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Spin&Spin 1976 HQ...

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Comments (archived 2022-10-01 12:52; 2 top, 2 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-05-08 10:12:53

Jazz Rock / Fusion • Netherlands ... Spin biography
Founded in Haarlem, the Netherlands in 1974 (spin-off from

EXCEPTION) - Disbanded in 1977, Spin was a jazz rock band founded in 1974 in the Netherlands. Differences in opinion about the musical style of the Execution forced Rein van den Broek and Dick Vennik to form a new band - Spin. Another member of Eskeption was in the line-up - Hans Jansen and Hans Hollestelle, as well as a session musician in Ekseption. The line-up was completed by Hollestelle's brother Jan and Cees Kranenburg. Spin’s music is much more direct than Exeption’s music, they dropped classical influences and the arrangements were much more focused on electric guitars and horns, and even some funk elements here and there. Jazz / rock fusion enthusiasts might still find this album a bit on the soft side, but the songs are well balanced and feature some eye-catching horn arrangements. They released two albums, one in 1976 self-titled and one in 1977 by Whirlwind. None of them became very successful, so they broke up at the end of 1977, but they leave behind a good example of how this kind of jazz must sound, and they also had a minor hit in the USA with the piece Grasshopper. Both discs are only available on vinyl released on Ariola, the albums have so far not had a chance to be re-released on CD.
Biography written by Bogdan (b_olariu) - with help

ladislav zivanovic 2021-05-08 10:11:49

Spin biografija
Osnovan u Haarlemu u Nizozemskoj 1974. godine (spin-off od

EKSEPTION) - Raspušten 1977. godine Spin je bio jazz rock bend osnovan 1974. u Nizozemskoj. Razlike u mišljenju o glazbenom stilu Ekseptiona natjerale su Reina van den Broeka i Dika Vennika da osnuju novi bend - Spin. U postavi je bio i još jedan član Eskeptiona - Hans Jansen i Hans Hollestelle, kao i session glazbenik u Ekseptionu. Postavu je dovršio brat Hollestelle Jan i Cees Kranenburg. Glazba Spina mnogo je izravnija od Ekseptionove glazbe, ispustili su klasične utjecaje i aranžmani su bili mnogo više usmjereni na električne gitare i rogove, pa čak i na neke funk elemente tu i tamo. Entuzijasti jazz/rock fuzije mogli bi ovaj album ipak malo pronaći na mekoj strani, ali pjesme su dobro izbalansirane i sadrže neke privlačne aranžmane rogova. Izdali su dva albuma, jedan 1976. godine samozvani i jedan 1977. godine Whirlwind. Nijedno od njih nije postalo baš uspješno, pa su se raspali krajem 1977. godine, ali iza sebe ostavljaju neki dobar primjer kako mora zvučati ovakav jazz, a imali su i manji hit u SAD-u s komadom Grasshopper. Oba diska dostupna su samo na vinilu objavljenom na Arioli, albumi do sada nisu imali priliku ponovno biti objavljeni na CD-u.
Biografija koju je napisao Bogdan (b_olariu) - uz pomoć