After the stunning debut album Phallus Dei, ADII could only raise with a voluminous yeti album, a double record affair that was filled with a live pit for the duration of one disc. Re-released on the liberty records label in the early 70's, adorned with monkey-grim reaper outer gatefold and sanctuary-in-paradise interior door artwork (both again courtesy of KB-man Rogner), the Yeti often comes in the top 5 Krautrock albums listed. The original drummer has now left Peter Leopold (of AD1 fame) chair and is a guest on the final song Sandoz In The Rain part of the AD1 lineup (3 of 6 members).Opening up on the uber-fantastic Soap Shock Rock, AD II hits just as hard as in the PD with Canaan, but here the 14-minute four-part package is the absolute highlight of the album. The East-folky 4-mins She Came Through The Chimney is a pretty SSR change, sounds like Comus mating with the Quintessence, with the Karrer violin sounds like High Tide’s Simon House. If you make an abstraction of the oriental flavor of Chimney and Karrer’s violin, you’ll see that Cerberus is also in the same folk vein, a crumb more comus-like, until the fuzz guitar gives it an unlikely electric finale, which fits my ears quite well. Renate gives a strange vocal undertone to Archangels, a track that hints at later albums (Carnival and Wolf City), with some huge riffs and makes this song one of AD II’s heavier rock songs with a short proggy loaded with Return Of Ruebezahl. The next Eye Shaking King is the second highlight of the album and one of the band’s more famous songs, with an instantly recognizable riff, fierce solo guitar and vocals that trade filters. Appropriately named the Pale Gallery is a bit of a filler, even if it offers some completely trippy / spacey sound landscapes over repetitive rhythms. on two sides, which is quite sharp in contrast to the relatively narrow songwriting and playback of the first disc. While the first disc was a relatively hard swing, this one goes largely into space rock, somewhere in the Saucerful-era Pink Floyd region. So the Yeti slightly overshadows his welcome, but his accompanying piece of Yogi does more of the same. Definitely toking music. But for the final Sandoz In The Rain, AD II joins the members of AD1 and the resulting song sounds very similar to the album Paradieswärts Düül of the second part of the commune. Sandoz is the name of the pharmaceutical laboratories that developed LSD. With its light folky acoustic feel and cool flute, Sandoz is the third highlight of the Yeti and charmingly closer.
Nakon zapanjujućeg debitantskog albuma Phallus Dei, ADII je mogao samo podići ulog s voluminoznim yeti albumom, dvostrukom diskografskom aferom koja je bila ispunjena live jamom za vrijeme trajanja jednog diska. Ponovno objavljen na liberty records etiketi početkom 70-ih, ukrašen majmun-grim reaper vanjski gatefold i svetište-u-raju unutarnjih vrata umjetnička djela (oba opet ljubaznošću KB-man Rogner), Yeti često dolazi u top 5 Krautrock albuma navedenih. Originalni bubnjar sada je ostavio Petera Leopolda (od AD1 slave) stolicu i gostuje na završnoj pjesmi Sandoz In The Rain dio AD1 postave (3 od 6 članova).Otvarajući se na uber-fantastičnom Soap Shock Rocku, AD II udara jednako teško kao i u PD-u s Kanaanom, ali ovdje je četverodijelni paket od 14 minuta apsolutni vrhunac albuma. Istočno-folky 4-mins She Came Through The Chimney je prilično promjena SSR, zvuči kao Comus parenje s Kvintesencijom, s Karrer violinom zvuči kao High Tide's Simon House. Ako ćete napraviti apstrakciju istočnjačkog okusa Chimneya i Karrerove violine, vidjet ćete da je Cerberus također u istoj narodnoj veni, mrvicu više comus-like, sve dok mu fuzz gitara ne da malo vjerojatno električno finale, što sasvim dobro pristaje mojim ušima. Renate daje čudan vokalni prizvuk Archangelsu, skladbu koja nagovještava kasnije albume (Carnival i Wolf City), s nekim ogromnim rifovima i čini ovu pjesmu jednom od težih rock pjesama AD II-ja s kratkim proggy gitarom opterećenim Return Of Ruebezahl. Sljedeći Eye Shaking King drugi je vrhunac albuma i jedna od poznatijih pjesama sastava, s odmah prepoznatljivim riffom, žestokim solo gitarom i vokalima kojima se trguje filterima. Prikladno nazvana Galerija Pale pomalo je punilo, čak i ako nudi neke potpuno trippy / spacey zvučne pejzaže preko ponavljajućeg ritma.Drugi disk (govoreći o vinilu, jer je verzija Cd-a nagurana u jedan disk) potpuno je drugačiji, šireći dugotrajne labave svemirske džemove na dvije strane, što je prilično oštro u kontrastu s relativno uskim pisanjem pjesama i reprodukcijom prvog diska. Dok je prvi disk bio relativno tvrdo ljuljanje, ovaj u velikoj mjeri odlazi u svemirski rock, negdje u regiji Pink Floyda iz doba Saucerfula. Dakle, Yeti malo zasjenjuje svoju dobrodošlicu, ali njegov prateći komad Yogi čini više istog. Definitivno toking glazba. No, za završni Sandoz In The Rain, AD II se pridružuje članovima AD1 i rezultirajuća pjesma zvuči vrlo slično albumu Paradieswärts Düül drugog dijela komune. Sandoz je naziv farmaceutskih laboratorija koji su razvili LSD. Sa svojim laganim folky akustičnim osjećajem i hladnom flautom, Sandoz je treći vrhunac Jetija i šarmantan bliži.
After the stunning debut album Phallus Dei, ADII could only raise with a voluminous yeti album, a double record affair that was filled with a live pit for the duration of one disc. Re-released on the liberty records label in the early 70's, adorned with monkey-grim reaper outer gatefold and sanctuary-in-paradise interior door artwork (both again courtesy of KB-man Rogner), the Yeti often comes in the top 5 Krautrock albums listed. The original drummer has now left Peter Leopold (of AD1 fame) chair and is a guest on the final song Sandoz In The Rain part of the AD1 lineup (3 of 6 members).Opening up on the uber-fantastic Soap Shock Rock, AD II hits just as hard as in the PD with Canaan, but here the 14-minute four-part package is the absolute highlight of the album. The East-folky 4-mins She Came Through The Chimney is a pretty SSR change, sounds like Comus mating with the Quintessence, with the Karrer violin sounds like High Tide’s Simon House. If you make an abstraction of the oriental flavor of Chimney and Karrer’s violin, you’ll see that Cerberus is also in the same folk vein, a crumb more comus-like, until the fuzz guitar gives it an unlikely electric finale, which fits my ears quite well. Renate gives a strange vocal undertone to Archangels, a track that hints at later albums (Carnival and Wolf City), with some huge riffs and makes this song one of AD II’s heavier rock songs with a short proggy loaded with Return Of Ruebezahl. The next Eye Shaking King is the second highlight of the album and one of the band’s more famous songs, with an instantly recognizable riff, fierce solo guitar and vocals that trade filters. Appropriately named the Pale Gallery is a bit of a filler, even if it offers some completely trippy / spacey sound landscapes over repetitive rhythms. on two sides, which is quite sharp in contrast to the relatively narrow songwriting and playback of the first disc. While the first disc was a relatively hard swing, this one goes largely into space rock, somewhere in the Saucerful-era Pink Floyd region. So the Yeti slightly overshadows his welcome, but his accompanying piece of Yogi does more of the same. Definitely toking music. But for the final Sandoz In The Rain, AD II joins the members of AD1 and the resulting song sounds very similar to the album Paradieswärts Düül of the second part of the commune. Sandoz is the name of the pharmaceutical laboratories that developed LSD. With its light folky acoustic feel and cool flute, Sandoz is the third highlight of the Yeti and charmingly closer.
0 likesNakon zapanjujućeg debitantskog albuma Phallus Dei, ADII je mogao samo podići ulog s voluminoznim yeti albumom, dvostrukom diskografskom aferom koja je bila ispunjena live jamom za vrijeme trajanja jednog diska. Ponovno objavljen na liberty records etiketi početkom 70-ih, ukrašen majmun-grim reaper vanjski gatefold i svetište-u-raju unutarnjih vrata umjetnička djela (oba opet ljubaznošću KB-man Rogner), Yeti često dolazi u top 5 Krautrock albuma navedenih. Originalni bubnjar sada je ostavio Petera Leopolda (od AD1 slave) stolicu i gostuje na završnoj pjesmi Sandoz In The Rain dio AD1 postave (3 od 6 članova).Otvarajući se na uber-fantastičnom Soap Shock Rocku, AD II udara jednako teško kao i u PD-u s Kanaanom, ali ovdje je četverodijelni paket od 14 minuta apsolutni vrhunac albuma. Istočno-folky 4-mins She Came Through The Chimney je prilično promjena SSR, zvuči kao Comus parenje s Kvintesencijom, s Karrer violinom zvuči kao High Tide's Simon House. Ako ćete napraviti apstrakciju istočnjačkog okusa Chimneya i Karrerove violine, vidjet ćete da je Cerberus također u istoj narodnoj veni, mrvicu više comus-like, sve dok mu fuzz gitara ne da malo vjerojatno električno finale, što sasvim dobro pristaje mojim ušima. Renate daje čudan vokalni prizvuk Archangelsu, skladbu koja nagovještava kasnije albume (Carnival i Wolf City), s nekim ogromnim rifovima i čini ovu pjesmu jednom od težih rock pjesama AD II-ja s kratkim proggy gitarom opterećenim Return Of Ruebezahl. Sljedeći Eye Shaking King drugi je vrhunac albuma i jedna od poznatijih pjesama sastava, s odmah prepoznatljivim riffom, žestokim solo gitarom i vokalima kojima se trguje filterima. Prikladno nazvana Galerija Pale pomalo je punilo, čak i ako nudi neke potpuno trippy / spacey zvučne pejzaže preko ponavljajućeg ritma.Drugi disk (govoreći o vinilu, jer je verzija Cd-a nagurana u jedan disk) potpuno je drugačiji, šireći dugotrajne labave svemirske džemove na dvije strane, što je prilično oštro u kontrastu s relativno uskim pisanjem pjesama i reprodukcijom prvog diska. Dok je prvi disk bio relativno tvrdo ljuljanje, ovaj u velikoj mjeri odlazi u svemirski rock, negdje u regiji Pink Floyda iz doba Saucerfula. Dakle, Yeti malo zasjenjuje svoju dobrodošlicu, ali njegov prateći komad Yogi čini više istog. Definitivno toking glazba. No, za završni Sandoz In The Rain, AD II se pridružuje članovima AD1 i rezultirajuća pjesma zvuči vrlo slično albumu Paradieswärts Düül drugog dijela komune. Sandoz je naziv farmaceutskih laboratorija koji su razvili LSD. Sa svojim laganim folky akustičnim osjećajem i hladnom flautom, Sandoz je treći vrhunac Jetija i šarmantan bliži.