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Best Songs Of The 70s Glazba 1970-ih,Music of the 1970s...ladislav&zivanovic..

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-30 10:56:46

Best Songs Of The 70s Music of the 1970s, Music of the 1970s ... ladislav & zivanovic..1970s, although there were still protests, things in the US began to settle down from the way things were over the previous decade. Although the Watergate scandal further disappointed the country, people found solace in music that continued to evolve with new music genres becoming popular during these years. The United States during the 1970s and 1970s is considered a continuation of the 1960s in a way - 1970s It was still a very turbulent era. African Americans, women, Native Americans, and members of the so-called Many Americans continued to join the protests against the continuation of the Vietnam War.However, in a way the 1970s was a rejection of the 1960s. The New Right movement was established in defense of political conservatism and traditional family roles. In addition, President Nixon’s behavior and abuse of power exposed by the Watergate scandal crippled people’s faith in the government’s good intentions. By the end of the decade, these frustrations and divisions would set the tone for public life that many would dispute remains with us today.People have turned to several different diversions as a way to deal with these turbulent times. With a counterculture that has long since disappeared, but the struggles are still ongoing, people may get tired of them. Many sought refuge in the avenues of pop culture in such a decade known for so many trends and fades.The fashion of the 1970s is very similar to the styles of the 1960s, only more flamboyant and a little exaggerated. Polyester was the material of choice and so many people, male and female, loved to wear bright colors. People of both sexes also wore tight pants and women in particular started wearing platform shoes, but you may have seen men wear them as well.How can you remember the 1970s not to mention bell-bottoms? In addition to bell-bottom pants, fashion trends that permeated the entire decade included hot pants, open shirts showing chest hair, metal eye shadow, medallions, T-shirts, sandals, leisure suits, floral print shirts, flaps, and tennis headbands. Tunics, culottes, and robes were also popular - at times, it was hard to tell whether these clothes were destined to be worn indoors or meant for a night on the town. American television in the 1970s was marked by the rise of family sitcom trends. These sitcoms primarily included Everyone in the Family, Happy Days, The Partridge Family, and others. Of course, there are series that have made a significant mark in the 70s televisions such as the successful M * A * S * H ​​and other programs such as The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Sesame Street, Little House on the Prairie, and so many others. Several feature shows also occupied many daily televisions and were often broadcast with soap operas. These game shows included The Hollywood Squares, The Match Game, The $ 20,000 Pyramid, The Gong Show, and so many others. 1970s Music
The decade is particularly unique in terms of musical styles and trends. Many people may have gotten tired of them and so many turned to dance clubs and other places to get well. This formed the idea of ​​the disco genre, which filled the air waves especially towards the middle until the late 1970s. Disco became one of the greatest music genres during that decade and many disco artists achieved mainstream commercial success. In addition to disco, there were other genres including funk, soul, rock, and reggae, among others. People were able to enjoy more types of music than ever before.Although rebellious ideals had somewhat subsided after Woodstock, there were still many people who expressed dissatisfaction with the founding and the way their country was run. There were still artists who continued to talk about the woes of society. Punk rock was created by artists as a way to convey their dissatisfaction with the government and the entire founding, and this explains their often political lyrics. Speaking of rock music, this genre has clearly progressed in this decade despite the wild popularity of disco. In fact, the 1970s witnessed the birth and development of subgenres that included glam rock, hard rock, progressive rock, and heavy metal in addition to punk rock. Many of the best rock recordings of all time were released during this decade. '+ I have no copyright or copyright , DVD /// + Album,
- unless the administration, you tube considers that I have violated the copyright will be deleted and removed from my channel, my respect and thank you !!! ///

ladislav zivanovic 2021-04-30 10:58:03

Best Songs Of The 70s Glazba 1970-ih,Music of the 1970s...ladislav&zivanovic..1970-ih, iako je još bilo prosvjeda, stvari u SAD-u su se počele skrasivati od načina na koji su stvari bile tijekom prethodnog desetljeća. Iako je skandal Watergatea dodatno razočarao zemlju, ljudi su pronašli utehu u glazbi koja se nastavila razvijati s novim glazbenim žanrovima koji su postali popularni tijekom ovih godina.Sjedinjene Američke Države tijekom 1970-ih1970-ih se smatra nastavkom 1960-ih na neki način – 1970-ih je još uvijek bila vrlo burna era. Afroamerikanci, žene, domorodački Amerikanci, i pripadnici tzv. Mnogi Amerikanci su se i dalje pridružili prosvjedima protiv nastavka rata u Vijetnamu.Međutim, na neki način 1970-ih je bio odbačenost 1960-ih. Pokret "Nova desnica" utvr čen je u obranu političkog konzervativizama i tradicionalnih obiteljskih uloga. Uz to, ponašanje predsjednika Nixona i zloupotreba vlasti izloženi skandalom Watergate osakatilo je vjeru ljudi u dobre namjere vlade. Do kraja desetljeća, te frustracije i podjele postavile bi ton za javni život koji bi mnogi osporavali ostaje kod nas i danas.Ljudi su se okrenuli nekoliko različitih diverzija kao način da se suoče s tim burnim vremenima. S kontrakulturom koja je odavno nestala, ali borbe su još uvijek u tijeku, ljudi su se možda umoriti od njih. Mnogi su tražili utočište u avenijama pop kulture u takvom desetljeću poznatom po toliko trendova i izblijede.Moda 1970-ih je vrlo slična stilovima 1960-ih, samo više flamboyant i malo pretjeraniji. Poliester je bio materijal izbora i toliko ljudi, muških i ženskih, volio nositi svijetle boje. Ljudi oba spola su također nosili uske hlače i žene posebno su počele nositi platformske cipele, ali možda ste vidjeli muškarce kako ih nose, kao i.Kako se možeš sjetiti 1970-ih, a da ne spominješ hlače s zvonom? Osim hlača s zvonom na dnu, modni trendovi koji su prožimali tijekom cijelog desetljeća uključivali su vruće hlače, otvorene košulje koje pokazuju dlake na prsima, metalnu sjenu za oči, medaljone, majice, sandale, odijela za slobodno vrijeme, košulje odijevanja s cvjetnim otiscima, zaliske, i teniske trake za glavu. Tunike, culotte, i ogrtači su također bili popularni – ponekad, bilo je teško reći da li su ove odjeće suđeno nositi unutar kuće ili su značile za noć na gradu.Američki televizija 1970-ih godina obilježena je uzjahom trendova obiteljskog sitcoma. Ovi sitcoms prije svega uključeni Svi u obitelji, Sretni dani, The Partridge Family, i drugi. Naravno, postoje serije koje su napravile značajan trag u 70-tim televizijama kao što su uspješni M*A*S*H i drugi programi kao što su The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Sesame Street, Little House on the Prairie, i toliko drugih. Nekoliko igranih emisija također je zauzimalo mnogo dnevnih televizija i često su se emitirale uz sapunice. Ove igre emisije su uključivale The Hollywood Squares, The Match Game, The $20,000 Pyramid, The Gong Show, i toliko drugih.Glazba 1970-ih
Desetljeće je posebno jedinstveno u smislu glazbenih stilova i trendova. Mnogi ljudi su se možda umorili od njih i toliko ih se okrenulo plesnim klubovima i drugim mjestima da se dobro zabadaju. To je formiralo ideju disko žanra, koji je ispunio zračne valove posebno prema sredini do kasnih 1970-ih. Disco je postao jedan od najvećih glazbenih žanrova tijekom tog desetljeća i mnogi disco umjetnici postigli su mainstream komercijalni uspjeh. Osim diskoteke, tu su bili i drugi žanrovi uključujući funk, soul, rock, i reggae, između ostalih. Ljudi su mogli uživati u više vrsta glazbe nego ikad prije.Iako su buntovni ideali donekle splasli nakon Woodstocka, ipak je bilo mnogo ljudi koji su izrazili nezadovoljstvo prema osnivanju i načinu na koji se vodi njihova zemlja. Još je bilo umjetnika koji su nastavili govoriti o jadima društva. Punk rock su stvorili umjetnici kao način da prenije svoje nezadovoljstvo prema vladi i cijelom osnivanju, a to objašnjava njihove često političke tekstove.Govoreći o rock glazbi, ovaj žanr očito je napredovao u ovom desetljeću unatoč divlje popularnosti disko. U stvari, 1970-ih je svjedočio rođenju i razvoju podžanra koji su uključivali glam rock, hard rock, progresivni rock, i heavy metal osim punk rockaMnoge od najboljih rock snimki svih vremena su objavljene tijekom ovog desetljeća.'+I have no copyright or copyright ,DVD///+Album,
– unless the administration,you tube considers that I have violated the copyright will be deleted and removed from my channel, my respect and thank you!!!///

ladislav zivanovic 2020-10-09 11:12:44

/Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glazbe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and glayba and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us a living dear God and thank you., TO HIM FOR EVER+ LADISLAV&Z+

ladislav zivanovic