn't it be risky to be star hunter in ponyville though? Kevin wouldn't know this but with star hunter being a pretty good flyer and even trying for the wonder bolts you would think rainbow dash would have known of him. If star hunter showed up with no wings one day then I feel like rainbow would have noticed, in less it was only a few visits and he got lucky.
Love the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared references XD. "Is anyone real? Does anyone know?" Well, this is what you get for overanalyzing animation errors too much
If I were a changeling, I would go into Ponyville as a persona, intentionally burst into tears when Pinkie Pie barrages me, and get left alone for the rest of my life 🙂👌
Hey in the last problem there is a hidden staned glass window with a grown up sweetie bell and presumably the rest of the CMC I would love to try and find out what they might have done to get a window
I think you should do another video about alicorns and changelings because that guard has me asking a bunch of questions like if the guard is an actual guard, then how did he become an alicorn, is he related to one of the princesses like Shinning Amor or if he is a changeling then why did he choose to stand out while trying to blind in?
Psst! The new GEN5 series just dropped "Make Your Mark"! You have to watch the first episode (or the season special). Their are sooooo many new theories to discover towards the end of it! I hope you like it!
I kind of feel like the red clashes with your coat, especially with the orange bow. If you were going to change your look maybe go for a white coat with the red hair and maybe make the bow a pink or maybe black
What up sawtooth, I have a question that could be a good video idea. It's about MLP: a new generation , how did the ponies of the new gen get there cutie mark when there was no magic. I thinks I already figured this out it's possible something ponies get as they grow naturally like our hair color , eye color or body shape or maybe born ponies are born with cutie mark but naaaa . But I wanna know watch you think , bro hoof!
Whoever is reading this I Pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling or worring about it going to be fine and that everyone has an fantastic day or night stay safe everyone Amen!
at the end of the day, they might be TWO SPY changelings. Think about it: Chrysalis needs the best information. She dosent have enough time to send her whole army on a spy team. Plus, pinkie would go bonkers trying to know all of the "ponys". Even wierder, they might be a fake duplicate of the original pony. My conclusion: She will train most of her army and will send two changelings to a spy duet, being in as many scenes as possible to gather more information. Hope this might've helped!
Okay but what if the alicorn guards ARENT an animation error, what if Celestia or someone made them on purpose, to try and create perfect alicorns, and the ones who came out okay are just vibing in the guard to lay low. Think about it, you never ever look at a guard longer than "gold no expression pony do protecc don't talk let them alone to work"
It's very exciting to spot that Pinkie becomes a huge problem... But when you say "better roll the dice once and get it over with", by making new friends you risk that they'd want to throw a party for you and invite people who knew you in your background town. Or when a cutie map envoyee goes to that town they'd be mentioning you... Or when a friendship student comes here?! Honestly Ponyville is NOT a good place to hide, either as a changeling in their ponysona or a mirror pool clone. It's the worst place to be! On the opposite, Canterlot or Manhattan would be easier in my opinion.
Using this logic whole equestria could have been changelings, even the princesses (maybe these are changelings that escaped chrysalis and created their own community)
Look at Rainbows idolizing the wonderbolts. Each member is almost a celebrity and idol up until she joined proper. What changling wouldn't also want to be a celebrity and feed of all that idolizing love?
This is why illusion magic is in the top 5 most overpowered magics there is because the thing is you can never be sure that what you see isn't an illusion
5:57 Anyone else notice the two pink ponies with green hair on both the left and the right, are the EXACT same pony??? Does that pony have a twin??? With the same cutie mark???
Just because someone is a changeling living their life in a pony form, doesn't mean they are not real. They are still themselves, the same creature. Even if Twilight was a changeling adopted by her parents, that wouldn't change anything, she would still be Twilight. Just like when you showed us that you were a changeling years ago. We didn't see you as any different, you are still you
What if you flip it around a little bit. What if the changeling is the bulk biceps that is having trouble flying. Why would it changeling who's trying to blend in try to join the wonderbolts something that would make them stand out and make it a lot easier for somebody to notice the double.
On the other hand any pony that looks at both bicep would automatically assume that both biceps would have a lot of complications with flying if he could even fly at all. Therefore creature that is lacking in how Pegasus magic works might try to overcompensate for that form by pretending like they can't fly.
So in forgotten friendship When twilight and sunset enter the Canterlot library sunset looks at a guard that looks like flash sentry But he isn’t in the crystal empire @Sawtooth Waves I’m confused Maybe the flash sentry in the crystal empire was the same one in the other world.
Ok with all the mlp stuff you do I’m surprised you haven’t gotten a place in the series, I mean you have your own pony so it would make a lot of sense for them to give you an appearance in an episode
Video idea: in the episode where queen chrysalis (oh gosh is that how you spell it?) Creates clones of the mane six, some of their cutie marks change. AppleJack's apples turn from red to green, and FlutterShy's butterflies turn from pink to blue. None of the other cutie marks change though. Also, everyone's cutie marks become slightly more grey, Other than twilight's, who's cutie mark stays just as colorful as the original. I don't have an idea of why this happened, but a video on it would be interesting! :D
Hi! There’s been something on my mind recently and it’s been
In the episode “magical mystery cure” when all the cutie marks get switched how do they become friends? I may just be overlooking it and rainbow dash is still able to make the rainboom but what’s your opinion?
I JUST SPOTTED THE ANSWER TO AN ANCIENT MYSTERY!! During the song "gonna be my day", Sunny roller blades under a bridge. on the bridge is a sign telling you the height of the bridge- 3.89. Check the scene, the ponies are wayyyy shorter than that- you could calculate their height!!
hey sawtooth I was wondering if all of the changlings died after their was no magic in equstria but then thanks to sunny bring back magic to equstria then how would the return of magic also brings back all of the creatures that twilight has met including the revival of the changlings?
Lyra could also been a changeling because she is seen in the first episode in canterlot but is seen later in other episodes in ponyville, so maybe a changeling could've spied on ponies in canterlot and morphed into lyra because they knew that lyra wouldn't have a need to go to ponyville anytime soon, and twilight doesn't remember lyra because back then she was more into books than friends XD.
Well maybe Bulk biceps really WAS the changeling. But Imagine the real one was with the Bolts and the changeling Just wasnt used to fly with all the extra weight!?
I'm not sure about Bulk Beiceps being Kevin simply because if a changing were to infeltrate equestrian military training I don't think they would choose to disguise themselves as Bulk Beiceps a ony who would certainly draw attention. The flying differences between the wonder bolts academy and the equestria games could be explain by Bulk Beiceps simple getting stronger making him heavier and making flying for him much harder.
Let me say something what if STAR HUNTER WAS A CHANGELING FROM THE BEGINING AND ANOTHER CHANGELING BECAME BULKY BISAPS THINK ABOUT IT He must have wanted to play around play with pony’s biggest fears by sometimes making noticeable differences and again its strange that chrisislas would have got 2 but it’d be better then one so the other can help the other if they got in trouble
The only pony on that card that doesn't appear in the wedding episode is star hunter. All points other than star hunter are in both episodes so we can assume it's starhunter.
I have a crazy theory about Pinkie Pie. Don't you remember the video for the astral wings and horn for Sunny? Maybe Pinkie Pie is an Alicorn! Without visible wings and horn at least. Cheese Sandwich is another mystery. 🤔If Pinkie was affected by the chaos magic of discord, how do you explain Cheese!? I think that Cheese is an Alicorn, too. A crazy theory, I know. But just consider it for once.🧐
That reminds me of in my school vr game where if you play as goalius during the mission called a great calamity during the boss fight against the ultimate dark gundam boss theres a bit where you see handsome Jake about kill her own daughter angel but goalius recognise something Pacificly he mentioned that handsome Jake was killed 590 day's ago which exposed him as a Io changeling named boltshock a name used for killavolts twin brother anyway once that done goalius ultimately trapped him by tripping the devil gundam over
To know look to see who was at the wedding, the changeling was not in a pony form so who is not there that is in that picture would narrow it down or even give u the answer
Ok. Hear me out here. What if chaotic pinkie pie, STAYED that way? And she was never defeated. What would she do? How would she rule? Would she be defeated by twilight? What would happen? Think about it.
but you can't see bulks wings either? and from what i know don't the ponies wings fold up it could be that star hunters wings are just folded where as bulk we just straight up can't see them.
Here's a theory idea: Why were there cutie Mark's in mlp g5 when there was no magic. In mlp friendship is magic we have seen that no magic no cutie mark. Than why was there a cutie mark on sunny,izzy,pip,hitch and sprout
A changeling spy that's kind of makes sense though that makes sense why that way that Changeling would appeared at cranky and Matilda's wedding Maybe that Kevin may not have been who he claimed to be
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What The2022-05-23 20:14:41 (edited 2022-05-23 20:19:32 )
I saw the same pony twice on the card though😅edit the pony that you think was a changeling spy but the changelings may want the love that wonderbolts get
Ok I just had an idea. If the castle appeared BEFORE Starlight was reformed and she knew a transformation spell she could turn herself into one of the pony’s but she would only know what the few she saw in pony vill looked like. She could have seen the castle! She would have seen the castle mapped it out to find the map! It’s just an idea also feel free to think about it your maybe the only pony theorist I know and I like the theory’s you come up with!
What happened to changelings in the events that happened in the Mlp 5G movie? Did they regain their magic? Do you think that they were stuck in the forms they were in at the moment the magic disappeared, and, if any were in a pony form, do you think their descendants, if any, would have/gain their powers when the magic returned? And do you think that the crystals would return magic to Grogar's bell? If it was under the sea because the light house crumbled, AND I KNOW I SAW GROGAR'S BELL IN THE LIGHT HOUSE IN THE MLP 5G MOVIE AND TRAILER, so it's magic could have returned.. and, Grogar, probably released from whatever prison he was in because it was probably magical, could find it? Anyway, can you imagine waking up in the morning, and looking... different?
Just guessing maybe the changling is lemon hearts because the live in canterlot and a few minutes earlier this scene tirek was destroying everything in his was as he got alicorn magic then main six stopped him , so any pony who live in canterlot will not be able to reach form canterlot to Ponyvill in just few minutes so maybe in the time of canterlot attack Kevin had seen lemon hearts and transformed into lemon hearts ok i know my theory is a little messy but it's making sense
Here's a theory to why Bulk Biceps flew good in one but was terrible in the other. He flew good enough to be involved in some activities to keep a close eye on the ponies. But in the other he flew terrible or had a tough time getting off the ground because he did want to look to good at flying to as if he was a pro, so ponies would take notice or wouldn't draw to much attention to himself. So he could be putting on an act to show that he is still learning but that he does have some skill. and or that he caught himself being to good so later he made himself look like he is struggling to fly.
Kevin's probably booked biceps because we have more reasoning that he could have been both biceps instead of star something and so that's my evidence that he is probably both bicep instead of star
If bulk biceps was a changlying he probably is the one with flying dificulty, becouse bulk biceps probably is good at flying becouse he have lived all his life with small wings and know how to deal with it, but changelyng bulk dont know how to fly with to small wings (Ps: idk how to write changilyng)
bulk was practicing for the equestria games, a very big and public event that the real bulk would notice if a doppleganger participated in. the equestria games arc took place over episodes so the timespan doesn't work for kevin well either
What if Derpy is a changeling? She's had multiple different voices, her eyes can't seem to decide if they want to be normal or derped. Not many ponies would associate with Derpy, as she has a reputation for being accident prone, and clumsy.
I like your furious I do believe your fairies I do like how you make really good furious and also I like My Little pony 🐴 so I like your content because I like theories
I have a question that needs answering- when tirek stole magic from the ponies their cutie marks disappeared. In the new generation if magic is gone why do they have cutie marks? If anyone knows plz tell me
Can you do a video about what would have happened if we saw the CMC with their special_somepony in the MLP FIM show like Applebloom X Tender_Taps, Sweetie_Belle X Button_Mash and Scootaloo X Rumble?
What is actually Kevin never actually left pony to change your invasion it was still there after fail he just morphed another so imagine if he wasn’t fun since he was still in a ponytail so that means
Equestria's/Canterlot's royal guards are a lie. They are all changelings, that's why they are so terrible at fighting back the changelings because they are or would just be fighting their own kind. So they didn't really fight back but put on an act. That's why Equestria/Canterlot fell so easily and so quickly. But they didn't foresee the power the ponies had to stop the invasion.
amazing i didnt think that a anhoter changeling whold be there .love Yor vids.can yo make a video about how the tribes seperetited and how they forgot twilight. Yor awsome!!!!love Yor mane btw ,its cute!!!🥳❤️♥️💓💕💞❣️💖💗🦄🌠🌈🌷👑💝
Hey bi boy I always wondering what happened to the changelings who replaced the mane 6,canterlot's princesses and and the crystal empire mumbers? I mean.. Did 'all' the changelings have reformed? What I mean is, well, Starlight has reformed them with no magic at all but all of this happened while the other changelings replacing the powerful ponies. And if Chrysalis is thier mother.. Why doesn't she have new generations? Well, If this theory is true they might be gone on thier way or they have abondoned thier mother..
I love your vids you the best MLP theories like there soo 👍
Zen Mode Art2022-11-05 00:02:08 (edited 2022-11-05 00:03:32 )
Kevin has to be star hunter because they were there right after the changeling attack at cadences in shining armor’s wedding and maybe they didn’t change into a changeling and he didn’t get banished and/or is a spy from queen Chrysalis and had no choice but to stay undercover. Just my opinion tho.
Ya notice ? There's a second pony . Amaythist. So why would a changeling copy them ? They where quite well known before twilight came to ponyville... the 2nd amethyst has a difrent eye colour. Contacts ? No , we don't have anny indication of contracts existing. Though amethyst #2 has a slightly difrent mane colour. Could they be related? Well yes. And no. We don't know. Siblings don't always look like the parents or each other. E.g twilight and shinning armor. Apple siblings. So why?
Sawthooth waves I think that in one of your old vids when you thorized about the time line starlight and twilight we’re in I think it is a cozyglow timeline hashtag the pony extaiton timeline
I have a suggestion, so the unicorn who was Sunset Shimmer’s sidekick was in the picture with the many ponies. And I know you know that that pony belonged in the human world, and it wouldn’t make sense if that sidekick was there, since it was a while later after Twilight became a princess when Sunset Shimmer stole Twilight’s crown, so it would make sense if the pony sidekick was a changeling, and hey, maybe Pinkie Pie had met the sidekick before, maybe the Pinkie in the human world was a clone of Pinkie from the mirror pond, and somehow the memories of the human pinkie had collaborated with the pony Pinkie, making the pony Pinkie remembering the sidekick.
Wait. What happens to the replacement changelings while starlights group was at the hive? When there real versions got back did they defeat them? What happend.
If I had a Cutie mark it would be 2 because I like Singing and Creating shows so yeah 🤣 there would musical note on one side and a Pencil and paper on the other side.
For Derpy, it was because soccer moms thought she was offensive in her debut episode, due to her voice and her name. As for Dr. Hooves, he never had a confirmed voice or personality.
I thought it was the all purple pony in the back standing next to star hunter since there's the same all purple pony in the front and the one in the back has red eyes instead of purple and they look the exact same
What if we’ve been looking at the origanel human sunset all along! In an old video you said sunset home was in the human world! Maybe your theory in that video was the other way around
Might sound stupid but I never actually noticed Bulk only speaking a few words like Big Mac. Now that I do, though, I think I’ve just found my new BroTP.
Alex Yang2022-05-21 18:54:23 (edited 2022-05-21 18:55:14 )
its very hard to choose but i would think star hunter because in the video: best gift ever star hunter was an earth pony and then a pegasus after. watch and look
I don't think it's Star Hunter because, if you look at his flank in that picture on the card, it's sort of pointy. If you look at any regular earth pony in that same picture, their flanks are completely rounded. His wings could have been folded. Although it could still be Star Hunter, and Kevin just mimicked him perfectly, after listening to Sawtooth's theory, I'm convinced that Kevin was camouflaged as Bulk Biceps instead of Star Hunter, but maybe the time that Bulk wasn't flying well was the time that Kevin was impersonating him. Maybe I'm wrong and going crazy, but that's just what I think. Btw, I love the new hair Sawtooth!
Here is an idea for a video. What if every world had it’s own discord but the discord we know destroyed them or sent them to another world. And maybe he wasn’t originally from Equestria but destroyed it’s discord and then stayed there. That would explain why his home isn’t found anywhere in Equestria.
M D2022-05-21 16:47:09 (edited 2022-05-21 16:47:50 )
I hope you reach to 1M subscriber Your videos are so good that I got addicted to it
Sawtooth Waze I think the calendar is of therapy because she is a Pegasus I remember her being a Pegasus would go to glow drained magic and she’s trying to deliver mail I remember that so I remember her being a Pegasus so please look at that again of Kevin in that card
...I think its Dipsy Doo. I mean shes even labeled as a feather brain. Kevin could pull any kind of feather brained shenanigans and everyone would just chock it up to Dipsy being Dipsy.
Gacha Kittie2022-11-22 01:17:37 (edited 2022-11-22 01:17:49 )
Hey sawtooth know this is really random and I’m not sure if you’re still doing Siri is on generation four of my little pony but I know there’s something really weird and I’m wondering if you can do a theory on it I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but when his wings Celestia‘s wings twilights means all stayed the same color throughout that is growing up so how come Kayden says they started out fully pink but when she got bigger there’s like a purple ombre going on
Hey sawtooth I just finished My little pony make your mark and apparently earth pony's have magic and theres a new villan also the magic gitches when pony's from all tribes don't get along
Sawtooth can u look into the fact that if magic did fade in equetria queen crisiliss t-reck and cosyglow would have been freed O and also can changlings discuise as reformed changlings
So we're at it with the Twilight Sparkle vs Queen Chrysalis War again? This rivalry is almost like Batman vs Joker, they ended with season 9 because they got rid of Chrysalis and without her twilight would mean nothing else and have no other purpose but always friendship and being with her friends. Even though she'll live pass her friends she will always have to make one's again and again plus she has Celestia, Luna and Cadance. We don't get to see much of Twilight's life without Chrysalis afterwards so what purpose does Twilight have saving others from her arch nemesis, without nobody to continue the legacy with her except the alicorns, does this make Twilight's life boring now?
What if it's something like he made he own perona but also became star hunter or any other pony to participate in other events like becoming someone to go undercover in the wonderbolts for only some time if your persona is a earthpony or unicorn.
still figuring what if the 'queen twilight' entered the equistria gurl world . if she will be aged and became like principal celestia or she is still as a teenager in high????
What if it was bon bon Ik she wasn’t in the picture but throughout the show she’s had like 10 different voices so throughout s1-s6 she sent different changlings everyone and then to see how chrysalis could invade
except his wings ARE visible in that picture, but because there folded against his side its easy t misconstru what your seeing, that blue bit overlaping his tail is his wing shoulder.
i went into more detail on this in my last kevin video, but no there are no wings there. you can see the pegasi's folded wings at that angle, but all you can see on star hunter is their hip, just like other known earthponies at that angle.
Can you find out which other mlp character could still be alive during mlp new gen, I know there are vids about that but I'd like you opinion on it, and alao your my fav mlp theorist💜
Honestly hard to say because what was stopping Kevin from sucking the love out of every pony in the wedding of cranky and Matilda it wouldn’t make any logical sense if Kevin did nothing unless he wanted to try to get love ?????
Wait a minute What if you don’t want to live in Ponyville then It would’ve been so much easier to make a pony from scratch and not have pinkie having to know everything because she lives in Ponyville
OKAY here is my theory. NOT ONE changeling is in equestria BUT TWO ARE! one is Kevin, and the other is some other changeling JUST IN CASE ONE BLOWS THEIR COVER-
what if where were more than just the changeling we know of!!! There could have beena group of changeling training at the military take the queen down but the queen would know and do what she to the princesses or they just didn't notice or she just thought that they can't beat her!!! and the spy thing was correct but the spy were looking and not going!!! that is what I think ♥️♥️♥️
IDEA!!! What if you count every type of animal on discord refers to your video about discord and then count the opposite of the animal and what they mean to show why he was chaos A cutiemark of chaos. But then what happend to the cutiemark of chaos when he learned about friendship in the end of season 4 Did it mix up is that why he started to fade in those episodes is discord made from coincidence? if you include this in a video i will cry of happiness im a huge fan. also in this episode what if it is a editing mistake
LOALFASDSAS it would absolutely be easier to be someone else, there are so many doppelgangers in ponyville!! just look at almost every crowd frame!!!!!
WAIT WAIT I HAVE THE PERFECT THEORY Maybe "kevin" is you and you are theorising so you don't get suspected and your real name is kevin but you just have a secret name ?👀(which is sawtooth)
My favorite mlp youtuber! But,What if Pinkie is a changling? Everytime a new person comes to ponyville shes sees how much love they have? And if the real Pinkie Pie got zapped and then a fake Pinkie came,witch was a changling.Maybe Chrisilas has the real Pinkie Pie.
Mlp series have alot of errors like desapere wings in a frame...ecc star ....whater culd have an error and because the back ground show its less visibile the company say :yea ...no one will notices unless they see that frame again and again. Dont know if you undestand what in saying
am i the only one who wants to say "check who wasn't at the wedding" like- sawtooth!! just check who couldn't be seen at the wedding vs who was in the Kevin image! compare! whoever is left that wasn't at the wedding must be Kevin
Why did you ignore the other female ponies on the card ( afterall changelings can take male and female form's) although maybe the name Kevin threw you off ( but you are a changeling)
It's both bulk biceps and star hunter alright... because at the battle with the three villains bulk biceps can fly ~goooddd so he is definitely one of the ponies that the changeling took.
Kevin was not at the wedding to eat love. If he were we would see it happen and he wouldn't have been invited. He is "friends" with Cranky. I use friends lightly because the two probably wouldn't call it that as Cranky doesn't like friends and changelings aren't supposed to have friends. Also he has no physical changes of giving love.
Look, sawtooth, I know this is a very odd request but hear me out. I want u to make a theory about….. rainbow dash being gay. Like I said, hear me out. This is a very thought provoking question. It would be huge for mlp fans all over the globe. Just think about it. It would be so interesting to see what her sexuality actually is when u look and see all these sus signs on her. Rainbow mane, her behaviors, the way she acts if you pay attention just that can help u figure it out. It’s just so interesting think about it?
Can you do a theory video about what would happen if Twilight Sparkle was better off with either Comet_Tail or Stygian cause I think Flash_Sentry is better off with Sunset_Shimmer? Would she have an Alicorn child with one of them?
I cant believe I predicted this Pinkie Paradox. I started writing a book about my changeling. In the earlier chapters he gets greeted by Pinkie Pie first thing and he noticed Pinkie Pie going from Happy Newcomer to like, wait, I don't recognize you from ANYWHERE in Equestria. A few chapters later she had Apple Jack find where I lived and had her spy on me, because you know Apple Jack doesn't lie. He was found out for being a changeling 2 chapters later and was almost killed on sight, because it was during an upcoming pony changeling war. He eventually was able to convince the mane 6 that he was on their side to act as a changeling spy for the ponies, which was true. I did this back in 2017 because I knew Pinkie Pie would do something like this.
Looking further into your video, I also wrote in my book in 2017 that the changelings have disguised themselves as royal guards, and to avoid being blown away by the love that threw all the changelings out of Canterlot during the Royal Wedding, they simply laid low on outside patrols and in Ponyville, where most of them stayed. Discovering this is what made them trust my changeling, because no normal changeling would diss his fellow changelings like that.
Is nothing wrong to be a changeling there amazing mythical creature you could find changelings on Google and how so many different species of changelings
Okay this isn't about the vid but I found out that twilight made a grand entrance in the new my little pony "make your mark" plus there is another alicorn in the show so dose that mean there has to at least be a queen and princess🤔, but I guess you already knew🤷♀️
Here's what I think... But I'm going to put it into a song! Cuz it's gonna get a little weird , gonna get a little wield! I ain't from round here! I'm from another DiMenSion!
that could work,but then again that wouldn't help solve the trading card mystery especially since all cartoons love to make copies of background characters
Also star twinkle was the youngest child and only son of Queen galaxy and king cosmos plus flame and fire were the youngest children and only set of twins of Queen matchstick and king tourch.
Changeling kevin got sick of thorax being king and wanted him to go away and get a real paying job in ponyville. plus chrysalis is like hollywood celebrity there in central equestria.
I know the answer to chrysalis time traveler cadance isn't in the time traveler is because celestia doesn't need a spy just ask for yourself what do celestia say with she makes twilight in to a princess
I wonder if sawtooth waves could make a video about applejacks parents because they haven’t appeared and are presumed dead. Or did sawtooth make a video about applejacks mom and dad that we haven’t heard of.
Did you see the new movie and the possible queen chrysalis scene at the end well I’m positive it’s her what does this mean for the other changelings are there any left is she the last one did sticking to the old ways of stealing love keep her alive did she take over a town or city to not only rule but to take the love of the citizens and in disguise as a alicorn their has to be another movie I know there is a show I’m excited to hear your thoughts and to see what’s next
maybe buldbaisep sorry can spell big white guys name. maybe the big white guy is the one who cannot fly is Kevin if the big white guy is in the wonderbolt is Kevin he could want to join in the wonderbolt and not chrysalis sent kevin to the wonderbolt for a upgrade of the old plan/ make a new plan.
Sawtooth! Just noticed! What if camp everfree is Equestria girls EVERFREE forest! It would explaine the ending! With the thorns… just like the plunder weeds!
What if I forgot the white takes his name but what if he wonder box academy what was the one that couldn’t fly was a change on but you’re missing something what about all the other ponies that look like in different backgrounds there’s ponies that look the exact same what is those are changing rooms why just focus on that and there could be Waymore changing like all duplicates you got to tell me you never saw those like I always see duplicates and backgrounds and things like that even ponies I never saw in the background one with rainbow hair but wasn’t Rainbow Dash and if you don’t know what I mean it’s in one of the corners or not in the corner I forgot what episode but I remember seeing another rainbow person same here as Rainbow Dash but no wings and not Louis it was like forgot what color but we did not it was not Rainbow Dash but I never saw that in the background so you should be focused on our way way like like you should be focus on way way way more things like for example I don’t know maybe some copies in the background that you see and I see a lot more I still a lot more different ponies in the background in very different ones to be honest sorry if this is super long I just have a lot of things to tell you But you know the whole thing about the strong pony in the one where he couldn’t fly was a changeling yeah I’m lever mind that that one was super wrong but I don’t think he’s a spy have you ever noticed all the red eyes because in some of the episodes he don’t have red eyes so he could be a changing or he’s not too heavy for his wings not work anymore simple as that but that’s the right thing I can’t put my finger on it
are you taking MLP Crossover idea!? PLEASE let me know!? It involves Varian from tangled the series being sent to Equestria and the mane 6 believe he's a changeling!? PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKE MY IDEA!?
o i get it that u talked about the fate of twilight sparkle but i have one question ...... WHERE ARE CELESTIA AND LUNA??????!!!! they retired right?? are they still at silvershoels??? (sorry if its of topic also i may be overthinking it lol)
i am just a normal earth pony with brown eyes black hair and a grey coat wearing pants and a t shirt and a smiley face as a cutie mark and slippers on my feets.
Maybe Bolt Bayseps (I think I spelled it worng) any ways maybe he just wants to use his big muscles to wonderbot? Then he failed to one of the exams? And maybe his muscles got bigger? And it's heavy to fly ?????
Hello idk if you made a vid on this, but. I wanted to ask. Is Cadence Luna and tia sister? I was looking for a wallpaper of queen galaxies, and i saw a pic it said cadence tia and Luna forever
flame and fire are dragon knights working for pony prince star twinkle and changeling princess larynx is his girlfriend and she is also his roommate at the royal castle.
@Reese larynx the changeling well she is thorax and pharynx's older sister and oldest child and only daughter of queen chrysalis and king cocoon. she is a hereditary princess but yes she's a princess and her two little brothers are princes pharynx is a hereditary prince while thorax is the crowned prince and once ocellus is becomes the new royal family member she is will be the crowned princess and her family has to say good bye to her forever.
Ok so I recently watched the flurry heart video and well flurry didn’t do anything really special and was still born an alicorn well in one my little pony episode (sorry I don’t remember which one) they are at a party at the palace and rarity get a crush on a unicorn which turns out to be princess celestias son the thing is how was flurry born an alicorn and celestias son born a unicorn 🦄 Also pls reply cuz I’m really confused
I know longer think it’s derby because I realize he’s actually a Pegasus so I now think it’s a diamond tiara because she’s probably not happy about that because she’s probably not happy because she scooter Lou Apple Bloom I think she’s there and sweetie bolster so she wouldn’t be as happy about that because she bullies dumb after school so she’s probably not happy it’s not like twilight sparkle
So i think that their's a lot changelings in the guards cause queen crysalis has a lot of guards maybe the changeling guards learned from the regular guards cause they were there and also as spies u were right that we can't tell the difference but maybe there's a lot of changeling learning to be guards and spying too
I just noticed something are the humans in equestria girls and other franchises actually humans? Let me explain here’s the thing I’m equestria girls we go into a world filled with human counter parts of the ponies we know but are they really human I mean these people have colored skin (no offense)the colored hair I can look pass because of hair dye but the colored skin (no offense)they can’t have colored skin(no offense) because human don’t come in the entire rainbow for their skin and also this other world means their alternate realities or are they other worlds that exist with our world( the one from mlp) which also means are the ponies technically aliens and are the “humans” aliens too and another thing that’ll spark up a debate is the world of equestria flat? I mean they can fit all of equestria on a flat map and in the season that comes after the movie they not working with like some sort of globe there working with a flat map so.
So why are there colored humans(no offense), are our ponies aliens, do we exist with other worlds or are we in a parallel universe, and is equestria flat?
poor chrysalis she wanted to be a better mother for her son thorax. but maybe pharynx can lend her a hand and ocellus could maybe her family can too. like her mother her father and her little brother and sister and the other changeling not the green ones with the gems in their chest but the blue and yellow and green ones with a shell on their back. because chrysalis is family yes.
1. Thorax is NOT HER SON. He never once addresses Chrysalis as "mother". 2. Thorax would 100% forgive Chrysalis once he sees that she's changed for the better.
@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 Because he's not selfish or uncaring? He saw how powerful friendship was, and if given the chance, he'd show Chrysalis friendship as well.
OK SO! ik this isn't about the video but, sunset shimmer, the one in the human world is the one that came from the portal and there is a copy of every pony or non-pony in the human world so why have we not seen the actual sunset shimmer, or maybe before she got mentored by celestia she was in the human world already and got sent through the portal by accident?
Thorax and pharynx just want their big sister larynx to come same with Chrysalis their just wanted their mother to come home. Larynx was the oldest child and only daughter of Queen chrysalis and king cocoon.
I think do you know that rock fat à la corn that is a thing getting fat is annoying I wonder what he was in the course not being able to fly a lot a lot bigger or a big girl and he was in the wonder bolts that’s why he wasn’t able to fly his wings became smaller
pharynx was with kevin thorax was being to silly as king and funny as a leader. like chrysalis called him but he never anwserd her. he is like a super movie star in equestria.
I know this isn’t the topic of the video but princess Celeste is called princess and princess Luna is called princess and princess cadence is called princess but who is the king and queen?
sorry for spamming. i am very hard to understand even sawtooth and nameless are hard to understand. mlp fim is so hard to understand you know so we are pretty much in maze of odd creatures. so it basically like a map going nowhere. plus the ponies other creature here are really slippery to understand with. finally chrysalis tirek and cozy glow are hard to cope with. like sombra and grogar are like here in equestria. you know youtubers and views people i know a a bit about. that it. then end.
Hey in the picture you're showing the person but Kevin is trying to imitate if you look closely his Cutie Mark is different when you look at the wedding it looks like a group of stars forming something the original of course they will notice that they wouldn't say hey isn't is you are whoever he's trying to imitate your cutie marks different we are fried whatever whatever you'll find out sooner or later they won't find out because satellite get recognized
Wait sawtooth ways what is twilights friends be there so why are they there is sound like the changeling like push them away so they couldn’t make it there so I still think it’s diamond tiara but maybe diameter is actually a change link so yes I think it’s diamond tiara still
Wait we never see any of like Who is the royalty because of Alcorns what does those have to be in the royal guard so they can’t become a prince or a king and only when they get married to a princess they can be a prince or something? That would explain the Royal Guard Alcorn sidings right
Great idea Sawtooth but what if the ORIGINAL Bulk Biceps is actually the one in Wonderbolt academy and the CHANGELING Bulk Biceps is the one who can’t fly properly? It just makes sense to me cuz he is used to changeling wings that’s why he can’t fly so good with Pegasus wings
ember has two younger sibling named flame and fire they are twins flame is male and fire is female with fire a bit older flame by 29 minutes before him.
@Reese why not she has two little siblings named flame and fire they are twins flame is a boy and fire is a girl they are also the youngest children of queen matchstick and king tourch. just like celestia and luna have a little brother named star twinkle he's also the youngest child and only son of queen galaxy and king cosmos.
It's not Twilight. Tara Strong confirmed that she and Twilight are not in G5. Plus, why would Twilight go evil? It goes against her character arc, plus the colours are not even the same as hers.
Well sorry that it is not her hive anymore and so what if she doesn't care about pretty flower and feelings circles and hippies doctors and colourful vines gardeners. no one ever showed her there may be some better way. so sorry reese.
It was funny when you said all that stuff in Among Us about the changeling in your first video of this if you know what I mean but why are you a girl like I don’t mean like why are you a girl with your voice and your attitude and stuff but why are you wearing a girls bow that kind of looks like apple blooms only yellow and weren’t you in earth pony before
The Mayor or Photo Finish could still be candidates.
Kevin could have left the hive and found a job as a body double. Covering public appearances for ponies when they're unable to (or don't want to) for bits and a free snack.
Me being thinking pinkie does not give ponies personal space if she was a human which she is i would just run away i don't like being in the centre of attension
yah i mean iz cold be that he dos not eney therios on is head.whel it is not the first time this hapend last time when he took a brake for 4 Years so is this again hapening!!!!
De brunch een iPhone interesting fact jojo rabbit hole one hundred de de is and we 66 farys kwantum up on the way from episode one channel to the is skepta view is codycross kwijt bent one hundred and 60 my talking original of course i have seen you work with other YouTubers en Sporting alldent together de even more fisheries therefore the counter is en
@Jimmy Hook according to the official card game, the same changeling from "slice of life" was also in "twilight's kingdom". google kevin mlp card if you wanna see for yourself
@Jimmy Hook Oh, great. You have a channel on here, too? Fucking great.
Listen, dude. Sawtooth makes theories and such on things because it's fun. It's fun to explore these things and go "What if..."; it's fun to imagine what things would've been like had something caused the lore of the show to divert into another path. Their videos are not clickbait; neither are the thumbnails and titles. It's all done FOR FUN. If you have that much of an issue with it, then don't watch their videos. Simple as that.
@Jimmy Hook Yeah. No. I've seen how you acted on DeviantArt AND on Equestria Daily. You're way too obsessed with the idea that Twilight was "unhappy" when the finale showed her perfectly happy with her new role.
@Reese And HOW do you even know that Twilight is "perfectly happy" with her new role? >:/
For all I know, the writers refuse to show that deep down... prior to Season 9, Twilight was perfectly happy with her own life and was never once unhappy in the slightest.
In other words: The newer writers in Season 9 just chose to ignore what happened in Twilight's past altogether. >:(
Imagine if it was Lyra! Not that I think it's her but could you IMAGINE being a changeling spy MARRIED TO A SECRET AGENT?
1434 likesReplies (40)
That might explain how she doesn't know how ponies are supposed to sit XD
237 likestypical lesbian couple tbh XD wait would bonbon know or is it still a secret???
460 likes@Sawtooth Waves BonBon works as a secret agent for the government. I'm pretty sure she would know. If not, considering the two are still married in the final episode, Lyra is either a very talented liar or BonBon was never very good at her job to begin with.
199 likesLyra also is canonically a secret agent so this doesn't make sense...
40 likes@Sawtooth Waves Derpy doesn't have wings either
31 likes@Takisan111 Or BonBon was very accepting
33 likes@Sawtooth Waves this is some real Mr and Mrs Smith stuff here lmao
19 likes@Takisan111 Lyre Lyre flank on fire
17 likes@Sawtooth Waves Let me know when they bring you in. I want to record the sound your skull makes when it goes crunch.
0 likesOr what if both Lyra and BonBon are changelings? They both have a coverup story to keep from the ponies. If any pony asks or wants to know what they are hiding, they'll just say as their coverup story that they are secretly into each other and didn't want ponies to know that they are into each other. But the real secret is that they are both changelings working together. But one of them, (Kevin) got to attached to the ponies and came to liking the ponies and secretly keeps it a secret from the other changeling.
25 likeswhat if it's pinkies spy changeling.
10 likesNo bc I did not name my daughter after a spy 😂😂😂
6 likesThis gives me an amazing AU idea
5 likesHave any of you seen the Starkid musical Starship?
Honestly, if an unreformed changeling wants impersonate somepony, they should just capture the pony, ofcourse Kevin won't do that. If anypony gets suspicious, they can just cook up some excuse for their despair and mental sadness.
7 likesThe theory about alicorns having magic from all three tribes is confirmed to be true
5 likesi think i am more like discord i love i little chaos and btw they are both girls
4 likesops just read again my bad
4 likesOh yeah that's more likely since when Twilight came to ponyville, Lyra also shifted from canterlot
4 likesSo a spy married to a spy O-O
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves Yes you secret can end
1 likeTrue
1 likeHello weves
1 like@Sawtooth Waves ermmm, would it be closeted…Im not sure
1 like@Dev Ra holon
1 like@Phoenix Redtail im gon cry 🫠
0 likes@WisdomVision F. eck- WAIT BUT THEN IT ISNT GAY 😭
1 like@U r a c t u a l m u m [Cliffer] but what if that part is still true. That they do like each other but use that true lessor secret to hide the bigger secret, that they are both changelings.
1 likeXD
1 like👁👄👁 oof
1 likeLOL its like how Lyra is obsessed with great pony mythology its like How we thought we had pony’s unicorn pegises but not really alicorns anyway
1 likelike LOL again cause Lyra seems to LOVE. great mythology btw IMAGINE DERPY BEING A CHANGELING no wait derpy lost her power when tirek took her magic as changelings like thorax sawtooth(not really cannon no efence )or much more they couldn’t change they’re forms so derpy would have showed her true but fierce form
It happened before because in my school vr game goalius teamed up with a oddsquard agent who was a rookie changeling and during the boss fight against the demon slayer duo tanjirou and nezuko there's a 55% chance of even the real upper moon 3 demon akare or a imposter SD tallgeese ( a really dangerous mobile suit) and it's revealed in the end if with akare he give goalius a thumbs up but if it would be the SD tallgeese ( first off its not a real thing and second only the flewgue version has a SD form ) the tallgeese is gone and in its place was the omega pirate ( that would make less sense because both are dead first killed by bounty hunter samus aran and second was killed when the belogoga was first and only made then killed by the arihanrod fleets dainsleft bombing )
2 likesooo maybe
0 likesI love your videos
0 likesSaw
1 like@Miya the white cat hey I subbed to you I love your edits!
1 like@Zen Mode Art thanks 💖
0 likesi don't like them being married, but that'd be... well... something
0 likesThe way you were like And expose the imposter amooon us I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m doing my best ok
1 likeWhile it could easily be dismissed, Berry Punch is a possible candidate.
275 likesShe was at the Crystal Empire in the season 3 premiere despite not being a Crystal Pony.
Eavesdropping, Kevin could've heard about how the Empire is essentially the centre of love in Equestria and, love being a Changeling's mane diet until season 5's finale, Kevin could've gone to investigate to see the potential, taking Berry Punch's form to hide... though that was risky, since nopony from the Empire would recognize Berry, making her form stand out.
What bothers me about this theory is the fact that Rainbow Dash personally knows both versions of Bulk Biceps. If him having trouble getting off the ground was so unusual after he was a candidate for the Wonderbolts, then shouldn't she have noticed the discrepancy?
356 likesReplies (7)
Plot twist: Rainbow Dash is also a changeling
36 likes@Iris Huisman rainbow dash is also kinda dumb...
0 likes@Iris Huisman If she was one, she would've been exposed during the season 2 finale.
11 likes@Reese That's the joke
8 likesMaybe he just has a identical twin brother 🤔
4 likes@Jello Fish she*
0 likes@{The mystery of pretty} I was referring to bulk :)
0 likesNote to self: Every duplicate and an animation error you see... is a changeling.
67 likesLoving the new colour Sawtooth, will it be a permanent thing or just temporary?
575 likesReplies (16)
who knows!!
237 likes@Sawtooth Waves lol you should switch it slowly throughout next vid to see if anyone notices!
145 likesThat bug?
14 likes@xxizsyxx lol
10 likes@Sawtooth Waves It is soooooo groovy. its like my second favorite color(ironicly, my favorite color is green, my second favorite is burgandy. a clear portrayal of my color scheme preferences... interests... not sure what the word is).
12 likes@Sawtooth Waves i think the orange tie you should keep it and the original color of your mane remain the same
4 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 nah
3 likes@dyandra dragon pony yeah
3 likesIt's so cute!
3 likes@Alex Hart pretty
1 like@xxizsyxx like with the hair color in this video?
1 like@matty4z lol yep!
1 like@Sawtooth Waves idk but I think you should keep it!
1 like@Sawtooth Waves LEAVE IT THAT WAY PLEASE
1 likeLove the switch to red hair it looks great on you
1 likeIt is a change from having orange hair since the beginning of the channel
However it looks amazing have a nice day
@Sawtooth Waves ok
0 likesbulk biceps' small wings and huge body were a reference to steroid abuse. steroids increase body mass, but causes other body parts to shrink. which in his case, are his wings; and in the case of his CHS counterpart, his testicles have shrunk.
628 likesReplies (15)
Uh- 😳
36 likes0_0
0 likesInteresting.
16 likesHow and where exactly did you find that out?
39 likes@Jessica Smith:)
12 likesgets kicked from wonder bolts for using steroids and also leads him to not being able to fly properly anymore XD
47 likesCHS?
3 likes@Darkpaw1 Canterlot High School. where most of the equestria girls movies take place. on her first visit, Twilight thought it was a castle.
5 likes@phantomhurricane666 Crap I just spoiled myself.
2 likes@Darkpaw1 The worst thing is that you got spoiled about a movie that come out 9 years ago
9 likes@Nyo Key True lol. Fair enough.
2 likesDRUG ABUSE!? IN MY LITTLE PONY!? WHAT THE FU-actually this makes perfect sense.
4 likesI was really interested in this comment and then i tapped "read more" and almost died
4 likesWait I thought that was an obvious thing from the show?? Is it not, do people not know 😭??
4 likesBut g5 SAYS that pony flying is magic
0 likesFrom spotting Kevin in a crowd to Changeling spies infiltrating the military. That's a pipeline I didn't know I needed.
387 likesYou look great with a red mane btw! 💖
Replies (24)
hehehe and thanks!!!!
48 likes@Sawtooth Waves sawtooht were are you in the g5 in my little pony New generation is about the future but were are you do you miss twilight and they friends mabel I can't created a cómic movie about you in g5 and sunny and you Will meet but sunny now is a royal alicorn like twilight sparkle and sunny is a alicorn permantili and mabel you meet sunny royal alicorn and you and doctor Wolf reunited and you Will tells doctor Wolf about you become a Stone for Long Long Long time ago I must created a cómic movie about you in g5
2 likes@Florencia Salina 1) please don't spam people's comments to be seen with a completely unrelated comment
5 likes2) it's very complicated to understand you: there's no punctuation, several parts seem repeated, others are not linked with the rest...
@Alegria Déesse what did you mean I was an idea to created a cómic movie about sawtooht Waves in g5 but in compatade of g4 sunny izzy zipp pipp and hicht versión of g4 in the movie of g5 whats rong alegría deesse what did you mean about that
1 like@Florencia Salina 1) it has nothing to do with what Alex H has said so it's rude.
4 likes2) your reply is just as hard to understand. Please do an effort!
0 likes@Alegria Déesse It's not rude when you're replying to someone else on someone else's comment. About the grammar and all, they're probably little or It's not their first language, or something similar/related.
3 likes@Roxanne Wolf no, what is rude is to talk about something unrelated to the initial comment. Alex H was talking about something. Sawtooth replied to that. And that person I'm telling to stop comes with their unrelated comment, only because Sawtooth had a reaction, in hope to get more visibility. Except Sawtooth gets notifications for all their channel's comments. So it just ends up being rude. It shifts the conversation topic. Ironically, my comment shifts the topic too, but I'm doing it so they don't do it all the time to many people commenting here.
2 likes@Alegria Déesse A lot of other people do that as well. It's the internet, pretty sure the original replier didn't mind, as it doesn't affect them at all. It's okay if you see an opportunity to reach out and genuinely ask someone something, although they usually don't answer. Sawtooth probably won't see this as rude either. In general, it's not exactly rude. It would be more annoying if it gets too much. That person saw an opportunity to reach out and give Sawtooth a notification directly and took it. Despite all the grammatical errors and spelling, and how it may be annoying at some points, he just wanted to ask something, and that's okay. It's up to the person you replied to if they want to answer or not.
2 likes@Roxanne Wolf that's why I say that to a lot of other people too (by the way, "a lot of people" say "kill yourself" to other people on internet). It is exactly rude. Sawtooth sees every comment on their channel so it's not "an opportunity". And the problem is not that they are making grammar errors, the problem is that it's very complicated to decipher the message. I don't even know what they want!
2 likes@Alegria Déesse Hey. I am not including everyone. Like I said, this is the internet. It's alright to branch out if you want to, it's not always about inappropriate, unnecessary topics.
1 likeYou're thinking about other offensive stuff people are saying, while this was not offensive at all. And yes, the person's errors in grammar and spelling are a part of this, hence why you don't know what they're saying because like I said before, either this isn't their first language or they're little, etc.
If you'd like me to tell you what they're saying, pretty sure this is what it is: They're asking Sawtooth to collab with then in a story, and that they can add a bunch of other characters to the mix. The rest is not too much. Just the same thing. It may not be important to anyone, but the thing is that they just wanted to ask, and besides, maybe they don't know Sawtooth sees every comment you post and wanted to reach out to him directly. I get that, since sometimes YouTube doesn't show everything due to their glitches, or you accidentally skipped over it. It may show up the same way even when you just comment, but again, maybe the person doesn't know that. At the end of the day, it's not something to focus much on, and they were just trying to ask someone something. The question wasn't for you, and it wasn't offensive. Just move on with your day.
@Roxanne Wolf if they were doing minor grammar errors and more importantly if they were arranging their sentences in a way that makes sense, I wouldn't mind grammar errors. If it was possible to understand them.
2 likesAnd YES IT IS RUDE TO COMMENT WITH UNRELATED STUFF. Me telling them so is so they learn not to be rude and to make it easier for people to read them. I am NOT saying "get the hell off internet you don't belong here", I am saying "there's room for improvement and here's how you can do that". Now I'm sooooo sooooorry Roxanne if I'm not allowed to do that. I'll do it anyway!
@Alegria Déesse Sure, but those are things you can just ignore. You don't have to make a big deal about it if it's something you don't wanna focus on, or no one wants to focus on. Now that you've mentioned it, the entire thread has become about it. If you never mentioned it, they would've never replied back to you and maybe even leave the entire thing alone because Sawtooth didn't answer.
1 likeHow is just asking someone something that's just a little off topic (a little because they are still talking about the ponies and whatsoever) so rude to someone you have to tell them off? It doesn't seem the original commenter would mind either. It doesn't harm anyone. It's just one question, get over it. If you want to keep telling people off just because they went off topic on a thread because they wanted to ask a simple question, and it's rude to you, (unless someone else in the thread feels that way. I don't really think so though, but that's just me.) Sure, that's your choice. You do you. If the person was spamming every single comment or just talking about something no one wants to hear or both, then sure. I understand. You can report them yourself for that. (Not sure if YouTube even does anything though, that's the stupid part.)
Besides, like I said before, the question wasn't for you. You don't need to worry about their mistakes on sentences, or whatever. That's something they need to work on, and that's their choice. It's fine if you want to help them though. That's your choice.
If you want to help them correct something so badly, why not tell them the corrections? That's just a suggestion, because the person didn't really understand why you were telling them that either, because they weren't sure what they did wrong. In their perspective, they're just asking someone if they're want to work on something together. I don't think that's rude at all. It may be not in the same topic as the commenter, but what's wrong with just asking? They're not looking for attention (unless they were actually spamming the same reply on every comment, it's because I didn't check every one. I don't have to.) So in the end, you're telling them you can't understand them, and that they should improve. That's fine, but there's nothing else wrong with the comment. Just a question with errors. If you think it's rude, that's on you.
@Roxanne Wolf too long, didn't read. I already said my remark ironically deflected the topic as well, but that it was for a greater good: to avoid it to happen on more comments on more videos.
2 likesWhy don't YOU ignore it? I was GIVING ADVICE so they do better in the future but yeah why not let people do mediocre and get people to ignore them because they've been rude instead of getting better?
@Alegria Déesse Oh well, too bad. This person still wasn't rude, or trying to be rude. That's what you think about them. I don't think anyone else did. Why didn't I ignore it? Because of you. If you want to help them, sure. The rude part though, didn't make any sense. You're the one who should've ignored that in the first place. You're talking to the wrong person. All they tried to do was reach out to Sawtooth and see if they wanted to join. You should be saying that to someone who means harm, and isn't just asking a genuine question. In the end, that was all what you think.
1 like@Roxanne Wolf well I didn't ignore them because of them, that's the same thing. It IS rude to come to a conversation and change the topic just because you want to be seen. It's just as rude as if you were going to a classroom and telling something to students that doesn't even have anything to do with the lesson. So it's not just "what I think". But I see you just like to be rude. They didn't know it was rude so I told them it is rude. So that they know how to do. Someone who means harm will be glad to be told it's rude and will do it EVEN MORE, it doesn't make any sense! So yes, I was talking to the right person but you decided to do worse instead of ignoring me.
1 like@Alegria Déesse This is different. It isn't fully barging into someone's classroom. No one minds if this person just asks a question, hoping he will answer. Barging into a classroom however, is also physical. What, did he make anyone feel uncomfortable or disturb anyone? No, because it's not that big a deal. Just a reply. This happens so much more on the internet, and those are actually bad.
1 likeBots flooding the place, unwanted self-advertising, words that are offensive to someone. (If telling them they're rude makes everything worse, why spend time on this? It doesn't make any sense either.)
This was just one question, and it really bothered me that they didn't know how to respond, yet they didn't want anything wrong. They aren't asking for attention from other people like bots or haters do. They just wanted an answer from Sawtooth. Just because they said something doesn't mean you have to completely change the topic. It doesn't stop you from continuing the chat about the original comment.
I think it's okay if he didn't though. It was still just a simple question. Why don't you go focus on helping stop those actual stupid unnecessary stuff in the comments, instead of someone just wanting to know something, which shouldn't bother anyone.
@Roxanne Wolf talking to a bot does not make it stop. Talking to someone meaning to hurt doesn't make them stop. Talking to someone who made a genuine mistake makes them learn and do better. Like I've said for all these replies, I didn't want them to stop being on internet, I want them to improve so people don't ignore them in the future. Had I ignored them and continued about the first topic, it would just have made them sad they're ignored and they wouldn't have known what to do. Now stop it.
2 likes@Alegria Déesse Talking to a bot? How about reporting it? The person who means hurt? Give them a genuine answer and they will look back and see what they did wrong. If they don't, that's their problem. What I see from here is that you want to correct their grammar, etc. Besides, they weren't looking for your response. They were looking for his. Yours wouldn't matter, except the fact you were trying to help them. You don't want them to be ignored really cleared up that part more. The rude part, however, still doesn't make sense. That's all I've got to say unless you reply again. Now you can stop.
1 like@Roxanne Wolf do you think I don't report bots and haters? Haters don't reflect, they like doing harm and know they're doing harm.
1 likeSawtooth didn't respond, so maybe if they did a better comment, next time Sawtooth would reply, but right now they're being ignored. The rude part makes sense but you decided to like being rude, obviously.
@Alegria Déesse Maybe, maybe not. It looked like you don't because you don't want to get involved. I guess I was wrong about that and it's not the case.
1 likeNo, the rude part does not make sense. (You also said that I am rude. This has become an argument, it's not like I'm making fun of your profile picture or assuming bad things like what you must like, etc.) This place isn't forbidden from branching out on other topics. (Not all of them, though. It always depends.)
This isn't a place where you aren't supposed to ask people something on someone else's comment, what's wrong with that, it shouldn't be something that bothers you unless it does. (For example, an uncomfortable question, even if the person didn't mean it, it still has a bad impact on someone.)
The person doesn't seem to mind since it doesn't have anything to do with them, and the person asking the question isn't asking them either, so why bother?
There's nothing wrong with it. This is a casual place, not a strict one where you can only talk about the same topic on one comment if you want to say something else, and other rules that the creator or someone else gives out, then you have to respect them and follow that. If you don't, then just leave.
If you do switch it and no one else does, then just forget about it, or maybe elaborate on why. No one's stopping you from continuing to talk about the original topic.
Unless you start spamming the same thing over and over, then it starts to become an actual nuisance. This however, (If they were actually spamming, that's on me, I just didn't see it.) Is just one question that was poorly worded. Maybe Sawtooth will answer next time they do better. Nothing rude to anyone, just casual. One of those things you can have a small opinion on, but nothing big enough to keep on talking about it. Just move on. Helping correct them was okay. But oh well.
Right now, I think it is time to move on. Please don't reply back, and I won't either. Doing so will just add more gasoline to the fire, and this will just get longer and longer, and that's just a problem and a waste of time. I've already said enough unless you do reply back, so don't. This is over. Please do not reply anymore. Goodbye.
@Roxanne Wolf the rude part makes sense and I already explained why. But go ahead, put your elbows on the table too.
1 likeYes this is a place where you're not supposed to make it all about you after someone else got a reply.
There is something wrong about it, it is rude.
When I told you to stop you just keep making long replies that just repeat themselves like you don't even care, I suppose you just like to be rude.
Because it is rude.
You know, it is rude, I already said it.
It's rude.
C'est malpoli (j'essaye dans une autre langue au cas où, ça a l'air de mal rentrer)
Oh, "next time they do better"? And how are they supposed to do better if nobody tells them what to improve? Because you spammed with "they don't have to change anything"?
@Alegria Déesse I was talking about their grammar and such. It isn't rude if no one thinks so. What if a thousand years old law tells you that this is rude, yet it isn't anymore, does that mean it's rude to anyone just because the law said so? No. What matters if it was actually rude to someone, not what you think of it. Maybe ask Alex yourself and see if they thought it was rude. It's his comment, not yours. If someone posted that on your comment, sure it's yours, but this one is not. So you're not really saving anyone, unless they agreed with you. I was about to stop as well, as I said so on those two other comments. Yet you still have the audacity to keep replying, it's like you don't want this to be over. I already saw what you said, you already saw what I said. This should be done. Please stop replying, so we don't have to say anything anymore. That's what I meant by adding more gasoline to the fire. Go do something else. We're just wasting our time, do not reply again. Goodbye.
2 likes@Florencia Salina ???
0 likesI literally screamed “I love that!” Out loud after you said the “fillies, colts, and enby folks” line. I’m sorry, I guess I’m just happy to see some representation by a large creator I like…
577 likesReplies (35)
glad you liked that 😊 I'm one of the enby folks!
177 likesWhat changeling?
6 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 what's your question?
2 likes@Alegria Déesse is kevin star hunter?
0 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 that's what the video is replying to.
0 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 Well just like sawtooth said: "Is anyone real? Does anyone know?!" So, who knows
4 likes@Shona Dudley really
1 like@Alegria Déesse how
1 likeI think I’m a bit uneducated, could someone please explain what they mean by enby folks?
2 likes@balaxy159 Non-binary.
8 likes@Christopher Price thanks!
2 likes@balaxy159 shady
0 likesWhat about mares?? Fillies are young female horses, to young to be considered a mare..
1 like@Mosept Yagami true
0 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 personally I’m not offended or anything, but saying ‘fillies’ is like calling adult women ‘girls’, and no one likes being called a kid when they are an adult. Calling men ‘boys’ is rude, same as calling women ‘girls’. Boys and girls are children of both genders before puberty.
0 likes@Mosept Yagami horses yes.
0 likesReminds me of Thomas Sanders' 'guys, gals and non-binary pals.'
7 likesSame! As a enby myself, it made me smile.
3 likes@Sawtooth Waves REALLY?! I wasn’t aware! Holy bananas, I suddenly feel a lot less alone realizing I’m not the only non-binary MLP fan out there…
4 likes@Jean Milleisen true
0 likesthe_marshymallow IS THAT YOU?!
0 likes@CrAzY cAt yeah
0 likesThomas sanders 🧐
0 likes@¥Mickeythecake¥ thailand
1 like@CrAzY cAt Indeed, and whomst is this?
0 likes@Jean Milleisen mia_the_cat_lmao AKA catlover8000
0 likesr e p l y.
7:00 Me causuly dying of laughing
0 likes@Assya Gadkari but what chrysalis do now to make up for thorax?
1 like@J.T. Milleisen Heyy whats up I found your comment
0 likes@Used to be Wolfy wolf wendenesday.
0 likes@Used to be Wolfy wolfy weekdays.
0 likes@Used to be Wolfy how moon fang.
0 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 i have no clue who you are but those are some good wolf puns
0 likes@Used to be Wolfy thanks have a fantastic fang wolfy weekend.🌙🌝🌚
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Bros coming out =D, also I acctaully didn't know you were Bi!
2 likesMy sister pointed out bulk's inconsistent flying skills, and felt really sad when I told her it was probably a mistake-
I love the idea! I just imagine Lauren Faust, or any of the other creators looking at your videos and being baffled. The pony universe is its own, the creators were guided towards uncovering its secrets!
58 likesReplies (1)
Tbh I have my own OCs and storyline and if someone in the fandom pointed out inconsistencies and made a whole theory I’d be so pleased
1 likeI’ve always loved theorizing about changeling battle tactics and thinking about what I would do with an army of shapeshifters. On that note, I actually don’t think that the spies reformed with the rest of the hive. During the season 6 finale, all of the changelings that were at the hive at the time of reformation were reformed (except Chrysalis). Not only do we not see anymore unreformed changelings there, but it also wouldn’t make sense for them to be there. If any changelings at the hive didn’t reform, then they probably would’ve fled alongside Chrysalis since she was there queen. It would’ve made no sense for any non-reformed changelings to stay at the hive instead of going with their queen who was seen escaping by LITERALLY EVERYONE, so I think it’s safe to say that there were no more unreformed changelings at the hive after the season 6 finale. HOWEVER, Thorax mentions a renegade group of changelings in a season 7 episode titled “Triple Threat”. Here, he says that he’s having trouble convincing these changelings to reform with the rest of the hive, and here’s where the mystery starts. How is it that there is a renegade group of non-reformed changelings when it’s almost certain that no unreformed changelings remained at the hive? Simple, they weren’t at the hive during the reformation. I believe that all of those renegade changelings Thorax had to deal with were actually all of the spies still posing as ponies in Equestria. That would explain why they weren’t at the hive during the season 6 finale, and it would explain why they didn’t want to reform in the first place. Think about it, Chrysalis would’ve likely only trusted her most loyal and skilled minions for espionage since it was the most important part of her plan. With her spies being the most loyal to her, it makes sense why they wouldn’t be super in to the idea of reforming. The logic of it just lines up too well. Plus, we already know that there were some changelings disguised as the mane 6, the princesses, and some others while the season six finale was actually happening. I don’t think those changelings could’ve possibly been at the hive for the reformation since they were carrying out their jobs of impersonating the most beloved ponies in Equestria. That’s a few of our renegades found, but it’s probably not all of them. I still think that the renegade changelings were the many Equestrian spies. This leads me to believe that either, A: the changeling spies got some sort of message or signal about what was happening at the hive and immediately left their lives of impersonation to confront Thorax and eventually reform, or B: Thorax (along with his reformed changelings and Equestrian allies) lead a massive and potentially secret operation to find and capture all of the unreformed changeling spies still hiding in Equestria. I know the second one isn’t very likely, but I think the idea is pretty cool. Either way, it’s unlikely that there were any changeling spies in Equestria for too long after the season 6 finale. Not only would they have not had a mission/purpose anymore after Chrysalis fled, but they also would’ve likely revealed themselves to Chrysalis during the season 9 finale. I think it’s far more likely that all of the unreformed changelings hiding in Equestria would’ve simply heard about what had happened to the changeling hive eventually and in one way or another ended up back at home and getting reformed. This has pretty much been my mindset on the events of the changelings for the past few years now. It all works out surprisingly well and doesn’t leave too many loose ends. My only regret is that the awesome sounding storyline of king Thorax secretly hunting changeling spies throughout Equestria probably didn’t actually happen (but I still think it’s a cool idea).
30 likesReplies (2)
I love this comment
0 likesHey, maybe Pharynx was hunting down the spies between patrol shifts. Like, everyone thought he was on a break or sleeping, but he was hunting down renegade changelings
0 likesI think the Bulk at the academy is more likely to be the real Bulk because a) Real bulk has lived all his life with tiny wings - he’d know how to fly with them so it would make sense that changeling bulk struggles since he’s used to having a more proportionate body. Flying is portrayed as a skill which can be developed hence why Kevin may be a better flyer however that process of growing the skill varies from pony to pony depending on all of their attributes, we can infer that body influences flight based unfortunately on Scootaloo who has been trying to fly all her life and most likely was never able to even though her wings appeared to function normally.
74 likesB) Imagine that Bulk Biceps went to wonder bolt academy, graduated, and decided to go into some form of Wonderbolt related work or simply be a full time wonderbolt requiring him to stay in Cloudsdale. This gives Kevin the perfect way to remain in Ponyville - he simply needs to tell everyone he decided to come back home and nobody would question it.
However Bulk was there in Cranky’s wedding where Kevin also was but in his true form, but I don’t think Star Hunter was so I still agree it’s more likely Star Hunter is the Kevin
Replies (1)
Something like that was also my immediate thought when Sawtooth brought up Bulk in this context. All a changeling would need to do is replace him after we saw him at the academy and everything would be explained! Though the reverse that Sawtooth brought up is, of course, also intriguing.
6 likesYou know changelings better than I do, but do changelings feed only on romantic love? Or can they feed on other forms of love? Like the love of flying for example? If so, that changeling at the Wonderbolt Academy might have just been on a fad diet.
67 likesReplies (5)
They can also feed on platonic love!
8 likesOr idol love
4 likesI’m experimenting with changelings feeding on other strong emotions. I’m writing a fanfic that’s The Princess Bride but set in the MLP world. And my version of Count Rugen is a changeling. He took the form of the original Rugen- a high profile scholar and inventor who was soon to be given the title of count- with the intention of spying on the royal family since he and humperdinck were already close. However, when attending battles by humperdinck’s side, this changeling rugen discovered something far more delectable to him than love- Pure unbridled suffering. He goes on to inflict pain on anypony he has power over to get away with it (i.e. Killing Inigo’s father and scarring him for life) and dedicating his life’s work to building the machine- which is infused with the changeling magic to steal and store ephemeral things like love, and in this case, life force itself. I’m having a lot of fun with this concept.
3 likesI'd think that they can just feed on any type of love like familial or platonic love as in Thorax's debut episode he was seen have temptations of feeding on the ponies love for Flurry Heart :)
1 like@Pyro-Millie Sounds fun.
0 likesI love your bow!💕
97 likesReplies (6)
tysm!!!!!! ^^
40 likes@Sawtooth Waves
2 likesI have a theory idea for ya
It’s in a comment with my name
0 likes@Summer Melody that's rude.
0 likes@Alegria Déesse
0 likesHow’s that rude?
@Summer Melody like I said: it's ignoring the comment's topic. If they want to say that, they can make their own comment, instead of using someone else's comment.
0 likesI think that the coincidence of having changeling spies during the preparation on second invasion is possible, because we can see that Starlight was also foreshadowed to return, even though it was scripted, this could have been scripted aswell!
66 likeswhen the Kevin is sus
31 likeseveryone is a changeling in disguise, even the changelings
Its nice to see the sawtooth is open to be wrong
85 likesReplies (4)
"the sawtooth" like im some sorta dc antihero XD but yeah i get things wrong all the time
47 likes@Sawtooth Waves omg it was suppose to be "that sawtooth" 😂😂😂😂
28 likes@Sawtooth Waves you should make another video putting out that the only pony on the card not at the wedding is starhunter. I think it adds to your case!
1 like@Sawtooth Waves lmao now i can’t unsee it skcnskcjdk
0 likesi did have one theory on which pony in that card was Kevin's sona:
45 likesif any of those ponies weren't at Cranky's wedding, that must be Kevin
either that, or they were disguised as an accessory a pony was wearing at that moment
we've seen Changelings turn into various objects, so it's not too farfetched lol
Okay so I MIGHT have an idea for how to find the pretender, and it involves the timeskip in the last problem
22 likesIn that episode, we see many characters across the show aged up. So i see two ways to try to find him
1. Find someone who aged much differently or didn't age at all
2. Find someone who doesn't appear in the timeskip, as since changlings are accepted in that Era, and all changlings rebels are likely few to none there's no need to hide.
6:58 Sawtooth struggling to name Big Mac and Bulk Biceps
8 likesthis part got me laughing so hard
The hair color and the bow looks so nice on you 👍
4 likesWe've also seen Mayor Mare as a foal, not in a changeling hive.
8 likesYes another Sawtooth Waves Changeling video! this day just keeps getting better and better!!!
44 likesReplies (1)
0 likesAlternatively, since you see Kevin at the wedding, you can eliminate possible candidates based on who was at the wedding with kevin
241 likesMinuette
Cherry Berry
Amethyst Star
Lemon Hearts
Sea Swirl
Orange Swirl
Dr Hooves
The cmc
Cloud Kicker
Bulk Biceps
Sprinkle Medley
(Unnamed silver haired stallion)
Big Macintosh
and Mayor Mare all have an alibi
This leaves us with
Silver Spoon
Diamond Tiara
Granny Smith
White Lightning
Merry May
Photo Finish
And your first choice Star Hunter
Now keep in mind this list is only useful if his goal was to have a longer stay. How do I explain bulk bicep's bizzare flight capabilities? Simple. Not. The same. Changeling. The changeling that infiltrated wonderbolt academy was still loyal to chrysalis, while kevin seems to be pretty peaceful. Now assuming that his was a longer stay by Kevin after he left the hive for whatever reason we can eliminate based first on social status. Anyone with high status or connections is a risk, so we can eliminate Diamond tiara and silver Spoon because of Filthy Rich, photo finish for her celebrity status, and Granny smith, for her connection to the founding of ponyville and relation to applejack.
This leaves us with
White Lightning
Merry May
And your first choice Star Hunter
Replies (6)
I can't believe no one's said anything about this! It makes sense since Kevin was in his original form at the wedding. I don't think it's White Lightning though since she's not on the card but that still leaves Snails, Merry May, and Star Hunter. I'll leave this for you to think about now :)
36 likesSnails would be rather weird to build a persona around, especially since he has a distinct EQG counterpart.
18 likesSmart!
1 likeSnails was at the wedding. You can see him on the balcony.
9 likesanother possible Changeling that is not in this picture is Carrot Top one-time she had orange hair another time she had green hair is this a coincidence or not and most of the changelings change something about the original form like how Bulk biceps flys, how starhunter goes from a pegasus to an earth pony, how Lyra sits, and how the Royal Guards can be alicorns, unicorns, and Pegasus oh so sometimes in the earlier seasons a lot of the ponies can be seen and pureed crowds so probably they could be changing as well and there are other times where some ponies change form so who knows how many changelings are in Ponyville.
1 like@willow the octo agent it's cool to therozie but we can assume most of these were on accident but it would be cool to see someone make an argument for the fun of it.
1 like@Sawtooth Waves Can you explain to me why Twillight from the Human-World does only have wings when she "Pony-Up" and doesn't when she is in Equestria? Twillight from Equestria and Rainbow Dash from Human-World on the other hand have wings in both worlds.
29 likesReplies (3)
Yes please! It's been driving me crazy for years.
0 likesMaybe The others and their pony version since their magic is technically still earth pony and pegasus magic and since twilight is the main so maybe she accidentally absorb A tiny bit of the earth pony and pegasus magic and it only last during the power up time because the others magic is shut off after the power up disappear and their pony side magic can no get out of their bodies so twilight loses their wings because they no longer have the Earth pony and Pegasus Magic anymore?
1 like@Tsz Ching SIU:] Or it could be they're tapping into the magic of the other one when they're ponying up yet they're not When they enter the portal
0 likesThe spy theory is definitely interesting, it explains the guard Alicorns
20 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI like how despite the show ending the fandom still continues
7 likesAs they said "The Magic Of Friendship Grows"
One thing to consider about Mayor Mare. Imagine that you were a changeling who formed the persona of Mayor Mare into being, and wanted to change to make yourself look older(such as turning your mane and tail gray) without raising any eyebrows
1 likeBest way to do that is to use mane dye, which is what we see Mayor Mare doing
Derpy! Maybe that explains why her voice changed. So now we have THREE ponies that it could be in that picture. You're welcome.
18 likesReplies (2)
that would just be sloppy work on kevins part, kevin know we can change our voices too, right?
12 likesDerpy would be the perfect spy. Can be caught pretty much anywhere and it would be shrugged off as derpy being derpy
3 likesWhat about Minuet ? The pony who lives out of town and only some times visits? Or they could be the sunglasses or a rock or the furniture. Or maybe even Derppy the pony who was always around but went missing for a while and then suddenly returned a lot more talkative then before.
8 likesReplies (1)
If not for the fact that Derpy/Bubbles was thoroughly accounted for at Cranky & Matilda’s wedding, I’d be on board with her being Kevin.
0 likesI love you stuff, you have such good theories and bring MLP to the next level
21 likesReplies (3)
Their theories are clickbait. Nothing more and nothing less.
0 likesYou don't have to watch, you know. Most people here quite like this content, and those who don't just watch something else
2 likes@Jana Van Bellingen Eh.
0 likesSo that's how you can tell a changeling. Great theory, as always!
10 likesI love the new look it looks so good!!!
11 likesReplies (1)
5 likesDitzy/Muffins could be another good candidate. Someone that clumsy and simple-minded could easily sabotage, would be unlikely to be investigated, and would have a very easy time keeping up such a simple appearance. She drops a piano on Twilight, nearly destroys the town hall, and she becomes less frequently appearing later in the series, around the same time changelings become common knowledge to other ponies. Heck, she also appears on the card, and she's even on your technical difficulties image.
1 likeBulk biceps would make sense for being the changeling, Especially when you factor in scootaloo (i.e. her tiny wings). Tiny wings are a rare disability in equestria that leaves a Pegasus unable to fly or makes it near impossible to fly. So bulk biceps flying with the wonderbolts despite his tiny wings is pretty sus.
1 likeI love your new look. It’s so cute <3
5 likesI love the fact that changelings, a species that uses psychological energies to live and is able to basically take over the world if they so chose, has the greatest weakness of freaking Pinkie Pie
2 likesThis is something I was thinking about seeing Bulk having trouble flying in that episode. Never thought much on it but gotta give Queen Chrysalis credit where it's do. But yaaa Pinkie is a big problem for the Changelings going to Ponyville. She is the all seeing pony there. Makes you wonder what other secrets Pinkie may know that others don't.
1 likeThat's why my OC and my father Changeling ended up making a life there just for cover. While still seeking off to Everfree Forest to visit there lovers/mothers grave. Even going as far to make a small hidden home to relax at. Although I do write in some miss happenings. Just for fun and development.
Makes sense Bulk would be a changeling. The flight ability change is very suspicious. Star Hunter lacking wings is also. Two very good candidates. Bulk - easy to impersonate. Star Hunter - as far as I'm aware, no dialogue. So, I don't know how he would act or what he would say, and how would the changeling know other than through intense observation.
3 likesI love the theory of bulk biceps being a changeling spy and it makes so much sense when you think about it
8 likesNew idea- If he was starting from scratch then Kevin could take on a new personality, new birthday, new name, new everything. Saved from the Pinkie Paradox.
6 likesMan, always love your little speculations! You're just so fun to listen to.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves: I think it would also make sense for Kevin to impersonate Derpy. The reason why I think this is because Derpy has literally no dialogue whatsoever, so Kevin wouldn't have to memorize any words because he wouldn't have to say anything at all. So, the only thing that he would have to do to blend in would be to pretend to be exceedingly clumsy. Also, who would suspect a pony like Derpy of being a changeling spy?!?😄 It just wouldn't make sense. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
1 likeAlternative Hair sawtooth is actually really good looking
7 likesReplies (2)
thank you!! ^^
3 likes@Sawtooth Waves it's a shiny!
4 likesAnother great theory Sawtooth! I just wanted to bring something up. I know on the trading card with all the ponies, we don't really see anything other than some ponies and the ground they are standing on, but could it be possible that Kevin would be hiding as an inanimate object like a rock or something? I know it doesn't fit as well as your theory, but I mean, Thorax did it... Just an idea I had.
0 likesThere is one more way of eliminating candidates for Kevin if he always lived in ponyville. Compare the wedding to that photo. Kevin was untransformed at the wedding, so find all Pony's that we saw at the wedding and eliminate them as candidates from the photo. Eliminate enough to either narrow down or find the actual Kevin.
2 likesReplies (1)
omg i cant believe i never thought of that!!! i dont believe star hunter was at the wedding but now I'll have to check!!
2 likestruth is if your able to change forms why wouldn't you have a back up form or 2. to take in a small town where people come and go from. if your forms are both from the same town then you would need 2 or 3 just to be sure incase they ever bump into each other. it would just be good planning to have more forms at the ready for when you walk into that person. heck he might of been at the wonder bolts as star hunter to keep up appearances but the real one came also. so he switched to bulk biceps because that's a good fall back and he knows that he probably would never really be there in the first place. the 2 forms might just be his go to forms that he knows are most safe forms to take. there would have to be a 3rd form of his also for safety incase the 2 star hunter and bulk biceps ever meet or bumped into each other. wonder what his 3rd form was.
2 likeswould be neat if one of them ever talked about their plans or their like day to day life in hiding while spying or blending in. would be good info in to how to counter if any other creatures could do that again in the future.
Sawtooth is bi that’s amazing I’m so glad you feel comfortable sharing with us happy pride sawtooth waves 🏳️🌈❤️
2 likesSawtooth is just too adorkable
6 likesGreat update! I love all the new theory youre giving here :]
0 likesI love the theory but also the new colours!!!is it permanent? And your bow is so nice!
3 likesThats pretty thought through! Irs a bit scary how they spied during the time between the invasions. It was a very good move. No one would think that an allie would be a foe. The changelings are military too so they wont have trouble fitting in with the guards. I just would like to know why Kevin joined the wedding in his true form and why no one paniced. Yeah they had their own little stories and the bride and groom were the center of attention, but it would be deathly to show them their real form. Thats too risky. Also wasnt any of the adults with the foals? Surely one adult would see them frightened when entering the wedding and ask whats wrong. Maybe they did, but Kevin changed and the adult didnt believed the other foals. But then, why would he change back, when he nearly got spotted? The mission would be failed, because Equestria would increase security, if they spot a changeling. I also think that it would make sense to disguise themselves into a filly. No one expects a filly ro be a threat, so it also could bei one of the cmc in the picture. But Star Hunter is more likely.
1 likeI could just be looking too much into it but it seems like Sawtooth is slowly changing their pony design, not like an art style evolution as we've seen over the years, but a while new pony persona
2 likesYour changeling form is sooo cute❤️ so love that blue colour pallette!
0 likesLove the new changing look will it stay
5 likesBulkMac and Big Bicep are surely the best ones to impersonate without being discovered
1 likeSawtooth Waves is the perfect person to watch videos while eating and they always makes our day or night even better keep it up
3 likesSawtooth, I am with you, but also adding this detail look at Zekora she lives in the forest the changeling may know this. The changeling will choose someone Pinky knows and someone who is less likely to run into. The changeling may just want to stay shortly. Yes Star Hunter is a great guess, but what if the changeling didn't want to stay shortly if the changeling didn't even be a pony what if he was there spying before the beginning and what if he was a spy before he was reformed -ish. Also stop the among us ascent.
1 likeGreat theory once again Sawtooth!
1 likeBtw, speaking of Changelings, can you make a video discussing what species can return in G5? Of course it's now confirmed Dragons still exist, but what about everyone else?
If changeling want they can literally live as a pony whole life by becoming different pony everday
6 likesLike
One day mayor
Then cheerilee
Then carrot top(she also changed her Mane once)
And so on
I know it's complicated but it still make some sense
Replies (1)
perhaps that would help ppl shrug off continuing inconsistencies, but each day you still risk coming across the pony you're imitating!
3 likesAnd now we got to point out all the (possible) changelings in the show.
5 likesI love this video Thankyou for making it amazing job. Also Kevin could just be one of the background characters that we don’t usually pay a lot of attention to.
4 likesI love your new main color.
8 likesWoah…mind blown. I’ve never thought of that! Thank you, Sawtooth!
2 likesI was always wondering how bulk biceps was able to fly but then wasn't. This is an awesome theory :>
1 likeWell that bow gave me an interesting idea on what to draw next; a mare version of his OC
1 likeNice red sawtooth!
4 likesI would know, because I'm red too!
Awesome video as always!
4 likesFantastic theory and video! Awesome as usual 😌
0 likesAwesome video as always! But a question? Why didn't you include mares in the list I mean like Candy Maine the pink-haired earth pony she is really suspicious...
1 likeShe didn't show up on a lot of episodes but in Luna eclipse she seems little worried on the background if u focus
I agree that star hunter is Kevin but another factor that needs to be accounted for is when was that pic taken? Was it after bulk was in the academy or before if it was after then Kevin could be bulk but if it was before then Kevin could be hunter. all factors need to be accounted for and every pony in that pic needs to be well known, every detail and everything about them in general for the mystery to be solved.
2 likesMy mind? Completely blown. It just makes too much sense. Great theory and, as far as I'm concern, it is actually canon
0 likesOr, you know, its an animation error to forget the wings so often. You do that a lot, and Hasbro is known for silly mistakes, nor do I think they're that creative to think of it like that. A majority of your theories are based on animation errors.
0 likesOften, from front angles, they wont add wings and people constantly point this out, from awkward and slim areas the wings can be forgotton and just not added. A case of looking into a mistake to closely like people often do, i see it all the time
"Fillies, colts and enby folks" I LOVE this ❤️
9 likesI can also imagine an unreformed changeling also trying to become a wonderful to feed off the love and adoration of their many fans
0 likesin one of you video you talked about the amulet that twilight used to raise the sun and the moon but if you rewind you can see that celestia did not always make the sun rise she would just walk casually like she already raised it or did she? the royal sisters only raised the sun and the moon dramatically when there was a festival take the summer sun festival for an example . I think we should understand first that equestria rotates around the sun or the sun rotates around equestria
1 likeI really hope this theory makes in your next video
Since when were you a pegasus? I thought you took the form of an earth pony, am I going insane?
6 likesReplies (1)
it's okay, im going insane too, but yeah i decided i want wings :3
3 likesImagine the multiplied background ponies are also changelings...
7 likeswait
For celestia's sake, that bow gets me every time...
0 likesSo precious!
This seems like the plot for a dective TV show freaturing sawthood the detective
4 likeslol, Sherlock Waves
There is a possibility of Bulk Biceps being Kevin. Also, you forgot to mention that Bulk Biceps' Original name was 'Snowflake'. This brings up the Question, Sawtooth: What if 'Snowflake' was Kevin, with 'Snowflake' being somewhat of a code name he uses while in disguise, while the REAL Bulk Biceps is still there?
1 likeSuch a great video idea!
0 likesI enjoyed it a lot
Reminds me of fairy folklore. They are known for capturing people and replacing them.
1 likeHey guys Sawtooth can go to a wedding now 😂
5 likesAlso the red mane and tail is so cute on Sawtooth-
Nopony has a talent or digging into the littlest details like you. Awesome as always!
0 likesWow, this is like dominoes u get so much (maybe) lore from a little mystery. But also, if u search up “Changeling Queens” or “Queen Changelings” something shows up, I believe it was the siblings of Queen Changeling (srry I suck at spelling her name). Also I have something that may prove to be a good theory. So u know the portal to the human world, on the other side Celestia and Luna r alive and seem pretty young even tho they’re about a thousand yrs old. Does that mean other immortal or long living creatures could still be alive? Like Tirek or Discord? Or maybe the pillars. But the pillars r the most interesting to me. We have seen Star Swirl in the school wearing ancient stuff. And the pillars r ponies which means they have human counterparts. And in limbo time doesn’t work, I’m wondering if they’re maybe alive! But I’ll leave the theories to u! Hopefully u can make a vid on this or not, thx for reading :)
3 likesYour so good at spotting changlings you must be an expert
2 likesWhat if Kevin's actually the Snails we see in the crowd shot- He's oddly without Snips, compared to how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are near each other. A way to infiltrate the younger. Still neat spy theory, Sawtooth!
0 likesJust had a thought on how the crystals got separated. So pegasi seem pretty content with their lives and don’t seem to have any superstitions on unicorns or earth ponies. Unicorns are very superstitious of magic and pegasi and lastly, it’s engrained into the earth ponies to fear the other races. It honestly sounds like something major actually happened where the pegasi took their crystal thinking that their wings are physical and don’t need magic, unicorns took theirs, hoping it could bring magic back, and the earth pony crystal was left behind, looking like a normally cut crystal.
0 likesand what if (breathes) its derpy? still fits the having to speak less description. Also, suspects can be eliminated for permanent stay by seeing who else was there at the wedding
1 likeSawtooth: All these incobsistencies must mean Changelings!
0 likesAnimators: Phew! Glad we made THAT loophole!
Viewers: You mean what I thought were mistakes actually meant the writers were better than I thought? WOW
Plus, at the wonderbolt academy,the changeling would get to spy specifically on Rainbow Dash. In the royal guard, Cadence and maybe Shining Armor.
1 likeWonderful Theory!😁👍🏼
2 likesi went to the wedding episode and all of the easy to pretend to be ponies in the kevin card appear except for star hunter! so youre probably right for multiple reasons. any pony on the card at the wedding cant be kevin, and excluding famous in ponyville ponies it would be hard to pretend to be,, on top of having no wings! so its probably him like you said.
0 likesThe among us references were very sus
8 likesI just thought of one thing while looking back at this video... Imagine if in this card are all ponies Kevin has one day impersonated. Like, he isn't there there but, he took the form of each of those ponies at least once. (Possibly using alternate version of them in different town, like pegasus star hunter in the wonderbolt academy because he couldn't go there anyway. Maybe Kevin has lot of trouble with creating a sona and so plays with changing into alternate form of ponies he met)
0 likesI like to think that during Twilight's rule, she recalls the anit-shapeshifting lotion Zecora made in that alternative universe where Chrysalis won. Twilight would seek Zecora out and start producing the lotion for border security, where every new arrival to Equestria must have the lotion put on them brielfy to see if they are a Changeling in disguise.
0 likesfor Bulk Biceps, I got a theory about his flying... In the wonderbolt academy, we can already see that he is the slowest of the bunch (and possibly even the weakest, he seems to have difficulties to even break clouds and he is the only one not catching a pony, though that could simply be because he was to slow to and caught the package because it was the last thing falling). I wonder if, trying to do more and more, he didn't end injured? Possibly even beginning to have troubles after getting throw in the cloud by Lightning and Dash forcing the way ahead. Some injures can take time before getting worse. I think he may have gotten injured but, not feeling too much pain and seeing that he was the slowest, he may have not stop to get check out (or refused to be stopped to recover). And after a while of forcing and forcing... His wings may have suffer big damage, forcing him to stop completly for a long, long while... And when he finally recovered enough to fly a bit, his wings have lost too much strenght to easily carry his weight. He may even be in pain when he flies for the equestrian game... Because we can see than once in the air fluttershy is perfectly fine despite having trouble getting up in the air while Bulk seems to have trouble longer.
0 likesBut it is just a quick little theory, I haven't watch either episode in a long while so I don't remember too well what happened ^^' But seeing the clip of him flying up for the game made me immediatly think that he seems in pain
Hey Sawtooth I need you to go back and watch the episode where Applebloom meets her 2 friends at the very opening you can spot a recolored version of both Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo WITH cutie marks. No one knows their names and they're never spotted after the 3 are introduced to each other....Can you maybe do a video based on those 2?
1 like0:03 i wonder how could the creators allow Menuet, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine show up here and there in Ponyville, and then tell the story about them that they are Twilight's long forgotten friends.
0 likesThey showed up in the very first episode, and then they were in Ponyville and were payling no attention to Twilight
You always make our day when you upload!
3 likesThe royal guard theory makes so much sense seeing as they are never around in a major event.
0 likesI live for your videos!🥳
6 likesI just can’t see a changeling forgetting to put wings on. Too much attention from everyone in ponyville asking “hey, where’s your wings?” I think Kevin having an original form is much more believable. I’m glad you pointed out bulks flying. That’s been bugging me for years!
0 likesThere's also a scene later on in On Our Marks where Bulk asks the CMCs for help. It's true, Bulk isn't very smart, but the way he acted seemed very suspicious. Even Applebloom caught on to this, saying that it may have been too easy of a job. Maybe this was the once-Bulk spy taking a look at Ponyville, but being too shy to show his true colors because of his past
0 likesBrother sawtooth I'm amazed that ur still able to squeeze ideas for content from g4 considering netflix removed 4 seasons. I hope youtube will preserve the letupita channel for future generations to watch g4.
1 likeWhen you saw animation errors of ponies being alicorns, those are accidents, if not, changeling infiltration, I remember there's one more in Las Pegasus when a pony guide the airship down. And of course in G5 in Zephyr Heights when dancing to Pipp's "Pony Pony" music
1 likelooking forward to seeing your final form :3
0 likesI have to question it!! So twilight is shown in the depiction of the 3 crystals. There is NOW WAY that she’d let ponyville get wiped off the map and yet here we are. I’m wondering if there was a massive event that has caused large scale cities to get wiped off the map. Look at canterlot in the upcoming comic, something happened at a large scale to wipe these cities out.
0 likesMaybe we should look at cutie marks for the spy. Two thirds of the times we see changes we see them have bug cutie marks, and the last time is a different type of crystal pony who may not even know much on bugs. Anypony with butterflies, ladybugs or dragonflies could be the changeling we're looking for.
0 likesAnyway, since the TF2 joke wasn't made I'll do it: THAT STAR HUNTER IS A SPY!
5:26 If it was anypony else, using mane dye would actually be a pretty smart way to throw everypony of his track. Surely nopony with shapeshifting abilities would be using mane dye, would they?
0 likesI have a theory for you if would like to use it feel free : in the new generation of mlp how is does the weather work , we know it used to work with the pegisi and sometimes grifins but since they fully separated. Furthermore the pegisi couldn't possibly control the weather without their wings and would have no reason to . My theory is that is where the grifins are. After the pegisi found that the problems in the run up to the new gen were important enough to take their full attention , the grifins were left to control the weather. Just a thought
1 likenew colours kinda looking like lauren's ponysona, i hope it stays!
1 likeHey, Sawtooth
4 likesI have a theory idea that involves Discord and the Chaos dimension
Discord had been trying to take over Equestria for over 1,000 years and turn it into his own playground
But something I thought of 2 weeks ago made this so. . .confusing
We already know that a chaos dimension exists within FIM, where Discord is shown to have a home he lives in when he’s not in Equestria
So, why does he want to take over Equestria so badly if he already had an entire dimension that is just as chaotic as he is
Well, what if he didn’t?
What if he created the chaos dimension himself, a place of pure chaos that he could live in so he wound never need to think about taking over Equestria again.
It even fits in with the timeline. The first instance we saw the chaos dimension was after Discord helped Tirek in season 4. Maybe Discord realized that he no longer desired to torment Equestria past a few pranks here and there, so he used his powers to create a dimension that he could live in
Definitely worth considering
Ya know something like this happened in Scootertrix the Abridged. The changeling invasion was a serious ongoing problem towards the end to the point where changeling spies would nearly out number the actual ponies. It's also revealed that a major character who's lived in Ponyville for years (won't say who since I think it's worth watching to find out for yourself) is a defector from the changeling empire and was given their new identity by Celestia for their service in the last changeling conflict.
7 likesThere’s also another excuse for more changling disguises. Such as the Mirror Pinkies. We saw one escaped Mirror clone when Pinkie was talking to the reporter in the rarity episode. It’s odd that a clone would be so close to pinkie, but had the brains to escape from the whole Mirror clone purge. It could’ve just simply been unaccounted for at first, but then the clone would act more like the pinkie clones we saw rather than disguising in a hat. The whole bulk biceps has got me questioning a lot more things in the series
1 likeLove your new look keep it please
0 likesHey Sawtooth,
0 likesSince we’re on the topic of changelings I think I should say this.
“When a fairy has a child they replace human child with theirs and are called changelings. “
Great theory, Sawtooth! :D
2 likesIf you go with the other theory about why scootaloo cant fly, I think it would be more likely that the changeling was the one who was flying poorly, because a changeling wouldnt have the magic wing outline thing you theorized about.
0 likeswhat if he had a twin that was an earth pony? like the flim flam brothers where there is only a slight difference, and the baby cakes where one was a unicorn and the other was a pegasus.
8 likesReplies (2)
But it’s also well accepted in equestria that no two cutiemarks are the same. So no, one of them is a changeling.
2 likeswhat if they are slightly different but no one noticed?
1 likeimagine for a second, look at the scene WHERE YOU SAW the characters in the wedding, any that were there you can cross off because the challenging can’t be them. It’ll cross of bluck, mayor and Lyra for sure from memory but that’s all
0 likesLove the new style pal ✨✨
0 likesAnd u really like your theories too ! I hope we'll find Kevin soon
1:12 I thought diamond tiara was the imposter for a moment but then I got curious as to if she was an earth pony or not so I looked up and I was wrong.
1 likeI'd love a theory on how chrysalis tirek and cozy glow how they'd react to the new equestria
0 likesImagine Kevin was just a random background character thrown in there as a joke/for diversity
2 likesReally cool theory tho
What if, he just after a time of avoiding Pinkie, Kevin just go and speak personally with her, blackmailing her with tell Twilight about Pinkie clones still are alive, or even better, Kevin pass as a Pinkie clone, and Pinkie just protect him thinking is another of her clones.
2 likesВау)Ты всё ещё находишь интересные теории по млп!
1 likeAnother idea. What if he was working with a pony so that they never appeared in the same place twice. Maybe he works as a double agent and switches places with Bon Bon, who is also a spy, and is actually helping the ponies. This could explain why Bon Bon sounded completely different in the first few seasons.
0 likesI will take all of this into consideration. Very interesting perspective on this idea. Thanks for another amazing video Sawtooth!
2 likesI could see it being derpy/ditzy. Since they had to be quite along with being the easiest to be. Have fun be silly and give out muffins along with (even though it had to be done) there voice changing.
0 likes"congrats to everyone who is late to find this comment 🐴"
20 likesReplies (5)
10 likesMe early though
1 like😀💢
1 like@Sawtooth Waves bro stop
0 likesThank you
1 likeI wonder why no pony thought to call the royal guard to capture this rogue changing I mean they reacted pretty crazily when it came to thorax
1 likeMy main takeaways are that the conspiracy is real and Pinkie is all powerful. Thanks for always putting out such fun content!
0 likesAbout a changeling being one of the royal guard, on a real royal guard the star on their chest allows them to open doors for themselves. changelings can't.
1 likeI like the new colours,very nice
1 likeFor the medium Risk of taking a new form I think if Pinkie Pie doesn’t get the details of one pony she probably would keep bugging them until she gets their information, hates, likes, birthday etc., if you put fake information you’re possibly bound to forget the fake details and easy to pull off surprise birthdays, and real details, yeah you’d most likely remember but both still pull off a lot amount of love and care and stuff.
0 likesIt’s also possibly bound to happen that you’d get caught either way, unless you get used to being around love and/or have a strong willpower to resist, it may perhaps be easier to hide as a new pony reducing the chances by a lot.
But one eventually cannot handle with the charades can they? eventually they must be caught, it is inevitable but if you’d been well know enough to eventually be found out as a changeling, maybe ponies would start to trust you and even forgive you? But there’s also the side that they think you’d replace the pony, the same way that happened with Spike and Thorax, unless you reveal to them yourself you are a changeling.
Sure you’d be hated and everything and not well trusted or anything, but if they eventually see you’re not like the other changelings, they might start to trust you again, if you flat out came as a changeling, no doubt the same thing would happen to Zecora before she were well known, if instead every pony didn’t run away and you managed to actually make a friend, they’d possibly might be able to get other ponies to gain your trust.
speaking of Zecora, if she in fact came the day you came by some luck or kept visiting, if she didn’t see you might notice her, and follow her, if you follow her there is a chance that she might welcome you and not be afraid of you, of course you can disguise as a pony as well but most likely get caught by her more easily, but can be well trusted or not, depending on how she catches you
There are many ways this can go, but this is what I’d think what happened with the Medium Risk and how to change it a bit better
Sawtooth Waves: "Fillies, Gentlecolts, and Enbyfolks"
1 likeMe, an Agender: Thank you for acknowledging my existence
Replies (1)
I think Sawtooth is also Enby
0 likesSo is no one gonna talk about how he rocks the new hair colour
40 likesReplies (3)
thank you!!!
11 likes*they
9 likes@Sawtooth Waves try a yellow Mane colour to match Derpy for once
0 likesYou're forgetting that who ever Kevin portrays has to be someone not at the wedding
0 likes2:00 in the video we can see two of the same pony, Daisy Floral (if that’s her name). One in each corner.
0 likesI cant take my eyes off of you now when you chainged your main colour 😍
0 likesI love you
2 likesYou made me see my little pony in a completely different way
I can’t get it out of my head
9:33 funny you should say that,you know how they have background ponies copied throughout the series,I'm starting to think if we keep seeing doubles everywhere in the cowards they could be changeling,sure this is just what all cartoons do they copy characters from crowds but has anyone ever explained that? no,but in MLP we can explain it
1 likePinkie be good at suspicious Games.
5 likesPinkie sus, pinkie pro.
Ok, this confirms my theory of Izzy being exactly like Pinkie Pie.
0 likesThis opens up an entirely new view and wonders.. And.. Love your vids!
0 likesWouldn't it be risky to be star hunter in ponyville though? Kevin wouldn't know this but with star hunter being a pretty good flyer and even trying for the wonder bolts you would think rainbow dash would have known of him. If star hunter showed up with no wings one day then I feel like rainbow would have noticed, in less it was only a few visits and he got lucky.
0 likesyou got the bulk biceps theory backwards. in season 9 episode 25, bulk biceps can naturally fly very well
0 likesLove the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared references XD. "Is anyone real? Does anyone know?" Well, this is what you get for overanalyzing animation errors too much
0 likesIs no one talking about how amazing red hair looks on them!!!!
0 likesPlease keep that hair color, you look amazing! Also great theory
4 likesU have to see this! I saw the full version of the Equestrian map! It even includes the places from g1! Isn't that so crazy?
1 likeWhen you said "IS ANYONE REAL?!" I was laughing hard (an aquarius sometimes thinks that and I'm an aquarius and think that sometimes lol)
2 likesIf I were a changeling, I would go into Ponyville as a persona, intentionally burst into tears when Pinkie Pie barrages me, and get left alone for the rest of my life 🙂👌
1 likeHey in the last problem there is a hidden staned glass window with a grown up sweetie bell and presumably the rest of the CMC I would love to try and find out what they might have done to get a window
0 likesI think you should do another video about alicorns and changelings because that guard has me asking a bunch of questions like if the guard is an actual guard, then how did he become an alicorn, is he related to one of the princesses like Shinning Amor or if he is a changeling then why did he choose to stand out while trying to blind in?
1 likePsst! The new GEN5 series just dropped "Make Your Mark"!
0 likesYou have to watch the first episode (or the season special). Their are sooooo many new theories to discover towards the end of it!
I hope you like it!
oooh hyped for this one!
6 likesYo but why is this color swap lowkey amazing?!
0 likesI like the pink hair and orange bow combo
0 likesIt looked cute on you
Why would Kevin decide to take bulk biceps to the wonderbolts academy? Doesn't sound like the most low profile place to be.
1 likeEdit: Nevermind lol
Theory: Kevin has imitated everyone in the picture at least once
0 likesNow I just wanna know what a roided out changeling would look like
1 likeI kind of feel like the red clashes with your coat, especially with the orange bow. If you were going to change your look maybe go for a white coat with the red hair and maybe make the bow a pink or maybe black
0 likesone day larynx found star twinkle hiding in the back of a tree crying his eyes out. she could see that his older sisters hate him.
0 likesWhat up sawtooth, I have a question that could be a good video idea. It's about MLP: a new generation , how did the ponies of the new gen get there cutie mark when there was no magic. I thinks I already figured this out it's possible something ponies get as they grow naturally like our hair color , eye color or body shape or maybe born ponies are born with cutie mark but naaaa . But I wanna know watch you think , bro hoof!
1 likezecora actually can come in consideration because she lives in the everfree forest
0 likesit's uncanny of her to be there
Whoever is reading this I Pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling or worring about it going to be fine and that everyone has an fantastic day or night stay safe everyone Amen!
1 likeat the end of the day, they might be TWO SPY changelings.
0 likesThink about it:
Chrysalis needs the best information. She dosent have enough time to send her whole army on a spy team. Plus, pinkie would go bonkers trying to know all of the "ponys". Even wierder, they might be a fake duplicate of the original pony.
My conclusion:
She will train most of her army and will send two changelings to a spy duet, being in as many scenes as possible to gather more information.
Hope this might've helped!
Awesome video 👍
6 likesOkay but what if the alicorn guards ARENT an animation error, what if Celestia or someone made them on purpose, to try and create perfect alicorns, and the ones who came out okay are just vibing in the guard to lay low. Think about it, you never ever look at a guard longer than "gold no expression pony do protecc don't talk let them alone to work"
0 likesWho else thinks that Sawtooth is keeping the MLP FiM community alive?
0 likesI love the technical difficulties picture
0 likesNice one sawtooth
6:59 my favorite bit
2 likesIt's very exciting to spot that Pinkie becomes a huge problem... But when you say "better roll the dice once and get it over with", by making new friends you risk that they'd want to throw a party for you and invite people who knew you in your background town. Or when a cutie map envoyee goes to that town they'd be mentioning you... Or when a friendship student comes here?! Honestly Ponyville is NOT a good place to hide, either as a changeling in their ponysona or a mirror pool clone. It's the worst place to be! On the opposite, Canterlot or Manhattan would be easier in my opinion.
1 likeReplies (1)
... Why did I spot Bulk at the start of the video and had the feeling you'd mean him?
0 likesUsing this logic whole equestria could have been changelings, even the princesses (maybe these are changelings that escaped chrysalis and created their own community)
0 likesLook at Rainbows idolizing the wonderbolts. Each member is almost a celebrity and idol up until she joined proper.
0 likesWhat changling wouldn't also want to be a celebrity and feed of all that idolizing love?
Poor sawtooth he always second guessea himself-
10 likesReplies (4)
you have no idea
8 likesThey, Theirself
2 likessaw uses they/then pronouns! <3
1 like@theRCenby sorry i never knew:)
1 likeThis is why illusion magic is in the top 5 most overpowered magics there is because the thing is you can never be sure that what you see isn't an illusion
1 like5:57
1 likeAnyone else notice the two pink ponies with green hair on both the left and the right, are the EXACT same pony??? Does that pony have a twin??? With the same cutie mark???
Another amazing theory ^^
2 likesReplies (2)
thanks!!! and ayye i tagged your royal guard video in the cards >:D
1 like@Sawtooth Waves Oh thanks so much Sawtooth ^^
1 likeJust because someone is a changeling living their life in a pony form, doesn't mean they are not real. They are still themselves, the same creature. Even if Twilight was a changeling adopted by her parents, that wouldn't change anything, she would still be Twilight. Just like when you showed us that you were a changeling years ago. We didn't see you as any different, you are still you
0 likesSawtooth: *saying everything right* also sawtooth: cute but the bow is tacky.
0 likesalso, in season 9 episode 25, bulk biceps can naturally fly very well...
0 likesMaybe you could roll out some ponies depending on whether they were at the wedding or not
0 likesGod I loved that big mac and bulk biceps blooper
0 likesThis video was SOO GOOOD and your hairbow is so cute and wholesome!! Ohmigosh it makes me wanna wear a cute hairbow!!
0 likesWhat if you flip it around a little bit. What if the changeling is the bulk biceps that is having trouble flying. Why would it changeling who's trying to blend in try to join the wonderbolts something that would make them stand out and make it a lot easier for somebody to notice the double.
0 likesOn the other hand any pony that looks at both bicep would automatically assume that both biceps would have a lot of complications with flying if he could even fly at all. Therefore creature that is lacking in how Pegasus magic works might try to overcompensate for that form by pretending like they can't fly.
We know Kevin where there is natural form at Clanky and Matilda's wedding So any pony that pia both in the cord and at the wedding cannot be Kevin
1 like7:00 Me just casually dying of laughing
1 like1:36 why is no one talking about how beautiful that art was?
0 likesDoes anyone have any theories about what happened to the creatures in G5 besides the ponies (changelings, dragons, discord etc)
0 likesSawtooth your mane looks super cute. I wish keep that look 😍😍😍
0 likesSo in forgotten friendship
2 likesWhen twilight and sunset enter the Canterlot library sunset looks at a guard that looks like flash sentry
But he isn’t in the crystal empire
@Sawtooth Waves
I’m confused
Maybe the flash sentry in the crystal empire was the same one in the other world.
y'know, kevin could be also another unknown/not very featured background pony...
0 likesOk with all the mlp stuff you do I’m surprised you haven’t gotten a place in the series, I mean you have your own pony so it would make a lot of sense for them to give you an appearance in an episode
0 likesIt could be anyone of us😨
6 likesYou
Just a hunch😆
Imagine if it was a random person and they forgot to draw star hunter wings 🤭
0 likesVideo idea: in the episode where queen chrysalis (oh gosh is that how you spell it?) Creates clones of the mane six, some of their cutie marks change. AppleJack's apples turn from red to green, and FlutterShy's butterflies turn from pink to blue. None of the other cutie marks change though. Also, everyone's cutie marks become slightly more grey, Other than twilight's, who's cutie mark stays just as colorful as the original. I don't have an idea of why this happened, but a video on it would be interesting! :D
0 likesLove the among us jokes keep up the great work
0 likesHi! There’s been something on my mind recently and it’s been
0 likesIn the episode “magical mystery cure” when all the cutie marks get switched how do they become friends? I may just be overlooking it and rainbow dash is still able to make the rainboom but what’s your opinion?
I really your bow. Looks good on you.
0 likesTy for making good videos 😀
0 likesDuring the song "gonna be my day", Sunny roller blades under a bridge. on the bridge is a sign telling you the height of the bridge- 3.89. Check the scene, the ponies are wayyyy shorter than that- you could calculate their height!!
What if Kevin was always Star Hunter but sometimes just forgets to put on his wings lmao
0 likesthe darker changelin- ahem pony still looks pretty sus tho
2 likesя поражаюсь что ты продолжаешь находить всë новые теории, сохраняя интересное повествование
0 likesI finally found Kevin. It's Swatooth Himself. After the Changeling reformation Swatooth forgot that he was Kevin.
0 likesOr with all of them looking at the player holding the card, most looking shocked. Maybe the card holder is Kevin
0 likesNice vid! Cute bow! Edit: Not tacky... but orange looks good, too!
0 likesDon't worry I bet there is plenty of people that aprecieate a lot all of your among us refrences(including me)
1 likehey sawtooth I was wondering if all of the changlings died after their was no magic in equstria but then thanks to sunny bring back magic to equstria then how would the return of magic also brings back all of the creatures that twilight has met including the revival of the changlings?
0 likesLyra could also been a changeling because she is seen in the first episode in canterlot but is seen later in other episodes in ponyville, so maybe a changeling could've spied on ponies in canterlot and morphed into lyra because they knew that lyra wouldn't have a need to go to ponyville anytime soon, and twilight doesn't remember lyra because back then she was more into books than friends XD.
0 likesYou can check the actual episode of cranky"s wedding, and see which pony isn't there, then go by process of elimination
0 likesWell maybe Bulk biceps really WAS the changeling. But Imagine the real one was with the Bolts and the changeling Just wasnt used to fly with all the extra weight!?
0 likesDon’t mind me just binge watching your videos😗
1 likeI'm not sure about Bulk Beiceps being Kevin simply because if a changing were to infeltrate equestrian military training I don't think they would choose to disguise themselves as Bulk Beiceps a ony who would certainly draw attention. The flying differences between the wonder bolts academy and the equestria games could be explain by Bulk Beiceps simple getting stronger making him heavier and making flying for him much harder.
0 likesYeah no, unless changeling blood ALSO has a high enough alcohol content to be flammable, they're not Berry.
0 likesmy opinion is bulk biceps didn't make the final cut at the wonder bolts for
0 likessome reason or something happened and couldn't fly very well anymore?
either way Im not going to over think it :p
Awesome and cool! ^_^
5 likesLet me say something what if STAR HUNTER WAS A CHANGELING FROM THE BEGINING AND ANOTHER CHANGELING BECAME BULKY BISAPS THINK ABOUT IT He must have wanted to play around play with pony’s biggest fears by sometimes making noticeable differences and again its strange that chrisislas would have got 2 but it’d be better then one so the other can help the other if they got in trouble
1 likeMaybe the clip where bulk was having trouble flying was a changing cuz they weren’t used to itty bitty wings? Luv ur vids! Also like the hair!💕✨
0 likesLove it. Never noticed bulk biceps difference before. In mlp game I have seen Scootaloo flying. But she can’t
0 likesAwesome video
5 likesInteresting video sawtooth waves!
0 likesThe only pony on that card that doesn't appear in the wedding episode is star hunter. All points other than star hunter are in both episodes so we can assume it's starhunter.
0 likesI haven’t watched it but this video is way longer than normal so cool
2 likesSweet Video Sawtooth, I love it so if you don't mind me asking do you think you could do another theory on My Little ponies Equestria Girls please
0 likesthe military force does have a lot of love as far as I know
0 likesThey are very focused on teamwork and caring :)
Did it EVER occur to you that, that changeling might have been ocellus?
1 likeReplies (4)
It's not her.
0 likesOkay, if that's true then what did Ocellus looked like before she became a reformed changeling?
0 likesi suppose it's possible! we dont know if ocellus reformed with the rest or before or what
0 likesHave we at least seen what she looked like before she was reformed? As in what she looked like when all the changelings still had the "same appearances", like how we saw in the season 2 finale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugoK4BwelUY&list=PLZJ2nWdT9cIL3Ni4Yf2JmGFMM7pa5zGTF&index=10
0 likesI have a crazy theory about Pinkie Pie. Don't you remember the video for the astral wings and horn for Sunny? Maybe Pinkie Pie is an Alicorn! Without visible wings and horn at least. Cheese Sandwich is another mystery. 🤔If Pinkie was affected by the chaos magic of discord, how do you explain Cheese!? I think that Cheese is an Alicorn, too. A crazy theory, I know. But just consider it for once.🧐
0 likesThe changeling your talking about isn't KEVIN it is THORAX .It is clearly said the episode when Spike makes a changeling friend.
1 likeHe could be anyone of us! He could be in this very room! He could be you! He could be me! He could even-
1 likeWait wait, why is sakura in the pony town by the way? And even inside really many pony else? I thought she like to stay in her home more ...
2 likes6:27
Could you do a video about who is sunny's mom is? or who is Lizzy parents are
6 likesMaybe Kevin is all of them. That is all the pony’s that he can look like.
0 likesA 14 Min Video! You spoil us sawtooth!
3 likesThat reminds me of in my school vr game where if you play as goalius during the mission called a great calamity during the boss fight against the ultimate dark gundam boss theres a bit where you see handsome Jake about kill her own daughter angel but goalius recognise something Pacificly he mentioned that handsome Jake was killed 590 day's ago which exposed him as a Io changeling named boltshock a name used for killavolts twin brother anyway once that done goalius ultimately trapped him by tripping the devil gundam over
1 likeTo know look to see who was at the wedding, the changeling was not in a pony form so who is not there that is in that picture would narrow it down or even give u the answer
0 likesMLP team: possibly just animation errors somewhere.
1 likeFans: Changeling spies!
Ok. Hear me out here. What if chaotic pinkie pie, STAYED that way? And she was never defeated.
0 likesWhat would she do? How would she rule? Would she be defeated by twilight? What would happen?
Think about it.
2:32 That makes sense.
6 likesbut you can't see bulks wings either? and from what i know don't the ponies wings fold up it could be that star hunters wings are just folded where as bulk we just straight up can't see them.
1 likeI watched an episode recently where Minuette was an earthpony. Was that Kevin?
0 likesThe mlp story writers who just forgot to keep insignificant things consistent: 😳
0 likesHere's a theory idea:
1 likeWhy were there cutie Mark's in mlp g5 when there was no magic. In mlp friendship is magic we have seen that no magic no cutie mark. Than why was there a cutie mark on sunny,izzy,pip,hitch and sprout
What about the love paradox a changeling will turn into changeling if they smell love
1 like6:15 "Time to investigate a pony I overlooked!" Facebook ad plays
0 likesA changeling spy that's kind of makes sense though that makes sense why that way that Changeling would appeared at cranky and Matilda's wedding Maybe that Kevin may not have been who he claimed to be
1 likeI saw the same pony twice on the card though😅edit the pony that you think was a changeling spy but the changelings may want the love that wonderbolts get
0 likesCould changlings still be able to change after they have reformed?
0 likesOk I just had an idea. If the castle appeared BEFORE Starlight was reformed and she knew a transformation spell she could turn herself into one of the pony’s but she would only know what the few she saw in pony vill looked like. She could have seen the castle! She would have seen the castle mapped it out to find the map! It’s just an idea also feel free to think about it your maybe the only pony theorist I know and I like the theory’s you come up with!
0 likesWhat happened to changelings in the events that happened in the Mlp 5G movie? Did they regain their magic? Do you think that they were stuck in the forms they were in at the moment the magic disappeared, and, if any were in a pony form, do you think their descendants, if any, would have/gain their powers when the magic returned? And do you think that the crystals would return magic to Grogar's bell? If it was under the sea because the light house crumbled, AND I KNOW I SAW GROGAR'S BELL IN THE LIGHT HOUSE IN THE MLP 5G MOVIE AND TRAILER, so it's magic could have returned.. and, Grogar, probably released from whatever prison he was in because it was probably magical, could find it? Anyway, can you imagine waking up in the morning, and looking... different?
0 likesThe mind boggles at thought of all this
0 likesAm I the only one to realized that one of the Dazzlings looks a lot like starlight glimmer
0 likesDon't mind me, just time-stamping 6:59 for... uh... no... obvious reasons...
1 likeThe derpy error screen was so cute-
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesKeep going with those amogus jokes I Iove it
0 likesTHIS IS IMPORTANT, Sawtooth Waves! Netflix now has a new 3D MLP animation G5, Chapter 1...
1 likeYOU NEED TO CHECK IT OUT if you haven't
Also consider the other two ponies who we saw twice in one scene in the wonderbolts academy
0 likesWhat if there are multiple changeling colonies, just like with ants?
0 likesfor me i would switch those around 9:22
0 likesWow...just wow
1 likeI'm having trouble comprehending this 😅
3:28 , Da Rules, classic Fairly Oddparents, Pinkie can easily defy.
1 like7:00
1 likeMy fav part XD
0 likesAlright, slow down you'll lose your voice box.
I also saw Star Hunter as an Earth Pony during Twilight Coronation
0 likesI don't think this is even a coincidence rn
The part where we see the royal guards, some actually have wings and a horn... Are they alicorns too?
0 likesWell... at one point he did say "What? I wear many hats."
0 likesplease leave this "hair" color, it's so good
0 likesJust guessing maybe the changling is lemon hearts because the live in canterlot and a few minutes earlier this scene tirek was destroying everything in his was as he got alicorn magic then main six stopped him , so any pony who live in canterlot will not be able to reach form canterlot to Ponyvill in just few minutes so maybe in the time of canterlot attack Kevin had seen lemon hearts and transformed into lemon hearts ok i know my theory is a little messy but it's making sense
0 likesI'd love if you kept the color
0 likesI love the among us catch!
1 likeHere's a theory to why Bulk Biceps flew good in one but was terrible in the other. He flew good enough to be involved in some activities to keep a close eye on the ponies. But in the other he flew terrible or had a tough time getting off the ground because he did want to look to good at flying to as if he was a pro, so ponies would take notice or wouldn't draw to much attention to himself. So he could be putting on an act to show that he is still learning but that he does have some skill. and or that he caught himself being to good so later he made himself look like he is struggling to fly.
0 likesI definitely think pinkie pie would be able to spot a changeling no matter who they change into
0 likesI dunno.. Starhunter is still.. to sus to contain my urge to vote him ou- I MEAN ask QUESTIONS
0 likesKevin's probably booked biceps because we have more reasoning that he could have been both biceps instead of star something and so that's my evidence that he is probably both bicep instead of star
0 likesalso changelings can give or remove wing or horns at anytime you forgot that in the last video
0 likesIf bulk biceps was a changlying he probably is the one with flying dificulty, becouse bulk biceps probably is good at flying becouse he have lived all his life with small wings and know how to deal with it, but changelyng bulk dont know how to fly with to small wings
2 likes(Ps: idk how to write changilyng)
Replies (1)
bulk was practicing for the equestria games, a very big and public event that the real bulk would notice if a doppleganger participated in. the equestria games arc took place over episodes so the timespan doesn't work for kevin well either
2 likesWhat if everyone is a changeling and the only real pony is star hunter
1 likeI will never get over the fact that your friend on Discord is named "Paw Petrol"
1 likeWhat if Derpy is a changeling? She's had multiple different voices, her eyes can't seem to decide if they want to be normal or derped. Not many ponies would associate with Derpy, as she has a reputation for being accident prone, and clumsy.
0 likesReplies (1)
She's not a changeling, and her eyes have always been that way.
0 likesI would not be surprised if she did send them shes amazing like that-
0 likesSawtooth is MLP’s version of MatPat
1 likeI was so dismissive until I saw the ending.
Collect your ticket
Sawtooth you're hurting my brain with your theories congrats
And yes I'm editing this while watching the video don't just judge.
Not gonna lie but u look good with red ☺👍
1 likeOkay I guess photo finish was a silly guess but I think you REALLY went off track on this video.
0 likesOne of these days you need to say “But hey that’s just a theory, a film theory”
0 likesIt's derby! She has barley be notice and when shown she normally says a little talk or
0 likesJust be quite
I like your furious I do believe your fairies I do like how you make really good furious and also I like My Little pony 🐴 so I like your content because I like theories
3 likesMy mate got a voice that reminds me of Thorax.
0 likesI have a question that needs answering- when tirek stole magic from the ponies their cutie marks disappeared. In the new generation if magic is gone why do they have cutie marks? If anyone knows plz tell me
0 likesThis actually makes sense lol
0 likesFinally finding the Impostor Amongus
1 likeBro- Sorry i was in the wrong place when that photo was taken- (I am also a changeling)
3 likesCan you do a video about what would have happened if we saw the CMC with their special_somepony in the MLP FIM show like Applebloom X Tender_Taps, Sweetie_Belle X Button_Mash and Scootaloo X Rumble?
0 likes7:00 had a little bit of trouble here
1 likeRed fits you 😁
0 likesNOTKevin was the Impostor
2 likesFeels illegal to be 5 minutes early
3 likes5:30
1 likeThis. Was so frikkin adorable
Replies (1)
ahhhhh glad u likee!!!! <3
0 likesPsst... Technically, those are both the same card, it's just that the one with the crowd was a promo variant...
0 likesThe Redish Mane looks nice on you
0 likesWhat is actually Kevin never actually left pony to change your invasion it was still there after fail he just morphed another so imagine if he wasn’t fun since he was still in a ponytail so that means
0 likesthis video is also very but very interesting just so on. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂👍👍👍👍👍
4 likeswhen u zoomed into the royal guard talking about differences when changelings change i saw a alicorn guard-
1 likeEquestria's/Canterlot's royal guards are a lie. They are all changelings, that's why they are so terrible at fighting back the changelings because they are or would just be fighting their own kind. So they didn't really fight back but put on an act. That's why Equestria/Canterlot fell so easily and so quickly. But they didn't foresee the power the ponies had to stop the invasion.
0 likesamazing i didnt think that a anhoter changeling whold be there .love Yor vids.can yo make a video about how the tribes seperetited and how they forgot twilight. Yor awsome!!!!love Yor mane btw ,its cute!!!🥳❤️♥️💓💕💞❣️💖💗🦄🌠🌈🌷👑💝
1 like♥️
4 likesMaybe bulk biceps has a twin called bull triceps?😂
0 likesBoth big bulk and big biceps-
0 likesNailed it
Hey bi boy
0 likesI always wondering what happened to the changelings who replaced the mane 6,canterlot's princesses and and the crystal empire mumbers? I mean.. Did 'all' the changelings have reformed? What I mean is, well, Starlight has reformed them with no magic at all but all of this happened while the other changelings replacing the powerful ponies.
And if Chrysalis is thier mother.. Why doesn't she have new generations?
Well, If this theory is true they might be gone on thier way or they have abondoned thier mother..
Bulk Mac and Big biceps, Good one.
2 likesReplies (1)
you try saying it!!
1 likeI love your vids you the best MLP theories like there soo 👍
3 likesKevin has to be star hunter because they were there right after the changeling attack at cadences in shining armor’s wedding and maybe they didn’t change into a changeling and he didn’t get banished and/or is a spy from queen Chrysalis and had no choice but to stay undercover. Just my opinion tho.
0 likesi spent a few mins and i found 4 ponys that might be the changeling there not 100% clones but there in the 90s 4:45
0 likeshey sawtooth, i see at the chapter 1 of mlp a new generation , i see THE NEW villan . Can you make a video about this mysterious villan
1 likeWhy you have a red mane and tail at the end
3 likesReplies (1)
watch the whole video and find out!!!
1 likeQuestion: what came first the egg or Chrysalis
0 likesYa notice ? There's a second pony . Amaythist. So why would a changeling copy them ? They where quite well known before twilight came to ponyville... the 2nd amethyst has a difrent eye colour. Contacts ? No , we don't have anny indication of contracts existing. Though amethyst #2 has a slightly difrent mane colour. Could they be related? Well yes. And no. We don't know. Siblings don't always look like the parents or each other. E.g twilight and shinning armor. Apple siblings. So why?
1 likeSawthooth waves I think that in one of your old vids when you thorized about the time line starlight and twilight we’re in I think it is a cozyglow timeline hashtag the pony extaiton timeline
0 likesI have a suggestion, so the unicorn who was Sunset Shimmer’s sidekick was in the picture with the many ponies. And I know you know that that pony belonged in the human world, and it wouldn’t make sense if that sidekick was there, since it was a while later after Twilight became a princess when Sunset Shimmer stole Twilight’s crown, so it would make sense if the pony sidekick was a changeling, and hey, maybe Pinkie Pie had met the sidekick before, maybe the Pinkie in the human world was a clone of Pinkie from the mirror pond, and somehow the memories of the human pinkie had collaborated with the pony Pinkie, making the pony Pinkie remembering the sidekick.
3 likesWait. What happens to the replacement changelings while starlights group was at the hive? When there real versions got back did they defeat them? What happend.
0 likesThanks for the party pinkie! 😅
0 likesIf I had a Cutie mark it would be 2 because I like Singing and Creating shows so yeah 🤣 there would musical note on one side and a Pencil and paper on the other side.
1 likeThis is a big brain moment
1 likeNoice
4 likesReplies (2)
Noice 👍🏻😁
1 likeCongrats, you’re first
0 likesWhat about Dr Hooves or Derpy? Their personalities and vocies had changes through the episodes!
0 likesReplies (1)
For Derpy, it was because soccer moms thought she was offensive in her debut episode, due to her voice and her name. As for Dr. Hooves, he never had a confirmed voice or personality.
1 likeI thought it was the all purple pony in the back standing next to star hunter since there's the same all purple pony in the front and the one in the back has red eyes instead of purple and they look the exact same
0 likesWoah another changeling!
1 likeOmg- there he is!
2 likesI'M EARLY😄
3 likesWhat if we’ve been looking at the origanel human sunset all along! In an old video you said sunset home was in the human world! Maybe your theory in that video was the other way around
0 likesMight sound stupid but I never actually noticed Bulk only speaking a few words like Big Mac. Now that I do, though, I think I’ve just found my new BroTP.
0 likesits very hard to choose but i would think star hunter because in the video: best gift ever star hunter was an earth pony and then a pegasus after. watch and look
1 likeReplies (1)
i think this means kevin is still in ponyville
0 likesthere was probably 2 changlings
0 likesI don't think it's Star Hunter because, if you look at his flank in that picture on the card, it's sort of pointy. If you look at any regular earth pony in that same picture, their flanks are completely rounded. His wings could have been folded. Although it could still be Star Hunter, and Kevin just mimicked him perfectly, after listening to Sawtooth's theory, I'm convinced that Kevin was camouflaged as Bulk Biceps instead of Star Hunter, but maybe the time that Bulk wasn't flying well was the time that Kevin was impersonating him. Maybe I'm wrong and going crazy, but that's just what I think. Btw, I love the new hair Sawtooth!
3 likesi realised that there was an alicorn guard at 11:55
0 likesI think bulk biceps just got a lot more buffer so he could not lift himself as well as before
0 likesHere is an idea for a video. What if every world had it’s own discord but the discord we know destroyed them or sent them to another world. And maybe he wasn’t originally from Equestria but destroyed it’s discord and then stayed there. That would explain why his home isn’t found anywhere in Equestria.
0 likesI hope you reach to 1M subscriber
1 likeYour videos are so good that I got addicted to it
Will they reply to my comment 👁👁
3 likesReplies (1)
perhap >:3
2 likesI think they could have totally been Derpy too because they’re personally is already all over the place. XD
0 likesWhat if it was Photo Finish in the group photo? Since when does she live in Ponyville?
0 likesi just assume that kevin got bored, and wanted to join the wonderbolts lol
0 likesLuna: Uhm, Celestia?
0 likesCelestia: Yes?
Luna: Why is this guard an alicorn?
Celestia: I dunno, let’s keep him tho
4 likesNew game for MLP fans: Can you spot the Kevin?
0 likesIf you look closer at the Pegasus you can see that he has wings
0 likesThe AMONGUS bit was perhaps the most unexpected joke of this chanel and I'm 100% up for it again
0 likesyour social credit goes down by 9000000 everytime you say amogus
0 likesHi
3 likesAll right who’s ready to go find the spy?
0 likesPlot twist:sawtooth has been kevin the whole time
1 likeWe may never know. Something will never be answered.
1 likeSawtooth Waze I think the calendar is of therapy because she is a Pegasus I remember her being a Pegasus would go to glow drained magic and she’s trying to deliver mail I remember that so I remember her being a Pegasus so please look at that again of Kevin in that card
0 likesHi
3 likes...I think its Dipsy Doo. I mean shes even labeled as a feather brain. Kevin could pull any kind of feather brained shenanigans and everyone would just chock it up to Dipsy being Dipsy.
0 likesHey sawtooth know this is really random and I’m not sure if you’re still doing Siri is on generation four of my little pony but I know there’s something really weird and I’m wondering if you can do a theory on it I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but when his wings Celestia‘s wings twilights means all stayed the same color throughout that is growing up so how come Kayden says they started out fully pink but when she got bigger there’s like a purple ombre going on
1 likeRandom therory unrelated to the video but i think Hitch (from Gen 5) is related to fluttershy
1 likeSawtooth Waves sees a drawing mistake. a few days later
3 likesEdit: I thought I was first
0 likesThis has driven me insane
Do you remember when you sent on a mission when you were a bad changeling
1 likeThey need a ladybird cutie mark
0 likesBulk is in the middle of card though, right?
0 likesFIRST
3 likesCan I just question what happened to the changeling? They aren't in the new series
0 likesHey sawtooth I just finished My little pony make your mark and apparently earth pony's have magic and theres a new villan also the magic gitches when pony's from all tribes don't get along
0 likesI honestly thought it was the dark greyish-purple with white hair poney by zicora because I used to watch mlp A LOT and I didn’t recognize him
0 likesSawtooth can u look into the fact that if magic did fade in equetria queen crisiliss t-reck and cosyglow would have been freed
0 likesO and also can changlings discuise as reformed changlings
Hello :)
3 likesI think you ARE right about this Kevin thing.
0 likesSo we're at it with the Twilight Sparkle vs Queen Chrysalis War again? This rivalry is almost like Batman vs Joker, they ended with season 9 because they got rid of Chrysalis and without her twilight would mean nothing else and have no other purpose but always friendship and being with her friends. Even though she'll live pass her friends she will always have to make one's again and again plus she has Celestia, Luna and Cadance. We don't get to see much of Twilight's life without Chrysalis afterwards so what purpose does Twilight have saving others from her arch nemesis, without nobody to continue the legacy with her except the alicorns, does this make Twilight's life boring now?
0 likesYou tend to overthink animation errors lol
0 likesRemember when chrysalis took over equestrian when starlight time traveled?
0 likesYou look good sawtooth
0 likesWhat if it's something like he made he own perona but also became star hunter or any other pony to participate in other events like becoming someone to go undercover in the wonderbolts for only some time if your persona is a earthpony or unicorn.
0 likesFunny episode with funny bloopers
2 likesIf we aren’t pointing at sashaflash, we haven’t heard of the integration fanfic
0 likesPonies be two different coats colors? A fairy for you.
0 likesyour videos make me happy
0 likesi thought bulk biceps had a sports injury lol
0 likesWhat happened to the change wings , the dragons , hippogriffs/Sea-ponies , yaks in G5 my little pony?
0 likesI love this video so much!
0 likesLike, the background music, pinkie pie,
Very good video
I love the long video!!
0 likesWhat even happened to the changings and other species in the new generation?
0 likes0:54 I like the among us joke
1 likeAh crap, Cazadors. Welp when in doubt; RIOT SHOTGUN OUT.
0 likesSo cute in that bow. Wait. Patreon call??
0 likesstill figuring what if the 'queen twilight' entered the equistria gurl world . if she will be aged and became like principal celestia or she is still as a teenager in high????
0 likesWhat if Kevin just fugitive like Torax?
0 likes"Bulk Mac and Big Biceps"
2 likesPlot twist: eveypony is a channeling hiding from one another
1 like11:49 don’t the them an excuse to their animation errors! 😂😂
0 likeswhy would thorax say he has a brother when all the changelings are his siblings. really thorax is a disapointment.
0 likesCan you make more videos on the new My Little Pony generation 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄
1 likeWhat if that one pinkie clone is actually a changeling?
0 likesI think it might derpy cuz “she’s not normal”
1 likeSawtooth can you do a video analyzing what happened to the mane 6 in mlp make your mark?
0 likesWhat if Derpy was a spy?
0 likesWhat if it was bon bon Ik she wasn’t in the picture but throughout the show she’s had like 10 different voices so throughout s1-s6 she sent different changlings everyone and then to see how chrysalis could invade
1 likeDerpy doesn’t have wings in the second picture
0 likespart of a theory I had about that was true(maybe) :o pog
0 likesyeahhhh definitely a rabbit hole completely unescapable that's pretty much any theory
5:44 Oops! All changelings
0 likesexcept his wings ARE visible in that picture, but because there folded against his side its easy t misconstru what your seeing, that blue bit overlaping his tail is his wing shoulder.
0 likesReplies (1)
i went into more detail on this in my last kevin video, but no there are no wings there. you can see the pegasi's folded wings at that angle, but all you can see on star hunter is their hip, just like other known earthponies at that angle.
0 likes9:32 This reminds me of the sentimonster theory from Miraculous XD
0 likesAnother changeling ep Yay🐞! But aww I want an among us bit a well it's always next time...
1 likeSussy baka. >:)
I was not expecting this lol
0 likesI remember when people called Bulk Biceps Snowflake.... I miss those times...
0 likesI knew it was Zecora she lost her eyelashes
0 likesdid you see the grey royal guard in the minute 14:02 he is a chageling i think cuz he smiled and the guards dont smile
0 likesthis was uploaded on my birthday! like a b-day treat
0 likesI went from watching technoblade, to world of tanks, to this lol
0 likeslike i diddent expect major spoilers from this video but i need to stop this and return to my show watching spreadsheet
0 likesCan you find out which other mlp character could still be alive during mlp new gen, I know there are vids about that but I'd like you opinion on it, and alao your my fav mlp theorist💜
0 likesIf you look closely the one next to apple bloom is a copy to the one at the back
0 likesThis is like a full scale investigation
0 likesHonestly hard to say because what was stopping Kevin from sucking the love out of every pony in the wedding of cranky and Matilda it wouldn’t make any logical sense if Kevin did nothing unless he wanted to try to get love ?????
0 likesMy little pony released a new series so much more info and proof that u r never wrong
1 likeI just realized you had wings
2 likesReplies (1)
heck yeah
1 likeI Saw an Tooth at the ocean Waves
1 likeWait a minute What if you don’t want to live in Ponyville then It would’ve been so much easier to make a pony from scratch and not have pinkie having to know everything because she lives in Ponyville
0 likesLet's just say they're all changelings
0 likesOKAY here is my theory. NOT ONE changeling is in equestria BUT TWO ARE! one is Kevin, and the other is some other changeling JUST IN CASE ONE BLOWS THEIR COVER-
0 likesLooks like we’ll never know or will we:/🤨🥸🧐
0 likesOops all Changelings. Lol.
0 likesI like this theory.
Maybe Keven was bolk in the wonder bolt academy and star hunter in that pic
0 likesWhat if Kevin came to Ponyville before Pinkie moved in with the cakes?
0 likesWhat if Kevin just doesn’t like flying and he assumed the buff guy was bad at flying or something
0 likeswait but at wedding in town hall weren't both of them present at the same time?
0 likesCan you do a new cutie mark analysis video please
0 likeswhat if where were more than just the changeling we know of!!! There could have beena group of changeling training at the military take the queen down but the queen would know and do what she to the princesses or they just didn't notice or she just thought that they can't beat her!!! and the spy thing was correct but the spy were looking and not going!!!
1 likethat is what I think ♥️♥️♥️
I have a question for you who is Hacard we only heard about him once
0 likesHappy pride month sawtooth
1 likeWhat if Derpy was/is Kevin?
0 likesI literally don't understand how you can spot these things- I was just watching mlp like a normal person then saw this and went back to that episode-
0 likesmy brain has blown up 💀💀
2 likesi saw something strange with one of the gaurds the one with the horn weellll i saw wings also with the pony
0 likesI think I heard morph from Villains Ep , nice touch, 👍😊 my god , Villains Ep is now 6 years old, that’s crazy 😜
1 likeReplies (2)
ikr, im ancient 0___o
1 like@Sawtooth Waves lol 😂 not really
1 likeBut when tirek absorb his Pegasus wing power when he was a good flyer he was still him otherwise he would have turned into a changeling
0 likesbut what about the duplicates in the crowd? the purple one at the very top is the same one as the purple one in the front next to Applebloom!
0 likesReplies (1)
Hasbro is known for reusing pony models in their flash cartoons.
0 likesIDEA!!! What if you count every type of animal on discord refers to your video about discord and then count the opposite of the animal and what they mean to show why he was chaos A cutiemark of chaos.
0 likesBut then what happend to the cutiemark of chaos when he learned about friendship in the end of season 4
Did it mix up is that why he started to fade in those episodes is discord made from coincidence? if you include this in a video i will cry of happiness im a huge fan. also in this episode what if it is a editing mistake
Heheheh the special was…….. special. I was only interested in the last few minutes of the episode.
0 likesLOALFASDSAS it would absolutely be easier to be someone else, there are so many doppelgangers in ponyville!! just look at almost every crowd frame!!!!!
0 likesSawtooth have you seen the New Generation Series?
0 likesBulk can get better overtime
0 likesThe blue one i suspect
0 likesSawtooth, can you pls explain my question of why Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are said to be sisters but have different parents? Thanks!!!
0 likesThat was good Mega sauce perfect
0 likesbulk has longer wings in the picture
0 likesThank you for the megasus joke
0 likesThere is 1 Changeling among us
1 likeCool video bro!
1 likeOr they just forgot the wing?…..
0 likesDid anyone else notice the pony staring straight at the "camera" in the picture? I think that's Kevin
0 likesReplies (1)
Other ponies are also staring at the camera.
0 likesI did not know people made theories on a five-year-old kid show it’s never that serious
0 likesWAIT WAIT I HAVE THE PERFECT THEORY Maybe "kevin" is you and you are theorising so you don't get suspected and your real name is kevin but you just have a secret name ?👀(which is sawtooth)
0 likesIs Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine should be in canterlott?
0 likesI think star hunter is an actual changeling , there is no actual star hunter
1 likeMy favorite mlp youtuber! But,What if Pinkie is a changling? Everytime a new person comes to ponyville shes sees how much love they have? And if the real Pinkie Pie got zapped and then a fake Pinkie came,witch was a changling.Maybe Chrisilas has the real Pinkie Pie.
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesRequest theory what happened to flurry heart?
0 likesI love all of your vids they make me so happy ps I'm not the dude in the pic I'm his daughter but still your so funny
0 likesSeriously bro you look so' adorable with the bow wanna collaborate with me
1 likePoor sawtooth he got confused oof 😂
0 likesMaybe it is lyra . When twilight was a foal she was an earth pony.
0 likesWhat if the blue ones is just an animation error
0 likesYou should do a video about if there is a dark version of princess Cadence
0 likesMlp series have alot of errors like desapere wings in a frame...ecc star ....whater culd have an error and because the back ground show its less visibile the company say :yea ...no one will notices unless they see that frame again and again.
1 likeDont know if you undestand what in saying
Start of the vid:
1 likehuh? lol what if its derpy
Middle of the vid:
wait,he's not saying what i think he is saying
End of the vid:
Oh and 1 even see in the "true true friend " episode, there is 3 pony in there not have uni mark!!!
2 likesam i the only one who wants to say "check who wasn't at the wedding" like- sawtooth!! just check who couldn't be seen at the wedding vs who was in the Kevin image! compare! whoever is left that wasn't at the wedding must be Kevin
0 likesI think the gray unicorns are changelings
0 likesWhy did you ignore the other female ponies on the card ( afterall changelings can take male and female form's) although maybe the name Kevin threw you off ( but you are a changeling)
0 likesMrs. McAllister: "....KEVIN!!!"
0 likesfaints.
don't mind me just using the idea of a reformed changling spy as a oc concept-
0 likesThis is mysterious, very mysterious. 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
1 likeI think its thorax the reformed changling
0 likesThe life of an imposter but this imposter is super good at disguises or star hunter was an error
0 likes“The less reckognisable you are the higher risk”
0 likescause small towns are just like that?
“Because P I N K I E!”
It's both bulk biceps and star hunter alright... because at the battle with the three villains bulk biceps can fly ~goooddd so he is definitely one of the ponies that the changeling took.
0 likesKevin was not at the wedding to eat love. If he were we would see it happen and he wouldn't have been invited. He is "friends" with Cranky. I use friends lightly because the two probably wouldn't call it that as Cranky doesn't like friends and changelings aren't supposed to have friends. Also he has no physical changes of giving love.
0 likesAren't you a changeling?
1 likeChangelings have Pony-sonas confirmed
0 likesAyo thanks for the changeling advice for me ;]
1 likeReplies (1)
(not like it matters since I’m not a changeling hehehh..)
0 likesYouTube is more of a hobby than what do you do in your free time.
0 likesIt would be funny if everyone in equestria was a changeling
0 likesi swear, you solving mlp is like matpat solving fnaf
0 likeswhat if the changeling isn't reformed when they first meet chrysalis they are launched all over
0 likeshey sawtooth. do you want me to tell you a theory idea I have in the form of a riddle
0 likesmirror pool. everyone in that card is kevin
2 likesReplies (1)
celestia have mercy
0 likesImagine: You are changeling. Analyse Changeling tactic of disguise.
0 likesMe: Nice changeling xd
I totally think you should keep that color hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesHave you guys watched make your mark? The first episode is out!!!!
1 likeLook, sawtooth, I know this is a very odd request but hear me out. I want u to make a theory about….. rainbow dash being gay. Like I said, hear me out. This is a very thought provoking question. It would be huge for mlp fans all over the globe. Just think about it. It would be so interesting to see what her sexuality actually is when u look and see all these sus signs on her. Rainbow mane, her behaviors, the way she acts if you pay attention just that can help u figure it out. It’s just so interesting think about it?
0 likesReplies (1)
she and applejack are basically wives by the end of the show so id say very likely
0 likesplot twist: sawtooth went there
0 likesThere is a changeling in buckball season . A white unicorn has star hunter's cutie mark
0 likesHey guys how are we sure that this Sawthoot
0 likesIs tha REAL Sawthoot huh?
I was today years old when I found out that twilight's an canterlot pony-
0 likes2:41 *Vsauce music starts playing*
0 likes7:00 tounge twister
0 likesi love the vid
0 likesCan you do a theory video about what would happen if Twilight Sparkle was better off with either Comet_Tail or Stygian cause I think Flash_Sentry is better off with Sunset_Shimmer? Would she have an Alicorn child with one of them?
0 likesWhat if it was one of the school ponies switched at birth like silver spoons or heck even scootalo
0 likesmwohahahahha. I'm the changling all along xD
0 likesAren’t you a changeling? Why can’t you ask him???
0 likesThat’s very cool
0 likesI cant believe I predicted this Pinkie Paradox. I started writing a book about my changeling. In the earlier chapters he gets greeted by Pinkie Pie first thing and he noticed Pinkie Pie going from Happy Newcomer to like, wait, I don't recognize you from ANYWHERE in Equestria. A few chapters later she had Apple Jack find where I lived and had her spy on me, because you know Apple Jack doesn't lie. He was found out for being a changeling 2 chapters later and was almost killed on sight, because it was during an upcoming pony changeling war. He eventually was able to convince the mane 6 that he was on their side to act as a changeling spy for the ponies, which was true. I did this back in 2017 because I knew Pinkie Pie would do something like this.
0 likesReplies (1)
Looking further into your video, I also wrote in my book in 2017 that the changelings have disguised themselves as royal guards, and to avoid being blown away by the love that threw all the changelings out of Canterlot during the Royal Wedding, they simply laid low on outside patrols and in Ponyville, where most of them stayed. Discovering this is what made them trust my changeling, because no normal changeling would diss his fellow changelings like that.
0 likesLove it Haha
0 likesMega Plot twist Pinkie is a Changling and always has been 😂
0 likesPinkie isn’t real >:3
I love tour vidoes
1 likeIs nothing wrong to be a changeling there amazing mythical creature you could find changelings on Google and how so many different species of changelings
0 likesIf you liked this video, like this video - Sawtooth Waves 2022
0 likesYou’re a changeling you should know!!!
0 likesWow can you make a episode were on how nightmare moon banished celestia to the moon.
1 likeI don't know why. But I think it's Durpy she is the mail pony.
0 likesKeep the red
0 likesThis is the best thing in history on YouTube
0 likesim dying over the struggle to speak here 6:59
0 likesOkay this isn't about the vid but I found out that twilight made a grand entrance in the new my little pony "make your mark" plus there is another alicorn in the show so dose that mean there has to at least be a queen and princess🤔, but I guess you already knew🤷♀️
0 likesWhat if the first time it was spy 1.0 and then he was replaced by someone else???
0 likesSawtooth do you like among us? <33
1 likeMe: "HIM!" *Zooms into the one I choose as he said "It might not be the one I thought" * Me: "Fuck.."
0 likesI think the thing that starhunter doesnt have wings is rather An animation error
0 likesHere's what I think... But I'm going to put it into a song! Cuz it's gonna get a little weird , gonna get a little wield! I ain't from round here! I'm from another DiMenSion!
0 likesDerpy has no wings in the pic, too...
0 likesReplies (1)
She does; they're folded up at her sides.
0 likes6:59 both bulk mac-
1 likeI have nothing to say
0 likesDon't mind me, just watching 😃✌️
In episode pinkie pride at the end star hunter was seen as a earth pony
0 likesThis was a little all over the place and now I am confused
0 likesCouldn't we just check everyone in the Crankytilda wedding and check who wasn't there?
1 likeReplies (1)
that could work,but then again that wouldn't help solve the trading card mystery especially since all cartoons love to make copies of background characters
1 likeThe Kevin theory
2 likesMy little pony a show for kids Ahhh~ yes they have a Military How nice for children to know that word 👍
0 likesI really like your bi flag
0 likesHi sawtooth I am a big fan !
0 likesAlso star twinkle was the youngest child and only son of Queen galaxy and king cosmos plus flame and fire were the youngest children and only set of twins of Queen matchstick and king tourch.
0 likesReplies (1)
Not canon.
0 likesWhy was Photo Finish in the picture? She doesn't live there. Coincidence? Maybe.
0 likesfilly colts and enby folks is so GOOD
0 likesthe obvious plot twist is that Kevin isn't even disguised in that picture and is hiding behind one of the ponies.
0 likes"somewhere in this crowd is a changling" ok what if it's me🤨🤨
0 likesI know the episode to the first changling invagen but what episode was the second? and how many changling invagens where there?
0 likesLove your pfp
1 likeQuite a few of your videos are hit by COPPA. You may need to work on that.
0 likes2:19 not me shouting out murder
0 likesIt's the grey stallion with the white manes. That is who Kevin is.
0 likesIf they start from scratch
0 likesChangeling kevin got sick of thorax being king and wanted him to go away and get a real paying job in ponyville. plus chrysalis is like hollywood celebrity there in central equestria.
0 likesReplies (2)
Thorax was not king when Slice of Life aired.
0 likes@Reese chrysalis was a host of a ponyville night club. When she offered thorax some wine and clams.
0 likesBoth Big Biceps and Bulk Mac-
0 likesI might agree with you sawtooth but woah a another changeling great thery
0 likesthere might be different types of changlings in your world💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠
0 likesI like the pun
2 likesMaybe u Sawra (nickname I gave sawtooth) is the changling named Kevin
0 likesAlright SawTooth You Caught me
0 likesBut I love your among us jokes
0 likesI used to be a fan of mlp and really liked this channel when I found it but it's been 3 weeks since you posted
0 likesWhat's the reason
Replies (1)
Videos take time, and they literally posted 2 days ago.
0 likesWhat if he was both of them?
0 likesHold on it might be bubbles because all you have to do is fly and walk and look dum so that might be Kevin
0 likesI know the answer to chrysalis time traveler cadance isn't in the time traveler is because celestia doesn't need a spy just ask for yourself what do celestia say with she makes twilight in to a princess
1 likeI wonder if sawtooth waves could make a video about applejacks parents because they haven’t appeared and are presumed dead. Or did sawtooth make a video about applejacks mom and dad that we haven’t heard of.
0 likesI think it is Zecora
0 likesDr. whooves maybe? He once was both Earth pony and Pegasis during the episodes.
0 likesReplies (1)
Those were animation errors.
0 likesOops all changelings sounds like a good cereal what’s ironic is I was eating captain crunch while watching this vid
0 likes0:54 that was funny
0 likes:O No wonder Pinkie found me!!!
0 likesBecause Kevin had a dream.
0 likesI love ur bow so cute and BTW meybe is the wonderblots imageine they meybe train to dont get coght hiding from twilight
0 likesbulk has longer wings
0 likesSawtothwaves had a stroke while trying to read this 7:00 haha.
0 likesAt 6:12 Apple Bloom look at the persons like he doesn’t want to be seen
0 likesVideo idea: if midnight sparkle wasn't defeated
0 likesDid you see the new movie and the possible queen chrysalis scene at the end well I’m positive it’s her what does this mean for the other changelings are there any left is she the last one did sticking to the old ways of stealing love keep her alive did she take over a town or city to not only rule but to take the love of the citizens and in disguise as a alicorn their has to be another movie I know there is a show I’m excited to hear your thoughts and to see what’s next
0 likesReplies (1)
Can't be Chrysalis.
0 likesIt would not be Mayor Mare since she was the minister at the wedding
0 likesNeed more amongus
0 likesIt's just safer than to risk.
0 likesCan the red stay?
1 likeReplies (2)
maybe??? changelings are bad at commiting to a single look.. but im glad you like it!!
2 likes@Sawtooth Waves That is logic
0 likesMake more videos more often pls
0 likesReplies (1)
These take time to make.
0 likesReplies (1)
THEY are a changeling. And we've know this for years.
0 likesHello, how do I become a patron? I would love to help.
0 likesI watched both of the videos about Kevin
2 likesReplies (1)
Thank you sawtoothwaves
0 likesCan you make a video about the alicorn we See at the end of my little pony make your mark
0 likesmaybe buldbaisep sorry can spell big white guys name. maybe the big white guy is the one who cannot fly is Kevin if the big white guy is in the wonderbolt is Kevin he could want to join in the wonderbolt and not chrysalis sent kevin to the wonderbolt for a upgrade of the old plan/ make a new plan.
1 likeSawtooth! Just noticed! What if camp everfree is Equestria girls EVERFREE forest! It would explaine the ending! With the thorns… just like the plunder weeds!
0 likesA Changeling changing into a ling
0 likeswhat if twillights a changeling
0 likesAll the among us references- whyyyyyy 😭😭
1 like0:54 wow i was playing a game with my friend yesturday that has pegasi in it and my brother and friend kept calling the pegusus i ahve megasus
0 likesWhy Is junior Luna ONLY in first season, in past Is older than first season?
0 likesi think its not lyra with a spy friend she be hard to impersonate
0 likesWhat if I forgot the white takes his name but what if he wonder box academy what was the one that couldn’t fly was a change on but you’re missing something what about all the other ponies that look like in different backgrounds there’s ponies that look the exact same what is those are changing rooms why just focus on that and there could be Waymore changing like all duplicates you got to tell me you never saw those like I always see duplicates and backgrounds and things like that even ponies I never saw in the background one with rainbow hair but wasn’t Rainbow Dash and if you don’t know what I mean it’s in one of the corners or not in the corner I forgot what episode but I remember seeing another rainbow person same here as Rainbow Dash but no wings and not Louis it was like forgot what color but we did not it was not Rainbow Dash but I never saw that in the background so you should be focused on our way way like like you should be focus on way way way more things like for example I don’t know maybe some copies in the background that you see and I see a lot more I still a lot more different ponies in the background in very different ones to be honest sorry if this is super long I just have a lot of things to tell you But you know the whole thing about the strong pony in the one where he couldn’t fly was a changeling yeah I’m lever mind that that one was super wrong but I don’t think he’s a spy have you ever noticed all the red eyes because in some of the episodes he don’t have red eyes so he could be a changing or he’s not too heavy for his wings not work anymore simple as that but that’s the right thing I can’t put my finger on it
1 likeare you taking MLP Crossover idea!? PLEASE let me know!? It involves Varian from tangled the series being sent to Equestria and the mane 6 believe he's a changeling!? PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKE MY IDEA!?
1 likeo i get it that u talked about the fate of twilight sparkle but i have one question ...... WHERE ARE CELESTIA AND LUNA??????!!!! they retired right?? are they still at silvershoels??? (sorry if its of topic also i may be overthinking it lol)
0 likesActually sawtooth we saw earth pony star hunter one more time. We saw earth pony star hunter at rainbow dash's birthday bash which also a event
0 likesi am just a normal earth pony with brown eyes black hair and a grey coat wearing pants and a t shirt and a smiley face as a cutie mark and slippers on my feets.
0 likesAnd make a vid about you gloting about being in stone sleep
1 like"SawtOwOth"
1 likeI Took a form from scratch
0 likesDo you know where else we saw him Rainbow Dash’s 🎉 birthday 🎂
0 likesDo you know that star hunters original form isn’t a pony
0 likesB U L K M A C
1 likeNice
0 likesHm, how very interesting.
0 likes*Looks at profile picture*
What happened to the new tree of Harmony
0 likesgood theory
0 likesReplies (1)
She's not canon to the show.
0 likesLol. Imagine having patron calls. What a privileged.
0 likesInteresting
1 likeI love you Chanel
2 likesHey, it's just a cartoon, chill.
1 likeHe kinda like changeling
1 likeMaybe Bolt Bayseps (I think I spelled it worng) any ways maybe he just wants to use his big muscles to wonderbot? Then he failed to one of the exams? And maybe his muscles got bigger? And it's heavy to fly ?????
0 likesReplies (1)
I'm not really good at English...😑
0 likesOr another gangling and say hi too Queen chrisalis 😜
0 likesSAWW TOOOH!!!!!!!!
0 likesNews flash
There's a new villan Alicorn on the loose
So kevin likes weddings
2 likesReplies (1)
Hello there Renamon
0 likesBut also why was starhunter in ponyville? isn't he from canterlot?
0 likesO.O
0 likesWelp, mind blown
Hello idk if you made a vid on this, but. I wanted to ask. Is Cadence Luna and tia sister? I was looking for a wallpaper of queen galaxies, and i saw a pic it said cadence tia and Luna forever
0 likesSawtooth my little pony make your mark is on netflix!
0 likesflame and fire are dragon knights working for pony prince star twinkle and changeling princess larynx is his girlfriend and she is also his roommate at the royal castle.
0 likesReplies (2)
Not canon.
0 likes@Reese larynx the changeling well she is thorax and pharynx's older sister and oldest child and only daughter of queen chrysalis and king cocoon. she is a hereditary princess but yes she's a princess and her two little brothers are princes pharynx is a hereditary prince while thorax is the crowned prince and once ocellus is becomes the new royal family member she is will be the crowned princess and her family has to say good bye to her forever.
0 likesSawtooth you’ve been gone for about three months where are you
0 likesBut what’s the problem with a Changelings taking form from scratch and be caught by pinkie piethey have to act like a new unknown pony
0 likesCan pony coat have 2 different coat colors?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likeswhy the bow?
0 likes0:54 true
2 likesThere s alot of Changlings
0 likes10:46 hmm that sound familiar
0 likesMarvel secrect invasion
Wow cool
0 likesPinkie pie is all knowing and we should consider how she is the meaning of life
0 likeswe know starlight go to equestria girls but is there a real equestria girl starlight?
0 likesHmmm fresh video
2 likesSkinwalkers as ponies
0 likesOk so I recently watched the flurry heart video and well flurry didn’t do anything really special and was still born an alicorn well in one my little pony episode (sorry I don’t remember which one) they are at a party at the palace and rarity get a crush on a unicorn which turns out to be princess celestias son the thing is how was flurry born an alicorn and celestias son born a unicorn 🦄
0 likesAlso pls reply cuz I’m really confused
Replies (2)
Are you talking about Prince Blueblood? He's not her son; he's her nephew.
0 likesI think but I'm not sure sorry for the mistake
0 likesBut if he is her nephew who are his parents
I know longer think it’s derby because I realize he’s actually a Pegasus so I now think it’s a diamond tiara because she’s probably not happy about that because she’s probably not happy because she scooter Lou Apple Bloom I think she’s there and sweetie bolster so she wouldn’t be as happy about that because she bullies dumb after school so she’s probably not happy it’s not like twilight sparkle
0 likeshm, interesting, only a few secs in the video
2 likesHey waves a new movie of mlp has launched so pls talk about it
0 likesI like it
1 likeIn MLP make your mark, the new series, we see a mysterious Alicorn. Who do you think she is? Is she from G4? Or is she a new character?
So i think that their's a lot changelings in the guards cause queen crysalis has a lot of guards maybe the changeling guards learned from the regular guards cause they were there and also as spies u were right that we can't tell the difference but maybe there's a lot of changeling learning to be guards and spying too
0 likesReplies (1)
At the same time and that's how they were strong once they captured the princesses and the mane six
0 likesbulk biceps
0 likesI know this is not part of the topic but can non unicorns such as wear the alicorn amulet such as Pegasus, ponies, and Alicorns
0 likesOmg I love your profile pic. Are you bi? I am.
1 like6:59 r/ihadastroke
1 likeI just noticed something are the humans in equestria girls and other franchises actually humans?
0 likesLet me explain here’s the thing I’m equestria girls we go into a world filled with human counter parts of the ponies we know but are they really human I mean these people have colored skin (no offense)the colored hair I can look pass because of hair dye but the colored skin (no offense)they can’t have colored skin(no offense) because human don’t come in the entire rainbow for their skin and also this other world means their alternate realities or are they other worlds that exist with our world( the one from mlp) which also means are the ponies technically aliens and are the “humans” aliens too and another thing that’ll spark up a debate is the world of equestria flat? I mean they can fit all of equestria on a flat map and in the season that comes after the movie they not working with like some sort of globe there working with a flat map so.
So why are there colored humans(no offense), are our ponies aliens, do we exist with other worlds or are we in a parallel universe, and is equestria flat?
poor chrysalis she wanted to be a better mother for her son thorax. but maybe pharynx can lend her a hand and ocellus could maybe her family can too. like her mother her father and her little brother and sister and the other changeling not the green ones with the gems in their chest but the blue and yellow and green ones with a shell on their back. because chrysalis is family yes.
0 likesDo you still make videos I haven’t checked your channel in 1 month
0 likesWhat if t reck was discord.. just from the human world?
0 likeskevin should is a cool changeling with a cool persona. you go kevin. but yes chrysalis will never be forgiven by her son thorax.
0 likesReplies (3)
1. Thorax is NOT HER SON. He never once addresses Chrysalis as "mother".
0 likes2. Thorax would 100% forgive Chrysalis once he sees that she's changed for the better.
@Reese how
0 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 Because he's not selfish or uncaring? He saw how powerful friendship was, and if given the chance, he'd show Chrysalis friendship as well.
0 likesDoes celestia *really* raise the sun?
0 likesWho raises the sun in the human world?
Replies (1)
The sun rises normally in the human world.
0 likesWOW THAT 😮
0 likesOK SO! ik this isn't about the video but, sunset shimmer, the one in the human world is the one that came from the portal and there is a copy of every pony or non-pony in the human world so why have we not seen the actual sunset shimmer, or maybe before she got mentored by celestia she was in the human world already and got sent through the portal by accident?
0 likesReplies (1)
Because we never got the finale to Equestria Girls that was going to show the human worlds' Sunset Shimmer.
0 likesWow I'm early for once!
0 likesThorax and pharynx just want their big sister larynx to come same with Chrysalis their just wanted their mother to come home. Larynx was the oldest child and only daughter of Queen chrysalis and king cocoon.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesDiamond tiara did not have a horn in the second card
0 likesReplies (1)
she's never had a horn
0 likesI think do you know that rock fat à la corn that is a thing getting fat is annoying I wonder what he was in the course not being able to fly a lot a lot bigger or a big girl and he was in the wonder bolts that’s why he wasn’t able to fly his wings became smaller
1 likeWait what about snails he there without snips he they are almost always together that's a little sus
0 likesi like your new hair color and vids
0 likesI am a changeling
0 likesOops all changelings
0 likesSawtooth I hope you listen to my comment I have something to say Celestia‘s nephew
0 likesHi Sawtooth.
2 likeswhen r u gonna post d next video? im waiting for it
0 likesReplies (1)
These take time to make, so be patient.
0 likesWhat you mean phoenix???
0 likesWhy is mayor mare double
0 likesI have said this before allot but what is sunsets element if she is magic then what is human twilight
0 likesSawtooth, are u bi? I see what u did with the profile picture.
0 likesSome pony is SUS
0 likesREALY !!!I thought I pressed something on my computer。
0 likesMy fan story being confrimed in this video excpet its chrysalis instead of my Oc: Well shit
0 likesIf you ever look out for idea:
0 likesOn da new mlp g5 tail your tale newest episode they said that earth ponies found out their magic
Replies (2)
I wonder what is their specific magic it just showed a video
0 likesof an earth pony growing a plant with magic.
@Carl Benedict Borja Well yeah but i think that it kinda counts tho cuz Pipp said that earth ponies finally found out their magic
0 likespharynx was with kevin thorax was being to silly as king and funny as a leader. like chrysalis called him but he never anwserd her. he is like a super movie star in equestria.
0 likesReplies (2)
Kevin doesn't know Pharynx.
0 likes@Reese she's a host of a ponyville night club. When chrysalis offerd thorax a champagne and some oysters.
0 likesStar. hunter is blue In One and another gray
0 likesWill you make a video after mlp make your mark comes out
0 likesBoth big Mac both big-
0 likesDerpy is a pegesus
0 likesWhy are you wearing an bow tie?
0 likesI actually just found this out but why does scootaloos mom look like somnambula
1 likeReplies (1)
because Hasbro reuses colours a lot in the show.
1 likeWhy are only pegasus allowed on clouds Dale and why are they the only ones that can walk on cloudsdale
0 likesReplies (1)
Because Cloudsdale is in the sky? And they control the weather. Other ponies can't do that, and they can't walk on clouds.
0 likes9:34 yoooooo don't hug me I'm scared clip moment real?!?!
0 likesWho is at the wedding?
0 likes7:00 did they just have a stroke?
0 likesHappy Saturday
0 likesCelestia‘s nephew did Celestia get married
0 likescool
1 likeDid u see the event on pony town??
0 likes5:38 oop-
0 likeshahaha amogus
1 likeSawtoothwaves
0 likesI’m Smurfblossom nice to meet you
0 likesMEGA-SUS lol
0 likesMaybe durpy
0 likesI know this isn’t the topic of the video but princess Celeste is called princess and princess Luna is called princess and princess cadence is called princess but who is the king and queen?
0 likesBow?
1 like14:03 dis video is hella long
0 likesHappy pride month evryone
0 likesWait a minute... Weren't you an alicorn? WHERE IS YOUR HORN?!
0 likesReplies (1)
They're a changeling, remember?
0 likessorry for spamming. i am very hard to understand even sawtooth and nameless are hard to understand. mlp fim is so hard to understand you know so we are pretty much in maze of odd creatures. so it basically like a map going nowhere. plus the ponies other creature here are really slippery to understand with. finally chrysalis tirek and cozy glow are hard to cope with. like sombra and grogar are like here in equestria. you know youtubers and views people i know a a bit about. that it. then end.
0 likesIf your changeling shouldn’t you know when changeling transform into pony/or whatever r
0 likesHey in the picture you're showing the person but Kevin is trying to imitate if you look closely his Cutie Mark is different when you look at the wedding it looks like a group of stars forming something the original of course they will notice that they wouldn't say hey isn't is you are whoever he's trying to imitate your cutie marks different we are fried whatever whatever you'll find out sooner or later they won't find out because satellite get recognized
0 likesReplies (1)
Hasbro is known for messing up cutie marks. A lot.
0 likesalso are not all changelings thorax's siblings. really thorax is disgrace.
0 likesHello ummm can you make a type of video about what happend to everyone in equestria the main 6 celestia,luna and the others
0 likesWait sawtooth ways what is twilights friends be there so why are they there is sound like the changeling like push them away so they couldn’t make it there so I still think it’s diamond tiara but maybe diameter is actually a change link so yes I think it’s diamond tiara still
0 likesWait we never see any of like Who is the royalty because of Alcorns what does those have to be in the royal guard so they can’t become a prince or a king and only when they get married to a princess they can be a prince or something? That would explain the Royal Guard Alcorn sidings right
0 likesCan you do a videou on 'my little poney make your mark
1 like#SawtoothWavesSquad
1 likeBut Big mac has to cust say yep
0 likesEveryone who sees this please reply: MEGA-SUS
0 likesPinky got me..
0 likesDid you do see the new trailer
0 likesMaybe it.s celestia younger sister maybe kevin morthed into luna
0 likesMEGA-SUS
0 likes...pinkie i need pinkie because i need attention i dont get that much attention in my family but pinkie is the one that i need in my life.
0 likesDid twillight turn you into a Pegasi and gave you a Bow?🌠
0 likesReplies (1)
Sawtooth is a Changeling. They gave themselves wings and a bow.
0 likesTime to take a bath
0 likeschangeling bulk maybe or your over thinking it and he just got weaker
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesHey nice red mane
0 likesI’m EARLY 😁
1 likeBut you are a change ling
0 likesMe the whole video:😁😮😁😮😞😐😮😞😎
1 likeGreat idea Sawtooth but what if the ORIGINAL Bulk Biceps is actually the one in Wonderbolt academy and the CHANGELING Bulk Biceps is the one who can’t fly properly? It just makes sense to me cuz he is used to changeling wings that’s why he can’t fly so good with Pegasus wings
2 likesWe won't new facts on my Little pony make your mark
0 likesAre you kidding me I like among us
0 likesWeves your sus bro
0 likesember has two younger sibling named flame and fire they are twins flame is male and fire is female with fire a bit older flame by 29 minutes before him.
0 likesReplies (2)
No, she doesn't.
0 likes@Reese why not she has two little siblings named flame and fire they are twins flame is a boy and fire is a girl they are also the youngest children of queen matchstick and king tourch. just like celestia and luna have a little brother named star twinkle he's also the youngest child and only son of queen galaxy and king cosmos.
0 likesWhat's going to be for the next video
0 likesSawtooth please reply me I am you biggest fan
0 likeswhat happened to the portal to equestria girls?
0 likesReplies (1)
Most likely closed due to lack of magic.
0 likesIn G5 sprot said Discrd how did now
0 likesObjects?
0 likessaw me your real human face
0 likesAren't changelings alacorns?
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesBro it’s snips
0 likesmaby ther are 2 Kevns ???
0 likesDo Among Us mega sus
0 likeswhat happend with the cutiemarks
0 likeshey the among us joke is funny alr
0 likesI thank this book biceps as Kevin and a spy and make he as not a pony mabe he is human as a pony
1 likeZecora is not a pony tho
0 likesBig Biceps, Bulk Mac, and Big Bulk. That would be some interesting ponies
0 likesReplies (1)
And Mac Biceps
0 likesDid you whach chapter one make your mark cuz the end is shocking and you have to watch it
0 likesHey sawtooth
0 likesAmooges*
0 likesHe was funny
0 likesgoofball sawtooth. but yes chrysalis hurt him. her son thorax she got so angry and she lost her all her calmness.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI don’t think it’s pinkie pie. 🤨🙃😐
0 likesWe never saw it
0 likesSawtooth there is a new alicorn but its evil thats all i know also its in mlp gen 5 the newest movie watch it it could be evil twilight sparkle
0 likesReplies (5)
It's not Twilight. Tara Strong confirmed that she and Twilight are not in G5. Plus, why would Twilight go evil? It goes against her character arc, plus the colours are not even the same as hers.
0 likes@Reese though it could be starlight
0 likes@dominique Not Starlight, either. The colours don't match her.
0 likes@Reese
0 likeswho is it then
0 likesBolk byseps skept leg day
0 likesSooooooooooooo ur saying twilight sparkle could be a change long?
0 likesUh anyone explain on some vids it shows he uses a bi pfp but when i click on his channel its the ukraine pfp
0 likesReplies (2)
Because youtube is kinda slow at updating and his new pfp is the bi one
0 likes@♡HarmonyTheKF♡ oh ok
0 likesI sure hope star hunter is Kevin because if not what happened to his wigs
0 likesReplies (1)
That’s exactly what everyone in ponyville should be asking. Not a good changing if it is him
0 likesImagine if it's rainbow dash rainbow dash does know about fluttershy and twilight
0 likesWe love u weves
0 likesWHERE AM I!!!!!!!!
0 likesShe misses her son thorax and she just want her boy back.
0 likesReplies (3)
Thorax is not Chrysalis's son. She never calls him that.
0 likes@Reese she didn't like how much of a pony thorax really was.
0 likes@Reese so she never intended in shaping him into a cold cruel beast so he would finally become the evil monster he was born to be?
0 likesHmmmm
2 likesWhy is geals aroel guard
0 likesWell sorry that it is not her hive anymore and so what if she doesn't care about pretty flower and feelings circles and hippies doctors and colourful vines gardeners. no one ever showed her there may be some better way. so sorry reese.
0 likesReplies (3)
She'd learn to see that the new way of the changelings is helping her subjects more than her old ways.
0 likes@Reese but she didn't. thous thorax will put a chrysalis banned sigh up to make sure she does not get in or close to his subjects.
0 likes@Reese so yes thorax and pharynx had an older sister named larynx.
0 likesqueen'sdied
0 likesIt was
0 likesBig balkan.... Yep
0 likesReplies (1)
Yooo, another person from Balkan!!!
0 likesYess
2 likesIt was funny when you said all that stuff in Among Us about the changeling in your first video of this if you know what I mean but why are you a girl like I don’t mean like why are you a girl with your voice and your attitude and stuff but why are you wearing a girls bow that kind of looks like apple blooms only yellow and weren’t you in earth pony before
0 likesSorry but there is no real way to know 😅 sense the g4 has ended
0 likesBut now all is lost because her baby boy doesn't want anything to do with her anymore.
0 likes0:54 Stop 🥲
0 likesReplies (7)
0 likes1:36 omg hes an adorable flipping changeling
0 likes1:55 even that one dude from daughter of discord did it
0 likes(I feel like i wanna actually be a changeling…I dont have any brony oc form yet…)
0 likes2:44 she makes you a party with tons of ponies, Tons of Loving ponies
0 likesBut maybe thats just ponyville
0 likes3:20 pinkie is scarier then any pony
0 likesMaybe it’s not a changeling maybe it’s queen chrysalis herself
0 likesHi sawtooth wavs
0 likesLol
0 likesIt's over all cartoons a glitch appeared every cartoons and pony to invade all cartoons this treiler called learning with pibby
0 likesIdk why but that color is giving me gay vibes
0 likes51
1 likeHey, it's been years now.. Well I've been here since 3 yrs ago and I just don't comment but hii
1 likePlnkle pie 🥧 is Kevin for a long time in pony very and l maybe be right or nothing else is
0 likesLet you
why dont the fucher ponys have qudiy marks
0 likesReplies (1)
They do; just on one side.
0 likesHey um about the video about. Where is sunset shimmer what if you stay in Equestria for 30 moons ur original human self disappears
0 likesBut it’s not
0 likesI am proud to be your 301st like
1 likeReplies (1)
Btw, no worries about the Among Us thing...
0 likesAs an Among Us-addicted pony I understand
No amon gas meems
0 likesIf you're a grown man and you are a brony then I'm willing to be that you're attracted to children. Be ashamed of yourself.
0 likesReplies (3)
No, they're not attracted to children. :\ Dude, the majority of us just like the show for its style, humour and references to older media.
1 likeDid you just assume this man is a pedophile just because he watches MLP 😭
0 likesWhat? Are you kidding me?! It seems like your the werido here not them
1 likeThe Mayor or Photo Finish could still be candidates.
0 likesKevin could have left the hive and found a job as a body double.
Covering public appearances for ponies when they're unable to (or don't want to) for bits and a free snack.
Me being thinking pinkie does not give ponies personal space if she was a human which she is i would just run away i don't like being in the centre of attension
0 likesyo
2 likesOooooooh
0 likesHow are you
0 likesAmong as
0 likeswhy didnt you post today? :(
0 likesReplies (2)
he said signing out "until next time" instead of "until the friday after next", sneaky sneaky
1 like@theAstarrr They.
0 likesApple Bloom is so annoying
0 likeswhy is pinkie pie so nosy?
0 likesReplies (2)
It's Pinkie Pie we're talking about.
0 likes@Reese why does need to get all the dirt on people?
0 likesBug
0 likesnice no views 1 comment
1 likeI'm the 2nd one to comment :O
2 likesBye
0 likesHello!
0 likesYour I meant
1 likeJesus loves you! He is the answer to your problems, healer to your pain, redeemer to you're lost and Savior for your sins. 💕
0 likesReplies (1)
No. :)
0 likesWhy do you post vedio so late?
0 likesReplies (1)
yah i mean iz cold be that he dos not eney therios on is head.whel it is not the first time this hapend last time when he took a brake for 4 Years so is this again hapening!!!!
0 likesOkay actually I'm an Alicorn my name is Sky Drop not a YouTuber though still
0 likesDe brunch een iPhone interesting fact jojo rabbit hole one hundred de de is and we 66 farys kwantum up on the way from episode one channel to the is skepta view is codycross kwijt bent one hundred and 60 my talking original of course i have seen you work with other YouTubers en Sporting alldent together de even more fisheries therefore the counter is en
0 likesReplies (12)
there is nothing remotely misleading about the title or thumbnail.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Oh so you think that. You theories are nothing more than clickbait but guess what: THEY ARE BECOMING FANFICTION AT BEST! >:/
0 likes@Jimmy Hook show me where i was misleading lmao
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves There is no changeling. NO ONE IS A CHANGELING! >:/
0 likes@Jimmy Hook according to the official card game, the same changeling from "slice of life" was also in "twilight's kingdom". google kevin mlp card if you wanna see for yourself
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Eh.
0 likesAnd I don't trust the CCG at all. =-=
@Jimmy Hook that's okay but there's no harm in other people exploring the claims they make. it certainly isn't clickbait
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Just.... riddle me this:
0 likesWhy are you constantly making random theory videos that are impossible to believe?
I mean.... sigh I still don't like that whole Cozy Glow's Human Counterpart in EG video when you showed one of the background humans.
For starters, I know full well that isn't the case. >:/
@Jimmy Hook Oh, great. You have a channel on here, too? Fucking great.
0 likesListen, dude. Sawtooth makes theories and such on things because it's fun. It's fun to explore these things and go "What if..."; it's fun to imagine what things would've been like had something caused the lore of the show to divert into another path. Their videos are not clickbait; neither are the thumbnails and titles. It's all done FOR FUN. If you have that much of an issue with it, then don't watch their videos. Simple as that.
@Reese rolls eyes Sometimes I'm multi-emotional. :P
0 likesAnd I just don't see the point though. :/
@Jimmy Hook Yeah. No. I've seen how you acted on DeviantArt AND on Equestria Daily. You're way too obsessed with the idea that Twilight was "unhappy" when the finale showed her perfectly happy with her new role.
0 likes@Reese And HOW do you even know that Twilight is "perfectly happy" with her new role? >:/
0 likesFor all I know, the writers refuse to show that deep down... prior to Season 9, Twilight was perfectly happy with her own life and was never once unhappy in the slightest.
In other words: The newer writers in Season 9 just chose to ignore what happened in Twilight's past altogether. >:(
Who is chrysalis
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